IOC-UNESCO-2020 Ocean Science Report

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Executive Summary

Ocean Science
Report 2020
Charting Capacity for
Ocean Sustainability United Nations
Educational, Scientific and
Intergovernmental Sustainable
Oceanographic Development
Cultural Organization Commission Goals
Published in 2020 by the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization
7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France

© UNESCO 2020

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The report should be cited as follows: IOC-UNESCO. 2020. Global Ocean

Science Report 2020–Charting Capacity for Ocean Sustainability, Executive
Summary. K. Isensee (ed.), Paris, UNESCO Publishing (IOC Policy Series,

More information on the Global Ocean Science Report 2020 at:

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Cover design and typeset: Marie Moncet
Art Cover Illustration: Hugo Salais / Metazoa Studio
Printed at UNESCO Paris, France
CLD 1128.20 IOC/POL/2020/1
Ocean Science
Report 2020
Charting Capacity for
Ocean Sustainability

Executive Summary

Charting ocean science capacity

Charting ocean
science capacity

© Joanna Smart, UNWOD 2020



Charting ocean science capacity

The Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR) is a resource for The international community has aligned around the UN
a wide range of stakeholders, including policymakers and 2030 Agenda, a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people
academics, seeking to understand and harness the potential and the planet, now and into the future, as outlined by the
of ocean science for addressing global challenges. The GOSR Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These 17 goals
can inform strategic decisions related to funding for ocean reflect the shared societal, economic and environmental
science, reveal opportunities for scientific collaborations and aspirations of all countries and chart the journey towards a
foster partnerships for further developing capacity in ocean future that is free of poverty and hunger, one that adapts to
science. This capacity is illustrated through a set of eight the impacts of climate change and to the increasing human
integrative, interdisciplinary and strategic themes for national demand for natural resources. Progress on this journey is
and international ocean science strategies and policies: reported through SDG targets and indicators. The GOSR is
the recognized method and repository of related data to
1. Blue growth (ocean economy)
measure progress towards the achievement of SDG target
2. Human health and well-being
14.a: ‘Increase scientific knowledge, develop research
3. Marine ecosystems functions and processes
capacity and transfer marine technology, taking into account
4. Ocean crust and marine geohazards
the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria
5. Ocean and climate
and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology
6. Ocean health
(TMT), in order to improve ocean health and to enhance the
7. Ocean observation and marine data
contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of
8. Ocean technology
developing countries, in particular small island developing
A total of 45 countries, responsible for 82% of ocean science States and least developed countries’. Reporting ocean
publications over the time period 2010–2018, contributed data science capacity in a transparent and timely manner is a
and information directly to the second edition of the GOSR significant responsibility for IOC-UNESCO, and an opportunity
(GOSR2020). This allowed analyses to be conducted at the to support and measure progress in capacity development
global, regional and national scales. globally.
Building on the success of the first edition of the GOSR in 2017, The ambition of the 2030 Agenda is also evident in the
and the broad interest generated by that report, the GOSR2020 upcoming UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable
addresses four additional topics: Development (2021–2030, hereafter ‘the Ocean Decade’),
I. Contribution of ocean science to sustainable development where the definition of ‘ocean science’ encompasses natural
II. Science applications reflected in patents and social science disciplines, including interdisciplinary
III. Extended gender analysis in ocean science human resources approaches; the technology and infrastructure that supports
IV. Capacity development in ocean science. ocean science; the application of ocean science for societal

Figure ES.1. Global map indicating the Member States that responded to the GOSR2020 questionnaire (dark blue); countries where data from
the GOSR2017 are used in the GOSR2020 assessments are shown in light blue. Sources: GOSR2017 and GOSR2020 questionnaires.



Charting ocean science capacity

benefits, including knowledge transfer and applications in Data and information presented in the GOSR2020, in future
regions that are currently lacking science capacity; as well editions of the report and in the new GOSR online portal1 will
as science-policy and science-innovation interfaces. form part of the monitoring and evaluation process to track
the progress of the Ocean Decade in achieving its vision ‘The
There is an increased demand from relevant policy processes science we need for the ocean we want’, via the objectives,
for easier access to the findings of ocean science, and for challenges and seven goals outlined in the Ocean Decade
information on ocean science efforts and capacity related to Implementation Plan. The baseline information collected and
research and observations. This is reflected, for example, in published in the GOSR2020 immediately before the start of
the agreement of the Conference of the Parties of the United Ocean Decade will guide all ocean science actors, support
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) the involvement of all countries in the Ocean Decade and help
at its 25th session to establish an Ocean and Climate Dialogue to remove barriers related to gender, generation and origin
under the auspices of the Convention’s Subsidiary Body for for all participants.
Scientific and Technological Advice. The data, information and
analyses presented in the GOSR can inform the discussions and
deliberations of the Parties to the UNFCCC and the 2015 Paris
Agreement, as well as other relevant policy forums, including
the Convention on Biological Diversity and the process related to
an international legally binding instrument under the United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation
and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in areas
beyond national jurisdiction.




