3D Printing Curriculum Airwolf-3D
3D Printing Curriculum Airwolf-3D
3D Printing Curriculum Airwolf-3D
Possible Standards
Learning Objectives
• Students will design and create a 3-dimensional object with equivalent values of surface
area and volume.
• Students will use linear functions to represent the equivalence of surface area and volume.
Group Size: 3 to 4 students, depending on how many variations you would like students to compare within the
class setting.
Materials Required
• At least one computer per group, loaded with SketchUp or Autodesk123D (For this
particular lesson, AutoDesk123D is a great tool with its ability to round the edges and
customize the design)
• Paper and pencil for drafting
• Airwolf 3D Printer
• Ruler to verify dimensions
• Placeholder (STL file)
• Placeholder (SketchUp file)
Assumptions being made:
Anything that students build needs to be supported. Therefore, some designs are not easily
designed on a 3D printer. To ensure that students’ designs will be printed, check to verify that all
unsupported structures are designed at an angle less than or equal to 45 degrees.
To introduce the class to the project, have two separate containers and have students determine the
surface area of each. Based on this, have them determine the volume capacity of each. Assuming that the
containers do not meet the challenge requirements, move directly into the project’s challenge.
The Challenge
Create a container that has the same values for surface area and its volume
Prior to working on the design, students will need to show proof that they understand the relationship
between surface area and volume. In an effort to assist students, providing the formulas may be beneficial.
Some figures, mostly regular 3D objects, lend themselves to a simple setup. Be aware that very few 3D figures
will cooperate with this method.
EX: For a sphere (which is highly unlikely to be printed)
A = 4πrˆ2
V = 4/3πrˆ3
To find out the value in which the surface area and volume are equivalent, students will need to set them
equal to each other and isolate the variable.
4πrˆ2 = 4/3πrˆ3
Therefore, in this instance, the radius of the sphere would be 3. Whether that is 3 millimeters, 3
centimeters, inches, it is based on how large students will need their object to be. This is one of the
easier formulas to reduce, yet it will be the most difficult example for the printer to produce, so it is highly
recommended that students do not use the sphere.
Due to the fact that the container will need to be filled with water to verify volume, ensure that students
have left one face open in their design and printing, yet they find the surface area of the object as if it were
closed in.
The Meat
On paper, students sketch their design and include the work within their notebook that confirms their
accuracy. Dimensions need to be designated on the drawing and appropriate justification as to why the
group feels like their design is accurate must be included in their preliminary draft.
Using a 3D modeling program such as Google Sketchup, students create an object that represents the
sketch in their notebook. Prior to printing, measurements need to be verified by a partner, then by the
instructor. Once verified, student will send the product for printing. Within APEX, students will need to
generate their layers and ensure that their product is hollow to test for volume. Instructor must verify that this
is the case prior to the start of printing.
To lower the cost and time of printing, making the walls of the bridge 1 layer would be effective.
After printing, have students use a ruler to measure the dimensions. Mark these dimensions into
student notebooks for reference.
Using a measuring cup, students will fill up their product with water to determine its volume. Considering
that there is a thickness to the objects, there will need to be an acceptable margin of error. Within the class,
have students discuss why this is the case and how it could be modified to reduce the margin of error.
Once students have tested their own container, rotate around the class and have groups verify the
others’ products by finding the surface area and volume. If time permits, have students create and
complete a table with the various designs that classmates have created and include the values for surface
area and volume.
Desired Outcomes
Students should have created a product that has the same numerical value for the surface area and the
volume. The units will be different, square versus cubic. Outside of that, the expectation is that
students rotate throughout the room to see what other groups have done to meet the challenge.
Place a limit on the amount of filament that shall be used for the printing of the product.
Require students to have a unique design. There are plenty of good options, and a place to start is
here. However, there are many others that are irregular that will spark the creativity of some students.
For students who are struggling, or have chosen an obscure design, lead them to this website. To
encourage more students to be successful, make this a challenge to see which groups can achieve the
smallest ratio of surface area to volume, understanding that it is quite a demanding task.
Provide the students with the tools necessary to complete the task. For example, have students use a right
triangular prism (Wolfram Alpha applet). Select an arbitrary a, b, c (triangle sides) and h (height of object).
Using the appropriate formulas, determine the surface area and volume. Then, using those values, find the
ratio of surface area to volume. Cube the new ratio and multiply it to the volume. Square the new ratio and
multiply it to the surface area. Caution: this may get sloppy. (To avoid all of this, a right triangle with dimensions
12, 16, 20 and height of 4 will work).
If there are a small number of students in the class, printing time and material won’t be as much of an issue,
so the specifications may be adjusted to account for more creativity and a higher level of support.
Questions to Ponder
• What would have happened if the height was changed in proportion to the base?
• What was the most challenging portion of the project?
• Where could you see this used in a real life setting?
Once students are finished with the project, encourage them to repurpose their products by giving them out to
teachers or office staff as gifts of appreciation. After all, we all love a thoughtful and creative gift!
2. Students Use 3D Printing to Verify the
Flow Rate of a 3D Object Using
The Draining Tank Problem
Standard (From the California State Calculus Standards):
4.0 Students demonstrate an understanding of the formal definition of the derivative of a function at a point
and the notion of differentiability
9.0 Students use differentiation to sketch, by hand, graphs of functions. They can identify maxima, minima,
inflection points, and intervals in which the function is increasing and decreasing
12.0 Students use differentiation to solve related rate problems in a variety of pure and applied contexts
Standards for Mathematical Practice:
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP4 Model with mathematics
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP5 Use appropriate tools strategically
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP6 Attend to precision.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP7 Look for and make use of structure
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to create 3D containers with an appropriate flow rate
Students will be able to determine how fast the water in a 3D tank is dropping
Students will be able to verify the flow rate of a 3D object using differentiation
Group Size: 3 to 4 students, depending on how many variations you would like students to compare
within the class setting
Materials Required:
• At least one computer per group, loaded with Google Sketchup
• Paper and pencil for drafting
• Cups, vases, or other 3D models to show students relevance of flow rate (must be destructible
–not your mother’s favorite vase!)
• Airwolf 3D Printer
• Water
• Measuring Cup (for verification)
• Stopwatch
• Ruler to verify dimensions
• Download this free 3D printing curriculum here: 2. Calculus Flow Rate
• Download the free STL models here: FlowRate.stl
Questions to Ponder:
3. Students Pythagorean Theorem to
Verify Handicap Ramp Distances
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.G.B.7: Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to determine unknown side lengths in right
triangles in real-world and mathematical problems in two and three dimensions.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.G.B.8: Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to find the distance between two points in a
coordinate system.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.SRT.C.8: Use trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem to solve right
triangles in applied problems.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSS.ID.C.7: Interpret the slope (rate of change) and the intercept (constant term) of a
linear model in the context of the data.
Standards for Mathematical Practice:
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Learning Objectives:
Students will design and produce scaled model of a handicap ramp to accommodate a specific request
Students will use slope and Pythagorean Theorem to verify handicap ramp distances
Students will print 3D ramps that meet ADA specifications and parameters set by dimensions of the project
Group Size: 3 to 4 students, depending on how many variations you would like students to compare within
the class setting. For a smaller class, groups of 2 would be ideal.
Materials Required:
At least one computer per group, loaded with Google Sketchup
Airwolf 3D Printer
Download the free STL models here: Final Ramp (SketchUp file)
Video on how to make a ramp – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRJ_VsQcuRk
Questions to Ponder:
During this project, where have you seen ramps that look out of compliance?
If you were wheelchair-bound or handicapped, would you rather have a steeper slope and less distance
to travel OR a lower slope and more distance to travel?
What are the legal ramifications of wheelchair access? (Check out this lawsuit)
4. Students Combining 3D Printing and
3D Printing & the Arduino Board
A desired outcome is a container that will perfectly fit an Arduino Uno R3 board, along with a push-button and
LED light that both fit flush with the lid and are operational.
NGSS: 4-PS3-4.Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy from one form
to another
Learning Objectives:
Students will design and produce a container for an Arduino Board
Students will design and produce a lid for an Arduino Board box with holes for a push-button and LED light
Students will use the Arduino board and push-button switch to power an LED light
Group Size: 2 to 4 students, depending on how many variations you would like students to compare within
the class setting. For a smaller class, groups of 2 would be ideal.
