TR 509 2
TR 509 2
TR 509 2
01 00 DEC
Page 1-2
Shall be tested at 0.5m interval for soil above
groundwater table and few samples from soil
below groundwater table.
02 01 JUNE TR-509-2: Addition as below:
2021 TABLE-13 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): BS 1377 : Part 3 : 1990:
(PAGE-47) Cl: 8. A
Adequate frequency below groundwater table.
02 01 JUNE TR-509-2: Notes added as below:
2021 TABLE-14 Where, in-situ/laboratory tests not performed to
(PAGE-49) determine modulus of elasticity (Em). For non-
cohesive soil a criteria of Em = 1N and for rock
stratum a criteria of (Em=J x Mr x UCS) shall be
02 01 JUNE TR-509-2: Modified as below:
2021 8.1 (PAGE- The recommended analysis is a total stress analysis
85) in which the seismic demand (represented by the
earthquake induced stresses) is compared to the
seismic capacity (undrained cyclic shear strength of
the soil, which is also called liquefaction
resistance). The seismic demand will be denoted as
CSR (cyclic stress ratio), whereas seismic capacity
will be denoted as CRR (cyclic resistance ratio).
The safety factor (SF), computed as a ratio between
CRR and CSR, should not be less than 1.25.
Evaluation of settlements in dry sands due to
seismic densification can be carried out using
guidance available in Kramer (154). In order to
conduct proper assessment of liquefaction
potential, investigations of soil characteristics are
required in terms of in situ Standard Penetration
Tests (SPT) or Cone Penetration Tests (CPT). It is to
be noted that CPT data is preferred for assessing
potential for liquefaction and seismic densification
of loose granular strata during an earthquake
If soils are found to be susceptible to liquefaction
and the ensuing effects are deemed capable of
affecting the load bearing capacity or the stability
of the foundations/roads/pavement, measures,
such as ground improvement and/or pile
foundation (structures) shall be taken to ensure
The liquefaction hazard may be neglected when
one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
i) Sands have a clay content greater than
20% with plasticity index (PI) larger than
ii) Sands have a silt content greater than
35% and at the same time the SPT
normalized blow count value (N1(60)) is
larger than 20.
Page 1-3
iii) Sands are clean, with SPT normalized
blow count value (N1(60)) larger than 30.
Page 1-5
induced by heavy machinery shall be limited, while
working next to existing structures or utilities that
are sensitive to vibrations.
The efficiency of the final adopted improvement
method for the project, final thickness/depth of the
improvement ground and verification of set
performance criteria shall be checked by performing
post ground improvement in- situ tests (SPT, CPT,
Plate load test (PLT), Zone Load test, CBR etc.).
The suitability of the soil material shall be
determined by performing standard laboratory tests
(such as gradation, plasticity index (P.I), proctor, CBR,
organic content, water soluble salts (WSS), total
dissolved salts (TDS), sulphate, chloride, pH and/or
other.) by testing collected soil samples as per the
standard requirements provided under TR-542
(part-1 & 2).
02 01 JUNE TR-509-2: New sub section added as below:
2021 8.5.3 Voids/Cavities Treatment: The risk of voids/cavities
(PAGE-93 and highly fractured zones within right of way (ROW)
& 94) and underneath the foundation
(structures/infrastructure/utilities) shall be
investigated (geophysical/geotechnical) at design
stage to determine vertical/lateral extent and shall
be verified at verification stage by executing probing
holes (grid spacing 10m x 10m) with the depth of
each probe reaching a minimum penetration of
10.0m below the last cavity encountered, and
cavities filled with low mobility grout.
All encountered open cavities/voids/highly
fractured zones shall be grouted prior to
construction over it. Grouting design and
specifications shall be developed by considering the
nature of material/ vertical and lateral extent and
shall be design/performed by a company specialized
in such works.
In addition, the subgrade layer (road/pavement)
shall be reinforced with geogrid layers in order to
cater for any potential of cavities collapse, leading to
excessive settlement in future. The type and
strength of geogrid shall be finalized in consultation
with geogrid designer/supplier based on
effectiveness for the problem in hand and
performance warranties.
02 01 JUNE TR-509-2: New section (Criteria to design retaining
2021 8.6 (PAGE- walls/foundation subjected to overturning loads)
94) added as below:
External stability of retaining walls design and
foundation subjected to overturning loads (such as
shade foundations) shall fulfil the serviceability
criteria by following the minimum factor of safety
i.e. FoS = 2.0 (overturning), FoS = 1.5 (sliding) and
Page 1-6
FoS = 3.0 (Bearing Capacity). The global stability shall
not be less than 1.5.
For strength limit state the stability checks shall be
in compliance with the guideline of AASHTO LRFD
and set forth in ADQCC roads structures design
manual TR-516. In general, the larger dimension
from design of SLS & ULS shall be consider.
02 01 JUNE TR-509-2: New section (Slope Stability analysis) added as
2021 8.7 (PAGE- below:
94 & 95) Slope Stability analysis shall be carried out to
evaluate the stability of earth and rock-fill,
embankments, excavated slopes, and natural slopes
in soil and rock. The stability of slope depends upon
certain factors and shall be considered in the
analysis (analytical or empirical methods).
i) Uncertainty in the accuracy with which the
slope stability analysis represents the
actual mechanism of failure.
ii) Uncertainty in the accuracy with which the
input parameters (shear strength,
groundwater conditions, slope geometry,
iii) The likelihood and duration of exposure to
various types of external loading.
Stability analyses must be formulated with great
care. Since the available shearing resistance of the
soil depends on pore water drainage conditions,
those conditions must be considered carefully in the
selection of shear strength and pore pressure
conditions for the analysis. A minimum surcharge
load of 20 kPa shall be consider.
Accordingly, in static condition, the slope design
shall satisfy minimum safety factor criteria of 1.5
(permanent) and 1.3 (temporary) and 1.1 for seismic
case. Erosion protection measures shall be provided
as appropriate to design requirements in compliance
with ADQCC standards and specifications.
For stability analysis in rock slopes, following modes
of failure shall be considered as applicable.
i) Planar failure
ii) Polygonal failure
iii) Wedge failure
iv) Toppling failure
Stereographic and kinematic analysis shall be
performed as appropriate and applicable to project
specific requirements.
02 01 JUNE TR-509-2: Modified as below:
2021 9.2.1 i) Boreholes, trial pits, cone penetration tests
(PAGE-96) (CPT)
02 01 JUNE TR-509-2: Modified and new addition as below:
2021 9.3 (PAGE- For new works the subgrade/foundation requires
100 & 101) assessment and shall be carried out as per the
criteria provided in table-2 & 3 of this manual.
Page 1-7
In case soil investigation indicates that subgrade is
suspected to liquefaction and/or
excessive/differential settlement more than
tolerable limits, due to unsuitable material/weak
ground condition and/or presence of water soluble
content/pure salt layer underneath and/or other
risks and geo-hazards, that may affect the stability of
roads/pavement and/or foundation of
structures/infrastructure/utilities, than ground
improvement measures shall be taken into account,
to mitigate the effect of both liquefaction and
settlement, prior to construction over it. Subgrade
shall be reinforced with geogrid layers and the
requirements shall be determined at design stage.
The type and strength of geogrid shall be finalized in
consultation with geogrid designer/supplier based
on the effectiveness for the problem in hand and
performance warranties. For ground improvement,
requirements and criteria provided in section 8.5 of
TR-509-2 shall be followed.
The suitability of the material shall be evaluated
based on the criteria provided in ADQCC TR-542 (1
& 2). The sum of the organic matters’ content and
the soluble salt content as a total shall not exceed
2% in both natural soil and imported backfill.
Similarly, mitigation due to shallow groundwater
table (such as capillary break, subsurface drainage
etc.) shall also be adopted at design stage. For the
provision of capillary break layer (wrapped in
geotextile), the criteria of design groundwater table
of minimum1.5m below formation level (TR-514-2,
Standard DWG C-5) shall be followed.
Page 1-8
Document No: TR-509
Second Edition
June - 2021
Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport
PO Box 20
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
© Copyright 2016, by the Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport. All Rights Reserved. This
document, or parts there of, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... v
List of Tables................................................................................................................................. v
Glossary ...................................................................................................................................... vii
Abbreviations and Acronyms ...................................................................................................... x
Nomenclature and Symbols ....................................................................................................... xii
1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose and scope ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Application of this manual ................................................................................................. 1
1.4 Content and format ........................................................................................................... 2
2 ABU DHABI GEOLOGY AND GEOTECHNICAL HAZARDS .................................................. 3
2.1 Overview........................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Geology of the Region ...................................................................................................... 3
2.2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 3
2.2.2 Solid geology ............................................................................................................. 3
2.2.3 Superficial geology .................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Characteristics of Abu Dhabi strata ................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 7
2.3.2 Aeolian sands ............................................................................................................ 7
2.3.3 Sabkha ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.4 Lagoonal muds .......................................................................................................... 8
2.3.5 Fluvial sands/gravels ................................................................................................. 9
2.3.6 Bedrocks.................................................................................................................... 9
3 PRELIMINARY SOURCES STUDY ....................................................................................... 13
3.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Scope of preliminary sources study ................................................................................ 13
4 GROUND INVESTIGATION PLANNING ............................................................................... 14
4.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Ground investigations proposals ..................................................................................... 16
4.3.1 Phasing of ground investigation ............................................................................... 16
4.3.2 Guidelines for overall coverage of exploratory holes spacings and depths............... 17
4.4 Soils and rocks sampling and testing to obtain engineering parameters for use in
geotechnical design................................................................................................................... 27
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TOC Second Edition June-2021
4.4.1 General.................................................................................................................... 27
4.4.2 Difficulties in parameter determination ..................................................................... 31
4.5 Guidelines for engineering parameters typically required ................................................ 36
4.6 Laboratory tests for determining soils, groundwater and rock properties and engineering
parameters ................................................................................................................................ 42
4.6.1 Soils and groundwater ............................................................................................. 42
4.6.2 Rock ........................................................................................................................ 49
5 GROUND INVESTIGATION PROCUREMENT ...................................................................... 52
5.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 52
5.2 Procurement of a ground investigation company ............................................................ 52
5.2.1 Quality of ground investigation personnel ................................................................ 53
5.2.2 Laboratory quality .................................................................................................... 54
5.3 Specification and bill of quantities ................................................................................... 55
5.4 Specification of ground investigation of contaminated land ............................................. 55
5.5 Ground investigation company performance ................................................................... 58
6 IN SITU TESTING AND ITS INTERPRETATION................................................................... 59
6.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 59
6.2 Standard penetration testing ........................................................................................... 59
6.2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 59
6.2.2 Influence of different practices and equipment on SPT results ................................. 59
6.2.3 Corrections applied to SPT results ........................................................................... 61
6.2.4 Engineering parameters and direct design methods ................................................ 63
6.3 Cone penetration testing ................................................................................................. 65
6.3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 65
6.3.2 Test methods ........................................................................................................... 66
6.3.3 Factors that can affect CPT results .......................................................................... 66
6.3.4 Presentation of results ............................................................................................. 67
6.3.5 Soils characteristics, engineering parameters, direct design methods and other
applications ............................................................................................................................ 69
6.4 In situ density tests ......................................................................................................... 72
6.5 Geophysical surveys ....................................................................................................... 72
6.5.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 72
6.5.2 Planning .................................................................................................................. 73
6.5.3 Procurement of geophysical survey work ................................................................. 78
7 GROUND INVESTIGATION REPORTING ............................................................................ 81
7.1 Description of soils and rocks, borehole and trial pit records ........................................... 81
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TOC Second Edition June-2021
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TOC Second Edition June-2021
Figure 1: Cone penetrometer components ............................................................................... 66
Figure 2: Refraction methodology (from Wightman et al (2003)(116)) .................................... 75
Figure 3: Example of moderately conservative and worst credible values and parameters . 89
Figure 4: Example dynamic cone penetration test ................................................................... 99
Figure A1: Geological Map of the United Arab Emirates (Huntington Geology & Geophysics
Ltd, 1979(1))............................................................................................................................... 115
Figure A2: Abu Dhabi litho-stratigraphy (Alsharhan (2008)(2)) ............................................. 116
Figure A3: Tectonic setting of the Arabian plate (Aldama et al (138)) .......................................... 117
Figure A4: Maximum considered earthquake ground motion for the United Arab Emirates of 0.2s (Ss)
spectral response acceleration (5% of critical damping), Site class B (Abu Dhabi Guide to the Use
of International Building Codes, (149)) ........................................................................................ 118
Figure A5: Maximum considered earthquake ground motion for the United Arab Emirates of 1.0s (S1)
spectral response acceleration (5% of critical damping), Site class B (Abu Dhabi Guide to the Use
of International Building Codes (149)) ......................................................................................... 119
Figure A6: Reported Loose Soil Thickness-Abu Dhabi ................................................................ 120
Figure A7: Reported Sabkha Deposit - Abu Dhabi ...................................................................... 121
Figure A8: Reported Halite Deposit- Abu Dhabi .......................................................................... 122
Figure A9: Reported Voids/Cavities- Abu Dhabi .......................................................................... 123
Figure A10: Reported Geohazard Risk- Abu Dhabi ..................................................................... 124
Table 1: Abu Dhabi main soils and bedrock strata units ........................................................... 7
Table 2: Guidelines for overall exploratory holes spacings for detailed design .................... 19
Table 3: Guidelines for exploratory holes depths .................................................................... 23
Table 4: Soils properties/engineering parameters, symbols and units................................... 28
Table 5: Rock properties/engineering parameters, symbols and units .................................. 30
Table 6: Quality classification for soil samples ........................................................................ 32
Table 7: Sampling techniques for Abu Dhabi soils .................................................................. 32
Table 8: Guidelines on the minimum number of samples to be tested for particular soils
laboratory tests ........................................................................................................................... 34
Table 9: Guidelines on the minimum number of samples to be tested for particular rock
laboratory tests ........................................................................................................................... 35
Table 10: Engineering parameters commonly required for design and to be considered in
planning a ground investigation ................................................................................................ 37
Table 11: Soil properties and engineering parameters commonly determined from laboratory
tests for Abu Dhabi road projects.............................................................................................. 43
Table 12: Soil properties and engineering parameters occasionally determined from
laboratory tests for Abu Dhabi road projects ........................................................................... 45
Table 13: Groundwater properties commonly determined from laboratory tests for Abu Dhabi
road projects ............................................................................................................................... 48
Table 14: Rock properties and engineering parameters commonly determined from
laboratory tests for Abu Dhabi road projects ........................................................................... 50
Page v
TOC Second Edition June-2021
Table 15: Rock properties and engineering parameters occasionally determined from
laboratory tests for Abu Dhabi road projects ........................................................................... 51
Table 16: Site categorisation in relation to the ground investigation of landfills and
contaminated land (after UK Site Investigation Steering Group (1993)(93)) ........................... 57
Table 17: Correction factors in sands for rod length ............................................................... 61
Table 18: Correction factors CN for vertical effective stress (σv’) owing to overburden of the
soils ............................................................................................................................................. 62
Table 19: Engineering parameters commonly derived from SPT results ............................... 64
Table 20: Soil characteristics and engineering parameters commonly derived from CPT
results .......................................................................................................................................... 70
Table 21: Tests commonly undertaken for Abu Dhabi road projects for determining the in situ
density of soils ............................................................................................................................ 72
Table 22: Summary of geophysical survey techniques and their application ........................ 74
Table 23: Summary of uses and limitations of frequently used seismic methods ................. 76
Table 24: Summary of seismic hazard studies results for Abu Dhabi at various return periods.
..................................................................................................................................................... 83
Table 25: Seismic design parameters for Site Class B for use in seismic design according to
IBC (Abu Dhabi Guide to the Use of International Building Codes (149)) ............................... 84
Table 26: International Standards and references commonly used for geotechnical design 90
Table 27: Abu Dhabi design guidelines for use in geotechnical design in Abu Dhabi road
projects........................................................................................................................................ 92
Table B1: Abu Dhabi typical geotechnical hazards and risks ............................................... 126
Table C1: General information required for a preliminary sources study ............................ 130
Table C2: Sources of information for a preliminary sources study ...................................... 132
Table C3: Notes on site reconnaissance ................................................................................. 134
Table D1: Example template technical evaluation sheet for Ground Investigation Companies
................................................................................................................................................... 137
Table D2: Example template health and safety questionnaire............................................... 144
Table G1: Summary of typical checks and recalibrations to be made for CPT .................... 172
Table G2: Check list for information required for CPT to check data quality ....................... 173
Table H1: Tools and methods for subsurface investigations ................................................ 175
Table H2: Geophysical methods and techniques for logging boreholes .............................. 176
Table H3: Borehole logs and their applications and limitations ............................................ 177
Table L1: International Standards – Limit state geotechnical design ................................... 308
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TOC Second Edition June-2021
Borehole: A general term for a small diameter hole sunk in the ground, usually vertically but
occasionally may be horizontal or inclined, to recover samples of soil and rock strata and
groundwater and to carry out tests to establish the properties of the strata.
Characteristic value parameters: Soil parameters which are defined as being a cautious estimate
of the value affecting the occurrence of the limit. This is analogous to moderately conservative
Cone penetration test: The cone penetration test, often referred to as CPT, is an in situ test to
determine the geotechnical engineering properties of soils and to delineate soil stratigraphy. The test
method consists of pushing an instrumented cone, with the tip facing down, into the ground at a
controlled rate.
Exploratory holes: A general term for boreholes, sunk by various means including cable percussion
and rotary coring and rotary open holing, trial pits and trial trenches.
Geophysical Survey Company: A specialist contractor who carry out geophysical survey work.
Geotechnical design: The use of scientific principles, technical information and thought in the
definition of the ground engineering aspects a structure, earthwork or system to perform pre-
specified functions with the maximum economy and efficiency.
Geotechnical engineering: The application of sciences of soils and rock mechanics and
engineering geology in building, civil engineering construction and the protection of the environment.
Geotechnical hazard: Unfavourable ground and or groundwater conditions that may pose a risk to
construction or of adverse performance of completed works.
Geotechnical risk: The risk posed to construction or to appropriate function of completed works by
the ground or groundwater conditions at a site.
Geotechnical risk register: A live and continuously updated table or spreadsheet that provides an
up to date register of the project geotechnical risks. The register usually contains a description of the
risk, an assessment of its likelihood and consequences, proposed mitigation measures and owners.
Ground investigation: The process by which geological, geotechnical and other relevant
information is obtained for a project.
Ground Investigation Company: A company that specialises in the likes of borehole drilling, soils
and rock in situ and laboratory testing.
Ground Investigation Factual Report: The report that presents the results of a ground
investigation. The report will normally include the records of borehole and trial pits, soils and rock in
situ and laboratory testing.
Page vii
GLOSSARY Second Edition June-2021
Ground model: A conceptual model based on the geology and morphology of the site, and used to
speculate on likely ground and groundwater conditions and their variability.
Groundwater: Water that is present under the earth’s surface. Groundwater that is situated below
the surface of the land, irrespective of its source and transient status. Saturated soils having high
groundwater elevations within the foundations and landscaped areas of road pavements require
special under drain removal systems.
Liquefaction: The process by which typically saturated unconsolidated sediments are transformed
into a substance that acts like a liquid.
Overseeing Organisation: The governmental or other body with overall responsibility for the
Piezocone test: A cone penetration test where pore pressure measurement is also made.
Pile load capacity: The load that a pile can carry without failing, usually defined in terms of ultimate
capacity and capacity such that restricts movement within serviceability limits.
Porewater pressure: The pressure of groundwater held within a soil or rock, in gaps between the
particles (pores).
Preliminary sources study: An examination of all existing information concerning a site, such as
geological maps, previous borehole records, historic maps, aerial photograph, satellite imagery, to
assess ground conditions and previous land use.
Risk: The chance of something happening that will have an impact upon project objectives. Risk
components are the probability or likelihood of failing to achieve a particular outcome, and the
consequences and impacts of failing to achieve that outcome.
Road earthworks: A general term for any embankment, cutting that may be encountered in the
transportation system.
Road structures: A general term for any bridge, culvert, catch basin, drop inlet, retaining wall,
cribbing, manhole, endwall, building, sewer, service pipe, underdrain, foundation drain and similar
features, that may be encountered in the transportation system.
Seismic hazard: Unfavourable condition resulting from earthquake activity that may pose a risk to
construction or have an adverse affect on the performance of completed works.
Standard penetration test: The standard penetration test, often referred to as SPT, is an in situ
dynamic penetration test designed to provide information on the geotechnical engineering properties
of a soil. Procedures for the test are described in British Standard BS EN ISO 22476-3: 2005 and
ASTM D1586-08a.
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GLOSSARY Second Edition June-2021
Trial pit: A general term for an excavation usually by machine, occasionally by small tools and hand-
dig to inspect and record the soil and rock strata conditions, any groundwater entry and to recover
strata samples.
