Labour Act 2003 Act 651
Labour Act 2003 Act 651
Labour Act 2003 Act 651
Scope of application
2. Establishment of Public Employment Centres and registration of private
employment agencies
3. Functions of the Centres
4. Registration of unemployed persons
5. Employment through Centres or Agencies
6. Employment data
7. Private Employment Agencies
PART IV-GENERAL CONDITIONS OF (2) Where a worker is required by the employer to interrupt his or her
leave in the circumstances specified in subsection (1) the worker shall not
EMPLOYMENT Sub-Part I-Annual leave with pay
forfeit the right to the remainder of the leave but shall take the leave anytime
Leave entitlement thereafter.
20. (1) In any undertaking every worker is entitled to not less than fifteen (3) Where a worker takes his or her annual leave at the end of a
working days leave with full pay in any calendar year of continuous service. calendar year, the leave may continue except as provided in subsection (1)
(2) The expression "full pay" means the worker's normal remuneration,
without interruption, into the following year.
without overtime payment, including the cash equivalent of any remuneration in Employer to bear cost of leave interruption
kind. 26. Any employer who requires a worker to interrupt his or her annual
Continuous service leave in the circumstances stated in section 25, shall make up to the worker
21. (1) Continuity of service shall not be regarded as interrupted by mere any reasonable expense incurred on account of the interruption, and also re-
change of ownership or management of the undertaking. sumption of the leave by the worker.
(2) Where the work is not regularly maintained throughout the year, Record of employment, leave
the requirement of continuous service shall be deemed to have been met if 27. (1) A worker shalJ, as much as may be possible, be given notice of the
the worker has worked for not less than two hundred days in the particular date of commencement of his or her annual leave, at least, thirty days before
year. the worker takes the leave.
(2) Every employer is required to keep a record showing the following
Interruption of work by public holidays, sickness of worker particulars,
22. Public holidays and absence from duty due to sickness certified by a (a) the date of employment of each worker employed by the
medical practitioner. and pregnancy and confinement, shall not affect the an- employer and the duration of the annual leave to which the
nualleave entitlement of a worker. worker is entitled;
(b) the dates on which the annual leave is taken by each worker;
Interruption of work by voluntary communal work, civic duties and spe-
(c) the remuneration received by each worker in respect of the annual
23. A period during which a worker is absent from his or her normal duties
with the permission of the employer on account of the worker's participation Worker may take leave in two equal parts
in voluntary communal work, the discharge of civic duties or the granting of 28. Without prejudice to the provisions of this Sub-Part, a worker may be
special leave with or without pay, shall not be counted as part of the worker's permitted to take his or her annual leave in two approximate equal parts.
annual leave. Leave entitlement to be restored to suspended worker on reinstatement
Sick leave not part of annual leave 29. Where a worker, suspended from the service of his or her employer
24. A period of absence from work allowed owing to sickness, which is prior to disciplinary or criminal proceedings being taken against him or her is
certified by a medical practitioner, and which occurs after the reinstated, the worker shall be entitled to take the leave he or she would have
had if he or she had not been suspended.
commencement of and during annual leave shall not be computed as part of
the leave. Termination of employment not to affect leave entitlement earned
Leave to be uninterrupted 30. (1) Where the employment of a worker is terminated, the worker is
25. (1) Every worker is entitled to enjoy an unbroken period ofleave but an entitled to annual leave in proportion to the period of service in the calendar
employer, in cases of urgent necessity, may in accordance with this section, year.
require a worker to interrupt his or her leave and return to work.
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Labour Act, 2003 Act 651
Act 651 Labour Act, 2003
(3) A worker shall not be compelled to do overtime work except for
(2) The worker shall not be deprived of any other grants or awards to undertakings or enterprises
which the worker is entitled including payment in lieu of notice of termination. (a) the very nature of which requires overtime in order to be viable; or
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to cases where the employer (b) which are subject to emergencies that require that workers
has the right to dismiss a worker without notice. engage in overtime work in order to prevent or avoid threat to
Agreement to forgo leave to be void life and property.
31. Any agreement to relinquish the entitlement to annual leave or to forgo Shifts
such leave is void. 36. Workers may be employed in shifts, but the average number of hours
reckoned over a period of four weeks or less shall not exceed eight hours a
Sub-Part not applicable to family concerns day or forty hours a week if there is an established time-table for the shifts.