Class Size: up to 36 students
Materials Required:
At least one computer per group, loaded with Google Sketchup or Tinkercad
Questions to Ponder:
What were some of the challenges in designing the container and lid?
What did you learn during the project?
Can you think of other projects for students combining 3D printing and Arduino?
Did it come out the way you had planned and what did you learn about tolerances?
Did you know that the circuit board on the Airwolf 3D printer can be programmed in Arduino?
Other Resources:
Download handout “Creating Arduino Board Case with Google Sketchup”
TINKERCAD: Go to Tinkercad and sign up for a free account
here: https://tinkercad.com/ Make sure that you can log in. After you login, you will be
prompted to follow the “My First Lesson” tutorial. This is highly recommended, as it will show
the user how to use the basic functions of Tinkercad. After completing the tutorial, experiment
by trying out different tools and functions of the software. You can even go as far as creating
your own part if you feel comfortable. There is nothing to download, everything is designed on
the cloud.
STL IMPORTER/EXPORTER: In order to export a file from Sketchup for 3D printing, we must
be able to export STL files. We need to install a plugin for this. In the top menu, go to
“Window.” Click on “Extension Warehouse.” A new window will now open. There will be a
menu on the right side of the window. Click on “Sketchup STL.” Click the large red “Install”
button on the right side. You will now be prompted to login to your Google account. After
logging in, you will have to Click “Install” again. Accept the terms and click “Confirm.” You must
now click “Install” for a third time to start the installation. A window will come up and warn you
that this extension will have access to the file system on your computer. Click “yes.” Sketchup
will now tell you that the Extension has been installed properly and that it is ready to use.
5. Students Will Apply Their Knowledge of
Volume Formulas to Design a Cup
The Right Tool
A wide variety of Volume Standards are applicable, depending on the grade level and skill level of the students.
Learning Objectives
• Students will design and produce a cup that holds 8 ounces of fluid.
• Students will apply their knowledge of volume formulas to design a cup.
• Students will test their product for reliability, applicability, and quality.
• Students will market their product to a specific audience using any form of advertisement.
Group Size: 3 to 4 students, depending on how many variations you would like students to compare within the
class setting. For a smaller class, groups of 2 would be ideal.
Materials Required
Assumptions being made:
• Students have a good understanding of 3D modeling. Prior to incorporating this lesson into a unit, it is
recommended that students have had training on Google Sketchup.
• Students have a good understanding of SAE (Imperial) and Metric units.
• Students have a good understanding of formulas for volume.
• Depending on the level of the students and intricacy of cup, knowledge of Integration to find the area
would be useful.
To begin the lesson, pose the students with the challenge of determining the volume of various cups that
meet their current mathematics skill level. Using measuring cups and water, confirm the volume of any
number of cups. This will give students an idea of volume and how it relates to the task that is coming their
Once students have had ample time (20-30 minutes) to determine existing volumes, use a google search
to find unique cup designs present them with their challenge. Please note that there will be images of
alcoholic beverages, so finding a few appropriate examples and having them ready when students walk in
(please see images at the end of the lesson plan) would be advisable. Giving students a variety of visuals
will help them break away from the standard cylinder or spherical designs that they are used to seeing.
Next up is the challenge.
Give students time to work in their small groups to design potential cups and a purpose for them. Why
would somebody want to buy (or use) this cup? Is it simply unique and cool? Does it have a functional purpose
behind the design?
After each group has come up with some brainstorm ideas, have them sketch their thoughts onto a piece
of paper. Visualization of a unique product is a difficult chore, so this step is essential. Within a certain
timeframe set by the instructor, students will need to commit to one specific design and work collectively to
optimize its chances for success.
The Meat
On paper, students will work in groups to design a unique cup that they have described and sketched. All
dimensions need to be included on the draft before showing the instructor. Furthermore, all portions of the cup
need to be calculated to determine the interior volume.
For simple designs, using basic volume formulas will be sufficient. For more complex designs, starting in two
dimensions to find the area, followed by the third dimension to complete the volume is recommended.
When printing, it is advisable to print at least 2 perimeter layers thick, so take this into consideration during the
design. Each perimeter layer is 0.3 mm thick. Following the check by the instructor, students will use a 3D
modeling program, such as Google Sketchup, to design their product in 3D.
To ensure that everything lines up accurately, groups will check their classmates’ designs prior to showing the
instructor. The instructor will need to confirm the students’ drawings as best as possible before sending it to
Once the design has been printed, students will clean it up and verify all measurements for accuracy, pouring
8 ounces of water into the cup. Due to the variability in the project, it may be essential to note that we are
looking for the group with the volume closest to 8 ounces. After marking down the actual volume for their cup,
groups will then proceed to:
For the advertisement, students have the option of their medium. Whether it is creating a website, video
commercial, radio commercial, magazine ad, billboard, or many others, the key is to be creative in the area
that the students are comfortable. During this portion of the project, students will need to work efficiently within
a deadline provided by the instructor.
Following the creation, students will showcase their advertisement with the class. If there are local
business owners who can come in, this would also be a great addition.
What were some of the challenges in designing the cup? What did you learn during the project?
Just like in a Research and Design lab for major companies, the feedback and reflection on these projects
will be the best part. Give students an opportunity to talk within their group and amongst their classmates to
seek advice on improvements or modifications to obtain the ideal volume without compromising the
Desired Outcomes
A desired outcome is a cup that holds 8 ounces of fluid. The openness of the project limits the ability to
predict an ideal product.
Some Possible Extensions/Modifications
To limit the amount of time spent printing, it would be possible to change the desired volume to 6 or 4 ounces
(or a specific mL as well).
To bring this down a level, provide students with the task of recreating a cup that currently exists and testing it
to verify that it is 8 ounces.
To step up a small amount, limit students to producing a cup that contains only cylinders and rectangular
prisms. This will simplify the mathematics portion and improve the likelihood that their finished product is close
to the desired 8 ounce outcome.
To bring this up a level, give the students a variety of obscure cups (Gatorade bottle, Blender bottle, etc.) and
have them improve on a product like it. Whether it is a design that will fit the contour of their own hand a little
bit better, become more efficient for a toddler, or any other number of specific challenges, this could really take
off in a whole different direction.
Even more involved would be designing a cup that has a certain flow rate (straw hole, suction, etc.), but
this would need to be for a high level group of students.
Once finished with the project, have students give their product to someone who will use it on campus. They
could decorate the cup with artwork and hand it off to office personnel, their favorite teacher, possibly even the
custodian. If their cup has been designed for a toddler or young child, help students find teachers on campus
with children/grandchildren that will benefit from a brand new and unique cup!
6. Students Will Design and Produce a
Push Rod Holster and Clamp
Bike Clamp and Push Holster
NGSS Standards
MS.Forces and Interactions
HS.Forces and Interactions
MS-PS3-2 Energy
Learning Objectives
• Students will design and produce a push rod holster and clamp to assist with the
maneuvering of a child’s tricycle.
• Students will apply their knowledge of forces to create a product that assists an adult with
pushing a child’s bike without straining beyond reasonable expectations.
• Students will market their product to a specific audience using any form of advertisement.
Group Size: 3 to 4 students, depending on how many variations you would like students to compare within the
class setting. For a smaller class, groups of 2 would be ideal.
Assumptions being made:
To begin the lesson, pose the students with the challenge of creating a product that will support parents
all around the world. Many parents will go out and purchase a tricycle for their toddler, only to spend the
majority of the time bending over to provide the force necessary to move the bike along. This presents
inherent risks to the adult’s back and legs. Polling the class to determine who has younger siblings or
relatives that would be in a category of riding a tricycle would make this project more meaningful for them.
Create a product that will save the adult’s back while still pushing their child in the tricycle. This product
needs to be safe, secure, and capable of changing angles and swiveling along the x and y axis.
This is not an incredible difficult product to create, but it will be important to note that the product needs to
be easy to use, safe, and comfortable while the child is riding the tricycle. As the challenge is being posed,
show students this image for better reference. Hopefully there is someone on campus that will lend a tricycle
for the sake of the project.
Give students time to work in their small groups to design potential schematics for how this might look and
the reasons for their particular design. In what way will the force be distributed? How much force is
necessary to move the child along with a given angle? What are the dimensions of the bike and the location
of where they are going to apply the clamp?
