Studio 1 Teachers Guide Chapter 1

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Module 1: C’est perso (Pupil Book pp. 6–25)

Unit & Learning PoS & Framework objectives Key language Grammar and
objectives other language
1 Mon autoportrait 2.1c knowledge of language J’aime … G the definite
(pp. 8–9) 2.2a listen for gist Tu aimes …? article (le, la, l’, les)
Talking about likes and 2.2d pronunciation and intonation Il/Elle aime … G –er verbs
dislikes 2.2e ask and answer questions la musique, les (singular)
Using regular –er 3c apply grammar animaux, les mangas,
verbs (je, tu, il/elle) 4d make links with English etc. – j’aime/je n’aime
Je n’aime pas … pas for likes and
1.4/Y7 Speaking – (a) social and l’injustice, le hard rock, dislikes
classroom language les araignées, etc. – questions using
2.4/Y7 Writing – (a) sentences and C’est … intonation
texts as models génial, cool, nul, etc. – connectives: et,
3.2/Y7 Culture – (a) young people: aussi, mais
3.2/Y7 Culture – (b) challenging
4.6/Y7 Language – (b) negatives
2 Mon kit de survie 2.1b memorising J’ai … G avoir (present
(pp. 10–11) 2.1d previous knowledge Tu as … singular)
Talking about your 2.1e use reference materials Il/Elle a … G qu’est-ce que …?
survival kit 2.2a listen for gist un appareil photo, une
Using avoir (je, tu, il/ 4a use language in the classroom, etc. gourde, des chips, etc. – understanding
elle) 4b communicate in pairs, etc. Je n’ai pas de … dictionary
cahier, etc. definitions
4.6/Y7 Language – (a) questions C’est …
4.6/Y7 Language – (b) negatives essentiel, important
3 Comment je me 2.1a identify patterns Je suis/Je ne suis pas … G adjective
vois 2.1d previous knowledge Tu es … agreement
(pp. 12–13) 2.2c respond appropriately Il/Elle est … (singular)
Describing yourself 2.2h redraft to improve writing branché(e), curieux/ G être (present
Understanding 4b communicate in pairs, etc. curieuse, drôle, etc. singular)
adjective agreement 4e use a range of resources Tu es d’accord?
(singular) Je suis d’accord. – intensifiers: très,
4.2/Y7 Language – high-frequency Je ne suis pas assez
words d’accord.
4.5/Y7 Language – (a) present tense
4 Et les autres? 2.1c knowledge of language C’est un garçon/une G adjective
(pp. 14–15) 2.2a listen for gist fille. agreement (plural)
Talking about other 2.2c respond appropriately Il a …/Elle a … G possessive
people 3a spoken and written language les yeux bleus/gris, etc. adjectives (mon/
Understanding 3c apply grammar les cheveux longs/ ma/mes, ton/
adjective agreement 4f language for interest/enjoyment courts et bruns/roux, ta/tes)
(plural) etc.
1.1/Y7 Listening – gist and detail Il/Elle est …
2.4/Y7 Writing – (b) building text grand(e), petit(e), de
5.3 Strategies – English/other taille moyenne
languages Il/Elle s’appelle …
5.6 Strategies – reading aloud


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C’est perso 1

Unit & Learning PoS & Framework objectives Key language Grammar and
objectives other language
5 Il est hypercool! 2.1b memorising Review of vocabulary G the present tense
(pp. 16–17) 2.2d pronunciation and intonation from Units 3 & 4: (singular: aimer,
Describing a musician 2.2h redraft to improve writing Il/Elle s’appelle … s’appeler, être,
Using the present 2.2j adapt previously learned language Il/Elle aime … avoir)
tense (je, tu, il/elle) 3c apply grammar Il/Elle est …
4e use a range of resources Il/Elle a … – pronunciation of
2.5/Y7 Writing – different text types
4.1/Y7 Language – letters and sounds
5.2 Strategies – memorising
5.8 Strategies – evaluating and
Bilan et Révisions
(pp. 18–19)
Pupils’ checklist and
practice exercises
En plus: C’est moi! 2.2b skim and scan Review of language – developing writing
(pp. 20–21) 2.2c respond appropriately from the module skills
Introducing yourself 2.2g write clearly and coherently – developing
in detail 2.2i reuse language they have met presentation skills
3d use a range of vocab/structures
4a use language in the classroom, etc.

5.5 Strategies – reference materials

Studio Grammaire G the present tense
(pp. 22–23) (regular –er verbs,
Detailed grammar singular)
summary and G irregular verbs
practice exercises (avoir, être –
present, singular)
G adjectives
G possessive
À toi
(pp. 118–119)
Self-access reading
and writing at two


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1 Mon autoportrait (Pupil Book pp. 8–9)


Learning objectives Oui, j’aime ça. la violence

• Talking about likes and dislikes Non, je n’aime pas ça. les voyages
• Using regular –er verbs (je, tu, les animaux les weekends
il/elle) les araignées C’est …
les chats génial/cool/bien/ennuyeux/nul
Framework objectives les chiens
1.4/Y7 Speaking – (a) social and le cinéma PLTS
classroom language: ex. 3 les consoles de jeux C Creative thinkers
2.4/Y7 Writing – (a) sentences la danse
and texts as models: ex. 7 le foot Cross-curricular
3.2/Y7 Culture – (a) young le hard rock English: the definite article
people: interests/opinions: ex. 1 l’injustice
3.2/Y7 Culture – (b) challenging les insectes Resources
stereotypes: Module 1 les jeux vidéo CD 1, tracks 2–3
introduction (pp. 6–7) les mangas Accès Studio pages 4–5, 6–7,
4.6/Y7 Language – (b) negatives: les maths 12–13 & 14–15
ex. 4 la musique Cahier d’exercices A & B, page 2
la Nintendo DS Accès Studio ActiveTeach:
Grammar les pizzas p.004 Flashcards
le racisme
• the definite article (le, la, l’, les)
le rap
• –er verbs (singular)
les reptiles
p.008 Video 1
p.008 Video worksheet 1
le roller
Key language le rugby
p.009 Grammar
J’aime … p.009 Grammar practice
les spaghettis p.009 Thinking skills
Je n’aime pas … le sport
Tu aimes …? la tecktonik
Il/Elle aime ... le tennis

Accès Studio Unit 1 (pp. 4–5) can be used

Studio before this unit to review greetings. Starter 1
Accès Studio Unit 2 (pp. 6–7) can be used with this To review greetings and giving your name
unit to review numbers and ages.
Introduce yourself: Bonjour. Je m’appelle … Pupils
Accès Studio Unit 5 (pp. 12–13) can be used with this introduce themselves to you, speaking as a class.
unit to review the definite article, in the context of Then ask pupils to introduce themselves to the
classroom items. person sitting next to them. Review Au revoir in the
Accès Studio Unit 6 (pp. 14–15) can be used with this same way.
unit for further practice of j’aime/je n’aime pas and Next play a game. Tell pupils that each row in the
to review vocabulary for sports and hobbies. class is a team – make sure numbers are equal.
The aim is to be the first team to complete
In conjunction with the module introductions. The person at the back starts.
introduction (pages 6–7) Each person in turn says Bonjour, gives his/her
Have a discussion with the class on what France name and says Au revoir to the person in front.
means to them. As well as the better known and The person at the front of the row runs to the
more traditional elements, cover the aspects of back person to complete the introductions.
modern France that will appeal to them – fashion Alternative Starter 1:
houses such as Dior and Yves St Laurent, French Use Accès Studio ActiveTeach p. 4 Flashcards to
football teams and other sports stars, etc. review and practise the language for greetings.


