01 Anatomy Shelf Notes
01 Anatomy Shelf Notes
01 Anatomy Shelf Notes
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
4. Upper limb fractures:
Humerus fractures Fracture of distal radius:
Sites of potential injury to major Transverse fracture within the distal 2 cm of
nerves in fractures of the the radius. Most common fracture of the
humerus: forearm (after 50).
1. Axillary nerve and posterior Smith's fracture results from a fall or a blow
humeral circumflex artery at on the dorsal aspect of the flexed wrist
the surgical neck. and produces a ventral angulation of the
2. Radial nerve and profunda wrist. The distal fragment of the radius is
brachii artery at midshaft. ANTERIORLY displaced.
3. Brachial artery and median Colles' fracture results from forced
nerve at the supracondylar extension of the hand, usually as a result of
region. trying to ease a fall by outstretching the
4. Ulnar nerve at the medial upper limb. Distal fragment is displaced
epicondyle. DORSALLY - “dinner fork deformity”.
Often the ulnar styloid process is avulced
(broken off)
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
8. Arterial anastomoses
around the scapula 9. Cubital fossa
Contents from lateral to medial:
Blockage of the 1. Biceps brachii tendon
Subclavian or Axillary TAN
2. Brachial artery
artery can be bypassed
by anastomoses 3. Median nerve
between branches of Subcutaneos structures from lateral to
the Thyrocervical and medial:
Subscapular arteries: 1. Cephalic vein
Transverse cervical 2. Median cubital vein: joins cephalic
Suprascapular and basilic veins
Subscapular 3. Basilic vein
Circumflex scapular
Sites of venipuncture is usually median
cubital vein because:
Overlies bicipital aponeurosis, so deep
structure protected
Not accompanied by nerves
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
12. Lesion of UL nerves Upper Brachial Palsy
Upper Brachial Palsy (Erb-Duchenne palsy)
Injury of upper roots and trunk In all cases, paralysis of the muscles of the
Usually results from excessive shoulder and arm supplied by C5 and C6 spinal
increase in the angle between the nerves (roots) of the upper trunk.
neck and the shoulder stretching or Combination lesions of axillary, suprascapular
tearing of the superior parts of the
brachial plexus (C5 and C6 roots or and musculocutaneous nerves with loss of the
superior trunk) shoulder mm and anterior arm.
May occur as birth injury from As result patient have “waiter’s tip” hand:
forceful pulling on infant's head adducted shoulder
during difficult delivery medially rotated arm
extended elbow
loss of sensation in the lateral aspect of the
upper limb
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Cutaneous innervation
Injury to musculocutaneous nerve of the hand
Usually results from lesions
of lateral cord
May be accompanied by
anesthesia over lateral
aspect of forearm
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
13. Avascular necrosis 14. Knee joint injury:
of femoral head Unhappy triad
Because the lateral side of the
knee is struck more often
(e.g., in a football tackle), the
tibial collateral ligament is
A common fracture in the most frequently torn
elderly women with ligament at the knee.
osteoporosis is fracture of
the femoral neck. The unhappy triad of athletic
knee injuries involves:
Transcervical fracture
Tibial collateral ligament medial
disrupts blood supply to 1.
the head of the femur via 2. Medial meniscus
retinacular arteries (from 3. Anterior cruciate ligament
medial circumflex femoral
artery) and may cause MMA
avascular necrosis of the
femoral head if blood
supply through the ligament
to the head is inadequate.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Prepatellar bursa
Suprapatellar bursa Knee jerk reflex
Prepatellar bursa: between
superficial surface of patella The patellar reflex
and skin. May become is tested by tapping
the patellar
inflamed and swollen ligament with a
(prepatellar bursitis) reflex hammer to
elicit extension at
the knee joint. Both
Suprapatellar bursa: superior afferent and
extension of synovial cavity efferent limbs of
between distal end of femur the reflex arch are
in the femoral
and quadriceps muscle and nerve (L2-L4).
