Manitou 2000 SuspensionTuning Manual

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Chapter1: Introduction to the MRD Tuning Manual
1. Introduction 1. INTRODUCTION
2. What is MRD? Thank you for choosing a Manitou suspension fork. Manitou suspension forks
3. MRD Tuning Manual: The bible of suspension tuning have been designed to give you better performance with less hassles. But to take
best advantage of suspension, you will need to tune your fork and shock to your
Chapter2: Manitou Technology own particular riding style and body weight. By reading this MRD Tuning Manual,
1. Before you begin you will gain the necessary knowledge to do this and have your fork working like
2. TPC damping technology explained the ones the best pros in the world ride.
3. About TPC
4. About TPC Plus
MRD stands for Manitou Racing Development and is the division of Manitou
5. About TPC Sport
responsible for tuning Manitou forks and developing products for use by the
6. About the Microlube lubrication system
world’s top pro race teams. This includes former National and World Cup champ
7. About the MARS Air/MCU spring system
John Tomac, World Cup race winner Filip Meirhaeghe, World Cup race winner
Sidebar: The reason Manitou technology is what it is
Gerwin Peters, World Cup race winner Bas Van Dooren, Olympic Gold Medallist
Bart Brentjens and 1999 World Champion Margarita Fullana.
Chapter3: Understanding Springs
1. The purpose of springs and preload MRD is the brainchild of Jose Gonzalez, Manitou Race Team and R & D manag-
2. Spring rate defined er, former Kawasaki Team Green assistant manager and inventor of TPC damping
3. Preload defined technology. Gonzalez’s concept for MRD was formed by his early years at
Kawasaki and his involvement in motorcycling. Gonzalez felt that simply putting
Chapter4: Damping professional racers on stock product for 12 or more national and international races
1. Damping: What it is and why it is important every season wasn’t going to cut it. Not only did course conditions vary as the race
2. The benefits of compression damping schedule worked its way across the globe, but each rider also wanted a different set
3. The benefits of rebound damping up for his or her weight and riding style. Gonzalez also knew that racing is one of
4. About hydraulic damping internals the best test beds for new product testing and development and wanted to use this
group of high-profile racers to improve Manitou products in general.
Chapter5: Pre-Set Up
1. Service MRD has seen many successes over the years, with wins in the highest levels of
2. Suspension Set Up 101 professional racing, but perhaps more importantly, the biggest successes MRD
3. General set up and tuning tips have seen have occurred with each and every Manitou fork that rolls off the assem-
4. Microlube first bly line today. Features such as TPC and Microlube were developed and validated
on the race circuit before they were deemed fit to be on any production fork.
Chapter6: Suspension Sag Needless to say, MRD has been Manitou’s most successful program ever.
1. Setting Sag If you want to see MRD research and development in action, stop by our race team
2. Spring Rate Chart for 2000 forks trailer at each and every World Cup and National event. Not only will you get to
3. Switching coil and MCU springs see the behind the scenes action of high-profile racing, but for a nominal charge
4. Changing air pressure in the MARS system you can have your fork serviced by a MRD technician. Proceeds benefit IMBA
5. Rear suspension: a "balanced" bike is best (International Mountain Biking Association).

Chapter7: Getting Down to Business 3. THE BIBLE OFSUSPENSION TUNING

1. Damping adjustments: What’s where Information included in this manual is the result of many years spent working with
2. Getting familiar with your TPC fork top racers and is written by MRD techs who’s job it is to ensure that Manitou rid-
3. Tuning TPC and TPC Plus Forks ers are riding perfectly-tuned suspension forks and shocks. If in reading this man-
4. TPC and TPC Plus external compression and rebound damping adjustments ual, you find that the information seems overly complicated, don’t become frus-
5. Internal TPC and TPC Plus damping tuning trated. The MRD technicians who wrote this manual have extensive experience
6. Adjusting Compression Damping with MRD No Bob with suspension and only through much time and effort have learned the intricacies
7. Tuning TPC Sport of suspension technology. With time, you will find that the manual will become
easier to understand and soon you will be able to both understand and execute
Chapter8: Damping Assemblies changes to your suspension. Our best recommendation is to keep at it. It’s only
1. Removing the rebound damping assembly through experience that you will be able to tune your suspension properly.
2. Removing the compression damping assembly
4. Checking fork oil level
5. Changing the fork oil 1. BEFORE YOU BEGIN
Some thoughts on 2000 forks before we begin. For 2000, the travel for all forks is
76 millimeters or more (Magnum forks are 76 millimeters, SX and MARS forks
Chapter9: Troubleshooting are 80 millimeters and X-Verts and the SXLT 100 are millimeters of travel or
1. Identifying problems more). In addition, there have been some other major changes to Manitou forks for
2. Typical problems and solutions 2000.
• TPC has been moved from the left to the right side
Chapter10: Service • Springs have been moved from the right to the left side
1. Service Introduction • Disc brake spacing increased to 74 millimeters (from 68 millimeters in 1999)
2. Service schedule
Before you delve into the actually tuning of your fork, we recommend taking a few
3. Manitou disassembly procedure
rides and getting accustomed to your new suspension fork. You may actually find
4. Manitou re-assembly procedure
that the stock set up is perfect for you and no tuning is necessary. In addition, your
5. Glossary of useful terms
fork also needs to be broken in before any tuning takes place.
6. Useful part numbers
Make sure you follow the details in this tuning manual rather than just flipping
Chapter 11: 2000 Fork Schematics through the pages and trying to find the section that pertains to you. For example,
if you skip the section on starting a logbook (to track changes you have made to