32. This Sub-Part does not apply to a person employed in an undertaking
in which only members of the family of the employer are employed. Manual labourers
37. (1) The Minister may prescribe shorter hours of work for workers in
Sub-Part II-Hours of work jobs declared to be manual labour and in jobs likely to be injurious to health.
Maximum hours of work (2) Work for which shorter hours are prescribed under section (1)
33. The hours of work of a worker shall be a maximum of eight hours a day shall be deemed to be equivalent to work done on the basis of eight hours a
or forty hours a week except in cases expressly provided for in this Act. day for the purposes of all rights which may flow from the employment.
Different hours of work Unpaid overtime
34. The rules of any undertaking or its branch may prescribe hours of 38. Notwithstanding section 35, a worker may be required to work beyond
work I different from eight hours a day on one or more days in the week, the fixed hours of work without additional pay in certain exceptional circum-
subject to the following, stances including an accident threatening human lives or the very existence
(a) where shorter hours of work are fixed, the hours of work on of the undertaking.
the other days of the week may be proportionately longer than
eight hours but shall not exceed nine hours a day or a total of Commencement and closing of work
forty hours a week; 39. The time of commencement and closing of a worker's hours of work in
(b) where longer hours of work are fixed the average number of any undertaking shall be fixed by the rules of the undertaking concerned sub-
hours of work reckoned over a period of four weeks or less ject to the following:
shall not exceed eight hours a day or forty hours a week; or (a) in the case of operations underground, work commences when
(c) in the case of an undertaking the work of which is of a the worker enters the cage or lift to go down and ends when the
seasonal nature, where longer hours of work are fixed, the worker leaves it at the surface; and
average number of hours of work over a period of one year (b) in the case of operations underground, where the work place is
shall not exceed eight hours a day except that the hours of reached by going down a gallery, the hours of work is
work which may be fixed under this paragraph shall not reckoned from the time when the worker enters the gallery to
exceed ten hours a day. the time when he or she leaves it at the surface.
Training (2) A woman worker on maternity leave is entitled to be paid her full
53. Where it is necessary to train or retrain a person with disability to remuneration and other benefits to which she is otherwise entitled.
overcome any aspect of his or her disability in order to cope with any aspect (3) The period of maternity leave may be extended for at least two
ofthe person's employment, the employer may provide or arrange at the additional weeks where the confinement is abnormal or where in the course
employer's expense the training or retraining for the person. of the same confinement two or more babies are born.
(4) Where an illness, medically certified by a medical practitioner, is
Part to be read as one with other relevant enactment due to her pregnancy, the woman worker is entitled to additional leave as
54. This Part shall be read as one with any enactment on the employment certified by the medical practitioner.
of persons with disability and where there is a conflict, the provisions of this (5) Where an illness, medically certified by a medical practitioner, is
Part shall prevail. due to her confinement the woman worker is entitled to an extension of the
leave after confinement as certified by the medical practitioner.
PART VI-EMPLOYMENT OF WOMEN (6) A nursing mother is entitled to interrupt her work for an hour during
Night work or overtime by pregnant women her working hours to nurse her baby.
55. (1) Unless with her consent, an employer shall not (7) Interruptions of work by a nursing mother for the purpose of nursing
(a) assign or employ a pregnant woman worker to do any night work her baby shall be treated as working hours and paid for accordingly.
between the hours often o'clock in the evening and seven o'clock (8) An employer shall not dismiss a woman worker because of her
in the morning; absence from work on maternity leave.
(b) engage for overtime a pregnant woman worker or a mother of a (9) In this Part
child of less than eight months old. (a) "night work" in relation to women, means work at any time
within a period of eleven consecutive hours that includes the
(2) The pregnant woman worker or the mother may present a written seven consecutive hours occurring between ten o'clock in the
complaint to the National Labour Commission established under section 135 evening and seven o'clock in the morning but in industrial
against an employer who contravenes subsection (1). undertakings which are influenced by the seasons, the work
(3) The Commission shall investigate the complaint and its decision may be reduced to ten hours in sixty days of the year;
on the matter shall subject to any other law be final. (b) "nursing mother" means a woman with a child suckling at her
Prohibition of assignment of pregnant women breast for a period of not more than one year.
