ZFP Sor 2022-9-20
ZFP Sor 2022-9-20
ZFP Sor 2022-9-20
Date: 20-9-2022
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Protruding rebar
and scaffold tube has
removed .
Contractor need to
Unprotected ensure that all access Life
protruding rebar and egress paths are Critical
1 Basement- observed at scaffold clear , remove the working
1 barrier , Potential risk protruding rebar to day
of injury prevent from personnel
being injured
Ventilation has
replaced and new
inspected fan
provided .
Ventilation fan Contractor need to Non-Life
rotating parts was provide safe guard for Critical
Basement- found without guard. 1>3
4 ventilation fan rotating working
1 Potential of hand parts to prevent from day
injuries injuries
HSE Observation Report
Cleaner machine
inspection conducted
by electric team and
tag updated .
Observed that tiles Contractor need to Non-Life
electric cleaner ensure that All power Critical
Basement- machine without 1>3
7 tools and equipment on working
1 inspection of site must be inspected day
equipment prior to use
Contractor need to
ensure that all Non-Life
Observed poor access/egress , stair Critical
8 Basement- illumination , due to cases and working areas 1>3
2 to 3 bulb failure at stair are well illuminated, working
case regular inspection must day
be conducted by
maintenance department
HSE Observation Report
Damaged tool
removed and new
tools provided .
Contractor must ensure
that all hand tools using Non-Life
Damaged hand tools on site must be in good Critical
Basement- were found using on 1>3
9 condition, damaged working
1 site hand tools must be day
removed and not to use
on site
Proper housekeeping
has been conducted
and all waste
Contractor need to material removed .
advise their sub
Poor housekeeping contractor remove the Non-Life
was observed at waste from site on Critical
Basemnet- several places, 1>3
10 regular basis, and working
1 evidence of Poor maintain a good day
Housekeeping housekeeping at all
over the building
Prepared by:
Mohammed Vajid Ali
HSE Observation Report
Life Critical Major failure e.g. fatality, LTI, major injury, or Immediate> 1 Working day (if not temporary suspended)
dangerous occurrence
Non-Life Critical Potential Minor injury Incident, Environmental or 1 > 3 working day
Welfare Issue.
Good Practice N/A None however look to share good practice