the fork and the conditions you ride in), it will cost you time later as you try to small amount of compression damping provided by the static piston), but with
jog your memory to remember previous settings. Also, because one aspect of controlled brake dive and bottoming (because once the fork compresses further
suspension tuning can relate to many more, by missing one juicy moment of this and the position-activated piston stops, it provides additional compression
manual, you may be making changes that are actually counterproductive. damping).
In addition, reading the entire MRD Tuning Manual in sequence will make sus- 4. HOWTPC PLUS WORKS
pension tuning much easier. The MRD manual has been designed to make it as In the standard TPC system, as the fork compresses, oil is displaced and flows
readable and simple to understand as possible. Thus, the first portion of this through a static compression piston to provide damping. But with TPC Plus,
book is dedicated to explaining the different aspects of the suspension technol- there are actually two compression pistons, one static like in standard TPC, and
ogy, the second to tuning your suspension fork and shock, the third to the parts one that is able to move (a position activated piston). While this complicates
needed to make changes, and finally, the maintenance schedule to keep your things for explanation purposes, this sophisticated damping system provides
fork working perfectly. many performance benefits to a long-travel suspension fork (that’s why it’s used
in X-Vert forks only).
TPC stands for Twin Piston Chamber and is a damping system that consists of Think back to the description of the brick and the bucket. As the brick is low-
four main components: the compression assembly, the rebound assembly, the ered into the bucket, the water is displaced and rises. With TPC Plus, as the oil
inner leg and the fork fluid (see Figure 1). The standard TPC piston uses veloc- is displaced by the fork compressing, the lower piston (or position activated pis-
ity respondent valves and independent adjustment and tuning of compression ton) begins to move upward toward the static compression piston. During this
and rebound damping circuits. The TPC damping system is contained in the stage, there is very little compres-
right leg in 2000 forks (left leg in 1999 and earlier model TPC forks) and is a sion damping because the lower
low-pressure system so there’s very little possibility for leaks (all TPC systems position-activated piston provides
carry a 2-year leak-proof guarantee). It’s also one of the lightest hydraulic no damping as it moves and the
damping systems on the market because oil and springs are only needed in one upper piston provides only mini-
leg each. mal compression damping
(because it’s set up this way). As
HOWTPC WORKS the fluid continues to be dis-
The theory behind TPC is oil displacement. For those unfamiliar with oil dis- placed, the lower position-acti-
placement as it relates to damping, simply visualize a bucket filled with water. vated piston reaches a point
When a brick is lowered slowly into the bucket, the water is displaced and the where it stops and begins to pro-
water level in the bucket rises. vide additional compression
TPC works on the same principle.
As the lower (or rebound) shaft On the bike, the system allows for
enters the inner leg (as the fork is a dual personality of the fork. In
compressed), it pushes fork fluid up the initial portion of the travel
through the compression valve (when the floating piston is mov-
(which is static) resulting in dis- ing), the compression damping
placement much like the brick being feels very light and the fork is
introduced in the bucket. The com- very sensitive to small bumps
pression piston controls or dampes (think "plush"). As the fork com-
this oil flow, allowing the fork to presses further into the travel, the
control the reaction to bumps. As the floating piston provides increased
shaft returns to its original position, damping so that you do not blow Figure 2: TPC + DAMPING
the fluid moves likewise through the through the fork travel and bot-
rebound piston to provide damping. tom harshly. In addition, the secondary piston also helps to eliminate brake dive,
Each circuit, compression and which is a quality most forks with plush initial travel suffer from.
rebound, has a blow by valve to
allow the oil to bypass the compres- A Stupid Question You Should Ask: What’s Position Activated Damping?
sion valving when the fork is There’s plenty of hype surrounding position-activated damping currently, but if
rebounding, or vice-versa (the you quizzed most of those talking about it, you’d find few actually understand
rebound valving when the fork is just what it is and how it can benefit a suspension system. An example of a posi-
Figure 1: TPC DAMPING compressing). tion-activated damping system is TPC Plus, explained in the section above. A
position activated damping system is any system where the damping changes
A benefit of TPC is that the damping is velocity respondent. When the flow of depending on the position of the suspension in the stroke. In the case of TPC
oil is slow, the fork has very little compression damping over small bumps, per- Plus, it’s not until the fork compresses into the stroke 40-percent that the Plus
mitting it to be very plush. Conversely, on large bumps, when more oil is pushed part of the TPC Plus (the position-activated piston) actually takes effect. The
through the compression piston at a higher speed, there is more compression benefit TPC Plus’position activated system is that your fork can be plush ini-
damping. tially yet resist bottoming. Without position activated damping, it would be dif-
3. TPC PLUS ficult, if not impossible, to create this kind of damping character.
TPC Plus is based on the standard TPC damper, except taken to the next level.
TPC Plus is housed in the right leg like the other TPC systems, but uses a posi- 5. TPC SPORT EXPLAINED
tion-activated damping compression piston in addition to the static compression TPC Sport is very similar to standard TPC. The four main components are the
piston (see Figure 2). compression assembly, the rebound assembly, the inner leg and the fork fluid.
The theory behind the function of TPC Sport is oil displacement. As the fork is
With TPC Plus, the two compression pistons are the static piston and the posi- compressed, the lower (rebound) assembly moves up through the stanchion tube
tion-activated piston. The static piston is located above the position-activated and fork fluid flows through the compression valve. This provides compression
piston. As the fork compresses initially, the position-activated piston (or lower damping. As the fork extends, the oil flows back through the rebound piston,
piston) moves, compressing the spring located between it and the upper piston. providing rebound damping. The difference between the two designs is that
During the phase that lower piston is moving, it does not provide compression TPC Sport uses simple orifices to monitor oil flow through the piston where
damping. Rather the static piston above it provides compression damping to the TPC has shim stacks to control oil flow. TPC damping is also speed sensative.
fork. The static piston provides 100 percent of the fork’s initial damping. But as
the fork compresses further, the lower piston reaches a stop and begins to assist 6. MICROLUBE
the upper piston by adding a 50 percent increase in compression damping. All 2000 Manitou forks come standard with the Microlube lubrication system.
The result of all this is a super-active ride initially (because you only have a Located at the back of the fork is a small fitting that is the heart of the Microlube
system. This is where you inject grease into the fork.


The major benefits of the Microlube system are that it is lightweight and effec- Why Air?
tive. Only a small quantity of grease is needed to properly lubricate the fork, and At Manitou, our logic has always been to produce the lightest, highest-perfor-
the fitting for injecting grease puts it just where it needs to be. Other lubrication mance bicycle suspension in the world. Air is certainly a good way to lighten up
systems, like open bath for instance, can be very effective, but are intrinsically a fork, but until this year we felt that performance disadvantages associated with
very heavy because of the quantity of oil needed to function properly. using an air spring outweighed the loss in overall fork weight. But with the new
Another benefit is that the lubricant (Prep M) for Microlube is designed specif- Manitou Air Response System, we feel that we’ve found a way to have both the
ically for lubricating. Using open bath forks as an example again, an open bath weight and performance with an air spring. In the end, the result is some of the
fork requires the use of the damping oil in the fork for lubrication purposes. The lightest, highest-performance forks in the world.
major deficit of this is breakdown of oil. Because the same oil used for lubrica-
tion is also used for damping, the oil in the fork will contaminate and break Why Not Open Bath?
Open-bath forks offer good performance, and using oil to lubricate a fork is cer-
down more quickly, affecting the damping performance of the fork.
tainly advantageous, but the major deficits of the open-bath system are weight
MRD Prep M Grease and Grease Gun and breakdown of oil. Let’s start with weight issue. The oil in itself can be very
Prep M Grease for Microlube 85-3810 heavy. For example, a typical open bath fork uses over 6 fl. ounces of oil com-
Grease Gun Head 85-3812 pared in each leg. A TPC fork uses a total of 6 ounces of fluid for both lubrica-
tion and damping. Needless to say, open bath forks with coil springs and oil in
7. MARS both legs have trouble hitting the 3-1/2 pound mark. Breakdown of oil is also a
MARS stands for Manitou Air Response System and is the combination of air problem with open bath forks. Because the same oil that is used for lubrication
and a MCU spring that is used in every 2000 MARS suspension fork. The typ- is also used for damping, the oil in the fork will contaminate and break down
ical MARS spring system consists of an MCU, a compression rod, a negative quickly, affecting the performance of the fork.
spring and an air spring actuated by a piston (see Figure 3). The MCU is locat-
ed below the compression rod and can be switched with stiffer or softer MCU Why Microlube?
to accommodate different rider styles and terrain. The air spring is adjustable via Ease of lubrication is one of the main reasons Microlube was developed. In a
a Schraeder valve located on top of the left leg. The negative spring is available nutshell, we wanted a user to be able to quickly lubricate their fork without dis-
in one rate only, but is designed to be preloaded automatically as the positive air assembly. With grease fittings, this desire became a reality. A rider could sim-
spring pressure is increased (in other words, you don’t need to do anything to ply inject grease or oil into exactly the right location in the fork with a minimal
tune it) amount of hassle. But there’s another benefit of using grease fittings. On our
The MARS system is both lightweight high-speed assembly line for forks, Microlube allow us to lubricate the forks
and produces a progressive spring after assembly of the stanchion and slider tubes. This means more consistency
curve because of the use of two spring and proper lubrication with each and every fork that comes off the line.
materials (MCU and air). The spring Why MCU and Coil Springs?
system in action functions like this: A coil spring with MCUs is a truly magnificent spring combination. The two
When the fork compresses, the MCU spring mediums working together provide a truly progressive spring rate, with
compresses first. This is because the both suppleness on small bumps and protection from bottoming on big hits. The
MCU has a very low breakaway combination of an MCU and coil spring is also lighter than a single progres-
threshold (it moves with just one sively-wound coil spring would be, it provides added options when it comes to
pound of pressure applied) and thus dialing in the springs, and it’s less expensive for the consumer to alter the fork’s
provides initial suppleness with the spring rate after he purchases the fork.
fork. The negative spring also helps
provide initial suppleness because it
helps actuate the air spring (Anegative CHAPTER 3: UNDERSTANDING SPRINGS
spring works to pull the fork together, 1. THE PURPOSE OFSPRINGS AND PRELOAD
where a positive spring is keeping the A suspension fork or rear shock uses springs primarily to support the rider’s
fork extended). In the middle portion weight and bicycle, as well as isolate both from impacts encountered while rid-
Figure 3 of the travel, the fork transitions from ing over rocks, holes, jumps and other obstacles. Generally speaking, you want
the MCU to the air spring. Near the to use a spring with a rate just stiff enough to prevent bottoming on all but the
end of the fork’s travel, it transitions biggest bumps. Any stiffer than this and you will not get full use of your sus-
back onto the MCU to provide resis- pension because your suspension will be too stiff. Similarly, a spring rate that is
tance to bottoming. too soft will have the suspension riding too deep into the travel and bottoming
MARS is a very sophisticated system that provides a performance advantage by constantly. Keep in mind that it isn’t just the springs that keep the fork or shock
taking advantage of the two spring materials very different characters. In addi- from bottoming: compression damping also assists the spring in keeping the
tion, because both the air and MCU spring system can be adjusted, there’s a suspension from over compressing too quickly
wide range in adjustment. 2. SPRING RATE DEFINED
Note: Air forks tend to feel stiff initially because of the high initial breakaway Spring rate is a measure of the spring’s stiffness or softness and is rated by the
threshold associated with air springs. The high threshold is usually created amount of force (weight) necessary to compress the spring a given distance; it’s
because heavy seals are required to retain the air in the spring chamber. most often expressed in pounds per inch or kilograms per centimeter (see
Negative springs assist the movement of the fork. Figure 4).A coil spring’s rate is determined by its wire diameter, the number of
coils, and the coil diameter. An MCU’s spring rate is determined by its SP2
Manitou Technology Explained: durometer hardness and density of the mixture. An air spring rate is simply
determined by the pressure within a given area.
Why TPC?
There are many reasons why we use TPC-based damping systems in each and 3. PRELOAD EXPLAINED
every 2000 Manitou suspension fork (except in the Magnum). For starters, the Preload is a term that is often misunderstood. Defined, preload is the amount
design of TPC allows for independent compression and rebound control (not in you initially compress a spring in order to control the point at which it begins to
magnum, Magnum R and SX). When you turn one of the TPC adjuster knobs move. Preloading springs is useful because it enables larger riders to raise the
(rebound on the bottom of the right side leg, compression at the top), you are able threshold that the fork begins to compress.
to tune each damping circuit independently. TPC also employs a large volume of
oil. By using a large quantity of oil, we were able to eliminate the possibility of Note: On a coil spring, preload increases the amount of force required to begin
having any heat-related problems or problems with air mixing with the oil (which moving the spring. IT DOES NOT ALTER OVERALL SPRING RATE! In
tends to cause variations in damping). TPC damping systems by nature are also other words, regardless of how much a fork’s been preloaded, it still takes the
extremely reliable because there’s never more than a few PSI of pressure on the same amount of force to continue to compress the spring once it’s moving
seals (even under full compression!). All of these factors combine to make TPC (Many people think that if you preload the spring, you are actually altering the
the most effective, reliable, and tunable damping systems in the world. fork’s spring rate).


