Unds111-Task 1
Unds111-Task 1
Unds111-Task 1
St. Augustine
Rene Descartes
John Locke
David Hume
Immanuel Kant
Sigmund Freud
we have the Preconscious which is located between conscious and unconscious the part of self
that is easily brought to mind.
He also further structured the psyche/mind into three parts: Id, ego, and superego. It is our
pleasure principle; the ego is our reality principle and the superego is our moral principle.
According to Freud superego and ego function in different level of consciousness there is a
constant movement of memories from another level. Meanwhile, Id is unaffected of reality or
the world as it operates within unconscious part of mind
Gilbert Ryle
Ryle’s View on the Self: The Self is the way People Behave
The way we behave is a reflection of who we are. In our daily interactions with others, we
remember them mostly based on how they treat us. In my personal experience, if someone
treats me poorly, I will presume that this is indicative of who they are as a person, and I will
always bear that in mind. Because of his upbeat outlook, a person's ability to see themselves
positively will manifest. According to Ryle, the idea of a unique "person" is merely a product of
our experiences and activities.
Paul Churchland
Maurice Merlau-Ponty