Lec 1 Operative (PART 3)
Lec 1 Operative (PART 3)
Lec 1 Operative (PART 3)
2- micro-invasive approach (A-Pits & fissure sealing – B-Resin infiltration ) هنتكلم على دا دلوقتي
2- micro-invasive approach
(A-Pits & fissure sealing)
Pits and fissure sealing (Micro invasive) :
NOTE (LIVE): it is called (micro invasive BC: it is seen only on microscopic level when tooth is extracted)
Def. of fissure (LIVE): it is incomplete union between 2 Enamel lobes
Def. of pit (LIVE): it is incomplete union between 3 enamel lobes
NOTE (LIVE): Pits & fissure : are caries susceptible areas
Q/ why does the sealant do (what is the goal if pits & fissure sealant )?
A/ it converts the (retentive pits & fissures ) → to be (non-retentive fossae & grooves)
Q/ what is the act of pits & fissure sealing ?
A/ it is (micro invasive) as the Resin sealant is infiltrated on a microscopic level to seal the depth of
NOTE: Pits and fissure sealing → is the most effective way of Full caries prevention
as it converts the (retentive pits & fissures ) to be (non-retentive fossae & grooves) & preventing
food accumulation
NOTE: Caries in enamel → (apex → toward occ. Surface & base → toward DEJ )
NOTE: once caries passes the DEJ → lateral spreading of caries in dentin occurs .. so,
(caries base → toward DEJ & apex → toward pulp) this occurs due to lower mineralization content of
the dentin
The following are some consideration regarding application of pits and fissure sealant
1- pits and fissure sealant are applied at → (Deep, retentive pits and fissure)
2- apply it when Adequate moisture control is possible → (bc; I do etching and bonding )
3- apply it when there is No evidence of dentinal proximal caries
(i.e: it is contraindication to apply P & F sealant on suspected caries )
4- apply it on Stained pits and fissures with appearance of demineralization (ICDAS 1 and 2)
5-Don’t apply it in Well-coalesced, self-cleaning pits and fissures (V&U types ) مبحطش سيلنت في دول
To summarize
1- Sealants are effective in halting progression of existing carious lesion.
2- As long as the sealants effectively seals off the lesion, there is no reason to suspect any lesion
3- If sealant placed on top of lesions fails, the tooth is at no greater risk than if had never been
2- micro-invasive approach
(A-Pits & fissure sealing) cont….
2- micro-invasive approach
(B-Resin infiltration )
NOTE (LIVE): Resin infiltration is used with (white spot lesion)
NOTE (LIVE): Example on Resin infiltration kit → Icon infiltration
NOTE (LIVE): (white spot lesion) → means that there is Enamel demineralization
NOTE (LIVE): Etching is done to the tooth with white spot lesion (to refresh the surface ) → then
Resin infiltration material is infiltrated inside the demineralized enamel pores → then cured
Results of Resin infiltration:
1- Stops the progress of the non Cavitated lesions (Diffusion barrier)
2-Improves esthetics (Masking effect) → as the refractive index Resin infiltrated surface Become
(closer) to the refractive index of sound enamel
NOTE (LIVE): Resin infiltration is another approach to arrest caries
Q/what is the difference between (pits and fissure sealant) & (Resin infiltration) in the mode of
pits and fissure sealant → are external preventive Diffusion barrier ( )دهنته عالسيرفسand it result in
stabilization & arresting the caries progression (LIVE+BOOK)
Resin infiltration → is internal preventive barrier (it enters the demineralized enamel pores) , this
means that the Diffusion barrier is inside the lesion By infiltrating the pores in the lesion body with
low-viscosity light-curing resins (LIVE+BOOK)
The Preventive care advising to pt.
Are classified into :
1- Non-invasive approach ()خلصناه التوبيك كدا تماما
2- micro-invasive approach (A-Pits & fissure sealing – خالصB-Resin infiltration )
2- micro-invasive approach
(B-Resin infiltration ) Cont.
Principals of Caries Infiltration (EXTRA NOTES IN BOOK) :
-Enamel is strongly mineralized surface layer & It should first be eroded with a hydrochloric acid gel,
(because this cannot be achieved with a phosphoric acid gel even after a long exposure time).
-The infiltrates penetrate natural caries lesions up to a few hundred micrometers.
Indications of Resin infiltration (IN BOOK) Contraindications of Resin infiltration (IN BOOK)
1-Mild fluorosis. 1-Erosion
2-Early carious lesion (interproximal in posterior 2-Deep carious
teeth). 3-Severe fluorosis
3-White spot lesion. 4-Deep stained lesion
5-Cavitated lesion
NOTE (LIVE): The conventional approach (Of G.V black ) → all caries should be remove & all pits and
fissure are included in the design
NOTE (LIVE): The conventional approach (Of G.V black ) → are NOT used nowadays
NOTE (LIVE): Selective Caries removal approach & minimal intervention preparation → we make the
preparation size according to the caries extension
NOTE (LIVE): Selective Caries removal approach & minimal intervention preparation (are the
approach we are following nowadays )
NOTE (LIVE): minimal intervention preparation (is called No-outline outline)
Def. of Minimally invasive dentistry (MID) : it is an evidence based intervention approach supported
internationally that aims to do the least harm to effected and surrounding tissues.