damping slows and controls the extension stroke to keep the front wheel on the
ground at all times.
All 2000 Manitou forks feature either a TPC (Twin Piston Chamber), TPC Plus
or TPC Sport Damping System, that can easily be serviced and tuned by a com-
petent owner or qualified technician. Damping can be dialed in with any TPC
damping system by either changing fluid viscosity or, in the case of TPC and
TPC Plus the amount and sizes of the shims. The only way to change the damp-
ing character of TPC Sport is to change the fork oil weight. This is because TPC
Sport is orifice damping only, i.e. no shim stacks. The stock fork fluid in all
2000 Manitou forks is Maxima 5-weight, and we recommend using Maxima
fork fluids for all suspension fork tuning purposed. (A note on our reason for
using 5-weight suspension fluid: Higher viscosity oils, like 10 and 15 weight,
fade more because they are more affected by operating and ambient tempera-
tures.) The accompanying chart (see Figure 5) shows how different fluid
weights affect damping, though the graphs have been exaggerated to make the
differences more visual.

Fork spring compression is dependent on the weight placed

on them, the length, and the progressivity on the spring
Figure 4

One of the benefits of an air spring system is that you can easily change the
spring rate with an air pump (part number . This saves the cost of having to buy
multiple springs for different riding conditions, and eliminates the need for pre- The heavier the fork oil weight, the more damping it will
load adjustment on a fork, but you still have to purchase the high-pressure pump provide. 5-weight Maxima oil is stock in Manitou TPC and
of course. TPC Sport forks, but this oil viscosity can be increased or
decreased in weight for differing riding conditions and styles
Preloading coil and MCU springs is not the end-all to spring woes, and in actu-
ality is only a quick fix. If it becomes necessary to increase preload to a near Figure 5
maximum adjustment, the fork springs are too soft for you and need to be
changed. Preloading MCU or coil springs too much not only restricts travel (by A Stupid Question You Should Ask: What’s a Shim?
the amount your preload the springs), but tends to make the fork feel harsh and A shim is a small, thin washer that bends when oil is forced over it (as the oil
make rebound damping more difficult to control. passes through a valve). In the suspension world, shim are also known as deflec-
tion disks. Because thinner shims bend easier than thicker shims, the thicker the
shim the more damping that is created (because the thicker shim won’t bend out
CHAPTER 4: DAMPING of the way of the oil as easy as a thin one.) In addition, more shims stacked on
1. DAMPING: WHAT ITIS & WHYIT’S IMPORTANT top of each other will be harder to bend away to let the oil pass, creating more
Damping is the act of absorbing shock by changing the energy of motion into damping. That’s one way to achieve a thicker shim: simple stack the same thick-
heat and then dissipating it. If damping systems didn’t exist, a fork would ness and diameter shims on top of each other. Smaller diameter shims are stiffer
behave like a pogo stick, resulting in very poor control of your bike. The pur- as they have less working or bending area. The result of all three options is more
pose of a damping system (such as that contained in a suspension fork) is to possibilities when you tune your suspension fork.
limit both the rate at which a spring is compressed (compression damping) and
the resulting rate of return (rebound damping). Piston and shim stack damping, Maxima Fork Oils
like that used in TPC damping systems, is speed-sensitive. That means the resis- 85-3814 Maxima Suspension
tance to movement increases with speed and force. (When talking about speed Fluid 5-WT8oz
in reference to damping, it is the speed of fork movement being referred to, not 85-3820 Maxima Suspension
the speed of the bike). As fluid tries to flow through a TPC piston and shim Fluid 7.5-WT-8oz
stack, it encounters more resistance if it tries to flow faster, due to added speed 85-3822 Maxima Suspension
and force. Damping adjusters like on the TPC system allow you to alter how Fluid 10-WT-8oz
easily the fluid flows, thus helping to control the speed at which the fork both TPC or TPC Plus shim stacks (see
compresses and returns. Figure 6) meter fluid flow
2. THE BENEFITS OFCOMPRESSION DAMPING through the damping piston.
Compression damping usually permits the use of lighter-rate fork springs than Changing the number of shims,
would be possible in non-damped forks. That’s because compression damping their thickness and diameter will
affects the down stroke or compression phase of suspension movement, sharing alter damping character as will
the workload with the spring(s) as speed and force increase (thus, the term changing the oil weight. You can’t
"speed-sensitive"). The use of compression damping results in a wider range of change the diameter of the shim
optimum performance, as it’s possible to maintain a plush, supple ride over closest to the piston though, as
small hits and still resist hard bottoming on hard landings. (thanks to the speed this is fixed and based on the pis-
sensitivity of the compression damping). ton’s ports and its diameter.
Changing a large-diameter shim
3. THE BENEFITS OFREBOUND DAMPING has more effect than changing a
When a spring (coil or MCU) is compressed, it wants to return to its decom- small-diameter shim. Shims are
pressed state; in other words, it wants to rebound. If it’s allowed to rebound available through your Manitou
completely freely, the resulting suspension action would result in a very pogo Figure 6 authorized dealer.
stick like ride, with the fork returning very quickly and erratically. Rebound