Depending on the level of the students, tier the questions to challenge them and apply the knowledge that
they have gained leading up to the project.
After each group has come up with some brainstorm ideas, have them sketch their thoughts onto a piece
of paper. Visualization of a unique product is a difficult chore, so this step is essential. Within a certain
set by the instructor, students will need to commit to one specific design and work collectively to optimize its
chances for success.
The Meat
On paper, students will work in groups to design a unique product that they have described and sketched. All
dimensions need to be included on the draft before showing the instructor. Furthermore, all dimensions will
need to be checked against the measurements of wherever they play to clamp onto the tricycle at.
Have students give a reason for their design and, more importantly, why they chose the location that they did
to clamp onto. In doing so, the instructor should be able to glean a strong amount of information about the
group’s knowledge of forces and motion.
After their paper draft has been approved, students will take to the 3D modeling program, such as Google
Sketchup, bringing their ideas closer to reality. Have students work together to manipulate the drawing such
that it is a solid figure with no holes, otherwise there will certainly be printing errors.
To ensure that everything lines up accurately, groups will check their classmates’ designs prior to showing the
instructor. The instructor will need to confirm the students’ drawings as best as possible before sending it to
Once the design has been printed, students will clean it up and verify all measurements for accuracy. Due to
the variability in the project, it may be essential to note that we are looking for any product that can adequately
allow an adult to maneuver a tricycle without bending over. After printing, groups will then proceed to:
For the advertisement, students have the option of their medium. Whether it is creating a website, video
commercial, radio commercial, magazine ad, billboard, or many others, the key is to be creative in the area
that the students are comfortable. During this portion of the project, students will need to work efficiently within
a deadline provided by the instructor.
Following the creation, students will showcase their advertisement with the class.
What were some of the challenges in designing the clamp? The lever (if applicable)? Any additional pieces?
Did your product break? If so, at how much force did it meet its limit?
If not, could you have used less filament to create the product? How much money would that have saved?
Just like in a Research and Design lab for major companies, the feedback and reflection on these projects will
be the best part. Give students an opportunity to talk within their group and amongst their classmates to seek
advice on improvements or modifications to obtain the ideal design without compromising the uniqueness.
Desired Outcomes
A desired outcome is a clamp and lever system that would allow a parent to comfortably (and safely) push
around a child in the tricycle. Beyond this, it is up to the students to determine what outcome would be most
To limit the amount of time spent printing, limit students to a certain filament length or mass (in grams). Both
of these items can be seen in APEX once the gcode is generated.
To bring this down a level, provide students with the task of simply pushing the bike from a standing position,
without the need to swivel on any given axis.
Once finished with the project, have students give their product to someone who will use it on campus or within
the community. Whether it is finding a parent on campus with a tricycle or a community member, the outreach
will be crucial. Finding a local parents’ club or second-hand childrens’ toy store and donating the products to
them would be a great gesture.
7. Cookie Cutting and Fractions
Students will design a cookie cutter that cuts at least 6 cookies with equivalent dimensions.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.G.A.3 (Symmetry)
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.G.A.4 (Geometry)
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.G.A.3 (Geometry)
Learning Objectives
• Students will design a cookie cutter that cuts at least 6 cookies with equivalent dimensions.
• Students will design a cookie cutter with a frame that has the same thickness of material
throughout its structure.
• Students will use their cookie cutter to represent various fraction addition and subtraction
• Students will design an ornament using constructions and transformations prior to
designing their 3D products.
• Students will create an advertisement to promote and market their ornament
Group Size: 3 to 4 students, depending on how many ornaments you would like to have created and how much
time is available.
Materials Required
Assumptions being made:
To begin the lesson, give students an opportunity to discuss their favorite shape, or cutout, of a cookie. Is it a
heart? A star? A square? Why? Getting some of these responses will validate what it is the kids are about to
do. Once you have some responses and the discussion has started, show the class a variety of templates that
could be used for creating crazy, cute, or delicious looking cookes. If it would help, have students bring in a
sample cookie cutter from home (if mom and dad are OK with it, of course).
“At some point, though, cutting out cookies one at a time starts to get difficult. On top of that, most
cookie cutters cut out HUGE cookies! Wouldn’t it be nice to cut out a lot of smaller cookies really fast
that you could give out to your friends? Perfect.”
Next, present students with their challenge:
Create a cookie cutter that will cut out at least 8 cookies at a time with the same exact dimensions.
Using only paper, pencil, a straight edge, and a lot of imagination, have students design the 2-dimensional
version of their cookie cutter. There will need to be a thickness to all edges, so a simple line will not do. For the
most basic students have them create something that aligns with the look of an ice cube tray. For the most
advanced students, have them do something more abstract or unique, just as long as they are consistent with
their dimensions.
The Meat
Within a 3D modeling program, groups will need to design their layouts for the cookie cutter with a minimum
width for each piece of 3 mm (just to make it easier to print). The maximum height of extrusion allowed should
be set by the instructor to limit the filament being used, but 50 mm is a good place to begin. Because there is
likely going to be a lot of extrusion of surfaces within the modeling program, have students do a 360 degree
inspection of their own design before sending to another group for review.
When printing, it is advisable to print at least 2 perimeter layers thick, so take this into consideration during the
design. Each perimeter layer is 0.3 mm thick. Also, since there will be instances during the print in which there
is little (or no) support, reduce the speed of the print to allow for more time to cool.
To ensure that everything lines up accurately, groups will check their classmates’ designs prior to
showing the instructor. The instructor will need to confirm the students’ designs as best as possible
before sending it to print.
Once the design has been printed, students will clean it up and verify all measurements for accuracy with a
Each one of these questions can provoke thoughtful responses that are rich in mathematical reasoning.
Just like in a Research and Design lab for major companies, the feedback and reflection on these projects will
be the best part. Give students an opportunity to talk within their group and among their classmates to seek
advice on improvements. After completing their print, groups will then proceed to:
For the advertisement, students have the option of their medium. Whether it is creating a website, video
commercial, radio commercial, magazine ad, billboard, or many others, the key is to be creative in the area
that the students are comfortable. During this portion of the project, students will need to work efficiently within
a deadline provided by the instructor.
Following the creation, students will showcase their advertisement with the class. If there are local business
owners who can come in, this would also be a great addition. Contacting the local bakery or cupcake shop
would be an outstanding outreach.
Desired Outcomes
A desired outcome is a cookie cutter that aligns with the appropriate objectives, whether the teacher chooses
to maintain the ones suggested here or modifies them to meet the needs of the students in the class.
To scale this down for students who need it, give them a template that has some of the basic dimensions and
have them work with the model to create something unique from it.
The scale this project up for students who can take it on, require at least one irregular polygon. Maybe you’ll
make it so that students need to have the same area, yet they can have different shapes.
The instructor may also choose to use a Geometry approach to address similarity, congruence, and
The real benefit here is the introduction of fractions. Using the cookie cutters and Play-Doh or other materials,
have students cut out pieces and use them to represent a whole. From there, have students take out 3 of the
whole, half of the whole, 1 of the whole, and let them represent that using images and/or fraction notation.
If you want to continue the idea of creating their own product, have students make Oobleck from water and
cornstarch (here is the instruction list… very simple). Oh what fun!
Wrap them up and give them to the parents for the holidays (or just for fun!).
8. Deck the Halls
Students will design a holiday ornament using a 3D modeling program that incorporates at least one example
of reflection and one example of rotation.
Depending on the level of the students, there is a Measurement standard that can relate directly to the
project. Feel free to go to the CCSS website and find the one that matched your students the best.
Learning Objectives
• Students will design a holiday ornament using a 3D modeling program that incorporates
at least one example of reflection and one example of rotation.
• Students will design a holiday ornament that fits into a 90 mm x 80 mm x 10 mm box
• Students will create a cardboard container for their ornament that is no greater than 90
mm x 80 mm x 10 mm.
• Students will design an ornament using constructions and transformations prior to
designing their 3D products.
• Students will create an advertisement to promote and market their ornament.
Group Size: 3 to 4 students, depending on how many ornaments you would like to have created and how much
time is available.
Materials Required
• At least one computer per group, loaded with Google SketchUp or Autodesk123D
• Paper and pencil for drafting
• Airwolf 3D Printer
• Compass
• Ruler
• Geometric Snowflake (SketchUp file)
• Geometric Snowflake (STL file)
Assumptions being made:
To begin the lesson, give students an opportunity to discuss their favorite holiday ornaments. If there are
students who do not celebrate Christmas, which is highly likely, have them think about a way to encapsulate
something they are grateful for within the dimensions provided in the objectives. If students need a visual to
play off of, send them to a google search. The theme of the ornament is up to the student (or, if the teacher
would prefer, it’s up to the teacher!).
Using only paper, pencil, a straight edge, and a compass, have students design the 2-dimensional version of
their ornament. Encourage the use of a compass and straight-edge for the incorporation of the required
symmetry and transformations, while still opening it up to creativity and student choice.
The Meat
Within a 3D modeling program, groups will need to design their layouts for the ornament with the required
elements. Because there is likely going to be a lot of extrusion of surfaces within the modeling program, have
students do a 360 degree inspection of their own ornament before sending to another group for review.
When printing, it is advisable to print at least 2 perimeter layers thick, so take this into consideration during the
design. Each perimeter layer is 0.3 mm thick. Also, since there will be instances during the print in which there
is little (or no) support, reduce the speed of the print to allow for more time to cool.
To ensure that everything lines up accurately, groups will check their classmates’ designs prior to
showing the instructor. The instructor will need to confirm the students’ designs as best as possible
before sending it to print.
Once the design has been printed, students will clean it up and verify all measurements for accuracy with a
ruler. Have students paint their ornament if it would add character or meaning to the product.
Each one of these questions can provoke thoughtful responses rich in mathematical reasoning.
Just like in a Research and Design lab for major companies, the feedback and reflection on these projects will
be the best part. Give students an opportunity to talk within their group and among their classmates to seek
advice on improvements. After completing their print, groups will then proceed to:
For the advertisement, students have the option of their medium. Whether it is creating a website, video
commercial, radio commercial, magazine ad, billboard, or many others, the key is to be creative in the area
that the students are comfortable. During this portion of the project, students will need to work efficiently within
a deadline provided by the instructor.
Following the creation, students will showcase their advertisement with the class. If there are local business
owners who can come in, this would also be a great addition.
Desired Outcomes
A desired outcome is an ornament that aligns with the appropriate objectives, whether the teacher chooses to
maintain the ones suggested here or modifies them to meet the needs of the students in the class.
The scale this project up for students who can take it on, require at least one semi-sphere, require all elements
to be drawn from scratch (not using any templates), or requiring all alphanumeric designs to be hand-designed.
9. The Right Tool
Students will design and produce a tool to improve or modify a specific process.
Depending on the level of the students, there is a Measurement standard that can relate directly to the
project. Feel free to go to the CCSS website and find the one that matched your students the best.
Learning Objectives
• Students will design and produce a tool to improve or modify a specific process.
• Students will apply their knowledge of SAE and/or Metric units by creating a tool for a
specific job.
• Students will test their product for reliability, applicability, and quality in the field.
• Students will market their product to a specific audience using any form of advertisement.
Group Size: 3 to 4 students, depending on how many variations you would like students to compare within the
class setting. For a smaller class, groups of 2 would be ideal.
Materials Required
Assumptions being made:
To begin the lesson, give the students an opportunity to search or see various tools that a mechanic, carpenter,
construction worker, fashion designer, architect, etc. would use to complete a specific task. Depending on the
time and depth allotted for the project, a history lesson on how tools have evolved to meet our demands (here’s
a timeline of innovation) would be a great tangent to take. For the sake of this lesson, we will dive right into
the tool design itself.
Once students have had ample time (20-30 minutes) to search for peculiar tools and specific tools, assign them
the task of thinking about a process that they feel needs to be improved by a certain tool that does not currently
exist (at least in the capacity that they are thinking about). The goal is to generate a product that could
potentially improve the life of someone in need of the tool, so giving students time to genuinely think about this
would be beneficial.
After each group has come up with some brainstorm ideas, have them sketch their thoughts onto a piece of
paper. Visualization of a unique product is a difficult chore, so this step is essential. Within a certain timeframe
set by the instructor, students will need to commit to one specific tool and work collectively to optimize its
chances for success. Students should be able to answer the following questions prior to designing their
The Meat
On paper, students will work in groups to design a tool that eases a specific process that they have
identified. All dimensions need to be included on the draft before showing the instructor. Following the check
by the instructor, students will use a 3D modeling program, such as Google Sketchup, to design their product
in 3D.
To ensure that everything lines up accurately, groups will check their classmates’ designs prior to
showing the instructor. The instructor will need to confirm the students’ drawings as best as possible
before sending it to print.
Once the design has been printed, students will clean it up and verify all measurements for accuracy. Assuming
that all measurements match up, they will then proceed to:
For the advertisement, students have the option of their medium. Whether it is creating a website, video
commercial, radio commercial, magazine ad, billboard, or many others, the key is to be creative in the area
that the students are comfortable. During this portion of the project, students will need to work efficiently within
a deadline provided by the instructor.
Following the creation, students will showcase their advertisement with the class. If there is a way to bring in
a professional from a few fields that students are trying to support, it would be ideal to bring them in for the
advertisements to add authenticity to the critique. If there are local business owners who can come in, this
would also be a great addition.
Just like in a Research and Design lab for major companies, the feedback and reflection on these projects will
be the best part. Give students an opportunity to talk within their group and amongst their classmates to seek
advice on improvements or modifications.
Desired Outcomes
A desired outcome is something unique that students create to aid them or a family member/friend ease their
workflow. The openness of the project limits the ability to predict an ideal product.
To bring this up a level, have the students poll members of the community to ask them about what tools they
use the most and what task(s) they would like to be done more efficiently with small tools. From there, develop
a tool in collaboration with the professional that requested it and market it with them.
Once finished with the project, have students give their product to a professional in the field that they are in
and have them use it to the point of failure.
10. The Draining Tank Problem
Students will be able to create 3D containers with an appropriate flow rate, determine how fast the water in a
3D tank is dropping, and verify the flow rate of a 3D object using differentiation.
4.0 Students demonstrate an understanding of the formal definition of the derivative of a function at a point and
the notion of differentiability.
9.0 Students use differentiation to sketch, by hand, graphs of functions. They can identify maxima, minima,
inflection points, and intervals in which the function is increasing and decreasing.
12.0 Students use differentiation to solve related rate problems in a variety of pure and applied contexts.
Learning Objectives
Group Size: 3 to 4 students, depending on how many variations you would like students to compare within the
class setting.
Materials Required
Assumptions being made:
• Students have an understanding of volume and its formulas (depending on the shape).
• Students have a good understanding of 3D modeling. Prior to incorporating this lesson
into a unit, it is recommended that students have had training on Google SketchUp.
• Students have a solid understanding of differentiation and integration in a Calculus setting.
To begin the lesson, review the concepts of differentiating with respect to x. For a quick refresher about how
to differentiate to find flow rate, please watch this video. In fact, it may be a good idea to show the video to the
class as a hook for the lesson. Before getting into the meat of the lesson, it may be useful to review integration
and differentiation with respect to flow rate problems.
The Meat
On paper, students sketch a container that will have a change of height of -0.5 cm per second.
Dimensions need to be designated on the drawing and appropriate formulas for volume must be included in
the notebook. For a basic representation, students will use a cylinder. Once completed, instructor signs off on
the sketch for accuracy and posts the dimensions on the board for students to see.
Using a 3D modeling program such as Google Sketchup, students create an object that represents their sketch
in their notebook. Prior to printing, measurements need to be verified by a partner, then by the instructor. Once
verified, student will send the product for printing.
During the design process, ensure that students are creating an interior and exterior dimension. To lower the
cost and time of printing, making the walls of the box less than 1 cm would be effective.
After printing, have students use a ruler to measure the dimensions and internal volume of the product and
note each in their notebook.
Using measuring cups filled with water, students will verify the interior volume of their products by filling them
up and measuring the volume of water that fits. After verification, students will time the flow of water as it is
emptied as well as the change in height.
If everything has been done correctly with their calculations, the math should match up with the
tests. Regardless of the result, have students reflect on the process to see what they would improve, areas to
modify, and check in with neighbors to emphasize variations.