56. (1) An employer shall not assign, whether permanently or temporarily,
a pregnant woman worker to a post outside her place of residence after the PART VII-EMPLOYMENT OF YOUNG PERSONS
completion of the fourth month of pregnancy, if the assignment, in the Prohibition of employment of young persons in hazardous work
opinion of a medical practitioner or midwife, is detrimental to her health. 58. (1) A young person shall not be engaged in any type of employment
(2) The pregnant woman worker may present a written complaint to or work likely to expose the person to physical or moral hazard.
the Commission against the employer who contravenes subsection (1). (2) The Minister may, by legislative instrument determine the type
(3) The Commission shall investigate the complaint and its decision of employment that is likely to expose a young person to physical or moral
on the matter shall, subject to any other law, be final. hazard.
Maternity, annual and sick leave (3) An employer shall not employ a young person in an underground
57. (1) A woman worker, on production of a medical certificate issued by mine work.
a medical practitioner or a midwife indicating the expected date of her (4) A person who contravenes subsection (1) or (3) commits an
confinement, is entitled to a period of maternity leave of at least twelve offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding 100
weeks penalty units.
in addition to any period of annual leave she is entitled after her period of
confinement. 21
Act 651 Labour Act, 2003 Labour Act, 2003 Act 651
Health of young persons (d) due to legal restriction imposed on the worker prohibiting the worker
59. (1) An employer shall not employ a young person on any work unless from performing the work for which he or she is employed.
a medical practitioner has certified that the young person is in good health
and is medically fit for the work. Unfair termination of employment
(2) Where a person fails to comply with subsection (l) the person 63. (1) The employment of a worker shall not be unfairly terminated by
shall be ordered by the Minister to have the medical examination conducted. the worker's employer.
Registration of young persons (2) A worker's employment is terminated unfairly if the only reason
60. (1) An employer in an industrial undertaking shall keep a register of for the termination is
young persons employed by him or her and their dates of birth or their (a) that the worker has joined, intends to join or has ceased to be a
apparent ages. member of a trade union or intends to take part in the activities
(2) The Chief Labour Officer shall direct an employer who fails to of a trade union;
comply with subsection (1) to do so within a specified time, and the (b) that the worker seeks office as, or is acting or has acted in the
employer shall comply with the direction. capacity of, a workers' representative;
(c) that the worker has filed a complaint or participated in proceedings
against the employer involving alleged violation of this Act or
61. In this Part,
"industrial undertakings" include any other enactment;
(a) mines, quarries and other works for the extraction of (d) the worker's gender, race, colour, ethnicity, origin, religion, creed,
minerals from the earth; social, political or economic status;
(b) undertakings in which articles are manufactured, (e) in the case of a woman worker, due to the pregnancy of the
altered, cleaned, repaired, ornamented, finished, worker or the absence of the worker from work during maternity
adapted for sale, broken up or demolished, or in which leave;
materials are transformed, including undertakings (f) in the case of a worker with a disability, due to the worker's
engaged in shipbuilding or in the generation, transfor- disability;
mation or transmission of electricity or motive power (g) that the worker is temporarily ill or injured and this is .certified
of any kind; by a recognised medical practitioner;
(c) undertakings engaged in building and civil engineering (h) that the worker does not possess the current level of
work, including constructional, repair, maintenance, qualification required in ,relation to the work for which the
alteration and demolition work. worker was employed which is different from the level of
PART VIII-FAIR AND UNFAIR TERMINATION OF qualification required at the commencement of his or her
EMPLOYMENT employment; or
Fair termination (i) that the worker refused or indicated an intention to refuse to do
62. A termination of a worker's employment is fair if the contract of any work normally done by a worker who at the time was
employment is terminated by the employer on any of the following grounds: taking part in a lawful strike unless the work is necessary to
(a) that the worker is incompetent or lacks the qualification in prevent actual danger to life, personal safety or health or the
relation to the work for which the worker is employed; maintenance of plant and equipment.
