Eyb 2021

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Thousand Tonnes of Oil Equivalent

Imports Indigenous Production

42,712 45,224

To Stocks

Indigenous Energy Availability

Total Primary Energy Supplies

Nuclear, Hydro Exports

Natural Gas Crude Oil, Coal 591
and Imported
35,422 Petroleum Products 16,531
and LPG
23,694 Bunkers

Lubes, etc.
Use in Transformation Final Energy Consumption Non- 354
22,211 60,208 Use
Natural Gas
Transformation Losses Electricity Natural Gas Petroleum Products Coal Coal
15,442 9,514 18,347 and LPG 12,408 0

Energy Sector
Own Use

Transmission and
Distribution Losses
Consumption by Economic Sectors

Agriculture Other Govt.


Domestic Industry Transport


12,633 24,131 17,988

Energy Yearbook

Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division)

Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan

Islamabad, August 2022

An official annual publication of the
Government of Pakistan,
Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division)
August, 2022.

Compiled by:
Basit Ali, Sr. System Analyst
with the assistance of Syed Zeeshan Ahmed Naqvi, System Analyst,
and Abid Shahzad, Computer Programmer
Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan.

Reviewed by:
Dr. Muhammad Pervaz, General Manager (A&A), HDIP

Published by:
Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan
#18, Street 6, Sector H-9/1, Islamabad.
Phone: +(92 51) 926-5204, 926-5205.
Fax: +(92 51) 926-5207.
E-mail: eyb@hdip.com.pk

Title Cover designed by:

Syed Zeeshan Ahmed Naqvi
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 i

The overall growth of the country is primarily based on the supply of Energy to all the
avenues of the economic development sectors. These economic development sectors starting
from agriculture to manufacturing industry are the major pillars for uplifting the life of the
people, poverty eradication and that ultimately lead to the development of the country.
Oil and gas are major components of Pakistan's energy mix contributing about 70% of total
primary energy supplies. Pakistan is blessed with huge sedimentary basin with considerable
potential of hydrocarbons including shale and tight gas reservoirs. It is very important for the
companies operating Pakistan to explore in frontier areas of the country where less exploration is
being carried out to add more reserves for sustainable production of oil and gas. To promote
exploration of indigenous oil and gas, new blocks were awarded to the different exploration
companies operating in Pakistan. It is expected that these companies will soon start exploration
activities in the newly acquired blocks. The present Government has given high priority to this
sector and adopted consistent policies aimed at promoting local and foreign investment to
develop indigenous hydrocarbon resources thereby reducing oil import bill. Pakistan stands
among top 10 countries in global shale gas resources and that needs to be exploited to meet the
energy demand of the country.
In order to meet country's energy needs, Government is making all efforts to increase its
energy supply in a long term and sustainable manner and to attract foreign investment in LNG
Sector, infrastructure development projects, improvement of systems and removal of constraints
for smooth supply of electricity. The CPEC has also become a source for developing energy related
projects through development of indigenous resources like hydrocarbons, coal, hydro and other
renewable sources.
The Government is pursuing policies to reduce supply and demand gap through decrease
in share of thermal energy, increase in generation of low cost energy and by expansion of
transmission and distribution capacity of the system. The development of indigenous coal
resources and utilization of imported coal can play a vital role in improving Pakistan's future
energy mix. Pakistan's Energy Security may be improved by enhancing exploration and
exploitation of domestic oil and gas resources including offshore areas; to diversify sources of
energy supply; especially coal (local and imported); Import natural gas: piped, Liquefied Natural
Gas (LNG); Onshore or Offshore LNG storage; Upgradation of Refineries to cater demand of
Petroleum Products in the country; Expand refining capacity to enhance strategic storage for
crude oil and to accelerate institutional development of public sector organizations and
Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan is making consistent efforts since 1992 to
bring out the Pakistan Energy Yearbook. The efforts of HDIP are highly commendable in
maintaining National Energy Database and disseminating vital information of energy sector
information to the stakeholders.

Ali Raza Bhutta,

Federal Secretary,
Petroleum Division, Ministry of Energy,
Government of Pakistan.

Islamabad, August 2022.

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 iii




Table: 1.1 Primary Energy Supplies by Source 3
Table: 1.2 Final Energy Consumption by Source 3
Table: 1.3 Primary Energy Balance Sheet 2020-21 4
Table: 1.4 Energy Balances 2015-16 to 2020-21 5
Table: 1.5 Energy Consumption by Sector 6
Table: 1.5.1 Energy Consumption in Domestic Sector 6
Table: 1.5.2 Energy Consumption in Commercial Sector 6
Table: 1.5.3 Energy Consumption in Industrial Sector 7
Table: 1.5.4 Energy Consumption in Agriculture Sector 7
Table: 1.5.5 Energy Consumption in Transport Sector 7
Table: 1.5.6 Energy Consumption in Other Government Sector 8
Table: 1.6 Fossil Fuels Consumption in Thermal Power Generation 8
Table: 1.7 Energy and Non-Energy Uses of Gas in Fertilizer Sector 9

Part 2 OIL
Table: 2.1 Crude Oil Reserves as on June 30, 2021 11
Table: 2.2 Crude Oil Production by Field 16
Table: 2.2.1 Crude Oil Production by Company 21
Table: 2.3 Refining Capacities as on 30th June 22
Table: 2.4 Crude Oil Processed by Refineries 22
Table: 2.5 Oil Refineries Production 23
Table: 2.5.1 Production by Attock Refinery Ltd. 24
Table: 2.5.2 Production by BYCO Petroleum Pakistan Ltd. 25
Table: 2.5.3 Production by BYCO Oil Pakistan Ltd. 26
Table: 2.5.4 Production by National Refinery Ltd. 27
Table: 2.5.5 Production by Pak-Arab Refinery Ltd. 28
Table: 2.5.6 Production by Pakistan Refinery Ltd. 29
Table: 2.5.7 Production by ENAR Petroleum Refining Facility (EPRF) 30
Table: 2.6 Consumption of Petroleum Products by Fuel 31
Table: 2.7 Consumption of Petroleum Products by Sector 32
Table: 2.8 Consumption of Petroleum Products by Region 32
Table: 2.9 Petroleum Products Consumption by Sector 2020-21 33
Table: 2.10 Sectoral Consumption of POL Products by Region/Province 2020-21 34
Table: 2.11 Import of Crude Oil 35
Table: 2.12 Import of Petroleum Products 35
Table: 2.13 Export of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products 36
Table: 2.14 Bunkering of Petroleum Products 36
Table: 2.15.1 HOBC Sale Price 38
Table: 2.15.2 Gasoline Sale Price 40
Table: 2.15.3 Kerosene Sale Price 42
Table: 2.15.4 High Speed Diesel Oil Sale Price 45
Table: 2.15.5 Light Diesel Oil Sale Price 47
Table: 2.16 Deregulated Furnace Oil Sale Price 50

Part 3 GAS
Table: 3.1 Natural Gas Reserves as on June 30, 2021 53
Table: 3.1.1 Associated Gas Reserves as on June 30, 2021 57
Table: 3.2 Natural Gas Production by Type/Province 59
Table: 3.3 Natural Gas Production by Company 60
Table: 3.4 Non-Associated Gas Production by Field 61
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 iv

CONTENTS (Contd...) Page No.

Table: 3.4.1 Associated Gas Production by Field 67

Table: 3.4.2 Non-Associated Gas Production by Field 69
Table: 3.5 LPG Supplies by Source 72
Table: 3.6 LPG Consumption by Sector 73
Table: 3.7 LPG Consumption by Region/Sector 2020-21 74
Table: 3.8 Import of LNG 74
Table: 3.9 LNG Consumption by Sector 74
Table: 3.10 Natural Gas Consumption by Sector 75
Table: 3.11 Natural Gas Consumption by Province (2020-21) 75
Table: 3.12 Natural Gas Supplies to Fertilizer & Power Sectors by Source 76
Table: 3.13 Number of Gas Consumers as on 30th June 77
Table: 3.14 Natural Gas Distribution Network as on 30th June 77
Table: 3.15 Natural Gas Consumer Prices 79

Part 4 COAL
Table: 4.1 Pakistan Coal Reserves / Resources as on June 30, 2021 81
Table: 4.1.1 Thar Coal Reserves / Resources as on June 30, 2021 82
Table: 4.2 Production of Coal by Field 83
Table: 4.3 Import of Coal 83
Table: 4.4 Consumption of Coal by Sector 84
Table: 4.5 PMDC’s Average Selling Price of Coal 84

Table: 5.1 Electricity Installed Capacity as on 30th June 87
Table: 5.2 Gross Generation by Source & Import of Electricity 90
Table: 5.3 Thermal Electricity Generation by Fuel 90
Table: 5.4 Fuel Consumption for Thermal Power Generation 90
Table: 5.5 Electricity Consumption by Sector 91
Table: 5.6 Electricity Consumption by Region/Province 91
Table: 5.7 Sectoral Electricity Consumption by Region/Province 2020-21 92
Table: 5.8 Auxiliary Consumption by Source 92
Table: 5.9 Electricity Balances 92
Table: 5.10 Energy Data of Hydel Power Stations (2020-21) 94
Table: 5.11 Energy Data of Thermal Power Stations (2020-21) 95


Table: 6.1 Electricity Generation by Renewable Energy Projects (2020-21) 97

Appendix: 7.1 Oil & Gas Exploratory Wells Drilled in Pakistan 99
Appendix: 7.2 Oil & Gas Appraisal/Development Wells Drilled in Pakistan 116
Appendix: 7.3 Unit Conversions 137
Appendix: 7.4 Gross Calorific Values 138
Appendix: 7.5 List of Abbreviations 139
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 v


Figure 1.1 Primary Energy Supplies by Source 8

Figure 1.2 Energy Consumption by Sector 9
Figure 2.1 Crude Oil Production 21
Figure 2.2 Production By Oil Refineries 2020-21 30
Figure 2.3 Petroleum Products Consumption by Sector 37
Figure 2.4 Import of Selected Petroleum Products 37
Figure 3.1 Natural Gas Production 60
Figure 3.2 Natural Gas Consumption by Sector 78
Figure 3.3 Natural Gas Consumer Prices 78
Figure 4.1 Coal Production 82
Figure 4.2 Coal Consumption by Sector 85
Figure 5.1 Electricity Installed Capacity by Type 89
Figure 5.2 Electricity Generation 2020-21 89
Figure 5.3 Electricity Consumption By-Sector 93
Figure 6.1 Electricity Generation by Renewable Projects 97
Figure 7.1 Exploratory & Development Wells Drilled from 2003-04 to 2020-21 115
Figure 7.2 Drilling Activity in Pakistan as on July 1, 2021 115
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 vii

Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan (HDIP) compiles Pakistan Energy
Yearbook based on the data provided by the source organizations listed under
Acknowledgement. During compilation, we have relied on the integrity of the
information and data provided to us by the respective source organizations. Also,
verification and validation practices have been carried out during compilation to the best
of our abilities.

The published data in the Pakistan Energy Yearbook is the sole property of
Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan (HDIP). The reader/user of this book is
not permitted to reuse, republish, or reprint such content without our written consent
and proper acknowledgement.

All published information is merely for educational, informational and research

purposes. It is not intended to interpret any information published in this book for legal,
tax, investment, financial, or other professional advice. Should anyone decide to act
upon any information in this book, can do so at his/her own risk.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 1

Sustainable energy growth is significant for the social and economic development of a
country. Oil and gas remained the major contributors in the primary energy supply mix. Pressure
on foreign exchange reserves is increasing due to the fast depletion of indigenous natural gas
reserves and dependence on imported LNG and oil to meet energy demand.
Pakistan's primary commercial energy supplies during 2020-21 have increased from 81 to
87 million tonnes of oil equivalent (mtoe) mainly due to increase in the supply of oil (24.13%),
Coal (12.36%), LPG (8.83%), Renewable Electricity (4.12%) and LNG Imports (19.24%), while
nuclear electricity (13.58%), Gas (4.34%) and imported electricity (2.99%) showed decreased as
compared to last year. In order to meet the gas demand, 9.92 mtoe of LNG was imported during
2020-21. However, the overall primary commercial energy supply mix during 2020-21 has
increased by 3.3% as compared to the previous year.
The annual compound growth rate of 5.8% of final energy consumption has seen during
last six years. The major increase was observed in Other Government (42.86%), Industrial
(26.01%), Transport (13.99%), Agriculture (4.87%) and Commercial (3.41%) Sectors.
Local crude average oil production moved down by 1.58% from 76,739 barrels per day in
2019-20 to 75,530 barrels per day in 2020-21. Natural gas production also decreased by 2.57%
from 3,597 MMCFD in 2019-20 to 3,505 MMCFD in 2020-21. The oil and gas production decreased
due to limited upstream activities in the country where 24 exploratory and 26
development/appraisal wells were drilled. The drilling efforts resulted in 12 discoveries mostly
of gas condensate.
The overall import of petroleum products was increased by 34.19% as compared to the
last year. Import of crude oil by the refineries was also increased by 30.93%. The oil import bill
increased from US$ 6.7 billion in 2019-20 to US$ 8.2 billion in 2020-21. The overall oil
consumption during 2020-21 increased significantly by 17.18% from 17.03 million tonnes to 19.96
million tonnes. The consumption of HOBC increased significantly to 191.07%, furnace oil to
38.27%, High Speed Diesel to 17.57%, Motor Spirit to 12.04%, while that of aviation fuel decreased
to 24.47% and kerosene to 21.06% as compared to last year.
During 2020-21, overall natural gas consumption increased by 10.52% from 1,323,725
MMCft to 1,463,003 MMCft while gas consumption in Agriculture Sector increased to 143.75%,
Industrial Sector to 16.67% and Transport Sector to 15.78% as compared to last year.
During 2020-21, domestic production of coal increase to 9.23 mtoe showing
growth of 5.66% as compared to previous year. The import of coal was also increased by
14.78% during 2020-21 over the previous year. The overall coal consumption was
increased considerably by 11.62% as compared to last year.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 2

As of June 30th, 2021, the total electricity installed capacity was decreased to
36,536 MW from 36,701 MW in 2019-20, mainly due to decrease of about 200 MW in
installed capacity of TPS Bin Qasim.
During 2020-21, 135,671 GWh electricity was generated as against 128,673 GWh in
2019-20. This year 4,323 GWh of electricity was generated from renewable sources
(solar, wind and bagasse etc.). Nuclear generation also decreased from 10,815 GWh to
9,346 GWh (13.58%). Thermal Generation during 2020-21 increased from 80,121 GWh to
88,453 GWh (410.40%), hydel generation decreased from 33,585 GWh to 33,548 GWh
(0.11%) and electricity import decreased from 514 GWh to 498 GWh (2.99%). However,
the annual compound growth rate of electricity consumption has shown a growth of 5.3%.

The compilation of this Yearbook has been possible only with the cooperation of data source
organizations, which provide us information on regular basis. We particularly express our
gratitude to the following contacts (in alphabetical order): AES PakGen/Lalpir Limited; AJK
Power Development Organization; Alternative Energy Development Board; Atlas Power Limited;
Attock Refinery Limited; Attock Gen Limited; Byco Petroleum Pakistan Limited; Central Power
Purchase Agency, Directorates General of Gas, Oil, Petroleum Concessions, Liquefied Gases and
the Mineral Wing, Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division); Engro Energy Limited; Fauji Kabirwala
Power Company; Foundation Power Company Limited; Government Holding Company Limited;
Gul Ahmed Energy Limited; Habibullah Coastal Power Company; Hub Power Company; Japan
Power Generation Limited; K-Electric; Kohinoor Energy Limited, Kot Addu Power Company;
Liberty Power Tech Limited; Mari Petroleum Company Limited; National Electric Power
Regulatory Authority; National Refinery Limited; Nishat Chunian Power Limited; Nishat Power
Limited; Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority; Oil Companies Advisory Council; Oil & Gas
Development Company Limited, Orient Power Limited; Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development
Organization, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission; Pakistan Bureau of Statistics; Pakistan
Council for Renewable Energy Technologies; Pakistan LNG Limited (PLL), Pakistan Mineral
Development Corporation; Pakistan Petroleum Limited; Pakistan Refinery Limited; Pakistan
State Oil; Pakistan Steel Mills Corporation; National Transmission and Dispatch Company;
Provincial Directorates of Mineral Development (Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and
Sindh); Rousch (Pakistan) Power Limited; Saba Power Company Limited; Southern Electric Power
Company Limited; Spud Energy Pty. Limited; Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited; Sui Southern Gas
Company Limited; TNB Liberty Power Limited; Tapal Energy Limited and Uch Power Limited.

Dr. Muhammad Saeed Khan Jadoon,

Director General/CEO,
Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan.
Islamabad, August 2022
Part 1

energy situation

Total primary commercial energy supplies in 2020-21 Share of Sources

Oil 25.9%

87 million toes Gas

LNG Import

7.96% LPG 1.3%
higher than 2019-20 because of major
Coal 19.0%
increase in supplies of oil and coal.
Electricity 13.1%

Total final energy consumption in 2020-21 Share of Sources

Industrial 40.1%

60 million toes Transport


15.4% Commercial 3.1%
higher than 2019-20 due to the major
Other Govt. 4.6%
increase in consumption of industry,
transport and other government sector. Agriculture 1.4%
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 3

Table: 1.1
Unit: TOE
% Share
Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Oil 1 25,280,073 27,366,526 26,903,431 21,568,315 18,188,487 22,577,047 -2.2%

34.2% 34.4% 31.2% 25.7% 22.6% 25.9%
Gas 30,460,521 30,163,334 29,849,030 29,318,489 26,658,176 25,500,568 -3.5%
41.2% 37.9% 34.6% 35.0% 33.1% 29.3%

LNG Import 2 2,404,128 4,455,734 7,492,597 8,913,006 8,320,497 9,920,947 32.8%

3.3% 5.6% 8.7% 10.6% 10.3% 11.4%

LPG 3 908,705 1,008,673 1,054,006 953,834 1,026,048 1,116,597 4.2%

1.2% 1.3% 1.2% 1.1% 1.3% 1.3%
Coal 5,066,935 6,482,401 10,925,200 12,933,087 14,711,973 16,530,528 26.7%
6.9% 8.1% 12.7% 15.4% 18.2% 19.0%

Hydro Electricity 4 8,266,670 7,681,699 6,665,328 6,525,607 8,016,386 8,007,673 -0.6%

11.2% 9.7% 7.7% 7.8% 9.9% 9.2%

Nuclear Electricity 4 1,099,261 1,670,560 2,358,200 2,365,268 2,581,494 2,230,835 15.2%

1.5% 2.1% 2.7% 2.8% 3.2% 2.6%

Renewable Electricity 369,731 636,825 920,580 1,117,482 991,041 1,031,857 22.8%

0.5% 0.8% 1.1% 1.3% 1.2% 1.2%
Imported Electricity 5 110,525 118,480 132,659 116,196 122,625 118,957 1.5%
0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1%
TOTAL: 73,966,548 79,584,246 86,301,031 83,811,284 80,616,727 87,035,009 3.3%
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Annual growth rate 5.27% 7.59% 8.44% -2.88% -3.81% 7.96%
1/ Excluding petroleum products exports and bunkering.
2/ LNG Imports and Renewable generation reported for the first time in FY 2014-15.
3/ Include imports and production from field plants.
4/ Converted @ 10,000 Btu/kWh to represent primary energy equivalent of hydro and nuclear electricity as if this was generated by using
fossil fuels.
5/ WAPDA has been Importing electricity from Iran since Oct-2002.

Table: 1.2
Unit: TOE
Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Oil 1 16,290,075 17,904,977 19,264,954 17,364,897 16,364,304 18,569,102 2.7%

35.8% 35.7% 35.0% 31.6% 31.4% 30.8%
Gas 2 15,544,358 17,031,100 16,693,880 17,275,180 15,944,781 18,346,902 3.4%
34.2% 34.0% 30.4% 31.4% 30.5% 30.5%
Coal 2 4,975,472 6,097,816 8,940,477 10,292,739 9,836,671 12,407,520 20.1%
11.0% 12.2% 16.3% 18.7% 18.9% 20.6%
Electricity 3 7,364,702 7,779,939 8,708,151 8,914,489 8,825,770 9,513,502 5.3%
16.2% 15.5% 15.8% 16.2% 16.9% 15.8%
LPG 1,210,419 1,308,471 1,385,427 1,148,380 1,196,005 1,371,416 2.5%
2.7% 2.6% 2.5% 2.1% 2.3% 2.3%

TOTAL: 45,385,026 50,122,304 54,992,889 54,995,686 52,167,531 60,208,443 5.8%

Annual growth rate 8.10% 10.44% 9.72% 0.01% -5.14% 15.41%
1/ Excluding consumption for power generation. Note: See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer
2/ Excluding consumption for power generation and feedstock. Gas consumption also includes RLNG withheld by SSGC.
3/ @ 3412 Btu/kWh being the actual energy content of electricity.
Also includes General Services Category introduced post notification of K-Electric's MYT on May 22, 2019.
Table: 1.3


Natural Gas @ Petroleum Products ## Liquefied
Raw Gas Processed Gas Total Gas Crude Oil Non Petroleum Coal Hydro Nuclear Renewable Electricity Total
* ** Energy Gas *** *** *** ***
a Indigenous Production of Primary Energy 25,517,553 25,517,553 3,698,479 607,940 4,129,323 8,007,673 2,230,835 1,031,857 45,223,660
b Imports ++ 9,920,947 9,920,947 9,083,344 10,679,138 508,897 12,401,205 118,957 42,712,487
c Exports & Bunkers -305,364 -409,342 -41,548 -756,253
d Stock Changes # -16,985 39,587 -187,678 20,430 -239 -144,885
e Net Primary Energy Supplies (a+b+c+d) 25,517,553 9,920,947 35,421,515 12,516,046 10,082,119 -21,118 1,116,597 16,530,528 8,007,673 2,230,835 1,031,857 118,957 87,035,009
f Gas Processing Plants -19,188,113 18,646,952 -524,176 -524,176
g Petroleum Refineries -12,127,042 11,226,466 400,535 215,436 -284,606
h Electric Power Stations -2,219,652 -6,428,472 -8,648,124 -2,310,032 -2,013 -4,123,008 -8,007,673 -2,230,835 -1,031,857 11,728,833 -14,624,709
j Energy Transformed (f+g+h) -9,172,300 -12,127,042 8,916,434 398,522 215,436 -4,123,008 -8,007,673 -2,230,835 -1,031,857 11,728,833 -15,433,491
k Transport & Distribution Losses -3,444,909 -2,409,857 -5,854,766
l Auxiliary Consumption of Energy Sector -195,315 -280,080 0 -44,540 -393,851 -913,785
m Consumption for Non-Energy Uses -2,607,491 -1,654,598 -4,262,088 -353,943 0 -4,616,032
n Spare By-product Electricity from PASMIC 469,420 469,420
o Statistical Differences -389,004 -149,372 -23,461 83,678 -477,913
p Final Energy Use (e+j+k+l+m+n+o) 18,346,902 0 18,569,102 0 1,371,416 12,407,520 0 0 0 9,513,502 60,208,443
q Domestic 7,316,889 30,758 502,813 691 4,782,287 12,633,439
r Commercial 639,201 523,370 692,302 1,854,873
s Industrial (t+u+v+w) 7,810,205 1,474,086 12,406,830 2,439,472 24,130,592
t Brick Kiln 3,882,562
u Cement 21,813 8,524,267
v Fertilizer 1,502,297 146,644 1,648,941
w1 Pakistan Steel Mills 0
w2 General Industry 6,139,451
x Agriculture 12,641 833,758 846,399
y Transport 1,258,447 16,729,634 0 17,988,081
z Other Government 1 1,322,159 321,983 345,233 765,683 2,755,058
@ Includes accociated and non-associated gases.
*Raw Gas includes gas supplied by production companies to gas distribution companies and directly to major consumers like power and fertilizer plants.
**Processed Gas includes gas supplied after processing by gas distribution companies to various consumers.
***Hydro and Nuclear energy inputs for electricity generation are expressed in terms of equivalent primary energy at 10,000 Btu/kWh, whereas electricity generated in power plants and supplied to consumers is
expressed in terms of actual energy content viz. 3,412 Btu/kWh.
# + for withdrawl from stocks and - for addition to stocks. ## For sectoral uses of final energy, See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer
++ Includes LNG imported during 2014-15.
1 Includes RLNG withheld by SSGC. Also includes General Service category introduced post notification of K-Electric’s MYT on May 22, 2019.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 5

Table: 1.4
ENERGY BALANCES 2015-16 TO 2020-21
Unit: TOE
Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Opening Stock 895,894 1,091,585 1,091,585 1,636,427 1,329,248 1,009,710 2.4%
Prod. from ARL, DRL1/ 1,613,565 2,159,286 2,192,788 2,222,278 1,616,759 1,847,944 2.7%
Prod. from Other* Refineries 9,194,565 9,548,070 10,943,359 9,820,695 7,900,383 9,378,522 0.4%
Petroleum Products Imports 13,841,373 15,493,772 13,781,798 9,307,302 8,006,101 10,679,138 -5.1%
Gross Supply 25,545,398 28,292,712 28,009,530 22,986,702 18,852,491 22,915,314 -2.1%
Refineries Own Use -176,081 -206,970 -246,091 -247,786 -194,938 -280,080 9.7%
Exports/Bunkers -1,200,685 -1,110,299 -1,181,047 -929,759 -540,975 -409,342 -19.4%
Power Plants -7,583,155 -8,328,980 -6,223,984 -2,688,911 -1,487,578 -2,310,032 -21.2%
Closing Stock -1,091,585 -1,193,497 -1,636,427 -1,329,248 -1,009,710 -1,197,388 1.9%
Net Supply 15,493,892 17,452,966 18,721,981 17,790,999 15,619,291 18,718,473 3.9%
T & D Losses & Stat. Diff. 796,182 452,011 542,973 -426,101 745,014 -149,372 -171.6%
Net Consumption** 16,290,075 17,904,977 19,264,954 17,364,897 16,364,304 18,569,102 2.7%
Opening Stock in Pipeline 113,387 97,869 # 123,270 ## 146,813 ##155,507 142,439 4.7%
Processed by SSGC 2/ 10,601,917 10,038,536 9,944,828 9,733,086 9,152,696 9,799,879 -1.6%
Direct Supplies 3/ 16,572,594 17,284,368 17,376,869 15,815,604 14,289,080 14,796,152 -2.2%
Associated Gas 4/ 774,406 773,512 78,416 108,576 114,637 380,361 -13.3%
LNG Imports 2,404,128 4,455,734 7,492,597 8,913,006 8,320,497 9,920,947 32.8%
Closing Stock in Pipeline -97,869 -123,270 -146,813 -162,461 -138,157 -159,424 10.3%
Gross Supply 30,368,563 32,526,750 34,869,167 34,554,624 31,894,260 34,880,353 2.8%
Used for Compression, etc. -147,076 -184,979 -219,326 -452,988 -141,424 -195,315 5.8%
Feedstock for Fertilizer -3,559,855 -3,622,881 -3,500,893 -3,842,384 -4,019,099 -4,262,088 3.7%
Power Plants -8,577,146 -8,643,403 -10,831,662 -10,050,101 -8,426,767 -8,648,124 0.2%
Net Supply 18,084,486 20,075,487 20,317,285 20,209,152 19,306,970 21,774,826 3.8%
T & D Losses & Stat. Diff. -2,540,127 -3,044,387 -3,623,406 -2,933,971 -3,362,189 -3,427,924 6.2%
Net Consumption 15,544,358 17,031,100 16,693,880 17,275,180 15,944,781 18,346,902 3.4%
Opening Stock 1,889 1,902 1,902 20,580 1,744 1,498 -4.5%
Indigenous Production 694,029 721,851 847,798 871,961 824,310 823,375 3.5%
Imports 403,386 499,217 435,665 272,372 372,865 508,897 4.8%
Closing Stock -1,902 -21,345 -20,580 -1,744 -1,498 -1,738 -1.8%
Gross Supply 1,097,402 1,201,625 1,264,785 1,163,169 1,197,421 1,332,033 4.0%
Refineries Own Use -46,623 -41,351 -41,351 -43,329 -42,184 -44,540 -0.9%
Net Supply 1,050,779 1,160,261 1,223,434 1,119,840 1,155,237 1,287,493 4.1%
T & D Losses & Stat. Diff. 159,640 148,211 161,993 28,540 40,768 83,923 -12.1%
Net Consumption 1,210,419 1,308,471 1,385,427 1,148,380 1,196,005 1,371,416 2.5%
Indigenous Production 1,852,922 1,863,388 1,922,565 2,613,350 3,908,079 4,129,323 17.4%
Imports 3,214,013 4,619,013 9,002,635 10,319,737 10,803,894 12,401,205 31.0%
Gross Supply 5,066,935 6,482,401 10,925,200 12,933,087 14,711,973 16,530,528 26.7%
Power Plants -91,463 -384,585 -1,984,722 -2,640,347 -4,875,302 -4,123,008 114.2%
Feedstock for Coke 0 0 0 0 0 0
Net Supply 4,975,472 6,097,816 8,940,477 10,292,739 9,836,671 12,407,520 20.1%
Net Consumption 4,975,472 6,097,816 8,940,477 10,292,739 9,836,671 12,407,520 20.1%
Hydel Generation 2,820,552 2,620,962 2,274,181 2,226,509 2,735,156 2,732,184 -0.6%
Thermal Generation 5,742,489 6,618,468 7,298,135 7,052,835 6,525,014 7,203,641 4.6%
Nuclear Generation 375,063 569,988 804,608 807,019 880,795 761,151 15.2%
Renewable Generation 369,731 636,825 920,580 1,117,482 991,041 1,031,857 22.8%
Gross Generation 9,307,835 10,446,243 11,297,503 11,203,845 11,132,006 11,728,833 4.7%
Auxiliary Consumption -335,785 -366,676 -308,935 -227,421 -218,712 -393,851 3.2%
Net Generation 8,972,050 10,079,567 10,988,568 10,976,425 10,913,294 11,334,982 4.8%
Net purchases from PASMIC 8 0 0 0 407,444 469,420 808.8%
Net Supply 8,972,058 10,079,567 10,988,568 10,976,425 11,320,739 11,804,403 5.6%
Imports 110,525 118,480 132,659 116,196 122,625 118,957 1.5%
Total Net Supply 9,082,583 10,198,047 11,121,227 11,092,621 11,443,364 11,923,359 5.6%
T & D Losses & Stat. Diff. -1,717,881 -2,418,108 -2,413,076 -2,178,132 -2,617,594 -2,409,857 7.0%
Net Consumption 7,364,702 7,779,939 8,708,151 8,914,489 8,825,770 9,513,502 5.3%
Net Supply 48,687,211 54,984,591 60,324,404 60,505,351 57,361,533 66,111,672 6.3%
T & D Losses & Stat. Diff. -3,302,185 -4,862,286 -5,331,515 -5,509,665 -5,194,002 -5,903,230 12.3%
Net Consumption 45,385,026 50,122,304 54,992,889 54,995,686 52,167,531 60,208,443 5.8%
1/ Excluding LPG production. ARL, DRL & Enar refine only local crudes, Bosicor & PARCO refine only imported crudes while PRL & NRL refine both.
2/ Since 2001-02, gas processed/withdrawn by SSGCL and supplied to sourthern distribution systems from Sui, Badin etc. areas.
3/ Direct supplies to thermal & fertilizer plants and non-associated gas from fields other than (2).
4/ Production from oilfields in north. Production of associated gas from Badin area is processed by SSGC and is included in (2).
5/ @ 3412 Btu/kWh. # Determination of final revenue requirement. ## Determination of review revenue requirement.
* Byco, NRL, PARCO, PRL ** See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 6

Table: 1.5
Unit: TOE
Sector 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Domestic 10,513,575 11,343,757 11,660,210 12,214,708 12,707,490 12,633,439 3.7%

Commercial 1,819,146 1,875,228 2,009,982 1,872,881 1,793,652 1,854,873 0.4%
Industrial 15,928,956 17,927,974 20,601,909 20,419,355 19,149,737 24,130,592 8.7%
Agriculture 709,513 764,194 839,993 814,519 807,113 846,399 3.6%
Transport 15,287,332 17,007,968 18,637,229 17,073,111 15,780,988 17,988,081 3.3%
Other Govt. 1,126,504 1,203,183 1,243,567 2,601,113 1,928,551 2,755,058 19.6%

Total: 45,385,026 50,122,304 54,992,889 54,995,686 52,167,531 60,208,443 5.8%

1. See tables 1.5.1 to 1.5.6 for details and explanations.
2. See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer

Table: 1.5.1
Energy Consumption in Domestic Sector
Unit: TOE
Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Oil * 76,706 79,607 68,162 62,470 47,292 30,758 -16.7%

Gas 6,348,456 6,806,322 6,655,612 7,298,154 7,613,137 7,316,889 2.9%
LPG 465,446 491,857 536,415 481,982 488,823 502,813 1.6%
Electricity ** 3,622,967 3,965,972 4,400,021 4,372,102 4,557,641 4,782,287 5.7%

Total: 10,513,575 11,343,757 11,660,210 12,214,708 12,707,490 12,633,439 3.7%

Annual growth rate 2.20% 7.90% 2.79% 4.76% 4.03% -0.58%
* See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer
** @ 3412 Btu/kWh.

Table: 1.5.2
Energy Consumption in Commercial Sector
Unit: TOE

Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

LPG 447,286 466,537 558,022 449,387 512,427 523,370 3.2%

Gas 787,005 768,884 751,052 730,188 631,777 639,201 -4.1%
Electricity * 584,855 639,808 700,907 693,306 649,448 692,302 3.4%

Total: 1,819,146 1,875,228 2,009,982 1,872,881 1,793,652 1,854,873 0.4%

Annual growth rate 9.26% 3.08% 7.19% -6.82% -4.23% 3.41%
* @ 3412 Btu/kWh.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 7

Table: 1.5.3
Energy Consumption in Industrial Sector
Unit: TOE
Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Oil * 2,013,945 1,992,437 1,785,880 1,307,193 1,220,638 1,474,086 -6.1%

Gas ** 6,900,651 7,882,359 7,638,566 6,477,217 5,999,387 7,810,205 2.5%
Electricity *** 2,038,889 1,955,361 2,236,985 2,342,205 2,093,637 2,439,472 3.7%
Coal 4,975,472 6,097,816 8,940,477 10,292,739 9,836,074 12,406,830 20.1%

Total: 15,928,956 17,927,974 20,601,909 20,419,355 19,149,737 24,130,592 8.7%

Annual growth rate 7.31% 12.55% 14.91% -0.89% -6.22% 26.01%
* See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer
** Includes energy consumption in fertilizer production. Also refer to Table 1.7.
*** @ 3412 Btu/kWh.

Table: 1.5.4
Energy Consumption in Agricultural Sector
Unit: TOE
Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Oil * 15,119 13,201 15,134 15,649 12,494 12,641 -3.5%

Electricity ** 694,395 750,993 824,859 798,870 794,619 833,758 3.7%

Total: 709,513 764,194 839,993 814,519 807,113 846,399 3.6%

Annual growth rate 2.38% 7.71% 9.92% -3.03% -0.91% 4.87%
* HSD consumption for tractors in agriculture sector is not separately available and is included in the transport sector. Agriculture
sector represents LDO only. Also see Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer
** @ 3412 Btu/kWh.

Table: 1.5.5
Energy Consumption in Transport Sector
Unit: TOE
Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Aviation Fuel 477,992 499,677 473,929 361,405 295,931 185,872 -17.2%

Motor Spirit 6,076,351 7,004,423 7,847,016 8,084,795 7,933,126 8,889,188 7.9%
HOBC 40,878 93,157 129,380 89,970 57,937 172,865 33.4%
Kerosene 59 38 41 25 37 0
HSD 7,181,583 7,834,580 8,537,787 7,013,274 6,406,871 7,481,533 0.8%
LDO 715 0 0 0 0 0
Furnace Oil 1,509 2,558 426 327 197 175 -35.0%
Electriciry * 0 0 0 0 0 0
Natural Gas ** 1,508,246 1,573,536 1,648,649 1,523,315 1,086,889 1,258,447 -3.6%

Total: 15,287,332 17,007,968 18,637,229 17,073,111 15,780,988 17,988,081 3.3%

Annual growth rate 12.53% 11.26% 9.58% -8.39% -7.57% 13.99%
* @ 3412 Btu/kWh. Includes railway traction.
** Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).
Note: See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 8

Table: 1.5.6
Energy Consumption in Other / Government Sector
Unit: TOE
Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Oil * 405,220 385,300 407,198 429,790 389,781 321,983 -4.5%

Electricity ** 423,597 467,805 545,379 708,007 730,424 765,683 12.6%
LPG 297,687 350,078 290,989 217,011 194,755 345,233 3.0%
Gas *** 1,246,306 613,591 1,322,159
Total: 1,126,504 1,203,183 1,243,567 2,601,113 1,928,551 2,755,058 19.6%
Annual growth rate 23.77% 6.81% 3.36% 109.17% -25.86% 42.86%
* See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer
** @ 3412 Btu/kWh. Also include bulk supplies and street light. Also includes General Services Category introduced post notification of
K-Electric's MYT on May 22, 2019.
*** Includes RLNG with held by SSGC.

Table: 1.6
Unit: TOE
Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Oil * 7,583,155 8,328,980 6,223,984 2,688,911 1,487,578 2,310,032 -21.2%

Gas 8,577,146 8,643,403 10,831,662 10,050,101 8,426,767 8,648,124 0.2%
Coal 91,463 384,585 1,984,722 2,640,347 4,875,302 4,123,008 114.2%

Total: 16,251,764 17,356,967 19,040,369 15,379,360 14,789,646 15,081,164 -1.5%

Annual growth rate 3.41% 6.80% 9.70% -19.23% -3.83% 1.97%
* See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer

Figure 1.1


74.0 1.2%
70.0 0.5% 11.9%

60.0 6.9%




34.2% 25.9%

2015-16 2020-21
Oil LPG Gas Coal Hydro. Nuc. Import Renewable LNG Import
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 9

Table: 1.7
Unit: TOE
Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Feedstocks 3,559,855 3,622,881 3,500,893 3,842,384 4,019,099 4,262,088 3.7%

Energy Use 1,471,520 1,737,760 1,204,500 695,246 712,723 1,648,941 2.3%

Total: 5,031,375 5,360,641 4,705,392 4,537,630 4,731,822 5,911,029 3.3%

Annual growth rate 21.14% 6.54% -12.22% -3.57% 4.28% 24.92%

Figure 1.2
(Excluding fuels consumed in thermal power generation)
Total: 60.2 Million TOE


3.08% Transport
Other Govt.


Total: 45.3 Million TOE


Agriculture Transport
1.56% 33.68%
Other Govt.

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 10

The data has been prepared by OCAC for its members for information purposes only. Thus data is not
intended to provide professional, investment or any other type of advice or recommendation to any
person. It may be noted that the data and information contained in the data has been provided to OCAC
by various members of OCAC to which such data relates.

OCAC has only reproduced this data and collated the same for internal consumption of its members and
has not undertaken any independent verification as to the veracity of the data. Neither OCAC nor do any
of its employees make any warranty, express or implied or take or assume any responsibility for the use
of any information contained in the data. OCAC gives no assurance for the validity, accuracy, correctness
or completeness of the information quoted.

OCAC would urge any person seeking to rely upon the information contained in the data to undertake
his/her own research and due diligence with respect to the information and to independently verify the
facts at his/her end.
Part 2



Reserves (Balance Recoverable) 249 million barrels

Production 28 million barrels

Refining Capacity 21.64 million tonnes/year

Crude Processed 11.8 million tonnes

Refinery Production 11.47 million tonnes
Consumption 19.96 million tonnes
Import of Crude 8.8 million tonnes
Import of POL 10.1 million tonnes
Import Bill 8.2 billion US$
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 11

Table: 2.1
Unit: Million US Barrels
Original Balance
S.No. FIELD Operator Recoverable Cumulative Recoverable
Company Province Reserves Production Reserves
1 Savi Ragha BG Balochistan 1.350 1.350
2 Zamzama OPPL Sindh 9.950 9.860 0.090
3 Ghauri MPCL Punjab 1.050 0.980 0.070
4 Halini MPCL Punjab 5.390 3.780 1.610
5 Mari-Tipu MPCL Sindh 0.120 0.120
6 Zarghun South MPCL Balochistan 0.030 0.020 0.010
7 Sujjal MPCL Sindh 0.410 0.270 0.140
8 Aqeeq MPCL Sindh 0.020 0.020
9 Mari-Goru-B MPCL Sindh 1.590 0.200 1.390
10 Sujawal MPCL Sindh 0.110 0.110
11 Kalabagh MPCL Punjab 0.260 0.180 0.080
12 Manzalai MOL KPK 7.700 7.300 0.400
13 Makori MOL KPK 3.800 3.800
14 Makori East MOL KPK 46.700 35.600 11.100
15 Makori Deep MOL KPK 2.800 2.300 0.500
16 Mamikhel MOL KPK 3.600 3.500 0.100
17 Mamikhel South MOL KPK 2.600 2.600
18 Maramzai MOL KPK 19.000 13.800 5.200
19 Mardankhel MOL KPK 12.400 5.500 6.900
20 Tolanj MOL KPK 0.020 0.020
21 Tolanj West MOL KPK 0.040 0.020 0.020
22 Bagla OGDCL Sindh 0.170 0.151 0.019
23 Baloch OGDCL Sindh 0.640 0.454 0.186
24 Bhal Syedan OGDCL Punjab 0.570 0.509 0.061
25 Bhulan Shah OGDCL Sindh
26 Bitrism West OGDCL Sindh 1.080 0.503 0.577
27 Bobi OGDCL Sindh 6.550 6.248 0.302
28 Buzdar North OGDCL Sindh
29 Chak-2 OGDCL Sindh 1.570 1.259 0.311
30 Chak-7A OGDCL Sindh 0.280 0.259 0.021
31 Chak-63 OGDCL Sindh 2.890 0.662 2.228
32 Chak-63 SE OGDCL Sindh 0.537 0.511 0.026
33 Chak-66 OGDCL Sindh 0.100 0.100
34 Chak-66 NE OGDCL Sindh 0.400 0.271 0.129
35 Chak-5 Dim South OGDCL Sindh 3.340 2.678 0.662
36 Chak-Naurang OGDCL Punjab 7.300 7.203 0.097
37 Chanda OGDCL KPK. 21.950 19.917 2.033
38 Chandio OGDCL Sindh 0.580 0.580
39 Chabaro OGDCL Sindh 0.030 0.030
40 Chutto OGDCL Sindh 0.630 0.205 0.425
41 Dakhni/Deep OGDCL Punjab 11.170 9.794 1.376
42 Dars OGDCL Sindh 0.460 0.314 0.146
43 Dars West OGDCL Sindh 1.560 0.710 0.850
44 Dars Deep OGDCL Sindh 0.220 0.184 0.036
45 Daru OGDCL Sindh 0.550 0.528 0.022
46 Dhamraki OGDCL Sindh 1.220 1.220
47 Dhodak OGDCL Punjab 12.400 12.394 0.006
48 Dhodak Deep OGDCL Punjab
49 Dhok Hussain OGDCL KPK 1.770 0.064 1.706
50 Hakeem Daho OGDCL Sindh 1.780 0.679 1.101
51 Fimkassar OGDCL Punjab 14.270 14.100 0.170
52 Gopang OGDCL Sindh 0.001 0.001
53 Gundanwari OGDCL Sindh 0.020 0.020
54 Jakhro OGDCL Sindh 0.280 0.218 0.062
55 Jand OGDCL Sindh 0.010 0.010
56 Jarwar OGDCL Sindh 0.230 0.227 0.003
57 Jhal Magsi South OGDCL Baloch. 0.100 0.100
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 12

Crude Oil 2P Reserves (Contd...)

Original Balance
S.No. FIELD Operator Recoverable Cumulative Recoverable
Company Province Reserves Production Reserves
58 Kal OGDCL Punjab 9.900 8.730 1.170
59 Kunar OGDCL Sindh 38.920 33.542 5.378
60 Kunar Deep OGDCL Sindh 5.590 2.511 3.079
61 Kunar South OGDCL Sindh 0.490 0.133 0.357
62 Kunar West OGDCL Sindh 0.510 0.265 0.245
63 Lala Jamali OGDCL Sindh 0.620 0.508 0.112
64 Lashari Centre OGDCL Sindh 13.810 12.927 0.883
65 Lashari South OGDCL Sindh
66 Mangrio OGDCL Sindh 0.260 0.030 0.230
67 Mela OGDCL KPK 35.580 15.911 19.669
68 Missa Keswal OGDCL Punjab 10.300 10.192 0.108
69 Missan OGDCL Sindh 1.630 1.490 0.140
70 Mithrao OGDCL Sindh
71 Moolan OGDCL Sindh 0.200 0.144 0.056
72 Moolan North OGDCL Sindh 0.670 0.601 0.069
73 Nashpa OGDCL KPK 106.460 62.771 43.689
74 Norai Jagir OGDCL Sindh 0.380 0.370 0.010
75 Nur OGDCL Sindh 0.160 0.010 0.150
76 Nim OGDCL Sindh 0.080 0.053 0.027
77 Pakhro OGDCL Sindh
78 Pali OGDCL Sindh
79 Pali Deep OGDCL Sindh 0.880 0.728 0.152
80 Pasakhi/Pasakhi NE OGDCL Sindh 56.210 47.249 8.961
81 Pasakhi Deep OGDCL Sindh 3.060 0.927 2.133
82 Pasakhi East OGDCL Sindh 0.170 0.117 0.053
83 Pasakhi WD OGDCL Sindh 0.240 0.019 0.221
84 Qadirpur OGDCL Sindh 5.940 5.541 0.399
85 Rajian OGDCL Punjab 16.500 14.089 2.411
86 Resham OGDCL Sindh 0.220 0.173 0.047
87 Saand OGDCL Sindh 0.090 0.026 0.064
88 Sadkal OGDCL Punjab 5.150 5.091 0.059
89 Shah OGDCL Sindh 0.173 0.159 0.014
90 Shekhan OGDCL Sindh 0.010 0.010
91 Soghri OGDCL Sindh 0.430 0.220 0.210
92 Sono OGDCL Sindh 20.610 20.338 0.272
93 Tando Alam OGDCL Sindh 20.230 19.094 1.136
94 Tando Allah Yar OGDCL Sindh 0.790 0.351 0.439
95 Tando Allah Yar North OGDCL Sindh 0.210 0.210
96 Tando Allah Yar SW OGDCL Sindh 0.160 0.016 0.144
97 Thal West OGDCL Sindh 0.004 0.004
98 Thora OGDCL Sindh 20.750 20.373 0.377
99 Thora Deep OGDCL Sindh 0.270 0.092 0.178
100 Togh OGDCL KPK 0.400 0.072 0.328
101 Toot OGDCL Punjab 14.400 14.008 0.392
102 Uch OGDCL Baloch. 0.360 0.224 0.136
103 Unar OGDCL Sindh 0.270 0.137 0.133
104 Bhangali OPL Punjab 6.660 3.760 2.900
105 Dhurnal OPL Punjab 60.610 50.950 9.660
106 Ratana OPL Punjab 5.860 3.060 2.800
107 Mehar UEP Alpha Sindh 4.455 2.663 1.792
108 Saqib UEP Alpha Sindh 0.027 0.009 0.018
109 Sofiya UEP Alpha Sindh 1.302 0.427 0.875
110 Miano UEP Beta Sindh 0.430 0.329 0.101
111 Latif UEP Beta Sindh 0.238 0.121 0.117
112 Ayesha PEL Sindh 0.067 0.029 0.038
113 Ayesha North PEL Sindh 0.069 0.005 0.064
114 Aminah PEL Sindh 0.036 0.009 0.027
115 Zainab PEL Sindh 0.110 0.110
116 Balkassar POL Punjab 38.750 36.310 2.440
117 Bela POL Punjab 0.260 0.070 0.190
118 Domial POL Punjab
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 13

Crude Oil 2P Reserves (Contd...)

Original Balance
S.No. FIELD Operator Recoverable Cumulative Recoverable
Company Province Reserves Production Reserves
119 Dhulian POL Punjab 42.880 42.530 0.350
120 Jhandial POL Punjab 23.990 0.720 23.270
121 Joyamair POL Punjab 8.200 7.760 0.440
122 Khaur POL Punjab 4.310 4.260 0.050
123 Meyal POL Punjab 42.750 42.370 0.380
124 Minwal POL Punjab 1.610 1.130 0.480
125 Pariwali POL Punjab 9.210 8.780 0.430
126 Pindori POL Punjab 25.440 24.380 1.060
127 Turkwal POL Punjab 2.800 2.790 0.010
128 Adhi PPL Punjab 73.000 53.000 20.000
129 Adhi (Sakessar) PPL Punjab
130 Adhi South PPL Punjab
131 Adam PPL Sindh 1.000 0.900 0.100
132 Adam West PPL Sindh 0.090 0.060 0.030
133 Badeel PPL Sindh 0.300 0.300
134 Benari PPL Sindh 0.020 0.001 0.019
135 Dhok Sultan PPL Punjab 2.000 0.060 1.940
136 Fazl PPL Sindh 0.020 0.004 0.016
137 Hadaf PPL Sindh 0.500 0.020 0.480
138 Kandhkot PPL Sindh 0.400 0.400
139 Mazarani PPL Sindh 0.200 0.200
140 Shahdadpur (Nasr-Wafiq-Sharf) PPL Sindh 8.000 1.000 7.000
141 Sharf PPL Sindh
142 Shahdadpur East (Kinza) PPL Sindh 0.020 0.001 0.019
143 Kabir PPL Sindh 1.000 0.080 0.920
144 Faiz PPL Sindh
145 Shahdadpur West (Shahdad) PPL Sindh 1.000 0.300 0.700
146 Yasar PPL Sindh 0.020 0.020
147 Zafir PPL Sindh 1.000 1.000
148 Akri North UEPL Sindh 6.264 6.213 0.051
149 Ali UEPL Sindh 0.121 0.115 0.006
150 Ali-2 UEPL Sindh 0.010 0.002 0.008
151 Ali Zaur UEPL Sindh 0.586 0.586
152 Aassu UEPL Sindh 3.248 3.233 0.015
153 Bachal UEPL Sindh 0.151 0.151
154 Babarki UEPL Sindh 0.005 0.005
155 Bago UEPL Sindh 0.002 0.002
156 Baqa UEPL Sindh 2.042 0.149 1.893
157 Bari UEPL Sindh 4.728 4.298 0.430
158 Baqar Deep UEPL Sindh 0.022 0.022
159 Bakhsh Deep UEPL Sindh 0.081 0.068 0.013
160 Bhatti/Nakurji UEPL Sindh 1.849 1.849
161 Bhanoki UEPL Sindh 0.007 0.007
162 Bijoro UEPL Sindh 0.839 0.367 0.472
163 Bukhari UEPL Sindh 1.744 1.660 0.084
164 Bukhari Deep UEPL Sindh 0.155 0.151 0.004
165 Bukhari North UEPL Sindh 0.007 0.004 0.003
166 Buzdar Unit UEPL Sindh 0.748 0.747 0.001
167 Buzdar South UEPL Sindh 0.500 0.302 0.198
168 Buzdar South Deep UEPL Sindh 2.712 2.223 0.489
169 Chaman UEPL Sindh 0.042 0.042
170 Dabhi UEPL Sindh 7.540 7.540
171 Dabhi South UEPL Sindh 0.848 0.733 0.115
172 Dabhi North UEPL Sindh 6.256 6.092 0.164
173 Dhani UEPL Sindh 0.278 0.025 0.253
174 Dang UEPL Sindh 0.032 0.032
175 Duphri UEPL Sindh 0.664 0.664
176 Fatehshah UEPL Sindh 0.004 0.004
177 Fatehshah North UEPL Sindh 0.009 0.009
178 Gagani UEPL Sindh 0.085 0.005 0.080
179 Gharo UEPL Sindh 0.443 0.315 0.128
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 14

Crude Oil 2P Reserves (Contd...)

Original Balance
S.No. FIELD Operator Recoverable Cumulative Recoverable
Company Province Reserves Production Reserves
180 Ghungro UEPL Sindh 7.753 7.578 0.175
181 Golarchi UEPL Sindh 0.238 0.238
182 Gormani UEPL Sindh 0.006 0.006
183 Gulsher UEPL Sindh 0.644 0.539 0.105
184 Guni UEPL Sindh 0.001 0.001
185 Haider Deep UEPL Sindh 0.508 0.508
186 Hakro UEPL Sindh 0.033 0.033
187 Halipota UEPL Sindh 3.866 2.098 1.768
188 Hayat UEPL Sindh 0.067 0.067
189 Jagir UEPL Sindh 5.250 5.118 0.132
190 Jabo UEPL Sindh 5.818 4.692 1.126
191 Jalal UEPL Sindh 0.385 0.385
192 Jan UEPL Sindh 0.155 0.110 0.045
193 Jarar Deep UEPL Sindh 0.202 0.202
194 Jhaberi UEPL Sindh 0.016 0.007 0.009
195 Jhaberi South UEPL Sindh 0.223 0.223
196 Junathi South UEPL Sindh 0.038 0.038
197 Jogwani UEPL Sindh 0.085 0.085
198 Kamal North UEPL Sindh 3.496 3.098 0.398
199 Kamal North 3 UEPL Sindh 0.007 0.007
200 Kandiari UEPL Sindh 0.035 0.028 0.007
201 Kato UEPL Sindh 0.289 0.289
202 Kausar/Usman UEPL Sindh 5.728 5.728
203 Keyhole G UEPL Sindh 0.689 0.689
204 Khaskheli UEPL Sindh 13.576 12.839 0.737
205 Khaskheli DT UEPL Sindh 0.169 0.139 0.030
206 Khaskheli North UEPL Sindh 0.008 0.008
207 Khorewah UEPL Sindh 2.293 2.104 0.189
208 Khorewah Deep UEPL Sindh 0.030 0.030
209 Koli UEPL Sindh 0.534 0.534
210 Korai UEPL Sindh 0.509 0.317 0.192
211 Kumbh UEPL Sindh 0.197 0.141 0.056
212 Laghari UEPL Sindh 22.261 21.707 0.554
213 Liari UEPL Sindh 7.782 7.782
214 Liari Deep UEPL Sindh 0.137 0.137
215 Limu UEPL Sindh 0.018 0.018
216 Limu East UEPL Sindh
217 Limu North UEPL Sindh 0.013 0.013
218 Lodano UEPL Sindh 0.788 0.262 0.526
219 Lodano Deep UEPL Sindh 0.940 0.547 0.393
220 Mahi UEPL Sindh 0.023 0.023
221 Malah UEPL Sindh 0.090 0.023 0.067
222 Matli UEPL Sindh 0.618 0.317 0.301
223 Mazari UEPL Sindh 25.901 24.418 1.483
224 Mazari South UEPL Sindh 22.376 20.349 2.027
225 Mazari South Deep UEPL Sindh 9.852 6.787 3.065
226 Meyun Ismail UEPL Sindh 1.014 1.001 0.013
227 Meyun Ismail Deep UEPL Sindh 0.224 0.222 0.002
228 Missri UEPL Sindh 0.791 0.791
229 Mohano UEPL Sindh 0.197 0.127 0.070
230 Mohib UEPL Sindh 0.272 0.106 0.166
231 Mohri UEPL Sindh 0.041 0.041
232 Mor UEPL Sindh 0.054 0.054
233 Moroja UEPL Sindh 0.065 0.062 0.003
234 Makhdumpur UEPL Sindh 0.516 0.513 0.003
235 Makhdumpur Deep UEPL Sindh 0.014 0.014
236 Makrani UEPL Sindh 0.004 0.004
237 Malkani UEPL Sindh
238 Muban UEPL Sindh 1.409 1.015 0.394
239 Mulaki UEPL Sindh 0.154 0.124 0.030
240 Murid UEPL Sindh 0.924 0.802 0.122
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 15

Crude Oil 2P Reserves (Contd...)

Original Balance
S.No. FIELD Operator Recoverable Cumulative Recoverable
Company Province Reserves Production Reserves
241 Niamat Basal UEPL Sindh 0.580 0.509 0.071
242 Naimat Basal 2X UEPL Sindh 0.145 0.113 0.032
243 Naimat West UEPL Sindh 8.998 2.462 6.536
244 Nari UEPL Sindh 0.086 0.065 0.021
245 Oderolal UEPL Sindh 0.143 0.143
246 Paniro UEPL Sindh 1.471 1.462 0.009
247 Piaro Deep UEPL Sindh 0.054 0.053 0.001
248 Piaro Deep Basal UEPL Sindh 0.008 0.006 0.002
249 Pir UEPL Sindh 0.065 0.065
250 Pir Apan UEPL Sindh 0.117 0.117
251 Qabul UEPL Sindh 0.005 0.005
252 Rahib UEPL Sindh 0.020 0.020
253 Rahim UEPL Sindh 2.343 1.958 0.385
254 Rahim North UEPL Sindh 0.571 0.520 0.051
255 Raj UEPL Sindh 0.009 0.005 0.004
256 Rajani UEPL Sindh 0.906 0.906
257 Rajo UEPL Sindh 0.181 0.181
258 Ramdiani UEPL Sindh 0.098 0.082 0.016
259 Ranjho UEPL Sindh 0.015 0.014 0.001
260 Rawal UEPL Sindh 0.004 0.004
261 Rawat UEPL Sindh 0.077 0.077
262 Rind UEPL Sindh 1.726 1.726
263 Roshnai UEPL Sindh 0.089 0.080 0.009
264 Sahu UEPL Sindh 0.082 0.082
265 Sajan UEPL Sindh 0.018 0.018
266 Salamat UEPL Sindh 0.082 0.082
267 Sakhi UEPL Sindh 4.809 4.747 0.062
268 Sakhi Deep UEPL Sindh 0.117 0.117
269 Sakhi South Deep UEPL Sindh 0.059 0.059
270 Saleh UEPL Sindh 1.388 1.049 0.339
271 Singhar UEPL Sindh 0.050 0.017 0.033
272 Saman UEPL Sindh 0.007 0.007
273 Shah Dino UEPL Sindh 0.500 0.500
274 Shekhano UEPL Sindh 0.375 0.326 0.049
275 Shekhano Deep UEPL Sindh 0.273 0.273
276 Bilal/Bilal North/Siraj South UEPL Sindh 0.563 0.563
277 Sohrab Deep UEPL Sindh 0.390 0.355 0.035
278 Sonro UEPL Sindh 8.619 8.204 0.415
279 Suhrat UEPL Sindh 0.001 0.001
280 Sukhi UEPL Sindh 0.002 0.002
281 Sukhi South UEPL Sindh 0.593 0.244 0.349
282 Sumar Deep UEPL Sindh 0.964 0.921 0.043
283 Sutiari Deep UEPL Sindh 2.659 0.432 2.227
284 Tajedi UEPL Sindh 2.890 2.773 0.117
285 Tando Ghulam Ali UEPL Sindh 0.310 0.288 0.022
286 Tangri UEPL Sindh 12.097 11.821 0.276
287 Tangri Deep UEPL Sindh 0.069 0.069
288 Tharo UEPL Sindh 0.019 0.019
289 Tharo West UEPL Sindh 0.012 0.012
290 Thebo UEPL Sindh 0.321 0.310 0.011
291 Turk UEPL Sindh 2.258 2.238 0.020
292 Turk Deep UEPL Sindh 0.365 0.344 0.021
293 Turk Deep North UEPL Sindh 0.006 0.002 0.004
294 Umar UEPL Sindh 0.983 0.971 0.012
295 Umar-2 UEPL Sindh 0.128 0.122 0.006
296 Zaur West UEPL Sindh 0.032 0.032
297 Zaur UEPL Sindh 7.105 6.925 0.180
298 Zaur Deep UEPL Sindh 0.364 0.332 0.032
299 Zaur South UEPL Sindh 0.795 0.795

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 16

TOTAL: Million Barrels 1,233.683 984.631 249.052

Million TOE 165.51 132.09 33.41
Of which: BG 1.350 1.350
OPPL 9.950 9.860 0.090
MPCL 8.980 5.560 3.420
MOL 98.660 71.840 26.820
OGDC 487.745 380.505 107.240
UEP Alpha 5.784 3.099 2.685
UEP Beta 0.668 0.450 0.218
OPL 73.130 57.770 15.360
POL 200.200 171.100 29.100
PEL 0.282 0.043 0.239
PPL 88.570 56.026 32.544
UEPL 258.364 228.378 29.986
(c) Condensate. Source: DGPC. * OMV Maurice renamed to UEP Alpha. * OMV renamed to UEP Beta.

Table: 2.2
Unit: U.S. Barrels
Province/Field Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Bolan East MPCL 211,549
Uch OGDCL 14,625 12,825 13,855 11,049 12,675 12,534 -3.0%
Sui PPL 20,157 19,912 13,342 12,878 12,989 12,688 -8.8%
Zarghun South MPCL 3,368 2,606 2,195 1,915 1,781 1,230 -18.3%
Balochistan Total: 38,150 35,343 29,392 25,842 27,445 238,001 44.2%
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Chanda OGDCL 562,475 445,530 595,618 797,945 969,801 1,233,449 17.0%
Dhok Hussain OGDCL 374 63,822
Mela OGDCL 919,822 615,405 449,342 549,708 486,975 518,154 -10.8%
Nashpa OGDCL 6,983,074 8,010,646 7,068,581 6,596,471 5,333,919 5,377,218 -5.1%
Togh OGDCL 63,103
Togh Bala OGDCL 8,744
Makori MOL 11,492 18,620 14,780 12,912 5,697 244 -53.7%
Makori Deep MOL 789,957 515,258 633,616 397,773
Makori East MOL 5,242,618 5,245,874 4,269,266 3,831,808 3,192,220 3,462,474 -8.0%
Mamikhel MOL 228,736 219,262 230,417 187,746 91,562 78,899 -19.2%
Manzalai MOL 215,739 163,991 142,780 118,876 153,702 102,172 -13.9%
Maramzai MOL 1,687,678 1,561,772 1,656,101 1,696,951 1,518,209 1,543,620 -1.8%
Mardankhel MOL 733,217 1,113,869 1,425,437 1,213,314 1,040,137
Tolanj MOL 9,564 6,820 3,448 2,453
Tolanj W est MOL 3,756 7,328 4,416 3,821
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Total: 15,851,634 17,014,317 16,344,032 15,747,260 13,607,252 13,896,082 -2.6%
Rodho Dewan Pet. 30,867 27,157 20,136 16,826 11,173 8,700 -22.4%
Dharian MPCL 4,542 43,529 44,118
Ghauri MPCL 251,744 157,443 144,788 69,610 89,952 22,661 -38.2%
Halini MPCL 425,148 282,361 226,435 173,195 155,932 148,585 -19.0%
Halini Deep MPCL 70,428 398,062 310,080 243,599 207,749 186,574 21.5%
Balkassar POL 114,310 154,457 126,005 111,943 105,814 105,617 -1.6%
Bela POL 2,369
Dhulian POL 56,132 50,447 45,199 40,923 37,685 45,188 -4.2%
Jhandial POL 223,804 228,481 148,583 114,480
Joyamair POL 9,375 8,712 9,316 15,077 17,804 15,910 11.2%
Khaur POL 2,324 6,590 2,442 17,947 4,510 2,111 -1.9%
Meyal POL 109,270 106,611 101,630 100,297 101,501 98,064 -2.1%
Minwal POL 415 28,697 32,376 34,494 31,286 25,021 127.0%
Pariwali POL 141,492 129,090 112,326 99,423 96,419 87,125 -9.2%
Pindori POL 88,882 73,854 66,838 65,573 88,137 172,934 14.2%
Turkwal POL 9,071 8,961 8,936 8,252 7,306 6,571 -6.2%
Baloch OGDCL 44,585 41,696
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 17

Crude Oil Production (contd.)

Province/Field Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Bhal Syedan OGDCL 5,079 2,781 4,353 4,970 42,626 10,841 16.4%
Chak Naurang OGDCL 143,559 124,098 123,406 122,804 90,726 85,574 -9.8%
Dakhni (cond.) OGDCL 260,585 255,295 228,457 177,000 181,079 136,723 -12.1%
Dhodak (cond.) OGDCL 16,023 12,176 11,177 10,710 9,706 8,756 -11.4%
Fimkassar OGDCL 45,241 63,399 56,925 53,185 57,750 55,282 4.1%
Kal OGDCL 161,332 156,670 140,116 127,108 120,251 70,981 -15.1%
Missa Keswal OGDCL 19,721 33,237 21,008 17,017 17,869 25,754 5.5%
Rajian OGDCL 579,741 945,094 706,878 631,378 477,536 533,801 -1.6%
Sadkal OGDCL 14,902 17,339 18,395 15,059 11,033 9,440 -8.7%
Toot OGDCL 112,939 99,655 90,740 83,486 82,157 82,968 -6.0%
Bhangali OPL 1,222 1,804 1,704 1,630 1,390 1,455 3.6%
Dhurnal OPL 138,834 84,884 64,903 34,401 55,787 48,912 -18.8%
Ratana OPL 219,125 93,714 79,052 48,073 11,574 25,314 -35.1%
Adhi PPL 2,409,329 2,710,864 2,820,612 3,332,261 2,929,574 3,205,289 5.9%
Dhok Sultan PPL 62,570
Punjab Total: 5,481,675 6,077,518 5,798,037 5,889,264 5,299,008 5,384,749 -0.4%
Zamzama OPPL 203,233 183,939 112,855 63,887 44,710 29,276 -32.1%
Kadanwari ENI 8,742 5,368 4,350 8,752 7,415 3,800 -15.4%
Bhit & Badhra ENI 129,233 107,602 95,251 89,877 78,795 54,358 -15.9%
Aqeeq MPCL 6,003 5,515 3,985 1,269
Mari MPCL 18,614 16,828 16,361 17,616 11,716 13,925 -5.6%
Kalabagh MPCL 7,268 68,795 37,395 30,073 21,103
Sujawal MPCL 23,486 18,663 9,061 4,161 3,682 34 -73.0%
Sujjal MPCL 40,043 48,326 47,096 45,784 41,308 28,642 -6.5%
Bobi OGDCL 156,535 138,645 129,955 185,492 159,616 170,230 1.7%
Bitrism OGDCL 31,542 259,272 259,551
Chak-2 OGDCL 169,613 326,133 337,151 249,029 139,708 97,149 -10.5%
Chak-7A OGDCL 12,170 15,330 15,620 13,728
Chak-63 OGDCL 355,886 288,988 49,364 353
Chak-66 NE OGDCL 2,225 12,912
Chak-63 SE OGDCL 132,844 167,463 118,001 80,232 52,376 46,419 -19.0%
Chandio OGDCL 1,176 424 101
Chhutto OGDCL 3,460 82,120 72,710 46,415
Daru OGDCL 10,170 8,690
Dars OGDCL 33,199 151,449 118,636 39,333
Dars W est OGDCL 45,288 201,348 199,639 177,520 183,627
Dars Deep OGDCL 11,678 48,754 53,415 56,092 45,793
Hakeem Daho OGDCL 212,415 113,587 139,757 147,393 99,483 83,036 -17.1%
Jakhro OGDCL 67,579 14,762 7,741 4,400 5,116 3,692 -44.1%
Jarwar OGDCL 76,800 37,215 37,385 29,160 19,405 3,530 -46.0%
Kunnar OGDCL 1,188,124 1,480,896 1,173,463 1,154,652 811,876 643,634 -11.5%
Kunnar W est OGDCL 12,315 47,574 48,279 46,751 41,312
Kunar Pasakhi Deep OGDCL 329,231 380,280 443,556 500,450 513,613 489,048 8.2%
Kunar South OGDCL 46,103 65,750 49,668 56,605
Lashari Centre OGDCL 205,950 182,675 156,745 123,035 85,880 79,345 -17.4%
Lala Jamali OGDCL 14,679 101,601 196,478 244,270 198,980
Mangrio OGDCL 29,980
Missan OGDCL 41,410 40,975 35,975 33,200 23,065 32,710 -4.6%
Moolan OGDCL 20,521 16,498 68,166
Moolan North OGDCL 19,785 1,720
Nim OGDCL 15,225 7,373 5,570 5,735
Noorai Jagir OGDCL 56,900 11,700 5,935 1,350
Nur/Bagla OGDCL 18,545 11,124 7,932 16,991 9,265 8,077 -15.3%
Palli OGDCL 150,474 52,355 36,444 22,972 60
Pali Deep OGDCL 82,175 9,267 17,425 115,895 109,379 5.9%
Pasakhi OGDCL 1,247,560 1,143,735 916,705 900,920 876,350 1,069,865 -3.0%
Pasakhi North OGDCL 147,940 174,790 128,640 231,070 231,450 287,895 14.2%
Pasakhi North East OGDCL 106,700 84,584 66,140 100,255 140,150 127,785 3.7%
Pasakhi East OGDCL 11,533 43,358 59,962 35,777 19,475
Pasakhi Deep W est OGDCL 1,934 2,231 16,602
Qadirpur OGDCL 208,561 160,718 146,483 113,502 104,740 87,527 -15.9%
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 18

Crude Oil Production (contd.)

