Enactus Case Study
Enactus Case Study
Enactus Case Study
Plastic bags are pretty durable, but are not biodegradable and lead to
environmental pollution. Nowadays, there are various environmentally
friendly alternatives to plastic garbage bags, such as biodegradable and
compostable garbage bags. But, here are some things to consider while
buying nature-loving trash bags.
Correct materials
Carrying capacity
Ensure to purchase the trash bag with the right size as per your needs.
Don’t waste your money on trash bags that lead into landfills. Lessen the
carbon footprint and make your trash bag more productive.
A more practical look
At first glance, it might seem that biodegradable trash bags are a great choice for the
environment. The reality though is that this is tantamount to greenwashing. After all,
the trash in the bag won’t biodegrade and the bag itself is unlikely to biodegrade in
normal landfill conditions. Those biodegradable bags are also almost always made with
synthetic polymers that are petroleum-based, meaning more microplastics in the
environment. All this means is you’re paying more for a product that required more
energy and resources to produce than most plastic trash bags.
Plant-based can mean that some of the materials used to make the bags are sourced
from sugar cane, corn starch, and other plant-derived materials. This sounds good, but
it’s often the case that these bags are also made with virgin plastic. The result may be a
bag that sounds more eco-friendly but actually performs worse than a bag made with a
mix of recycled plastic and virgin plastic. And if you have to use two bags or more to
handle your trash, the eco-friendliness really starts to fade rather fast.
Case study by :-
Ridhi Gupta