CHAPTER 5: PRE SET UP • While you may want to turn the compression and rebound knobs completely
one way and then the other to see the range of adjustment, you should make sus-
1. Service pension changes in small increments once you start tuning.
Servicing your fork is the first step that should be taken before any tuning is per- • On full-suspension bicycles, the front and rear suspension must be balanced in
formed. The owner’s manual you received with the fork provides detailed order to provide the best-performing total package. Same brand front and rear
descriptions on how to accomplish this. Servicing your fork will also provide components is not the key, nor necessary, for suspension harmony. Proper set up
some familiarity with your fork, so that when you get to the tuning, you will feel and suspension balance is the key to superior performance, so keep in mind that
comfortable taking the fork apart and making changes. Luckily, features like a front suspension change often requires a change to the rear and vice-versa.
Microlube make servicing your fork easier than ever. If you did not receive an • When evaluating suspension performance, the rider must ride as consistently
owner’s manual or need a service manual contact your bicycle dealer, call as possible and recognize the effects of his input. That means riding the same
Manitou at (661) 257-4411, or download from You terrain at the same speed over and over. While this may not be a bundle of fun,
will also find a copy of this and other model year MRD Tuning Manuals on the it certainly will produce more accurately tuned suspension in the long run. MRD
web as well tester riders use a 15-minute loop for testing. Our riders have to log hundred of
laps in order to notice the slight changes in fork performance and set-up.
Basic Set-Up Tips • Since riding conditions and terrain have such a big impact on your suspension,
o If the suspension fork is new, break it in with at least one hour of riding before you shouldn’t feel afraid to make changes to your suspension if the conditions
making any evaluations or changes. warrant. Again, try to make small changes, but make changes nonetheless to see
o Check the compression and rebound settings before you begin (where applic- how the suspension is affected. As a general rule, if the terrain is smooth, you
able) to make sure the damping is not fully closed. Try a setting right in the mid- can both increase compression and rebound damping. If the terrain is rough, you
dle (about 14 clicks out from all the way in) to break the fork in. may want to decrease rebound damping (to make the fork react faster to repeti-
o Always keep a record of adjustment changes made and the performance dif- tive bumps) and decrease compression damping (to make the fork feel plusher
ferences that resulted. When proper settings are achieved for a particular course, over bumps.)
terrain or conditions, they should be written down for future reference. • Lubrication is one of the most important aspects to the performance of your
Manitou suspension fork. While features like the Microlube system make it eas-
AStupid Question You Should Ask: What’s a Push Test and Why Is It Important? ier to lubricate your suspension fork, the coil springs and couplers also need to
A front fork push test is something that every rider who picks up a bike loves to be lubricated to maximize performance. See lubricating your springs for more
do. We’re sure you’ve done it before too. But what are you looking for with a information on how to do this.
push test? A knowledgeable person performs a push test on a bike because
through experience, he or she has learned how the fork should feel. But you 4. MICROLUBE FIRST
should not use the push test as the end all to fork tuning or even fork feel. Before you get into tuning your fork, you’ll want to Microlube your fork. All
Manitou forks, for instance, are designed through extensive riding, not by push you need is a Microlube grease gun (part # 85-3812) and Manitou’s Prep M
(part # 85-3810) suspension fork grease. Once you have the two aforementioned
testing them. As a result, a Manitou might not feel plush or active during a push
test, but then once you are on the bike will provide the kind of performance you components, the next step is to brush off any dirt from the grease ports then just
will need for riding over aggressive terrain. put the tip of the grease gun
into the small eye and
2. SUSPENSION SETUP101 squeeze a few times (see
Figure 7 Figure 7). After you’ve
With all the preceding information in mind, let’s begin with the basics of sus-
pension set up. First of all, remember that the Manitou’s base damping and given the fork a few squirts,
spring rates have been set by experienced test riders. The rider in mind, when push down on the fork and
see if you feel any stiction
the settings are determined, is a 150- to 170-pound Sport-to Expert-level rider
with a bike using geometry typical of current mountain bikes and riding pri- (notchiness as the fork com -
presses).If you do, continue
marily dry terrain. We understand that these can be rather tight parameters, but
that’s what tuning and this tuning manual is for. Those who are heavier or more injecting grease and check-
experienced than average may need stiffer springs; likewise, those who are ing for stiction until it is
eliminated. Don’t overdo it
lighter or less experienced may need softer springs. Be aware that changing
spring rates often requires a change in rebound damping adjustment to com- either. Some people think
that if a little is good, a lot
will be great. That’s not true
Note: don’t be fooled by your own suspension. Sometimes you may think the with Microlube. The proper
fork is bottoming when it’s not. The sensation may be due to an overly stiff amount of grease is when
spring rate or excessive damping. As a result, you will want to lighten up the stiction is eliminated-no more, no less. Note: When your fork is new, you may
compression damping and lighten the spring rate to make the fork feel plusher. not be able to eliminate all stiction by simply lubricating your fork. You will
Conversely, a harsh sensation may be due to a soft spring rate that is causing the need to break it in completely before all stiction is removed.
suspension to ride too far into the firm portion of its travel.
Something to remember with Microlube is that it does not mean the end to ser-
A Stupid Question You Should Ask: What Breaks In When You Break a Fork In? vicing your fork. Periodically, depending on the conditions you ride in, you’ll
have to disassemble the fork, clean it thoroughly, and then reassemble it. We
When we talk about breaking in a fork, we are talking solely about the initial
riding period on a new fork. During the first few times you ride the fork, the recommend doing this every 100 hours of riding, but since keeping track of
moving parts, most notably the stanchion tubes as they go up and down as the hours in the saddle can be difficult, try to pay attention to your fork and make
fork compresses and rebounds, are becoming mated to each other. As this hap- sure you work service time into your maintenance schedule.
pens, you will notice the fork will become plusher, because as the fork parts
mate to each other, they begin to require less force to begin and continue move- CHAPTER 6: SUSPENSION SAG
ment. Any Manitou fork should break in within the first few rides, but it may
take longer depending on the length of your ride and the condition. It’s also
In order to ensure optimum performance of your Manitou fork, the springs must
important to make sure the fork is properly lubricated (which it will be directly
be the correct rate for the ride. The proper set up for you is determined by mea-
from the factory), as this ensures a quick and complete break in. See "Microlube
suring the suspension sag. Suspension sag helps the tires to remain in contact
First" below for details on lubricating your Manitou suspension fork.
with the ground under dynamic loading and should be done before you make
any tuning adjustments.
• If the suspension fork is new, break it in with at least one hour of riding before Measuring Sag
making any evaluations or changes. If your fork still feels sticky when you com- For starters, it’s a lot easier if you have a friend to help you measure sag. The
press it (which is usually caused by tight bushings), you may want to ride it for only equipment needed is a tape measure, a pencil and a piece of paper. Here’s
a few more hours before you begin tuning. how to do it:


A. Measure the distance from the front axle’s centerline to the bottom of the 2000 Tuning Specifications
upper crown when no one’s sitting on the bike. (Remember the exact locations
of the two points because you’ll need to use them later.)
B. Write this distance down.
C. Have the rider sit on the bike. It’s important to be in the normal riding posi-
tion (weight centered) with your feet on the pedals; this is where having a helper
comes in handy, but you can lean against a wall and try to remain as upright as
D. Measure the distance between the same two points as in step one.
E. Subtract the second measurement from the first. The resulting measurement
is the static sag or ride height.

