Tajweed Final Nov 2020
Tajweed Final Nov 2020
Tajweed Final Nov 2020
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Class 8, Qamar & Shams
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
O Allah be now and at all times for your deputy Hujjat Ibn Al-Hassan
And let him enjoy (Your bounties) for a long time (to come)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
With the Grace of the Almighty, the Haydari Madrasah presents this final
compilation from a series of guidebooks on the recitation of the Holy Qur’an. This
handbook fully concentrates on Tajweed of the Holy Qur’an, its rules & regularities.
It is our hope that we will achieve the aim of instilling the love and Ma’refah of the
Holy Qur’an and the Ahlul Bayt (as) in the hearts of our children and inculcate within
them the correct way of reciting the Holy Scripture.
We pray to the Almighty to accept our humble effort and would like to express our
sincere gratitude to all those who worked extremely hard in making this happen.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
These manuals on Qur’an reading, have been prepared to especially assist parents,
teachers and students, who wish to teach and/or learn to recite the Holy Qur’an in
the required manner.
In case only part of this manual is reproduced, or the material therein edited in any
manner, we request that any and all references to Haydari Madrasah Nairobi, be
We do request however, that the manuals reproduced should NOT be for profit /
commercial purposes. The cost of reproducing this manual may be recovered.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
General Information
About the Holy Qur’an
Sanctity and Respect
Sayings from the Aimma
Scientific facts
Language and Numbers
In the Holy Qur’an
Isti’aadha and Bismillah
Huruf ‘ul Muqatta’at
Silent Letters
The 7 Alifaaat (7 Alifs)
Lahn – Mistakes in Qur’an Reading
Tajweed - Introduction
Tajweed - Makharij Al Huroof
1) Al Jawf – The Oral Cavity
2) Al Halq – The Throat
3) Al Lisaan – The Tongue
4) Ash Shafatain – The Lips
5) Al Khayshoom – The Nasal Cavity
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
A B O U T T H E H O L Y Q U R’ A N
The Holy Qur’an is a compilation of revelations, sent by Allah (swt), to the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (saw) over a period of 23 years. It is the main scripture for all Muslims, and
contains guidance, laws, commands, religious philosophy, history of previous generations
and codes of conduct for social and moral behavior. It also contains details about the
nature of the spiritual world, scientific facts and prophecies.
The Holy Qur’an is made The Juz are further All Surahs, except Surah
up of 30 parts divided into 114 chapters Al-Tawba, begin with
“Bismillahir Rahmaanir
(known as Juz) (known as Surahs) Rahim”
The Holy Qur’an was revealed over a period of 23 years. Two-third of the Qur’an was
revealed in Mecca over a period of 13 years and one-third of the Holy Qur’an was
revealed in Madina over a period of 10 years.
Mary (Maryam) is the only woman mentioned by name in the Surah Yaseen is
Holy Qur’an. An entire chapter is dedicated in her name, called the 'Heart
Chapter 19 – Surah Maryam. of the Qur’an'
The best night is the Night of Power in Ramadhan (Laylatul Qadr) which falls on any
day of the last ten days of the Holy month of Ramadhan, mostly on the odd nights. It
was at this time, that the first verses of the Qur’an were revealed to Prophet
Muhammad (saw) in a cave.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
A B O U T T H E H O L Y Q U R’ A N…………Continued
“READ” is the first command that was revealed to The Qur’an will intercede
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - which is the core of the for people on the day of
Qur’an - to read, gain knowledge, to question, to Judgement, for those who
contemplate the verses and the signs of Allah (swt) had recited it.
The Qur’an is the Final Revelation from the Almighty Allah (swt). The previous books
were The Torah - Tawreth (given to Prophet Moses PBUH), The Psalms – Zabur (given
to Prophet David PBUH) and the Gospel – Bible (Given to Prophet Jesus PBUH)
Reading even one verse of the Qur’an in the Holy month of Ramadhan, is equal
to reading the entire Qur’an in other months.
The Qur’an will testify against the people on the day of Judgement, for not reciting it.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1.) Do Wudhoo. If you want to touch the letters and words of the Holy Qur’an,
Wudhoo is compulsory. Brush your teeth in order to have fresh breath. Apply
fragrance. Be in a state of cleanliness.
2.) Sit respectfully and face the Qibla (The Holy Kaaba, in Mecca). Do not stretch
your legs out and avoid talking when reciting the Holy Qur’an.
3.) Looking at the verses when reciting is recommended, although reciting from
memory is allowed. The recitation should be accurate.
4.) Start recitation with:
َّ َا ُع ْوذُبِاهَّللِ ِم َن
الش ْي َطا ِن ال َّر ِج ْيم
“I seek Allah’s Protection from Shaitan, the accursed”
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1.) The face, hands, head and feet (which are called organs of wudhoo) must be tahir
at the time of wudhoo.
2.) The place of wudhoo must be Mubah (the permission of the owner is taken)
3.) The water of wudhoo must be Tahir (clean), Mutlaq (pure, not mixed) and Mubah
(taken with permission).
4.) The pot in which the water of wudhoo is kept must be Mubah and should not be
made of silver or gold.
5.) Niyyat should be made: “I am doing Wudhoo for the pleasure of Allah (swt),
Qurbatan Illallah”
6.) Remove any tight rings, tight jewellery or nail varnish.
7.) Wudhoo should be done by yourself, you cannot be assisted to do Wudhoo.
8.) Tartib (step by step) should be followed. We have to follow the procedure of
Wudhoo, ie. first the face, then arms (NOT arms first and then the face)
9.) Muwalat (without any gap) should be followed. The Wudhoo should be done in a
continuous way and completed. One CANNOT do part of it, take a break and then
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
WUDHOO………………step by step
س ُك ْم َو أَ ْر ُجلَ ُك ْم إِلَی ا ْل َك ْعبَین
ِ س ُحوا بِ ُر ُؤ
َ ام ِ ِسلُوا ُو ُجو َه ُك ْم َو أَیدِی ُك ْم إِلَی ا ْل َمراف
ْ ق َو ِ یا أَیهَا الَّذینَ آ َمنُوا إِذا قُ ْمت ُ ْم إِلَی الصَّال ِة فَا ْغ
"When you stand up for prayer, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe a part
of your heads and your feet, up to the ankles." - Qur'an chapter 5 : Ayah 6
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Imam Ali Zaynul ‘Aabideen (as) said: “Whoever listens to a letter of the book
of Allah, the Glorious and Almighty, without even reading it, Allah will write down
for him one good deed, forgive a sin, and raise him a degree”.
It was the practice of unbelievers in Mecca to make a lot of noise so that others
could not listen to the Qur’an (41:26). Do not be like them and instead lend your
ears to the Qur’an and give it respect. We often wish that God would talk to us.
One way to achieve this, is by reading the Qur’an.
Prophet Muhammad (saw): said: “Lo, Whoever has longing for Allah should listen
to the word of Allah” Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “Whenever one of you would
like to talk to his Lord, he should read the Qur’an”.
The Qur’an should be recited regularly. It is disrespectful to keep the Holy Qur’an
Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “Brighten your homes with reciting Qur’an; do not
turn them into graves. Surely the house in which a lot of recitation takes place
enjoys many blessings and the members benefit from it. Such a household shines
for the inhabitants of Heaven as stars shine to the inhabitants of the earth”.
On the Day of Judgment the Prophet (SAW), will complain to Allah about some
Muslims who had abandoned the Qur’an (25:30).
Another Hadith of the Prophet (saw) says: “Indeed hearts rust in the same
way irons rust”. He was asked: “What will polish the hearts?” The Prophet
answered: “Reading the Qur’an”.
The more Qur’an we read the better it is. We should discipline ourselves to read
a good portion of Qur’an daily. Shaytan would like us not to read, understand and
study the Qur’an. Let us fight him with all our strength and faith.
Imam Ali (AS) said: “He who recites 100 verses daily from the Book in the order
it is in, Allah writes for him the reward equal to all the good actions of every one
on this earth”. Imam Ja‘far As-Sadiq (as) said: There is nothing more
unpleasant to Shaytan than to see a man reading the Qur’an to gain insight.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Children should get familiarized with the Qur’an early in their lives.
Imam as-Sadiq (as) said: “He who recites Qur’an while he is young, Qur’an mixes
with his flesh and his blood, and Allah places him amongst the blessed and the chosen
righteous. On the Day of Judgment, Qur’an shall become his defender and [pray for
him a handsome reward.]”
It is also the right and respect of the Qur’an that those who have the knowledge
of the Qur’an should teach it to others. This is among the noblest acts.
Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “The best of you is he who learns the Qur’an and
teaches it”.
Take the interpretations of the Qur’an from the Holy Prophet (SAW) and the
Imams from his family, i.e. the Ahlul-Bayt (AS).
Imam Hasan al-‘Askari (as) quoting Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Recite
it (i.e. the Qur’an) as Allah gives you ten rewards for each letter that you recite
from it”. Then the Imam (as) said: “Do you know who really holds fast to it and
reaches to such honor and reward? He is the person who takes Qur’an and its
interpretation from us the Ahlul-Bayt (as) or from the deputies that we send to
our followers, and takes it’s (interpretation) neither from the opinions of those
who argue (on the speech of Allah) nor from the analogy of those who compare
(different parts of the speech of Allah)”.
Read from the Qur’an by looking at the writings instead of reciting from your
memory. In a Hadith from one of our Imams it is said that mere looking at the
writings of the Qur’an carries reward.
Recite the Qur’an slowly, Allah (swt) said to the Prophet (SAW):
“do not move your tongue with it (Qur’an) to make haste therein” (75:16).
The ayat of the Qur’an should be recited in slow tones with each word being
pronounced clearly. The Prophet (saw) advised Muslims not be concerned about
finishing a Surah when reciting the Qur’an.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Perform Wudhoo before you prepare to read the Qur’an. Allah says:
“None can touch it (the Qur’an) save the purified ones” (56:79).
Once Imam Ja‘far As-Sadiq (as) asked his son Ismaa‘eel to read the Qur’an. The
latter said that he was not in Wudhoo. The Imam said in that case he could recite
it but should not touch the writings of the Qur’an.
Imam Ja‘far Sadiq (as) said: “Lo, One, who learns the Qur’an, teaches it and
practices according to it, I will guide and lead him to Paradise”.
Be Humble when reciting the Qur’an. The Prophet (saw) says that the best
reciter is he who is humble when reciting the Qur’an and realizes his own
insignificance. Some people exhibit their insignificance and the awe of talking to
Allah through weeping. This is a good sign.
Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “Eyes that weep when reciting the Qur’an will
be shining with delight on the Day of Resurrection”.
Interact with the Qur’an. Imam Ja‘far As-Sadiq (as) says that it is
important to react to the ayat of the Qur’an when reciting it. When we come
across ayat on Paradise, Mercy and Grace of Allah, Good Outcome in the
hereafter, we should hope for these in our hearts. On the other hand if we
are reading ayat that warn us about the punishment, fire, Hell, etc. we should
pray to be saved from these.
Open your heart and mind to the Qur’an and ponder over what you read. Allah
(SWT) often invites us to think and ponder over the contents of the Qur’an.
“Do they not then think deeply in the Qur’an, or are their hearts locked
up?” (47:24)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Reading and
The Qur'an will The Qur'an will
reflecting over
be a proof for intercede for
the Qur'an
you on the day you on the day
fulfils an
of Judgement of Judgement
Islamic Duty
There are 10
Your status in You will be from rewards for
this life will be the best of the each letter you
raised people recite from the
Holy Qur'an
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The Book of Allah (SWT) is like an ocean. The less learned, like children, collect pebbles
and shells from its shores. The scholars and thinkers, like pearl divers, bring out from it
the highest philosophy, wisdom and rules of a perfect way of living.
The sky protects the earth from the lethal rays of the sun by filtering harmful ultraviolet
radiations, destroying most meteors that pass through it. Earth’s atmosphere also provides
oxygen to humans and animals and carbon dioxide to plants.
If the sky did not exist then the sun’s radiation would have killed off all life on earth. It also
acts like a blanket wrapped around the earth, to protect it from the freezing cold of space.
The temperature just above the sky is approximately -270 degrees Centigrade. If this
temperature was to reach earth then the planet would freeze over instantly. The sky also
protects life on earth by warming the surface through heat retention.
“We made the sky a protective ceiling. And yet they are turning away from Our signs!”
(Quran 21:32)
“We made every living thing from water? will they not then believe?” [Quran, 21:30]
Allah (swt) mentions water as the basic element of the creation of every living thing. Science
now proves that every living thing is made up of cells which consist of 80% cytoplasm, which
in simple terms is “water”.
“We sent down Iron wherein is mighty power and (many) uses for mankind.” (Quran 57:25)
The fact that the universe is expanding was discovered in the last century. The physicist
Stephen Hawking in his book ‘A Brief History of Time’ writes, “The discovery that the
universe is expanding was one of the great intellectual revolutions of the 20th century.”
“And it is We who have built the universe with [Our creative] power and keep expanding it.”
[ Quran, 51:47]
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The belief that the Sun is stationary was widespread amongst astronomers until the 20th
century. It is now a well-established scientific fact that the Sun is not stationary, but is
moving in an orbit around the centre of our Milky Way galaxy.
“It is He who created night and day, the sun and the moon, each floating in its orbit.”
[Quran, 21:33]
“He has set free the two seas meeting together. There is a barrier between them. They do
not transgress.” (Quran, 55:19-20).
“He is the one who has set free the two kinds of water, one sweet and palatable, and the
other salty and bitter. And he has made between them a barrier and a forbidding partition.”
(Qur’an 25:53)
A book titled ‘Earth’ by Geophysicist Frank Press (Earth - ISBN 0716717433 - by Press,
Frank, Siever, Raymond. W.H. Freeman, c1986.) explains that mountains are like stakes, and
extend deep under the surface of the earth. Mount Everest, the height of which is
approximately 9 km above ground, has a root deeper than 125 km.
“Did we not make the earth a resting place? and the mountains as stakes?”
[Quran, 78:6-7]
“Those who disbelieve in Our verses, We will drive them into a fire, every time their skins
are roasted We will replace their skins with other new skins so that they may taste the
torture. Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise.” [Quran 4:56]
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The darkness is found around a depth of 200 meters and below where there is almost no
light. Below a depth of 1,000 meters there is no light at all. The deeper waters have a higher
density than the waters above them. When it mentions ‘waves above waves’, it is clear that
the second set of waves are the surface waves that we can see.