Desired Outcomes
Due to the openness of the challenge, there are really no ideal desired outcomes, as long as the height change
is -0.5 cm per second. If this is unreasonable for your students, choose a height change challenge that will
meet their level. As the instructor, be sure to verify student work prior to designing the object in Google
“Students will be able to create a watering tool for a desired flow rate of 1 gallon per day.”
To modify the project, the instructor can change the challenge from “change of height” to “flow rate”.
To account for the variability of student designs, it may be helpful to have a challenge to see who can get
closest to a height change of -0.5 cm per second with their printed products.
Possible Application
Most of us would love to have a self-watering plant routine. Pour in some water and your plants stay happy. By
developing something that is supportive of this, students have an opportunity for entrepreneurship. Have
students look up the desired water intake for a fruit tree, vegetable plant, or shrub. Once they have it, see if
they can design and print a tank that meets the needs by filling it with water once per day (beginner) or week
(advanced), if even possible Airwolf 3D’s printable dimensions.
Questions to Ponder
11. Cell Phone Throne
Students will design and produce a cell phone holder that serves, at a minimum, as a charging station for a
smartphone of their choice.
This is a tough lesson to affix a specific standard to because it can be addressed in so many ways, but these
are a few big ones.
Learning Objectives
• Students will design and produce a cell phone holder that serves, at a minimum, as a
charging station for a smartphone of their choice.
• Students will apply their knowledge of angles and research data for an optimal angle of a
resting/charging cell phone.
• Students will apply their knowledge of dimensions to accommodate a charging dock for a
designated cell phone.
• Students will apply their knowledge of acoustics to enhance the audio of a charging phone.
• Students will market their product to a specific audience using any form of advertisement.
Group Size: 3 to 4 students, depending on how many variations you would like students to compare within the
class setting. For a smaller class, groups of 3 would be ideal.
Materials Required
Assumptions being made:
To begin the lesson, prime the students with the idea of creating a product that will allow a cell phone to rest,
charge, and display audio and/or video for the user. Many charging stations for smartphones are just that-
charging stations. We are looking for a product that allows a consumer to use the station as an experience
Maybe this means better acoustics for audio, a better angle for video viewing, adjustable angles for
horizontal/vertical viewing.
For more context, show students the various iPhone docking stations and Galaxy docking stations.
The Challenge
This is a very open task, but one that many students will have ideas for as they either have a smartphone or
know someone who does.
Give students time to work in their small groups to design potential charging stations and provide justifications
for the unique features involved. Why would somebody want to use this design? What advantage does it
provide compared to some of the others in the class or ones that have been researched? Where did the group
get their inspiration?
After each group has come up with some brainstorm ideas, have them sketch their thoughts onto a piece of
paper. Visualization of a unique product is a difficult chore, so this step is essential. Within a certain timeframe
set by the instructor, students will need to commit to one specific design and work collectively to optimize its
chances for success.
The Meat
Within Google SketchUp, groups will need to design their charging station that will be used to complete the
challenge. All dimensions need to be included on the design prior to moving on.
When printing, it is advisable to print at least 2 perimeter layers thick, so take this into consideration during the
design. Each perimeter layer is 0.3 mm thick.
To ensure that everything lines up accurately, groups will check their classmates’ designs prior to showing the
instructor. The instructor will need to confirm the students’ designs as best as possible before sending it to
Once the design has been printed, students will clean it up and verify all measurements for accuracy with a
Each one of these questions can provoke thoughtful responses rich in mathematical, scientific, and logical
Just like in a Research and Design lab for major companies, the feedback and reflection on these projects will
be the best part. Give students an opportunity to talk within their group and among their classmates to seek
advice on improvements or modifications to obtain the ideal design without compromising the uniqueness.
Desired Outcomes
A desired outcome is a charging station that can do all or some of the following: allow for a charging cord to
easily fit and securely rest (mandatory), enhance the audio experience, enhance the video viewing experience,
have a unique/fashionable design.
Give students a template for their charging station and have them modify from it to meet their needs. This may
include the dimensions for either an iPhone or Galaxy charging cable and the dimensions of the phone(s).
Require students to model their designs after an existing station that they find online and check with the
instructor prior to following through with the design and printing of it.
Create a charging station that has the ability to accommodate any smartphone charging cable, increase the
audio AND video experience, and is adjustable.
Is there a holiday coming up? These would make great gifts for kids to hand off to loved ones or friends at
school. While some may actually be marketable, the fun of these will be in students requesting them to be
made for their classmates!
12. Students Will Create a Bridge That
Supports The Most Amount of Net Weight
The Bridge Challenge
3-PS2 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions
Depending on the grade level and depth of understanding required, certain CCSS Math standards about
equations are applicable.
Learning Objectives
• Students will create a bridge that supports the most amount of net weight.
• Students will create a bridge that uses no more than 50 grams of filament.
• Students will create a bridge that spans a minimum of 20 cm.
• Students will incorporate properties of bridge design to generate a sustainable structure.
• Students will design a bridge based on models discussed in class and researched within
• Students will design a bridge that allows for at least one figurine (LEGO mini, action figure,
doll, etc.) to safely travel from one side to another.
Group Size: 3 to 4 students, depending on how many variations you would like students to compare within the
class setting. Class Size: up to 36 students
Materials Required
Assumptions being made:
Anything that students build needs to be supported. Therefore, some of the more popular bridges
(suspension, truss, etc.) are not easily designed on a 3D printer. To ensure that students’ designs will be
printed, check to verify that all unsupported structures are designed at an angle less than or equal to 45
To introduce the class to the project, put two desks 20 centimeters apart and inform the class that they will
be responsible for creating a unique bridge that can support the maximum weight as tested during class.
Their product must use less than 50 grams of filament (it is important to note that there should be no way
of the bridge touching anything between the two desks during the testing process).
The Challenge
Create a unique bridge that supports the most weight in the class.
The Meat
On paper, students sketch a bridge that will print appropriately. See recommendations above for more
details. Have students search for various bridges to draw on inspiration of others. If students google “crazy
bridge designs”, the interest should spike immediately. It will be important to remind students that their
product must be printable, meaning that all pieces must be built on each other and at less than or equal to 45
degree changes.
Dimensions need to be designated on the drawing and appropriate justification as to why the group feels like
their design will support the most weight must be included in their preliminary draft.
Using a 3D modeling program such as Google Sketchup, students create an object that represents their sketch
in their notebook. Prior to printing, measurements need to be verified by a partner, then by the instructor. Due
to the constraints set for the project, there will (more than likely) be multiple attempts to have a product that
is within the specifications. Once verified, student will send the product for printing. Within APEX, students will
need to generate their layers to determine how much filament will be used, keeping it under the 50 g limit.
To support this, direct students to the fill percentage that is being used, typically 0.35 (or 35%). Adjusting
this will compensate for groups whose designs are over the limit.
If desired, to take this a step further, have students put together their drawings and Sketchup files as a bid for
a bridge project that will be built within the students’ town/city.
To lower the cost and time of printing, making the walls of the bridge 1 layer would be effective.
Using a string tied around the center of the bridge and attached to a bucket, weight shall be added to each
bridge until it reaches its breaking point. During this process, students are not allowed to touch or hold the
bridge while weight is being added or a designated number of seconds thereafter. With a scale, students shall
weigh the bucket as it gets heavier. To lower the cost and allow for more variability, using water to weigh down
the bridge will be the most efficient way to run the tests. Have students find out the mass of 1 cup of water,
adding 1 cup in between each round and marking the number of cups it takes for the bridge to reach its breaking
Throughout the testing, students will complete tables that represent the mass of filament used and the weight
that it supports prior to reaching failure. A sample of this table is listed below for reference:
Based on their tables, have students graph the results and compare the relationship between the mass of the
filament and the maximum weight that was supported.
Desired Outcomes
Due to the openness of the challenge, there are really no ideal desired outcomes, as long as the bridge meets
the specifications laid out in the introduction and is capable of being printed without error. Due to the low
quantity of filament in the instructions, it will be crucial for students to lightly fill their designs. Optimal fill will be
somewhere in the 20% range.
Increase the filament mass required or, if provided with the right amount of time and resources, lift the limit of
filament. However, it is recommended that there is some restriction of the mass required for this project.
