Transmittal Letter
Transmittal Letter
Transmittal Letter
Good Day!
We, the Group 4 researchers from Bachelor of Science and Hospitality Management (BSHM) in Talisay City
College under the advisory of Dr. Helmer B. Montejo, conducting a research study from our 3 rd year subject with the
title “The Role of Hospitality Industries in the Economic Recovery of Talisay City from the Pandemic.”
In this connection, we would like to ask your permission to allow us to conduct a survey in our research study. We
would like to use and print this survey under the following conditions: First, we will use the surveys only for our
research study and will not sell or use it with any compensated or curriculum development activities. Second, we
will include the source of this questionnaire on all copies of the instrument. Lastly, we will send a copy of our
completed research study to your attention upon completion of the study.
If these are acceptable terms and conditions, please indicate so by affixing your signature.
Truly yours,
Noted by: