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Introduction To Criminology Reviewer 1

1. The field of criminology is a multi-disciplinary science. One of its aspects is the study of crime focused
on the group of people and society which is known today as:
A. Criminal Psychology
B. Criminal Sociology
C. Criminal Psychiatry
D. Criminal Etiology
2. Macho means
A. assertive
B. angry
C. heroic
D. stubborn
3. Bilious means
A. wealthy
B. puffed out
C. bad tempered
D. irritable
4. Hypothetical means
A. Temporary
B. Exaggerated
C. Provable
D. Assumed
5. The theory in which reformation is based upon, on the ground that the criminal is a sick person.
A. Positivist Theory
B. Classical Theory
C. Neo Classical School
D. Sociological Theory
6. It is defined as a crime where a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his or her
occupation commits the criminal act.
A. Labor Crimes
B. Organized Crimes
C. High Collar crimes
D. White collar crime
7. The strict code of conduct that governs the behavior of the Mafia members is called ___.
A. Omerta
B. Triad
C. Silencer
D. Mafioso
8. The groups of crimes categorized as violent crimes (Index crimes) and property crimes (Non Index
crimes) are called ___.
A. Conventional crimes
B. Non-conventional Crimes
C. Felony
D. Offense
9. What is the literal meaning of the term Cosa Nostra?
A. This thing of ours
B. Omerta
C. Two Things
D. 5th estate
10. The criminal activity by an enduring structure or organization developed and devoted primarily to the
pursuit of profits through illegal means commonly known as ___.
A. Organized crime
B. Professional Organization
C. White collar crime
D. Blue collar crime
11. One of the following represents the earliest codification of the Roman law, which was incorporated into
the Justinian Code.
A. 12 Tables
B. Burgundian Code
C. Hammurabic Code
D. Code of Draco
12. The generic term that includes all government agencies, facilities, programs, procedures, personnel, and
techniques concerned with the investigation, intake, custody, confinement, supervision, or treatment of
alleged offenders refers to:
A. Correction
B. Penology
C. Criminal Justice
D. the base pillar
13. The Italian leader of the positivist school of criminology, who was criticized for his methodology and
his attention to the biological characteristics of offenders, was:
A. C. Lombroso
B. C. Beccaria
C. C. Darwin
D. C. Goring
14. The theory in criminology, which maintains that a person commits crime or behaves criminally mainly
because he or she is being possessed by evil spirits or something of natural force that controls his/her
behavior is called:
A. Devine Will Theory
B. Demonological Theory
C. Classical Theory
D. All of these
15. Criminology changes as social condition changes. This means the progress of criminology is concordant
with the advancement of other sciences that has been applied to it. This means that criminology is
A. Dynamic
B. Excellent
C. Progressive
D. None of these
16. In as much as crime is a societal creation and that it exist in a society, its study must be considered a part
of social science. This means that criminology is __.
A. Applied science
B. Social Science
C. Natural Science
D. All of these
17. The term white- collar crime was coined by
A. E. Sutherland
B. R. Quinney
C. E. Durkheim
D. C. Darwin
18. What is means of "R" in the criminal formula?
A. Total Situation
B. Criminal Tendency
C. Temperament
D. none of these
19. His key ideas are concentrated on the principle of "Survival of the Fittest" as a behavioral science. He
advocated the "Somatotyping Theory".
A. W Sheldon
B. R Merton
C. E Sutherland
D. Ivan Nye
20. When someone is tagged as criminal, he or she may reject it or accept it and go on to commit crime.
A. Rational Choice Theory
B. Control Theories
C. Labelling Theory
D. Social Disorganization Theory
21. The criminological approach to an understanding of crime can be distinguished from other approaches in
that criminology attempts to use the ______ method in its investigations.
A. Evaluator
B. Scientific
C. Objectivity
D. Interactionist
22. Who are the theorists of peacemaking criminology?
A. Park and Burgess
B. Sykes and Matza
C. Cloward and Ohlin
D. Pepinsky and Quinney
23. According to John F. Galliher, legal definitions of criminality are arrived at through a __________
A. Sociological
B. Psychological
C. Political
D. Mainstream
24. According to anomie theory, this individual agrees with the goals but disagrees with the means and may
be involved in white-collar crimes or property crimes.
A. Retreatist
B. Rebel
C. Ritualist
D. Innovator
25. This perspective placed the blame for criminality and deviant behavior squarely on officially sanctioned
cultural and economic arrangements. The distribution of wealth and power in society was held to be the
primary cause of criminal behavior.
