John Heffernan
Artists: Craig Macleod
A'ang Sulistiawan Michelle Braun
Christopher Bernades Jr
Dimas Raviandra Kickstarter Editors
Gregory Romanov Andrew Schuchman
Liam Maher Darcy Braun
Mario Alberto Diaz Guerra Ian Slocum
Maria Zabina Junsay Xavier Cervantes
Nguyen Quang Canh
This material is protected under the copyright laws of Canada. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork
contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Island of Bees.
1 Chapter 1 Index
C hapter 1
Welcome to Westbound Game Master
Westbound is the game of epic adventure The Game Master tells the story of the
in the magical wild west. It is a game of game, directing the world and non-player
imagination and improvisation, where characters. They will describe scenes and
people collaborate to create legendary react to the actions of the players by
stories of gunslingers and wizards. describing the results of their actions. They
Westbound is typically played with one will call for checks to test the abilities of the
Game Master and several Players. player characters, and will often fight
Westbound takes place just following an against the players in combat as dastardly
industrial revolution in a classic fantasy adversaries and strange monsters.
world, where humans, elves, dwarves, and As Game Master, you take on the bulk of
even goblins and ogres are presented with the responsibility in managing and planning
the challenge of wrangling an age that is for the game. It’s important that you
transitioning between archaic traditions and understand the rules of the game, especially
technological marvels. the basics. That being said, being a Game
Westbound is designed to integrate with Master can be tremendously rewarding, and
ongoing campaigns, as well as being a you can create whatever kind of setting,
jumping off point for new campaigns. The from a sandbox world to a railroad
rules are designed around gun-based adventure.
combat, with a grounded character creation
format that keeps players challenged and Game Masters can prepare before the
excited. game starts, creating maps, non-player
characters, and a large world for the players
Players to interact with, or even buying a module
In Westbound, players control a single adventure and following that story.
Player Character within the story, making Alternatively, they can also improvise the
choices, speaking with other characters, game on the spot, responding to the
and assuming the life and desires of a players’ moods and interests. Most Game
westbounding adventurer. Players will Masters do a mix of planning and
create personalized fantasy characters of improvising.
different sorts and breeds, creating their
personality and backstory, and controlling
them in a fantastic adventure. The Game
Master will describe the world and other
characters, while the players interact with
the world.
Each player will need a deck of 52 playing
cards to play, as well as a character sheet,
a pencil, and lined paper for notes.
Draw 2, Draw 2,
Check Draw 1 Discard the lower Discard the higher
Western Magic
In ages past, spells were cast by learned
wizards. Through tireless preparation and
memorization, they broke the divide
between dreams and reality, conjuring
burning missiles and dark entities. However,
in an age defined by undisciplined
dust-wielding peasants and dishonorable
sniper fire, the magic user has never been
more vulnerable. Most have therefore opted
When casting a spell in battle, discard to become increasingly dangerous to
a Heart card from your hand. counteract the ever-present threat of Dust.
1 Magic users of the current day use raw
magic drawn from the aether and unwieldy
conjurings of arcane fury. This new type of
magic production is far less controllable
than the arcane arts once taught in
sparkling towers in ages past, but such is
the price of survival.
Spell Sculpting
Magic-Users are able to inhale pure
arcane power from the aether, draw out that
mana from within themselves, and forge it
into a powerful spell. Any character that has
a daily allotment of mana can cast spells.
As an action, a character with mana can
cast a spell. The player must discard a card
Choose which mana cards to use in the spell.
from their hand to cast a spell. If the spell is
Each mana combination makes a different spell.
cast during combat, the discarded card
2must be a Heart suit. When casting a spell,
the Magic-User decides which mana they
are adding to the spell, and the combination
of different types of mana creates the
effects of the spell.
Mana Pool
Discard pile
S and a Trunk snake oil. Most people are suspicious of
The gambler is a master of luck who walks strangers, but the gambler's delicate art is to
through war zones and bar fights with nary a permeate a group and depart with all the
scratch. Gamblers are often travelers, and ill-gotten gains they can.
while some are lost, others are searching for Gamblers are not inherently sordid, but a
a meaning in their lives. Gamblers make good fortuitous life tends to make them seek the
first impressions, but due to their nefarious easiest way around any obstacle, often lying
deeds are often run out of town. Gamblers and cheating, among other iniquitous deeds.
keep moving to protect themselves after their Trustworthy gamblers use their talents for
stealing, lying, counterfeiting and cavorting justice, smooth talking their way through
are discovered, as their charming smile won't negotiations, picking the keys of guards, and
count for much then. sneaking into a wizard’s tower.
Not all who are lucky are gamblers, but all
gamblers are lucky. Gamblers are often very Quick Character Build:
talented and innately capable, coasting far When you take the Gambler Sort, take either
with nothing more than a sly grin and a jar of the Half-Breed or Halfling breed, and take the
Dive, Poise, and Furtive Traits.
25 Chapter 2 Gambler
No Weapon Proficiencies: The Gambler
does not have any inherent weapons
proficiencies. To become combat ready you
should use a Trait to gain proficiency in a
weapon type. However, an atypical
Westbounder may find having more utility
skills to be a better option.
Aces Wild
Level 1: Aces Wild
Level 2: Subclass At level 1, your indomitable luck allows you to
Level 3: Trait steal victory from the most dire of
Level 4: Divorce circumstances. When making an attack,
Level 5: Trump Card adding to foundation, making a save or check,
Level 6: Trait, Professional an Ace can be used as a wildcard and can
Level 7: Subclass ability substitute for any card in the deck.
Level 8: Fluke
Level 9: Trait Subclass
Level 10: Long Sleeves
At level 2, you can choose a subclass. This
Proficiencies: None subclass affects the abilities you gain at level
Base Foundation: 1 7. Subclasses for the Gamblers are R isky and
Hand Size: 5 C alculating.
Traits: 3 Luck
Ability: Cheat Death
Source Suit: Clubs
Gambler Chapter 2 26
Trait Long Sleeves
At levels 3, 6, and 9; you gain an additional Starting at level 10, your luck just never
trait of your choice of suit. seems to run out. Whenever you take a
breather, all discarded aces are reshuffled
Divorce into the deck.
Starting at level 6, you really look like you Risky: Fortune favors the bold, and there is
know what you’re doing. When you draw a no reward without risk.
Crown card during skill check that you are not F lourish: At level 2, you can lay it all on the
proficient in, you may draw an additional card line to get it right. You can redraw twice every
and use it as the crown card’s pair, as if you round instead of just once.
were proficient in the skill. D efy: Starting at level 7, you can throw
caution to the wind without a second thought.
Fluke When you redraw, send the cards to the
Recycling instead of the discard pile.
Starting at level 8, things just seem to fall into
place for you. When starting a round with
cards in your hand, you can redraw the cards
in your hand as if you were doing a redraw.
27 Chapter 2 Gambler
“ A n armored knight roars as she digs her
broadsword into the orc' s chest. C atching her
breath, she leans on her hilt as she stands
herself up. T he whooping of goblin ravagers
rises; the knight wipes her blade and prepares
for the nex t round.”
“ A n orc approaches a wounded colt and
begins to ex amine its bleeding leg. H e does
what he can to stop the bleeding, and puts his
ear to the ground to listen for the herd, feeling
the faint rumblings in the distance. H e braces
himself against the young horse, supporting
the weakened leg and begins to haul it to its
Savage Chapter 2 28
Improved Foundation
Level 1: Improved Foundation
Level 2: Subclass At level 1, you can outlast anyone in a fight.
Level 3: Trait You can play Foundation cards to the top or
Level 4: Endurance bottom of your Foundation stack. Cards
Level 5: Buttress played on the bottom must be numerically
Level 6: Trait, Increased Speed higher and sequential to the bottom card.
Level 7: Subclass Ability
Level 8: Mending Subclass
Level 9: Trait
Level 10: Bedrock At level 2 you can choose a subclass,
Perseverance or Vigilance.
Proficiencies: Savage Weapons
Base Foundation: 2 Trait
Hand Size: 5
Traits: 2 Diamonds ♢♢ At levels 3, 6, and 9, you gain an additional
Ability: Withstand trait of your choice of suit.
Source Suit: Diamond
♢Withstand: When you choose the Savage
as your Sort, you gain the benefit of the Starting at level 4, your stamina increases
Withstand ability. As a reaction, you may dramatically. When resting, you can keep
reduce oncoming damage by discarding cards three-quarters of your discard stack instead of
with the Diamond suit. You reduce the half after taking a breather.
oncoming attack’s damage by one for each
card discarded this way. Buttress
When you start a Savage at level 1, choose At level 5, you can go on the defensive
between the options provided of Weapon, without tiring yourself. Unused foundation is
Sort Specific and Pack. no longer discarded at the end of a battle, but
Equipment: is instead reshuffled into the deck.
Weapon: Sword of Striking, or Bloodthirsty
Battle Axe Increased Speed
Sort Specific: Bow, or Breastplate Armor
Pack: Settlers Pack, or Wilderness Pack Starting at level 6, your trained muscles and
endurance allow you to outpace anyone. You
can travel 20ft further per turn.
29 Chapter 2 Savage
Perseverance or Vigilant
Pers ev er
Take your you time and study the situation, and
let others play the fool. Those who take the
Perseverance subclass are more resourceful,
battling the th slow intrusions of the road with a
calm resolve.
atititence: At level 2, you can take your time
P atience
to make sure s you do the job right. When
making checks, c you can spend an extra
minute performing
pe the action to give yourself
advantag on the draw.
E x perienced
peri re
ri : At level 7, with a calm mind
and a little littl time, you can accomplish great
things. When W you use your patience ability,
you may choose to be proficient in the skill
instead of o having advantage on the draw.
V ig ilant::
Make your you eyes your shield, and you will need
less armor.
armo Those who choose the Vigilant
subclass are warriors with a supreme
awareness of combat.