Allow for one center support to be built into the design, thus lowering the bridge to near-ground level. If this is
a modification that is being applied, keep in mind to restrict the overall volume of the center support.
To account for the variability of student designs, it may be helpful to have a challenge to see who can get
closest to exactly 50 grams (or whatever the limit is) while still supporting a certain amount of added weight.
If there are a small number of students in the class, printing time and material won’t be as much of an issue,
so the specifications may be adjusted to account for more creativity and a higher level of support.
Possible Application
At this point, it would be of great significance to contact a local civil engineer and ask him/her to speak with the
class about bridge design. Due to the fact that this is a model with ABS plastic, the direct translation to bridge
design will not be linear. However, students will be able to hear from a professional in the field about what it
actually takes to create something on paper and computers that will ensure the safety and stability of the people
and environment around it. Contacting the American Society of Civil Engineers would be a great place to start.
Having students play the role of engineer and pitching their bid to a civil engineer or city planner would add the
relevance and applicability to the project.
Questions to Ponder
Did the mass of the bridge guarantee the success or failure of its weight limit?
What, if any, correlations were there between the maximum weight supported and the mass of the filament used?
How was the design of the top 3 bridges more effective than the bottom 3?
13. Students Will Design a Single Die That
Meets The Symmetry and Dimension
Roll the Dice
Learning Objectives
• Students will design and produce a single die that meets the symmetry and dimension
• Students will apply their knowledge of symmetry to design faces of a die that are
geometrically sound.
• Students will apply their knowledge of dimensions and spatial reasoning to include the
values on each face of the die.
• Students will apply their knowledge of constructions to place the dots on each face of the
Group Size: 3 to 4 students, depending on how many dice you would like students to compare within the class
setting. For a smaller class, groups of 2 would be ideal.
Materials Required
Assumptions being made:
To begin the lesson, show students the varieties of unique dice sets that exist. Also, some sizes of dice would
be handy. Ahead of time, asking students to bring in some dice that are around their house might be a fun
introduction as well. This will be more of a direct lesson without variance, so showing some varieties may help
for subsequent lessons.
Create an 8mm die (or pair of dice) that has (have) perfectly symmetrical dots and opposite sides add to
7. Without handing out any tools, have students draw out 6 squares of equal size. Once students have
attempted this, require students to fill each square with the dots ranging from 1 to 6, again without handing out
any tools.
Now, wouldn’t it be nice to have some sort of tool to help with this? At this point, hand students a compass
and/or ruler and have them attempt the same task. Host a discussion about how much easier it was to create
symmetry with certain tools. Depending on the level of students in the room, reach a point of certain frustration
or success and move on to the computer modeling.
The Meat
Within Google SketchUp, groups will need to design their layouts for the die with perfect symmetry. Each side
should be 8 mm. Each dot should have a diameter of 2 mm. Opposite sides of the die add up to 7. All integers
from 1 to 6 are included on the die.
When printing, it is advisable to print at least 2 perimeter layers thick, so take this into consideration during the
design. Each perimeter layer is 0.3 mm thick.
To ensure that everything lines up accurately, groups will check their classmates’ designs prior to showing the
instructor. The instructor will need to confirm the students’ designs as best as possible before sending it to
Once the design has been printed, students will clean it up and verify all measurements for accuracy with a
What were some of the challenges in designing the product?
What would happen if you used a different value for cube instead of 8 mm?
Each one of these questions can provoke thoughtful responses rich in mathematical reasoning.
Just like in a Research and Design lab for major companies, the feedback and reflection on these projects will
be the best part. Give students an opportunity to talk within their group and among their classmates to seek
advice on improvements.
Desired Outcomes
Each side should be 8 mm. Each dot should have a diameter of 2 mm. Opposite sides of the die add up to 7.
All integers from 1 to 6 are included on the die.
Use the dice created during the lesson for a later unit on probability and statistics. Either way, you will have
quite a few dice in the classroom. This would be a great time to build in some statistics, game creation, and
enjoy the product. The project itself won’t take long to print, so each group could even print out a set of dice for
the group to work with.
Keeping these around for a rainy day or project incorporating number sense would be a good idea. Sure, you
can give them away, but who has enough dice in a math classroom?!
14. Students Will Design and Produce a
NICU Transilluminator
Surface Area
Learning Objectives
• Students will design and produce a transilluminator that will support nurses when
administering IVs to infants and toddlers.
• Students will apply their knowledge of circuits to create a battery-powered light system.
• Students will apply their knowledge of surface area to create a friendly platform for infants
and toddlers to rest while the transilluminator is being used.
• Students will market their product to a specific audience using any form of advertisement.
Group Size: 3 to 4 students, depending on how many variations you would like students to compare within the
class setting. For a smaller class, groups of 2 would be ideal.
Materials Required
• Students have a good understanding of 3D modeling. Prior to incorporating this lesson into a unit,
it is recommended that students have had training on Google SketchUp.
• Students have a good understanding of SAE (Imperial) and/or Metric units.
• Students have a good understanding of formulas for volume and surface area.
• Students have a good understanding of basic circuitry to design a switch-operated LED light.
• Depending on the level of the students and intricacy of the project, trigonometry would be useful.
To begin the lesson, pose the students with the challenge of creating a product that will support a very
important career – the Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse. Communicating with a local hospital and having a
NICU nurse come in to present to the class ahead of time would be an outstanding push for the project.
Create a transilluminator that will remain on when required and fit an infant, up to a toddler, hand
without discomfort.
This is a very difficult task, considering all of the variables and unfamiliarity with the concept. To assist,
show the class two of the more popular (and expensive) transilluminators on the market:
Wee Sight
Give students time to work in their small groups to design potential cups and a purpose for them. Why
would somebody want to buy (or use) this cup? Is it simply unique and cool? Does it have a functional purpose
behind the design?
After each group has come up with some brainstorm ideas, have them sketch their thoughts onto a piece
of paper. Visualization of a unique product is a difficult chore, so this step is essential. Within a certain
timeframe set by the instructor, students will need to commit to one specific design and work collectively to
optimize its chances for success.
The Meat
On paper, students will work in groups to design a unique cup that they have described and sketched.
All dimensions need to be included on the draft before showing the instructor. Furthermore, all portions of the
cup need to be calculated to determine the interior volume.
For simple designs, using basic volume formulas will be sufficient. For more complex designs, starting in
two dimensions to find the area, followed by the third dimension to complete the volume is recommended.
When printing, it is advisable to print at least 2 perimeter layers thick, so take this into consideration during
the design. Each perimeter layer is 0.3 mm thick. Following the check by the instructor, students will use
a 3D modeling program, such as Google Sketchup, to design their product in 3D.
To ensure that everything lines up accurately, groups will check their classmates’ designs prior to showing
the instructor. The instructor will need to confirm the students’ drawings as best as possible before sending
it to print.
Once the design has been printed, students will clean it up and verify all measurements for accuracy,
pouring 8 ounces of water into the cup. Due to the variability in the project, it may be essential to note
that we are looking for the group with the volume closest to 8 ounces. After marking down the actual volume
for their cup, groups will then proceed to:
For the advertisement, students have the option of their medium. Whether it is creating a website, video
commercial, radio commercial, magazine ad, billboard, or many others, the key is to be creative in the area
that the students are comfortable. During this portion of the project, students will need to work efficiently within
a deadline provided by the instructor.
Following the creation, students will showcase their advertisement with the class. If there are local business
owners who can come in, this would also be a great addition.
What were some of the challenges in designing the cup?
Just like in a Research and Design lab for major companies, the feedback and reflection on these projects will
be the best part. Give students an opportunity to talk within their group and amongst their classmates to seek
advice on improvements or modifications to obtain the ideal volume without compromising the uniqueness.
Desired Outcomes
A desired outcome is a cup that holds 8 ounces of fluid. The openness of the project limits the ability to predict
an ideal product.
To limit the amount of time spent printing, it would be possible to change the desired volume to 6 or 4 ounces
(or a specific mL as well).
To bring this down a level, provide students with the task of recreating a cup that currently exists and testing it
to verify that it is 8 ounces.
To step up a small amount, limit students to producing a cup that contains only cylinders and rectangular
prisms. This will simplify the mathematics portion and improve the likelihood that their finished product is close
to the desired 8 ounce outcome.