tendon. Usual place for intra-
articular injections Knee jerk reflex:
tests spinal nerves
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
15. Ankle joint injury:
Ankle sprains Pott’s fracture
Fracture-dislocations of
Sprains are the most the ankle (Pott's
common ankle injuries fracture):
A sprained ankle is nearly Forced eversion
always an inversion injury, (abduction) of the foot
involving twisting of the
The medial ligament
weight-bearing plantarflexed
foot. avulses the medial
malleolus or the
The lateral ligament (anterior medial ligament
talofibular ligament) is tears, and fibula
injured because it is much fractures at a higher
weaker than the medial level
Forced inversion
In severe sprains, the lateral (adduction) avulses the
malleolus of the fibula may be lateral malleolus of fibula
fractured. or tears the lateral
Pott's fracture
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Superior gluteal
Injury to sciatic nerve nerve injury
The superior gluteal nerve may
be injured during surgery,
Weakened hip posterior dislocation of the
extension and knee hip or poliomyelitis.
Paralysis of the gluteus
Footdrop (lack of medius and gluteus minimus
dorsiflexion) muscles occurs so that the
Flail foot (lack of ability to pull the pelvis up
both dorsiflexion and and abduction of the thigh
plantar flexion) are lost.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
17. Avulsion fractures
of the hip bone and
Injury to inferior gluteal nerve
hamstrings muscles
Weakened hip extension Avulsion fractures occur
(gluteus maximus), most where muscles are
attached - ischial
noticeable when climbing tuberosities
stairs or standing from a
seated position
Hamstrings muscles:
Cause of injury: posterior
1. Biceps femoris
hip dislocation, surgery in
this region 2. Semitendinosus
3. Semimembranosus
Action: extension of hip
joint and flexion of knee
Nerve supply – Tibial
nerve (short head of
biceps femoris is supplied
by the common fibular
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
21. Breast:
20. Fracture of the fibular neck Carcinoma of the Breast
May cause an injury to the
common peroneal nerve, Carcinomas of the
which winds laterally around breast are malignant
the neck of the fibula. tumors, usually
This injury results in adenocarcinomas
paralysis of all muscles in arising from the
the anterior and lateral epithelial cells of the
compartments of the leg lactiferous ducts in the
(dorsiflexors and evertors of mammary gland
the foot) lobules
Causing foot drop. 1. It enlarges, attaches
to suspensory
(Cooper‘s) ligaments,
and produces
shortening of the
ligaments, causing
depression or dimpling
of the overlying skin.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Lymphatic drainage
of the breast Mastectomy
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
22. Diaphragm:
Breast infection Paralysis of Half and ruptures
Mastitis is an infection of the tissue
Paralysis of the half
of the breast that occurs most of the Diaphragm
frequently during the time of may result from injury
breastfeeding (1 to 3months after the or operative division of
delivery of a baby). the phrenic nerve of
same side
This infection causes pain, swelling, It can be detected
redness, and increased temperature radiologically.
of the breast.
It can occur when bacteria, often from Paradoxical
the baby's mouth, enter a milk duct movement: dome of
diaphragm of injured
through a crack in the nipple. side pushed superiorly
It can occur in women who have not by abdominal viscera
recently delivered as well as in women during inspiration
instead of descending
after menopause.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Diaphragmatic ruptures
Diaphragmatic injuries are
23. Cardiac hypertrophy
relatively rare and result from
either blunt trauma or Left atrial enlargement
penetrating trauma. (hypertrophy) secondary to
Presently, 80-90% of blunt mitral valve failure may
diaphragmatic ruptures result compress on the
from motor vehicle crashes. esophagus and manifest
The majority (80-90%) of blunt as dysphagia (difficulty in
diaphragmatic ruptures have swallowing).