Top findings

Top findings

© Jin-Ho Park

I. The findings of ocean science have direct implications

V. The technical capacity of ocean science remains
for sustainable development policies and are applied unequally distributed among countries and regions;
in the management strategies and action plans of this imbalance is further accentuated by short-term
multiple societal sectors. They are converted into or ad hoc funding for ocean science.
numerous applications of direct societal benefit,
such as the production of new pharmaceuticals and VI. The number of ocean science publications2 worldwide
applications in industry; however, their potential continues to increase, especially in countries of
remains underused. Eastern and South-Eastern Asia.

II. Despite its relevance to society, funding for ocean VII. Countries are inadequately equipped to manage
science is largely inadequate; this lack of support their ocean data and information, which hampers
undermines the ability of ocean science to support open access and data sharing.
the sustainable provision of ocean ecosystem VIII. The GOSR process offers a systematic approach
services to humanity. to measure ocean science capacity internationally
(SDG target 14.a). Similar mechanisms need to
III. Women in ocean science continue to be under-
be put in place to measure progress towards the
represented, particularly in the highly technical
achievement of the 2030 Agenda as a whole, and SDG
14 in particular. To date, this has been done in an ad
IV. Recognition of young ocean scientists, and the level hoc manner; systematic enabling frameworks and
of support offered to them, differs widely among strategies are missing in many parts of the world.
countries. In general, early career ocean scientists
and professionals are not appropriately recognized 2
Bibliometric indicators are based on one type of research output, namely
as the intellectual source and workforce that will peer-reviewed articles published in journals. Other forms of research
output, which may or may not be peer-reviewed, such as patents, conference
confront the challenge of ocean sustainability in the presentations, national reports and technical series, are not considered. In
next decade and beyond. addition, articles that are not written in English, or do not at least have an
English abstract, are not included in the database and are therefore not part
of this study.



Facts and figures

Facts and figures

© Henley Spiers, UNWOD 2019



Facts and figures

Ocean science human capacity

Ocean science thrives when the people behind it
thrive Sweden
There is a growing understanding of the critical role of the Belgium
human component in the ocean science enterprise and in Denmark
the science-to-management and science-to-innovation value Republic of Korea
chains. There is also an increased recognition of the important
contribution of ocean science to a sustainable blue economy, Finland
and to sustainable development in general. South Africa
National numbers of ocean science researchers Croatia
vary between <1 to >300 employees per million Mauritius
inhabitants – these ratios do not relate directly UK
to GDP Mauritania
European countries have the highest ratio of researchers as Japan
a proportion of the total population. For example, Norway and Chile
Portugal have more than 300 employed researchers per million
Iran, Islamic Rep. of (FTE)
inhabitants (Figure ES.2). However, if measured in relation Suriname
to the gross domestic product (GDP), the numbers of ocean Turkey
researchers in some developing countries (e.g. Benin, Guinea, Bulgaria
Mauritania and South Africa) are comparable to or even higher
than numbers in some developed countries (e.g. Belgium, Poland
Denmark, Ireland and Sweden, Figure ES.3). Canada
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Colombia (FTE)
Democratic Rep. of the Congo

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Number of researchers in ocean science (HC) per million inhabitants per year

Figure ES.2. Number of national ocean science researchers

(headcount – HC; full time equivalent – FTE, for the Islamic Republic
of Iran and Colombia) employed per million inhabitants. Based on
the subset of data presented in Table 4.1. (see GOSR2020 Chapter 4),
researchers employed in ocean science per million inhabitants were
extracted for the year indicated for each country.
Sources: Data based on the GOSR2017 and GOSR2020 questionnaires
(researchers) and World Bank DataBank (inhabitants).3

See (accessed 17 December 2019).



Facts and figures

Portugal USA
South Africa Germany
Norway Spain Italy
Belgium UK
1,000 Sweden Iran,
Islamic Rep. Turkey
of (FTE) Brazil
Denmark Ireland Republic India
Total ocean science researchers (HC) logarithmic scale

of Korea
Finland Chile Poland Canada
Guinea Kenya Morocco
100 Croatia Australia
Mauritania Benin
Bulgaria Kuwait Peru
Mozambique Ecuador
Dominican Angola Colombia (FTE)
Mauritius Republic
10 Democratic Republic
of the Congo
El Salvador

1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000
GDP, PPP (current international million US$) logarithmic scale

 Number of researchers in relation to GDP (million US$)

Figure ES.3. Number of national ocean science researchers (HC) in relation to the GDP purchasing power parity (PPP) (current million US$)
extracted for each country and year. The size of the bubble is proportional to the ratio of researchers vs GDP for each country.
Sources: Data based on the GOSR2017 and GOSR2020 questionnaires (researchers) and the Global Economic Monitor (GDP, current million
US$, seasonal adjustment), available at the World Bank Databank.4

© Taeseo Park

See (accessed 12 February 2020).



