Noise & Hearing Conservation
Noise & Hearing Conservation
Noise & Hearing Conservation
Table of Contents
1) Introduction
2a) Permissible Exposure Limit For Noise (Selected)
b) The effects of noise on hearing
c) The purpose of hearing protectors
d-i) Advantages and disadvantages of various types of
hearing protectors
d-ii) Attenuation of various types of hearing protectors
e) The selection, fitting, use and care of hearing protectors
f-i) Appropriate procedures & requirements of such tests
f-ii) The purpose of hearing tests
3) Summary
Introduction – What is sound?
Introduction – What is sound?
Introduction – What is sound?
Introduction – What is sound?
Introduction – What is sound?
Rule of Thumb: When you feel the need to shout in order to be heard 1
meter away, the noise levels are probably 85 dB or more and hearing
protectors are recommended.
Permissible Exposure Limit For Noise (Selected)
Sound Pressure
Pressure Level,
Level, dB(A)
dB(A) Maximum
Maximum duration
duration per
per day
82 16
16 hours
85 88 hours
88 44 hours
94 11 hour
111 11 minute
120 99 seconds
128 to
to 129
129 11 second
130 to
to 140
140 << 11 second
Very loud sounds make the hair cells collapse and flatten
temporarily, resulting in temporary deafness.
If this severe noise exposure is repeated over many years, the
hair cells in the inner ear become permanently damaged resulting
in permanent hearing loss.
Once hearing is damaged, it cannot be repaired or replaced.
You do not get used to noise; you gradually loose your hearing!
The effects of noise on hearing
Use hearing protectors as PPE (last resort) only after all other
control measures have been considered.
•Hierarchy of control – elimination, substitution, engineering controls,
administrative controls, PPE
Hearing protectors reduce amount of noise traveling to the inner ear
Adv and Disadv of various types of hearing protectors
Adv and Disadv of various types of hearing protectors
Attenuation of various types of hearing protectors
• Oval-shaped muffs to be worn so that
oval is vertical
• Hair should be brushed away from ear
• Muffs should cover the whole ear with
the cushion making a proper seal
• Muffs fit on the head snugly
The selection, fitting, use and care of hearing protectors
Ear plugs
Cleaning of
Dirty earplugs
Ear Muffs
Keep clean and free of debris
Do not tamper with the acoustic seal between the cushions and
the headband
Do not modify the ear muffs in any way
Stay 14 hrs away from loud noise to avoid inaccurate results due
to temporary hearing loss
Best to take test before work
Rest well before test and inform if have cold, allergy, sinus
Must inform if instructions given during test is not understood
The purpose of hearing tests