occurred on the left side. It may be observed as a
Blunt trauma typically produces filling defect in the
large radial tears measuring 5-15 esophagus by barium
cm, most often at the swallow on the lateral
posterolateral aspect of the thoracic X-Ray
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
P-A projection
24. Auscultation of Heart
Right 2 ICS Left 2 ICS
Cardiac Shadow
Right border is formed by:
1. SVC,
2. Right atrium
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Bronchogenic Carcinoma Qs about Auscultation
and penetrated wounds
To listen to breath sounds of the
Arises in the mucosa of the
large bronchi superior lobes of the right and left
Produces as persistent, lungs, the stethoscope is placed on
productive cough or the superior area of the anterior
hemoptysis chest wall (above the 4th rib for the
Early metastasis to thoracic right lung & above 6th for the left
(bronchomediatinal) lymph one).
nodes For breath sounds from the
Hematogenous spread to the middle lobe of the right lung, the
brain, bones, lungs,
suprarenal glands stethoscope is placed on the
A tumor at the apex of the anterior chest wall between the 4th
lung (Pancoast tumor) may and 6th ribs
result in thoracic outlet 6 For the inferior lobes of both
syndrome lungs, breath sounds are primarily
heard on the posterior chest wall.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Transversalis fascia is the FIRST
STRUCTURE which is crossed by
any abdominal hernia Indirect Inguinal Hernia
Indirect inguinal hernia is the most
common form of hernia and is believed
to be congenital in origin (boys 0-3
It passes through the deep inguinal ring
lateral to the inferior epigastric
vessels, inguinal canal, superficial
inguinal ring and descend into the
An indirect inguinal hernia is about 20
times more common in males than in
females, and nearly 1/3 are bilateral.
It is more common on the right
(normally, the right processus vaginalis
becomes obliterated after the left; the
right testis descends later than the left).
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
31. Everything about Foregut, Midgut
Culdocentesis & Hindgut
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
36. Features of the large
35. Meckel's diverticulum intestine
Meckel's diverticulum is a congenital Features of the large intestine:
anomaly representing a persistent portion of
the vitellointestinal duct.
This condition is often asymptomatic but 1. Appendices epiploic
occasionally becomes inflamed if it contains 2. Sacculations
ectopic gastric, pancreatic, or endometrial (haustrations)
tissue, which may produce ulceration. 3. Taeniae coli
It occurs in 2% of patients, is located about 2 The taeniae coli meet
feet (61 cm) before the ileocecal junction, together at the base of
and is about 2 inches (5 cm) long. the appendix where they
form a complete
The diverticulum is clinically important longitudinal muscle coat
because diverticulitis, liberation, bleeding, for the appendix.
perforation, and obstruction are
complications requiring surgical intervention
and frequently mimicking the symptoms of
acute appendicitis.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
40. Branches of Abdominal aorta
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Ligature of the hepatic artery: Splenic artery
The hepatic artery may be Splenic artery (1) runs a
ligated proximal to the origin tortuous horizontal course to
of its gastroduodenal branch,
a collateral circulation to the the left along the upper border
liver is established through of the pancreas, behind the
the left and right gastric peritoneum of the posterior
arteries, left and right wall of the lesser sac, forming a
gastroepiploic and part of the stomach bed.
gastroduodenal arteries. 1 The splenic artery may be
subject to erosion by a
The right hepatic artery
may be mistakenly ligated penetrating ulcer of the
during holecystectomy in posterior wall of the stomach
Calot triangle together with into the lesser sac.
the cystic artery, right lobe
hepatic necrosis commonly N.B. The splenic vein runs a
occurs. more straight course below the
artery and behind of the
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Splenic artery 7
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
42. Abdominal aortic aneurysm 43. Biliary system
It is a localized dilatation of the Bile is secreted by the liver cells,
aorta. It is typically happened stored, and concentrated in the
just above of the bifurcation at gallbladder and later it is
level of L4 and crossed by 3rd delivered to the duodenum.