Trial trench pit: A general term for an elongated excavation usually by machine to inspect and
record the soil and rock strata conditions, any groundwater entry and to recover strata samples.
Worst credible parameters: Engineering parameters which are the worst that the geotechnical
practitioner realistically believes might occur.
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GLOSSARY Second Edition June-2021
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ABBREVIATIONS Second Edition June-2021
Page xi
ABBREVIATIONS Second Edition June-2021
Dr - Relative density
Eh mV Redox potential
ID - Density index
j - Mass factor j
Page xii
ABBREVIATIONS Second Edition June-2021
n % Porosity
N60 - SPT blow count corrected to a standard energy ratio of 60% of the
theoretical free-fall hammer energy (and rod length where
(N1)60 - SPT blow count corrected to a standard energy ratio of 60% of the
theoretical free-fall hammer energy (and rod length where
appropriate) and the effective overburden pressure
PI % Plasticity index
ν - Poisson’s ratio
w % Moisture content
Page xiii
ABBREVIATIONS Second Edition June-2021
’crit degrees Critical state drained (effective stress) angle of shear resistance
* Units in brackets also commonly used.
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ABBREVIATIONS Second Edition June-2021
1.1 Overview
In 2010, the Abu Dhabi Department of Transport commenced with the “Unifying and Standardizing
of Road Engineering Practices” Project. The objective of the project was to enhance the
management, planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation of all roads and related
infrastructures in the Emirate and ensure a safe and uniform operational and structural capacity
throughout the road network.
To achieve this objective a set of standards, specifications, guidelines and manuals were developed
in consultation with all relevant authorities in the Abu Dhabi Emirate including the Department of
Municipal Affairs (DMA) and Urban Planning Council (UPC). In future, all authorities or agencies
involved in roads and road infrastructures in the Emirate shall exercise their functions and
responsibilities in accordance with these documents. The purpose, scope and applicability of each
document are clearly indicated in each document.
It is recognized that there are already published documents with similar objectives and contents
prepared by other authorities. Such related publications are mentioned in each new document and
are being superseded by the publication of the new document, except in cases where previously
published documents are recognized and referenced in the new document.
Part 1: Management of Geotechnical Risk. Part 1 of the Manual sets out the role of geotechnical
practitioners in managing the quality of geotechnical investigations, ground interpretation and also
in geotechnical design and geotechnical construction. Part 1 of the Manual also sets out the
procedure of Geotechnical Certification, which provides a clear and consistent framework for the
management of the geotechnical risk in a project throughout its lifetime. The format of the reports
and documents to be prepared and submitted to the Overseeing Organisation (OO) under
Geotechnical Certification as a project progresses is presented. The documents to be submitted may
include reports covering preliminary sources study, the planning of ground investigation works, the
interpretation of geotechnical investigations, geotechnical design and geotechnical construction.
Part 2: Ground Investigation and Geotechnical Design. Part 2 of the Manual provides guidance on
Abu Dhabi soils and bedrock strata and the geotechnical hazards that they can present. It also
provides guidance on undertaking preliminary sources studies, the planning and procurement of
ground investigations and on in situ and laboratory testing and geotechnical design.
Where a third party development is proposed immediately adjacent to, under or over a road for which
Abu Dhabi Department of Transport is responsible then Abu Dhabi Department of Transport
acceptance of the scheme aspects impacting on the road will be required. In such cases the third
Page 1
01-INTRODUCTION Second Edition June-2021
party developer shall follow the Geotechnical Certification procedure to ensure that there is
appropriate quality management of the geotechnical risks that could impact on the road.
Part 2 of the Manual: Ground Investigation and Geotechnical Design provides guidance for the
geotechnical practitioner engaged on Abu Dhabi road projects.
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01-INTRODUCTION Second Edition June-2021
Following the Hercynian Orogeny in the early Carboniferous, fine to medium grained cross bedded
quartzose sandstones of the Uanayzah Formation (previously termed the Pre Khuff Formation)
overlain by siltstone, mudstone and minor claystones were laid down under fluvial conditions. As the
climate warmed, a carbonate-evaporite environment developed and in the Mid-Late Permian the
Khuff Formation was laid down in a shallow marine environment. These deposits comprise a
complex sequence of bioclastic dolomite, limestone and anhydrite.
Page 3
GEOTECHNICAL HAZARDS Second Edition June-2021
Marine conditions continued throughout the Lower to Upper Jurassic, depositing the Marrat
Formation and Hamlah Formation, a sequence of wackestone, lime mudstone (limestone with less
than 10% grains in a mud-supported sediment) and quartzose sandstone; and the Izhara and Araej
Formations, an interbedded sequence of argillaceous mudstones, packstones and grainstones. The
formations of the Sila Group of the upper Jurassic are typically found in onshore areas of Abu Dhabi,
identified during drilling of wells. The formations of the Sila Group comprise: Tuwaiq Mountain
Formation, Dukhan Formation, Diyab Formation, Arab Formation, Qatar Formation, Hith Formation
and Asab Formation. The sedimentary rocks were deposited in a changing, gradually shallowing
marine environment, depositing mudstones, packstone, grainstone and calcareous shales.
A rapid sea level rise in the area occurred during the Lower Cretaceous with the deposition of the
Habshan, Lekhwar, Kharaib and Shuaiba Formations; a sequence of lime mudstone, wackestone,
dolomite and dolomitic limestone. The Wasia Group of the Mid-Cretaceous is bounded above and
below by unconformities, comprising shale, mudstone, packstone, wackestone, grainstone and
limestone. The formations of the Wasia Group comprise: Nahr Umr Formation, Mauddud Formation,
Shilaif Formation and Mishrif Formation. The shales and marls of the Laffan Formation (Upper
Cretaceous) rest unconformably on the underlying Wasia Group. The overlying Halul Formation and
Fiqa Formation comprise interbedded calcareous shale, mudstone and limestone. The Simsima
Formation deposited over most of Abu Dhabi consists of packstone, wackestone and dolomitic
limestone with corals.
Uplift and erosion occurred during the late Eocene-early Oligocene followed by marine transgression
leading to the deposition of the Oligocene Asmari Formation comprising dolomitic limestone with thin
interbeds of marls and calcareous mudstone (Alsharhan (2008) (2)). The Oligocene Asmari
Formation is overlain by the Gachsaran (Lower Fars) Formation comprising anhydrite, dolomite and
limestone and interbedded anhydrite, shales, marls and limestones
The sedimentary rocks of the Miocene were deposited during a period coinciding with a major fall in
sea level. The majority of the Miocene deposits are combined into a single geological Group, the
Fars Group, and this has been divided into Lower Fars, sometimes termed the Gacharan Formation
(about 20 Ma to 18 Ma, and the overlying Upper Fars. These units comprise a sequence of marls
and mudstones, sandstone (calcarenite), limestone and evaporates (typically gypsum and anhydrite)
dipping gently to the south. A particular unit of the Upper Fars is the Barzaman unit that contains a
sequence of conglomerate deposits. The underlying Shuwaihat Formation (part of the Upper Fars)
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crops out in western Abu Dhabi comprising evaporite deposits replaced upwards by dune sand which
are exposed on Shuwaihat Island and Jebel Dhanna and south of Sila (Glennie, 2007). The
Baynunah Formation unconformably overlies the Shuwaihat Formation comprising fluvial sands and
gravels with abundant fossils including crocodiles, hippopotamus and turtles. The Baynunah
Formation forms small mesas found in the western region of Abu Dhabi.
• aeolian sands deposited during periods of lower sea levels, most notably during the last ice
age (20,000 years BP (before present)) when sea levels dropped 120m to 130m below
present levels;
• sabkha and fluvial deposits laid down during periods of marine transgression.
The aeolian sands vary in composition. Inland the sands consist predominately of siliclastic grains
(quartz, feldspar and lithic grains). Near the coast the sands consist mostly of calcium carbonate
derived from fragments of calcareous shells and corals. Carbonate dunes are known locally as
‘miliolite’ and can be seen along the Abu Dhabi – Al Ain Road and the Hameem Road. Miliolite are
often white in colour due to the carbonate content, further inland the dunes change from white to red
due to the a decrease in carbonate content and increase in quantities of iron oxide. Sabkha
Sabkha are extensive salt flats underlain by sand, silt and clay that are often encrusted with salt
(halite). Sabkhas occur along the coast (coastal sabkha) and inland (inland sabkha) across the
surface of Abu Dhabi. The two main factors which control the formation of the sabkha are the depth
to water table and the effects of wind deflation.
Coastal sabkha
Coastal sabkha dominates the coastline from Abu Dhabi Island westwards to the Qatar Peninsula,
covering much of the islands south west and northeast of Abu Dhabi Island and extending up to
15km inland (Glennie (2001)(4))
Coastal sabkha are extremely flat and are formed when the water table, which is saline, due to the
proximity of the sea, occurs at shallow depths within the capillary zone. The saline water evaporates
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from the surface which then becomes saturated with halite to form a crust. Beneath the crust calcium
sulphate (CaSO4) becomes concentrated forming a mush of gypsum crystals. As ground
temperatures rise, water of crystallisation is driven from the gypsum crystals to form anhydrite. Active
coastal sabkhas also feature a mat of thin black algae. Most of the time the surface is dry and cracked
however, during spring tides and during storm events sea water inundates the mats causing the
algae to regenerate into a slimy, rubbery surface. With time the mat once again becomes dry and a
halite crust forms. Algae mats are seen extensively along the coastline of Abu Dhabi south of
Inland sabkha
Inland sabkha have no direct hydrological connection with the sea and derive moisture from rare
rainfall and a shallow water table within the capillary zone. Inland sabkhas tend to occur in areas
dominated by sand dunes; the best examples of inland sabkha are found in the interdunal areas
between the large sand dunes of Liwa in the west of the emirate and are often found on the landward
margins of the coastal sabkha. As with coastal sabkha, inland sabkha develop halite crusts
concentrated by evaporation of groundwater, which contains dissolved salts from the surrounding
rocks and soils. Algae mats are not well developed on inland sabkha but are present in rare locations.
The Sabkha Matti is the most famous inland sabkha occupying the western extremities of Abu Dhabi.
The Sabkha Matti is recorded to extend up to 150km inland from the coast and is up to 60km wide
(Glennie (2007)(3)). Duricrusts
Duricrusts are typically formed from cementation of sediments by precipitation of iron oxides or other
minerals contained in percolating groundwater. Precipitation of these minerals is often initiated by
the evaporation of the percolating fluids under the intense desert heat. They occur as a hardened
surface layer that can range from a few centimetres to several metres thick, sometimes with a
leached, cavernous, porous or friable zone underneath (Fookes (1978)(6)).
The fluvial sands and gravels are formed from outwash fans at the base of the eastern Hajar
mountains and may extend outwards from the base of the mountains for distances of up to 70 km.
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The source rocks of these deposits tend to be the Asmari, Dammam and Rus formation limestones
and marls that are present on the eastern flanks of the Hajar range combined with gabbros and other
igneous rocks that form the central parts of the mountains.
Away from the mountain areas, flat, wide or ribbon-like areas of dry dusty silt are often present at
the ground surface. These represent the silty deposits of flood lagoons that periodically form in the
low lying desert and coastal areas.
In the region aeolian sands are typically used as general earthworks and structural backfill.
Depending on source area and history after deposition, the sands can have a high salt content
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(sodium chloride) and this should be checked before using the materials close to concrete
foundations or as fine aggregate in concrete mixes.
Owing to the uniform grading of the deposits, there have been issues related to poor compaction of
aeolian sands where standard compaction procedures have been used to place the material in
engineering works. It is often necessary to flood the deposits with water and use a heavy vibratory
roller in order to achieve the required compaction. Sometimes, however, the moisture content versus
maximum dry density curve for these deposits is very flat, allowing them to be compacted in a
completely dry state (known as dry compaction) to achieve reasonable levels of compaction.
2.3.3 Sabkha
Sabkha comprises fine, poor to well graded sands or silts that have been inundated by hypersaline
The coastal sabkhas are highly variable materials both horizontally and vertically. Much of the
horizontal variation can be considered to be related to the position of the material relative to the
shoreline. In the vertical dimension, the coastal sabkha comprises a series of layers having a range
of textures and varying degrees of cementation depending on the quantities and state of the calcium
carbonates and calcium sulphates present.
Inland sabkhas are typically variable in the horizontal direction only, owing to the relatively constant
level of groundwater table beneath the existing surface.
Owing to their mode of deposition sabkha typically contains high concentrations of chloride and
sulphates giving rise to aggressive environments for buried concrete and steel. This together with
their fine grading usually makes them unsuitable as structural fill.
Extensive sabkha deposits are found across the emirate of Abu Dhabi and due to the variability the
deposits they are typically either excavated and replaced or left in place and treated. Ground
improvement methods typically used on sabkha deposits include pre-loading and surcharging,
dynamic compaction and stone columns, the method employed being dependant upon the type and
thickness of sabkha present.
Historically in the region, existing unpaved tracks followed sabkha flats as they provided a hard
surface to travel along in comparison with the surrounding soft desert sand. During periods of heavy
rain, however, the roads often became impassable, as the surface crust of the sabkha would lose its
strength when saturated, causing vehicles to sink into the underlying crystal mush.
Gypsum and anhydrite, which are typically abundant in sabkha deposits, can undergo alternate
hydration and dehydration under hot and humid conditions. If placed beneath a foundation or road
pavement, swelling or shrinkage can occur as a result of the volume changes associated with the
hydration or dehydration processes.
Significant variability in the compressibility (ranging from high to low compressibility) characteristics
of sabkha sediments can be expected, that can result in large differential settlements.
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near zero datum and are up to approximately 3m in thickness. Due to their low strength they can
cause bearing capacity and trafficability problems for construction traffic and make a poor foundation
for roads and other civil engineering structures.
Over time, many layers of different sized gravels may be deposited in the same area and become
mixed with wind blown sands, silts and salts, so that different elevations can contain different sized
deposits. When excavated, these materials (locally termed Gatch) characteristically comprise
clayey, silty and gravelly sands or sandy gravels. The fines (clay and silt size particles) are typically
of the order of 20% to 30% and of low to medium plasticity.
Gatch materials are easily excavated and have been used extensively for desert road construction
in the region, as the cementing properties of the salts gives good resistance to wind erosion. When
compacted to a dense state, Gatch can remain stable for many years. If inundated with fresh water
chemical changes can, however, occur resulting in softening and swelling, erosion and/or
dissolution. Gatch materials with a high fines and soluble salt content can make them unsuitable for
use as structural fill. The more uniform deposits of fluvial sand and gravel can, however, make good
aggregate for concrete, provided they are clear of contamination by salts or sulphates.
2.3.6 Bedrocks
The rock strata encountered in shallow ground investigations across most of the Abu Dhabi region
are typically of the Miocene Upper Fars (including Baynounah, Shuweihat and Barzaman) and Lower
Fars (sometimes called the Gachsaran) Formations and mainly comprise calcarenite, mudstone and
gypsum with deposits of conglomerate in the Barzamam Formation. In the east of the Emirate, older
deposits of the Asmari, Dammam and Simsima Formations consisting of mudstones, lime-
mudstones and limestones are present. The Muthaymima Formation, situated between the Simsima
and Dammam Formations contains a sequence of conglomerates. The typical characteristics of the
most commonly encountered rocks are summarised below. Conglomerate
Conglomerates encountered in the Abu Dhabi region typically belong to the Barzaman Unit of the
Upper Fars Formation and comprise fluvial sediments representing cemented outwash fans
containing sub-rounded gravels and cobbles of gabbroic rocks. Given their origin, the coarser
conglomerates are typically encountered within 30 km or so of the base of the Hajar Mountains and
as they progress westwards become intercalated with layers of dolomite marls, claystones and
siltstones. The conglomerates generally comprise larger clasts of fine to medium sub-rounded to
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rounded gravels within a matrix of fine silt sized materials. The matrix varies in colour from brownish
to reddish. The matrix materials are often washed out when coring and standard penetration tests
(SPTs) show refusal with little or no penetration.
In the eastern part of the Abu Dhabi Emirate, a thick sequence of conglomerates from the upper part
of the Muthaymimah Formation may be encountered. These comprise cemented sub-rounded to
rounded limestone of pebble to boulder size.
Conglomerates can be useful sources of structural fill for earthworks and depending on grain size
and degree of cementation may also be suitable as aggregate for concrete if suitably processed.
The sandstones are generally fine to medium grained and are often interbeddded with siltstones and
intercalations of marly mudstones. The unconfined compressive strength (UCS) values for these
strata typically range between 2.5MPa and 10MPa.
The materials can usually be excavated easily by mechanical excavators and when excavated can
make for good general fill materials for use in embankments or building platforms. They can,
however, contain high concentrations of sulphates and chlorides that create an aggressive chemical
environment for concrete. In extreme cases high gypsum contents can make the strata susceptible
to collapse due to dissolution of the gypsum particles.
Excavated rock slopes tend to be prone to failure and deterioration unless properly designed and
protected. Rock slope stability is governed by the spacing, orientation and condition of the
discontinuities within the rock mass and excavations in these materials must be designed
accordingly, based on geological mapping and rock mass characterisation.
In temporary cuts, these deposits can often stand near vertical in the short term, but may suffer brittle
collapse if cut too steep or left unsupported for long periods.
Structurally these deposits are horizontally bedded and show gentle and simple folding. The UCS
values of gypsum are typically in the range of 10MPa to 15MPa and that of mudstone are typically
in the range of 2MPa to 3MPa.
Where the mudstone and gypsum deposits are interlayered, particularly in the Upper Fars units,
cavities are known to occur as a result of dissolution of the gypsum where groundwater flow tends
to concentrate at the mudstone/gypsum interface.
Gypsum is a sulphate based evaporite that is susceptible to dissolution and is generally not
recommended for use in earthworks unless it is permanently saturated in saline water or can be
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protected from contact with fresh water. Excavation of thick gypsum deposits, due to the strength
and massive nature of the deposits, typically requires heavy ripping or cutting machinery.
The mudstones are generally easily excavated by mechanical means but have a tendency to
disintegrate. The high fines content can make them difficult to compact in earthworks and they can
contain high sulphates as a result of thin intercalations of gypsum.
If exposed in excavations, permanent cut slopes in gypsum and mudstone will suffer from surface
erosion and may require application of a surface protection such as shotcrete. Excavations can also
suffer from shallow landslides over time as a result of stress release leading to increases in moisture
content in the mudstone and consequent loss of strength. Calcarenite
Calcarenites are weakly cemented calcareous sandstones typically occurring within the Upper Fars
Formation. They are usually creamy in colour and have a high concentration of carbonate minerals.
The strata may also be classified as Calcisiltite (silt sized) and Calcilutite (clay sized) rocks, based
on grain size. The deposits are generally very weak to weak with UCS values of between 1MPa and
1.5MPa. Calcernites can typically be excavated easily by mechanical excavators and when
excavated makes for good general fill for use in embankments or building platforms. They can,
however, contain high concentrations of sulphates and chlorides that create an aggressive chemical
environment for concrete.
Rock slopes in the coarser grained deposits tend to be reasonably resistant to erosion. The finer
grained deposits, however, can suffer from erosion and may need surface protection for permanent
cuttings. Rock slope stability is governed by the weak strength of the rock material and also by the
spacing, orientation and condition of the discontinuities within the rock mass. Excavations in these
materials must be designed accordingly, based on geological mapping and rock mass
In temporary cuts, these deposits can often stand near vertical in the short term, but may suffer brittle
collapse if cut too steep or left unsupported for long periods. Limestone
Many limestone units are present in the region but are only exposed at ground surface in the eastern
parts of the Abu Dhabi emirate, near Al Ain and the Hajar mountains. Limestones predominate in
the Asmari, Dammam and Simsima Formations. The limestones vary in composition from weak
marly limestones to strong reef limestones. UCS values for the limestones show a wide range from
5MPa to 100MPa.
Excavatability depends on the material strength and spacing of bedding and joint planes. Stronger,
massive units may require blasting but the weaker more fractured rock masses can be excavated
by heavy to moderate ripping machines.
Rock slope stability is governed by the spacing, orientation and condition of the discontinuities within
the rock mass and excavations in these materials must be designed accordingly based on geological
mapping and rock mass characterisation.
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Stronger limestone units from the Dammam and Simsima Units can make good road or concrete
aggregate. Other deposits can make for good general fill but may require crushing to obtain suitable
particle sizes. The deposits are typically not prone to high sulphates or chlorides.
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A significant amount of information about a site may already be available in existing records. A list
of the most important sources of information is given in Table C2 in Appendix C.