(b) the proven misconduct of the worker;
(c) redundancy under section 65; (3) Without limiting the provisions of subsection (2). a worker's
employment is deemed to be unfairly terminated if with or without notice to
22 23
Act 651 Labour Act, 2003 Labour Act, 2003 Act 651
the employer, the worker terminates the contract of employment (2) Without prejudice to subsection (1), where an undertaking is
(a) because of ill-treatment of the worker by the employer, having closed down or undergoes an arrangement or amalgamation and the close
regard to the circumstances of the case; or down, arrangement or amalgamation causes
(b) because the employer has failed to take action on repeated com (a) severance of the legal relationship of worker and employer as it
existed immediately before the close down, arrangement or
plaints of sexual harassment of the worker at the work place.
amalgamation; and
(4) A termination may be unfair if the employer fails to prove that,
(b) as a result of and in addition to the severance that worker
(a) the reason for the termination is fair; or
becomes unemployed or suffers any diminution in the tenns
(b) the termination was made in accordance with a fair procedure
and conditions
or this Act.
of employment,
Remedies for unfair termination the worker is entitled to be paid by the undertaking at which that worker was
64. (1) A worker who claims that the employment of the worker has been immediately employed prior to the close down, arrangement or
unfairly terminated by the worker's employer may present a complaint to the amalgamation, compensation, in this section referred to as "redundancy pay".
Commission. (3) In determining whether a worker has suffered any diminution in
(2) If upon investigation of the complaint the Commission finds that his or her terms and conditions of employment, account shall be taken of the
the termination of the employment is unfair, it may past services and accumulated benefits, if any, of the worker in respect of the
(a) order the employer to re-instate the worker from the date of the employment with the undertaking before the changes were carried out.
termination of employment; (4) The amount of redundancy pay and the terms and conditions of payment
(b) order the employer to re-employ the worker, either in the work are matters which are subject to negotiation between the employer or a repre-
for which the'worker was employed before the termination or in sentative of the employer on the one hand and the worker or the trade union
other reasonably suitable work on the same terms and concerned on the other.
conditions enjoyed by the worker before the termination; or (5) Any dispute that concerns the redundancy pay and the terms and
(c) order the employer to pay compensation to the worker. conditions of payment may be referred to the Commission by the aggrieved
Redundancy party for settlement, and the decision of the Commission shall subject to any
65. (1) When an employer contemplates the introduction of major changes other law be final.
in production, programme, organisation, structure or technology of an under- Exceptions
taking that are likely to entail terminations of employment of workers in the 66. The provisions of this Part do not apply to the following categories of
undertaking, the employer shall workers:
(a) provide in writing to the Chief Labour Officer and the trade (a) workers engaged under a contract of employment for specified
union concerned, not later than three months before the
period of time or specified work;
contemplated changes, all relevant information including the
(b) worker serving a period of probation or qualifying period of
reasons for any termination, the number and categories of
employment of reasonable duration determined in advance; and
workers likely to be affected and the period within which any
(c) workers engaged on a casual basis.
termination is to be carried out; and
(b) consult the trade union concerned on measures to be taken to PART IX-PROTECTION OF REMUNERATION
avert or minimize the termination as well as measures to Payment of remuneration
mitigate the adverse effects of any terminations on the workers 67. Subject to this Part, every contract of employment shall stipulate that
concerned such as finding alternative employment. the whole of the salary, wages and allowances of the worker shall be made
Act 651 Labour Act, 2003 Labour Act, 2003 Act 651
payable in legal tender in addition to any non-cash remuneration and (2) No deduction shall be made under subsection (1) (1) unless the
accordingly, a contract of employment that contains provisions to the employer is satisfied,
contrary is void. (a) that the loss or damage has been caused by the worker and the
Equal pay for equal work worker is clearly shown to be responsible;
68. Every worker shall receive equal pay for equal work without (b) that the amount to be deducted is fair and does not exceed the
distinction of any kind. actual value of the loss or damage suffered by the employer or
Prohibited deductions that the amount represents a fair estimate of the loss or damage
69. (1) An employer shall not make any deduction by way of discount, suffered;
interest or any similar charge on account of an advance of remuneration (c) that the worker has been given reasonable opportunity to show
made to a worker in anticipation of the regular period of payment of cause why the deductions should not be made; and
remuneration. (d) that the rate of the deductions is such as to avoid hardship to the
(2) An employer shall not worker and his or her dependants.
(a) impose a pecuniary penalty upon a worker for any cause what (3) Where a worker who is aggrieved by any deduction made by his
soever; or or her employer under subsection (1), is unable to resolve the matter with the
(b) deduct from remuneration due to a worker, any amount whatso- employer, the worker may present a complaint in writing to the Commission.
ever, unless the deduction is permitted by section 70 or by any (4) The Commission shall investigate the complaint and its decision
other law or is by way of repayment of an advance of
on the matter shall subject to any other law be final.
remuneration lawfully made by the employer to the worker.