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1 Mon autoportrait C’est perso 1
1 Écoute. Qui est-ce? (1–6) (AT 1.2)
Listening. Pupils listen to six conversations and look Starter 2
at the texts. They identify who is speaking each time. Aim
To review talking about likes/dislikes with j’aime/
Audioscript CD 1 track 2 je n’aime pas
Write up the following. Give pupils two minutes
1 J’aime: les weekends, le cinéma.
to write three sentences with each opening.
Je n’aime pas: le rap, la violence.
2 J’aime: les consoles de jeux, le sport, les pizzas. J’aime … Je n’aime pas …
Je n’aime pas: le racisme, le hard rock. Hear some answers. Choose a few good
3 J’aime: les animaux, les voyages. examples and ask some pupils, Tu aimes (les
Je n’aime pas: le foot, la danse, l’injustice. mangas)? They answer using Oui, j’aime ça. or
4 J’aime: les chats, les spaghettis. Non, je n’aime pas ça.
Je n’aime pas: le rugby, les reptiles.
5 J’aime: les mangas, la tecktonik.
Je n’aime pas: le tennis, les chiens, la Nintendo DS. 4 Qu’est-ce qu’ils mentionnent? Écoute
6 J’aime: la musique, le roller. et écris leurs opinions. (1–5) (AT 1.3)
Je n’aime pas: les insectes, les jeux vidéo, les maths. Listening. Pupils listen to five conversations and
note what the people mention and their opinions.
1 Olivia 2 Alex 3 Samira 4 Marielle Audioscript CD 1 track 3
5 Samuel 6 Hugo
1 – Tu aimes le sport?
– Oui, j’aime ça. C’est cool.
2 – Tu aimes la tecktonik?
C – Non, je n’aime pas ça. C’est ennuyeux.
2 Copie et remplis le tableau avec les 3 – Et toi? Tu aimes le roller?
mots de l’exercice 1. (AT 3.2) – Oui, j’aime ça. C’est bien.
Reading. Pupils copy and complete the grid using 4 – Tu aimes le cinéma?
the words in exercise 1. This exercise helps pupils – Oui, j’aime ça. C’est génial.
practise using cognates as a reading strategy. 5 – Tu aimes le rugby?
– Non, je n’aime pas ça. C’est nul.
Studio Grammaire: the definite article
Use the Studio Grammaire box to review the Answers
definite article. There is more information and 1 sport, b
further practice on Pupil Book p. 84. 2 tecktonik, d
3 roller, c
4 cinéma, a
3 En tandem. Pose cinq questions à 5 rugby, e
ton/ta camarade. (AT 2.2)
Speaking. In pairs: pupils take it in turn to ask
and answer five questions about likes/dislikes. Studio Grammaire: –er verbs
A framework is supplied for support. (present singular)
Pupils write five things they like and five things Use the Studio Grammaire box to review the
they dislike, using j’aime and je n’aime pas. present tense singular of –er verbs, using aimer
as the example. There is more information and
Use the pronunciation box to review further practice on Pupil Book p. 22.
and practise using intonation to form
questions. See also Pupil Book p. 44. 5 En tandem. Pose des questions à ton/
ta camarade. (AT 2.3)
Speaking. In pairs: pupils take it in turn to ask and
answer questions about likes/dislikes, this time
giving their opinion of each activity. A framework is
supplied for support.


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1 C’est perso 1 Mon autoportrait

6 Lis et réponds aux questions. (AT 3.3) Answers

Reading. Pupils read the four short texts and then 1 1 c 2 f 3 a 4 e 5 b 6 g 7d
identify who is being described in each of the 2 1 J’aime la musique. 
questions which follow. 2 J’aime le cinéma. 
3 Je n’aime pas la violence. 
Answers 4 Je n’aime pas les reptiles. 
1 Mo 2 Lucas 3 Chloé 4 Morgane 5 Chloé 5 J’aime les chats et les chiens. 
3 (See answers to exercise 2.)
Pupils rework the texts for Chloé and Lucas
using the third person. This can be done
orally or in writing. Workbook B, page 2
7 Choisis cinq personnes célèbres.
Décris leurs préférences. (AT 4.3)
Writing. Pupils choose five famous people and write
about their likes and dislikes. An example is given. Draw
pupils’ attention to the tip box on using connectives.

Give pupils three minutes working in pairs This space will contain a
to complete ActiveTeach p. 9 Thinking skills, thumbnail of:
Worksheet 1.1 Inventing categories, which
involves categorising vocabulary. Ask the class Workbook B, page 2
for answers.
Alternative Plenary:
Use ActiveTeach p. 9 Grammar practice to
review regular –er verbs.

Workbook A, page 2

1 1 J’aime la musique, c’est cool. 
2 J’aime le rugby, c’est génial. 
3 Je n’aime pas l’injustice, c’est nul. 
4 J’aime les chats et aussi les chiens. 
5 J’aime les insectes mais je n’aime pas
les reptiles. 
This space will contain a 2 1 J’aime la musique. (C’est cool.)
thumbnail of: 2 Je n’aime pas les reptiles. (C’est nul.)
3 J’aime le foot et aussi les jeux vidéo.
Workbook A, page 2 4 J’aime les animaux mais je n’aime pas les maths.


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1 Mon autoportrait C’est perso 1
Worksheet 1.1 Inventing categories Video
The video component provides opportunities for
speaking activities in a plausible and stimulating
context. The StudioFR team – Marielle, Samira, Hugo
and Alex – operate from their base in the medieval
cellars of Châlons-en-Champagne, which have been
lent to them by the Town Hall. They are making video
reports about the town to send to StudioGB, their
counterpart in the UK. Each video is around three
minutes long.
Episode 1: Salut!
Marielle, the presenter, introduces the team from
their studio in the medieval cellars of Châlons-en-
Champagne. Video worksheet Episode 1 can be
used in conjunction with this episode.

1 A T
B They are recording a video show for
English-speaking learners of French.
Answers C An old building in the town where they live
(Answers will vary. Groups might include masculine, D (In this order:) Hugo Marielle Samira Alex
feminine, plural, interests, likes, dislikes, etc.) 2 A Because she spoke too fast.
B She says speaking slowly is boring.
C He agrees with Samira.
D Because he thinks Marielle already knows how to
spell it! Then he remembers it’s for the film.
E 14
F It’s bad/rubbish! It’s true! Cut! too fast
3 A 12
B 13
C First to say he doesn’t want to introduce himself,
then to say he doesn’t like hard rock music.
D To show he likes cameras.
E He says he doesn’t like talking but Hugo says he
loves talking about cameras.
F the team How are you?
talkative See you soon!
G 22 October (two weeks before 5 November)
H (Pupils’ own answers)


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2 Mon kit de survie (Pupil Book pp. 10–11)

Learning objectives un appareil photo Je n’ai pas de …
• Talking about your survival kit une barre de céréales C’est …
• Using avoir (je, tu, il/elle) un bâton de colle essentiel/important
un cahier
Framework objectives des chips PLTS
4.6/Y7 Language – (a) questions: des clés I Independent enquirers
ex. 1 une clé USB
4.6/Y7 Language – (b) negatives: une gourde Resources
ex. 4 des kleenex CD 1, tracks 4–5
des lunettes de soleil Accès Studio pages 10–11 & 18–19
Grammar un magazine Cahier d’exercices A & B, page 3
un miroir
• avoir (present singular)
un MP3
• qu’est-ce que …?
un portable
p.010 Video 2
p.010 Video worksheet 2
un portemonnaie p.010 Flashcards
Key language un paquet de mouchoirs
J’ai … p.010 Thinking skills
des surligneurs fluo p.010 Learning skills
Tu as … une trousse
Il/Elle a … p.011 Class activity

Accès Studio Unit 4 (pp. 10–11) can be used

Studio with this unit for further practice of the
Studio Grammaire: avoir
indefinite article and to review vocabulary for (present singular)
school bag items. Use the Studio Grammaire box to review the
present singular forms of avoir. There is more
Accès Studio Unit 8 (pp. 18–19) can be used with this information and further practice on Pupil
unit for further dictionary work. Book p. 22.