“Or as darkness on a vast, abysmal sea. There covereth him a wave, above which is a wave,
above which is a cloud. Layer upon layer of darkness. When he holdeth out his hand he is
almost unable to see it. And he for whom Allah hath not appointed light, for him there is no
light” [Qur’an, 24:40]
“No! If he does not stop, We will take him by the ‘Naseyah’ (front of the head), a lying, sinful
naseyah (front of the head)” - Qur’an 96: 15 – 16
Note Allah (swt) describes the front of the head as being lying and sinful, rather than saying
that the person was lying and sinful. This ayah draws a relationship between the front of the
head with lying and sinfulness.
A book titled ‘Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology’ which includes the results of research
on the functions of this area states: “The motivation and the foresight to plan and initiate
movements occur in the anterior portion of the frontal lobes, the prefrontal area. The part
of the brain that is responsible for movement is said to be seized if the man does not stop.
Secondly, numerous studies have shown that this same region (frontal lobe) is responsible
for the lying function of the brain.
One such study at the University of Pennsylvania in which volunteers were asked questions
during a computerized interrogation, it was found that when the volunteers were lying there
was significantly increased activity in the prefrontal and premotor cortices.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
General relativity explains a mechanism to shrink huge distances into few meters. Albert
Einstein called this mechanism ‘bridges’ in space and time. Today scientists call them
wormholes. A wormhole acts as a shortcut connecting two distant regions in the universe.
Allah made wormholes so that angels can transport in the universe through them.
The Qur’an calls them “ma’arij” and describes how angels use them for long distance travel.
Today, Muslims believe that these “ma’arij” are what scientists call wormholes.
“Someone asked about the penalty that will befall the unbelievers; (A penalty) that has
none to ward off; (a penalty) from Allah (who owns) wormholes (Ma’arij in Arabic) The
angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a day, the measure of which is 50 thousand years.”
(Qur’an 70: 1-4)
“You will see the mountains you reckoned to be solid, going past like clouds.” (Qur’an 27:88)
In this verse, Allah says that mountains are not motionless as they seem, but are in constant
motion. It was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century as a result of the geological
research, that this motion of the mountains is caused by the movement of the Earth’s crust
that ‘floats’ over the mantle layer, which is denser. There is another important point to be
stated here that Allah has referred to the motion of mountains as a ‘drifting motion’. Today,
scientists also use the term “Continental Drift” for this motion.
Modern science has discovered this measured quantity of rain. It is estimated that in one
second, approximately 16 million tons of water evaporates from the Earth. This figure
amounts to 513 trillion tons of water in one year. This number is equal to the amount of rain
that falls on the Earth in one year. This means that water continuously circulates in a
balanced cycle (in a measure). Life on Earth depends on this water cycle.
Even a minor deviation in this equilibrium would very soon give rise to a major ecological
imbalance that would bring about the end of life on Earth.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Quranic Arabic is the language in which the Quran is written. Quranic Arabic is also called
classical Arabic. As the Quran was written as early as the 6th century A.D., the language
will be slightly different from the Arabic of today.
Quranic or classical Arabic is based on the medieval dialects of Arab tribes. The sentence
structure is the same as in the modern standard Arabic used today. The groupings, context
and some of the words used are vastly different. There are some minor differences in
grammar and punctuation of words between the Quranic and modern standard versions of
Unlike the Arabic Language, Arabic numbers are written in the same way as English
numbers, from left to right, see the below sample
From Eleven to nineteen, compound numbers are formed by stating the unit, then a form
of the word for ten.
Hundreds are formed by stating the multiplier digit before the word for hundred, except
for one hundred itself
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
6,236 verses
JUZ (Plural – Ajza) – The Muslims have divided the Holy Qur’an into
(30 PARTS) 30 equal parts called Juz’u in Arabic. This division is just for
convenience, so a person who wishes to recite the Holy Qur’an in
one month may do so by reciting one Juz every day.
جزء In the Holy Qur’an, the beginning of the Juz is usually marked by
a black line, and also written on the top right side of the page. The
ْ Qur’an is divided into thirty (30) similar sized Parts. Each Part is
called Juz
RUB, NISF, For the convenience of the reciter, each Juz is divided into:
ُرْبع Rub ¼ (a quarter of the Juz),
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ُس ْوَرة
of the Holy Qur’an)
Surah An Naas - (Chapter of An Naas - This is the 114th & last
Chapter of the Holy Qur’an)
ُرُك ْوع For example: Surah Al Fateha, the 1st Surah has 7 ayaat, grouped
in one Ruku; while Surah Al Baqarah, the 2nd Surah has 286 ayaat,
ركوعات grouped into 40 Ruku’at.
AYAH (Plural – Ayaat) – In Arabic, Ayah means sign, and in the Holy
(VERSES) Qur’an it means a verse.
ٍاٰية Thus each and every verse of the Holy Qur’an is a sign of Allah.
There are 6,236 ayaat in the Holy Qur’an.
ِ اي
ات َ Example: Qul Huwallahu Ahad (This is one verse or one ayah)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
MANZIL (7) (Plural – Manaazil) – In Arabic, Manzil means a phrase. The Holy
Qur’an has been divided into Seven Manazil for convenience of
َمْن ِزل A person wishing to recite the entire Qur’an in seven days (one
week), may do so by reciting one Manzil per day. Each such position
َمَن ِازل in the Holy Qur’an is marked by the word Manzil. It is written
either at the bottom of the page or in the margin of the page.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Ruku Rub
Manzil (seven division) number (paragraph) (1/4 of Juz)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
His father, being angry, tried to get hold of his son. Allama Hilli, knowing this, started
running while his father ran after him.
As his father came close to catching him, Allama Hilli recited a verse from the Holy Qur’an
that contained a wajib Sajdah. This meant that his father had to go into sajdah and this
delayed his father.
Since Allama Hilli was not yet Baligh, the sajdah was not wajib on him and he made his lucky
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Sample 2
Sample 3
3.) The condition that the clothes for Salaah must be Tahir, does not apply here.
4.) It is Ihtiyat e Wajib to do Sajdah on a Turbah (Mohr) or any other thing on which
Sajdah is allowed.
5.) During the Sajdah, it is not necessary to recite any Dhikr, takbir, tashahud or salaam.
However when we recite or hear these Wajib Sajdah Ayaat being recited, it is Mustahab
(recommended/better) to recite the following Dua
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Sajda 21ST 32 15
An – Najm 27TH 53 62
Al – Alaq 30TH 96 19
An easy way to remember the wajib sajda is to keep in mind that out of the 30
Juz (parts) of the Qur’an they start from the 21 st and you add 3 and reach the
next one, 24th, add 3 and reach the next one, 27 th and then add the final 3 and
reach the last one which is the 30th part. Table of 3x7, 3x8, 3x9 and 3x10
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ِ ان ال َر ِج
ٍيم َ اّلل ِم َن
ِ الش ي ْ َط ِ َ ِفَإِذَا قَ َرأ ْ َت ال ْ ُق ْرآن فَاستَعِ ْذ ب
ْ َ
When thou dost read the Qur'an seek Allah's protection from Satan, the outcast
We are guided from the Qur’an with the above verse, which states that we seek refuge
with Allah (swt) from the Shaitan. This seeking refuge is called Isti’aadhah.
The Bismillah is recited immediately after the Isti’aadha. This is the case with the
beginning of every Surah, except Surah At-Tawba, which can be started with Isti’aadha
only. Bismillah appears 114 times in the Holy Qur’an. Surah An-Naml has two Bismillah.
Bismillah is considered as part of the Surah and it is compulsory to recite it at the beginning
of every Surah. It is even recommended to recite Bismillah when you start reciting from
the middle of the Surah.
1.) If the reciter is reciting alone or silently, or about to pray Qur’an, seeking refuge
(Isti’aadha) is done silently.
2.) When reading aloud where others are present listening, the seeking refuge
(Isti’aadha) is done out loud.
3.) If reading in a gathering, then the first reader seeks refuge aloud (Isti’aadha) and
the rest may do it silently at their turn.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1.) Say them all together. The Isti’aadha, Bismillah and first Ayah in one breath
3.) Say the Isti’aadha, stop briefly, then say the Bismillah and the first ayah in one
بِ ْس ِم اهَّللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْي ِم اَ ْل َح ْم ُد هَّللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِي ْ َن َّ اَ ُع ْوذُبِاهَّللِ ِم َن
الش ْي َطا ِن ال َّر ِج ْي ِم
4.) Saying each separately, first Isti’aadha, brief stop, Bismillah, brief stop, first
اَ ْل َح ْم ُد هَّللِ َر ِّب ا ْل ٰع َلمِي ْ َن بِ ْس ِم اهَّللِ ال َّر ْح ٰم ِن ال َّرح ِْي ِم َّ اَعُ ْوذُبِاهَّللِ ِم َن
الش ْي َطا ِن ال َّر ِج ْي ِم
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
NOT PERMISSIBLE: One cannot join the last Ayah of the former Surah
with the Bismillah in one breath, then stop briefly and start the first Ayah
of the next Surah. (This is because Bismillah is NOT part of the end of the
last Surah, it is part of the beginning of the next Surah.)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Out of the 114 suwer (chapters) of the Holy Qur’an, 29 chapters (about 25%) start with
‘Single Letters’ or ‘Muqatta’at’. The Huruf ‘ul Muqatta’at are also referred to as the
disjointed letters, the mysterious letters, the isolated letters and the unconnected
Surahs that contain the Huruf ‘ul Muqatta’at, begin with Alphabets, instead of words.
These letters are abbreviations for words, whose meaning in only known to Allah (swt), the
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the Aimma (as).
It is Haram to try to imagine or create meanings for these letters. Our Aimma (as) have
said that these letters are a key to understanding the deeper meanings of the verses of
the Holy Qur’an.
ط ٍب ِمنْ ُه اٰي ٰ ٌت ُّم ْ َك ٰم ٌت ُه َن اُ ُم ال ْ ِكت ٰ ِب َواُ َخ ُر ُمت َ ٰشبِه ٰ ٌت
َٰ ك ال ْ ِكت
َ ْ ُه َوال َ ِذ ْْٓى اَن ْ َز َل عَلَي
“He it is Who has revealed the book (Qur’an) to you; Some of its verses are
precise in meaning (decisive), they are the foundation (basis) of the book, and
others have several possible meanings”.
Important Note: When reciting the Huruf ul Muqatta’at, “all the letters with a
Maddah sign should be read as the letter itself, and all the letters with the
standing Alif, should be read as the sound of that letter”.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Taa Haa 20
Taa Seeen Meeem
ٓطسم 26, 28
Taa Seeen 27
Yaa Seeen 36
Saaad 38
Haa Meeem 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46
Ha Meem Aeeen Seeen Qaaaf
ٓحمٓعسق 42
Qaaaf 50
Nooon 68
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The English language also has its share of silent letters in many words, eg. Debt, subtle,
butcher, castle, often, ghost, what, knot, wrap, two, answer, knock, knife, etc.
1.) ALIF MAKSURA – The ى without a vowel at the end of some words is called an ‘Alif
Maksura’ or shortened Alif. The ‘Ya’ (without dots) is silent and is NOT TO BE
How it is written
How it is written
َقالُ ْوا ٰا َم ُن ْوا َر ُض ْوا اِذْ َه ُب ْوا َف َا ْصل ِ ُح ْوا
How it is read
َقالُ ْو ٰا َمنُ ْو َر ُض ْو اِذْ َه ُب ْو َف َا ْصل ِ ُح ْو
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
How it is written
َزكٰو ًة َصلٰو ًة اُو ٰل ِء َك ذُوا ْلف َْض ِل
How it is read
َزكٰ ًة َصل ٰ ًة اُ ٰل ِء َك ذُ ْلف َْض ِل
5.) THE HAMZA SIGN ABOVE OR BELOW THEM: The letters Alif, Ya or Waw, are NOT
PRONOUNCED whenever the Hamza sign comes above or below them. Instead, the sound
of Alif is pronounced.
ُم ْؤ ِمن
ُب ْء ب ُ ْؤ
بَارِ ُئ
ِب ْء ب ِ ْئ
ُسئ ِ َل َب ْء ْ بأ
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Ya are NOT PRONOUNCED, whenever they are marked with this Tanween sign ( ً)
ِيم ْن
َ َحك َحك ًِمي َعل ِ َيم ْن َعل ِ ًمي
Hakiiman aliiman
7.) WHEN THIS ( ً) SIGN APPEARS: The letters of Alif, Ya and Waw are not
pronounced whenever this sign comes above them. Notice the ‘r’ in Fasiruu and Kafaruu is
8.) THE SIGN ( ) ٱABOVE THE LETTER ALIF: Whenever this sign appears above the
letter Alif, the Alif is NOT PRONOUNCED, and the letter before and after this Alif are
joined when reading the word. Discussed in detail on the chapter of Hamzatul Wasl.
إ ِ َّن ْْل ِ ْن ٰس َن إِن َّا ْْل ِ ْن ٰس َن ُه َُوْلْ َبْتَر ُه َُواْلْ َبْتَر
ِف ُه
ْ ِ َو ْس َت ْغ ِف ُه
ْ ِ َوا ْس َت ْغ َخيْرُ ْلبَرِيَّ ِة َخيْرُا ْلبَرِيَّ ِة
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
these letters are NOT PRONOUNCED.
10.) THE LETTER LAAM ( ) لWHEN IT BEARS NO SIGN: The letter Laam ( ) لis NOT
PRONOUNCED whenever it bears no sign and is followed by a Mushaddad letter (letter
with a Shadda).
ِ َي ْو ُم ِّد ين ِّ َي ْو ُم ا
ِ لد اَ َّش ْم ِس َّ َا
لش ْم ِس
ِ َع َل َّنا
س ِ َعل َى ال َّنا
س اَسَّ َما ُء َّ َا
لس َما ُء
َّ َّ
َ َ َخ َل َقذ
ك َ َ َخل ََق الذ
ك َا َّراد ِ َف ُة َالرَّاد ِ َف ُة
َب ْع َض َّظ ِّن َب ْع َض ا َّلظ ِّن َ ِّ َا
ِّص َاط َ ِّ َا
لِّص َاط
NOTE: The letter Lam ( ) لis silent here only because it appears in the rules of
Shamsiyyah, otherwise Lam ( ) لis NOT a Silent letter.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Surah Kahf
Ayah 38
Surah Ahzaab
Surah Ahzaab
Ayah 66
Ayah 10
Surah Ahzaab
Ayah 67
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1.) In the six words mentioned below, do not pronounce the Alif which has the ‘o’ sign
on it, in the case of Wasl (continuing without pause) but pronounce it when making
waqf (pause).