As part of the preliminary sources study a reconnaissance of the site and where possible also the
area immediately surrounding it, should be made. Table C3 in Appendix C provides a summary of
the procedure for site reconnaissance and the main points to be routinely considered. The precise
extent of the reconnaissance required at any site should, however, be established by the
geotechnical practitioner taking account of the particular circumstances of the site and scheme. The
geotechnical practitioner should extend or modify the standard procedure to reflect the site and
scheme needs.
Road and railway cuttings and the likes of quarries in the locality of a site can provide useful
information on soil and rock types and their stability characteristics. Similarly the likes of
embankments, buildings or other structures with a history of settlement can provide useful evidence
of unstable or compressible soils. Surface (geomorphological) features on a site can also provide
evidence of the ground conditions that exist, for example ground collapse depressions might be
indicative of underground cavities.
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03-PRELIMINARY SOURCES STUDY Second Edition June-2021
4.2 Introduction
The composition and the extent of the geotechnical investigations for a scheme should reflect the
anticipated type and design of the proposed construction. Consequently the geotechnical practitioner
should seek all pertinent information for a scheme from the designer at the early stages of
geotechnical investigation planning and design. For guidance, the sorts of details that should be
obtained are given below:
• Road earthworks: locations, layout, dimensions, geometry and elevations of the sections at
grade, in cutting and on embankment.
• Road structures: locations of bridges and their approaches, tunnels and their approaches,
retaining walls, gantry signage and buildings (for example toll booths, low rise office buildings
or maintenance depots). Information on the structures layout, type of construction
anticipated together with design load and performance criteria.
• Borrow pit requirements and re-use of earthworks materials.
The precise details to be obtained will be project specific and must be established by the
geotechnical practitioner.
With such information the geotechnical practitioner can optimise the design of the geotechnical
investigations and thereby provide overall value for money.
The geotechnical investigations should provide sufficient data on the ground and groundwater
conditions to facilitate a full description of the essential ground properties and a reliable assessment
of the soil and rock parameters to be used in design calculations.
The typical aspects to be considered by the geotechnical practitioner when scoping a ground
investigation are as follows:
The ground
i) the suitability of the site with respect to the proposed construction and the level of
acceptable risks;
ii) the deformation of the ground caused by the structure or earthworks or resulting from
construction works and its behaviour over time;
iii) the safety with respect to limit states, for example settlement, subsidence, ground heave,
uplift, slippage of soil and rock masses;
Page 14
iv) the loads transmitted to the structure from the ground, for example lateral pressures on
piles, and the extent to which they depend on its design and construction;
viii) any additional structural measures required, for example support of excavations,
anchorage, sleeving of bored piles, removal of obstructions;
x) the type and extent of contamination on, and in the vicinity of the site including the
effectiveness of any existing measures installed to contain or remediate contamination.
iii) whether it is possible to extract and process the materials, and whether and how suitable
material can be separated and disposed of;
v) the workability of the soil and rock during construction and possible changes in their
properties during excavation, transport, placement and further treatment.
i) the depth, thickness, extent and permeability of water bearing strata in the ground and
joint systems in rock;
ii) the elevation of the groundwater surface or piezometric surface of aquifers and their
variation over time and actual groundwater levels including possible extreme levels and
their periods of recurrence;
Page 15
vi) the harmful effects of the groundwater on excavations or on slopes, for example the risk
of hydraulic failure, excessive seepage pressure or erosion;
vii) necessary measures to protect the structure, for example waterproofing, drainage and
measures to protect against aggressive water;
ix) the capacity of the ground to absorb water injected during construction;
x) whether it is possible to use local groundwater, given its chemical constitution, for
construction purposes;
xi) is there any existing groundwater control in the vicinity of the site, which will need to be
Further information on the planning of ground investigations can be found in UK Site Investigation
Steering Group (1993). (10)
• Phase 1: Often referred to as the Preliminary Ground Investigation. Undertaken in the early
stages of a project for route selection and concept design and/or for scheme preliminary
design for construction tendering purposes.
• Phase 2: Often referred to as the Detailed Ground Investigation. Usually undertaken at the
beginning of a scheme construction contract to provide additional earthwork and structure
specific information for verification of the preliminary design and or update of the design to
be taken to construction.
In some circumstances there could be other phases of ground investigation prior to scheme
• Phase 3: Often referred to as the Construction Ground Investigation. Usually undertaken
during scheme construction for controlling and monitoring purposes. For example to
investigate particular ground conditions and verify the extent of construction works such as
Page 16
the treatment of solution cavities or for the installation of piezometers to monitor groundwater
levels associated with dewatering of a deep excavation.
The composition and the extent of the ground investigations should reflect the amount and quality of
available historic exploratory hole information, the particular stage of a project and also the ground
risks as established from a Geotechnical Risk Assessment (discussed in Manual Part 1 Chapter 8)
and reflected in the Geotechnical Category of the project (discussed in Manual Part 1 Section 3.3).
The geotechnical practitioner should plan each phase of ground investigation to supplement
information already available to ensure that an appropriate level of geotechnical information and data
are available at the particular project stage. The information obtained must be sufficient to enable
the geotechnical practitioner to assess the geotechnical risks relative to the project stage. The
ground investigation would normally be required to establish the soil, rock and groundwater
conditions, and if present the level of contamination and provide for the determination of the
properties of the soil and rock.
The type, frequency and spacing of exploratory holes required for a particular phase of investigation
will depend on the quantity and quality of information already available, the variability of subsurface
conditions, the type of earthworks and structures proposed and the Geotechnical Category of the
project. It is to be noted that, where appropriate the geotechnical practitioner should incorporate in
situ cone penetration testing (ref Section 6.3) within the overall ground investigation design to provide
overall value for money in obtaining the information required on the ground and groundwater
conditions at a site.
For the likes of route selection studies and conceptual design, overall coverage of exploratory holes
(comprising good quality available historic exploratory holes and any required Phase 1 ground
investigation to supplement those data) of up to 300m spacing may be appropriate. For simple
schemes in areas of generally uniform or simple subsurface conditions it may be appropriate to adopt
a greater spacing of up to 500m. For the purpose of preparing a preliminary design for a scheme
then an overall reduced spacing of possibly some 200m may be appropriate with at least one
exploratory hole at important structures such as a bridge foundation. The overall coverage of
exploratory holes and the extent of any Phase 1 ground investigation to supplement available historic
records should, however, be limited to that necessary for making basic design decisions.
For scheme detailed design a much denser spacing of exploratory holes (comprising good quality
available historic records, any Phase 1 ground investigation previously undertaken and any required
Phase 2 ground investigation to supplement those data) will be required. The locations of exploratory
holes and the depths of the investigations should reflect the expected ground conditions, the
dimensions of the structures and earthworks and the engineering problems. Guidelines on the layout
of exploratory holes for detailed design of scheme structures and earthworks are given in Table 2.
Guidelines on the minimum depths requirements for the exploratory holes below the lowest point of
Page 17
the structure foundation or earthwork are given in Table 3. The precise numbers of exploratory holes,
their locations and depths must, however, be determined by a suitably experienced geotechnical
practitioner based on the project specific geotechnical risk assessment and guidelines provided in
this document, in particular Table-2 & 3.
When selecting the exploratory holes locations, the following should be observed:
i) The investigation points should be arranged in such a pattern that the soils and rock
stratification can be assessed across the site.
ii) The investigation points for structures and any buildings should be placed at critical points
relative to the shape, structural behaviour and expected loading.
iii) For linear structures the exploratory holes should be arranged at adequate offsets to the
centreline depending on the overall width of the structure, such as an embankment
footprint or a cutting.
iv) For structures on or near slopes and changes in the terrain (including excavations), the
exploratory holes should be located so that the stability of the slope or cut can be
assessed. Where anchorages are installed, due consideration should be given to the
extent and likely stresses in their load transfer zone.
Page 18
Table 2: Guidelines for overall exploratory holes spacings for detailed design
Scheme element / Scheme element Exploratory hole (typically boreholes, trial pits and possibly in situ cone penetration tests where appropriate)
geotechnical hazard size/layout
Minimum requirements (1) Additional considerations
Bridge foundations - Advice on the design of the ground investigation 1. Additional exploratory holes to be provided in areas of variable sub-
should be sought from a geotechnical practitioner surface conditions.
with knowledge and experience in bridge design
2. Additional exploratory holes to be provided for unusual foundation
and construction.
shape and loading.
For piers or abutments One exploratory hole at each foundation
less than 25m wide
Retaining walls For retaining walls less One exploratory hole at each retaining wall 1. Additional exploratory holes inside and outside the wall line to define
than 25m length conditions at the toe of the wall and in the zone behind the wall to
estimate lateral loads, engulfing slope failure and anchorage
For retaining walls over Spacing between exploratory holes should be no capacities.
25m length, greater than 25m at each retaining wall.
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Scheme element / Scheme element Exploratory hole (typically boreholes, trial pits and possibly in situ cone penetration tests where appropriate)
geotechnical hazard size/layout
Minimum requirements (1) Additional considerations
Cuttings For cuttings of less than One exploratory hole at each cutting. 1. Additional exploratory holes perpendicular to the cutting (typically a
25m length minimum of 3) to be provided at critical locations and high cuts to define
the ground and groundwater conditions for stability analysis design.
For cuttings of greater Spacing between exploratory holes should be no 2. For existing slopes affected by landslide instability there should be at
than 25m length greater than 100m at each cutting in simple ground least one exploratory hole upslope of the landslide.
conditions. Reduce minimum spacing required in more
difficult ground conditions relative to complexity.
Embankments For embankments of One exploratory hole at each embankment. 1. Additional exploratory holes perpendicular to the embankment to be
less than 25m length provided at critical locations and high embankments (typically a
minimum of 3) to define the ground and groundwater conditions for
For embankments of Spacing between exploratory holes should be no settlement and stability analysis design.
greater than 25m greater than 100m at each embankment in simple
length ground conditions. Reduce minimum spacing required
in more difficult ground conditions relative to
Carriageways - Spacing between exploratory holes along the 1. Some of the exploratory holes should be off-set from the centreline.
carriageway alignment generally should not exceed
2. The spacing and locations of the exploratory holes should be reduced
in the case of complex ground and groundwater conditions (eg sabkha)
to ensure that the vertical and horizontal boundaries of the distinct soil
and rock units within the project limits are defined. Use may be made
of boreholes sunk for other scheme elements such as embankments,
cuttings and structures.
3. In addition to boreholes, the excavated trial pits shall be utilized to
collect bulk samples from subgrade. CBR and other field/laboratory
tests shall be carried out on samples collected at/below subgrade
instead of zone planned to be excavated for pavement construction.
Culverts - One exploratory hole at each major culvert 1. Additional exploratory holes should be provided for long culverts or in
areas of very variable subsurface conditions.
Page 20
Scheme element / Scheme element Exploratory hole (typically boreholes, trial pits and possibly in situ cone penetration tests where appropriate)
geotechnical hazard size/layout
Minimum requirements (1) Additional considerations
Non-destructive For crossings less than Two exploratory holes, one at each end of the crossing 1. Additional exploratory holes should be provided for long crossings or
crossings 25m length (close to crossing ends at the launch and reception in areas of very variable subsurface conditions.
Non-destructive For crossings of Two exploratory holes, one at each end of the crossing 1. Additional exploratory holes should be provided for long crossings or
crossings (continued) greater than 25m (close to the crossing ends at the launch and reception in areas of very variable subsurface conditions.
length locations/pits).
Low rise buildings - One exploratory hole at building/structure location 1. Additional exploratory holes to be provided in areas of variable sub-
(e.g. toll plaza or road surface conditions.
maintenance depot),
2. Additional exploratory holes to be provided for unusual foundation
shades or other
shape and loadings.
Page 21
Scheme element / Scheme element Exploratory hole (typically boreholes, trial pits and possibly in situ cone penetration tests where appropriate)
geotechnical hazard size/layout
Minimum requirements (1) Additional considerations
Materials borrow - One exploratory hole every 1,000m2 of borrow area 1. Additional exploratory holes should be provided areas of variable
areas subsurface conditions.
(1) The provided spacing in table-2 are between two similar type of exploratory holes and should be finalized in conjunction with the depth requirements provided in Table-3.
Page 22
Scheme element / Foundation type Depth of exploratory holes below the lowest point of the structure foundation or earthwork
geotechnical hazard
Minimum depth requirements (Dmin ) (1) Additional considerations
Bridge (abutments Spread foundation For L<2B take Dmin = greater of 5m or 2B 1. Extend exploratory hole depth in unfavourable ground conditions
and piers) such as weak or compressible strata.
For L>4B take Dmin = greater of 6m or 3B
For L between 2B and 4B interpolate between the
Pile foundations For single piles Dmin = 5m or 3Dia of the pile 1. Extend exploratory hole depth in unfavourable ground conditions
whichever is the greater in competent strata (below such as weak or compressible strata.
the estimated depth of the pile toe)
2. If tension piles are needed the depth of investigation should be
For pile groups Dmin must also be greater than B for as for pile foundations.
the area circumscribing the pile group area in
competent strata.
Retaining walls Gravity and cantilever Dmin = 5m or 2B whichever is the greater. 1. Extend exploratory hole depth in situations with sloping ground
walls (spread footing) behind retaining wall.
In the case of piled footings the same as bridge pile
foundations applies. 2. Extend exploratory hole depth to provide sufficient information to
allow comprehensive stability assessment of engulfing slope
Embedded walls Dmin = 1.5H for the wall retained height failures of the retaining wall.
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Scheme element / Foundation type Depth of exploratory holes below the lowest point of the structure foundation or earthwork
geotechnical hazard
Minimum depth requirements (Dmin ) (1) Additional considerations
Cuttings - Dmin = 2m or 0.4H for the cutting whichever is the 1. Extend exploratory hole depth to provide sufficient information to
greater, below the base of the cutting. allow comprehensive stability assessment of cutting slope.
Embankments - Dmin = 5m or 1.2H for the embankment whichever is 1. Exploratory holes should extend to a depth where the additional
the greater, below embankment founding level. stress owing to the embankment is less than 10% of the imposed
load at its base.
2. Exploratory holes should be extended in unfavourable ground
conditions such as weak or compressible strata to competent
Carriageways (at - Dmin = 4m below the proposed formation level. 1. Exploratory holes should be extended in unfavourable ground
grade sections) conditions such as weak or compressible strata to competent
Culverts Ground bearing Dmin = 4m below the invert level or 1.5B of the trench 1. For major culverts Dmin = 5m or 3B of the trench whichever is
whichever is the greater the greater should apply.
Page 24
Scheme element / Foundation type Depth of exploratory holes below the lowest point of the structure foundation or earthwork
geotechnical hazard
Minimum depth requirements (Dmin ) (1) Additional considerations
Low rise buildings - Dmin = 5m or 3 times width of the spread footing 1. Exploratory holes should extend to a depth where the additional
(e.g. toll plaza or road whichever is the greater, below building founding level. stress owing to the building is less than 10% of the imposed load
maintenance depot), at its base.
For pile foundations criteria for bridge pile foundations
shades or other
should be adopted. 2. Exploratory holes should be extended in unfavourable ground
conditions such as weak or compressible strata to competent
Landslides - Advice on the design of the ground investigation 1. Geomorphological mapping and assessment of the landslide
should be sought from a geotechnical practitioner should be initially carried out and used to design the ground
with knowledge and experience in the investigation and should also be used to assist in development
investigation and interpretation of landslides, their of the ground model.
management and in the design and construction of
remediation measures.
Dmin has to prove the depth of the landslide together
with the geological sequence of soils and rocks that
make up the landslide and the affected slope.
Natural cavities - Advice on the design of the ground investigation 1. Geophysical survey mapping and assessment of the natural
should be sought from a geotechnical practitioner cavities should be initially carried out and used to design the
with knowledge and experience in the ground investigation and also be used to assist in development
investigation and interpretation of natural cavities, of the ground model.
their management and in the design and
construction of remediation measures.
Dmin has to prove the bedrock cover to potential or
known cavities to between 3 and 5 times the
anticipated cavity width.
Page 25
(1) It is designer responsibility to ensure that required criteria of investigation shall be fulfilled during the design stage. In-case, investigation results may require further additional
number of boreholes and/or few boreholes may require to extend up to greater depth, efforts shall be made to execute it during design stage. However, if due to time or other
constrains the additional/extended boreholes cannot be executed during design stage along with main investigation, then particular additional scope can be added to verification
stage investigation (construction stage). Approval and agreement with authority reviewer shall be required in this regard and design Consultant shall undertake full responsibility
of the design, errors and associated risks due to non-compliance to the investigation requirements at design stage (if any).
Page 26
The type, quantity and sophistication of the geotechnical test data required for a project will depend
on the nature of the ground and the importance and sensitivity of the structure or earthwork. For
most projects in Abu Dhabi, in situ standard penetration testing (SPT) with bulk sampling of soils for
classification and chemical testing will form the basis of the ground investigation. In bedrock, cores
will normally be taken for laboratory determination of the rock unconfined compressive strength. For
some major structures, such as bridges, the consequences of a foundation failure or excessive
settlement are likely to be severe. In those cases more sophisticated in situ and laboratory testing
may be appropriate to provide the data required for specialist modelling of the ground structure
interaction during and post construction and possibly also during extreme events such as an
earthquake. Before embarking on a programme of expensive tests careful consideration should be
given to the aims, applicability and cost benefits of such testing.
Table 4 provides a list of the main soils properties and engineering parameters that might be required
to be determined for use in design, together with symbols and units used for those properties in later
sections of this manual.
Table 5 provides a list of the main rock properties and engineering parameters that might be required
to be determined for use in design, together with symbols and units used for those properties in later
sections of this manual.
Page 27
Classification properties
w % Moisture content
Chemical properties
Electrochemical properties
Eh mV Redox potential
c’crit kPa (kN/m2)* Critical state cohesion intercept Critical state effective shear
(usually zero) strength
Page 28
* Units in brackets also commonly used.
Page 29
Classification properties
w % Moisture content
n % Porosity
γ Mg/m3 Density
Eh mV Redox potential
j - Mass factor j
Elastic properties
Page 30
ν - Poisson’s ratio
Soil parameters can be derived from in situ testing, laboratory testing and field trials. There are,
however, several factors that will influence the measured values, many of which are inherent or
unavoidable. The geotechnical practitioner should be aware and appreciate the magnitude of these
influences on the required parameter and where necessary take these into account based on his
experience and published knowledge. The factors which affect the measured soil and rock
parameters can be categorised as follows:
i) natural variability
ii) sampling and testing procedures
iii) interpretation.
Fabric features such as local cementing in sands and laminations in lagoonal clays can also have a
significant influence on measured engineering properties. It is therefore important to recognise the
presence of such fabric within the soil and be aware of the possible influence it has on the test
The stress history that a soil has undergone will also affect the way it responds to an imposed load.
In some cases it may be important to understand and possibly model the stress history and to model
the stress changes that the works will cause to achieve the most accurate prediction of soil
Page 31
Table 7 lists the types of samples that are generally most suitable for taking in Abu Dhabi soils and
provides guidance on the quality class of those samples, for cross reference with Table 6. Further
guidance on preferred methods for drilling in different soils types, achievable standards of sampling
and quality class of samples that might be obtained may be found in BS EN ISO 22475-1:2006(11).
Moisture content
Deformation and
Atterberg limits,
Strata sequence
particle density
Shear strength
Bulk density
Particle size
Class 5 * - - - - -
Class 4 * * - - - -
Class 3 * * * - - -
Class 2 * * * * - -
Class 1 * * * * * *
Page 32
For sampling of rock strata, rotary core drilling using a double tube barrel is most widely used in Abu
Dhabi and preferably should also include use of a core liner. Core sizes H (76mm diameter) and P
(92mm diameter) are most commonly used. With drilling care a high level of core recovery can
usually be achieved. Core recovery of 90% minimum in any single core run can normally be attained,
and usually core recovery of close to 100% can be obtained. It should be noted that coring at a larger
diameter will usually provide a better recovery and quality of core compared to a smaller diameter
core in the same strata. Where high pressure dilatometer testing of rock strata is undertaken, then
the ‘pockets’ for those tests is normally achieved by coring at N size (54.5mm diameter).
To ensure that representative properties and engineering parameters are determined for soils and
rock strata which are inherently variable, a reasonable number of samples should be subjected to
laboratory testing. The precise numbers and types of tests to be undertaken must be based on a
comprehensive understanding of the scheme and the engineering parameters required for design
together with appreciation of the different deposits and variation within them encountered in the
ground investigation exploratory holes. Considerable experience is required to attain the right
balance of cost effective data.