Province/Field Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Resham OGDCL 2,280 108,267 13,260
Saand OGDCL 45,740
Soghri OGDCL 27,925 37,200 35,952 30,584 39,992 37,315 6.0%
Sono OGDCL 217,460 220,375 255,830 237,290 220,605 266,645 4.2%
Shah OGDCL 14,596 45,417 47,849 42,003 40,185
Tando Alam OGDCL 228,960 192,465 196,400 139,565 94,355 85,665 -17.8%
Tando Allah Yar OGDCL 73,487 183,077 77,150 25,250 25,142
Tando Allah Yar South West OGDCL 21,080
Thora OGDCL 133,405 108,000 102,420 96,910 100,245 57,545 -15.5%
Thora Deep OGDCL 23,040 41,816 32,859 4,088
Unar OGDCL 11,643 39,958 39,127 37,862 38,448
Latif UEP Beta 23,806 17,803 9,533 13,534 12,564 10,424 -15.2%
Miano UEP Beta 17,016 15,231 9,382 8,772 8,012 4,879 -22.1%
Bilal UEP Beta 546 -100%
Kamal North UEP Beta 137,050 90,895 73,331 57,731 47,626 50,607 -18.1%
Korai UEP Beta 135,475 19,831 18,885 1,126 3
Kausar UEP Beta 43
Kumbh UEP Beta 8,909 4,979 51,017 34,000 20,625 21,348 19.1%
Naimat Basal UEP Beta 712 183 -100%
Naimat Basal 2X UEP Beta 17,045 12,746 4,385 3,658 1,527 552 -49.6%
Naimat W est UEP Beta 211,622 315,078 256,238 255,609 345,085 334,979 9.6%
Nando UEP Beta
Rahim UEP Beta 113,266 102,106 61,136 614,288 123,849 61,859 -11.4%
Rahim North UEP Beta 1,693 1,155 1,003 707 106 -42.6%
Rahim 2X UEP Beta 85,450 49,885 81,568 24,024
Umar UEP Beta 61,920 2,652 8,115 917 738 64 -74.7%
Mehar UEP Alpha 385,492 291,125 178,500 123,839 211,959 126,729 -19.9%
Saqib UEP Alpha 876
Sofiya UEP Alpha 213,914 154,390 49,496
Ayesha PEL 8,436 20,303
Ayesha North PEL 1,946 4,445
Aminah PEL 2,563 5,858
Adam PPL 20,635 19,728 18,968 28,049 28,134 30,099 7.8%
Adam W est PPL 9,634 9,258 12,770 10,606 8,744 10,815 2.3%
Benari PPL 1,274
Fazl PPL 1,498 2,762
Hadaf PPL 14,640
Kabir PPL 16,422 45,400 23,060
Kandhkot PPL 4,551 3,251 5,484 4,763 3,290 1,268 -22.6%
Kinza PPL 620 387 -9.0%
Mazarani PPL 3,748 4,126 4,341 3,582 2,950 2,438 -8.2%
Shahdad PPL 25,385 28,828 36,032 64,090 89,863 81,421 26.3%
Sharf PPL 176,646 208,155 238,676 267,384 315,063
Akri North UEPL 10,252 6,384 13,011 15,021 10,266 49 -65.6%
Ali UEPL 2,912 977 4,162 35 5 2,226 -5.2%
Aassu UEPL 672,978 168,314 86,295 49,726 38,013 30,935 -46.0%
Babarki UEPL 4,531
Bachal UEPL 1,226
Bago UEPL 537
Bakhsh Deep UEPL 16,860 174
Bari UEPL 395,472 719,012 610,680 310,826
Baqa UEPL 149,178
Bhambro UEPL 232
Bhanoki UEPL 6,642
Bhatti/Nakurji UEPL 72
Bijoro UEPL 17,207 9,738 12,572 46,750 9,510 9,733 -10.8%
Bukhari UEPL
Bukhari Deep UEPL 15,283 17,569 38,627 24,488 20,742 13,683 -2.2%
Bukhari North UEPL 3,733 31
Buzdar South UEPL 2,970
Buzdar South Deep UEPL 124,566 84,325 59,850 34,896 24,422 51,565 -16.2%
Chaman UEPL 11,860 42 202
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 19

Crude Oil Production (contd.)

Province/Field Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Dhabi, Dhabi N. & S. UEPL 48,249 34,115 243,196 118,802 64,017 43,855 -1.9%
Dang UEPL 7,748 23,259
Dhani UEPL 755
Duphri UEPL 118
Fateh Shah North UEPL 55
Gagani UEPL 3,277
Gharo UEPL 28,876 20,579 11,120 9,894 7,361 1,143 -47.6%
Ghungro UEPL 30,902 11,090 16,420 12,082 9,932 4,520 -31.9%
Golarchi UEPL 101
Gormani UEPL 1,406
Guni UEPL 572
Gulsher UEPL 252,779 195,184 90,850
Hakro UEPL 29,779 19
Halipota UEPL 50,680 69,959 133,895 91,733 39,918 15,605 -21.0%
Hayat UEPL 65,053 1,744
Jan UEPL 19,611 27,615 20,539 19,751 12,221 8,989 -14.4%
Jabo UEPL 51,268 45,815 27,510 22,328 41,322 24,175 -14.0%
Jagir UEPL 11,908 6,816 11,814 5,916 2,393 6,829 -10.5%
Jalal UEPL
Jarar Deep UEPL 1,097 50 24
Jogwani UEPL 3,147
Jhaberi, Jhaberi South UEPL 220 59
Kandiari UEPL 9,480 18,831
Kato UEPL 734 2,794 60
Khaskheli UEPL 61,720 52,874 45,590 42,563 37,040 32,576 -12.0%
Khaskheli Downthrown UEPL 7,234 5,915 7,154 7,889 6,757 6,514 -2.1%
Khorewah & K.Deep UEPL 25,870 14,455 17,264 17,003 1,823 1,502 -43.4%
Koli UEPL 2,441
Laghari UEPL 3,633 1,313 1,659 2,615 3,853 4,830 5.9%
Liari Deep UEPL 100
Limu UEPL 17,210
Limu North UEPL 9,717 2,180
Lodano UEPL 48,751 20,641 6,008 3,937 2,765 3,192 -42.0%
Lodano Deep UEPL 51,979 32,553 16,820 11,326 7,795 8,794 -29.9%
Mahi UEPL 12 182
Makhdumpur UEPL 16,371 15,288 1,048 1,288 2,121 667 -47.3%
Makrani UEPL 13,036 1
Malah UEPL
Mansoora Deep UEPL
Mazari UEPL 84,628 73,767 493,369 383,034 291,598 181,712 16.5%
Mazari South UEPL 98,733 106,026 104,723 96,132 114,069 82,047 -3.6%
Mazari South Deep UEPL 188,132 145,244 156,363 154,738 168,113 166,368 -2.4%
Mohano UEPL 15,702 13,273 11,305 907
Mohib UEPL 79,608 5,644
Mohri UEPL 41,047 31
Moroja UEPL 4,850 16,899 14,763
M.Ismail & M.Ismail Deep UEPL 13,433 11,761 12,348 12,186 11,797 8,986 -7.7%
Missri UEPL 17,891 9,678 6,568 339
Muban UEPL 56,183 42,221 55,083 49,463 46,207 38,454 -7.3%
Mulaki UEPL 72,019 23,963
Murid UEPL 142,415 59,089 30,849 25,952 19,681 13,683 -37.4%
Oderolal UEPL 135,655 199
Piaro Deep UEPL 6,858 2,703 1,525 2,036 928
Piaro Deep Basal UEPL 5,479 900
Paniro UEPL 16,980 16,108 16,434 11,518 8,989 7,211 -15.7%
Qabul UEPL 10
Rahib UEPL 10,504 238
Rajani UEPL 255 55,260 178,682 199,172 208,777 200,156 279.3%
Ramdiani UEPL 4,657 59,352 18,610
Ranjho UEPL 3,904 10,292
Rawal UEPL 3,769
Rawat UEPL 37,069 9,254 6,487 3,054
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 20

Crude Oil Production (contd.)

Province/Field Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Rawat North UEPL 8,742 10,221 2,016
Roshnai UEPL 20,057 51,529 6,096 2,777
Sahu UEPL 397 64 45 51 39 2 -64.6%
Sajan UEPL 5,783 663 2,738 6,541
Sakhi & S. Deep UEPL 22,917 124 5,573 20,837 26,416 15,508 -7.5%
Saman UEPL 737 79
Salamat UEPL 72 8,303 37,714 52,846 45,825 12,837 182.0%
Saleh UEPL 308,533 10,314 189,889 99,890 17,892 32,318 -36.3%
Shah Dino UEPL
Shekhano UEPL 29,751 24,851 40,062 33,983 23,534 6,589 -26.0%
Shekhano Deep UEPL 4,004
Singhar UEPL 16,834
Sohrab Deep UEPL 77,525 45,842 12,489 14,645 12,854 10,837 -32.5%
Sutiari Deep UEPL 66,838 86,418 77,901 97,545 122,377 91,621 6.5%
Sumar Deep UEPL 161,562 33,626 15,210 8,340 586
Suhrat UEPL 288
Sukhi UEPL 2,114 88
Sukhi South UEPL 198,368 24,821 14,682
Sonro UEPL 231,227 108,427 73,635 71,244 40,804 35,520 -31.2%
Tajedi UEPL 26,585 18,736 7,513
Tangri UEPL 21,662 11,530 19,005 14,381 14,794 13,727 -8.7%
Tangri Deep UEPL 4,109 3,187 3,708 3,950 3,466
Tando Ghulam Ali UEPL 4,283 650 627 140 2,240 1,313 -21.1%
Tharo UEPL 13,241 3,563 60
Tharo W est UEPL 12,318
Thebo UEPL 31,660 18,843 12,115 10,528 11,307 9,839 -20.8%
Turk, Deep & Deep North UEPL 32,712 23,761 33,686 34,927 13,143 20,655 -8.8%
W arar UEPL 7
W asayo UEPL 18
Zaur UEPL 86,384 79,694 53,567 74,517 56,975 33,460 -17.3%
Sindh Total: 10,280,724 9,142,239 10,385,592 10,833,662 9,152,944 8,049,630 -4.8%
Grand Total: Barrels 31,652,183 32,269,416 32,557,052 32,496,028 28,086,649 27,568,461 -2.7%
TOE 4,246,335 4,329,141 4,367,729 4,359,542 3,767,997 3,698,479
Barrels Per Day 86,481 88,409 89,197 89,030 76,739 75,530
Average growth Rate -8.48% 2.23% 0.89% -0.19% -13.81% -1.58%
Source: DGPC.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 21

Table: 2.2.1
Zaur UEPL Crude
273,099Oil Production
158,022 by Company88,390
115,091 65,079 86,384 -20.6%
Unit: U.S. Barrels Per Day
Operator/Company 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
OPPL 555 504 309 175 122 80 -32.1%
POL 1,452 1,561 1,997 1,979 1,746 1,844 4.9%
ENI 377 310 273 270 236 159 -15.8%
MOL 20,181 21,761 22,549 21,378 18,623 18,169 -2.1%
MPCL 2,275 2,552 2,276 1,653 1,611 1,862 -3.9%
OGDCL 41,928 45,488 41,616 40,356 35,305 36,058 -3.0%
OPL 981 494 399 230 188 207 -26.7%
PEL 35 84
UEP Beta 112 91 52 61 56 42 -17.8%
UEP Alpha 1,053 798 1,075 762 714 350 -19.8%
UEPL 10,668 6,633 10,004 11,871 8,700 6,574 -9.2%
Dewan Petroleum 84 74 55 46 31 24 -22.3%
PPL 6,814 8,144 8,592 10,247 9,372 10,077 8.1%
Total: 86,481 88,409 89,197 89,030 76,739 75,530 -2.7%
Source: DGPC.

Figure 2.1
Barrels Per Day
90000 86,534 86,481 88,409 89,197 89,030

80000 76,277 76,739

70000 65,844 64,948 65,866 67,141







07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 22

Table: 2.3
Unit: Million Tonnes/Year

Refinery 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ACGR

Attock Refinery 1.96 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.61 –

Byco Petroleum Pakistan * 1.74 1.72 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.59 –

Byco Oil Pakistan 5.45 5.45 – – – – –

ENAR-I Pet.Refining Facility 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 – –

ENAR-II Pet.Refining Facility 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.37 –

National Refinery 2.71 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.83 3.05 –

Pak-Arab Refinery 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.88 –

Pakistan Refinery 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.14 2.14 –

Total: 18.79 19.37 19.37 19.37 19.41 21.64 2.9%

Source: DG (Oil).
* Merger of Byco Petroleum Pakistan Limited with Byco Oil Pakistan Limited.

Table: 2.4
Unit: Tonnes
Refinery 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Attock Refinery 1,692,595 2,217,264 2,269,439 2,251,078 1,682,628 1,858,164 1.9%

1,692,595 2,217,264 2,269,439 2,251,078 1,682,628 1,858,164

Byco Petroleum Pakistan 1,160,982 1,245,979 2,670,175 2,407,147 2,193,258 1,793,205 9.1%
1,194,640 1,286,692 2,760,427 2,488,509 2,263,502 1,847,556

Byco Oil Pakistan 410,105 782

423,318 808

ENAR Petrotech Refinery 316,783 294,547 316,838 321,240 267,688 296,161 -1.3%
308,452 286,800 308,505 312,791 260,648 288,372

National Refinery 2,297,604 2,390,016 2,443,417 2,299,111 1,676,532 1,958,669 -3.1%

2,360,645 2,458,398 2,514,760 2,366,891 1,719,787 2,016,278

Pak-Arab Refinery 4,563,277 4,703,982 4,620,433 3,953,917 2,994,908 4,636,853 0.3%

4,693,855 4,838,429 4,756,995 4,072,448 3,082,081 4,777,761

Pakistan Refinery 1,691,973 1,643,962 1,693,254 1,562,553 1,264,425 1,300,781 -5.1%

1,738,461 1,689,813 1,741,278 1,607,268 1,299,601 1,338,911

Total: 12,133,319 12,496,532 14,013,556 12,795,046 10,079,439 11,843,833 -0.5%

12,411,966 12,778,205 14,351,404 13,098,985 10,308,247 12,127,042
Annual growth rate -0.07% 2.99% 12.14% -8.70% -21.22% 17.50%
Source: DG(Oil), Oil Refineries & OGDCL.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 23

Table: 2.5
Unit: Tonnes
Energy Products 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Motor Spirit 1,590,286 1,838,692 2,199,196 2,274,711 1,978,989 2,521,510 9.7%
1,699,062 1,964,459 2,349,621 2,430,301 2,114,352 2,693,981

Kerosene 142,428 125,107 114,405 114,064 84,985 2,057,506 70.6%

146,929 129,060 118,020 117,668 87,671 2,122,523

HOBC 41,080 14,843

43,676 15,781

HSD 4,384,765 4,579,993 5,257,780 4,758,160 3,790,642 2,725,251 -9.1%

4,609,703 4,814,947 5,527,504 5,002,254 3,985,102 2,865,056

LDO 30,624 24,912 33,393 38,892 23,523 73,960 19.3%

31,904 25,953 34,789 40,518 24,506 77,052

FO 2,907,275 3,068,178 3,436,430 3,047,477 2,344,108 2,679,652 -1.6%

2,830,814 2,987,485 3,346,052 2,967,328 2,282,458 2,609,177

Aviation Fuels 836,222 878,747 872,215 787,581 557,925 427,555 -12.6%

865,780 909,517 902,733 816,585 578,707 445,254

Naphtha 914,376 768,822 802,535 591,692 383,287 349,163 -17.5%

976,919 821,409 857,428 632,164 409,504 373,046

Refinery Gas 35,134 32,786 31,596 36,614

38,744 36,155 34,843 40,376

LPG 174,413 178,333 212,794 193,488 158,400 199,127 2.7%

188,697 192,938 230,222 209,335 171,373 215,436

Energy Products Total: 11,021,469 11,512,761 12,928,748 11,838,851 9,353,455 11,070,338 0.1%
11,393,484 11,900,294 13,366,369 12,252,308 9,688,515 11,441,902
Annual growth rate -2.05% 4.46% 12.30% 2.83% -20.99% 18.36%
Non-Energy Products
Lube Oil 207,806 191,825 177,666 194,719 138,056 153,867 -5.8%
Solvent Oil 34,936 3,953 3,201 2,893 29,341 1,455 -47.0%
MTT 8,900 8,009 8,588 7,131 5,609 6,156 -7.1%
JBO 1,574 2,324 2,534 2,167 1,949 2,166 6.6%
Asphalt 233,302 223,060 291,282 197,420 132,209 160,576 -7.2%
Process Oil 1,139 993 579 504 101
BTX 262 129 116 220 35 -33.1%
Wax 10,739 9,565 9,274 9,879 6,198 7,233 -7.6%
Sulphur 29,753 35,949 38,637 35,483 21,038 28,612 -0.8%
Extract Oil 3,637 4,933 2,784
Bitumen 88,654 74,370 152,555 52,778 45,914 37,651 -15.7%
Non-Energy Products Total: 617,065 550,048 684,445 506,727 385,568 400,535 -8.3%
Annual growth rate 28.5% -10.9% 24.4% -26.0% -23.9% 3.9%
Total Products: 11,638,534 12,062,809 13,613,193 12,345,578 9,739,023 11,470,873 -0.3%
Annual growth rate -0.81% 3.65% 12.85% -9.31% -21.11% 17.78%
Local 3,642,844 3,933,826 3,771,528 3,552,810 3,101,679 3,234,416 -2.4%
Imported 8,490,475 8,562,706 10,242,028 9,242,236 6,977,760 8,609,417 0.3%
Total Crude: 12,133,319 12,496,532 14,013,556 12,795,046 10,079,439 11,843,833 -0.5%
Note: See tables 2.5.1 to 2.5.7 for production by each refinery.
Source: Oil Refineries.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 24

Table 2.5.1
Production by Attock Refinery Ltd.

Unit: Tonnes

Energy Products 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Motor Spirit 230,502 464,403 640,565 602,884 493,167 594,231 20.9%

246,268 496,168 684,380 644,121 526,900 634,876

Kerosene 42,564 49,043 48,511 47,463 40,561 49,500 3.1%

43,909 50,593 50,044 48,963 41,843 51,064

HSD 464,835 644,028 692,132 680,612 479,263 572,882 4.3%

488,681 677,067 727,638 715,527 503,849 602,271

LDO 3,128 7,897 8,756 10,372 7,930 7,914 20.4%

3,259 8,227 9,122 10,806 8,261 8,245

FO 350,698 513,613 422,641 465,189 349,842 405,911 3.0%

341,475 500,105 411,526 452,955 340,641 395,236

Aviation Fuels 123,106 163,381 169,857 172,011 136,344 133,564 1.6%

127,521 169,083 175,791 178,416 141,301 138,575

Naphtha 339,247 241,524 125,691 160,512 50,509 16,546 -45.3%

362,451 258,044 134,288 171,491 53,964 17,678

LPG 2,039 1,992 1,970 2,849 3,983 2,952 7.7%

2,206 2,155 2,131 3,082 4,309 3,194

Energy Products Total: 1,556,119 2,085,881 2,110,123 2,141,892 1,561,599 1,783,500 2.8%
1,615,771 2,161,442 2,194,920 2,225,361 1,621,068 1,851,138
Non-Energy Products
Asphalt 57,647 54,577 93,610 49,125 54,455 51,539 -2.2%
Solvent Oil 1,425 2,477 3,201 2,893 2,623 1,455 0.4%
MTT 8,900 8,009 8,588 7,131 5,609 6,156 -7.1%
JBO 1,574 2,324 2,534 2,167 1,949 2,166 6.6%
Non-Energy Products Total: 69,546 67,387 107,933 61,316 64,636 61,316 -2.5%

Total Products: 1,625,665 2,153,268 2,218,056 2,203,208 1,626,235 1,844,816 2.6%

Annual growth rate -15.34% 32.45% 3.01% -0.67% -26.19% 13.44%

Local 1,692,595 2,217,264 2,269,439 2,251,078 1,682,628 1,858,164 1.9%
Imported - - - - - -
Total Crude: 1,692,595 2,217,264- 2,269,439 2,251,078 1,682,628 1,858,164- 1.9%
Source: Attock Refinery Ltd.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 25

Table: 2.5.2
Production by BYCO Petroleum Pakistan Ltd.
Unit: Tonnes
Energy Products 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Naphtha 91,722 100,359 230,160 43,184 53,507 14,640 -30.7%

97,996 107,224 245,903 46,138 57,167 15,641

MS 110,100 109,819 233,287 404,364 398,134 352,092 26.2%

117,631 117,331 249,244 432,022 425,366 376,175

Kerosene 2,191 2,516 5,897 6,340 2,153

2,260 2,596 6,083 6,540 2,221

HSD 433,207 492,059 1,096,119 1,081,001 899,232 739,278 11.3%

455,431 517,302 1,152,350 1,136,456 945,363 777,203

LDO 5,126 6,486 13,549 20,464 7,923

5,340 6,757 14,115 21,319 8,254

FO 433,139 478,113 952,484 704,869 686,936 670,765 9.1%

421,747 465,539 927,434 686,331 668,870 653,124

LPG 11,167 14,439 40,804 47,113 38,252 28,490 20.6%

12,082 15,622 44,146 50,972 41,385 30,823

Aviation Fuels 5,884 3,400 7,983 8,262 7,429 4,708 -4.4%

6,200 3,583 8,235 8,523 7,664 4,857

Total: 1,092,536 1,207,191 2,580,283 2,315,597 2,093,566 1,809,973 10.6%

1,118,687 1,235,951 2,647,510 2,388,302 2,156,289 1,857,823

Non-Energy Products
Solvent Oil 26,814 1,476 26,718 -100.0%

Non-Energy Products Total: 26,814 1,476 26,718 -100.0%

Total Products: 1,119,350 1,208,667 2,580,283 2,315,597 2,120,284 1,809,973 10.1%

Annual growth rate 36.74% 7.98% 113.48% -10.26% -8.43% -14.64%

Local 165,177 41,463 115,036 185,178 2.3%
Imported 995,805 1,204,516 2,670,175 2,407,147 2,078,222 1,608,027 10.1%
Total Crude: 1,160,982 1,245,979 2,670,175 2,407,147 2,193,258 1,793,205 9.1%

Source: Byco Petroleum Pakistan Limited.

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 26

Table: 2.5.3
Production by BYCO Oil Pakistan Ltd.
Unit: Tonnes
Energy Products 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Naphtha 71,037

MS 6,989

HSD 147,710

LDO 2,556

FO 159,539

LPG 3,596

Total: 391,427
Non-Energy Products
Solvent Oil 6,697
Non-Energy Products Total: 6,697
Total Products: 398,124
Annual growth rate
Local 19,194
Imported 390,911 782
Total Crude: 410,105 782
Source: Byco Petroleum Pakistan Limited.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 27

Table: 2.5.4
Production by National Refinery Ltd.
Unit: Tonnes
Energy Products 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Motor Spirit 152,602 166,060 213,200 228,865 202,986 220,899 7.7%

163,040 177,419 227,783 244,519 216,870 236,008

Kerosene 9,222 6,300 3,220 2,407 301 -100.0%

9,513 6,499 3,322 2,483 311

HSD 820,882 883,430 892,697 768,963 629,146 722,997 -2.5%

862,993 928,750 938,492 808,411 661,421 760,087

LDO 14 -100.0%

FO 409,471 466,490 430,585 394,911 302,777 372,275 -1.9%

398,702 454,221 419,261 384,525 294,814 362,484

Aviation Fuels 137,844 134,592 137,577 131,649 76,842 79,729 -10.4%

142,607 139,281 142,535 136,554 79,709 82,764

Naphtha 227,177 230,468 220,925 146,093 111,604 124,506 -11.3%

242,716 246,232 236,036 156,086 119,238 133,022

LPG 6,781 9,320 7,941 9,437 6,223 3,086 -14.6%

7,336 10,083 8,591 10,210 6,733 3,339

Energy Products Total: 1,763,979 1,896,674 1,906,145 1,682,325 1,329,879 1,523,492 -2.9%
1,826,908 1,962,500 1,976,021 1,742,788 1,379,095 1,577,704

Non-Energy Products

Lube Oil 207,806 191,825 177,666 194,719 138,056 153,867 -5.8%

Asphalt 175,655 168,483 197,672 148,295 77,754 109,037 -9.1%
Process Oil 1,139 993 579 504 101 -100.0%
BTX 262 129 116 220 35 -33.1%
Wax 10,739 9,565 9,274 9,879 6,198 7,233 -7.6%
Extract Oil 3,637 4,933 2,784
Sulphur 6,994 6,693
Non-Energy Products Total: 395,601 370,866 392,314 363,843 227,262 272,956 -7.2%

Total Products: 2,159,580 2,267,540 2,298,459 2,046,168 1,557,141 1,796,448 -3.6%

Annual growth rate 2.13% 5.00% 1.36% -10.98% -23.90% 15.37%
Crude Processed
Local 432,481 366,876 332,685 293,791 396,794 254,248 -10.1%
Imported 1,865,123 2,023,140 2,110,732 2,005,320 1,279,738 1,704,421 -1.8%
Total Processed 2,297,604 2,390,016 2,443,417 2,299,111 1,676,532 1,958,669 -3.1%
Source: National Refinery Ltd.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 28

Table: 2.5.5
Production by Pak-Arab Refinery Ltd.
Unit: Tonnes

Energy Products 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Motor Spirit 833,899 861,537 886,577 816,893 661,707 1,093,256 5.6%

890,938 920,466 947,219 872,768 706,968 1,168,035

Kerosene 63,450 52,565 35,519 33,435 24,185 1,979,676 99.0%

65,455 54,226 36,641 34,492 24,949 2,042,234

HOBC 41,080 14,843 -100.0%

43,676 15,781

HSD 1,812,549 1,889,532 1,856,789 1,567,736 1,222,757 8,253 -66.0%

1,905,533 1,986,465 1,952,042 1,648,161 1,285,484 8,676

LDO 19,814 10,515 11,088 8,056 7,670 66,046 27.2%

20,642 10,955 11,551 8,393 7,991 68,807

FO 955,261 1,021,228 1,019,487 898,871 592,091 919,411 -0.8%

930,138 994,370 992,674 875,231 576,519 895,230

Aviation Fuels 411,179 431,321 434,505 355,511 247,142 143,069 -19.0%

425,780 446,478 450,014 368,695 256,522 150,473

LPG 136,064 135,169 142,277 118,401 94,704 146,980 1.6%

147,208 146,239 153,929 128,098 102,460 159,018

Total Products: 4,273,296 4,416,710 4,386,242 3,798,903 2,850,256 4,356,691 0.4%

4,429,369 4,574,980 4,544,072 3,935,838 2,960,893 4,492,473
Non-Energy Products
Sulphur 29,753 35,949 31,643 28,790 21,038 28,612 -0.8%
Bitumen 88,654 74,370 152,555 52,778 45,914 37,651 -15.7%
Non-Energy Products Total: 118,407 110,319 184,198 81,568 66,952 66,263 -11.0%

Total Products: 4,391,703 4,527,029 4,570,440 3,880,471 2,917,208 4,422,954 0.1%

-0.76% 3.08% 0.96% -15.10% -24.82% 51.62%
Crude Processed
Local 700,037 726,249 580,147 447,084 415,819 467,989 -7.7%
Imported 3,863,240 3,977,733 4,040,286 3,506,833 2,579,089 4,168,864 1.5%
Total Processed 4,563,277 4,703,982 4,620,433 3,953,917 2,994,908 4,636,853 0.3%
Source: Pak-Arab Refinery Ltd.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 29

Table: 2.5.6
Production by Pakistan Refinery Ltd.
Unit: Tonnes
Energy Products 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Motor Spirit 256,194 236,873 225,567 221,705 222,995 261,032 0.4%

273,718 253,075 240,996 236,870 238,248 278,887

Kerosene 14,002 3,894 5,299 12,393 8,048 3,386 -24.7%

14,444 4,017 5,466 12,785 8,302 3,493

HSD 651,409 621,498 661,663 602,013 511,596 608,191 -1.4%

684,826 653,381 695,606 632,896 537,841 639,391

FO 499,268 503,017 524,009 490,404 326,448 239,709 -13.6%

486,137 489,788 510,228 477,506 317,862 233,405

Aviation Fuels 128,297 118,817 103,439 101,412 74,298 53,118 -16.2%

132,814 122,996 106,708 105,069 77,140 54,797

Naphtha 69,904 81,604 94,244 113,663 55,726 67,932 -0.6%

74,685 87,186 100,690 121,438 59,538 72,579

LPG 14,766 17,413 19,802 15,688 15,238 17,619 3.6%

15,975 18,839 21,424 16,973 16,486 19,062

Refinery Gas 35,134 32,786 31,596 36,614

38,744 36,155 34,843 40,376

Energy Products Total: 1,633,840 1,618,250 1,634,023 1,590,064 1,245,945 1,287,601 -4.7%
1,682,600 1,668,026 1,681,118 1,639,691 1,290,260 1,341,989

Total Products: 1,633,840 1,618,250 1,634,023 1,590,064 1,245,945 1,287,601 -4.7%

Annual growth rate 9.84% -0.95% 0.97% -2.69% -21.64% 3.34%

Local 316,577 287,427 272,419 239,617 223,714 172,676 -11.4%
Imported 1,375,396 1,356,535 1,420,835 1,322,936 1,040,711 1,128,105 -3.9%
Total Crude: 1,691,973 1,643,962 1,693,254 1,562,553 1,264,425 1,300,781 -5.1%

Source: Pakistan Refinery Ltd.

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 30

Table: 2.5.7
Production by ENAR Petroleum Refining Facility (EPRF)
Unit: Tonnes
Energy Products 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Naphtha 115,289 114,867 131,515 128,240 111,941 125,539 1.7%

123,175 122,724 140,511 137,012 119,598 134,126

Kerosene 10,999 10,789 15,959 12,026 9,737 24,944 17.8%

11,347 11,130 16,463 12,406 10,045 25,732

HSD 54,173 49,446 58,380 57,835 48,648 73,650 6.3%

56,952 51,983 61,375 60,802 51,144 77,428

FO 99,899 85,717 87,224 93,233 86,014 71,581 -6.4%

97,272 83,463 84,930 90,781 83,752 69,698

Aviation Fuels 29,912 27,236 18,854 18,736 15,870 13,367 -14.9%

30,857 28,097 19,450 19,328 16,371 13,789

Total: 310,272 288,055 311,932 310,070 272,210 309,081 -0.08%

319,602 297,396 322,729 320,329 280,909 320,774

Local 316,783 294,547 316,838 321,240 267,688 296,161 -1.3%
Imported - - - - - -
Total Crude: 316,783 294,547 316,838 321,240 267,688 296,161 -1.3%
Source: DG(Oil).

Figure 2.2
23.36% Total: 11.47 Million Tonnes

Diesel Oil


Aviation Fuels


17.94% 21.98%


Refinary Gas

1.74% 3.49% 3.04% 3.73%

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 31

Table: 2.6
Unit: Tonnes
Energy Products 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Aviation Fuels 621,266 639,545 632,293 555,437 458,593 346,362 -11.0%

643,916 662,728 655,576 577,090 476,388 360,487

Motor Spirit 87 RON 5,759,763 6,646,965 7,386,362 7,599,364 7,454,021 8,351,259 7.7%
6,153,731 7,101,617 7,891,589 8,119,160 7,963,876 8,922,485

HOBC 40,587 90,595 124,918 86,621 56,343 164,000 32.2%

43,152 96,321 132,813 92,095 59,904 174,365

Kerosene 141,579 120,958 114,386 102,830 88,939 70,211 -13.1%

146,053 124,780 118,001 106,079 91,749 72,430

HSD 7,745,864 8,484,280 9,038,298 7,354,409 6,626,725 7,791,066 0.1%

8,143,227 8,919,524 9,501,963 7,731,690 6,966,676 8,190,748

LDO 24,106 19,490 20,986 25,179 19,574 15,147 -8.9%

25,114 20,305 21,863 26,231 20,392 15,780

Furnace Oil 8,953,515 9,560,113 7,360,721 3,493,336 2,334,289 3,227,728 -18.5%

8,718,038 9,308,682 7,167,134 3,401,461 2,272,897 3,142,839

Energy Products-Total: 23,286,680 25,561,946 24,677,964 19,217,176 17,038,484 19,965,773 -3.0%

23,873,230 26,233,957 25,488,939 20,053,809 17,851,882 20,879,133
Annual growth rate 5.08% 9.77% -3.46% -22.13% -11.34% 17.18%

Unit: Tonnes
Non-Energy Products 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Asphalt 331,036 305,544 438,037 191,489 180,230 180,635 -11.4%

JBO 1,620 2,236 2,495 2,109 1,975 2,136 5.7%
MTT 8,581 7,913 8,544 7,048 5,374 6,190 -6.3%
Solvent Oil 5,051 4,515 6,341 6,770 5,364 3,795 -5.6%
Process Oil 1,071 935 541 474 96 0
Lubes 91,947 136,612 145,329 134,916 117,249 158,861 11.6%
Greases 2,508 3,127 3,729 2,251 2,030 2,326 -1.5%

Non-Energy Total: 441,814 460,882 605,016 345,057 312,318 353,943 -4.3%

Annual growth rate 12.47% 4.32% 31.27% -42.97% -9.49% 13.33%
Source: OCAC.
Note: See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 32

Table: 2.7
Unit: Tonnes
Sector 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Domestic 74,357 77,169 66,075 60,557 45,844 29,816 -16.7%

76,706 79,607 68,162 62,470 47,292 30,758

Industrial * 2,023,377 1,990,398 1,784,781 1,299,437 1,221,474 1,472,777 -6.2%

2,013,945 1,992,437 1,785,880 1,307,193 1,220,638 1,474,086

Agriculture ** 14,512 12,671 14,527 15,021 11,993 12,134 -3.5%

15,119 13,201 15,134 15,649 12,494 12,641

Transport 13,022,573 14,582,925 16,047,392 14,673,564 13,861,073 15,779,499 3.9%

13,779,086 15,434,433 16,988,579 15,549,796 14,694,099 16,729,634

Power 7,765,629 8,531,825 6,377,388 2,759,465 1,526,796 2,364,586 -21.2%

7,583,155 8,328,980 6,223,984 2,688,911 1,487,578 2,310,032

Other Government 386,232 366,958 387,801 409,132 371,303 306,961 -4.5%

405,220 385,300 407,198 429,790 389,781 321,983

Total: 23,286,680 25,561,946 24,677,964 19,217,176 17,038,484 19,965,773 -3.0%

23,873,230 26,233,957 25,488,939 20,053,809 17,851,882 20,879,133
Annual growth rate 5.08% 9.77% -3.46% -22.13% -11.34% 17.18%
* Include consumption in cement manufacturing industry:
Tonnes 167,411 129,925 62,048 62,048 131,123 157,161 -1.3%
TOE 166,161 130,234 63,340 63,340 130,391 156,597
** HSD consumption for tractors in agriculture sector is not separately available and is included in the transport sector.
Agriculture sector represents LDO only. 0.0776
Source: OCAC.
Note: See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer

Table: 2.8
Unit: TOE

Province 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Punjab 14,858,810 15,946,286 15,257,440 12,166,560 10,681,896 12,821,783 -2.9%

Sindh 5,203,784 6,407,575 6,579,200 5,509,257 4,871,072 5,328,402 0.5%
KPK 1,310,307 1,481,364 1,651,608 1,554,369 1,572,415 1,942,941 8.2%
Balochistan 2,109,761 1,983,878 1,579,515 397,351 316,932 355,964 -29.9%
A.J. Kashmir 219,869 224,110 223,464 225,495 211,370 243,050 2.0%
Gilgit-Baltistan 81,377 92,694 109,849 116,728 114,455 129,056 9.7%
FATA 89,323 98,050 87,864 84,049 83,742 57,937 -8.3%
Total: 23,873,230 26,233,957 25,488,939 20,053,809 17,851,882 20,879,133 -2.6%
Annual growth rate 5.39% 9.89% -2.84% -21.32% -10.98% 16.96%
Source: OCAC.
Note: See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 33

Table: 2.9
Unit: Tonnes
Energy Products Domestic Industry Agriculture Transport Power Other Govt. Total

Aviation Fuel - - - 180,177 0 166,185 346,362

185,872 0 174,615 360,487

Motor Spirit - 28,008 - 8,320,094 0 3,157 8,351,259

29,924 8,889,188 0 3,373 8,922,485

HOBC - 167 - 162,589 - 1,244 164,000

178 172,865 0 1,323 174,365

Kerosene 29,816 6,970 0 0 0 33,425 70,211

30,758 7,190 0 0 0 34,481 72,430

HSD * - 475,222 0 7,116,459 98,380 101,006 7,791,066

0 499,600 0 7,481,533 103,427 106,187 8,190,748

LDO - 1,383 12,134 0 0 1,630 15,147

1,441 12,641 0 0 1,698 15,780

Furnace Oil 0 961,028 0 180 2,266,206 314 3,227,728

0 935,753 0 175 2,206,605 306 3,142,839

Energy Products-Total: 29,816 1,472,777 12,134 15,779,499 2,364,586 306,961 19,965,773

30,758 1,474,086 12,641 16,729,634 2,310,032 321,983 20,879,133

Unit: Tonnes
Non-Energy Products Domestic Industry Agriculture Transport Power Others Total
Asphalt 0 112,782 - 32,150 - 35,703 180,635

JBO - 2,136 - 0 0 - 2,136

MTT - 6,155 - 0 - 35 6,190

Solvent Oil - 3,795 - 0 0 - 3,795

Process Oil - - - - - - -

Lubes 2 46,954 0 109,299 2,006 600 158,861

Greases - 639 - 1,676 7 4 2,326

Non-Energy Total: 2 172,461 0 143,125 2,013 36,342 353,943

* HSD consumption for tractors in agriculture sector is not separately available and is included in the transport sector. Agriculture
sector represents LDO only.
Source: OCAC.
Note: See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 34

Table: 2.10
Unit: Tonnes

Energy Products Domestic Industry Agriculture Transport Power Other Govt. Total

Punjab 27,861 974,498 11,098 9,873,645 1,167,068 190,561 12,244,730

28,741 967,498 11,562 10,471,251 1,142,639 200,091 12,821,783

Sindh 944 342,737 35 3,538,753 1,196,246 59,733 5,138,448

974 349,567 36 3,748,911 1,166,055 62,858 5,328,402

KPK 860 125,562 1,001 1,675,068 891 37,575 1,840,957

887 125,799 1,043 1,775,163 937 39,112 1,942,941

Balochistan 0 27,517 0 302,218 381 5,190 335,306

0 28,631 0 321,485 401 5,447 355,964

Azad Kashmir 0 437 0 226,624 - 2,483 229,544

0 460 0 240,009 - 2,581 243,050

Gilgit-Baltistan 151 1,819 0 109,178 - 10,949 122,097

156 1,912 0 115,588 0 11,400 129,056

FATA 0 207 0 54,014 - 470 54,691

0 218 0 57,226 - 493 57,937

Energy Products-Total: 29,816 1,472,777 12,134 15,779,499 2,364,586 306,961 19,965,773

30,758 1,474,086 12,641 16,729,634 2,310,032 321,983 20,879,133

Unit: Tonnes

Non-Energy Products Domestic Industry Agriculture Transport Power Others Total

Punjab - 111,380 - 98,998 1,335 8,262 219,975

Sindh 2 38,411 - 31,303 640 4,340 74,696
KPK - 16,180 - 8,187 38 9,458 33,863
Balochistan - 4,720 - 3,654 - 8,097 16,471
Azad Kashmir - 444 - 642 - 3,828 4,914
FATA - 524 - 28 - - 552
Gilgit-Baltistan - 802 - 313 - 2,357 3,472
Non-Energy Total: 2 172,461 0 143,125 2,013 36,342 353,943
Source: OCAC.
Note: See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 35

Table: 2.11
Unit: Qty. in Tonnes
Qty. in TOE
(Value in Million US$)

Refinery 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Byco Petroleum Pakistan 1,404,399 1,387,838 2,784,240 2,109,446 1,954,711 1,976,825 7.1%
1,451,868 1,434,747 2,878,347 2,180,745 2,020,780 2,043,642
(480.40) (667.72) (1,368.49) (1,302.20) (880.90) (790.23)

Pakistan Refinery 1,403,804 1,336,423 1,334,855 1,344,967 1,034,284 1,133,857 -4.2%

1,451,253 1,381,594 1,379,973 1,390,427 1,069,243 1,172,181
(460.73) (477.16) (639.11) (716.04) (434.08) (477.90)

National Refinery 1,898,483 1,966,279 2,042,775 2,000,195 1,185,911 1,780,487 -1.3%

1,962,652 2,032,739 2,111,821 2,067,802 1,225,995 1,840,667
(576.47) (718.65) (946.97) (1,056.02) (518.11) (631.04)

PARCO 3,969,098 3,969,921 4,168,726 3,511,388 2,535,858 3,895,196 -0.4%

4,103,254 4,104,104 4,309,629 3,630,073 2,621,570 4,026,854
(1,236.12) (1,035.76) (1,949.08) (1,867.58) (1,072.58) (1,438.90)
Total: 8,675,784 8,660,461 10,330,596 8,965,996 6,710,764 8,786,365 0.3%
8,969,025 8,953,185 10,679,770 9,269,047 6,937,588 9,083,344
(2,753.72) (2,899.29) (4,903.65) (4,941.86) (2,905.67) (3,338.07)
Annual growth rate of Qty. 4.12% -0.18% 19.28% -13.21% -25.15% 30.93%
Source: Oil refineries, OCAC, DG(Oil).
Note: See Page No 10 for OCAC Disclaimer
Table: 2.12
Unit: Qty. in Tonnes
Qty. in TOE
(Value in Million US$)
Products 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
100/LL 110,271 119,278 236,538 222,587 288 640 -64.3%
114,914 124,300 246,496 231,958 301 667
(52.65) (57.84) (147.41) (150.25) (0.43) (0.90)

JP-1 - - - - 169,003 46,962

0 0 0 0 174,344 48,446
(98.44) (22.10)

HOBC - 135,794 86,441 82,397 45,879 153,224

0 144,376 91,904 87,605 48,779 162,908
(77.81) (59.85) (64.18) (27.55) (81.60)

HSD ** 3,064,764 3,796,040 3,845,272 2,537,798 2,484,442 3,222,578 1.0%

3,221,987 3,990,777 4,042,534 2,667,987 2,611,894 3,387,896
(1,128.37) (1,749.19) (2,126.70) (1,607.86) (1,019.05) (1,466.20)

High Sulphur Furnace Oil 5,219,995 5,869,157 3,791,786 552,239 - 665,389 -33.8%
5,082,709 5,714,798 3,692,062 537,715 0 647,889
(1,145.26) (1,730.67) (1,401.42) (252.57) (188.40)

Low Sulphur Furnace Oil * 903,147 663,889 455,588 - - 102,113 -35.3%

879,394 646,429 443,606 0 0 99,427
(234.55) (229.20) (183.03) (37.60)

Motor Spirit 4,251,563 4,561,112 4,928,112 5,411,866 4,839,745 5,926,530 6.9%

4,542,370 4,873,092 5,265,195 5,782,037 5,170,784 6,331,905
(2,098.00) (2,339.14) (3,066.28) (3,564.94) (2,639.77) (3,025.70)
Total: 13,549,740 15,145,270 13,343,737 8,806,887 7,539,358 10,117,436 -5.7%
13,841,373 15,493,772 13,781,798 9,307,302 8,006,101 10,679,138
(4,658.83) (6,183.85) (6,984.69) (5,639.80) (3,785.24) (4,822.50)
Annual growth rate of Qty. 1.52% 11.78% -11.90% -34.00% -14.39% 34.19%
* For convenience of calculations, the conversion factors for HSFO and LSFO has been assumed as same.
** HOBC 97 and HOBC 95
Source: DG(Oil).
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 36

Table: 2.13
Unit: Qty. in Tonnes
Qty. in TOE
(Value in Million US$)
Products 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Crude/Condensate 318,362 189,817 383,317 553,907 415,999 295,380 -1.5%
329,123 196,233 396,273 572,629 430,060 305,364
(97.88) (75.00) (183.89) (258.38) (140.20) (117.30)
Energy Products
Naphtha 794,921 677,816 639,388 418,941 212,736 213,740 -23.1%
849,294 724,179 683,122 447,597 227,287 228,360
(291.89) (284.93) (337.07) (215.87) (98.39) (99.70)

Motor Spirit 15
0 0 0 0 0 16
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.01)

HSD 13 1,903 4,097 1,747 166.5%

14 0 0 2,001 4,307 1,837
(0.01) 0.00 0.00 (1.51) (3.09) (1.00)

JP-1 82,438 88,308 174,336 134,044 32,122 12,726 -31.2%

85,043 91,099 179,845 138,280 33,137 13,128
(53.24) (60.77) (142.39) (120.71) (26.70) (6.20)

Furnace Oil 0 0 0 12,652 38,015 494

0 0 0 12,319 37,015 481
0.00 0.00 0.00 (6.34) (13.62) (0.20)

Total Energy Products: 877,372 766,124 813,724 567,540 286,970 228,722 -23.6%
934,350 815,277 862,967 600,196 301,747 243,822
(345.14) (345.70) (479.46) (344.43) (141.80) (107.11)
Lubes 13,651 7,458 7,423 1,811 13,244 2,988
(8.01) (3.98) (4.04) (1.05) (7.06) (4.60)
Asphalt 0 0 0 0 11,055 38,560
(2.81) (11.20)
Source: DG(Oil).

Table: 2.14
Unit: Qty. in Tonnes
Qty. in TOE
(Value in Million US$)

Products 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

JP-1 209,183 240,240 271,330 288,182 209,951 148,617 -6.6%
215,793 247,832 279,904 297,289 216,585 153,313
(111.37) (142.56) (190.78) (230.61) (157.12) (85.00)

HSD 5,148 8,636 5,567 2,931 2,414 1,497 -21.9%

5,412 9,079 5,853 3,081 2,538 1,574
(2.81) (5.56) (3.87) (2.22) (1.87) (1.10)

Furnace Oil 46,348 39,141 33,196 29,981 20,648 10,920 -25.1%

45,129 38,112 32,323 29,192 20,105 10,633
(12.88) (14.74) (14.04) (13.93) (8.75) (4.80)

Total: 260,679 288,017 310,093 321,094 233,013 161,034 -9.2%

266,334 295,022 318,080 329,562 239,228 165,520
(127.06) (162.86) (208.69) (246.76) (167.74) (90.90)
Source: DG(Oil).
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 37

Figure 2.3
Total: 19.97 Million Tonnes

Agriculture 0.06%
Domestic 0.15%
Other Govt. 1.54%


Total: 23.28 Million Tonnes


Agriculture 0.06%
Domestic 0.32%
Other Govt. 1.66%


Figure 2.4
Million Tonnes








07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21

Furnace Oil HSD Motor Spirit HOBC

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 38

Table: 2.15.1
Unit: Rupees/Litre
Petroleum OMCs Inland Price
Effective Ex-Refinery Customs/ Develop'nt Distribution Dealer's Freight Differencial Fixed
Date Price Exise Duty Levy Margin Commission Margin Claim GST Sale Price
01.07.2011 75.40 6.13 1.72 2.15 2.93 14.13 102.46
01.08.2011 79.96 6.13 1.72 2.15 2.97 14.13 107.06
26.08.2011 82.02 6.13 1.72 2.15 2.75 15.16 109.93
01.10.2011 84.26 6.13 1.72 2.15 2.85 15.54 112.65
01.11.2011 79.13 6.13 1.72 2.15 2.87 14.72 106.72
01.12.2011 77.91 7.62 1.72 2.15 2.60 14.72 106.72
01.01.2012 82.02 7.62 1.72 2.15 2.96 15.44 111.91
01.02.2012 87.45 7.62 1.72 2.15 2.96 16.30 118.20
01.03.2012 94.85 7.62 1.72 2.15 3.03 17.50 126.87
01.04.2012 100.67 7.62 1.72 2.15 4.92 18.73 135.81
04.04.2012 100.67 7.62 1.72 2.15 4.92 18.73 135.81
01.05.2012 96.87 11.84 1.72 2.15 4.50 18.73 135.81
01.06.2012 85.46 14.00 1.72 2.15 4.49 17.25 125.07
01.07.2012 69.94 14.00 1.72 2.15 4.33 14.74 106.88
16.07.2012 74.84 14.00 1.72 2.15 4.29 15.52 112.52
01.08.2012 80.93 14.00 1.72 2.15 4.79 16.57 120.16
16.08.2012 85.07 9.82 1.72 2.15 4.83 16.57 120.16
23.08.2012 85.07 14.00 1.72 2.15 4.83 17.24 125.01
01.09.2012 92.33 14.00 1.72 2.15 4.62 18.37 133.19
10.09.2012 95.06 14.00 1.72 2.15 4.71 18.82 136.46
17.09.2012 96.30 14.00 1.72 2.15 4.76 19.03 137.96
24.09.2012 91.10 14.00 1.72 2.15 4.74 18.19 131.90
01.10.2012 91.57 14.00 1.72 2.15 4.74 18.27 132.45
08.10.2012 91.94 14.00 1.72 2.15 4.74 18.33 132.88
15.10.2012 92.01 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.89 18.04 130.81
22.10.2012 94.63 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.89 18.46 133.85
22.11.2012 91.51 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.94 17.97 130.29
22.12.2012 92.01 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.89 18.04 130.81
22.01.2013 94.63 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.89 18.46 133.85
01.03.2013 99.98 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.89 19.32 140.06
04.03.2013 99.98 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.89 19.32 140.06
01.04.2013 93.06 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.89 18.21 132.03
01.05.2013 85.79 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.87 17.04 123.57
01.06.2013 86.55 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.83 17.16 124.41
13.06.2013 86.55 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.83 18.23 125.48
21.06.2013 86.55 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.83 17.16 124.41
01.07.2013 87.65 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.83 18.42 126.77
01.08.2013 92.52 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.83 19.25 132.47
01.09.2013 97.47 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.89 20.10 138.33
01.10.2013 102.19 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.93 20.91 143.90
01.11.2013 99.84 14.00 1.72 2.15 3.00 20.52 141.23
01.12.2013 104.30 9.55 1.72 2.15 2.99 20.52 141.23
01.01.2014 107.38 6.47 1.72 2.15 2.99 20.52 141.23
01.02.2014 103.55 10.30 1.72 2.15 2.99 20.52 141.23
01.03.2014 100.97 12.88 1.72 2.15 2.99 20.52 141.23

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 39


Petroleum OMCs Inland Price Diff.
Effective Ex-Refinery Customs/ Develop'nt Distribution Dealer's Freight Claim of Fixed
Date Price Exise Duty Levy Margin Commission Margin OCAC GST Sale Price

01.04.2014 95.87 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.99 19.84 136.57

01.05.2014 94.25 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.95 19.56 134.63
01.06.2014 96.45 11.87 1.72 2.15 2.88 19.56 134.63
01.07.2014 97.42 10.90 1.72 2.15 2.88 19.56 134.63
29.07.2014 97.42 10.90 1.72 2.15 2.88 19.56 134.63
01.08.2014 98.23 10.09 1.72 2.15 2.88 19.56 134.63
01.09.2014 92.93 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.88 19.33 133.01
01.10.2014 91.34 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.87 19.05 131.13
01.11.2014 78.81 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.85 16.92 116.45
01.12.2014 70.20 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.76 15.44 106.27
01.01.2015 55.00 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.65 16.61 92.13
01.02.2015 42.84 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.53 17.07 80.31
01.03.2015 52.85 8.89 1.72 2.15 2.45 12.25 80.31
01.04.2015 54.23 7.51 1.72 2.15 2.45 12.25 80.31
01.05.2015 55.69 6.59 1.72 2.15 2.49 11.67 80.31
01.06.2015 59.61 5.66 1.72 2.15 2.49 12.18 83.81
01.07.2015 57.46 7.76 1.72 2.15 2.54 12.18 83.81
01.08.2015 50.37 13.98 1.72 2.15 2.54 12.03 82.79
01.09.2015 44.08 13.89 1.72 2.15 2.51 15.44 79.79
01.10.2015 46.13 11.88 1.72 2.15 2.47 15.44 79.79
01.11.2015 48.63 13.52 1.72 2.15 2.47 11.30 79.79
01.12.2015 48.88 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.49 11.42 80.66
01.01.2016 45.14 13.81 1.72 2.15 2.49 15.35 80.66
01.02.2016 36.77 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.45 18.57 75.66
01.03.2016 33.87 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.37 18.57 72.68
01.04.2016 38.61 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.30 13.90 72.68
01.05.2016 41.83 14.00 1.72 2.15 2.33 10.65 72.68
01.06.2016 44.01 11.89 1.72 2.15 2.33 10.58 72.68
01.07.2016 45.43 10.49 1.72 2.15 2.33 10.56 72.68
01.08.2016 42.43 13.49 1.72 2.15 2.33 10.56 72.68
01.09.2016 39.74 13.88 1.72 2.15 2.33 12.86 72.68
01.10.2016 42.46 11.91 1.72 2.15 2.33 12.11 72.68
* Inland Freight Margin of HOBC has been deregulated w.e.f 01.10.2012
Above prices of HOBC from 01.07.2012 to 01.06.2014 are only for Sihala Depot.
Ex-depot sale price vary from location to location.
HOBC price has been deregulated since November 2016.
Source: DG(Oil).
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 40

Table: 2.15.2
Unit: Rupees/Litre
Ex-Refinery Fixed Inland
Price: Customs/ Develop'nt Distribution Dealer's Freight Development Fixed
Period PRL/NRL Exise Duty Surcharge Margin Commission Margin Surcharge GST Sale Price
01.07.2013 69.40 9.43 2.23 2.78 3.14 14.79 101.77
01.08.2013 71.74 9.43 2.23 2.78 3.14 15.18 104.50
01.09.2013 75.52 9.43 2.23 2.78 3.31 15.86 109.13
01.10.2013 80.05 8.29 2.23 2.78 3.44 16.45 113.24
01.11.2013 77.82 10.00 2.23 2.78 3.55 16.38 112.76
01.12.2013 78.26 9.28 2.23 2.78 3.83 16.38 112.76
01.01.2014 80.83 6.80 2.23 2.78 3.74 16.38 112.76
01.02.2014 78.31 9.40 2.23 2.78 3.66 16.38 112.76
01.03.2014 75.43 10.00 2.23 2.78 3.60 15.99 110.03
01.04.2014 74.02 10.00 2.23 2.78 3.54 15.74 108.31
01.05.2014 73.68 10.00 2.23 2.78 3.59 15.69 107.97
01.06.2014 74.89 8.88 2.23 2.78 3.50 15.69 107.97
01.07.2014 74.54 9.28 2.23 2.78 3.45 15.69 107.97
29.07.2014 74.54 9.28 2.23 2.78 3.45 15.69 107.97
01.08.2014 75.69 8.13 2.23 2.78 3.45 15.69 107.97
01.09.2014 72.55 10.00 2.23 2.78 3.52 15.48 106.56
01.10.2014 70.04 10.00 2.23 2.78 3.51 15.06 103.62
01.11.2014 61.60 10.00 2.35 3.08 3.47 13.69 94.19
01.12.2014 53.46 10.00 2.35 3.08 3.36 12.28 84.53
01.01.2015 45.50 10.00 2.35 3.08 3.23 14.12 78.28
01.02.2015 36.81 10.00 2.35 3.08 3.11 14.94 70.29
01.03.2015 41.03 9.82 2.35 3.08 3.29 10.72 70.29
01.04.2015 44.32 10.00 2.35 3.08 3.21 11.33 74.29
01.05.2015 43.40 9.80 2.35 3.08 3.28 12.38 74.29
01.06.2015 48.36 8.30 2.35 3.08 3.28 12.42 77.79
01.07.2015 50.11 7.54 2.35 3.08 3.41 11.30 77.79
01.08.2015 44.45 0.90 9.78 2.35 3.08 3.41 12.79 76.76
01.09.2015 39.21 0.80 9.92 2.35 3.08 3.41 14.99 73.76
01.10.2015 39.05 0.79 9.89 2.35 3.08 3.38 15.22 73.76
01.11.2015 43.03 0.88 9.78 2.35 3.08 3.39 13.75 76.26
01.12.2015 41.95 0.85 9.85 2.35 3.08 3.42 14.76 76.26
01.01.2016 43.03 1.31 9.77 2.35 3.08 3.48 13.23 76.25
01.02.2016 36.47 1.11 10.00 2.35 3.08 3.76 14.48 71.25
01.03.2016 28.64 0.87 10.00 2.35 3.08 3.35 14.48 62.77
01.04.2016 31.76 0.97 10.00 2.35 3.08 3.22 12.89 64.27
01.05.2016 34.76 1.06 10.00 2.35 3.08 3.13 9.89 64.27
01.06.2016 35.67 1.09 9.68 2.35 3.08 3.04 9.36 64.27
01.07.2016 36.84 1.12 8.09 2.41 3.16 3.31 9.34 64.27
01.08.2016 36.55 1.49 8.19 2.41 3.16 3.13 9.34 64.27
01.09.2016 33.60 1.37 9.89 2.41 3.16 3.13 10.71 64.27
01.10.2016 33.58 1.37 9.92 2.41 3.16 3.12 10.71 64.27
01.11.2016 35.35 1.44 9.70 2.41 3.16 3.11 9.10 64.27
01.12.2016 38.43 1.56 9.27 2.41 3.16 3.05 8.39 66.27
01.01.2017 37.94 1.54 9.73 2.41 3.16 3.10 9.39 67.27
16.01.2017 37.94 1.54 10.00 2.41 3.16 3.10 9.89 68.04
01.02.2017 41.46 1.69 8.37 2.41 3.16 2.99 10.21 70.29
16.02.2017 41.46 1.69 9.22 2.41 3.16 2.99 10.36 71.29
01.03.2017 43.14 1.76 9.74 2.41 3.16 2.99 9.80 73.00
01.04.2017 43.89 1.79 9.73 2.41 3.16 3.09 9.93 74.00
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 41


Unit: Rupees/Litre
Ex-Refinery Fixed Inland
Price: Customs/ Develop'nt Distribution Dealer's Freight Development Fixed
Period PRL/NRL Exise Duty Surcharge Margin Commission Margin Surcharge GST Sale Price
01.05.2017 41.84 1.70 9.45 2.41 3.16 3.11 12.33 74.00
01.06.2017 40.78 1.66 9.75 2.41 3.16 3.16 11.88 72.80
01.07.2017 39.06 1.59 9.79 2.41 3.16 3.16 12.13 71.30
01.08.2018 37.58 1.53 9.93 2.41 3.16 3.12 13.57 71.30
06.08.2017 37.58 1.53 9.88 2.41 3.16 3.12 11.82 69.50
01.09.2017 41.09 1.67 9.70 2.41 3.16 3.08 10.39 71.50
01.10.2017 42.70 1.74 9.70 2.41 3.16 3.11 10.68 73.50
01.11.2017 44.12 1.79 10.00 2.55 3.35 3.14 11.04 75.99
01.12.2017 45.01 1.83 10.00 2.55 3.35 3.47 11.26 77.47
01.01.2018 47.96 1.95 10.00 2.55 3.35 3.87 11.85 81.53
01.02.2018 50.27 2.05 10.00 2.55 3.35 4.01 12.28 84.51
01.03.2018 53.42 2.17 10.00 2.55 3.35 3.78 12.80 88.07
01.04.2018 49.11 2.00 10.00 2.55 3.35 3.77 15.22 86.00
01.05.2018 54.40 2.21 10.00 2.55 3.35 3.75 11.44 87.70
01.06.2018 59.79 2.59 9.85 2.55 3.35 3.83 5.74 87.70
12.06.2018 59.79 2.59 10.00 2.55 3.35 3.83 9.85 91.96
01.07.2018 61.87 3.15 10.00 2.64 3.47 3.91 14.46 99.50
08.07.2018 61.87 3.15 10.00 2.64 3.47 3.91 10.20 95.24
01.08.2018 64.61 3.30 9.68 2.64 3.47 3.28 8.26 95.24
01.09.2018 62.50 3.19 9.68 2.64 3.47 3.30 8.05 92.83
01.10.2018 66.12 3.34 9.99 2.64 3.47 3.27 4.00 92.83
01.11.2018 74.32 3.78 6.15 2.64 3.47 3.26 4.21 97.83
01.12.2018 66.16 3.37 9.81 2.64 3.47 3.28 7.10 95.83
01.01.2019 52.04 2.65 14.00 2.64 3.47 2.95 13.22 90.97
01.02.2019 51.22 2.60 14.00 2.64 3.47 3.32 13.13 90.38
01.03.2019 54.40 2.77 12.12 2.64 3.47 3.99 13.50 92.89
01.04.2019 62.55 3.18 8.95 2.64 3.47 3.73 14.37 98.89
01.05.2019 69.85 3.55 14.15 2.64 3.47 3.29 1.94 98.89
05.05.2019 69.85 3.55 14.00 2.64 3.47 3.29 11.62 108.42
01.06.2019 72.85 3.71 13.76 2.64 3.47 3.29 12.96 112.68
01.07.2019 68.41 3.48 15.00 2.64 3.47 3.31 16.37 112.68
01.08.2019 72.09 3.67 15.00 2.64 3.47 3.84 17.12 117.83
01.09.2019 68.41 3.48 15.00 2.64 3.47 3.79 16.45 113.24
01.10.2019 66.40 3.38 17.18 2.64 3.47 3.72 16.45 113.24
01.11.2019 69.62 3.54 15.00 2.64 3.47 3.37 16.60 114.24
01.12.2019 69.04 3.51 15.00 2.81 3.70 3.37 16.56 113.99
01.01.2020 70.95 3.61 15.00 2.81 3.70 3.59 16.94 116.60
01.02.2020 71.25 3.63 15.05 2.81 3.70 3.22 16.94 116.60
01.03.2020 62.76 3.19 19.75 2.81 3.70 3.17 16.21 111.59
25.03.2020 53.01 2.70 17.16 2.81 3.70 3.17 14.03 96.58
01.05.2020 34.00 1.73 23.76 2.81 3.70 3.73 11.85 81.58
01.06.2020 23.04 0.95 30.00 2.81 3.70 3.19 10.83 74.52
27.06.2020 43.42 2.44 30.00 2.81 3.70 3.19 14.55 100.11
01.08.2020 50.06 2.37 26.70 2.81 3.70 3.22 15.11 103.97
01.09.2020 54.90 2.54 21.70 2.81 3.70 3.21 15.11 103.97
16.09.2020 48.60 2.55 27.99 2.81 3.70 3.21 15.11 103.97
01.10.2020 48.93 2.57 27.32 2.81 3.70 3.53 15.11 103.97
16.10.2020 47.98 2.41 28.46 2.81 3.70 3.50 15.11 103.97
01.11.2020 45.12 2.41 30.00 2.81 3.70 3.48 14.88 102.40
16.11.2020 44.44 1.63 30.00 2.81 3.70 3.48 14.63 100.69
01.12.2020 45.02 2.41 28.68 2.81 3.70 3.44 15.63 101.69
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 42


Unit: Rupees/Litre
Ex-Refinery Fixed Inland
Price: Customs/ Develop'nt Distribution Dealer's Freight Development Fixed
Period PRL/NRL Exise Duty Surcharge Margin Commission Margin Surcharge GST Sale Price
16.12.2020 52.01 2.47 24.13 2.81 3.70 3.50 15.07 103.69
01.01.2021 55.02 2.69 22.85 2.81 3.70 3.53 15.40 106.00
16.01.2021 58.90 2.80 21.56 2.81 3.70 3.56 15.87 109.20
01.02.2021 61.29 3.02 21.04 2.81 3.70 3.78 16.26 111.90
16.02.2021 64.08 3.26 17.97 2.81 3.70 3.82 16.26 111.90
01.03.2021 69.27 3.35 12.65 2.81 3.70 3.86 16.26 111.90
16.03.2021 70.55 3.49 11.23 2.81 3.70 3.86 16.26 111.90
01.04.2021 68.80 3.48 11.23 2.97 3.91 3.93 16.03 110.35
16.04.2021 67.39 3.40 11.23 2.97 3.91 3.89 15.77 108.56
01.05.2021 72.28 3.55 6.39 2.97 3.91 3.69 15.77 108.56
18.05.2021 73.85 3.63 4.74 2.97 3.91 3.69 15.77 108.56
01.06.2021 73.79 3.68 4.80 2.97 3.91 3.64 15.77 108.56
16.06.2021 77.34 3.78 2.97 2.97 3.91 3.64 16.08 110.69
Source: DG(Oil)

Table: 2.15.3
Unit: Rupees/Litre
Ex-Refinery Fixed Inland
Price: Customs/ Develop'nt Distribution Dealer's Freight Development Fixed
Period NRL/PRL Exise Duty Surcharge Margin Commission Margin Surcharge GST Sale Price
01.07.2013 72.28 6.00 1.58 2.44 13.99 96.29
01.08.2013 76.54 6.00 1.58 2.44 14.72 101.28
01.09.2013 80.30 6.00 1.58 2.71 15.40 105.99
01.10.2013 82.11 6.00 1.58 2.73 15.71 108.13
01.11.2013 82.05 5.40 1.58 3.28 15.69 108.00
01.12.2013 82.98 4.39 1.58 3.36 15.69 108.00
01.01.2014 85.31 3.21 1.58 2.21 15.69 108.00
01.02.2014 81.13 6.00 1.58 2.54 15.51 106.76
01.03.2014 81.33 5.58 1.58 2.76 15.51 106.76
01.04.2014 75.97 6.00 1.58 2.90 14.70 101.15
01.05.2014 73.88 6.00 1.58 2.36 14.25 98.07
01.06.2014 74.19 6.00 1.58 1.48 14.15 97.40
01.07.2014 74.41 5.75 1.58 1.51 14.15 97.40
29.07.2014 73.86 6.00 1.58 2.36 14.25 98.05
01.08.2014 73.86 6.00 1.58 2.36 14.25 98.05
01.09.2014 73.09 6.00 1.58 2.23 14.09 96.99
01.10.2014 72.36 6.00 1.58 1.84 13.90 95.68
01.11.2014 65.82 6.00 1.58 1.40 12.72 87.52
01.12.2014 62.15 6.00 1.58 1.36 12.09 83.18
01.01.2015 50.22 6.00 1.58 1.15 12.97 71.92
01.02.2015 40.14 6.00 1.58 0.66 13.06 61.44
01.03.2015 45.51 3.93 1.58 1.05 9.37 61.44
01.04.2015 44.76 4.68 1.58 1.05 9.37 61.44
01.05.2015 45.36 4.65 1.58 0.92 8.93 61.44
01.06.2015 49.59 3.41 1.58 0.92 9.44 64.94
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 43


Unit: Rupees/Litre
Ex-Refinery Fixed Inland
Price: Customs/ Develop'nt Distribution Dealer's Freight Development Fixed
Period NRL/PRL Exise Duty Surcharge Margin Commission Margin Surcharge GST Sale Price
01.07.2015 47.41 5.42 1.58 1.09 9.44 64.94
01.08.2015 41.87 6.00 1.58 0.64 10.02 60.11
01.09.2015 36.16 5.92 1.58 0.27 13.18 57.11
01.10.2015 38.43 3.70 1.58 0.22 13.18 57.11
01.11.2015 39.12 5.89 1.58 0.22 10.30 57.11
01.12.2015 38.38 6.00 1.58 0.20 10.16 56.32
01.01.2016 31.75 6.00 1.58 0.22 8.70 48.25
01.02.2016 25.05 6.00 1.58 0.22 10.40 43.25
01.03.2016 26.80 4.34 1.58 0.13 10.40 43.25
01.04.2016 30.78 6.00 1.58 0.13 4.76 43.25
01.05.2016 31.94 6.00 1.58 0.13 3.60 43.25
01.06.2016 35.96 0.05 1.58 0.08 5.58 43.25
01.07.2016 38.30 0.13 1.58 0.41 2.83 43.25
01.08.2016 36.13 3.09 1.58 0.39 2.06 43.25
01.09.2016 34.33 4.90 1.58 0.38 2.06 43.25
01.10.2016 35.76 3.42 1.58 0.43 2.06 43.25
01.11.2016 39.60 0.78 1.58 0.44 0.85 43.25
01.12.2016 37.15 3.24 1.58 0.43 0.85 43.25
01.01.2017 41.19 0.05 1.58 0.43 0.00 43.25
16.01.2017 41.19 0.05 1.58 0.43 0.00 43.25
01.02.2017 42.63 0.00 1.58 1.04 (2.00) 0.00 43.25
16.02.2017 42.63 0.00 1.58 1.04 (2.00) 0.00 43.25
01.03.2017 43.24 0.00 1.58 1.15 (1.97) 0.00 44.00
01.04.2017 40.70 0.63 1.58 1.09 0.00 44.00
01.05.2017 41.94 0.00 1.58 1.07 (0.59) 0.00 44.00
01.06.2017 39.86 0.82 1.58 1.74 0.00 44.00
01.07.2017 37.65 3.03 1.58 1.74 0.00 44.00
01.08.2018 39.00 1.28 1.58 2.14 0.00 44.00
06.08.2017 39.00 1.28 1.58 2.14 0.00 44.00
01.09.2017 41.38 (1.10) 1.58 2.14 0.00 44.00
01.10.2017 44.37 (0.12) 1.58 2.17 0.00 48.00
01.11.2017 44.92 4.50 1.58 2.19 0.00 53.19
01.12.2017 48.61 5.00 1.58 2.39 0.00 57.58
01.01.2018 50.78 5.86 1.58 2.46 3.64 64.32
01.02.2018 56.04 5.80 1.58 2.24 4.60 70.26
01.03.2018 55.55 6.00 1.58 2.22 11.11 76.46
01.04.2018 55.73 5.89 1.58 2.15 11.11 76.46
01.05.2018 61.56 6.00 1.58 2.17 8.56 79.87
01.06.2018 65.17 5.35 1.58 2.55 5.23 79.88
12.06.2018 65.17 6.00 1.58 2.55 9.04 84.34
01.07.2018 64.77 6.00 1.58 2.61 12.74 87.70
08.07.2018 64.77 6.00 1.58 2.61 9.00 83.96
01.08.2018 69.39 5.81 1.58 2.43 4.75 83.96
01.09.2018 68.96 5.81 1.58 2.42 4.73 83.50
01.10.2018 72.28 5.85 1.58 2.56 1.23 83.50
01.11.2018 78.68 2.43 1.58 2.53 1.28 86.50
01.12.2018 71.90 5.80 1.58 2.58 1.64 83.50
01.01.2019 61.31 6.00 1.58 2.03 12.06 82.98
01.02.2019 61.21 7.00 1.58 0.56 11.96 82.31
01.03.2019 67.07 2.53 1.58 2.59 12.54 86.31
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 44