Facts and figures

Gender equality in ocean science is far from Female researchers account for 39% of global
having been achieved but the challenge to reach ocean scientists, 10% higher than the global share
it is realistic of female researchers in natural sciences
Female ocean science personnel range from about 7% The percentage of female researchers in ocean science ranges
(Democratic Republic of the Congo) to 72% (Ireland) of all ocean from about 12% (Japan) to more than 63% (Croatia). In Angola,
science personnel, including researchers and technical support Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador,
staff in the different countries. The global average stands at Mauritius, Poland and Suriname, 50% or more of ocean science
37%. The percentage of female ocean science personnel is researchers are women (Figure ES.4). On average, 38.6% of
equal to or higher than 50 in countries such as Angola, Bulgaria, total ocean science researchers are female – a similar level to
Croatia, El Salvador, Ireland, Poland and Turkey. that reported in 2017 (38%) and one which remains 10% higher
Ireland than the global share of female researchers in natural sciences.
Croatia (2013)
Turkey Female ocean scientists are increasingly talking
Poland (subset of institutions) to the world
Angola (2013)
El Salvador
Participation of female scientists in international conferences is
Canada (DFO)
Portugal another indicator used to assess the involvement of women in
Dominican Republic (2015) ocean science. Female participants account for 29% to 53% of
Germany (AWI) total conference participants, depending on science category and
Finland region (Figure ES.5). Compared to the assessment presented
Norway in the GOSR in 2017, the number of female participants per
Mauritius (MOI, UoM, MMS and CSMZAE) category and per region is higher in the GOSR2020 analysis.
Italy (subset of institutions)
Ecuador Regions
Denmark (2017-2018; subset of institutions) Pacific Ocean
Iran, Islamic Republic of Polar regions
Netherlands (NIOZ, Deltares) North Atlantic Ocean
Belgium (2018) Indian Ocean
Republic of Korea (subset of institutions) Mediterranean Sea
Ocean science — major pillars
Suriname (2014)
Ocean crust and marine geohazards
USA (2013)
Peru Ocean observations and marine data
Chile (SHOA, UCSC, UV) Ocean and climate
Mozambique (subset for researchers) Blue growth
South Africa Marine ecosystem functions and processes
France (2016) Ocean health
Madagascar Human health and well-being
Benin (2013)
Colombia (subset of institutions)
Mauritania (IMROP) Ocean science
Kenya 0 50 100
Oman % of female and male participants
Democratic Republic of the Congo ● Female participants ● Male participants
Brazil (2014)
Japan (OSJ)
Figure ES.5. Proportion (%) of female and male participants at
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 international scientific conferences/symposia held from 2015 to
% of female scientists 2018. Upper section focuses on regional conferences/symposia;
● Female ocean researchers ● Female ocean science personnel lower section on topic-specific conferences/symposia.
Source: Selected lists of participants in international scientific ocean
science conferences/symposia held from 2015 to 2018.
Figure ES.4. Proportion (% of total HC) of female ocean science
personnel and female ocean researchers in 2017. In the absence
of data for 2017, the latest available year is shown in brackets
(see Chapter 4).
Sources: Data based on the GOSR2017 and GOSR2020

Facts and figures

Ocean science needs to become younger to open

the door for truly innovative transformative
It is important to promote early career scientist networks in
the field of ocean science and to facilitate the involvement of
young scientists in determining research priorities. To date, only
a few countries, developing countries in particular, reported
a relatively young community of researchers. Madagascar,
for example, reported that more than 50% of their ocean
researchers are younger than 34 years. At the same time,
Canada, Finland, Italy, Japan and Oman reported that more than
50% of their ocean science researchers are over 45 years old.

Country of origin defines early career scientists’

access to international forums
Students from different parts of the world have unequal access
to international exchange programmes, e.g. for participation in
international conferences. Students from Europe and Northern
America account for 69% of the total number of students
globally attending ocean science conferences (Figure ES.6).

Sub-Saharan Africa 1%
Oceania 5%
Central and Southern Asia 2%
Northern Africa and
Western Asia 2% Eastern and
South-Eastern Asia 10%
Latin America and
the Caribbean 11% Europe and Northern
America 69%

Figure ES.6. Proportion (%) of students per region attending

international conferences/symposia, excluding regional conferences
from the Pacific Ocean.
Source: Selected lists of participants in international scientific ocean
science conferences/symposia held from 2011 to 2018.