Fork Travel Sag
70-80 millimeters 12-16 millimeters
100-105 millimeters 18-24 millimeters
125 millimeters 25-28 millimeters
160 millimeters 35-40 millimeters
180 millimeters 40-45 millimeters

Note: Some XC racers may prefer less sag, approximately 7-12 millimeters, to
eliminate suspension movement during climbing.
Green Ultrasoft
Blue Soft
Red Medium
Yellow Hard
Blue Soft
Red Medium
Yellow Hard
*Titanium springs have color stripes on them.
You should be able to use between 0 and eight clicks (not turns) on the preload
adjusters to achieve the correct sag (see Figure 8). If more than eight clicks are
required (indicating more preload is needed for correct sag), stiffer springs are
needed. If it requires less than the 0 click setting (indicating less preload is need-
ed for correct sag), softer springs are needed.
Should a spring change be necessary, Manitou forks allow doing so by simply
changing one or more of the MCUs. Changing MCUs will make a noticeable
difference in effective spring rate and will be much less expensive than chang-
ing the coil spring. When making spring changes, start by changing the MCU,
but if you go up more than one rate on the MCU, you should consider changing
to the next stiffest coil spring with the stock MCU or MCUs.

2000 Spring Kits

Description Part # Description Part #

Magnum small 85-9124 X-Vert soft 85-9100
Magnum medium 85-9125 X-Vert medium 85-9178
Magnum firm 85-912 X-Vert firm 85-9099
Magnum R soft 85-9124 X-Vert Super soft 85-9100
Magnum R medium 85-9125 X-Vert Super medium 85-9178
Magnum R firm 85-9126 X-Vert Super firm 85-9099
SX soft 85-9127 X-Vert DC soft 85-9102
SX medium 85-9128 X-Vert DC medium 85-9179
SX firm 85-9129 X-Vert DC firm 85-9101
SX R soft 85-9127 X-Vert Carbon soft 85-9079
SX R medium 85-9128 X-Vert Carbon medium 85-9080
INCREASE SX R firm 85-9129


DECREASE If you can’t attain proper sag using the procedures explained in the previous sec-
tion, changing either the MCU or the coil spring will be the solution (see Figure
9). How to do this is explained is step-by-step instructions below.
A. Start by removing the preload adjuster by unscrewing the cap from the top
Figure 8 of the crown/leg assembly.A 1 1/16th socket may be necessary. Remember: The


springs are housed only in one leg so remove the cap from the right side only 2. GETTING FAMILIAR WITH YOUR TPC FORK
on pre-2000 forks and left side only on 2000 forks (rider right). After you set the sag, before you start making further changes to your fork, you
B. With the adjuster assembly removed, the spring stack is now accessible. must establish a baseline or point of reference for testing. The best way to do
C. Select the appropriate MCU or coil spring (refer to the spring chart on page this is to lay out a test course to make comparisons as you tune the fork. The
7 for recommended rates). course shouldn’t be too long (10-15 minutes per lap is fine). It should be rough
D. Apply a liberal amount of grease to the new coil spring or MCU and the and similar to the most demanding conditions you ride.
spring couplers (what holds the springs together). We recommend any thick
After coming up with a satisfactory test-course layout, ride a lap with the stock
grease (not light greases like Prep M). Install the new spring stack with the coil
compression and rebound settings. Concentrate on all aspects of the bike: how
spring on the bottom and the MCUs on the top.
E. Reinstall the preload adjuster assembly, taking care not to cross-thread the the suspension performs, your body positioning, and how the bicycle handles.
After one lap, try making some adjustments to the fork for comparison’s sake.
cap. It should thread in by hand and does not need to be tightened with a wrench
Start by turning the rebound damping adjuster knob (TPC and TPC Plus forks
(finger-snug is recommended).
only. TPC Sport is non-adjustable) clockwise as you look from the bottom of the
F. With the new spring rate, it’ll be necessary to ensure that the sag is set cor-
fork. all the way in (slowest return); write down the stock setting so you can
rectly, so run through that procedure again, making any adjustments required.
return to it later.
Now ride the test course again, attempting to duplicate the effort and body posi-
tioning used on the first lap, and note how the fork acts. Concentrate on how the
bike handles and what it does where. After finishing the lap, turn the rebound
knob clockwise to the fully open position (quickest return) and ride another lap.
After these three laps, you should have a good idea of how the bike handles at
the extreme ends of fork rebound damping adjustment and how that compares
to the original setting. The differences should be rather pronounced.
Generally speaking, cross-country riders prefer rebound damping on the slow
side. That’s because of XC rider’s slower actual speed, the time between bumps
tends to be longer. Also, with slower rebound settings the fork is not as active
Figure 9 while climbing. Downhill riders, on the other hand, because of the high speeds
resulting in shorter time between bumps, and, as a result, typically prefer quick-
er rebound.
3. CHANGING AIR SPRING PRESSURE IN A MARS FORK Note: Do not try and race around your test course. You should ride at a com-
Altering the pressure in a MARS fork is really a no brainer. All you need is a fortable speed that can be duplicated lap after lap. By riding at a comfortable
high-pressure pump (e.g. part #85-4069), remove the air cap located on the top speed you will also be able to focus more on the suspension.
of the left leg, and then inflate the fork with the desired pressure. Be aware that
sometimes air systems lose a small amount of pressure when the pump is DAMPING ADJUSTMENTS: Making mistakes and correcting them
removed, so you may want to check exactly how much your pump loses by rein- When adjusting your suspension, make only one change at a time so you can
stalling it on the fork after you have set and checked the pressure. Then you can keep track of what does what. Also keep a written record so you can return to
slightly over inflate, accommodating for the pressure loss in the pump to ensure your original settings if something goes wrong. Sometimes an adjustment will
that your fork matches the recommended inflation rate. produce an undesirable effect so you’ll want to return to the previous setting.
If you have a full-suspension bicycle, you should make sure that the front and 3. TUNING 2000 TPC AND TPC PLUS FORKS
rear suspension works in unison ("balanced"). It’s not so important to have the Now that you have a basic understanding of the theory behind TPC, let’s look
same brand suspension, or even the same spring medium for that matter, with at one of the greatest benefits of TPC, especially in terms of tuning. With a TPC
your suspension. The most important factors are quality, tunable components fork, the compression and rebound damping can be tuned completely indepen-
that are set up properly. With this said, after the fork’s sag is set correctly, also dent of each other. This can be done in a number of ways depending on the type
check the rear suspension sag. You can check your rear suspension sag in much of TPC damping your fork is equipped with (TPC or TPC Plus).
the same way as the front suspension. If you don’t want to take the time to do 4. TPC AND TPC PLUS EXTERNALCOMPRESSION AND REBOUND
this, see the Cheat Sheet to Full-Suspension Balance sidebar. DAMPING ADJUSTMENTS
For TPC and TPC Plus forks, a simple turn is all that’s required to make exter-
CHEAT SHEET TO FULL-SUSPENSION BALANCE nal damping adjustments (due to the knobs at the top-compression-and bottom-
1. Hold the bike upright on level ground. rebound-of the right fork leg). The adjusters are preset at the factory so that
2. While standing next to the bike, pull on the front brake lever so the bike does- when you receive your fork you will have a usable set-up, but you’ll no doubt
n’t move. want to swirl those adjusters to get the exact setup you want.
3. Place your foot on the pedal closest to you and lower the pedal to bottom dead
center. Both the rebound and compression damping knobs turn clockwise to increase
4. Now push down on the pedal with your foot and note the attitude of the bike. damping (think righty-tighty, lefty-loosy). Since the rebound adjuster is on the
Do it a few times. If the suspension is well balanced, the bike will maintain a bottom of the fork leg, you will have to look at the fork and then turn the knob
level attitude as it compresses and rebounds. clockwise. (See Figures 10 & 11).
5. Next, sit on the bike in your normal riding position. If either the front or rear
Besides the external adjustments,
end drops down excessively, you’ll need to adjust the preload and/or change (or
changes to TPC or TPC Plus can
alter in the case of an air spring) the springs.
also be made internally. Like TPC
Sport, the easiest method to alter-
ing the feel of the fork is to change
CHAPTER 7: GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS the fork oil. But with more sophis-
ticated systems like TPC and TPC
Plus, this isn’t recommended. If a
On pre-2000 Manitou suspension forks with TPC damping, the damping
different damping character is
adjusters are located only on the left-hand leg of the fork (as you look at the fork
desired, it’s better to change the
from the rider’s position). On 2000 forks, the TPC damping system is located
shim stack in the damping pistons.
on the right hand side. On any model TPC fork, compression damping is adjust- Figure 10 The reason to doing this over just
ed with the knob on top of the fork and rebound adjustment is located at the bot-
changing the fork oil is that by
tom (underneath the leg) of the fork.