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
َس َْل س َِْل َو أَغ َْْل ًْل َس َْل ِس ْل َو أَغ َْْل ًْل َس َْل ِس َل َو أَغ َْْل ًْل
3.) There is no extra Alif in the word ‘Ana’ of the following Kalimat, therefore these
Alif will be pronounced.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
4.) The extra Alif in all the words below will neither be pronounced in terms of Wasl
(joining) and nor in Waqf (pausing), because the vowel before it, is considered a short
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Lahn can be described as ‘failing to adhere to the rules of Tajweed whilst reciting the
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1.) SWITCHING THE LETTERS OR THE VOWELS - Not pronouncing the letters from
their correct origins and their respective qualities.
To recite أَ ْل َح ْم ُد as أَل َْه ْم ُد To recite َير ِ ُث as َير ِ ُس
To recite طَي ْ َر as َتي ْ َر To recite َص َد َق as َص َد َك
To recite إ ِنَّا as إ ِ َّن To recite أَ َّل ِذ ْي as أَ َّل ِذ
To recite َف ُق ْو َْل as َف ُق َْل To recite َو َّال ِذيْ َن as َا َّل ِذيْ َن
4.) REPLACE HARAKA WITH A SUKOON - To replace any of the vowels of Fat-ha,
Kasra or Dhamma with a Sukoon
5.) REPLACE SUKOON WITH A HARAKA – To replace a Sukoon with any of the vowels
of Fat-ha, Kasra or Dhamma
To recite ِ َوا ْل َف ْجر as ِ َوا ْل َفجِر To recite أَ ْوح َْي as أَ َوح َْي
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1.) To overlook the rules of the thick/full mouth (Tafkheem letters) and the thin empty
mouth (Tarqeeq letters). Making light letters sound heavy and heavy letters sound
2.) Not observing the attributes of each letter according to its characteristic.
Slightly rolling the ‘R’ or exaggerating the ‘N’ sound in the letter Nun.
Not merging certain letters that should be merged
Not clearly pronouncing those that should be clearly pronounced
The Noble Qur’an contains the literal words from Allah (swt) that He revealed. This
Holy Book is an infallible source of legislation for mankind to live an organized life. It
contains regulations and recommendations about all aspects of life and references to
the Hereafter.
Being so important, the Qur’an must be read, written and recited correctly and
clearly, so as to not create any sort of ambiguity or misunderstanding whatsoever.
Muslims and non-Muslims alike find it a deeply moving experience even if they do not
understand what is being said.
Every Muslim has to recite Qur’an in prayers, but many of us do not realize that
reciting the Qur’an correctly while observing the rules of recitation is not an
advanced science for expert reciters alone, rather it is an obligation upon each and
every one of us whenever we recite the Qur’an.
The knowledge of Tajweed guides us in reciting the Glorious Qur’an, in the manner in
which it is supposed to be recited and preserves it from distortion.
NOTE: Mistakes of Al Lahnul Jalee, being clear mistakes, can completely change the
message of the Holy Qur’an. One has to be especially careful when reciting the daily
prayers. Arabic letters can have the same Makharij but different Sifaat. Incorrect
recitation results in Sin (if done intentionally) and the wrong meaning is portrayed.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
(Ahkam Al Huroof)
Application of rules
due to the order of
(Makharij Al
the tongue
points of
(Sifaat Al Huroof)
Characteristics of
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Qur’an reading is the recitation of the Qur’an according to Tajweed & Tarteel as taught
by the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh). It is one of the Sciences from U’loom Al Qur’an (sciences
of the Qur’an)
Linguistic Definition: The word Tajweed comes from the root word Jawada which means
‘to improve’ or ‘to make better’, though linguistically, it means “to beautify something”.
Applied Definition: Tajweed is to give every letter its right with its description and its
origination. Tajweed refers to rules governing pronunciation during Qur’an recitation; such
as prolongation, merging, conversion, distinctness, accuracy, commas, pauses and stopping
rules. This allows the reciter to emphasise the accent, phonetics, rhythms, fluency and
temper, where and how to pause, where the pronunciation should be long or short, where
letters should be sounded together (harf to harf) and where they should be kept separate,
and so on.
When asked about the meaning of Tarteel, Imam `Ali [as] replied, “It means the Qur’an
should be recited with Tajweed and with due observance to the rules of Waqf (pausing to
take a breath in the recitation of Qur’an, with the intention of continuing).
ٍآن تَ ْرتِيْلر
َ ْ ق
ُ ْ ل ا ِ
ل ِ َو َرت
The benefit of reciting the Holy Qur’an with Tajweed is preserving our tongue from
mistakes (LAHN) when reading the Glorious Qur’an.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Zurarah once asked Imam Jafar Al Sadiq (as) – “When a person is reciting Qur’an, is it
obligatory to observe and listen to it?”
The Imam replied, “Yes! When Qur’an is being recited to you (near you), it is compulsory
upon you to listen to it and be silent.”
Imam Ali (as) said that there is a hundred Hasanah (reward) for each letter of the Holy
Qur’an that the reciter recites in prayer while standing up, fifty while sitting down,
twenty-five with Wudhoo while not praying, and ten without Wudhoo.
This narration explains the importance of the Holy Qur’an and its words:
َْ ََ ْ َ َ َ َ ْ ه َ ََ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ َ
ّللا على خل ِق ِه
ِ فضل القرء ِان على سا ِئ ِر الكال ِم كفض ِل
“The superiority of the Qur’an over other utterances is like the superiority of God over
His creatures.” Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Ja has one dot in the tummy Sound: (Ja) for Jam ج
Pronounced from the middle of the Name: Hai
throat while pushing air out, with a
strong and sustained expulsion of
Sound: (Ha) for Hello ح
breath. Said lightly
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Taught as loop with one dot Sound: (Fa) for Fatima ف
A guttural sound pronounced from Name: Qaf
the back of the throat. It is a heavy
‘Qa’. Taught as loop with two dots
Sound: (Qa) for Qasim
or Qamar (Moon).
Pronounced as ‘ka’ . Tongue in centre Name: Kaf
of the mouth
Sound: (Ka) for Kite ك
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
the chest. Said heavily – place hand
Sound: (Ha) for Hot
on chest.
There are some similar sounding letters in Arabic, which if not pronounced
correctly change the meaning of the word completely.
أ ع ء A Ayn Alif
ح ه Ha Ha
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ش ص ض
Dhaad (dha)
س ز
Saad (ssa) Shin (sh) Sin (sa) Ze (za)
ل+ و ه هه ي ال = ا
(Laa) LamAlif = Alif + Lam Ye (ya) Hai (ha–heavy) Waw (wa)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
(Ahkam Al Huroof)
Application of rules
due to the order of
(Makharij Al
the tongue
points of
(Sifaat Al Huroof)
Characteristics of
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Originates from
Originates from
the word Harf
the word Makhraj
which means MEANS
which means to
letter. Each
Exit. The applied Proper pronunciation of
letter is a sound each letter from their
meaning is where
that relies on a point of origin or point
the letters come
specific Makhraj of articulation
or point
Articulation point is the place where a letter is pronounced from, making its sound
different from the sound of other letters.
Each Quranic letter has a different articulation point.
A letter is only a sound that relies on a specific articulation point.
5 major speech areas of the human body are used to pronounce different letters.
From the 5 major areas, there are 17 different articulation points used to pronounce
the 28 original letters and the 3 lengthened letters.
Place a Sukun on the letter and before that put a Hamza with Fat-ha, Kasra or
Say the letter and where the sound stops, that is the Makhraj point.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Pronouncing each letter of the Arabic language in its correct Makharij is very important,
as mispronouncing a letter can completely change the meaning of the word.
Example 1:
Letter Letter
(Harf) ص (Harf) س
Word Word
صيف سيف
Meaning Summer Meaning Sword
Example 2:
Letter Letter
(Harf) ق (Harf) ك
Word Word
قلب كلب
Meaning Heart Meaning Dog
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The Tongue
The Oral Cavity
AREAS OF The Nasal Cavity
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The 5 major areas of pronounciation originate from the human speech zone. These are
further divided into 17 points of articulation.
The diagram below shows the 5 areas of Makharij and the letters that originate from them.
ب ف م و
ءاحخعغه CHEST
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1) AL JAWF 4) ASH 5) AL
The Throat The Tongue The Nasal
Cavity The Lips
10 Points
18 Letters
1) Back of
1 Point 3 Points Tongue 2 Points
3 Long 6 Letters (2 points) 4 Letters Al Ghunnah
ق ك (Nasalisation
1) Top of the of Nun &
ا ي و Throat 2) Middle of
Tongue 1) Inside Meem when
خ غ (1 point) lower lip they have a
2) Middle of
ج ش ي ف
the Throat
3) Side of 2) Between
ح ع Tongue the lips
3) Bottom of (2 points) ب م و
the Throat
ض ل
ء ه 4) Tip of
(5 points)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The empty space in the mouth and throat is a place and an articulation point at the
same time.
The three Madd letters (lengthened letters) originate from this non-specific area.
These letters finish with the stopping of the sound (that stops with the air). These
letters of Alif, Waw and Ya, do not have a specific space that they finish at, like
other letters do. Instead these letters finish with the stopping of the sound.
The letters of Al-Jawf are similar to the vowel sounds in English and are known as
the Original Madd (Madd al-Asli).
The Long Vowel sounds are produced by a relatively free flow of air, they are also
called Al-Huroof Al-Maddiyya.
Examples Examples
ج ج ج جا جي جو
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
َخا- َحا- َجا خ ِْي- ح ِْي- ج ِْي ُخ ْو- حُ ْو- ُج ْو
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ع ح
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Bottom of throat
ء يومئذ ءاذا شيء اذاجآء
ه اهدنا همزة عليهم اثقالها
Middle of throat
ع بعد اعوذ سمعهم انعمت
ح محفوظ حور جحيم الحمد
Top of throat
غ يغني غفر صغير غضب
خ اخلق خروج بخل خسر
أليم عليم
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
This is the widest part of the speech area and it contains different parts like tongue, teeth
and so on. The tongue touches different parts of the mouth to articulate different letters.
Ten قكيشجرنلطدتظذثص
(Tip of the tongue)
5 Points of Origin
(Back of the tongue)
2 Points of Origin
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Huroof Al-Lisaan – are 18 tongue letters that exit from 10 articulation points and are
divided into 4 parts of the tongue.
(2 Points)
(1 Point)
ق ك
Sides of the tongue
ي ش ج
(2 Points)
Tip of the tongue
ذ ظ ث
(1 Point)
Tip of the tongue
Tip of the tongue
(1 Point)
ص س ر
ت د ط
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ب م و
Both the lips have to meet to make the above sounds AND for the letter
WAAW, we round both the lips
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
بThis letter is
sounded when the wet
portion of the lips open
from a closed position
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Try to pronounce the sound of Nun or Meem, by holding your nose and feel the vibration.
The simplest and most common type of Ghunnah is with Nun and Meem when they appear
with a Shaddah. We hold the Ghunnah sound in our nose for 2 counts.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
When we find ‘Nun’ or ‘Meem’ with a Shaddah, then we lengthen for 2 seconds with a Nasal
sound. This Ghunnah is a very clear ‘n’ sound, it comes automatically when we lengthen the
Nun shaddah or Meem shaddah.
ن Jinn-na-ti
م falamm-ma
ِ ِج َّن
ت فَلَ َّما
Jahann-na-ma Amm-ma
ِ َوانَّا
س س َِْح ُّمبِي ْن
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
(Ahkam Al Huroof)
Application of rules
due to the order of
(Makharij Al
the tongue
points of
(Sifaat Al Huroof)
Characteristics of
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Makharij Al Huroof – Point of origin where the letters are articulated from is permanent
and the letters are also permanent.
Sifat Al Huroof is all about how the letters are pronounced. The letters change according
to the situation. If the letter is articulated properly, but not pronounced correctly with
its correct characteristic, then this letter might change to sound like another letter.
To learn which letters flow with the air and which ones without the air
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
(Characteristics / Qualities of the Arabic Letters)
(characteristics that are present
(characteristics that are always
in some situations and not
present in others)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1.) They are an intergral part
1.) They do not form an
of the letter (Dhatiyyah)
integral part of the letter
2.) They constitute the (Aaridha)
letter ie. make up of the
2.) They do not constitute
letter (Muqawwimah) the letter, ie. the letter will
3.) They are inseparable be pronounced without them
from the letter (Lazimah) 3.) They are not present in
4.) Without any one of the letter all the time at
every place (Mahalliyyah)
these qualities, the letter
will either be pronounced 4.) Their purpose is only to
as just another letter or add to the beauty of
will become a non-Arabic recitation (Muhassinah)
letter or just a sound 5.) They change according to
the arrangement of the
10 Attributes with Opposites letters
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
All the letters, excluding Hams Letters
When Hams letters are pronounced with a When Jahr letters are pronounced with a
Sakin, air flows from the mouth Sakin, air does not flow from the mouth
NOTE: Letters can have the same Makharij (Point of Origin), but different Sifaat
(Quality). Eg.خ and غboth originate from the top of the throat, but their Sifaat are
not the same خ (air) ( غno air)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
صضط ظ ءبتثجحخدذرزسش
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ءتثجحخدذ زسشص
ضطظعغ قكهوي
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
3.) AL-LEEN – SOFTNESS: يو These letters are pronounced without difficulty.
The letters are articulated from its makharij with a natural ease and softness
present in the letter. The letters are Waw Sakinah with a Fat-ha before it and Ya
Sakinah with a Fat-ha before it.
4.) AL-INHIRAF – INCLINATION: The inclination to move the makhraj of one letter
to the other during pronounciation. لر Leaning away from one point of articulation
to another. Technically it is the ‘slight deviation of the tongue towards the makhraj
of Raa while pronouncing Laam, and towards its back and towards Laam while
pronouncing Raa.’
5.) AL-TAKRIR – REPETITION: ر Technically means the trilling of the tongue while
pronouncing the letter ر that causes the letter to be pronounced more than once.
(we must abstain from this quality so that the letter is pronounced only once)
6.) AL-TAFASH-SHEE – SPREAD: ش Spreading the sound of the letter starting
from its articulation point, until it collides with the inner plates of the top teeth.