Battltlte S tance
ta : At level 2, you can enter a
Mending state of b battle readiness where your
awareness of the battlefield gives you a
Starting at level 8,
8 , your body heals and Severe AArmor Complication, as you parry,
mends itself more easily. When you take a dodge,
dodge a and deflect your enemies attacks. You
short rest, you only have to remove 1c from enter this state as part action. When you enter
the game, instead of 5, to regain Base this state, discard 10 cards from your deck.
Foundation. This state of readiness lasts until you are
Exhausted or until you exit battle.
D iamond S tance: At level 7, you’re not only
Starting at level 10, When a Diamond is aware of your enemies blades, but also their
removed from your Base Foundation, all bullets. When you enter your state of
additional damage from the same source is awareness, your AC bonus now ignores all
reduced to nothing. piercing, as you sidestep bullet trajectories
before your foes can pull the trigger.
Savage Chapter 2 30
31 Chapter 2 Wizard
Arcane Implements: You are proficient in
the use of Arcane Implements. Arcane
Implements are magical items, such as wands
and orbs, which allow the owner to cast
various cantrips. Unlike spellcasting, using an
Arcane Implements ability only has a somatic
component. Arcane Implements require mana
to activate, which allows it to be used for 24
Wizard Chapter 2 32
Trait Subclasses
You may select your choice of one of three
You gain an additional trait of your choice of subclasses: L az aration, C hronomancy, or
suit at levels 3, 6, and 9. U niversal.
Controlled Chaos
33 Chapter 2 Wizard
Chronomancy: Chronomancers are students L az aration: The school of life and creation,
of the flow of time, channeling the abstract Lazaration generates new and unique beasts
tangle of the Wyld and focusing it like a lens. designed and personalized for both utility and
T ime S tep: At level 2, you can take a step As an action, the creature will appear out of
into the past or the future. Discard a mana as the air within 5ft of you.
a part action, and decide if you are reversing The creatures are personalized with an
or forwarding time. aesthetic chosen by their creator at the time
If you are reversing time, take note of your of the spellcasting, such as slimy, scaly, furry,
Foundation, equipment, statuses and location. etc. Most wizards have a theme from which all
At the start of your next turn, you return to that their creatures derive their aesthetic features,
location with that amount of Foundation, such as furry with big eyes or slimy and
equipment and statuses; this effect can tentacled.
reverse death. Magical consumables, such as These creatures cannot use items, wield
bullets, alchemy, and mana do not return with weapons, or attack. They have a walking or
you, and are still consumed. Any spell-effect swimming speed of up to 30ft, chosen by the
that persists, such as Levitate or Hex, that is creator at the time of casting. Creatures are
cast on you before you reverse time will created without mouths and cannot eat or
persist as normal. breath to sustain themselves, and they will die
If you are moving forward in time, you of exhaustion after one minute. These
disappear at the end of your turn. At the start creatures are made of dense, solid air that is
of your next turn, you reappear at the same indistinguishable from the touch, but they will
spot you left, regardless to how the terrain slowly evaporate after death.
changes around you. If the space is occupied The created creature will naturally try to
when you return, both you and the object or survive as best they can, and have the limited
creature occupying the space take 5c damage intelligence of a gnat, dog or dolphin, which is
and are both knocked prone. chosen by the creator at the time of
spell-casting. The creature weighs between
T ime F lash: Starting at level 7, you can 50lbs and 100lbs,
00lbs, is Small, and has basic
suddenly reverse or repeat specific events. sensory capabilities
pabilities such as sight and sound.
Discard a mana as a reaction to a creature’s
action, and decide if you are reversing or
repeating time.
If you are reversing time, the effects of that
creature’s action, including damage inflicted
and healed, are nullified. The creature can
take another action of the same type, but they
do not recover any of the cards they
discarded from the action.
If you are repeating time, the creature is able
to repeat their action. The creature gains a
second action, but it must be the same type of
action as the original action.
Wizard Chapter 22 34
Beastial Creations: At level 2, you can Brutal Mutations: At level 7, your creatures
create small creatures of simple ambition. As can now enter combat, with larger size and
a spell, you can create a creature with one of sharper claws.
the following traits; adding more traits to the
same creature means expending more spells Brutal Mutations allow your creation to have
on the same casting. the following traits:
Beastial Mutations allow your creation to have Larger: Your creature is now one size larger,
the following traits: going from small, to medium, to large, to
Enormous, to Vast. Each size increases the
Designed Instinct: You can give the creature creature’s Base Foundation by 1. Larger
a one sentence command which it will follow creatures tend to have a longer stride, and
instinctively. Designed Instinct can override increase their base land speed by 10ft per
their natural survival instincts. You can take size.
this trait multiple times for more commands. Ivory: Your creature develop natural weapons
An example of an instinct is: Collect walnuts in the form of claws, horns, and tusks. Your
and place them in trees, or jump into fire. creature is now able to fight in combat, and all
Enduring: Your creature can breathe and of its attacks are savage. Taking this feature
consume nutrients, allowing it to last the again will give the creature the Keen weapon
number of years of your choosing; if your ability, or allow them to deal Elemental
creatures consumes its weight in organic damage.
material they will no longer evaporate after Raptor: Your creature develops wings. It now
death, and instead leave edible flesh. You can has a flight speed of 30ft. Taking this trait
choose this trait again to give the creatures again will increase the speed to 60ft.
the ability to breed; their gestation time is 1
month for every spell slot spent during their
creation, and only fully substantial creatures
can breed. The newly born creature is
identical to the parent, but requires an equal
time to their gestation period to mature. The
Game Master may circumvent the gestation
period and allow creatures a smaller gestation
time if born in eggs or litters.
Enhanced Senses: You can give your
creature enhanced senses, such as: Black
Sight, Echolocation, Gutsight, or Tremorsense
up to 30ft. You can use this spell multiple
times to broaden their senses or to double the
range of an existing sense.
35 Chapter 2 Wizard
“ A gnome j ams a screwdriver under the
debris and twists. A s the protrusion is
removed the gears and barrels begin to spin
in her hand, she aims her T rivolver at the
walking corpse and pumps it full of lead.”
“ A D warf yawns over the burning coals,
hitting again the glowing ingot until it forms a
long and j agged hook. E x amining it closely,
she bathes it in holy water until only a dull
shine remains in the moonlight. S he grips the
new blade and tears into the pig carcass, the
hook reaching deep and digging behind the
bones; this time the hellion will not escape her
Cowboy Chapter 2 36
Quick Character Build: Hold'em High
When you take the Cowboy Sort, take either
the Human or Ogre breed, and take the Vigor Starting at level 1, at the end of a full rest, the
and Coercion Traits. Cowboy draws a Hold'em, which can applied
to any attack the Cowboy makes this day.
Level 1: Hold'em High When the Cowboy plays a set, the Hold’em is
Level 2: Subclass treated as part of that set, and will increase
Level 3: Trait the damage of the attack if it can increase the
Level 4: Hair Trigger size of the set.
Level 5: Composed
Level 6: Trait, Deadeye Subclass
Level 7: Subclass Ability
Level 8: Overcome Starting at level 2, The Cowboy can choose
Level 9: Trait between the Independent and Hero
Level 10: Superior Hold'em Subclasses.
37 Chapter 2 Cowboy
Independent or Hero
I nde :
S overeign
o : At level 2, at the beginning of
your turn, you can play Foundation from the
top of your deck. Any Foundation cards drawn
that are not numerically smaller and
sequential are discarded.
P repared
r : At level 7, at the end of combat,
remaining foundation cards are recycled
instead of discarded.
H er :
P artner
a : At level 2, During a short rest, you
and an ally can train together. After the short
rest is over, you and your ally discard 10c and
until the next time you take a Breather, your
ally benefits from your Hold'em.
C oompany: At level 7, during a full rest, you
and your allies can train together. After the
Full Rest, you and the allies who participated
in ththe
he training discard 110
0 cards from your
deck k, and until your next short rest, those
allie Hold'em.
es benefit from your Hold' em.
v erc om e
Superior Hold'em
Cowboy Chapter 22 38
“ A masked elf brandishes his twin pistols in
the air as the teller loads his backpack with
cash. W hen she finishes the packing, the elf
dons the stolen loot and beckons her to stand
with the other seven facing the wall. T he elf
smiles and unloads into the crowd until the
pistols smoke and hammers strike empty
barrels. W hen the teller wakes from her faint,
she finds that the robber had written his
signature in bullets through the wall; a great
artist will always sign his work.”
“ A dwarf lights his last cigarette and leans his
head against the hot stone wall, resting his
shattered leg as comfortably as possible. T he
sound of his companions falls softer and
softer as they reach further into the cave, and
skeletal hands reach over the burning Quick Character Build:
wreckage of the train. T he dwarf pours the When you take the Outlaw Sort, take either
cleric’s water over his mechanical bow, the the Goblin or Dwarf breed, and take the
liq uid mix ing with the clips, spinning gears, Performer, Furtive, and Coercion Traits.
and gnashing machinery. N ot one undead will
enter the cave this day.” Level 1: Desperado
Level 2: Subclass
Lawless agents of the cities of the west, Level 3: Trait
Outlaws are masters of the multi-shot, dual Level 4: Pistol Whip
wielding weapons with supreme accuracy. Level 5: Thousand Yard Glare
Often anarchic and mercurial, the outlaws Level 6: Trait, Disguise and Conceal
operate in criminal organizations and guard Level 7: Subclass Ability
the underbelly of civilization, charging a Level 8: Patsy
modest premium for their efforts. Level 9: Trait
Level 10: Smoking Barrels
39 Chapter 2 Outlaw
When you create an Outlaw at level 1,
choose between the options provided of
Weapon, Sort Specific and Pack.
Weapon: Tinkspark Revolver, or Demagogue
Sort Specific: Tinkspark Revolver, or Wooden
Pack: Gambler's Pack, or Raider's Pack
♣Cheat Death: When you choose the Outlaw Thousand Yard Glare
as your Sort, you gain the benefit of the Cheat
Death ability. As a reaction, you may reduce Starting at level 5, you have a keen sense for
oncoming damage by discarding cards with what comes next. During combat, after you
the Club suit. You reduce the oncoming draw your hand you can look at the the top
attack’s damage by one for each card card of your deck.
discarded this way.
Outlaw Chapter 2 40
Disguise and Conceal Subclass:
Dastardly & Robber
Starting at level 6, you become proficient at
disguising and concealing yourself. In order to Dastardly
avoid recognition, you are proficient in making S uppressive F ire:
disguises, as well as concealing weapons. In At level 2, as an action, you can discard a
addition, while disguised, you have advantage Crown card in your hand and enter a Trance
on Hide checks. to give your allies covering fire. While in this
Trance you cannot move and you do not have
Patsy a reaction, but you are able to attack any
character you can sense that takes an action
You understand the importance of having a or movement, as if you were using your
“fall guy.” Starting at level 8, attacks against Quickdraw ability. This Trance ends at the
you while you are within 5ft of an ally or start of your next turn.
cohort suffer from a sensory complication.
H ailili of Bullets:
S m ok ing Barrels
B arrels Starting at level 7, when using your
Suppressive Fire ability, you can draw your
Starting at level 10,
1 0, you can keep shooting all attacks blindly from your deck instead of your
day. Cards that are added to an attack by the hand.
Multiattack feature are recycled instead of
discarded. Robber
Rob b er
P ilfer
ili fe
f r
AAtt leve
level 2, you are a master of stealing from
people, dead or alive. As an action, you can
take any item you can sense off of an enemy
unless tthey are holding or wearing it.
A ddition You are proficient in investigating
bodies, treasures, vaults, and treasure
containe and you are proficient in picking
locks and an cracking safes.
D ragoon
r goo
A t level 7, you gain a commanding presence
that forces
f rc non-combatants into the fray.
Non-combatant npc’s within 30ft act as your
cohorts, regardless of their allegiances. These
cohorts can be coerced into doing any action,
assumin they are not immune to fear.
41 Chapter 2 Outlaw
A human raises his eyebrow, watching the
bandit eye the gun between them. T he human
adj usts his weight, preparing to leap with his
back foot. A s the bandit dives for the gun, the
human leaps forward, and matches his boot
with the bandit’s face.
A n ogre sheriff keeps his gaz e straight, as
the half-orc flips the table and sends cards
and coin flying. T he ogre remains calm as he
stands to his full height, and the half-orc
spouts out insults and challenges to the entire
saloon. T heir eyes meet, and by the time the
half-orc draws his rifle, the ogre has already
pumped him full of steel and dust.’
T he halfling raises his hand towards his
posse, steadying their j ittering arms as they
point their rifles at the balking giant spider. H e
approaches cautiously, pulling a club from his
belt and grabbing a rock from the ground. N o
need to kill a lost beast, but best to teach it
why it shouldn’t come back.
Marshal Chapter 2 42
♢Withstand: When you choose the Marshal
Marshals occupy the barrier between the as your sort, you gain the benefit of the
wilds and civilization. They are capable, Withstand ability. As a reaction, you may
durable, and accustomed to getting their reduce oncoming damage by discarding cards
hands dirty without scuffing their suit. with the Diamond suit. You reduce the
Marshals are consistently team oriented, oncoming attack’s damage by one for each
providing leadership, experience, and card discarded this way.
strategy. They are able to see weakness in
their enemies, anticipating their actions and When you start a Marshal at level 1, choose
exploiting them. between the options provided of Weapon,
Sort Specific and Pack.
Quick Character Build: Equipment:
When you take the Marshal Sort, take either Weapon: Demagogue Pistol, or Alchemical
the Human or Orc breed, and take the Vigor Lance.
and Observant Traits Sort Specific: Chain-mail, or Bow.
Pack: Seeker's Pack, or Wilderness pack.
1: Fish for Trouble
2: Subclass Fish for Trouble
3: Trait
4: Improved Initiative Starting at level 1, you can defeat your
5: Hard Counter enemies more easily by predicting their
6: Trait, Bullseye actions. Once per round, when an enemy
7: Subclass ability within your senses draws a hand, you may
8: Posse name a value or a face card. The target
9: Trait places all suits of the named card in their
10: Long Arm of the Law hand into your Hold’em. At the end of your
turn, the Hold’em is sent to the owner’s
Proficiencies: Dust Impliments, Savage discard pile.
Base Foundation: 2 Subclass
Hand Size: 4
Traits: 1 Spade, 1 Diamond ♢ At level 2 you can take a subclass: Chief or
Ability: Quickdraw, Withstand Commander.
Source Suit: Diamond, Spade
Quickdraw: When you choose the Marshal
at level 1, you gain the Quickdraw Ability. As At levels 3, 6, and 9, you gain an additional
a reaction, you may discard a Spade Suit card trait of your choice of suit.
and make an attack on an enemy who leaves
Full Cover. You must play a set along with the
discarded Spade, and the spade cannot be
included in the set.
43 Chapter 2 Marshal
First Strike Posse
At level 4, you are better able to draw the first Starting at level 8, your cohorts attacks can
blood. During the ante phase of your first use your Hold’em.
round of initiative, you can place cards into
your ante directly from your deck. Long arm of the Law
om m :
F ri
ien W aters: At level 2, When your ally
makes an attack, you may use your
Q uickd reaction to allow that ally to use
your H Hold’em until the start of your next turn.
des of J ustice: At level 7, when you use
T iides
your Friendly
F Waters ability, all allies can use
your H Hold’em until the start of your next turn.
Marshal Chapter 2 44
Spell Slinger
M Drain
A rmory: At level 2, you have access ss to an
extraplanar armory in which you can n store items.
The armory is a large extra-dimensionalional space
capable of holding a room full of items.
As part of an action, the Spell Slinger
ger can
discard a mana card and withdraw or deposit an
item from the space. Items deposited ed inside must
be carried by the Spell Slinger.
very item in
You are aware of the location of every
the armory, and never need to make e a check to
find an item.
Arcane Puppeteer:
S pell S teal: At level 2, you can steal
al magical
effects from another creature.
As an action, you can discard a mana ana card to
remove a magical effect caused by a spell or
Arcane Implement from a creature you can
sense. You then apply this spell or eff f ect to
yourself. The duration of this effect remains the
same, as if it were still affecting the original
49 Chapter 2 Witch
Weapon: Rod of the Thunder Cracker, or
Illusory Scepter
Sort Specific: Leather Armor, or Sacrificial
Pack: Gamblers Pack, or Wizard's Pack.
Pact Magic
AAtt levels 3, 6,
6 , and 9,
9 , you gain an additional
trait of yourr choice of suit
♣Cheat Death: When you choose the Witch h
as your sort, you gain the benefit of the Cheat
eat Dark
D ark One’s
e’ s BBlessing
O ne les s ing
Death ability. As a reaction, you may reducee
oncoming damage by discarding cards with Starting at llevel
vel 4, when you use Queen
Q ueen as
the Club suit. You reduce the oncoming part of an attack,
attaack, it is recycled instead of
attack’s damage by one for each card discarded.
discarded this way.
Witch Chapter 22 50
Blink C reate Bullets: At level 5, those who choose
the Dust pact gain the ability create bullets
Starting at level 6, you can wrap yourself in with magic. As an action and a spell, you can
shadows and move through the aether. When create 10 bullets. This spell can be cast as a
you use your Cheat Death ability, you can higher tiered spell to generate more bullets,
teleport 30ft as if you had cast the Shadow creating 100 bullets at Tier 2, 1,000 bullets at
Step spell. Tier 3, and 10,000 bullets at Tier 4.
51 Chapter 2 Witch
When a pact is complete, the Pact Tool Dragon Pact:
breaks and the spell cast at the creation of the You make a pact with a dragon, and are
Pact Tool is dispelled. Additionally, if the Pact granted the might and dominance of dragons.
Tool is destroyed, the pact is considered R eactive S cales: Those who take the
complete, and the spell cast at the creation of Dragon pact gain the ability to reactively grow
the pact tool is dispelled. scales. While you are in your pact master’s
For Example, a prisoner may swear that he favor, you are treated as if you have heavy
won't try to escape. You may choose to armor, with a Severe Armor Complication but
solidify that oath with a pact tool, casting the no movement penalty.
Hex spell on him if he attempts to take up Brimstone: Starting at level 5, you begin to
arms or attack. Another character may make grow claws and learn to spit fire. These
a deal with you, claiming that he will not tell natural savage weapons deal both Physical
the sheriff your location for a gold coin. You and Elemental damage, and you are proficient
can solidate this with a Pact Tool, casting the in using them. You can spit fire up to 60ft.
Change Form spell on his son, that he would EEnemies
nemies hit
h by these attacks become
f rm into a newt if his father betrayed
fo vulnerable until the start of your next turn.
you to the sheriff.
ff D ragon Blood: Starting at level 10, you can
r gon B
use magic to emulate the blood of dragons.
W asted
asted P otential:ial: Starting at level 10,
otentititia 1 0, while By discarding
discard a mana, you are considered in
you are in your pact master'
master'ss favor, all of your the your p pact masters’ favor until the start of
attacks cause creatures to discard their your next turn.
recycling pile when they take damage from
you. Subclass
Brewer or Host
rew er:
r w:: AAtt level 2, you can craft a brew to
unleash a powerful spell. It takes you one
hour and a alchemical equipment to craft a
brew, and this causes a thick noxious gas to
pour into tthe air which is visible from miles
AA brew a allows a spell to be cast at a higher
level than you can normally cast. At the end of
the hour, d draw a card and cast a spell. Add
the drawn card to the mana from the cast
spell, and a new spell is cast from the
combined mana. If no spell is cast after the
brew is co complete, the drawn card is discarded
and the brew
br spoils.