Starter 1
Aim 1 C’est quel sac? Écoute et écris les
To introduce language for school bag/survival bonnes lettres. (1–4) (AT 1.2)
kit items; To use reading strategies Listening. Pupils listen and look at the pictures of
items in different people’s bags. They write the letter
Write up the following, jumbling the order of of the bag being described each time.
the second column. Give pupils two minutes
working in pairs to match the French and Audioscript CD 1 track 4
English versions.
1 – Thomas, qu’est-ce que tu as dans ton kit de
un appareil photo a camera survie?
une barre de céréales a cereal bar – Alors … J’ai une clé USB, un appareil photo, un
des lunettes de soleil sunglasses portable et un MP3.
une gourde a water bottle 2 – Chloé, qu’est-ce que tu as dans ton kit de survie?
un portemonnaie a purse – Alors, moi, j’ai un portemonnaie, des chips, une
un portable a mobile phone gourde et une barre de céréales.
des chips crisps – Tu n’as pas de cahier?
un paquet de mouchoirs a packet of tissues – Euh … Non, je n’ai pas de cahier.
Ask pupils to swap answers with another pair. 3 – Charlotte, qu’est-ce que tu as dans ton kit
Check answers as a class. Ask the class how de survie?
they worked out the meanings of the French – Voyons … J’ai des kleenex, des clés, un bâton de
items. Point out the usefulness of reading colle et aussi une trousse avec des surligneurs fluo.
strategies such as recognising cognates, using 4 – Et toi, Gaëlle? Qu’est-ce que tu as dans ton kit
grammar and using logic. de survie?
– Alors, moi, j’ai un paquet de mouchoirs, un miroir,
Alternative Starter 1:
un magazine et puis des lunettes de soleil.
Use ActiveTeach p. 10 Flashcards to review and
practise further language for school bag items.


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2 Mon kit de survie C’est perso 1
Answers Starter 2
1 b 2 a 3 c 4 d Aim
To review survival kit language
Studio Grammaire: qu’est-ce que ...? Give pupils three minutes working in pairs to
Use the Studio Grammaire box to review the complete ActiveTeach p. 10 Thinking skills,
use of qu’est-ce que in questions. There is Worksheet 1.2 Odd one out! Accept all plausibly
more information and further practice on argued answers.
Pupil Book p. 44.
3 En tandem. Pose des questions à ton/
ta camarade. (AT 2.2)
I Speaking. Pupils take it in turn to ask and answer
2 Copie et remplis le tableau avec les questions about what they have in their bags. A
noms de l’exercice 1. Fais attention au framework is supplied for support.
genre des noms! (AT 3.1) 4 Écoute et mets les objets dans l’ordre
Reading. Pupils copy and complete the grid using
d’importance pour Renaud. (1–6) (AT 1.3)
the nouns from exercise 1.
Listening. Pupils listen and put the objects pictured
Before pupils start, read together through the tip in order of importance for Renaud, matching each
box on using a dictionary. Point out how to find or item to the correct opinion (from a–f). Some
check the gender of nouns. Then ask pupils to use vocabulary is glossed for support.
their dictionaries to find the gender and meaning
of the following words: (un) peigne, (une) brosse à Audioscript CD 1 track 5
dents, (un) carnet.
1 Alors … Dans mon kit de survie, j’ai un portable.
Throughout Studio 1 Pupil Book there is support on Pour moi, c’est important.
dictionary use; this is highlighted and developed 2 J’ai un crayon. Pour moi, c’est essentiel.
in the Teacher’s Guide. The Pupil Book also has a 3 Ensuite, j’ai une règle. C’est très important.
useful summary on page 130. 4 J’ai un stylo. C’est très, très important, ça.
5 J’ai un MP3. Mais pour moi, ce n’est pas très
Answers important.
masculine singular 6 Et dans mon kit de survie, j’ai aussi une
un portemonnaie – a purse calculatrice. Pour moi, ce n’est pas du tout
un appareil photo – a camera important. Je suis fort en calcul!
un portable – a mobile phone
un MP3 – an MP3 player Answers
un bâton de colle – a gluestick 4 d 1 a 3 c 6 b 2 e 5 f
un paquet de mouchoirs – a packet of tissues
un miroir – a mirror
un magazine – a magazine 5 En tandem. Mets les objets dans ton
feminine singular sac dans l’ordre d’importance pour toi.
une gourde – a water bottle Compare avec ton/ta camarade. (AT 2.3)
une barre de céréales – a cereal bar Speaking. In pairs: pupils list the items in their bag
une clé USB – a memory stick in their personal order of importance. They then
une trousse – a pencil case compare lists with a partner. A sample answer is given.
des chips – some crisps 6 Fais une liste en anglais du kit de
des kleenex – some tissues survie de Zahra. (AT 3.2)
des clés – some keys Reading. Pupils read the text and write a list in
des surligneurs fluo – some fluorescent highlighters English of what is in Zahra’s survival kit. des feutres is
des lunettes de soleil – some sunglasses glossed for support.

pencil case, pencils, coloured pencils, felt pens, rubber,
gluestick, mobile phone, water bottle, sandwich,


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1 C’est perso 2 Mon kit de survie

7 Choisis un contexte. Utilise un Workbook B, page 3

dictionnaire et prépare ton kit de survie.
(AT 4.3)
Writing. Pupils choose a context in which they might
need a survival kit, from the pictures shown. Using
a dictionary, they write a sentence about what they
would put in their kit. A sample answer is given.

Pupils list by gender three of the new words

they looked up and learn them at home. They This space will contain a
then test each other in pairs on this vocabulary.
thumbnail of:
Plenary Workbook B, page 3
Give pupils three minutes working in pairs to
complete ActiveTeach p. 10 Learning skills,
Worksheet 1.3 Using a dictionary (i). Ask the
class for answers.
Alternative Plenary:
Use ActiveTeach p.11 Class activity to play
matching pairs with survival kit items.

Workbook A, page 3 1 1 magazine 2 portable 3 je n’ai pas 4 kleenex
5 J’ai 6 lunettes de soleil 7 de
8 appareil photo 9 pas 10 gourde
11 portemonnaie 12 jeux vidéo
13 chips 14 barre de céréales
2 1 Dans mon sac, j’ai un portable, mais je n’ai pas
d’appareil photo.
2 Dans mon sac, j’ai un portemonnaie, mais je n’ai
pas de lunettes de soleil.
This space will contain a 3 Dans mon sac, j’ai des jeux vidéo, mais je n’ai pas
thumbnail of: de magazine.

Workbook A, page 3

1 1 magazine 2 portable 3 crayon 4 kleenex
5 miroir 6 lunettes de soleil 7 bâton de colle
8 appareil photo 9 clé USB 10 gourde
11 portemonnaie 12 jeux vidéo 13 chips
14 barre de céréales


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2 Mon kit de survie C’est perso 1
Worksheet 1.2 Odd one out! Worksheet 1.3 Using a dictionary (i)

Answers Answers
(If there is a valid reason, other answers may be A (Answers will vary.)
acceptable.) B 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 b
1 une barre de céréales – feminine C 1 b 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 c
2 un magazine – begins with ‘m’ D (Answers will vary.)
3 des chips – they are edible
or des kleenex – begins with ‘k’ or doesn’t have an ‘s’
on the end Video
4 un stylo – masculine and begins with ‘s’ Episode 2: Mon kit
5 un sandwich – edible, ‘begins with ‘s’ and is masculine The team show StudioGB what they need to have
6 un crayon – masculine in their bags to survive their daily routine. Video
7 des surligneurs fluo – plural worksheet Episode 2 can be used in conjunction
8 aimer – a verb with this episode.
9 des lunettes de soleil – plural
10 ennuyeux – an adjective Answers
1 A They are presenting the things they have which
help them do their jobs in the team.
B (F3.1) (Pupils’ own answers)
C (In this order:) Marielle Samira Alex Hugo
2 A (Any six from:) matériel, journaliste, recherches,
informations, scoop, essentiel, accès, Internet,
B ordinateur (computer), portable (mobile phone)
3 A She has the keys to the studio!
B Gadgets and technology
4 A It’s not the latest model but it’s OK.
B It can process videos and photos.
C first quite good It’s great!
5 A It’s the very latest model.
B mirror, sunglasses, camera!
C ( T/E) She’s embarrassed to admit
that she carries a pen in order to sign autographs!
D Are you sure? That’s strange!