7.) AL-ISTITAALAH – PROLONGATION: ض The stretching of the sound over the
entire tongue when pronouncing the letter. The prolongation of the sound throughout
its makhraj from its beginning till the end.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
8.) GHUNNAH – NASAL SOUND: This is the sound coming from the nasal passage
when pronouncing the two letters نand مNasal sound is retained when:-
b) م and نhave the rule of Idhaar. (This is a quality - Sifaat) غَم َر ِة ِمن َها
c) م and نhave the rule of Ikhfaa. (This is a rule – Ahkam) كنتم أم به
d) ن has the rule of Idghaam (half Idghaam). (This is a rule – Ahkam)
َضي ٌد َ
ِ طل ٌع ن ٍ ِمن َو ِلي
e) م and نcarrying a Shaddah. (This is a rule - Ahkam) ِم َّما اِنَّ َما
Note: These are explained in detail in chapters of rules of Idghaam, rules of Noon Sakin
and Tanween and rules of Meem Sakin.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
a.) TAS-HEEL – TO MAKE EASY: This means to pronounce Hamza softly without
taking into consideration its quality of strength and domination or its being a glottal
stop. In the recitation of ‘Aasim by the narrator Hafs, there is only one word which
b.) TABDEEL – TO CHANGE: This means changing the second Hamza to the long vowel
of Alif. This rule has been set out in the writing of the Holy Qur’an.
Example: ءأمنوا
is changed into
c.) HATHF – TO ELIMINATE: This is another rule for Hamza. It means omitting Hamza
from the word. In the recitation of ‘Aasim by the narrator Hafs, there is only one
word which practically takes this rule, in Surah Hujuraat, Ayah 11:
بئس االسم
The letters لand سare accompanied by Sukoon, as the rule of the joining of two letters
with Sukoon (Noon Sakin with Kasra is added), in here لtakes a Kasra. The Hamza after
the letter ل is omitted. When stopping at the word س
َ ِبئ , the second word can be read
ص س ر
Pronounced without Letters of
difficulty Vibration -
Qutubjad Letters
ي و ق ط ب ج د
Stretching the sound
over the entire tongue
(REPETITION) Move the Makhraj
Fast Vibration of one letter to the
Sound spread in the
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
3 صسز
Safeer – Whistling – Sound like a bird
5 قطبجد
Qalqalah – Echoing – Breaking of tension or release
2 و ي
Leen – Softness – pronounced without difficulty
2 ر ل
Inhiraf – Inclination – Move makharij of one into
1 ر
Takrir – Repetition – Prounouncing the letter more than
once (not recommended)
1 ش
Tafashshee – Spread – Spreading around the sound of
the word in the mouth
1 ض
Istitaalah – Prolongation – Stretching sound over entire
2 م ن
Ghunnah – Nasal Sound – Comes from the Nasal passage
1 ء
Nabrah – Domination – Command and Sharpness, the
heaviest of all letters
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
SHIDDAH – Strong letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
ISMAAT – Read with effort
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
SHIDDAH – Strong letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
IDHLAQ – Smooth - Read with ease
QALQALAH – Echoing or Vibration
SHIDDAH – Strong letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
RAKHAWAH – Soft letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
SHIDDAH – Strong letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
ISMAAT – Read with effort
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
QALQALAH – Echoing or Vibration
RAKHAWAH – Soft letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
RAKHAWAH – Soft letters
ISTI’LAA – Heavy letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
JAHR – Stoppage of Breath
SHIDDAH – Strong letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
ISMAAT – Read with effort
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
QALQALAH – Echoing or Vibration
RAKHAWAH – Soft letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
JAHR – Stoppage of Breath
TAWASSUT – In Between stoppage & continuation of breath
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
IDHLAQ – Smooth - Read with ease
TAKREER – Avoid trilling of the tongue when reading letter RA
INHIRAF – Incline – Move makharij of one into another
RAKHAWAH – Soft letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
AS SAFEER – Whistling – Sound like a bird
HAMS – Continuation of Breath
RAKHAWAH – Soft letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
AS SAFEER – Whistling – Sound like a bird
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
RAKHAWAH – Soft letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
TAFASHSHEE – Spreading the sound in the mouth
HAMS – Continuation of Breath
RAKHAWAH – Soft letters
ISTI’LAA – Heavy letters
ITBAAQ – Adhesion of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
AS SAFEER – Whistling – Sound like a bird
JAHR – Stoppage of Breath
RAKHAWAH – Soft letters
ISTI’LAA – Heavy letters
ITBAAQ – Adhesion of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
ISTITAALAH – Prolongation – Stretching the sound
JAHR – Stoppage of Breath
SHIDDAH – Strong letters
ISTI’LAA – Heavy letters
ITBAAQ – Adhesion of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
QALQALAH – Echoing or Vibration
JAHR – Stoppage of Breath
RAKHAWAH – Soft letters
ISTI’LAA – Heavy letters
ITBAAQ – Adhesion of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
JAHR – Stoppage of Breath
TAWASSUT – In Between stoppage & continuation of breath
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
RAKHAWAH – Soft letters
ISTI’LAA – Heavy letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
HAMS – Continuation of Breath
RAKHAWAH – Soft letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
IDHLAQ – Read with ease
JAHR – Stoppage of Breath
SHIDDAH – Strong letters
ISTI’LAA – Heavy letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
QALQALAH – Echoing or Vibration
HAMS – Continuation of Breath
SHIDDAH – Strong letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
JAHR – Stoppage of Breath
TAWASSUT – In Between stoppage & continuation of breath
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
IDHLAQ – Read with ease
INHIRAF – Incline – Move makharij of one into another
JAHR – Stoppage of Breath
TAWASSUT – In Between stoppage & continuation of breath
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
IDHLAQ – Read with ease
GHUNNAH – Nasal Sound from the Nasal passage
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
TAWASSUT – In Between stoppage & continuation of breath
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
IDHLAQ – Read with ease
GHUNNAH – Nasal Sound from the Nasal passage
JAHR – Stoppage of Breath
RAKHAWAH – Soft letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
LEEN – Softness – pronounced without difficulty
HAMS – Continuation of Breath
SHIDDAH – Strong letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
JAHR – Stoppage of Breath
RAKHAWAH – Soft letters
ISTEFAAL – Light letters
INFITAAH – Separation of tongue and upper palate
ISMAAT – Read with effort
LEEN – Softness – pronounced without difficulty
HAMS – Continuation of Breath
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ج ط
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
2.) Example: ( أق ) try and say the word ‘AQ’, it is a little difficult as the back of the
tongue and back of the throat come together. The sound is stuck and does not fully
come out, therefore it is read with an echo, so as to release the sound, ‘AQQ’
3.) When the sound is pronounced with an echo, separation takes place between the 2
points of articulation, therefore the sound is completed.
4.) Since an additional sound is being made, care must be taken that a Sakin letter should
not sound doubled (Mushaddad - as if it is carrying a Shaddah) or voweled
(Mutaharrik – as if it has a fat-ha or a Dhamma)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
َ َك
أَبْ َناء
بَ ﺳ
ﺳب َ َك
kasab Abnaa
ٍَخل َ ْق Becomes ٍَخل َ ٍْقنَا َخل َ َق ٍاُقْ ِس ُم ق
ٍُّمِي ْ ْط Becomes ٍ ٌ ْ تَ ْط ِه ْْيا ُّمِي
ط ا َْطعَ َم ُه ْم ط
ٍ ْ َك َس
ب Becomes ٍ َ ك َك َس
ب َ ِقَبْل َحب ْ ٌل ب
ٍُب ُر ْو ْج Becomes فَ ْج ِر ُب ُر ْو ٍِج ََتْ ِر ْي خ
ٍا ََح ْد Becomes ٍا ََح ٌد ل َ ْم ي َ ٍلِ ْد قَ ْد اَفْل ََح د
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
أِذْ َه ْب أِذْ َه ُب ُم ِح ْي ْط ُم ِح ْي ُط
َو َت ّب َو َت َّب َوا ْل َح ّج َوا ْل َح ِّج
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The reason that these 5 letters have this quality of Qalqalah is because they have
the qualities of strength or force and the quality of audibility.
When the letter has the quality of strength or force, the sound and air is completely
cut off and the letter is trapped in its Makhraj, hence it is not heard when
pronounced. But these 5 letters have the quality of audibility, so they should be
heard when pronounced. The only way it can be heard is to break the tension and
release the Makhraj, to give Qalqalah to the letter.
The Qalqalah is necessary for these 5 letters because they have the attributes of
Jahr (stoppage of the flow of breath) and Shiddah (stoppage of the flow of sound),
so without Qalqalah, there would be no sound.
2.) Ask yourself: Does it have a Permanent or Temporary Sukun?
3.) What level of Qalqalah is it? Subtle, Medium or Strong?
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
NOTE: If any of the Qalqalah appear with Sukoon, it will be read with an Echoing sound,
whether it be in the middle of a word or at the end.
If the letter of Qalqalah comes at the end of a word and you stop on it, it will be pronounced
with a strong echoing sound, and if the letter has a Shaddah it will be pronounced even
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
(Ahkam Al Huroof)
Application of rules
due to the order of
(Makharij Al
the tongue
points of
(Sifaat Al Huroof)
Characteristics of
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Recitation of the Holy Qur’an requires one to be informed about the letters, vowels, how
letters are connected and the various rules of Tajweed, etc. Most important is how to
pronounce the letters and this involves the mouth and in particular the tongue.
There are certain mistakes that are consistent, therefore, one has to train the parts of
the tongue, so that the letters are pronounced correctly, otherwise the meaning of the
word changes, which should be avoided completely.
The letters that occur in Arabic, are not common in other languages. Letters can have
similar sounds to other languages, but they have different articulation points. Letters
that sound similar to the untrained ear, can be very different in pronunciation.
The Qur’an is the word of Allah (swt), revealed to man as a guidance and we have to be
extremely careful to read it as best as we can.
Below are some letters that sound similar to each other. Read them correctly and notice
how different parts of the tongue are used to pronounce them, even though they sound
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Some similar pairs of letters from the Arabic Alphabet, when put together, form similar
sounding words. So extra care must be taken to pronounce each letter correctly.
Below are some pairs of words which illustrate this point. Notice some of the letters may
be different but the words sound the same.
َ َهل- َحل ََق كَلْب- َقلْب
َ َت
َ َ ط- اب
اب َر َق َد- َر َك َد
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1.) TAHQEEQ – Reciting the Holy Qur’an slowly and with serenity, while
pondering the meaning. Reciting with deeper concentration and observing the
Tajweed rules. This is a slowness without elongation.
There is a possibility that when reciting slowly, one may lengthen a letter over
its limit. This results in Tamteet, elongation, which is a mistake. Tamteet
means giving rise to letters of Madd from the harakaat. Therefore the reciter
has to be extra careful when reciting with Tahqeeq.
The reading level of Tahqeeq is usually for beginners in order to train the
tongue to recite the letters according to their nature and quality and to
practice the rules of recitation.
2.) TAHDEER (or Hadr) – It is a swift method of reciting the Holy Qur’an with
observation of the rules of Tajweed. The reader then must be careful not to
cut off the lengthened letters, and not to shorten the vowels to the point
that the reading is not correct.
When reading with Hadr, there is a danger of reducing the timing of the
letters and inserting one into another. The letters must be pronounced
correctly with their due rights. Therefore, there is no problem with reciting
the Qur’an with speed, on the condition that there is no Idh’gham (merging of
some letters into others) or reduction in the required timing
(‘eating/swallowing’ part of the letter)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
This level of reading is usually for the Haafizul Qur’an who has memorized the
Qur’an. Therefore he is fully aware of the reading laws of Tajweed and due
to repetition of his reading, he avoids mistakes.
Advantages: More verses recited. Time spent to recite one Juz is about half an hour.
Disadvantages: Recitation mistakes are made easily. This type of recitation is usually
recited in the month of Ramadhan in order to obtain greater rewards by reciting more
verses of the Holy Qur’an - This should not be encouraged as it causes errors in
3.) TADWEER – It is reciting the Holy Qur’an with an average speed, at a medium
level which is in between the two levels of Tahqeeq and Tahdeer. In this level
the rules of Tajweed are preserved and observed. It is a moderated recitation
that is neither fast as Al-Hadr and nor slow as Tahqeeq. Time spent to recite
one Juz is about 1 hour.
During recitation of the Holy Qur’an, regardless of which speed is being used (Tahqeeq,
Tahdeer or Tadweer) one must apply the rule of Tarteel to all of them.
It is reciting the Holy Qur’an clearly, pronouncing the letters correctly one by one and
applying the rules of Tajweed with understanding and thinking about what is recited.
The intention for recitation must be seeking closeness to Allah (swt) and not for getting
popularity, money or such like.
Tarteel also means reading the Holy Qur’an, as the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) used
to recite as he was ordered by Allah (swt) in the following Ayah:
ً ْ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ِّ َ َ
ٓ وٓرت ِلٓالقرآنٓت ِرت
Surah Muzzammil Ch 73: Ayah 4 “…………..and recite the Qur’an slowly and meditatively”
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Rat-tilil Qur’an means pronounce each letter one by one. This means each letter is
articulated individually. If we say ‘Bismillah’, we will hear the sound of the Ba, Seen and
the Meem. We recite with Tarteel, whether we recite fast, slow or moderately.
When asked about the meaning of Tarteel, Imam Ali (as) replied: “It means that the
Qur’an should be recited with Tajweed and with due observance to the rules of Waqf
(pausing or stopping at the end of the Verse)”.
Tarteel is reciting the Holy Qur’an with an average speed, the same as Tadweer, but in
addition to observing the rules of Tajweed and pronouncing the letters correctly, the
reciter must have Tadabbur (a proper understanding and consideration of the Ayah
Man Haqqaqah Tilaawah (one who recites in Tahqeeq), must recite with Tarteel, and
Man Dawwaral Tilaawah (one who recites in Tadweer), must recite with Tarteel, and
Man Hadara Tilaawah (one who recites in Hadr), must recite with Tarteel, articulating
each letter individually.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Arabic Diacritics are actually called ‘TASHKIL’ in Arabic. Simply put, they are signs written
above or below letters to indicate how they are pronounced. A Diacritic can be a sign, mark,
point or accent. In Arabic, the Diacritics or Tashkil are the short vowels of Fat-ha, Kasra
and Dhamma, the lengthened long vowels and Tanween, Sukun and Shaddah.
