Manitou 2000 SuspensionTuning Manual
Manitou 2000 SuspensionTuning Manual
Manitou 2000 SuspensionTuning Manual
Chapter1: Introduction to the MRD Tuning Manual
1. Introduction 1. INTRODUCTION
2. What is MRD? Thank you for choosing a Manitou suspension fork. Manitou suspension forks
3. MRD Tuning Manual: The bible of suspension tuning have been designed to give you better performance with less hassles. But to take
best advantage of suspension, you will need to tune your fork and shock to your
Chapter2: Manitou Technology own particular riding style and body weight. By reading this MRD Tuning Manual,
1. Before you begin you will gain the necessary knowledge to do this and have your fork working like
2. TPC damping technology explained the ones the best pros in the world ride.
3. About TPC
4. About TPC Plus
MRD stands for Manitou Racing Development and is the division of Manitou
5. About TPC Sport
responsible for tuning Manitou forks and developing products for use by the
6. About the Microlube lubrication system
world’s top pro race teams. This includes former National and World Cup champ
7. About the MARS Air/MCU spring system
John Tomac, World Cup race winner Filip Meirhaeghe, World Cup race winner
Sidebar: The reason Manitou technology is what it is
Gerwin Peters, World Cup race winner Bas Van Dooren, Olympic Gold Medallist
Bart Brentjens and 1999 World Champion Margarita Fullana.
Chapter3: Understanding Springs
1. The purpose of springs and preload MRD is the brainchild of Jose Gonzalez, Manitou Race Team and R & D manag-
2. Spring rate defined er, former Kawasaki Team Green assistant manager and inventor of TPC damping
3. Preload defined technology. Gonzalez’s concept for MRD was formed by his early years at
Kawasaki and his involvement in motorcycling. Gonzalez felt that simply putting
Chapter4: Damping professional racers on stock product for 12 or more national and international races
1. Damping: What it is and why it is important every season wasn’t going to cut it. Not only did course conditions vary as the race
2. The benefits of compression damping schedule worked its way across the globe, but each rider also wanted a different set
3. The benefits of rebound damping up for his or her weight and riding style. Gonzalez also knew that racing is one of
4. About hydraulic damping internals the best test beds for new product testing and development and wanted to use this
group of high-profile racers to improve Manitou products in general.
Chapter5: Pre-Set Up
1. Service MRD has seen many successes over the years, with wins in the highest levels of
2. Suspension Set Up 101 professional racing, but perhaps more importantly, the biggest successes MRD
3. General set up and tuning tips have seen have occurred with each and every Manitou fork that rolls off the assem-
4. Microlube first bly line today. Features such as TPC and Microlube were developed and validated
on the race circuit before they were deemed fit to be on any production fork.
Chapter6: Suspension Sag Needless to say, MRD has been Manitou’s most successful program ever.
1. Setting Sag If you want to see MRD research and development in action, stop by our race team
2. Spring Rate Chart for 2000 forks trailer at each and every World Cup and National event. Not only will you get to
3. Switching coil and MCU springs see the behind the scenes action of high-profile racing, but for a nominal charge
4. Changing air pressure in the MARS system you can have your fork serviced by a MRD technician. Proceeds benefit IMBA
5. Rear suspension: a "balanced" bike is best (International Mountain Biking Association).
One of the benefits of an air spring system is that you can easily change the
spring rate with an air pump (part number . This saves the cost of having to buy
multiple springs for different riding conditions, and eliminates the need for pre- The heavier the fork oil weight, the more damping it will
load adjustment on a fork, but you still have to purchase the high-pressure pump provide. 5-weight Maxima oil is stock in Manitou TPC and
of course. TPC Sport forks, but this oil viscosity can be increased or
decreased in weight for differing riding conditions and styles
Preloading coil and MCU springs is not the end-all to spring woes, and in actu-
ality is only a quick fix. If it becomes necessary to increase preload to a near Figure 5
maximum adjustment, the fork springs are too soft for you and need to be
changed. Preloading MCU or coil springs too much not only restricts travel (by A Stupid Question You Should Ask: What’s a Shim?
the amount your preload the springs), but tends to make the fork feel harsh and A shim is a small, thin washer that bends when oil is forced over it (as the oil
make rebound damping more difficult to control. passes through a valve). In the suspension world, shim are also known as deflec-
tion disks. Because thinner shims bend easier than thicker shims, the thicker the
shim the more damping that is created (because the thicker shim won’t bend out
CHAPTER 4: DAMPING of the way of the oil as easy as a thin one.) In addition, more shims stacked on
1. DAMPING: WHAT ITIS & WHYIT’S IMPORTANT top of each other will be harder to bend away to let the oil pass, creating more
Damping is the act of absorbing shock by changing the energy of motion into damping. That’s one way to achieve a thicker shim: simple stack the same thick-
heat and then dissipating it. If damping systems didn’t exist, a fork would ness and diameter shims on top of each other. Smaller diameter shims are stiffer
behave like a pogo stick, resulting in very poor control of your bike. The pur- as they have less working or bending area. The result of all three options is more
pose of a damping system (such as that contained in a suspension fork) is to possibilities when you tune your suspension fork.