Witch Chapter 2 52
T oil and T rouble: Starting at level 7, you can H ost S eer: Your maximum mana pool is
curse people without being near them. When reduced by one permanently and gain an
you cast a spell with a brew, you can target extra eye. This eye does not sleep and is
any creature, as long as you have a always vigilant. Observance checks made now
possession of that creature. A possession is go to the Recycling.
anything that belongs to that creature, such
as a beloved necklace or a lock of their hair. H ost S hell: You lose your skin and your
maximum mana pool is reduced by two
H : permanently as you become host to a Shell.
P ossession: At level 2, you become a host The Shell replaces your skin and hangs
for your pact master, allowing you to sacrifice loosely off your flesh. Upon command, the
parts of yourself for a greater cause. When Shell can thrust itself onto an enemy,
you pick this feature, you can choose one or grappling and then restraining it. The Shell
more hosts. Each host comes with a cost and moves 20ft per round. While the Shell is not
a benefit, and are generally disfiguring and attached to your skin, you become Staggered
should be hidden. at the beginning of each round.
L iving N ightmare: At level 7, you find favor
with your pact master, and your sacrifices are H ost D evourer: You lose your stomach and
returned. Your hosts lose their negative costs your maximum mana pool is reduced by two
and anything lost is regained, including limbs. permanently, as your abdomen is replaced
with a gaping maw. You gain the Gut Magic
When you take the Host subclass, you may y feature,, and the Gut magic
g ability:
y Consume,,
choose any and all of the following abilities to as if you had the Consume Trait. YYou
ou are able
gain permanently. Most of these abilities to use your stomach as a Savage Melee
come with grotesque deformities which can weapon with the Bleeding feature, and you
be covered up, and each resemble your Pact ct are proficient in making attacks with your
of choice. Stomach.
53 Chapter 2 Witch
“A human approaches the knight, swinging
his blade wildly in one hand as he charges.
T he knight slams his sword into the humans
blade, shattering it into pieces. T he knight’s
smile is cut when his eye is punctured by the
blade the human was hiding behind his back.”
“ T he company watches as the sepulcher
detonates, the marbled roof thrown to the sky
in broken hunks. F rom the collapsed stairway
walks a goblin, burned and bruised, but still
calmly heading towards the party. I f they ever
face a problem he cannot ex plode, they will 1: Blind Fire
be in true peril.” 2: Subclass
3: Trait
Renegades are the ultimate survivors of the 4: Human Shield
west, balancing a reactive defense with a 5: Blindfolded
powerful offence. Renegades are easily 6: Trait, Volatile
excitable, but their durability keeps them 7: Subclass Feature
unconcerned of the destruction they so easily 8: Brisk Bastion
cause. If one could manage to direct a 9: Trait
Renegade in a company, the damage they 10: Cardsharp
wreak on the enemy will far surpass the
damage they wreak on their allies. Proficiencies: Savage Weapons
Base Foundation: 2
Quick Character Build: Hand Size: 4
When you take the Renegade sort, take Traits: 2 Club, 1 Diamond ♢
either the Goblin or Human breed, and take Ability: Cheat Death, Withstand
the Mettle, Furtive, and Poise Traits. Source Suit: Clubs, Diamonds
Renegade Chapter 2 54
The target may challenge your declaration,
♣♢Withstand Death: When you use either the claiming it to be false. If they choose not to
Cheat Death or Withstand feature, you can challenge the declaration, they accept the
use both Clubs or Diamond cards to reduce damage as it is declared, regardless of the
damage. You still only gain the effects and actual set the cards represent. The cards
benefits of either Cheat Death or Withstand, discarded as part of this attack can be placed
and must declare which you are using. at the bottom of the discard pile instead of the
♣Cheat Death: When you choose the If they do challenge the declaration, and the
Renegade as your Sort, you gain the benefit declaration was false, the damage of the true
of the Cheat Death ability. As a reaction, you highest scoring set is halved, and is always
may reduce oncoming damage by discarding rounded down.
cards with the Club suit. You reduce the If they do challenge, and the declaration was
oncoming attack’s damage by one for each true, then the damage of the true highest
card discarded this way. scoring set is doubled.
Blind Fire
55 Chapter 2 Renegade
Trait Subclass
Rake and Daring
At levels 3, 6, and 9; you gain an additional
trait of your choice of suit. Rake:
W asteless: Starting at level 2, when you
Human Shield use the Blind Fire ability and the enemy
accepts the bluff as truth, recycle those cards.
Starting at level 4, when you are grappling a S neak A ttack: Starting at level 7, you can
creature, ranged attacks against you suffer completely undermine an enemy’s defenses.
from a sensory complication. On a successful Blind Fire attack, where the
target guesses you are lying and is wrong,
Backswing you may ignore their Foundation and deal
damage directly to their Base Foundation.
Starting at level 5, a failed attack only makes
the next attack stronger. When you bluff with Daring:
the Blind Fire ability and the set is challenged, Brisk Bastion: Starting at level 2,
you can place the attack cards into your during your turn you can use Diamonds or
Hold’em. These cards are discarded at the Club suits to place temporary Foundation face
end of your next turn. down on top of your Foundation stack. At the
beginning of your next turn, discard your
Volatile temporary Foundation.
O ffensive D efence: Starting at level 7, your
Starting at level 6, your erratic behavior is successful attacks can prevent your enemies
able to escalate the violence of explosions. from retaliating. When you make a successful
You gain a Hold’em that can only be used to attack, you can add the cards discarded from
increase the damage of an area attack. the attack to your Foundation. The cards must
still be numerically lower and sequential.
Reckless Abandon
Renegade Chapter 22 56
57 Chapter 2 Shaman
Spellcasting: When you choose the
Shaman at level 1, you gain the Spellcasting
ability. Each day, you can draw for mana
cards equal to your total character level plus
1. You regain the use of all expended mana
after a full rest. The mana cards drawn this
way can be Hearts or Diamonds, and all
others drawn are discarded.
Shaman Chapter 2 58
Trait Rend
At levels 3, 6, and 9, you gain an additional Starting at level 8, you are effective at
trait of your choice of suit sundering the flesh of your enemies. When
you deal damage to an enemy with a savage
Blood Ritual weapon, they become vulnerable.
Escalate Foe
Rejuvenation Sphere
59 Chapter 2 Shaman
Medicine Man: These Shamans manipulate
the natural energies of the aether to ease the
fat of their allies.
I nvigorate
n : At level 2, you can use your spirit
energy to keep an ally on his feet. As an
action, the Shaman may discard a mana card
an allow a target creature to reshuffle up to
ten random cards from their discard pile into
their deck.
R einvigorate: At level 7, you can use your
sp energy to grant an ally repose in mere
mo As a spell, target takes half his
dis pile and shuffles it back into his deck
an removes the other half from the game.
T h may also shuffle their recycling pile back
into their deck.
Spirit Walker or Medicine Man
Country Elves
Although seen as ignorant and ignoble by
the city elves, country elves are
experienced, shrewd, and free, living in the
borderlands and swamps of their once
treasured forests. Country elves are more
adaptable than their city cousins, becoming
creative in the weapons and tactics they use
to survive the wars that drift back and forth
over their land.
63 Chapter 2 Elf
Elves tend to primarily worship Azurath
and Forjah. Forjah is largely celebrated for
the association with freedom and nature,
and worshipers of Forjah will often call out
the sky for guidance from the stars when
lost. Those elves who enjoy studying the
world or the magical arts will often come to
worship Azurath, believed by many to be
directly responsible for the shifts in magic
over time that allows for the discovery of
new spells and the fading of old ones.
The worship of Deelug, the god of death
and the Shadow Realm, is a strange notion
to the elves of Cael who see death as an
unreachable horizon. Those elves who live
with the mortal races will often revere
Deelug, however, and pray for the souls of
their countless dead friends.
Elf Chapter 2 64
Country Elf
Unyielding Motion
65 Chapter 2 Elf
City Elf
Elf Chapter 2 66
As sturdy and stubborn as mountains,
Dwarves are a hearty race that enjoy strong
ale, loud songs, and rowdy battles. They are
a race of warriors and craftsmen, with an
ancient tradition in both. Dwarves are well fit
for the industrial age, and have forges from
antiquity that still rival that of the surface
Legacy of Stone
Dwarves have a rich culture of art, industry,
and war. In the deep burrows under
mountains, glorious bearded statues carved
into pillars stand behind notched walls of
battered stone. Those who honor the
traditions of their forefathers are known as
Stone Dwarves, and they participate in a
legacy of durable crafting, creating
legendary weapons and immortal walls
within their charted domains.
67 Chapter 2 Dwarf
around ledgers devoted entirely to the
documentation of vendettas. As a
consequence of this, dwarves with the
Warrior Archetype are often careful not to
offend others enough to end up in their
Dwarves with the Ruler Archetype are
excellent leaders, although successful rulers
often fall into the trap of seeking power,
gold, or influence. These dwarves are
especially good at creating clans and uniting
banners, although a tendency towards
xenophobia often slows their acquisition of
allies of different races.
Dwarves also fit well in the Creator
Archetype. Dwarves with this Archetype will
try to create something spectacular and
long lasting, although they are not
necessarily craftsmen; They are as likely to
found a great city as they are to design a
powerful weapon. Living as long as they do,
dwarves take the slow and long approach,
crafting and designing for decades and
mastering their trade.
Dwarf Chapter 2 68
Stone Dwarf
Toughen Up
Crush Diamonds
69 Chapter 2 Dwarf
Steel Dwarf
Steel Mind
Seismic Sense
Dwarf Chapter 2 70
Where there are road taverns,
borderlands, and star-crossed lovers, there
will be Half-Breeds. Often love-childs or the
children of diplomats, Half-Breeds are the
result of two different races procreating.