Employer not to compel workers to use its store
Permitted deductions 71. Where an employer establishes a store for the sale of commodities to
70. (1) An employer may, with the consent of the worker, make any of the
the workers or operates a service for them, the employer shall not coerce the
following deductions from the remuneration of the worker:
(a) any amount due from the worker in respect of contributions to workers to make use of the store or service.
any provident, pension, or other fund or scheme agreed to by Paid public holidays
the worker; . 72. Every worker is entitled to be paid his or her remuneration for public
(b) any financial facility advanced by the employer to the worker at
the written request of the worker or any facility guaranteed by
(c) any amount paid to the worker in error, as remuneration, in excess
of what the worker is legitimately entitled to, from the employer;
(d) on the written authority of the worker, any amount due from the Right to employ and application of this Part
worker as membership fee or contribution to an organisation of 73. (1) Subject to this Act, an employer may hire a worker on terms that
which the worker is a member; suit the operations of the enterprise.
(e) for meeting any loss suffered by the employer as a result of the (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), this Part does not apply to,
loss of, or damage to, any property or thing used in connection (a) piece workers
with, or produced by, the employer's business and which is (b) part-time workers;
under the control of the worker;
(c) sharecroppers;
(j) any deduction in compliance with an order made by the
(d) apprentices;
26 27
Act 651 Labour Act, 2003 Labour Act, 2003 Act 651
(e) sea-going personnel in the fishing industry who are wage (2) A temporary worker or a casual worker referred to in subsection
earners; and . (1)(a) is not entitled to 1/27 of his or her minimum monthly remuneration as
(f) any person who works less than an average of twenty-four specified in that paragraph for each day the worker is absent from work
hours a week during the month.
(3) A temporary worker or a casual worker referred to in subsection
Casual worker (1)(b) is not entitled to a twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth or thirty-first
74. (1) A contract of employment of a casual worker need not be in
part of his or her minimum remuneration as specified in that paragraph for
(2) A casual worker shall each day the worker is absent from work during the month, depending on
(a) be given equal pay for work of equal value for each day worked whether the month consists of twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty or thirty-one
in that organization; . days.
(b) have access to any necessary medical facility made available to (4) An employer shall pay a temporary worker or a casual worker the
the workers generally by the employer; full minimum remuneration for each day on which the worker attends work,
(c) be entitled to be paid for overtime work by his or her employer whether or not wet weather prevents the worker from carrying on his or her
in accordance with section 35; and normal work and whether it is possible or not, to arrange alternative work for
(d) be paid full minimum remuneration for each day on which the the worker on such a day.
worker attends work, whether or not the weather prevents the (5) A temporary worker or a casual worker is entitled to be paid for
worker from carrying on his or her normal work and whether it overtime work by his or her employer in accordance with section 35.
is possible or not, to arrange alternative work for the worker on
such a day. Payment of remuneration for public holidays
Temporary worker 77. (1) Every employer shall pay each temporary or casual worker in
75. (1) A temporary worker who is employed by the same employer for a respect of every public holiday the full remuneration which would have been
continuous period of six months and more shall be treated under this Part as a payable to the temporary or casual worker for a full day's work if that day
permanent worker. had not been a public holiday.
(2) Without prejudice to the terms and conditions of employment (2) Where a temporary or casual worker attends and performs work
mutually agreed to by the parties, the provisions of this Act in respect of of a full day or more on a public holiday, the employer shall pay the worker
minimum wage, hours of work, rest period, paid public holidays, night work in addition, the remuneration which would have been payable to the
and sick leave are applicable to a contract of employment with a temporary temporary or casual worker for the work if that day had not been a public
worker. holiday.