© Edwar Herreno, UNWOD 2020



Facts and figures

Ocean science generates both knowledge and

Global ocean science outputs are continuously
rising (with regional differences emerging) 2012-2017 6%
3% 3%
There has been an increase in the number of peer-reviewed
ocean science publications, both in absolute and relative terms, 1% 16%
in most SDG regions over the past 18 years (Figure ES.7). The 26%
50% 67% 5%
most obvious change has been a 10% increase in output from
the Eastern and South-Eastern Asia region, largely driven by
China, and to a lesser extent by Japan and the Republic of Korea. 2000-2005
The publication output in Europe and Northern America did not 7%
increase to the same extent, resulting in a relative reduction of 5%

its contribution to overall science publications by ~17%, from

● Sub-Saharan Africa ● Northern Africa and Western Asia ● Central and Southern Asia
roughly two-thirds to one-half (Figure ES.8). ● Eastern and South-Eastern Asia ● Latin America and the Caribbean ● Oceania
● Europe and Northern America
140,000 14,000
Figure ES.8. Changes in the proportion of global publication output by
120,000 12,000 SDG regions from two different periods: 2000–2005 and 2012–2017.
Source: Authors Chapter 5, based on bibliometric analysis of Scopus
100,000 10,000 (Elsevier) data 2000–2017 by Science-Metrix/Relx Canada.
Number of publications

Number of journals

80,000 8,000
Competitive ocean science is driven by
60,000 6,000 international partnerships
40,000 4,000 In the period 2012–2017, 61% of the papers published by
ocean scientists globally had at least one co-author from a
20,000 2,000
foreign country, compared with approximately 56% from 2006
0 0 to 2011 and 52% from 2000 to 2005 (Figure ES.9). Increased
2000 2004 2009 2013 2017 collaboration among scientists from different countries is a
● Publication output ● Number of journals with ocean science content sustained trend and should be seen as a very valuable and
positive development.
Figure ES.7. Global yearly trend in number of peer-reviewed ocean
science publications (blue) and number of journals with content in <0.1
ocean science (black) between 2000 and 2017. 0.1–0.19
Source: Authors Chapter 5, based on bibliometric analysis of Scopus 0.2–0.29
(Elsevier) data 2000–2017 by Science-Metrix/Relx Canada. 0.3–0.39
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
● 2000-2005 ● 2012-2017

Figure ES.9. Changes in international co-publication rate of the

100 most publishing countries during the periods 2000–2005 and
Source: Authors Chapter 5, based on the bibliometric analysis of
Scopus (Elsevier) data 2000–2017 by Science-Metrix/Relx Canada.

Facts and figures

International collaboration results in a higher Ocean science findings are converted into
quality of work applications for society
A positive correlation between the average relative impact ‘Technologies’ or ‘Applications for mitigation’ or ‘Adaptation to
factor of the publication and the international co-publication climate change’ are the most frequent ocean science-related
rate is reconfirmed (Figure ES.10). technologies in the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC)
(Figure ES.11). This reflects the increasing recognition of the
1.60 ocean’s role in regulating the climate and the negative impact
Average of relative impact factors (ARIF) 2012–2017

1.40 of anthropogenic change on ocean health. Ocean science

discoveries feed into nearly all sectors of the economy.

1.00 Technologies or applications for mitigation or

adaptation against climate change 27,244
Ships or other waterborne vessels;
related equipment 24,661

0.40 Measuring; testing 7,630

y = 0.6732x + 0.603
0.20 r = 0.5541 N = 100
Agriculture; forestry; animal husbandry;
hunting; trapping; fishing 6,940
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 Treatment of water, waste water,
sewage, or sludge 4,910
International co-publication rate (ICR) 2012–2017

Figure ES.10. Comparison of ICR and average of relative impact Hydraulic engineering; foundations; soil shifting 4,469
factors (ARIF) of the ocean science community and ocean
practitioners. Foods or foodstuffs; their treatment,
not covered by other classes 4,393
Source: Authors Chapter 5, based on the bibliometric analysis of
Scopus (Elsevier) data 2012–2017 by Science-Metrix/Relx Canada. Earth drilling; mining 4,113

Computing; calculating; counting 3,281

Machines or engines for liquids; wind, spring,
or weight motors; producing mechanical 2,950
power or a reactive propulsive thrust,
not otherwise provided for

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000

Number of patent families (applications)

Figure ES.11. Top 10 most frequent CPC technical field classes in

the total number of ocean science patent families (applications)
using fractional counts.
Source: Based on the technometric analysis of 2000–2018 data
provided by the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the
European Patent Office, the Korean Intellectual Property Office, the
Japan Patent Office and the China National Intellectual Property
Administration by Science-Metrix/Relx Canada.



Facts and figures

Ocean science in support of sustainable development and

management of ocean resources
National priorities and needs guide the focus of Sustainable development is not possible without
ocean science ocean science
Nations continue to specialize in particular areas of research The ocean represents the largest biome on the globe. It provides
reflecting their priorities; these patterns remain consistent over essential resources supporting human nutrition, health and
time among the eight considered main ocean science categories recreation, and is part of the cultural identity of many coastal
(Figure ES.12). communities. Hence, by working towards the achievement of
SDG 14, nations also profoundly contribute to attaining all other

Many countries lack a specific strategy to
AU NO measure progress towards the achievement of
SDG 14

CZ CL Of the 37 countries that responded to the related GOSR2020
World Level

JP TH question, over 70% have strategies and a roadmap to achieve

KR CN EG the goals of the 2030 Agenda. However, only 21% reported that
IN they have a specific strategy focusing on the ocean and SDG 14

(Figure ES.13).