Guidelines on the minimum number of samples to be tested for each soil stratum in a scheme
element (for example a bridge or embankment length) are given in Table 8. Guidelines on the
minimum number of samples to be tested for each rock stratum in a scheme element are given in
Table 9. Further guidance on the minimum numbers of samples to be tested may be found in BS EN
Page 33
Table 8: Guidelines on the minimum number of samples to be tested for particular soils laboratory tests
Soil property/engineering parameter Number of samples to be tested in each soil stratum per scheme section
Classification tests
Moisture content (w) 5 These classification tests should be undertaken on all samples on which shear strength and or consolidation/elastic
properties are determined. The classification test data will often prove helpful in explaining atypical strength or
Plasticity index (Ip), liquid limit (wI) and plastic 5 consolidation/elastic properties test results that lie outside the general data set for a particular soils stratum.
limit (wp)
In situ density tests may be undertaken instead of/in addition to laboratory bulk density tests.
Bulk density (mass density) (γ) 3
Dry density/moisture content relationship 3 The number of tests should be selected considering the variation of the particle size distribution and the quantity of
material to be compacted. 4.5kg rammer tests are mainly undertaken with the occasional 2.5kg rammer test.
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) 3 In situ CBR tests may be undertaken instead of/in addition to laboratory CBR tests. Resilient modulus may be
estimated from CBR and published correlations.
Chemical tests
Shear strength
Undrained shear strength 3 Triaxial compression method (without measurement of pore pressure)
Effective shear strength 3 Direct shear (small shear box) method, consolidated undrained triaxial with measurement of pore pressure or
consolidated drained triaxial with measurement of volume change or combination of the three methods of test. For
sands shear box tests are commonly undertaken on remoulded specimens.
Residual effective shear strength 3 Direct shear (small shear box) method or ring shear or combination of the two methods of test.
Page 34
Soil property/engineering parameter Number of samples to be tested in each soil stratum per scheme section
One dimensional consolidation 3 Oedometer cell or hydraulic cell test or combination of the two methods of test
Coefficient of permeability (k) 3 Consideration to be given to both vertical permeability (k v) and horizontal permeability (kh)
Table 9: Guidelines on the minimum number of samples to be tested for particular rock laboratory tests
Rock property/engineering parameter Number of samples to be tested in each rock stratum per scheme section
Classification tests
Moisture content (w) 5 Moisture content and bulk density measurements are often carried out and reported as part of uniaxial compressive
strength testing.
Bulk density (mass density) (γ) 5
Strength testing
Chemical tests
Carbonate content 3 -
Page 35
Some of the largest errors in the derivation of engineering parameters can arise in making the
interpretative step from a series of in situ or laboratory test results to the engineering parameter to
be used in design calculations. With the natural variability in soils and rocks (Sub-section
and the overall limited extent of in situ and soils laboratory testing there is the inevitable risk that the
likes of the soils and rocks strengths and deformation characteristics are inferior to the test results.
In case where soils laboratory testing is undertaken on remoulded test specimens where larger
particle sizes are removed then those tests will give results that are inferior to the performance of
the in situ materials. Simply taking the average of all the results is seldom appropriate and a
considerable degree of engineering judgement and well-established experience is required to select
the design parameters. The determination of engineering parameters for use in design is discussed
further in Section 8.3
Page 36
Table 10: Engineering parameters commonly required for design and to be considered in planning a ground investigation
Structure/earthwork Design issue Material Engineering Usual source of data for Occasional other testing undertaken
parameters* parameter* derivation and other engineering parameters*
normally derived
required In situ Laboratory
testing/data testing
Strata abbreviations: AS – aeolian sand, FSG – fluvial sand/gravel, S – sabkha, LM – lagoonal mud, R – rock *for parameter abbreviations refer to Table 4 &
Table 5
Bridge Spread Sizing//bearing capacity Soil (AS, FSG) γ, ’, ks SPT N, CPT, - Soil & rock (All) – field pressuremeter
(including footings density tests testing.
abutments and Soil (AS, FSG) – laboratory small & large
Rock γ, UCS, ks Fracture indices, UCS (and PL)
piers), gantry shear box tests for ’.
m, s, RMR rock exposures
preferably (or core Soil (S, LM) – laboratory triaxial tests for
if no exposures cu and c’+ ’.
Settlement Soil (AS, FSG) E’ SPT N, CPT - Soil & rock (All) – field pressuremeter
(components, total, testing.
differential and rate) Rock E’ (& Es), Fracture indices, UCS with
Soil (AS, FSG) – field plate bearing test
RMR rock exposures strain gauges
for E’.
(or core if no
exposures Soil(S, LM) – field testing for k and
available) laboratory oedometer tests for mv and cv.
Pile Carrying capacity (axial Soil (AS, FSG) γ , ’, ks SPT N, CPT - Soil & rock (All) – field pressuremeter
foundations and lateral), downdrag/ testing.
negative skin friction Rock UCS - UCS (and PL)
Soil (AS, FSG) – laboratory small & large
shear box tests for ’.
Soil (S, LM) – laboratory oedometer tests
for mv and cv and triaxial tests for cu
Page 37
Structure/earthwork Design issue Material Engineering Usual source of data for Occasional other testing and
parameters parameter derivation engineering parameters required
required In situ Laboratory
testing/data testing
Bridge Pile Settlement/ deflection of Soil (AS, FSG) E’ SPT N, CPT - Soil (AS, FSG) – field plate bearing test for
(including foundations laterally loaded piles E’
abutments and (continued) Rock E (& Es), Fracture indices UCS with
piers), gantry RMR rock exposures strain gauges
signs (core if exposures
(continued) not available)
Tunnels Loading on tunnel lining Soil (AS) γ , ’, E’, ν, SPT N, CPT - Advice on parameters for design
Ko should be sought from a geotechnical
practitioner with knowledge and
Rock γ ,UCS, E (& Fracture indices UCS with experience in tunnel design and
Es), ν, Ko, rock exposures strain gauges construction.
RMR (core if exposures
Soil & rock (All) – field pressuremeter
not available)
Page 38
Structure/earthwork Design issue Material Engineering Usual source of data for Occasional other testing and
parameters parameter derivation engineering parameters required
required In situ Laboratory
testing/data testing
Retaining walls Gravity wall Sliding resistance Soil (AS, FSG) ’ SPT N, CPT - Soil (AS, FSG) – field plate bearing test for
(continued) (continued) E’
Rock γ, c’ + ’ - -
Soil(S, LM) – laboratory oedometer tests
Stability (engulfing Soil (AS, FSG) γ, ’ SPT N, CPT, - for mv and cv and triaxial tests for cu and
failures) density
c’+ ’.
Cantilever/ Wall stability & Soil (AS, FSG) γ, ’, ks SPT N, CPT, - Rock – laboratory rock shear box for c’+
anchored engulfing stability density ’.
wall Anchorage design Soil (AS, FSG) γ, ’ SPT N, CPT, -
Soil cuttings Stability Soil (AS, FSG) γ, ’ SPT N, CPT, - Soil (AS, FSG) – laboratory small & large
density shear box tests for ’.
Soil (AS, FSG) – laboratory small & large
Soil (S,LM) γ, cu , c’+ ’ Triaxial tests
shear box tests for c’+’ (and c’r+’r where
soils are affected by landslide).
, CD)
Rock cuttings Stability Rock γ, c’ + ’, Discontinuity UCS Rock – laboratory rock shear box for c’+
RMR’ spacing and ’.
orientation rock
exposures (core if
no exposures)
Page 39
Embankments Stability Soil (AS, FSG) γ, ’ SPT N, CPT, - Soil (AS, FSG) – laboratory small & large
density shear box tests for ’.
Soil (S, LM) – laboratory small shear box
Soil (S, LM) γ, cu, c’ + ’ - Triaxial tests
tests for c’+’ & (c’r +’r where soils
affected by landslip).
, CD)
Structure/earthwork Design issue Material Engineering Usual source of data for Occasional other testing and
parameters parameter derivation engineering parameters required
In situ Laboratory
testing/data testing
Structures and earthworks - Groundwater flow - kv & kh Permeability test Permeability Published correlations for permeability
general and infiltration test test based on particle size distribution data.
(1) Triaxial tests: UU – Unconsolidated undrained (quick undrained), CU+PWP –Consolidated undrained with porewater pressure
measurement, CD – Consolidated drained.
(2) The geotechnical practitioner will be responsible for making a final determination of the parameters required for design.
Page 40
Page 41
A list of the soils properties and engineering parameters occasionally determined from laboratory
tests for Abu Dhabi road projects is given in Table 12. The table also provides guidance on the
standards that should be used for the particular laboratory test.
A list of the groundwater properties that are commonly determined from laboratory tests for Abu
Dhabi road projects is given in Table 13. The table also provides guidance on the standards that
should be used for the particular laboratory test.
Further guidance on the selection of soils laboratory testing can be found in the AGS Guide: The
selection of geotechnical soil laboratory testing (1998) (13).
Page 42
Table 11: Soil properties and engineering parameters commonly determined from laboratory tests for Abu Dhabi road projects
Soil property/engineering parameter Test methods for laboratory measurement Cost/ Notes including comments on alternative indirect
complexity methods of engineering parameter assessment
BS ASTM AASHTO category(1)
Classification tests
Plasticity index (Ip), liquid limit (wI) and plastic BS1377.Part 2.Cl D4318-10(16) T89-10(17) T90-00 A -
limit (wp) 4,5(14) (18)
Bulk (mass) density (γ) BS1377.Part 2.Cl 7 (14) D7263-09(19) - A In situ tests are preferred in granular soils.
Particle density (ρ8) BS1377.Part 2.Cl 8 (14) D854-10(20) T100-06(21) A Obtained by calculation if w and ρ are known.
Shear strength
Effective stress strength parameters Direct shear (shear box) D3080-04(25) - B/C -
methods BS1377,Part
(Φ’ and Φcrit’) 7,Cl 4,5 (24)
Dry density/moisture content relationship BS1377.Part 4.Cl 3(24) D698-07 (26) T099-10 (28) A/B -
D1557-09 (27) T180-10(29)
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) BS1377.Part 4.Cl 7 (24) D1883-07 (30) - A/B Direct field measurement of CBR is preferred if the ground
conditions are suitable.
Maximum density (pmax) minimum density BS1377.Part 4.Cl 4 (24) D4253-00(2006) - A/B -
(pmax) (31)
Chemical tests
Page 43
Soil property/engineering parameter Test methods for laboratory measurement Cost/ Notes including comments on alternative indirect
complexity methods of engineering parameter assessment
BS ASTM AASHTO category(1)
Sulphate content of soil BS1377.Part 3.Cl 5 (33) C1580-09e1(34) - A BS covers both acid soluble and water soluble sulphate.
ASTM covers water soluble sulphate. The determination of
water soluble sulphate is most commonly made.
Chloride content of soil BS1377.Part 3.Cl 7 (33) C1524-02a(2010) T291-94(36) A ASTM test is used for testing aggregates
Carbonate Content BS377.Part 3.C l6 (33) D4373- - A ASTM provides result as Calcite (CaCO3) equivalent BS
02(2007)(38) results need to be corrected to be in CaCO3 equivalent.
Water Soluble Salts in Soil BS 1377 : Part 3 : 1990 - - A Shall be tested at 0.5m interval for soil above groundwater
(Amd. 9028-96), and table and few samples from soil below groundwater table.
Earth Manual Des.8
(1) Cost/complexity category definitions:
A - Low cost routine test: Normally carried out in large numbers to classify soils and to assess consistency of soil parameters.
B - More expensive, relatively routine test: Normally carried out selectively to determine design parameters.
C - High cost complex test: Normally carried out only when absolutely necessary to establish or confirm design parameters.
(2) The geotechnical practitioner will be responsible for making a final determination of the parameters required for design.
Page 44
Table 12: Soil properties and engineering parameters occasionally determined from laboratory tests for Abu Dhabi road projects
Soil property/engineering parameter Test methods for laboratory measurement Cost/ Notes including comments on alternative indirect
complexity methods of engineering parameter assessment
BS ASTM AASHTO category(1)
Classification tests
Dispersibility tests, pinhole crumb and BS1377.Part 5.Cl 6 (40) D4647-06e1 (41) - B -
dispersion methods Pinhole method
D4221-11 (42)
Collapse potential of soils BS1377.Part 5.Cl 4 (40) D5333-03 (44) - B ASTM working group currently looking at re-working this
standard (WK34531)
Chemical tests
Resistivity of soil (rs) BS1377.Part 3.Cl 10 G187-05 (45)using - B/C Field tests are usually preferred when practicable.
(33) two electrode soil
box method.
Shear strength
Undrained shear strength (cu or cr) Laboratory vane D4648M-10(47) - A * Often unrepresentative due to small scale and sample
method BS1377.Part lab vane. Pocket disturbance.
7.Cl 3* (46) penetrometer cu can also be assessed from classification tests such as
method in plasticity index (Ip) and published correlations.
development cu can be assessed from SPT N60 values and static cone
penetration tests in many soil types.
Triaxial compression D2850- T296-10(49) A Complementary field strength determinations from in situ
method (without 03a(2007)(48) tests are often useful.
measurement of pore
pressure) BS1377.Part
7.Cl 8,9 (46)
Page 45
Soil property/engineering parameter Test methods for laboratory measurement Cost/ Notes including comments on alternative indirect
complexity methods of engineering parameter assessment
BS ASTM AASHTO category(1)
Shear strength
Effective stress strength parameters Direct shear (shear box) D6528-07(50) - B/C Φcrit can be assessed from specific classification test
with multi-reversals Direct shear of measured in the laboratory using modified BS test
(c’, Φ’ and Φcrit’) BS1377. Part 7 Cl 4,5 cohesive soils procedures
Residual effective stress strength Direct shear (shear box) New ASTM under - C Φr’ can be assessed based on classification tests and
parameters (Φr’) with multi-reversals development published correlations.
BS1377. Part 7.Cl 4,5, (WK3822)(54)
(46) Φr’ may be assessed from back analysis of failures.
One dimensional consolidation/swelling Oedometer cell test D2435M-11(55) T216 -07 (56) B mv can be estimated from SPT N60 values in
properties and pre-consolidation pressure methods BS1377.Part overconsolidated clays
(mv, mv(rebound),cv, cv(rebound) and pc’) 5.Cl 3 (40)
mv can be estimated from static cone penetration test cone
Swelling Test Methods D4546-08(57) - B mv can also be assessed based on historical data on the
BS1377.Part 5.Cl 4 (40) performance of structures.
cv laboratory generally significantly underestimates in situ
Hydraulic Cell methods D4186M-12 (59) - C performance. A field estimate of cv can be made taking cv =
BS1377.Part 6.Cl 3 (58) k/(γwmv) based on the oedometer mv value, γw (weight density
of water = 9.81kN/m3 )and a field permeability (k) from the
likes of a borehole or piezometer permeability test.
Page 46
Soil property/engineering parameter Test methods for laboratory measurement Cost/ Notes including comments on alternative indirect
complexity methods of engineering parameter assessment
BS ASTM AASHTO category(1)
Coefficient of Permeability (k) Constant Head Method D2434-68 T215(61) B In situ field tests are usually preferred to laboratory tests
BS1377.Part 5.Cl 5 (40) (2006)(60)
kv and kh in layered soils can be significantly different
Falling Head Method D5084-10(63) - B requiring measurement in tests with suitable sample
(Head K H (1982)(62)) preparation, orientation and drainage.
k can be assessed from particle size distribution and
published correlations.
(1) Cost/complexity category definitions:
A - Low cost routine test: Normally carried out in large numbers to classify soils and to assess consistency of soil parameters.
B - More expensive, relatively routine test: Normally carried out selectively to determine design parameters.
C - High cost complex test: Normally carried out only when absolutely necessary to establish or confirm design parameters.
(2) The geotechnical practitioner will be responsible for making a final determination of the parameters required for design.
Page 47
Table 13: Groundwater properties commonly determined from laboratory tests for Abu Dhabi road projects
Soil property/engineering parameter Test methods for laboratory measurement Cost/ Notes including comments on alternative indirect
complexity methods of engineering parameter assessment
BS ASTM AASHTO category(1)
Chemical tests
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) BS 1377 : Part 3 : 1990: - - A Adequate frequency below groundwater table.
Cl: 8.
(1) Cost/complexity category definitions:
A - Low cost routine test: Normally carried out in large numbers to classify soils and to assess consistency of soil parameters.
B - More expensive, relatively routine test: Normally carried out selectively to determine design parameters.
C - High cost complex test: Normally carried out only when absolutely necessary to establish or confirm design parameters.
(2) The geotechnical practitioner will be responsible for making a final determination of the parameters required for design.
Page 48
4.6.2 Rock
A list of the rock properties and engineering parameters occasionally determined from laboratory
tests for Abu Dhabi road projects is given in Table 15. The table also provides guidance on the
standards that should be used for the particular laboratory test.
• spacing
• orientation
• aperture, persistence (continuity)
• tightness
• roughness, including the effects of previous movements on the joints
• any joint infilling.
Those characteristics can be assessed from logging on site of nearby rock exposures or by
orientation of recovered rock core. Guidance on the recording of rock exposures is given in
references, ISRM (1989) (67), TRL (2011) (68), TRL (2011) (69) and Hoek & Bray (1994) (70) and
the method to be adopted on a project will need to be determined by a suitably qualified and
experienced geotechnical practitioner.
Estimates of rock mass properties such as strength and stiffness may be obtained by using the
concept of rock mass classification. Further details can be found in Bieniawski (1976)(71), Bieniawski
(1989)(72), Barton (2002)(73) and Hoek et al (2002)(74).
Page 49
Table 14: Rock properties and engineering parameters commonly determined from laboratory tests for Abu Dhabi road projects
Rock property/engineering parameter Test methods for laboratory measurement Cost/ Notes including comments on alternative indirect
complexity methods of engineering parameter assessment
BS ASTM ISRM/Other category(1)
Classification tests
Water content (w) - D2216-10*(15) ISRM Part 2(67) A * Normally determined as part of UCS test
Density (ρ) - Part of UCS test* ISRM Part 2(67) A * Normally determined as part of UCS test
Chemical tests
Point load (I) - D5731-08(75) Broch & Franklin A Tests are typically carried out as axial point load (Ia) or
(1972)(76) diametrical point load (Id) or lump tests
Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) - D7012-10*(77) ISRM Part 2(67) A * test includes the determination of moisture content and
bulk density.
Young’s Modulus of elasticity (E) - D7012-10*(77) ISRM Part 2(67) B Where, in-situ/laboratory tests not performed to determine
modulus of elasticity (Em). For non-cohesive soil a criteria of
Em = 1N and for rock stratum a criteria of (Em=J x Mr x
UCS) shall be adopted.
(1) Cost/complexity category definitions:
A - Low cost routine test: Normally carried out in large numbers to classify soils and to assess consistency of soil parameters.
B - More expensive, relatively routine test: Normally carried out selectively to determine design parameters.
C - High cost complex test: Normally carried out only when absolutely necessary to establish or confirm design parameters.
(2) The geotechnical practitioner will be responsible for making a final determination of the parameters required for design.
Page 50
Table 15: Rock properties and engineering parameters occasionally determined from laboratory tests for Abu Dhabi road projects
Rock property/engineering parameter Test methods for laboratory measurement Cost/ Notes including comments on alternative indirect
complexity methods of engineering parameter assessment
BS ASTM ISRM/Other category(1)
Classification tests
(1) Cost/complexity category definitions:
A - Low cost routine test: Normally carried out in large numbers to classify soils and to assess consistency of soil parameters.
B - More expensive, relatively routine test: Normally carried out selectively to determine design parameters.
C - High cost complex test: Normally carried out only when absolutely necessary to establish or confirm design parameters.
(2) The geotechnical practitioner will be responsible for making a final determination of the parameters required for design.
Page 51
• compliance with local health and safety regulations and local environmental regulations
relevant to the particular aspect of work being carried out
• certification requirements
• technology requirements
• relevant experience in the local market and available resources (plants, office, software,
tools) in the UAE
Adherence to quality assurance procedures is of prime importance to the success of any ground
investigation, as a guarantee that specific standards are attained. The Ground Investigation
Company should operate a quality management system, which should preferably comply and be
registered to a recognised industry standard such as BS EN ISO 9001(81). The Company should
also operate an environmental management system, which should preferably by registered to an
international standard such as BS EN ISO 14001(82) and a health and safety system, preferably
registered to an international standard such as OHSAS 18001 (83).
Further information on the quality management of ground investigation may be found in UK Site
Investigation Steering Group (1993)(10). Further information on the quality of ground investigation
personnel and certification requirements are given in the following sub-Sections.
Drillers and crew should also be appropriately experienced and trained. Studies have shown that the
skill and care of the driller in applying appropriate techniques and procedures in sinking a borehole
can have a significant influence on in situ test results, for example SPT ref CIRIA Report 143
(1995)(84), and the quality of soils sample and rock core recovery. For quality control it is important,
therefore, that drillers undertaking a ground investigation are competent in the drilling techniques
used. That competency should be a combination of appropriate training and relevant drilling
experience. This should ensure that drillers are aware of the detrimental impact on data quality of
poor drilling that is to be avoided and of drilling best practice to be employed.