Half-Breeds are often troubled, with neither
parent truly able to identify with their child's
situation, until they find communities of
Half-Breeds who understand their struggle.
With their dynamic heritage, Half-Breeds
are often more powerful than both parents,
combining the benefits of both races. Bullies and Diplomats
Half-Breeds are often isolated and singled
Torn between worlds out for their apparent differences, as they
Half-Breeds are often raised in strange usually mature in environments that are
and confusing circumstances. They almost culturally stagnant. They are generally at
always stand out among their peers, often the center of conflict, regardless of whether
too tall, or too short, or a strange color that they are the aggressor or not, and learn to
matches neither of their parents. They must respond in different ways. Some become
also deal with the constant clashing diplomats, with silver tongues and sharp
between the cultures of their parents, wits, able to avoid hostility and quickly
developing a pride in both but a true home gather favor. Others become violent and
in neither. It is this lack of acceptance that learn to meet animosity with greater
sends most Half-Breeds on the road, in animosity, often striking before others have
search of a place they can find peace. the chance to sleight them.
71 Chapter 2 Half-Breed
Half-Breeds tend to have difficulty finding
acceptance, even in areas with lots of racial
mixing. Their response to this heavily
influences the Archetype that they become.
Orphans typically become hostile to laws
and lobby for further equality, while Ruler
Archetypes will manipulate the laws for their
own benefit.
Half-Breeds often move towards the
Orphan Archetype as a result of receiving
unfair treatment from authority figures. They
respond by forming tightly knit groups of
friends and family, fiercely defending them
from all who would oppress them.
Ruler half-breeds learn to make their own
rules rather than suffer the pure blood's
nepotistic laws. These Half-Breeds are sly
and particular, challenging only the laws
that impair them personally, and reinforcing
the ones that assist them.
Some Half-Breeds opt out of the system
entirely, becoming Explorer Archetypes who
find their own path. These Half-Breeds see
the law as an obstacle to overcome rather
than moral quandaries, and tend to avoid it
whenever it comes in their way.
Half-Breed Chapter 2 72
73 Chapter 2 Half-Breed
Half-Breed Chapter 2 74
Ogres are massive creatures of fat and
flesh. Capable of great feats of strength and
cruelty, they are notable as one of the larger
sentient races of Cael. They are known
widely for their unique mutations that
manifest as extra appendages: hands,
hearts, and heads. They are one of the few
breeds in possession of the rare “Gut
Magic” ability, which converts the caloric
energy in food into a raw magical force
which is harnessed and expelled through
the ogre’s stomach. This, and their love of
food in general, has linked the halflings and
ogres together.
Modern Ogres are often exploited for their
large size and their dim-witted reputation;
However, those ogres who are clever and
hardworking will find uses for their size
beyond manual labor.
Enormity and Vanishing Litters the higher castes, including strange bone
It is a well known fact that Ogres have deformities, additional arms, and on rare
only one child per pregnancy, and twins or occasions, an extra head that would so
triplets are unheard of; however, recent often bless that ogre with a position as
autopsies from ogres in the early stages of shaman. Many ogre tribal gods have been
pregnancy reveal a multitude of children. It known to have these mutations, including
seems that during these stages, one of the six-armed war gods and fertility idols.
children will absorb the others over the year Others are blessed with an impressive
long gestation period. This would explain enormity, strength and size beyond that of
the enormity of the ogres, as well as the other ogres, which often raises them to
strange mutations that often appear among positions of great power as captains or as
75 Chapter 2 Ogre
Unlike other races, Ogres mature rapidly,
growing as quickly as they are able to
consume nutrients. Ogres typically take 3
years to come to their full size, but this can
vary depending on the availability of food in
the area. Their quick breeding cycle has
been used repeatedly throughout the ages
to develop large armies of massive soldiers.
Ogres bodies tend to mature faster than
their minds can develop, which has led to a
stereotype of Ogres being stupid. An ogre's
mind will be fully mature at 14 years of age
with plenty of room to develop further.
Ogres tend to live a meager 60 years, due
largely to complications caused by their
constant mutations. Some will develop
internal limbs which press against the lungs
and must be removed, while others form
bones within their hearts which cannot be
removed. If the growths can be staved off
consistently, ogres can last up to 120 years.
Ogre Chapter 2 76
Giant Ogre
77 Chapter 2 Ogre
Mutant Ogre
Extra Head
Extra Arms: A pair of vestigial hands
IV emerge from your body. You now can
control four hands and use them for
multi-attacks or other actions, although you
Extra Arms still only have one action per turn.
Ogre Chapter 2 78
Intelligent, devious, with questionable
organizational skills, goblins are the tiny
creature often associated as the cousins of
the orcs. Goblins are just as violent as orcs,
but lack the size and strength to be as much
of a threat; goblins therefore have relied on
their intelligence in setting up devious traps,
ambushes, and relying on an alchemical
arsenal. Goblins rarely play fair, and are at
great advantage when they get the drop on
an enemy.
79 Chapter 2 Goblin
Quick Character Build:
When you take the goblin breed, take either
the Innocent or Rebel Archetype, and take
the Dive and Alchemy Traits.
To goblins, death is not an enemy to fear
but a prince to impress. Goblins typically
have short lives, not due to the natural
restrictions of their race but rather their near
suicidal tendencies, a death wish that
Breeding Pools seems to be shared by almost all goblins.
Goblins gestate for a brief two months Traditional goblins worship Deelug, the
before being birthed into a breeding pool. god of death and rebirth. This worship
This bath of questionable fluids encourages comes in the form of constant celebrations
the growth of the child, increasing muscle and the construction of shrines to celebrate
density and overall size. Particularly small the life and death of their fellow goblins.
goblins are said to have “missed their bath,” Goblins honor death in varying ways
as goblins who do not spend time in the depending on their tribe, with some creating
breeding pool are often meager in size. individual monuments, lighting large pyres,
Goblins spend another two months in the or even consuming the bodies of the fallen.
breeding pool, watched over by clan While some speculate that goblins
matriarchs until their size peaks, or until the understand their own sorry plight and wish
clan suffers too many losses and requires a to be reborn quickly and possibly as
boost in members. something greater, others believe that they
The breeding pool’s composition is better understand the great cycle of rebirth,
questionable and thought to be a mix of and therefor do not fear crossing the veil
alchemical salves, ingredients from dark into the next world.
magic rituals, and amniotic fluid. As
abominable as this may seem, the breeding
pool has well documented healing
Goblin Chapter 2 80
Pile Goblin
81 Chapter 2 Goblin
Alchemical Goblin
Goblin Chapter 2 82
Heavy and short, halflings are well known
for their love of fine food and leisure. A good
hearth and home keep these creatures from
venturing outside of their communities, but
when they do, they are known to be
durable, courageous, and full of surprises.
Love of Feasts
If there is one thing that Halflings love
above all, it is feasting. Halfling celebrations
are known to last days, and include loud
music, dancing, and food that rivals a king’s
court. They will find any excuse to
celebrate, whether it be for a long awaited
guest, the arrival of goods, or whenever the
moon crowns.
Halfling are known to have large kitchens
and pantries, stocked with preserved meats,
cheeses, and jams. The preservation of
food is a time-honored tradition among
halflings, and many gatherings are held by
communities small and large to jar, bottle Lucky
and pickle as much food as they can get Halflings are some of the most fortuitous
their hands on. Oddly, the halflings never folk in all of Cael. Their towns, culture, and
seem to mind that they’ve eaten more food entire lives seem to follow the path of least
than they’ve jarred or salted. resistance, with comfortable beds and good
Far from being without purpose, the great foods.
feasts of the halflings seem to imbue them Those special halflings who choose to
with special gifts that some have dubbed leave the comfort of their hearths find luck in
“Gut Magic.” Although most just enjoy the abundance on their travels, often stumbling
pleasant feeling of an expanded stomach, blindly into good friends and safe taverns.
others have used this magic to perform Some begin to push their luck, taking
feats thought impossible greater risks until they eventually overstep
their bounds and wind up in a deep
dungeon or hot water.
83 Chapter 2 Halfling
Halflings with the Lover Archetype share
the hospitality of the saints towards friends
and allies, but do not share the same
courtesy towards strangers or enemies.
These halflings are less likely to be leaders
or be too active in the affairs of their expoits,
preferring to drift along the scene and only
participate in activities they enjoy.
Halflings are arguably one of the friendliest
and most accepting races within Cael, and it
is no surprise that this is reflected in their
common Archetypes. The halfling culture of
gratitude and hospitality largely creates
people of the Saint and Lover Archetype.
Halfling Saints are inherently hospitable,
even to their enemies. They are the first to
offer an olive branch and will invite the
defeated for a drink at the local saloon.
These halflings are obsessed with food, and
keep a stocked larder to make sure that
everyone is eating enough, often bringing
food in place of weapons or equipment on
long journeys.
Halfling Chapter 2 84
Lucky Halfling
85 Chapter 2 Halfling
Feasting Halfling
Halfling Chapter 2 86
The crude, cruel, and green orcs are
natural warriors and survivors. They thrive
in war and combat, and have built an entire
society based on struggle. They are
frequently seen as quick tempered and
violent, but these are simply the results of
their naturally antagonistic nature.
The ferocity and barbarism of the orcish
race are famous and their ancestry of
savagery makes them especially deadly in
melee skirmishes. It is unknown what has
caused their recent movement into a more
civilized caste. Some theorize that the
warrior gene has died out and been
replaced with only breeders, while the
theologians suspect that the entire species
has now become chosen for the endowment
of souls. Regardless of the reason, although
still headstrong, blunt, and easily agitated,
orcs are functioning as members of society
to a degree far surpassing any time in
recent memory. is a cemented practice, and is now fueling
the modern use of this ancient ability.