Unit: Rupees/Litre
Ex-Refinery Fixed Inland
Price: Customs/ Develop'nt Distribution Dealer's Freight Development Fixed
Period NRL/PRL Exise Duty Surcharge Margin Commission Margin Surcharge GST Sale Price
01.04.2019 69.65 2.88 1.58 2.22 12.98 89.31
01.05.2019 72.90 5.98 1.58 2.23 6.62 89.31
05.05.2019 72.90 6.00 1.58 2.23 14.06 96.77
01.06.2019 74.34 6.00 1.58 2.23 14.31 98.46
01.07.2019 71.37 8.51 1.58 2.69 14.31 98.46
01.08.2019 78.45 6.00 1.58 2.72 15.09 103.84
01.09.2019 74.52 6.00 1.58 3.00 14.47 99.57
01.10.2019 75.92 4.98 1.58 2.62 14.47 99.57
01.11.2019 73.20 6.00 1.58 2.28 14.12 97.18
01.12.2019 72.51 6.00 1.58 2.26 14.00 96.35
01.01.2020 74.73 6.00 1.58 2.69 14.45 99.45
01.02.2020 74.14 6.56 1.58 2.72 14.45 99.45
01.03.2020 62.65 12.33 1.58 2.46 13.43 92.45
25.03.2020 43.57 18.59 1.58 2.46 11.25 77.45
01.05.2020 18.88 18.02 1.58 2.07 6.89 47.44
01.06.2020 20.80 6.00 1.58 2.01 5.17 35.56
27.06.2020 41.11 6.00 1.58 2.01 8.62 59.32
01.08.2020 46.02 6.00 1.58 2.20 9.49 65.29
01.09.2020 44.68 7.23 1.58 2.31 9.49 65.29
16.09.2020 40.93 11.52 1.58 2.31 9.49 65.83
01.10.2020 40.56 11.43 1.58 2.23 9.49 65.29
16.10.2020 42.28 9.72 1.58 2.22 9.49 65.29
01.11.2020 42.26 9.95 1.58 2.01 9.49 65.29
16.11.2020 41.43 10.78 1.58 2.01 9.49 65.29
01.12.2020 46.37 6.10 1.58 1.75 9.49 65.29
16.12.2020 51.19 5.54 1.58 1.77 10.21 70.29
01.01.2021 54.02 5.54 1.58 1.81 10.70 73.65
16.01.2021 56.57 5.54 1.58 1.82 11.14 76.65
01.02.2021 58.73 5.54 1.58 2.69 11.65 80.19
16.02.2021 61.47 2.78 1.58 2.71 11.65 80.19
01.03.2021 66.75 (2.66) 1.58 2.87 11.65 80.19
16.03.2021 67.01 1.58 2.87 12.15 83.61
01.04.2021 63.93 1.74 1.58 2.89 11.92 82.06
16.04.2021 60.42 3.51 1.58 2.87 11.62 80.00
01.05.2021 64.93 1.58 2.79 10.70 80.00
18.05.2021 68.31 1.58 2.79 7.32 80.00
01.06.2021 68.62 1.58 3.09 6.71 80.00
16.06.2021 72.08 1.58 3.09 5.14 81.89
Source: DG(Oil).
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 45

Table: 2.15.4
Unit: Rupees/Litre

Ex-Refinery Petroleum Inland Fixed

Price: Customs/ Develop'nt Distribution Dealer's Freight Development Sale Price
Period NRL/PRL Exise Duty Levy Margin Commission Margin Surcharge GST with GST

01.07.2013 72.92 5.57 6.72 1.86 2.30 1.88 15.51 106.76

01.08.2013 76.48 5.85 5.44 1.86 2.30 1.88 15.95 109.76
01.09.2013 79.22 6.05 4.53 1.86 2.30 1.99 16.31 112.26
01.10.2013 81.32 6.22 6.29 1.86 2.30 1.97 16.99 116.95
01.11.2013 81.40 6.22 5.97 1.86 2.30 2.04 16.96 116.75
01.12.2013 82.36 6.30 4.83 1.86 2.30 2.14 16.96 116.75
01.01.2014 84.43 6.46 2.59 1.86 2.30 2.15 16.96 116.75
01.02.2014 80.79 6.18 7.10 1.86 2.30 1.56 16.96 116.75
01.03.2014 80.86 6.18 7.08 1.86 2.30 1.51 16.96 116.75
01.04.2014 77.53 5.93 8.00 1.86 2.30 1.69 16.54 113.85
01.05.2014 73.93 5.66 8.00 1.86 2.30 1.70 15.89 109.34
01.06.2014 75.30 5.76 6.45 1.86 2.30 1.78 15.89 109.34
01.07.2014 74.13 5.67 7.77 1.86 2.30 1.72 15.89 109.34
29.07.2014 74.13 5.67 7.77 1.86 2.30 1.72 15.89 109.34
01.08.2014 74.13 5.67 7.77 1.86 2.30 1.72 15.89 109.34
01.09.2014 73.13 5.59 8.00 1.86 2.30 1.72 15.74 108.34
01.10.2014 72.36 5.54 8.00 1.86 2.30 1.73 15.60 107.39
01.11.2014 66.67 5.10 8.00 2.35 2.60 1.78 14.71 101.21
01.12.2014 61.04 4.67 8.00 2.35 2.60 1.76 13.67 94.09
01.01.2015 52.00 3.98 8.00 2.35 2.60 1.75 15.55 86.23
01.02.2015 45.36 3.47 8.00 2.35 2.60 1.69 17.14 80.61
01.03.2015 41.47 3.17 7.69 2.35 2.60 1.56 21.77 80.61
01.04.2015 45.55 3.48 7.94 2.35 2.60 1.42 20.27 83.61
01.05.2015 44.73 3.42 7.86 2.35 2.60 1.44 21.21 83.61
01.06.2015 50.28 3.75 7.76 2.35 2.60 1.32 19.06 87.12
01.07.2015 49.60 3.70 7.94 2.35 2.60 1.34 19.58 87.11
01.08.2015 44.46 4.53 7.03 2.35 2.60 1.34 22.74 85.05
01.09.2015 38.61 3.94 7.84 2.35 2.60 1.24 25.46 82.04
01.10.2015 36.79 3.75 7.96 2.35 2.60 1.24 27.35 82.04
01.11.2015 38.67 3.94 7.89 2.35 2.60 1.36 26.98 83.79
01.12.2015 39.43 4.02 7.82 2.35 2.60 1.37 26.20 83.79
01.01.2016 35.41 3.97 7.99 2.35 2.60 1.18 27.29 80.79
01.02.2016 28.38 3.18 8.00 2.35 2.60 1.71 29.57 75.79
01.03.2016 24.44 2.74 8.00 2.35 2.60 1.42 29.57 71.12
01.04.2016 25.77 2.89 8.00 2.35 2.60 1.34 29.57 72.52
01.05.2016 29.74 3.33 8.00 2.35 2.60 1.34 25.16 72.52
01.06.2016 35.76 4.00 8.00 2.35 2.60 1.34 18.47 72.52
01.07.2016 38.91 4.36 6.86 2.41 2.67 1.45 15.86 72.52
01.08.2016 37.76 4.62 7.80 2.41 2.67 1.40 15.86 72.52
01.09.2016 34.88 4.26 8.00 2.41 2.67 1.30 19.00 72.52
01.10.2016 34.64 4.24 7.82 2.41 2.67 1.35 19.39 72.52
01.11.2016 35.79 4.38 7.94 2.41 2.67 1.34 17.99 72.52
01.12.2016 39.40 4.82 6.82 2.41 2.67 1.30 17.80 75.22
01.01.2017 41.03 5.02 7.51 2.41 2.67 1.30 15.28 75.22
16.01.2017 41.03 5.02 7.90 2.41 2.67 1.30 16.89 77.22
01.02.2017 42.61 5.21 7.87 2.41 2.67 1.32 17.39 79.48
16.02.2017 42.61 5.21 7.93 2.41 2.67 1.32 18.33 80.48
01.03.2017 43.40 5.31 7.98 2.41 2.67 1.31 18.92 82.00
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 46


Unit: Rupees/Litre

Ex-Refinery Petroleum Inland Fixed

Price: Customs/ Develop'nt Distribution Dealer's Freight Development Sale Price
Period NRL/PRL Exise Duty Levy Margin Commission Margin Surcharge GST with GST
01.04.2017 44.21 5.41 7.94 2.41 2.67 1.45 18.91 83.00
01.05.2017 42.76 5.23 7.65 2.41 2.67 1.45 20.83 83.00
01.06.2017 41.39 5.06 7.69 2.41 2.67 1.30 20.88 81.40
01.07.2017 40.70 4.97 7.80 2.41 2.67 1.30 20.05 79.90
01.08.2018 38.09 4.66 7.95 2.41 2.67 1.29 22.83 79.90
06.08.2017 38.09 4.66 8.00 2.41 2.67 1.29 20.28 77.40
01.09.2017 40.35 4.93 7.88 2.41 2.67 1.30 17.86 77.40
01.10.2017 41.15 5.08 7.87 2.41 2.67 1.43 18.79 79.40
01.11.2017 44.60 5.47 8.00 2.41 2.67 1.42 20.02 84.59
01.12.2017 45.68 5.59 8.00 2.41 2.67 1.26 20.34 85.95
01.01.2018 50.88 6.22 8.00 2.41 2.67 1.46 18.27 89.91
01.02.2018 55.09 6.74 7.90 2.41 2.67 1.55 19.47 95.83
01.03.2018 56.89 6.96 8.00 2.41 2.67 1.52 20.00 98.45
01.04.2018 54.34 6.65 8.00 2.41 2.67 1.58 20.80 96.45
01.05.2018 55.96 6.85 8.00 2.41 2.67 1.57 21.30 98.76
01.06.2018 62.12 8.24 7.48 2.41 2.67 1.49 14.35 98.76
12.06.2018 62.12 8.24 8.00 2.41 2.67 1.49 20.38 105.31
01.07.2018 67.07 8.89 8.00 2.64 2.93 1.55 28.23 119.31
08.07.2018 67.07 8.89 8.00 2.64 2.93 1.55 21.86 112.94
01.08.2018 68.35 9.13 7.89 2.64 2.93 1.63 20.37 112.94
01.09.2018 63.77 8.53 7.89 2.64 2.93 1.59 19.22 106.57
01.10.2018 67.06 8.94 7.62 2.64 2.93 1.51 15.87 106.57
01.11.2018 77.02 10.21 6.51 2.64 2.93 1.53 12.10 112.94
01.12.2018 73.58 9.75 7.94 2.64 2.93 1.34 12.76 110.94
01.01.2019 58.54 7.76 18.00 2.64 2.93 1.31 15.50 106.68
01.02.2019 55.27 7.34 22.00 2.64 2.93 1.00 15.50 106.68
01.03.2019 65.24 8.64 13.99 2.64 2.93 1.80 16.19 111.43
01.04.2019 70.26 9.32 13.58 2.64 2.93 1.64 17.06 117.43
01.05.2019 70.50 9.35 17.37 2.64 2.93 1.13 13.51 117.43
05.05.2019 70.50 9.35 18.00 2.64 2.93 1.13 17.77 122.32
01.06.2019 77.29 10.24 18.00 2.64 2.93 1.13 14.59 126.82
01.07.2019 75.64 10.03 16.03 2.64 2.93 1.12 18.43 126.82
01.08.2019 78.15 10.36 18.00 2.64 2.93 1.14 19.25 132.47
01.09.2019 72.45 9.61 20.00 2.64 2.93 1.04 18.47 127.14
01.10.2019 71.78 9.53 20.76 2.64 2.93 1.03 18.47 127.14
01.11.2019 74.50 9.88 18.00 2.64 2.93 0.95 18.51 127.41
01.12.2019 72.39 9.59 18.00 2.81 3.12 0.94 18.16 125.01
01.01.2020 73.89 9.79 18.00 2.81 3.12 1.16 18.49 127.26
01.02.2020 75.74 10.04 15.89 2.81 3.12 1.17 18.49 127.26
01.03.2020 64.04 8.50 25.05 2.81 3.12 0.97 17.76 122.25
25.03.2020 61.17 8.11 15.49 2.81 3.12 0.97 15.58 107.25
01.05.2020 28.79 2.20 30.00 2.81 3.12 1.54 11.64 80.10
01.06.2020 27.50 3.61 30.00 2.81 3.12 1.46 11.65 80.15
27.06.2020 43.10 6.23 30.00 2.81 3.12 1.46 14.74 101.46
01.08.2020 51.65 6.81 25.73 2.81 3.12 0.87 15.47 106.46
01.09.2020 55.46 6.94 21.88 2.81 3.12 0.78 15.47 106.46
16.09.2020 47.63 6.70 29.95 2.81 3.12 0.78 15.47 106.46
01.10.2020 45.77 6.28 30.00 2.81 3.12 0.96 15.12 104.06
16.10.2020 46.07 5.85 30.00 2.81 3.12 1.09 15.12 104.06
01.11.2020 45.25 6.07 30.00 2.81 3.12 0.97 15.00 103.22
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 47


Unit: Rupees/Litre

Ex-Refinery Petroleum Inland Fixed

Price: Customs/ Develop'nt Distribution Dealer's Freight Development Sale Price
Period NRL/PRL Exise Duty Levy Margin Commission Margin Surcharge GST with GST
16.11.2020 43.92 5.87 30.00 2.81 3.12 0.97 14.74 101.43
01.12.2020 49.65 6.21 27.57 2.81 3.12 0.75 15.32 105.43
16.12.2020 53.83 7.08 25.10 2.81 3.12 0.74 15.76 108.44
01.01.2021 55.77 7.39 24.38 2.81 3.12 0.75 16.02 110.24
16.01.2021 59.41 7.55 23.09 2.81 3.12 0.76 16.45 113.19
01.02.2021 61.98 8.15 22.11 2.81 3.12 1.04 16.87 116.08
16.02.2021 65.43 8.44 18.36 2.81 3.12 1.05 16.87 116.08
01.03.2021 70.41 9.29 12.53 2.81 3.12 1.05 16.87 116.08
16.03.2021 70.31 9.19 12.74 2.81 3.12 1.04 16.87 116.08
01.04.2021 65.08 8.88 15.29 2.97 3.30 1.13 16.43 113.08
16.04.2021 63.57 8.42 15.29 2.97 3.30 1.12 16.09 110.76
01.05.2021 67.02 8.69 11.72 2.97 3.30 0.97 16.09 110.76
18.05.2021 69.73 8.84 8.86 2.97 3.30 0.97 16.09 110.76
01.06.2021 72.94 9.46 5.14 2.97 3.30 0.86 16.09 110.76
16.06.2021 75.86 9.59 3.61 2.97 3.30 0.87 16.35 112.55

Source: DG(Oil)
Note:- Before April 2012 custom duty was applicable on imported HSD and Deemed duty was applicable for local refineries.

Table: 2.15.5
Unit: Rupees/Litre
Ex-Refinery Petroleum Inland
Price: Customs/ Develop'nt Distribution Dealer's Freight Development Fixed
Period NRL/PRL Exise Duty Levy Margin Commission Margin Surcharge GST Sale Price
01.07.2013 71.47 1.61 2.70 3.00 13.39 92.17
01.08.2013 74.84 1.61 2.70 3.00 13.97 96.12
01.09.2013 76.99 1.61 2.53 3.00 14.30 98.43
01.10.2013 78.75 1.61 3.17 3.00 14.71 101.24
01.11.2013 79.48 1.61 2.99 2.45 14.71 101.24
01.12.2013 80.43 1.61 3.04 1.75 14.71 101.54
01.01.2014 81.63 1.61 3.08 0.21 14.71 101.24
01.02.2014 78.07 1.61 2.98 3.00 14.56 100.22
01.03.2014 78.47 1.61 2.84 2.74 14.56 100.22
01.04.2014 74.07 1.61 2.57 3.00 13.81 95.06
01.05.2014 72.83 1.61 3.01 3.00 13.68 94.13
01.06.2014 73.67 1.61 3.04 2.13 13.68 94.13
01.07.2014 73.19 1.61 2.84 2.81 13.68 94.13
29.07.2014 72.27 1.61 2.84 3.00 13.55 93.27
01.08.2014 72.27 1.61 2.84 3.00 13.55 93.27
01.09.2014 71.49 1.61 2.60 3.00 13.38 92.08
01.10.2014 70.84 1.61 2.68 3.00 13.28 91.41
01.11.2014 63.95 1.61 2.70 3.00 12.11 83.37
01.12.2014 59.34 1.61 2.70 3.00 11.33 77.98
01.01.2015 48.19 1.61 2.53 3.00 12.17 67.50
01.02.2015 38.54 1.61 2.47 3.00 12.32 57.94
01.03.2015 42.75 1.61 2.59 2.15 8.84 57.94
01.04.2015 44.04 1.61 2.60 0.85 8.84 57.94
01.05.2015 44.63 1.61 2.73 0.55 8.42 57.94
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 48

LIGHT DIESEL OIL SALE PRICE (continued) Unit: Rupees/Litre

Ex-Refinery Petroleum Inland

Price: Customs/ Develop'nt Distribution Dealer's Freight Development Fixed
Period NRL/PRL Exise Duty Levy Margin Commission Margin Surcharge GST Sale Price

01.06.2015 48.75 1.61 2.67 - 8.48 61.51

01.07.2015 46.20 2.61 1.61 2.15 8.94 61.51
01.08.2015 40.41 3.00 1.61 2.14 9.43 56.59
01.09.2015 34.78 2.89 1.61 2.10 12.21 53.59
01.10.2015 36.51 1.06 1.61 2.20 12.21 53.59
01.11.2015 36.47 2.75 1.61 2.39 10.37 53.59
01.12.2015 35.68 3.00 1.61 2.64 10.30 53.23
01.01.2016 29.07 3.00 1.61 2.56 8.70 44.94
01.02.2016 22.52 3.00 1.61 3.18 9.63 39.94
01.03.2016 22.13 3.00 1.61 1.60 9.63 37.97
01.04.2016 28.08 3.00 1.61 0.56 4.72 37.97
01.05.2016 29.57 3.00 1.61 0.41 3.38 37.97
01.06.2016 34.18 0.05 1.61 0.27 1.86 37.97
01.07.2016 36.36 2.80 1.61 0.52 2.06 43.35
01.08.2016 35.00 2.85 1.61 0.49 3.40 43.35
01.09.2016 33.68 2.92 1.61 0.49 4.64 43.34
01.10.2016 35.06 1.39 1.61 0.64 4.64 43.34
01.11.2016 39.03 1.08 1.61 0.77 0.85 43.34
01.12.2016 37.07 2.92 1.61 0.68 1.06 43.34
01.01.2017 40.37 0.66 1.61 0.70 0.00 43.34
16.01.2017 40.37 0.66 1.61 0.70 0.00 43.34
01.02.2017 42.27 0.00 1.61 0.87 (1.41) 0.00 43.34
16.02.2017 42.27 0.00 1.61 0.87 (1.41) 0.00 43.34
01.03.2017 40.73 0.61 1.61 1.05 0.00 44.00
01.04.2017 38.58 2.77 1.61 1.04 0.00 44.00
01.05.2017 41.67 0.29 1.61 0.43 0.00 44.00
01.06.2017 39.77 1.46 1.61 1.16 0.00 44.00
01.07.2017 37.67 2.91 1.61 1.16 0.65 44.00
01.08.2018 39.49 0.84 1.61 2.06 0.00 44.00
06.08.2017 39.49 0.84 1.61 2.06 0.00 44.00
01.09.2017 41.35 (1.02) 1.61 2.06 0.00 44.00
01.10.2017 44.10 (0.65) 1.61 0.94 0.00 46.00
01.11.2017 44.53 1.89 1.61 0.97 0.00 49.00
01.12.2017 47.34 2.00 1.61 1.17 0.00 52.12
01.01.2018 49.52 2.85 1.61 1.09 3.30 58.37
01.02.2018 54.40 2.90 1.61 0.90 4.49 64.30
01.03.2018 50.34 3.00 1.61 0.86 9.49 65.30
01.04.2018 50.89 2.77 1.61 0.78 9.25 65.30
01.05.2018 56.37 3.00 1.61 0.77 7.10 68.85
01.06.2018 63.38 2.37 1.61 0.81 0.68 68.85
12.06.2018 63.38 3.00 1.61 0.81 6.19 74.99
01.07.2018 63.72 3.00 1.61 0.82 11.76 80.91
08.07.2018 63.72 3.00 1.61 0.82 6.22 75.37
01.08.2018 69.02 2.90 1.61 1.09 0.75 75.37
01.09.2018 69.62 2.90 1.61 1.08 0.75 75.96
01.10.2018 73.18 0.30 1.61 0.87 75.96
01.11.2018 79.80 0.30 1.61 0.73 82.44
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 49

LIGHT DIESEL OIL SALE PRICE (continued) Unit: Rupees/Litre

Ex-Refinery Petroleum Inland

Price: Customs/ Develop'nt Distribution Dealer's Freight Development Fixed
Period NRL/PRL Exise Duty Levy Margin Commission Margin Surcharge GST Sale Price

01.12.2018 71.77 2.93 1.61 0.74 0.39 77.44

01.01.2019 59.37 3.00 1.61 0.36 10.94 75.28
01.02.2019 60.52 2.00 1.61 0.00 10.90 75.03
01.03.2019 63.49 0.77 1.61 0.40 11.27 77.54
01.04.2019 66.44 0.02 1.61 0.77 11.70 80.54
01.05.2019 68.94 2.58 1.61 0.76 6.65 80.54
05.05.2019 68.94 3.00 1.61 0.76 12.63 86.94
01.06.2019 70.37 3.00 1.61 0.76 12.88 88.62
01.07.2019 70.61 2.77 1.61 0.75 12.88 88.62
01.08.2019 77.96 3.00 1.61 0.78 14.17 97.52
01.09.2019 73.02 3.00 1.61 0.91 13.35 91.89
01.10.2019 70.97 5.06 1.61 0.90 13.35 91.89
01.11.2019 67.12 3.00 1.61 1.20 12.40 85.33
01.12.2019 64.66 3.00 1.61 1.18 11.98 82.43
01.01.2020 66.39 3.00 1.61 1.23 12.28 84.51
01.02.2020 67.32 2.06 1.61 1.24 12.28 84.51
01.03.2020 58.55 4.94 1.61 1.15 11.26 77.51
25.03.2020 42.23 8.44 1.61 1.15 9.08 62.51
01.05.2020 27.03 11.18 1.61 0.79 6.90 47.51
01.06.2020 27.15 3.00 1.61 0.84 5.54 38.14
27.06.2020 42.62 3.00 1.61 0.84 8.17 56.24
01.08.2020 47.91 3.00 1.61 1.21 9.13 62.86
01.09.2020 48.16 2.41 1.61 1.55 9.13 62.86
16.09.2020 44.16 6.41 1.61 1.55 9.13 62.86
01.10.2020 42.30 8.44 1.61 1.38 9.13 62.86
16.10.2020 42.68 8.07 1.61 1.37 9.13 62.86
01.11.2020 46.22 4.79 1.61 1.11 9.13 62.86
16.11.2020 44.49 6.52 1.61 1.11 9.13 62.86
01.12.2020 50.09 1.61 2.03 9.13 62.86
16.12.2020 53.67 0.67 1.61 2.05 9.86 67.86
01.01.2021 57.03 0.67 1.61 2.07 10.43 71.81
16.01.2021 60.79 0.67 1.61 2.08 11.08 76.23
01.02.2021 57.56 6.91 1.61 1.64 11.51 79.23
16.02.2021 60.81 3.65 1.61 1.65 11.51 79.23
01.03.2021 65.72 (1.29) 1.61 1.68 11.51 79.23
16.03.2021 66.30 1.61 1.68 11.83 81.42
01.04.2021 63.42 1.38 1.61 1.85 11.60 79.86
16.04.2021 59.65 3.27 1.61 1.84 11.28 77.65
01.05.2021 68.74 1.61 1.84 5.46 77.65
18.05.2021 71.45 1.61 1.84 2.75 77.65
01.06.2021 72.28 1.61 1.69 2.07 77.65
16.06.2021 76.22 1.61 1.69 0.16 79.68
Source: DG(Oil).
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 50

Table: 2.16


(PSO Price Ex-Karachi)
Unit: Rupees/Tonne
Effective Date Imported Oil Local Reficeries
Ex-ZOT Ex-Keamari (PRL) Ex-Keamari (NRL) 
01.07.2017 44,088.00 43,383.60 43,380.00
16.07.2017 45,009.60 44,488.80 44,486.40
01.08.2017 45,782.40 45,283.20 45,282.00
16.08.2017 47,229.60 46,531.20 46,532.40
01.09.2017 45,912.00 46,065.60 46,064.40
16.09.2017 45,816.00 47,749.20 4,779.20
01.10.2017 47,410.80 50,301.60 50,302.80
16.10.2017 49,404.00 49,642.80 49,644.00
01.11.2017 49,117.00 50,630.40 50,631.60
16.11.2017 52,023.60 54,642.00 54,642.00
21.11.2017 - 51,915.60 54,642.00
23.11.2017 - 51,915.60 51,792.00
01.12.2017 54,627.60 51,915.60 51,792.00
05.12.2017 - 50,239.20 48,997.20
06.12.2017 - 48,934.80 48,997.20
09.12.2017 - 47,680.80 48,997.20
11.12.2017 - 47,680.80 47,680.80
13.12.2017 - 47,680.80 47,680.80
16.12.2017 59,190.00 47,680.80 47,680.80
01.01.2018 65,689.20 47,680.80 50,448.00
02.01.2018 - 50,301.60 50,448.00
16.01.2018 67,052.40 55,207.20 55,224.00
01.02.2018 67,052.40 59,424.00 59,463.60
16.02.2018 58,062.00 58,174.80 58,182.00
01.03.2018 55,114.80 57,008.40 57,002.40
05.03.2018 - 57,008.40 55,144.80
06.03.2018 - 55,144.80 55,144.80
08.03.2018 - 55,144.80 52,164.00
16.03.2018 55,114.80 56,635.20 55,890.00
01.04.2018 58,446.00 59,665.20 58,995.60
16.04.2018 60,744.00 62,434.80 62,436.00
01.05.2018 60,744.00 65,391.60 65,389.20
04.05.2018 69,672.00 - -
16.05.2018 67,550.40 68,427.60 68,425.20
01.06.2018 72,883.20 73,252.80 73,246.80
16.06.2018 77,788.80 73,725.60 73,723.20
01.07.2018 76,108.50 73,970.91 73,968.57
16.07.2018 77,442.30 76,695.84 76,699.35
01.08.2018 79,963.65 79,062.75 79,068.60
16.08.2018 82,176.12 77,210.64 77,211.81
01.09.2018 80.811.90 75,000.51 75,002.85
16.09.2018 81,708.12 76,459.50 76,459.50
01.10.2018 81,708.12 79,117.74 79,120.08
16.10.2018 88,359.57 87,800.31 87,802.65
01.11.2018 94,122.99 88,738.65 88,737.48
16.11.2018 92,771.64 86,104.98 86,108.49
01.12.2018 89,154.00 77,494.95 77,497.29
16.12.2018 79,841.97 59,336.55 69,872.40
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 51

Furnace Oil Sale Price (continued)

Unit: Rupees/Tonne
Effective Date Imported Oil Local Reficeries
Ex-ZOT Ex-Keamari (PRL) Ex-Keamari (NRL) 

01.01.2019 79,841.97 59,324.85 59,336.55

16.01.2019 79,841.97 60,232.77 60,265.53
01.02.2019 79,841.97 72,172.62 72,178.47
16.02.2019 79,841.97 75,418.20 75,417.03
01.03.2019 79,841.97 80,006.94 80,005.77
16.03.2019 79,841.97 81,636.75 81,633.24
01.04.2019 79,841.97 81,333.72 81,333.72
16.04.2019 79,841.97 82,205.37 82,205.37
01.05.2019 79,841.97 84,197.88 84,201.39
16.05.2019 94,142.88 82,090.71 82,088.37
01.06.2019 85,236.84 84,161.61 84,168.63
16.06.2019 83,747.43 77,500.80 77,500.80
01.07.2019 0.00 81,133.65 81,133.65
16.07.2019 0.00 85,977.45 85,856.94
01.08.2019 0.00 93,406.95 93,406.95
16.08.2019 0.00 83,239.65 83,239.65
01.09.2019 0.00 74,468.16 74,468.16
16.09.2019 0.00 78,518.70 78,518.70
01.10.2019 0.00 92,377.35 92,377.35
16.10.2019 0.00 64,749.52 92,377.35
01.11.2019 0.00 61,355.97 61,253.01
16.11.2019 0.00 61,355.97 61,253.01
01.12.2019 0.00 61,355.97 61,253.01
16.12.2019 0.00 61,355.97 58,813.30
01.01.2020 0.00 66,602.25 59,142.33
16.01.2020 0.00 70,416.45 66,670.32
01.02.2020 0.00 70,416.45 70,404.75
16.02.2020 0.00 70,416.45 70,404.75
01.03.2020 0.00 70,416.45 70,404.75
16.03.2020 0.00 60,669.18 59,336.55
01.04.2020 0.00 49,648.95 49,660.65
16.04.2020 0.00 49,648.95 49,660.65
01.05.2020 0.00 39,961.35 39,961.35
16.05.2020 0.00 39,961.35 39,961.35
01.06.2020 0.00 48,438.00 48,438.00
16.06.2020 0.00 67,813.20 60,547.50
01.07.2020 66,602.25 70,841.16 63,587.16
16.07.2020 0.00 73,867.95 66,602.25
01.08.2020 61,116.12 73,867.95 66,602.25
16.08.2020 0.00 68,419.26 68,419.26
01.09.2020 0.00 68,419.26 68,419.26
16.09.2020 53,459.64 68,419.26 68,419.26
23.09.2020 56,642.04 -- --
01.10.2020 67,147.47 68,419.26 68,419.26
16.10.2020 56,922.84 68,419.26 68,419.26
01.11.2020 0.00 68,419.26 68,419.26
16.11.2020 0.00 64,180.35 58,447.35
01.12.2020 0.00 64,786.41 64,786.41
16.12.2020 0.00 65,791.44 65,791.44
01.01.2021 0.00 69,810.39 69,810.39
16.01.2021 0.00 72,241.65 72,241.65
01.02.2021 0.00 76,499.28 76,499.28
01.03.2021 0.00 80,925.39 80,925.39
16.03.2021 0.00 85,464.99 80,925.39
01.04.2021 0.00 84,812.06 86,949.72
16.04.2021 0.00 86,949.72 86,945.04
01.05.2021 75,475.53 86,949.72 86,945.04
16.05.2021 0.00 86,949.72 86,945.04
01.06.2021 0.00 86,949.72 86,945.04
16.06.2021 0.00 91,188.63 91,182.78
Source: PSO.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 52



Part 3

natural gas


Reserves (Balance Recoverable) 20.9 trillion cubic feet

Production 3,505 million CFt/Day

Consumption 1,463 billion CFt

LPG Supplies 1.106 million tonnes
LPG Consumption 1.231 million tonnes
LNG Import 415,638,063 MMBTu

LNG Import Bill 2,659 million US$

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 53

Table: 3.1
Unit: Trillion Cubic Feet
Original Balance Heating
Non-associated Operator Recoverable Cumulative Recoverable Value
S. No. Gasfields Company Province Reserves Production Reserves Btu/cu.ft
1 Savi Ragha BG Balochistan 0.03000 - 0.03000 1159
2 Zamzama OPPL Sindh 1.75560 1.72946 0.02614 797
3 Rodho (L.G) Dewan Petr. Punjab 0.27486 0.02849 0.24637 1000
4 Rodho (Chiltan) Dewan Petr. Punjab 0.52055 0.05779 0.46276 875
5 Badhra Eni Pak Sindh 0.33200 0.29200 0.04000 928
6 Bhit Eni Pak Sindh 1.76800 1.68800 0.08000 832
7 Kadanwari Eni Pak Sindh 0.70400 0.69600 0.00800 884
8 Lundali Eni Pak Sindh 0.00211 0.00211 - 777
9 Aqeeq MPCL Sindh 0.00519 0.00297 0.00222 1035
10 Halini MPCL Punjab 0.00670 0.00425 0.00245 1175
11 Mari HRL MPCL Sindh 9.29425 6.00581 3.28844 725
12 Mari SML/SUL (Bhitai) MPCL Sindh 0.08864 0.04023 0.04841 860
13 Mari PKL MPCL Sindh 0.06023 0.02235 0.03788 745
14 Mari Deep MPCL Sindh - - - 545
15 Mari-Goru-B MPCL Sindh 1.76644 0.22714 1.53930 545
16 Mari SML/SUL (SML-1I) MPCL Sindh 0.02485 0.01876 0.00609 865
17 Mari SML/SUL (Shahbaz) MPCL Sindh 0.01720 0.00416 0.01304 840
18 Mari SML/SUL (Shaheen) MPCL Sindh 0.05810 0.01021 0.04789 865
19 Mari-Tipu MPCL Sindh 0.11890 0.00003 0.11887 470
20 Kalabagh MPCL Punjab 0.00934 0.00585 0.00349 1124
21 Koonj MPCL Sindh 0.00405 0.00405 - 870
22 Sujawal MPCL Sindh 0.01599 0.01577 0.00022 1020
23 Sujjal MPCL Sindh 0.05476 0.03267 0.02209 1070
24 Zarghun South MPCL Balochistan 0.07623 0.03832 0.03791 935
25 Makori MOL KPK 0.05340 0.05340 - 1088
26 Makori Deep MOL KPK 0.01560 0.01210 0.00350 1136
27 Tolanj MOL KPK 0.00640 0.00630 0.00010 1028
28 Tolanj West MOL KPK 0.02520 0.01060 0.01460 1023
29 Manzalai MOL KPK 0.51940 0.48690 0.03250 1059
30 Mamikhel MOL KPK 0.10960 0.10400 0.00560 1082
31 Maramzai MOL KPK 0.63920 0.38910 0.25010 1074
32 Mardankhel MOL KPK 0.18120 0.07090 0.11030 1087
33 Aradin OGDCL Sindh 0.00226 - 0.00226 851
34 Bagla OGDCL Sindh 0.01438 0.01154 0.00284 1080
35 Baloch OGDCL Sindh 0.00359 0.00234 0.00125 1148
36 Bhal Syedan OGDCL Punjab 0.00492 0.00362 0.00130 1200
37 Bhambra OGDCL Sindh 0.03849 0.00012 0.03837 1000
38 Bitrism West OGDCL Sindh 0.01954 0.00471 0.01483 1170
39 Bahu OGDCL Punjab 0.03520 0.03517 0.00003 467
40 Bobi OGDCL Sindh 0.03635 0.03371 0.00264 1120
41 Chak-2 OGDCL Sindh 0.04550 0.03662 0.00888 1030
42 Chak-7A OGDCL Sindh 0.00241 0.00219 0.00022 1176
43 Chak-63 OGDCL Sindh 0.01030 0.00486 0.00544 1210
44 Chak-63 SE OGDCL Sindh 0.00570 0.00556 0.00014 1030
45 Chak-66 OGDCL Sindh 0.00137 - 0.00137 768
46 Chak-66 NE OGDCL Sindh 0.00468 0.00125 0.00343 1280
47 Chak-5 Dim South OGDCL Sindh 0.03142 0.02846 0.00296 1182
48 Chandio OGDCL Sindh 0.02084 0.00026 0.02058 1176
49 Chabaro OGDCL Sindh 0.02523 - 0.02523 1080
50 Chutto OGDCL Sindh 0.02354 0.00733 0.01621 1180
51 Dakhni/Deep OGDCL Punjab 0.40100 0.30891 0.09209 1060
52 Dars OGDCL Sindh 0.01217 0.00577 0.00641 1025
53 Dars Deep OGDCL Sindh 0.02054 0.00834 0.01220 1025
54 Dars West OGDCL Sindh 0.03640 0.01293 0.02347 1025
55 Daru OGDCL Sindh 0.02111 0.02016 0.00096 1168
56 Dachrapur OGDCL Sindh 0.02405 0.01354 0.01051 928
57 Dhamraki OGDCL Sindh 0.00771 0.00771 - 1182
58 Dhodak OGDCL Punjab 0.25147 0.24877 0.00270 1150
59 Dhodak Deep OGDCL Punjab - - - 678
60 Dhok Hussain OGDCL KPK 0.05523 0.00347 0.05176 970
61 Gopang OGDCL Sindh 0.00411 0.00036 0.00375 1254
62 Gundanwari OGDCL Sindh 0.02355 - 0.02355 1275
63 Hakeem Daho OGDCL Sindh 0.04792 0.01875 0.02917 1030
64 Hundi OGDCL Sindh 0.03223 0.03085 0.00139 860
65 Jand OGDCL Sindh 0.01060 0.00047 0.01013 959
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 54

Natural Gas Reserves (Contd.)

Unit: Trillion Cubic Feet
Original Balance Heating
Non-associated Operator Recoverable Cumulative Recoverable Value
S. No. Gasfields Company Province Reserves Production Reserves Btu/cu.ft
66 Jhal Magsi South OGDCL Balochistan 0.03678 - 0.03678 934
67 Khamiso OGDCL Sindh 0.00726 0.00472 0.00255 740
68 Kunar Deep OGDCL Sindh 0.78820 0.27809 0.51011 1025
69 Kunar West OGDCL Sindh 0.07770 0.02605 0.05166 1025
70 Kunar South OGDCL Sindh 0.04225 0.01545 0.02680 1025
71 Lala Jamali OGDCL Sindh 0.01716 0.01340 0.00376 1030
72 Loti OGDCL Balochistan 0.42232 0.39339 0.02894 836
73 Maru OGDCL Sindh 0.01376 0.00868 0.00508 740
74 Maru East OGDCL Sindh 0.00259 0.00198 0.00061 740
75 Maru South OGDCL Sindh 0.00666 0.00615 0.00051 740
76 Mela OGDCL KPK 0.19684 0.06241 0.13443 1170
77 Mithrao OGDCL Sindh - - - 1182
78 Mithri OGDCL Sindh 0.00655 - 0.00655 1120
79 Moolan OGDCL Sindh 0.01610 0.00164 0.01446 1150
80 Nashpa OGDCL KPK 0.65577 0.28048 0.37529 1040
81 Nim OGDCL Sindh 0.00166 0.00119 0.00047 1233
82 Nim West OGDCL Sindh 0.00349 - 0.00349 953
83 Nandpur OGDCL Punjab 0.16932 0.16703 0.00229 227
84 Norai Jagir OGDCL Sindh 0.01086 0.01063 0.00023 1202
85 Nur OGDCL Sindh 0.01284 0.00168 0.01116 1233
86 Pakhro OGDCL Sindh 0.00450 0.00297 0.00153 970
87 Panjpir OGDCL Punjab 0.05654 0.05628 0.00026 227
88 Pasakhi Deep OGDCL Sindh 0.46200 0.10770 0.35430 895
89 Pasakhi East OGDCL Sindh 0.02660 0.00961 0.01699 1025
90 Pasakhi WD OGDCL Sindh 0.03500 0.00163 0.03337 1025
91 Pirkoh OGDCL Balochistan 1.05735 1.05567 0.00168 870
92 Qadirpur OGDCL Sindh 4.71760 3.70647 1.01113 880
93 Resham OGDCL Sindh 0.00120 0.00102 0.00018 1215
94 Reti OGDCL Sindh 0.00991 0.00821 0.00170 740
95 Saand OGDCL Sindh 0.01470 0.00247 0.01223 813
96 Sadkal OGDCL Punjab 0.07932 0.07755 0.00177 1200
97 Sari OGDCL Sindh 0.01999 0.01980 0.00019 860
98 Shah OGDCL Sindh 0.02030 0.01359 0.00671 1025
99 Shekhan OGDCL Sindh 0.00168 0.00168 - 1040
100 Soghri OGDCL Sindh 0.03241 0.01802 0.01439 1050
101 Suleman OGDCL Sindh 0.04230 - 0.04230 873
102 Tando Allah Yar OGDCL Sindh 0.01575 0.01482 0.00093 888
103 Tando Allah Yar North OGDCL Sindh 0.00157 0.00032 0.00125 888
104 Tando Allah Yar SW OGDCL Sindh 0.02939 0.00205 0.02734 1023
105 Thal East OGDCL Sindh 0.02853 0.00073 0.02780 1000
106 Thal West OGDCL Sindh 0.01119 0.00225 0.00895 1000
107 Thora Deep OGDCL Sindh 0.03761 0.00827 0.02934 1028
108 Uch OGDCL Balochistan 5.16001 2.15787 3.00214 470
109 Umair OGDCL Sindh 0.01401 0.00042 0.01359 -
110 Unar OGDCL Sindh 0.03080 0.01312 0.01769 1025
111 Zin OGDCL Balochistan 1.13224 - 1.13224 517
112 Bitro UEP Beta 0.00896 0.00337 0.00559 850
113 Latif UEP Beta Sindh 0.38899 0.25833 0.13066 968
114 Miano UEP Beta Sindh 0.88735 0.68214 0.20522 917
115 Sawan UEP Beta Sindh 1.69251 1.54250 0.15002 873
116 Tajjal UEP Beta Sindh 0.05101 0.05098 0.00004 896
117 Ratana OPI Punjab 0.19950 0.06849 0.13101 1142
118 Aminah PEL Sindh 0.00980 0.00241 0.00739 995
119 Ayesha PEL Sindh 0.00960 0.00413 0.00547 967
120 Ayesha North PEL Sindh 0.00850 0.00103 0.00747 967
121 Badar PEL Sindh 0.09340 0.08341 0.00999 572
122 Kandra PEL Sindh 1.85800 - 1.85800 143
123 Khanpur PEL Sindh 0.01020 0.00972 0.00048 851
124 Hamza PEL Sindh 0.00900 - 0.00900 644
125 Hasan PEL Sindh 0.07140 0.07034 0.00106 639
126 Sadiq PEL Sindh 0.00430 0.00340 0.00090 654
127 Zainab PEL Sindh 0.00670 0.00670 1201
128 Adhi PPL Punjab 0.64300 0.37400 0.26900 1180
129 Adhi (Sakessar) PPL Punjab - - - 1220
130 Adhi South PPL Punjab - - - 1220
131 Adam PPL Sindh 0.02900 0.02600 0.00300 879
132 Adam West PPL Sindh 0.03700 0.02800 0.00900 986
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 55

Natural Gas Reserves (Contd.)

Unit: Trillion Cubic Feet
Original Balance Heating
Non-associated Operator Recoverable Cumulative Recoverable Value
S. No. Gasfields Company Province Reserves Production Reserves Btu/cu.ft
133 Badeel PPL Sindh 0.03100 - 0.03100 777
134 Benari PPL Sindh 0.00400 0.00050 0.00350 1006
135 Chachar PPL Sindh 0.02800 0.02400 0.00400 780
136 Faiz PPL Sindh - - - 750
137 Fazl PPL Sindh 0.01400 0.00400 0.01000 1010
138 Hadaf PPL Sindh 0.04600 0.00260 0.04340 1100
139 Kandhkot PPL Sindh 1.98200 1.50000 0.48200 820
140 Shahdadpur East (Kinza) PPL Sindh 0.00400 0.00070 0.00330 890
141 Mazarani PPL Sindh 0.05100 0.05100 - 1008
142 Shahdadpur (Nasr-Wafiq-Sharf) PPL Sindh 0.69000 0.11200 0.57800 650
143 Shahdadpur West (Shahdad) PPL Sindh 0.08100 0.02700 0.05400 1040
144 Sharf PPL Sindh - - - 650
145 Sui Deep PPL Balochistan - - - -
146 Sui-SML PPL Balochistan 12.72200 11.53700 1.18500 920
147 Sui-HRL PPL Balochistan - - - 375
148 Sui-pab PPL Balochistan - - - 911
149 Sui-Sul PPL Balochistan - - - 996
150 Kabir PPL Sindh 0.01600 0.00100 0.01500 1190
151 Yasar PPL Sindh 0.00030 - 0.00030 1200
152 Zafir PPL Sindh 0.09800 - 0.09800 760
153 Rehmat UEP Alpha Sindh 0.03900 0.03900 - 978
154 Mehar UEP Alpha Sindh 0.10407 0.04102 0.06305 1096
155 Mitha UEP Alpha Sindh 0.01115 0.00707 0.00408 929
156 Saqib UEP Alpha Sindh 0.03073 0.02304 0.00769 941
157 Sofiya UEP Alpha Sindh 0.03272 0.00736 0.02536 1079
158 Bela POL Punjab 0.00800 0.00159 0.00641 1031
159 Sara Spud Energy Sindh 0.02753 0.02673 0.00080 797
160 Suri Spud Energy Sindh 0.03208 0.02920 0.00288 815
161 Haseeb Hycarbex Sindh 0.17000 0.01200 0.15800 810
162 Ali UEPL Sindh 0.03204 0.01899 0.01305 1063
163 Ahmed UEPL Sindh 0.00052 0.00052 - 944
164 Amdani UEPL Sindh 0.00000 0.00000 - 617
165 Ali-2 UEPL Sindh 0.00899 0.00285 0.00614 1041
166 Babarki UEPL Sindh 0.00097 0.00079 0.00018 1033
167 Bago UEPL Sindh 0.00015 0.00015 - 869
168 Bakhsh Deep UEPL Sindh 0.01155 0.01056 0.00099 899
169 Baqar Deep UEPL Sindh 0.00601 0.00601 - 1023
170 Baudero UEPL Sindh 0.00163 0.00143 0.00020 901
171 Bhanoki UEPL Sindh 0.00182 0.00182 - 1087
172 Bilal/Bilal North/Siraj South UEPL Sindh 0.01915 0.01915 - 840
173 Bhatti/Nakurji UEPL Sindh 0.08061 0.08061 - 1092
174 Bukhari UEPL Sindh 0.09707 0.09702 0.00005 1007
175 Bukhari Deep UEPL Sindh 0.02398 0.02242 0.00156 1056
176 Buzdar Unit UEPL Sindh 0.18559 0.18460 0.00100 1026
177 Buzdar South UEPL Sindh 0.00272 0.00211 0.00061 943
178 Buzdar South Deep UEPL Sindh 0.09013 0.03089 0.05924 1084
179 Chaman UEPL Sindh 0.00293 0.00290 0.00003 1014
180 Fatehshah UEPL Sindh 0.00263 0.00263 - 1026
181 Fatehshah North UEPL Sindh 0.00498 0.00492 0.00006 1076
182 Gagani UEPL Sindh 0.00010 0.00010 - 900
183 Golarchi UEPL Sindh 0.08216 0.08216 - 1041
184 Hakro UEPL Sindh 0.00064 0.00064 - 1104
185 Haider Deep UEPL Sindh 0.00062 0.00062 - 971
186 Hayat UEPL Sindh 0.00186 0.00182 0.00004 1152
187 Jabo UEPL Sindh 0.01503 0.01503 - 912
188 Jalal UEPL Sindh 0.03459 0.03459 - 1030
189 Jarar Deep UEPL Sindh 0.00781 0.00781 - 1070
190 Jhaberi UEPL Sindh 0.00656 0.00437 0.00220 734
191 Jhok UEPL Sindh 0.00010 0.00010 - 1093
192 Jogwani UEPL Sindh 0.06177 0.06177 - 981
193 Junathi South UEPL Sindh 0.00485 0.00485 - 1020
194 Kamal North UEPL Sindh 0.01147 0.00930 0.00217 1261
195 Kamal North 3 UEPL Sindh 0.00004 0.00004 - 1251
196 Kandiari UEPL Sindh 0.00386 0.00341 0.00045 1023
197 Kausar/Usman UEPL Sindh 0.11414 0.11253 0.00161 949
198 Kato UEPL Sindh 0.00691 0.00691 - 1268
199 Khaskheli North UEPL Sindh 0.00052 0.00052 - 1170
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 56

Natural Gas Reserves (Contd.)

Unit: Trillion Cubic Feet
Original Balance Heating
Non-associated Operator Recoverable Cumulative Recoverable Value
S. No. Gasfields Company Province Reserves Production Reserves Btu/cu.ft
200 Khorewah UEPL Sindh 0.17897 0.16980 0.00917 1132
201 Khorewah Deep UEPL Sindh 0.01178 0.01027 0.00150 1080
202 Koli UEPL Sindh 0.01653 0.01653 - 1015
203 Korai UEPL Sindh 0.02381 0.01484 0.00897 1097
204 Korai North UEPL Sindh 0.00000 0.00000 - 1025
205 Kumbh UEPL Sindh 0.00219 0.00183 0.00036 927
206 Liari Deep UEPL Sindh 0.01020 0.01015 0.00005 1146
207 Limu UEPL Sindh 0.00033 0.00033 - 1044
208 Limu East UEPL Sindh 0.00001 0.00001 - 1075
209 Limu North UEPL Sindh 0.00404 0.00404 - 1034
210 Lodano UEPL Sindh 0.01204 0.00428 0.00776 1054
211 Lodano Deep UEPL Sindh 0.00418 0.00350 0.00069 1058
212 Mahi UEPL Sindh 0.00485 0.00485 - 1038
213 Malah UEPL Sindh 0.00131 0.00050 0.00082 1154
214 Mewa UEPL Sindh 0.00062 0.00057 0.00006 1033
215 Makrani UEPL Sindh 0.00233 0.00036 0.00196 1158
216 Malkani UEPL Sindh 0.00003 0.00003 - 1151
217 Missri UEPL Sindh 0.01342 0.01194 0.00147 753
218 Mulaki UEPL Sindh 0.01757 0.01397 0.00360 1051
219 Makhdumpur UEPL Sindh 0.05728 0.05483 0.00244 1136
220 Makhdumpur Deep UEPL Sindh 0.02661 0.02320 0.00341 1100
221 Matli UEPL Sindh 0.05039 0.05025 0.00014 1022
222 Mohib UEPL Sindh 0.00470 0.00123 0.00347 992
223 Mohri UEPL Sindh 0.00139 0.00139 - 1124
224 Mor UEPL Sindh 0.00195 0.00195 - 928
225 Moroja UEPL Sindh 0.00552 0.00481 0.00071 989
226 Niamat Basal UEPL Sindh 0.04650 0.04115 0.00535 1007
227 Naimat Basal 2X UEPL Sindh 0.00123 0.00077 0.00046 1310
228 Naimat West UEPL Sindh 0.49098 0.27178 0.21919 742
229 Nando UEPL Sindh 0.00024 0.00024 - 1135
230 Nurpur Deep UEPL Sindh 0.00265 0.00265 - 962
231 Oderolal UEPL Sindh 0.00122 0.00122 - 1136
232 Pir UEPL Sindh 0.00816 0.00816 - 1041
233 Pir Apan UEPL Sindh 0.00502 0.00502 - 847
234 Piaro Deep UEPL Sindh 0.00353 0.00345 0.00008 1149
235 Piaro Deep Basal UEPL Sindh 0.00416 0.00280 0.00136 1052
236 Qasim Deep UEPL Sindh 0.00863 0.00697 0.00166 938
237 Raj UEPL Sindh 0.00407 0.00136 0.00271 966
238 Rajani UEPL Sindh 0.37104 0.30396 0.06709 992
239 Ragni Deep UEPL Sindh 0.00065 0.00065 - 919
240 Rahib UEPL Sindh 0.00070 0.00070 - 1076
241 Rajpari UEPL Sindh 0.00000 0.00000 - 1223
242 Ranjho UEPL Sindh 0.00391 0.00317 0.00075 1025
243 Rind UEPL Sindh 0.00252 0.00252 - 1101
244 Rahim UEPL Sindh 0.00753 0.00672 0.00081 1005
245 Ramdiani UEPL Sindh 0.00365 0.00252 0.00113 1106
246 Rawal UEPL Sindh 0.00023 0.00023 - 1078
247 Roshnai UEPL Sindh 0.00277 0.00259 0.00018 1192
248 Sahu UEPL Sindh 0.00137 0.00092 0.00044 1025
249 Sajan UEPL Sindh 0.00360 0.00360 - 1071
250 Sakhi Deep UEPL Sindh 0.03216 0.02959 0.00257 1012
251 Sakhi South Deep UEPL Sindh 0.02292 0.02292 - 985
252 Salamat UEPL Sindh 0.04324 0.04040 0.00284 1004
253 Saman UEPL Sindh 0.00004 0.00004 - 1140
254 Shah Dino UEPL Sindh 0.00056 0.00056 - 820
255 Sonro UEPL Sindh 0.03280 0.03205 0.00075 1120
256 Sohrab Deep UEPL Sindh 0.11378 0.10351 0.01027 1099
257 Suhrat UEPL Sindh 0.00091 0.00091 - 1072
258 Sumar Deep UEPL Sindh 0.01764 0.01535 0.00230 1161
259 Sutiari Deep UEPL Sindh 0.29256 0.13327 0.15929 725
260 Tangri Deep UEPL Sindh 0.00960 0.00954 0.00005 1110
261 Tando Ghulam Ali UEPL Sindh 0.01596 0.01356 0.00239 986
262 Tharo UEPL Sindh 0.00928 0.00654 0.00274 1040
263 Tharo West UEPL Sindh 0.00078 0.00074 0.00004 1098
264 Thebo UEPL Sindh 0.00370 0.00361 0.00009 1077
265 Turk UEPL Sindh 0.16908 0.16705 0.00204 1141
266 Turk Deep UEPL Sindh 0.12230 0.11450 0.00780 1109
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 57

Natural Gas Reserves (Contd.)

Unit: Trillion Cubic Feet
Original Balance Heating
Non-associated Operator Recoverable Cumulative Recoverable Value
S. No. Gasfields Company Province Reserves Production Reserves Btu/cu.ft
267 Turk Deep North UEPL Sindh 0.00039 0.00015 0.00024 1194
268 Umar UEPL Sindh 0.01858 0.00867 0.00992 1123
269 Unarpur UEPL Sindh 0.00213 0.00173 0.00040 956
270 Warar UEPL Sindh 0.00006 0.00006 - 1041
271 Wassayo UEPL Sindh 0.00047 0.00047 - 1004
272 Zaur UEPL Sindh 0.03441 0.03406 0.00035 1613
273 Zaur Deep UEPL Sindh 0.02431 0.01563 0.00868 1152
274 Zaur West UEPL Sindh 0.00060 0.00060 - 1127
275 Zaur South UEPL Sindh 0.00080 0.00080 - 1162
276 Rizq POGC Sindh 0.08700 0.02557 0.06143 940
277 POGC Rehman POGC Sindh 0.21500 0.04831 0.16669 815
ASSOCIATED GASES * 2.10340 1.48607 0.61733
TOTAL: TCF 63.3105180 42.359744 20.950774
Normalized TCF at 900 Btu/cu.ft. 56.70059 40.54415 16.15644
Million TOE 1,218.06 870.98 347.08
* See table 3.1.1 for details.
Source: DGPC.

Table: 3.1.1
Associated Gas Reserves as on June 30, 2021
Unit: Trillion Cubic Feet
Original Balance Heating
Associated Operator Recoverable Cumulative Recoverable Value
S. No. Gasfields Company Province Reserves Production Reserves Btu/cu.ft
1 Makori East MOL KPK 0.37440 0.21560 0.15880 1103
2 Mamikhel South MOL KPK 0.01610 - 0.01610 1087
3 Buzdar North OGDCL Sindh - - - 1319
4 Chak-Naurang OGDCL Punjab - - - -
5 Chanda OGDCL KPK 0.04927 0.04407 0.00520 1150
6 Fimkassar OGDCL Punjab 0.01334 0.01308 0.00026 1400
7 Jakhro OGDCL Sindh 0.00796 0.00700 0.00096 845
8 Kal OGDCL Punjab 0.00243 0.00231 0.00012 1326
9 Kunar OGDCL Sindh 0.07436 0.05855 0.01581 1025
10 Lashari Centre OGDCL Sindh 0.00264 0.00264 - 1120
11 Mangrio OGDCL Sindh 0.02712 0.00182 0.02530 1240
12 Missa Keswal OGDCL Punjab 0.02196 0.02195 0.00001 1490
13 Missan OGDCL Sindh 0.00003 0.00003 - 1180
14 Pali OGDCL Sindh - - - 953
15 Pali Deep OGDCL Sindh 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 -
16 Pasakhi/Pasakhi NE OGDCL Sindh 0.01070 0.00884 0.00186 1334
17 Rajian OGDCL Punjab 0.01250 0.00445 0.00805 1335
18 Sono OGDCL Sindh 0.00294 0.00294 - 1553
19 Tando Alam OGDCL Sindh 0.00304 0.00304 - 1346
20 Thora OGDCL Sindh 0.00256 0.00256 0.00000 1328
21 Togh OGDCL KPK 0.03250 0.00458 0.02792 1000
22 Toot OGDCL Punjab 0.06000 0.05911 0.00089 1160
23 Bhangali OPI Punjab 0.01665 0.00928 0.00737 1377
24 Dhurnal OPI Punjab 0.15153 0.13250 0.01903 1162
25 Jhandial POL Punjab 0.29206 0.00708 0.28498 1125
26 Dhulian POL Punjab 0.22602 0.22115 0.00487 1252
27 Meyal POL Punjab 0.28713 0.28472 0.00241 1274
28 Pariwali POL Punjab 0.09785 0.08940 0.00845 1186
29 Pindori POL Punjab 0.07666 0.07366 0.00300 1226
30 Turkwal POL Punjab 0.00404 0.00374 0.00030 1354
31 Dhok Sultan PPL Sindh 0.01200 0.00011 0.01189 1300
32 Ali Zaur UEPL Sindh 0.00196 0.00196 - 1513
33 Aassu UEPL Sindh 0.00053 0.00053 - -
34 Bachal UEPL Sindh 0.00229 0.00229 - 1034
35 Baqa UEPL Sindh 0.00036 0.00015 0.00021 1139
36 Bijoro UEPL Sindh 0.00014 0.00014 - -
37 Bukhari North UEPL Sindh 0.00136 0.00099 0.00037 1045
38 Dabhi UEPL Sindh 0.03265 0.03265 - 1017
39 Dabhi North UEPL Sindh 0.00134 0.00101 0.00032 907
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 58

Associated Gas Reserves (Contd.)

Unit: Trillion Cubic Feet
Original Balance Heating
Associated Operator Recoverable Cumulative Recoverable Value
S. No. Gasfields Company Province Reserves Production Reserves Btu/cu.ft
40 Dabhi South UEPL Sindh 0.01685 0.01682 0.00003 1064
41 Dang UEPL Sindh 0.00001 0.00001 - 1000
42 Dhani UEPL Sindh 0.00046 0.00006 0.00040 1048
43 Duphri UEPL Sindh 0.00942 0.00942 - 1024
44 Gharo UEPL Sindh 0.00034 0.00034 - -
45 Ghungro UEPL Sindh 0.00184 0.00184 - -
46 Gormani UEPL Sindh 0.00026 0.00026 - 821
47 Gulsher UEPL Sindh 0.00008 0.00008 - -
48 Guni UEPL Sindh 0.00006 0.00006 - 1098
49 Halipota UEPL Sindh 0.01005 0.00497 0.00508 1061
50 Jan UEPL Sindh 0.00002 0.00002 - -
51 Jagir UEPL Sindh 0.00228 0.00224 0.00004 1184
52 Jhaberi South UEPL Sindh 0.00491 0.00491 - 999
53 Khaskheli UEPL Sindh 0.00976 0.00976 - -
54 Khaskheli DT UEPL Sindh 0.00011 0.00011 - -
55 Laghari UEPL Sindh 0.00697 0.00697 - -
56 Liari UEPL Sindh 0.00304 0.00304 - 1172
57 Mazari UEPL Sindh 0.01594 0.01481 0.00113 989
58 Mazari South UEPL Sindh 0.00519 0.00486 0.00033 1071
59 Mazari South Deep UEPL Sindh 0.00630 0.00535 0.00095 1106
60 Mohano UEPL Sindh 0.00010 0.00010 - -
61 Murid UEPL Sindh 0.00031 0.00031 - -
62 Meyun Ismail Deep UEPL Sindh 0.04117 0.04105 0.00012 1050
63 Nari UEPL Sindh 0.01025 0.00805 0.00219 996
64 Rahim North UEPL Sindh 0.00528 0.00457 0.00071 882
65 Rawat UEPL Sindh 0.00017 0.00017 - 1174
66 Sakhi UEPL Sindh 0.00878 0.00878 - 1283
67 Saleh UEPL Sindh 0.00286 0.00162 0.00125 1279
68 Shekhano UEPL Sindh 0.00738 0.00738 - 1090
69 Shekhano Deep UEPL Sindh 0.00005 0.00005 - -
70 Singhar UEPL Sindh 0.00004 0.00004 - 1140
71 Sukhi UEPL Sindh 0.00031 0.00031 - 1051
72 Sukhi South UEPL Sindh 0.00006 0.00006 - -
73 Tajedi UEPL Sindh 0.00016 0.00016 - -
74 Tangri UEPL Sindh 0.00583 0.00539 0.00044 1102
75 Umar-2 UEPL Sindh 0.00208 0.00190 0.00018 1134
76 Akri North UEPL Sindh 0.00088 0.00088 - -
77 Bari UEPL Sindh 0.00151 0.00151 - 1052
78 Keyhole G UEPL Sindh 0.00008 0.00008 - -
79 Meyun Ismail UEPL Sindh 0.00072 0.00072 - 1061
80 Muban UEPL Sindh 0.00237 0.00237 - -
81 Paniro UEPL Sindh 0.00067 0.00067 - -
82 Rajo UEPL Sindh 0.00005 0.00005 - -
TOTAL: TCF 2.103399 1.48607 0.61733
Normalized TCF at 900 Btu/cu.ft. 2.21278 1.65387 0.55891
Million TOE 47.54 35.53 12.01
* Includes Mazari South and Mazari South Deep
** Includes Akri North, Bari, Keyhole G, M. Ismail, Muban, Paniro and Rajo
Source: DGPC.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 59

Table: 3.2
Unit: Million CFt
Type/Province Province 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
NON-ASSOCIATED:* Balochistan 312,245 325,696 310,535 302,530 285,600 286,046 -1.7%
5,564,494 5,727,009 5,359,937 5,010,439 4,919,201 4,800,055
KPK 138,163 143,153 150,004 154,933 143,334 145,096 1.0%
3,536,674 3,798,024 3,966,985 4,099,471 3,661,954 3,719,062
Punjab 44,176 44,867 49,527 45,055 36,245 32,811 -5.8%
1,068,024 1,147,055 1,290,284 1,168,471 987,230 894,814
Sindh 970,708 944,775 933,841 918,687 832,477 776,285 -4.4%
19,830,549 19,152,784 18,868,313 18,616,531 16,581,336 15,131,271

Non-Associated Gas Total: 1,465,292 1,458,490 1,443,907 1,421,205 1,297,656 1,240,237 -3.3%
29,999,740 29,824,872 29,485,519 28,894,911 26,149,721 24,545,202
ASSOCIATED:** KPK 1,092 964 1,174 2,158 2,617 11,811 61.0%
21,624 19,085 23,243 59,126 71,574 292,810
Punjab 5,176 4,601 4,053 3,902 4,152 3,874 -5.6%
156,512 139,148 119,887 112,512 121,573 113,280
Sindh 9,991 7,801 9,803 9,282 12,210 23,321 18.5%
267,128 205,630 243,926 267,587 297,958 566,260
Associated Gas Total: 16,259 13,365 15,030 15,341 18,979 39,006 19.1%
445,263 363,863 387,055 439,225 491,105 972,350

Total: 1,481,551 1,471,855 1,458,936 1,436,546 1,316,635 1,279,243 -2.9%

30,445,003 30,188,735 29,872,574 29,334,136 26,640,826 25,517,553

Of which: Balochistan 312,245 325,696 310,535 302,530 285,600 286,046 -1.7%

5,564,494 5,727,009 5,359,937 5,010,439 4,919,201 4,800,055
KPK 139,255 144,116 151,178 157,091 145,950 156,907 2.4%
3,558,298 3,817,109 3,990,228 4,158,597 3,733,528 4,011,872
Punjab 49,352 49,467 53,580 48,957 40,398 36,685 -5.8%
1,224,535 1,286,203 1,410,171 1,280,984 1,108,803 1,008,094

Sindh 980,699 952,576 943,644 927,968 844,688 799,605 -4.0%

20,097,677 19,358,414 19,112,238 18,884,118 16,879,294 15,697,532

Annual growth rate of Total 1.08% -0.65% -0.88% -1.53% -8.35% -2.84%
Source: DGPC.
* See table 3.4 for details.
** See table 3.4.1 for details.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 60

Table: 3.3
Unit: Million CFt
Company 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
OPPL 45,164 39,039 24,203 14,216 9,656 6,642 -31.8%
862,631 741,750 462,287 272,953 183,469 126,202
Dewan Petroleum 4,517 3,837 3,068 2,644 1,915 1,631 -18.4%
107,950 91,701 73,329 63,192 45,779 38,975
ENI 134,997 97,733 85,132 83,230 69,640 49,678 -18.1%
2,737,206 1,979,785 1,700,830 1,695,771 1,416,151 999,806
MPCL 233,468 245,706 260,594 260,007 255,386 272,745 3.2%
4,152,827 4,383,421 4,655,540 4,635,184 4,503,122 4,815,787
MOL 102,879 107,713 117,311 117,866 110,562 108,563 1.1%
2,579,778 2,838,572 3,082,154 3,095,907 2,841,211 2,800,467

OGDCL 408,724 415,403 418,812 419,367 376,611 373,322 -1.8%

7,690,521 7,743,511 7,824,847 7,789,764 6,970,949 6,923,893
UEP Beta 99,414 72,954 50,976 44,896 37,157 35,110 -18.8%
2,220,445 1,594,225 1,112,684 1,074,369 879,855 762,290

OPL 5,052 2,385 2,188 1,503 575 841 -30.1%

129,673 63,792 58,732 40,531 16,538 23,063

PEL 7,887 10,116 10,088 8,768 9,728 12,043 8.8%

130,428 163,673 161,520 136,544 165,780 224,178

UEP Alpha 5,709 4,842 6,456 8,110 9,425 6,454 2.5%

146,720 124,441 167,082 204,966 237,124 158,224

POGC 3,198 6,105 11,118 11,613 14,048 20,872 45.5%

63,644 126,966 231,422 257,852 294,759 427,962

POL 4,084 3,447 5,057 5,379 4,328 4,134 0.2%

122,135 102,450 142,281 148,606 122,428 118,089
PPL 242,057 280,136 280,744 277,420 249,844 244,738 0.2%
5,464,660 6,210,815 6,224,739 6,088,923 5,497,809 5,240,195
UEPL 184,400 182,438 183,188 181,527 167,757 142,471 -5.0%
4,036,386 4,023,633 3,975,127 3,829,574 3,465,852 2,858,422

Total: Million CFt 1,481,551 1,471,855 1,458,936 1,436,546 1,316,635 1,279,243 -2.89%
TOE 30,445,003 30,188,735 29,872,574 29,334,136 26,640,826 25,517,553
Million CFt/Day 4,048 4,032 3,997 3,936 3,597 3,505
Source: DGPC.