The competency of drillers should be reviewed on an annual basis, as such auditing can improve
the quality of work and safety. The audits should be carried out on site by suitably experienced and
qualified persons, observing the driller’s work practices and reviewing in detail an individual's ability
to carry out work in accordance with relevant standards and contract specific specifications. The
driller’s ability to make correct and accurate records and to make appropriate use of method
statements and risk assessments should also be assessed. An inspection of the driller’s rig and all
drilling tools should also be made to check that they are of the required standard. In the absence of
an independent UAE body that undertakes such audits, the audits might be made by appropriate
staff in a Ground Investigation Company as part of its quality control procedures. If and when an
independent UAE body is set up, then it is expected that the Ground Investigation Company will
adopt independent accreditation and auditing of its drillers. Further information on the competency
assessment of drillers may be found at
The following information should be sought from a Ground Investigation Company for review as part
of the technical evaluation of the company:
i) names of the geotechnical practitioners to be employed on the contract together with details
of their academic and professional qualifications and summary of their experience;
ii) names of the drillers (and drilling assistants) to be employed on the contract together with
evidence of them having been subject to an annual competency audit (or accreditation by an
independent audit body), and a summary of their experience;
iii) details of the company training and development policy and training programme for its
specialist staff and drilling crews.
i) the test work is conducted using valid, recognised, technical methods suitable for the purpose
required and of established performance characteristics, with reproducible results;
ii) the work is carried out by properly qualified and trained staff;
iii) the work is carried out on correctly functioning equipment that is calibrated so as to provide
traceability to international standards of measurement;
iv) data are consistent and of known quality being subject to quality control for accuracy and
precision by techniques that are approved by independent technical assessors.
Details of any independent accreditation held and of the company’s quality assurance procedures
for testing and results reporting should be sought from a Ground Investigation Company for review
as part of the technical evaluation the company.
The UK Site Investigation Steering Group (1993)(89) specification and bill of quantities have
commonly been used for stand-alone ground investigation contracts in Abu Dhabi. An update of
those documents was published in 2012, ref UK Site Investigation Steering Group (2012)(90). The
published documents recognise that each and every ground investigation is unique in terms of its
aims and requirements. Consequently there is provision for the geotechnical practitioner to complete
a series of schedules that define investigation specific details including:
i) a description of the site, the anticipated ground and groundwater conditions, drawings and
documents provided;
The UK Site Investigation Steering Group (2012)(90) specification and bill of quantities may be
adopted for stand-alone ground investigation works and an Excel workbook template bill of quantities
in that format is included as Appendix E. An electronic copy of the template is available from Abu
Dhabi Department of Transport.
It is to be noted that in the case of Abu Dhabi Department of Transport construction contracts, ground
investigation works to be included within such contracts will normally be specified and billed in
accordance with Abu Dhabi Department of Transport’s Standard Specification for Road Works
Manual (91) and Standard Bill of Quantities Manual (DOT/T/HW/172/2009)(92). The comprehensive
details for the specification and billing of ground investigation works provided in UK Site Investigation
Steering Group (2012)(90) may, however, provide a useful reference for the inclusion of any
additional work items required that are not covered in the Standard Specification and Standard Bill
of Quantities Manuals.
be additional bill of quantities items to reflect the additional work and measures that the ground
investigation company will have to undertake compared to those for a ground investigation in
uncontaminated conditions. UK Site Investigation Steering Group (1993)(93) Guidelines for the safe
investigation by drilling of landfills and contaminated land provides advice for the investigation of
known or potentially contaminated sites and includes example additional bill of quantities items that
could be added to the standard bill of quantities described in Sub-section 5.3 above.
UK Site Investigation Steering Group (1993) (93) guidelines use a ‘traffic light’ system to categorise
sites based on the risk to human health and controlled waters as presented in Table 16.
Table 16: Site categorisation in relation to the ground investigation of landfills and
contaminated land (after UK Site Investigation Steering Group (1993)(93))
GREEN Subsoil, hardcore, bricks, stone, concrete, clay, excavated road materials, glass,
ceramics, abrasives, etc.
Wood, paper, cardboard, plastics, metals, wool, cork, ash, clinker, cement, etc
Note: there is a possibility that bonded asbestos could be contained in otherwise inert
YELLOW Waste food, vegetable matter, floor sweepings, household waste, animal carcasses,
sludge, trees, bushes, garden waste, leather, etc.
Rubber and latex, tyres, epoxy resin, electrical fittings, soaps, cosmetics, non-toxic
metal and organic compounds, tar, pitch, bitumen, solidified wastes, fuel ash, silica dust,
RED All substances that could subject persons and animals to risk of death, injury or
impairment of health
Wide range of chemicals, toxic metal and organic compounds, etc; pharmaceutical and
veterinary wastes, phenols, medical products, solvents, beryllium, micro-organisms,
asbestos, thiocyanates, clyanides, dye stuffs, etc
Hydrocarbons, peroxides, chlorates, flammable and explosive materials, materials that
are particularly corrosive or carcinogenics, etc
It should be borne in mind that discriminate dumping may have taken place on a particular landfill or
contaminated site, and therefore the above categorisation should be treated as a guide only to
determining operational procedures.
Landfill sites licensed to accept asbestos waste or other sites where significant deposits of bound or
unbound asbestos occur justifiably have a RED designation, warranting the highest level of caution.
Many contaminated sites may, however, only have very small quantities of asbestos, often present as
asbestos cement, which (while presenting a hazard) may not warrant the highest level of protection. In
these cases it may be sufficient simply to add mains water to the borehole to prevent asbestos fibres
becoming airborne and hence available for inhalation, and to wear disposable ‘paper masks suitable
for low levels of asbestos’.
The presence of radioactive materials on a site has not been included in the above categorisation and
should be considered separately subject to relevant regulations and codes of practice.
The majority of dye stuffs are likely to be in the YELLOW category. There is, however, a variety of base
materials that have been used for the manufacturing of dyes and it is possible that some of those, when
in concentrated form, could be sufficiently toxic to require a RED designation.
In those situations where a preliminary sources study has not been carried out, or the preliminary
sources study has not revealed sufficient information, then the site should be given an automatic RED
Other references that provide information and guidance in relation to the ground investigation of
contaminated land include:
• quality of service
• timeliness of delivery
• adherence to specifications
• quality of resources deployed
• contract compliance.
The SPT is a relatively simple test that gives a numerical parameter which can be used for:
The International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (ISSMFE) (1988) (98)
published an International Reference Test Procedure for the SPT, that describes the principles
constituting acceptable test procedures from which the results are comparable. Only standards that
comply with the reference test procedure, such as BS EN ISO 22476-3: 2005 (99) and ASTM.
D1586-08a (100) should be used in ground investigations.
The SPT basically consists of driving a standard 50mm outside diameter thick-walled sampler into
the soil at the base of a borehole, using repeated blows of a 63.5kg hammer falling through 760mm.
The SPT N value is the number of blows required to achieve a penetration of 300mm, after an initial
seating drive of 150mm.
granular soils. The skill and care of the driller in applying appropriate techniques and procedures in
the sinking the borehole can have a significant influence on the penetration resistance of the soil.
The correct execution of the SPT itself is also of critical importance. For quality control it is important
therefore, that drillers undertaking a ground investigation are competent in the drilling techniques
and testing to be used, ref Sub-Section 5.2.1.
Best practice drilling needs to be employed to minimize the disturbance of soils to be tested by SPT.
In light cable percussion boreholes most commonly used in ground investigations these include:
• SPTs should be carried out below the borehole casing and not within it.
• In very loose aeolian sands or in very soft lagoonal clays the static weight of the rods and
hammer assembly will often be sufficient to push the test equipment some distance into
the ground below the base of the borehole. That distance should be recorded in
accordance with the test standard, otherwise the penetration resistance will be over-
estimated by an unknown quantity.
Typically in Abu Dhabi drilling is undertaken in 110mm diameter casing. Whilst drilling in larger
diameter boreholes is not common practice, the geotechnical practitioner should be aware that
drilling in boreholes of greater than 150mm diameter may give lower SPT N values than might
otherwise be the case. The geotechnical practitioner should, therefore, consider this when
interpreting test data and make corrections where necessary.
Further information on the influence of driller competence and borehole construction on SPT results
can be found in CIRIA Report 143 (1995)(84).
With regards to the level of energy application, this varies depending on the individual hammer used.
Energy losses are induced by the hammer assembly due to frictional and other effects, which cause
the hammer velocity at impact to be less than the free fall velocity. Further losses of energy arise
from the impact of the anvil depending on its mass and other characteristics. Following studies of
energy imparted by hammers, it has been established that a standard rod energy ratio (Er) of 60%
of the theoretical free-fall hammer energy is appropriate for normalising penetration resistances from
different equipment and systems. This permits like for like comparison of results. The correction of
SPT N values to a standard rod energy ratio of 60% of the theoretical free-fall hammer energy is
applied in standards such as BS EN ISO 22476-3:2005 (99) and ASTM D6066-96(2004)(101). The
adjusted N value is denoted by the symbol N60.
In sands the blow count N is inversely proportional to the energy ratio (Er) of the hammer and the
correction factor that has to be applied (see Section 6.2.3 below). In order to establish the correction
factor the Er value of the particular test hammer has to be established from calibration testing. SPT
hammers should be calibrated by an appropriate specialist company on a 6 monthly basis and also
after damage, overloading or repair, as recommended in BS EN ISO 22476-3:2005 (99). Annex B of
BS EN ISO 22476-3:2005 provides a recommended method to measure the actual energy imparted
by a SPT hammer assembly to the rods. The ground investigation company should provide a copy
of the current certificate(s) of calibration for the SPT hammer(s) used during a ground investigation
and referenced to the tests undertaken as part of its factual reporting of the ground investigation.
With low penetration resistance (N <50) the energy transmitted down the rods in the first compressive
pulse of force will be reduced as a result of a reflective tensile wave. Studies indicate that this has
an impact on tests in sand but not in cohesive soils. For SPT in sands if the rod length is less than
10m then a further correction to that for the energy ratio of the hammer should be applied as
described in Section 6.2.3.
N60 = Er x N - N is the SPT blow count
- Er is the energy ratio of the SPT hammer (%)
- N60 is the adjusted N value
Equation 1: SPT N60: Correction of N values to reference energy ratio of 60% of the
theoretical free-fall hammer
In sands, therefore, the adjustment to be made to SPT N values to obtain a value corrected to a
reference energy of 60% of the theoretical free-fall hammer is made using Equation 2.
N60 = Er x N x λ - N is the SPT blow count
60 - Er is the energy ratio of the SPT hammer (%)
- λ is the correction factor related to rod length
- N60 is the adjusted N value
Equation 2: SPT N60: Correction of N values to reference energy ratio of 60% of the
theoretical free-fall hammer including allowance for rod length energy loss
Table 18: Correction factors CN for vertical effective stress (σv’) owing to overburden of the
Type of consolidation Correction factor (CN )
Normally consolidated
√ 98
σ’ v
Overconsolidated 170 .
70 + σv’
In sands, therefore, the adjustment to be made to SPT N values to obtain a value corrected to a
reference energy of 60% of the theoretical free-fall hammer and to take account of effective
overburden pressure is made using Equation 3.
(N1)60 = Er x N x λ x CN - N is the SPT blow count
60 - Er is the energy ratio of the SPT hammer (%)
- λ is the correction factor related to rod length
- CN is the correction factor related to effective
overburden pressure
- (N1)60 is the adjusted N60 value.
Equation 3: SPT (N1)60: Correction of N values to reference energy ratio of 60% of the
theoretical free-fall hammer including allowance for rod length energy loss and for effective
overburden pressure
Effective angle of
’ * - - (N1)60
Undrained shear
cu - * * N60
compressive strength
UCS - - * N60
Undrained Young’s
Eu - * - N60
Drained (effective)
Young’s modulus
E’ * * * N60
Coefficient of volume
mv - * - N60
Shear modulus at
very small strain
Gmax * - - (N1)60
Details of the direct design methods and discussion on their application can be found in CIRIA Report
143 (1995)(84) and also in geotechnical engineering design text books such as Tomlinson
• determination of engineering parameters of soils for use in design based on empirical design
rules, discussed further in Sub-section;
In most cases, it is desirable that a CPT investigation is supplemented by exploratory holes, sampling
and testing in order to:
• evaluate the effect of future changes in soil loading that cannot be assessed from the CPT.
The International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (ISSMFE) (1989)(103)
published an International Reference Test Procedure for Cone Penetration Test (IRTP) that
describes the principles constituting acceptable test procedures for the CPT from which the results
are comparable. Only equipment and procedures that comply with the reference test procedure, as
described in international standards such as BS 1377-9:1990 (104) and ASTM D5778-07(105)
should be used for CPT investigations.
The CPT basically consists of pushing a cone attached to the end of a series of rods into the ground
at a constant rate of penetration with continuous or intermittent measurements made of the
resistance to penetration of the cone. Measurements are also made of either the combined
resistance to penetration of the cone and outer surface of a friction sleeve or the resistance of the
surface friction sleeve itself. The standard CPT cone has a 60 degree apex angle and a diameter of
35.7mm providing a 10cm2 cross-sectional base area and 150cm2 friction sleeve located above the
cone, ref Figure 1. CPT cones of 15cm2 cross-sectional base are also used, especially where
additional sensors are incorporated into the equipment. The ISSMFE IRTP(103) advises that
immediately behind the cone (position u2 on Figure 1) is the preferred location for the filter for the
measurement of pore pressure. Some equipment, however, has the filter on the cone (position u1 on
Figure 1) or behind the friction sleeve (position u3 on Figure 1).
Electrical strain gauge load cells within the cone penetrometer measure the cone resistance (qc) and
the sleeve friction (fs) of the soils being tested as the cone is pushed into the ground.
• The skill and care of the CPT operator. Following the correct test procedure is fundamentally
important in ensuring quality and reliability of CPT results. Only suitably trained and
experience operators should be engaged to undertake CPT testing.
• Calibration of sensor and load cells. Accurate and up to date calibration of sensors and load
cells is essential for recording accurate CPT data. Good technical support facilities for
calibration and maintenance of the CPT equipment are therefore essential. Calibration
records should always be requested for the cone, friction sleeve, piezometer and any other
sensors such as seismic sonde. Such records should be current at time of commencement
of testing and should be repeated at the end of the investigation process to determine any
drift in readings that may have occurred over time.
• Pore water pressures. Pore water pressures around a penetrating cone influence the
measured cone resistance and sleeve friction. In clays a higher rate of penetration generates
higher pore pressures that will result in over-estimation of cone resistance and therefore
strength properties. High rates of penetration can also give increased resistance in some
sands owing to dilatancy generating high negative pore water pressures. Such rate effects
can be avoided by carrying out the test to the standard rate of penetration. ISSMFE
IRTP(103) recommends a rate of penetration of 20mm/s +/- 5mm/s.
• De-airing of piezometers. If the piezometer within the CPT array becomes unsaturated then
it will give erroneous pore pressure readings. Piezocones should therefore be immersed in
de-aired water for at least 24 hrs prior to testing. Piezocones should be regularly replaced
with de-aired piezocone elements.
• Inclination of testing. If the test path deviates significantly off vertical then this will induce
errors in the depth of the recorded data. To minimize the risk of the test deviating off vertical
the thrust machine should be set up so as to obtain a trust direction as near as possible to
vertical. The deviation of the initial thrust direction from the vertical should not exceed 2
degrees. The axis of the test push rods should also coincide with the vertical trust direction.
The inclusion of a slope sensor in the penetrometer will also provide for monitoring and
recording the verticality of the test path. That information can then be used to make any
necessary corrections to give the correct measurement depth.
• Cone penetrometer condition. General wear and tear can result in a cone penetrometer
falling out of standard to an extent that the accuracy of the test data may be affected. The
cone should be inspected prior to carrying out a CPT survey to ensure the cone is in good
condition. An appropriate inspection and maintenance schedule for the CPT equipment
should be put in place to ensure that any equipment that falls out of standard is identified and
taken out of use.
Further information on factors that can affect CPT results and measures that can be taken to
avoid the error or correct the data may be found in Luune et al (1997)(107). A summary of
frequency of checks and recalibrations that should be made for CPT to ensure quality of data is
given in Table G1 in Appendix G.
• Measured parameters. For each CPT the measured parameters listed below should be
plotted on one sheet with a common set of scales used at any one site:
ISSMFE IRTP (1989)(103) gives recommendations for scales to be used, but those may be
varied where appropriate to ensure best presentation of data.
• Derived parameters. Where possible the following parameters should be derived and also
- site name
- CPT reference number
- date of test
- serial number of the cone penetrometer
- position of the pore pressure filter(s) on the cone penetrometer
- groundwater level
- test Company and CPT operator name.
- plan showing the location of each CPT coordinated to an agreed Cartesian system
- description of the equipment used and name of the manufacturer(s)
- cone geometry and dimensions and any deviation from ISSMFE IRTP (1989) (103)
or the standard being used
- calibration factors for all sensors and the load range over which they apply
- capacity of each sensor
- zero readings for all sensors before and after each test, and the temperature at which
taken or alternatively the change in zero reading expressed in kPa
- type of liquid used in the pore pressure measurement system
- observed wear or damage on the cone, friction sleeve or the filter element.
- any irregularities during testing to the standard being used.
- the area ratio of the cone and the friction sleeve end areas.
- for dissipation tests it should be noted whether or not the rods were clamped or
unclamped during dissipation.
A check list of information required with CPT results to ensure and check data quality is provided as
Table G2 in Appendix G.
It should be noted that most of the correlations given in Lunne et al (1997)(107) are based on
empirical results and data derived for silica/quartz sands. In some instances, these correlations can
be in error for CPT tests in calcareous sands (carbonate content greater than 50%-70%) (Lunne et
al (1997)(107)).
In calcareous sands correction factors should be applied to take account of the crushability of the
shell content and hence higher compressibility of the deposits which often results in artificially lower
CPT cone resistance values compared to silica/quartz sands of the same relative density.
Details of the design methods and discussion on their application can be found in Lunne et al
(1997)(107) and the CIRIA Cone Penetration Testing – Methods and Interpretation(108).
Details of these and other less common applications in Abu Dhabi can be found in Luune et al
(1997)(107) and the CIRIA Report Cone Penetration Testing – Methods and Interpretation(108).
Table 20: Soil characteristics and engineering parameters commonly derived from CPT results
Shear strength
Sensitivity - - - C C
Drained (effective)
M B B C(4) B(4)
constrained modulus
Coefficient of permeability k - - - B
Table 21: Tests commonly undertaken for Abu Dhabi road projects for determining the in situ
density of soils
Sand BS1377.Part 9.Cl D1556-07 (sand-cone Suitable for fine and medium
replacement 2.1(104) (small pouring method) (109) grained soils (aeolian sand).
BS1377.Part 9.Cl 2.2 D4914-08 (sand Suitable for fine, medium and
(104) (large pouring replacement method) coarse grained soils (aeolian
cylinder) (110) sand and fluvial sands &
Core cutter BS1377.Part 9.Cl 2.4 Suitable for cohesive soils free
(104) from coarse grained material.
Used rarely, for example in
cement stabilised fill.
Nuclear BS1377.Part 9.Cl 2.5 D6938-10 (112) Commonly used. The Ground
(104) Investigation Company
requires a Federal Authority for
Nuclear Regulations (FANR)
licence (annual renewal) and
the adoption of FANR
procedures in respect of the
transportation and storage of
the nuclear equipment.
Suitable for fine grained
materials like aeolian sand.
Technique much less reliable
in coarse gravelly soils.
geophysical surveys are non invasive and enable correlation between known points of control. There
is, however, no one typical method that can be used in every instance. The selection of a geophysical
method has to be based on knowledge of the existing ground conditions and what information is
required to be obtained.
Data gathering and data interpretation in geophysical surveys are all important and require specialist
knowledge and experience. There are no samples to be handled or stored that can be checked at a
later point. Most of the geophysical methods require processing of the data after it is gathered in
order that an interpretation can be made. The specification of the geophysical survey is, therefore,
very important and the selected specialist company must be able to demonstrate that he is able to
provide the needed solutions.
Geophysics can provide information over a much broader area of a site than can be obtained by
ground investigation exploratory holes. It can provide mapping of the natural conditions of a site and
establish anomalous conditions that could present increase risk to road structures or earthworks.
For example, geophysics can be used to investigate possible cavities within limestone and gypsum
rich strata that could impact on construction or performance of bridge foundations. Geophysics may
also be used to determine soils stratigraphy if say a preliminary sources study has indentified a
possible buried channel or similar features that may impact on proposed earthworks or road
structure. Geophysics is, therefore, a very useful technique to reduce the risk of unknown conditions.
The Al Ain Municipality has published requirements concerning the use of geophysical surveys in
the document Geophysical Study in Al Ain Guideline Manual dated 2010(113), to which the
geotechnical practitioner should refer.