A. Peacemaking criminology
B. Radical criminology
C. Right realism
D. Retrospective interpretation

1. It is one of the views in Human Behavior that emphasizes unconscious motives that originate from
aggressive impulses in childhood
A. Neurological view
B. Behavioral view
C. Cognitive view
D. Psychoanalytic view
2. It is one of the factors that affect human behavior that refers to the process by which an offspring cell or
organism acquires or becomes predisposed to the characteristics of its parent cell or organism.
A. Heredity
B. Environment
C. Learning
D. Hereditary
3. It is one of the broad reactions to frustrations which is manifested by sulking, retreating, becoming
indifferent, and giving up.
A. Flight
B. Fight
C. Hop
D. Clash
4. When my boss gives me under a lot of pressure and I can't complete it, he shouts at me. I got angry. But I
can't shout at him. Instead, after returning to my house, I shout at my daughter. Which type of defense
mechanism I have opted for here?
A. Displacement
B. Denial
C. Dissociation
D. Isolation
5. It is the impulse to drink liquor
A. Dipsomania
B. Pyromania
C. Arithomania
D. Megalomania
6. It is one type of Dissociative Disorders which the individual shifts abruptly from one personality to another
as if more than one person were inhabiting the same body
A. Psychogenic Fugue state
B. Amnesia
C. Depersonalization
D. Multiple Personality Disorder
7. It is one type of sexual deviancy that refers to a form of sexual perversion in which three persons are
participating in the sexual act.
A. Fellatio
B. Fetishism
C. Cunnilingus
D. Froilism
8. It is one of the views in Human Behavior that focuses on the subject's experience, freedom of choice, and
motivation toward self-actualization.
A. Neurological view
B. Behavioral view
C. Cognitive view
D. Humanistic view
9. It is one of the different types of reaction to frustration that can be seen among people who handle their
problems in a very objective way.
A. Detour
B. Substitution
C. Aggression
D. Direct Approach
10. It is one of the common Defense Mechanisms which resulted from unfulfilled ambitions and unconscious
drives that do not materialize.
A. Identification
B. Regression
C. Substitution
D. Fantasy
11. It is the phobia of storms, thunder, and lightning
A. Astraphobia
B. Ochlophobia
C. Nyctophobia
D. Mysophobia
12. It is the impulse to kill
A. Dipsomania
B. Suicidal mania
C. Arithomania
D. Homicidal mania
13. It is one of the common types of paranoia which having delusions that a certain person is in love with him
or her.
A. Jealous paranoia
B. Exalted paranoia
C. Erotic Paranoia
D. Litigious Paranoia
14. It is one tune of sexual deviancy in which a aroun participates in sexual orgies
A. Fellatio
B. Fetishism
C. Pluralism
D. Froilism
15. It is one of the different types of reaction to frustration which refers to when an individual realizes that in
finding the right solution to the problem, he always ends up with a negative outcome or result. Thus, he
tries to make change direction first and find out if the solution or remedy is there.
A. Detour
B. Substitution
C. Aggression
D. Direct Approach
16. While giving the examination, David wrote the answer taking the help of google. The teacher gave him
punishment. But David told his friends that the message passed to his friends about his punishment was
wrong. What type of Defense mechanism did David follow here?
A. Reaction Formation
B. Isolation.
C. Rationalization
D. Projection
17. It is a phobia of dogs
A. Gynophobia
B. Ochlophobia
C. Nyctophobia
D. Mysophobia
18. It is one type of Dissociative disorder in which the individual might feel that she is a real robot, even
though she knows she is a real person, that her room is not real or that her parents are not people.
A. Psychogenic fugue
B. Amnesia
C. Depersonalization
D. Multiple Personality Disorder
19. It is one type of personality disorder in which individuals with this personality are fearful of becoming
involved with people because of excessive fears of criticism or rejection.
A. Avoidant Personality
B. Dependant Personality
C. Passive- Aggressive Personality
D. Compulsive Personality
20. It is a type of sexual deviancy in which sexual gratification is obtained by licking of woman's genitals
A. Fellatio
B. Fetishism
C. Cunnilingus
D. Froilism
21. It is one of the personality traits that affect human behavior that is characterized by the direction of
interests towards oneself and one's inner world of experiences.