Figure 3.1
Million Cubic Feet Per Day

4500 4,259
4,063 4,032 4,126 4,092 4,048
3,973 4,002 4,016 4,032 3,997 3,936
3,597 3,505







07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 61

Table: 3.4
Unit: Million CFt
Field (Province) Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Zamzama (Sindh) OPPL 45,164 39,039 24,203 14,216 9,656 6,642 -31.8%
862,631 741,750 462,287 272,953 183,469 126,202
Kadanwari (Sindh) Eni (Pak) 23,775 15,344 12,684 22,856 16,387 9,343 -17.0%
501,652 323,755 266,364 482,260 345,763 197,129
Bhit & Badhra (Sindh) Eni (Pak) 111,222 82,390 72,448 60,374 53,253 40,336 -18.4%
2,235,554 1,656,030 1,434,466 1,213,511 1,059,737 802,677
Aqeeq (Sindh) MPCL - - 957 903 699 410
23,629 22,293 17,257 10,132
Halini (Punjab) MPCL 299 251 230 157 120 162 -11.5%
6,988 5,881 5,375 3,679 3,360 4,536
Halini Deep (Punjab) MPCL 65 541 543 438 336 361 41.0%
1,517 12,668 12,701 10,260 9,411 10,118
Kalabagh (Punjab) MPCL - 98 1,920 1,411 1,206 984
2,283 44,935 33,023 28,210 23,014
Mari (Sindh) MPCL 221,386 231,143 243,403 245,668 241,673 257,317 3.1%
3,874,253 4,045,005 4,259,559 4,299,184 4,180,942 4,451,578
Koonj (Sindh) MPCL 396 336 268 187 112 60 -31.5%
8,235 6,993 5,564 3,893 2,320 1,241
Sujawal (Sindh) MPCL 2,895 2,736 1,528 635 575 34 -58.9%
70,351 66,474 37,134 15,420 13,982 827
Sujjal (Sindh) MPCL 4,149 6,054 5,726 5,205 4,959 4,731 2.7%
102,470 149,533 141,438 128,572 126,449 120,637
Zarghun South (Baloc MPCL 4,279 4,547 6,020 5,403 5,707 8,686 15.2%
89,012 94,584 125,206 118,861 127,256 193,704
Makori (KPK) MOL 322 288 298 177 81 2 -64.5%
8,585 7,643 7,898 4,698 2,112 47
Makori Deep (KPK) MOL - - 2,259 1,992 4,847 3,004
60,544 53,379 131,356 81,403
Makori East (KPK) MOL 28,329 30,654 29,347 28,397 26,648 29,073 0.5%
662,890 858,326 821,726 795,121 700,833 764,619
Mardankhel (KPK) MOL - 8,709 13,377 15,896 16,924 16,002
229,927 353,155 419,661 438,320 414,457
Manzalai (KPK) MOL 17,038 13,149 10,710 8,206 8,911 6,776 -16.8%
425,941 319,516 260,256 199,403 225,448 171,445
Mamikhel (KPK) MOL 11,010 9,350 8,148 7,590 4,559 4,248 -17.3%
286,252 243,087 211,859 197,335 117,611 109,587
Maramzai (KPK) MOL 46,182 45,563 49,003 50,036 44,770 46,177 0.0%
1,196,110 1,180,072 1,269,180 1,295,924 1,146,112 1,182,122
Tolanj (KPK) MOL - - 1,861 2,146 1,279 979
43,544 50,225 29,928 22,906
Tolanj West (KPK) MOL - - 2,307 3,426 2,544 2,303
53,990 80,161 59,538 53,880
Bahu (Punjab) OGDCL 2,126 591 278 106 23 -
23,602 6,556 3,087 1,174 251
Baloch (Sindh) OGDCL 471 495 - - - -
12,908 13,568
Bhambra (Sindh) OGDCL - - - - - 109
Bitrism (Sindh) OGDCL - - - 223 2,056 2,601
6,568 57,372 72,568
Bobi (Sindh) OGDCL 2,117 1,970 2,043 2,113 1,739 1,856 -2.6%
59,698 55,548 57,617 65,713 46,425 49,545
Chak 2 (Sindh) OGDCL 3,035 6,980 6,970 6,247 3,676 3,189 1.0%
81,635 187,757 187,484 168,057 90,438 78,456
Chak 7A (Sindh) OGDCL 205 220 156 106 - -
5,758 6,194 4,387 2,990
Chak 63 (Sindh) OGDCL 1,749 2,257 487 7 - -
50,534 65,219 14,075 203
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 62

Non-Associated Gas Production (contd.) Unit: Million CFt

Field (Province) Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Chak 63 SE (Sindh) OGDCL 1,078 1,235 810 801 812 845 -4.8%
20,374 23,340 15,300 24,109 19,978 20,777
Chak 66NE (Sindh) OGDCL 26 289 - - - -
490 5,551
Chandio (Sindh) OGDCL - - 164 77 23 -
3,568 2,157 655
Chutto (Sindh) OGDCL - - 117 2,817 2,650 1,744
2,943 73,811 74,722 49,170
Dakhni (Punjab) OGDCL 9,180 8,802 8,083 6,852 7,016 5,551 -9.6%
233,179 223,561 205,311 174,029 177,495 140,445
Daru (Sindh) OGDCL - - 497 - - 560
13,856 15,611
Dachrapur (Sindh) OGDCL 3,100 1,817 2,069 1,000 386 -
68,821 40,342 45,936 22,201 8,573
Dhodak (Punjab) OGDCL 1,198 1,205 1,206 1,096 1,136 683 -10.6%
32,711 32,883 32,924 29,932 31,132 18,701
Dars (Sindh) OGDCL - 429 2,534 1,795 1,006 -
8,630 50,934 46,128 24,655
Dars West (Sindh) OGDCL - 727 3,201 3,060 2,512 3,426
14,615 64,343 76,206 61,541 83,936
Dars Deep (Sindh) OGDCL - 971 2,796 2,250 1,399 926
19,808 57,032 58,725 34,288 22,687
Hakeem Daho (Sindh OGDCL 4,472 1,483 2,526 3,200 3,297 2,581 -10.4%
112,259 37,218 63,410 80,318 81,102 63,493
Jand (Punjab) OGDCL - - - 474 - -
Kunar South (Sindh) OGDCL - - 3,331 4,666 3,585 3,869
84,604 118,509 87,832 94,788
Loti (Balochistan) OGDCL 8,709 9,972 9,379 9,150 9,196 8,813 0.2%
175,055 199,442 187,583 183,008 183,926 176,252
Maru-Reti (Sindh) OGDCL 4,923 3,740 3,638 4,051 4,074 3,764 -5.2%
115,205 70,308 68,389 76,151 72,116 66,618
Kunar West (Sindh) OGDCL - 1,217 3,711 3,322 3,303 3,523
29,946 91,302 81,732 80,912 86,313
Mela (KPK) OGDCL 4,706 2,877 2,377 3,054 2,587 4,057 -2.9%
131,287 80,266 66,311 85,218 72,181 113,178
Moolan (Sindh) OGDCL - - 509 51 705 -
16,399 1,399 19,316
Nashpa (KPK) OGDCL 30,578 32,562 30,316 34,013 30,184 32,476 1.2%
825,609 879,186 818,520 918,345 748,562 805,416
Nandpur/Panjpir (Punj OGDCL 3,887 3,425 3,045 2,728 541 -
14,381 18,493 16,442 14,734 2,922
Nim (Sindh) OGDCL 422 171 96 170 - -
12,396 5,033 2,814 5,007
Noorai Jagir (Sindh) OGDCL 1,369 645 217 108 - -
36,974 17,402 5,848 3,095
Nur/Bagla (Sindh) OGDCL 1,422 964 785 1,946 1,116 972 -7.3%
41,801 28,331 23,067 57,203 32,802 28,564
Pakhro (Sindh) OGDCL - - 21 - - -
Pasakhi Deep/Kunar ( OGDCL 37,781 38,927 38,237 49,910 46,640 43,057 2.6%
808,508 833,037 818,277 1,068,066 998,094 921,417
Pirkoh (Balochistan) OGDCL 4,367 3,486 2,568 1,574 1,170 704 -30.6%
138,885 110,853 53,421 32,729 24,344 14,643
Pasakhi East (Sindh) OGDCL - 947 3,320 2,970 1,875 502
22,928 80,344 71,868 45,936 12,295
Pasakhi WD (Sindh) OGDCL - 228 - - 96 1,110
6,220 2,348 27,192
Qadirpur (Sindh) OGDCL 134,180 122,798 110,259 99,083 83,846 72,321 -11.6%
2,844,611 2,603,313 2,337,489 2,100,566 1,760,762 1,518,747
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 63

Non-Associated Gas Production (contd.) Unit: Million CFt

Field (Province) Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Resham (Sindh) OGDCL - - 573 111 - -
15,642 3,213
Sadkal (Punjab) OGDCL 502 597 643 533 373 303 -9.6%
14,348 17,086 18,394 14,761 10,677 8,652
Sari/Hundi (Sindh) OGDCL 449 466 525 477 519 325 -6.3%
9,419 9,792 11,029 9,789 10,634 6,654
Soghri (Sindh) OGDCL 3,251 3,092 2,647 2,350 3,028 2,732 -3.4%
81,600 77,611 66,429 58,978 75,991 68,563
Shah (Sindh) OGDCL - 1,268 3,823 3,734 2,743 2,344
38,792 116,990 114,268 67,199 57,436
Tando Allah Y ar (Sind OGDCL - 957 4,657 3,170 3,333 3,024
20,295 98,734 67,195 70,650 64,114
Thal East (Sindh) OGDCL - - - - - 679
Thal West (Sindh) OGDCL - - - 48 1,408 654
1,068 33,659 15,623
Thora Deep (Sindh) OGDCL - 2,564 3,415 1,823 453 -
62,810 83,656 44,654 11,088
Unar (Sindh) OGDCL - 1,052 3,640 2,549 3,068 2,804
25,993 89,917 62,960 75,175 68,699
Uch (Balochistan) OGDCL 134,648 145,966 144,553 145,996 134,614 136,768 0.3%
1,508,056 1,634,823 1,618,991 1,474,561 1,507,682 1,531,805
Bitro (Sindh) UEP Beta - - - - 2,235 1,135
45,361 23,045
Miano (Sindh) UEP Beta 35,811 28,261 17,526 15,644 11,583 10,566 -21.7%
780,680 624,567 387,328 372,320 253,667 231,400
Latif (Sindh) UEP Beta 31,559 19,879 13,114 13,348 10,740 9,090 -22.0%
744,792 433,363 285,887 320,348 248,092 209,986
Tajjal (Sindh) UEP Beta 1,411 1,066 730 398 190 81 -43.6%
33,300 23,348 15,995 9,542 4,071 1,726
Sawan (Sindh) UEP Beta 30,633 23,748 19,605 15,507 12,410 14,237 -14.2%
661,673 512,948 423,473 372,158 258,124 296,133
Ahmad (Sindh) UEPL - 0 - - - -
Ali (Sindh) UEPL 1,181 802 3,588 794 637 682 -10.4%
29,401 20,381 91,136 20,159 16,187 17,335
Rahim (Sindh) UEPL 594 378 239 2,629 747 191 -20.3%
19,947 12,697 8,015 63,098 17,935 4,591
Rahim 2X (Sindh) UEPL 148 225 107 12 - -
3,467 4,752 2,261 246
Rajani (Sindh) UEPL 50,421 68,752 61,760 52,039 41,569 26,588 -12.0%
1,139,522 1,629,413 1,463,709 1,233,326 985,189 630,142
Ratana (Punjab) OPL 4,643 2,089 1,962 1,309 332 633 -32.9%
116,541 54,320 51,791 34,559 9,075 17,293
Block-22 (Sindh) PEL 3,390 3,800 3,532 2,489 1,494 1,367 -16.6%
68,817 77,139 71,703 50,523 30,337 27,751
Badar (Sindh) PEL 4,497 6,316 6,556 6,279 5,876 5,429 3.8%
61,611 86,533 89,817 86,021 80,503 74,376
Rehman (Sindh) POGC 3,198 3,364 6,491 6,037 8,663 13,647 33.7%
63,644 66,936 129,180 134,635 168,922 266,107
Rizq (Sindh) POGC - 2,741 4,626 5,575 5,386 7,226
60,030 102,242 123,218 120,639 161,855
Bela (Punjab) POL - 53 - - - -
Jhandial (Punjab) POL - - 2,085 2,445 1,383 1,163
55,875 64,548 37,197 31,293
Mehar (Sindh) UEP Alpha 5,709 4,842 3,567 2,998 4,971 3,392 -9.9%
146,720 124,441 91,667 77,346 130,244 88,862
Mitha (Sindh) UEP Alpha - - - 2,136 3,021 1,919
50,848 67,064 42,612
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 64

Non-Associated Gas Production (contd.) Unit: Million CFt

Field (Province) Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Saqib (Sindh) UEP Alpha - - - - - 1,140
Sof iy a (Sindh) UEP Alpha - - 2,889 2,976 1,433 3
75,415 76,772 36,971 67
Adhi (Punjab) PPL 17,760 23,379 26,465 25,335 21,864 21,340 3.7%
516,806 680,329 770,122 724,581 616,565 601,788
Adam (Sindh) PPL 1,355 1,332 1,352 1,706 1,585 1,705 4.7%
28,456 27,972 28,400 35,826 33,285 35,805
Adam West (Sindh) PPL 5,060 5,207 5,223 4,880 4,133 2,896 -10.6%
118,902 122,365 122,729 114,680 97,126 68,056
Benari (Sindh) PPL - - - - - 489
Chachar (Sindh) PPL 1,106 1,077 941 917 540 88 -39.7%
20,674 20,140 17,598 17,148 10,044 1,637
Kabir (Sindh) PPL - - 215 545 280 -
6,096 15,478 7,952
Kandhkot (Sindh) PPL 52,709 68,227 75,611 75,584 51,241 42,528 -4.2%
1,033,091 1,337,249 1,481,970 1,481,446 1,004,324 833,549
Kinza (Sindh) PPL 175 - - 10 112 122 -6.9%
3,706 212 2,374 2,586
Mazarani (Sindh) PPL 1,512 1,542 1,641 1,435 1,278 1,132 -5.6%
36,434 37,162 39,542 34,584 30,800 27,281
Shahdad (Sindh) PPL 2,141 2,661 3,473 5,524 6,953 5,865 22.3%
53,106 65,993 86,122 136,995 172,434 145,452
Sui (Balochistan) PPL 160,241 161,724 148,015 140,407 134,912 131,075 -3.9%
3,653,485 3,687,307 3,374,735 3,201,280 2,968,064 2,883,650
Sharf (Sindh) PPL - 14,987 17,810 21,077 25,670 32,553
232,299 297,423 326,694 397,885 504,572
Rodho (Punjab) Dewan Pet. 4,517 3,837 3,068 2,644 1,915 1,631 -18.4%
107,950 91,701 73,329 63,192 45,779 38,975
Babarki (Sindh) UEPL - - 758 33 - 1
18,720 807 30
Bago (Sindh) UEPL - - 148 1 - -
3,071 12
Bakhsh Deep (Sindh) UEPL 2,286 29 139 - - -
49,156 618 2,979
Baudero (Sindh) UEPL - - - 875 514 37
20,029 11,060 792
Bhatti (Sindh) UEPL 184 87 143 61 - -
4,815 2,277 3,723 1,586
Bhanoki (Sindh) UEPL 157 1,584 - - - -
3,496 41,032
Bilal (Sindh) UEPL 13 5 - - - -
276 120
Bukhari Deep (Sindh) UEPL 236 1,182 2,743 881 150 305 5.2%
6,076 29,787 69,121 22,202 3,768 7,688
Bukhari North (Sindh) UEPL - - - 960 0 25
23,906 1 614
Buzdar South (Sindh) UEPL - - 424 42 7 -
9,542 945 162
Buzdar South Deep (S UEPL 1,902 850 998 329 382 476 -24.2%
44,694 22,024 25,856 8,516 9,904 12,326
Chaman (Sindh) UEPL - 1,639 453 95 62 111
39,657 10,968 2,302 1,505 2,678
Dhani (Sindh) UEPL 3 - - - - -
Dang (Sindh) UEPL - 6 - - 2 -
143 58
Fateh Shah North (Sin UEPL 32 98 - 7 94 14 -15.6%
817 2,517 179 2,418 356
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 65

Non-Associated Gas Production (contd.) Unit: Million CFt

Field (Province) Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Gagani (Sindh) UEPL - - - - - 8.38
Golarchi (Sindh) UEPL 79 217 31 32 6 -
1,919 5,377 779 785 148
Gormani (Sindh) UEPL - - - 259 - -
Guni (Sindh) UEPL - - - 59 - -
Haider Deep (Sindh) UEPL 10 21 22 16 17 26 4.4%
493 229 510 382 386 607
Hakro (Sindh) UEPL - - 633 8 - -
16,702 214
Hay at (Sindh) UEPL - - - 1,577 203 59
43,359 5,595 1,634
Liari Deep (Sindh) UEPL 10 2 28 - - -
275 44 755
Lodano (Sindh) UEPL 470 514 98 62 42 55 -34.9%
12,465 12,965 2,460 1,565 1,064 1,381
Lodano Deep (Sindh) UEPL 210 136 116 68 50 55 -23.4%
5,469 3,447 2,927 1,714 1,262 1,403
Limu (sindh) UEPL 24 - - - - -
Limu North (Sindh) UEPL 2,467 1,535 25 - - -
67,114 37,914 625
Limu East (Sindh) UEPL 5 4 0 - - -
141 90 2
Jabo (Sindh) UEPL 70 57 36 28 60 42 -9.8%
1,532 1,242 791 615 1,303 913
Jarar Deep (Sindh) UEPL 190 79 19 - - -
4,854 2,018 479
Kamal North (Sindh) UEPL 561 387 313 269 243 342 -9.4%
17,404 11,658 9,412 8,101 7,310 10,304
Kausar (Sindh) UEPL 574 550 478 528 588 550 -0.9%
13,032 12,484 10,847 11,989 13,358 12,477
Mohri (Sindh) UEPL - - 1,370 18 1 1
36,724 483 20 17
Moroja (Sindh) UEPL - - - 2,488 1,495 831
64,433 35,284 19,601
Naimat Basal (Sindh) UEPL 989 791 588 543 72 55 -43.8%
23,746 18,993 14,109 13,030 1,725 1,329
Naimat Basal 2X (Sind UEPL 147 157 76 61 77 25 -29.8%
4,597 4,916 2,373 1,907 2,424 783
Naimat West (Sindh) UEPL 41,754 44,088 36,251 39,795 40,004 38,943 -1.4%
751,577 780,355 641,649 704,371 708,064 689,284
Nando (Sindh) UEPL 36 23 - - - -
954 628
Jogwani (Sindh) UEPL 78 7 - - - -
1,828 173
Kandiari (Sindh) UEPL - - - - 1,490 1,905
36,351 46,482
Kato (Sindh) UEPL 55 75 70 54 47 50 -1.8%
1,596 2,257 2,134 1,633 1,431 1,517
Khorewah (Sindh) UEPL 1,399 979 977 681 153 214 -31.3%
36,657 26,438 26,384 18,399 4,140 5,778
Khorewah Deep (Sind UEPL 53 48 33 25 - -
1,333 1,237 863 634
Koli (Sindh) UEPL 50 - - - - -
Korai (Sindh) UEPL 4,549 1,168 2,237 364 307 214 -45.7%
115,996 30,591 58,603 9,526 8,039 5,602
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 66

Non-Associated Gas Production (contd.) Unit: Million CFt

Field (Province) Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Korai North (Sindh) UEPL 1 - - - - -
Kumbh (Sindh) UEPL 660 402 124 43 234 343 -12.3%
15,771 8,879 2,729 942 5,168 7,571
Mahi (Sindh) UEPL 4 45 10 - - -
95 1,114 251
Makh'pur & Deep (Sin UEPL 424 355 19 768 825 354 -3.5%
9,963 9,335 491 20,203 21,688 9,309
Makrani (Sindh) UEPL - 179 0 - 170 6
4,932 5 4,701 173
Malkani (Sindh) UEPL - 11 23 - - -
314 620
Matli (Sindh) UEPL 9 - - 20 18 -
218 490 438
Missri (Sindh) UEPL 29 17 10 1 - -
517 310 174 13
Mohib (Sindh) UEPL - 1,049 181 - - -
24,538 4,232
Mor (Sindh) UEPL - 94 - - - -
Mulaki (Sindh) UEPL - - - - 7,195 3,402
180,585 85,379
Nurpur Deep (Sindh) UEPL 297 137 6 4 2 1 -67.5%
6,883 3,156 148 82 55 25
Oderolal (Sindh) UEPL - - 1,222 - - 0
33,120 8
Piaro Deep (Sindh) UEPL 231 100 71 53 45 80 -19.1%
6,083 2,751 1,956 1,463 1,234 2,194
Piaro Deep Basal (Sin UEPL 1,097 263 494 374 270 295 -23.1%
26,559 6,611 12,410 9,377 6,768 7,414
Qasim Deep (Sindh) UEPL 1,084 539 342 156 - -
24,291 12,067 7,652 3,502
Ragni Deep (Sindh) UEPL 168 117 36 - - -
3,674 2,569 791
Rahim North (Sindh) UEPL 39 10 57 37 17 3 -39.2%
828 207 1,196 779 367 69
Rahib (Sindh) UEPL - - - - 700 2
17,999 42
Ramdiani (Sindh) UEPL - - - 158 1,766 584
3,781 46,612 15,417
Ranjho (Sindh) UEPL - - - - 980 2,142
24,010 52,490
Rawal (Sindh) UEPL - - - 232 - -
Roshnai (Sindh) UEPL - - 639 1,448 323 156
18,208 41,281 9,209 4,450
Sahu (Sindh) UEPL 26 6 8 1 0 0 -63.9%
635 158 197 19 10 4
Saman (Sindh) UEPL 16 0 - - - -
382 10
Sajan (Sindh) UEPL 863 291 1,007 1,391 47 3 -68.9%
21,222 7,440 25,772 35,597 1,194 65
Salamat (Sindh) UEPL 11,690 10,667 10,275 9,930 8,208 6,999 -9.8%
274,722 256,004 246,606 238,313 197,001 167,965
Shekhano (Sindh) UEPL 42 27 42 39 38 51 3.6%
1,015 715 1,090 1,022 976 1,314
Siraj South (Sindh) UEPL - 9 0 - - -
214 11
Sonro (Sindh) UEPL 880 247 207 151 169 63 -41.1%
20,055 6,590 5,535 4,030 4,503 1,671
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 67

Non-Associated Gas Production (contd.) Unit: Million CFt

Field (Province) Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Sohrab Deep (Sindh) UEPL 23,220 14,432 8,258 6,874 2,752 1,989 -38.8%
566,572 378,114 216,369 180,089 72,102 52,107
Suhrat (Sindh) UEPL 379 217 - - - -
9,211 5,545
Sumar Deep (Sindh) UEPL 1,641 1,189 1,036 824 291 535 -20.1%
43,161 32,925 28,697 22,829 8,048 14,828
Sutiari Deep (Sindh) UEPL 17,629 18,847 36,714 47,936 49,497 49,948 23.2%
299,685 326,047 635,152 829,285 856,301 864,106
Tangri Deep (Sindh) UEPL 326 100 73 71 74 37 -35.2%
8,093 2,661 1,938 1,879 1,961 990
Tharo (Sindh) UEPL 2,573 1,637 881 535 287 246 -37.4%
64,588 40,593 21,840 13,262 7,114 6,112
Tharo West (Sindh) UEPL - - 609 45 41 45
15,968 1,171 1,079 1,183
Thebo (Sindh) UEPL 696 340 250 269 204 164 -25.1%
18,439 8,748 6,429 6,926 5,237 4,213
Turk (Sindh) UEPL 726 564 527 492 437 434 -9.8%
19,388 15,341 14,332 13,374 11,893 11,812
Turk Deep (Sindh) UEPL 2,082 1,114 1,010 972 695 676 -20.2%
54,960 29,523 26,774 25,760 18,411 17,903
Turk Deep North (Sind UEPL - - - - - 151
Umar (Sindh) UEPL 1,616 626 527 102 111 83 -44.8%
43,964 17,024 14,335 2,773 2,964 2,214
Usman (Sindh) UEPL 955 340 - - 3 0 -78.4%
21,669 7,708 68 10
Unarpur (Sindh) UEPL - - - - 1,310 453
29,876 10,335
Warar (Sindh) UEPL - - - 55 7 -
1,371 180
Wasay o (Sindh) UEPL 465 - - - - -
Zaur West (Sindh) UEPL 18 3 - - - -
481 87
Others* (Sindh) UEPL 568 334 389 200 287 239 -15.9%
14,191 8,361 9,717 4,994 7,163 5,968

Total: 1,465,292 1,458,490 1,443,907 1,421,205 1,297,656 1,240,237 -3.3%

29,999,740 29,824,872 29,485,519 28,894,911 26,149,721 24,545,202
Annual growth rate 1.22% -0.46% -1.00% -1.57% -8.69% -4.42%
* Others include Paniro & Tando Ghulam Ali.
Source: DGPC.

Table: 3.4.1
Associated Gas Production By Field
Unit: Million CFt
Field (Province) Operator 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Chanda (KPK) OGDCL 1,092 964 1,174 2,158 2,586 3,789 28.2%
Bhalsyedian (Punjab) OGDCL 7 27 24 151 35
Dhok Hussain (KPK) OGDCL - - - - 28 3,443
Fimkassar (Punjab) OGDCL 40 43 38 38 38 38 -0.7%
Jakhro (Sindh) OGDCL 1,563 464 559 465 550 533 -19.4%
Kal (Punjab) OGDCL 25 20 17 11 12 4 -29.8%
Kunar (Sindh) OGDCL 5,104 4,331 3,223 3,014 2,408 1,671 -20.0%
Lala Jamali (Sindh) OGDCL 89 1,098 2,539 2,902 3,752 3,076 103.1%
Mangrio (Sindh) OGDCL - - - - - 1,820
Missa Keswal (Punjab) OGDCL 42 55 44 42 39 46 2.0%
Pasakhi (Sindh) OGDCL 243 243 243 243 237 232 -1.0%
Rajian (Punjab) OGDCL 245 414 357 280 213 189 -5.1%
Saand (Sindh) OGDCL - - - - - 2,523
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 68

Associated Gas Production (contd.)

Unit: Million CFt
Field (Province) Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Sono (Sindh) OGDCL - - - - - 46
Tando Allah Yar SW OGDCL - - - - - 2,049
Toot (Punjab) OGDCL 331 372 372 378 407 381 2.8%
Togh (KPK) OGDCL - - - - 2 3,924
Togh Bala (KPK) OGDCL - - - - - 655
Bhangali (Punjab) OPL 8 10 4 4 2 2 -20.7%
Dhurnal (Punjab) OPL 401 286 222 191 241 205 -12.5%
Ayesha (Sindh) PEL - - - - 1,161 3,016
Ayesha North (Sindh) PEL - - - - 407 831
Aminah (Sindh) PEL - - - - 790 1,400
Balkassar (Punjab) POL 21 26 13 12 14 16 -5.2%
Dhulian (Punjab) POL 843 782 682 641 580 514 -9.4%
Khaur (Punjab) POL - - - 59 8 2
Meyal (Punjab) POL 927 777 737 719 681 676 -6.1%
Pariwali (Punjab) POL 2,003 1,556 1,299 1,264 1,370 1,247 -9.0%
Pindori (Punjab) POL 272 235 224 221 274 497 12.8%
Turkwal (Punjab) POL 18 18 18 18 18 18 0.0%
Dhok Sultan (Punjab) PPL - - - - 104 2
Fazl (Sindh) PPL - - - - 1,172 2,718
Hadaf (Sindh) PPL - - - - - 2,225
Aassu (Sindh) UEPL 128 50 42 30 24 17 -33.5%
Akri North (Sindh) UEPL 2 2 2 3 2 -
Baqa (Sindh) UEPL - - - - - 150
Bachal (Sindh) UEPL 6 - - - - -
Bari (Sindh) UEPL - - 236 421 230 62
Bijoro (Sindh) UEPL 8 12 13 21 8 9 2.8%
Dabhi, Dabhi N. (Sindh) UEPL 21 11 9 9 35 22 0.9%
Dabhi S. (Sindh) UEPL 122 65 221 54 77 25 -27.1%
Duphri (Sindh) UEPL 92 2 - - - -
Gulsher (Sindh) UEPL - - - 32 33 15
Halipota (Sindh) UEPL 128 111 302 221 84 58 -14.7%
Jagir (Sindh) UEPL 8 6 2 3 1 7 -3.5%
Jan (Sindh) UEPL 3 3 4 3 2 0 -35.9%
Jhaberi South (Sindh) UEPL 1 - - - - -
Khaskeli & Downthrown UEPL 87 94 186 214 209 228 21.2%
Laghari (Sindh) UEPL 4 1 4 6 0 0 -47.8%
Mazari (Sindh) UEPL 61 58 872 337 260 188 25.3%
Mazari S. & S.Deep (Sind UEPL 374 298 200 178 115 72 -28.1%
Meyun Ismail Deep (Sind UEPL 354 316 188 132 73 8 -53.4%
Murid (Sindh) UEPL 52 23 17 16 6 0 -61.9%
Sakhi (Sindh) UEPL - 2 46 78 96 47
Sakhi Deep & S. Deep (S UEPL 358 310 211 219 142 17 -45.5%
Saleh (Sindh) UEPL 935 39 227 227 95 70 -40.4%
Singhar (Sindh) UEPL - - - - 7
Sukhi (Sindh) UEPL - - 209 100 - -
Sukhi South (Sindh) UEPL - - - 39 13 11
Rawat (Sindh) UEPL - 58 17 27 22 -
Rawat North (Sindh) UEPL - - 9 25 11 -
Shekhano Deep (Sindh) UEPL 5 - - - - - -100.0%
Tangri (Sindh) UEPL 28 25 24 19 11 6 -26.5%
Zaur (Sindh) UEPL 142 95 97 106 99 81 -10.7%
Zaur Deep (Sindh) UEPL 18 38 47 47 33 39 16.6%
Others (Sindh)** UEPL 56 44 56 92 54 42 -5.5%
Total: Million CFt 16,259 13,365 15,030 15,341 18,979 39,006 19.1%
TOE 532,384 363,863 393,833 404,445 490,921 972,350
Annual growth rate -10.44% -17.80% 12.45% 2.07% 23.72% 105.52%
** Includes Ghungro, Gharo, Mohano and Muban. Source: DGPC.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 69

Table: 3.4.2
Non-Associated Gas Production By Field
(Arranged according to size of production in MMCFD during 2020-21)

Field (Province) Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Mari (Sindh) MPCL 605 633 667 673 660 705 3.1%
Uch (Balochistan) OGDCL 368 400 396 400 368 375 0.4%
Sui (Balochistan) PPL 438 443 406 385 369 359 -3.9%
Qadirpur (Sindh) OGDCL 367 336 302 271 229 198 -11.6%
Sutiari Deep (Sindh) UEPL 48 52 101 131 135 137 23.3%
Maramzai (KPK) MOL 126 125 134 137 122 127 0.2%
Pasakhi Deep/Kunar (Sindh) OGDCL 103 107 105 137 127 118 2.8%
Kandhkot (Sindh) PPL 144 187 207 207 140 117 -4.1%
Bhit & Badhra (Sindh) Eni (Pak) 304 226 198 165 146 111 -18.2%
Naimat West (Sindh) UEPL 114 121 99 109 109 107 -1.3%
Sharf (Sindh) PPL - 41 49 58 70 89 -
Nashpa (KPK) OGDCL 84 89 83 93 82 89 1.2%
Makori East (KPK) MOL 77 84 80 78 73 80 0.8%
Rajani (Sindh) UEPL 138 188 169 143 114 73 -12.0%
Adhi (Punjab) PPL 49 64 73 69 60 58 3.4%
Mardankhel (KPK) MOL 24 37 44 46 44 -
Sawan (Sindh) UEP Beta 84 65 54 42 34 39 -14.2%
Rehman (Sindh) POGC 9 9 18 17 24 37 32.7%
Miano (Sindh) UEP Beta 98 77 48 43 32 29 -21.6%
Kadanwari (Sindh) Eni (Pak) 65 42 35 63 45 26 -16.7%
Latif (Sindh) UEP Beta 86 54 36 37 29 25 -21.9%
Loti (Balochistan) OGDCL 24 27 26 25 25 24 -
Zarghun South (Balochistan MPCL 12 12 16 15 16 24 14.9%
Rizq (Sindh) POGC - 8 13 15 15 20 -
Salamat (Sindh) UEPL 32 29 28 27 22 19 -9.9%
Manzalai (KPK) MOL 47 36 29 22 24 19 -16.6%
Zamzama (Sindh) OPPL 123 107 66 39 26 18 -31.9%
Shahdad (Sindh) PPL 6 7 10 15 19 16 21.7%
Dakhni (Punjab) OGDCL 25 24 22 19 19 15 -9.7%
Badar (Sindh) PEL 12 17 18 17 16 15 4.6%
Sujjal (Sindh) MPCL 11 17 16 14 14 13 3.4%
Mamikhel (KPK) MOL 30 26 22 21 12 12 -16.7%
Mela (KPK) OGDCL 13 8 7 8 7 11 -3.3%
Kunar South (Sindh) OGDCL - - 9 13 10 11 -
Maru-Reti (Sindh) OGDCL 13 10 10 11 11 10 -5.1%
Kunar West (Sindh) OGDCL - 3 10 9 9 10 -
Dars West (Sindh) OGDCL - 2 9 8 7 9 -
Mulaki (Sindh) UEPL - - - - 20 9 -
Mehar (Sindh) UEP Alpha 16 13 10 8 14 9 -10.9%
Chak 2 (Sindh) OGDCL 8 19 19 17 10 9 2.4%
Tando Allah Yar (Sindh) OGDCL - 3 13 9 9 8 -
Makori Deep (KPK) MOL - - 6 5 13 8 -
Adam West (Sindh) PPL 14 14 14 13 11 8 -10.6%
Unar (Sindh) OGDCL - 3 10 7 8 8 -
Soghri (Sindh) OGDCL 9 8 7 6 8 7 -4.9%
Bitrism (Sindh) OGDCL - - - 1 6 7 -
Hakeem Daho (Sindh) OGDCL 12 4 7 9 9 7 -10.2%
Shah (Sindh) OGDCL - 3 10 10 7 6 -
Tolanj West (KPK) MOL - - 6 9 7 6 -
Ranjho (Sindh) UEPL - - - - 3 6 -
Sohrab Deep (Sindh) UEPL 63 40 23 19 8 5 -39.8%
Mitha (Sindh) UEP Alpha - - - 6 8 5 -
Kandiari (Sindh) UEPL - - - - 4 5 -
Bobi (Sindh) OGDCL 6 5 6 6 5 5 -3.6%
Chutto (Sindh) OGDCL - - 0.3 8 7 5 -
Adam (Sindh) PPL 4 4 4 5 4 5 4.6%
Rodho (Punjab) Dewan Pet. 12 11 8 7 5 4 -19.7%
Block-22 (Sindh) PEL 9 10 10 7 4 4 -15.0%
Jhandial (Punjab) POL - - 6 7 4 3 -
Saqib (Sindh) UEP Alpha - - - - - 3 -
Bitro (Sindh) UEP Beta - - - - 6 3 -
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 70

Non-Associated Gas Production (contd.)

Field (Province) Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Mazarani (Sindh) PPL 4 4 4 4 3 3 -5.6%
Pasakhi WD (Sindh) OGDCL - 1 - - 0.3 3 -
Kalabagh (Punjab) MPCL - 0.3 5 4 3 3 -
Tolanj (KPK) MOL - - 5 6 3 3 -
Nur/Bagla (Sindh) OGDCL 4 3 2 5 3 3 -5.6%
Dars Deep (Sindh) OGDCL - 3 8 6 4 3 -
Chak 63 SE (Sindh) OGDCL 3 3 2 2 2 2 -7.8%
Moroja (Sindh) UEPL - - - 7 4 2 -
Pirkoh (Balochistan) OGDCL 12 10 7 4 3 2 -30.1%
Dhodak (Punjab) OGDCL 3 3 3 3 3 2 -7.8%
Ali (Sindh) UEPL 3 2 10 2 2 2 -7.8%
Thal East (Sindh) OGDCL - - - - - 2 -
Turk Deep (Sindh) UEPL 6 3 3 3 2 2 -19.7%
Thal West (Sindh) OGDCL - - - 0.1 4 2 -
Ratana (Punjab) OPL 13 6 5 4 1 2 -31.2%
Ramdiani (Sindh) UEPL - - - 0.4 5 2 -
Daru (Sindh) OGDCL - - 1 - - 2 -
Kausar (Sindh) UEPL 2 2 1 1 2 2
Sumar Deep (Sindh) UEPL 4 3 3 2 1 1 -24.2%
Pasakhi East (Sindh) OGDCL - 3 9 8 5 1 -
Benari (Sindh) PPL - - - - - 1 -
Buzdar South Deep (Sindh) UEPL 5 2 3 1 1 1 -27.5%
Unarpur (Sindh) UEPL - - - - 4 1
Turk (Sindh) UEPL 2 2 1 1 1 1 -12.9%
Aqeeq (Sindh) MPCL 3 2 2 1 -
Halini Deep (Punjab) MPCL 0.2 1 1 1 1 1 38.0%
Makh'pur & Deep (Sindh) UEPL 1 1 0.1 2 2 1
Kumbh (Sindh) UEPL 2 1 0.3 0.1 1 1 -14.8%
Kamal North (Sindh) UEPL 2 1 1 1 1 1 -14.8%
Sari/Hundi (Sindh) OGDCL 1 1 1 1 1 1 -2.1%
Bukhari Deep (Sindh) UEPL 1 3 8 2 0.4 1 5.9%
Sadkal (Punjab) OGDCL 1 2 2 1 1 1 -4.4%
Piaro Deep Basal (Sindh) UEPL 3 1 1 1 1 1 -23.2%
Tharo (Sindh) UEPL 7 4 2 1 1 1 -36.9%
Others* (Sindh) UEPL 2 1 1 1 1 1 -18.9%
Khorewah (Sindh) UEPL 4 3 3 2 0.4 1 -31.6%
Korai (Sindh) UEPL 12 3 6 1 1 1 -45.1%
Rahim (Sindh) UEPL 2 1 1 7 2 1 -24.2%
Thebo (Sindh) UEPL 2 1 1 1 1 0 -27.5%
Halini (Punjab) MPCL 1 1 1 0.4 0.3 0 -12.9%
Roshnai (Sindh) UEPL 2 4 1 0 -
Turk Deep North (Sindh) UEPL 0 -
Kinza (Sindh) PPL 1 0.3 0 -9.7%
Chaman (Sindh) UEPL 4 1 0.3 0.2 0 -
Bhambra (Sindh) OGDCL 0 -
Chachar (Sindh) PPL 3 3 3 3 1 0 -41.8%
Umar (Sindh) UEPL 4 2 1 0.3 0.3 0 -45.1%
Tajjal (Sindh) UEP Beta 4 3 2 1 1 0 -45.1%
Piaro Deep (Sindh) UEPL 1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 -19.7%
Sonro (Sindh) UEPL 2 1 1 0.4 1 0 -36.9%
Koonj (Sindh) MPCL 1 1 1 1 0.3 0 -27.5%
Hayat (Sindh) UEPL 4 1 0 -
Lodano Deep (Sindh) UEPL 1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -19.7%
Naimat Basal (Sindh) UEPL 3 2 2 1 0.2 0 -41.8%
Lodano (Sindh) UEPL 1 1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -27.5%
Shekhano (Sindh) UEPL 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0
Kato (Sindh) UEPL 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0
Tharo West (Sindh) UEPL 2 0.1 0.1 0 -
Jabo (Sindh) UEPL 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0 -12.9%
Tangri Deep (Sindh) UEPL 1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 -35.6%
Baudero (Sindh) UEPL 2 1 0 -
Sujawal (Sindh) MPCL 8 7 4 2 2 0 -58.4%
Haider Deep (Sindh) UEPL 0.1 0.1 0
Naimat Basal 2X (Sindh) UEPL 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 -24.2%
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 71

Non-Associated Gas Production (contd.)

Field (Province) Operator 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Bukhari North (Sindh) UEPL - - - 3 - 0 -
Fateh Shah North (Sindh) UEPL 0.1 0.3 - - 0.3 - -100.0%
Makrani (Sindh) UEPL - 1 - - 1 - -
Rahim North (Sindh) UEPL 0.1 - 0.2 0.1 - - -100.0%
Sofiya (Sindh) UEP Alpha - - 8 8 4 - -
Sajan (Sindh) UEPL 2 1 3 4 0.1 - -100.0%
Makori (KPK) MOL 1 1 1 1 0.2 - -100.0%
Rahib (Sindh) UEPL - - - - 2 - -
Babarki (Sindh) UEPL - - 2 0.1 - - -
Nurpur Deep (Sindh) UEPL 1 0.4 - - - - -100.0%
Mohri (Sindh) UEPL - - 4 - - - -
Usman (Sindh) UEPL 3 1 - - - - -100.0%
Oderolal (Sindh) UEPL - - 3 - - - -
Sahu (Sindh) UEPL 0.1 - - - - - -100.0%
Bahu (Punjab) OGDCL 6 2 1 0.3 0.1 - -
Baloch (Sindh) OGDCL 1 1 - - - - -
Chak 7A (Sindh) OGDCL 1 1 0.4 0.3 - - -
Chak 63 (Sindh) OGDCL 5 6 1 - - - -
Chak 66NE (Sindh) OGDCL 0 1 - - - - -
Chandio (Sindh) OGDCL - - 0.4 0.2 0.1 - -
Dachrapur (Sindh) OGDCL 8 5 6 3 1 - -
Dars (Sindh) OGDCL - 1 7 5 3 - -
Jand (Punjab) OGDCL - - - 1 - - -
Moolan (Sindh) OGDCL - - 1 0.1 2 - -
Nandpur/Panjpir (Punjab) OGDCL 11 9 8 7 1 - -
Nim (Sindh) OGDCL 1 1 0.3 1 - - -
Noorai Jagir (Sindh) OGDCL 4 2 1 0.3 - - -
Pakhro (Sindh) OGDCL - - 0.1 - - - -
Resham (Sindh) OGDCL - - 2 0.3 - - -
Thora Deep (Sindh) OGDCL - 7 9 5 1 - -
Rahim 2X (Sindh) UEPL 0.4 1 0.3 - - - -
Bela (Punjab) POL - 0.1 - - - - -
Kabir (Sindh) PPL - - 1 1 1 -
Bago (Sindh) UEPL - - 0.4 - - - -
Bakhsh Deep (Sindh) UEPL 6 0.1 0.4 - - - -
Bhatti (Sindh) UEPL 1 0.2 0.4 0.2 - - -
Bhanoki (Sindh) UEPL 0.4 4 - - - - -
Buzdar South (Sindh) UEPL - - 1 0.1 - - -
Golarchi (Sindh) UEPL 0.2 1 0.1 0.1 - - -
Gormani (Sindh) UEPL - - - 1 - - -
Guni (Sindh) UEPL - - - 0.2 - - -
Hakro (Sindh) UEPL - - 2 - - - -
Liari Deep (Sindh) UEPL - - 0.1 - - - -
Limu (sindh) UEPL 0.1 - - - - - -
Limu North (Sindh) UEPL 7 4 0.1 - - - -
Jarar Deep (Sindh) UEPL 1 0.2 0.1 - - - -
Nando (Sindh) UEPL 0.1 0.1 - - - - -
Jogwani (Sindh) UEPL 0.2 - - - - - -
Khorewah Deep (Sindh) UEPL 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 - - -
Koli (Sindh) UEPL 0.1 - - - - - -
Mahi (Sindh) UEPL - 0.1 - - - - -
Malkani (Sindh) UEPL - - 0.1 -
Matli (Sindh) UEPL - - - 0.1 - - -
Missri (Sindh) UEPL 0.1 - - - - - -
Mohib (Sindh) UEPL - 3 1 - - - -
Mor (Sindh) UEPL - 0 - - - - -
Qasim Deep (Sindh) UEPL 3 1 1 0.4 - - -
Ragni Deep (Sindh) UEPL 1 0.3 0.1 - - - -
Rawal (Sindh) UEPL - - - 1 - - -
Suhrat (Sindh) UEPL 1 1 - - - - -
Warar (Sindh) UEPL - - - 0.2 - - -
Wasayo (Sindh) UEPL 1 - - - - - -
Associated Gas Production ** 44 37 41 42 52 107 19.5%-
Total: Million CFt/Day 4,048 4,032 3,997 3,936 3,597 3,505 -2.8%
* Others include Paniro & Tando Ghulam Ali. ** See table 3.4.1 for details. Source: DGPC.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 72

Table 3.5
Unit: Tonnes
Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Attock Refinery 2,039 1,992 1,970 2,849 3,983 2,952 7.7%
Byco Refinery 14,763 14,439 40,804 47,113 38,252 28,490 14.1%
Pak-Arab Refinery 136,064 135,169 142,277 118,401 94,704 146,980 1.6%
Pakistan Refinery 14,766 17,413 19,802 15,688 15,238 17,619 3.6%
National Refinery 6,781 9,320 7,941 9,437 6,223 3,086 -14.6%
Refineries Sub-Total: 174,413 178,333 212,794 193,488 158,400 199,127 2.7%
Adhi 58,385 76,933 94,388 91,954 79,821 84,577 7.7%
Adam 81 40 16 72 63 140 11.6%
Ali - - - - - 10
Bago - - 160 64 - -
Baksh Deep 595 12 - - - -
Baloch 3,490 2,649 - - - -
Baudero - - - 0 7 1
Baqa - - - - - 20
Bilal 8 - - - - -
Bitrism - - - - 15,485 17,350
Bobi 8,499 7,584 8,044 8,946 6,816 6,326 -5.7%
Chak 2 9,978 24,270 25,616 23,275 14,355 11,798 3.4%
Chak 63 5,956 8,482 2,125 26 - -
Chak 63 SE 4,692 7,863 6,022 5,252 4,410 4,362 -1.5%
Chak 66 NE 249 1,175 - - - -
Chanda 3,594 2,798 3,311 3,483 4,420 5,968 10.7%
Chandio - - 426 185 53 -
Dakhni 3,213 3,773 3,222 1,759 2,410 1,737 -11.6%
Dars - 685 7,962 5,498 2,574 -
Dars Deep - 1,651 7,630 5,757 3,734 3,054
Dars West - 1,763 13,508 11,949 9,740 14,911
Dhulian 4,023 3,813 2,962 2,726 2,640 2,534 -8.8%
Gormani - - - 351 - -
Hakeem Daho 13,155 5,553 8,525 10,655 10,112 8,246 -8.9%
Hakro - - 287 - - -
Jakhro 4,943 1,663 1,709 1,334 1,661 1,514 -21.1%
Jand - - - 10 - -
Jhandial - - 4,732 5,297 2,877 2,446
JJVL 134,939 103,260 67,852 26,609 71,731 -
Kamal North 1,396 689 440 961 796 955 -7.3%
Kausar - - - - - 2
Khaur - - - 252 306 2
Kinza - - - - 3 -
Kunnar 8,052 7,765 7,000 7,721 3,738 2,802 -19.0%
Kunnar/Pasaki Deep - 14,882 39,018 46,053 43,191 46,748
Kunnar South - - 3,592 4,431 3,307 4,251
Kunnar West - 266 3,061 2,615 2,648 3,168
Lala Jamali 221 3,011 9,000 14,440 19,138 15,911 135.2%
Makori 704 692 587 432 210 7 -59.9%
Makori Deep - - 5,803 8,371 13,540 8,201
Makori East 113,806 129,243 121,635 114,430 106,818 112,776 -0.2%

Makrani - 326 - - 9 1
Malkani - 12 10 - - -
Mela - - - - - 5,828
Mohib - 1,517 236 - - -
Moroja - - - 1,302 622 239
Mamikhel 738 1,837 1,907 3,717 1,199 761 0.6%
Manzalai 669 1,669 1,305 1,409 2,347 1,064 9.7%
Maramzai 41,751 42,257 39,430 40,162 32,355 33,773 -4.2%
Mardankhel - 2,844 4,464 7,986 9,860 10,897
Meyal 4,460 3,874 4,311 3,580 3,166 3,483 -4.8%
Moolan - - 1,182 110 27 -
Naimat Basal 766 440 320 516 81 1 -75.3%
Naimat Basal 2X 368 331 263 191 244 65 -29.3%
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 73

LPG Supplies By Source (Contd..) Unit: Tonnes

Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Naimat West 11,973 4,134 3,373 4,264 2,564 1,581 -33.3%
Nashpa - - 21,552 100,638 94,824 112,896
Oderolal - - 631 - - -
Pasakhi East - 398 2,003 3,605 2,148 628
Pasakhi West Deep - - - - 68 1,898
Pariwali 6,339 4,778 3,520 2,984 3,699 3,817 -9.6%
Pindori 1,842 1,442 1,323 1,284 1,496 2,904 9.5%
Rahib - - - - 813 2
Rahim North 115 17 107 129 54 8 -40.7%
Rahim 1X 1,460 657 424 8,327 1,587 361 -24.4%
Rahim 2X 556 514 186 33 - -
Rajani - - 492 1,807 1,873 1,334
Ratana 7,420 3,635 3,218 2,134 244 -
Resham - - 4,147 - - -
Saand - - - - - 2,159
Sajan - - 69 168 7 0
Salamat - - 166 611 421 235
Siraj South - 2 - - - -
Sutiari Deep - - 2,925 1,864 - -
Soghri - - - 66 359 -
Sohrab Deep - - 116 462 1,323 893
Sumar Deep 1,947 1,220 917 1,433 517 554 -22.2%
Saleh 3,137 141 678 1,143 486 257 -39.4%
Saman 23 - - - - -
Shah - 581 3,070 2,906 2,211 2,274
Shahdad - - - - 292 197
Sharf - 2,565 4,504 4,748 3,851 3,548
Tando Allah Yar - 1,195 7,757 5,027 4,458 4,550
Tando Allah Yar SW - - - - - 2,360
Thebo 1,157 394 245 576 336 218 -28.4%
Thora Deep - 418 3,092 1,620 219 -
Unar - 569 3,859 2,556 2,983 3,198
Umar 2,377 590 393 198 161 117 -45.2%
Field Plants Sub-Total: 467,077 488,874 570,826 612,466 603,510 561,919 3.8%
Imports Sub-Total: 372,850 461,426 402,685 251,753 344,639 470,373 4.8%

Total: 1,014,340 1,128,633 1,186,305 1,057,707 1,106,549 1,231,419 4.0%

1,097,415 1,221,068 1,283,463 1,144,333 1,197,175 1,332,272
Annual Growth Rate 65.15% 11.27% 5.11% -10.84% 4.62% 11.28%
Source: Oil Refineries, DGPC, DGO, DG(LGs) and OGRA.

Table 3.6
Unit: Tonnes

Sector 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Domestic 430,212 454,623 495,809 445,496 451,819 464,750 1.6%

Commercial 413,426 431,220 515,780 415,368 473,636 483,751 3.2%
Others 275,152 323,577 268,962 200,583 180,012 319,099 3.0%
Total: 1,118,790 1,209,420 1,280,550 1,061,447 1,105,467 1,267,600 2.5%
1,210,419 1,308,471 1,385,427 1,148,380 1,196,005 1,371,416
Source: DG(LGs), OGRA.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 74

Table: 3.7
Unit: Tonnes
Province/Region Domestic Commercial Industrial Total
Punjab 217,981 322,217 232,772 772,970
Sindh 26,252 55,829 62,209 144,290
KPK 64,443 31,991 4,041 100,475
Balochistan 20,901 18,354 6,449 45,704
A.J. Kashmir 40,374 16,970 3,266 60,610
FATA 31,998 14,100 55 46,153
Northern Area 55,697 15,126 21 70,844
Federal Area 7,104 9,164 10,286 26,554
Total:- 464,750 483,751 319,099 1,267,600
TOE 502,813 523,370 345,233 1,371,416
Source: DG(LGs), OGRA.

Table 3.8

Unit 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

MMBTu 100,720,923 186,672,977 313,902,345 373,410,403 348,587,218 415,638,063 32.8%

TOE 2,404,128 4,455,734 7,492,597 8,913,006 8,320,497 9,920,947
Import value (Million US$) (642) (1,278) (2,452) (3,392) (2,559) (2,659)
Annual growth rate of imports 408.81% 85.34% 68.16% 18.96% -6.65% 11.31%
Source: Directorate General of Liquified Gases, PLL, PSO

Table: 3.9
Unit: Million CFt
Sector 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Domestic - - 5 61 161
117 1,433 3,774
Fertilizer (as Feedstock) 18,080 1,219 11,696 8,876 13,510
423,077 28,521 273,683 207,705 316,122
Fertilizer (as Fuel use) 3,817 296 2,838 2,158 2,979
89,313 6,929 66,399 50,492 69,704
Power 71,930 186,251 227,739 191,682 230,513
1,683,159 4,358,272 5,329,081 4,485,361 5,393,997
Cement 138 296 10 0 422
3,228 6,928 224 0 9,865
Transport (CNG) 16,028 20,046 16,584 11,343 18,199
375,056 469,077 388,071 265,438 425,850
Gen. Industries 61,360 75,210 63,281 75,402 97,183
1,435,833 1,759,907 1,480,780 1,764,417 2,274,085
Commercial - 432 2,052 2,496 2,722
10,102 48,025 58,401 63,697

SSGC * - - 53,261 26,222 56,503

1,246,306 613,591 1,322,159
Total: 171,353 283,749 377,465 318,241 422,190
4,009,666 6,639,736 8,832,687 7,446,837 9,879,253
Source: SNGPL
* RLNG withheld by SSGCL
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 75

Table: 3.10
Unit: Million CFt
Sector 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Domestic 271,302 290,868 284,428 311,887 325,348 312,688 2.9%
6,348,456 6,806,322 6,655,612 7,298,154 7,613,137 7,316,889
Commercial 33,633 32,858 32,096 31,205 26,999 27,316 -4.1%
787,005 768,884 751,052 730,188 631,777 639,201
Gen. Industries 230,436 261,267 273,339 245,958 224,878 262,370 2.6%
5,392,202 6,113,656 6,396,131 5,755,407 5,262,135 6,139,451
Pakistan Steel Mills 1,081 739 735 748 782 0 -100.0%
25,295 17,293 17,199 17,503 18,299 0
Cement 497 583 886 387 266 932 13.4%
11,633 13,651 20,737 9,061 6,230 21,813
Fertilizer (as Feedstock) 182,076 182,241 181,662 196,576 209,056 221,431 4.0%
3,559,855 3,622,881 3,500,893 3,842,384 4,019,099 4,262,088
Fertilizer (as Fuel use) 80,847 94,564 66,442 37,258 39,148 93,105 2.9%
1,471,520 1,737,760 1,204,500 695,246 712,723 1,648,941
Power 440,593 446,941 544,654 511,140 424,579 434,878 -0.3%
8,577,146 8,643,403 10,831,662 10,050,101 8,426,767 8,648,124
Transport (CNG) 64,455 67,245 70,455 65,099 46,448 53,780 -3.6%
1,508,246 1,573,536 1,648,649 1,523,315 1,086,889 1,258,447
SSGC * 53,261 26,222 56,503
1,246,306 613,591 1,322,159
Total: 1,304,919 1,377,307 1,454,697 1,453,517 1,323,725 1,463,002 2.3%
27,681,360 29,297,384 31,026,434 31,167,665 28,390,646 31,257,114
Annual growth rate 6.53% 5.55% 5.62% -0.08% -8.93% 10.52%
* RLNG withheld by SSGCL

Table: 3.11
Unit: Million CFt
Sectors Punjab KPK Sindh Balochistan Total
Domestic 177,577 35,785 85,918 13,407 312,688
4,155,307 837,378 2,010,481 313,724 7,316,889
Commercial 14,813 2,134 9,465 905 27,316
346,613 49,930 221,481 21,177 639,201
Gen. Industry 112,732 13,082 136,171 384 262,370
2,637,934 306,130 3,186,401 8,986 6,139,451
Cement 422 101 410 0 932
9,865 2,354 9,594 0 21,813
Fertilizer (as Feedstock) 112,464 0 108,968 - 221,431
2,028,027 0 2,234,062 4,262,088
Fertilizer (as Fuel use) 22,608 51 70,446 - 93,105
409,450 1,194 1,238,298 1,648,941
Power 188,515 - 141,770 104,592 434,878
4,411,258 3,065,430 1,171,435 8,648,124
Transport 10,831 18,490 23,457 1,002 53,780
253,451 432,655 548,894 23,447 1,258,447
SSGC * 56,503 - - - 56,503
1,322,159 1,322,159
Total:- 696,464 69,643 576,605 120,290 1,463,002
15,574,064 1,629,641 12,514,641 1,538,769 31,257,114
Source: DG(Gas), SNGPL, SSGCL, PPL, MGCL, Tullow, OGDCL, IPPs.. * RLNG withheld by SSGCL
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 76

Table: 3.12
Unit: Million CFt

Sector/Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

SNGPL 49,720 65,989 41,759 56,918 52,340 58,191 3.2%
1,163,449 1,544,134 977,163 1,331,884 1,224,765 1,361,672
SSGCL 23,199 21,564 19,863 18,599 19,447 18,785 -4.1%
542,857 504,598 464,794 435,217 455,060 439,569
Mari Gas Field 190,004 189,252 186,482 158,316 176,416 237,560 4.6%
3,325,070 3,311,910 3,263,435 2,770,530 3,051,997 4,109,788

Total Fertilizer Sector 262,923 276,805 248,104 233,833 248,203 314,536 3.6%
5,031,375 5,360,641 4,705,392 4,537,630 4,731,822 5,911,029

SNGPL 138,670 154,915 237,138 256,828 194,092 209,288 8.6%
3,244,879 3,625,011 5,549,019 6,009,764 4,541,759 4,897,340
SSGCL 107,057 81,039 71,876 56,567 70,924 65,433 -9.4%
2,505,134 1,896,313 1,681,898 1,323,668 1,659,622 1,531,132
Kandhkot Gas Field 27,247 34,995 54,135 49,798 40,414 37,803 6.8%
534,045 685,900 1,061,047 976,037 792,114 740,934

Mari Gas Field 26,492 22,944 35,870 34,309 16,620 17,762 -7.7%
463,605 401,520 627,725 600,408 287,526 307,283
Nandpur/Panjpir Gas Fields 5,897 3,781 2,935 1,601 445 0 -100.0%
21,819 20,419 15,851 8,648 2,402 0
Uch Gas Field 105,921 115,022 112,911 112,037 102,084 104,592 -0.3%
1,186,315 1,288,246 1,264,606 1,131,577 1,143,344 1,171,435

Qadirpur Gas Field 29,309 34,245 29,788 0 0 0

621,350 725,994 631,516 0 0 0

Total Power Sector 440,593 446,941 544,654 511,140 424,579 434,878 -0.3%
8,577,146 8,643,403 10,831,662 10,050,101 8,426,767 8,648,124
Source: DG(Gas), SNGPL, SSGCL, PPL, MGCL, Tullow, OGDCL, IPPs.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 77

Table: 3.13
Unit: Numbers

Province / Sector 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ACGR

KPK: Domestic 660,474 716,539 803,580 867,903 907,922 973,183 8.1%
Commercial 8,638 8,725 9,064 9,378 9,541 9,766 2.5%
Industrial 850 850 857 869 874 881 0.7%
Total - KPK: 669,962 726,114 813,501 878,150 918,337 983,830 8.0%
Punjab: Domestic 4,522,629 4,886,985 5,402,001 5,765,446 5,995,485 6,301,037 6.9%
Commercial 45,681 45,876 48,283 50,492 51,438 52,616 2.9%
Industrial 5,604 5,605 5,714 5,822 5,878 5,943 1.2%
Total - Punjab: 4,573,914 4,938,466 5,455,998 5,821,760 6,052,801 6,359,596 6.8%
Sindh: Domestic 2,493,089 2,553,124 2,620,666 2,715,169 2,803,283 2,883,417 3.0%
Commercial 20,457 20,104 19,981 21,817 21,486 20,305 -0.1%
Industrial 4,117 4,137 4,159 4,211 4,295 4,132 0.1%
Total - Sindh: 2,517,663 2,577,365 2,644,806 2,741,197 2,829,064 2,907,854 2.9%
Balochistan: Domestic 253,113 259,087 265,556 275,142 282,303 301,315 3.5%
Commercial 2,624 2,660 2,714 2,780 2,465 2,836 1.6%
Industrial 57 59 58 59 57 205 29.2%
Total - Balochistan: 255,794 261,806 268,328 277,981 284,825 304,356 3.5%
Total: Domestic 7,929,305 8,415,735 9,091,803 9,623,660 9,988,993 10,458,952 5.7%
Commercial 77,400 77,365 80,042 84,467 84,930 85,523 2.0%
Industrial 10,628 10,651 10,788 10,961 11,104 11,161 1.0%
Total - Pakistan: 8,017,333 8,503,751 9,182,633 9,719,088 10,085,027 10,555,636 5.7%
Annual growth rate 4.22% 6.07% 7.98% 5.84% 3.77% 4.67%

Table: 3.14
Unit: Kilometres

Province / Type 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ACGR

KPK: Transmission 1,261 1,277 1,300 1,335 1,335 1,363 1.6%
Distribution 11,669 12,538 14,190 15,330 17,009 19,503 10.8%
Services 3,593 3,877 4,240 4,549 4,758 5,052 7.1%
Total - KPK: 16,523 17,692 19,730 21,214 23,102 25,918 9.4%
Punjab: Transmission 6,013 6,543 6,890 6,997 7,117 7,255 3.8%
Distribution 69,253 75,486 86,767 90,757 93,678 95,890 6.7%
Services 18,143 19,374 21,055 22,207 23,037 24,115 5.9%
Total - Punjab: 93,409 101,403 1 14,712 119,961 123,832 127,260 6.4%
Sindh: Transmission 2,861 3,199 3,254 3,254 3,326 3,367 3.3%
Distribution 28,924 29,325 29,662 30,062 30,322 30,871 1.3%
Services 8,152 8,357 8,559 8,830 9,030 9,287 2.6%
Total - Sindh: 39,937 40,881 41,475 42,146 42,678 43,525 1.7%
Balochistan:Transmission 753 753 776 776 776 776 0.6%
Distribution 5,988 6,108 6,227 6,303 6,344 6,423 1.4%
Services 1,697 1,731 1,761 1,798 1,824 1,871 2.0%
Total - Balochistan: 8,438 8,592 8,764 8,877 8,944 9,070 1.5%
Total: Transmission 10,888 11,772 12,220 12,362 12,554 12,761 3.2%
Distribution 115,834 123,457 136,846 142,452 147,353 152,687 5.7%
Services 31,585 33,339 35,615 37,384 38,649 40,325 5.0%
Total - Pakistan: 158,307 168,568 184,681 192,198 198,556 205,773 5.4%
Annual growth rate 3.04% 6.48% 9.56% 4.07% 3.31% 3.63%
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 78

Figure 3.2
Total: 1,463 Billion Cu. Ft.

Power Domestic
29.73% 21.37%

Cement 0.06%
SSGC 3.86%
Commercial Gen Industry
1.87% 17.93%
Fertilizer (Fuel) Fertilizer
Transport (CNG) 15.14%

Total: 1,305 Billion Cu. Ft.


Cement 0.04% 20.79%

Fertilizer (Fuel)
6.20% Gen Industry
Transport (CNG) (Feedstock)
4.94% 13.95%

Figure 3.3
Rupees Per Million Btu








2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Industrial Commercial Domestic (min.) Domestic (max.)
Table: 3.15
Prices Effective From Unit: See foot-note
Category 27.09.2018 01.01.2019 01.07.2019 01.09.2020
Domestic Slabs+ Domestic Slabs Domestic Slabs
i) Upto 1.77 M cu.ft./month 121 Upto 1.77 M cu.ft./month 121 Upto 0.5 hm3 per month 121
ii) 1.77 to 3.55 " " * 127 Upto 3.55 " " 300 Upto 1 hm3 per month 300
iii) 3.55 to 7.10 " " 264 Upto 7.10 " " 553 Upto 2 hm3 per month 553
iv) 7.10 to 10.64 " " 275 Upto 10.64 " " 738 Upto 3 hm3 per month 738
v) 10.64 to 14.2 ** " " 780 Upto 14.2 " " 1107 Upto 4 hm3 per month 1107
vi) 14.2 to 17.8 ** " " 1460 Over 14.2 " " 1460 Above 4 hm3 per month 1460
vii) Above 17.8 ** " " 1460
Bulk Consumers Bulk Consumers 780
i) Upto 3.55 M cu.ft./month
ii) 3.55 to 10.64 " " *
iii) Above 10.64 " " 780 780
Commercial 980 1283 Commercial 1283
Special Commercial (Roti Tandoors)+ Revert back on 14.12.2018 Special Commercial (Roti Tandoors)
i) Upto 1.77 M cu.ft./month 121 Upto 0.5 hm3 per month 110
ii) Upto 3.55 " " * 127 Upto 1 Hm = 110 Upto 3.55 M3 per month 110 Upto 1 hm3 per month 110
iii) Upto 7.10 " " 264 Upto 2 hm3 per month 220
iv) Upto 10.64 " " 275 Upto 3 HM =220 Upto 10.64 M3 per month 220 Upto 3 hm3 per month 220
v) Upto 14.2 ** " " 780 Above 3 hm3 per month 700
vi) Over 14.2 ** " " 980 Over 3 HM =700 Over 10.64 M3 per month 700
General Industry 780 1021 General Industry 1054
Ice Factories 980 1283 Ice Factories 1283
Captive Power 780 1021 Export Oriented (Gen. Industries) 819
Export Oriented (Captive) 852
Captive Power (Gen. Indust.) 1087
Cement 975 1277 Cement 1277
CNG Stations 980 1283 CNG Region-I 1371
CNG Region-II 1350
On SNGPL & SSGCL Systems Fertilizer Companies (SNGPL's System):
As Feed Stock a) FOR FEED STOCK:
Pak American Fertilizer 185 300 i) Pak American Fertilizer Ltd. 302
FFC Jorden ii) Dawood Hercules Chemical Ltd. 302
Dawood / Pak Arab 185 300 iii) Pak Arab Fertlizer Ltd. 302
Pak-China / Hazara 185 300 iv) PakChina Fertlizer Ltd. 302
Engro Fertilizer Ltd. US$ 0.70 US$ 0.70 v) Hazara Phosphate Fertlizer Ltd. 302
Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Ltd. 185 300 vi) Engro Fertlizer Ltd. US $ 0.70
FFBQL Fertilizer Companies (SSGCL's System):
Agritech Fertilizer Limited a) Fauji Fertlizer Bin Qasim Ltd. 302
As Fuel 780 1021 b) FOR FUEL: All Fertlizer Companies 1023
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021

Prices Effective From Unit: See foot-note
Category 27.09.2018 01.01.2019 01.07.2019 01.09.2020

Raw Gas from Mari Gasfield On MARI's System:
As Feed Stock a) FOR FEED STOCK:
FFC/Engro Chemical (New) 185 300 i) Engro Fertlizer Compnay Ltd. 302
FFC/Engro Chemical (Old) 185 300 ii) Fauji Fertlizer Co. Ltd. 302
Fatima Fertilizer US$ 0.70 US$ 0.70 iii) Fatima Fertlizer Co. Ltd. US $ 0.70
Pak Saudi iv) Foundation Power Co. Ltd. 857
Foundation Power Company Ltd. 629 824
As Fuel 780 1021 b) FOR FUEL: 1023
SNGPL/SSGCL Systems Power Stations (WAPDA & KESC's):
Liberty Power Limited**** 1005.19 1283.47 1283.47 i) WAPDA & KESC Power Station 857
Independent Power Projects 629 824 ii) WAPDA's GTPS Nishatabad, 857
Wapda and KESC Power Plant 629 824 Faisalabad.
Raw Gas for WAPDA from Independent Power Producers (IPPs): 857
Sui Gasfield (917 Btu) 629 824
Kandhkot Gasfield (866 Btu)
Mari Gasfield (754 Btu) 629 824
Sara/Suri Gasfields

Units: Prices are on Rs/million Btu basis since 1st March 2002. Before this, these were on Rs/Mcf basis.
* Without General Sales Tax (GST).
** Since 25.10.2002, 5th slab has been removed and the 4th slab applied to all above 10.64 M cu.ft. per month.
+ Flat rate ob all offtakes applicable w.e.f 22.09.2012
Sources: DG(Gas)
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021
Part 4



Measured Reserves 7,775.5 million tonnes

Production 9.2 million tonnes

Import 18.8 million tonnes
Consumption 28.1 million tonnes
Import Bill 250.6 billion Pak rupees
Table: 4.1

PROVINCE Seam Resources (Million Tonnes) Coal Quality Proximate Analysis (%) Rank as per Heating Value
Coal Field Thickness Total Measured Indicated Inferred Hypothetical Status Moisture Volatile Fixed Ash Total ASTM Range (mmmf)
Range(Metres) Reserves Matter Carbon Sulphur Classification (Btu/lb)
Barkhan-Chamalang 0.3 - 2.0 6 1 5 Dev. 1.1 - 2.9 24.9-43.5 19.4-47.1 9.1-36.5 3.0-8.5 hvCb to hvAb 12,500 - 14,357
Duki 0.2 - 2.3 50 14 11 25 - Dev. 3.5-11.5 32.0-50.0 28.0-42.0 5.0-38.0 4.0-6.0 SubB to hvAb 10,131 - 14,164
Mach-Abegum 0.6 - 1.3 23 9 - 14 - Dev. 7.1-12.0 34.2-43.0 32.4-41.5 9.6-20.3 3.2-7.4 SubA to hvCb 11,110 - 12,937
Sor Range-Degari 0.3 - 1.3 50 15 - 19 16 Dev. 3.9-18.9 20.7-37.5 41.0-50.8 4.9-17.2 0.6-5.5 SubA to hvBb 11,245 - 13,900
Pir Ismail Ziarat 0.4 - 0.7 12 2 2 8 - Dev. 6.3-13.2 34.6-41.0 19.3-42.5 10.3-37.5 3.2-7.4 SubA to hvCb 10,786 - 11,996
Khost-Sharig-Harnai 0.3 - 2.3 76 13 - 63 - Dev. 1.7-11.2 9.3-45.3 25.5-43.8 9.3-34.0 3.5-9.55 SubB to hvAb 9,637 - 15,499
Sub-Total: 217 54 13 134 16
Makarwal 0.3 - 2.0 22 5 8 9 - Dev. 2.8-6.0 31.5-48.1 34.9-44.9 6.4-30.8 2.8-6.3 SubA to hvAb 10,688 - 14,029
Salt Range 0.15 - 1.2 213 50 16 2 145 Dev. 3.2-10.8 21.5-38.8 25.7-44.8 12.3-44.2 2.6-10.7 SubC to hvAb 9,472 - 15,801
Sub-Total: 235 55 24 11 145
Lakhra 0.3 - 3.3 1,328 244 629 455 - Dev. 9.7-38.1 18.3-38.6 9.8-38.2 4.3-49 1.2-14.8 LigB to SubC 5,503 - 9,158
Sonda-Thatta 0.3 - 1.5 3,700 60 511 2,197 932 Non-Dev. 22.6-48.0 16.1-36.9 8.9-31.6 2.7-52.0 0.2-15.0 SubC to hvBb 8,878 - 13,555
Jherruck 0.3 - 6.2 1,823 106 810 907- Non-Dev. 9.0-39.5 20.0-44.2 15.0-58.8 5.0-39.0 0.4-7.7 SubC to hvCb 8,800 - 12,846
Ongar 0.3 - 1.5 312 18 77 217- Non-Dev. 9.0-39.5 20.0-44.2 15.0-58.8 5.0-39.0 0.4-7.7 LigB to SubA 5,219 - 11,172
Indus East 0.3 - 2.5 1,777 51 170 1,556 - Non-Dev. 9.0-39.5 20.0-44.2 15.0-58.8 5.0-39.0 0.4-7.7 LigA to SubC 7,782 - 8,660
Meting-Jhimpir 0.3 - 1.0 161 10 43 108 - Dev. 26.6-36.6 25.2-34.0 24.1-32.2 8.2-16.8 2.9-5.1 LigA to SubC 7,734 - 8,612
Badin 0.55 - 3.1 850 150 0 200 500 Non-Dev. 11,415 - 11,521
Thar Coal * 0.2 - 22.81 175,505 7,025 17,130 38,650 112,700 Non-Dev. 29.6-55.5 23.1-36.6 14.2-34.0 2.9-11.5 0.4-2.9 LigB to SubA 6,244 - 11,045
Sub-Total: 185,456 7,664 19,370 44,290 114,132
Hangu/Orakzai 0.43 - 0.6 82 1.0 4.5 76 - Dev. 0.2-2.5 16.2-33.4 21.8-49.8 5.3-43.3 1.5-9.5 SubA to hvAb 10,500 - 14,149
Cherat/Gulla Khel 0.8 - 1.2 9 0.5 - 8 Dev. 0.1-7.1 14.0-31.2 37.0-76.9 6.1-39.0 1.1-3.5 SubC to hvAb 9,386 - 14,171
Sub-Total: 90 1.5 4.5 84-
Azad Kashmir
Kotli 0.25 1.0 9 1 1 7 - Dev. 0.2-6.0 5.1-32.0 26.3-69.5 3.3-50.0 0.3-4.8 LigA to hvCb 7,336 - 12,338
Sub-Total: 9 1 1 7-
Total: 186,007 7,775.5 19,412.5 44,526 114,293
* Measured Reserves of Thar have been reduced by GSP after drilling and recalculation to remove overlaps in previous estimates. For Block-wise reserves/reourcses of Thar, please refer to Table 4.1.1
Coal Rank Abbreviations used: hvAb: High volatile A bituminous coal. Sub bituminous A coal. LigA: Lignite A coal. mmmf: Moist mineral mattaer free.
hvBb: High volatile B bituminous coal. Sub bituminous B coal. LigB: Lignite B coal.
hvCb: High volatile C bituminous coal. Sub bituminous C coal. LigC: Lignite C coal.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021

For definitions of reserves/resources, please refer to footnotes of Table 4.1.1. Source: Geological Survey of Pakistan.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 82

Table: 4.1.1
Reserves / Resources (Million Tonnes)
Specific Area Measured Indicated Inferred Hypothetical
Block / Field (sq.km.) Drill Holes Reserves Reserves Reserves Resources Total
Block-I (Sinhar Vikian-Varvia) 122.0 41 620 1,918 1,028 - 3,566
Block-II (Singharo Bhitro) 55.0 43 640 944 - - 1,584
Block-III (Saleh Jo Tar) 99.5 41 411 1,337 258 - 2,006
Block-IV (Sonal Ba) 80.0 42 637 1,640 282 - 2,559
Sub-Total (Block I-IV) 356.5 167 2,308 5,839 1,568 - 9,715

Rest of Thar coal field 8,643.5 335 4,717 11,291 37,082 112,700 165,790
Total (Thar coal field) 9,000.0 502 7,025 17,130 38,650 112,700 175,505
Mineable Reserves: 60% of Measured Reserves.
Measured Reserves: Having a high degree of geological assurance, coal lies within a radius of 0.4 km from
a point of coal measurement.
Indicated Reserves: Having a moderate degree of geological assurance, coal lies within a radius of 0.4 to 1.2 km from
a point of coal measurement.
Inferred Reserves: Having a low degree of geological assurance, coal lies within a radius of 1.2 to 4.8 km from
a point of coal measurement.
Hypothetical Resources: Undiscovered coal resources, generally extention of inferred reserves in which coal lies beyond
4.8 km from a point of coal measurement.
Source: Geological Survey of Pakistan.