This chapter provides an overview of the geophysical techniques that are typically used in Abu Dhabi
Emirate and also other techniques that may be useful. Further detailed information on the
geophysical methods described can be found in ASTM D6429-99(2011)(114), McDowell et al
(2002)(115), Wightman et al (2003)(116), McCann et al (1997)(117), United States Department of
Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (2001)(118), and United States Department of Interior, Bureau of
Reclamation (1998)(119).
6.5.2 Planning
The design and planning of geophysical surveys for transportation projects depends on a number of
factors which include:
• the techniques which can provide the information at the resolution required
• the geophysical tools that can perform well under the study conditions
• the non-geophysical control that is required for the interpretation of the acquired geophysical
survey data.
To assist in the planning of geophysical survey there are numerous references as indicated above.
Good basic guidance can be found in ASTM D6429-11 (114) Standard guide for selecting surface
geophysical methods, ASTM D5753-05(2010) (120) Standard guide for the planning and conducting
of geophysical logging and Transportation Research Board Circular E-C130 (2008)(121)
“Geophysical methods commonly employed for geotechnical site characterization”.
Geophysical surveys can be used as a screening tool to provide a relatively quick understanding of
the ground conditions at a site. They can also be used to provide more detail on the specifics of a
site. The first aspect of planning a geophysical survey is to determine why the survey is to be
performed and what questions are to be answered when the survey is complete. For the various
geophysical methods that can be used, each has its own set of advantages and limitations. Table
22 provides a summary of the common applications of land based geophysical surveys in Abu Dhabi
and the preferred geophysical methods for that application (see also Table H1 in Appendix H). For
information on the use of geophysics in the marine environment reference should be made to
International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (2005)(122).
For all the geophysics methods listed in Table 22 the interpretation of the geophysics data should
be calibrated against ground conditions at the site established from boreholes or trial pits. That
calibration should preferably be undertaken at the time of original data processing. If for some reason
this is not possible and the borehole or trial pit information is obtained at a later date then in these
situations the results of the geophysical survey should be reviewed and updated as necessary in
light of the actual ground conditions found in the exploratory holes. Seismic
Seismic techniques including seismic refraction and MASW measure the travel time of direct and
indirect acoustic waves as they travel from a sound source at ground surface to a series of geophone
receptors placed in direct contact with the ground surface at a range of distances from the sound
source. The acoustic waves can be generated by a sledge hammer hitting a metal plate, by a weight
drop source or by a large vibratory weight drop source. Figure 2 shows the theory behind seismic
data gathering.
A summary of uses and limitations of frequently used seismic methods is given in Table 23.
Table 23: Summary of uses and limitations of frequently used seismic methods
• Wenner: 4 equally spaced electrodes with the current placed on the outer electrodes and the
readings on the inner electrodes.
• Schlumberger: 4 electrodes but the inner electrodes (potential electrodes) are less than 1/5th
of the distance between the centre of the spread and the outer current electrode.
• Resistivity profiling: where the electrode spacing is constant but the induced current is moved
along the line.
The electrical resistivity of a material depends on its porosity and the salinity of the water within the
pore spaces. The method is limited by the insertion of the electrode into the ground surface, so if the
surface material is pavement, very dense material or bedrock then the electrode locations need to
be pre-drilled. Additionally, in soil materials it may be necessary to wet the electrodes with saline
water, in order to increase the amount of electric current directed into the ground. In dry conditions,
such as dunes, this may require very large quantities of water to be available.
Electrical resistivity can be performed as point surveys using the Wenner or Schlumberger array.
Single point surveys are used primarily in corrosion surveys for steel (such as sheet pile walls) or for
determining ground characteristics for earthing design of electrical substations. Gridded surveys
along transects using profiling methods are usually performed for trying to find anomalies such as
Electrical resistivity surveys can be used to map sand and gravel deposits, determine parameters
for cathodic protection, and map variations in groundwater salinity. They can also be used to locate
voids or cavities especially in areas where the cavities are above the water table. In areas where the
cavities are below the water table a lack of contrast between the electrical resistivity of the host rock
and groundwater can make the results more difficult to interpret. Electrical Resistivity surveys do not
provide information on rock properties.
GPR surveys can be used in the evaluation of road pavement (including concrete) and bridge decks.
In those cases it does, however, need to be used in conjunction with other non-destruction testing
(NDT) and /or coring methods to obtain the necessary data for the calibration of the GPR data
(Wightman et al (2003)(116)). Microgravity
Microgravity or gravity measurement techniques measure the local variations in the gravitational pull
of the earth that the likes of underground cavities and buried channels or underground structures
can create. Measurements are made using a gravity meter, at intervals along traverses that cross
an anticipated or known area of interest. The variations in the relative gravity measured can then be
used to identify the likely position of the underground feature. The method can provide a very
accurate sizing and depth of a void or anomaly. In order to achieve accuracy, it is important that the
microgravity survey data are correlated with other ground investigation data and information. The
microgravity method is labour intensive and requires the initial point of measurement (base station)
to be re-occupied frequently in order to monitor any drift in the recording of the instrument. Extremely
accurate elevation data is also required (+/- 3mm). The distance between readings taken along a
traverse should be based on the expected size of the void or anomaly to be detected; with close
spacing for small size voids and larger spacing for large voids. The gravitational anomaly that occurs
with a void decreases with depth. If the void is in the bedrock, the top of the bedrock surface below
the overburden soils must be taken into account; that information usually requires the use of a
second geophysical technique such as seismic refraction or MASW. Microgravity surveys can be
made in inside buildings and structures and in urban areas (ASTM D6429-11(114)).
1. Details of the known or anticipated ground conditions including groundwater level and
groundwater salinity (if available).
2. Information on what is wanted to be achieved by the geophysical survey for example the
location of cavities, the determination of ground parameters, the location of salt water
interface or locations of underground utilities.
4. Presentation of results. How will the data ultimately be used? Requirements for the data to
be coordinated to local grid and elevation. Requirements for the data to be presented in
electronic format (for example CAD) as well as paper files.
The geophysical survey company can then advise on any changes in the scope of the geophysical
survey or technique(s) that might be employed to maximise the benefit from the proposed survey
The procurement process should also include the minimum requirements of the report that should
be provided (Anderson et al (2008)(123)). This includes:
i) executive summary
viii) interpretation of the data including summary of the procedure used and verification processes
(ground truth and /or modelling).
It is to be noted that in some instances it is most appropriate and best value for money if a phased
programme of geophysical survey work, using different techniques is undertaken. For example, for
the investigation of possible underground cavities, it might be appropriate to initially undertake a
wide area Resistivity or MASW survey of a site. Anomalies that are found would be verified using
either boreholes or diagraphy drilling to confirm the presence or otherwise of any cavities. The size
of the cavities might then be confirmed using cross-hole borehole geophysical surveys or with a
micro gravity survey.
Geophysical surveys can be included within the ground investigation standard specification and bill
of quantities described in Sub-section 5.3. In some instances it may be appropriate to include
multiple geophysical survey methods in the documentation in order to establish any significant price
differential between different techniques, for example Resistivity or MASW, as the price may vary
between sites depending on surface conditions and project requirement.
The geophysical survey contract should also include a “field release clause” that permits contract
termination if preliminary results do not justify continuation of the survey (Anderson et al
(2008)(123)). The clause might be invoked if the ground conditions differ from what was expected or
if the geophysical method does not achieve the data objectives including depth of penetration.
The Geophysical Survey Company should be required to include in any tender return evidence that
he has used the geophysical survey method proposed successfully at similar locations in similar
ground conditions. The tender should also include a method statement indicating the proposed
working method including as a minimum the following items:
iv) equipment that will be used including external source, data storage and data back up during
the survey
v) staff, including CVs of team leaders for data collection and data interpretation
vi) methods to be used for interpretation of the data including details of the data processing
programs that will be used
The geotechnical practitioner should supervise the field geophysical survey work to ensure the
quality of work and to enable any changes in the scope of the geophysical survey to be made, in the
light of survey findings.
Laboratory testing and test reporting should be undertaken in accordance with industry recognised
quality assurance and quality control procedures. For Abu Dhabi Department of Transport projects
the procedures should be in accordance with the Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Requirements for Road Projects (DOT-MR-M-05) (124).
AGS format data files can be readily imported into geotechnical database programmes such as
Holebase and gINT. Also, there are a number of utility programs available that allow the user to
check AGS data files for errors and convert the data to Excel spreadsheets, including free
downloads. Example utility programs are;
When specifying the ground investigation the geotechnical practitioner should include the
requirement that the ground investigation company supplies the investigation records in AGS format
in addition to hard copy reports.
More information on the AGS format can be found in AGS (2005) (127), AGS (2011) (128) and on
the AGS web site
8.1 Seismic loading
Abu Dhabi is located on the Arabian Plate which is bounded by a series of well-defined tectonic
margins. The Arabian Plate itself is considered to be a stable landmass, with no known significant
seismic events over the past 2,000 years, ref Aldama-Bustos et al (2009)(120). The north-east border
of the Arabian plate, however, is an active plate boundary with relative convergence taking place
between the Arabian and Eurasian plates. As a result, continental collision is taking place along the
Zagros fold-and-thrust belt in southern Iran (about 120km from the UAE), while further east (in the
north of the Gulf of Oman) the oceanic part of the Arabian plate subducts beneath the Eurasian plate
along the Makran subduction zone, ref Figure A3 in Appendix A, Berberian (130). The transition from
the continental to the oceanic collision is accommodated, to a large extent, by the Zendan-Minab
fault, a north north-west trending zone of strike-slip and thrust faults, ref Regard et al.(131) (132). In
the south-east, the African and Arabian plates diverge across the Gulf of Aden while, in the south-
west, the Red Sea spreading boundary defines the interface between the two plates, ref Johnson
(133), Vita-Finzi(134) .
Among the above-mentioned plate boundaries, the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt zone and the Makran
subduction zone are the most likely contributors to seismic hazard for Abu Dhabi. In the past, the
Zagros region has been responsible for the generation of numerous large earthquakes of magnitude
around M7.0, while in the Makran subduction zone the largest earthquake recorded had a magnitude
M8.2. In addition, a number of active tectonic features in the Oman Mountains are also expected to
contribute to the hazard in the area. The Oman Mountains are located along the north-east margin
of the Arabian plate, in Northern Oman, and seismic activity has been noted by both field evidence
and historical seismicity, ref Kusky et al (135). The main structures of interest in the region are the
Dibba line, the Wadi Shimal and the Wadi Ham faults, ref Styles et al (136).
A number of seismic hazard studies have been performed for the United Arab Emirates and its
surroundings. Table 24 summarises the ground motion predictions obtained by different studies for
Abu Dhabi at various return periods. It is noted that significant differences exist among the
predictions of the various studies; these differences are discussed in Aldama-Bustos (137) and
Aldama-Bustos et al (138). Best estimate values provided in Table 24 are intended to provide an
indication of the seismic hazard levels for Abu Dhabi based on the latest studies; however PGA
values for engineering design according to AASHTO or IBC should be derived following the
procedures laid out in each of the codes and using the seismic hazard maps provided therein.
Table 24: Summary of seismic hazard studies results for Abu Dhabi at various return
For transport infrastructure in Abu Dhabi seismic design is usually carried out following the general
principles set out in AASHTO Load and Resistance Factor Design (AASHTO LRFD) (2012)(147).
According to AASHTO LRFD (147), the definition of seismic hazard at a site shall use the peak
ground acceleration (PGA) and the short-period and long-period spectral acceleration coefficients,
Ss and S1 respectively, with a 7% probability of exceedance in 75 years (1,000yr return period).
These shall be based either on approved state ground motion maps or on a site-specific probabilistic
seismic hazard analysis generating a uniform hazard spectrum for the required probability of
exceedance. The PGA, Ss and S1 values correspondig to the 1,000-year return period shall be
multiplied by the site factors for the appropriate site class in order to define the design spectral
accelerations and design response spectrum. At present approved state seismic hazard maps for
the 1,000-year return period are not available; therefore a site-specific probabilistic seismic hazard
analysis would be required if the seismic design is to be carried out in accordance with AASHTO. It
should be noted that hazard maps for Ss and S1 provided in Appendix A are not suitable for design
according to AASHTO as these correspond to a different return period (i.e., 2,500 years).
According to AASHTO (147) each bridge shall be assigned to one of the four seismic zones set out
in the code. The seismic zone classification will depend on the value of the design long-period
spectral acceleration SD1, which is obtained from the product of the long-period spectral acceleration
coefficient S1 (for rock site conditions) and the appropriate site factor for long-period motion, Fv. For
the earthquake event the coincident traffic load is taken to be 50% of the design traffic load.
Traditionally, for building design in the Abu Dhabi region, seismic loads for use in building design of
five or more storeys were taken from the Uniform Building Code (UBC)(139) for a seismic category
of Zone 2A. It is to be noted that the UBC itself places Abu Dhabi in seismic category Zone 0, which
implies that no seismic loading is required to be taken into consideration in design. The UBC Zone
2A PGA is 0.15g at bedrock level. Soils overlying bedrock have the effect of amplifying the PGA and
therefore for design the bedrock level PGA value is normally enhanced based on the type of soil
UBC was superseded in the United States by the International Building Codes (IBC) in 2000. The
IBC is updated every three years and the latest edition is IBC 2012(148). As part of a phased program
of customisation, adoption and implementation of IBC Abu Dhabi Department of Municipal Affairs
(DMA) published the guide “Abu Dhabi Guide to the Use of International Building Codes” in 2011
(149) and publication of its code International Building Codes in the Emirates of Abu Dhabi is due in
2012(150). The guide provides code users a reference for any amendments that have been made
to meet the local specifications of Abu Dhabi Emirate. Accordingly, the seismic ground motion values
shall be determined from the mapped 0.2s and 1.0s spectral accelerations, Ss and S1 respectively
(ref Figure A4 and Figure A5 in Appendix A) Abu Dhabi Guide to the Use of International Building
Codes (149).
For the development of these maps a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment was not performed
due to time constraints, ref Ghosh and Dowty (151). Instead, the hazard maps included in the IBC
for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi were based on the work of Abdalla and Al-Homoud(142). The hazard
maps in the “Abu Dhabi Guide to the Use of International Building Codes” are for 0.2s and 1.0s
spectral acceleration, for rock-site conditions, with 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years (2,475yr
return period). According to these maps, for Abu Dhabi, Ss for rock site conditions (site class B as
per IBC) shall be 0.60g and S1 0.24g, ref Table 25. The mapped values shall be multiplied by an
appropriate site factor for the relevant site class and a factor of 2/3 in order to obtain the design
spectral response acceleration parameters (SDS and SD1). The determination of the seismic design
categories shall be according to the amended tables presented in the “Abu Dhabi Guide to the Use
of International Building Codes” (149).
Table 25: Seismic design parameters for Site Class B for use in seismic design according to
IBC (Abu Dhabi Guide to the Use of International Building Codes (149))
Ss S1
0.60g 0.24g
It should be noted that the ground motion parameters from the two codes, AASHTO(147) and
IBC(148), have different return periods. Maps developed for IBC(148), therefore, are not suitable for
design according to the AASHTO(147) specifications.
It is noted that where the size of the project merits, it is good practice to undertake a site specific
seismic hazard assessment in order to evaluate the appropriate ground motions to be used in the
In both AASHTO (147) and IBC(148) design earthquake spectral response acceleration shall
account for site class effects. All sites, therefore, need to be classified in the appropriate site class
by their stiffness; this can be determined by the average shear wave velocity, standard penetration
resistance or undrained shear strength in the upper 30m of the soil deposit, as described in the
relevant sections of the two codes. Special attention must be given to sites that are vulnerable to
liquefaction or collapse under earthquake loading, contain peats and/or highly organic clays, contain
very high plasticity clays or are composed of very thick soft clays. In such cases, the site shall be
classified as Class F and a site-specific site response analysis shall be performed for the derivation
of appropriate site factors.
In addition to possible structural failure and failure of foundation soils under excessive bearing
pressures associated with seismic loading, loose saturated granular soils may be subject to
liquefaction and loose dry soils may be subject to settlements associated with the phenomenon of
seismic densification. Both liquefaction and seismic densification can result in significant ground
settlements causing distress to and possibly even failure of highway structures and earthworks.
The potential for liquefaction and soil strength loss shall be evaluated for site peak ground
accelerations, magnitudes and source characteristics consistent with the design earthquake ground
motions. According to IBC, peak ground acceleration for the liquefaction assessment shall be
determined based on a site-specific study taking into account soil amplification effects, or, in the
absence of such a study, peak ground accelerations shall be assumed equal to SDS/2.5. The
assessment of soils liquefaction potential is typically carried out in line with the procedures outlined
in Youd et al (152) or Idriss and Boulanger (153) and involves three main steps:
i) the calculation of the cyclic stress ratio induced in the soil by the earthquake;
ii) the calculation of the cyclic resistance ratio based on in situ data, typically SPT, CPT or
shear wave velocity data;
iii) calculation of the ratio of the values from i) and ii) above that gives the factor of safety
against liquefaction.
As outlined in Youd et al (152), different empirical methods are available for the calculation of the
cyclic resistance ratio based on the type of information available. Correction factors will need to be
applied to the calculated values to take into account of factors such as the earthquake magnitude,
the fines content of the soils and the overburden pressure.
The recommended analysis is a total stress analysis in which the seismic demand (represented by
the earthquake induced stresses) is compared to the seismic capacity (undrained cyclic shear
strength of the soil, which is also called liquefaction resistance). The seismic demand will be denoted
as CSR (cyclic stress ratio), whereas seismic capacity will be denoted as CRR (cyclic resistance
The safety factor (SF), computed as a ratio between CRR and CSR, should not be less than 1.25.
Evaluation of settlements in dry sands due to seismic densification can be carried out using guidance
available in Kramer (154). In order to conduct proper assessment of liquefaction potential,
investigations of soil characteristics are required in terms of in situ Standard Penetration Tests (SPT)
or Cone Penetration Tests (CPT). It is to be noted that CPT data is preferred for assessing potential
for liquefaction and seismic densification of loose granular strata during an earthquake event.
If soils are found to be susceptible to liquefaction and the ensuing effects are deemed capable of
affecting the load bearing capacity or the stability of the foundations/roads/pavement, measures,
such as ground improvement and/or pile foundation (structures) shall be taken to ensure stability.
The liquefaction hazard may be neglected when one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
iv) Sands have a clay content greater than 20% with plasticity index (PI) larger than 10.
v) Sands have a silt content greater than 35% and at the same time the SPT normalized blow
count value (N1(60)) is larger than 20.
vi) Sands are clean, with SPT normalized blow count value (N1(60)) larger than 30.
The presentation of a detailed ground model solely in descriptive text can be difficult and hard for a
reader to understand except for the simplest of ground models. The preparation of a series of ground
model sections, both along the road alignment and typically perpendicular to it is, therefore, usually
of great value. When preparing sections the degree of uncertainty when interpolating between
investigation positions and projecting or extrapolating data should be highlighted. It is preferable that
sections are prepared to natural scale, ie same scale in both directions, but for long linear sites in
particular the sub-surface profile should be presented at a scale appropriate to the depth and
frequency of the exploratory holes and the overall length of the section. Exaggerated scales of
1(V):10(H) and 1(V):20(H) are often used. Example sections are included in Appendix J. In very
special circumstances it may be appropriate to prepare a three dimensional ground model.
Contour plans of groundwater levels and boundaries such as rockhead, strata thicknesses and
isometric views can also greatly assist the geotechnical practitioner in his interpretation of the ground
conditions at the site and highlight features such as buried channels and any sharp changes in
thickness or dip of strata that could have a significant impact on the proposed earthworks or
structures. Such plans and illustrations also greatly aid the presentation of the ground model.
• many geotechnical parameters are not true constants but depend on stress level and the
mode of deformation;
• soil and rock structure (eg fissuring, laminations or large particles) can influence test results
differently to mass behaviour;
• time effects;
• percolating water can have a softening effect on soils or rock strength;
• dynamic loading can have a softening effect on soils and rock strength;
• brittleness of the soil and rock tested;
• the method of installation of the geotechnical structure;
• the influence of workmanship on artificially placed or improved ground;
• the effect of construction activities on the properties of the ground.
The geotechnical practitioner should also take into account the following:
• published and well recognised information relevant to the use of each type of test in the
ground conditions;
• the extent of field and laboratory investigation;
• the type and number of samples and the scatter of the results;
• the extent of the zone of ground governing the behaviour of the geotechnical structure;
• geological and other published and background information, such as data from previous
• the value of each geotechnical parameter compared with relevant published data and local
and general experience;
• the variability of the ground and variation of the geotechnical parameters that are relevant to
the design;
• the results of any large scale field trials and measurements from neighbouring constructions;
• any significant deterioration in ground material properties that may occur during the lifetime
of the structure.
knowledge and experience of the geotechnical practitioner and is usually broadly based around
published guidelines. Mostly lower value conservative parameters are adopted for use in design, for
example the effective shear strength of a soil in assessing slope stability. For particular designs and
design circumstances however other parameter values may be needed. For example mid-range
(mean or median) values are often adopted for bulk density and deformation properties and upper
value conservative parameters may be used to assess pile drivability.