Europe and Northern America (18)

Sub-Saharan Africa (8)

Latin America and the Caribbean (5)

Below World Level Above
Specialization Index (SI) Eastern and South-Eastern Asia (2)
Papers ● 3,600 ● 39,600 ● 75,500 ● 111,500 ● 147,400
Northern Africa and Western Asia (3)
● Sub-Saharan Africa ● Northern Africa and Western Asia
● Central and Southern Asia ● Eastern and South-Eastern Asia Central and Southern Asia (1)
● Latin America and the Caribbean ● Oceania ● Europe and Northern America 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Number of countries
Figure ES.12. Positional analysis for the 40 countries included in the
comparison group for ocean science output for the period 2012–2017.
This analysis combines three separate indicators: the number of
Yes, specific
peer-reviewed ocean science publications, the specialization index No 30%
(SI) and the average relative citation score (ARC). The size of the SDG 14
bubble is proportional to the number of publications for that country 21% 49%
over the study period. Abbreviations: Argentina (AR), Australia (AU),
Austria (AT), Belgium (BE), Brazil (BR), Canada (CA), Chile (CL),
China (CN), China Hong Kong SAR (HK), Czechia (CZ), Denmark (DK), Yes 70%
Egypt (EG), Finland (FI), France (FR), Germany (DE), Greece (GR),
India (IN), Iran (Islamic Republic of) (IR), Ireland (IE), Israel (IL), Italy ● Yes ● Yes, specific SDG 14 ● No
(IT), Japan (JP), Malaysia (MY), Mexico (MX), Netherlands (NL), New
Zealand (NZ), Norway (NO), Poland (PL), Portugal (PT), Republic of
Korea (KR), Russian Federation (RU), Singapore (SG), South Africa Figure ES.13. Distribution of countries that reported to have a
(ZA), Spain (ES), Sweden (SE), Switzerland (CH), Thailand (TH), Turkey national strategy to achieve the 2030 Agenda (‘Yes’) and/or SDG 14
(TR), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GB), within the different regional groups and globally, or not.
United States of America (US).
Source: Based on the bibliometric analysis of Scopus (Elsevier) data Source: Data based on the GOSR2020 questionnaire.
2012–2017 by Science-Metrix/Relx Canada.



Facts and figures

Preparedness for reporting towards the

achievement of the different SDG 14 targets
varies both among regions and targets
Of the respondents, 25 countries confirmed that they have
reporting mechanisms in place for the individual SDG 14 targets
and indicators (Figure ES.14).




Number of countries






14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.a 14.b 14.c

Global (25) ● Europe and Northern America (12) ● Sub-Saharan Africa (6)
● Latin America and the Caribbean (4) ● Eastern and South-Eastern Asia (1)
● Northern Africa and Western Asia (1) ● Oceania (1) ● Central and Southern Asia (0)

Figure ES.14. Number of countries with reporting mechanisms

addressing the different SDG 14 targets in the different SDG regions.
Source: Data based on the GOSR2020 questionnaire.

© UNESCO/Itahisa Déniz González



Facts and figures

Ocean data and information management

Capacity and infrastructure supporting the Ocean data tend to be recognized as a common
management of ocean data and information do good; however, open access to ocean data is still
not exist in every country but ocean data and far from being the norm
information services already support diverse
Data sharing and open access ensure that a variety of societal
groups have access to data, data products and services.
Globally, only 57 countries have a designated national More than 80% of the countries apply institutional, national
oceanographic data centre. The top four services the centres or international data-sharing policies. 74% of data centres
offer to clients are: (i) metadata and data archival; (ii) access have established relationships to exchange part of their
to documented methods, standards and guidelines; (iii) data data and information with other international data systems.
visualization; and (iv) web services (Figure ES.15). The clients and This percentage varies greatly among the regions. In Europe
end users of data, products or services represent many sectors and Northern America, for example, more than 90% of data
of society, reflecting the broad relevance of oceanographic data centres have this kind of exchange, while in Latin America
and information to the economy, research, public administration and the Caribbean fewer than 50% do (Figure ES.16). While
and, in particular, to businesses. The dominant users of data, countries reported that 58% of ocean data centres comply with
products or services are the national and international science the FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability
communities, students and the private sector, as well as the and Reusability), 60% of data centres still restrict access to
general public and policymakers. ‘certain’ data types and 58% of them do so for a certain period
of time. Only 16% of data centres apply no restrictions at all to
GIS products data access (Figure ES.17).