A. Psychoticism
B. Neuroticism
C. Extroversion
D. Introversion
22. It is the impulse for fame or power
A. Dipsomania
B. Kleptomania
C. Arithomania
D. Megalomania
23. It is formerly referred to as the character disorders
A. Somatoform disorders
B. Personality Disorders
C. Affective Disorders
D. Schizophrenia
24. It is one of the types of personality disorder that is characterized by the inability to make even daily
decisions without excessive advice and reassurance from others and the need for others to assume
responsibility for most major areas of her life.
A. Avoidant Personality
B. Dependent Personality
C. Passive- Aggressive Personality
D. Compulsive personality
25. It is one of the different types of reaction to frustration when a person is unable to hold on to any solution
which gives a positive result. Being discouraged to go on working for a way to handle frustration could
result in diminishing self-confidence, until the time when inferiority complex sets in.
A. Use of Defense Mechanisms
B. Direct Approach
C. Developing a feeling of inferiority
D. Withdrawal or retreat
Criminological Research 1
1. Research conducted in the field of criminology.
a. Political Research
b. Criminological Research
c. Social Science
d. Scientific Method
2. It is the study process and procedures for the improvement of a system.
a. Pure research
b. Historical Research
c. Evaluation research
d. Applied research
3. It is a summative scale used to ascertain opinions or attitude.
a. Treatment of data
b. Likert
c. Statistics
d. Sampling
4. This statistical method which summarize, organize and describe data.
a. Statistics
b. Inferential
c. Descriptive
d. Sampling
5. Curriculum vitae is an example of
a. End matters
b. Preliminary matters
c. Contents
d. Introduction
6. The quality of consistency in measurement is known as
a. Reliability
b. Spuriousness
c. Objectivity
d. Validity
7. The descriptive statistics represent the value occurring midway in a series of numbers is called the
a. Median
b. Mode
c. Norm
d. Mean
8. An unverified statement of a relationship between variables is a
a. Logical deduction
b. Hypothesis
c. Logical induction
d. Theory
9. A type of sampling in which the researcher starts out with people he knows and asks them to suggest
a. Residual sampling
b. Snowball sampling
c. Consensus sampling
d. Contact sampling
10. The first step in the research process is identification of the_____.
a. Data
b. Method
c. Hypothesis
d. Problem
11. _____ is an example of probability sampling.
a. Accidental sampling
b. Purposive sampling
c. Quota sample
d. Cluster sample
12. ____ evidence is information we can verify with our senses.
a. Consensual
b. Common sense
c. Intra psychic
d. Empirical
13. In research _____ is based on the belief that what people do depends on what they perceived or what
goes in their mind.
a. Psychology
b. Sociology
c. Interview
d. Phenomenology
14. Which research method is exploratory and is usually used to test hypothesis?
a. The survey
b. Participant observation
c. The experiment
d. The use of existing source
15. There are three reasons for conducting criminological research.
a. Find, locate, search
b. Exploration, description, explanation
c. Identify, give, solutions
d. Findings, conclusions
16. Which of the following is example of Nominal measures?
a. Gender
b. Religious affiliation
c. Political affiliation
d. All of the above
17. Which of the following describe the analysis of more than two variables?
a. Experimental design
b. Quasi-experimental designs
c. Qualitative evaluation
d. Multivariate analysis
18. Specifying exactly what one is to measure before assigning a value to variable is called ___?
a. Validity
b. Operationalizing value
c. Reliability
d. Objectivity
19. A general type of research that involves seeking new approaches /techniques/ methods through scientific
a. Phenomenological research
b. Pure research
c. Applied research
d. Pragmatic research
20. This refers to the schematic diagram of a research project.
a. Theoretical framework
b. Conceptual paradigm
c. Research model
d. Research abstract
21. Laws, memoranda, circulars, orders are major sources of information classified under.
a. Related literature
b. Related readings
c. Related studies
d. Any of choices
22. In Criminological Research, the process of coming to an agreement about what terms mean is.
a. Hypothesizing
b. Variable determination
c. Conceptualization
d. Operationalization
23. The process of converting data to numerical format is called.
a. Feminist research
b. Qualification
c. Quantification
d. None of these
24. _____ analysis is a research method in which a researcher uses data collected by others.
a. Secondary
b. Residual
c. Marginal
d. ethnographic
25. The first step in the research process is identification of the_____.
a. Data
b. Method
c. Hypothesis
d. Problem
Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice System
1. A Person under the age of 18 years.
a. Child
b. Teenager
c. Adolescent
d. Adult
2. Refers to a Child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal offenses because of
personal, family, social circumstances.