Remuneration of temporary and casual workers (3) Where a temporary or casual worker attends and performs work
76. (1) Subject to this section, the minimum remuneration of a temporary for part only of a public holiday, the employer shall pay the worker in
worker or a casual worker shall be determined as follows: addition to the remuneration provided under subsection (1), the proportion of
(a) where a temporary worker or a casual worker is required to the remuneration for a full day's work on that day if that day had not been a
work on week-days only, the minimum monthly remuneration public holiday, represented by the number of hours for which the temporary
is the amount represented by the worker's daily wage or casual worker has performed work.
multiplied by twenty-seven;
(b) where a temporary worker or a casual worker is required to (4) Any payment required to be made under subsection (1), (2) or (3)
work every day in the week, the minimum monthly in respect of a public holiday shall be made after the public holiday in the
remuneration is the amount represented by three hundred and same manner as the worker is normally paid.
28wage divided by twelve.
sixty-five times his daily 29
Labour Act, 2003 Act 651
Act 651 Labour Act, 2003
(c) the internal organisation of the trade union or employers' Register of trade unions and employers' organisations
86. The Chief Labour Officer shall keep and maintain a register of trade
organisation conforms to democratic principles;
unions and employers' organisations, in which shall be entered the
(d) the name of the trade union or employers' organisation does not prescribed particulars relating to them and any alterations or changes
closely resemble that of another registered trade union or affecting them.
employers' organisation, so as to mislead or confuse the public;
(e) the rules of the trade union or employers' organisation are in Protection against discrimination
87. (1) A trade union or employers' organisation shall not discriminate in
conformity with section 85; and
its constitution or rules against any person on grounds of race, place of
(f) the constitution or rules of the trade union or employers' origin, political opinion, colour, religion, creed, gender or disability.
organisation do not discriminate on the grounds stated in (2) The Chief Labour Officer shall not register a trade union or
section 87 against any person, employers' organisation which contravenes subsection (1), unless the trade
the Chief Labour Officer shall register the trade union or employers' union or employers' organisation takes steps to rectify the defect in its
organisation. constitution or rules within a period specified by the Chief Labour Officer.
Certificate of registration Effect of registration
84. A trade union or an employers' organisation registered under section 88. The rights and powers conferred on trade unions or employers'
81 shall be issued with a certificate of registration by the Chief Labour organisations under this Act shall be exercised only if the trade unions or
Officer. employers' organisations are registered in accordance with this Part.
Change of name
Rules of trade unions and employers' organisations 89. (1) A trade union or an employers' organisation may change its name
85. The rules of a trade union or an employers' organisation shall include in accordance with the requirements of its constitution or rules.
provisions in respect of the following matters: (2) A change of name shall not affect any rights or obligations of the
(a) the name of the trade union or organisation; trade union or employers' organisation or its member otherwise the change
(b) the registered office to which correspondence and notices may will not be valid.
be addressed; Amalgamation
(c) the principal objects of the trade union or employers' 90. Any two or more trade unions or employers' organisations may in
organisation; accordance with the requirements of their constitutions or rules, amalgamate
(d) the qualifications for membership; to form one trade union or employers' organisation.
(e) the grounds on which an officer or a member may be suspended Registration of change of name and amalgamation
or dismissed from office or membership; 91. (1) A written notice concerning a change of name or amalgamation
(f) the procedure for suspension or dismissal of an officer or a duly signed by officers of the trade union or employers' organisation or the
member; amalgamated trade union or employers' organisation shall be registered with
(g) the membership fees and other subscriptions payable; the Chief Labour Officer within fourteen days after the change of name or
(h) the manner of dissolution of the trade union or employers' amalgamation.
organisation and disposal of its assets; (2) The Chief Labour Officer shall direct the officer of a trade union
(i) the manner of altering, amending or revoking its constitution or or employers' organisation which fails to comply with subsection (1) to do so
rules; and within a period specified by the Chief Labour Officer, and the officer shall
(j) the powers, function;') and duties of officers of the trade comply with the direction failing which the change shall not be valid.
union or employers' organisation.
Act 651 Labour Act, 2003 Labour Act, 2003 Act 651
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Act 651 Labour Act, 2003 Labour Act, 2003 Act 651
Appointment of Inspectors (3) The decision of the Minister on the appeal shall subject to any
123. Inspectors shall be appointed by the appointing authority of the Civil other law be final, and the employer shall abide by the decision and any
Service for the purposes specified in this Act. related consequential order made.
(4) Where an appeal is lodged under subsection (2) the Minister shall
Powers of labour inspectors
direct the employer to take such interim measures as the employer considers
124. (1) An inspector has power to
(a) enter freely and without notice at any hour of the day or night to necessary to avert any danger or threat of danger to the health or safety of the
inspect any workplace during working hours; workers pending the determination of the appeal.