part of duodenum. The gallbladder lies in a fossa
Pulsations of a large aneurysm on the visceral surface of the
can be detected to the left of liver to the right of the quadrate
the midline at the umbilical lobe.
region. It stores and concentrates bile,
Acute rupture of an abdominal which enters and leaves
aortic aneurysm is associated through the cystic duct.
with severe pain in the The cystic duct joins the
abdomen or back (mortality rate common hepatic (from left
is nearly 90%). and right hepatic)due to form
Surgeons can repair an the common bile duct.
aneurysm by opening it and
inserting a prosthetic graft.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Portocaval anastomosis
46. Portal Hypertension
If there is an obstruction to flow
Portal hypertension is a through the portal system (portal
common clinical condition, hypertension), blood can flow in
and for this reason the list of 1
portal-systemic anastomoses a retrograde direction (because
should be remembered. of the absence of valves in the
Enlargement of the portal- portal system) and pass through
systemic connections is anastomoses to reach the caval
frequently accompanied by system.
congestive enlargement of the Sites for these anastomoses
include the (1) esophageal
veins, (2) thoracoepigastric
Portacaval shunt for the veins, and (3) rectal veins.
treatment of portal
hypertension: the splenic Enlargement of these veins may
vein may be anastomoses to result in (1) esophageal varices,
the left renal vein after 3 (2) a caput medusae and (3)
removing the spleen. internal hemorrhoids.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
47. Pancreas:
Rectal anastomosis Head and uncinate process
Anastomosis between the
superior rectal vein (inferior The head of the pancreas
mesenteric vein and then into rests within the C-shaped
portal vein) and inferior area formed by the
rectal vein which drains into duodenum and is
the internal iliac vein (from traversed by the common
IVC system). bile duct.
In portal hypertension this
anastomoses gets dilated
resulting in internal It includes the uncinate
hemorrhoids and bleeding process which is crossed
per anus. by the superior
mesenteric vessels.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Cancer of the head
of the pancreas Neck of the pancreas
Cancer of the head of the
pancreas compresses the
bile duct and it results in
JAUNDICE. Posterior to the
This type of jaundice is NOT neck of the
usually associated with pain 1 pancreas is the site
or fever. of formation of the
Hepatitis also causes jaundice
but is associated with the 2
(1)Splenic vein
fever. joins with (2)
mesenteric vein to
form (3) portal vein.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
48. Spleen: Relations of the Spleen and
Two borders Left Kidney
The spleen is a peritoneal The spleen follows
organ in the upper left the contour of 10th rib
quadrant that is deep to the and extends from the
left 9th, 10th, and 11th ribs. superior pole of the
left kidney to just
The spleen follows the contour
posterior to the
of rib 10 (axis of the spleen).
midaxillary line.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
49. Kidney:
Peritoneal connections Dimensions and position
Gastrosplenic ligament (1) During life, the kidneys
connects the spleen with the are reddish brown and
upper end of the greater measure approximately
curvature of the stomach. It 11-12 cm in length, 5-6
contains the short gastric cm in width, and 2.5-3
vessels, left gastroepiploic cm in thickness.
(gastroomental) vessels and
1 accompanying lymph vessels They are extending from
the level of T12 to the
level of L3, the right
Splenorenal (lienorenal) kidney lying about 2-3 cm
ligament (2) connects the lower than the left one.
spleen with the left kidney. It The lateral border of the
contains the tail of the kidney is convex. Its
pancreas, splenic vessels, medial border is convex at
accompanying lymph vessels both ends but concave in
2 and nerves. the middle where there is
the hilum of the kidney.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Anterior relations
Position of the kidneys of the right kidney
The upper end of the left kidney
(XI rib) is a little higher than the
right one (XII rib). 1. Right suprarenal gland
The lower ends of the kidneys 2. 2nd part of the
occur around the level of the IV duodenum
disc L3/L4. 3. Right lobe of the liver
N.B. The border between left
kidney and spleen is XI rib 4. Right colic flexure
5. Small intestine
The hila of the kidneys and the
beginnings of the ureters are at
approximately the L1 vertebra.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Anterior relations
of the left kidney Renal (Gerota) fascia
Enclosing the perinephric fat is
a membranous condensation
1. Left suprarenal gland of the extraperitoneal fascia -
2. Stomach the renal fascia (3).
3. Spleen The suprarenal glands (4) are
4. Body of pancreas and 4 also enclosed in this fascial
splenic vessels compartment, usually
5. Descending colon separated from the kidneys by
6. Small intestine a thin septum.
N.B. The renal fascia must
be incised in any surgical
approach to this organ.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Pampiniform plexus 53. Hemorrhoids:
Venous drainage from rectum
Each testicular or ovarian vein is Above pectinate line: superior
formed by coalescence of a rectal vein [1] into portal
pampiniform plexus: the 2 system [2].
testicular at the deep inguinal 4
ring, the ovarian at the margin of
the superior aperture of the Below pectinate line: inferior
rectal vein [3] into inferior
The veins run accompany the
corresponding arteries. The left vena cava [4].
pampiniform plexus enters the
left renal vein; the right one
enters directly the IVC inferior 1
to the renal vein.
That is why varicocely
(engorgement of the pampiniform
plexus that produces a scrotal
mass) is more often located on
the left. 3
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
56. Cystocele
Urine leaks (hernia of bladder)
After a crushing blow or a Loss of bladder support in
penetrating injury, the spongy females by damage to the
urethra commonly ruptures pelvic floor during childbirth
within the bulb of the penis, and (e.g., laceration of perineal
urine leaks into the superficial muscles or a lesion of the
perineal pouch. nerves supply) can result in
protrusion of the bladder onto
The superficial perineal fascia the anterior vaginal wall.
keeps urine from passing into the When intrabdominal pressure
thigh or the anal triangle, but after increases (as when “bearing
distending the scrotum and penis, down” during defecation), the
urine can pass over the pubis into anterior wall of the vagina may
the anterior abdominal wall deep protrude through the vaginal
to the deep layer of superficial orifice into the vestibule
abdominal fascia.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
60. Prostate tumors
Benign hypertrophy of the
Prostate cancer
prostate (BHP)
It usually begins in the
posterior lobe of the gland, and BHP is common in men after
early stages are often middle age.
asymptomatic. Prostate adenoma (benign
Later malignant enlargement of hypertrophy) usually involves
the prostate can narrow or median lobe.
occlude the prostatic urethra. BHP is a common cause of
urethral obstruction, leading
N.B. Prostatic malignancies to nocturia (need to void
tend to metastasize to during the night), dysuria
vertebrae and the brain (difficulty and/or pain during
because the prostatic venous urination), and urgency
plexus has numerous (sudden desire to void).
connections with the vertebral The prostate is examined for
venous plexus via sacral enlargement and tumors by
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Spongy part
Membranous part
Passes through the Average 15 cm in length.
urogenital Passes through the bulb
diaphragm to enter and corpus spongiosum
the bulb of the penis of the penis to open at the
It is the shortest, external urethral orifice on
narrowest and the the tip of the glans penis.
least dilatable part There are two dilatations
It is surrounded by the – bulbar fossa (in the
external sphincter beginning) and navicular
urethra fossa (in the glans penis)
Bulbourethral Ducts of the bulbourethral
glands lie glands open into the floor
posterolateral to this of the spongy part in its
part inside of beginning
urogenital diaphragm
(deep perineal
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
62. Hydrocele &
Sphincters of the urethra hematocele
1. Internal urethral The tunica vaginalis testis
sphincter is made of or other remnants of the
smooth muscles in the processus vaginalis may
neck of the bladder form a hydrocele or
and has sympathetic hematocele.