Example: An Arabic word can have the same Three letters - in the example below we have
the letters: س ل م. By just changing the Diacritics, we can pronounce the words in
so many different ways, each word with a different sound and meaning.
ٍ َ َسل
• م ٍَ َِسل
• م
ٍ ْ ِسل
• م
• َسلَما ٍَ َ َسل
• م
• مٌٍ َ ُسل
• ٍَسل ْ ٌم • ٍِسل ْ ٌم
• ٍِسلْم
• ٍَسلْم • مٍَ ُِسل
ٍ َ ُسل
• م
• َسلْما ٍَ ُِسل
• م
ٌٍ َ َسل
• م
م • ٍُٰسلَم س
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
(Ahkam Al Huroof)
Application of rules
due to the order of
(Makharij Al
the tongue
points of
(Sifaat Al Huroof)
Characteristics of
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
In Ahkam, we learn how to identify and apply the rules of Tajweed when reciting the Holy
Qur’an. It is the knowledge of what rules change in the letters due to the order of letters.
The AHKAM rules are Eleven and each are further subdivided.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1.) Rules of Laam
2.) Rules of Nun Sakin
1.) AL JAWF - & Tanween
The Oral Cavity
3.) Rules of Nun &
2.) AL HALQ -
Meem Mushaddadah
The Throat
3.) AL LISAAN - 4.) Rules of Meem
The Tongue Sakin
4.) ASH 5.) Rules of other
SHAFATAIN - The Idhgham
Lips 6.) Rule of Nun Qutni
5.) AL 7.) Rules of Raa
The Nasal Cavity 8.) Rules of Maddah
9.) Rules of Haa
10.) Rules of Hamza
11.) Rules of Wuquf
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
LAAM AL HARF When a word ends with ل. Only 2 words: بَل هَل
• Also known as Laam of the Participle (a word that points out meaning of another
word). There are only Two words that end with Laam Sakin in the Arabic Alphabet.
They are Hal ( ) هَلand Bal ( ) َبل. Their pronounciation is also determined by the
word that follows the HAL or BAL
When the لappears in the name of Allah (swt)
• Depending on the Vowel before the Laam in the name of Allah, the word Allah will be
pronounced heavily or lightly
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
When the Verb ends with Laam Sakin and the word that follows it,
begins with any alphabet of the Arabic language Except Ra and Laam,
LAAM AL then it is IDH'HAAR (The Laam Sakin is pronounced clearly)
When the Verbs ends with Laam Sakin and the word that follows it,
begins with Ra or Laam, then it becomes IDH'GHAAM (The Laam
Sakin is merged and not pronounced)
If the word following Hal or Bal begins with any of the Arabic
Alphabet except Ra or Laam, then IDH'HAAR applies (The Laam
LAAM AL Sakin is pronounced clearly)
If the word following Hal or Bal begins with Ra or Laam, then
IDH'GHAAM applies (The Laam Sakin is merged and not pronounced)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
In English, when we mention the words ‘an Apple’ or ‘a Pear’, this means any Apple or Pear.
When we say ‘the Apple’ or ‘the Pear’, it means that particular Apple or Pear. In Arabic the
word ‘the’ is used as AL )a combination of Alif and Laam). AL is therefore known as the
‘Definite Article’ as it refers to a particular thing. Nouns beginning with Sun and Moon
letters have different pronounciations when they appear directly after the AL.
َّ أَل
ش َج َرت أ َ ْل ِكتَاب
Read as ASH
َّ َ أ
لرس ْول أ َ ْل ِسنَ ِتك ْم
Read as AR RASUULU &
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Word After ‘AL’ beginning Sun Word After ‘AL’ beginning Moon
with Sun Letter Letter with Moon Letter Letter
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ِ قل َّر
Read as KUR RABBI & not as
َ يَت َ َو َّك ْل
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ََه ْل أَتٰك
Read as HALLAKUM and not as
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The letters that have a Heavy The letters that have a Light
quality are the 7 letters of quality are the rest of the
Huruful Halqiyya (Throat letters) Alphabet apart from the Throat
letters (19 Letters)
Tafkheem is used for the rules of the letter RA, and Taghleedth is used for the rules of
the letter LAAM, which apply only for the LAAM of the word اَهَّلل
Therefore: Tafkheem = Taghleedth (Both mean to make Heavy)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
in the name of اَهَّلل (Lafdhil Jalalah), or in اَ َّلل ُه َّم, it’s pronounciation depends on the
following 2 rules:
When a FAT-HA or a DHAMMA appears on the letter before the word Allah, the LAAM
in the word Allah is pronounced heavily with a full mouth.
When a KASRA appears on the letter before the word Allah, the LAAM in the word Allah,
is pronounced lightly with an empty mouth.
NOTE: This rule applies only when ّلis in the word Allah. The rule does not apply when
ّ is NOT in the word Allah. Example: ( ه َُو َّال ِذيْ َنHas a Fat-ha, but recited lightly)
the ل
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
(Lafdhil Jalalah)
in the Exalted name of Allah
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ًٌ ًٍ ً TANWEEN
to show/be clear
to merge/assimilate
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The Nun Sakin and letters with Tanween both have the same sound at the end, the Nunation
sound, as in An, In and Un.
ن= ن ًٌ ًٍ ً
ِم ْنكُ ْم اُنْظُ ْر اَنْتَ ْر َف ُع د ِيْ ًنا َش ْىء َخي ْر
ِّص ُك ْم اَْمُتْن َج َّنات َي ْو َمئِذ
ْ ُ َي ْن
َوأَنزَ ْل َنا ُش ُه ْود َنفْس
َزيْت ُْون
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
• It's pronounciation depends on the letter which follows it.
• It can be found in continuous reading as well as when one stops
• It is present in all parts of speech of the Arabic language
(Noun, Verb and Particle)
-ٌ -ٍ -ً
a word.
• It is not pronounced when a stop is made at the end of a word
• The Nun is not written, It's sign is either two Fat-ha, two
Kasrah or two Dhamma.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
(To recite
(To turn or (To merge
& or join)
(To hide or
to conceal)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
َ َي ْن ِحت َرغ ًَدا َح ْي ُث
Step 1: Find Nun Sakin or Tanween Step 1 & 2 applies
Step 2: Look at the letter immediately after Nun Sakin or Tanween to all the 4 Rules
Step 3: The letter after must be a Hurooful Halqi letter (Throat letter)
Step 4: Recite the Nun Sakin or Tanween clearly.
c.) THE LETTERS OF IDH’HAAR – These are the 6 Throat letters (Huruful
Halqiyyah) also known as the Idh’haar letters.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ٍُك ُفوا أ َ َح ْد ٍاب اَلِي ْ ٌمٌ ع َ َذ ٍِم ْن أ َ ْه ِل أ
ٍُ َ ََتْتِهَا ْاْل َْْن
ار ٍََس َل ٌم ِهي ٍِمنْ ُه ْم ه
ِر ْزقا َح َسنا ٍْ ِم ْن َح ْو ِل ِه
م يَنْ ِحتُ ْو ٍَن ح
ٍِم ْن ِخ ْزي ٍْ ُاِ ْن ِخ ْفت
م ِ ْ ِمنْ َخ
ٍْي خ
ٍَوا ِس ٌع عَلِي ْ ُم ٍِم ْن عَ ْي ٍاَنْعَ ْم َت ع
عَزِي ْ ٌز َغ ُف ْو ٌٍر ٍْ قَ ْوما َغ ْْيَ ُك
م ٍِم ْن ِغل غ
REMEMBER: An Alif with any of the vowels is also known as a Hamza. Hamza is the King of
Letters provided with a seat. Hamza Alif is just a seat of Hamza, therefore we pronounce
the Hamza sound because Alif is a silent letter or Maddiya letter. In the Arabic script,
when Alif appears without the Hamza, it is a vowel and when it appears with a Hamza, it is
a consonant.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
(Merge or join)
لر ي م و ن
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
NOTE: Care must be taken when adding the nasal sound to avoid pulling too much.
Idh’ghaam cannot be applied in a single word but must be the joining of 2 separate
words, thus making them into one emphasized word.
Notice the sound of Nun Sakin and Tanween is hidden and is not pronounced
b.) THE LETTERS OF IDH’GHAAM are: ن يرملو These letters can be
remembered by memorising the acronym YARMALUN
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Idh'ghaam With Ghunnah
2 types 2 types
Full Ghunnah
With Ghunnah
م ن
يمنو Partial Ghunnah
يرملون ي و
Without Ghunnah
Whenever a word ends with Nun Sakin or Tanween, and the next word starts with the
letters Ya, Nun, Meem or Waw, then these letters are pronounced in one of the following
two manners:
Full Ghunnah - Letters – م نComplete Merging letters which when they appear, will
have a Shaddah and are pronounced from the nose (with Ghunnah – 2 counts)
There is no trace of Nun in the recitation and there is NO Ghunnah (Nasal sound)
ِ ِمن َر will be read
as ب
ِ ِم َّر
ﺳو ٍل
ُ ِمن َّر will be read
as ﺳو ٍل
ُ ِم َّر
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
َب ْعض يَّ َت َسآ َءلُ ْو َن ف ََم ْن َّي ْع َم ْل ي
ِم ْن َّمارِج ِِم ْن ِّم ْثلِه م
َس ًّدا َّو ِم ْن َخ ْلفِه ِ ْم ل ََهب َّو َت َّب و
ا ِ ْن ن َّ ْح ُن َم ْن َّنشَ آ ُء ن
Idh’ghaam Bila Ghunnah – Merging without Nasal Sound (Ghunnah)
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د ذ فق
(To hide or
سش ط ظ
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a.) WHAT IS THE MEANING OF IKHFAA - Whenever Nun Sakin and Tanween
precede one of the fifteen Ikhfaa letters, then the actual sound of Nun is
concealed or covered to a point where only its nasal sound is evident and is
stressed for the count of two.
Question: What is hiding or concealed in Ikhfaa
Both Nun Sakin and the Tanween end with the Nun Sound. In Ikhfaa, the full Nun sound
is NOT pronounced. We partly hide the makharij of the Nun sound and hold it (do
Ghunnah for two counts), then it continues, behind the makharij of the Ikhfaa letter
that is coming up. Example:
Notice when you read as Antum, the tip of the tongue touches
the upper palate, but when you hide the full Nun and do ٍاَن ْ ُت ْم
Ghunnah, the tongue is floating, as it prepares to say the letter
Read as Annn Tum
Ta, which is the next letter
and not Antum
b.) THE LETTERS OF IKHFAA - 15 Letters - The letters that are in shaded
boxes are heavy letters
An easy way to remember the Ikhfaa letters. All the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet are
divided into the 4 rules of Nun Sakin and Tanween, therefore we remove all the letters of
Idh’haar, Idh’ghaam and Iqlab, the rest are all Ikhfaa letters
ي ر م ل و ن
IDH’GHAAM – 6 Yarmalun
IQLAB – 1 Qalb letter
IKHFAA – All the rest of
the Arabic Alphabet – 15
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Light Heavy
Ikhfaa Ikhfaa
ُكن ت ُم ِمن قَب ِل
أَن ْ َذ ْرن َ ُاك ْم ف ََم ْن َشآ َء َم ْن طَ َغا َُي ْنظُ ر
َي ْو َمئِذ َشأْن َو َكأ ْ ًس د ِ َهاقًا ُكتُب َقي َِّمة ِ َ َع َذا ًبا
َقيْ ًبا
َت ْنزِيْ َل اَ ْن ُف ِسه ِ ْم َع ْن َض ْي ِف َش ْىء َق ِديْر
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Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
a.) WHAT IS THE MEANING OF IQLAB – To change or convert. The Nun Sakin
or Tanween is converted into a Meem. Therefore one letter changes into another.
NOTE: The ‘MEEM’ here refers to the small ‘MEEM’ between or on top of a word.
It is always very small and shaded. In most copies of the Qur’an, a small ‘MEEM’
is written above Nun or Tanween, as a reminder of the rule.
c.) THE LETTER OF IQLAB is the letter baa ب when it appears after the
Nun Sakin or Tanween.
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IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Do not mix up the two types of Meem that appear on top of the
letters. The full shaped Meem ( م ) indicates Iqlab or change and the cut Meem ( م )
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ع و
ح م
ر The rest of
the letters
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ن م
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When these two letters appear with a Shaddah sign in any word, a Ghunnah has to be applied
for a period of 2 counts. This is because the Shaddah is already a double letter + the
Ghunnah (2 counts).
The Ghunnah is applied to Nun and Meem Mushaddadah, whether they occur in the middle
or the end of a word, in continuous reading or when stopping and in all parts of speech.
1.) Ghunnah is applied when Nun and Meem have a Shaddah.
2.) Ghunnah is a sound emitted from the Nasal Passage, without any function of the
3.) This is when a certain sound is held in the nasal cavity (Nasalisation) for a length
that is longer than the short harakah (about 2 beats)
4.) Professional Qur’an reciters pay much attention to these sounds.
5.) Application of Ghunnah by the reciter, adds beauty to the recitation.
In م and ن, in Idh’ghaam the Ghunnah is applied for 2 counts (2 Harakah)
In م and ن, with Short vowels, the Ghunnah is applied for ½ count (1/2 Harakah)
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EXAMPLES: The letters Nun and Meem have original Nasal sounds. Notice the Meem
Shaddah and Noon Shaddah are stretched through the Nasal cavity and not the tongue.
م=م م
to merge
into +
(Ghunna 2
Shafawi to hide
(hidden sound of )م
(Ghunna 2
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The pronounciation of the Meem Sakin depends on the letter which follows it. There are 3
rules that take place when certain letters appear after the Meem Sakin.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
merge or join. When Meem Sakin مis followed by another Meem carrying a vowel,
instead of reading 2 meems, they merge into each other and the sound of meem
is held in a ghunnah. There is a difference between Idh’ghaam and Idh’ghaam
Shafawi. Example:
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Meem Sakin مis followed by the letter Ba, the letter Meem م is concealed by
it and a nasal sound is retained. The Meem is hidden with Ghunnah (Nasal Sound)
to a count of two. The lips should not be completely closed to avoid making the
م evident. There is a difference between Ikhfaa and Ikhfaa Shafawi.
Meem Sakin followed by the letter Ba Ikhfaa in the rules of Nun Sakin
c.) IDENTIFYING & APPLYING IKHFAA SHAFAWI – The rule applied for all the
words below is the same and Ghunnah of 2 counts will be applied as we partly hide
the sound of Meem Sakin in our nose (flattening the lips).