Figure 4.1
Million Tonnes
9 8.74


4.14 4.16 4.29
4 3.74 3.71
3.48 3.45 3.61 3.44

07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21

Balochistan Sindh Punjab KPK/FATA

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 83

Table: 4.2
Unit: Tonnes

Province/Field 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Sor Range 179,270 193,372 168,907 0 701,222 745,214 33.0%
Degari 38,777 39,498 56,838 0 0 0
Sharigh 344,769 229,746 157,235 0 0 0
Sinjidi 87,606 70,920 84,299 0 0 0
Mach 144,244 143,856 122,201 0 0 0
Nasaka-Zardalu/Harnai 190,258 192,974 197,122 583,810 605,187 768,345 32.2%
Duki 683,605 556,861 530,255 1,555,302 1,368,004 1,721,821 20.3%
Pir Ismail Ziarat Qta 194,033 105,808 74,972 613,195 0 0
Pir Ismail Ziarat Sibi 49,386 39,915 0 0 0
Abegum 48,207 21,851 10,548 0 0 0
Barkhan/Chamalong 153,204 147,066 81,198 0 128,800 0
Bolan 144,692 163,747 135,282
Sub-Total 2,063,973 1,751,338 1,523,490 2,896,999 2,966,961 3,370,661 10.3%
Makerwal/Salt Range 935,019 985,313 1,003,182 1,028,843 1,072,120 699,645 -5.6%
Sub-Total 935,019 985,313 1,003,182 1,028,843 1,072,120 699,645 -5.6%
Lakhra 745,493 1,061,854 1,280,957 1,100,058 758,167 1,209,966 10.2%
Jhimpir 6,631 6,784 29,662 12,626 10,362 29,611 34.9%
Tharparkar 378,544 3,669,968 3,713,582
Sub-Total 752,124 1,068,638 1,310,619 1,491,228 4,438,497 4,953,159 45.8%
Makerwal/Gulakhel/ 87,868 80,072 56,599 80,924 257,240 93,435 1.2%
Kohat, FATA 302,550 279,565 403,305 343,200 272 112,700 -17.9%
Sub-Total 390,418 359,637 459,904 424,124 257,512 206,135 -12.0%

Total: Tonnes 4,141,534 4,164,926 4,297,195 5,841,194 8,735,090 9,229,600 17.4%

TOE 1,852,922 1,863,388 1,922,565 2,613,350 3,908,079 4,129,323
Annual growth rate 11.58% 0.56% 3.18% 35.93% 49.54% 5.66%
* Field wise coal production during 2018-19 is not available. However, district wise coal production during 2018-19 is provided.
Source: DG(Minerals),Provincial Directorates of Mineral Development.

Table 4.3 -148069

Unit 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Tonnes 4,885,260 7,020,844 13,683,895 15,685,874 16,421,787 18,849,681 31.0%

TOE 3,214,013 4,619,013 9,002,635 10,319,737 10,803,894 12,401,205
Import value (Million Rs) (47,415) (81,280) (154,795) (154,795) (202,906) (250,600)

Annual growth rate of imports -2.37% 43.71% 94.90% 14.63% 4.69% 14.78%
* Includes coal imported by Pak Steel for use as coke.
Source: DG (Minerals), Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Pakistan Steel Mills Corporation.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 84

Table: 4.4


Unit: Tonnes

Sector 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Domestic 0 0 0 0 1,335 1,544

0 0 0 0 597 691
Brick-Kiln Industry * 3,337,102 2,855,326 3,941,689 5,391,194 8,183,755 8,678,056 21.1%
1,493,019 1,277,473 1,763,512 2,412,020 3,661,412 3,882,562

Cement / Other Industry ** 5,485,260 7,470,844 9,603,276 10,234,338 6,074,823 10,184,196 13.2%
3,482,453 4,820,343 7,176,966 7,880,719 6,174,662 8,524,267
Power (WAPDA + IPPs) 204,432 859,600 4,436,125 5,901,536 10,896,964 9,215,485 114.2%
91,463 384,585 1,984,722 2,640,347 4,875,302 4,123,008

Total: Tonnes 9,026,794 11,185,770 17,981,090 21,527,068 25,156,877 28,079,281 25.5%

TOE 5,066,935 6,482,401 10,925,200 12,933,087 14,711,973 16,530,528
Annual growth rate 3.57% 23.92% 60.75% 19.72% 16.86% 11.62%
Note: Sectoral consumption data of coal is mostly not available, except for power sector and has, therefore, been estimated.
* Estimated by deducting other uses of indigenous coal from the total production.
** Include indigenous as well as imported coal.
*** Imported coal/coke used as coke in Pak Steel.
Source: Cement Factories, DG (Minerals), PBS, Pak Steel, PMDC, WAPDA.

Table: 4.5
Unit: Rupees/Tonne

Mine (Province) 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Degari (Balochistan) 9,240.00 9,906.00 9,800.00 10,450.00 11,800.00 12,978.00

Sor Range (Balochistan) 9,692.00 9,981.00 10,017.00 13,509.00 13,557.00 17,190.00
Sharigh (Balochistan) 10,094.00 9,973.00 11,600.00 10,260.00 10,543.00 13,769.00
Lakhra (Sindh) 2,026.00 3,975.00 3,983.00 4,262.00 6,275.00 -
Source: PMDC.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 85

Figure 4.2
Total: 28.08 Million Tonnes

Brick Kilns Cement*

30.9% 36.3%


* Includes other industry also

Total: 9.03 Million Tonnes

Brick Kilns


Power 2.3%
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 86



Part 5



Installed Capacity 36,536 MW

Generation 135,671 GWh

Import 498 GWh

Consumption 116,816 GWh
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 87

Table: 5.1
Unit: MW
Type/Power Station 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Tarbela 3,478 3,478 3,478 3,478 3,478 3,478
T-4th — — — 1,410 1,410 1,410
Ghazi Barotha 1,450 1,450 1,450 1,450 1,450 1,450
Mangla 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Warsak 243 243 243 243 243 243
Chashma 184 184 184 184 184 184
DKHP 130 130 130 130 130 130
Golen Gol — — — 108 108 108
Jinnah 96 96 96 96 96 96
AKHP 121 121 121 121 121 121
Dargai 20 20 20 20 20 20
New Jabban 22 22 22 22 22 22
Gomal Zam 17 17 17 17 17 17
Rasul 22 22 22 22 22 22
Shadiwal 14 14 14 14 14 14
Chichoki Malian 13 13 13 13 13 13
Nandipur 14 14 14 14 14 14
Kurram Garhi 4 4 4 4 4 4
Renala 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chitral 1 1 1 1 1 1
KKHP 72 72 72 72 72 72
Jagran 30 30 30 30 30 30
Others 7 14 21 6 32 32
New Bong Escape Hydro 84 84 84 84 84 84
Pehur 18 18 18 18 18 18
Malakand-III 81 81 81 81 81 81
Machai — — 3 — 3 3
Daral Khwarh — — — — — 37
Ranolia — — — — — 19
Hydel Sub-Total 7,122 7,129 7,139 8,639 8,668 8,723
GTPS Shahdra** 44 — — — — —
SPS Faisalabad 132 132 132 132 132 132
GTPS Faisalabad 244 244 244 244 244 244
NGPS Multan 195 — — —
TPS Muzaffar Garh 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350
TPS Guddu 2,402 2,402 2,402 2,402 1,762 1,762
GTPS Kotri 144 144 174 174 174 174
TPS Jamshoro 850 850 880 880 880 880
FBC Lakhra 150 50 50 50 50 50
TPS Quetta 35 35 35 35 35 35
GTPS Panjgur 39 39 39 39 — —
TPS Pasni 17 17 17 17 — —
CCPP Nandipur 425 425 425 425 565 565
Thermal WAPDA Sub-Total 6,027 5,688 5,748 5,748 5,192 5,192
B.2 THERMAL (K-Electric):
GTPS Korangi Town 107 107 107 107 107 107
GTPS Site 107 107 107 107 107 107
TPS Bin Qasim 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,050
Korangi CCP 248 248 248 248 248 248
TPS Bin Qasim-II 573 573 573 573 573 573
Thermal K-Electric Sub-Total 2,295 2,295 2,295 2,295 2,295 2,085
AES Lalpir 362 362 362 362 362 362
AES Pak Gen 365 365 365 365 365 365
Altern Energy 31.2 31.2 31.2 31.2 31 31
Attock Gen 165.3 165.3 165.3 165.3 165 165
Atlas Power 213.9 219.2 219.2 219.2 219 219
Baloki — — 1,320.0 1,320.0 1,320 1,320
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 88


Unit: MW
Type/Power Station 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
China HUB Power — — — — 1,220 1,220
Devis Energen 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11 11
Engro Energy 217.3 217.3 217.3 217.3 217 217
Engro PowerGen Thar — — — — 660 660
Fauji Kabirwala 157 157 157 157 157 157
Foundation Power 185 185 185 185 185 185
Gul Ahmed 136 136 136 136 136 136
Gulf Power Gen — — 62 62 62 62
Habibullah 140 140 140 140 140 140
Haveli Bahdur Shah PP — 1,230 1,230 1,230 1,230 1,230
Halmore Power 225 225 225 225 225 225
HUBCO 1,292 1,292 1,292 1,292 1,292 1,292
HUB Power, Narowal 214 214 214 214 225 214
Japan Power 135 135 135 135 135 135
KAPCO 1,466 1,466 1,466 1,466 1,466 1,466
Kohinoor Energy 131 131 131 131 131 131
Liberty Tech Power 202 202 202 202 202 202
Nishat Chunian 200 200 200 200 200 200
Nishat Power 200 200 200 200 200 200
Orient Power 213 213 213 213 213 213
Port Qasim — — 1,320 1,320 1,320 1,320
Quaid-e-Azam Thermal PP — 1,180 1,180 1,180 1,180 1,180
Reshman — — 97 97 97 97
Rousch Power 450 450 450 450 450 450
Saba Power 134 134 134 134 134 134
Sahiwal Coal Fire Plant — 1,320 1,320 1,320 1,320 1,320
Saif Power 225 225 225 225 225 225
Southern Electric 136 136 136 136 136 136
Sapphire Electric 235 212 212 212 212 212
Tapal Energy 126 126 126 126 126 126
TNB Liberty Power 235 235 235 235 235 235
Uch Power 586 586 586 586 586 586
Uch-II Power 404 404 404 404 404 404
Thermal Private Sub-Total 8,793 12,505 15,304 15,304 17,195 17,184
KANUPP 100 100 100 100 100 100
CHASNUPP-I 325 325 325 325 325 325
CHASNUPP-II 325 325 325 325 325 325
CHASNUPP-III — 340 340 340 340 340
CHASNUPP-IV — — 340 340 340 340
Nuclear Sub-Total 750 1,090 1,430 1,430 1,430 1,430
Renewable Sub-Total 902 1,237 1,637 1,698 1,921 1,921
Grand Total: 25,889 29,944 33,554 35,114 36,701 36,536
Of which:
Thermal-Total: 17,115 20,488 23,347 23,347 24,682 24,461
Source: AJKPDO, IPPs, K-Electric, PAEC, WAPDA.
** Installed capacity as on 31-Mar-2016
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 89

Figure 5.1
36,701 36,536
35000 33,554


25000 23,530 23,759
22,477 22,797 22,812
20000 19,420 19,420 19,786




06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21

Hydel Thermal (WAPDA) Thermal (KESC) Thermal (IPPs) Nuclear Renewable

Figure 5.2
20.1% Total: 135,671 GWh


Renewable BY COMPANY
Coal 3.2%
Gas 16.3%

Other IPPs

Thermal PP 5.6%


China HUB K-Electric

Power 6.0% 8.3%

Sahiwal/Huaneng PAEC
Shahdong Energy Port
Qasim 7.1%
Ltd.# 5.6%
Haveli Bahdur
Shah PP 6.0%
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 90

Table: 5.2
Unit: GWh
Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Hydel: WAPDA 33,433 31,091 26,995 26,414 32,583 32,347 -0.7%
AJKPDO 172 152 144 130 150 189 1.9%
PEDO/IPP 1,028 940 786 795 852 1,012 -0.3%
Hydel-Total: 34,634 32,183 27,925 27,339 33,585 33,548 -0.6%
Thermal: WAPDA 13,917 19,571 16,193 13,378 8,063 6,806 -13.3%
K-Electric 10,323 10,147 10,338 10,727 10,358 10,939 1.2%
IPPs 46,272 51,550 63,082 62,496 61,700 70,709 8.9%
Thermal-Total: 70,512 81,268 89,614 86,602 80,121 88,453 4.6%
Nuclear: KANUPP 430 491 419 175 246 174 -16.5%
CHASNUPP-I 1,616 2,293 2,627 2,294 2,294 2,244 6.8%
CHASNUPP-II 2,560 2,501 2,484 2,448 2,831 2,068 -4.2%
CHASNUPP-III 1,714 2,432 2,694 2,516 2,404
CHASNUPP-IV 1,918 2,298 2,928 2,456
Nuclear- Total: 4,605 6,999 9,880 9,909 10,815 9,346 15.2%
Renewable - Total: 1,549 2,668 3,857 4,682 4,152 4,323 22.8%
Total Generation 111,300 123,118 131,275 128,532 128,673 135,671 4.0%
Imported:* 463 496 556 487 514 498 1.5%
Total Electricity Supply: 111,763 123,614 131,831 129,019 129,186 136,169 4.0%
Of which:
WAPDA 47,350 51,754 43,188 39,793 40,646 39,153 -3.7%
Annual growth rate of Total 4.05% 10.62% 6.63% -2.09% 0.11% 5.44%
* WAPDA has been importing electricity from Iran since Oct-2002.
Source: IPPs, PAEC, K-Electric, WAPDA, AJKPDO, PEDO, CPPA.

Table: 5.3
Unit: GWh
Fuel 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Coal 148 279 10,911 15,774 25,857 27,549 184.4%
Oil 35,362 39,563 29,501 13,391 8,242 11,432 -20.2%
RLNG 9,768 22,599 20,545 27,319
Gas 35,001 41,426 39,435 34,846 25,475 22,153 -8.7%
Total: 70,512 81,268 89,614 86,609 80,121 88,453 4.6%
Annual growth rate 3.87% 15.25% 10.27% -3.35% -7.48% 10.40%
Source: IPPs, K-Electric, WAPDA.

Table: 5.4
Unit: TOE
Fuel 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Coal 91,463 384,585 1,984,722 2,640,347 4,875,302 4,123,008 114.2%
Furnace Oil 7,288,400 8,037,139 6,029,947 2,661,528 1,474,895 2,206,605 -21.3%
Diesel Oil 294,755 291,841 194,033 27,383 12,683 103,427 -18.9%
Gas 8,577,146 8,643,403 10,831,662 10,050,101 8,426,767 8,648,124 0.2%
Total: 16,251,764 17,356,967 19,040,365 15,379,360 14,789,646 15,081,164 -1.5%
Annual growth rate 3.41% 6.80% 9.70% -19.23% -3.83% 1.97%
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 91

Table: 5.5


Unit: GWh

Sector 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Domestic 44,486 48,698 54,028 53,685 55,963 58,722 5.7%

3,622,967 3,965,972 4,400,021 4,372,102 4,557,641 4,782,287

Commercial 7,181 7,856 8,606 8,513 7,975 8,501 3.4%

584,855 639,808 700,907 693,306 649,448 692,302

Industrial 25,035 24,010 27,468 28,760 25,708 29,954 3.7%

2,038,889 1,955,361 2,236,985 2,342,205 2,093,637 2,439,472

Agriculture 8,526 9,221 10,128 9,809 9,757 10,238 3.7%

694,395 750,993 824,859 798,870 794,619 833,758

Street Light 459 484 475 451 385 413 -2.1%

37,410 39,430 38,647 36,769 31,357 33,638

Bulk Supplies 4,666 5,018 5,515 5,622 5,418 5,483 3.3%

379,990 408,662 449,104 457,891 441,254 446,533

General Services * - - - 1 256 368

112 20,850 29,990
Other Govt. ** 76 242 708 2,618 2,910 3,138 110.4%
6,197 19,714 57,628 213,235 236,964 255,522

Total: GWh 90,431 95,530 106,927 109,461 108,371 116,816 5.3%

TOE 7,364,702 7,779,939 8,708,151 8,914,489 8,825,770 9,513,502
Annual growth rate 5.38% 5.64% 11.93% 2.37% -1.00% 7.79%
Source: WAPDA, K-Electric, AJKPDO.
* Introduction of General Services Category post notification of K-Electric's MYT on May 22, 2019.
** Other Govt. includes Railway Traction & Co-Generation.

Table: 5.6
Unit: GWh
Sector 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR

Punjab 57,245 60,940 69,718 71,735 70,504 76,184 5.9%

4,662,033 4,962,954 5,677,834 5,842,098 5,741,846 6,204,425

Sindh 19,213 19,479 20,850 21,016 20,876 22,859 3.5%

1,564,714 1,586,372 1,698,051 1,711,553 1,700,138 1,861,623

KPK 8,812 9,660 10,278 10,677 10,845 11,622 5.7%

717,649 786,710 837,040 869,535 883,217 946,496

Balochistan 4,220 4,452 4,915 4,778 4,843 4,777 2.5%

343,677 362,571 400,278 389,120 394,414 389,039

AJK 941 999 1,166 1,255 1,303 1,374 7.9%

76,629 81,333 94,949 102,183 106,155 111,919

Total: GWh 90,431 95,530 106,927 109,461 108,371 116,816 5.3%

TOE 7,364,702 7,779,939 8,708,151 8,914,489 8,825,770 9,513,502

Source: WAPDA, K-Electric, AJKED.

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 92

Table 5.7
Unit: GWh
Sector Punjab Sindh KPK Balochistan AJK Total
Domestic 38,248.0 12,245.3 6,775.0 588.0 865.3 58,721.6
3,114,917 997,259 551,756 47,887 70,469 4,782,287
Commercial 5,251.0 2,200.6 807.0 139.0 103.2 8,500.8
427,641 179,215 65,722 11,320 8,403 692,302
Industry 20,446.0 6,418.0 2,828.0 192.0 70.2 29,954.2
1,665,122 522,681 230,312 15,636 5,720 2,439,472
Agriculture 6,234.0 407.7 110.0 3,486.0 10,237.7
507,697 33,203 8,958 283,900 833,758
Street Light 264.0 126.0 13.0 10.0 413.0
21,500 10,264 1,059 814 33,638

Bulk Supplies 3,916.0 782.0 654.0 131.0 5,483.0

318,919 63,683 53,262 10,669 446,533
General Services * 368.2 368.2
29,990 29,990
Other Govt. 1,825.0 311.0 435.0 231.0 335.5 3,137.5
148,628 25,328 35,426 18,813 27,327 255,522
Total: GWh 76,184.0 22,858.8 11,622.0 4,777.0 1,374.3 116,816.1
TOE 6,204,425 1,861,623 946,496 389,039 111,919 9,513,502
Source: K-Electric, WAPDA and AJKED.
* Introduction of General Services Category post notification of K-Electric's MYT on May 22, 2019.

Table: 5.8
Unit: MWh
Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Hydel 252,585 296,003 226,389 204,461 293,870 294,101 3.1%
Thermal 3,449,909 3,576,646 2,863,911 1,905,722 1,486,924 3,637,224 1.1%
Nuclear 420,606 629,760 703,110 682,310 904,760 904,760 16.6%
Total: 4,123,100 4,502,409 3,793,411 2,792,493 2,685,554 4,836,085 3.2%
Source: IPPs, PAEC, K-Electric, WAPDA.

Table: 5.9
Unit: GWh
Source 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ACGR
Total Generation 111,300 123,118 131,275 128,540 128,673 135,671 4.0%
Auxiliary Consumption 4,123 4,502 3,793 2,792 2,686 4,836 3.2%
Net purchases from PASMIC 0 0 0 0 5,003 5,764 808.8%
Imported 463 496 556 487 514 498 1.5%
Net Supply 107,640 119,112 128,037 126,234 131,504 137,097 5.0%
Consumption 90,431 95,530 106,927 109,461 108,371 116,816 5.3%
T & D Losses 17,209 23,582 21,110 16,773 23,132 20,281 3.3%
(as % of Net Supply) 16.0% 19.8% 16.5% 13.3% 17.6% 14.8% -1.5%
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 93

Figure 5.3
Total: 116,816 GWh

General Services
St. Light &
Others 3.0%

Bulk Supplies Domestic

4.7% 50.3%




Total: 90,431 GWh

St. Light &

Others 0.6%
Bulk Supplies


Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 94

Table: 5.10
Installed Overall
Generation Units Cost of Auxiliary Maximum Minimum Load Capacity Utilization
Power Station Capacity Generated Generation Consum. Load Load Factor Factor Factor
(MW) (GWh) (Ps/KWh) (GWh) (MW) (MW) (%) (%) (%)

Tarbela 3,478.0 12,610.26 44.52 3,506.0 40.95 100.81 41.28
T-4TH 1,410.0 3,427.17 8.39 1,410.0
Ghazi Brotha 1,450.0 6,890.78 79.87 1,450.0 54.10 100.00 54.10
Mangla 1,000.0 5,405.25 91.41 915.0 67.25 91.50 61.54
Warsak 243.0 1,075.46 10.47 233.0 52.55 95.90 50.39
Chashma 184.0 776.53 4.21 125.0 70.72 67.93 48.04
DKHP 130.0 643.26 2.47 130.0 56.33 100.00 56.33
Golen Gol 108.0 84.88 7.74 70.8 13.65 65.56
Jinnah 96.0 241.74 11.85 63.5 43.34 66.15 28.67
AKHP 121.0 449.28 10.50 121.0 42.27 100.00 42.27
Dargai 20.0 109.09 0.37 15.0 82.79 75.00 62.10
New Jabban 22.0 135.75 1.29 22.0 70.25 100.00 70.25
Gomal Zam 17.4 62.88 0.82 8.5 84.22 48.85 41.14
Rasul 22.0 79.75 3.12 15.0 60.53 68.18 41.27
Shadiwal 13.5 32.59 0.69 6.0 61.83 44.44 27.48
Chichoki Malian 13.2 27.91 0.53 7.5 42.36 56.82 24.07
Nandipur 13.8 33.49 1.01 9.0 42.37 65.22 27.63
Kurram Garhi 4.0 20.61 0.90 3.8 61.74 95.00 58.66
Renala 1.1 2.01 0.05 0.5 45.71 45.45 20.78
Chitral 1.0 2.66 0.01 0.6 50.42 60.00 30.25
KKHP 72.0 236.07 4.88 72.0 37.33 100.00 37.33
WAPDA Sub-total: 8,420.0 32,347.4 285.1 *
Kathai 3.2 11.53 345.7 0.12 3.2 1.20 41.01 100.00 41.01
Kundal Shahi 2.0 11.73 259.2 0.12 2.0 1.20 66.79 100.00 66.79
Jagran 30.4 113.83 259.0 1.20 30.4 3.00 42.63 100.00 42.63
Leepa 1.6 4.50 259.0 0.06 1.6 0.80 32.03 100.00 32.03
Kel Margala 0.8 1.89 259.0 0.01 0.8 0.50 28.69 100.00 28.69
Qadirabad 3.0 4.67 259.0 0.01 3.0 0.40 17.72 100.00 17.72
Ranger 0.6 0.20 259.0 0.01 0.6 0.20 3.72 100.00 3.72
Sharian 3.2 10.50 259.0 0.06 3.2 1.50 37.36 100.00 37.36
Pattika 0.5 1.38 259.0 0.01 0.5 0.20 31.49 100.00 31.49
Halmat 0.3 0.65 25.5 0.01 0.3 0.20 23.01 100.00 23.01
Rehra 3.2 4.01 259.0 0.01 3.2 0.40 14.27 100.00 14.27
Sharda 3.0 4.67 259.0 0.01 1.4 0.90 37.94 46.67 17.71
Battar 4.8 7.84 259.0 0.12 3.0 1.20 29.74 62.50 18.59
Kappa Banamula 2.0 7.39 259.0 0.10 1.8 0.90 46.74 90.00 42.07
Kel 0.5 1.12 259.0 0.01 0.5 0.25 25.47 100.00 25.47
Dhanna 1.7 2.01 259.0 0.10 1.2 0.30 19.03 70.59 13.44
Galetar 1.0 0.50 21.2 0.01 0.5 0.20 11.49 50.00 5.74
Ranger-II 0.5 0.17 259.0 0.01 0.4 0.20 4.79 88.89 4.26
AJKPDO Sub-total: 62.2 188.6 2.0
C. Private Sector
New Bong Escape Hydro 84.0 465.29 1,433.0 2.05 86.0 8.00 61.59 102.38 63.06
Pehur 18.0 51.44 1.38 12.0 48.80 66.67 32.53
Machai 2.6 7.13 397.2 0.19 1.9 0.80 43.15 72.31 31.20
Malakand-III 81.0 323.63 2.06 77.0 12.00 47.85 95.06 45.49
Daral Khwarh 36.6 134.84 1.17 36.6 3.00 41.94 100.00 41.94
Ranolia 19.0 30.11 0.17 19.0 2.10 18.04 100.00 18.04
IPP Sub-total: 241.2 1,012.4 7.0

Total: 8,723.4 33,548.4 294.1

Source: WAPDA, AJKPDO, Hydel IPP (New Bong Escape Hydro), PEDO.
Table: 5.11
Installed Units Generated From Total Overall
Generation Units Average Cost of Auxiliary Maximum Load Capacity Utilization
Power Station Capacity Generated Fuel Cost Generation Consum. Load Factor Factor Factor
(GWh) (GWh) (GWh) (GWh) (GWh)
Power Station (MW) (GWh) (Ps/KWh) (Ps/KWh) (GWh) (MW) (%) (%) (%)
SPS Faisalabad 132 0.08
GTPS Faisalabad 244 14.1 14.15 1,587.23 5.62 80 2.02 32.79 0.77
TPS Muzaffar Garh 1,350 261.6 0.0 261.64 1,878.66 2,710.44 33.74 700 4.27 51.85 2.84
TPS Guddu (unit 5-13) 1,015 1,604.7 1,604.72 1,074.84 1,528.63 21.22 593 30.89 58.42 19.28
TPS Guddu (unit 14-16) 747 3,151.1 3,151.12 694.86 982.54 80.81 748 48.09 100.13 48.15
GTPS Kotri 174 1.87
CCPP Nandipur 565 1,539.5 1,539.49 997.19 1,426.53 59.23 534 32.91 94.51 33.73
FBC Lakhra 50 5.32 516 1,032.00
TPS Jamshoro 880 234.9 234.94 1,664.76 3,152.39 44.58 290 9.25 32.95 3.78
TPS Quetta 35 0.37
TPS Pasni
GTPS Panjgur
WAPDA Sub-total: 5,192 6,309.5 496.5 0.0 6,806.07 930.38 1,378.65 252.83
TPS Korangi n.a.
GTPS Korangi Town 107 135.5 245.5 381.02 1,030.67 n.a. 15.77 91.5 47.54 85.51 40.65
GTPS Site 107 82.8 144.2 227.01 1,071.49 n.a. 11.33 96.5 26.85 90.19 24.22
TPS Bin Qasim 1,050 754.2 3,083.6 1,292.7 5,130.45 1,397.85 n.a. 400.54 1020 57.42 97.14 55.78
Korangi CCP 248 379.4 36.0 611.7 1,027.19 930.78 n.a. 78.31 218 53.79 87.90 47.28
TPS Bin Qasim II 573 1,357.6 2,815.4 4,173.04 928.93 n.a. 246.42 525 90.74 91.62 83.14
K-Electric Sub-total: 2,085 2,709.6 3,083.6 36.0 5,109.5 10,938.72 1,155.54 752.36
AES Lalpir, M.Garh 362 620.8 620.78 n.a. 41.26 350.0 63.31 20.25
AES Pak Gen, M.Garh 365 445.5 445.54 n.a. 31.32 350.0 63.99 14.53
Altern Energy* 31 12.4 12.40 1,066.00 n.a. 0.81 15.0 9.53 4.83 4.98
Attock Gen 165 384.0 383.99 1,091.15 n.a. 11.28 157.9 28.00 28.00 38.00
Atlas Power 219 510.9 510.89 n.a. n.a. 19.55 214.5 27.27 27.27 30.34
Davis Energen* 11
Engro Energy Ltd. 217 648.5 648.50 715.00 31.12 151 40.29 97.03 41.81
Fauji Kabirwala 157 403.1 403.09 905.25 1,182.61 13.14 155.0 48.86 30.54 31.16
Foundation Power 185 1,000.4 1,000.37 n.a. 28.99 196.00 71.86 70.81
Gul Ahmed, Karachi 136 692.7 692.70 n.a. 19.48 127.50 96.17 60.16 61.95
Habibullah* 140 n.a.
Haveli Bahdur Shah PP* 1,230 0.1 7,876.2 7,876.35 191.82 1,246.0 78.58 77.07 80.35
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021


Installed Units Generated From Total Overall

Generation Units Average Cost of Auxiliary Maximum Load Capacity Utilization
Power Station Capacity Generated Fuel Cost Generation Consum. Load Factor Factor Factor
(GWh) (GWh) (GWh) (GWh) (GWh)
(MW) (GWh) (Ps/KWh) (Ps/KWh) (GWh) (MW) (%) (%) (%)

Halmore Power* 225 467.7 52.0 519.69 571.67 n.a. 19.06 214.69 32.06 32.06 33.54
HUBCO, Hub 1,292 112.9 112.91 1,732.00 n.a. 17.74 1,200.0 1.79 1.79 1.96
Hub Power, Narowal 214 496.1 496.07 1,263.46 n.a. 10.03 213.82 26.41 26.41 27.97
Japan Power 135
KAPCO, Kot Addu 1,466 2,372.8 1,164.6 122.0 3,659.31 n.a. 104.83 1,422.0 30.30 85.60 35.40
Kohinoor Energy, Lahore 131 347.7 347.72 n.a. 10.60 124.0 90.2 31.0 33.9
Liberty Power Tech* 202 606.7 606.66 n.a. n.a. 13.88 196.0 95.3 35.5 37.2
Nishat Chunian Power* 200 537.57 537.57 1,211.00 n.a. 14.58 196.0 66.3 31.4 48.0
Nishat Power* 200 523.4 523.40 1,250.00 n.a. 14.93 195.0 32.65 30.73 32.65
Orient Power 213 540.9 82.7 623.57 n.a. 16.70 214.3 52.93 36.03
Quaid-e-Azam Thermal PP* 1,180 8.8 7,310.0 7,318.81 188.62 1,181.0 77.27 71.84 77.27
Rousch Power 450 283.6 283.64 1,224.95 2,360.56 12.80 395.0 9.05 8.20 8.70
Saba Power 134 131.3 131.27 n.a. 9.08 134.0 12.95 11.32 11.32
Sahiwal/Huaneng Shahdong Energy Ltd. 1,320 7,342.7 7,342.70 76.48 1,244.0 67.38 63.50
Saif Power* 225 33.8 605.6 639.41 1,033.17 n.a. 18.51 214.0 37.09 34.65 35.87
Southern Electric* 136 n.a. n.a.
Sapphire Electric 212 130.1 438.0 568.04 1,285.36 n.a. 20.28 221.0 35.73 30.57 31.47
Tapal Energy, Karachi 126 748.0 748.02 n.a. n.a. 11.23 123.5 69.14 68.10 66.89
TNB Liberty Power 235 985.0 985.03 862.38 1,163.95 20.49 220.0 74.46 53.06 81.42
Uch Power 586 4,085.8 4.7 4,090.44 72.61 582.0 84.97 86.38 90.17
Uch-II Power 404 2,333.8 6.8 2,340.62 n.a. n.a. 56.98 399.3 71.96 72.97 76.05
Gulf Power Gen* 62
Reshman* 97
Baloki* 1,320 53.0 5,979.9 6,032.81 223.89 1,217.0 75.77 58.73 75.83
China HUB Power 1,220 7,923.4 7,923.40 465.01 660.0 72.41 72.49 93.74
Engro PowerGen Thar 660 3,909.5 3,909.50 360.97 608.0 74.10 90.00
Port Qasim* 1,320 8,373.4 8,373.38 483.97 1,243.0 89.44 94.16 72.41
IPPs Sub-total: 17,184 13,134 7,322 494 22,210 27,549 70,709 2,632

Total Thermal: 24,461 22,153.0 10,902.2 529.8 27,319.3 27,549.0 88,453.36 676.94 3,637.22
Source: IPPs, K-Electric, WAPDA. IPPs of WAPDA * Source: NEPRA's State of the Industry Report 2021 / NEPRA's webiste: CPPA Monthly Purchase Data Reports.
n.a.: Not available IPPs of K-Electric
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021
Part 6



Installed Capacity 1,921 MW

Generation 4,323 GWh

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 97

Table: 6.1

Technology Capacity (MW) Generation (GWh)

Solar Energy 430 705

Wind Energy 1,232 2,900

Bagasse 259 711

Total: 1,921 4,323

Source: Central Power Purchase Agency (CPPA), AEDB

Figure 6.1
Total:4,323 GWh

Solar Energy

Wind Energy


Solar Energy Wind Energy Biomass/Bagasse

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 98



Part 7

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 99

Appendix: 7.1
Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
1 Kundal 1 PUN 0/0/1868 Punjab Abandoned
2 Sadkal 1 GOI 0/0/1870 Punjab Abandoned
3 Sadkal 2 GOI 0/0/1870 Punjab Abandoned
4 Sadkal 3 GOI 0/0/1870 Punjab Abandoned
5 Sadkal 4 GOI 0/0/1870 Punjab Abandoned
6 Sadkal 5 GOI 0/0/1870 Punjab Abandoned
7 Khattan 3 TOW N 0/0/1884 Baloch. Abandoned
8 Khattan 1 TOW N 0/0/1885 Baloch. Abandoned
9 Khattan 2 TOW N 0/0/1885 Baloch. Abandoned
10 Khattan 7 TOW N 0/0/1885 Baloch. Abandoned
11 Khattan 4 TOW N 0/0/1887 Baloch. Abandoned
12 Khattan 5 TOW N 0/0/1888 Baloch. Abandoned
13 Khattan 6 TOW N 0/0/1888 Baloch. Abandoned
14 Khattan 8 TOW N 0/0/1889 Baloch. Abandoned
15 Khattan 9 TOW N 0/0/1889 Baloch. Abandoned
16 Khattan 10 TOW N 0/0/1889 Baloch. Abandoned
17 Khattan 11 TOW N 0/0/1889 Baloch. Abandoned
18 Spintangi 1 GOB 0/0/1890 Baloch. Abandoned
19 Khattan 12 TOW N 0/0/1891 Baloch. Abandoned
20 Khattan 13 TOW N 0/0/1891 Baloch. Abandoned
21 Sukur 1 GOI 0/0/1893 Sindh Abandoned
22 Kundal 2 PUN 20-Sep-00 Punjab 640 Abandoned
23 Jaba 1 TOW N 27-Sep-05 Punjab Abandoned
24 Jaba 2 TOW N 03-Nov-05 Punjab Abandoned
25 Golra 1 IPS 15-Sep-13 Punjab Abandoned
26 Golra 2 IPS 04-Nov-13 Punjab Abandoned
27 Khaur 1 POL 08-Sep-14 Punjab 4,239 Sakessar 01-Mar-15 Oil
28 Chandragup 1 BOC 01-Jan-16 Baloch. 2,660 Abandoned
29 Chappar-1 1 BOC 20-May-16 Baloch. Abandoned
30 Pir-1 1 BOC 26-Nov-16 Baloch. Abandoned
31 Dhulian 1 POL 21-Aug-18 Punjab 1378 2,018 01-Feb-21 Abandoned
32 Khabakki 1 IBPC 30-Oct-20 Punjab 1,045 01-Jan-22 Abandoned
33 Dhulian 2 POL 01-Nov-21 Punjab 2,779 01-Sep-24 Abandoned
34 Gabhir 1 POL 26-Nov-22 Punjab 1670 1,969 Abandoned
35 Jhatla 1 W PC 30-Oct-23 Punjab 1740 7,957 01-Jan-25 Abandoned
36 Dhulian 3 POL 09-Feb-24 Punjab 3,301 01-May-25 Abandoned
37 Khairpur 1 BOC 29-Oct-25 Sindh 4,512 01-Jul-26 Abandoned
38 Dalwati 1 BOC 05-Sep-27 Punjab 1386 3,662 Abandoned
39 Ganda Kas 1 BOC 01-Jan-30 Punjab 1398 3,002 Abandoned
40 Dalwati 2 BOC 29-Sep-30 Punjab 750 3,662 Abandoned
41 Khairi Murat 1 POL 28-Oct-30 Punjab 1614 532 27-Dec-30 Abandoned
42 Khairi Murat 3 POL 02-Jan-31 Punjab 1614 1,056 03-Mar-31 Abandoned
43 Khairi Murat 4 POL 01-Apr-31 Punjab 1614 755 31-May-31 Abandoned
44 Khairi Murat 5 POL 30-Jun-31 Punjab 1614 1,414 29-Aug-31 Abandoned
45 Khairi Murat 6 POL 29-Sep-31 Punjab 1614 994 28-Nov-31 Abandoned
46 Khairi Murat 7 POL 22-Dec-31 Punjab 1614 827 20-Feb-32 Abandoned
47 Babai 1 IBPC 03-Sep-32 Punjab 1815 7,712 Abandoned
48 Khairi Murat 2 POL 02-Nov-32 Punjab 1614 1,070 01-Jan-33 Abandoned
49 Ganda Kas 2 BOC 01-Jan-33 Punjab Abandoned
50 Dhulian 4 POL 01-May-33 Punjab 1324 3,465 17-Apr-34 Abandoned
51 Dhulian 5 POL 04-Oct-34 Punjab 1306 8,508 21-Jan-36 Abandoned
52 Chor Lakki 2 IBPC 01-Jan-36 Punjab 1050 4,000 01-Jan-38 Abandoned
53 Bokra 1 POL 26-Jan-36 Punjab 4,000 Abandoned
54 Chorlakki 1 IBPC 27-Feb-36 Punjab 1050 2,251 01-Jan-38 Abandoned
55 Dhulian 6 POL 05-May-36 Punjab 1339 8,268 Ranikot 15-May-37 Oil
56 Ganda Kas 3 BOC 01-Jan-38 Punjab Abandoned
57 Drigh Road 1 BOC 05-Jan-39 Sindh 242 10,906 07-Nov-56 Abandoned
58 Ganda Kas 1 IBPC 22-Nov-39 Punjab Abandoned
59 Meyal 1A POL 29-Oct-42 Punjab 8,491 20-Nov-44 Abandoned
60 Uchhri 1 POL 25-Feb-43 Punjab 8,445 17-Feb-44 Abandoned
61 Joya Mair 1 POL 25-Oct-43 Punjab 1670 6,900 Chorgali/Sakessar 01-Jan-44 Oil
62 Balkassar 1A POL 04-Apr-45 Punjab 1782 8,399 Chorgali/Sakessar 01-Jan-46 Oil
63 Meyal 2A POL 18-May-45 Punjab 10,502 14-Nov-45 Abandoned
64 Bokra 2 POL 19-May-45 Punjab 1850 6,365 30-Apr-46 Abandoned
65 Chakwal 1 BOC 08-Jul-46 Punjab 1387 8,740 01-Jul-48 Abandoned
66 Meyal 3A BOC 01-Jul-47 Punjab 1440 8,219 Datta 13-Mar-48 Abandoned
67 Lakhra 1B BOC 02-May-48 Sindh 332 12,666 Sembar 09-Apr-50 Abandoned
68 Sui 1 PPL 10-Oct-51 Baloch. 800 10,048 Goru 02-Nov-52 Gas
69 Bains 1 POL 18-Dec-51 Punjab 1736 3,599 Murree 23-Sep-53 Abandoned
70 Dhariala 1P POL 17-Jan-52 Punjab 2884 8,517 Salt Range 18-Apr-52 Abandoned
71 Chak Naurang 1 BOC 20-Mar-52 Punjab 1830 7,700 Sardhai 17-Apr-53 Abandoned
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 100


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
72 Bains 2 POL 13-Nov-52 Punjab 1736 1 1,136 Murree 17-Sep-55 Abandoned
73 Zin 1 PPL 23-Jan-53 Baloch. 3566 6,385 Pab 26-Jun-54 Gas
74 Uch 1 PPL 15-Feb-55 Baloch. 388 1 1,001 Sem bar 30-Sep-55 Gas
75 Karsal 1 PPL 02-May-55 Punjab 1385 12,750 Sardhai 07-May-57 Oil
76 Dhak 1 Hunt 05-May-56 Baloch. 21 8,407 26-Oct-56 Abandoned
77 Kech Band 1 Hunt 15-May-56 Baloch. Panjgur Abandoned
78 Digh 1X Stanvac 21-May-56 Sindh 40 10,908 Shrinab 1 1-Jul-56 Abandoned
79 Jhatla 1P POL 06-Jul-56 Punjab 1919 6,546 Sakesar 19-Apr-57 Abandoned
80 Karachi 1 PPL 07-Aug-56 Sindh 194 9,957 Korara Shale 31-Jul-57 Abandoned
81 Khairpur 2 PPL 14-Sep-56 Sindh 602 1 1,014 Chiltan 06-Apr-57 Gas
82 Dhak 2 Hunt 10-Nov-56 Baloch. 20 14,614 17-Mar-57 Abandoned
83 Adhi 1 PPL 14-Dec-56 Punjab 1794 2,098 Kamlial 21-Feb-57 Abandoned
84 Mari X1 ESSO 29-Dec-56 Sindh 248 1 1,1 10 Sem bar 01-Aug-57 Gas
85 Sari Singh 1 Hunt 28-Apr-57 Sindh 882 10,167 30-Aug-57 Abandoned
86 Kalar Kahar 1 POL 20-May-57 Punjab 2126 7,130 Salt Range 15-Jul-58 Abandoned
87 Talhar 1X Stanvac 23-May-57 Sindh 48 10,785 Chiltan 21-Sep-57 Abandoned
88 Nandrakhi 1 POL 06-Jul-57 Punjab 2221 3,419 30-Sep-58 Abandoned
89 Sunbak 1 Hunt 09-Sep-57 Sindh 370 6,339 14-Oct-57 Abandoned
90 Bannh 1 PPL 15-Oct-57 Baloch. 492 13,002 L. Siwaliks 29-Apr-58 Abandoned
91 Sanni 1 PPL 15-Oct-57 Baloch. Abandoned
92 Mirpurbataro 1X Stanvac 15-Oct-57 Sindh 42 10,012 Lower Goru 03-Feb-58 Abandoned
93 Lakhra 1 Hunt 20-Oct-57 Sindh 322 1 1,890 Lower Goru 14-Mar-58 Abandoned
94 Adhi 2 PPL 07-Nov-57 Punjab 1856 3,760 Murree 01-Apr-58 Abandoned
95 Giandari 1 PSOC 26-Feb-58 Punjab 1226 12,008 Takatu L.St. 08-Sep-58 Abandoned
96 Lakhra 2 Hunt 19-Mar-58 Sindh 358 3,931 Parh 01-Apr-58 Abandoned
97 Lakhra 3 Hunt 06-Apr-58 Sindh 400 3,901 Parh 17-Apr-58 Abandoned
98 Lakhra 4 Hunt 24-Apr-58 Sindh 266 3,950 Parh 07-May-58 Abandoned
99 Jacobabad 1 PPL 08-May-58 Sindh 183 3,265 Ghazij 19-May-58 Abandoned
100 Phulji 1 Hunt 29-May-58 Sindh 158 12,182 Ranikot 03-Sep-58 Abandoned
101 Nabisar 1 Stanvac 15-Jun-58 Sindh 99 10,023 Triassic 17-Sep-58 Abandoned
102 Jacobabad 2 PPL 12-Jun-58 Sindh 185 5,814 Chiltan 16-Jul-58 Abandoned
103 Mazarani 1 PPL 21-Aug-58 Sindh 289 10,1 15 Fort Muro 17-Jan-59 Gas
104 Badhra 1 Hunt 07-Oct-58 Sindh 4,373 Pab 21-Feb-59 Abandoned
105 Karampur 1 Shell 27-Dec-58 Punjab 467 9,954 Basement 09-Apr-59 Abandoned
106 Chak Belikhan 1 POL 21-Jan-59 Punjab 1591 1,421 12-May-59 Abandoned
107 Kandhkot 1 PPL 07-Mar-59 Sindh 241 6,821 Fort Muro 12-Apr-59 Gas
108 Phulji 2 Hunt 23-Mar-59 Sindh 8,321 25-Apr-59 Abandoned
109 Karachi 2 PPL 26-Apr-59 Sindh 194 12,946 Korara Shale 25-Nov-59 Abandoned
110 Mahesian 1 POL 01-Jun-59 Punjab 1247 10,787 Khewra S.st. 13-May-60 Abandoned
111 Chak Belikhan 2 POL 19-Oct-59 Punjab 1,499 12-Dec-59 Abandoned
112 Domanda 1 PPL 26-Nov-59 Punjab 2372 1 1,183 Ghazij 21-Apr-60 Abandoned
113 Dasori 1 PPL 15-Dec-60 Sindh 74 1 1,152 Sembar 20-Mar-61 Abandoned
114 Tanwin 1 POL 19-Jan-61 Punjab 1762 14,745 Murree 23-Feb-62 Abandoned
115 Badin 1X Stanvac 03-Sep-61 Sindh 37 9,005 Chiltan 05-Nov-61 Abandoned
116 Kech Band 1 Tide 20-Mar-62 Sindh 10,988 Panjgur 17-Dec-62 Abandoned
117 Chharat Gib 2 OGDC 06-Jul-63 Punjab 3,622 25-May-64 Abandoned
118 Chharat Gib 1 OGDC 16-Jul-63 Punjab 3,199 Sakesar 30-Dec-63 Abandoned
119 Chharat Gib 3 OGDC 22-Jul-63 Punjab 394 Murree 30-Aug-63 Abandoned
120 Chak Belikhan 3 POL 25-Jul-63 Punjab 1526 12,904 27-Apr-64 Abandoned
121 Dabbo Creek 1 Sun Oil 20-Nov-63 Offshore 62 14,286 Sembar 08-Aug-64 Abandoned
122 Patiani Creek 1 Sun Oil 19-Aug-64 Sindh 61 8,725 MughalKot 22-Oct-64 Abandoned
123 Korangi Creek 1 Sun Oil 25-Oct-64 Offshore 52 13,583 Korara Shale 21-Feb-65 Abandoned
124 Toot 1 OGDC 02-Nov-64 Punjab 1077 14,649 Datta 13-Sep-67 Oil
125 Kundian 1 PPL 27-Jan-65 Punjab 683 7,087 Khewra S.st. 03-Apr-65 Abandoned
126 Sari 1 OGDC 30-Jul-65 Sindh 825 4,856 L.Ranikot 05-Apr-66 Gas
127 Adhi 3 PPL 18-Oct-65 Punjab 1761 10,736 Murree 23-Dec-66 Abandoned
128 Mari x-7 ESSO 19-Feb-66 Sindh 2,575 Habib Rahi 24-Feb-66 Gas
129 Kot Sarang 1 OGDC 22-Jul-66 Punjab 1388 13,627 Wargal 09-May-68 Abandoned
130 Adhi 4 PPL 22-Apr-67 Punjab 1815 6,692 Murree 06-Dec-67 Abandoned
131 Benir 1 OGDC 12-Oct-67 Sindh 1437 7,700 Ranikot 07-Jun-68 Abandoned
132 Meyal 1P POL 04-Nov-67 Punjab 1230 12,514 04-Nov-68 Oil/Gas
133 Kand 1 OGDC 17-Sep-68 Punjab 670 7,874 Korara Shale 30-Apr-69 Abandoned
134 Pezu 1 PPL 09-Nov-68 Punjab 1106 7,294 Datta 02-Apr-69 Abandoned
135 Nuryal 1 OGDC 28-May-69 Punjab 1199 15,768 Datta 10-Aug-71 Abandoned
136 Hundi 1 OGDC 21-Sep-69 Sindh 1091 7,888 Ranikot 10-Mar-71 Gas
137 Karang Gib 1 OGDC 25-Nov-69 Punjab 2925 3,291 Salt Range 10-Apr-71 Abandoned
138 Marwat 1 PPL 23-Aug-70 Punjab 1933 7,251 Salt Range 20-Dec-70 Abandoned
139 Gadularo 1 OGDC 06-Jun-71 Sindh 736 6,098 L. Ranikot 16-Feb-72 Abandoned
140 Dhadambar 1 OGDC 01-Dec-71 Punjab 1151 9,820 Chhidru 22-Dec-77 Abandoned
141 Kothar 1 OGDC 08-Aug-72 Sindh 997 6,236 L. Ranikot 27-Jul-73 Gas
142 Indus Marine 1A Winter 12-Sep-72 Offshore 35 9,322 Miocene 14-Dec-72 Abandoned
143 Indus Marine 1B Winter 15-Dec-72 Offshore 35 12,482 L. Miocene 14-Mar-73 Abandoned
144 Rodho 1 OGDC 26-Dec-72 Punjab 1910 623 Ghazji 04-Dec-73 Abandoned
145 Rodho 2 OGDC 15-Jan-73 Punjab 1905 8,100 Sem bar 22-Dec-74 Gas
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 101


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
146 Sarai Sidhu 1 Amoco 02-Dec-73 Punjab 476 10,762 Salt Range 16-Feb-74 Abandoned
147 Tola 1 Amoco 27-Feb-74 Punjab 479 6,000 Warcha 14-Mar-74 Abandoned
148 Jhatpat 1 Amoco 06-Apr-74 Baloch. 200 15,303 Wulgai 20-Sep-74 Abandoned
149 Kamiab 1 Amoco 15-Oct-74 Punjab 535 7,541 Samana Suk 21-Nov-74 Abandoned
150 Budhuana 1 Amoco 04-Dec-74 Punjab 504 4,198 Samana Suk 15-Dec-74 Abandoned
151 Jandran 1 Am oco 15-Jan-75 Baloch. 4403 8,054 Chiltan 27-Jul-75 Gas
152 Garr koh 1 MAR 04-Mar-75 Baloch. 177 1 1,887 25-Aug-75 Abandoned
153 Indus Marine 1C Winter 04-Mar-75 Offshore 35 6,372 L.Eocene 13-May-75 Abandoned
154 TadriMain 1 Amoco 30-Sep-75 Baloch. 3638 5,990 Chiltan 12-Dec-75 Abandoned
155 Pirkoh 1 OGDC 25-Oct-75 Baloch. 236 9,186 Mughalkot 30-Dec-77 Gas
156 Sakhi Sarwar 1 Amoco 10-Jan-76 Punjab 782 15,030 Pab 13-Oct-76 Abandoned
157 Jal pari 1A MAR 30-Dec-76 Offshore 66 6,585 Hingelaj 13-Feb-77 Abandoned
158 Adhi 5 PPL 01-Aug-77 Punjab 1775 9,219 Salt Range 12-Feb-78 Gas/Cond.
159 Karak 1 TEX 04-Aug-77 Punjab 2761 14,629 23-Apr-78 Abandoned
160 Kotrum 1 OGDC 16-Dec-77 Punjab 1685 15,742 Pab 18-Aug-79 Abandoned
161 Karachi South 1A Husky 26-Feb-78 Offshore 52 1 1,002 Mughalkot 09-May-78 Abandoned
162 Dhodak 1 OGDC 12-Jun-75 Punjab 1685 6,998 Pab 17-Dec-77 Condensate
163 Dhermund 1 OGDC 30-Dec-78 Punjab 1390 14,212 Salt Range 10-Jan-79 Abandoned
164 Patar 1 UTP 16-Jan-79 Sindh 32 10,100 Chiltan 14-Mar-79 Abandoned
165 Tarai 1 UTP 26-Mar-79 Sindh 40 10,200 Chiltan 06-Jun-79 Abandoned
166 Mianwala 1 Amoco 16-Jun-79 Punjab 1486 15,807 Mamikhel 03-Mar-80 Abandoned
167 Qazian 1X Gulf 20-Oct-79 Punjab 1508 8,140 Salt Range 03-Aug-80 Abandoned
168 Surjan 1 OGDC 12-Dec-79 Sindh 1106 1 1,861 Lower Goru 27-Sep-81 Abandoned
169 Fim kassar 1X Gulf 21-Aug-80 Punjab 1772 1 1,465 Salt Range 08-Jun-81 Oil
170 Damiri 1 UTP 10-Oct-80 Sindh 50 12,360 Lower Goru 06-Feb-81 Abandoned
171 Bahawalpur East 1 Shell 19-Dec-80 Punjab 443 9,922 Basement 17-Feb-81 Abandoned
172 Khaur-Oxy 1 OXY 18-Jan-81 Punjab 1630 9,306 Tobra 06-Feb-82 Abandoned
173 Hayal 1 OGDC 01-Feb-81 Punjab 1764 8,698 Salt Range 27-Dec-81 Abandoned
174 Jati 1 UTP 18-Feb-81 Sindh 36 10,109 Lower Goru 07-May-81 Abandoned
175 Marot 1 Shell 22-Feb-81 Punjab 469 8,517 Basement 17-Apr-81 Abandoned
176 Khaskeli 1 UTP 14-May-81 Sindh 59 8,529 Sem bar 02-Jul-81 Oil
177 Balkassar 1 OXY 23-Jun-81 Punjab 1757 10,270 Salt Range 07-Oct-81 Abandoned
178 Tarai 2 UTP 30-Dec-81 Sindh 34 3,055 Lower Goru 1 1-Jan-82 Abandoned
179 Dakhni 1 OGDC 1 1-Mar-82 Punjab 1088 16,241 Sam ana Suk 20-Aug-83 Gas/Cond.
180 Jhal 1 BP 12-May-82 Baloch. 256 16,405 Goru 09-Dec-82 Abandoned
181 Bhadmi 1 UTP 29-Oct-82 Sindh 14 12,512 Liassic Clastic 25-Jan-83 Abandoned
182 Warnali 1 Shell 1 1-Nov-82 Punjab 709 9,213 Basement 09-Jan-83 Abandoned
183 Sanni 1 BP 04-Jan-83 Baloch. 509 4,170 Dhok Pathan 19-Jan-83 Abandoned
184 Lilla 1 Shell 21-Jan-83 Punjab 699 6,319 Salt Range 07-Mar-83 Abandoned
185 Dari 1 UTP 01-Feb-83 Sindh 45 8,000 Lower Goru 22-Mar-83 Abandoned
186 Pabbi Hill 1 Shell 18-Mar-83 Punjab 1317 10,624 Murree/Kamlial 1 1-Jul-83 Abandoned
187 Kathar 1 OGDC 25-Mar-83 Sindh 80 12,080 Sembar 21-Sep-83 Abandoned
188 Laghari 1 UTP 31-Aug-83 Sindh 62 3,400 Lower Goru 27-Sep-83 Oil
189 Dhurnal 1 OXY 25-Oct-83 Punjab 1684 13,438 Patala 08-May-84 Oil
190 Kario 1 UTP 27-Oct-83 Sindh 72 6,301 Lower Goru 24-Nov-83 Abandoned
191 Golarchi 1 UTP 14-Dec-83 Sindh 39 6,400 Lower Goru 28-Jan-84 Gas
192 Tando Alam 1 OGDC 28-Jan-84 Sindh 79 8,203 Lower Goru 08-Jun-84 Oil
193 Nizamani 1 UTP 31-Jan-84 Sindh 91 6,000 Lower Goru 23-Feb-84 Abandoned
194 Akai 1 UTP 25-Feb-84 Sindh 62 3,600 Lower Goru 08-Mar-84 Abandoned
195 Jhol 1 UTP 12-Apr-84 Sindh 46 4,650 Lower Goru 30-May-84 Abandoned
196 Nuryal 2 OGDC 17-Mar-84 Punjab 1207 16,076 Kingriali 24-Oct-84 Abandoned
197 Nandpur 1 OGDC 24-Apr-84 Punjab 466 6,923 Kingriali 29-Jun-84 Gas
198 Tajedi 1 UTP 02-May-84 Sindh 33 5,880 Lower Goru 26-May-84 Oil
199 Dhandi 1 OGDC 25-May-84 Punjab 253 5,400 Pab 30-Jul-84 Abandoned
200 Makhrah 1 UTP 28-May-84 Sindh 45 4,089 Lower Goru 1 1-Jun-84 Abandoned
201 Walhar 1 UTP 06-Jun-84 Sindh 62 5,500 Lower Goru 30-Jun-84 Abandoned
202 Mazari 1 UTP 27-Jul-84 Sindh 84 6,600 Lower Goru 29-Aug-84 Abandoned
203 Talpur 1 UTP 01-Sep-84 Sindh 77 4,733 Lower Goru 19-Sep-84 Abandoned
204 Dabhi 1 UTP 21-Sep-84 Sindh 66 6,200 Lower Goru 23-Oct-84 Oil/Gas
205 Panjpir 1 OGDC 02-Oct-84 Punjab 467 6,956 Tredian 03-Apr-85 Gas
206 Gharhari 1 UTP 14-Nov-84 Sindh 30 6,295 Lower Goru 13-Dec-84 Abandoned
207 Shahdadpur 1 OGDC 20-Nov-84 Sindh 114 13,452 Chiltan 27-Jun-85 Abandoned
208 Alipur 1 UTP 27-Nov-84 Sindh 67 5,667 Lower Goru 15-Dec-84 Abandoned
209 Loti 1 OGDC 05-Dec-84 Baloch. 3067 7,389 Mughalkot 31-May-85 Gas
210 Nari 1 UTP 15-Dec-84 Sindh 40 6,900 Lower Goru 30-Jan-85 Gas
211 Rarri 1 UTP 17-Dec-84 Sindh 28 6,71 1 Lower Goru 13-Jan-85 Abandoned
212 Junathi 1 UTP 14-Jan-85 Sindh 56 6,000 Lower Goru 04-Feb-85 Abandoned
213 Kot Sarang 2 OGDC 24-Jan-85 Punjab 14,232 Sardhai 08-Oct-85 Abandoned
214 Rajo 1 UTP 02-Mar-85 Sindh 27 5,885 Lower Goru 22-Mar-85 Abandoned
215 Akri 1 UTP 22-Mar-85 Sindh 34 5,910 Lower Goru 14-Apr-85 Abandoned
216 Sonro 1 UTP 30-Jul-85 Sindh 63 4,348 Lower Goru 09-Aug-85 Gas/Cond.
217 Turk 1 UTP 15-Apr-85 Sindh 53 6,952 Lower Goru 21-May-85 Oil
218 Mazari 2 UTP 23-May-85 Sindh 63 4,750 Lower Goru 12-Jun-85 Oil
219 South Mazari 1 UTP 13-Jun-85 Sindh 61 4,803 Lower Goru 30-Jun-85 Oil
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 102


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
220 Kaku 1 OGDC 09-Jul-85 Sindh 79 8,471 Lower Goru 27-Aug-85 Abandoned
221 Machi 1 OGDC 18-Aug-85 Sindh 69 8,514 Lower Goru 10-Oct-85 Abandoned
222 Bukhari 1 UTP 27-Aug-85 Sindh 55 10,001 Lower Goru 10-Jan-86 Gas/Cond.
223 Babar 1 OGDC 24-Sep-85 Sindh 79 12,001 Sembar 30-Apr-86 Abandoned
224 Pakcan 1 OGDC 27-Sep-85 Offshore 59 12,142 M.Miocene 01-Feb-86 Abandoned
225 Pariwali 1 OXY 09-Nov-85 Punjab 1469 17,450 Sardhai 26-May-86 Abandoned
226 Paniro 1 UTP 16-Nov-85 Sindh 58 3,050 Lower Goru 24-Nov-85 Abandoned
227 Sann 1 OGDC 17-Nov-85 Sindh 449 12,365 Chiltan 30-May-86 Abandoned
228 Chak Naurang 1A OGDC 06-Jan-86 Punjab 1826 8,816 Salt Range 20-Aug-86 Oil
229 Afiband 1 OGDC 25-Jan-86 Punjab 2826 6,627 Mughalkot 27-Jul-86 Abandoned
230 Dabhi South 1 UTP 30-Mar-86 Sindh 63 5,975 Lower Goru 20-Apr-86 Gas
231 Zindapir 1 OGDC 20-Mar-86 Punjab 1313 14,462 Alozai 07-Apr-87 Abandoned
232 Matli 1 UTP 21-Apr-86 Sindh 65 6,000 Lower Goru 10-May-86 Oil/Gas
233 Jabo 1 UTP 12-May-86 Sindh 26 7,309 Lower Goru 15-Jun-86 Gas
234 Ghotana 1 OGDC 15-May-86 Sindh 82 7,881 Lower Goru 05-Aug-86 Oil
235 Haji 1 UTP 16-Jun-86 Sindh 27 5,500 Lower Goru 07-Jul-86 Abandoned
236 Makhdum pur 1 UTP 16-Aug-86 Sindh 43 8,493 Lower Goru 14-Sep-86 Gas/Cond.
237 Liari 1 UTP 30-Sep-86 Sindh 70 7,520 Lower Goru 23-Oct-86 Oil
238 Piranwal 1 OGDC 24-Nov-86 Punjab 470 8,468 Baghanwala 02-Jan-87 Abandoned
239 Halipota 1 UTP 25-Nov-86 Sindh 69 7,602 Lower Goru 19-Dec-86 Oil
240 Lashari 1 OGDC 1 1-Dec-86 Sindh 78 8,366 Lower Goru 08-Mar-87 Abandoned
241 Lashari South 1 OGDC 23-Mar-87 Sindh 79 7,395 Lower Goru 02-Jun-87 Oil
242 Injra 1 OGDC 15-Jun-87 Punjab 1110 15,549 Datta 26-Apr-88 Abandoned
243 Thora 1 OGDC 15-Jun-87 Sindh 83 7,281 Lower Goru 27-Jul-87 Oil
244 Kunar 1 OGDC 04-Aug-87 Sindh 76 7,225 Lower Goru 14-Nov-87 Abandoned
245 Palari Sarki 1 OGDC 06-Sep-87 Sindh 299 1 1,900 Sembar 30-Aug-88 Abandoned
246 Ghunghro 1 UTP 14-Sep-87 Sindh 30 12,136 Chiltan 31-Jan-88 Oil
247 Baz 1 AS 20-Nov-87 Sindh 36 7,575 Lower Goru 1 1-Jan-88 Abandoned
248 Kunar East 1 OGDC 28-Nov-87 Sindh 73 7,762 Lower Goru 16-Jan-88 Abandoned
249 Sono 1 OGDC 24-Dec-87 Sindh 80 7,618 Lower Goru 06-Feb-88 Oil
250 Ratana 1 OXY 14-Jan-88 Punjab 1481 17,208 Datta 05-Oct-89 Gas/Cond.
251 Kunar 2 OGDC 01-Feb-88 Sindh 75 6,988 Lower Goru 14-Apr-88 Oil/Gas
252 Pir 1 UTP 02-Feb-88 Sindh 51 9,022 Lower Goru 12-Mar-88 Gas
253 Paniro 2 UTP 12-Feb-88 Sindh 61 7,400 Sem bar 12-Mar-88 Oil
254 Bobi 1 OGDC 02-Mar-88 Sindh 92 9,514 Lower Goru 31-May-88 Oil
255 Lashari-C 1 OGDC 05-Mar-88 Sindh 7,070 Lower Goru 1 1-Apr-88 Oil
256 Duphri 1 UTP 26-Mar-88 Sindh 43 3,635 Lower Goru 09-Mar-88 Oil
257 Lashari East 1 OGDC 14-May-88 Sindh 67 7,395 Lower Goru 07-Jul-88 Abandoned
258 Bari 1 UTP 29-May-88 Sindh 53 3,700 Lower Goru 06-Jun-88 Abandoned
259 Fimkassar 1A OGDC 01-Jun-88 Punjab 1787 9,374 Murree 04-Dec-88 Abandoned
260 Khorew ah 1 UTP 09-Jun-88 Sindh 50 6,850 Lower Goru 09-Jul-88 Gas/Cond.
261 Mol 1 CNW 12-Jun-88 Sindh 866 9,941 Lower Goru 02-Oct-88 Abandoned
262 Baki Ilkim 1 OGDC 21-Jun-88 Sindh 186 12,848 Lower Goru 22-Nov-88 Abandoned
263 Erazi 1 UTP 1 1-Jul-88 Sindh 51 5,842 Lower Goru 25-Jul-88 Abandoned
264 Jalwal 1 POL 28-Jul-88 Punjab 1139 14,820 Lower Goru 03-Dec-89 Abandoned
265 North Akri 1 UTP 03-Sep-88 Sindh 39 10,790 Lower Goru 04-Nov-88 Oil
266 Daru 1 OGDC 12-Oct-88 Sindh 65 8,409 Lower Goru 22-Jan-89 Gas
267 Ranger 1 ROL 16-Oct-88 Sindh 29 8,470 Chiltan 13-Nov-88 Abandoned
268 Bagla 1 Philips 22-Oct-88 Sindh 43 9,249 Lower Goru 09-Dec-88 Gas
269 Thora East 1 OGDC 22-Nov-88 Sindh 7,129 Lower Goru 09-Jan-89 Oil
270 Loti South 1 OGDC 10-Nov-88 Baloch. 1305 5,364 U. Ranikot 09-Jan-89 Abandoned
271 Bhal Saydan 1 OGDC 12-Dec-88 Punjab 1581 13,150 Margalla Hill L. St. 06-Feb-90 Condensate
272 Shakardara 1 OGDC 28-Jan-89 KPK. 2018 14,922 Chichali 27-Mar-90 Abandoned
273 Babu 1 UTP 28-Jan-89 Sindh 64 7,447 Lower Goru 03-Apr-89 Abandoned
274 Tando Ghulam Ali 1 UTP 03-Mar-89 Sindh 68 10,1 10 Chiltan 18-Apr-89 Gas/Cond.
275 Bhangali 1 OXY 10-Mar-89 1822 13,307 Khew ra S. St. 05-Oct-89 Oil
276 Fim kassar 1 OGDC 16-Apr-89 Punjab 1777 10,109 Patala Shale 16-Sep-89 Oil
277 Jamali 1 UTP 22-Apr-89 Sindh 51 8,571 Lower Goru 27-May-89 Abandoned
278 Kadanw ari 1 Lasm o 25-Apr-89 Sindh 228 13,104 Sem bar 18-Sep-89 Gas
279 Rais 1 OGDC 03-Apr-89 Sindh 88 8,481 Lower Goru 03-Jun-89 Abandoned
280 Koli 1 UTP 16-May-89 Sindh 49 5,549 Lower Goru 03-Jun-89 Gas/Cond.
281 Arbi 1 UTP 30-May-89 Sindh 35 7,709 Lower Goru 15-Jun-89 Abandoned
282 Sirani 1 UTP 18-Jun-89 Sindh 30 6,535 Lower Goru 04-Jul-89 Abandoned
283 Kato 1 UTP 22-Jun-89 Sindh 62 7,950 Lower Goru 10-Sep-89 Gas/Cond.
284 Pasahki 1 OGDC 14-Jun-89 Sindh 77 7,156 Lower Goru 15-Aug-89 Oil
285 Chakri 1 UTP 1 1-Aug-89 Sindh 61 8,300 Lower Goru 22-Sep-89 Abandoned
286 Baki Ilkin 2 OGDC 22-Sep-89 Sindh 210 14,259 Chiltan 18-May-90 Abandoned
287 Bhatti 1 UTP 12-Oct-89 Sindh 37 6,800 Lower Goru 05-Nov-89 Oil/Gas
288 Pasahki North 1 OGDC 06-Nov-89 Sindh 71 7,208 Lower Goru 16-Dec-89 Oil
289 Rind 1 UTP 15-Dec-89 Sindh 57 3,857 Lower Goru 27-Dec-89 Oil/Gas
290 Sher 1 Philips 17-Dec-88 Sindh 42 13,150 Sembar 18-Apr-89 Abandoned
291 Darbula 1 OGDC 20-Dec-89 Punjab 578 5,090 Salt Range 12-Jan-90 Abandoned
292 Sadaf 1 OXY 22-Dec-89 Offshore 49 13,058 E. Miocene 08-Mar-90 Abandoned
293 Shero 1 UTP 28-Dec-89 Sindh 73 6,400 Lower Goru 1 1-Jan-90 Abandoned
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 103