With transillumination, a
2. External urethral hydrocele produces a
2 sphincter has skeletal reddish glow, whereas
muscle fibers and light will not penetrate
surrounds the other scrotal masses such
membranous part of as a hematocele, solid
urethra, supplied by tumor, or herniated bowel.
the perineal branch of
the pudendal nerve
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
67. Parts of the uterine tube
Uterine part The instillation of
Pierces uterine wall to viscous iodine
open into uterine cavity
through the
Narrowest part of tube external os of the
just lateral to uterus uterine cervix
Ampulla allows the lumen of
Medial continuation of the cervical canal,
infundibulum comprising the uterine cavity,
about half of uterine tube
Usual site of fertilization and the different
Infundibulum parts of the
Funnel-shaped expansion uterine tubes to
of lateral end, fringed with be visualized on X-
fimbriae ray.
Overlies ovary and
uterus is amped w fun! receives oocyte at
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Cranial Malformations Fontanelles
[A] Scaphocephaly: premature Anterior fontanelle
closure of the sagittal suture, in present at birth; closes
which the anterior fontanelle is small at age 9 to 18 months
or absent, results in a long, narrow, diminished size or
wedge-shaped cranium. absence at birth may
[C] Oxycephaly: premature closure indicate
of the coronal suture results in a craniosynostosis or
high, tower-like cranium. microcephaly.
Posterior fontanelle
When premature closure of the
present at birth; usually
coronal or the lambdoid suture occurs
closes by age 2 months
on one side only, the cranium is
Persistence suggests
twisted and asymmetrical, a condition
known as plagiocephaly [B].
hydrocephalus or
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
77. Innervation skin of the face
78. Facial nerve (CN VII)
sole motor supply to the
Skin of face supplied muscles of facial
by branches of the expression and certain
three divisions of the other muscles derived
[1] TRIGEMINAL from the embryonic 2nd
NERVE (CN V) pharyngeal arch
Sensory to the taste buds
1 Except for a small in anterior 2/3 of the
area over the angle tongue through the
of the mandible chorda tympani
which is supplied by Secretomotor
the [2] great (parasympathetic) to the
auricular nerve submandibular,
(C2-C3) – cervical sublingual, palatine
plexus salivary glands, glands of
2 nasal cavity and lacrimal
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
81. Sphenoiditis 82. Cheeks
Relationships of the Form the lateral, movable
sphenoidal sinus are clinically walls of the oral cavity and
important ; because of potential the zygomatic prominences
injury during pituitary of the cheeks over the
surgery and the possible zygomatic bones
spread of infection. Buccinator – principal
Infection can reach the sinuses muscle of the cheek
through their ostia from the Buccal pad of fat –
nasal cavity or through their encapsulated collection of fat
floor from the nasopharynx. superficial to buccinator
Infection may erode the walls to Parotid duct opens in inner
reach the cavernous sinuses, surface of the cheek right
pituitary gland, optic nerves, opposite 2nd upper molar
or optic chiasma tooth
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
85. Lymph drainage from
Palatine tonsils face structures
Submandibular lymph nodes
Receives main blood supply receive lymph from:
from tonsillar branch of front of scalp
facial artery nose and adjacent cheek
Drained by lymph vessels upper lip and lower lip (except
mainly to jugulodigastric central part*)
lymph node, which is body's frontal, maxillary, and ethmoid
most frequently enlarged air sinuses
lymph node
upper and lower teeth (except
Nerve supply: tonsillar lower incisors*)
plexus of nerves formed by
anterior 2/3 of tongue (except
branches of CN IX and CN X
After submandibular & submental floor of mouth ,gums and
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
90. Abducens Nerve Palsy
89. Trochlear Nerve Palsy (internal squint)
Lesions of this nerve or its
nucleus cause paralysis of the Injury to abducens nerve
superior oblique and impair paralysis of lateral rectus
the ability to turn the affected inability to abduct the affected
eyeball infero-medially (pupil eye
look superio-laterally) Affected eye is fully adducted
The characteristic sign of by the unopposed action of the
trochlear nerve injury is medial rectus that is supplied
diplopia (double vision) when by CN III
looking down (e.g., when going
down stairs)
The person can compensate for
the diplopia by inclining the
head anteriorly and laterally
toward the side of the normal
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Perforation of the
93. Otitis Media
Tympanic Membrane
Hearing is diminished because of May result from otitis media and is
pressure on the eardrum and one of several causes of middle ear
reduced movement of the ossicles. (conduction) deafness
Taste may be altered because the
Causes: foreign bodies in external
chorda tympani is affected.
