02 Analyzing The Business Case
02 Analyzing The Business Case
02 Analyzing The Business Case
SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN This chapter also explains why it is important
to understand business operations and
ANALYZING THE BUSINESS CASE requirements, how IT projects support a
company's overall strategic plan, how systems
projects get started, and how systems
analysts conduct a preliminary investigation
and feasibility study.
• The term business case refers to the reasons, or Strategic Planning Overview
justification, for a proposal
• A strong business case suggests that the company SWOT analysis
should pursue the alternative, above other options,
because it would be in the firm’s best interest to do
• Systems development typically starts with a systems
request, followed by a preliminary investigation,
which includes a feasibility study 3 4
5 6
as a gatekeeper
Should be comprehensive, yet easy to understand Main Reasons for Systems Projects
Should describe the project clearly, provide the
justification to proceed, and estimate the project’s
financial impact
9 10
The first step in evaluating feasibility is to identify Factors that Affect Priority
and weed out systems requests that are not feasible Will the proposed system reduce costs? Where?
Even if the request is feasible, it might not be When? How? How much?
necessary Will the system increase revenue for the
Feasibility analysis is an ongoing task that must be company? Where? When? How? How much?
performed throughout the systems development
17 18
Preliminary investigation
Discretionary and Nondiscretionary Projects
Projects where management has a choice in
Interaction with Managers and Users
implementing them are called discretionary ₋ Let people know about the investigation and explain
projects your role
Projects where no choice exists are called ₋ Employee attitudes and reactions are important and
nondiscretionary projects must be considered
₋ Be careful in your use of the word problem
₋ Question users about additional capability they 22
23 24
Step 4: Analyze Project Usability, Cost, Benefit, Step 4: Analyze Project Usability, Cost, Benefit,
and Schedule Data and Schedule Data
Before you can evaluate feasibility, you must – Will you conduct interviews? How many people
analyze this data carefully will you interview, and how much time will you
need to meet with the people and summarize
What information must you obtain, and how will
their responses?
you gather and analyze the information?
– Will you conduct a survey? Who will be involved?
What sources of information will you use, and How much time will it take people to complete
what difficulties will you encounter in obtaining it? How much time will it take to prepare it and
information? 29
tabulate the results? 30
35 36