To bring this up a level, give the students a variety of obscure cups (Gatorade bottle, Blender bottle, etc.) and
have them improve on a product like it. Whether it is a design that will fit the contour of their own hand a little
bit better, become more efficient for a toddler, or any other number of specific challenges, this could really take
off in a whole different direction.
Even more involved would be designing a cup that has a certain flow rate (straw hole, suction, etc.), but this
would need to be for a high level group of students.
Once finished with the project, have students give their product to someone who will use it on campus. They
could decorate the cup with artwork and hand it off to office personnel, their favorite teacher, possibly even the
custodian. If their cup has been designed for a toddler or young child, help students find teachers on campus
with children/grandchildren that will benefit from a brand new and unique cup!
15. The Protractor Project
Students will design and print a customized protractor that is mathematically accurate.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.G.A.3 (Symmetry)
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.G.A.4 (Geometry)
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.G.A.3 (Geometry)
Learning Objectives
• Students will design and print a customized protractor that is mathematically accurate.
• Students will identify degrees in increments of a minimum of 15 on the protractor.
Group Size: 2 to 3 students, depending on how many protractors you would like to have created and how much
time is available.
Materials Required
Assumptions being made:
To begin the lesson, ask students to identify the angle of a variety of objects on a sheet of paper. Doing so may
involve some help; if necessary, show students that a paper folded can demonstrate angles of 90, 45, and 22.5
degrees fairly easily. However, it is not the best way to measure the angles of an object. At some point, students
should come to the conclusion that they should just use a protractor (or, if they don’t throw out the word
protractor, they may declare that there must be an easier way to do this). While we don’t condone an extensive
history of a protractor, giving student a background of how they were developed would be helpful.
Seeing what’s on Thingiverse would be a good way to show that there isn’t really a GREAT protractor available.
Using only paper, pencil, a straight edge, and a lot of imagination, have students design the 2-dimensional
version of their protractor. The difficult piece of this will be to sketch out the curved aspect, but it shouldn’t take
much time. To make this more useful for the students, have them create a protractor that is an improvement
over one that we already use.
The Meat
Within a 3D modeling program, groups will need to design their layouts for the protractor. The maximum
height of extrusion allowed should be set by the instructor to limit the filament being used, but 50 mm is a
good place to begin. The height of the protractors should not exceed 3 mm to limit printing time and material
When printing, it is advisable to print at least 2 perimeter layers thick, so take this into consideration during the
design. Each perimeter layer is 0.3 mm thick.
To ensure that everything measures out accurately, groups will check their classmates’ designs prior
to showing the instructor. The instructor will need to confirm the students’ designs as best as possible
before sending it to print.
Once the design has been printed, students will clean it up and verify all measurements for accuracy with a
ruler and a protractor. The real test will be to see how accurate the angle measures are.
Each one of these questions can provoke thoughtful responses that are rich in mathematical reasoning.
Just like in a Research and Design lab for major companies, the feedback and reflection on these projects will
be the best part. Give students an opportunity to talk within their group and among their classmates to seek
advice on improvements. After completing their print, groups will then proceed to:
For the advertisement, students have the option of their medium. Whether it is creating a website, video
commercial, radio commercial, magazine ad, billboard, or many others, the key is to be creative in the area
that the students are comfortable. During this portion of the project, students will need to work efficiently within
a deadline provided by the instructor.
Following the creation, students will showcase their advertisement with the class. Students can vote on which
one is the best to use as the model for the school.
Desired Outcomes
A desired outcome is a protractor that is mathematically accurate down to angles in 15 degree increments. An
added bonus is the ease of use (a space to rest a pencil or pen as angles are being drawn and/or measured,
for example).
17. Use a 3D Printer to Manufacture a Mini
Me doll
Students will use 3D printing technology to learn how to produce models of themselves at 1:10 scale.
Possible Standards:
Unit Conversion
Learning Objectives:
• Students will design a model and use a 3D printer to manufacture a doll with a 10:1 scale
based on their own body measurements
• Students will work within set parameters to design an advertising campaign around their
doll and its capabilities
• Students will work within set parameters to design the most impressive doll overall
Group Size: 2 to 3 students, depending on how many students are in the class, how many 3d printers are
available, and how much time can be allotted for using a 3D printer to manufacture the dolls.
Materials Required:
• At least one computer per group, loaded with Google Sketchup or Autodesk123 Design
o For this particular lesson, AutoDesk123 Design was a great tool with its ability to
round the edges and customize the design.
• Paper and pencil for drafting
• Airwolf 3D Printer
• Compass
• Ruler
• Protractors (recommended, not necessary)
• Super Glue (or Gorilla Glue) to adhere the plastic pieces to each other
• Optional Materials (to facilitate conversation)
o dolls
o action figures
o mini dolls
Prior to the day’s lesson, have students bring a doll in to class and leave it in an available cabinet or storage
space. Leaving the mystery of the doll’s purpose will add to the value of the reveal of the objectives when it
comes up, so the less information to the students the better.
On the first day of the lesson, share the dolls out with the students and ask them how cool it would be to have
a 3d printed doll that was a scale model of themselves.
The first pertinent pieces of information that students will need to have are going to be their measurements.
See the attached data sheet for a sample of what measurements would be helpful.
Feel free to print this out if devices are not available or share via Google Drive if your classroom has been
*** Since this is a project about measurements and scale factor of students’ bodies, it will be crucial to be
mindful of students in your class that are self-conscious of their body image. Grouping students up so that
there is at least one person who is willing to be measured and printed will be a great start. Having students
volunteer to be made into a 3d printed doll, then finding partners for them would also be helpful. However you
choose to do this, keep the sensitivity of body image in mind. It will also be important to define the
parameters of what gets measured. If you teach middle school, this should be obvious! ***
For the sake of ease, have students take their measurements in centimeters, then have them convert the
measurements with a 10:1 ratio.
For more advanced students, have them use an obscure conversion, such as a 12:1 or 9.5:1. This would also
be useful if you are limited by the number of printers you have or the number of students in the class that will
need to use a 3D printer to manufacture their dolls.
For even more advanced students, have them use inches to take their measurements and convert them into
millimeters for a 10:1 ratio.
Next, present students with their challenge:
Using only paper, pencil, a straight edge, and a lot of imagination, have students design the 2-dimensional
version of their doll. Encourage the use of collaboration on this, knowing that students will need to turn their
drawings into a 3D rendering. While a natural looking arm would be ideal, substituting them for
cylinders would reduce the time necessary to learn advanced 3D modeling skills and would move the
project along much faster.
The Meat:
Within a 3D modeling program, groups will need to design their doll. It is recommended that students use a
program that is comfortable for them; if they haven’t spent much time with design, Autodesk 123D Design is a
great place to start. As mentioned above, have students substitute cylinders with appropriate measurements
for a more natural looking body part. This will save precious time in the process and reduce the stress of the
project on the groups.
Something else to consider is printing time and variability in density. For the torso and thighs, a less dense
print is advisable. Since we won’t be stress-testing any of the objects, having less density will speed up
printing and lower the cost of each product. Also, if time permits, have students print out the pieces
individually. If not, 3d printing multiple groups’ doll pieces on the same build plate will move the projects along
just fine.
Prior to printing, groups must show their design to at least 2 other groups and have them confirm dimensions
and review the doll’s parts for any possible issues that may arise. Once this has been done, groups will send
their final .STL file to the instructor and prepare for printing.
When printing, it is advisable to print at least 3 perimeter layers thick, so take this into consideration during
the design, especially for the parts being printed with a density less than or equal to 20% fill. Nobody wants to
have a 3d printed doll with a droopy torso!
After the design has been printed, students will clean it up and verify all measurements for accuracy with a
ruler and a protractor, then check those measurements against the handout data that they had collected.
To assemble the 3d printed doll, students will need to glue each piece together unless they find a way to build
in connection components. In the .STL file that has been provided with this lesson, spheres were placed atop
each connecting piece, but the stability of them didn’t merit a desirable result. Once again, time permitting,
have students mess with the design, try out a couple sample prints of various connection styles, and pick
something that works.
If time is an issue, simply printing out the pieces and gluing them together will suffice.
How did you come up with your design?