Online access to data Sub-Saharan Africa (8)

Northern Africa and Western Asia (3)
Online access to metadata Central and Southern Asia (1)
Eastern and South-Eastern Asia (4)
Latin America and the Caribbean (7)
Online access to e-documents
and e-publications Oceania (1)
Europe and Northern America (18)
Numerical model data Total (42)
% 0 20 40 60 80 100
Portals ● Yes ● No
Published ocean data Figure ES.16. Percentage of countries’ data centre(s) contributing
data and information to international systems such as ICS World
Online access to library catalogue Data System, GDACs, WMO Global Telecommunication System (GTS)
Online access to communication and and others (42 submissions).
capacity development products: Source: GOSR2020 questionnaire.
webinars, audiovisual products, photolibrary
CD-ROM products Central and Southern Asia (1)
Eastern and South-Eastern Asia (2)
Other data/information products Europe and Northern America (18)
Latin America and the Caribbean (5)
0 20 40 60 80 100 Northern Africa and Western Asia (3)
Oceania (1)
Figure ES.15. Proportion (%) of data/information products and Sub-Saharan Africa (8)
services provided by countries’ data centre(s) to their clients Total (38)
(multiple answers possible, 44 submissions). % 0 20 40 60 80 100
Source: Data based on the GOSR2020 questionnaire. ● Yes ● No I do not know

Figure ES.17. Compliance of national data centre(s) with the FAIR

data management criteria (percentages based on 38 submissions).
Source: GOSR2020 questionnaire.



Facts and figures

Transfer of marine technology and investments in

ocean science
Access to technical infrastructure required for USA (2017) 367
ocean science remains unequally distributed
Japan (2017)
Information about specific technical equipment used for ocean
Sweden (2019)
science was provided by 42 countries. Full access to a wide
range of technical infrastructure is reported by five countries
Canada (2017)
from the Northern Hemisphere: USA, Germany, Norway, Japan
and Canada. Countries in the southern hemisphere only have Republic of Korea (2017)
limited access to ocean science technologies and infrastructure.
UK (2018)

Access to the open ocean is not a given Germany (2018)

A total number of 1,081 vessels serve ocean science, comprised Turkey (2018)
of 924 research vessels almost exclusively used for ocean
France (2019)
science and 157 ships of opportunity. More than a third of
this global research fleet is maintained by the USA. Based on Portugal (2018)
information obtained for 920 research vessels, local and coastal
research is the primary purpose of 24% of these research Australia (2017)
vessels in 35 countries, 8% of the vessels operate at regional,
Denmark (2018)
5% at international and 11% at global scale (Figure ES.18).
Vessels plying globally are retained by 23 countries.
Spain (2019)

Norway (2018)
≥65 m 11% Morocco (2018)
≥55 m <65 m 5% Brazil (2018)

Regional Italy (2017)

≥35 m <55 m 8%
Total RV 920

Iran, Islamic Republic of (2018)

<10 m 52%
South Africa (2017)
Local Coastal
≥10 m <35 m 24% India

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
● <10 m ● Local Coastal ≥10 m <35 m ● Regional ≥35 m <55 m
● International ≥55 m <65 m ● Global ≥65 m

Figure ES.18. Number of nationally maintained RVs (a), classified by ship size. Detailed information is provided for the top 20 countries only (b).
Sources: Data based on the GOSR2017 and GOSR2020 questionnaires.



Facts and figures

There are large differences in countries’ to 11.8% (Figure ES.19). This is a small proportion compared to
investment in ocean research the modestly estimated US$1.5 trillion contribution of the ocean
to the global economy in 2010. Some countries are ‘punching
Overall, the portion of gross domestic expenditure on research above their weight’ in the field of ocean science, as they allocate
and development (GERD) devoted to ocean science is noticeably a large proportion of their GERD to ocean science, despite
smaller than for other major fields of research and innovation. having very low overall GERD.
On average, only 1.7% of national research budgets are allocated
for ocean science, with percentages ranging from around 0.03%

Peru Republic of Korea

South Africa Japan
Ireland Germany
Norway USA
Portugal Finland
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Belgium
Kuwait France
USA Norway
Mauritius Netherlands
Canada UK
El Salvador Canada
Spain Italy
France Portugal
UK Brazil
Japan Spain
Russian Federation Russian Federation
Republic of Korea Ireland
Finland Poland
Belgium Turkey
Germany Iran, Islamic Republic of
Netherlands South Africa
Poland Bulgaria
Italy Mauritius
Colombia Colombia
Bulgaria El Salvador
Brazil Peru
Turkey Kuwait

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 1 2 3 4 5
Ocean science expenditure as a share of GERD (%) GERD as a share of GDP (%)

Figure ES.19. Estimates of ocean science funding as a share of GERD and GERD as a share of GDP in 2017.
Sources: Data adapted from GOSR2020 questionnaire and UNESCO Institute for Statistics database. Note that ocean science funding is not
identified as such in GERD data and can be found in natural sciences and other categories.5

The latest available data for Peru, Portugal and the USA are from 2016. The earliest available data for Iran (Islamic Republic of) and Portugal are from 2014. The
latest available GERD data for South Africa are from 2016.