CIRIA 104 (1984)(157) uses the following terminology in respect of geotechnical design parameters:
- worst credible parameters, which are the worst that the geotechnical practitioner realistically
believes might occur.
- characteristic value soil parameters, which are defined as being a cautious estimate of the
value affecting the occurrence of the limit state. This is essentially the same as the
aforementioned moderately conservative parameters.
Examples of moderately conservative and worst credible values and parameters are shown on
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Example of moderately conservative and worst credible values and parameters
Table 26 presents a list of typical roads structures and earthworks and their related geotechnical
design issues together with the International Standards and other references commonly used for
geotechnical design in Abu Dhabi road projects. Those Standards and references typically follow the
traditional approach to geotechnical design based on working stress with overall factors of safety.
A limit state design approach with use of partial factors of safety has been adopted for most standard
geotechnical design work in Europe. Whilst this approach is not currently widely used in Abu Dhabi
or the UAE region, the relevant limit state design Standards are listed in Table L1in Appendix L for
reference and possible future use.
Table 27 lists Abu Dhabi local guidelines which the geotechnical practitioner will need to consider in
geotechnical investigations and geotechnical design.
Table 26: International Standards and references commonly used for geotechnical design
in Abu Dhabi road projects
Structure/earthwork Geotechnical design issue Commonly used standards (working stress Comments
design with overall factors of safety) and
Structures (All) Chemical attack on buried BRE Special Digest 1 (2005)(65) (1) This has been superseded
concrete and steel by BS EN 1997-1:2004
(156) in the UK
Bridge (including Spread footings Sizing/bearing capacity BS 8004:1986(1) (158)
(2) For Spread footings
abutments and piers),
Settlement (components, total, Methods described in Tomlinson(2) minimum safety factor of 3.0
gantry signs
differential and rate) (2001)(102), Bowles (1996)(159) and shall be adopted to calculate
net allowable bearing
Stability (including failure of Hong Kong Geoguide 1 (1994)(160).
capacity and total tolerable
foundations on slopes) settlement shall not exceed
Pile foundations Carrying capacity(5) (axial and BS 8004:1986(1)(158) (3) Pile allowable compression
lateral), downdrag/ negative skin capacities based on ASD
friction Methods described in Tomlinson(3) (2008)
method shall be calculated
Settlement/ deflection of laterally by using minimum factor of
loaded piles AASHTO LRFD (2017) or Latest safety (2.5 for skin friction
Edition/Interim(4) and 3.0 for end bearing).
Tension capacities shall not
Retaining walls Gravity wall Wall stability BS 8002: 1994(1)(162) exceed 70% of allowable
compression load.
Bearing capacity BS 8004:1986(1)(158) (4) Pile strength design shall
Sliding resistance BS 8008: 1995(1) (163) comply with LRFD bridge
design specifications and
Settlement ( total, differential and Methods described in Tomlinson (2001)(102) guidelines set forth in
rate) ADQCC roads structures
design manual TR-516.
Stability (including slope failures) (5) In order to calculate the
compression capacity for
Cantilever/ Wall stability BS 8002: 1994(1)(162)
piles socket in rock, end
Anchorage design BS 8081:1989 for anchorage design(164) bearing shall be ignored.
embedded wall
CIRIA C580(165)
Methods described in Tomlinson (1994)(161).
Structure/earthwork Geotechnical design issue Commonly used standards (working stress Comments
design with overall factors of safety) and
Road pavement - Strength, trafficability, requirement Highways Agency IAN 73/06 Revision1 (2009)
of capping, settlement/collapses (168)
due to low CBR/loose layer
underneath or weak subgrade,
and/or presence of
unsuitable/soluble material below
Table 27: Abu Dhabi design guidelines for use in geotechnical design in Abu Dhabi road
Seismic loading Abu Dhabi Department of Municipal Affairs. Abu Dhabi Guide to
the Use of International Building Codes(149)
The conventional ground improvement techniques listed above are for general guidelines and should
be finalize at site by Ground Improvement Specialist in function of the soil type (gradation and
density) and the site trials results, in order to efficiently satisfy the performance criteria.
An indicative plan showing the location of the proposed improvement techniques shall be prepared
based on the findings of the existing and complementary subsurface investigation data at the project
design stage.
v) The safety factor against liquefaction shall not be less than 1.25.
vi) The in-situ CBR of improved ground shall not be less than CBR value adopted in design and
in general shall not be less than 10% at 5mm penetration for any condition.
x) Total settlement (immediate and long-term) shall not exceed 25mm (footings) and 50mm
(Raft) at 100% of design load.
xi) The safety factor against liquefaction shall not be less than 1.25.
xii) The post-improvement vertical and lateral settlements induced by earthquake loading shall
be limited to a maximum of 20 mm at the top of the ground.
xiii) Angular distortion (differential settlement) of points 5m apart shall be less than 1:500.
xiv) A minimum equivalent Young’s Elastic Modulus for the treated ground of 30MPa.
xv) SPT: Minimum N value of 30 along the improved depth of granular material.
xvi) CPT: Minimum cone tip resistance value of 10 MPa along the improved depth of granular
xviii) An effective angle of shear resistance not less than 35° for the medium dense to
dense sand (granular material).
The parameters of each locality must be checked for the material type, mineralogy, size, and for the
deposit thickness before the final decision to be made on the improvement method, level of energy
used, and spacing of improvement points. Moreover, the thickness of the soil cover, which is
important in determining the improvement method, can be checked through the pre-CPT/SPT testing
with close spacing. It shall be noted that vibrations induced by heavy machinery shall be limited,
while working next to existing structures or utilities that are sensitive to vibrations.
The efficiency of the final adopted improvement method for the project, final thickness/depth of the
improvement ground and verification of set performance criteria shall be checked by performing post
ground improvement in- situ tests (SPT, CPT, Plate load test (PLT), Zone Load test, CBR etc.).
The suitability of the soil material shall be determined by performing standard laboratory tests (such
as gradation, plasticity index (P.I), proctor, CBR, organic content, water soluble salts (WSS), total
dissolved salts (TDS), sulphate, chloride, pH and/or other.) by testing collected soil samples as per
the standard requirements provided under TR-542 (part 1 & 2).
The risk of voids/cavities and highly fractured zones within right of way (ROW) and underneath the
foundation (structures/infrastructure/utilities) shall be investigated (geophysical/geotechnical) at
design stage to determine vertical/lateral extent and shall be verified at verification stage by
executing probing holes (grid spacing 10m x 10m) with the depth of each probe reaching a minimum
penetration of 10.0m below the last cavity encountered, and cavities filled with low mobility grout.
All encountered open cavities/voids/highly fractured zones shall be grouted prior to construction over
it. Grouting design and specifications shall be developed by considering the nature of material/
vertical and lateral extent and shall be design/performed by a company specialized in such works.
In addition, the subgrade layer (road/pavement) shall be reinforced with geogrid layers in order to
cater for any potential of cavities collapse, leading to excessive settlement in future. The type and
strength of geogrid shall be finalized in consultation with geogrid designer/supplier based on
effectiveness for the problem in hand and performance warranties.
External stability of retaining walls design and foundation subjected to overturning loads (such as
shade foundations) shall fulfil the serviceability criteria by following the minimum factor of safety i.e.
FoS = 2.0 (overturning), FoS = 1.5 (sliding) and FoS = 3.0 (Bearing Capacity). The global stability
shall not be less than 1.5.
For strength limit state the stability checks shall be in compliance with the guideline of AASHTO
LRFD and set forth in ADQCC roads structures design manual TR-516. In general, the larger
dimension from design of SLS & ULS shall be consider.
Slope Stability analysis shall be carried out to evaluate the stability of earth and rock-fill,
embankments, excavated slopes, and natural slopes in soil and rock. The stability of slope depends
upon certain factors and shall be considered in the analysis (analytical or empirical methods).
iv) Uncertainty in the accuracy with which the slope stability analysis represents the actual
mechanism of failure.
v) Uncertainty in the accuracy with which the input parameters (shear strength, groundwater
conditions, slope geometry, etc.).
vi) The likelihood and duration of exposure to various types of external loading.
Stability analyses must be formulated with great care. Since the available shearing resistance of
the soil depends on pore water drainage conditions, those conditions must be considered
carefully in the selection of shear strength and pore pressure conditions for the analysis. A minimum
surcharge load of 20 kPa shall be consider.
Accordingly, in static condition, the slope design shall satisfy minimum safety factor criteria of 1.5
(permanent) and 1.3 (temporary) and 1.1 for seismic case. Erosion protection measures shall be
provided as appropriate to design requirements in compliance with ADQCC standards and
For stability analysis in rock slopes, following modes of failure shall be considered as applicable.
v) Planar failure
Stereographic and kinematic analysis shall be performed as appropriate and applicable to project
specific requirements.
i) network management, the monitoring and assessment of the road pavement including the
investigation of failures
iii) cores
• topography
• carriageway details including number of lanes, width etc
• drainage arrangements
• surface type
• construction materials, as far as a visual survey will permit
• defects (the typical features to be observed are presented in Abu Dhabi Department of
Transport’s Pavement Design Manual. (170).
The survey data should be interpreted to provide an assessment of the general condition of the road
pavement and any requirements for additional surveys.
• location
• general condition of the pavement at the trial pit position, preferably with a photograph
• depth of pit
• thickness of each layer and any changes in thickness or alignment across the area of the pit.
• the shape of the layers; note any rutting or deformation and in which layers it occurs
• description of each layer, material type and condition
• voiding, where evident
• bond or lack of bond between the layers making up the pavement
• depth of cracking
• any stripping of the binder from the aggregate.
• any particular difficulties with excavation, or where materials break easily under excavation.
• subbase thickness and type; take in situ tests such as Dynamic Cone Penetrometer/ CBR if
possible; take bulk samples for laboratory testing
• subgrade (natural ground) and type; take in situ tests such as Dynamic Cone Penetrometer/
CBR if possible; take bulk samples for laboratory testing.
over cracked areas an adjacent core should always be taken in sound material. Further information
is given in Highways Agency DMRB HD29 (2008)(171). The following information should be
recorded in respect of cores taken:
• location
• general condition of the pavement at the core position, preferably with a photograph
• depth of hole
• length of core
• loss of core
• thickness of each layer
• description of each layer, material type and condition
• voiding, where evident
• bond or lack of bond between the layers making up the pavement
• depth of cracking
• any stripping of the binder from the aggregate.
Traffic speed surveys can be used to identify layer thickness and to check the consistency of layers;
cores are required to calibrate the survey data. There is usually no signal once materials, particularly
subgrades, become saturated.
Objective assessment of pavement layers is often carried out by measuring deflections in some way.
There are a number of deflectometers available for use. Some are mounted on lorries to simulate
normal loading and to provide continuous measurements. The Falling Weight Deflectometer is widely
used and consists of a dropped weight at discrete points to simulate loads; geophones measure
deflections at different distances from the load, enabling a bowl shape to be established. It is trailer-
mounted and easily towed by a normal 4x4 type vehicle. This method also provides data on the
"strength" of different pavement layers and foundation in the form of modulus values. The data allows
the pavement to be analysed and maintenance solutions involving either inlays or overlays, or both
to be developed and adopted. The technique can also be used to determine the residual life of a
Coring or trial pits will also be required for correlation and identification of existing layers, their
thickness and condition. For simpler schemes an assessment of this data with simple in situ testing
may be sufficient.
Measurements are normally made by direct in situ tests. Soils are, however, moisture sensitive and
a direct measurement at any location may therefore vary with time. In situ tests, should therefore
normally be supplemented with laboratory tests including remoulded/soaked tests as appropriate.
Information on the frequency of testing is given in sub-Section It is to be noted that CBR
may also be assessed based on soils laboratory classification tests and published local correlations.
Validation in situ CBR tests should be undertaken during construction to ensure the in situ value is
no worse than has been designed for. The equipment typically used for in situ testing is conventional
CBR, drop hammer (light Falling Weight Deflectometer), or Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP).
Particularly for work on existing live highways, the use on non-destructive geophysical survey
techniques might be employed as part of the overall investigation strategy to minimise traffic
disruption. Information on geophysical survey techniques is given in Section 6.5.
The suitability of the material shall be evaluated based on the criteria provided in ADQCC TR-542
(1 & 2). The sum of the organic matters’ content and the soluble salt content as a total shall not
exceed 2% in both natural soil and imported backfill.
Similarly, mitigation due to shallow groundwater table (such as capillary break, subsurface drainage
etc.) shall also be adopted at design stage. For the provision of capillary break layer (wrapped in
geotextile), the criteria of design groundwater table of minimum1.5m below formation level (TR-514-
2, Standard DWG C-5) shall be followed.
1. Huntington Geology & Geophysics Ltd. Geological Map of United Arab Emirates . Prepared for
Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. 1979.
2. Alsharhan, A.S. Geology of Abu Dhabi Emirate. Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, Terrestrial
Environment of Abu Dhabi Emirate. 2008.
3. Glennie, K.W. Chapter 4: Geology. . Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, Physical Geography. 2007.
4. —. Evolution of The Emirates' Land Surface: An Introduction. United Arab Emirates: A New
Perspective. 2nd. London : Trident Press, 2001, pp. 9-27.
5. Holocene gypsum and anhydrite of the Abu Dhabi Sabkha, Trucial Coast: An alternative
explanation of origin. BUTLER, G.P. 1970. Third Symposium on Salt. pp. 120-152.
6. Middle East - Inherent Ground Problems. Fookes, P. G. 1, 1978, Quarterly Journal of Engineering
Geology, Vol. 2.
7. British Standrads Institution. Code of practice for site investigations . 2010.
8. Manual on Subsurface Investigations. American Association of State and Highway
Transportation Officials. 1988. AASHTO MSI-1:1988.
9. Proceedings of the seminar on The Value of Geotechnics in Construction. Institution of Civil
Engineers. s.l. : Construction Research Communications Limited, 1998.
10. Site Investigation Steering Group. Site investigation in construction series: 2. Planning,
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Figure A1: Geological Map of the United Arab Emirates (Huntington Geology & Geophysics Ltd, 1979(1))
Figure A4: Maximum considered earthquake ground motion for the United Arab Emirates of
0.2s (Ss) spectral response acceleration (5% of critical damping), Site class B (Abu Dhabi
Guide to the Use of International Building Codes, (149))
Figure A5: Maximum considered earthquake ground motion for the United Arab Emirates of
1.0s (S1) spectral response acceleration (5% of critical damping), Site class B (Abu Dhabi
Guide to the Use of International Building Codes (149))
Aeolian Sand Very loose and loose deposits are prone to erosion, mobility and settlement.
Possible metastable structure leading to collapse settlements.
Very loose and loose deposits can be expected to have a lower effective shear
strength compared to deposits of greater relative density. There is therefore a
greater risk of instability of slopes and of lower bearing capacity for foundations
in very loose and loose deposits compared to denser deposits.
Normally uniformly graded deposits which are difficult to compact to engineering
standards when not confined.
Depending on the origin, possible high salt content that gives rise to an
aggressive chemical environment for buried concrete and steel.
Sabkha Significant local variability (both horizontally and vertically) within the deposits
with resultant variation in material properties and differential in engineering
Some deposits can have high fines content and be highly compressible giving
rise to large settlements and large differential ground displacements. This can
adversely impact on the construction and performance of infrastructure.
Loss of strength and possible dissolution when saturated (rainfall, flash floods,
storm tides inundation, absorption of water in humid weather conditions)
resulting in ground instability under loading conditions and adverse impact on
High salt content that gives rise to an aggressive chemical environment for
buried concrete and steel.
Presence of gypsum and anhydrite minerals that can undergo alternate
dehydration and rehydration due to changes in the environment. These changes
may be due to natural causes such as seasonal variation, or may be due to man
made causes such as irrigation systems. The resultant shrinkage and swelling
within the deposits that can adversely affect the engineering performance of
foundations and road pavements.
Lagoonal Parts of the coastal fringe in Abu Dhabi contain significant thicknesses of
Sediments Lagoonal Sediments. These vary in composition but are typically silts and clayey
silts (aragonite muds) with gypsum inclusions. They are very compressible, and
hence are unsuitable as founding layers and may cause problems during
Duricrusts Often a hardened surface due to heat, evaporation and salt content, overlying a
leached, cavernous porous or friable zone underneath may cause problems
during construction.
Fluvial Variable grading of the deposits related to their spatial location within the alluvial
sands/gravels fan. This gives rise to variability in the characteristics of the deposits and their
engineering performance.
High salt content that gives rise to an aggressive chemical environment for
buried concrete and steel.
Gypsum Gypsum dissolution natural cavities, the presence of which can impact on
engineering design and construction. The collapse of cavities can impact on
engineering construction and the performance of completed engineering works.
Massive (limited discontinuities) strong units of gypsum can be difficult to
excavate. This can give rise to claims and/ or construction delays.
Sandstone/siltstone/ Depending on the origin, possible high salt content that gives rise to an
mudstone aggressive chemical environment for buried concrete and steel.
In extreme cases with high gypsum content, strata susceptible to collapse owing
to dissolution of the gypsum.
Slopes excavated in the strata can be prone to deterioration and failure.
Calcarenite Typically is of low strength.
Depending on the origin, highly porous strata can give rise to groundwater flow
bringing in high salt concentrations that give rise to an aggressive chemical
environment for buried concrete and steel.
Limestone Stronger, massive strata can be difficult to excavate. This can give rise to claims
and/ or construction delays.
Other factors
Groundwater High salt content that gives rise to an aggressive chemical environment for
buried concrete and steel.
Seismic activity Liquefaction of some soils and associated ground settlement and lateral
spreading with adverse impact on infrastructure.
Increased loading on structures that may exceed load carrying capacities in
terms of serviceability and ultimate limit states adversely affecting structure
performance and may give rise to failure and collapse.
Flash floods Flash floods are common and occur in wadis in Al Ain desert areas and also in
developed areas with hard surfaces – e.g. Roads. Flash floods can result in
severe erosion and damage to the natural and man made environment.
Sand accumulation Construction of barriers to wind flow (eg road embankments) in areas of wind
blown sand results in deposition and accumulation of sand. This can cause
ongoing maintenance and operational difficulties.
Boreholes Ground investigation techniques commonly adopted in the region are relatively
poorly developed, commonly resulting in poor quality boreholes and non
representative borehole logs. In particular, rotary coring is common with SPTs
between drill strings and the SPTs are used as the key source of parameters.
Core recovery rates are commonly poor, and normal drilling techniques are not
able to recover the weak silty layers which are found within some of the weak
rock units. This can be significant when considering settlement of foundations.
The term ‘high salt content’ is used in this table. Sulphates tend to dominate with concentrations of over
50% being reported (Fookes, French and Rice (1985)(172)). This affects the durability of concrete and
steel and it is essential that the aggressive conditions are understood and designed for (ref Guide to
the construction of reinforced concrete in the Gulf, CIRIA C577 (2002)(173) ).
For further information on hazards in the region refer to ”Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering
problems associated with ground conditions in the Middle East”, Quarterly Journal of Engineering
Geology, Vol II No 1 1978(174) .
2 Permitted use and a) Planning and statutory restrictions applying to the particular areas
restrictions under the Emirate Planning Regulations administered by Abu Dhabi
b) Local Authority regulations on planning restrictions
c) tunnels rights
d) ancient monuments, burial grounds, etc
e) previous potentially contaminative uses of site and adjacent areas
f) any restrictions imposed by environmental and ecological
considerations, e.g., natural reserves and protected sites
g) oil and gas field, Royal Palaces, military bases.
6 Drainage and a) names of sewage, land drainage and other authorities, bye-laws
sewage b) location and levels of existing systems (including fields, drains and
ditches), showing sizes of pipes, and whether foul, storm water or
c) existing flow quantities and capacity for additional flow
d) liability to surcharging
e) charges for drainage facilities
f) disposal of solid waste
g) flood risk in wadi areas.
9 Information related to a) history of the site, including details of occupiers and users, any
made ground and incidents or accidents relating to dispersal of contaminants
potential b) processes used, including their locations
contamination c) nature and volume of raw materials, products, waste residues
d) soil and/or waste disposal activities and methods of soil and/or
handling waste
e) layout of the site above and below ground at each stage of
development, including roadways, storage areas, hard-cover areas,
and the presence of any extant structures and services
f) presence of any waste disposal tips, abandoned pits and quarries
g) presence of nearby sources of contamination from which
contaminants could migrate via air and/or groundwater onto site.
