Optional Rules
Optional Rules
Optional Rules
We all love magical items. Dungeon masters and players alike normally love them, unless you
play a low or no magic world, then well that is strange. The Dungeon Master Guide offers many
great features, however there are some things that I do not like about the DMG. I get it, they
wanted to make it simple, but to me they made it way to simple. I am not a fan of what they did
to some things such as adamantine, mithral, or a magic feature which is magical item rarity.
They tried to ram things into 5 categories and it just does not work for me. I could have just
went back to something more 3.5e ish, but I decide to instead keep a similar system, but add 3
new rarities. This is an attempt to make converting other editions items over and because I
wanted to color code things and have a lot more fun, shush I am a MMO / RPG player.
Also to me it isn't a matter of what the general “public” consider to be rare, it is a matter of how
rare something is in the realm of magic. To common folk a healing potion is a rare item, to an
adventure they are fairly common.
Adamantine and mithral have been moved into their own section and have been modified in
some ways.
Some magic items have the ability to be empowered to further their power. Each magical item
that has this ability notes it at the end of the items listing. There are a large number of things
that empower can do to make an item better. Increasing the number of uses or charges,
increasing a bonus, adding a new spell of feature and so much more. This is a way for players to
slightly add to their power. If a player has the ability to enchant items, then they just need to
obtain the proper materials and start enchanting. Empower additions are always preset so it is
unlike attempting to add more enchantments onto an object
If the players take an item to a spellcaster to empower for them they are likely to charge a bit
more than the cost of the materials for the empowerment.
One of the things you may notice is some of these items have crazy names. These items are
generally rare or greater in rarity. A name adds a lot of personality to an item and are easy to
change if needed.
Vestiges are a powerful artifact that has three stages. Dormant is a resting state that a vestige
takes when it has not been used in a long time. Awakened is the next stage and the vestige
gains a moderate amount of power and finally exalted is when the vestige caps off in power.
While the vestige is a legendary item due to phases it can be given to lower level players. The
DM chooses what sparks the catalyst to cause the vestige to change states.
Some items are bonded together, either through legacy or a divine purpose. When donned
together these items give you bonus based on the set. While multiple items might require
attunement, when you wear all the pieces generally only one takes up an attunement spot
Armor material (metal), common
Chitin is harvested from giant beetles and is less durable then dragonhide, but has its own
advantages. Chitin is less restrictive than metal, even though it weighs the same.
The maximum Dexterity bonus of an armor made with chitin is 1 greater than that of the same
type of armor made from steal. Breastplate, half-plate, plate and shields can be made of chitin
(though a shield does not gain any benefit inherently. Druids who can wear medium or heavy
armor can wear chitin armor as it does not contain metal.
Chitin has half the hardness and hit points as steel.
Metal material, Very rare
Darksteel is silvery in hue when polished or cut. The process for making this steel involves
meteoric iron tempered with special oils.
Armor made from darksteel grant acid resistance.
Weapons forged of darkesteel inflict 1d4 points of lighting damage. This is cumulative with any
enchants that might grant lightning damage.
Darksteel has 10 hardness and has 30 hit points per inch.
Metal material, Very rare
Glassteel is created through unique alchemical processes that require extensive metallurgy and
glassblowing knowledge.
Arms and armor crafted from glassteel are hard to see at a distance greater than 30 feet
(disadvantage on spot checks).
Armor made of glassteel increase the max Dexterity bonus they allow by 1 and remove strength
requirements for heavy armor.
Arms made of glassteel deal 1 additional point of damage for a one-hander and 2 additional
points of damage for a two-hander. Weapons with the heavy property lose it.
Glassteel has a hardness of 20 and 40 hit points per inch
Metal material, very rare. (Can only be used by non evil)
Angelsteel is created in the heavens, Some times traders from the heavens bring this steel down
to the material plain and sell it.
The steel gives buffs depending on what it is made to.
one handed weapons: Deals additional 1d4 radiant damage. On a crit, all damage done can be
turned into radiant.
Two handed weapons: Deals additional 1d6 radiant damage. On a crit, all damage done can be
turned into radiant.
Armor: Has 3 charges. If you are forced to roll a saving throw you can use a charge and gain
advantage against said saving throw.
Shield: This shield gives a additional +1 ac that works even if you are surprise attacked
Epic - legendary.
A special steel found in molten lava in the plane of earth
It enhances the properties of armor and weapons!
The Whitesteel in itself has a specefik chararistic effect that defines it from others, it is white,
but its extremly hard and almost impossible to turn into armor, since normal heat wont melt it
All weapons, tools, armor and shields gain this effect as default, "Feisty - This metal is
unaffected by heat metal and other spells alike it,
Weapon (Very rare) - +1 to hit and is unbreakable.
Armor (Legendary) - +1 to ac, unbreakable. Resistance to fire.
Shield (Very rare) - +1 to ac, unbreakable.