changing the shim stacks in your fork, you can tune the rebound and compres- the off position. But this doesn’t mean that the compression damping can not be
sion damping independently. Refer to page 7 "2000 Tuning Specifications". altered once the MRD Anti Bob has been installed. On the lower piston of the
This section identifies lockout assembly is a small setscrew, which can be screwed in or out to increase
what tuning and adjust- or decrease compression damping respectively. Just do not over do it: a half turn
ments can be made by makes a lot of difference, so make small and incremental changes to the
diving into the internals of setscrew.
the fork. We recommend
experimenting and
exhausting external tun-
ing adjustments before
you attempt procedures
that require disassembly
or replacement of fork
components (like shim Figure 11
stack changes).
Changing the valve shim stacks in a TPC or TPC Plus fork (refer to Fork
Schematics, Chapter 11) is the ultimate method of tuning your fork. However,
determining the correct combination of shims can be time consuming and a
tedious process that would take weeks to explain and longer to learn. Feel con-
fident that the standard valving in your TPC fork has been tested and developed
during many months on the racing circuit, but should you wish to customize internal damping adjustment using set screw. Turn clockwise to
your fork’s valve shim stacks, keep the following hints in mind: increase compression damping. Turn counterclockwise to
1. Make only small changes—a little bit goes a long way. decrease compression damping. Standard setting is 4.5 turns
2. Always keep notes on what you’ve tried and how it worked. out from fully closed.
3. Do not change the diameter of the shim closest to the piston. This shim must
always cover the entire port.
4. Changing the larger diameter shim(s) will have greater effect on damping Figure 12
5. More shims and/or thicker shims will increase damping.
TPC (or Twin Piston Chamber damping) is one of the hottest developments in
6. Fewer shims and/or thinner shims will decrease damping.
suspension technology and its more-moderately-priced brother, TPC Sport, is
Manitou sells shim stack kits that will help you make changes to your suspen- equally revolutionary. Like TPC, TPC Sport uses separate pistons for rebound
sion fork. Following are instructions on how to remove both the compression and compression, no leak seals and large oil volume to eliminate heat-related
and rebound damping assemblies from the fork so that you can access the shim problems. It is not adjustable externally, but that doesn’t mean you can’t vary
stacks. Once you have these assemblies outside of the fork, it’s intuitive as to the feel of the fork; changing the fork oil weight in your TPC Sport-equipped
how to disassemble the assembly to access the shim. From there, you just need fork will significantly alter the damping character of the fork. (See "Changing
to be careful to reassemble the shim stacks and entire damping assembly cor- Fork Fluid" below for instructions on how to do this and see the chapter on
rectly. Contact your authorized Manitou dealer to order any Manitou kits or call "Damping" on page 5 for recommended oil weights.) The standard fork fluid for
(661)257-4411. Manitou forks is 5-weight Maxima.

2000 Damping Kits One thing to remember when changing fork fluid from stock is that the
Magnum R Rebound 85-9106 increased or decreased oil weight will affect both compression and rebound
Magnum R Compression 85-9107 damping equally. This means that while you may be slowing rebound down by
say, adding heavier fork oil, you also may be adding compression damping to
SX Rebound 85-9110 the point of the fork feeling harsh. The best thing to do is to experiment with
SX Compression 85-9111 different oil weights until you find that perfect setting for you.
SXR Rebound 85-9114 Note: Since TPC Sport uses orifices (or holes) in the compression and rebound
SXR Compression 85-9113 pistons to meter the flow of oil (and thus create damping), changing the orifice
Mars & MARS C Rebound 85-4061 sizing may seem an obvious method to tuning TPC Sport. While doing this will
Mars & MARS C Compression 85-9113 produce significant changes in the damping of the fork, it is not recommended.
Changing the size of the damping ports risks damaging the pistons, will void the
Mars 1 Rebound 85-9114 warranty on the fork and will most likely compromise the performance of the
Mars 1 Compression 85-9113 fork as well.
Mars CLRebound 85-4061
Mars CLCompression 85-4062 CHAPTER 8: DAMPING ASSEMBLIES
X-Vert Compression 85-9085 To remove the rebound damping assembly, the fork must be disassembled first
(please refer to "Manitou Disassembly Procedure" later in this manual). With
X-Vert Super Rebound 85-9084 the fork upside-down, reinstall the damper dropout nut (the bolt that holds the
X-Vert Super Compression 85-9085 lowers to the uppers) and stroke the shaft 3-4 times. This pushes the fork fluid
X-Vert DC Rebound 85-9083 to the compression side of the leg so that you can remove the rebound assembly
X-Vert DC Compression 85-9086 without having to change the oil.

X-Vert Carbon Rebound 85-9074 The rebound damping assembly can now be removed with a 15/16- inch
X-Vert Carbon Compression 85-9075 wrench. Be careful when removing the assembly as a small amount of fork fluid
may remain on top of the piston. In addition, ensure that no contaminants enter
6. ADJUSTING COMPRESSION DAMPING WITH AN MRD ANTI BOB the now-exposed fluid. To reinstall the assembly, torque the end cap as specified
(see Figure 12) in the owner ’s manual. Turn the fork right side up and stroke the rebound shaft
Many people think that if you put the adjuster knob in the halfway position, it a few times to transfer fluid back down to the bottom of the leg. Remove the
will increase compression damping. This is not the case. The MRD Anti Bob is damper dropout nut and follow the steps outlined in Manitou Reassembly
simply an on-off switch for your fork, changing the fork from the on position to Procedure to put the fork back together.