1 Geography a) geographic maps for Abu Dhabi can be obtained for Abu Dhabi
Municipality can be provided in the form of base plans;
b) Google Maps and Google Earth images (these are subject to licensing);
c) the Physical Geography of Abu Dhabi, which can be downloaded
df (175)
2 Geology, a) geological maps: The following Geological maps published by the UAE
hydrogeology Ministry of Energy can be referred to for geological information about the
and soils UAE and Abu Dhabi
• UAE - Geological Map of the United Arab Emirates 1:1,000,000.
1 sheet, 1976.
• UAE - Geohazards Overview Map of the United Arab Emirates
1:500,000. 1 sheet, 2006.
• The Ministry of Energy has also commissioned the British
Geological Survey (BGS) to prepare 1:100,000 geological maps
for the UAE with geological explanations. The maps are expected
to be published by the Ministry in 2013;
b) geological memoirs: The 1:100 000 geological maps currently being
prepared by BGS will have an accompanying series of explanatory sheet
c) borehole core and specimens: There are many collections of ground
investigation data for Abu Dhabi but these are not centrally archived. In
order to establish availability of information for a certain area it may be
necessary to contact several sources including local ground investigation
d) hydrogeological maps: Hydrogeological Map of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
e) soil maps and memoirs: Soils survey information for Abu Dhabi is held by
the Environment Agency in Abu Dhabi. The soil survey comprises
mapping and classification of the various types of soils in the Emirate of
Abu Dhabi. The entire Emirate is mapped at a scale of 1:100,000. Selected
land, covering 400,000 hectares, evaluated as being suitable for irrigated
agriculture is mapped at a scale of 1:25,000. There are 21 thematic maps
identifying suitability of soils for various purposes such as agriculture,
dune, sabka, forestry and landfill
f) a series of published literature on the geology, soil and hydrogeology of
the UAE are available on line. For example UAE Interact Website,(176) (177)
and the Commission of the Geological Maps for the Middle East (178)
3 Marine a) marine information in relation to wave heights, wind speed and wind
information directions is available from The National Centre for Meteorology and
4 Meteorological a) meteorological information for UAE is available from The National Centre
information for Meteorology and Seismology.
5 Hydrological a) water resource data is available from the Department of Water Resources
information of the Environment Agency.
6 Aerial a) aerial photographs of Abu Dhabi are available in hard and electronic from
photographs Abu Dhabi Municipality.
7 Seismological a) computer listings and maps of earthquakes occurring in the UAE and
information elsewhere in the Middle East are available from The National Centre for
Meteorology and Seismology.
1 Preparatory a) whenever possible, have the following available: site plan, maps or charts,
work and geological maps and aerial photographs
b) ensure that permission to gain access has been obtained from both owner
and occupier and is not a restricted area
c) obtain Critical National Infrastructure Authority (CNIA) pass as needed
d) ensure safety precautions, equipment and PPE required, particularly in
respect of dune and sabkha areas
e) when undertaking site reconnaissance on potentially contaminated land,
ensure that all likely hazards have been identified, that appropriate safety
procedures are followed, and that necessary safety equipment is used.
2 General a) traverse whole area, preferably on foot but by vehicle for larger sites
information b) set out proposed location of work on plans, where appropriate
c) observe and record differences and omissions on plans and maps; for
example, boundaries, buildings, roads and transmission lines
d) inspect and record details of existing structures
e) observe and record obstructions; for example, transmission lines, ancient
monuments/ structures of archaeological importance, trees subject to
preservation orders, gas and water pipes, electricity cables, sewers
f) check site access arrangements, also consider the probable effects of
construction traffic and heavy construction loads on existing roads, bridges
and services
g) check and note water levels, tidal and other fluctuations due to dewatering
at or near to site
h) observe and record adjacent property and the likelihood of its being
affected by proposed works, and any activities that may have led to
contamination of the site under investigation
i) observe and record quarry workings, old workings, old structures, and any
other features that may be relevant
j) observe and record any obvious immediate hazards to public health and
safety (including to trespassers) or the environment
k) observe and record any areas of discoloured soil, polluted water,
distressed vegetation or significant odours
3 Ground a) study and record surface features, on site and nearby, preferably in
information conjunction with geological maps and aerial photographs, and note the
i. morphology and note if site is dune, sabkha or made ground
ii. type and variability of surface conditions
iii. in areas of sabkha note areas of ponding after rain and salt
iv. comparison of surface lands and topography with previous map
records to check for presence of fill, wind erosion, or cuttings
v. steps in surface, which may indicate geological faults or shatter
zones. In cavity areas evidence of subsidence should be looked
for: compression and tensile damage in brickwork, buildings and
roads; structures out of vertical
vi. crater-like holes in carbonate rocks, which usually indicate
swallow holes filled with soft material
3 Ground b) assess and record details of ground conditions in quarries, cuttings and
information rock outcrops on site and nearby
(continued) c) assess and record, where relevant, ground water level or levels (often
different from water course) positions of irrigation wells and occurrence of
artesian flow
d) study embankments, buildings and other structures in the vicinity having a
settlement history.
4 Site inspection (ii) inspect and record location and conditions of access to working sites;
for ground (iii) observe and record obstructions, such as power cables, telephone lines,
investigation boundary fences and trenches
(iv) locate and record areas for depot, offices, sample storage, field
(v) ascertain and record ownership of working sites, where appropriate
(vi) consider liability to pay compensation for damage caused
(vii) locate a suitable water supply where applicable and record location and
estimated flow
(viii) record particulars of lodgings and local labour, as appropriate
(ix) obtain list of permissions and notices required from Land Authorities.
Table D1: Example template technical evaluation sheet for Ground Investigation Companies
Technical aspect to Notes for preparing a list of technical Information sought from Ground Depending on the evaluation
system used the headings below
be evaluated information for evaluation to be Investigation Company will vary
submitted by the Ground Investigation
Points *
points =
Company as part of its tender
Methodology and (1) The Ground Investigation Company’s (i) Description of the Ground Investigation
approach to ground methodology and approach to the Company’s proposed methodology and
investigation proposed ground investigation can approach to the ground investigation. (2 No
have a substantial influence its A4 page sides maximum)
successful execution and timely (ii) Preliminary method statements for key
completion. Details of these should activities describing the Ground
be sought as part of a tender Investigation Company’s proposed
package. methods, including temporary works and
safety provision. (Each preliminary method
statement shall be limited to 2No. A4 page
sides maximum).
(iii) Project organogram detailing lines of
responsibility and communication within the
team and with other parties (see Quality of
personnel aspect for information to be
supplied in respect of competencies,
relevant experience and qualifications of
key staff). (2 No A4 page sides maximum)
Compliance to EHS (1) The Ground Investigation Company (i) Details and copies of relevant accreditation
requirements should operate under an certificates of the Ground Investigation
environmental management system, Company’s environmental management
preferably register to BS EN ISO policy and any training programme for its
14001:2005 or similar staff, technicians and drilling crews. (1 No.
A4 page side maximum + certificates)
Technical aspect to Notes for preparing a list of technical Information sought from Ground Depending on the evaluation
system used the headings below
be evaluated information for evaluation to be Investigation Company will vary
submitted by the Ground Investigation
Points *
points =
Company as part of its tender
Compliance to EHS (2) Appropriate environmental (i) Details of the Ground Investigation
requirements management is important to negate Company’s environmental protection
(continued) environmental damage and for measures in respect of the proposed
providing overall success of the ground investigation works. (1 No. A4 page
ground investigation. Details of the side maximum)
Ground Investigation Company’s
environmental management
proposals in respect of the ground
investigation should be sought.
(3) It is essential that the Ground (i) Complete the health and safety
Investigation Company appropriately questionnaire (Table D2 below).
manages the health and safety (ii) Copy of the Company’s health and safety
aspects of the ground investigation policy and its health and safety training
for the protection of its staff, programme for its staff, laboratory
operatives, other parties involved in technicians and drilling crews.
the ground investigation, the public (iii) Evidence of competence to carry out the
and existing infrastructure. Evidence ground investigation to the requirements of
of the health and safety competence health and safety legislation and the named
of the Ground Investigation resources allocated to control and manage
Company should be sought. the health and safety risks.
(iv) A preliminary assessment of the main
health and safety risks associated with the
proposed ground investigation. (2No. A4
page sides maximum)
Technical aspect to Notes for preparing a list of technical Information sought from Ground Depending on the evaluation
system used the headings below
be evaluated information for evaluation to be Investigation Company will vary
submitted by the Ground Investigation
Points *
points =
Company as part of its tender
Quality of personnel (1) The Ground Investigation Company (i) Names of the specialists to be employed on
should employ on the ground the ground investigation together with
investigation appropriately qualified details of their academic and professional
staff with appropriate expertise and qualifications and a summary of their
experience in work to be undertaken experience. Full curriculum vitae to be
and for the role for which they are provided for senior roles such as Site Agent
named (ref Manual Part 1 Section and Laboratory Manager.
2.3 Definition of geotechnical
(2) Drills and crew appropriately (i) Names of the drillers (and drilling
experienced and trained. assistants) to be employed on the contract
Competence assessed and together with details of their accreditation, if
accredited by an independent any, and a summary of their experience
industry body (ref Manual Part 2
Section 5.2.1 Quality of ground
investigation personnel)
(3) Company staff, technician and (i) Details of the company training and
operatives training and development development policy and its training
policy and programme (ref Manual programme for its specialist staff, laboratory
Part 2 Section 5.2.1 Quality of technicians and drilling crews. (1 No. side
ground investigation personnel) A4 page maximum)
Certification (1) The Ground Investigation Company (i) Details and copies of relevant certificates
requirements should operate under a quality for the company’s quality assurance
assurance system, preferably system. (1 No. side A4 page maximum +
register to BS EN ISO 9000:2005 or copies of certificates)
similar) (ref Manual Part 2 Section (ii) An example quality plan for similar previous
5.2.1 Quality of ground investigation ground investigation work.
Technical aspect to Notes for preparing a list of technical Information sought from Ground Depending on the evaluation
system used the headings below
be evaluated information for evaluation to be Investigation Company will vary
submitted by the Ground Investigation
Points *
points =
Company as part of its tender
Certification (2) Laboratories undertaking soils and (i) Details and copies of relevant certificates of
requirements rock testing and analytical any independent accreditation held for
(contined) contaminant testing should be laboratory testing and results reporting. (1
accredited by an independent No. side A4 page maximum + copies of
industry recognised body eg UKAS certificates)
or A2LA (ref Manual Part 2 Section
5.2.2 Laboratory quality).
Technology (1) Where innovative or new technology (ii) Statement of knowledge and experience of
requirements is required to be used on a ground the particular technology required to be
investigation the Ground used. (1 No. side A4 page maximum)
Investigation Company’s knowledge
and experience of that technology
should be established.
Documentation of (1) Past experience of similar ground (i) Details of ground investigations of a similar
operations in similar investigation works to those nature which have been carried out by the
projects proposed past similar ground Ground Investigation Company within the
investigation can have a substantial last five years with evidence of satisfactory
influence its successful execution completion. Details shall include how
and timely completion. Details of lessons learnt from previous ground
these should be sought as part of a investigations would be used to improve
tender package. performance on the proposed ground
investigation. The statement shall include
up to 5No. previous investigations. (3No.
sides A4 pages maximum)
Capacity to upgrade (1) Possible requirements for the (i) Description with evidence of the Ground
and support Ground Investigation Company to Investigation Company’s capacity to
upgrade its services and provide upgrade and support as set out in the
additional support to the overall
APPENDIX D Pag140 Second Edition June-2021
Technical aspect to Notes for preparing a list of technical Information sought from Ground Depending on the evaluation
system used the headings below
be evaluated information for evaluation to be Investigation Company will vary
submitted by the Ground Investigation
Points *
points =
Company as part of its tender
Technical aspect to Notes for preparing a list of technical Information sought from Ground Depending on the evaluation
system used the headings below
be evaluated information for evaluation to be Investigation Company will vary
submitted by the Ground Investigation
Points *
points =
Company as part of its tender
Technical aspect to Notes for preparing a list of technical Information sought from Ground Depending on the evaluation
system used the headings below
be evaluated information for evaluation to be Investigation Company will vary
submitted by the Ground Investigation
Points *
points =
Company as part of its tender
A) General information
1. Company name and
Registered Address 1. Name……………………………...………………
2. Give the name and position
in the Company of the 2. Name……………………………...………………
person who has overall
responsibility for ensuring Position………………………….………………..
adequate resources are
made available for Health
and Safety. H&S
Submit an organisation Chart…………………………………….…..
chart for Health and Safety.
3. Give the name, 3. Name……………………………...………………
qualifications, and .
experience of the person Position………………………….………………..
nominated to provide .
specific Health and Safety
advice in the execution of
the contract. CV Included……………………………………...
4. Summarise the main 4.
details of your safety
management system.
8. Summarise injuries,
diseases and dangerous
occurrences during the last 8.
three years. Provide the
information in the form of
an incidence rate per
100,000 employees.
Identify fatalities
9. Summarise your 9.
arrangements for selecting
and controlling sub-
contractors with respect to
Health and Safety.
B) Project specific
10. Information on similar 10.
projects and experience
11. Ground investigation risk
management experience 11.
on a project of similar size,
procurement style
12. A developed H&S Plan
from at least one ground
13. Names and experience 13.
(H&S) of project team
14. How competence and
resource checks will be 14.
done for any
15. Confirmation that the
competent personnel are 15.
available for the project
UK Specification for Ground Investigation second edition, ref UK Site Investigation Steering Group
(2012)(90), includes a specification, a model bill of quantities and schedules that enable the
geotechnical practitioner to define investigation specific details together with associated notes for
guidance. The model bill of quantities provides a comprehensive list of items that are correlated to
the specification items. It is intended that the numbering of the model bill of quantities items remains
unaltered with items that are not required for a particular project ground investigation either marked
as “not used” or not presented in the project-specific bill of quantities. Typically the project-specific
additional items should be included at the end of each bill. The template bill of quantities for Abu
Dhabi road projects included in this appendix follow those principles so that the published standard
specification may be used with minimal changes for project-specific requirements.
Table G1: Summary of typical checks and recalibrations to be made for CPT
- roughness * * * -
- filters - - - *
- presence of soil particles * * - -
- quality * * * -
Table G2: Check list for information required for CPT to check data quality
Adhering to international
Compare with requirements in
2 standard (ie 10cm², 60⁰, sleeve
ISSMFE IRTP (1989)(103).
area = 150cm² etc)
x-sect area =
If answer to 2 is no, what cone If A = 15cm², α = 60⁰
3 cone angle =
is being used? and Asl = 202cm²; ok.
sleeve area =
Surface seismic Determine bedrock depths and characteristic May be unreliable unless velocities
refraction wave velocities as measured by geophones increase with depth and bedrock surface
spaced at intervals. is regular. Data are indirect and
represent averages. Limited to depths of
about 30m (100ft).
High resolution Determine depths, geometry and faulting in Reflected impulses are weak and easily
reflection deep rock strata. Good for depths of a few obscured by the direct surface and
thousand meters. Useful for mapping offsets shallow refraction impulses. Does not
in bedrock. Useful for locating ground water. provide compression velocities.
Computation of depths to stratum
changes requires velocity data obtained
by other means.
Vibration Travel time of transverse or shear waves Velocity of wave travel and natural period
generated by a mechanical vibrator is of vibration gives some indication of soil
recorded by seismic detectors. Useful for types. Data are indirect. Usefulness is
determining dynamic modulus of subgrade limited to relatively shallow foundations.
reaction for design of foundations of vibrating
Uphole, downhole, Obtain velocities for particular strata; Unreliable for irregular strata or soft soils
and cross-hole dynamic properties and rock-mass quality. with large gravel content. Cross-hole
surveys (seismic Energy source in borehole or at surface; measurements best suited for in-place
direct methods) geophones on surface or in borehole. modulus determination.
Electrical resistivity Locate fresh/salt water boundaries; clean Difficult to interpret and subject to wide
surveys granular and clay strata; rock depth; depth to variations. Difficult to interpret strata
ground water. Based on difference in below water table. Does not provide
electrical resistivity of strata. engineering properties. Used up to
depths of about 30m (100ft).
Electromagnetic Measures low frequency magnetic fields Fixed coil spacings limited to shallow
conductivity surveys induced into the earth. Used for mineral depth. Background noise from natural
exploration; locating near surface pipes; and constructed sources (manufactured)
cables, and drums and contaminated plumes. affects values obtained.
Magnetic Mineral prospecting and locating large Difficult to interpret quantitatively, but
measurements igneous masses. Highly sensitive proton indicates the outline of faults, bedrock,
magnetometer measures Earth’s magnetic buried utilities or metallic objects in
field at closely spaced intervals along a landfills.
Gravity Detect major subsurface structures, faults, Not suitable for shallow depth
measurements domes, intrusions, cavities. Based on determination but useful in regional
differences in density of subsurface studies. Some application in locating
materials. caverns in limestone.
Ground-penetrating Locate pipe or other buried objects, bedrock, Does not provide depths or engineering
radar boulders, near surface cavities, extent of properties. Shallow penetration. Silts,
piping caused by sink hole and leakage in clays, and salts, saline water, the water
dams. Useful for high-resolution mapping of table, or other conductive materials
near-surface geology. severely restrict penetration of radar
Electrical logging Several different methods available. Provides Provides qualitative information. Best used with
continuous record of resistivity from which test-boring information. Limited to uncased
material types can be deduced when correlated hole.
with test-boring data.
Neutron radiation Provides continuous measure of natural moisture Data from neutron probe is limited to-in-place
logging content. Can be used with density probe to moisture content values. Often differs from
locate failure zones or water bearing zones in oven-dried moisture content and requires
slopes. correction.
Gamma-gamma Provides continuous measure of in-place density Data limited to density measurements. Wet
logging of materials. density usually more accurate than dry density.
Scintillometer (Gamma Provides measure of gamma rays. Used to Quantitative assessments of shale or clay
ray logging) locate shale and clay beds and in mineral formations.
Acoustic borehole Sonic energy generated and propagated in fluid Must be used in fluid-filled borehole unless
imaging such as air to water. Provides continuous 360 casing is being inspected. Tool must be
image of borehole wall showing fractures and centred in the borehole. Logging speed is
other discontinuities. Can be used to determine relatively low between 20 and 75 mm/s (4 and
dip. 15ft/min). Imaging less clear than house
obtained with borehole cameras.
Acoustic velocity Can determine litho logic contracts, geologic Borehole must be fluid filled and diameter
logging structure, cavities and attitude of discontinuities. accurately known. Penetration beyond
Elastic properties of rock can be calculated. borehole wall of about a meter or so. Geologic
Compression (P-water) is generated and materials must have P-water velocities higher
measured. Used almost exclusively in rock. than velocity of the borehole fluid.
Crosshole seismic Seismic source in one borehole; receiver(s) at Borehole spacing is critical and should be >3m
tests same depth in second (or more) borehole(s). and <15m. Precise borehole spacing must be
Material properties can be determined from accurately known for data to be useful.
generated and measured compression and
shear waves. Low velocity zones underlying high
velocity zones can be detected.
Borehole cameras Borehole TV or film type cameras available. TV Requires open hole. Images are affected by
viewed in real time. Can examine cavities, water clarity. Aperture on film camera must be
discontinuities joints, faults, water well screen, preset to match reflectivity of borehole wall
concrete-rock contacts, grouting effectiveness, materials.
and many other situations.
Borehole caliper Used to continuously measure and record Diameter ranges from about 50 to 900mm (2 to
logging borehole diameter. Identify zones of borehole 36in). Must calibrate caliper against known
enlargement. Can evaluate borehole for minimum and maximum diameter before
positioning packers for other tests. One to six logging. Special purpose acoustic caliper
arm probe designs. designed for large or cavernous holes (dia) 1.8
to 30m (6 to 100ft).
Temperature logging Continuous measure of borehole fluid Probe must be calibrated against a fluid of
temperature after fluid has stabilized. Can known temperature. Open boreholes take
determine temperature gradient with depth. longer to stabilize than cased holes. Logging
speed 15 to 20mm/s (3 to 4 ft/min).
Flow meter
Lined hole - - 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - -
Open hole 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Air-filled - - 1 - - - - 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 - -
Water/mud filled 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Diameter - - - - - - - - 1 - - - -- - - -
Casing - - - 1 - - - 1 1 - - - 1 - 1 -
Fractures/joints 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 - - 1 -
Cement bend - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bed boundaries 1 1 1 1 - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Bed thickness 1 1 1 - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Bed type - - 1 - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Porosity - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 - 1 1 -
Density - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - -
Permeable zones 1 1 - - 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Fluid movement - - - - 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - -
Direction of dip - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Structure/earthwork Geotechnical design issue Limit state geotechnical design standards Comments
(with use of partial factors of safety)
BS EN 1997-1:2004(156)