Fishpond Project For Tilapia
Fishpond Project For Tilapia
Fishpond Project For Tilapia
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1. the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
most popular, globally farmed tilapia species. It has
vertical black bands on the body and caudal or tail fin.
The dorsal fin (or the fin on the top part of the fish) has
a black outline and the caudal fin has a red margin. Nile
tilapia is most preferred because it grows fast, is hardy,
and well adapted for farming in warm tropical countries
like the Philippines. Nile tilapia comprises about 70-80%
of the world’s tilapia production.
Republic of the Philippines
Kalinga State University
College of Engineering and Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City Kalinga
The clay loam type of soil is best for ponds. This type of
soil is ideal for natural food production and has
properties that prevent leakage of water out of the pond.
To determine the pond site’s soil type, soil samples may be
taken for analysis at a soil laboratory normally associated
with agriculture agencies or universities. The pH of the
soil must be checked to determine its acidity. Acidic pond
soils are not conducive to fish farming since this type
limits the production of natural food and may, at extreme
levels, kill the fish. The laboratory personnel can also
give advice on the kinds of fertilizers that would be
appropriate for use based on the soil types.
F. Availability of tilapia fingerlings.
If possible, the farm site must be near reputable
hatcheries that could provide quality fingerlings for
stocking anytime. The criteria for selection of good-
quality fingerlings are given in an earlier section of this
There are three types of fish rearing management systems
based on the level of inputs. These are -
1. The extensive pond farming system
entails proper pond preparation to get rid of unwanted
species and promote the growth of natural food on which the
tilapia feed. Periodic application of fertilizers is
necessary to sustain the growth of natural food. Fertile
ponds can support stocking rates of 1-2 tilapia
fingerlings/m2 for six months until harvest. Water exchange
is minimal. While yields per unit area depend on pond
productivity and are relatively low, but so are the costs.
2. The semi-intensive pond farming system
uses moderately high stocking rates of 3-4 tilapia
fingerlings/m2 . Adequate pond preparation and periodic
Republic of the Philippines
Kalinga State University
College of Engineering and Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City Kalinga
For large-scale farms, it is important to consult a civil
engineer for the right pond design. Fish ponds greater than
one hectare require digging equipment (backhoe, etc.). For
smaller farms, ponds may be dug or diked manually, given
enough workers. A depth of at least 1-1.5 meters is ideal
for small fish ponds. The elevation of the main water canal
must be lower than the elevation of the fish pond bottom,
so that water outflow is easier.
Fish ponds must have a structure to control the flow of
water in and out. For ponds smaller than 500 m2 , a stand
Republic of the Philippines
Kalinga State University
College of Engineering and Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City Kalinga
Pond preparation
Pond fertilization
Aside from the capital investments, fingerlings and feed
inputs, farming practices that promote optimal
environmental conditions help ensure successful tilapia
production. Some of the DO’s:
Maintain water depth at 100 cm — shallow water is
conducive to the growth of natural food, which supports
tilapia growth.
Prevent entry of predators into the ponds by installing
screens at the water inlet and outlet. Predators reduce
the tilapia yield.
Remove aquatic weeds — they compete with phytoplankton
in ponds, and reduce fish growth.
Republic of the Philippines
Kalinga State University
College of Engineering and Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City Kalinga