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
294 Khokhar 1 OGDC 08-Jan-90 Sindh 73 8,366 Lower Goru 18-Apr-90 Abandoned
295 Qadirpur 1 OGDC 15-Jan-90 Sindh 248 5,138 Pab 23-Mar-90 Gas
296 Lashari East ST 1 OGDC 03-Feb-90 Sindh 6,860 Lower Goru 24-Apr-90 Oil
297 Rip 1 UTP 21-Feb-90 Sindh 46 3,646 Lower Goru 28-Feb-90 Abandoned
298 Akri North 3 UTP 12-Mar-90 Sindh 6,499 Lower Goru 24-Mar-90 Abandoned
299 Judge 1 Lasmo 25-Apr-90 Sindh 187 12,139 Lower Goru 24-Sep-90 Abandoned
300 Turkwal 1 OGDC 06-Jun-90 Punjab 1675 10,663 Warcha 16-Jan-91 Abandoned
301 Bobi South 1 OGDC 08-Jul-90 Sindh 90 9,698 Lower Goru 25-Sep-90 Abandoned
302 Pir Patho 1 Cant. 26-Jul-90 Sindh 52 10,705 Lower Goru 25-Sep-90 Abandoned
303 Palijani 1 OGDC 30-Aug-90 Sindh 92 8,202 Lower Goru 07-Nov-90 Abandoned
304 Chonai 1 PCPI 02-Sep-90 KPK. 1269 12,796 Mianwali 22-Dec-90 Abandoned
305 Sultan 1 PCPI 07-Sep-90 Sindh 186 8,360 Chiltan 05-Oct-90 Abandoned
306 Gorwar 1 Lasmo 05-Oct-90 Sindh 203 1 1,844 Lower Goru 1 1-Jan-91 Gas shows
307 Kandra 1 Prem ier 09-Oct-90 Sindh 216 7,460 Chiltan 22-Nov-90 Gas
308 Dhum raki 1 OGDC 21-Oct-90 Sindh 94 9,564 Lower Goru 14-Jan-91 Condensate
309 Messa Kesw al 1 OGDC 22-Nov-90 Punjab 1518 7,224 Salt Range 13-Oct-91 Oil
310 Pindori 1 OXY 22-Nov-90 Punjab 1614 13,920 Sardhai 18-May-91 Oil
311 Noor 1 OGDC 05-Dec-90 Sindh 46 9,190 Lower Goru 03-May-91 Gas
312 Qadirpur(Deep) X-2 OGDC 07-Feb-91 Sindh 5,207 Pab 09-Apr-91 Abandoned
313 Manjhu 1 Premier 12-Feb-91 Sindh 315 1 1,719 Chiltan 19-Mar-91 Abandoned
314 Buzdar 1 OGDC 18-Mar-91 Sindh 60 5,095 Lower Goru 26-Apr-91 Gas/Cond.
315 Allah Dino 1 OGDC 22-May-91 Sindh 89 8,266 Lower Goru 08-Aug-91 Abandoned
316 M.Ism ail 1 OGDC 03-Jun-91 Sindh 69 7,776 Lower Goru 14-Jul-91 Oil
317 Sadkal 1 OGDC 26-Jun-91 Punjab 29 13,780 Lockhart 09-Jun-92 Condensate
318 Bobi_N 1 OGDC 30-Jun-91 Sindh 94 9,344 Lower Goru 1 1-Aug-91 Abandoned
319 Tolanj 1 Amoco 09-Aug-91 KPK. 2449 10,161 Samana Suk 24-Nov-91 Abandoned
320 Adiani 1 Lasmo 10-Aug-91 Sindh 218 1 1,923 Lower Goru 30-Nov-91 Abandoned
321 Almani 1 OGDC 05-Sep-91 Sindh 68 6,898 Lower Goru 08-Nov-91 Abandoned
322 Khajari 1 OGDC 24-Nov-91 Sindh 59 1 1,475 Shrinab 04-May-92 Abandoned
323 Waku 1 OGDC 27-Dec-91 Sindh 69 8,366 Lower Goru 09-Mar-92 Abandoned
324 Saro 1 OGDC 18-Jan-92 Punjab 547 3,415 Khadro 21-Feb-92 Abandoned
325 Shaik Nadin 1 Cant. 05-Feb-92 Sindh 29 5,509 Lower Goru 28-Feb-92 Abandoned
326 Sadaki 1 OGDC 10-Apr-92 Sindh 29 8,858 Datta/Shinwari 02-Nov-92 Abandoned
327 Ahmedpur 1 POL 23-Apr-92 Punjab 376 8,630 Lower Goru 05-Jun-92 Abandoned
328 Ichrie 1 OGDC 12-May-92 Punjab 121 10,827 Lower Goru 09-Oct-92 Abandoned
329 Jhalar 1 UTP 20-May-92 Sindh 46 4,300 Lower Goru 01-Jun-92 Abandoned
330 Nak-Band 1 OGDC 25-May-92 KPK. 951 12,992 Sakesar 01-Apr-93 Abandoned
331 Miran 1 OGDC 30-Jun-92 Sindh 126 14,436 Chiltan 30-Jan-93 Abandoned
332 Sakrand 1 OGDC 30-Jun-92 Sindh 124 14,108 Chiltan 07-Feb-93 Abandoned
333 Drigri 1 OGDC 02-Sep-92 Sindh 10,663 Ghazij 28-Nov-92 Abandoned
334 Mahi 1 UTP 1 1-Sep-92 Sindh 49 6,557 Lower Goru 27-Sep-92 Gas/Cond.
335 Sandiki 1 UTP 09-Oct-92 Sindh 1,854 U. Goru 12-Oct-92 Abandoned
336 Sagyun 1 OGDC 14-Oct-92 Sindh 13,927 Chiltan 13-May-93 Abandoned
337 Bari 2 UTP 21-Oct-92 Sindh 3,028 Lower Goru 30-Oct-92 Oil
338 Nakurji 1 UTP 10-Nov-92 Sindh 6,535 Lower Goru 30-Nov-92 Gas
339 Kahi 1 Amoco 05-Dec-92 KPK. 6,909 Samana Suk 25-Jan-93 Abandoned
340 N.Mazari 1 UTP 07-Dec-92 Sindh 4,826 Lower Goru 15-Dec-92 Abandoned
341 Kashmore 1 OGDC 22-Jan-93 Sindh 8,904 Dunghan 27-Apr-93 Abandoned
342 Buzdar-N 1 OGDC 24-Jan-93 Sindh 5,249 Lower Goru 03-Mar-93 Oil
343 Sumari 1 Amoco 06-Feb-93 KPK. 4,810 Samana Suk 03-Mar-93 Abandoned
344 Ramak 1 Lasmo 10-Feb-93 KPK. 14,600 Drazida 23-Apr-93 Abandoned
345 Thora-N 1 OGDC 06-Mar-93 Sindh 7,677 Lower Goru 08-May-93 Abandoned
346 Pirshah 1 OGDC 03-Apr-93 Sindh 6,332 Lower Goru 16-Apr-93 Abandoned
347 Gotki 1 Can-Oxy 15-Apr-93 Sindh 5,249 Pab 03-May-93 Abandoned
348 Mubarik 1 OGDC 18-Apr-93 Sindh 1 1,220 Lower Goru 10-Sep-93 Abandoned
349 Esakhel 1 OGDC 16-May-93 Punjab 15,354 Khewra S. St. 31-Oct-93 Abandoned
350 Bukerani 1 OGDC 14-Jun-93 Punjab 8,048 Lower Goru 26-Jul-93 Abandoned
351 Miano 1 OMV 16-Jun-93 Sindh 13,222 Sem bar 1 1-Nov-93 Gas
352 Jaffar 1 OGDC 30-Jun-93 Punjab 13,845 Kuldana 23-Apr-94 Abandoned
353 Bachal 1 UTP 15-Jul-93 Sindh 5,000 Lower Goru 22-Jul-93 Oil/Gas
354 Dal 1 UTP 29-Jul-93 Sindh 5,899 Lower Goru 09-Aug-93 Abandoned
355 Pirkoh-E 1 OGDC 07-Aug-93 Baloch. 7,087 L. Ranikot 16-Sep-93 Abandoned
356 Odejani 1 UTP 14-Aug-93 Sindh 3,258 Lower Goru 18-Aug-93 Abandoned
357 Tangri 1 UTP 21-Aug-93 Sindh 7,956 Lower Goru 30-Oct-93 Abandoned
358 S.Mazari.Deep 1 UTP 21-Sep-93 Sindh 7,510 Lower Goru 08-Oct-93 Oil
359 Beghari 1 OGDC 02-Oct-93 Sindh 7,917 Lower Goru 05-Feb-94 Abandoned
360 Odejani-A 1 UTP 01-Nov-93 Sindh 3,199 Lower Goru 08-Nov-93 Abandoned
361 Jalal 1 UTP 23-Oct-93 Sindh 5,801 Lower Goru 05-Nov-93 Gas
362 Rajian 1 OGDC 09-Nov-93 Punjab 12,139 Khewra S. St. 16-Aug-94 Oil
363 Buzdar-South 1 UTP 12-Nov-93 Sindh 5,000 Lower Goru 24-Nov-93 Gas/Cond.
364 Qubba 1 UTP 13-Nov-93 Sindh 5,699 Lower Goru 25-Nov-93 Abandoned
365 Buland 1 UTP 27-Nov-93 Sindh 2,651 Lower Goru 04-Dec-93 Gas
366 Zaur 1 UTP 24-Dec-93 Sindh 6,749 Lower Goru 02-Jan-94 Oil/Gas
367 Chak-Meyun 1 OGDC 10-Jan-94 Punjab 1 1,024 Sakesar 16-Oct-94 Abandoned
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 104


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
368 Badar 1 Prem ier 20-Jan-94 Sindh 5,279 Pab 1 1-Feb-94 Gas
369 Fort-Abbas 1 OGDC 24-Jan-94 Punjab 5,417 Salt Range 10-Mar-95 Abandoned
370 Tando Alam Deep 1 OGDC 24-Jan-94 Sindh 10,860 Lower Goru 30-Jun-94 Abandoned
371 Savi-Ragha 1 B.G. 28-Jan-94 Baloch. 9,767 Mughalkot 15-Jun-94 Gas/Cond.
372 Khoso 1 UTP 06-Feb-94 Sindh 9,898 Chiltan 14-Mar-94 Abandoned
373 Dabbar 1 Albion 20-Mar-94 Baloch. 4,505 Chiltan 28-Apr-94 Abandoned
374 Bukhari-E 1 UTP 27-Mar-94 Sindh 7,349 Lower Goru 12-Apr-94 Abandoned
375 Liari Deep 1 UTP 21-Apr-94 Sindh 1 1,470 Sem bar 08-Jun-94 Gas
376 Lakho 1 OGDC 28-Apr-94 Sindh 8,028 Lower Goru 07-Jul-94 Abandoned
377 Sara 1 Tullow 27-May-94 Sindh 10,449 Chiltan 08-Aug-94 Gas
378 Sabzal 1 OGDC 10-Jun-94 Sindh 1 1,913 Sembar 15-Sep-96 Abandoned
379 Sohro 1 OGDC 27-Jun-94 Sindh 6,453 Lower Goru 04-Aug-94 Abandoned
380 Chak-5 Dim 1 OGDC 27-Jun-94 Sindh 1 1,81 1 Lower Goru 1 1-Oct-94 Gas/Cond.
381 Tando G. Ali (North) 1 UTP 24-Nov-94 Sindh 3,501 Lower Goru 29-Nov-94 Abandoned
382 Kundi 1 PPL 05-Dec-94 KPK. 20,998 Panoba 18-Dec-95 Abandoned
383 Buland 2 UTP 07-Dec-94 Sindh 2,726 Lower Goru 13-Dec-94 Abandoned
384 Makhdum pur Deep 1 UTP 07-Dec-94 Sindh 1 1,716 Lower Goru 28-Jan-95 Gas
385 Tangri 2 UTP 16-Dec-94 Sindh 7,900 Lower Goru 14-Jan-95 Oil
386 Jhol North 1 UTP 20-Dec-94 Sindh 4,301 Lower Goru 02-Jan-95 Suspended
387 Jakheji 1 UTP 08-Jan-95 Sindh 3,799 Lower Goru 16-Jan-95 Abandoned
388 Bari South 1 UTP 20-Jan-95 Sindh 2,999 Lower Goru 31-Jan-95 Abandoned
389 Chachar 1 Tullow 28-Jan-95 Sindh 5,912 SML 28-Mar-95 Gas
390 Kal 1 OGDC 12-Feb-95 Punjab 9,154 Salt Range 16-May-95 Oil
391 Tarai Deep 2 UTP 12-Feb-95 Sindh 10,305 Chiltan 17-Apr-95 Abandoned
392 Badar South 1 Premier 14-Mar-95 Sindh 5,249 Pab 01-Apr-95 Suspended
393 Khipro 1 OMV 26-Mar-95 Sindh 13,740 Sem bar 31-Aug-95 Gas
394 Kalu 1 Tullow 13-Apr-95 Sindh 4,823 Khadro 12-May-95 Abandoned
395 Khorew ah Deep 1 UTP 29-Apr-95 Sindh 9,449 Lower Goru 28-Jun-95 Gas
396 Kadiqazi 1 UTP 22-May-95 Sindh 3,045 Lower Goru 29-May-95 Abandoned
397 Charo 1 Tullow 23-May-95 Sindh 4,396 Parh 19-Jun-95 Gas
398 Pir Bari 1 OGDC 20-Jun-95 Sindh 5,594 Pab 23-Jul-95 Abandoned
399 Paniari 1 OGDC 26-Jun-95 Sindh 10,925 Lower Goru 25-Sep-95 Abandoned
400 Am irpur 1 OGDC 28-Jun-95 Punjab 9,931 Khew ra S. St. 04-Jan-96 Oil
401 Shahab 1 OGDC 30-Jun-95 Punjab 5,472 Murree 19-Oct-95 Abandoned
402 Zaur Deep 1 UTP 05-Jul-95 Sindh 10,499 Lower Goru 08-Aug-95 Gas
403 Jakhri 1 UTP 07-Jul-95 Sindh 6,017 Lower Goru 27-Jul-95 Abandoned
404 Buland 3 UTP 19-Aug-95 Sindh 2,700 Lower Goru 31-Aug-95 Abandoned
405 Buzdar South Deep 1 UTP 01-Sep-95 Sindh 1 1,250 Chiltan 25-Oct-95 Gas
406 Gulan 1 B.G. 14-Nov-95 Baloch. 12,326 Pab 17-Apr-96 Abandoned
407 Shahab-A 1 OGDC 15-Nov-95 Punjab 13,843 Khewra S. St. 22-Aug-96 Abandoned
408 Chak-5 Dim South 1 OGDC 30-Nov-95 Sindh 9,541 Lower Goru 22-Feb-96 Gas/Cond.
409 Palli 1 OGDC 22-Dec-95 Sindh 9,514 Lower Goru 01-Jun-96 Oil
410 Chatha 1 OGDC 24-Jan-96 Punjab 13,123 Murree 19-Aug-96 Abandoned
411 Domani 1 OGDC 05-Feb-96 Sindh 3,652 Upper Goru 06-Mar-96 Abandoned
412 Nari Deep 1 UTP 20-Feb-96 Sindh 10,174 Lower Goru 04-Apr-96 Abandoned
413 Dauki 1 UTP 21-Feb-96 Sindh 3,593 Lower Goru 03-Mar-96 Abandoned
414 Kachelo-X 1 PPL 23-Feb-96 Sindh 10,994 Lower Goru 1 1-May-96 Abandoned
415 Bhit 1 Lasmo 1 1-Mar-96 Sindh 6,033 Pab 09-Jun-96 Abandoned
416 Indus 1 Premier 06-Apr-96 Sindh 3,629 1 1-Jun-96 Abandoned
417 Satiari 1 OGDC 13-Apr-96 Sindh 5,761 Lower Goru 13-May-96 Abandoned
418 Doti 1 UTP 18-Apr-96 Sindh 6,004 Lower Goru 04-May-96 Abandoned
419 Jagir 1 UTP 31-May-96 Sindh 7,556 Lower Goru 22-Jun-96 Oil
420 Jandran-X 1 OGDC 31-May-96 Baloch. 3,829 Parh 23-Aug-96 Abandoned
421 Sakhi 1 UTP 28-Jun-96 Sindh 8,701 Lower Goru 07-Aug-96 Oil/Gas
422 Bijnot 1 OGDC 28-Jun-96 Punjab 6,280 Basement 28-Aug-96 Abandoned
423 Sara West 1 Tullow 19-Jul-96 Sindh 9,990 Pariwar 14-Sep-96 Suspended
424 Indus 1B Premier 08-Aug-96 Sindh 4,596 Pab 08-Aug-96 Abandoned
425 Minw al-X 1 POL 09-Sep-96 Punjab 7,149 Sakesar 10-Dec-96 Oil
426 Kallar-X 1 PPL 10-Oct-96 Punjab 21,053 Kuldana 03-Nov-97 Abandoned
427 Kalachitta 1 OGDC 21-Nov-96 Punjab 12,959 Lockhart 18-Dec-97 Abandoned
428 Raj 1 UTP 10-Dec-96 Sindh 12,060 Upper Goru 27-Dec-96 Oil/Gas
429 Mithro 1 UTP 14-Dec-96 Sindh 7,999 Lower Goru 17-Jan-97 Abandoned
430 Bhit 2 Lasm o 20-Dec-96 Sindh 6,781 Fort Munro 01-Apr-97 Gas
431 Mari Deep 1 MGCL 01-Jan-97 Sindh 13,504 Chiltan 1 1-Jul-97 Gas
432 Dabbar 2 CONOCO 02-Jan-97 Baloch. 4,905 Chiltan 1 1-Feb-97 Abandoned
433 Khuda Dad 1 POL 04-Jan-97 Punjab 16,978 Murree 28-Nov-97 Abandoned
434 Nurpur A SHELL 24-Feb-97 Punjab 6,644 Salt Range 15-Jun-97 Abandoned
435 Dhok Kamal Shah 1 OGDC 03-Mar-97 Punjab 5,942 Murree 14-Jun-97 Abandoned
436 Miriwah 1 BG 04-Mar-97 Baloch. 6,578 Mughalkot 23-May-97 Abandoned
437 Keyhole 1 UTP 07-Mar-97 Sindh 9,751 Lower Goru 27-Apr-97 Abandoned
438 Muban 1 UTP 08-Mar-97 Sindh 2,552 Lower Goru 16-Mar-97 Oil
439 Kandero 1 UTP 12-Apr-97 Sindh 8,497 Lower Goru 01-May-97 Abandoned
440 Harno 1 OGDC 17-May-97 Punjab 10,502 Murree 10-Feb-98 Abandoned
441 Marvi 1 UTP 22-May-97 Sindh 16,998 Salt Range 05-May-98 Abandoned
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 105


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
442 Jandran-X 2 OGDC 04-Jun-97 Baloch. 3,609 Parh 1 1-Aug-97 Gas
443 Meting 1 Tullow 16-Jun-97 Sindh 14,075 Chiltan 26-Dec-97 Abandoned
444 Sumot Ghar 1 OGDC 20-Jun-97 Baloch. 5,577 Mughalkot 14-Sep-97 Abandoned
445 Diaal 1 OPPI 26-Jun-97 Punjab 12,244 Salt Range 24-Dec-97 Abandoned
446 Khararo 1 OMV 1 1-Jul-97 Sindh 10,171 Sembar 05-Oct-97 Abandoned
447 Hathungo 1 Premier 24-Jul-97 Sindh 1,509 Lower Goru 07-Aug-97 Abandoned
448 Turkwal (Re-entry) 1 POL 03-Aug-97 Punjab 1 1,850 26-Dec-97 Oil/Gas
449 Tarai Deep 3 UTP 05-Sep-97 Sindh 10,748 Chiltan 1 1-Nov-97 Abandoned
450 Duljan 1 BG 08-Sep-97 Sindh 1 1,877 Lower Goru 01-Jan-98 Abandoned
451 Suri 1 Tullow 21-Sep-97 Sindh 4,068 Upper Goru 1 1-Nov-97 Gas
452 Sawan 1 OMV 17-Oct-97 Sindh 1 1,768 Lower Goru 04-Feb-98 Gas
453 Mari Deep 2 MGCL 29-Oct-97 Sindh 12,799 Sem bar 17-Feb-98 Gas
454 Tando Allahyar 1 OGDCL 16-Nov-97 Sindh 5,741 Lower Goru 20-Jan-98 Oil/Gas
455 Keyhole G 1 UTP 24-Nov-97 Sindh 6,699 Lower Goru 25-Dec-97 Oil
456 Damiri (Re-entry) 1 Hunt 30-Nov-97 Sindh 14,815 Chiltan 16-May-98 Abandoned
457 Choti 1 OGDCL 06-Dec-97 Punjab 14,619 Sui Main Lst. 02-Jun-98 Abandoned
458 Mehro 1 UTP 20-Dec-97 Sindh 5,197 Lower Goru 06-Jan-98 Abandoned
459 Tarai South 1 UTP 29-Dec-97 Sindh 3,599 Lower Goru 28-Jan-98 Abandoned
460 Sakhi Deep 1 UTP 05-Jan-98 Sindh 9,856 Lower Goru 19-May-98 Gas
461 Nareri 1 UTP 08-Jan-98 Sindh 5,299 Lower Goru 23-Jan-98 Abandoned
462 Jakhro 1 OGDCL 09-Jan-98 Sindh 9,852 Lower Goru 16-Apr-98 Gas/Cond.
463 Zam zam a 1 BHP 15-Jan-98 Sindh 12,920 Pab 01-Jun-98 Gas/Cond.
464 Jandran X 3 OGDCL 27-Jan-98 Baloch. 5,102 Goru 15-Jun-98 Suspended
465 Daud X 1 PPL 28-Jan-98 Sindh 10,778 Lower Goru 01-Apr-98 Abandoned
466 Mataro 2 UTP 29-Jan-98 Sindh 4,199 Lower Goru 07-Feb-98 Abandoned
467 Ham za X 1 PPL 05-Feb-98 Sindh 4,417 Ranikot 05-Apr-98 Gas
468 Meyn Ism ail Deep 1 UTP 27-Feb-98 Sindh 10,781 Lower Goru 29-Jun-98 Gas
469 Nizmani 2 UTP 03-Mar-98 Sindh 6,050 Chiltan 16-Mar-98 Abandoned
470 Kharnhak 1 Hycarbex 16-Mar-98 Sindh 8,252 Chiltan 24-May-98 Abandoned
471 Sakhi South East 1 UTP 18-Mar-98 Sindh 6,499 Lower Goru 01-Apr-98 Abandoned
472 Dhabi North 1 UTP 03-Apr-98 Sindh 6,395 Lower Goru 23-Apr-98 Oil
473 Daiwal 1 OGDCL 06-Apr-98 Punjab 16,240 Khewra Sst. 26-Mar-99 Abandoned
474 Misan 1 OGDCL 01-May-98 Sindh 6,923 Lower Goru 29-Jun-98 Oil
475 Turkwal Deep 1 POL 23-May-98 Punjab 14,508 Sakesar Suspended
476 Sher 2 Hunt 30-May-98 Sindh 6,750 Lower Goru Abandoned
477 Zarghun South 1 Prem ier 04-Jun-98 Baloch. 7,126 Chiltan 13-Sep-98 Gas
478 Dhok Kemal Shah 1A OGDCL 16-Jun-98 Punjab 13,189 Margalla Hill 23-Apr-99 Suspended
479 Ranpethani 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-98 Sindh 3,832 Parh Fm. 24-Jul-98 Abandoned
480 Sui Deep 1 PPL 01-Jul-98 Baloch. 15,430 Chiltan 07-Mar-99 Gas
481 Khudadad Re-entry 1 POL 10-Aug-98 Punjab 17,608 Sakesar 24-Jun-99 Abandoned
482 Badhra 2 Lasm o 18-Sep-98 Sindh 1 1,467 Lower Goru 26-Feb-99 Gas
483 Musa Goth 1 OGDCL 13-Nov-98 Sindh 4,108 Lower Goru 07-Dec-98 Abandoned
484 Chanda 1 OGDCL 03-Dec-98 KPK. 15,709 Datta Oil & Gas
485 Gajwaro 1 OMV 08-Jan-99 Sindh 1 1,804 Lower Goru 28-Feb-99 Abandoned
486 David 1 Hycarbex 07-Feb-99 Sindh 3,623 SML 21-Feb-99 Abandoned
487 Hassan X-1 PPL 20-Feb-99 Sindh 3,714 SML 24-Mar-99 Gas
488 David 1A Hycarbex 05-Apr-99 Sindh 3,579 SML 28-Apr-99 Abandoned
489 Mir 1 OGDCL 21-Apr-99 Sindh 5,161 Lower Goru 08-Jun-99 Abandoned
490 Chak 255 1 OGDCL 01-May-99 Punjab 9,843 Lower Goru Abandoned
491 Burzi 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-99 Baloch. 9,029 Goru 03-Jul-00 Abandoned
492 Basira 1 BG 30-Jun-99 Sindh 1 1,204 Lower Goru 1 1-Aug-99 Abandoned
493 Charrat North 1 OGDCL 30-Jul-99 Punjab 1,512 12,959 Samana Suk 06-May-00 Abandoned
494 Sadkal C Deep 1 OGDCL 30-Jul-99 Punjab 15,696 Lockhart Plugged & Abdn.
495 Turkwal Deep 2 POL 1 1-Aug-99 Punjab 56 14,715 Nammal Plugged & Abdn.
496 Miranabad 1 OGDCL 17-Sep-99 Sindh 72 6,726 Lower Goru 29-Oct-99 Abandoned
497 Pasni 1 OCEAN 1 1-Oct-99 Offshore 94 1 1,710 Parkini 05-Jan-00 Abandoned
498 Jiwanwala 1 OGDCL 14-Oct-99 Punjab 431 6,890 Shinwari 17-Nov-99 Abandoned
499 Garhi 1 OGDCL 05-Nov-99 Punjab 16,795 Lockhart Plugged & Abdn.
500 Chandesri 1 OGDCL 27-Dec-99 Punjab 7,028 Lower Goru Plugged & Abdn.
501 Jhaberi 1 UTP 13-Jan-00 Sindh 60 4,699 Lower Goru 21-Jan-00 Oil/Gas
502 Chanda Deep 1 OGDCL 27-Jan-00 KPK. Abandoned
503 Gwadar 1 OCEAN 31-Jan-00 Offshore 90 12,500 Parkini 23-Mar-00 Plugged & Abdn.
504 Sadiq X-1 PPL 16-Feb-00 Sindh 240 3,845 Sui Main Lst. 17-Nov-99 Gas
505 Junathi South 1 UTP 17-Mar-00 Sindh 57 5,821 Lower Goru 25-Mar-00 Oil/Gas
506 Andhar 1 Lasmo 20-May-00 Baloch. 6,506 Parh Limestone Plugged & Abdn.
507 Dureji 1 Premier 25-Jun-00 Baloch. 8,025 Mughalkot 13-Aug-00 Plugged & Abdn.
508 Yusuf X-1 PPL 27-Jun-00 Sindh 213 4,757 SML Plugged & Abdn.
509 Suji 1 OMV 16-Jul-00 Punjab 394 8,615 Basement 29-Sep-00 Pluged & Abd.
510 Khokhar South 1 OGDCL 18-Jul-00 Sindh 69 6,890 Lower Goru 26-Aug-00 Pluged & Abd.
511 Khan 1 Tullow 16-Sep-00 Sindh 285 4,491 U. Goru 29-Sep-00 Abandoned
512 Southern Sindh X-1 POL 05-Oct-00 Sindh 16 10,275 Chiltan 20-Nov-00 Abandoned
513 Khairgarh 1 Tullow 12-Oct-00 Sindh 256 4,593 U. Goru 25-Nov-00 Pluged & Abd.
514 Dabhi Deep 1 UTP 17-Oct-00 Sindh 72 8,632 Lower Goru 22-Nov-00 Pluged & Abd.
515 Bhit MughalKot 1 Lasmo 18-Oct-00 Sindh 9,744 Pluged & Abd.
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 106


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
516 Gupchani 1 Tullow 16-Nov-00 Sindh 108 10,863 Lower Goru 27-Dec-00 Pluged & Abd.
517 Sabzal 1 POGC 16-Nov-00 Punjab 256 1 1,581 Sembar 26-Jan-01 Pluged & Abd.
518 Jacobabad 3 Hycarbex 27-Nov-00 Sindh 5,551 Chiltan Pluged & Abd.
519 East Diwana 1 Lasmo 13-Jan-01 Baloch. 10,709 Mughalkot Pluged & Abd.
520 Rajo 2 UTP 16-Jan-01 Sindh 30 5,000 Lower Goru Oil
521 Lalian 1 Tullow 31-Jan-01 Sindh 318 3,215 Fort Munro 1 1-Feb-01 Pluged & Abd.
522 Uch Deep 1 OGDCL 19-Feb-01 Baloch. 335 5,669 Capped
523 Rehm at 1 Petronas 25-May-01 Sindh 184 1 1,601 Lower Goru Gas
524 Uch Deep 1A OGDCL 26-May-01 Baloch. 4,308 SML Completed
525 Goth Bachal 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-01 Sindh 95 1 1,483 Lower Goru Abandoned
526 Kausar 1 OPI 30-Jun-01 Sindh 102 9,247 Lower Goru Gas
527 Tuba 1 OPI 21-Aug-01 Sindh 104 8,948 Lower Goru 19-Sep-01 Pluged & Abd.
528 Khushbakht 1 Petronas 02-Sep-01 Sindh 165 9,613 Lower Goru 1 1-Dec-01 Pluged & Abd.
529 Zarghun North 1 Premier 23-Nov-01 Baloch. 1 1,913 Chiltan Pluged & Abd.
530 Chak 63 1 OGDCL 22-Dec-01 Sindh 9,843 Lower Goru Oil/Gas
531 Chak 66 NE-1 OGDCL 07-Feb-02 Sindh 9,839 Lower Goru Oil/Gas
532 Manzalai 1 MOL 06-Feb-02 KPK. 15,010 Datta Gas/Cond.
533 Abri 1 OGDCL 07-Mar-02 Sindh 8,806 Lower Goru Pluged & Abd.
534 Ganmbat 1 OMV 21-Mar-02 Sindh 1 1,142 Lower Goru 03-Mar-02 Pluged & Abd.
535 Feteh 1 OGDCL 25-Apr-02 Sindh 9,844 Lower Goru Pluged & Abd.
536 Chak 2 1 OGDCL 10-Jun-02 Sindh 10,007 Lower Goru Gas/Cond.
537 Jhaberi South 1 BP 15-Jun-02 Sindh 58 6,099 Lower Goru Oil
538 Resham 1 OGDCL 18-Jun-02 Sindh 107 10,007 Lower Goru 04-Aug-02 Gas/Cond.
539 Garhi X-1 OGDCL 12-Jun-02 Punjab 17,388 Lockhart Pluged & Abd.
540 Benir 2 Premier 30-Jun-02 Sindh 1 1,814 Mughalkot Pluged & Abd.
541 Boski 1 OGDCL 1 1-Jul-02 Punjab 14,429 Khewra S. St. Pluged & Abd.
542 Barkat 1 OPI 02-Aug-02 Sindh 8,999 Lower Goru 14-Sep-02 Pluged & Abd.
543 Khanpur X-1 PPL 01-Sep-02 Sindh 4,035 Oct-02 Gas
544 Norai Jagir 1 OGDCL 02-Sep-02 Sindh 7,300 Lower Goru 1 1-Oct-02 Gas/Cond.
545 Kamal 1 OPI 04-Sep-02 Sindh 9,639 Lower Goru 03-Jan-03 Suspended
546 Marjan 1 OPI 15-Sep-02 Sindh 8,652 Lower Goru 17-Nov-02 Suspended
547 Chak-3 1 OGDCL 18-Sep-02 Sindh 10,007 Lower Goru 26-Oct-02 Pluged & Abd.
548 Hallel 1 Lasmo 25-Sep-02 Sindh 10,979 Parh Formation Pluged & Abd.
549 Hakeem Daho 1 OGDCL 27-Sep-02 Sindh 10,594 Lower Goru 16-Nov-02 Oil/Gas
550 Noorie 1 OPI 29-Sep-02 Sindh 10,474 Lower Goru 18-Dec-02 Pluged & Abd.
551 Chak-43 1 OGDCL 08-Oct-02 Sindh 10,072 Lower Goru 20-Nov-02 Pluged & Abd.
552 Dosa X-1 POL 07-Oct-02 Punjab 15,722 Pluged & Abd.
553 Bahadur 1 OGDCL 12-Oct-02 Sindh 6,184 Lower Goru 15-Nov-02 Pluged & Abd.
554 Naim at Basal 1 OPI 13-Nov-02 Sindh 1 1,841 Lower Goru 20-Feb-03 Gas/Cond.
555 Naim at Basal 2X UEPL 01-Dec-14 Sindh 12,733 Gas/Cond.
556 Bhullan Shah 1 OGDCL 14-Nov-02 Sindh 7,877 Lower Goru 23-Dec-02 Gas/Cond.
557 Chak-7A 1 OGDCL 23-Nov-02 Sindh 10,007 Lower Goru Jan-03 Gas/Cond.
558 Kashmiri Goth 1 OGDCL 16-Dec-02 Sindh 10,256 Lower Goru 05-Mar-03 Pluged & Abd.
559 Khabar 1 OGDCL 12-Jan-03 Sindh 1 1,253 Lower Goru Pluged & Abd.
560 Zirkani 1 PKP 18-Jan-03 Sindh 9,236 Pab Sandstone Gas
561 Mehar 1 Petronas 01-Dec-03 Sindh 12,484 Mughalkot Gas/Cond.
562 Began 1 OGDCL 02-Feb-03 Sindh 5,1 18 Lower Goru Pluged & Abd.
563 Siraj 1 OPI 05-Mar-03 Sindh 10,650 Lower Goru 13-May-03 Pluged & Abd.
564 Gadap 1 BP 27-Apr-03 Sindh 7,612 Lower Goru 09-May-03 Pluged & Abd.
565 Rehan 1 Petronas 15-May-03 Sindh 1 1,401 Lower Goru Plugged & Suspd.
566 Shah Dino 1 BP 01-Aug-03 Sindh 6,952 Lower Goru Oil
567 Naimat North 1 OPI 25-May-03 Sindh 12,001 Lower Goru Suspended
568 Siraj South 1 OPI 01-Aug-03 Sindh 10,559 Lower Goru Gas/Cond.
569 Lakarai 1 OGDCL 02-Jun-03 Sindh 8,366 Goru Pluged & Abd.
570 Shadani 1 OGDCL 07-Jun-03 Punjab 1 1,814 Alozai Pluged & Abd.
571 Raj East 1 BP 17-Jun-03 Sindh 7,01 1 Lower Goru Pluged & Abd.
572 Dars 1 OGDCL 01-Aug-03 Sindh 7,1 19 Lower Goru Gas/Cond.
573 Basharat 1 Petronas 29-Jun-03 Sindh 14,436 SML Pluged & Abd.
574 Mehran 1 BP 10-Jul-03 Sindh 1 1,204 Lower Goru 16-Oct-03 Pluged & Abd.
575 Khasarwari 1 OMV 19-Jul-03 Sindh 1 1,647 Lower Goru 01-Sep-03 Pluged & Abd.
576 Dangi 1 OGDCL 05-Aug-03 Sindh 13,625 Lower Goru 22-Nov-03 Pluged & Abd.
577 Inaam Basal 1 OPI 22-Aug-03 Sindh 10,154 Lower Goru 14-Oct-03 Plugged & Suspd.
578 Rehman 1 OPI 29-Aug-03 Sindh 12,522 Sembar 06-Nov-03 Pluged & Abd.
579 Shahpur 1 OPI 24-Sep-03 Sindh 1 1,847 Lower Goru 02-Feb-04 Pluged & Abd.
580 Zaur South 1 BP 21-Oct-03 Sindh 6,847 Lower Goru 30-Oct-03 Oil
581 Usm an 1 OPI 29-Oct-03 Sindh 12,563 Lower Goru 20-Jan-04 Gas
582 Jhal Magsi South 1 OGDCL 19-Nov-03 Baloch. 238 14,075 Dunghan Dec-04 Gas
583 Um ar 1 OPI 18-Dec-03 Sindh 10,040 Lower Goru 16-Feb-04 Oil
584 Kandra 3 PEL 21-Dec-03 Sindh 2,175 SML Suspended
585 Lala Jam ali 1 OGDCL 26-Dec-03 Sindh 1 1,155 Lower Goru 24-Feb-04 Gas/Cond.
586 Talib 1 BP 17-Feb-04 Sindh 7,899 Lower Goru 29-Feb-04 Pluged & Abd.
587 Ramadan 1 PAIGE 20-Feb-04 Baloch. 14,856 Murgha Faqirzai Suspended
588 Tuba Deep 1 OPI 28-Feb-04 Sindh 1 1,995 Lower Goru 19-Apr-04 Pluged & Abd.
589 Fateh Shah 1 BP 04-Mar-04 Sindh 8,816 Lower Goru 19-Mar-04 Gas
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 107


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
590 Inayat 1 BP 13-Mar-04 Sindh 7,812 Lower Goru 02-Apr-04 Pluged & Abd.
591 Makori 1 MOL 16-Mar-04 KPK 2,1 17 14,131 Tredian Jan-05 Gas/Cond.
592 Aulia 1 OGDCL 27-Mar-04 Sindh 12,228 Lower Goru Plugged & Suspd.
593 Ali Zaur 1 BP 03-Apr-04 Sindh 6,868 Lower Goru 15-Apr-04 Oil
594 Sidiq 1 OPI 12-Apr-04 Sindh 10,545 Lower Goru 06-Jul-04 Suspended
595 Bhan 1 ENI 15-Apr-04 Sindh 10,177 Fort Munro 19-May-04 Pluged & Abd.
596 Dars West 1 OGDCL 23-Apr-04 Sindh 72 6,896 Lower Goru Jul-04 Gas/Cond.
597 Chung 1 PKP 03-May-04 Sindh 6,644 Mughalkot Pluged & Abd.
598 PakG2 1 TOTAL 12-May-04 Offshore 15,584 Pluged & Abd.
599 Ali 1 OPI 19-May-04 Sindh 107 1 1,001 Lower Goru Jul-04 Gas/Cond.
600 Pasakhi Deep 1 OGDCL 27-May-04 Sindh 96 13,648 Chiltan Feb-05 Gas/Cond.
601 Dhubi 1 OGDCL 17-Jun-04 Sindh 10,335 Lower Goru Plugged & Abd.
602 Drabo Kas 1 OGDCL 27-Jun-04 Sindh 14,436 Kuldan Plugged & Abd.
603 Fateh Shah North 1 BP 07-Aug-04 Sindh 45 8,770 Lower Goru Oct-04 Gas
604 Fatima 1 OPI 12-Aug-04 Sindh 106 7,188 Lower Goru Plugged & Abd.
605 Jumman Shah 1 OGDCL 04-Sep-04 Sindh 12,467 Chiltan Plugged & Abd.
606 Bilal North 1 OPI 19-Oct-04 Sindh 110 10,364 Lower Goru Gas/Cond.
607 Malukani 1 OGDCL 17-Dec-04 Sindh 108 10,827 Lower Goru Plugged & Abd.
608 Mehar North 1 Petronas 27-Dec-04 Sindh 13,025 Upper Goru Plugged & Abd.
609 Saba 1 OGDCL 29-Dec-04 Punjab 13,484 Salt Range Plugged & Abd.
610 Dewan 1 Rally Energy02-Jan-05 Punjab 9,049 Sem bar Mar-05 Gas/Cond.
611 Mari SML 1 MGCL 16-Feb-05 Sindh 230 4,160 Sui Main L.st. Apr-05 Gas
612 Pasni X-2 PPL 18-Feb-05 Offshore 89 13,123 Panjgur Plugged & Abd.
613 Chak 63 South East 1 OGDCL 19-Mar-05 Sindh 10,499 Lower Goru May-05 Gas/Cond.
614 Haseeb 1 Hycarbex 25-Mar-05 Sindh 4,944 Ranikot May-05 Gas
615 Ali Sahib 1 OGDCL 30-Mar-05 Punjab 465 6,732 Kingriali Plugged & Abd.
616 Mela 1 OGDCL 1 1-Apr-05 KPK 16,243 Datta Sep-06 Oil/Gas
617 Bilal 1 OPI 18-Apr-05 Sindh 10,344 Lower Goru Jun-05 Gas/Cond.
618 Duljan Re-entry 1 OMV 06-May-05 Sindh 12,943 Lower Goru Plugged & Abd.
619 Tando A.Y North 1 OGDCL 1 1-Jun-05 Sindh 5,643 Lower Goru Oil/Gas
620 Sachal 1 OPI 21-Jun-05 Sindh 10,607 Sembar Plugged & Abd.
621 Amir Wali 1 OGDCL 28-Jun-05 Punjab 6,722 Kingriali Plugged & Abd.
622 Nara 1 OMV 17-Jul-05 Sindh 12060 Lower Goru 20-Sep-05 Pluged & Abd.
623 Kunar Deep 1 OGDCL 20-Jul-05 Sindh 10974 Sem bar 17-Nov-05 Gas/Cond.
624 Maliri 1 Premier 1 1-Aug-05 Sindh 2989 Pab Formation 06-Sep-05 Pluged & Abd.
625 Jhal Magsi North 1 OGDCL 01-Sep-05 Baloch. 13747 Dunghan 26-Jan-06 Pluged & Abd.
626 Lashari Deep 1 OGDCL 21-Sep-05 Sindh 10820 Sembar 22-Dec-05 Pluged & Abd.
627 Nim 1 OGDCL 23-Sep-05 Sindh 10860 Sem bar Gas/Cond.
628 Ziarat 1 MGCL 28-Sep-05 Baloch. 3445 Chiltan 28-Dec-05 Gas
629 Bhagan Wali 1 OGDCL 31-Oct-05 Punjab 15,748 Murree Plugged & Abd.
630 Dars Deep 1 OGDCL 07-Nov-05 Sindh 1 1,1 15 Sem bar 30-Jan-06 Gas/Cond.
631 Jander 1 OGDCL 20-Nov-05 Punjab 6,742 Kingriali 27-Dec-05 Pluged & Abd.
632 Ballo Uthwal 1 OGDCL 05-Dec-05 Punjab 12,274 Salt Range Suspended
633 Sono South 1 OGDCL 30-Dec-05 Sindh 8,038 Lower Goru 19-Feb-06 Pluged & Abd.
634 Bukhari Deep 1 BP 09-Jan-06 Sindh 8,559 Lower Goru 05-Feb-06 Gas
635 Kunner West 1 OGDCL 01-Feb-06 Sindh 12,090 Sembar Plugged & Abd.
636 Bahu 1 OGDCL 06-Feb-06 Punjab 9,695 Salt Range Gas
637 Shahpur Chakar 1 Tullow 21-Feb-06 Sindh 1 1,106 Lower Goru Pluged & Abd.
638 Pasakhi North East 1 OGDCL 05-Mar-06 Sindh 12,408 Sem bar Oil
639 Barhun 1 OGDCL 28-Mar-06 Sindh 1 1,801 Sembar Plugged & Abd.
640 Al-Ali 1 Hycarbex 25-Apr-06 Sindh 4,265 SML Temp. Suspen'd
641 Sumari Deep X 1 MOL 07-May-06 KPK 7,621 Datta Plugged & Abd.
642 Dakhni Deep 1 OGDCL 12-May-06 Punjab 15,840 Tredian Gas/Cond.
643 Qadirpur Deep 1 OGDCL 13-May-06 Sindh 15,400 Chiltan Suspended
644 Siraj North 1 OPII 31-May-06 Sindh 10,427 Lower Goru Suspended
645 Sakhi South Deep 1 BP 29-May-06 Sindh 9,377 Lower Goru Gas
646 Norai Jagir East 1 OGDCL 07-Jun-06 Sindh 1 1,319 Sembar Plugged & Abd.
647 Unar 1 OGDCL 22-Jun-06 Sindh 13,451 Chiltan Gas/Cond.
648 Sari Deep 1 OGDCL 19-Jun-06 Sindh 4,275 Upper Ranikot Temp. Suspen'd
649 Chak12 1 OGDCL 25-Jun-06 Punjab 6,985 Kingriali Plugged & Abd.
650 Nim West 1 OGDCL 28-Jun-06 Sindh 1 1,516 Sem bar Gas
651 Bagh X 1 OGDCL 28-Jun-06 Punjab 4,587 Kingriali Plugged & Abd.
652 Sarang X 1 PPL 29-Jun-06 Punjab 15,666 Khewra S. St. Plugged & Abd.
653 Khario 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-06 Sindh 13,586 Sembar Plugged & Abd.
654 Chak 66 NE 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-06 Sindh 1 1,270 Lower Goru Gas/Cond.
655 Ahm ad 1 OPII 26-Jul-06 Sindh 13,127 Lower Goru 20-Sep-06 Gas
656 Chak 14 1 OGDCL 15-Aug-06 Sindh 1 1,565 Lower Goru 25-Dec-06 Plugged & Abd.
657 Kahi Deep X 1 MOL 15-Aug-06 KPK 6,890 Samana Suk Plugged & suspd.
658 Hashim 1 POL 27-Sep-06 Sindh 1 1,824 Lower Goru Plugged & Abd.
659 Saqib 1 Petronas 21-Oct-06 Sindh 5,705 Plugged & suspd.
660 Michko 1 OMV 28-Oct-06 Sindh 1 1,220 Lower Goru 21-Jan-06 Plugged & Abd.
661 Mam i Khel 1 MOL 28-Oct-06 KPK 13,451 Kingriali Mar-08 Gas/Cond.
662 Kam al North 1 OPII 06-Nov-06 Sindh 9,888 Lower Goru 10-Dec-06 Gas/Cond.
663 Thora Deep 1 OGDCL 21-Nov-06 Sindh 12,815 Sem bar 27-Apr-07 Gas/Cond.
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 108


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
664 Kunar West 1A 1 OGDCL 02-Dec-06 Sindh 13,337 Chiltan 05-Apr-07 Gas/Cond.
665 Zaur West 1 BP 1 1-Dec-06 Sindh 7,304 Lower Goru 26-Dec-06 Gas/Cond.
666 Chandio 1 OGDCL 13-Dec-06 Sindh 12,008 Sem bar 19-Mar-07 Gas/Cond.
667 Dhachrapur 1 OGDCL 14-Dec-06 Sindh 1 1,516 Sem bar 28-Mar-07 Gas
668 Jadu 1 OGDCL 30-Dec-06 Sindh 9,843 Sembar Plugged & Abd.
669 Bahu North 1 OGDCL 31-Dec-06 Punjab 6,339 Kingriali Plugged & Abd.
670 Sinjhoro North 1 OGDCL 31-Dec-06 Sindh 1 1,539 Sembar 22-Mar-07 Plugged & Abd.
671 Latif 1 OMV 19-Jan-07 Sindh 1 1,549 Lower Goru 06-Feb-07 Gas
672 Ghazi 1 OPII 10-Jan-07 Sindh 9,053 Lower Goru 19-Feb-07 Plugged & suspd.
673 Rahim 1 OPII 12-Mar-07 Sindh 10,499 Lower Goru 04-May-07 Oil/Gas
674 Tajjal 1 OMV 16-Mar-07 Sindh 14,783 Lower Goru 27-Apr-07 Gas
675 Phalkara 1 BP 22-Mar-07 Sindh 6,093 Lower Goru 05-Apr-07 Plugged & Abd.
676 Khadegi 1 OGDCL 30-Mar-07 Sindh 9,186 Mughalkot Plugged & Abd.
677 Sari Deep 1A 1 OGDCL 19-Mar-07 Sindh 8,891 Pab Suspended
678 Adam X 1 PPL 04-Jul-07 Sindh 1 1,699 Lower Goru Gas/Cond.
679 Hashim Kher 1 OGDCL 30-Apr-07 Sindh 13,533 Chiltan Plugged & Abd.
680 Al Hakeem 1 OPII 17-May-07 Sindh 9,491 Lower Goru Plugged & Abd.
681 Zikria 1 OGDCL 21-May-07 Punjab 14,731 Basement Plugged & Abd.
682 Maluk 1 OGDCL 25-May-07 Punjab 12,080 Sembar Plugged & Abd.
683 TM 1 Saif 09-Jun-07 Sindh 8,219 Mughalkot Plugged & Abd.
684 Sakhi Sarwar Re entry 1 OPII 12-Jun-07 Punjab 15,184 Pab Sandstone Plugged & Abd.
685 Sanghar 1 OGDCL 24-Jun-07 Sindh 10,935 Lower Goru Plugged & Abd.
686 Dakhni South West 1 OGDCL 24-Jun-07 Punjab 18,812 Tredian Plugged & Abd.
687 Pasakhi East 1 OGDCL 29-Jun-07 Sindh 13,701 Chiltan Jan-08 Gas/Cond.
688 Moolan 1 OGDCL 29-Jun-07 Sindh 7,943 Nov-08 Gas/Cond.
689 Lashari South West 1 OGDCL 29-Jun-07 Sindh 7,612 Drilling
690 Dhodhak Deep 1 OGDCL 29-Jun-07 Punjab 13,615 Chiltan Jun-08 Gas
691 Missri 1 BP 07-Jul-07 Sindh 4,478 Lower Goru Gas
692 Al Baraka North 1 Dewan 20-Jul-07 Punjab 6,722 Chiltan 10-Jun-07 Suspended
693 Bhitai 1 MGCL 09-Jun-07 Sindh 3,944 Gas
694 Sawan East 1 OMV 09-Oct-07 Sindh 12,720 Lower Goru 14-Oct-07 Plugged & Abd.
695 Anne-Ax 1 Shell 10-Jan-07 Offshore 10,686 19-Nov-07 Plugged & Abd.
696 Saqib 1A Petronas 10-Aug-07 Sindh 1 1,827 Lower Goru 13-Feb-08 Gas/Cond.
697 Sono Deep 1 OGDCL 10-Sep-07 Sindh 1 1,516 Sem bar Suspended
698 Pakhro 1 OGDCL 15-Dec-07 Sindh 12,1 13 Lower Goru 28-Apr-08 Gas/Cond.
699 Kamal West 1 OPII 19-Dec-07 Sindh 1 1,603 Lower Goru 05-Feb-08 Plugged & Abd.
700 Shahrig 1 MGCL 10-Jan-08 Balochistan 5,085 Chiltan 29-Mar-08 Plugged & Abd.
701 Qalander 1 MGCL 14-Jan-08 Sindh 3,885 SML 29-Feb-08 Suspended
702 Reti 1 OGDCL 12-Jan-08 Sindh 10,171 Lower Goru 01-Apr-08 Suspended
703 Badhra South 1 ENI 19-Jan-08 Sindh 6,808 Parh 12-Apr-08 Suspended
704 Kunar South 1 OGDCL 21-Jan-08 Sindh 1 1,007 Sem bar Gas/Cond.
705 Moolan North 1 OGDCL 24-Jan-08 Sindh 7,641 Lower Goru 17-Apr-08 Oil
706 Dinan Shah 1 OMV 18-Feb-08 Sindh 3,642 SML 03-Mar-08 Plugged & Abd.
707 Koonj 1 MGCL 24-Feb-08 Sindh 1,070 Plugged & Abd.
708 Bela 1 POL 04-Mar-08 Punjab 15,061 Gas/Cond.
709 Azim 1 POL 14-Mar-08 Sindh 6,850 Mughalkot Plugged & Abd.
710 Watayo 1 MGCL 20-Mar-08 Sindh 3,878 SML Plugged & Abd.
711 Koonj 1A MGCL 22-Apr-08 Sindh 4,839 Gas
712 Nur Deep 1 OGDCL 21-Apr-08 Sindh 14,820 Chiltan Plugged & Abd.
713 Sofiya 1 OMV Maurice 17-Apr-08 Sindh 1 1,81 1 Ranikot Plugged & Abd.
714 Bitrisim 1 OGDCL 14-Jun-08 Sindh 12,106 Chiltan Plugged & Abd.
715 Nashpa 1 OGDCL 29-Jun-08 KPK 14,354 Lockhart Oil/Gas
716 Khawaja 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-08 KPK 17,690 Lockhart Temp. Suspended
717 Pirane 1 POL 30-Jun-08 Sindh 7,654 Ranikot Plugged & Abd.
718 Dakhni North 1 OGDCL 07-Oct-08 Punjab 19,160 Lockhart Plugged & Abd.
719 Wahid Bukhsh 1 OGDCL 07-Dec-08 Sindh 13,524 Lower Goru 10-Apr-08 Temp. Suspended
720 Kandra 4D PEL 16-Dec-08 Sindh 7,313 Chiltan 26-Oct-08 Suspended
721 Thatta East 1 OGDCL 17-Aug-08 Sindh 1 1,486 Lower Goru Plugged & Abd.
722 Yasin 1 Hycarbex 21-Nov-08 Sindh 4,364 Plugged & Abd.
723 Allah Waraia 1 OGDCL 28-Nov-08 Sindh 1 1,106 Sembar 14-Feb-09 Plugged & Abd.
724 Bodla Bahar 1 MGCL 01-Dec-08 Sindh 3,425 Plugged
725 Tajjal West 1 OMV 19-Dec-08 Sindh 1 1,978 Plugged & Abd.
726 Dom ial 1 POL 21-Dec-08 Punjab 16,436 Patala Oil/Gas
727 Jamali Deep 1 PEL 31-Dec-08 Sindh 12,671 Sembar 08-Jun-09 Suspended
728 Pasakhi West Deep 1 OGDCL 14-Jan-09 Sindh 1 1,483 Sem bar 24-May-09 Gas Cond.
729 Qaim 1 OGDCL 05-Feb-09 Punjab 5,535 Shinwari Plugged & Abd.
730 Rafay 1 PEL 31-Dec-08 Sindh 12,024 Lower Goru 30-Apr-09 Suspended
731 Bado Jabal 1 ENI 24-Mar-09 Sindh 15,787 Chiltan Plugged & Abd.
732 Maharvi 1 OPII 25-Mar-09 Punjab 7,452 Basement Plugged & Abd.
733 Baloch 1 OGDCL 26-Mar-09 Sindh 1 1,362 Sem bar Oil/Gas
734 Tangna Pusht X1 PPL 26-Mar-09 Balochistan 6,791 Parh Limestone 04-Jun-09 Plugged & Abd.
735 POGC Rehm an 1 POGC 04-Apr-09 Sindh 9,186 Mughalkot Gas
736 Sahib Gul 1 OGDCL 06-Apr-09 KPK 14,094 Samana Suk Plugged & Abd.
737 Maram zai 1 MOL 23-May-09 KPK 1 1,237 Kingriali Gas Cond.
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 109


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
738 Yaqut 1 Dewan 13-May-09 Punjab 10,663 Chiltan Lim estone Gas Cond.
739 Dhodak Rubbly 1 OGDCL 14-Jun-09 Punjab 3,484 Ghazij Shale Plugged & Abd.
740 Rind Baloch 1 OGDCL 15-Jun-09 Sindh 7,966 Lower Goru Plugged & Abd.
741 Khaskheli Downthrown 1 BP 25-Jun-09 Sindh 5,806 Lower Goru 05-Jul-09 Oil
742 Mari Deep 14 MGCL 27-Jun-09 Sindh 13,648 Gas
743 Reti 1A OGDCL 28-Jun-09 Sindh 2,526 Habib Rahi Gas
744 Tando Jam 1 OGDCL 28-Jun-09 Sindh 1 1,581 Sembar Plugged & Abd.
745 Putra 1 Petronas 02-Jul-09 Sindh 10,991 Lower Goru 12-Jul-09 Plugged & Abd.
746 Thar 1 ENI 04-Jul-09 Sindh 4,954 Chiltan 17-Jul-09 Plugged & Abd.
747 Makori West 1 MOL 09-Jul-09 KPK 14,304 Shinwari Plugged & Suspd.
748 Gul Badeen 1 OGDCL 26-Sep-09 Sindh 1 1,345 28-Dec-09 Plugged & Abd.
749 Baqar Deep 1 BP 07-Oct-09 Sindh 1 1,453 Lower Goru 26-Nov-09 Gas Cond.
750 Shah 1 OGDCL 28-Oct-09 Sindh 10,915 Sem bar Gas Cond.
751 Shekhan 1 OGDCL 1 1-Nov-09 Sindh 9,219 Sam ana Suk Gas
752 Malik 1 BP 18-Nov-09 KPK 5,013 Lower Goru 24-Nov-09 Plugged & Abd.
753 Maru 1 OGDCL 25-Dec-09 Sindh 2,598 Habib Rahi Gas
754 Latif North 1 OMV 31-Dec-09 Sindh 1 1,516 Ranikot Gas
755 Siddiq St 1 BP 03-Jan-10 Sindh 10,853 Temp. Suspended
756 Shark 1 ENI 17-Jan-10 Offshore 1 1,843 Plugged & Abd.
757 Sujaw al X1 MGCL 06-Feb-10 Sindh 9,843 Gas Cond.
758 Sundrani 1 OGDCL 19-Feb-10 Sindh 13,156 Lower Goru Temp. Suspended
759 Gopang 1 OGDCL 04-Mar-10 Sindh 8,041 Lower Goru Gas Cond.
760 Qadirpur Pk 1 OGDCL 06-Mar-10 Sindh 2,838 Sirki Plugged & Abd.
761 Tangri Deep 1 BP 23-Mar-10 Sindh 10,863 Lower Goru Gas
762 Thal 1 OGDCL 30-Mar-10 Sindh 5,778 Lower Goru Plugged & Abd.
763 Haider Deep 1 BP 07-May-10 Sindh 13,694 Lower Goru Gas
764 Duljan East 1 OMV 21-May-10 Sindh 1 1,893 Lower Goru Temp. Suspended
765 Tolanj X1 MOL 21-Jun-10 KPK 18,045 Gas
766 Chak 35 1 OGDCL 23-Jun-10 Punjab 7,480 Amb Plugged & Abd.
767 Chak 205 1 OGDCL 26-Jun-10 Punjab 5,397 Ranikot Plugged & Abd.
768 Bangala 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-10 Punjab 4,731 Kingriali Plugged
769 Chak Naurang South 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-10 Punjab 10,566 Testing
770 Chak 216 West 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-10 Punjab 5,217 Ranikot Plugged & Abd.
771 Sehar 1 OGDCL 08-Jul-10 Punjab 5,030 SML 24-Sep-10 Plugged & Abd.
772 MG 1 MOL 17-Jul-10 Islamabad 17,388 Murree Suspended
773 Karim 1 Saif Energy 18-Jul-10 Sindh 4,888 Upper Goru 29-Aug-10 Plugged & Abd.
774 Makori East 1 MOL 30-Aug-10 KPK 16,076 Datta Oil & Gas
775 Kunri 1A New Horizon 06-Oct-10 Sindh 7,874 Sembar 06-Nov-10 Plugged & Abd.
776 Jherruck B1 New Horizon 14-Dec-10 Sindh 9,186 Lower Goru 03-Feb-1 1 Plugged & Suspd.
777 Halini 1 MGCL 07-Jan-1 1 Punjab 17,552 Oil
778 Bhit Shah X1 PPL 25-Apr-1 1 Sindh 12,238 Temp. Suspended
779 Wahid 1 PEL 03-May-1 1 Sindh 7,480 Lower Goru Plugged & Abd.
780 Zin X1 OGDCL 09-May-1 1 Balochistan 5,656 Drilling
781 Mulaki 1 UEP 14-May-1 1 Sindh 1 1,181 Oil & Gas
782 Jabbi 1 OGDCL 25-May-1 1 KPK 9,478 -
783 Gulsher 1 OGDCL 09-Jun-1 1 Sindh 4,357 -
784 Suleman 1 OGDCL 1 1-Jun-11 Sindh 12,162 Drilling
785 Ajuwala 1 OGDCL 20-Jun-1 1 Sindh 4,688 -
786 Maru South 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-1 1 Sindh 2,362 Gas
787 Kakejani 1 UEP 1 1-Jul-1 1 Sindh 6,043 Lower Goru 25-Jul-1 1 Suspended
788 Dhulian Deep 1 POL 18-Jul-1 1 Punjab 1 1,529 Suspended
789 Misri Bhambro 1 OMV 08-Aug-1 1 Sindh 1 1,719 03-Oct-1 1 Suspended
790 Lundo 1 OMV 18-Oct-1 1 Sindh 13,337 13-Dec-1 1 Suspended
791 Nurpur Deep 1 UEP 31-Oct-1 1 Sindh 12,992 Gas
792 Patiari 1 UEP 14-Nov-1 1 Sindh 3,448 Lower Goru 28-Nov-1 1 Plugged & Abd.
793 Uch Deep 1 OGDCL 28-Dec-1 1 Balochistan 8,038 Parh Limestone 14-Apr-12 Suspended
794 Mohano 1 UEP 01-Jan-12 Sindh 5,666 Lower Goru 17-Jan-12 Oil
795 Wajid 1 Saif Energy 23-Jan-12 Sindh 6,975 Khadro 09-Apr-12 Suspended
796 Gharo 1 UEP 27-Jan-12 Sindh 4,380 Lower Goru 04-Feb-12 Oil
797 Sadrial 1 POL 12-Feb-12 Punjab 1 1,916 -
798 Pir Apan 1 UEP 15-Feb-12 Sindh 7,070 Lower Goru 27-Feb-12 Gas
799 Mehrab 1 OMV 01-Mar-12 Sindh 12,598 03-May-12 Suspended
800 Bahawalpur X 1 PPL 1 1-Mar-12 Punjab 9,416 02-Jun-12 Plugged & Abd.
801 Piaro Deep 1 UEP 01-Apr-12 Sindh 8,507 Lower Goru 15-Apr-12 Gas
802 Mian Miro 1 MGCL 12-Apr-12 Sindh 4,101 26-May-12 Suspended
803 Rajo South 1 UEP 20-Apr-12 Sindh 4,951 Suspended
804 Badhra-B North 1 ENI 24-May-12 Sindh 2,470 -
805 Narang Shah 1 OGDCL 29-May-12 Punjab 2,267 -
806 Kohat 1 OGDCL 28-Jun-12 KPK 282 -
807 Aradin 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-12 Sindh 167 -
808 Shekhano 1 UEPL 13-Jul-12 Sindh 4,590 Lower Goru 22-Jul-12 Oil
809 Raja 1 OGDCL 15-Jul-12 Sindh 13,120 Suspended
810 Multan North 1 OGDCL 07-Aug-12 Punjab 6,168 Kingriali 10-Sep-12 Plugged & Abd.
811 Rahim North 1 UEPL 23-Sep-12 Sindh 10,610 Lower Goru 26-Nov-12 Oil & Gas
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 110