If it sounded like removing the rebound damping assembly was easy, removing
the compression damping is as easy as chewing gum and skipping rope (well, 1. IDENTIFYING PROBLEMS
maybe a little easier). No disassembly is needed to remove the compression rod. Following are symptoms that will help you identify a suspension problem.
Just unscrew it from the right hand leg (left hand side in pre-2000 forks) and Remember that some problems might be due to more than one cause and that it
pull it out. Do be careful when you pull the compression assembly past the is easier to pinpoint the cause by looking for more than one symptom. While rid-
threads as you can damage the O’ring on the damping piston. ing, pay attention to how the suspension feels and what that feel might be attrib-
uted to.
The MRD Anti Bob is solid as a standard feature on all 2000 MARS CLforks Symptom
and as an upgrade for other TPC Plus, TPC and TPC Sport equipped forks. Once Static sag excessive; front end too low entering turns; front end "knifes" (over-
installed in the fork, the Anti Bob can be turned from the on and off position by steers, turns in too easily)
simply turning the knob on top of right fork leg clockwise or counterclockwise. Cause
The Anti-Bob is a hydraulic system which has a safety blow off to allow the fork Spring rate too soft; compression damping too soft; too much rebound damping
to move through its travel should you hit a large bump or other obstacle while Solution
the Anti Bob is in the "on" position. Check sag; increase compression damping; reduce rebound damping; increase
spring rate
To install the Anti Bob to your fork, remove the compression assembly from the
right side by unthreading it counterclockwise. Lightly grease the O-rings and Symptom
threads on the MRD Anti Bob. With the Anti Bob in the off position, install it Fork rarely bottoms; harsh feel; tall ride height despite soft spring and/or mini-
into the right side leg (Be careful as you do this to avoid damaging the lower mum preload; hard to turn into corners
rubber O-ring. The fit should be tight, so SLOWLY twist the Anti Bob as you Cause
SLOWLY lower it in the leg. If at the end of installation, it does not function Excessive compression damping
properly, remove the Anti Bob and check the O-ring for tearing. Once the Anti Solution
Bob assembly is firmly in place, flip it to on, and while holding the front brake, Reduce compression damping
compress the fork. It should only move a very small amount and then should
feel firm. Remember that the Anti Bob has a safety blow off which allows the
Fork feels too hard or stiff; tends to sit at the bottom of the travel
fork to move under extreme bump forces (when on), so if you push it very hard,
you will see more than a few millimeters of movement. If you think you’ve
Too much rebound damping; spring rate too soft; too little compression damp-
done everything right and the lockout is still not functioning properly, remove
ing; fork fluid weight too heavy; spring rate possibly soft
the compression assembly and recheck the oil height.
Note: The MRD Anti Bob shaft locates the compression piston higher in the Check sag; reduce rebound damping; reduce compression damping; change fork
chamber than a normal TPC compression rod, so oil must be added for proper fluid to 2.5 weight
function of the lockout. Proper oil height can be measured with a simple dip-
stick, which you can put down into the fork leg. The proper oil height, measured
Fork feels too soft and bottoms
from the top of the left leg and extending down into the leg, is between 3.75
inches (95mm) and 4.25 inches (108mm). Use Maxima SAE 5-weight oil only.
Spring rate too soft; compression damping too light; fork fluid weight too light;
fork fluid worn out
Check sag; increase compression damping; increase spring rate; change fork
3. CHECKING THE OILLEVEL fluid to 7.5 weight
Having the correct oil level is critical to keep your TPC fork working at its best.
To measure the oil level, you only need a measuring tape. Begin by unscrewing
Fork extends too quickly; wheel springs up from ground after landing from
the compression valve assembly at the top of the left fork leg. Leave the spring
jumps; difficult to maintain straight path in rocks; front end tries to climb berms
stack (rider’s right side) installed as it should not be removed to check oil
or grooves while cornering; hard to turn into corners
Once the assembly is completely unthreaded from the inner leg, pull the assem- Not enough rebound damping
bly about halfway out. You should be able to feel when the piston is no longer Solution
in the fork fluid. When this happens, slowly lower the assembly to where it Increase rebound damping
again contacts the oil (felt by the increased resistance of the piston in the oil),
and measure the distance from the top of the crown to the top O-ring (located
Harsh feel, especially through successive rapid hits (braking bumps, etc.); bot-
under the knob above the cap threads). This distance should be approximately
toming after 3-4 successive large hits; failure to rebound after landing from
two inches.
jumps; too easy to turn into corners; fork bottoms despite correct compression
4. CHANGING FORK FLUID damping & spring rate
Though all suspension forks demand fluid changes, a TPC fork needs fluid Cause
changes far less frequently because the TPC design doesn’t break fluid down Too much rebound damping
quickly due to its greater oil volume (and also the fact that we aren’t trying to Solution
use the damping fluid for lubrication). We recommend changing fluid just once Reduce rebound damping
a year for heavy users and only every other year for sport and recreational users.
The first step in changing the fluid is to remove the compression damping
Fork bottoms; "diving" feel while braking for turns; too easy to turn into cor-
assembly. Next, pour the old fluid out of the top of the leg into a clear contain-
ners; fork unstable
er in order to inspect the fluid. Dark or cloudy fluid is normal and not an indi-
cation of a problem. If metal flakes or other contaminants are present, disas-
Not enough compression damping; spring rate too soft
semble the entire left leg following the procedures outlined in Manitou
Disassembly and Reassembly. Clean all parts off with a suitable cleaning solu-
Increase compression damping; check sag; increase spring rate
tion, wipe clean and then reassemble if no damaged parts are found. Fill the leg
with the recommended amount of fluid (Manitous are filled at the factory with Symptom
5-weight Maxima) and set the oil level according to the previous section Fork bottoms; needs more than maximum preload; front end too low on down-
"Checking Oil Level." Reinstall the compression damping assembly. hills
Soft compression damping setting; spring rate too soft; fork oil weight too low


Solution damage. Pay close attention to the bushings, which can be damaged by conta-
Check sag; increase compression damping; change fork oil 7.5 weight mination in severe conditions. Replace any worn or damaged parts that are dis-
covered. This will ensure optimum performance from the fork.
Fork rarely/never bottoms; doesn’t use full travel There are basically four aspects of a fork that will require attention: the stan-
Cause chions (inner legs), the bushings in the outer legs, the spring stack and the
Spring rate too stiff; compression damping too firm; fork oil weight too high damping fluid. Inspecting any of these parts requires disassembly of the fork. It
Solution isn’t particularly difficult, but those uncomfortable with disassembling mechan-
Check sag; decrease compression damping; reduce spring rate; change fork oil ical things should let a qualified technician do it.
to 2.5 weight One thing to remember is that the fork fluid needs changing regularly, just like
the oil in a car ’s engine. Fresh fluid ensures quality, consistent damping, and it
Symptom also acts as a lubricant for the piston and inner wall. When changing fork fluid,
Static sag non/barely exists; fork feels stiff or harsh; hard to turn into corners; we recommend that you also replace the TPC chamber seals and replace any
low-speed turning ability sluggish parts that are excessively worn or broken. Manitou offers rebuild kits for all
Cause forks that makes this both easy and convenient.
Too much preload; spring rate too stiff
Solution 2. SERVICE SCHEDULE - Suggested Service ForManitou Forks
Check sag; reduce spring rate
Normal Conditions
Here are some typical problems encountered by riders in various situations and Lube fork as needed with Prep M grease via Microlube lubrication ports.
what can be done to solve them, step by step—or at least help alleviate their Disassemble fork per owner ’s manual; clean and grease every 4-5 months.
severity until an authorized technician can be consulted. If you have one of Grease spring stack as needed.
these problems and wish to solve it, start with solution one. If that doesn’t solve Service TPC and TPC Sport by changing fork fluid every year.
it completely, try solution two. Still not fixed? Go to solution three.
Long/Frequent Rides:
Front end searches or is nervous when descending hills Lube fork as needed with Prep M grease via Microlube lubrication ports.
A. Increase spring preload Disassemble fork per owner ’s manual; clean and grease every 10-14 weeks.
B. Increase compression damping Grease spring stack as needed.
C. Use stiffer springs Service TPC and TPC Sport by changing fork fluid every 6 months.
D. Increase rebound damping
Severe Conditions (mud, rain, snow, extreme dust)
Front end "washes out" in turns (understeers, tends to push outward) Short/Sporadic Rides
A. Increase rebound damping Lube fork as needed with Prep M grease via Microlube lubrication ports.
B. Reduce preload Disassemble fork per owner’s manual; clean and grease every 6-8 weeks.
C. Reduce compression damping Grease spring stack as needed.
D. Use softer springs Service TPC and TPC Sport by changing fork fluid every year.
Front end "knifes" in turns (oversteers, tends to turn inward, dives) Long/Frequent Rides
A. Reduce rebound damping Lube fork as needed with Prep M grease via Microlube lubrication ports
B. Increase preload Disassemble fork per owner ’s manual; clean and grease every 4-6 weeks.
C. Increase compression damping Grease spring stack as needed.
D. Use stiffer springs Service TPC and TPC Sport by changing fork fluid every 6 months.
Fork doesn’t respond to small bumps in turns 3. MANITOU DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE
A. Reduce rebound damping All 1996 and later Manitou oil-damped forks use the same general disassem-
B. Reduce compression damping bly/assembly methods. The fork doesn’t have to be removed from the bicycle
C. Reduce preload for general disassembly/assembly or cleaning, as the crown and inner legs can
D. Use softer springs remain on the bike. Here’s how to remove the outer legs and arch assembly on
a 2000 fork. Remember that the TPC damping system has been switched from
Note: If you are out at the races, look for the Manitou Racing Development the left to the right side for 2000, so if you have a pre-2000 fork, look for the
technical-support vehicles at many major events worldwide. Our technicians proper bolts on the opposite side of the fork.
will try to answer any technical questions or solve equipment problems. We also A. Remove the lower compression rod screw from the left-leg dropout with a
offer emergency service to riders of all levels, not just our sponsored elite pros. 4mm Allen wrench.
Our goal is to ensure that our customers enjoy our forks to their fullest. For B. Pop out the damping adjuster knob from the right-leg dropout (a small screw-
more information on where the MRD team will be throughout the year, check driver may be helpful for this). Then remove the retainer screw with an 8mm
our website at Allen wrench.
C. Pull down on the outer leg assembly (sliders) to separate them from the inner
CHAPTER 10: SERVICE legs and the crown.
D. Remove the fork boots. (NOTE: Removing the dust seal every time the fork
is disassembled is not recommended. The seal and bushings in each leg may be
Like any moving part, a Manitou suspension fork requires regular maintenance. cleaned and regreased while in place.)
If it doesn’t receive such service, it will lose performance and wear quickly,
negating all of the work put into dialing it in—not to mention the money it cost Inspection
in the first place. A. Clean all parts thoroughly with non-flammable solvent.
B. Check the fork boots and felt wipers for excess wear, tears or other obvious
Riding in severe conditions such as mud and water make regular maintenance damage.
even more important. If you maintain your fork on a regular basis and
C. Check the dust seals for tears or other damage; replace the seals if necessary.
Microlube it often, you won’t have wasted your time and you won’t waste your D. Inspect both the lower and upper bushings for excessive wear or damage;
fork. Learn how to maintain your Manitou properly in this section.
replace them if necessary.
E. Check each outer leg/arch assembly for nicks or deep gouges on both the
Note: The fork boots and wiper seals that are standard equipment on all 2000 inner and outer surfaces; replace if necessary.
forks (except the MARS 1) greatly reduce the chance of contamination from
F. Check each inner leg for deep gouges and other obvious damage. Minor wear
outside elements. We recommend keeping the fork boots on at all times—even resulting in color change is not detrimental to the gold-anodized surface. If
in good conditions—for extended service life and optimum performance.
there’s excessive wear or damage, replace the inner leg.
When servicing the fork, take the time to inspect all parts for excessive wear or G. Check the inner legs at the bottom of the crown for cracks or flaking of the