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1 Title
Comment je me vois
(Page Nos) (Pupil Book pp. 12–13)


Learning objectives Key language PLTS

• Describing yourself Je suis/Je ne suis pas … R Reflective learners
• Understanding adjective Tu es …
agreement (singular) Il/Elle est … Cross-curricular
branché(e) ICT: emailing
Framework objectives charmant(e)
4.2/Y7 Language – high- curieux/curieuse Resources
frequency words: ex. 2 drôle CD 1, tracks 6–7
4.5/Y7 Language – (a) present généreux/généreuse Accès Studio pages 16–17 &
tense verbs: ex. 3 gentil(le) 26–27
intelligent(e) Cahier d’exercices A & B, page 4
Grammar modeste ActiveTeach:
• adjective agreement (singular) poli(e) p.012 Grammar skills
• être (present singular) Tu es d’accord? p.013 Grammar
Je suis d’accord. p.013 Grammar practice
Je ne suis pas d’accord.

Accès Studio Unit 7 (pp. 16–17) can be used 1 Écoute. Qui est-ce? (1–9) (AT 1.1)
Studio with this unit for further practice of adjective Listening. Pupils listen to nine people describing
agreement and position (and to review colour themselves and identify the speaker each time.
Accès Studio Unit 12 (pp. 26–27) can be used for Audioscript CD 1 track 6
further practice of être. 1 Je suis charmant.
2 Je suis branché.
Starter 1 3 Je suis curieuse.
Aim 4 Je suis intelligente.
To review avoir and introduce/review the 5 Je suis polie.
present singular of être; To use reading 6 Je suis drôle.
strategies 7 Je suis gentil.
8 Je suis généreuse.
Write up the following. Give pupils three 9 Je suis modeste.
minutes to complete the table, using the
sentences to work out the verb forms. Answers
J’ai des clés. Elle a un portable. 1 Yanis 2 Frank 3 Ophélie 4 Malika 5 Samira
Tu es charmant. Je suis intelligente. 6 Nicolas 7 Valentin 8 Luna 9 Nassim
Tu as un bâton de colle. Il est modeste.

avoir être Studio Grammaire: adjective

I agreement (singular)
Use the Studio Grammaire box to review the
changes to adjectives in the feminine form.
he/she a There is more information and further practice
Check answers and ask pupils to translate the on Pupil Book p. 23.
sentences into English.
Pupils follow the adjective patterns to work
out the feminine forms of the following
adjectives: petit (small), paresseux (lazy), impoli
(rude), heureux (happy), grand (big), facile (easy).


M01_FRST_TB_KS3_7766.indd 24 19/4/10 14:49:21

3 Comment je me vois C’est perso 1
2 Écoute et écris les bonnes lettres 3 En tandem. Fais le quiz. Demande si
pour Abdel (a, b ou c). (1–3) (AT 1.3) ton/ta camarade est d’accord. (AT 2.3)
Listening. Pupils listen to Abdel completing a Speaking. In pairs: pupils do the quiz on their own,
quiz with a friend and write the letters of Abdel’s then ask their partner if they agree with the answers
responses. Draw pupils’ attention to the tip box on they have given. A language box and a sample
using intensifiers to make their own speech and exchange are supplied.
writing more interesting and personal.
4 Lis le texte et termine les phrases en
Audioscript CD 1 track 7 anglais. (AT 3.4)
Reading. Pupils read the text and complete the
– Alors, Abdel, comment es-tu? Numéro 1: Tu es sentences summarising it in English.
Voici les réponses: Answers
a Je suis très modeste. 1 curious 2 intelligent 3 important
b Je suis assez modeste. 4 music and mangas 5 spaghetti
c Je ne suis pas modeste.
– c Je ne suis pas modeste.
– D’accord. Numéro 2: Alors, tu es drôle? 5 Lis le texte. Vrai (V) ou faux (F)?
Voici les réponses: (AT 3.3)
a Je suis très drôle. Reading. Pupils read the text and decide whether
b Je suis assez drôle. the statements about it are true (V) or false (F).
c Je ne suis pas drôle.
– a Je suis très drôle. Answers
– Numéro 3: Abdel, tu es intelligent? 1 V 2 F 3 V 4 F 5 F 6 V
a Je suis très intelligent.
b Je suis assez intelligent.
c Je ne suis pas intelligent. R
– b Je suis assez intelligent. Eh oui … 6 Décris-toi et un copain/une copine.
(AT 4.3)
Answers Writing. Pupils write a description of themselves and
1 c 2 a 3 b a friend. A framework is supplied. When they have
finished, ask them to read their text over and make
corrections as necessary.
Starter 2
If you have connections with a partner school, pupils
could email their texts to their French peers to
To recognise adjective agreement
introduce themselves.
Pupils listen as you read out a series of adjectives.
They indicate the gender of each as follows: Plenary
masculine – stand up; feminine – hands on head; Go round the class. The first pupil makes a
could be either from the spoken form – both statement describing himself/herself (e.g. Je
arms in the air. suis branché(e).) The next pupil responds to
Read out the adjectives one at a time: branché, this (Je suis d’accord./Je ne suis pas d’accord.),
gentille, drôle, charmant, généreuse, modeste, then makes a statement about himself/herself
poli, curieux, intelligente. for the next pupil to reply to, and so on round
the class.
Finish by prompting with the masculine form
of each adjective and asking pupils to say and Alternative Plenary:
spell the feminine form. Use ActiveTeach p. 13 Grammar practice to
review avoir and être.

Studio Grammaire: être

(present singular)
Use the Studio Grammaire box to review the
present singular forms of être. There is more
information and further practice on Pupil
Book p. 22.


M01_FRST_TB_KS3_7766.indd 25 19/4/10 14:49:21

1 C’est perso 3 Comment je me vois

Workbook A, page 4 Workbook B, page 4

This space will contain a This space will contain a

thumbnail of: thumbnail of:

Workbook A, page 4 Workbook B, page 4

Answers Answers
1 1 Je suis assez curieux et je suis très gentil. 1 (underlined:) intelligent, gentil, poli, généreux
2 Je suis assez branchée et je suis très modeste. (circled:) branchée, curieuse, intelligente
3 Je suis assez charmant et drôle et je suis très poli. (highlighted:) modeste, drôle
4 Je suis assez intelligente et je suis très généreuse. 2 1 R 2 H 3 H 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 R 8 H
2 3 (Example answer:)
English masculine feminine Je m’appelle X. J’aime le foot(ball). Aimer le foot(ball),
c’est très important pour moi. Je suis assez charmant
charming charmant charmante
et je suis très modeste. Je ne suis pas très curieux et
trendy branché branchée je ne suis pas cool. Je suis grand.
small petit petite
funny drôle drôle
generous généreux généreuse
nice gentil gentille


M01_FRST_TB_KS3_7766.indd 26 19/4/10 14:49:22

3 Comment je me vois C’est perso 1
Worksheet 1.4 Accents

A 1 cedilla 2 acute accent 3 circumflex accent
4 grave accent
B 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 F (Cedillas can only occur on the
letter ‘c’.) 5 T 6 T 7 T 8 T 9 F (Circumflex
accents can only be found on vowels.)
C 1 J’aime les jeux vidéo.
2 J’aime les gâteaux et aussi la capoeira.
3 Qu’est-ce que tu as dans ton sac à dos?
4 Tu aimes le foot? Non, je n’aime pas ça.
5 Mon ami Nathan est assez drôle.
6 Dans mon kit de survie, j’ai un portable. Pour moi,
c’est très important.
7 Être intelligent, c’est important pour moi.
8 C’est un garçon. Il a les yeux bleus.