limit both the rate at which a spring is compressed (compression damping) and
the resulting rate of return (rebound damping). Piston and shim stack damping, Maxima Fork Oils
like that used in TPC damping systems, is speed-sensitive. That means the resis- 85-3814 Maxima Suspension
tance to movement increases with speed and force. (When talking about speed Fluid 5-WT8oz
in reference to damping, it is the speed of fork movement being referred to, not 85-3820 Maxima Suspension
the speed of the bike). As fluid tries to flow through a TPC piston and shim Fluid 7.5-WT-8oz
stack, it encounters more resistance if it tries to flow faster, due to added speed 85-3822 Maxima Suspension
and force. Damping adjusters like on the TPC system allow you to alter how Fluid 10-WT-8oz
easily the fluid flows, thus helping to control the speed at which the fork both TPC or TPC Plus shim stacks (see
compresses and returns. Figure 6) meter fluid flow
2. THE BENEFITS OFCOMPRESSION DAMPING through the damping piston.
Compression damping usually permits the use of lighter-rate fork springs than Changing the number of shims,
would be possible in non-damped forks. That’s because compression damping their thickness and diameter will
affects the down stroke or compression phase of suspension movement, sharing alter damping character as will
the workload with the spring(s) as speed and force increase (thus, the term changing the oil weight. You can’t
"speed-sensitive"). The use of compression damping results in a wider range of change the diameter of the shim
optimum performance, as it’s possible to maintain a plush, supple ride over closest to the piston though, as
small hits and still resist hard bottoming on hard landings. (thanks to the speed this is fixed and based on the pis-
sensitivity of the compression damping). ton’s ports and its diameter.
Changing a large-diameter shim
3. THE BENEFITS OFREBOUND DAMPING has more effect than changing a
When a spring (coil or MCU) is compressed, it wants to return to its decom- small-diameter shim. Shims are
pressed state; in other words, it wants to rebound. If it’s allowed to rebound available through your Manitou
completely freely, the resulting suspension action would result in a very pogo Figure 6 authorized dealer.
stick like ride, with the fork returning very quickly and erratically. Rebound
Fork Travel Sag
70-80 millimeters 12-16 millimeters
100-105 millimeters 18-24 millimeters
125 millimeters 25-28 millimeters
160 millimeters 35-40 millimeters
180 millimeters 40-45 millimeters
Note: Some XC racers may prefer less sag, approximately 7-12 millimeters, to
eliminate suspension movement during climbing.
Green Ultrasoft
Blue Soft
Red Medium
Yellow Hard
Blue Soft
Red Medium
Yellow Hard
*Titanium springs have color stripes on them.
You should be able to use between 0 and eight clicks (not turns) on the preload
adjusters to achieve the correct sag (see Figure 8). If more than eight clicks are
required (indicating more preload is needed for correct sag), stiffer springs are
needed. If it requires less than the 0 click setting (indicating less preload is need-
ed for correct sag), softer springs are needed.
Should a spring change be necessary, Manitou forks allow doing so by simply
changing one or more of the MCUs. Changing MCUs will make a noticeable
difference in effective spring rate and will be much less expensive than chang-
ing the coil spring. When making spring changes, start by changing the MCU,
but if you go up more than one rate on the MCU, you should consider changing
to the next stiffest coil spring with the stock MCU or MCUs.
2000 Damping Kits One thing to remember when changing fork fluid from stock is that the
Magnum R Rebound 85-9106 increased or decreased oil weight will affect both compression and rebound
Magnum R Compression 85-9107 damping equally. This means that while you may be slowing rebound down by
say, adding heavier fork oil, you also may be adding compression damping to
SX Rebound 85-9110 the point of the fork feeling harsh. The best thing to do is to experiment with
SX Compression 85-9111 different oil weights until you find that perfect setting for you.
SXR Rebound 85-9114 Note: Since TPC Sport uses orifices (or holes) in the compression and rebound
SXR Compression 85-9113 pistons to meter the flow of oil (and thus create damping), changing the orifice
Mars & MARS C Rebound 85-4061 sizing may seem an obvious method to tuning TPC Sport. While doing this will
Mars & MARS C Compression 85-9113 produce significant changes in the damping of the fork, it is not recommended.
Changing the size of the damping ports risks damaging the pistons, will void the
Mars 1 Rebound 85-9114 warranty on the fork and will most likely compromise the performance of the
Mars 1 Compression 85-9113 fork as well.
Mars CLRebound 85-4061
Mars CLCompression 85-4062 CHAPTER 8: DAMPING ASSEMBLIES
X-Vert Compression 85-9085 To remove the rebound damping assembly, the fork must be disassembled first
(please refer to "Manitou Disassembly Procedure" later in this manual). With
X-Vert Super Rebound 85-9084 the fork upside-down, reinstall the damper dropout nut (the bolt that holds the
X-Vert Super Compression 85-9085 lowers to the uppers) and stroke the shaft 3-4 times. This pushes the fork fluid
X-Vert DC Rebound 85-9083 to the compression side of the leg so that you can remove the rebound assembly
X-Vert DC Compression 85-9086 without having to change the oil.
X-Vert Carbon Rebound 85-9074 The rebound damping assembly can now be removed with a 15/16- inch
X-Vert Carbon Compression 85-9075 wrench. Be careful when removing the assembly as a small amount of fork fluid
may remain on top of the piston. In addition, ensure that no contaminants enter
6. ADJUSTING COMPRESSION DAMPING WITH AN MRD ANTI BOB the now-exposed fluid. To reinstall the assembly, torque the end cap as specified
(see Figure 12) in the owner ’s manual. Turn the fork right side up and stroke the rebound shaft
Many people think that if you put the adjuster knob in the halfway position, it a few times to transfer fluid back down to the bottom of the leg. Remove the
will increase compression damping. This is not the case. The MRD Anti Bob is damper dropout nut and follow the steps outlined in Manitou Reassembly
simply an on-off switch for your fork, changing the fork from the on position to Procedure to put the fork back together.