How could you market your design? (See below for ideas)
Each one of these questions can provoke thoughtful responses that are rich in mathematical reasoning.
Just like in a Research and Design lab for major companies, the feedback and reflection on these projects
will be the best part. Give students an opportunity to talk within their group and among their classmates to
seek advice on improvements. After completing their print, groups will then proceed to:
For the advertisement, students have the option of their medium. Whether it is creating a website, video
commercial, radio commercial, magazine ad, billboard, or many others, the key is to be creative in the area
that the students are comfortable. During this portion of the project, students will need to work efficiently
within a deadline provided by the instructor.
Following the creation, students will showcase their advertisement with the class. Students can vote on which
one is the best to use as the model for the school.
Desired Outcomes:
A desired outcome is a doll that adequately represents the students whose measurements are being used in
a 10:1 scale, or one determined by the instructor.
18. The Falling Brick at Airwolf 3D
How Does a Ladder and a Falling Brick Have
Anything to do With 3D Printing You Ask? Let
Us Explain…
Here at Airwolf 3D, we are constantly pushing the envelope in various scopes, most importantly tolerances and
accuracy. This project in particular was assigned to our Airwolf 3D intern, Will Schwartz. The idea of the
project was inspired by Will’s physics teacher at St. Margaret’s High School in San Juan Capistrano. Will’s
teacher had an original wood model (see below) that he asked Will to 3D print for him as a demonstration for
his physics class in this upcoming year.
The base was designed in SolidWorks but the ladder and falling brick were designed in OpenSCAD, an open
source 3D CAD program. These files are commonly used in the RepRap community. The reason for the three
piece design was to make it an easy print job without using support material. The three parts consist of the
ladder, the base and the falling brick. What Will found most interesting about the designs were the precision of
the bars thickness on the ladder and the diameter of the circle on the falling brick. In order for this ladder and
falling brick combo (see below) to properly travel down the ladder without stalling or falling, every detail must
be accurate.
Will was able to find the best settings for both the ladder and brick through the good ol’ trial and error. Will’s
first design had holes that were too small so it would not climb down the bars freely. The second design
created holes that were too tight causing the gaps between the bars again to not fall freely. The third
attempt was too “boxy” making the first layer hard to print. Will discovered that it had to be exactly 1/10 of a
millimeter in calibration for the duo to work properly. In the final design, the falling brick and the ladder are both
beveled in order to smooth the decent of the brick. After Will was finished, he just had one thing to say, “Without
3D printing, this highly accurate functional model would not have been created for my teacher!” Now click
here to go check out the Falling Brick on YouTube and let us know what you think! Or watch it below:
19. Water Wheelie
Students will design and print a custom water wheel that can operate for an uninterrupted 90 seconds.
Possible Standards
Next Generation Science Standards Grades 3-5 (Ages 8-11)
• Motion and Stability: 3-PS2-1. Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence of
the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an object.
• Energy: 4-PS3-4. Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts
energy from one form to another.
• Engineering Design: 3-5-ETS1-1. Define a simple design problem reflecting a need or a
want that includes specified criteria for success and constraints on materials, time, or cost.
3-5-ETS1-2. Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem based on
how well each is likely to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. 3-5-ETS1-3.
Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are
considered to identify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved.
• Engineering Design: MS-ETS1-1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem
with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant
scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may
limit possible solutions.
Standards for Mathematical Practice
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP4: Model with mathematics.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP5: Use appropriate tools strategically.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP6: Attend to precision.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP7: Look for and make use of structure.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Learning Objectives
• Students will design and print a custom water wheel that can operate for an uninterrupted
90 seconds.
• Students will use the design of a water wheel to learn about the engineering design
• Students will work in teams to generate an advertisement campaign that sells the best
qualities of their design and product.
• Students will test their product and debrief about the results of the class.
Group Size: 2 to 3 students, depending on how many students are in the class, how many printers are available,
and how much time can be allotted for the printing of the vehicles prior to judging and race day.
Materials Required
• At least one computer per group, loaded with SketchUp or Autodesk123D (For this
particular lesson, SketchUp was a great tool with its naturally rigid design, allowing for
defined endpoints in the water wheel model)
• Paper and pencil for drafting
• Airwolf 3D Printer
• Compass
• Ruler
• Protractors (recommended, not necessary)
• Super Glue to adhere the plastic pieces to any extra materials that are introduced
• Pitcher of water
• Bucket to catch water during testing
• Stopwatch
• 3/16” aluminum rods
• Water Wheel (SketchUp file)
• Water Wheel (STL file)
Assumptions being made:
• students have a good understanding of 3D modeling. Prior to incorporating this lesson into
a unit, it is recommended that students have had training on 3D design.
• Students have a good understanding of SAE (Imperial) and/or Metric units.
• Students have a good understanding of using a ruler.
• Students have a basic understanding of what a water wheel is and what it does.
The best overview of the water wheel is from the 30 second to 1 minute mark, but show however much would
be necessary to adequately show students the purpose and function of a water wheel.
Ask the class, “What questions do you have?” Writing every question on the board, or in a document of some
sort, will be crucial. If a student has a question, it gets documented. What this allows students to do is think
through their process and develop their own curiosity. Eventually, someone should ask how a water wheel
works or what it is for. These two questions are vital to the success of the challenge and should be highlighted
explicitly on whatever the instructor is using to note questions.
Once students have dried up their questions, ask “What could you do with this?” The same process follows,
hoping to get students thinking about the value in a water wheel, especially in a time before we had fuel-
powered machines. Essentially, students are validating an ancient means of power generation without having
the depth of knowledge from a historical perspective. If it would be helpful, have students brush up on the
history with this article. For a more kid-friendly version, this would be a better option.
Design and print a water wheel that can operate for 90 consecutive seconds without interference.
Using only paper, pencil, a straight edge, and a lot of imagination, have students design the 2-dimensional
version of their water wheel. Encourage the use of online searches and hints to designing the most effective
product within the constraints provided. However, students must be able to identify measurements for each
component of their design (rather than simply drawing something that looks great but can’t be produced with a
basic design platform).
The Meat
Within a 3D modeling program, groups will need to design their water wheel. While we recommend the
dimensions be limited to fit within the constraints of a 1” deep x3”x5” rectangular prism, it is clearly open to
whatever you would like your students to stay within. Keeping it under these constraints reduces the amount
of material used and time needed to print out a sample.
Something else to consider is printing time and variability in density. For the thicker prints, it is recommended
to have a 15% fill, unless a hollow print will suffice without compromising the fidelity of the structure.
Finally, all student designs should have a 3/16” cylindrical opening to allow for the axle in which the water wheel
will be spinning on.
Prior to printing, groups must show their design to at least 2 other groups and have them confirm dimensions
and review the plane’s components for any possible issues that may arise. Once this has been done, groups
will send their final .STL file to the instructor and prepare for printing.
When printing, it is advisable to print at least 3 perimeter layers thick, so take this into consideration during the
design. Nobody wants to have a water mill that falls apart.
After the design has been printed, students will clean it up and verify all measurements for accuracy with a
ruler and a protractor.
Testing Day
Set up a testing environment of 2-3 stations, each with a stopwatch, a bucket, a rod, and a pitcher of water.
Have students run trials on their designs, timing each other to see how long each group’s water wheel can
sustain a regular flow of water. For added comparison, have every student note the design type and duration
of sustainable water flow for each group that tests their design.
Each one of these questions can provoke thoughtful responses that are rich in mathematical reasoning and a
great part of the engineering design process.
Just like in a Research and Design lab for major companies, the feedback and reflection on these projects will
be the best part. Give students an opportunity to talk within their group and among their classmates to seek
advice on improvements. After completing their print, groups will then proceed to go through the following steps
as if they were an advertising company during the time period of their water wheel:
For the advertisement, students have the option of their medium, as long as it conveys the message in a time-
valued tone and style. Whether it is creating a website, video commercial, radio commercial, magazine ad,
billboard, or many others, the key is to be creative in the area that the students are comfortable. During this
portion of the project, students will need to work efficiently within a deadline provided by the instructor.
Following the creation, students will showcase their advertisement with the class. Students can vote on which
one is the best to use as the model for the school.
Desired Outcomes
Students learn about the engineering design process and are able to see value in the historical relevance of
water wheels as a pivotal piece of our ancestors’ evolution.