Facts and figures

Maintenance and improvement of technical and Funding for ocean science no longer lies
human capacity in ocean science is at risk exclusively with governments
Ocean science budgets vary significantly among countries The sources of funding for ocean science have diversified over
and over time. Based on the datasets received, 14 countries the years and today they include national administrations,
increased their average budgets between estimates for international programmes, the private sector, foundations and
years 2013 and 2017 (the Russian Federation had the highest philanthropic organizations. Although the majority of funding
annual growth rate, peaking at 10.4%, followed by the UK and for ocean science will certainly remain institutional, private
Bulgaria), while 9 have reduced their budgets, in some cases foundations and donors could play a larger role in the funding
quite markedly (particularly Japan, Ecuador, Turkey, Brazil and of small- and large-scale ocean science projects during the
Italy) (Figure ES.20). next decade. Like other scientific domains, ocean science is
also starting to benefit from innovative funding mechanisms.
Russian Federation
These include transdisciplinary research funds, crowdfunding,
lotteries and levies.
International cooperation in ocean science is
encouraged by multiple strategies
Oman Partnerships across countries and different sectors are
Norway recognized as a key strategy for more effective resource use
Poland and increased participation in ocean science, reinforcing its
Iran, Islamic Republic of application in policy. Multiple measures are being put in place
Colombia to encourage the strengthening of international cooperation
and exchange, such as financial and in-kind support to facilitate
international board memberships, exchange programmes,
advisory positions in national and regional bodies, as well as
guest researcher positions in the academic sector.
Republic of Korea

-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Figure ES.20. Change in % in ocean science expenditure over time
based on average annual change of ocean science expenditure in
local currency, at constant prices (2010=100), from 2013 to 2017.
Sources: Data adapted from the GOSR2020 questionnaire and the
International Monetary Fund’s International Financial Statistics

The latest available data for Peru, Portugal and the USA are from 2016. The
earliest available data for Iran (Islamic Republic of) and Portugal are from



Facts and figures

Potential impact of COVID-19 on ocean science

Ocean observations are negatively impacted by
the COVID-19 pandemic
The immediate impact of COVID-19 on ocean observations
during the first half of 2020 has been dramatic. Almost all
research vessels have been called to their home ports. Almost
all work to maintain vital mooring arrays that monitor major
ocean currents and air-sea exchange has been cancelled. A
number of arrays are therefore at risk of failure in the coming
months. In June 2020, this situation affected between 30–50%
of the 300+ moorings. Some of them had already ceased to
send data as batteries ran out. However, up to June 2020, the
Global Ocean Observing System showed some resilience, due to
its inherent inertia, use of autonomous observing platforms, a
well-maintained base and the swift mitigation actions of many
observing system operators. However, the system will not stay
this way indefinitely and if current trends continue, recent
assessments have led to serious concerns with regard to the
outlook for the second half of 2020 and the first half of 2021.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on ocean

science at large is still unknown
Evaluating the impacts of COVID-19 on ocean research requires
a different approach than the way in which impacts on ocean
observations have been assessed and described to date. The
data contained in the GOSR2020 are pre-COVID-19. The next
edition of the report will aim to measure the full impact of
the pandemic on ocean science infrastructure, human and
technical capacities, core funding, investment by the private
sector, scientific output, conferences, observations, trends in
R&D, employment and the gender dimension of ocean science.