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
letter Ba: ب(which falls under the rule of Ikhfaa Shafawi) and the letter Meem: م
(which falls under the rule of Idh’ghaam Shafawi)
Step 4: The Meem is recited clearly, without a nasal sound (no ghunnah)
َوه ُْم َسال ِ ُم ْو َن َس ْل ُه ْم َا ُّي ُه ْم َلكُ ْم َجزَا ًء َا ْل َح ْم ُد َال َْمتَ َر
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
(Ghunnah 2 counts) (No Ghunnah)
(Ghunna 2 counts)
Read as Read as
Read as
Read as MAA LAHUMM Read as
ُهم ِمن َما لَ ُهم ِبذَا ِل َك ُ تُم
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
2.) IKHFAA of Meem Sakin – If after Meem Sakin, comes a Ba, there will be
Ikhfaa of the lips (Ikhfaa Ash Shafawi). Ikhfaa literally means to hide, the
qualities of Meem are concealed and instead a nasal sound is produced.
ربهم بهم
3.) IDH’HAR of Meem Sakin – If after Meem Sakin, comes any letter besides
Ba or Meem, there will be Idh’har of the lips (Idh’har Ash Shafawi - to make
clear) and the Meem Sakin will be pronounced normally, without a nasal sound
(no ghunnah)
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Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Complete Merging
Incomplete Merging
1.) Idh’gham Mutamaathilayn – Merging of same letters, with the same Makharij and
same Sifat.
2.) Idh’gham Mutajaanisayn – Merging of related letters, with the same Makharij but
different Sifat.
3.) Idh’gham Mutaqaaribayn – Merging of similar letters, that are close to each other in
Makharij and Sifat.
4.) Idh’gham Mutabaa’idayn – Merging of distant letters, whose Makharij is far from
each other. There is NO Idh’gham between distant letters.
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Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The assimilation of same letters. This rule is applied when two identical letters follow each
other in either the same word or in between two words, where the first one is Sakin and
the Second one has a vowel, the Sakin letter is assimilated (merged) into the one with the
vowel and the vowelled letter is pronounced as if it has a Shaddah.
َُق ْل ْل َرب ِ َح ْت ت َِج َارتُ ُه ْم َك ْم ِم ْن َق ْد َد َخلُوا
اك ِ ْ ِا
َ ْض ْب بِ َع َص اِذْ َذ َه َب ِم ْن نَار لُ ُه ْم َما
اِذْ َّذ َه َب ُم َغا ِض ًبا َِمال َْم َت ْس َت ِط ْع َّعل َْيه
Read as: Written as:
CAUTION: If a Sakin letter is a letter of Maddah (Alif, Waw and Ya), then it will not be
assimilated. Below is an example of two identical letters of which, one letter is a letter of
Note: Two similar letters ‘YA’ are next to each other. In this example the Ya Sakin
or Waw Sakin, will not be assimilated (merged), as they are acting as a Maddah
The assimilation of related letters. The term related letters used here refers to the
letters that are from the same Makharij (point of origin) but having different Sifat
(qualities, characteristics).
When two letters from the same Makharij but having different qualities, follow each other,
in either, the same word or in between two words, where the first letter has a Sakin and
the second letter has a vowel, the Sakin letter is assimilated into the letter with the vowel
and the vowelled letter is pronounced as if it has a Shaddah.
َو َقال َْت طَّآ ِءفَة اَن َّ ُه ْم اِذْ ظَ ل َُم ْوآ اُ ِج ْي َب ْت َّد ْع َو تُكُ َما َب َس ْط َّت الِ َ َّي َي َد َك
OBSERVE: With the exception of the letter Ta ( ط ), all the Sakin letters of Idh’gham
Mutajaanisayn undergo a complete assimilation and are not pronounced. The letter ( )ط
involves a partial merging, where it will have a trace of its characteristics in pronounciation.
MUTAJANISAYN EXCEPTION: One exception of two related letters which occurs only
in the case of letters Ba ( ) بand Meem ( ) مappears only in Surah Hood, Ayah 42
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Common mistakes of 2 words that are merged, where they should NOT be merged.
ط is from the heavy letters. We have to ض is from the edge of the tongue,
be careful to pronounce the heaviness of
whereas د is from the tip of the tongue.
the ط
Therefore both طand تare read with Therefore both دand ضare read with
their characteristics and not merged. their characteristics and not merged.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The assimilation of similar letters or letters that are next to each other. Similar letters
refers to the letters that:
When similar letters follow each other in either the same word or in between two words,
where the first one is Sakin and the second letter has a vowel. The Sakin letter is
completely merged into the vowelled letter, to a point where there is no trace of the Sakin
letter and the vowelled letter is pronounced as if it has a Shaddah.
Letters with
Letters with
similar Makharij
Makharij but
& Sifaat
same Sifaat
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ْن meets the ك+ ق Shams letter + ا ْل ر+ ْل
Idh’gham letters
When the Nun Sakin When the Qaf When Laam At- When the Laam
meets any of the meets the Kaf. Tareef (The ‘AL’ Sakin meets the Raa.
Idh’gham letters where we make
something specific) The Laam is not
Appears only once in meets any of the 14 pronounced and it
the Holy Qur’an Shams (Sun) letters, merges into the Raa
the Laam is not
ِم ْن َّول ِ ّي أَل َْم ن َ ْخلُ ْق ُّك ْم لسا َء ُة
َّ َا َو ُق ْل َّر ِّب
Read as Can be read in 2 ways Read as Read as
The above verse is an exception to the rules of Idh’gham. When reciting the above
verse, the Holy Prophet (saw) stopped between the Nun Sakin and Raa (He did a SAKT*)
and he did not merge them.
This Ayah is therefore read as ‘WA QIILA MAN RAAQ’
*Sakt – Means to stop and with the same breath and to continue (a breathless pause)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
أَل َْم ن َ ْخلُ ُّك ْم أَل َْم ن َ ْخلُ ْقكُ ْم ك ق
ُ ََّقبِّى ق ْ َُْلبِّى ل ر
َِم َّل ُدنْك َِم ْن َل ُدنْك ن ل
ِم َّر ُسول ِم ْن َر ُسول ن ر
Distant Letters are two letters whose Makharij is far from each other. They are
articulated from two different areas. For example: ( ي- ) ح, ( ) حis articulated from
the throat and ( ) يis articulated from the tongue. And if the letters are articulated from
one area they must be separate by at least one Makharij or more. For example: ( خ-)هر,
( ) هرis articulated from the deepest part of the throat and ( )خis articulated from the
part of the throat nearest to the mouth. The Makhraj of the mid-throat separates them.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
When Sukun
appears after
Nun Qutni
Change the
(Small Nun) Tanween into
a Kasrah
Add a small
Nun with a
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
يومئذ ٱلسلم
Preferred by those from Indo/Pak, Used by those familiar with the Arabic
South Africa & other countries Language
The small Nun Kasrah indicates this. There is no indication and the reader
has to be aware of the rules.
NOTE: The Uthmani and Majeedi script Qur’an both produce the same results
in terms of final pronounciation. The difference is in their fonts and some
indications which are different.
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Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The reciter can stop at the full stop and then start the new sentence with the Nun
Sakin of the Nun Qutni OR
The reciter can choose not to stop and just continue
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Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
and sometimes pronounced with Tarqeeq (light, with an empty mouth). When Raa ( ) رis
pronounced with Tafkheem (heavy, with a full mouth), the tip of the tongue moves upward
towards the roof of the mouth and the lips are rounded. When Raa ( ) رis pronounced with
Tarqeeq (light, with an empty mouth), the tip of the tongue moves towards the gum of the
top incisors and the lips stretched to form a smile.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1.) When Raa is bearing a Fat-ha (Rule 1) OR a Dhamma (Rule 2) or the Tanween
of Fat-ha or Dhamma. Even when there is a Shaddah sign with the Fat-ha or
Dhamma, it will still be pronounced with a full mouth – Tafkheem.
ْ َ َْ َُقدر ُ َْف َرض
ليس ال ِبر ُر َح َم ُاء َر ِح َم ِ ُر ِزق
2.) When Raa is bearing a Sukun, preceded by a letter carrying a Fat-ha (Rule 3) OR
a Dhamma (Rule 4)
3.) When Raa is bearing a Sukun, preceded by a letter with a Sukun, preceded by a
letter carrying a Fat-ha (Rule 5) OR a Dhamma (Rule 6). This rule is used at stops
and difficult to pronounce. To practice this, listen to a Qari.
4.) When Raa is bearing a Sukun, preceded by Alif – the long vowel (Rule 7) OR Waw
– the long vowel (Rule 8). This is a rule used at stops.
ُْن ْور َْف ُخ ْور ْم ْع َشار َْغ ُف ْور َْالن َهار
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َرor ُر
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1.) When Raa is bearing a Kasra or the Tanween of Kasra. Even when there is a
Shaddah sign with a Kasra, it will be pronounced with an empty mouth – Tarqeeq.
ْ َ ْ َ ُ َاخ َلق
َ َ َ ْ َْ ْ َ َ َ
أ ِرن
نحر ح ِرمت ِمن ش ِرم أخ ِرجنا
2.) When Raa is bearing a Sukun and preceded by a letter carrying a Kasra
ِف ْر َع ْون َي ْو ٌم َع ِس ْر َْي ْغف ْر َل ُكم َْو ُيج ْر ُكم ِم ْرَية
ِ ِ
3.) When Raa is bearing a Sukun, preceded by a letter carrying a Sukoon, preceded
by a letter carrying a Kasra. This rule is used at stops and difficult to pronounce.
To practice this, listen to a Qari.
4.) When Raa is bearing a Sukun, preceded by Yaa – the long vowel or Yaa Sakin – Yaa
bearing Sukun). This rule is used at stops.
َْق ِدير َْن ِذير َب ِش ْير َْنصير َْخبير َي ِس ْير
ِ ِ
َْالس ْير َْالط ْير َْغ ْير ْب ْال َخ ْير َ
الض ْي ْر
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ر+ً+ًِ Raa Tarqeeq
ر+ ًِ
pronunciation -
Empty mouth)
ر+ي (long vowel
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1.) When the Raa is bearing a Sukun and is preceded by the connecting Hamza
(Hamzatul Wasl) in any circumstance.
a.) There has to be a heavy letter. i.e. A Kasra letter, then Raa Sakin, followed by a
heavy letter.
b.) The Heavy letter should NOT be having a Kasra
c.) The heavy letter has to be in the same word, i.e. A Kasra letter, then Raa Sakin, then
followed by the heavy letter, all in one word.
Heavy letter,
without a Kasra, Raa Sakin Any Kasra letter
in the same word
If the above 3 conditions are not met, then the Raa is to be pronounced lightly.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
There are some words in the Holy Qur’an which can be pronounced heavily or lightly.
Both Tafkheem and Tarqeeq can be ٍِ ۡ ل فِ ۡرق كَا َلط ۡو ِد الۡعَ ِظي
ٍٰم ٍ ُ ُك
applied if reading continues and
Surah Shuara, Verse 63
there is no stopping.
نذ ِر ٍي ال ۡاد ُخل ُ ۡوا م ۡص َر اِ ۡن َشٓاءَ ُه
َؕ َ ۡ اّلل ا ٰ ِم ِن َ ََوق
Surah Yusuf, Verse 99
In Surah Wal-Qamar: verse 16
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
NOTES to remember:
1.) The general rule in the pronunciation of the letter Raa ر is that the short vowels
2.) The short vowel Kasra ًِ is the cause for light pronunciation of letter Raa ر
3.) The vowels Fat-hateenً and Dhammateen ًٌ , and the long vowel Alif اand
َ and Dhamma ًُ , and
Waw وare similar as the short vowels of Fat-ha ً
they all are the cause of heavy pronunciation of the letter Raa ر
4.) The vowel Kasrateen ًٍ , and the long vowel Yaa ى are similar as the short
vowel Kasra ًِ , they are the cause of light pronunciation of the letter Raa ر
5.) ر Raa Sukun can sometimes be pronounced as both Tafkheem (Heavy) and
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Heavy Light
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Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The linguistic meaning of Madd is to prolong or to do something extra. Maddah simply means
Elongation of Sounds.
i.) QASR (Shortness) – the duration of the elongation should not be more
than 2 harakah long.
ii.) TAWASSUT (Intermediate) – the duration of the elongation is between 3
– 5 harakah long
iii.) TUUL (Lengthy) – The duration of the elongation is between 4 – 6 harakah
Individual single Maddah are called Maddah (Singular), whereas, many Maddah are
referred to as Mudood (Plural).
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The Maddah letters of Alif, Waw and Ya, have rules which determine how the Maddiya
letters are pronounced. These rules are known as the ‘Rules of Maddah’. They are divided
into 2 groups, Maddul Asli or Tabee (Original/Natural Madd) and Maddul Far’i
(Secondary/Derived Madd).
(Original / Natural Madd caused by
Madd) other factors
Madd caused by
(Secondary / Derived Hamza
Madd caused by
1.) MADD UL ASLIYYA also known as MADD UT TABEE is the Original Madd
The rest of the Madd come under MADD UL FAR’I which is the Secondary Madd.
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Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
There should not be a ُ و- ِ ي- ا-َ There should not be
When reading Maddah, we have to extend or lengthen the sound. How does one measure
the length of the sound? Some count the fingers on the hand and some use the seconds of
the watch. The oldest and preferred method is the time it takes to say a haraka (vowel)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1.) The Madd letters of ايو are empty and do not have any haraka (Fat-ha, Kasra or
2.) Madd letters must be preceded by its own haraka i.e. Madd letter Alif by Fat-ha,
Madd letter Waw by Dhamma and Madd letter Ya by Kasra.
3.) There is no Hamza before the word and no Hamza or Sukun after the word.
4.) To be extended for Two haraka OR Two counts only
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
• Madd ul-Badal
• Madd ul-Silah
• Madd ul-Ewad
• Madd ul-Laazim
• Madd ul-Lin
• Madd ul-Aarid lis Sukun
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2.) MADD UL-BADAL – The Substitute Madd – When any of the Madd
letters of ا و يare preceded by a , and not followed by a Hamza or ء
Sukun. This Madd is stretched to 2 Haraka.
3.) MADD UL-SILAH – is the prolonging of the Haa ( ) هof the pronoun
that represents a third party of male gender.