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1 Title
4 Et les autres? (Page Nos) (Pupil Book pp. 14–15)

Learning objectives Grammar PLTS
• Talking about other people • adjective agreement (plural) S Self-managers
• Understanding adjective • possessive adjectives
agreement (plural) (mon/ma/mes, ton/ta/tes) Resources
CD 1, tracks 8–9
Framework objectives Key language Accès Studio pages 16–17 & 20–21
1.1/Y7 Listening – gist and detail: C’est un garçon/une fille. Cahier d’exercices A & B, page 5
ex. 4 Il a …/Elle a … Accès Studio ActiveTeach:
2.4/Y7 Writing – (b) building text: les yeux bleus/gris/marron/verts p.016 Flashcards
ex. 6 les cheveux longs/courts/ ActiveTeach:
5.3 Strategies – English/other mi-longs/frisés/raides/blonds/ p.014 Grammar
languages: ex. 1 PLTS suggestion bruns/noirs/roux p.014 Grammar practice
5.6 Strategies – reading aloud: Il/Elle est … p.015 Grammar
ex. 3 grand(e) p.015 Grammar practice
de taille moyenne
Il/Elle s’appelle …

Accès Studio Unit 7 (pp. 16–17) can be 1 Écoute. Qui est-ce? (1–5) (AT 1.3)
Studio used with this unit to review or introduce Listening. Pupils listen to five descriptions and look
colour vocabulary and adjective agreement at the pictures of people. They identify the person
and position. being described each time.
Accès Studio Unit 9 (pp. 20–21) can be used to
review or introduce vocabulary for family members Audioscript CD 1 track 8
and the possessive adjectives mon, ma, mes. 1 C’est une fille. Elle est petite. Elle a les cheveux
mi-longs, noirs et raides. Elle a les yeux marron.
2 C’est un garçon. Il est de taille moyenne. Il a les
Starter 1 cheveux noirs et courts. Il a les yeux verts.
Aim 3 C’est une fille. Elle a les cheveux longs, roux et
To review language for describing hair and eyes frisés. Elle a les yeux marron.
Write up the following. Ask pupils to find 4 C’est un garçon. Il est petit. Il a les yeux marron. Il
someone in the class who fits each description. a les cheveux courts et bruns.
If necessary, ask pupils to review the colours 5 C’est un garçon. Il est grand. Il a les cheveux
included in each one before finding members courts et blonds. Il a les yeux bleus.
of the class who match them. You could also
use the opportunity to clarify the meanings of il Answers
and elle. 1 Setsuko 2 Ludo 3 Marina 4 Youssef
5 Baptiste
1 Il a les cheveux blonds. Il a les yeux marron.
2 Elle a les cheveux noirs. Elle a les yeux bleus.
3 Il a les cheveux roux. Il a les yeux verts. In pairs: pupils take it in turn to describe a
4 Elle a les cheveux bruns. Elle a les yeux gris. person in the class and to identify him/her.

To check answers, ask pupils to translate the

sentences into English. S
Alternative Starter 1: Read through the key language box on page 14
Use Accès Studio ActiveTeach p. 16 Flashcards together. Check comprehension. Ask pupils to
to review and practise colours. compare the French structures with their English
equivalents. What differences are there? Prompt
as necessary to elicit the fact that ‘hair’ is plural in
French. Ask pupils how they can note the vocabulary
in a way that will help them remember this difference.


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4 Et les autres? C’est perso 1
Studio Grammaire: adjective Starter 2
agreement (plural) Aim
Use the Studio Grammaire box to review To review possessive adjectives
adjective agreement (plural): les cheveux noirs,
Write up the following, omitting the underline
etc. There is more information and further
(used here to indicate the correct answer).
practice on Pupil Book p. 23.
Pupils select the correct form for each noun.

2 En tandem. Pose des questions à ton/ 1 mon / mes chips 4 ton / ta portable
ta camarade. Qui est-ce? (AT 2.3) 2 mon / ma amie 5 ton / tes clés
Speaking. In pairs: one pupil chooses one of the 3 ma / mes clé USB 6 ta / tes gourde
people pictured; the other asks questions in order Check answers. Ask pupils to summarise when
to identify the person. A sample exchange is given. the different forms are used.

Pupils choose two of the characters pictured Alternative Starter 2:

in exercise 2 and write a sentence describing Use ActiveTeach p. 15 Grammar practice to
each one (hair and eyes). review possessive adjectives.

3 Écoute et chante. (AT 1.4) 4 Lis la chanson et corrige les erreurs

Listening. Pupils listen to the song and sing along. dans les phrases. (AT 3.4)
les sorties and sur lui are glossed for support. Reading. Pupils read the text of the song in exercise
3. They then read six sentences about the song and
Audioscript CD 1 track 9 correct the errors in them.
Timothy, Timothy, il est ton ami, Answers
Timothy, Timothy, ton ami pour la vie! 1 Timothy lives in Tahiti.
Mon ami Timothy habite en Tahiti. 2 He loves spaghetti.
Il aime la géographie et le rugby. 3 He is quite polite.
4 He has long hair.
Timothy, Timothy, il est ton ami, 5 He is (quite) short.
Timothy, Timothy, ton ami pour la vie! 6 He likes outings.
Mon ami Timothy adore les spaghettis.
Il est très modeste et il est assez poli.
Studio Grammaire: possessive
Timothy, Timothy, il est ton ami,
Timothy, Timothy, ton ami pour la vie!
Use the Studio Grammaire box to review
Mon ami Timothy a un kit de survie. possessive adjectives (mon/ma/mes and ton/ta/
Il a toujours du chewing-gum sur lui. tes). There is further practice on Pupil Book p. 23.
Timothy, Timothy, il est ton ami,
Timothy, Timothy, ton ami pour la vie! 5 Lis le blog et copie et remplis le
Mon ami Timothy a les cheveux longs.
tableau. (AT 3.3)
Reading. Pupils copy out the table. They read
Il est assez petit et a les yeux marron.
Arthur’s blog and complete the table with the details
Timothy, Timothy, il est ton ami, of his family in English.
Timothy, Timothy, ton ami pour la vie!
Mon ami Timothy aime les sorties. Answers
Il aime son chien Kosto et les reptiles aussi. Antonin; brother; quite tall; short, brown; green; curious,
very generous
Léa; sister; medium height; long, blond, curly; blue;
intelligent, not trendy
Cédric; dad; very tall; grey, short; blue; funny, quite nice,
but not modest


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1 C’est perso 4 Et les autres?
Workbook B, page 5
6 Choisis un membre de ta famille et
écris sa description. (AT 4.4)
Writing. Pupils choose a member of their family and
write a description of him/her. Two writing frames
(male/female) are supplied for support, along with a
list of family members (including mon, ma or mes).

Write up the names of a few famous people (or This space will contain a
use pictures of them – you could ask pupils to thumbnail of:
bring these in). Give pupils two minutes working
in teams to prepare a short description of each Workbook B, page 5
person (height, hair, eyes, personality), which
they then deliver from memory, each person in
the team saying a sentence.
Alternative Plenary:
Use ActiveTeach p. 14 Grammar practice to
review adjectives.

Workbook A, page 5 Answers

1 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 c 7d
8 d 9 c 10 d
2 Il a les cheveux longs et frisés.
Il est assez grand.
Il a les yeux marron.
Il est branché/modeste et il est aussi très modeste/
branché. / Il est très branché/modeste et il est aussi
This space will contain a Il aime la musique, mais il n’aime pas le racisme. /
thumbnail of: Il n’aime pas le racisme, mais il aime la musique.

Workbook A, page 5

1 (Underlined:) marron, noirs, verts, roux, bleus, bruns
(Coloured as follows:)
a brown eyes and black hair
b green eyes and red hair
c blue eyes and brown hair
2 a il a les cheveux mi-longs et frisés
b elle a les cheveux longs et raides
c il a les cheveux courts et raides
3 (Drawings as follows:)
Dan Danger: short, curly hair; green eyes; likes rugby
Malika Mauvaise: black, straight hair; brown eyes;
likes cats


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1 Title
5 Il est hypercool!
(Page Nos) (Pupil Book pp. 16–17)

Learning objectives Grammar Cross-curricular
• Describing a musician • the present tense (singular: ICT: word-processing
• Using the present tense (je, tu, aimer, s’appeler, être, avoir)
il/elle) Resources
Key language CD 1, tracks 10–11
Framework objectives Review of vocabulary from Units Cahier d’exercices A & B, page 6
2.5/Y7 Writing – different text 3 & 4: ActiveTeach:
types: ex. 7 Il/Elle s’appelle … p.014 Flashcards
4.1/Y7 Language – letters and Il/Elle aime … p.017 Class activity
sounds: ex. 2 Il/Elle est … p.017 Thinking skills
5.2 Strategies – memorising: Il/Elle a …
Stratégie 1 (p. 25)
5.8 Strategies – evaluating and PLTS
improving: ex. 8 T Team workers

Starter 1 Answers
Aim b, d, c, a, h, f, e, g
To review language for describing people; To
review the first person singular of key verbs
Use the pronunciation box to review and
Write up the following, leaving a gap for each practise the French eau sound.
word in parentheses. Give pupils three minutes
to complete the text. You can supply the missing
words in random order for support, if necessary. 2 Écoute et répète aussi vite que
possible. (AT 1.2)
Je [m’appelle] Jason. J’ai [les cheveux] bruns et
Listening. Pupils listen to the tongue twister and
les yeux [marron]. J’[aime] les pizzas, mais je
repeat it as quickly as possible.
[n’]aime [pas] les spaghettis. Je [suis] branché
et aussi [très] intelligent.
Audioscript CD 1 track 11
Check answers, asking pupils how they worked
out each missing word. un beau gâteau dans un beau château
un beau gâteau dans un beau château
Alternative Starter 1:
Use ActiveTeach p. 14 Flashcards to review
Studio Grammaire: present tense
adjectives for describing appearance.
Use the Studio Grammaire box to review the key
1 Écoute et mets les phrases dans le verbs (aimer, s’appeler, être, avoir) in the present
bon ordre. (AT 1.2) tense singular forms. There is more information
Listening. Pupils listen to a description of two
and further practice on Pupil Book p. 22.
musicians and put the sentences (a–h) in the order
they hear them. beau/belle is glossed for support.
3 Décris les deux chanteurs. Utilise les
Audioscript CD 1 track 10 informations du tableau. (AT 2.3)
Speaking. Pupils describe the two singers in the third
– Il a les cheveux blonds! person, using the details supplied. A framework is
Il est cool et beau! supplied.
Il aime le R&B!
Il s’appelle Cool Boy! Answers
– Elle a les cheveux roses! Il s’appelle Soul Man. Il aime le soul. Il est cool et beau. Il a
Elle est très belle! les cheveux noirs.
Elle aime le rock ‘n’ roll! Elle s’appelle Hip Gal. Elle aime le hip-hop. Elle est belle.
Elle s’appelle Pink Chick! Elle a les cheveux blonds.


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1 C’est perso 5 Il est hypercool!

4 Invente un chanteur/une chanteuse

et décris-le/la. Dessine-le/la. (AT 2.3) T
Speaking. Pupils make up and draw a singer of their 8 Vérifie le texte de ton/ta camarade.
own. They then describe him/her to a partner. (AT 3.4)
Reading. Pupils swap their texts from exercise 7 with
Starter 2 a partner and check and correct each other’s work.
Aim A list of language to focus on is supplied: spelling,
To review grammar from the module; To use verb endings and adjective endings. Pupils then do a
reading strategies second draft of their own text.

Write up the following, jumbling the order of the Read together through the Stratégie on Pupil
second column. Give pupils three minutes to Book p. 25, covering the Look, say, cover, write,
match up the sentence halves. check technique for mastering spelling. Set pupils the
challenge of choosing and learning ten words using
Elle est belle. this approach, either in the classroom or at home.
Il joue de la guitare.
Elle aime le punk-rock.
Il est très cool. Plenary
Elle a les cheveux noirs. Review and practise key present tense verbs in
Il n’a pas beaucoup de talent. the singular. Prompt with a subject pronoun and
an infinitive. Pupils give you the correct form
Check answers, asking pupils to explain their (e.g. elle, avoir – elle a). Move on to using English
choices and to translate each completed prompts to increase the challenge.
sentence into English.
Alternative Plenary:
Use ActiveTeach p. 17 Class activity to practise
5 Lis le texte et remplis les blancs avec sentence formation using language from the
les verbes de la case. (AT 3.4) module.
Reading. Pupils read and complete the gap-fill text,
using the words supplied. sa voix is glossed for support. Workbook A, page 6
1 J’adore 2 Elle chante 3 elle est 4 Elle a
5 Elle aime 6 Tu es

6 Lis la page web. C’est Adrien, Karim ou

Félix? Écris les bons noms. (AT 3.4)
Reading. Pupils read the web page about the group
BB Brunes. They then identify who is being described This space will contain a
in each of the sentences: Adrien, Karim or Félix. thumbnail of:
Answers Workbook A, page 6
1 Adrien 2 Karim 3 Félix 4 Adrien
5 Karim 6 Karim 7 Adrien 8 Félix

7 Écris une page web pour un musicien

(réel ou imaginaire). (AT 4.4)
Writing. Pupils write a web page for a musician (real or
imaginary). A list of features to include in their writing
is supplied. This work could be done on a computer.

32 32

M01_FRST_TB_KS3_7766.indd 32 19/4/10 14:49:25

5 Il est hypercool! C’est perso 1
Answers Worksheet 1.5 Making comments
1 1 Il aime le hard rock.
2 Elle a les cheveux noirs.
3 Il est cool et beau.
4 Elle est très petite.
5 Elle joue de la batterie.
6 Il a les cheveux longs.
2 Il s’appelle Punky Jo.
Il a les cheveux courts.
Il aime le punk.
Il joue de la batterie.
Il est branché et charmant.