New Orcs: Rituals in Blood It is wise to beware these new orcs. As
The new orcs from the west have strange they partake in their dark rituals, they
rituals in blood. Rumors of orcs stealing appear more and more like the creatures
people from their beds have been from whom they steal, gaining the
confirmed, leaving behind ghost towns and sharpened ears of elves or the extended
tubs stained with blood. feet of halflings. If you find yourself
It has been discovered that they have speaking to one that reminds you more of a
ability to steal features from other races human than an orc, remind yourself that
through their blood, and that these new orcs they have bathed in the blood of hundreds
are doing this en mass to adapt and evolve to become that way. Modern orcs, like so
to the oncoming foreign hordes. many others, find themselves as assembly
Some of the eastern orcs have picked up line workers or soldiers in foreign wars. The
on this ability too. Though the method of more entrepreneurial orcs are able to
stealing people in droves is hardly tolerated harness their aggression and survival skills
by the more enlightened eastern cities, the to become self-made businessmen,
extraction of blood for alchemical purposes mercenaries, and frontiersman.
87 Chapter 2 Orc
Like goblins, orcs are obsessed with
death, but deny rather than accept its
inevitability. Defeating death is the primary
purpose of orc worship. Celebrations often
include trials of combat, and donning masks
designed to scare away shadows and
Deelug, the god of death, is often seen by
orcs as the god of the final challenge. In orc
lore, after an orc dies they are assaulted by
the minions of Deelug in the Shadow
Realm. If an orc can hold them off then they
will be able to return to their world
regardless of how damaged their body is.
Orc Chapter 2 88
Hold Off
89 Chapter 2 Orc
Orc Chapter 2 90
Blood rituals by classification
Orcs can take the blood from more than Undead
their sentient counterparts, and are capable L evel 1 : Blight: You have advantage on
of stealing from beast, the undead, and Mettle checks to resist poison.
even demons. L evel 2 : Dark Hunger: Your hunger for flesh
These rituals are often more accessible guides you as much as your vision. You gain
and less bothersome to the other citizens of an Gut Vision sense of up to 30ft.
the west than performing the rituals on the L evel 3 : Sleepless: You are completely
common and friendly breeds. aware during the night, although you must still
When extracting blood from a rest your body for an extended period to gain
non-humanoid creature of the west, their the benefits of a full rest.
exotic nature condenses the entire family of L evel 4 : Death’s Door: While you are
creatures into a single set of features. wounded, you only discard 5c at the beginning
When stealing from a creature from a of your turn instead 10c.
non-humanoid classification, you can use L evel 5 : Corruption: When you cause a
the charts below to determine the acquired creature to become wounded with an unarmed
feature. melee attack, that creature becomes a zombie
cohort of the same species. This creature
Beast: follows you and will try to attack any creature
L evel 1 : Navigate Terrain: Deft and that you attack. The original creature can use
nimble in the field, you let little slow your these cohorts to attack as a horde.
course. Your movement speed is no longer
reduced by difficult terrain. Demon
L evel 2 : Sharp Hearing: Your ears are L evel 1: Magic Initiate: The amount of mana
keen enough to keep you out of trouble. you can draw per Full Rest increases by 1.
You gain an echolocation sense of up to The type of mana drawn this way must be a
30ft. Heart.
L evel 3 : Fur: You are adaptable to your L evel 2: Elemental Resistance: Hellish skin
environment, growing delicate hair for protects from the elements. You gain a
warmth and protection. After one week in a sensory complication from elemental Damage.
new environment, your skin develops a L evel 3: Horns/Teeth/Claws: You become
protective coating that negates local overgrown with natural weapons, and your
environmental hazards, such as the cold, body becomes a savage weapon of which you
the sun, or rain. are proficient in.
L evel 4 : Ferocious: At the beginning of L evel 4 : Tough: You gain an additional Base
the day, draw a Hold'em and apply it to all of Foundation.
your Savage Attacks. L evel 5 : Eternal: You can no longer be killed,
L evel 5 : Versatile: A swift reply to danger either from old age or wounds. You can
is it’s surest deterrent. You gain a second become wounded and exhausted, but can
reaction per turn. never die unless you are beheaded or erased.
91 Chapter 2 Orc
Of all the goodly folk that inhabit the west,
the humans are the most common. They
are one of the most prosperous peoples, Adaptable
whether because of their wanderlust or their One of the humans’ most admirable traits
prolific nature, but many believe it is is their ability to adapt and adopt cultures.
because they are instinctively diplomatic They are not shy about becoming part of an
and uncommonly adaptive, especially orcish warband, or sitting on an elvish
compared to the immortal races. council. They are flexible and versatile, and
Humans are common in almost all biomes, will either excel in the social body as an
from highest mountain to deepest cave. ordinary member or by finding an
They are so widely spread that their unexplored niche to fill.
language, Caelian, has become known as
“Common,” and is the universal language of Quick Character Build:
commerce within Cael. When you take the human breed, take
either the Lover or Explorer Archetype, and
Diplomatic take the Cityslicker and Calm Traits.
Humans persistence in the realm is largely
due to their natural diplomacy. They are as Adaptable: You have two traits of any suit.
furtive as they are coercive, and capable of Half-Breeds with at least one parent who
negotiating through political landmines long has this ability can take this in place of the
set between races. Humans are short-lived, traits they would normally gain from their
with a short memory, and there is such breed..
variance within the race that it is impossible Linguist: You learn one additional
to judge a human based on their kin’s Language.
actions. This breed has a 30ft movement speed.
Human Chapter 2 92
93 Chapter 2 Human
Human Chapter 2 94
At the base of woodland trees you will
occasionally find a small door that leads to a
cozy underground cottage, complete with a
hearth, workshop, and small creature with a
multichromatic hairdo. Gnomes are a small,
joyful, and naturally magical people with
blood ties that go all the way back to the
Wyld. They are renowned craftsmen in both
diamond cutting and tinkering and have
adapted the use of Dust to both fields.
Gnomes are in a constant state of flux
between their desire for consistency and
risk. Its no surprise that many turn to illusory
antics and arcane hijinks to satiate a lust for
danger while remaining in a sphere of
Gnomes are naturally mischievous, and
often have low impulse control when making
jokes or causing shenanigans. Lighthearted
breeds will often welcome the gnome’s
comedic stylings, but the high strung and
stodgy breeds may return the jokes with
95 Chapter 2 Gnome
Gnomes are known to worship more than
the trinity of gods of Cael. There are seven
divine earth elementals that are worshiped
by Gnomes. These divine creatures are
often slow in the disbursement of their
blessings, and some must be passed to the
relatives of the requester. However, the gifts
that these elementals bestow upon their
followers are long-lasting and powerful.
Below is a list of some of the gods of the
earthen elemental ring.
A urum, Elemental of gold and plenty.
A damas, Elemental of diamonds and
L atum, Elemental of clay and construction.
Borallus, Elemental of porcelain and art.
F errum, Elemental of iron and combat.
L lapis, Elemental of stone and stamina.
H arena, Elemental of sand and stealth.
Gnome Chapter 2 96
97 Chapter 2 Gnome
Gnome Chapter 2 98
Archetype Abilities
The abilities you gain from your Archetype
are uniquely social. They will not grant you
a numerical or combative bonus, but instead
A fugitive presses his outstretched finger
an intangible ability to influence non-player
into the deputy’s back, telling him to ‘ drop
characters by role-playing your player
his shootin’ iron and mosey on.’
T he outlaw looks at the crook and lowers
Each ability offers a suggestion of how to
his gun. ‘ M aybe you are more useful alive
play your character, and when you conform
than dead.’
to this suggestion the non-player characters
T he surrounded gunslinger looks up with
will react accordingly. Aggressive
surprise as the sheriff offers her hand. H e
characters will appear more alarming, pitiful
would have surrendered to none other.
characters would evoke more empathy, and
the intelligent will sound more rational.
Archetypes are how your character
Archetype abilities rely on a social contract
interacts socially with other characters. Your
between the players and the Game Master:
Archetype helps you understand your
if the player is role-playing their character,
character better, giving them a grand theme
the world will conduct itself accordingly.
to which you, the player, can roleplay, as
Each ability states the circumstance in
well as the character’s moral compass and
which it takes effect, but it is the player’s
social abilities.
responsibility to ensure the Game Master
When you pick your archetype, choose
knows that they have it, and it is up to the
one of its available abilities. When you level
Game Master's discretion if the ability is
up, you can choose to level up your
appropriate for the circumstances.
Archetype and choose another one of the
available abilities.
Changing Archetypes
Unlike Breeds or Sorts, there is no order in
Characters are capable of evolving out of
which you acquire archetype bonuses.
their archetypes and into different ones. The
Archetype bonuses offer little in the way of
Innocent hardly remains innocent forever,
combat enhancements, and tend to be skills
and a player character acting out of their
used by social characters and people who
normal character may mean that they are
prefer to be the Party Face. Leveling up
changing to a different mindset and a
your Archetype will grant you generic
different way of interacting with the world.
bonuses based off entire character level,
Changing your Archetype should be done
such as daily mana allotment.
only to show character progression, or to
correct a mistaken character choice. The
decision to change should not be made
lightly, and should always be discussed with
the Game Master first.
When a character levels up, they are able
to change their archetype. All levels transfer
to the new archetype, and new abilities are
“T his conversation won' t leave this room.”
People are more willing to trust you with
secrets or sensitive information. This works
well for those you've established a
relationship with, but poorly for those who
are distrustful or see you as a gossip.
is m antle CCrusader
rus aderr
“T h hee pro
r blems we
ro were
w r alr
re already
ready d th
dy tthere,
r , but yo
re you
y u “W ee'' llll storm
r th
rm tthe
e castl
tlte, and aftafter
f er w
ft we get
r ught th
ro tthem
em in
to th
e lillight.”
ig her,
r we
r, we'' re
w re goin
i g to get th
in tthem!
em! ”
People are more likely to argue and You
Y ou are better able to promote and
abotage their relationships when provoked conscript others into a cause. This works w
byy you. This works well on a loose group off well on people who are invested in the th
stinct individuals, but poorly on tightly knitt
distinct cause, but poorly on the indifferent f erent and
ff a
roups or groups with similar convictions.
groups cowardly.
s c alate Appeal
A ppeal to Legacy
L eg ac y
““ I th
i k we
in w need to sp
s eak to yo
y ur “ L ong aft
f er we
ft we’re
w ’re
re gone, th
i wi
is will
w ilillll sti
titilillll be
anager. r ””
r. here.”
here r .”
YYou ou are able to escalate the conversation You
Y ou can better make an appeal to legacy l
nd demand a higher authority. This works and to leaving a mark on the world. This T
well on underlings, but poorly on the includes building something that is lasting,
confident and the indifferent. or that will be remembered long-term. This
works well for the prideful, but poorly for the
modest or shy.
Traits are defining abilities of a character, ♢Mettle: Your body and mind are
and include their skills, talents, training, and accustomed to danger and stress. You are
any tricks they have up their sleeves. proficient in withstanding poisons, illnesses,
A character gains Traits of different suits and prolonged external forces such as
based on their Sort, Breed, and Archetype. extreme weather.
For every Trait a character has, the player
should assign a Trait ability or skillset based ♢Observant: You quickly see what others
on its suit. do not, with honed senses able to detect all
kinds of subtleties. You are proficient in
Triple Bonus investigating for details, searching, and
When you have 3 traits of the same suit, spotting creatures.
you get a “Triple Bonus” from that suit. A
triple bonus provides a passive upgrade to ♢Fury: You just don’t know when to quit,
the character based on the suit. and continue to fight through pain and
You can get a Triple Bonus multiple times injury. When you become wounded, you
from the same suit, and they will give continue to draw hands, move, and take
increasing bonuses. attack actions until you are completely
exhausted. You cannot lay down
F ortitude T riple Bonus: Your vitality Foundation in this state until you regain a
booms. For every Fortitude Bonus, your Base Foundation.
Base Foundation increases by one
permanently. ♢Savage Weapons Training: You are
proficient in all Savage Weapons.
G rit T riple Bonus: Your strikes become
more deadly. Your attacks ignore one tier of ♢Painful Resolve: Every wound is a
the target’s complication, as if they had the reminder of why you are fighting. When you
Keen feature. For every Grit Triple Bonus, use the Withstand ability, you may remove 5
this targets complication is reduced by random cards from your discard pile from
another tier. the game, and then shuffle 5 random cards
from your discard pile into your deck.
L uck T riple Bonus: Fortune favors you.
You gain a Simple complication. For every ♢Hunter: You are a champion of surviving
Luck Triple Bonus after the first, the in the wild by killing game. You are
Complication increases by one tier. proficient in hunting, tracking, and trapping
animals. You are knowledgeable about
T radition T riple Bonus: You abound in beasts, and proficient in harvesting and
magic. For every Tradition Triple Bonus, preserving parts from creatures.
your mana pool permanently increases by
one. This mana can be of any suit.
Cognizant: You gain the ability to end Revelation: After you take a Full Rest,
magic spells that you have cast early. You you can look at the top 10 cards of your
can end the effects of any spell you have deck or an ally’s deck and put them back in
cast as part of an action. You cannot use any order.
this to end your highest tier of spells early.
Fresh Food: Life giving, although not long Cigarettes: Herbs wrapped in paper.
lasting, fresh food is plentiful in towns and Useful for masking smells or celebrating.
cities, and its cost is marginal. Fresh food
starts to go bad after three days, requiring a Whiskey: Bottled courage. Useful for
Mettle check with a simple complication to running into danger, or away from problems.
consume, which increases to a tough
complication after three days, and a severe Flint and Steel: An old fashioned fire
complication three days after that. A failure starter. As an action, you can use the Flint
on the mettle check will cause the character and Steel to light an flammable object.
to expel the food, and they will have to eat
again. Timber: Logs of simple wood. A single
large log will burn for three hours and
Canned Food: Hearty food trapped in produce 60ft of bright light.
steel. Filled with non-perishable foods, this
canned food can be cooked in campfires or Crowbar: A long curved piece of steel.
eaten raw at any meal. Useful for long Useful for prying open doors and chests, the
journeys when food becomes scarce. crowbar gives advantage on checks to
The can is good steel, and can be turned forcing open doors, chests, and windows.
in for ten steel coins.
Lockpicks: Several sets of thin, straight
Canteen: An enclosed watertight steel and curved tools. Lockpicks allow
container, Canteens hold 12 ounces of characters with the furtive skill to pick locks
Shackles: Steel chains and clasps.
Tent: Sheets of folded canvas that can Shackles can be used to restrain the arms
make a temporary shelter for two medium or legs of a creature, limiting their
creatures. Some assembly required, as well movement.
as foraging for tentpoles.
S parkling C halk: This chalk is incandescent,
Bedroll: Thick cloth wrappings for sleeping. and will reflect the glow of any colour that it
Good for one person for sleeping in is near. This chalk is often used by Rune
uncomfortable terrain. Scribes to create fake outlines and patterns
that would confuse thieves from discovering
their craft secrets.
G rip: Prime Reach is 15ft Higher. H ollow: This bullet can be made from two
Requires fourteen hours and 400 Steel standard bullets. This bullet can be filled
Cents. with a liquid.
S uppressor: This barrel loses the Loud E nclosed A tmosphere: This bullet can be
Property. Requires twenty hours and 200 made from two standard bullets. This bullet
Steel Cents. can be used in an environment that is not
conducive to dust, such as underwater.
Bayonet: Attach a small weapon.
Requires ten hours and 200 Steel Cents.
Creating B u l l ets
Creating custom bullets requires an
Arcane Foundry, which dispels the curse
that keeps bullets sealed. Creating bullets
requires dust and steel, which can be
recycled from other bullets.
All crafted bullets can have only one
property, and each bullet requires a custom
barrel designed specifically for this type of
bullet. Arcane Foundries can make firearms
and bullets with mythical materials.
A damantine
Originating in the most dense regions in
the plane of Earth, adamantine is the heavy
metal that is famed for it’s invincibility. Any
armor made from adamantine has an Armor
Complication that applies to Piercing
weapons as well. Weapons made from
Adamantine have the Piercing feature.
L unarite
This magical metal is named for its
resemblance to the moon, and is only ever
found in fallen stars. Glowing in a white
clarity, items made from Lunarite create a
bright light up to 60ft. Lunarite is a natural
conduit for magic, and spells can be cast
through Lunarite items. Cards discarded
while being used in a spell cast through a
Lunarite item are recycled instead. If the
target of a spell is wearing lunarite armor,
and the spell can target multiple creatures,
the spell caster can target one additional
ad : This
his rune creates darkness Heat metal: This runes turns metal red
where ere there should uld be none. hot, but leaves other materials alone.
P rimary r : Creates
ry es an area of darkness, P rime: The metal is so hot that white
distorting ng all ccreatures
at res and objects
b ts w
bj within flames jet around it. If this rune is on a
5ftf into black
ft ck silhouettes.
il Alll crea
creatures and weapon, the weapon deals Elemental
objects within hin this
his field
th fi ld give
gi a sensory Damage. Touching the metal while in this
complication atio to a attackers who rely on vision. state deals 2c elemental damage per round.
S econdary
con : The e runed object is shrouded S econdary: The metal is burning hot, and
in darkness, which c affects up to 5ftt of weapons with the rune deal elemental
connected material. ri In order to find d it by
y damage.
sight, without looking ok for it specifically,
lly the
the T ertiary: The metal is warm and glows
target must get a C Crown on a Observance e slightly. Touching the metal while in this
check. state may stave off non-magical cold
T ertiary: No effect. t effects.
Quiet: This rune will reduce any noise to The Ram: This rune amplifies force.
silence. P rimary: All pressure applied by an object
Primary: This object does not emit noise, creates instead 500lbs of pressure,
and if the runed object is struck, neither it knocking back a creature large or smaller
nor the object striking it will emit any noise 10ft on a hit.
connected with the impact S econdary: No effect.
Secondary: This object does not emit
noise. Returning: This rune will always try to
Tertiary: No Effect. return to its owner.
Primary: This item will move towards its
owner at least 30ft per round while within
1,000ft. It will take the straightest path, and
can move up to 5lbs of weight out of the
Secondary: No effect.
(Club) Choice: Draw two cards and choose (Jack-Queen) Shock Tumbler: This item is
the card of your choice as the power activated by intense shaking, like crashing
source. into a wall or tumbling down a hill.
When you take the Scout prestige class, Opening Gambit: At level 7, you become
you become proficient in checks to track the master of the opening move. During the
enemies, hide, move quietly, and to first draw of combat, you may draw another
perceive dangers. additional card. During surprise rounds,
cards discarded from attacks are sent to the
You become proficient in Dust Implements if Recycling.
you were not already.
When you take the Duelist prestige class, When you take the Sentry Prestige class,
you become proficient in Savage weapons you become proficient in Savage weapons.
and Dust Implements. You are also proficient in repairing and
demolishing traps.
You gain the Luck source suit. If you did You gain the Fortitude source suit. If you did
not have this source suit before taking this not have this source suit before taking this
class, your hand is permanently reduced by class, your hand is permanently reduced by
1. 1.