The Haa ( ) هhas to fall between two voweled letters (neither of them have
a Sukun)
You must continue to the next word in order to sound this Madd. eg. If you
stop on this Haa, then NO Madd.
The Madd will be with Waw if the Haa has a Dhamma, and by Yaa if the Haa
has a Kasra. Eg. إِن َّ ُه َعل َى َر ْج ِعهِ َل َقاد ِر NOTE: Letter Haa does not bear a Fat-ha
The two vowels between which the The two vowels between which
Haa sits, should be a Fat-ha, Kasra the Haa sits, should be a Fat-ha,
or Dhamma and not a Sukun Kasra or Dhamma and not a Sukun
The Haa is not followed by a Hamza The Haa must be followed by a
ء ا
( or ) Hamza ( or ) ء ا
Haa to be stretched for 2 counts Haa to be stretched for 4 - 5
just like Madd Tabee counts just like Madd Munfasil
َوأ ُ ِّمهِ َواَب ِ ْي ْه َمالُ ُه َو َم َاك َس ْب ط َ َعا ِمهِ أَ َّن َما َل ُه أَ ْخل ََده
Notice a vowel after the Haa and NO Notice the Hamza after the Haa
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
a.) Notice the word يَ ْر َض ُه َلكُ ْم . The Haa in this word fulfils all the conditions of Madd
ul-Silah as-Sughra, yet it is not stretched when reciting. There is a vowel before
and after the Haa, and no Hamza after the Haa, yet there is no Madd in this word
(Surah Zumar Ch. 39 Ayah 7)
b.) Notice the word َو َي ْخلُ ْد ف ِْيهِ ُم َهانَا. The Haa in this word does not fulfil all the
conditions of Madd ul-Silah, yet it is stretched when reciting. There is a vowel
after the Haa, but there is a Sukun before the Haa, and no Hamza after the Haa,
yet a stretch of 2 counts is made on this word (Surah Furqaan Ch. 25 Ayah 69)
Note: Copies of the Qur’an printed in Arab countries usually indicate Madd ul-Silah by a small Ya
or Waw next to the Haa. These symbols are not present in copies of the Qur’an printed in India,
Pakistan and other countries.
4.) MADD UL-EWAD – The Replacement Madd – involves replacing the Fat’hatain that
occurs at the end of a word with the Alif Madd with Fat-ha, when a reader stops on it.
This Madd is stretched to 2 Haraka. This rule is not applicable to Kasratain or
َ Will be read as ﺳب َحا
َ (Sabhan to Sabhaa)
NOTE: This rule applies to all letters including Hamza but not the letter TA MARBUTA . ة
Ta Marbutah is the exception to this rule as it is pronounced as HA when it occurs at a stop.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
This Madd is Obligatory as a This Madd is named Munfasil
Hamza follows any Madd letter of (separated) as it is sounded over
Alif, Yaa or Waw in ONE WORD (if TWO WORDS
it is in two words, then it is Madd Occurs when a word ends with a
al-Munfasil letter of Madd and is followed by
It is prolonged for either 4 or 6 a word that begins with Hamza
counts It is prolonged for either 3 or 5
If you choose to prolong for 4 counts
counts, then this must remain Al Madd al-Munfasil cannot
consistent throughout the exceed Al Madd al-Mutasil (Both
recitation have to be the same count)
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Light form
Elongation: 6
AL-HARFI Harakat
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7. MADD UL-LAAZIM – The compulsory Madd – Occurs when any of the Huruful Madd
is followed by a letter with a Sukun (ً+ ي, و, ) اor a Shaddah (ً + ي, و, ) ا
This Madd occurs in either a word (Kalimi) or in a letter (Harfi). These are further divided
into 2 parts each.
(When there is a permanent Sukun after any letter of Madd)
When the Sukun after the When the Sukun after the
letter of Madd is in a WORD letter of Madd in in a LETTER
NOTE: The heavy form of Maddul Lazim occurs when a Maddah letter is followed by a
letter bearing a Shaddah. The Shaddah indicates that Idhgham has taken place and also
represents a doubled letter, the first of which bears a Sukun.
Example: س
ُ +س=س
ُّ ِم+ ِم = م َ ق+ َّق = ق
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َءَآلْـََٰٔ َن
(Maddah caused by Sukun)
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The Madd ul-Laazim al-Harfi is the Madd that occurs in letters and not words (Madd ul-
Laazim al-Kalimi). In this case all the letters are from the Huruful Muqatt’ta’aat (The
Mysterious Letters – discussed elsewhere in this book)
The letters of Huruful Muqatt’ta’aat are 14 letters (half of the Arabic Alphabets). They
appear in 29 chapters in the Holy Qur’an as the opening of the Surah and they appear in 14
different ways, as 1 letter alone, or together as 2, 3 or more letters.
1.) The individual letters have to be pronounced by reading out their respective names
according to their spelling.
2.) The length of each letter’s prolongation will be determined by the Madd rule
inherent within the spelling of it.
3.) The difference of the length of its prolongation is determined by the number of
letters that are used to spell the name of that particular letter.
4.) These Madd can contain one, two, three or more letters.
5.) In regards to their lengthening, the Huruful Muqatt’ta’aat are divided into 4 types
6.) The divisions into these types is based on how the letters are spelt.
Important Note: When reciting the Huruf ul Muqatta’at, “all the letters with a
Maddah sign should be read as the letter itself, and all the letters with the
standing Alif, should be read as the sound of that letter”
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1.) The letter الف- ( اAlif – when we spell the letter). It does not have a Madd in-
between it’s spelling, therefore we do not stretch it and say it plainly as Alif
2.) The 5 letters of ح ي ط ه ر, are known by the acronym ‘Hayy Tuhr’
ٍحي طهر These letters are written with their spelling and read out without being
4.) The letter عين- ع (Ayn – when we spell the letter). It has the Yaa Madd in-
between, which is the letter of ease. This makes it Madd al-Leen and it is
elongated for 2, 4 or 6 Harakat.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
• 1 Letter • 5 Letters
• No Madd • Madd at-Tabee
• 2 counts
ا طهر
قص ع
• 7 Letters
لكم • 1 Letter
• Madd al-Harfi • Madd al-Leen
• 6 counts • 2, 4 or 6 counts
ٍْ َص
ٓاد ٍيم ِ أَل ِ ْف ٍآلَم ِميمٍ أَل ِ ْف آلَم را َطا ِس
ْ ي م
ْ َ ْ ْ ْ
6 6 6 2 2 6 1 6 6 1 Length of Stretch
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Known by
the acronym
Merged into Not merged
the letter َس َن ُق ُّص َلكُ ْم into the
that comes letter that
after it comes after
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Leen literally means Softness. Madd al-Leen occurs when certain letters are pronounced
softly and with ease. Leen letters are:-
THE RULE OF MADD UL-LEEN: If one of the Leen letters is followed by a letter at the
end of a word, which has been Saakin due to stop (If the reader will not stop, no Madd is
applied), the reader should prolong the Leen letter. The reader can choose to prolong it 2,
4 or 6 beats.
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Madd Aridh Lis Sukun means “Temporary Madd for stopping”. The reciter must exercise
consistency with the length of the applied stretch in the entire recitation.
a.) The Madd should be the 2nd last letter in the word
b.) The Sukun is found in stopping on (the sound of) the last letter of the word
c.) The Madd MUST NOT have a Fat-ha, Kasra or Dhamma on it
d.) The letter before the Madd letter, must have a suitable diacritic, i.e. Fat-ha
before the Alif, Kasra before the Yaa and Dhamma before the Waw
e.) The reciter must stop after the word being recited in order to sound this Madd
for 2, 4 or 6 counts
f.) The reciter can sound this Madd for 2 counts whether they are stopping or not,
but generally, 2 counts are sounded only when the reciter wishes to continue,
which should be considered as Madd Tabee (2 counts elongation)
SPECIAL CASE: Where a Fat-ha precedes the Yaa Madd or Waw Madd, it becomes known
as Madd al-Leen. Al Madd al-Leen has the same principles as Al Madd al-Aridh lil Sukun.
In brief Maddul Ardhwi – The temporary stop Madd occurs when a letter of Madd is
followed by a letter bearing a vowel that becomes Sakin, when the reciter stops or pauses
to take a breath, usually at the end of a verse.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ه ه ه
2) Haa Sakt
The Consonant
1) Haa Thatee 3) Haa Dhameer
The Essential The Pronoun
Haa Haa
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The letter Haa ( ) هthat comes at the end of words in the Holy Qur’an ( ) ه مهis one
of the three types mentioned below:
The essential Haa is the letter ( ) ه مهthat comes at the end of the word and is part of
the word itself, it cannot be separated from it.
ك َه ُو ُج ْوه َو ْج ُه َِت ْن َته َِي ْن َته ُف ََواكِه َن ْف َق ُه ُاَهَّلل
The consonant Haa is the letter ( ) ه مهthat comes at the end of the word, it is not part
of it and does not have any meaning. It is there to confirm the necessity of stopping at the
specified word. If you choose to continue with the next word it should be pronounced as a
consonant Haa. Examples where the consonant Haa appears in the Holy Qur’an:
فَب ِ ُه ٰدى ُه ُم ا ْق َت ِد ْه ل َْم َي َت َس َّن ْه َما ه َِي ْه ك ِ َتاب ِ َي ْه ح َِساب ِ َي ْه َمال ِ َي ْه ُسل َْطان َِي ْه
Surah Surah Surah Surah Al- Surah Al- Surah Al- Surah
Al-Baqarah Al-An’aam Al-Qaari’ah Haaqqah Haaqqah Haaqqah Al-Haaqqah
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The pronoun Haa is the letter ( ) ه مهthat comes at the end of the word and takes the
place of the name. Example:
The pronoun Haa never carried a Fat-ha, it always carries either a Kasra or a Dhamma. But
sometimes the short vowel of the pronoun Haa is pronounced as a long vowel, with Ishbaa,
meaning with repletion, and is sometimes pronounced normally as a short vowel, without
The short vowel of the pronoun Haa is pronounced as a long vowel when both sides of the
َربُّ ُه بِكَل ِ َمات = َربُّ ُهو بِكَل ِ َمات إِن َّ ُه َل َق ْو ُل = إِن َّ ُهو َل َق ْو ُل
بِهِ َوْل = بِهي َوْل َم َوا ِض ِعهِ َو َن ُسوا = َم َوا ِض ِعهِي َو َن ُسوا
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The short vowel of the pronoun Haa will be pronounced normally, with the short vowel it is
carrying when:
1.) The Haa ( ) هat the end of the word ( ِ ٰه ِذه ), even though it is an essential Haa,
2.) The pronoun Haa ( ) مهin these two words is accompanied by Sukun, ( )أَ ْر ِج ْهin
Surah Al-A’raaf, Ayah 111 and in Sura Ash-Shu’araa, Ayah 36 and ( ) فَأ َ ْلق ِ ْهin
Surah An-Naml, Ayah 28
3.) The pronoun Haa ( ) مهin ( ) َي ْر َض ُه َلكُ ْمin Surah Az-Zumar, Ayah 7 is read
without Ishbaa.
4.) The pronoun Haa ( ) مهin ( ) َو يَ ْحلُ ْد فيهِ ُم َهانَاin Surah Al-Furqaan, Ayah 69 is
read with Ishbaa.
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ء ٱ
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2 Types of Hamza in the Holy Qur'an
Both are read and treated differently
ء أ إ ؤ ئ أل ﺋ ﻹ ٱ
The Head of the letter Ayn
which can appear alone or Alif with a Half
above or below certain Saad (fish shape)
letters on top
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Hamzatul Qat’aa is a regular consonant letter that in writing appears anywhere in a word,
either by itself or is carried by an Alif, Ya or Waw. It can appear in any part of a word, in
the beginning, in the middle or at the end. EXAMPLE:
ﺳ َماء
َّ ال َجا َء AS SAMAA JAA A
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Sometimes the Hamza is not written above the Alif, only a Sukun is
written. The jerky sound (half it’s normal length) will still be
pronounced. Example:
Qa Ra’ Tu ٍقَ َرا ُْت wa’mur ٍَواْ ُم ْر na’ti ٍنَا ْ ِت
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
إ ِ َيمان َ ْ ُأ
َسة أَ َخ َذ
Notice for the Kasra, Notice for the Fat-ha & Dhamma,
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
It occurs only at the beginning of a word and does not have any vowel on it. In some Qur’an,
the Alif has no such sign over it, so it’s an Empty or Bare Alif.
(The Hamzatul Wasl is written
(The Hamzatul Wasl is read)
but not read)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
SKIPPED & NOT 1) When reading from the
PRONOUNCED letter/word with any vowel
preceding Hamzatul Wasl.
ARTICLE 'THE' ( ) ا لwhen
something is made specific.
The Hamzatul Wasl is read with
a Fat-ha
READ The Hamzatul Wasl is read with a
(There are some exceptions in
When reading this case)
with the first
letter as
Hamzatul Wasl
(Hamzatul Wasl will be
pronounced with a Dhamma if
(3 rules are the third letter of the Verb has
applicable here) a Dhamma - Except for some
(Hamzatul Wasl will be
pronuonced with a Kasra if the
third letter of the Verb has a
Fat-ha or a Kasra)
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
The 2 rules when Hamzatul Wasl appears in continuous recitation with a letter
before it. The Hamzatul Wasl is written but skipped during recitation.
RULE 1: If the Hamzatul Wasl appears RULE 2: If the Hamzatul Wasl appears in
in continous recitation and there is no continous recitation and there is no pause,
pause, and the letter preceding but the letter preceding the Hamzatul Wasl
Hamzatul Wasl has a Vowel, then the is a Tanween, then one harakah from the
Hamzatul Wasl is dropped and not Tanween is dropped and a small Nun with
pronounced. Kasrah is placed under the Hamzatul Wasl.