(b) enter during the day or night any premises which the inspector (5) An employer directed under subsection (1)(h) to carry out any
has reason to believe are subject to inspection; alterations who does not appeal to the Minister against the direction shall
(c) carry out any examination, test or inquiry the inspector considers (a) in the case of imminent danger to health or safety of workers,
necessary in order to ensure that the provisions of this Act and carry out the alterations immediately; or
Regulations made under this Act are complied with; (b) where the period for the carrying out of the alterations, is specified,
(d) interview, either alone or in the presence of witnesses, any carry out the alterations before the expiration of the period.
employer or worker on any matter concerning the application (6) An employer who fails to comply with a decision or order of the
and compliance with the provisions of this Act and Regulations Minister or an inspector under subsection (2) or (4) commits an offence and
made under it; is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding 250 penalty units and
(e) require the production of any books, registers or other in addition shall be liable to pay compensation to any person who proves that
documents which relate to the terms and conditions of
he or she has suffered any loss, damage or injury as a result of the non-
employment of the workers, in order to ascertain that these are
compliance by the employer.
in conformity with this Act and Regulations made under it and
to copy the documents Inspectors to maintain confidentiality
or make extracts from them; 125. (l) An inspector shall not
(j) enforce the posting of notices required by or under this Act; (g) (a) have direct or indirect interest in any undertaking he or she is
take or remove for purposes of analysis samples of materials required to inspect;
and hazardous or chemical substances used or handled by (b) divulge during or after termination of his or her service, any
workers in the course of their employment; and manufacturing or commercial secrets or working processes or
(h) direct employers to carry out alterations to buildings,
confidential information which may have come to his or her
installations and plant necessary to avert any danger or threat of
knowledge in the course of his or her duties;
danger to the health or safety of the workers within such period
as may be specified in the direction, but no such period shall be (c) disclose the source of any complaint by which the inspector is
allowed if the inspector is of the opinion that there is an informed of any contravention of the provisions of this Act or
imminent danger to the health or safety of the workers. Regulations made thereunder or intimate to the employer or the
(2) An employer who is directed under subsection (1 ) (h) to carry out employers' representative that an inspection was carried out in
any alterations may, consequence of such complaint.
(a) where the period within which the alterations are to be carried . . (2) An inspector who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence
out is specified, appeal to the Minister against the direction and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding 500 penalty units
within or to Imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both.
seven days before the expiration of the period; or
(b) where no period is specified, appeal not later than seven days
after the direction, against
46 the direction, to the Minister. 47
Act 651 Labour Act. 2003 Labour Act. 2003 Act 651
Obstruction of inspectors Interference that causes financial loss
126. Any person who willfully obstructs a labour inspector in the perfor- 130. Subject to the other provisions of this Act, if a worker carries on any
mance of his or her functions under this Act commits an offence, and is activity intended to cause serious interference with the business of his or
liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding 250 penalty units or to her employer that may result in financial loss, the worker is guilty of unfair
imprisonment not exceeding 12 months or to both. labour practice.
Union activities during working hours
131. (1) An officer of a trade union or any other person shall not during
Discrimination normal working hours attempt to persuade or induce a worker, not
127. (1) A person who discriminates against any person with respect to the covered by
employment or conditions of employment because that other person is a a collective agreement, to become a member or an officer of a trade
member or an officer of a trade union is guilty of unfair labour practice. union while the worker is on the premises of his or her employer, without
(2) A person who seeks by intimidation, dismissal, threat of the consent of the employer.
dismissal, or by any kind of threat or by imposition of a penalty, or by giving
or offering (2) An officer of a trade union or any other person shaH not during
to give a wage increase or any other favourable alteration of terms of normal working hours confer with an employee on trade union matters while
employment, or by any other means, seeks to induce a worker to refrain from the worker is on the premises of his or her employer without the consent of
becoming or continuing to be a member or officer of a trade union is guilty of the employer.
Commission to make orders
unfair labour practice.