Workbook B, page 6

C’est génial. It’s great.
This space will contain a C’est super. It’s super.
thumbnail of: C’est intéressant. It’s interesting.
C’est bien. It’s good.
Workbook B, page 6 C’est important. It’s important.
C’est facile. It’s easy.
C’est difficile. It’s difficult.
À mon avis, c’est ... In my opinion, it’s ...
Je pense que c’est ... I think it’s ...
Tu es d’accord? Do you agree?
Je suis d’accord. I agree.
Je ne suis pas d’accord. I don’t agree.
Il faut mettre un accent. You have to put an accent on.
Answers Il y a un problème de There’s a problem with
1 je: ai, m’appelle, suis prononciation. pronunciation.
il/elle: est, s’appelle, a Il y a un problème There’s a grammatical
both: joue, chante, aime grammatical. problem.
2 Il s’appelle Rocky Guy. Il est cool et beau. Il aime le métal. Il y a un problème There’s a problem with
Il chante et il joue de la guitare. Il a beaucoup de talent. d’orthographe. spelling.
Moi, je m’appelle Funky Girl. J’ai les cheveux courts et Je ne comprends pas. I don’t understand.
noirs et je suis de taille moyenne. J’aime le funk et je Tu peux m’expliquer? Can you explain to me?
chante avec les Cool Girls. Je joue de la batterie. Positive phrases: C’est génial. C’est super. C’est
3 (Example answer:) intéressant. C’est bien. C’est important. C’est facile.
Moi, je m’appelle Paul Punk. J’ai les cheveux courts et Je suis d’accord.
noirs et je suis de taille moyenne. J’aime le punk et je Negative phrases: C’est difficile. Je ne suis pas d’accord.
chante avec les Punk Pistols. Je joue de la batterie. Il y a un problème de prononciation. Il y a un problème
grammatical. Il y a un problème d’orthographe. Je ne
comprends pas.
Other phrases: À mon avis, c’est … Je pense que c’est …
Tu es d’accord? Il faut mettre un accent. Tu peux


M01_FRST_TB_KS3_7766.indd 33 19/4/10 14:49:26

rso erso
Bilan et Révisions (Pupil Book pp. 18–19)



Bilan Révisions
Pupils use this checklist to review language covered These revision exercises can be used for
in the module, working on it in pairs in class or on assessment purposes or for pupils to practise
their own at home. Encourage them to follow up before tackling the assessment tasks in the
any areas of weakness they identify. There are Resource & Assessment File.
Target Setting Sheets included in the Assessment
Pack, and an opportunity for pupils to record their Resources
own levels and targets on the J’avance page in the CD 1, track 12
Workbook, p. 9. You can also use the Bilan checklist Cahier d’exercices A & B, pages 7 & 8
as an end-of-module plenary option.

1 Qui est-ce? Écoute et écris les bons Answers

noms. (1–4) (AT 1.2) 1 Lou-Anne’s sister is called Amélie.
Listening. Pupils listen to four people describing 2 Amélie is quite funny and very intelligent.
themselves and identify each speaker from the 3 She has short black hair.
pictures. 4 Her brother plays in a group.
5 He has a lot of talent but he’s quite modest.
Audioscript CD 1 track 12
1 Moi, j’ai les cheveux courts et marron et j’ai les 4 Fais ton autoportrait. (AT 4.3)
yeux verts. Writing. Pupils write a description of themselves,
2 J’ai les cheveux blonds, mi-longs et j’ai les including their likes and dislikes. A writing frame is
yeux bleus. supplied.
3 Moi, j’ai les cheveux courts et noirs et j’ai les
yeux marron. Workbook A, page 7
4 J’ai les cheveux longs, frisés et noirs et j’ai les
yeux marron.

1 Frank 2 Clémence 3 Abdel 4 Marina

2 Décris les kits de survie. (AT 2.2)

Speaking. Pupils describe what is in the survival kits
This space will contain a
pictured. A sample opening is given.
thumbnail of:
a Dans mon kit de survie, j’ai un portemonnaie, des Workbook A, page 7
chips, un portable, un MP3 et des lunettes de soleil.
b Dans mon kit de survie, j’ai une clé USB, un appareil
photo, une gourde et une trousse avec des surligneurs
c Dans mon kit de survie, j’ai des kleenex/un paquet de
mouchoirs, des clés, un bâton de colle et une barre de

3 Lis le texte et termine les phrases en

anglais. (AT 3.3)
Reading. Pupils read the text and complete the
sentences that summarise it in English.


M01_FRST_TB_KS3_7766.indd 34 19/4/10 14:49:26

Bilan et Révisions C’est perso 1
Answers Workbook B, page 7

b r a n c h é j e i s
u s e l t l g r a n d
e f i l m o d e s t e
s d e n o t r e p e r
b e a u e a d r ô l e
u g é n i a l s p l c
This space will contain a
thumbnail of:
i p e l c i l e e i n
s o t l o e s e t g u
Workbook B, page 7
i l g n o e u r i e l
d i e m l o n c t n o
e n n u y e u x d t u
1 1 beau 2 drôle 3 modeste 4 petit 5 cool
6 branché 7 grand 8 intelligent 9 poli
10 ennuyeux 11 nul 12 génial
2 a=* e=@ i=$ o=# u=%
1 J’aime les animaux. Answers
2 Je n’aime pas les insectes. 1 a Je m’appelle Océane.
3 J’ai des lunettes de soleil. b J’aime la musique et les mangas.
4 Je n’ai pas de clé USB. c Je n’aime pas le racisme.
5 J’ai les yeux bleus. d J’ai une barre de céréales et une clé USB.
6 Il a les cheveux blonds. e C’est Leona Lewis. Elle est chanteuse.
2 1 d 2 b 3 e 4 a 5 c
Workbook A, page 8
Workbook B, page 8

This space will contain a

thumbnail of: This space will contain a
thumbnail of:
Workbook A, page 8
Workbook B, page 8

1 1 Justine 2 Brad 3 Sonia 4 Hugo 5 Sonia
6 Hugo 7 Justine 8 Brad
1 1 Justine 2 Sonia 3 Hugo 4 Justine
2 Je m’appelle Jo.
5 Sonia 6 Hugo 7 Brad 8 Justine
J’ai les yeux bleus et les cheveux courts.
2 1 especially 2 your reply 3 a penfriend
J’aime la musique et le football.
4 American 5 to improve my French
6 I’m looking for 7 horror films


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En plus: C’est moi! (Pupil Book pp. 20–21)


Learning objective PLTS

• Introducing yourself in detail E Effective participators

Framework objective Resources

5.5 Strategies – reference materials: ex. 6 CD 1, track 13
Key language p.012 Flashcards
Review of language from the module p.012 Grammar
p.020 Assignment 1
p.020 Assignment 1: prep

Dans mon kit de survie, j’ai toujours mon portable

Starter et mon MP3 car j’aime la photographie et la musique.
Aim Mon portable est très, très important pour moi. En
To develop reading skills: reading for gist hiver, j’ai aussi mes gants et mon bonnet.
Give pupils one minute to skim-read the text in Je suis assez intelligent et très drôle, mais je ne suis
exercise 1 and write in English the topic of each pas très généreux. Je suis de taille moyenne. J’ai les
paragraph. cheveux mi-longs, raides et marron et j’ai les yeux gris.
Check answers, asking pupils how they Mon père a un traîneau à chiens. C’est super!
identified the topic each time. Point out that Les chiens s’appellent Bernard et Babette. Ils ont
when reading for gist they should look for key les yeux bleus. Ils sont très drôles et aussi très
words and focus on the opening sentences of intelligents. Je joue tous les jours avec les chiens.
paragraphs, which often summarise what the
Mon chanteur préféré s’appelle Corneille. Il est
paragraph is about.
génial. Il a les cheveux frisés et noirs. Il a les yeux
Alternative Starter: marron. Il chante et il joue de la guitare. Il est
Use ActiveTeach p. 12 Flashcards to review charmant et beau et il a beaucoup de talent.
adjectives that describe character.
Pupils identify in the text in exercise 1 all
instances of the features listed in the tip box.
1 Écoute et lis le texte. (AT 1.4, AT 3.4)
Listening. Pupils listen to Harris talking about 2 Relis le texte. Mets les images dans le
himself and follow the text at the same time. Some bon ordre (a–f). (AT 3.4)
vocabulary is glossed for support. Reading. Pupils read the text in exercise 1 again and
Read together through the tip box on text features put the pictures into the order they are mentioned.
(connectives, intensifiers, opinions, range of verbs,
adjectives). Encourage pupils to work these features Answers
into their own speech and writing whenever they can. c, d, f, e, b, a

Audioscript CD 1 track 13 3 Choisis un titre pour accompagner les

images de l’exercice 2. (AT 3.4)
C’est moi! Je m’appelle Harris. Je suis québécois et je Reading. Pupils choose a caption for each picture in
parle français. J’habite à Saint-Sauveur. C’est un petit exercise 2.
village dans les Laurentides, au nord de Montréal. Les
Laurentides sont des montagnes. Answers
J’aime le camping et le rafting. Le rafting, c’est cool. 1 e 2 f 3 d 4 a 5 b 6 c
Et le hockey sur glace, j’aime ça. J’aime aussi les
couleurs de l’automne, la nature et la forêt. J’aime 4 Trouve l’équivalent des phrases dans
le ski alpin et le surf des neiges. C’est génial, mais je le texte de l’exercice 1. (AT 3.4)
n’aime pas les compétitions. La motoneige, je n’aime Reading. Pupils find in the exercise 1 text the French
pas ça … C’est ennuyeux! Tu aimes le ski alpin? for the English sentences given.