The Nun Kasrah connects with the next
Notice the Hamzatul Wasl is not Notice the Hamzatul Wasl has a Nun
pronounced Kasrah under it, the Tanween changes to
one vowel + a small Nun Kasrah
ب ٱلعالمين
ِ َر قدير ِنٱلذ
Rabbil Aalameen Kadeeru Nilladhi
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ْ َ ْ َو ﭐن (wanhar) ُق ِل ﭐ ْل َح ْم ُد (Qulil Hamdu)
join join
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ٱلشمس ٱلقمر
The letter Laam of the Definite The letter Laam of the Definite
article is NOT pronounced article is pronounced
The Sukun shaped diacritic is The Sukun shaped diacritic is
NOT written on top of the Laam written on top of the Laam
The Hamzatul Wasl has a Fat-ha The Hamzatul Wasl has a Fat-ha
The Definite article sounds as ‘a’ The Definite article sounds just
The letter following the Laam has like its name ‘AL’
a Shaddah
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ٱشت َ َر ُوا
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Notice: The 3rd letter Notice: The 3rd letter Notice: The 3rd letter
in the word above has a in the word above has a in the word above has a
Fat-ha Kasra Dhamma
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If the 3rd letter has a If the 3rd letter has a If the 3rd letter has a
Dhamma Fat-ha Kasrah
ُ ٱن ٱذهب ٱﺳتِكبَارا
Un dhur Izh haba Istik baaran
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Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Introduction: In Arabic, the word WAQF is singular and WUQUF is plural. Wuquf means
confinement, restriction or limitation in Tajweed.
Applied definition of the stop: Cutting of the sound at the end of a word, usually for the
period of time of breathing, with the intention of return to the recitation, not with the
intention of abandoning the recital.
One of the most important areas in the science of Tajweed is the knowledge of Al-Waqf
and Al-Ibtidaa, which means the stop and the beginning. The understanding of Allah’s words
cannot be realized, nor can comprehension be achieved, without this knowledge.
Imam Ali (AS) said: “Tarteel means Tajweed of the letters and knowledge of stops.”
One scholar described Al-Waqf as: “The stop is sweetness of Tilawah, beautifies the
reciter, an announcement of the succeeding, understanding for the listener, pride of the
scholar, and through it one knows the difference between two different meanings….”
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1.) THE EXAM or TEST STOP – AL WAQFUL IKH-TIBAARI – Occurs when a student
is being examined by a teacher. The student stops when instructed to or when a
mistake is being corrected.
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Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Knowledge of the rules and of the places of Waqf is critical in preventing errors that may
lead to ambiguities in the intended meaning of the verse. The correct recitation of the
Holy Qur’an requires a complete familiarity with the rules of punctuation and the places
where one can pause.
To assist the reader with this aspect of recitation, the Qur’an contains an elaborate system
of abbreviations that identify the places and types of Waqf. These are found in the middle
or the end of the ayaat and give us an indication whether stopping/pausing is permitted or
Whenever more than one sign are found together, the reciter should follow the sign that
is above all (on top of) the others. The most commonly found signs are:
An option to stop
or continue
To pause without
breaking the
You must Stop breath
symbols in the
Holy Qur'an
Stop at either
one, but not both
ۛ ۛ
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
ط Waqf al-Muttlaq It is better to stop and take a gap in reciting the
(The Absolute pause) long passage by taking breath. After the break the
recitation should continue from the next word. It
helps in making the reading process easier by fully
grasping the meaning of the already read text.
ال Waqf al-Mamnu If this sign is at the end of verse with the circle,
one can stop or continue. If it appears in the middle
of a verse, it is prohibited to stop, as it would
change the meaning of the Ayah completely.
ز Waqf Mujawwaz It is better not to pause at this sign. The reciting
(Continue reading) process can continue, although there is no
prohibition in stopping here.
ص Waqf Murakh-khas This symbol permits the reader to take a break and
(The Licensed pause) take a breath in case if getting tired only, but it is
highly advisable to carry on reading.
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ق Qila Alayhil Waqf Not recommended to stop at this sign, but one can
(Better not to stop) pause
قف Qif This is an order to pause, and one should stop at this
(The Anticipation sign. The sign is used at all places where the reciter
mark) would otherwise have continued without pausing.
س Saktah Here one should have a short pause in such a way
(The Silence symbol) that the breath is not broken. Brief pause and
السكت continue recitation. A breathless pause.
وٓقفة The Longer pause Here the pause is longer than Saktah. The pause is
done without breaking the breath. Longer pause and
continue recitation.
معٓٓٓٓمع Waqf al-Mu’anaqah When these signs appear close to each other, a
(The Embracing Stop) pause at the first place makes a pause at the second
prohibited, because the meaning of the verse is
incomplete. One must pause at any one of the
signs, but not both.
The Perfect Stop This indicates the end of the verse. The reciter has
or to stop here and take a breath before continuing to
read further.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Simply put:
a.) Harakah – These are the short vowels of Fat-ha, Kasra and Dhamma.
1.) The general rule of Waqf is to remove the harakah of the last letter and
replace it with a Sukun / Jazm. The harakah can be a Fat-ha, Kasrah,
Dhamma or a Kasratain or a Dhammatain (Not Fat-hatain)
2.) If the last letter has a Fat-hatain, take out one Fat-ha and read with
the Alif after it (If there isn’t an Alif after it, then add one)
3.) If the last letter is a round Taa ( ة ), change it to a small Haa ( ه ), and
put a Sukun / Jazm on it.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
4.) To read as it is. No change will take place when stopping: a) if the last
letter is an Alif with a Fat-ha before it; b) if the last letter has a
Sukun/Jazm; c) if the last letter has a standing Fat-ha
5.) If either Alif, Waw or Yaa (Maddah letters) come before the last
letter, then pull slightly when making Waqf
6.) If the last letter has a Tashdeed, pull a little when making Waqf.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
When there is a Kasratain, Dhammatain or Sukun at the end of a word, then read
as a Sukun on the last letter.
When you stop on a word that ends with Alif or Standing Fat-ha, then read as it
is written, NO change will take place.
If you see a round Taa ةor Haa هwith any harakah on it, then end it as Haa
Sukun ل ْهٍ ه, except for the Haa that has a Standing Fat-ha
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Technically means: Cutting the sound on the last letter of a Qur’anic word for a short
time (the duration of two harakaat), without taking a breath to continue the recitation
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
a.) Hamzatul Qat’aa ء – This is the regular consonant letter that in writing appears
anywhere in a word, either by itself or is carried by Alif, Ya or Waw. It is always read
clearly with the sounds A, I and U, depending on the harakah it appears with.
b.) Hamzatul Wasl also known as Aliful Wasl ٱ – This is the conjuctive or connective
Hamzah that always appears at the beginning of nouns, verbs and prepositions. This Hamzah
is always represented by the symbol that looks like an Alif with a small Saad over it, in the
Qur’an that is printed in Arab countries (Uthmani Script Qur’an).
In other countries like India & Pakistan (Majeedi Script Qur’an), it is simply written as an
Alif. It is pronounced when starting with a word and dropped when continuing the
recitation, when joining the word that begins with it, with the one that precedes it.
NOTE: These rules have been discussed extensively on the chapter of Hamzatul Qat’aa
and Hamzatul Wasl and the chapter on Nun Qutni, but we will briefly touch on them in this
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
RULE 1: If the Hamzatul Wasl appears in continous recitation and there is no pause, then
the Hamzatul Wasl is dropped and not pronounced. Example:
RULE 2: If the Hamzatul Wasl appears in continous recitation and there is no pause, but
the letter preceding the Hamzatul Wasl is a Tanween, then one harakah from the Tanween
is dropped and a small Nun with Kasrah is placed under the Hamzatul Wasl. The Nun Kasrah
connects with the next letter. This small Nun with Kasrah (Nun Maksur) is called NUN
QUTNI. Example:
Kadeeru Nilladhi
قدير ِنٱلذ
Notice the Hamzatul Wasl has a Nun Kasrah under it, the
Tanween changes to one vowel + a small Nun Kasrah
In copies of Qur’an printed in Arab countries, this Nun Qutni is not present. However, the
rule still applies.
2.) How to resume recitation with a word that starts with Hamzatul Wasl after a
RULE 1: Hamzatul Wasl is always read with a Fat-ha if a Laam follows Hamzatul Wasl in
the same word or a word starts with ل ا (Rule related to Sun and Moon letters)
RULE 2: Hamzatul Wasl is read with a Dhamma if the third letter of the word bears a
Dhamma (Rule related to Nouns)
RULE 3: Hamzatul Wasl is read with a Kasrah if the third letter of the word (verb) bears
a Fat-ha or Kasrah (Rule related to Verbs)
Detailed explanations and examples for all the above are discussed elsewhere in this book
in the Chapters on Nun Qutni, Hamzatul Qat’aa and Hamzatul Wasl.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
1) In some words a small and light س is found written above the ص
ٍم ُت ۡفلِ ُح ۡو َن ٍِ ُخل َ َفٓاءَ ِم ۡ ۢن ب َ ۡع ِد قَ ۡو ِم ن ُ ۡوح َوزَادَ ُك ۡم ِِف ا ۡۡلـ َل ۡقِ بَ ۡص َطةٍ فَا ۡذ ُك ُر ۡوا ٍا ٰ َْل ٍءَ ه
ٍۡ اّلل لَعَل َ ُك
Surah Al-A’raaf - Chapter 7 - Ayah 69 (Read with the ) س
2) The word اَنَاis always read as َاَن The second Alif is not read اَ َن اَنَا
This is covered in detail on the topic of the ‘7 Alifaat’ elsewhere in this book.
Qur’an have the Alif which is not to be read marked with a prominent circle.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
5) The letters Laam and Ra are also known as Idh’gham letters but are read without a
Ghunnah. If after Nun Sakin or Tanween, you see the letters Laam or Ra then you
will merge the Nun Sakin or Tanween with the Laam or Ra but there will be no
6) If you see a Ra Mushaddad (Ra with a Shaddah) bearing a Fat-ha or Dhamma on it
then it will be read with full mouth
7) If you see a Ra Mushaddad with a Kasra on it then it will be read with empty mouth.
ِّ َ ِم ْن
ش ل َْي َس ا ْلب ِ َّر ُِس ْو َن
ُّ ِ ي
Example to be read empty mouth Example to be read full mouth
8) If you are going to stop on a Ra and before it there is a Ya Sakin, then read the Ra
with empty mouth (light Ra).
9) If after a Ra Sakin which has a Kasra before if, you see one of the 7 full mouth
letters then this will be read with a full mouth (heavy Ra – read with a rattling sound
ْ َ ِ َْقط
اس ِم ْر َصا ْد
These examples will be read with a full mouth
10) The ‘alif’ in the word ِمائ َ َة (meaning ‘a hundred’ ) is written but not pronounced.
11) The ‘alif’ at the end of certain forms of verbs is written but not pronounced.
امنوا رضوا
aamanuu radhuu
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
12) The letter(s) coming between a vowel and a letter with a sukun on it are not
pronounced. Example:
Read as ‘mal qaa ri a tu’ and not as ‘maal qa ri a tu’ َماا ْل َقارِ َع ُة
In the above example, the two alifs between the ‘meem’ and ‘laam’ are not pronounced.
The first ‘alif’ does not lengthen the ‘meem’.
13) The ‘waw’ in the words َصلٰو ًة and َزكٰو ًة is written but not pronounced.
Apart from the ‘alif’ used for lengthening the vowel ‘a’, as a general rule at this stage,
do not pronounce letters without vowels or signs.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
When they are joined to the next word, the last letter is pronounced with Fat-ha.
When stopping at them, the last letter is pronounced with the long vowel of Alif.
َال َّر ُسوْل َال َّر ُسو َل َال َّر ُسوْل
Surah Al-Ahzaab : Verse 66
َّ َا
لسبيْل َّ
السبي َل َّ َا
Surah Al-Ahzaab : Verse 67
َ َق َو ارير
َ َق َو اريرا
َ َق َو
Surah Al-Insaan : Verse 15
This word occurs twice in the same Surah. The one mentioned above is
the first one, because the second one is in Ayah 16, and is pronounced
without the long vowel of Alif either way.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
This appears in the Holy Qur’an in Surah Yusuf, Chapter 12 – Ayah 11. Sometimes there is
a diamond shape on the word and sometimes it appears without the diamond shape.
Note: When you hear a person reciting this Ayah, you will not be aware of the Ishmam, but
when you see the person reciting the Ayah, you will see them forming the shape of Waw on
the lips, without pronouncing the Dhamma sound.
16) IMAALAH – To produce a sound which is between the Alif and the Yaa. Its not an Alif
(aa) or a Yaa (ii), rather it is in-between (e)
This appears in the Holy Qur’an in Surah Hud, Chapter 11 – Ayah 41. Sometimes there is a
diamond shape on the word and sometimes it appears without the diamond shape.
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
17) In some words a superfluous tooth (an extra line like a Be ٮwithout the dot) is written
after the standing fat-ha. Like empty letters, this tooth is also only written, but is not
َهدٰٮنَا ُ ٰ َمثْو
hadaanaa Mathwaahu
ٍٮه ْم
ُ ٰ ََنْو
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Makharij Al-Huroof: (short form: Makhraj) The emission point or Place of origin
or point of articulation from which each of the 28 letters
of Arabic are pronounced.
They are five:
Al-Halq The Throat
Al-Lisaan The Tongue
Al-Jawf The interior or the empty area of the Mouth
Ash-Shafataan (Shafawi) The Two Lips
Al-Khayshoom The Nasal Passage
Sifaat ul Huroof: How the letters are pronounced and how they change
according to the situation. If not pronounced correctly with
its characteristic, then the letter can change into another
With Opposites:
Hams – Jahr Continuation – Stoppage of breath
Shiddah–Tawassut-Rakhawah Strong stoppage, in-between stoppage & continuation of sound
Isti’laa – Istifaal Pronounced heavily – pronounced lightly
Itbaq – Infitaah Covered - Open
Idhlaq – Ismaat Read with effort – Read with ease
Without Opposites:
Safeer Whistling – Sound like a bird
Qalqalah Echoing/vibration – Breaking of tension or release
Leen Softness – pronounced without difficulty
Inhiraf Inclination – Move makharij of one into another
Takrir Repetition – Prounouncing the letter more than once
Tafashshee Spreading around the sound of the word in the mouth
Istitaalah Prolongation – Stretching sound over entire tongue
Ghunnah Nasal Sound – Comes from the Nasal passage
Nabrah – Related to Hamza: Command and Sharpness, the heaviest of all letters
Tas-heel To make easy / soft
Tabdeel To change 2nd Hamza to the long vowel of Alif
Hathf To Eliminate – Omitting Hamza from the word
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading
Meem Sakin
Idh’haar Shafawi To recite clearly (Meem sakin followed by any of the 26
letters – apart from Ba and Meem)
Idh’ghaam Shafawi To merge or join (Meem Sakin followed another Meem)
Ikhfaa Shafawi To hide or conceal (Meem Sakin followed by the letter Ba)
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Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading