How To Be An International Spy Preview
How To Be An International Spy Preview
How To Be An International Spy Preview
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so you want In this book you will discover what it takes to be a spy.
Learn the art of SECReT CODeS, practise tailing people
to be to a spy? and building secret dossiers, discover amazing GADGetS
and much more. At the end of some sections you will get
Well it’s going to a heads-up on KeYWORDS to remember and each step
involve a lot of tough will elevate you from the rank of RECRUiT through to
preparation. Only the a full-blown SECReT AGeNT.
very best recruits can
To be a successful spy, you must first know what it is a spy
become fully fledged
actually does. Let’s see what the dictionary says:
agents who we trust
out in the field.
However, if you think
you have it in you,
then get ready for f a SPY: secretly
Definition o t o r o rganization to
some serious training. for a govern
m en
petitor. The
A spy works n o n a n en emy or com
ati o AGE.
obtain inform fo r sp y in g is eSPiON
AND ONly thE Best GeT
Can you keep a secret? If you can’t then
you’re going to have real trouble – it’s
one of the most important aspects of
the job! The secrets you might
be dealing with fall into three
basic areas:
Knowing how many troops the enemy MOleS SleEPeR AGeNtS
has, where they are located and how well Moles are hidden deep within governments Sleepers don’t fall asleep on the job (never a
they are armed is vital to any country, or organizations. As part of their job they will wise move for any spy!). Instead, they work their
especially in times of war. Knowing the have access to secret files, although they won’t way through the ranks of governments or other
strength of an enemy means you can usually steal these unless instructed to do so. organizations, accessing secrets that would
find weak points or launch surprise otherwise be almost impossible to get. Sleeper
attacks against them. But it’s not just agents often don’t spy for many years and are only
governments who try to discover such These sneaky spies often pretend to spy for activated when needed.
information; military secrets can also one country, when in fact they are spying for
be used by terrorists to pick out targets another. For example, an American agent spying
iNDUsTRiAL SECRetS and find their weaknesses. in Russia decides to pass false information back Sometimes you just don’t agree with the boss
to America while actually passing on secret and want to switch sides. That makes you a
Imagine a technology company learning information to the Russians. The real skill of defector, and a very dangerous person at that.
the secrets of a competitor months a double agent is creating and distributing If you become a defector, you’ll have to watch
before they announce a new phone – disinformation – information that sounds real your back at all times.
then immediately launching their own enough but is actually a lie.
version based on this stolen technology.
Or a pharmaceutical company releasing
a new drug before their rival, who spent
many years developing it. This kind
of industrial and corporate espionage
really does happen!
From blackmailing politicians
about their private lives through to
discovering sensitive information
about a country’s economy,
political secrets are just as valuable
as technological ones. Imagine
knowing how a government intends
to act towards other countries – and
even who they are spying on.
8 9
During the American Revolution, Lafayette
became the first Afro-American double
agent when he began spying on the
You might have seen the glamour and adventure of spies British. Lafayette was a slave when war
through characters like James Bond and think that spycraft is a broke out and was (remarkably) granted
modern invention – but that’s not the case. The art of spying is permission to join the army. He then
an ancient and respected one, occurring around the world and posed as a runaway slave and infiltrated
British General Benedict Arnold’s camp.
across many cultures. Spying has been used throughout history
so that armies and governments could gain the upper hand.
ANCIENT EGYPT Spies In The Bible The art of War The Frumentarii A SPY OF WORDS The Great Game
The earliest recorded example of The crafty Hittites Meanwhile, in ancient In ancient Rome, you There are rumours that playwright In the mid 1830s the
spying comes from ancient Egypt weren’t the only China, military couldn’t even trust the William Shakespeare was a spy for term ‘The Great Game’
around 1274 BC. During the war historical figures doing general Sun Tzu wheat collectors – the England. The finger has also been was used to describe
between Pharaoh Ramesses and some shady spying, spoke of how useful Roman equivalent of the pointed at the man who influenced the increasing rivalry
a group called the Hittites, spies The Old Testament is spies were in his tax man. While Rome Shakespeare – Christopher between Britain and
were sent into the Egyptian camp, littered with examples famous book, The didn’t have an organized Marlowe. Russia over the Central
posing as deserting soldiers. They of espionage. One Art of War (a manual spying network, the Asian region, although
While at university, Marlowe had
convinced the Egyptians that the example from the Book about how to conduct wheat collectors, known there was nothing
several unexplained absences
enemy army was much further of Numbers sees Moses warfare, not paint as the Frumentarii, fun about it. An
during which he claimed to be
away than it really was. The cocky sending out spies to it, in case you were performed the same intense bout of spying
engaged in ‘matters of benefit to
Pharaoh believed the spies and check the land ahead confused). duties as the Secret occurred between both
his country’.
marched some of his men into an when the Israelites Service. Because they sides until war broke
ambush. reached the borders of had access to locals and Some say his mysteriously early out in Afghanistan.
Canaan. native lands, Emperor death was a cover for him to Sandwiched between
Hadrian used them change identity, becoming William India and Russia, it was
to sneakily gather Shakespeare himself! If he was an important strategic
intelligence. a spy, then he was a good one, country to claim (sadly,
leaving a trail of mystery that still this is still a reason for
hasn’t been untangled. ongoing conflict there
almost 200 years later).
10 11
12 13
As a spy you need somewhere to relax – a base to Mission briefing
store the intelligence you’ve gathered and from
which to plan your next mission. For this you will build an
You may not be able to
e, but you
need a HeADQUARTeRS. It has to be somewhere safe, underground sec ret bas
n in which
away from prying eyes and defendable against your need to find a loc atio
ct you r ow n HQ.
enemies – everybody else who doesn’t have the you can constru
– try the
It could be in you r ho use
same security clearance as you! eve n un de r the
attic, the cellar or
e a gar de n, the n
stairs. If you hav
rep urp ose the
maybe you can
shed or build a den from
you r tra inin g
you can tackle
the one
REMEMBER: your HQ is
place you need to keep
Good luck, Recruit!
THUlE AiR BASE How’s this for some icy AReA 51 This huge base is located north of Las CHeYeNNE MOUNTAiN America’s Air Force RAVeN ROCK Also known as Site R,
inspiration? This US military installation Vegas bordered by the Extraterrestrial Highway. Space Command runs perhaps the most famous this underground facility is used for the
lies within the Arctic Circle and, due to the It’s the United States’ most secure military underground base. Protected by a 25-ton door, ‘Continuity of Operations Plan’ – a secret
weather, it is only accessible for three months installation and, officially, it doesn’t exist! It is built on huge springs to absorb the blasts and plan for how the USA would continue in
per year. where stealth fighters first flew and where it is carved from solid granite, Cheyenne Mountain the event of a cataclysm, such as a meteor
thought future spy aircraft are built and tested. might not be so secret but it is invincible. strike or nuclear war.
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