New classification
NOTE : G.V Black's rule "extension for prevention" is no longer considered generally valid (It is the
complete opposite of minimally invasive dentistry) In addition, the importance of site and size of
carious lesions for treatment,
NOTE : G.J Mount and colleagues have proposed a new classification, which classifies lesions by
combining both their site and size
1=minimal 2=moderate 3=advanced 4=extensive
Site 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
( pits and fissures)
Site 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
( Proximal contact)
Site 3 3.1 3. 3.3 3.4
( Cervical surface)
Mount-Hume classification (Sista)
1-Occlusal slot
NOTE (Book): It is done Rather than including all pits & fissures
these types of preparation extend to the extension of caries
NOTE (IN BOOK): The objectives are to → remove caries or the defect conservatively and remove
friable tooth structure
NOTE (IN BOOK): Another conservative design for small
Class II composites is → the box only tooth preparation.
NOTE (IN BOOK): the box only tooth preparation design is
indicated when (only the proximal surface is defective, with
no lesions on the occlusal surface).
NOTE (IN BOOK): A proximal box is prepared with a small
elongated pear or round instrument, held parallel to the
long axis of the tooth crown.
NOTE (IN BOOK): The instrument is extended through the marginal ridge (in a gingival direction).
NOTE (IN BOOK): The axial depth is dictated by the extent of the caries lesion or fault.
NOTE (IN BOOK): The facial, lingual, and gingival extensions are dictated by the defect or caries
5-Tunnel preparation
NOTE (LIVE): it is done to approach the proximal surface form the occlusal surface
NOTE (LIVE): it can only be applied if the Marginal Ridge is thick
NOTE (Book): The idea is to reach the proximal caries from the occlusal fossa and largely bypass the M. ridge.
NOTE (Book): The approach of tunnel preparation most closely emulates the goal of minimal invasiveness
Disadvantages (Book):
1-Difficult to precisely excavate the caries at the DEJ
below the marginal ridge (can be overcome with
proper magnification).
2-Fracture resistance of the remaining marginal ridge
is also quite low (Byte registration prior to tooth
Equipment of Minimal intervention Cavity preparation
1- Preparation with hand instrument (IN BOOK)
3- Oscillating Preparation
NOTE (IN BOOK): Oscillating preparation tools are helpful for the difficult access to the interproximal
region, since one side is nonabrasive, which makes them harmless to the neighboring tooth.
NOTE (IN BOOK): There are basically two types of oscillating preparation :
(the A-SonicSys system and B-bevel-shape files).
NOTE (LIVE): it cuts by vibration + it is very conservative
NOTE (LIVE): Advantages → ( No pain , No noise)
NOTE (LIVE): Disadvantages → No tactile sensation
4- Laser
NOTE (IN BOOK): Lasers can remove soft caries, as well as hard tissue.
NOTE (IN BOOK): Lasers reportedly can allow the dentist to remove caries selectively while
maintaining healthy dentin and enamel.
NOTE (IN BOOK): They also can be used without anaesthesia most of the time.
Advantages of laser :
1-No vibration, little noise, no smell and no numbness associated with anaesthesia.
2-When dental lasers are used correctly, excessive heat generation and its detrimental effects on
dental pulp can be avoided.
Equipment of Minimal intervention Cavity preparation (Cont.)
5- Air abrasion
NOTE : it is a Handpiece that exert abrasive particles (aluminum oxide) by kinetic energy
NOTE (IN BOOK): Air abrasion Uses kinetic energy (to remove carious tooth structure).
NOTE (IN BOOK): A powerful narrow stream of moving aluminium oxide particles is directed against
the surface to be cut. When these particles hit the tooth surface, (they abrade it, without heat,
vibration or noise).
Advantages of Air abrasion :
1- Reduced noise, vibration and sensitivity.
2- Cavity preparations done with air abrasion have more rounded internal contours than those
prepared with a handpiece.
Disadvantages of Air abrasion :
1- Lack of tactile sense
2- Air abrasion cannot be used for all patients (It should be avoided in cases involving: Severe dust
allergy, asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, recent extractions, or other oral surgery and open
wounds, advanced periodontal disease, recent placement of orthodontic appliances, Sub-gingival
caries removal).
3-Many of these conditions increase the risk of air embolism in the oral soft tissues.
4- Dust control is a challenge, and it necessitates the use of rubber dam and high-volume evacuation.
NOTE (LIVE): (Chemo-mechanical system , Laser , Air abrasion ) they have NO tactile sensation
NOTE (LIVE): ONLY BUR → give tactile sensation