You gain the Withstand ability, if you did not
Riposte: Starting at level 2, when you already have it.
make an attack with only one light melee
weapon, that weapon now has a Set Alarms: Starting at level 2, when you
multiattack. take a full rest, you can take an hour of that
time to secure the base camp, setting up
Gaffe: Starting at level 7, when you make alarms and warnings. If someone
an attack with only one light melee weapon, approaches your base camp without being
that weapon now has multiattack 2. observant, without the poise to avoid the
Weapon Proficiency
Weapon Proficiency allows a character to
use a weapon properly and as intended.
When a character is not proficient with a
weapon, they have a Tough complication
with all attacks associated with that weapon.
Weapon proficiency is usually provided by
a Sort, Breed, Trait, and some weapons do
not require proficiency.
Improvised Weapons
When using one's fists, or a chair, or
broken bottle, you are making an attack with
an improvised weapon. An improvised
weapon has a Tough complication during
any attack, and does physical damage.
When a character uses a Musical
Implement or is performing an effortless
task, the used cards are recycled instead of
discarded. Your recycle pile is a separate
pile from your discard pile. The recycling
pile is automatically shuffled into your deck
at the end of combat.
During combat, as an action, a character
can reshuffle the recycling pile into their
deck. Certain weapons, such as Musical
Implements, will cause their target to
discard their entire recycling pile.
When a character is proficient in a check,
they may choose to only draw one card
instead of two, and recycle the card used for
the check instead of discarding it. This is
due to their training that makes an easy task
Wild Cards
A wild card is a card that can substitute for
any other card in the deck. When you play a
wild card as part of a check, an attack, into
your Foundation, or into your Hold'em, you
S taggered
A staggered creature discards their
Foundation, and cannot regain Foundation
until the start of their next turn.
A blinded creature can only attack in melee
or short range, and all enemies have
aesthetic cover from their attacks. They fail
all checks to observe based on sight.
D eafened
A deafened creature automatically fails any
check that requires hearing.
W ounded
A wounded creature discards 10c every
turn, becomes prone, cannot take actions,
minor actions, or move and automatically
fails checks.
P rone
A prone creature moves at half speed, gains
a simple complication, and loses the
benefits of their Armor Complications.
What is Spell Sculpting?
In the world of Westbound, magic is not
performed in the traditional way of
memorization and practice; instead spells
are sculpted on the spot with the powerful
raw and wild magic of the west. The pure
magic forces are squeezed together, and
their unique combinations create a new
spell. The magic of Westbound is wild and
untamed like the land itself.
Drawing Mana
If you have the Spellcasting Feature, you
can use an action to draw mana from the
aether. After every full rest, you may draw a
number of cards equal to your level +1.
Draw directly from the deck, and when you
draw a card of your source suit, add that
card to your mana pool. Cards that are not
from your source suit are discarded. In
order to prevent fatigue, you may choose to
only draw a portion of the total mana
available, saving the rest to be drawn later.
Certain characters may have an extended
daily mana pool from other sources, such as
their breed or traits.
Spell Level
Spell levels are in Tiers and they determine
the power of the spell and how much mana
goes into each spell. There are four Tiers,
with Tier 1 being very weak and Tier 4 being
very powerful.
Spells become more varied as they
increase in level. Any character can cast a
spell of any tier as long as they pass the
level requirements, and they do not need
the Spellcasting feature to cast spells at a
higher tier.
In order to cast a spell of a certain Tier you
must meet the level requirements. Tier 1 is
available to characters of all levels; Tier 2 is
available for levels 3 and up; Tier 3 is
available for levels 10 and up; Tier 4 is
available for levels 17 and up. Your
spellcasting level is determined by your
combined Sort, Breed, and Archetype level.
Casting a Spell
When casting spells, you must discard a
card from your mana pool. You may discard
several cards at the same time to cast more
powerful spells at a higher tier. If an ability
says it can be cast “As a spell,” it takes one
mana of any suit to cast.
Casting a spell while in battle is an action,
and the card discarded must be of the heart
suit. When out of battle, you must discard
Arcanic Implements
Magic items, such as wands, rods, or
magic carpets require a mana to activate
the powers within. A character can discard a
mana to activate the powers of a single
Arcanic Implement. The mana discarded
can be of any suit, and once activated the
implement is active for 24 hours.
Resisting Spells
If a spell is cast on you, you can discard a
heart of equal or greater value of the lowest
valued mana card in the spell to ignore the
effects. If the spell has a timed duration, you
may draw blindly from your deck to attempt
to save as a free action at the beginning of
your turn.
F ull R est
A Full rest requires eight hours of relaxation
with extremely limited activity. It is expected
that during this time, characters would
camp, eat, and sleep. Other forms of
Rest and relaxation are integral to vitality
relaxation are acceptable if the character
of an adventuring party. Westbound has
does not require sleep, such as visiting a
three types of rest: A Breather, which is the
saloon or bordello for an extended period. A
shortest rest and only recovers some
Full Rest allows a creature to regain all of
exhaustion; a Short Rest, which recovers
their Base Foundation and cure all
some exhaustion and also some Base
exhaustion. At the end of a Full Rest, shuffle
Foundation; and a Full Rest, which recovers
all 52 cards into your deck, and recover all
all of a character’s health and alleviates
base Foundation up to your maximum.
their exhaustion.
A breather requires 5 minutes of limited
A rchetypes
activity; light traveling and exploration are
In Westbound, a character’s archetype
fine, but extraneous actions should be
determines what matters to to them, and
avoided. A breather allows a creature to
informs the player on how they should
catch their breath and reclaims some of
roleplay in certain situations. It says what
their lost cards. When you take a breather,
they care about and what their system of
shuffle your discard pile and cut it in half.
morality is. Archetypes are broad strokes to
Half of the pile is shuffled back into your
inform and inspire character actions, without
deck, and the other half is sent to the Out of
restricting player agency.
Game Pile.
Archetypes also come with several
abilities, which can be gained by leveling
S hort R est
the archetype up. These abilities give you a
A Short Rest requires an hour of limited
leg up in social interactions, making your
activity; some movement is fine, but
words resonate with greater power than
creatures are unable to travel and should
they would on their own. They can make
avoid extraneous actions. A Short Rest
your logic more sound, or make others more
allows a creature to regain some of their lost
emotional when you speak. When you have
vitality, as well as curing some exhaustion.
an ability, make sure to let the Game Master
When you take a Short Rest, you may
know about it when you’re using it.
recover from exhaustion as if you were
Archetype abilities require social
taking a breather. If you are missing Base
interactions to function, and are not a stand
Foundation, you can recover some during
in for checks.
this time. You may remove 5c from the
game in exchange for one Base Foundation
recovered. This can be done multiple times,
up to your max Base Foundation.
This section details the statistics of some Elf Noble: Medium: 35ft Hand Size 4
of the creatures that one may encounter in Foundation 1: Humanoid
Westbound, as well as some of the cohorts Damage Type: Physical - Traits:
that the Player Characters may ally Schooling, Cityslicker, Calm.
themselves with. Order: This cohort requires verbal
instructions to perform a task. Once set, the
Cohorts are helpers and assistants who cohort will continue the task until complete
can perform tasks alongside the character. or it becomes too dangerous.
They share a deck and hands, similarly to Arcanics: This creature can use Arcanic
playing as a Game Master. Players must Implements, and has 1 mana of any suit
play Base Foundation for their Cohorts, and that they can use to cast a spell.
do not benefit from any increase in hand
size from their cohorts. Goblin Lackey: Small: 25ft: Hand Size 4
All creatures and cohorts are Foundation 1: Humanoid
Uncoordinated and cannot attack the same Damage Type: Physical - Traits: Furtive,
creature that was attacked in the same Observant, Blandish
round. For players, this means that they can Order: This cohort requires verbal
attack targets that have been attacked by instructions to perform a task. Once set, the
other players, but they cannot attack targets cohort will continue the task until complete
that have been already attacked by or it becomes too dangerous.
characters controlled by the same player. Small: This creature gives attackers a
Creatures and Cohorts come with skills natural Simple Complication and cannot use
and special abilities, which are labeled in heavy weapons.
the special abilities section of their statistics. Nasty: This creature gains a Hold’em if
they had a surprised round in this battle.
The creatures and character statistics are Horde: This creature can attack as a
formatted as below: horde.
Pearl Raptor
The Pearl Raptor is a feathered,
humanoid, winged creature with with a wide
wingspan the breadth of a train car. Its skin
is covered with black feathered tufts. Its
beak is long, extending all the way to the
back of its neck, and is filled with pearly
white teeth that shift position in its mouth. It
has human arms and legs, each with long
taloned fingers at the ends. The creature is
intelligent, and cruel, and speaks to its
victims in their native tongue. They are
prideful, and extremely violent when
The Pearl Raptor is well known for its
terror and seeming invincibility. Though
many have faced a Pearl Raptor, the Pearl
Raptor doesn’t seem to take any sort of
wound, always disappearing in a puff of
smoke and black plumes whenever a strike
would land.
The creature has a strange obsession with
teeth, often plucking them from the recently
dead, or even bartering for them with the
living. It is unknown why it collects them or
what purpose they serve the creature, only
that when it speaks, a smile of chromatic
teeth completely canvas the creature’s
Play the Base Foundation of each non-player
character who is participating in the combat.
4 +1 +1 +1 = 7
Draw your hand. Each creature has a hand size,
and the creature with the largest hand
determines the Game Master's starting hand.
Draw that creature's hand, plus one additional
card for each other creature on the field.
Play the Foundation of each character and Ante
up to determine your turn order. If you have no
cards left in your hand at the start of your next
turn, you can draw up to your full hand.
Use this book to create legendary western heroes with a vast array of
options, including 9 Breeds, 10 Sorts, 10 Prestige Classes, 12 Archetypes,
and over 60 Traits.
Journey through the vast western landscape, exploring endless badlands,
ancient ruins, and mysterious ghost towns. Increase your power by assembling
an arsenal of magical items and developing special skills and abilities. Always
be on your guard, for the West is filled with strange monsters and dastardly outlaws.