(3) A worker or group of workers who by any kind of threat seeks to 133. (1) Where the Commission finds that a person has engaged in an
intimidate the employer during negotiations of a collective agreement is unfair labour practice it may, if it considers fit, make an order forbidding the
guilty of unfair labour practice.
person to engage or continue to engage in such activities as it may specify
(4) Employers or employer's organisations who seek by any kind of
threat to intimidate the worker during negotiations of a collective agreement in the order.
are guilty of unfair labour practice. (2) Where the Commission finds that a person has engaged in an unfair
Interference by employers in union affairs labour practice under section 127 which involves the termination of
128. An employer who takes part in the formation of a trade union or, employment of a worker, the alteration of his or her employment or of the
with the intention of adversely influencing a trade union, makes any conditions of his or her employment, the Commission may, if it considers
contribution, in money or money's worth, to that trade union, is guilty of fit, make an order requiring the worker's employer
unfair labour practice.
(a) to take such steps as may be specified in the order to restore the
Employer to facilitate workers trade union business
position of the worker; and
129. (1) An employer shall, subject to notice of not less than twenty four
hours, allow any officer of a trade union whose members include any of his (b) to pay to the worker a sum specified in the order as compensation
or her workers, reasonable facilities and time to confer with the employer or for any loss of earnings attributed to the contravention.
workers on matters affecting the members of the trade union who are his or
her workers and an employer who fails to give reasonable facilities and time
is guilty of unfair labour practice.
(2) In this section "reasonable facilities" means such facilities as the
employer and his or her workers may agree are reasonably required for the
purposes stated in subsection (1).
Labour Act, 2003
Labour Act, 2003 Act 651
Act 651
(3) Where the Commission finds that a person has engaged in an unfair Functions and independence of the Commission
labour practice underssection128 by making s contribution to a trade union, the 138. (1) The functions of the Commission are as follows:
commission may, if it considers fit, order that the trade union refund the contribution. (a) to facilitate the settlement of industrial disputes;
(4) For the purposes of enforcing an order of the commission under this (b) to settle industrial disputes;
section, the order shall have effect as if were made by the High Court. (c) to investigate labour related complaints, in particular unfair labour practices and
take such steps as it considers necessary to prevent labour disputes;
Appeals (d) to maintain a data base of qualified persons to serve as mediators and arbitrators;
134. A person aggrieved by an order, direction or decision made or gives by the (e) to promote effective labour co-operation between labour and management; and
Commission under section 133 may, within fourteen days of the making or giving of the (f) to perform any other function conferred on it under this Act or any other enactment.
order, direction or decision, appeal to the Court of Appeal.
(2) In the exercise of its adjudicating and dispute settlement function, the Commission shall
PART XVIII-NATIONAL LABOUR COMMISSION not be subject to the control or direction of any person or authority.
Sub-Part I Establishment and function of the National Labour Commission
Powers of the Commission
Establishment of Commission 139. (1) The Commission shall exercise the following powers:
135. There is established by this Act a National Labour Commission referred to in this (a) receive complaints from workers, trade unions, and employers,
Act as the “Commission”. or employers’ organisations
(i) on industrial disagreement; and
Composition of the Commission (ii) allegation of infringement of any requirements of this Act and Regulations
136. (1) The Commission shall consist of the following persons. made under this Act;
(a) a chairperson who shall be nominated by the employers organisation and (b) require an employer to furnish information and statistics concerning the
organised labour except that where there is failure to nominate a chairperson within sixty employment of its workers and the terms and conditions of their employment in a form and
days as provided, the employers’ organisation in consultation with organised labour shall manner the commission considers necessary; and
submit the matter to a mediator agreed on by them; and (c) require a trade union or any workers’ organisation to provide such information as the
(b) six representatives, two each nominated by the Government employers’ Commission considers necessary;
organisation and organised labour. (d) notify employers and employers’ organisations or workers and trade unions in cases of
(2) The chairperson and the other members of the Commission shall be appointed contravention of this Act and Regulations made under this Act and direct them to rectify any
by the President acting in consultation with the Council of State. default or irregularities.
(2) Without prejudice to subsection (1), the Commission shall in settling an industrial
Qualification of chairperson and other members of the Commission dispute, have the powers of the High Court in respect of
137. A person is qualified to be appointed a member of the Commission if that person (a) enforcing the attendance of witnesses and examining them on oath, affirmation or
(a) does not hold office in a political party; and otherwise.
(b) has knowledge and expertise in labour relations and management except that in
the case of the chairperson, the person shall also be knowledgeable in industrial law.