a. Teenager at Risk
b. Minor at Risk
c. Child at Risk
d. Adolescent at Risk
3. Refers to a Child who is alleged as accused of or adjudged as having committed an offense under
Philippine laws.
a. Teenager In Conflict with the law
b. Minor In Conflict with the law
c. Child In Conflict with the law
d. Adolescent In Conflict with the law
4. Known as the Juvenile Justice Welfare Act of 2006.
a. R.A. No. 7610
b. R.A. No. 9165
c. R.A. No. 9344
d. R.A. No. 8344
5. Under the Juvenile Justice Welfare Act, Children under the following age are exempted from criminal
a. 9 yrs. and below as well as over 9 yrs. but below 15.
b. 12 yrs. and below as well as over 12 yrs. but below 15.
c. 15 yrs. and below as well as over 15 yrs. but below 21.
d. 15 yrs. and below as well as over 15 yrs. but below 18.
6. The Mental Capacity of a child to understand the difference between what is right or wrong and the
consequences of his acts.
a. Motive
b. Discernment
c. Intent
d. Knowledge
7. An Alternative child-appropriate process of determining the responsibility and treatment of a CICL.
a. Diversion
b. Parole
c. Probation
d. Home Detention
8. Known as the Child and Youth Welfare Code.
a. R.A. No 9344
b. P.D. No. 603
c. R.A. No.7610
d. R.A. No. 8369
9. Known as the The Special Protection of Children against Child abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination
Act of 1992.
a. R.A. No. 9344
b. R.A. No. 7610
c. R.A. No. 8369
d. P.D. No. 603
10. An Act establishing family courts which grants family courts exclusive original jurisdiction over cases
involving children.
a. R.A. No. 7610
b. R.A. No. 8369
c. R.A. No. 9344
d. P.D. No. 603
11. In applying the provisions of R.A. 9344, In case of a child in conflict with the law, It shall be construed
a. Rigorously
b. Strictly
c. Liberally
d. Stringently
12. Refers to a principle which requires a process of resolving conflicts with the maximum involvement of
the victim, the offenders, and the community.
a. Punitive Justice
b. Retributive Justice
c. Restorative Justice
d. Poetic Justice
13. Justice attained by punishing or sanctioning the offender.
a. Restorative Justice
b. Retributive Justice
c. Punitive Justice
d. Poetic Justice
14. A Person who acts illegally and is not old enough to be treated as an adult under the laws of the
a. Juvenile Delinquency
b. Juvenile Delinquent
c. Young Criminal
d. Minor Criminal
15. The habitual committing of criminal acts or offenses by a young person below the age at which
ordinary criminal prosecution is possible.
a. Juvenile Delinquency
b. Juvenile Delinquent
c. Children In Conflict with The Law
d. Child Offender
16. The Age at which the rights and privileges of an adult are legally granted.
a. Manhood
b. Adolescence
c. Adulthood
d. Age of Majority
17. An Action that is prohibited only to and most often applied to offenses only committed by minors.
a. Minor Offenses
b. City Ordinances
c. Status Offenses
d. Misdemeanor
18. The Period following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an
a. Adolescence
b. Adulthood
c. Teenager
d. Manhood
19. The Period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction.
a. Adulthood
b. Puberty
c. Teenager
d. Majority
20. A Category of Crime that includes among other crimes, Robbery, Theft, Carnapping, Arson, Shoplifting,
and Vandalism.
a. Minor Crimes
b. Status Offenses
c. Violent Crime
d. Property Crimes
21. A Crime in which the offender uses or threatens to use violent force upon the victim.
a. Status Offenses
b. Violent Crimes
c. Serious Crimes
d. Major Crimes
22. Any Intentional Unauthorized absence from compulsory schooling.
a. Truancy
b. Deviancy
c. Kickout
d. Dropout
23. The filling of legal papers by a child welfare agency when its investigation has turned up evidence of
child abuse. This is a civil rather than criminal charge, designed to take prevention action, like
appointment of a guardian for at-risk children before abuse occurs?
a. Child prosecution
b. Child protection action
c. Parents battery
d. Preliminary investigation
24. The independence of a minor from his or her parents before reaching age of majority is known as:
a. Enlightenment
b. Recognize
c. Emancipation
d. Freedom from parental obligation
25. A clause requiring government to treat similarly situated people the same or have good reason for
treating them differently compelling reasons are considered to exist for treating children differently
a. Bill of Rights
b. Equal protection
c. Parents patriae
d. Diversion

Theories of Crime Causation
1. It refers to the explanation of the relationship between people’s characteristics and possibility that they
will engage in criminal behavior.