© Simon Hilbourne, UNWOD 2020



From assessing the state of ocean science to ocean science in action

From assessing
the state of ocean
science to ocean
science in action

© UNESCO/Kirsten Isensee



From assessing the state of ocean science to ocean science in action

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the targets of 4. Promote multistakeholder partnerships in ocean
SDG 14 and the desired outcomes of the UN Decade of Ocean science and operationalize transfer of marine
Science for Sustainable Development (2021–2030)7 require technology
collaborative efforts by all stakeholders in ocean science. To
Partnerships, South-South and North-South in particular,
turn the vision of the Ocean Decade – ‘The science we need for
and broad cross-sectoral cooperation should be promoted
the ocean we want’ – into reality, the GOSR2020 calls for the
as vehicles to improve marine research capacities, and
following actions by governments, organizations, scientists,
to optimize research infrastructure and human potential.
philanthropy, the private sector and civil society:
TMT and innovation play a fundamental role in supporting
developing countries to sustainably exploit the ocean and
1. Enhance the current level of funding for ocean associated resources. Leaders in ocean science are urged to
science help operationalize the provisions of the UN Convention on the
Law of the Sea with regard to capacity development and TMT.
Overall, funding for ocean science is insufficient to fill existing
knowledge gaps and deliver the information required for
decisions, tools and solutions leading to a sustainable ocean 5. Move towards ocean science capacity development
(SDG 14). During the Ocean Decade, funding mechanisms at with the equal participation of all countries, genders
all levels, from government to institutions, philanthropy and and ages, embracing local and indigenous knowledge
corporations, are urged to accord explicit priority to ocean
Ocean science capacity development should be governed by the
science and to seek better alignment between strategic funding
principle of ‘leaving no one behind’, to be understood as providing
equal opportunities for all countries, genders and age groups,
and embracing local and indigenous knowledge. It should rely
2. Establish continuous collection of internationally on ocean science best practices and follow community-approved
comparable data on investments in ocean science guidelines, taking into account specificities at the national and
regional level and corresponding jurisdictions.
Monitoring of ocean science investments will be instrumental to
identify their multiple socio-economic returns at the national,
regional and global scale. Appropriate and regularly updated 6. Develop strategies and implementation plans to
indicators, as defined in the GOSR, will also contribute to support the career needs of women and young
tracking ocean science capacity development internationally. scientists
Collaborative strategies that fully account for the gender and
3. Facilitate co-design of ocean science by involving intergenerational dimensions of ocean science need to be
ocean science information users and producers developed and implemented to address the specific career
needs of women and young scientists. In turn, the views of these
Co-design of science is necessary to identify challenges and
critical stakeholders will be paramount for co-designing ocean
opportunities for action in support of ocean sustainability.
science that is capable of supporting sustainable development
It should involve not only representatives of governmental
and serving society.
institutions, national and international policy frameworks, but
also private foundation donors, and users and producers of
ocean science products. The Ocean Decade can serve as the 7. Find solutions to remove barriers for open access
platform for ocean science co-design. to ocean data
Access to data is one of the starting elements of the ocean
science value chain, which culminates in creating the capacity
to inform decisions, ensuring long-term sustainability of the
ocean. Therefore, two of the key transformations to be pursued
during the upcoming Ocean Decade should be identifying and
Implementation Plan for the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for
mainstreaming incentives for open data access. There is a need to
Sustainable Development Version 2 available at:
document/27347. change the view of ocean data by recognizing it as common good.



From assessing the state of ocean science to ocean science in action

8. Foster education and training in professions related trends in R&D, employment and the gender dimension of ocean
to ocean sciences science. An intermediary study will therefore be undertaken
starting in 2021, based on the GOSR2020 approach, to reflect
The world will need more professionals in the various fields of
the specificity of the COVID-19 pandemic, relying on tailor-made
ocean management, for example in ocean data and information
variables and indicators. Cooperation and input to that study
management, an area of expertise where there is currently no
will be requested.
formal education. Increased support for education and training
in all domains of ocean affairs therefore needs to be provided.
The next edition of the GOSR is expected to be published in
2025, halfway through the Ocean Decade. The continuously
9. Assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on improved data collection and updated information submitted
human and technical capacity in ocean science to the GOSR portal will make future analyses more robust. It
will enable the accurate measurement of how ocean science
Possible temporary and longer-lasting impacts of the
capacity contributes towards the goals of the 2030 Agenda,
COVID-19 pandemic on the international ocean research
help to gauge the effectiveness and efficiency of ocean science
and observations should be assessed. The data contained in
and to find innovative and transformative ways of directing
the GOSR2020 reflects the pre-COVID-19 era, while the next
growing investment towards fulfilling the emerging needs
edition of the report will examine the impact of the pandemic
of society.
on ocean science, including core funding, investments by the
private sector, scientific production, conferences, observations,




Global Ocean
Science Report 2020
Charting Capacity for Ocean Sustainability
The world ocean is a life-supporting system for
humanity, yet it remains largely unknown. Based
on data collected from around the world, the Global
Ocean Science Report 2020 (GOSR2020) offers a
global record of how, where and by whom ocean
science is conducted. By analysing the workforce,
infrastructures, equipment, funding, investments,
publications, data flow and exchange policies, as well
as national strategies, the GOSR monitors our capacity
to understand the ocean and seize new opportunities.
In its second edition, the GOSR2020 addresses four
additional topics: contribution of ocean science to
sustainable development; blue patent applications;
extended gender analysis; and capacity development
in ocean science.
The GOSR2020 is a resource for policymakers,
academics and other stakeholders seeking to assess
progress towards the sustainable development goals
of the UN 2030 Agenda, in particular SDG target
14.a on scientific knowledge, research capacity and
transfer of marine technology. The GOSR provides
the information for the indicator for target 14.a as
the proportion of total research budget allocated to
research in the field of ocean science. GOSR2020 not
only provides consistent reference information at the
start of UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable
Development 2021–2030, it evolves as a living product.
The global community is given the online facility
to submit and update data on the GOSR portal and
consult data to regularly assess progress on the
efficiency and impact of policies to develop ocean
science capacity.
For more information:
One Planet,
One Ocean

United Nations
Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization

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