acoustic meatus, excessive pressure
Infection spreading posteriorly
(as in diving), trauma
cause mastoiditis.
Infection that spreads to the Because chorda tympani directly
middle cranial fossa can cause relates to the posterior surface of the
meningitis or temporal lobe tympanic membrane it may be
abscess, and infection moving damaged and resulting in loss of taste
through the floor may produce over anterior 2/3 of the tongue and
sigmoid sinus thrombosis. secretion of the sublingual and
submandibular glands
Minor perforation heal spontaneously;
large ones require surgical repair
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
94. Thyroid and parathyroid Anatomical relations
glands of the thyroid gland
The thyroid gland is the body's largest
Anterolateral –
endocrine gland. It produces thyroid infrahyoid muscles
hormone, which controls the rate of
1 Posterolateral –
metabolism (increase the temperature of common carotid
the body), and calcitonin, a hormone artery [1]
controlling calcium metabolism (reduce Medial – larynx,
blood calcium Ca2+). The thyroid gland trachea [2], pharynx,
affects all areas of the body except itself and esophagus,
the spleen, testes, and uterus. cricothyroid muscle,
The hormone produced by the parathyroid recurrent laryngeal
glands, parathormone (PTH), controls the 1 nerve [3]
metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in the Posterior –
parathyroid glands
blood (increase Ca2+ level). The parathyroid
1 [4]
glands target the skeleton, kidneys, and
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Variation of parathyroid
Median cervical cyst glands position
Usually presents as a painless The superior parathyroid
midline mass on the anterior glands, more constant in
aspect of the neck at the level position than the inferior ones.
of the hyoid bone and moves The inferior parathyroid
during swallowing. glands are usually near the
Remanent of the thyroglossal inferior poles of the thyroid
canal (thyroid gland originally gland, but they may lie in
from epithelium of the tongue). various positions
Must be differentiated from a In 1-5% of people, an inferior
thyroid mass parathyroid gland is deep in
the superior mediastinum
Treatment: surgical excision
within the thymus because of
common embryonic origin.
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
95. Larynx:
Muscles of the Larynx
Cavity of the Larynx - 2 Folds: Abductors
Vestibular folds (false vocal Posterior cricoarytenoid –
cords) abducts vocal folds (the only
Vocal folds (true vocal cords) abductors of the vocal folds)
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
Vagus Nerve (CN X) Vagus Nerve (CN X)
Superior laryngeal nerve: Recurrent laryngeal nerve:
divides into internal and external supplies all muscles of larynx,
laryngeal nerves except cricothyroid; mucous
Internal laryngeal nerve – membrane of larynx below
sensory; supplies floor of vocal fold; mucous membrane
piriform recess and mucous of upper trachea
membrane of larynx above of right recurrent laryngeal
the vocal folds nerve hooks around the right
subclavian artery
External laryngeal nerve –
left recurrent laryngeal nerve
motor; supplies the
hooks around the arch of the
cricothyroid muscle aorta posterior to the
ligamentum arteriosum
ascends in the neck in a
groove between the trachea
and esophagus
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Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com
100. Posterior Triangle of the
Good Luck!
Scalene muscles
Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com Dr. Mavrych, MD, PhD, DSc prof.mavrych@gmail.com