36 36

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En plus: C’est moi! C’est perso 1
Answers Worksheet 1.6 Ma star préférée et moi!
1 Je suis québécois et je parle français.
2 J’aime aussi les couleurs de l’automne, la nature et
la forêt.
3 Mais je n’aime pas les compétitions.
4 Mon portable est très, très important pour moi.
5 Je suis très drôle, mais je ne suis pas très généreux.
6 Il chante et il joue de la guitare.

5 Présente-toi! (AT 4.1–4)

Writing. Pupils write a detailed presentation of
themselves following the framework supplied.

6 Travaillez à trois. Faites des
présentations. (AT 2.1–4)
Speaking. Read together through the tip box on
preparing for the presentation. In groups of three:
the first pupil gives his/her presentation from
exercise 5; the second comments on the language Worksheet 1.7 Ma star préférée et moi!
and pronunciation of the presentation; the third
identifies a favourite sentence in the presentation.
Each pupil takes a turn at each role.

Put the class into teams. Prompt each team
in turn with one of the English headings in the
box in exercise 5. Each team works together
to form a correct sentence in response, then
one person tells you the sentence. Award two
points for a completely correct answer, and
one point for an answer with a small mistake.
Note: This Studio Teacher’s Guide suggests
lots of team games. To save time, you may want
to set up permanent teams at the start of term.
You could keep a running total of points scored
and award a prize to the winning team at the
end of each term.



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Studio Grammaire (Pupil Book pp. 22–23)

The Studio Grammaire section provides a more Grammar topics
detailed summary of the key grammar covered in • verbs – the present tense (regular, singular)
the module, along with further exercises to practise • irregular verbs (avoir, être – present, singular)
these points. The activities on ActiveTeach pages 22 • adjectives (agreement)
and 23 are repeated from elsewhere in the module. • possessive adjectives (mon/ma/mes, ton/ta/tes)

Verbs – the present tense 4 Unjumble the forms of être, then

Regular verbs match them to the English.
Pupils work out the anagrams, then match the
1 Write out the verb danser (to dance) French and English verbs.
in the present tense and translate it
into English. Answers
Pupils complete the verbs by supplying the endings
1 il est – he is
and then translate them into English.
2 je suis – I am
3 tu es – you are
Answers 4 elle est – she is
je danse I dance/I am dancing
tu danses you dance/you are dancing
il/elle danse he/she dances/he/she is dancing Adjectives
5 Choose the correct adjectives to
2 Write out the verbs using the correct describe the faces.
form of the present tense. Pupils complete the three texts by choosing from
Pupils complete gap-fill sentences by supplying the the two adjective options each time.
correct form of the verb given.
Answers 1 Il a le visage vert. Il a les yeux rouges et les cheveux
1 Je joue de la guitare. courts, jaunes et frisés.
2 Je chante tous les jours. 2 Elle a le visage jaune. Elle a les yeux bleus. Elle a les
3 Tu aimes les consoles de jeux? cheveux verts.
4 Tu parles français? 3 Il a le visage bleu. Il a les cheveux mi-longs, noirs et
5 Il habite à Saint-Sauveur. frisés. Il a les yeux verts.
6 Elle aime les animaux.
6 Translate the sentences into French.
Pupils translate the English sentences into French,
Irregular verbs paying particular attention to the agreement of
3 Fill in the gaps in these sentences, adjectives.
then translate them into English.
Pupils complete gap-fill sentences by supplying Answers
the whole verb. They then translate the sentences 1 Il est généreux.
into English. 2 Elle est gentille.
3 Elle est curieuse.
Answers 4 Il est branché, mais il n’est pas intelligent.
1 Dans mon kit de survie, j’ai un portable. 5 Il est ennuyeux.
In my survival kit I’ve got a mobile phone.
2 Tu as un animal? Have you got an animal/a pet?
3 Il a un frère. He has (got) a/one brother. Possessive adjectives
4 Elle a une sœur. She has (got) a/one sister. 7 Copy out the profile and fill it in.
5 Il a beaucoup de talent. He has (got) lots of talent. Pupils copy out and complete the personal profile
6 Elle a une guitare. She has (got) a guitar. with their own details.


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Studio Grammaire C’est perso 1
8 Change the profile so that your friend
can fill it in.
Pupils rewrite the profile in exercise 7, replacing the
mon, ma, mes possessive adjectives with ton, ta, tes.

Ton nom
Ta date de naissance
Ton numéro de téléphone
Ton e-mail
Ta couleur préférée
Ton animal préféré
Ton film préféré
Ta star préférée
Ton groupe préféré
Tes passions


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rso erso
1 Title
À toi
(Page Nos)

p (Pupil Book pages 118–119)

Self-access reading and writing

A Reinforcement B Extension
1 Complète les phrases. (AT 3.2) 1 Complète le dialogue. (AT 4.2)
Reading. Pupils match the sentence halves, writing Writing. Pupils complete the dialogue, using the
out the complete sentences. picture prompts to fill the gaps.

Answers Answers
1 Je m’appelle Alice. Tu aimes le camping?
2 J’ai 14 ans. Non, je n’aime pas ça. C’est ennuyeux. Tu es d’accord?
3 J’aime les spaghettis. Non, je ne suis pas d’accord. C’est génial/bien/cool.
4 Je n’aime pas la musique classique.
5 Je suis assez gentille. 2 Écris des dialogues. Utilise le dialogue
de l’exercice 1 comme modèle. (AT 4.4)
2 Qui est-ce? Associe les images et les Writing. Pupils write out their own dialogues, using
descriptions. (AT 3.2) the picture prompts supplied and the dialogue in
Reading. Pupils match the pictures and the exercise 1 as a model.
Answers Tu aimes le tennis?
1 d 2 b 3 c 4 a Oui, j’aime ça. C’est génial/bien/cool. Tu es d’accord?
Non, je ne suis pas d’accord. C’est nul/ennuyeux.
3 Décris les personnes. (AT 4.2)
Writing. Pupils write a description of the two people Tu aimes le roller?
pictured. Non, je n’aime pas ça. C’est nul/ennuyeux. Tu es
Answers Non, je ne suis pas d’accord. C’est génial/bien/cool.
a C’est une fille. Elle a les cheveux mi-longs, blonds et
frisés. Elle a les yeux bleus. Elle est petite. Tu aimes la danse?
b C’est un garçon. Il a les cheveux courts et bruns. Il a les Oui, j’aime ça. C’est génial/bien/cool. Tu es d’accord?
yeux marron. Il est grand. Oui, je suis d’accord. C’est génial/bien/cool.

3 Choisis la phrase correcte. (AT 3.3)

Reading. Pupils read the text then complete the
sentences by selecting the correct options.

1 assez polie 2 très patiente 3 la danse
4 le hip-hop 5 bleus 6 guitare

4 Décris-toi. Choisis six adjectifs.

Classe les adjectifs dans l’ordre
d’importance pour toi. Écris six phrases.
(AT 4.4)
Writing. Pupils choose six adjectives describing
their character and rate them in order of personal
importance. A range of adjectives and an example
are given.


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