anodizing. Replace the leg if a crack is discovered or if the gold anodizing is 6. USEFUL PART NUMBERS
starting to flake. 2000 Forks
H. Check the underside of the crown for cracks; replace if cracked. Description P/N
Magnum Red 85-8990
Magnum Black 85-9041
A. After thoroughly inspecting the fork and replacing parts where necessary, Magnum R Blue 85-8991
lightly grease the inner diameter of the top and bottom bushings. Magnum R Fireball 85-9042
B. Liberally grease the wiper. SX Red 85-9043
C. Grease the compression rod lightly. SX-R Black 85-8992
Mars Yellow 85-8994
(NOTE: Before proceeding with the rest of the reassembly process, make sure
Mars C Fireball 85-8995
that the black second-stage elastomer, the cup washer and the orange third-stage
Mars CLRed 85-8996
elastomer are installed on the compression rod, and that the detent ball and Mars 1 Yellow 85-9544
orange third-stage elastomer are installed X-Vert Black 85-8997
on the damper shaft.) X-Vert DC small blue 85-8998
D. Slide the fork boots onto the inner legs; push them up until they are in posi- X-Vert DC large blue 85-8999
X-Vert Super Red 85-9001
tion beneath the crown and lightly grease the inner leg.
X-Vert Carbon small 85-8960
E. Slide the outer leg/arch assembly onto the inner legs and fully compress the
X-Vert Carbon Large 85-8988
fork. Millennium 85-9038
F. Install the compression-rod screw back into the left-leg dropout with a 4mm
Allen wrench and the dropout nut into the right-leg dropout with an 8mm Allen 2000 Spring Kits
Magnum small 85-9124
wrench. Tighten to a torque reading between 10-30 inch-lb. (1.1-3.5 N-m).
Magnum medium 85-9125
Beware: Over-torquing the dropout nut may damage the damper shaft.
Magnum firm 85-9126
G. Pop the damping adjuster knob back into the right-leg dropout. (An O-ring
holds the knob in place.) Magnum R soft 85-9124
H. Slide the skirt of each fork boot onto the dust seals’corresponding groove. Magnum R medium 85-9125
Magnum R firm 85-9126
Be sure the skirt lip sits down into the corresponding groove.
SX soft 85-9127
SX firm 85-9129
Compression damping: The act of controlling the compression of a fork by
SX R soft 85-9127
changing the energy of motion into heat and then dissipating it by way of an oil-
SX R medium 85-9128
based fluid.
SX R firm 85-9129
Coil Spring: A wound spring made of metal. X-Vert soft 85-9100
X-Vert medium 85-9178
Damping: The act of absorbing shock by changing the energy of motion into X-Vert firm 85-9099
heat and then dissipating it by way of an oil-based fluid. X-Vert Super soft 85-9100
X-Vert Super medium 85-9178
Elastomer: A urethane bumper which is used as a spring in a suspension fork. X-Vert Super firm 85-9099
MCU: A urethane bumper, like an elastomer, which is used as a spring; a spe- X-Vert DC soft 85-9102
cial process forces air into the elastomer during construction allowing it to both X-Vert DC medium 85-9179
compress and deform, providing limited damping in some uses. X-Vert DC firm 85-9101
X-Vert Carbon soft 85-9079
Microlube: Manitou’s lubrication system that allows you to inject grease in X-Vert Carbon medium 85-9080
your fork without disassembly. 2000 Damping Kits
Magnum R Rebound 85-9106
Preload: The initial loading of a spring via a dial adjuster. Magnum R Compression 85-9107
Rebound damping: The act of controlling the extension of a fork by changing SX Rebound 85-9110
the energy of motion into heat and then dissipating it by way of an oil-based SX Compression 85-9111
fluid. SXR Rebound 85-9114
SXR Compression 85-9113
Sag: The amount the suspension settles under normal rider weight. Mars & MARS C Rebound 85-4061
Mars & MARS C Compression 85-9113
Spring rate: A measure of the spring’s stiffness or softness.
Mars 1 Rebound 85-9114
TPC: (Twin Piston Chamber ): Manitou’s revolutionary system of damping Mars 1 Compression 85-9113
which uses two independent pistons for control of compression and rebound Mars CLRebound 85-4061
damping. Mars CLCompression 85-4062
TPC Plus: TPC Plus is the next evolution in TPC damping technology and uses X-Vert Rebound 85-9082
X-Vert Compression 85-9085
a position-activated damping piston that provides a super active ride initially,
but has a secondary compression circuit to control brake dive and eliminate bot- X-Vert Super Rebound 85-9084
toming. X-Vert Super Compression 85-9085
X-Vert DC Rebound 85-9083
TPC Sport: A more affordable version of Manitou’s TPC damping system X-Vert DC Compression 85-9086
which uses two separate pistons, one for compression and one for rebound, but X-Vert Carbon Rebound 85-9074
uses orifice-style damping circuits rather than shim stacks like standard TPC. X-Vert Carbon Compression 85-9075
MRD: Manitou Racing Development is the division of Manitou Performance Maxima Fork Oils
Bicycle Components responsible for ensuring that Manitou-sponsored racers Maxima Suspension Fluid 5-WT 8oz 85-3814
are riding the best suspension forks in the world. Maxima Suspension Fluid 7.5-WT-8oz 85-3820
Maxima Suspension Fluid 10-WT-8oz 85-3822
MRD Prep M Grease and Grease Gun
Prep M Grease for Microlube 85-3810
Grease Gun Head 85-3812




PART # 85-3579

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