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
812 Mew a 1 UEPL 03-Oct-12 Sindh 6,762 Lower Goru 15-Oct-12 Gas
813 Qasim Deep 1 UEPL 09-Oct-12 Sindh 13,576 Drilling
814 Bijoro 1 UEPL 28-Oct-12 Sindh 9,682 Lower Goru 14-Dec-12 Oil
815 Naim at West 1 UEPL 19-Nov-12 Sindh 12,077 Lower Goru 13-Jan-13 Gas
816 Shekhano Deep 1 UEPL 20-Nov-12 Sindh 7,425 06-Jan-13 Oil
817 Qabul 1 UEPL 22-Nov-12 Sindh 8,891 23-Jan-13 Oil
818 Rajpari 1 UEPL 27-Dec-12 Sindh 13,566 10-Apr-13 Testing
819 Musa 1 UEPL 03-Jan-13 Sindh 7,671 Suspended
820 Khaskheli North 1 UEPL 10-Jan-13 Sindh 6,401 08-Feb-13 Gas Cond.
821 Malah 1 UEPL 10-Jan-13 Sindh 5,499 14-Feb-13 Gas Cond.
822 Ludali 1 ENI Pakistan 22-Jan-13 Sindh 8,727 20-Apr-13 Gas
823 Hadeki 1 UEPL 28-Jan-13 Sindh 8,442 Temp. Suspended
824 Sumar 1 UEPL 12-Feb-13 Sindh 7,766 Testing
825 Wafiq 1 PPL 18-Feb-13 Sindh 1 1,647 Gas Cond.
826 Sofiya 2 OMV Maurice 24-Feb-13 Sindh 13,025 -
827 Bahar 1 UEPL 01-Mar-13 Sindh 9,140 Temp. Suspended
828 Lodano 1 UEPL 20-Mar-13 Sindh 8,478 Gas
829 Tando Qaisar 1 OGDCL 25-Mar-13 Sindh 7,858 31-May-13 Plugged & Abd.
830 Shahdad X1 PPL 31-Mar-13 Sindh 12,024 Drilling
831 Kurram 1 OGDCL 06-Apr-13 Punjab 9,1 14 -
832 Rehan 2 OMV Maurice 08-Apr-13 Sindh 1 1,647 29-May-13 Plugged & Abd.
833 Soghri X1 OGDCL 16-Apr-13 Sindh 16,076 Gas Cond.
834 MGP 1 MGCL 12-May-13 Sindh 1,808 Testing
835 Sohniwala 1 OGDCL 20-May-13 Sindh 6,430 Plugged & Abd.
836 Shekhano South 1 UEPL 21-May-13 Sindh 3,737 Temp. Suspended
837 Kot 1 MOL 26-May-13 KPK 6,982 -
828 MPX 1 MGCL 01-Jun-13 Sindh 2,188 06-Jun-13 Testing
839 MP 1 MGCL 19-Jun-13 Sindh 1,814 03-Jul-13 Testing
840 Jand 1 OGDCL 24-Jun-13 Sindh 19,849 Gas Cond.
841 Lodano Deep 1 OGDCL 27-Jun-13 Sindh 2,539 Drilling
842 Zin Deep 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-13 Balochistan 43 -
843 Odenaji 1B UEP 20-Jul-13 Sindh 5,043 Temp. Suspnd.
844 Thebo 1 UEP 24-Jul-13 Sindh 12,438 Sem bar 08-Oct-13 Gas Cond.
845 Jarar Deep 1 UEP 05-Aug-13 Sindh 8,274 Lower Basal Sand 27-Aug-13 Gas
846 Sum ar Deep 1 UEP 09-Aug-13 Sindh 10,574 Gas Cond.
847 Hanna X1 MGCL 12-Aug-13 Balochistan 3,642 Plugged & Abd.
848 Sutiari Deep 1 UEP 14-Aug-13 Sindh 1 1,900 Sem bar 15-Oct-13 Tem p. Suspnd.
849 Aro Khan 1 PPL 15-Aug-13 Balochistan 9,843 Plugged & Abd.
850 Tajjal South 1 OMV 09-Sep-13 Sindh 13,235 01- Nov-13 Plugged & Abd.
851 Pindori 9 POL 1 1-Sep-13 Punjab 13,681 -
852 Nohani 1 UEP 12-Sep-13 Sindh 4,180 Lower Goru 18- Sep-13 Temp. Suspnd.
853 Jakhro West 1 OGDCL 18-Sep-13 Sindh 1 1,493 Sembar 01- Mar-14 Temp. Suspnd.
854 Rathore Deep 1 UEP 26-Sep-13 Sindh 8,150 Sem bar 1 1-Oct-13 Gas
855 Naushahro Feroz X1 PPL 03-Oct-13 Sindh 12,379 Chiltam Lim estone 27-Mar-14 Gas Cond.
856 Gagani 1 UEP 15-Oct-13 Sindh 3,241 22- Oct-13 Gas
857 Sohrab Deep 1 UEP 01-Nov-13 Sindh 13,058 02-Jan-14 Gas Cond.
858 Odejani Deep 1 UEP 41580 Sindh 6,903 Lower Basal Sand 19- Nov-13 Temp. Suspnd.
859 Am dani 1 UEP 02-Nov-13 Sindh 3,921 Lower Goru 04-Dec-13 Gas
860 Ghauri X1 UEP 04-Nov-13 Punjab 13,091 Oil
861 Bakhsh Deep 1 UEP 07-Nov-13 Sindh 13,074 Gas Cond.
862 Ragni Deep 1 UEP 24-Nov-13 Sindh 14,616 Gas
863 Rahim X2 UEP 01-Dec-13 Sindh 12,313 13-Feb-14 Gas Cond.
864 Bhatti Deep 1 UEP 03-Dec-13 Sindh 9,751 Lower Basal Sand 25- Jan-14 Testing
865 Aassu 1 UEP 04-Dec-13 Sindh 6,775 Lower Shale 14-Dec-13 Oil
866 Sawan North 1 OMV 12-Dec-13 Sindh 15,856 Lower Goru 07- Feb-14 Suspended
867 Malki X1 PPL 13-Dec-13 Sindh 1 1,834 Plugged & Abd.
868 Piro 1 UEP 13-Dec-13 Sindh 3,809 Lower Goru 23- Dec-13 Plugged & Abd.
869 Jhok 1 UEP 20-Dec-13 Sindh 4,826 Gas
870 Ayesha 1 PEL 31-Dec-13 Sindh 7,874 26-Jan-14 Gas Cond.
871 Falah X1 PPL 31-Dec-13 Sindh 12,585 Plugged & Abd.
872 Maru East 1 OGDCL 25-Jan-14 Sindh 2,526 Gas
873 Sujjal 1 MPCL 27-Jan-14 Sindh 8,317 Gas Cond.
874 Mansoora Deep 1 UEP 04-Feb-14 Sindh 14,393 Oil
875 Surjani 1 UEP 06-Feb-14 Sindh 7,333 Testing
876 Haleema 1 PEL 27-Feb-14 Sindh 6,066 Plugged & Abd.
877 Malgin 1 MOL 28-Feb-14 KPK 15,436 Drilling
878 Manna 1 OGDCL 03-Mar-14 Sindh 10,830 Drilling
879 Kolachi 1 UEP 09-Mar-14 Sindh 7,917 23-Mar-14 Suspended
880 Murid 1 UEP 12-Mar-14 Sindh 5,797 22-Mar-14 Oil
881 Hanif 1 OGDCL 30-Mar-14 Sindh 10,243 Drilling
882 Chak-25 C-1 OGDCL 09-Apr-14 Sindh 7,546 Drilling
883 Nando 1 UEP 10-Apr-14 Sindh 8,307 08-May-14 Gas
884 Sharf X1 PPL 19-Apr-14 Sindh 12,238 Gas Cond.
885 Adam West X1 PPL 20-May-14 Sindh 13,310 Gas Cond.
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 111


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
886 Umran X1 PPL 22-May-14 Sindh 8,202 Plugged & Abd.
887 Karam 1 UEP 14-May-14 Sindh 9,209 Drilling
888 Sohrab Deep 2 UEP 1 1-May-14 Sindh 13,602 Drilling
889 Karkh X1 PPL 08-Jun-14 Balochistan 1,148 Drilling
890 Nazar 1 UEP 08-Jun-14 Sindh 4,088 21-Jun-14 Drilling
891 Gohar X1 PPL 14-Jun-14 Sindh 2,641 Drilling
892 MGN 1 MOL 18-Jun-14 KPK 1,572 Drilling
893 Palli Deep 1 OGDCL 01-Jul-14 Sindh 13,287 Chiltan 02-Feb-15 Oil
894 Suhrat 1 UEPL 08-Jul-14 Sindh 9,610 Lower Basal Sand 27-Jul-14 Gas
895 Nashpa X5 OGDCL 16-Jul-14 KPK 15,279 Drilling
896 Kinza X1 PPL 28-Jul-14 Sindh 12,123 Massive Sands Gas Cond.
897 Saleh 1 UEPL 04-Aug-14 Sindh 12,070 Lower Basal Sand 12-Sep-14 Oil
898 Rajani 1 UEPL 16-Aug-14 Sindh 15,374 Lower Basal Sand 19-Nov-14 Gas
899 Dhani 1 UEPL 16-Aug-14 Sindh 8,366 Oil
900 Kamal North 3 UEPL 30-Aug-14 Sindh 14,980 Chiltan 19-Nov-14 Gas Cond.
901 Mardankhel (S&S) 1 MOL 17-Sep-14 KPK 16,1 15 Datta 17-Feb-15 Gas Cond.
902 Blakassar X1 POL 18-Sep-14 Punjab 9,078 Plugged & Abd.
903 Jarwar 1 OGDCL 19-Sep-14 Sindh 4,843 Upper Shale 07-Nov-14 Oil
904 Korai 1 UEPL 01-Oct-14 Sindh 10,367 Lower Basal Sand 14-Nov-14 Gas
905 Salamat 1 UEPL 06-Oct-14 Sindh 15,912 Gas
906 Lutf 1 UEPL 09-Oct-14 Sindh 1 1,969 Chiltan 14-Nov-14 Temp. Suspnd.
907 Rizq 1 POGC 1 1-Oct-14 Sindh 10,410 Gas
908 Faiz X1 PPL 17-Oct-14 Sindh 1 1,693 Massive Sands 12-Jan-14 Gas Cond.
909 Bhit South 1 ENI 17-Nov-14 Sindh 9,865 20-Jan-15 Plugged & Abd.
910 Kamil 1 UEP 01-Dec-14 Sindh 13,510 Sembar 04-Feb-15 Temp. Suspnd.
911 Dhok Sultan 1 PPL 25-Dec-14 Punjab 17,031 Drilling
912 Kup 1 OGDCL 25-Dec-14 Balochistan 8,271 Drilling
913 Limu 1 UEPL 04-Jan-15 Sindh 9,482 Gas
914 Kalabagh 1A MPCL 10-Jan-15 Punjab 9,852 Drilling
915 Loti Deep 1 OGDCL 14-Jan-15 Balochistan 12,096 Drilling
916 Saman 1 UEPL 24-Jan-15 Sindh 13,284 Lower Basal Sand 23-Feb-15 Gas Cond.
917 Jan 1 UEPL 27-Jan-15 Sindh 5,679 S.B. Badin Sand 05-Feb-15 Oil
918 Korai Noth 1 UEPL 03-Feb-15 Sindh 9,829 Lower Basal Sand 25-Feb-15 Testing
919 Kotri North X1 PPL 03-Feb-15 Sindh 1 1,975 Temp. Suspnd.
920 Sabir 1 UEPL 09-Feb-15 Sindh 1 1,302 Testing
921 Nasr X1 PPL 17-Feb-15 Sindh 1 1,549 Testing
922 Halini Deep 1 MPCL 18-Feb-15 Punjab 15,961 Drilling
923 Sajan 1 UEPL 22-Feb-15 Sindh 13,904 Lower Basal Sand 04-Apr-15 Gas
924 Arbi Pir 1 UEPL 01-Mar-15 Sindh 5,659 Sand Below Badin Sand 09-Mar-15 Temp. Suspnd.
925 Shadab X1 PPL 05-Mar-15 Sindh 4,236 18-Mar-15 Plugged & Abd.
926 Shurqamar 1 OGDCL 07-Mar-15 KPK 1 1,654 Drilling
927 Sinjhoro West 1 OGDCL 30-Mar-15 Sindh 12,697 Suspended
928 Kohar 1 OMV Maurice 10-Apr-15 Sindh 1 1,467 A interval 12-May-15 Plugged & Abd.
929 Tharo 1 UEPL 10-Apr-15 Sindh 9,416 Lower Shale 26-Apr-15 Gas
930 Shikanwala 1 OGDCL 18-Apr-15 Punjab 2,562 Nagri 08-May-15 Temp. Suspnd.
931 Kabir X1 PPL 23-Apr-15 Sindh 13,189 Drilling
932 Ismail 1 OGDCL 29-Apr-15 Punjab 2,707 Pirkoh Limestone 14-May-15 Plugged & Abd.
933 Piaro Deep Basal 1 UEPL 07-May-15 Sindh 8,930 Gas
934 Shawa 1 OGDCL 17-May-15 KPK 8,383 Drilling
935 Jhim 1 KPBV 20-May-15 Sindh 1 1,532 Testing
936 Tolanj South 1 MOL 21-May-15 KPK 8,858 Drilling
937 Fazl X1 PPL 29-May-15 Sindh 12,441 Drilling
938 Tando Allah Yar East 1 OGDCL 07-Jun-15 Sindh 7,218 Drilling
939 Makori Deep 1 MOL 22-Jun-15 KPK 5,528 Drilling
940 Nooriabad X1 PPl 01-Jul-15 Sindh 6,644 Plugged & Abd.
941 Malkani 1 UEP 09-Jul-15 Sindh 13,100 Temp. Suspnd.
942 Kumbh 1 UEP 18-Aug-15 Sindh 10,440 21-Sep-15 Gas Cond.
943 Latif South 1 OMV 25-Aug-15 Sindh 1 1,352 14-Sep-15 Gas
944 Bachani 1 OGDCL 02-Sep-15 Sindh 6,847 24-Oct-15 Plugged & Abd.
945 Bitrisim West 1 OGDCL 09-Sep-15 Sindh 4,098 23-Oct-15 Plugged & Abd.
946 Tolanj West 1 MOL 19-Sep-15 KPK 16,21 1 21-Jul-16 Gas
947 Hatim X1 PPL 08-Oct-15 Sindh 12,467 15-Sep-15 Gas
948 Kundan 1 KPBV 09-Oct-15 Sindh 13,340 Plugged & Abd.
949 Malukpur 1 UEP 07-Nov-15 Sindh 10,676 Plugged & Abd.
950 Lakki X1 PPL 1 1-Nov-15 KPK 9,416 Plugged & Abd.
951 Bhanoki 1 UEP 16-Nov-15 Sindh 13,91 1 Gas
952 Bitrisim West 1A OGDCL 05-Dec-15 Sindh 13,812 25-Jun-16 Gas Cond.
953 Mor 1 UEP 05-Dec-15 Sindh 5,640 Oil
954 Wasayo 1 UEP 19-Dec-15 Sindh 5,830 Gas
955 Hadi X1 PPL 25-Dec-15 Sindh 4,245 16-Jan-16 Plugged & Abd.
956 Limu North 1 UEP 30-Dec-15 Sindh 10,098 Gas
957 Jabal 1 UEP 07-Jan-16 Sindh 4,846 Temp. Suspnd.
958 Aminah 1 PEL 06-Jan-16 Sindh 7,402 14-Feb-16 Gas
959 Hassu 1 UEP 21-Jan-16 Sindh 13,780 Temp. Suspnd.
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 112


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
960 Kotri North X1 PPL 10-Feb-16 Sindh 12,769 Gas
961 Bashar X1 PPL 28-Feb-16 Sindh 12,697 Gas
962 Gul 1 UEP 31-Jan-16 Sindh 15,427 Temp. Suspnd.
963 Hadi X-1A PPL 05-Feb-16 Sindh 13,189 29-Jun-16 Gas
964 Khetwaro 1 MPCL 15-Feb-16 Sindh 3,084 29-Feb-16 Plugged & Abd.
965 Thal West 1 OGDCL 21-Feb-16 Sindh 13,071 25-Jun-16 Gas
966 Bhambro 1 UEP 27-Feb-15 Sindh 12,152 Temp. Suspnd.
967 Pirkoh Deep 1 OGDCL 20-Mar-16 Balochistan 12,451 Drilling
968 Limu East 1 UEP 21-Mar-16 Sindh 9,324 Gas
969 Ayesha North 1 PEL 25-Mar-16 Sindh 9,252 29-May-16 Gas Cond.
970 Barkat Wala 1 OGDCL 1 1-Apr-16 Punjab 8,038 27-Jun-16 Plugged & Abd.
971 Daru Deep 1 OGDCL 14-Apr-16 Sindh 12,615 Temp. Suspnd.
972 Mithri 1 OGDCL 22-Apr-16 Sindh 13,944 Gas
973 Sadiqabad X1 PPL 22-Apr-16 Punjab 3,314 06-May-16 Plugged & Abd.
974 Malir X1 PPL 30-Apr-16 Sindh 9,843 23-Jun-16 Plugged & Abd.
975 Sujawal Deep 1 MPCL 07-May-16 Sindh 13,566 Plugged & Abd.
976 Miriwah East X1 PPL 08-May-16 Balochistan 1 1,453 Plugged & Abd.
977 Lamwari 1 OMV 10-May-16 Sindh 1 1,450 Plugged & Abd.
978 Chaman 1 UEP 1 1-May-16 Sindh 10,682 Testing
979 Sadiqabad X2 PPL 27-May-16 Punjab 3,406 09-Jun-16 Plugged & Abd.
980 Taban X1 PPL 29-May-16 Sindh 12,497 Plugged & Abd.
981 Nodani 1 UEP 31-May-16 Sindh 7,674 Temp. Suspnd.
982 Rawat 1 UEP 25-Jun-16 Sindh 1 1,640 Oil
983 Dhodak Rubby X1 OGDCL 29-Jun-16 Punjab 2,835 Plugged & Abd.
984 Chhutto 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-16 Sindh 12,533 Temp. Suspnd.
985 Khamiso 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-16 Sindh 2,470 Gas Cond.
986 Makrani 1 UEP 13-Jul-17 Sindh 12,493 12-Aug-16 Gas Cond.
987 Gundanwari 1 OGDCL 25-Jul-16 Sindh 12,303 07-Nov-16 Gas Cond.
988 Shahbaz 1 MPCL 26-Jul-16 Sindh 3,871 02-Sep-16 Gas
989 Kotri X2 PPL 31-Jul-16 Sindh 13,320 28-Sep-16 Plugged & Abd.
990 Jhandial 1 POL 22-Aug-16 Punjab 18,501 Testing
991 Dang 1 UEP 10-Sep-16 Sindh 9,459 07-Oct-16 Oil
992 Mohib 1 UEP 05-Nov-16 Sindh 13,570 28-Dec-16 Gas
993 Mazrani Deep 1 PPL 03-Dec-16 Sindh 11,319 11-Mar-17 Plugged & Abd.
994 Ranipur 1 OGDCL 23-Dec-16 Sindh 15,069 Drilling
995 Samar X1 PPL 26-Dec-16 Sindh 13,304 18-Feb-17 Plugged & Abd.
996 Shaheen 1 MPCL 05-Jan-17 Sindh 3,855 12-Feb-17 Gas
997 Sadar 1 UEP 08-Jan-17 Sindh 4,278 18-Jan-17 Temp. Suspnd.
998 Ali North 1 UEP 12-Jan-17 Sindh 12,762 30-May-17 Temp. Suspnd.
999 Khanan 1 OMV 01-Feb-17 Sindh 11,286 04-Mar-17 Gas
1000 Narbat 1 UEP 03-Feb-17 Sindh 7,785 17-Feb-17 Temp. Suspnd.
1001 Kharan X1 PPL 05-Mar-17 Balochistan 15,584 16-Jun-17 Plugged & Abd.
1002 Rahim South 1 UEP 11-Feb-17 Sindh 10,938 06-Mar-17 Temp. Suspnd.
1003 Aqeeq 1 MPCL 09-Mar-17 Sindh 7,612 29-Apr-17 Gas Cond.
1004 Zafir X1 PPL 14-Mar-17 Sindh 12,887 25-Apr-17 Gas Cond.
1005 Chabaro 1 OGDCL 17-Mar-17 Sindh 12,054 11-Jun-17 Gas Cond.
1006 Kacha Khel 1 OGDCL 20-Mar-17 Sindh 9,022 Drilling
1007 Kalat X1 PPL 15-Apr-17 Balochistan 10,666 Drilling
1008 Khadi 1 UEP 24-Apr-17 Sindh 5,778 05-May-17 Temp. Suspnd.
1009 Bhambhra 1 OGDCL 26-Apr-17 Sindh 13,199 Gas
1010 Tolanj East 1 MOL 27-Apr-17 KPK 6,404 Drilling
1011 Manchar X1 PPL 16-May-17 Sindh 9,409 Drilling
1012 Bago 1 UEP 24-May-17 Sindh 13,081 Drilling
1013 Dhok Hussain 1 OGDCL 24-May-17 KPK 8,028 Drilling
1014 Zainab X1 PEL 03-Jun-17 Sindh 8,858 Gas Cond.
1015 Rawat North 1 UEP 10-Jun-17 Sindh 11,749 Drilling
1016 Ghunghro Deep 1 UEP 12-Jun-17 Sindh 11,234 Drilling
1017 Resham West 1 OGDCL 24-Jun-17 Sindh 6,650 Drilling
1018 T. Allah Yar SW 1 OGDCL 25-Jun-17 Sindh 7,218 Drilling
1019 Zarbab X1 PPL 27-Jun-17 Sindh 13,606 Drilling
1020 Khanjar 1 OGDCL 29-Jun-17 Punjab 4,915 Drilling
1021 Adhi South X1 PPL 30-Jun-17 Punjab 2,313 Drilling
1022 Ali 2 UEPL 31-Oct-15 Sindh 12,769 01-Jun-17 Gas
1023 Tipu 1 MPCL 05-Jul-17 Sindh 12,913 22-Oct-17 Gas
1024 Oderolal 1 UEP 28-Jul-17 Sindh 13,091 13-Sep-17 Gas
1025 Mohri 1 UEP 10-Aug-17 Sindh 9,849 04-Oct-17 Gas
1026 Babarki 1 UEP 02-Sep-17 Sindh 9,642 03-Oct-17 Gas
1027 Hub X1 PPL 09-Sep-17 Balochistan 14,944 Testing
1028 Juma 1 UEP 24-Sep-17 Sindh 12,687 06-Nov-17 Temp. Suspnd.
1029 Hakro 1 UEP 13-Oct-17 Sindh 10,928 26-Nov-17 Gas
1030 Joyamir Deep 1 POL 14-Oct-17 Punjab 8,780 Testing
1031 Qadirwali 1 OGDCL 22-Oct-17 Sindh 9,678 07-Dec-17 Plugged & Abd.
1032 Nausherwani X1 PPL 31-Oct-17 Balochistan 15,689 23-Apr-17 Plugged & Abd.
1033 Khaur North 1 POL 10-Nov-17 Punjab 14,587 Testing
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 113


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
1034 Shawa X1 OGDCL 22-Nov-17 KPK 15,069 Drilling
1035 Aliabab 1 UEP 29-Nov-17 Sindh 14,239 27-Jan-18 Temp. Suspnd.
1036 Tharo West 1 UEP 03-Dec-17 Sindh 9,767 04-Jan-18 Gas
1037 Urs 1 OGDCL 01-Dec-17 Sindh 12,500 13-Apr-18 Temp. Suspnd.
1038 Mamikhel Deep 1 MOL 16-Dec-17 KPK 14,649 Drilling
1039 Dharian 1 MPCL 21-Dec-17 Punjab 14,957 Drilling
1040 Ganjo Takkar OGDCL 22-Dec-17 Sindh 7,913 22-Jan-18 Plugged & Abd.
1041 Sukhi 1 UEP 25-Dec-17 Sindh 5,751 11-Jan-18 Oil
1042 Lundi 1 ENI 26-Dec-17 Sindh 7,415 14-Jan-18 Plugged & Abd.
1043 Chand 1 UEP 15-Jan-18 Sindh 10,453 28-Feb-18 Temp. Suspnd.
1044 Muqim 1 UEP 18-Jan-18 Sindh 14,186 Testing
1045 Mubarak South 1 UEP 24-Jan-18 Sindh 13,648 Testing
1046 Umair 1 OGDCL 25-Jan-18 Sindh 2,575 01-Mar-18 Gas
1047 Misrial X1 PPL 01-Feb-18 Punjab 16,250 Drilling
1048 Roshan 1 POGC 09-Mar-18 Sindh 11,155 Drilling
1049 Sufi 1 MPCL 16-Mar-18 Sindh 7,710 12-Apr-18 Plugged & Abd.
1050 Ayub X1 PPL 24-Mar-18 Balochistan 8,858 18-Jun-18 Plugged & Abd.
1051 Nur West 1 OGDCL 30-Mar-18 Sindh 9,760 Testing
1052 Sheikhan Butta 1 OGDCL 01-Apr-18 Punjab 10,827 Plugged & Abd.
1053 Rajab X1 PPL 03-Apr-18 Sindh 13,419 28-May-18 Plugged & Suspd.
1054 Chak 25 1 OGDCL 30-Apr-18 Sindh 7,336 Drilling
1055 Roshnai 1 UEP 07-May-18 Sindh 6,870 22-May-18 Gas
1056 Badeel X1 PPL 16-May-18 Sindh 11,870 Drilling
1057 Zin Deep 2 OGDCL 20-May-18 Balochistan 1,362 Drilling
1058 Benari X1 PPL 22-May-18 Sindh 7,605 Drilling
1059 Bolan East 1 MPCL 22-May-18 Balochistan 4,252 Testing
1060 Talagang X1 PPL 24-May-18 Punjab 7,740 Drilling
1061 Nusrat X1 PPL 31-May-18 Sindh 8,117 Drilling
1062 Guni 1 UEP 03-Jun-18 Sindh 8,753 Drilling
1063 Hayat 1 UEP 07-Jun-18 Sindh 8,963 Drilling
1064 Yasar X1 PPL 22-Jun-18 Sindh 2,638 Drilling
1065 Qamar X1 PPL 28-Jun-18 Sindh 1,617 Drilling
1066 Wassan 1 OGDCL 28-Jun-18 Sindh 223 Drilling
1067 Soghri X3 OGDCL 30-Jun-18 Punjab 79 Drilling
1068 W arar 1 UEPL 10-Jul-18 Sindh 9,705 11-Aug-18 Gas
1069 Mitha 1 OMV 12-Jul-18 Sindh 11,844 16-Sep-18 Gas
1070 Nooh X1 PPL 12-Aug-18 Balochistan 15,738 Drilling
1071 Gulsher 1 UEP 17-Aug-18 Sindh 8,228 15-Sep-18 Oil
1072 Bukhari North 1 UEP 18-Aug-18 Sindh 9,682 01-Oct-18 Gas
1073 Moroja 1 UEP 28-Aug-18 Sindh 13,258 18-Oct-18 Gas
1074 Hadaf X1 PPL 29-Aug-18 Sindh 12,139 16-Dec-18 Gas Cond.
1075 Gormani 1 UEP 12-Sep-18 Sindh 10,184 16-Oct-18 Gas
1076 Khadi 2 UEP 04-Oct-18 Sindh 5,778 24-Oct-18 Temp. Suspnd.
1077 Garhi X2 OGDCL 19-Oct-18 Punjab 14,721 Drilling
1078 Unarpur 1 UEP 02-Nov-18 Sindh 12,920 14-Feb-19 Gas
1079 Sukhi South 1 UEP 04-Nov-18 Sindh 6,516 25-Nov-18 Oil
1080 Bela W est X1 PPL 26-Nov-18 Balochistan 12,966 Drilling
1081 Lakhman 1 UEP 13-Dec-18 Sindh 10,240 10-Jan-19 Temp. Suspnd.
1082 Siab 1 OGDCL 21-Dec-18 KPK 9,081 Drilling
1083 Qadirpur Deep X1 OGDCL 23-Dec-18 Sindh 4,770 24-Apr-19 Plugged & Abd.
1084 Ghunghro East 1 UEP 24-Dec-18 Sindh 5,102 05-Jan-19 Temp. Suspnd.
1085 Kekra 1 ENI 13-Jan-19 Offshore 18,678 Plugged & Abd.
1086 Mangrio 1 OGDCL 21-Jan-19 Sindh 8,780 Gas Cond.
1087 Chang 1 UEP 03-Feb-19 Sindh 8,576 25-Feb-19 Plugged & Abd.
1088 Chand South 1 UEP 10-Feb-19 Sindh 9,393 26-Mar-19 Temp. Suspnd.
1089 Rawal 1 UEP 14-Feb-19 Sindh 10,020 16-Mar-19 Gas
1090 Baudero 1 UEP 06-Mar-19 Sindh 13,071 Gas
1091 Parwaaz 1 MPCL 09-Mar-19 Sindh 4,058 Testing
1092 Paharpur X1 KPBV 12-Mar-19 KPK 9,843 Plugged & Abd.
1093 Pandhi 1 OGDCL 13-Mar-19 Sindh 11,683 Drilling
1094 Ramdiani 1 UEP 19-Mar-19 Sindh 10,633 Testing
1095 Togh 1 OGDCL 31-Mar-19 KPK 9,793 Drilling
1096 Sukan 1 UEP 01-Apr-19 Sindh 9,436 Testing
1097 Rahib 1 UEP 29-Apr-19 Sindh 12,073 Drilling
1098 Miraj 1 MPCL 04-May-19 Punjab 8,159 Drilling
1099 Jani 1 UEP 21-May-19 Sindh 10,381 Plugged & Abd.
1100 Pirano 1 OGDCL 24-May-19 Sindh 10,174 Drilling
1101 Dhamach 1 OGDCL 09-Jun-19 Sindh 3,839 Drilling
1102 Malhan 1 UEP 25-Jun-19 Sindh 2,037 Drilling
1103 Margand X1 PPL 30-Jun-19 Balochistan 66 Drilling
1104 Durab X1 PPL 03-Jul-19 Sindh 7,923 26-Jul-19 Plugged & Abd.
1105 Cholistan X1 PPL 02-Aug-19 Punjab 12,379 29-Sep-19 Plugged & Abd.
1106 Ranunwari 1 OGDCL 24-Aug-19 Sindh 12,861 24-Jan-20 Plugged & Abd.
1107 Mamikhel South 1 MOL 05-Oct-19 KPK 16,204 Gas Cond.
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 114


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
1108 Bitro 1 UEP Beta 06-Oct-19 Sindh 11,854 25-Nov-19 Gas
1109 Balkassar Deep 1 POL 15-Oct-19 Punjab 10,423 Drilling
1110 Metlo 1 OGDCL 18-Nov-19 Sindh 4,934 23-Jan-20 Gas Cond.
1111 Dhok Hussain North 1 OGDCL 20-Dec-19 KPK 11,155 31-May-20 Plugged & Abd.
1112 W ali 1 OGDCL 03-Dec-19 KPK 11,693 Drilling
1113 KUC 1 OGDCL 15-Dec-19 Sindh 10,846 Temp. Suspended
1114 Katiar 1 OGDCL 29-Dec-19 Sindh 8,212 12-Mar-20 Plugged & Abd.
1115 Jan 2 UEP 10-Jan-20 Sindh 5,118 Temp. Suspended
1116 Kandiari 1 UEP 14-Jan-20 Sindh 8,986 11-Feb-20 Gas
1117 Jatoi 1 OGDCL 15-Feb-20 Sindh 12,146 Plugged & Abd.
1118 Ranjho 1 UEP 21-Mar-20 Sindh 9,298 18-Apr-20 Gas
1119 Qadirpur Deep X-1A OGDCL 10-Apr-20 Sindh 4,544 Drilling
1120 Hilal 1 MPCL 21-Apr-20 Sindh 3,944 Gas
1121 Lakhi Rud X1 OGDCL 07-May-20 Balochistan 7,503 Drilling
1122 Singhar 1 UEP 22-May-20 Sindh 10,344 Testing
1123 Dharo 1 UEP 23-May-20 Sindh 4,744 09-Jun-20 Plugged & Abd.
1124 Bobi Deep 1 OGDCL 20-Jun-20 Sindh 7,382 Temp. Suspended
1125 Togh Bala 1 OGDCL 28-Jun-20 KPK 6,886 Drilling
1126 Seni Gumbat 1 OGDCL 29-Jun-20 KPK 2,539 Drilling
1127 Umari NW NW -1 OGDCL 29-Jun-20 Sindh 2,638 Testing
1128 W ashuk 1 OGDCL 30-Jun-20 Balochistan 994 Drilling
1129 Mitto 1 UEP Alpha 06-Jul-20 Sindh 7,782 31-Jan-21 Temp. Suspend
1130 Iqbal 1 MPCL 11-Jul-20 Sindh 4,101 14-Aug-20 Gas
1131 Juna 1 OGDCL 03-Aug-20 Punjab 3,346 25-Aug-20 Plugged & Abd
1132 Turk Deep North 1 UEP 19-Aug-20 Sindh 10,866 05-Oct-20 Gas
1133 Sheen Dund 1 OGDCL 08-Sep-20 KPK 9,908 22-Dec-20 Plugged & Abd
1134 Nangpir 1 OGDCL 18-Sep-20 Sindh 12,375 18-Feb-21 Plugged & Abd
1135 Sial 1 OGDCL 16-Oct-20 Sindh 8,012 21-Jan-21 Gas Cond
1136 Baqa 1 UEP 21-Oct-20 Sindh 8,504 09-Nov-20 Oil
1137 Mehtab 1 UEP 18-Dec-20 Sindh 5,505 09-Jan-21 Temp. Suspend
1138 Toot Deep 1 OGDCL 25-Dec-20 Punjab 8,383 Drilling
1139 Jandran X-4 OGDCL 30-Dec-20 Balochistan 3,937 21-Apr-21 Gas
1140 Saindad 1 UEP 18-Jan-21 Sindh 4,308 01-Feb-21 Temp. Suspend
1141 Kambir 1 OGDCL 15-Feb-21 Sindh 7,320 17-Apr-21 Plugged & Abd
1142 Surghar X-1 MPCL 30-Apr-21 KPK 2,533 Drilling
1143 Khanot 1 UEP 11-May-21 Sindh 12,100 RIH in progress
1144 Jandran West X-1 OGDCL 19-May-21 Balochistan 732 RIH in progress
1145 Jugan 1 UEP Beta 29-May-21 Sindh 10,610 Coring
1146 Bannu West 1 MPCL 06-Jun-21 KPK 1,716 Drilling
1147 Sundha Thal 1 OGDCL 09-Jun-21 Punjab 902 Drilling
1148 Daim 1 MPCL 15-Jun-21 Sindh 5,594 Drilling
1149 Taj 1 UEP 20-Jun-21 Sindh 5,896 Drilling
1150 Pandrani X-1 PPL 22-Jun-21 Balochistan 266 Drilling
1151 Khipro East 1 PPL 30-Jun-21 Sindh 217 Drilling
1152 Qasar X-1 PPL 30-Jun-21 Sindh 138 Drilling
Note: Shaded entries indicate discoveries. * EPT: Extended Production Testing Source: DGPC.
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 115

Figure 7.1
No. of Wells


40 67
62 35 36
41 59
31 42
40 24 33
36 26
28 34
50 47 46 48 45
20 36 36
33 35
29 27 27 26 25 24
19 21

03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21

Exploratory Development

Figure 7.2


As on July 1, 2021

Exploratory Wells 1,152

Development Wells 1,510

Sedimentary Area: 827,268 sq km

Expl. Drilling Density One well per 734 sq km

Discoveries: 415
– Oil 103
– Gas/condensate 312

Overall Success Rate: 1 : 2.78

Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 116

Appendix: 7.2
Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date

1 Aassu Deep 1 UEPL 12-Feb-14 Sindh 8,146 Oil

2 Aassu 2 UEPL 23-Jan-14 Sindh 5,098 Sand Below Ba 03-Feb-14 Oil
3 Aassu 3 UEPL 09-Jan-14 Sindh 5,049 Upper Shale 28-Jan-14 Oil
4 Aassu 4 UEPL 06-Feb-14 Sindh 5,095 Upper Shale 15-Feb-14 Oil
5 Aassu 5 UEPL 21-May-14 Sindh 5,089 03-Jun-14 Oil
6 Adhi 6 PPL 01-Sep-79 Punjab 1726 5,036 Murree 27-Feb-80 Abandoned
7 Adhi 7 PPL 30-Mar-81 Punjab 1770 9,245 Khewra S. st. 30-Aug-81 Oil
8 Adhi 8 PPL 14-Dec-81 Punjab 1730 5,078 Murree 22-Feb-82 Abandoned
9 Adhi 9 PPL 24-Jan-83 Punjab 1857 9,514 Salt Range 02-Mar-84 Oil
10 Adhi 10 PPL 23-May-88 Punjab 1863 9,613 Khewra S. st. 28-Dec-88 Oil
11 Adhi 11 PPL 04-Feb-89 Punjab 1747 9,452 Khewra S. st. 14-Sep-89 Oil
12 Adhi 12 PPL 07-Aug-96 Punjab 10,305 Khewra S. st. 29-Mar-97 Gas/Condensate
13 Adhi 13 PPL 14-Aug-01 Punjab 8,599 Khewra S. st. Oil/Gas
14 Adhi 14 PPL 21-Aug-02 Punjab 11,155 Khewra S. st. Oil
15 Adhi 15 PPL 01-Aug-03 Punjab 8,376 Khewra S. st. 30-Mar-04 Gas/Cond.
16 Adhi 16 PPL 11-Jun-04 Punjab 9,229 Gas/Cond.
17 Adhi 17 PPL 28-Mar-05 Punjab 1752 7,461 Sakessar 16-Sep-05 Oil & Gas
18 Adhi 18 PPL 03-Jan-06 Punjab 9,331 Salt Range Oil/Gas
19 Adhi 19 PPL 03-Nov-12 Punjab 8,698 -
20 Adhi 20 PPL 09-Nov-13 Punjab 10,118 Gas Cond.
21 Adhi 21 PPL 18-Nov-13 Punjab 10,171 Gas Cond.
22 Adhi 22 PPL 24-Jul-14 Punjab 9,104 Gas Cond.
23 Adhi 23 PPL 27-Feb-15 Punjab 7,933 Drilling
24 Adhi 24 PPL 22-Oct-14 Punjab 10,610 Drilling
25 Adhi 25 PPL 14-Oct-15 Punjab 10,121 05-Apr-16 Gas Cond.
26 Adhi 27 PPL 30-Apr-16 Punjab 10,217 Gas Cond.
27 Adhi 26 PPL 04-Jul-16 Punjab 11,522 Gas Cond.
28 Adhi 28 PPL 17-Nov-16 Punjab 9,298 Gas Cond.
29 Adhi 29 PPL 24-Mar-17 Punjab 11,467 Testing
30 Adhi 30 PPL 28-May-17 Punjab 8,248 Drilling
31 Adhi 31 PPL 31-Mar-18 Punjab 11,056 08-Jun-18 Gas Cond.
32 Adhi 32 PPL 23-Jun-18 Punjab 2,864 Drilling
33 Adhi 33 PPL 30-Jun-19 Punjab 52 Drilling
34 Adhi 34 PPL 27-Jun-19 Punjab 377 Drilling
35 Adhi South 2 PPL 06-May-20 Punjab 11,319 Oil
36 Adhi South 3 PPL 15-Apr-20 Punjab 11,352 07-Jun-20 Oil
37 Adhi South 4 PPL 28-Jun-19 Punjab 479 Drilling
38 Ahmed ST 1 BP 22-Feb-10 Sindh 13,523 Lower Goru 12-Mar-10 Gas
39 Akri North 2 UTP 07-Nov-89 Sindh 37 5,950 Lower Goru 25-Nov-89 Oil
40 Akri North 3 UTP 12-Mar-90 Sindh 36 6,500 Lower Goru 24-Mar-90 Abandoned
41 Akri North 4 UTP 02-Apr-00 Sindh 37 5,797 Lower Goru 14-Apr-00 Oil & Gas
42 Akri North 5 UTP 14-Mar-01 Sindh 38 5,853 Lower Goru 23-Mar-01 Oil
43 Akri North 6 UTP 30-Mar-01 Sindh 38 5,951 Lower Goru 07-Apr-01 Oil
44 Akri North 7 UEPL 01-May-12 Sindh 5,932 12-May-12 Oil
45 Akri North 8 UEPL 01-Apr-14 Sindh 8,199 Lower Goru 10-May-14 Temp. Suspnd.
46 Ali 3 UEPL 11-Aug-17 Sindh 12,103 15-Oct-17 Gas
47 Ali St. 1 BP 04-Sep-09 Sindh 11,000 Lower Goru 08-Oct-09 Oil & Gas
48 Azadi 1 MPCL 30-Sep-17 Sindh 9,826 30-Nov-17 Gas
49 Bachal 2 UTP 01-Dec-94 Sindh 4,954 Lower Goru 10-Dec-94 Abandoned
50 Bachal 3 UEPL 17-Sep-13 Sindh 5,009 Lower Goru 26-Sep-13 Oil & Gas
51 Badar 2 OGDCL 17-Apr-14 Sindh 4,741 30-May-14 Gas
52 Badhra 3 Lasmo 04-Feb-03 Sindh 4,134 Pab Plugged & Abd.
53 Badhra-B North Dir 2 ENI 14-May-13 Sindh 4,236 -
54 Badhra Dir 6 ENI 01-Sep-13 Sindh 9,012 Parh 18-Nov-13 Gas
55 Badhra Dir 7 ENI 12-Nov-18 Sindh 7,769 11-Jan-19 Gas
56 Badhra Dir 8 ENI 04-Jan-14 Sindh 8,202 23-Feb-14 Plugged & Abd.
57 Badhra 9 ENI 10-Aug-14 Sindh 7,283 Mughal Kot 06-Oct-14 Gas
58 Badhra Dir 10 ENI 03-Jul-14 Sindh 8,809 Pab 04-Nov-14 Gas
59 Badhra 11 ENI 12-Mar-15 Sindh 7,792 Gas
60 Badhra 13 ENI 02-Mar-16 Sindh 6,175 Plugged & Abd.
61 Badhra Dir 14 ENI 05-Sep-19 Sindh 7,776 21-Nov-19 Gas
62 Badhra Dir 15 ENI 04-Mar-20 Sindh 6,791 24-Apr-20 Plugged & Abd.
63 Badhra South West 1 ENI 05-Mar-18 Sindh 6,598 17-Apr-18 Plugged & Abd.
64 Bado Jabal Dir A ENI 13-Nov-09 Sindh 8,156 Suspended
65 Bagla 2 OGDCL 06-Jun-08 Sindh 8,701 Lower Goru Gas/Cond.
66 Bago 2 UEPL 17-Nov-17 Sindh 12,716 22-Jan-18 Gas
67 Bahu 2 OGDCL 28-Dec-06 Punjab 6,316 Kingriali 07-Mar-07 Gas
68 Bahu 3 OGDCL 15-Apr-07 Punjab 6,332 Kingriali Temp. Suspended
69 Bahu 4 OGDCL 13-Jun-08 Punjab 5,906 Gas
70 Bahu 5 OGDCL 30-Sep-12 Punjab 5,495 Chichali 19-Nov-12 Gas
71 Bahu 6 OGDCL 02-Dec-12 Punjab 5,906 04-Feb-13 Gas
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 117


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
72 Bahu 7 OGDCL 25-Dec-12 Punjab 5,381 11-Feb-13 Gas
73 Bahu 8 OGDCL 22-Feb-13 Punjab 5,348 04-Mar-13 Gas
74 Balkassar 2A POL 14-Dec-46 Punjab 1742 4,643 Chorgali/Sakes 15-Feb-47 Abandoned
75 Balkassar 3A POL 30-Mar-47 Punjab 1726 8,219 Chorgali/Sakes 01-May-48 Oil
76 Balkassar 4A AOC 20-Sep-47 Punjab 1745 8,711 Lockhart 01-May-48 Oil
77 Balkassar 2B BOC 02-Feb-48 Punjab 1745 8,214 Sakessar 02-May-49 Oil
78 Balkassar 5A AOC 14-Sep-48 Punjab 1742 8,304 Sakessar 02-May-49 Oil
79 Balkassar 3B BOC 09-Jan-49 Punjab 1761 8,939 Sardhai 10-Jan-50 Abandoned
80 Balkassar 6A AOC 02-Apr-49 Punjab 1762 8,219 Sakessar 03-May-50 Oil
81 Balkassar 4B BOC 27-Jan-50 Punjab 1716 8,610 Hangu 30-Aug-51 Oil
82 Balkassar 7A AOC 10-Jun-50 Punjab 1749 8,275 Sakessar 07-Mar-51 Oil
83 Balkassar B 7A POL 27-Jul-15 Punjab 8,514 Oil
84 Balkassar 6 PPL 23-May-51 Punjab 1781 8,430 Sakessar 25-Jan-52 Abandoned
85 Balkassar 7 PPL 01-Aug-52 Punjab 1719 8,441 Patala 17-Jan-53 Oil
86 Balkassar 8 PPL 17-Mar-53 Punjab 1696 8,199 Sakessar 07-Apr-55 Abandoned
87 Balkassar 9 PPL 14-Jul-53 Punjab 1715 8,750 Lockhart 14-Feb-54 Abandoned
88 Balkassar 5 PPL 15-Nov-53 Punjab 1744 8,807 Lockhart 21-Apr-54 Abandoned
89 Balkassar 10 PPL 10-May-54 Punjab 1723 8,429 Sakessar 25-Aug-55 Oil
90 Balkassar 2 OXY 19-Aug-93 Punjab 8,199 Chorgali 18-Oct-93 Abandoned
91 Balkassar POL 1 POL 16-Dec-04 Punjab 1823 8,899 Oil
92 Baqa 2 UEPL 30-Nov-20 Punjab 8,509 28-Dec-20 Gas
93 Baqa 3 UEPL 11-May-21 Punjab 8,652 13-Jun-21 Gas
94 Bari 3 UTP 05-Jul-93 Sindh 2,975 Lower Goru 13-Jul-93 Oil
95 Bari 4 UTP 18-Jan-94 Sindh 2,661 Lower Goru 29-Jan-94 Abandoned
96 Bari 5 UTP 25-Nov-96 Sindh 2,474 Lower Goru 30-Nov-96 Abandoned
97 Bari 6 UEPL 11-Nov-17 Sindh 3,027 19-Nov-17 Oil
98 Bari 7 UEPL 29-Nov-17 Sindh 3,664 13-Dec-17 Oil
99 Bari 8 UEPL 16-Dec-17 Sindh 3,001 23-Dec-17 Oil
100 Bari WIW-9 UEPL 20-Aug-18 Sindh 1,630 09-Oct-18 Completed
101 Bari 10 UEPL 06-Dec-18 Sindh 3,003 19-Dec-18 Oil
102 Bari 11 UEPL 05-Dec-18 Sindh 2,987 15-Dec-18 Oil
103 Bari 12 UEPL 14-Jul-19 Sindh 3,000 26-Jul-19 Gas
104 Bari 13 UEPL 15-Jul-19 Sindh 1,744 06-Aug-19 Gas
105 Bari 14 UEPL 25-Sep-19 Sindh 3,036 07-Oct-19 Oil
106 Bari 15 UEPL 14-Mar-20 Sindh 3,002 Oil
107 Bhal Saydan 2 OGDC 08-Mar-90 Punjab 1641 15,098 Kuldana 31-May-90 Abandoned
108 Bhangali 2 OXY 04-Nov-89 Punjab 1777 12,805 Warcha 04-Mar-90 INJ
109 Bhangali 3 OPL 01-Feb-14 Punjab 9,057 Drilling
110 Bhatti 2 UTP 30-Jan-90 Sindh 45 6,245 Lower Goru 17-Feb-90 Oil/Gas
111 Bhatti 3 UTP 18-Sep-91 Sindh 8,550 Lower Goru 26-Oct-91 Gas
112 Bhatti 4 BP 16-Feb-02 Sindh 50 7,927 Lower Goru 07-Mar-02 Temp. Abandoned
113 Bhatti 5 BP 06-Aug-02 Sindh 5,755 Lower Goru 16-Aug-02 Suspended
114 Bhatti 6 BP 03-Oct-04 Sindh 47 6,168 Lower Goru Gas
115 Bhit 3 Lasmo 10-Mar-98 Sindh 9,268 Mughalkot Gas
116 Bhit 4 Lasmo 25-Jun-98 Sindh 6,611 Pab 22-Aug-98 Abandoned
117 Bhit 5 Lasmo 17-Nov-98 Sindh 6,480 Pab 02-Jan-99 Suspended
118 Bhit 7 Lasmo 10-Feb-02 Sindh 31 7,044 Pab 14-Mar-02 Gas
119 Bhit 8 Lasmo 08-Jun-02 Sindh 1,962 Plugged & Suspnd.
120 Bhit 1 Lasmo 03-Dec-01 Sindh 31 6,890 Pab 11-Jan-02 Completed
121 Bhit 9 Lasmo 12-Jul-02 Sindh 7,116 Pab Gas
122 Bhit 12 Eni 24-Apr-06 Sindh 6,765 29-May-06 Suspended
123 Bhit 11 Eni 12-Oct-07 Sindh 7,103 Pab 20-Nov-07 Gas
124 Bhit 10 Eni 06-Dec-08 Sindh 6,677 Gas
125 Bhit 13 Eni 28-Jun-11 Sindh 82 Gas
126 Bhit 17 ENI 04-Nov-12 Sindh 6,542 07-Jan-13 Gas
127 Bhit Dir 14 ENI 30-Jan-13 Sindh 6,260 17-Apr-13 Gas
128 Bhit Dir 15 ENI 25-Apr-13 Sindh 9,124 -
129 Bhitai 2 MPCL 21-Feb-17 Sindh 3,839 22-Mar-17 Gas
130 Bhitai 3 MPCL 31-Mar-17 Sindh 3,898 08-May-17 Gas
131 Bhitai 5 MPCL 11-Dec-17 Sindh 3,871 11-Jan-18 Gas
132 Bijoro 2 UEPL 06-Apr-13 Sindh 9,201 Oil
133 Bijoro 3 UEPL 26-Aug-13 Sindh 0 Badin Shale 09-Sep-13 Oil
134 Bijoro 4 UEPL 16-Mar-18 Sindh 8,555 15-Apr-18 Oil
135 Bitrism West 2 OGDCL 21-Jun-17 Sindh 4,511 Drilling
136 Bobi 2 OGDC 26-Dec-88 Sindh 89 9,521 Lower Goru 14-Feb-89 Condensate
137 Bobi 3 OGDC 20-Jun-89 Sindh 90 9,567 Lower Goru 15-Aug-89 Condensate
138 Bobi 4 OGDC 27-Mar-92 Sindh 82 9,022 Lower Goru 05-Jun-92 Gas
139 Bobi 5 OGDC 05-Oct-93 Sindh 8,990 Lower Goru 20-Nov-93 Abandoned
140 Bobi 6 OGDC 03-Dec-94 Sindh 8,876 Lower Goru 24-Jan-95 Condensate
141 Bobi 7 OGDC 15-Mar-97 Sindh 9,022 Lower Goru 21-Jun-97 Abandoned
142 Bobi 8 OGDC 18-Jun-97 Sindh 8,891 Lower Goru Suspended
143 Bobi 9 OGDCL 24-Aug-03 Sindh 8,747 Lower Goru 03-Oct-03 Gas/Cond.
144 Bobi 10 OGDCL 25-Dec-12 Sindh 10,751 Suspended
145 Bukhari 2 UTP 07-Jul-86 Sindh 59 6,450 Lower Goru 31-Jul-86 Gas
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 118


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
146 Bukhari 3 UTP 14-Jan-88 Sindh 58 6,558 Lower Goru 11-Feb-88 Gas
147 Bukhari 4 UTP 28-Aug-93 Sindh 6,550 Lower Goru 20-Sep-93 Gas
148 Bukhari Deep 2 BP 05-Oct-07 Sindh 10,312 Lower Goru 16-Nov-07 Gas
149 Bukhari Deep 3 BP 09-Nov-08 Sindh 8,417 Lower Goru 01-Dec-08 Gas
150 Bukhari Deep 4 BP 10-Apr-10 Sindh 8,399 Lower Goru 02-May-10 Gas
151 Bukhari Deep 5 BP 03-Apr-11 Sindh 8,704 10-May-11 Gas
152 Bukhari Deep 6 UEPL 16-Nov-15 Sindh 8,504 Gas
153 Bukhari Deep 7 UEPL 22-Feb-17 Sindh 8,691 16-Mar-17 Gas
154 Bukhari SWD 1 UTP 28-Feb-96 Sindh 1,631 07-Mar-96 INJ
155 Bukhari North 2 UEPL 23-Feb-21 Sindh 9,539 28-Mar-21 Gas
156 Buzdar North 2 OGDC 27-Aug-15 Sindh 5,249 Plugged & Abd.
157 Buzdar S.Deep 2 UTP 29-May-97 Sindh 6,673 Lower Goru Oil
158 Buzdar South 2 BP 07-Jan-08 Sindh 5,220 Lower Goru 21-Jan-08 Oil & Gas
159 Buzdar South 3 BP 21-Feb-10 Sindh 4,633 Lower Goru 01-Jan-10 Gas
160 Buzdar South 4 BP 09-Feb-11 Sindh 4,876 Plugged & Abd.
161 Buzdar South Deep 3 BP 13-May-04 Sindh 6,985 Lower Goru 26-May-04 Oil & Gas
162 Buzdar South Deep 4 BP 29-Mar-05 Sindh 79 7,451 Lower Goru 14-Apr-05 Oil & Gas
163 Buzdar South Deep 5 BP 11-Mar-09 Sindh 7,001 Lower Goru 22-Mar-09 Oil & Gas
164 Buzdar South Deep 6 BP 02-Dec-09 Sindh 6,751 Lower Goru 14-Dec-09 Oil
165 Buzdar South Deep 7 UEPL 29-Apr-13 Sindh 7,288 Oil/Gas
166 Buzdar South Deep 8 UEPL 01-Oct-14 Sindh 6,729 Lower Shale 02-Nov-14 Suspended
167 Buzdar South Deep 9 UEPL 23-Dec-18 Sindh 7,652 26-Jan-19 Oil & Gas
168 Buzdar South SWD 1 BP 08-Nov-05 Sindh 3,097 Completed
169 Chachar 2 Tullow 21-May-06 Sindh 4,806 SML 08-Jun-06 Gas
170 Chachar 3 Tullow 17-Jun-06 Sindh 4,974 SML 23-Jul-06 Gas
171 Chachar 4 PPL 15-Jul-11 Sindh 4,285 SML 01-Oct-11 Gas
172 Chak Naurang 2 OGDC 26-Sep-85 Punjab 1,811 7,310 Khewra S. St. 03-Apr-87 Oil
173 Chak Naurang 3 OGDC 09-Nov-87 Punjab 1,824 9,357 Khewra S. St. 03-May-88 Oil
174 Chak Naurang 4 OGDC 25-May-88 Punjab 1,857 9,137 Khewra S. St. 12-Nov-88 Oil
175 Chak Naurang 5 OGDCL 08-Jul-08 Punjab 3,091 Kamlial 15-Aug-08 Plugged & Abd.
176 Chak Naurang 5A OGDCL 28-Nov-08 Punjab 8,665 15-Jun-09 Oil
177 Chak Naurang South 2 OGDCL 15-Sep-12 Punjab 10,545 26-May-13 Plugged & Abd.
178 Chak2 2 OGDCL 21-Mar-04 Sindh 11,220 Lower Goru Gas/Cond.
179 Chak2 3 OGDCL 08-Nov-04 Sindh 117 10,499 Lower Goru Temp. Suspnd.
180 Chak-5 Dim 2 OGDCL 21-Nov-13 Sindh 10,463 Sembar 22-Feb-14 Gas Cond.
181 Chak-5 Dim South 2 OGDC 18-Dec-96 Sindh 9,843 Lower Goru 20-Mar-97 Abandoned
182 Chak-63 3 OGDC 21-Mar-03 Sindh 11,368 Lower Goru Oil & Gas
183 Chak-63 4 OGDCL 05-May-04 Sindh 11,647 Lower Goru Gas/Cond.
184 Chanda 2 OGDCL 16-May-05 KPK 16,371 Kingriali 24-Apr-06 Oil & Gas
185 Chanda 3 OGDCL 29-Jun-07 KPK 14,925 Temp. Suspnd.
186 Chanda 4 OGDCL 11-Dec-16 KPK 16,457 Testing
187 Chanda 5 OGDCL 02-Nov-18 KPK 17,762 Drilling
188 Dabhi 2 UTP 05-Feb-85 Sindh 66 5,861 Lower Goru 01-Mar-85 Oil/Gas
189 Dabhi 3 UTP 01-Jul-85 Sindh 63 6,000 Lower Goru 22-Jul-85 Oil/Gas
190 Dabhi 4 UTP 01-Aug-86 Sindh 63 5,840 Lower Goru 14-Aug-86 Oil/Gas
191 Dabhi 5 UTP 04-Jun-99 Sindh 5,804 Lower Goru 15-Jun-99 Oil
192 Dabhi 6 UTP 21-Jun-99 Sindh 5,801 Lower Goru 21-Jun-99 Oil
193 Dabhi 7 UTP 09-Sep-01 Sindh 69 5,801 Lower Goru 20-Jan-02 Oil
194 Dabhi North 2 UTP 30-Oct-98 Sindh 6,348 Lower Goru 17-Nov-98 Oil
195 Dabhi North 3 UTP 24-Dec-99 Sindh 71 6,183 Lower Goru 05-Jan-00 Oil
196 Dabhi North 4 UEPL 19-Feb-02 Sindh 71 6,270 Lower Goru 25-Feb-02 Suspended
197 Dabhi North 5 UEPL 22-Apr-18 Sindh 7,432 27-May-18 Oil
198 Dabhi South 2 UEPL 26-Aug-13 Sindh 5,888 Lower Goru 09-Jun-13 Oil & Gas
199 Dachrapur 3 OGDCL 30-Apr-16 Sindh 3,491 Gas
200 Dhani 2 UEPL 21-Nov-14 Sindh 7,703 Talhar Shale 21-Nov-14 Oil
201 Dakhni 2 OGDC 07-Oct-83 Punjab 1,052 14796 Nammal 12-Jun-84 Condensate
202 Dakhni 3 OGDC 09-Jul-84 Punjab 1,008 15,144 Lockhart 29-Mar-85 Condensate
203 Dakhni 4 OGDC 30-Apr-85 Punjab 948 15,092 Lockhart 17-Jan-86 Condensate
204 Dakhni 5 OGDC 10-Jun-86 Punjab 989 15,381 Lockhart 20-Jun-87 Condensate
205 Dakhni 6 OGDC 18-Oct-86 Punjab 1,079 15,795 Lockhart 07-Dec-87 Abandoned
206 Dakhni 7 OGDC 08-Dec-95 Punjab 2,717 Chinji 28-Mar-96 Abandoned
207 Dakhni 7-A OGDC 26-Sep-96 Punjab 13,857 Lockhart 22-Aug-98 Abandoned
208 Dakhni 8 OGDCL 08-Mar-04 Punjab 14,993 Lockhart Gas/Cond.
209 Dakhni 9 OGDCL 15-Dec-04 Punjab 1,019 14,764 Patala Suspended
210 Dakhni 10 OGDCL 07-May-06 Punjab 15,676 Patala Suspended
211 Dakhni 10-A OGDCL 04-Apr-10 Punjab 15,453 Gas
212 Dakhni 11 OGDCL 17-Jul-08 Punjab 15,892 Gas/Cond.
213 Dakhni 12 OGDCL 08-Jan-10 Punjab 14,925 Temp. Suspnd.
214 Dakhni Deep 2 OGDCL 20-Jun-07 Punjab 15,727 Kingriali Gas/Cond.
215 Dakhni Deep 3 OGDCL 24-Jun-07 Punjab 12,175 Murree Plugged & Abd.
216 Dakhni Deep 3A OGDCL 12-Nov-09 Punjab 4,446 Plugged & Abd.
217 Dakhni Deep 4 OGDCL 30-Jun-09 Punjab 16,207 Lockhart L. St. Plugged & Abd.
218 Dakhni Deep 5 OGDCL 21-Jan-15 Punjab 16,539 Datta 30-Apr-15 Plugged & Abd.
219 Daru 2 OGDC 11-May-89 Sindh 181 8,661 Lower Goru 14-Aug-89 Condensate
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 119


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
220 Daru 3 OGDC 01-Sep-89 Sindh 65 8,435 Lower Goru 15-Dec-89 Condensate
221 Dewan 2 Rally 10-Apr-05 Punjab 8,661 Lower Goru Gas
222 Dewan 3 Dewan 18-Jun-08 Punjab 12,283 Chiltan Suspended
223 Dewan 5 Dewan 11-Mar-07 Punjab 1,631 Plugged & Abd.
224 Dewan 5A Dewan 27-Aug-07 Punjab 10,843 Chiltan 18-Jan-08 Gas
225 Dewan Shallow 1 Dewan 10-Nov-08 Punjab 5,249 Pab Formation 27-Jan-08 Gas
226 Dhachrapur 2 OGDC 07-Feb-12 Sindh 11,434 -
227 Dhodak 2 OGDC 01-Apr-78 Punjab 1,716 9,846 Parh 30-Jun-79 Condensate
228 Dhodak 3 OGDC 18-May-79 Punjab 1,817 10,039 Parh L. st. 03-May-80 Condensate
229 Dhodak 4 OGDC 18-Nov-81 Punjab 1,986 8,167 Pab 04-Jan-83 Abandoned
230 Dhodak 5 OGDC 31-May-88 Punjab 1,694 8,015 Pab 24-Oct-88 Condensate
231 Dhodak 6 OGDC 23-Nov-88 Punjab 2,267 8,301 Pab 03-Apr-89 Condensate
232 Dhodak 7 OGDC 01-Jul-89 Punjab 2,133 8,212 Pab 06-Nov-89 Condensate
233 Dhodak 8 OGDC 22-Dec-91 Punjab 1,422 7,395 Pab 06-Apr-92 Condensate
234 Dhodak 9 OGDCL 29-Jun-04 Punjab 7,884 Lower Ranikot Gas/Cond.
235 Dhodak 10 OGDCL 19-Oct-05 Punjab 7,303 Lower Ranikot 29-May-06 Plugged & Abd.
236 Dhodak 10A OGDCL 30-Dec-06 Punjab 7,267 Lower Ranikot Gas/Cond.
237 Dhodak Deep 2 OGDCL 14-Dec-08 Punjab 2,687 Rubbly Limesto 04-Feb-09 Plugged & Abd.
238 Dhodak Deep 2A OGDCL 26-Jun-10 Punjab 13,747 -
239 Dhok Sultan 2 PPL 05-Jun-20 Punjab 3,953 Drilling
240 Dhulian 7 POL 21-Jan-37 Punjab 1,289 7,658 04-Nov-37 Oil
241 Dhulian 9 POL 01-Nov-37 Punjab 1,283 8,898 Lockhart 31-Oct-41 Oil
242 Dhulian 11 POL 11-Nov-37 Punjab 1,312 8,285 Ranikot 11-Jul-38 Oil
243 Dhulian 10 POL 28-Apr-38 Punjab 1,355 7,779 10-Jan-39 Abandoned
244 Dhulian 12 POL 10-Sep-38 Punjab 1,299 7,674 Lockhart 18-Jun-40 Oil
245 Dhulian 17 POL 14-Nov-38 Punjab 1,352 7,825 Lockhart 20-Jul-42 Oil
246 Dhulian 12 POL 10-Sep-38 Punjab 1299 7,674 Lockhart 18-Jun-40 Oil
247 Dhulian 17 POL 14-Nov-38 Punjab 1352 7,825 Lockhart 20-Jul-42 Oil
248 Dhulian 19 POL 10-Oct-39 Punjab 1342 8,170 Lockhart 04-Apr-40 Oil
249 Dhulian 16 POL 31-Jan-40 Punjab 1329 8,439 Ranikot 27-Jul-40 Oil
250 Dhulian 42 POL 26-Sep-61 Punjab 1355 9,613 Mianwali 01-Aug-62 Oil/Gas
251 Dhulian 43 POL 24-Jun-62 Punjab 1411 12,428 Salt Range 17-May-63 Oil/Gas
252 Dhulian 44 POL 06-Apr-64 Punjab 1299 9,576 Mianwali 17-May-64 Oil/Gas
253 Dhulian 45 POL 19-Oct-64 Punjab 1388 9,508 Mianwali 18-May-05 Oil/Gas
254 Dhulian 46 POL 12-Sep-65 Punjab 1345 9,655 Datta 12-Sep-65 Oil/Gas
255 Dhulian 8 POL 10-Oct-37 Punjab 20-Jul-38 Abandoned
256 Dhulian 18 POL 13-Apr-39 Punjab 1339 7,933 Lockhart 19-Jan-40 Abandoned
257 Dhulian 15 POL 09-Jul-39 Punjab 1312 7,753 Lockhart 06-Mar-40 Oil
258 Dhulian 14 POL 28-May-40 Punjab 1335 7,897 Lockhart 08-Sep-41 Oil
259 Dhulian 20 POL 04-Aug-40 Punjab 1348 7,796 Lockhart 15-Feb-41 Oil
260 Dhulian 21 POL 28-Dec-40 Punjab 1358 - 11-Nov-41 Abandoned
261 Dhulian 22 POL 22-Jan-41 Punjab 1355 7,812 Lockhart 11-Nov-41 Oil
262 Dhulian 23 POL 25-Jun-41 Punjab 1280 7,956 Lockhart 20-Sep-42 Abandoned
263 Dhulian 24 POL 04-Dec-41 Punjab 1289 8,262 Ranikot 21-Sep-42 Oil
264 Dhulian 25 POL 06-Sep-42 Punjab 1322 7,701 Lockhart 13-Apr-43 Oil
265 Dhulian 26 POL 09-Nov-42 Punjab 1312 7,756 Lockhart 10-Mar-43 Oil
266 Dhulian 27 POL 05-May-43 Punjab 1270 7,655 Lockhart 13-Jan-44 Abandoned
267 Dhulian 28 POL 31-Jul-43 Punjab 1365 7,966 Ranikot 01-Apr-44 Oil
268 Dhulian 29 POL 07-Feb-44 Punjab 1299 7,678 Lockhart 23-Oct-44 Oil
269 Dhulian 31 POL 02-Mar-44 Punjab 1355 8,465 - 05-Dec-44 Abandoned
270 Dhulian 30 POL 05-Jun-44 Punjab 1283 7,674 Lockhart 27-Jan-45 Oil
271 Dhulian 32 POL 20-Nov-44 Punjab 1306 7,655 Lockhart 09-Apr-45 Oil
272 Dhulian 33 POL 27-Dec-44 Punjab 1283 Lockhart 17-Oct-45 Oil
273 Dhulian 34 POL 29-Apr-45 Punjab 1345 Lockhart 05-Sep-46 Oil
274 Dhulian 35 POL 05-Sep-46 Punjab 1342 - 05-Sep-46 Abandoned
275 Dhulian 36 AOC 01-Jan-48 Punjab 1358 7,900 Lockhart 26-Mar-50 Oil
276 Dhulian 37 POL 06-Jun-53 Punjab 1358 9,229 Patala 13-Mar-55 Oil/Gas
277 Dhulian 1P POL 22-May-56 Punjab 1388 9,944 Triassic 01-Nov-60 Abandoned
278 Dhulian 38 POL 31-Jan-58 Punjab 1303 8,961 Lockhart 01-May-59 Oil/Gas
279 Dhulian 39 POL 31-Mar-59 Punjab 1342 9,106 Datta 01-Jul-60 Oil/Gas
280 Dhulian 40 POL 19-May-59 Punjab 1273 2,993 Chinji 13-May-60 Abandoned
281 Dhulian 41 POL 23-May-60 Punjab 1270 9,330 Chhidru 01-Jul-60 Oil/Gas
282 Dhulian 2P POL 25-Feb-61 Punjab 1306 9,731 Triassic 01-May-62 Oil/Gas
283 Dhulian 3P POL 28-May-62 Punjab 1375 10,325 Triassic 01-Dec-62 Abandoned
284 Dhurnal 2 OXY 01-Jul-84 Punjab 1624 14,807 Warcha 26-Feb-85 Oil
285 Dhurnal 3 OXY 19-Mar-85 Punjab 1670 16,044 Salt Range 08-Nov-85 Oil
286 Dhurnal 4 OXY 09-Apr-86 Punjab 1631 15,299 Amb 27-Apr-85 INJ
287 Dhurnal 5 OXY 15-Nov-86 Punjab 1555 14,653 Amb 04-Jun-87 INJ
288 Dhurnal 6 OXY 08-Sep-87 Punjab 1661 13,774 Amb 10-May-88 Oil
289 Dhurnal 7 OXY 20-Sep-88 Punjab 1693 14,679 Amb 18-Feb-89 INJ
290 Domial 2 POL 22-Oct-10 Punjab 17,405 -
291 Duphri 2 UTP 10-Sep-89 Sindh 46 3,046 Lower Goru 23-Sep-89 Gas
292 Duphri 4 BP 20-Oct-04 Sindh 45 7,520 Lower Goru Gas
293 Duphri 3 BP 31-Jul-05 Sindh 2,799 Lower Goru 05-Aug-05 Oil
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 120