a. Theory
b. Criminological theory
c. Social learning theory
d. Learning theory
2. These theories assume everyone has the desire to commit criminal and deviant acts, and seeks to answer
why some people refrain from doing so.
a. Control theory
b. Rational choice theory
c. Deterrence
d. Strain theory
3. A learning theory that concentrates on one’s associates and the normative definitions ones learns from
a. Control theory
b. Social Learning theory
c. Differential association theory
d. Bonding theor
4. This refers to programs which are designed to make offenders take responsibility for their actions and
restore them and their victims, as much as possible, back to things as they existed before the offense.
a. Justice
b. Restorative justice
c. Retribution
d. Punishment
5. A specific type of control theory developed by Gottfredson and Hirschi in which self-control is the key
factor in understanding criminal and deviant acts.
a. Direct control
b. Internal control
c. Stake in conformity
d. Self-control
6. This part of the personality contains the conscience of the individual.
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego
d. Psychoanalytic theory
7. This refers to the balance of gain and loss that a person may experience if he commits a given crime.
a. Hedonism
b. Potential satisfaction
c. Free-will
d. Routine activity theory
8. Refers to the executive or rational part of the personality.
a. Superego
b. Freudan personality development
c. Id
d. Ego
9. Refers to the part of personality that contains basic instincts and drives, such as the need for food, water,
sex, and pleasure.
a. Superego
b. Id
c. Ego
d. Freudan personality development
10. Under a control theory perspective, this refers to those elements that keep an individual from committing
a criminal and deviant act.
a. containment theory
b. self- concept
c. social control
d. Self- control
11. A control theory in which the inner and outer pushes and pull on an individual will produce delinquency
unless they are constrained or counteracted by inner and outer containment measures.
a. Self-concept
b. Direct control
c. Containment theory
d. Social control
12. In this view, people commit criminal or delinquent acts if they believe that it will lead to acceptance by
and approval of those important people in their lives.
a. Differential Identification
b. Differential reinforcement
c. Differential association
d. Behavioral theory
13. Belief that crime is caused not so much by human choice but by inherited and uncontrollable biological
and psychological traits.
a. Cognitive theory
b. Biological theories
c. Behavioral theory
d. Psychoanalytic theory
14. Belief that individual reasoning process influence behavior.
a. Psychoanalytic theory
b. Behavioral theory
c. Cognitive theory
d. Choice theory
15. It is the belief that behavior is enforced by rewards and extinguished by punishments.
a. Psychoanalytical theory
b. Behavioral theory
c. Cognitive theory
d. Choice theory
16. One of the three elements of deterrence which refers to how harsh the punishment for a crime will be.
a. Celerity
b. Severity
c. Certainty
d. Proportionality
17. One of the three elements of deterrence which refers to how quickly an individual is punished after
committing a crime.
a. Celerity
b. Severity
c. Certainty
d. Proportionality
18. A core principle of classical school and rational choice theories which means that a crime can be
controlled through the use of punishments that combine the proper degrees of certainty, severity, and
a. Deterrence theory
b. Deterrable offender
c. Deterrence
d. Proportionality
19. Punishment should fit the crime without regard to individual differences.
a. Celerity
b. Severity
c. Certainty
d. Proportionality
20. One of the three type of individual coined by Pogarsky. These people are so committed to criminal
activity that they cannot be deterred.
a. Incorrigible offenders
b. Deterrable offenders
c. Acute conformist
d. Specific deterrence
21. Belief that society produces criminals because they are stigmatizing some persons as deviants.
a. Conflict theory
b. Learning theory
c. Rational choice theory
d. Labeling theory
22. Argues that criminality is the product of differences in power exercise when people compete for scarce
resources or clash over conflicting interests.
a. Labelling theory
b. Differential association theory
c. Conflict theory
d. Sociality
23. Theory that argues that crime is a product of three factors, motivated offenders, suitable target, and lack
of capable guardians.
a. Lifestyle theory
b. Theory of victimization
c. Human behavior theory
d. Routine activity theory
24. Characteristics claimed by Lombroso that could be used to identify the “born criminal.”
a. Atavism
b. Criminaloids
c. Stigmata
d. Heredity
25. This theory believed that criminal activity is the result of a defective, deviant, or inadequate personality.
a. Psychopathy
b. Psychoanalytic theory
c. Psychological theory
d. Personality theory

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