Jiaa 220
Jiaa 220
Jiaa 220
Sepsis Perspective 2020
Edward J. Septimus
Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston Massachusetts, USA, and Department of Internal Medicine, Texas A&M College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA
Sepsis is defined as a dysregulated immune response to infec- sepsis code for those beneficiaries in those calendar years rose
tion affecting millions of individuals per year and carries high from $17 792 657 303 to $22 439 794 212. The total cost of skilled
topics that need additional study. Eubank et al. [17] discuss Supplement sponsorship. This supplement is sponsored
the role of rapid diagnostics in the diagnosis and treatment of by bioMérieux, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and
patients with sepsis. They conclude that these advances hold Beckman Coulter.
tremendous promise in increasing diagnostic yield, decreasing Potential conflicts of interest. Author certifies no potential
turnaround time, and improving outcomes when integrated conflicts of interest. The author has submitted the ICMJE Form
into robust antimicrobial stewardship programs. Weinberger for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Conflicts that
et al [18] review published articles assessing the evidence con- the editors consider relevant to the content of the manuscript
cerning time-to-antibiotics and mortality. As they point out, have been disclosed.
most of these relate to observational cohort studies that have
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