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
294 Duphri 5 BP 15-Feb-06 Sindh 2,858 Lower Goru 21-Feb-06 Gas
295 Duphri 6 BP 24-Mar-08 Sindh 2,956 Lower Goru 30-Mar-08 Oil
296 Duphri 7 BP 16-May-10 Sindh 2,799 Lower Goru 21-May-10 Oil
297 Duphri 8 UEPL 26-Apr-13 Sindh 2,900 Oil
298 Duphri SWD 1 BP 23-Sep-06 Sindh 1,585 Completed
299 Fateh Shah North 2 UEPL 27-Oct-13 Sindh 9,723 Badin Shale 17-Nov-13 Gas
300 Fimkassar 2 OGDC 07-Feb-90 Punjab 1762 10,089 Patala 13-Oct-90 Oil
301 Fimkassar 3 OGDC 26-Sep-94 Punjab 10,545 Nammal 19-May-95 INJ
302 Fimkassar 4 OGDCL 29-Jul-03 Punjab 11,319 Khewra S. St. Plgd. & Abd.
303 Gagani South 1 UEPL 22-Mar-21 Sindh 3,000 03-Apr-21 Gas
304 Gharo 2 UEPL 14-Jul-12 Sindh 5,069 Lower Goru 06-Aug-12 Oil
305 Ghotana 2 OGDC 11-Sep-86 Sindh 79 7,300 Lower Goru 24-Nov-86 Oil
306 Ghotana 3 OGDCL 26-Dec-97 Sindh 6,972 Lower Goru 18-Feb-98 Abandoned
307 Ghunghro 2 UTP 29-Apr-89 Sindh 28 5,150 Lower Goru 14-May-89 Oil
308 Ghunghro 3 UTP 08-May-96 Sindh 4,872 Lower Goru 28-May-96 Oil
309 Ghunghro 4 UTP 21-Sep-00 Sindh 27 5,000 Lower Goru 28-Sep-00 Oil
310 Ghunghro 5 UTP 03-Jan-01 Sindh 27 4,977 Lower Goru 09-Jan-01 Oil
311 Ghunghro 6 UTP 01-Feb-01 Sindh 27 5,000 Lower Goru 11-Feb-01 Oil
312 Ghunghro 7 UTP 19-Feb-01 Sindh 27 5,203 Lower Goru 24-Feb-01 Oil
313 Ghunghro SW-1 UTP 07-Nov-96 Sindh 2,054 19-Nov-96 Completed
314 Ghunghro SW-2 BP 31-Dec-01 Sindh 2,359 Completed
315 Ghunghro 8 BP 05-Mar-05 Sindh 28 4,803 Lower Goru 10-Mar-05 Oil
316 Ghunghro 9 BP 29-Jul-07 Sindh 5,515 Lower Goru 07-Aug-08 Oil
317 Ghunghro SWD 3 BP 24-Apr-09 Sindh 2,247 Khadro 28-Apr-09 Completed
318 Ghunghro SWD 4 UEPL 30-Aug-12 Sindh 2,250 01-Sep-12 Completed
319 Golarchi 2 UTP 10-Mar-84 Sindh 59 6,505 Lower Goru 10-Apr-84 Gas
320 Golarchi 3 UTP 15-Mar-88 Sindh 45 11,593 Lower Goru 14-May-88 Gas
321 Golarchi 4 BP 15-Sep-04 Sindh 26 6,503 Lower Goru Gas
322 Golarchi 5 BP 21-Jul-08 Sindh 5,496 Lower Goru 04-Aug-08 Gas
323 Golarchi Deep 1 BP 04-Jan-09 Sindh 11,203 Lower Goru 02-May-09 Gas
324 Gulsher 2 UEPL 19-May-19 Sindh 6,148 Plugged & Abd.
325 Haider Deep 2 UEPL 26-Sep-16 Sindh 14,026 26-Dec-16 Temp. Suspnd.
326 Hakeem Daho 2 OGDCL 04-Aug-04 Sindh 112 10,827 Lower Goru Gas Condensate
327 Halipota 2 UTP 05-Apr-89 Sindh 66 6,570 Lower Goru 26-Apr-89 Oil/Gas
328 Halipota 3 BP 12-Oct-06 Sindh 6,604 Lower Goru 24-Dec-06 Oil/Gas
329 Halipota 4 UEPL 23-Mar-18 Sindh 5,845 09-Apr-18 Oil
330 Halipota 5 UEPL 25-Mar-17 Sindh 6,604 07-Apr-17 Oil
331 Halipota WIW-6 UEPL 30-Jul-18 Sindh 6,104 10-Aug-18 Completed
332 Halipota East 1 UEPL 17-Sep-21 Sindh 6,348 Logging
333 Hamza X 2 PEL 25-Jan-04 Sindh 4,272 Ranikot Gas/Sus
334 Hassan 2 PEL 01-Jan-05 Sindh 220 4,396 Mughal Kot 02-Mar-05 Gas
335 Hassan 3 PEL 18-Sep-07 Sindh 3,353 SML Gas
336 Hassan 4 PEL 03-Apr-14 Sindh 3,543 21-Apr-14 Gas
337 Hayat 2 UEPL 12-Oct-18 Sindh 9,561 09-Nov-18 Gas Cond.
338 Hundi 2 OGDC 01-Jan-72 Sindh 943 5,285 Lower Ranikot 10-Apr-72 Gas
339 Hundi 3 OGDC 27-Nov-73 Sindh 938 5,259 Lower Ranikot 20-May-74 Gas
340 Hundi 4 OGDC 09-Dec-74 Sindh 1077 5,020 Lower Ranikot 15-Apr-75 Gas
341 Hundi North 1 OGDCL 27-Apr-10 Sindh 4,921 Lower Ranikot 02-May-10 Pludg. & Abd.
342 Jabo 2 UTP 21-Feb-00 Sindh 26 6,900 Lower Goru 04-Mar-00 Oil
343 Jabo 3 UTP 26-Aug-00 Sindh 27 6,900 Lower Goru 09-Sep-00 Gas
344 Jabo 4 BP 04-Dec-02 Sindh 6,900 Lower Goru 18-Dec-02 Oil
345 Jabo 5 BP 03-Apr-03 Sindh 6,814 Lower Goru 14-Apr-03 Oil
346 Jabo SWD 1 BP 02-Dec-03 Sindh 2,182 10-Dec-03 Completed
347 Jabo SWD 2 BP 05-Dec-07 Sindh 2,249 Parh L. st. Completed
348 Jabo 6 BP 27-Sep-05 Sindh 8,648 Lower Goru 15-Oct-05 Oil/Gas
349 Jabo 7 BP 19-Apr-06 Sindh 7,031 Lower Goru 10-May-06 Plugged & Abd.
350 Jabo 8 BP 13-Feb-07 Sindh 6,778 Lower Goru 23-Feb-07 Oil
351 Jabo 9 BP 17-Dec-07 Sindh 6,937 Lower Goru 03-Jan-08 Oil
352 Jabo 12 BP 17-Sep-09 Sindh 7,083 Lower Goru 28-Sep-09 Oil
353 Jabo 11 BP 02-Apr-09 Sindh 6,985 Lower Goru 15-Apr-09 Oil & Gas
354 Jabo 13 BP 11-Mar-10 Sindh 6,832 Lower Goru 24-Mar-10 Oil & Gas
355 Jabo 14 UEPL 14-Aug-12 Sindh 7,070 Lower Goru 23-Aug-12 Oil
356 Jabo 15 UEPL 20-May-13 Sindh 4,972 -
357 Jabo North 2 BP 13-Aug-08 Sindh 6,880 Lower Goru 26-Aug-08 Gas Cond.
358 Jagir 2 UTP 15-Oct-99 Sindh 73 7,552 Lower Goru 04-Nov-99 Oil
359 Jagir 3 UTP 09-Nov-00 Sindh 75 7,552 Lower Goru 03-Dec-00 Oil
360 Jagir (WIW) 4 UTP 15-Apr-01 Sindh 74 6,977 Lower Goru Completed as WIW
361 Jakhro 2 OGDCL 30-Jun-04 Sindh 10,827 Lower Goru Plgd. & Abd.
362 Jalal 2 UTP 19-Jan-95 Sindh 5,624 Lower Goru 05-Feb-95 Gas
363 Jalal D1 BP 02-Nov-06 Sindh 8,527 Lower Goru 27-Nov-06 Gas
364 Jalal D2 BP 22-Apr-08 Sindh 9,719 Lower Goru Gas
365 Jalal D3 UEPL 06-May-12 Sindh 9,426 -
366 Jand 2 OGDCL 26-Feb-16 Punjab 20,640 Drilling
367 Jhaberi South 2 BP 19-Feb-09 Sindh 6,099 Lower Goru 27-Feb-09 Oil
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 121


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
368 Jhaberi South 3 UEPL 25-Jun-13 Sindh 1,440 -
369 Jhal Magsi South 2 OGDCL 31-Dec-06 Baloch. 13,238 Dunghan Gas
370 Jhandial 2 POL 16-Dec-19 Punjab 17,953 Drilling
371 Jogwani 2 BP 22-Dec-05 Sindh 2,805 Lower Goru 28-Dec-05 Gas
372 Jogwani 3 BP 02-Dec-07 Sindh 2,830 Lower Goru 09-Dec-07 Gas
373 Jogwani 4 BP 10-May-09 Sindh 2,806 Lower Goru 16-May-09 Gas
374 Joya Mair 2 POL 27-Aug-44 Punjab 1663 7,051 Chorgali/Sakes 28-Apr-45 Oil
375 Joya Mair 3 POL 01-Dec-45 Punjab 1641 9,016 30-Apr-46 Abandoned
376 Joya Mair 4 POL 12-Jun-85 Punjab 1745 8,717 Salt Range 11-Dec-85 Oil
377 Kadanwari 3 Lasmo 01-Feb-91 Sindh 186 11,417 Lower Goru 17-Apr-91 Gas
378 Kadanwari 4 Lasmo 27-Apr-91 Sindh 164 11,608 Lower Goru 13-Jul-91 Gas
379 Kadanwari 5 Lasmo 16-Feb-94 Sindh 11,399 Lower Goru 27-Apr-94 Abandoned
380 Kadanwari 6 Lasmo 30-Jun-94 Sindh 11,585 Lower Goru 27-Aug-94 Gas
381 Kadanwari 7 Lasmo 22-Sep-94 Sindh 11,391 Lower Goru 29-Nov-94 Gas
382 Kadanwari 8 Lasmo 02-Mar-95 Sindh 11,230 Lower Goru 24-May-95 Abandoned
383 Kadanwari 9 Lasmo 19-Apr-97 Sindh 11,112 Goru 16-Aug-97 Gas
384 Kadanwari 10 Lasmo 28-Jun-98 Sindh 11,631 Lower Goru 31-Aug-98 Gas
385 Kadanwari 11 Lasmo 05-Aug-00 Sindh 11,594 Lower Goru Gas
386 Kadanwari 12 Lasmo 18-May-01 Sindh 11,260 Lower Goru Gas
387 Kadanwari 13 Lasmo 14-Jul-01 Sindh 60 11,719 Lower Goru 06-Sep-01 Suspended
388 Kadanwari 4updip Lasmo 06-Apr-02 Sindh 11,516 Lower Goru Plugd & Abd.
389 Kadanwari 14 ENI 14-Sep-03 Sindh 11,499 Lower Goru 06-Nov-03 Gas
390 Kadanwari 15 Eni 04-Feb-06 Sindh 11,201 Lower Goru 10-Mar-06 Gas
391 Kadanwari 16 Eni 08-Jan-07 Sindh 11,549 Lower Goru Plugged & Suspd.
392 Kadanwari 17 Eni 11-Jun-08 Sindh 12,884 Gas
393 Kadanwari 18 Eni 28-Feb-07 Sindh 11,631 Lower Goru Gas
394 Kadanwari 18ST Eni 03-Nov-10 Sindh 12,051 Lower Goru 02-Dec-10 Gas
395 Kadanwari 19 ENI 13-Nov-09 Sindh 11,368 Lower Goru 16-Dec-09 Gas
396 Kadanwari 20 Eni 30-Mar-09 Sindh 11,345 Gas
397 Kadanwari 21 ENI 22-Jan-10 Sindh 11,585 Lower Goru Gas
398 Kadanwari 23 ENI 17-Mar-10 Sindh 11,499 Lower Goru Gas
399 Kadanwari 24 ENI 01-Jun-10 Sindh 11,827 Gas
400 Kadanwari 25 ENI 02-Aug-10 Sindh 11,565 Gas
401 Kadanwari 25Dir-A ENI 23-Dec-10 Sindh 11,581 Gas
402 Kadanwari 26 ENI 07-Feb-11 Sindh 11,483 Suspended
403 Kadanwari 27 ENI 04-Apr-11 Sindh 11,598 Gas
404 Kadanwari 28 ENI 05-Nov-11 Sindh 12,838 Lower Goru 16-Dec-12 Suspended
405 Kadanwari Dir 29 ENI 15-Mar-12 Sindh 11,506 26-Apr-12 Gas
406 Kadanwari Dir 30 ENI 15-Jan-12 Sindh 11,778 Lower Goru 06-Mar-12 Gas
407 Kadanwari HOR 31 ENI 26-Jul-13 Sindh 14,951 Lower Goru 10-Oct-13 Gas
408 Kadanwari Dir 32 ENI 26-Mar-13 Sindh 11,798 19-May-13 Gas
409 Kadanwari 33 ENI 30-May-13 Sindh 9,232 -
410 Kadanwari Dir 34 ENI 21-Mar-14 Sindh 11,627 Plugged & Abd.
411 Kadanwari Dir 35 ENI 07-Nov-13 Sindh 11,611 10-Dec-13 Gas
412 Kadanwari Dir 36 ENI 17-Jan-14 Sindh 11,575 15-Feb-14 Gas
413 Kadanwari 37 ENI 25-May-14 Sindh 10,784 Drilling
414 Kadanwari Dir 38 ENI 12-Mar-15 Sindh 11,893 Gas
415 Kadanwari Dir 40 ENI 03-Oct-17 Sindh 11,329 30-May-17 Plugged & Suspd.
416 Kal 2 OGDC 11-Nov-95 Punjab 8,891 Khewra S. St. 09-Feb-96 Oil
417 Kal 3 OGDC 31-Dec-07 Punjab 9,236 Khewra S. St. Oil
418 Kamal North 2 BP 04-Nov-09 Sindh 9,356 Lower Goru Oil & Gas
419 Kandhkot 2 PPL 08-Jan-71 Sindh 243 5,108 Sui Main Ls. 17-Feb-71 Gas
420 Kandhkot 3 PPL 14-Jan-85 Sindh 253 4,921 Sui Main Ls. 16-Feb-85 Gas
421 Kandhkot 4 PPL 29-Mar-85 Sindh 249 4,806 Sui Main Ls. 25-Apr-85 Gas
422 Kandhkot 5 PPL 16-May-85 Sindh 256 4,593 Sui Main Ls. 21-Jun-85 Gas
423 Kandhkot 6 PPL 24-Jul-85 Sindh 244 4,624 Sui Main Ls. 08-Sep-85 Gas
424 Kandhkot 7 PPL 11-Sep-85 Sindh 245 4,852 Sui Main Ls. 05-Oct-85 Gas
425 Kandhkot 8 PPL 22-Oct-85 Sindh 235 4,925 Sui Main Ls. 10-Dec-85 Gas
426 Kandhkot 9 PPL 14-Dec-85 Sindh 249 4,754 Sui Main Ls. 01-Feb-86 Gas
427 Kandhkot 10 PPL 20-Feb-86 Sindh 246 4,446 Sui Main Ls. 08-Mar-86 Gas
428 Kandhkot 11 PPL 21-Mar-86 Sindh 236 4,636 Sui Main Ls. 16-Apr-86 Gas
429 Kandhkot 12 PPL 03-May-86 Sindh 239 4,741 Sui Main Ls. 21-May-86 Gas
430 Kandhkot 13 PPL 03-Jun-86 Sindh 239 4,741 Sui Main Ls. 26-Jun-86 Gas
431 Kandhkot 14 PPL 03-Jul-86 Sindh 244 4,708 Sui Main Ls. 28-Jul-86 Gas
432 Kandhkot 15 PPL 15-Nov-86 Sindh 251 4,430 Sui Main Ls. 13-Dec-86 Gas
433 Kandhkot 16 PPL 31-Dec-86 Sindh 251 4,495 Sui Main Ls. 27-Jan-87 Gas
434 Kandhkot 20 PPL 12-Jan-87 Sindh 270 14,603 Sui Main Ls. 17-Aug-87 Gas
435 Kandhkot 17 PPL 01-Feb-87 Sindh 243 4,646 Sui Main Ls. 19-Feb-87 Gas
436 Kandhkot 18 PPL 02-Mar-87 Sindh 250 4,626 Sui Main Ls. 25-Mar-87 Gas
437 Kandhkot 19 PPL 06-Apr-87 Sindh 243 4,538 Sui Main Ls. 24-Apr-87 Gas
438 Kandhkot 22 PPL 09-Feb-96 Sindh 3,215 Habib Rahi Gas
439 Kandhkot 21 PPL 09-Jun-98 Sindh 5,059 Habib Rahi Gas
440 Kandhkot 23 PPL 19-Oct-00 Sindh 248 5,226 Sui Main Ls. 03-Jan-01 Gas
441 Kandhkot 24 PPL 18-Sep-03 Sindh 5,217 08-Dec-03 Gas
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 122


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
442 Kandhkot 25 PPL 01-Apr-05 Sindh 4,606 Gas
443 Kandhkot 26 PPL 25-Oct-07 Sindh 6,250 SML Gas
444 Kandhkot 27 PPL 04-Mar-08 Sindh 5,518 Sui Upper L. St. Gas
445 Kandhkot 28 PPL 16-Aug-12 Sindh 7,133 01-Feb-13 Gas
446 Kandhkot Effluent 30 PPL 17-Apr-11 Sindh 2,687 Completed
447 Kandhkot-H 31 PPL 01-Dec-13 Sindh 3,921 Gas
448 Kandhkot 32 PPL 26-Aug-14 Sindh 8,307 SML 27-Dec-14 Gas
449 Kandhkot HRL 33 PPL 14-Jan-16 Sindh 5,148 Gas
450 Kandhkot H 34 PPL 07-Apr-16 Sindh 6,985 Gas
451 Kandhkot H 35 PPL 23-May-16 Sindh 6,903 Gas
452 Kandhkot EFU 36 PPL 25-Mar-16 Sindh 2,664 04-Apr-16 Completed
453 Kandhkot H 38 PPL 25-Dec-16 Sindh 5,482 04-Jan-17 Gas
454 Kandhkot H 39 PPL 30-Jul-17 Sindh 7,812 14-Oct-17 Gas
455 Kandhkot H 40 PPL 02-Mar-17 Sindh 5,299 Gas
456 Kandhkot H 41 PPL 30-Jun-17 Sindh 6,335 Drilling
457 Kandhkot H 42 PPL 03-Mar-17 Sindh 6,368 Gas
458 Kandhkot H 43 PPL 25-Apr-17 Sindh 7,556 Gas
459 Kandhkot H 44 PPL 28-May-17 Sindh 6,588 Gas
460 Kandhkot 45 PPL 26-Jun-18 Sindh 1,014 Drilling
461 Kandhkot 47 PPL 01-Aug-19 Sindh 5,259 19-Sep-19 Gas
462 Kandra 2 Premier 05-Sep-96 Sindh 2,165 SML 06-Oct-96 Suspended
463 Karsal 2 POL 30-Sep-57 Punjab 1,362 12,675 Hangu 14-Dec-58 Abandoned
464 Karsal 3 POL 15-May-59 Punjab 1,341 11,664 Sakessar 07-Nov-59 Oil
465 Karsal 4 POL 21-Jul-60 Punjab 1,251 12,221 Chhidru 28-Apr-61 Abandoned
466 Kato 2 BP 27-Feb-06 Sindh 2,818 Upper Goru Suspended
467 Kato 3 BP 17-Aug-06 Sindh 7,753 Lower Goru 05-Sep-06 Gas
468 Kausar SWD 1 UEPL 19-Jan-16 Sindh 4,180 Completed
469 Keyhole-G 2 BP 02-Jun-03 Sindh 5,902 Lower Goru Oil
470 Keyhole-G-SWD 1 BP 25-Jun-03 Sindh 2,185 Completed
471 Khanpur 2 PEL 03-Dec-07 Sindh 3,248 Gas
472 Khaskeli 2 UTP 02-Nov-81 Sindh 45 3,606 Lower Goru 03-Dec-81 Oil
473 Khaskeli 3 UTP 05-Dec-81 Sindh 45 3,520 Lower Goru 17-Dec-81 Oil
474 Khaskeli 4 UTP 14-Jan-82 Sindh 45 3,666 Lower Goru 20-Feb-82 Oil
475 Khaskeli 5 UTP 21-Feb-82 Sindh 45 3,700 Lower Goru 17-Mar-82 Oil
476 Khaskeli 6 UTP 18-Sep-82 Sindh 55 3,780 Lower Goru 07-Oct-82 Oil
477 Khaskeli 7 UTP 11-Oct-82 Sindh 55 3,675 Lower Goru 21-Oct-82 Oil
478 Khaskeli 8 UTP 28-Mar-83 Sindh 53 6,990 Lower Goru 02-May-83 Abandoned
479 Khaskeli 9 UTP 30-Jun-83 Sindh 43 3,800 Lower Goru 03-Aug-83 INJ
480 Khaskeli 11 UTP 28-Jun-84 Sindh 67 3,815 Lower Goru 01-Aug-84 Oil
481 Khaskeli 10 UTP 16-Jul-84 Sindh 67 3,600 Lower Goru 26-Jul-84 Oil
482 Khaskeli 12 UTP 20-May-85 Sindh 48 3,610 Lower Goru 01-Jun-85 Oil
483 Khaskeli 13 UTP 14-Mar-88 Sindh 47 4,700 Lower Goru 24-Mar-88 Oil
484 Khaskeli 14 UTP 01-Nov-92 Sindh 51 3,652 Lower Goru 09-Nov-92 Abandoned
485 Khaskeli 15 BP 19-Nov-03 Sindh 3,806 Lower Goru 24-Nov-03 Oil
486 Khaskeli 16 BP 31-Dec-04 Sindh 52 3,488 Lower Goru 04-Jan-05 Oil
487 Khaskeli 17 BP 29-Jul-09 Sindh 3,790 Lower Goru 04-Aug-09 Oil
488 Khaur 176 AOC 11-Feb-50 Punjab 1,532 5,440 Sakessar 01-Apr-51 Oil
489 Khaur 396 POL 08-Oct-54 Punjab 1,601 6,734 08-May-55 Abandoned
490 Khaur 238 POL 01-Jul-60 Punjab 6,726 21-Jan-61 Oil
491 Khaur POL 1 POL 07-Mar-07 Punjab 13,753 Plugd. & Abd.
492 Khirun 1 OGDCL 17-Feb-18 Sindh 9,547 14-Jun-18 Gas Cond.
493 Khorewah 2 UTP 04-Nov-89 Sindh 49 6,950 Lower Goru 27-Nov-89 Gas
494 Khorewah 3 UTP 07-Dec-93 Sindh 6,800 Lower Goru 24-Dec-93 Gas
495 Khorewah 4 UTP 16-Jun-94 Sindh 6,610 Lower Goru 01-Jul-94 Gas
496 Khorewah 5 BP 06-Dec-01 Sindh 6,870 Lower Goru 19-Dec-11 Gas
497 Khorewah Deep 2 BP 29-Apr-08 Sindh 10,951 Lower Goru Gas
498 Khorewah Deep 3 UEPL 21-Feb-12 Sindh 10,879 Gas
499 Khost 2 MGCL 25-Apr-08 Baloch. 3,967 Oil
500 Khost 3 MGCL 09-Dec-10 Baloch. 3,051 Temp. Suspd.
501 Koli 2 UTP 02-Dec-89 Sindh 49 4,950 Lower Goru 15-Dec-89 Oil/Gas
502 Koli 3 UEPL 06-Jun-13 Sindh 4,966 -
503 Korai 2 UEPL 20-Mar-17 Sindh 02-Jun-17 Gas Cond.
504 Kothar 2 OGDC 21-Feb-89 Sindh 988 6,385 Ranikot 02-Aug-89 Abandoned
505 Kumbh 2 UEPL 08-May-16 Sindh 8,688 Gas Cond.
506 Kumbh 3 UEPL 27-Aug-16 Sindh 6,890 11-Sep-16 Gas Cond.
507 Kunar 3 OGDC 11-Jan-89 Sindh 76 6,759 Lower Goru 20-Feb-89 Oil
508 Kunar 4 OGDC 13-Sep-89 Sindh 76 6,726 Lower Goru 15-Oct-89 Abandoned
509 Kunar 5 OGDC 16-Sep-91 Sindh 78 6,562 Lower Goru 09-Nov-91 Oil
510 Kunar 6 OGDC 09-Feb-03 Sindh 6,414 Lower Goru Oil
511 Kunar 7 OGDC 30-Mar-08 Sindh 6,398 Lower Goru 01-May-08 Gas/Cond.
512 Kunar 8 OGDC 30-Jun-08 Sindh 6,398 Lower Goru Oil & Gas
513 Kunar 9 OGDC 14-Aug-14 Sindh 6,398 Lower Goru 04-Oct-14 Oil
514 Kunar 10 OGDC 11-Nov-15 Sindh 6,929 Oil
515 Kunar 11 OGDC 07-Feb-16 Sindh 6,804 Oil
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 123


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
516 Kunar 12 OGDCL 21-Jun-18 Sindh 2,717 Drilling
517 Kunnar Deep 2 OGDCL 03-Mar-06 Sindh 10,879 Sembar 13-May-06 Gas/Cond.
518 Kunnar Deep 3 OGDCL 30-Dec-06 Sindh 10,833 Sembar 23-Mar-07 Gas/Cond.
519 Kunnar Deep 4 OGDCL 18-Jan-07 Sindh 11,076 Sembar 15-Apr-07 Oil
520 Kunnar Deep 5 OGDCL 17-Nov-07 Sindh 10,938 Sembar 25-Feb-08 Gas/Cond.
521 Kunnar Deep 6 OGDCL 14-Mar-08 Sindh 10,879 Sembar Gas/Cond.
522 Kunnar Deep 7 OGDCL 05-Mar-08 Sindh 10,902 01-May-08 Gas/Cond.
523 Kunnar Deep 8 OGDCL 29-Jun-08 Sindh 11,263 Sembar 01-May-08 Gas/Cond.
524 Kunnar Deep 9 OGDCL 24-Oct-13 Sindh 12,894 07-Jun-13 -
525 Kunnar Deep 10 OGDCL 12-Jun-15 Sindh 9,816 Drilling
526 Kunnar Deep 11 OGDCL 16-Dec-15 Sindh 10,951 Gas Cond.
527 Kunnar WDW 1 OGDCL 23-Jun-18 Sindh 2,096 Drilling
528 Kunnar West 2 OGDCL 14-Nov-17 Sindh 10,886 20-Mar-18 Gas Cond.
529 Kundahu 1 OMV 15-Mar-96 Sindh 12,221 Lower Goru Abandoned
530 Laghari 2 UTP 27-Nov-83 Sindh 68 2,740 Lower Goru 09-Dec-83 Oil
531 Laghari 3 UTP 16-May-84 Sindh 67 2,750 Lower Goru 30-May-84 Oil
532 Laghari 4 UTP 02-Jul-84 Sindh 69 4,565 Lower Goru 25-Jul-84 Oil
533 Laghari 5 UTP 03-Jun-85 Sindh 55 2,740 Lower Goru 11-Jun-85 Oil
534 Laghari 6 UTP 23-Jul-85 Sindh 54 2,734 Lower Goru 29-Jun-85 Oil
535 Laghari 7 UTP 20-Dec-86 Sindh 55 2,750 Lower Goru 26-Dec-86 Oil
536 Laghari 8 UTP 17-Sep-96 Sindh 2,749 Lower Goru 30-Sep-96 Oil
537 Laghari 9 UEPL 24-Feb-14 Sindh 2,908 Oil
538 Laghari 10 UEPL 31-Oct-19 Sindh 2,000 10-Nov-19 Oil
539 Laghari Deep 1 BP 13-Feb-09 Sindh 4,731 Lower Goru 23-Feb-09 Oil
540 Lashari X-1 OGDCL 30-May-21 Sindh 7,421 Logging
541 Lashari Centre 2 OGDC 01-Jan-90 Sindh 69 7,369 Lower Goru 19-Apr-90 Abandoned
542 Lashari Centre 3 OGDC 10-Mar-94 Sindh 6,693 Lower Goru 19-Apr-94 Oil
543 Lashari Centre 4 OGDC 30-Jun-99 Sindh 71 6,778 Lower Goru 18-Aug-99 Completed as WIW
544 Lashari Center 5 OGDCL 29-Aug-05 Sindh 7,136 Lower Goru 14-Sep-05 Oil
545 Lashari Center 6 OGDCL 11-Dec-06 Sindh 7,087 Lower Goru 29-Jan-07 Oil
546 Lashari South 2 OGDC 06-Mar-88 Sindh 66 7,070 Lower Goru 17-Apr-88 Condensate
547 Latif 2 OMV 25-Apr-08 Sindh 11,444 Lower Goru Gas
548 Latif 4 OMV 03-Feb-09 Sindh 11,483 Plugd. & Abd.
549 Latif 5 OMV 21-Feb-13 Sindh 11,345 15-Mar-13 Gas
550 Latif 6 OMV 03-Jan-13 Sindh 11,276 11-Feb-13 Gas
551 Latif 7 OMV 11-Nov-12 Sindh 11,302 24-Dec-12 Gas
552 Latif 9 OMV 25-Aug-13 Sindh 11,155 Lower Goru 15-Sep-13 Gas
553 Latif 10 OMV 23-Aug-14 Sindh 11,247 B Sand Gas
554 Latif 14 OMV 03-Mar-16 Sindh 11,171 Gas
555 Latif 15 OMV 24-Apr-18 Sindh 11,286 08-Jun-18 Gas
556 Latif 17 OMV 10-Feb-19 Sindh 11,253 06-Apr-19 Gas
557 Latif 18 UEP Beta 11-Aug-19 Sindh 11,301 24-Sep-19 Gas
558 Latif 22 UEP Beta 09-Mar-21 Sindh 11,286 14-Nov-21 Gas
559 Latif 23 UEP Beta 10-Mar-20 Sindh 11,340 29-Apr-20 Gas
560 Liari 2 UTP 19-Nov-88 Sindh 78 9,275 Lower Goru 01-Jan-89 Oil
561 Liari 3 UTP 27-Nov-98 Sindh 6,946 Lower Goru 22-Dec-98 Oil
562 Liari 4 UTP 31-Jan-00 Sindh 74 7,001 Lower Goru 12-Feb-00 Gas
563 Liari 5 UTP 11-Dec-00 Sindh 74 7,001 Lower Goru 24-Dec-00 Oil
564 Liari Deep 2 BP 18-Jun-09 Sindh 10,613 Lower Goru Gas
565 Lodano 2 UEPL 17-Jun-13 Sindh 4,865 -
566 Lodano 3 UEPL 03-Jul-13 Sindh 7,273 Lower Goru 16-Jul-13 Oil & Gas
567 Lodano Deep 2 UEPL 06-Mar-15 Sindh 7,382 Lower Shale 16-Mar-15 Oil & Gas
568 Loti 2 OGDC 12-Jun-85 Baloch. 3231 7,418 Mughalkot 25-Dec-85 Gas
569 Loti 3 OGDC 04-Jan-86 Baloch. 2942 7,070 Pab 25-Jan-87 Gas
570 Loti 4 OGDC 24-Nov-86 Baloch. 2549 6,234 Pab 19-Feb-87 Gas
571 Loti 5 OGDC 26-Mar-87 Baloch. 3051 6,844 Pab 14-Jul-87 Gas
572 Loti 7 OGDC 12-May-87 Baloch. 2753 7,103 Pab 27-Jul-87 Gas
573 Loti 8 OGDC 13-Aug-87 Baloch. 2848 6,594 Pab 12-Oct-87 Gas
574 Loti 6 OGDC 27-Aug-87 Baloch. 3087 7,060 Pab 16-Nov-87 Gas
575 Loti 10 OGDC 26-Oct-87 Baloch. 2584 5,361 Pab 05-Dec-87 Gas
576 Loti 9 OGDC 21-Dec-87 Baloch. 2348 5,033 Pab 03-Feb-88 Gas
577 Loti 11 OGDC 17-Feb-88 Baloch. 2151 5,364 Pab 06-May-88 Gas
578 Loti 12 OGDC 30-May-88 Baloch. 2145 5,039 Pab 25-Jun-88 Gas
579 Loti 14 OGDC 15-Jul-88 Baloch. 3248 6,916 Pab 29-Oct-88 Gas
580 Loti 15 OGDC 05-Sep-90 Baloch. 2870 1,880 Ghazij 24-Jan-91 Abandoned
581 Loti 16 OGDC 14-Feb-91 Baloch. 6,677 Pab 24-Apr-91 Gas
582 Loti 17 OGDC 26-May-91 Baloch. 2976 6,619 Pab 02-Nov-91 Gas
583 Loti 18 OGDC 24-Nov-91 Baloch. 2554 6,398 Pab 20-Mar-92 Gas
584 Loti 19 OGDC 04-Jan-15 Baloch. 5,912 Temp. Suspnd.
585 Makhdumpur 2 UTP 08-Aug-87 Sindh 42 8,000 Lower Goru 11-Sep-87 Gas
586 Makhdumpur Deep 2 BP 20-Jan-06 Sindh 11,201 Lower Goru 25-Mar-06 Gas
587 Makori 2 MOL 02-May-08 KPK 12,303 Suspended
588 Makori 3 MOL 04-Jan-10 KPK 11,171 Gas/Cond.
589 Makori Deep 2 MOL 01-May-19 KPK 11,722 Drilling
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 124


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
590 Makori East 2 MOL 05-Jul-11 KPK 17,274 05-Jun-12 Gas/Cond.
591 Makori East 3 MOL 09-Jan-13 KPK 15,098 -
592 Makori East 4 MOL 18-Sep-14 KPK 16,572 Gas Cond.
593 Makori East 5 MOL 08-Sep-15 KPK 16,982 08-Jul-16 Gas Cond.
594 Makori East 6 MOL 22-Jan-17 KPK 15,509 Drilling
595 Mamikhel 2 MOL 10-Jun-12 KPK 4,058
596 Mangrio 2 OGDCL 01-Apr-21 Sindh 8,947 Testing
597 Manzalai 2 MOL 21-Feb-05 KPK 2465 14,409 Shinwari 12-Mar-06 Oil & Gas
598 Manzalai 3 MOL 26-Mar-06 KPK 15,978 Samana Suk Oil/Gas
599 Manzalai 4 MOL 17-Dec-06 KPK 13,766 Gas/Cond.
600 Manzalai 5 MOL 02-Feb-08 KPK 13,665 Gas/Cond.
601 Manzalai 6 MOL 29-Jun-07 KPK 13,783 Gas/Cond.
602 Manzalai 7 MOL 24-Oct-08 KPK 13,566 Gas/Cond.
603 Manzalai 8 MOL 17-Nov-09 KPK 13,796 Gas/Cond.
604 Manzalai 9 MOL 24-Jun-11 KPK 13,468
605 Manzalai 10 MOL 02-Nov-12 KPK 13,048 13-May-13 Gas
606 Manzalai 11 MOL 27-Dec-13 KPK 15,092
607 Maramzai 2 MOL 18-Jun-12 KPK 390
608 Maramzai 4 MOL 21-Aug-16 KPK 9,875 01-Dec-16 Gas/Cond.
609 Mardankhel 3 MOL 20-Jun-16 KPK 16,732 Testing
610 Mardankhel 2 MOL 09-Sep-16 KPK 15,502 25-Jun-17 Gas/Cond.
611 Mari 26 MGCL 12-Oct-85 Sindh 244 2,434 Habib Rahi Ls. 01-Nov-85 Gas
612 Mari 44 MGCL 17-Oct-85 Sindh 249 2,489 Habib Rahi Ls. 26-Oct-85 Gas
613 Mari 34 MGCL 28-Oct-85 Sindh 248 2,558 Habib Rahi Ls. 05-Nov-85 Gas
614 Mari 33 MGCL 07-Nov-85 Sindh 245 2,464 Habib Rahi Ls. 13-Nov-85 Gas
615 Mari 35 MGCL 12-Nov-85 Sindh 247 2,502 Habib Rahi Ls. 23-Nov-85 Gas
616 Mari 28 MGCL 15-Nov-85 Sindh 245 2,448 Habib Rahi Ls. 23-Nov-86 Gas
617 Mari 30 MGCL 19-Nov-85 Sindh 242 2,474 Habib Rahi Ls. 28-Nov-85 Gas
618 Mari 25 MGCL 31-Dec-85 Sindh 248 2,500 Habib Rahi Ls. 06-Jan-86 Gas
619 Mari 37 MGCL 05-Jan-86 Sindh 247 2,590 Habib Rahi Ls. 10-Jan-86 Gas
620 Mari 52 MGCL 24-Jan-86 Sindh 239 2,636 Habib Rahi Ls. 29-Jan-86 Gas
621 Mari 45 MGCL 31-Jan-86 Sindh 245 2,630 Habib Rahi Ls. 24-Mar-86 Gas
622 Mari 61 MGCL 18-Apr-93 Sindh 2,510 Habib Rahi Ls. 24-Apr-93 Gas
623 Mari 62 MGCL 26-Apr-93 Sindh 2,476 Habib Rahi Ls. 02-May-93 Gas
624 Mari 63 MGCL 04-May-93 Sindh 2,500 Habib Rahi Ls. 09-May-93 Gas
625 Mari 57 MGCL 11-May-93 Sindh 2,490 Habib Rahi Ls. 15-May-93 Gas
626 Mari 58 MGCL 22-May-93 Sindh 2,490 Habib Rahi Ls. 26-May-93 Gas
627 Mari 56 MGCL 29-May-93 Sindh 2,485 Habib Rahi Ls. 01-Jun-93 Gas
628 Mari 54 MGCL 04-Jun-93 Sindh 2,472 Habib Rahi Ls. 07-Jun-93 Gas
629 Mari 55 MGCL 09-Jun-93 Sindh 2,420 Habib Rahi Ls. 16-Jun-93 Gas
630 Mari X-2 MGCL 01-Sep-57 Sindh 221 10,469 Sembar 30-Nov-57 Abandoned
631 Mari X-3 MGCL 27-May-59 Sindh 250 9,628 Lower Goru 20-Sep-60 Gas
632 Mari 4 MGCL 12-Nov-65 Sindh 251 2,433 Lower Khirther 21-Dec-65 Gas
633 Mari 5 MGCL 31-Dec-65 Sindh 244 2,598 Lower Khirther 16-Jan-66 Gas
634 Mari 6 MGCL 25-Jan-66 Sindh 250 2,598 Habib Rahi Ls. 12-Feb-66 Gas
635 Mari 7 MGCL 19-Feb-66 Sindh 250 2,575 Habib Rahi Ls. 24-Feb-66 Abandoned
636 Mari 8 MGCL 02-Mar-66 Sindh 247 2,458 Lower Khirther 11-Mar-66 Gas
637 Mari 9 MGCL 17-Mar-66 Sindh 246 2,451 Lower Khirther 26-Jun-66 Gas
638 Mari 10 MGCL 08-Oct-77 Sindh 246 2,573 Lower Khirther 04-Nov-77 Gas
639 Mari 11 MGCL 07-Nov-77 Sindh 240 2,620 Habib Rahi Ls. 24-Nov-77 Gas
640 Mari 12 MGCL 26-Nov-77 Sindh 242 2,470 Lower Khirther 08-Dec-77 Gas
641 Mari 13 MGCL 10-Dec-77 Sindh 245 2,433 Lower Khirther 20-Dec-77 Gas
642 Mari 14 MGCL 22-Dec-77 Sindh 248 2,452 Lower Khirther 31-Dec-77 Gas
643 Mari 15 MGCL 02-Jan-78 Sindh 242 2,416 Lower Khirther 10-Jan-78 Gas
644 Mari 16 MGCL 13-Jan-78 Sindh 242 2,400 Lower Khirther 20-Jan-78 Gas
645 Mari 17 MGCL 04-Feb-78 Sindh 242 2,420 Habib Rahi Ls. 12-Feb-78 Gas
646 Mari 23 MGCL 09-Apr-81 Sindh 247 2,475 Habib Rahi Ls. 08-Jul-81 Gas
647 Mari 18 MGCL 06-May-81 Sindh 247 2,484 Habib Rahi Ls. 21-May-81 Gas
648 Mari 24 MGCL 22-May-81 Sindh 248 2,550 Habib Rahi Ls. 31-May-81 Gas
649 Mari 19 MGCL 02-Jun-81 Sindh 245 2,550 Habib Rahi Ls. 12-Jun-81 Gas
650 Mari 20 MGCL 14-Jun-81 Sindh 244 2,480 Habib Rahi Ls. 25-Jun-81 Gas
651 Mari 21 MGCL 06-Jul-81 Sindh 247 2,450 Habib Rahi Ls. 14-Jul-81 Gas
652 Mari 22 MGCL 16-Jul-81 Sindh 241 2,494 Habib Rahi Ls. 23-Jul-81 Gas
653 Mari 27 MGCL 01-Nov-85 Sindh 250 2,461 Habib Rahi Ls. 30-Jan-86 Gas
654 Mari 36 MGCL 21-Nov-85 Sindh 247 2,653 Habib Rahi Ls. 02-Dec-85 Gas
655 Mari 31 MGCL 30-Nov-85 Sindh 245 2,484 Habib Rahi Ls. 06-Dec-85 Gas
656 Mari 41 MGCL 02-Dec-85 Sindh 246 2,493 Habib Rahi Ls. 21-Dec-85 Gas
657 Mari 29 MGCL 03-Dec-85 Sindh 248 2,448 Habib Rahi Ls. 09-Dec-85 Gas
658 Mari 32 MGCL 08-Dec-85 Sindh 246 2,474 Habib Rahi Ls. 16-Dec-85 Gas
659 Mari 50 MGCL 13-Dec-85 Sindh 242 2,558 Habib Rahi Ls. 18-Dec-85 Gas
660 Mari 43 MGCL 21-Dec-85 Sindh 251 2,608 Habib Rahi Ls. 29-Dec-85 Gas
661 Mari 49 MGCL 23-Dec-85 Sindh 243 2,515 Habib Rahi Ls. 28-Dec-85 Gas
662 Mari 48 MGCL 30-Dec-85 Sindh 246 2,557 Habib Rahi Ls. 14-Jan-86 Gas
663 Mari 47 MGCL 07-Jan-86 Sindh 248 2,489 Habib Rahi Ls. 13-Jan-86 Gas
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 125


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
664 Mari 38 MGCL 11-Jan-86 Sindh 246 2,448 Habib Rahi Ls. 16-Jan-86 Gas
665 Mari 46 MGCL 14-Jan-86 Sindh 247 2,452 Habib Rahi Ls. 20-Jan-86 Gas
666 Mari 39 MGCL 17-Jan-86 Sindh 247 2,480 Habib Rahi Ls. 22-Jan-86 Gas
667 Mari 51 MGCL 31-Jan-86 Sindh 242 2,484 Habib Rahi Ls. 16-Feb-86 Gas
668 Mari 53 MGCL 08-Feb-86 Sindh 247 2,462 Habib Rahi Ls. 08-Mar-86 Gas
669 Mari E-2 MGCL 18-Feb-86 Sindh 235 2,618 Habib Rahi Ls. 12-Mar-86 Gas
670 Mari E-3 MGCL 27-Feb-86 Sindh 249 2,631 Habib Rahi Ls. 05-Mar-86 Gas
671 Mari E-1 MGCL 07-Mar-86 Sindh 63 2,625 Habib Rahi Ls. 20-Apr-86 Gas
672 Mari 59 MGCL 01-Apr-93 Sindh 2,430 Habib Rahi Ls. 09-Apr-93 Gas
673 Mari 60 MGCL 10-Apr-93 Sindh 2,435 Habib Rahi Ls. 18-Apr-93 Gas
674 Mari 64 MGCL 12-Apr-94 Sindh 2,475 Habib Rahi Ls. 23-Apr-94 Gas
675 Mari 65 MGCL 26-Apr-94 Sindh 2,482 Habib Rahi Ls. 05-May-94 Gas
676 Mari 67 MGCL 07-May-94 Sindh 2,477 Habib Rahi Ls. 15-May-94 Gas
677 Mari E-5 MGCL 18-May-94 Sindh 2,555 Habib Rahi Ls. 26-May-94 Gas
678 Mari E-7 MGCL 02-Jun-94 Sindh 2,650 Habib Rahi Ls. 13-Jun-94 Abandoned
679 Mari E-4 MGCL 18-Jun-94 Sindh 2,592 Habib Rahi Ls. 27-Jun-94 Gas
680 Mari E-6 MGCL 01-Jul-94 Sindh 2,570 Habib Rahi Ls. 10-Jul-94 Abandoned
681 Mari E-89 MGCL 16-Jul-94 Sindh 2,433 Habib Rahi Ls. 01-Aug-94 Gas
682 Mari E-40 MGCL 05-Aug-95 Sindh 2,465 Habib Rahi Ls. 01-Aug-94 Gas
683 Mari 90 MGCL 21-Dec-02 Sindh 2,485 Habib Rahi Ls. Gas
684 Mari 70 MGCL 15-Jan-03 Sindh 2,485 Habib Rahi Ls. Gas
685 Mari 71 MGCL 19-Jan-03 Sindh 2,485 Habib Rahi Ls. Gas
686 Mari 72 MGCL 01-Feb-03 Sindh 2,486 Habib Rahi Ls. 13-Feb-03 Gas
687 Mari 73 MGCL 15-Feb-03 Sindh 2,550 Habib Rahi Ls. 26-Feb-03 Gas
688 Mari 74 MGCL 28-Feb-03 Sindh 2,485 Habib Rahi Ls. 08-Mar-03 Gas
689 Mari 76 MGCL 10-Mar-03 Sindh 2,485 Habib Rahi Ls. 18-Mar-03 Gas
690 Mari 75 MGCL 19-Mar-03 Sindh 2,485 Habib Rahi Ls. 31-Mar-03 Gas
691 Mari 77 MGCL 01-Apr-03 Sindh 2,485 Habib Rahi Ls. Gas
692 Mari 81 MGCL 11-Apr-03 Sindh 2,487 Habib Rahi Ls. 18-Apr-03 Gas
693 Mari 80 MGCL 20-Apr-03 Sindh 2,485 Habib Rahi Ls. 27-Apr-03 Gas
694 Mari 79 MGCL 29-Apr-03 Sindh 2,485 Habib Rahi Ls. 06-May-03 Gas
695 Mari 86 MGCL 07-May-03 Sindh 2,490 Habib Rahi Ls. Gas
696 Mari 83 MGCL 10-May-03 Sindh 2,486 Habib Rahi Ls. 17-May-03 Gas
697 Mari 84 MGCL 19-May-03 Sindh 2,485 Habib Rahi Ls. 26-May-03 Gas
698 Mari 82 MGCL 27-May-03 Sindh 2,530 Habib Rahi Ls. Gas
699 Mari 78 MGCL 04-Jun-03 Sindh 2,484 Habib Rahi Ls. Gas
700 Mari 92 MGCL 13-Oct-12 Sindh 2,480 06-Nov-12 Gas
701 Mari 93 MGCL 18-Sep-12 Sindh 2,513 06-Oct-12 Gas
702 Mari 94 MGCL 14-Jun-12 Sindh 2,234
703 Mari 95 MGCL 17-Jul-12 Sindh 2,411 10-Aug-12 Gas
704 Mari 97 MGCL 17-Aug-12 Sindh 2,444 04-Sep-12 Gas
705 Mari 98 MPCL 01-Oct-15 Sindh 2,572 Gas
706 Mari 99 MPCL 13-Sep-15 Sindh 2,572 Gas
707 Mari 100 MPCL 26-Oct-15 Sindh 2,425 Gas
708 Mari 101 MPCL 16-Nov-15 Sindh 2,451 Gas
709 Mari 102 MPCL 23-Jun-18 Sindh 1,617 Drilling
710 Mari 103 MPCL 24-Jul-18 Sindh 2,464 10-Aug-18 Gas
711 Mari 104 MPCL 13-Aug-18 Sindh 2,552 29-Aug-18 Gas
712 Mari 105 MPCL 31-Aug-18 Sindh 2,484 14-Sep-18 Gas
713 Mari 106 MPCL 17-Oct-18 Sindh 2,569 28-Oct-18 Gas
714 Mari 107 MPCL 16-Sep-18 Sindh 2,461 28-Sep-18 Gas
715 Mari 108 MPCL 02-Oct-18 Sindh 2,589 14-Oct-18 Gas
716 Mari 109 MPCL 28-Nov-18 Sindh 2,444 09-Dec-18 Gas
717 Mari 110 MPCL 13-Nov-18 Sindh 2,441 25-Nov-18 Gas
718 Mari 111 MPCL 26-Dec-18 Sindh 2,385 16-Jan-19 Gas
719 Mari 112 MPCL 16-Mar-19 Sindh 2,451 29-Mar-19 Gas
720 Mari 113 MPCL 18-Jan-19 Sindh 2,444 01-Feb-19 Gas
721 Mari 114 MPCL 30-Oct-18 Sindh 2,441 10-Nov-18 Gas
722 Mari 115 MPCL 16-Feb-19 Sindh 2,444 27-Feb-19 Gas
723 Mari 116 MPCL 13-Apr-19 Sindh 2,467 21-Apr-19 Gas
724 Mari 117 MPCL 05-Feb-19 Sindh 2,451 14-Feb-19 Gas
725 Mari 118 MPCL 01-Mar-19 Sindh 2,461 13-Mar-19 Gas
726 Mari 119 MPCL 01-Apr-19 Sindh 2,451 Gas
727 Mari 120 MPCL 12-Dec-18 Sindh 2,441 25-Dec-18 Gas
728 Mari PKL 1 MGCL 06-Dec-06 Sindh 1,831 Pirkoh Lime st 22-Dec-06 Gas
729 Mari PKL 2 MGCL 06-Jan-07 Sindh 1,831 Pirkoh Lime st 23-Jan-07 Plugged & Abd.
730 Mari PKL 3 MGCL 25-Dec-06 Sindh 1,896 Pirkoh Lime st 03-Jan-07 Gas
731 Mari Deep 4 MGCL 06-Dec-00 Sindh 251 9,499 Lower Goru 08-Feb-01 Gas
732 Mari Deep 3 MGCL 19-Dec-00 Sindh 251 9,501 Lower Goru 18-Feb-01 Gas
733 Mari Deep 6 MGCL 18-Feb-01 Sindh 253 9,300 Lower Goru 30-Mar-01 Gas
734 Mari PKL 7 MPCL 14-Jun-14 Sindh 1,821 Testing
735 Mari PKL 8 MPCL 31-Jul-14 Sindh 1,814 Pirkoh Gas
736 Mari Deep 9 MGCL 07-Apr-01 Sindh 251 7,803 Lower Goru Gas
737 Mari Deep 10 MGCL 29-May-01 Sindh 251 9,596 Lower Goru Gas
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 126


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
738 Mari Deep 11 MGCL 19-Jul-01 Sindh 264 9,524 Habib Rahi 16-Sep-01 Gas
739 Mari Water Disposal MGCL 18-Sep-94 Sindh 1,596 25-Sep-94 INJ
740 Mari Deep 12 MGCL 24-Jan-04 Sindh 9,613 Lower Goru 02-Apr-04 Gas
741 Mari Deep 13 MGCL 13-Sep-08 Sindh 9,547 Gas
742 Mari Deep 15 MGCL 05-Mar-09 Sindh 9,196 Gas
743 Mari Deep 18 MPCL 03-Apr-21 Sindh 9,344 Gas
744 Mari Deep 19 MPCL 25-Nov-20 Sindh 14,764 19-Feb-21 Gas
745 Mari Deep 21 MPCL 08-Sep-20 Sindh 9,186 23-Oct-20 Gas
746 Matli 2 UTP 11-Apr-89 Sindh 64 5,801 Lower Goru 08-May-89 Gas
747 Matli 3 UTP 04-Jun-89 Sindh 65 6,065 Lower Goru 20-Jun-89 Oil
748 Matli 4 UTP 27-Apr-92 Sindh 5,800 Lower Goru 18-May-92 Gas
749 Matli Deep 1 BP 31-Dec-08 Sindh 8,203 Lower Goru 18-Jan-09 Oil & Gas
750 Matli Deep 2 BP 14-Jan-11 Sindh 7,369 Lower Goru Gas
751 Maru 2 OGDC 02-Mar-11 Sindh 3,297 Gas
752 Mazarani 2 Hunt 19-Jan-90 Sindh 279 9,875 Lower Goru 21-May-90 Gas
753 Mazarani 3 Hunt 31-May-90 Sindh 425 6,693 Lower Goru 22-Aug-90 Gas
754 Mazarani 4 PPL 03-Jun-07 Sindh 6,644 Laki Gas
755 Mazarani 5 PPL 18-Dec-16 Sindh 6,627 18-Jan-17 Gas
756 Mazari 3 UTP 09-Aug-85 Sindh 67 4,750 Lower Goru 26-Aug-85 Oil
757 Mazari 4 UTP 16-Sep-86 Sindh 70 4,250 Lower Goru 29-Sep-86 Oil
758 Mazari 5 UTP 14-Nov-86 Sindh 66 4,300 Lower Goru 24-Nov-86 Oil
759 Mazari 6 UTP 01-Mar-90 Sindh 68 4,200 Lower Goru 10-Mar-90 Oil
760 Mazari 7 UTP 14-Nov-90 Sindh 67 4,282 Lower Goru 27-Nov-90 Oil
761 Mazari 8 UTP 30-Sep-95 Sindh 4,199 Khewra S. St. 09-Sep-95 Oil
762 Mazari 9 BP 13-Dec-01 Sindh 72 4,199 Lower Goru 18-Dec-01 Oil
763 Mazari 10 BP 25-Apr-09 Sindh 4,375 Lower Goru 01-May-09 Oil
764 Mazari 11 UEPL 17-Jun-12 Sindh 4,259
765 Mazari 12 UEPL 16-Jun-13 Sindh 5,696
766 Mazari 13 UEPL 27-Jul-13 Sindh 4,509 04-Aug-13 Oil
767 Mazari 15 UEPL 04-Sep-07 Sindh 5,298 21-Apr-17 Oil
768 Mazari 16 UEPL 04-Aug-17 Sindh 5,361 22-Aug-17 Oil
769 Mazari 17 UEPL 22-Jan-19 Sindh 4,254 09-Feb-19 Oil
770 Mazari 19 UEPL 18-Nov-18 Sindh 5,000 01-Dec-18 Oil
771 Mazari 20 UEPL 02-Nov-19 Sindh 5,148 21-Nov-19 Oil
772 Mazari South 2 UTP 06-Nov-85 Sindh 62 4,221 Lower Goru 15-Nov-85 Oil
773 Mazari South 3 UTP 08-Jan-89 Sindh 62 4462 Lower Goru 26-Jan-89 Oil
774 Mazari South 4 UTP 25-Sep-89 Sindh 65 4,250 Lower Goru 07-Oct-89 Oil
775 Mazari South 5 UTP 09-Oct-90 Sindh 4,413 21-Oct-90 Oil
776 Mazari South 6 UTP 27-Dec-93 Sindh 4,400 Lower Goru 07-Jan-94 INJ
777 Mazari South 7 UTP 22-Aug-99 Sindh 66 4,101 Lower Goru 31-Aug-99 Oil
778 Mazari South 8 UTP 06-Oct-00 Sindh 64 4,199 Lower Goru 15-Oct-00 Oil
779 Mazari South 9 UTP 26-Oct-00 Sindh 64 4,301 Lower Goru 02-Nov-00 Oil
780 Mazari South 10 UTP 30-Aug-01 Sindh 4,150 Lower Goru Oil
781 Mazari South 11 BP 17-Jan-08 Sindh 7,187 Lower Goru 06-Feb-08 Oil
782 Mazari South 13 UEPL 16-Mar-13 Sindh 4,219 Oil
783 Mazari SWD 2 UTP 27-Mar-97 Sindh 2,201 09-Apr-97 Completed
784 Mazari SWD 3 BP 09-Apr-02 Sindh 2,360 Completed as WIW
785 Mazari South Deep 2 UTP 09-Oct-98 Sindh 5,974 Lower Goru 24-Oct-98 Oil
786 Mazari South Deep 3 UTP 01-Nov-98 Sindh 6,224 Lower Goru 26-Nov-98 Oil
787 Mazari South Deep 4 UTP 08-Jul-99 Sindh 64 6,201 Lower Goru 24-Jul-99 Oil
788 Mazari South Deep 5 UTP 04-Aug-99 Sindh 69 5,699 Lower Goru 16-Aug-99 Oil
789 Mazari South Deep 6 UEPL 02-Feb-02 Sindh 67 6,201 Lower Goru 09-Feb-02 Oil
790 Mazari South Deep 7 UEPL 19-Jul-06 Sindh 0 6,155 Lower Goru 01-Aug-06 Oil
791 Mazari South Deep 8 UEPL 19-Oct-08 Sindh 6,204 Lower Goru 28-Oct-08 Oil
792 Mazari South Deep 9 UEPL 24-May-09 Sindh 5,820 Lower Goru 31-May-09 Oil
793 Mazari South Deep 10 UEPL 05-Nov-10 Sindh 774 Kirthar 08-Dec-10 Plugged & Abd.
794 Mazari South Deep 11 UEPL 31-Mar-13 Sindh 6,434 Oil
795 Mazari South Deep 12 UEPL 18-May-13 Sindh 6,145
796 Mazari South Deep 13 UEPL 08-Aug-13 Sindh 6,269 Oil
797 Mazari South Deep 14 UEPL 05-Feb-21 Sindh 6,201 44272 Oil
798 Mazari South WIW 12 UEPL 29-Jun-09 Sindh 4,407 Lower Goru 05-Jul-09 Completed
799 Mazari WIW 18 UEPL 26-Oct-17 Sindh 6,026 08-Nov-17 Completed
800 Mehar 2 Petronas 25-Jun-05 Sindh 13,917 Pab 21-Nov-05 Gas Condensate
801 Mehar 3 Petronas 09-Jan-12 Sindh 13,005 26-Apr-12 Oil & Gas
802 Mehar 4 UEP Alpha 16-Feb-21 Sindh 12,391 17-Jun-21 Gas Cond.
803 Mehar 5 UEP Alpha 20-Apr-19 Sindh 11,324 Drilling
804 Mela 2 OGDC 28-May-07 KPK 17,474 Kuldana Oil & Gas
805 Mela 3 OGDC 18-Jun-07 KPK 17,618 Oil
806 Mela 4 OGDC 03-Apr-13 KPK 4,514
807 Mela 5 OGDC 26-Sep-16 KPK 12,999 Drilling
808 Mela 6 OGDCL 25-Sep-17 KPK 14,911 Drilling
809 Mela 7 OGDCL 28-May-19 KPK 4,469 Drilling
810 Mela 8 OGDCL 29-Jun-21 KPK 131 Drilling
811 Messa Keswal 2 OGDC 27-Oct-91 Punjab 1,462 7,215 Salt Range 13-Sep-92 Oil
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 127


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
812 Messa-Keswal 3 OGDC 10-Oct-92 Punjab 7,382 Khewra S. st. 01-Apr-93 Oil
813 Messa-Keswal 4 OGDC 02-Aug-93 Punjab 7,270 Chorgali 03-Sep-94 Abandoned
814 Meyal 2P POL 30-Sep-69 Punjab 1,309 13,599 Dhak Pass 02-Jan-71 Oil/Gas
815 Meyal 3P POL 15-Jun-72 Punjab 1,378 12,719 Sakessar 21-Jul-73 Oil/Gas
816 Meyal 4P POL 19-Nov-74 Punjab 1,411 12,640 Sakessar 15-Nov-75 Oil/Gas
817 Meyal 6P POL 03-Dec-75 Punjab 1,345 13,424 Datta 16-Sep-76 Oil/Gas
818 Meyal 7P POL 26-Dec-76 Punjab 1,421 14,211 Triassic 11-Jun-77 Oil/Gas
819 Meyal 5P POL 06-Jan-79 Punjab 1,381 14,100 Datta 06-May-80 Oil/Gas
820 Meyal 8P POL 10-May-80 Punjab 1,421 12,501 Sakessar 18-Jun-81 Oil/Gas
821 Meyal 9P POL 14-Aug-81 Punjab 1,230 12,848 Upper Ranikot 03-Dec-81 Oil/Gas
822 Meyal 10P POL 21-Jan-82 Punjab 1,296 14,120 Triassic 19-Nov-82 Oil/Gas
823 Meyal 11P POL 04-Jun-82 Punjab 1,453 2,946 05-Mar-83 Abandoned
824 Meyal 12P POL 12-Dec-82 Punjab 1,352 13,622 Sakessar 01-Jul-83 Oil/Gas
825 Meyal 13P POL 31-Mar-84 Punjab 1,352 14,504 Datta 01-Jan-85 Oil/Gas
826 Meyal 14P POL 02-Dec-89 Punjab 1,467 13,028 Sakessar 06-Jan-91 Oil/Gas
827 Meyal 15P POL 31-Dec-91 Punjab 1,489 13,953 Nammal INJ
828 Meyal 16 POL 08-Jul-96 Punjab 13,195 Chorgali 23-Mar-97 Oil
829 Meyal 17 POL 06-May-05 Punjab 13,661 Oil & Gas
830 Meyun Ismail 2 OGDC 02-Dec-91 Sindh 73 7,874 Lower Goru 01-Mar-92 Oil
831 Meyun Ismail 3 OGDC 17-Aug-97 Sindh 7,976 Lower Goru 29-Sep-97 Suspended
832 Meyun Ismail 4 OGDC 07-Aug-98 Sindh 7,525 22-Sep-98 Abandoned
833 Meyun Ismail Deep 2 BP 10-Oct-08 Sindh 11,112 Lower Goru 29-Nov-08 Oil
834 Miano 2 OMV 17-Aug-94 Sindh 11,640 Lower Goru 11-Dec-94 Gas
835 Miano 3 OMV 21-Dec-94 Sindh 11,352 Lower Goru 16-Mar-95 Abandoned
836 Miano 4 OMV 22-Aug-96 Sindh 11,572 Lower Goru 16-Oct-96 Abandoned
837 Miano 5 OMV 06-Jan-00 Sindh 216 11,155 Lower Goru 07-Feb-00 Gas
838 Miano 6 OMV 06-Aug-02 Sindh 10,942 Lower Goru 05-Sep-02 Plugged & Susp.
839 Miano 7 OMV 02-Mar-03 Sindh 11,250 Lower Goru 26-Apr-03 Gas
840 Miano 8 OMV 29-Jun-04 Sindh 11,358 Lower Goru Gas
841 Miano 9 OMV 07-Oct-05 Sindh 11,106 Lower Goru 04-Nov-05 Gas
842 Miano 10 OMV 12-Jan-06 Sindh 11,844 Lower Goru 17-Feb-06 Gas
843 Miano 11 OMV 31-May-07 Sindh 11,155 Gas
844 Miano 12 OMV 14-Mar-09 Sindh 11,942 Gas
845 Miano 13 OMV 21-Dec-08 Sindh 11,286 Gas
846 Miano 14 OMV 27-Jul-10 Sindh 11,056 Lower Goru 01-Sep-10 Gas
847 Miano 15 OMV 27-Dec-11 Sindh 11,335 17-Feb-12 Gas
848 Miano TG HOR 16 OMV 12-Feb-14 Sindh 13,783 12-May-14 Drilling
849 Miano 17 OMV 14-Feb-15 Sindh 11,913 A Interval 12-Mar-15 Gas
850 Miano 18 OMV 13-Dec-14 Sindh 11,749 19-Jan-15 Gas
851 Miano 19 OMV 21-Oct-15 Sindh 11,483 Gas
852 Miano 20 OMV 09-Oct-16 Sindh 11,949 07-Oct-16 Gas
853 Miano 21 OMV 12-Sep-16 Sindh 11,565 18-Jan-17 Plugged & Abd.
854 Miano 22 OMV 19-Dec-18 Sindh 11,483 26-Jan-19 Gas
855 Miano 24 UEP Beta 18-Apr-19 Sindh 11,118 Plugged & Abd.
856 Miano 25 UEP Beta 09-May-20 Sindh 11,367 14-Jun-20 Gas
857 Miano 28 OMV 29-Sep-18 Sindh 12,320 07-Dec-18 Gas
858 Minwal 2 POL 12-Jul-08 Punjab 7,802 Plugged & Abd.
859 Mitha 2 UEP Alpha 03-Jun-19 Sindh 11,691 Drilling
860 Muban 2 UTP 02-Dec-98 Sindh 2,531 Lower Goru 08-Dec-98 Oil
861 Muban 3 UEPL 15-Dec-08 Sindh 2,713 Lower Goru 20-Dec-08 Oil
862 Muban 4 UEPL 15-Jul-13 Sindh 2,675 Lower Goru 23-Jul-13 Oil
863 Muban WIW-5 UEPL 29-Jan-19 Sindh 2,747 10-Feb-19 Completed
864 Mulaki 2 UEPL 11-Sep-19 Sindh 8,710 Drilling
865 Mulaki 3 UEPL 23-Aug-19 Sindh 8,720 18-Sep-19 Gas
866 Mulaki 4 UEPL 23-Aug-19 Sindh 8,698 12-Oct-19 Gas
867 Mulaki 5 UEPL 17-Feb-20 Sindh 8,802 14-Mar-20 Plugged & Abd.
868 Mulaki East 1 UEPL 18-Oct-19 Sindh 8,703 14-Nov-19 Gas
869 Missri 2 UEPL 21-Mar-09 Sindh 3,977 Lower Goru 30-Mar-09 Gas
870 Missri South 1 UEPL 08-Apr-08 Sindh 3,966 Lower Goru Suspended
871 Missri South 2 UEPL 08-Apr-08 Sindh 4,052 Lower Goru Oil & Gas
872 Missri South 3 UEPL 05-Nov-09 Sindh 4,072 Lower Goru 11-Nov-09 Oil & Gas
873 Missri South SWD 1 UEPL 14-Jun-12 Sindh 1,614 Completed
874 Missri SWD 1 UEPL 12-Nov-09 Sindh 1,530 Completed
875 Murid 2 UEPL 14-Apr-14 Sindh 5,091 Lower Goru 20-Apr-14 Oil
876 Murid 3 UEPL 28-Apr-14 Sindh 5,304 05-Sep-14 Oil
877 Moolan 2 OGDCL 09-Mar-21 Sindh 7,825 15-May-21 Temp.Suspended
878 Nashpa 2 OGDCL 03-Sep-10 KPK 14,327
879 Nashpa 3 OGDCL 30-Mar-11 KPK 7,881
880 Nashpa 4 OGDCL 13-Jul-12 KPK 16,552
881 Nashpa 5-A OGDCL 06-Apr-19 KPK 9,724 Drilling
882 Nashpa 6 OGDCL 29-Dec-14 KPK 12,011 Drilling
883 Nashpa 7 OGDCL 01-Jul-15 KPK 16,030 Oil & Gas
884 Nashpa 8 OGDCL 16-Mar-17 KPK 11,220 Drilling
885 Nashpa 9 OGDCL 17-Sep-18 KPK 1,158 Drilling
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 128


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
886 Nashpa 10 OGDCL 24-Oct-19 KPK 15,482 Drilling
887 Naimat Basal 2 UEPL 02-Jan-10 Sindh 11,821 26-Feb-10 Gas
888 Naimat SWD 1 UEPL 23-Mar-13 Sindh 4,640 Completed
889 Naimat SWD 2 UEPL 05-Feb-16 Sindh 4,877 Completed
890 Naimat West 2 UEPL 07-May-13 Sindh 10,988
891 Naimat West 3 UEPL 06-Jun-13 Sindh 5,040
892 Naimat West 4 UEPL 25-Mar-14 Sindh 13,100 Sembar 09-May-14 Gas
893 Naimat West 5 UEPL 05-Oct-15 Sindh 10,997 Gas
894 Nakurji 2 UEPL 29-Dec-01 Sindh 50 6,063 Lower Goru 03-Jan-00 Gas
895 Nandpur 2 OGDC 05-Oct-84 Punjab 466 6,975 Kingriali 25-Dec-84 Gas
896 Nandpur 3 OGDC 17-Dec-85 Punjab 477 6,949 Kingriali 31-May-86 Gas
897 Nandpur 4 OGDC 02-Jul-86 Punjab 474 6,991 Kingriali 19-Oct-86 Gas
898 Nandpur 5 OGDC 17-Mar-87 Punjab 463 7,054 Kingriali 21-Jul-87 Gas
899 Nandpur 6 OGDC 12-Mar-91 Punjab 461 6,932 08-Jun-91 Gas
900 Nandpur 7 OGDC 08-May-92 Punjab 471 6,814 Datta 27-Jul-92 Gas
901 Nandpur 8 OGDC 23-Sep-92 Punjab 5,959 Chichali 18-Nov-92 Gas
902 Nandpur 9 OGDCL 28-Mar-02 Punjab 0 6,946 Samana Suk Gas
903 Nandpur 11 OGDCL 29-Jan-10 Punjab 6,234 Samana Suk Gas
904 Nari 2 UTP 27-Feb-86 Sindh 44 6,492 Lower Goru 27-Feb-86 Oil
905 Nari 3 UTP 01-Dec-93 Sindh 6,400 Lower Goru 17-Dec-93 Gas
906 Nari 4 BP 29-May-10 Sindh 8,432 Lower Goru 18-Jun-10 Plugged & Abd.
907 Pab 1 PPL 23-Apr-00 Baloch. 804 7,612 Pab Gas
908 Pab 2 PPL 02-Dec-99 Baloch. 741 Pab Gas
909 Palli 2 OGDCL 15-Mar-16 Sindh 9,268 Oil
910 Palli 3 OGDCL 04-Dec-17 Sindh 9,255 Plugged & Abd.
911 Paniro 3 UTP 28-Nov-89 Sindh 59 8,399 Lower Goru 05-Dec-89 Abandoned
912 Paniro 4 UTP 29-Sep-96 Sindh 2,501 Lower Goru 07-Oct-96 Abandoned
913 Paniro 5 UTP 14-Dec-98 Sindh 2,402 Lower Goru 19-Dec-98 Oil
914 Paniro 6 UTP 25-Dec-98 Sindh 2,402 Lower Goru 30-Dec-98 Oil
915 Paniro 7 UTP 08-Sep-99 Sindh 61 2,402 Lower Goru 14-Sep-99 Oil
916 Paniro WIW 8 UEPL 11-Aug-13 Sindh 2,056 Lower Goru 18-Aug-13 Completed
917 Paniro 9 UEPL 01-Aug-13 Sindh 2,450 Lower Goru 05-Aug-13 Oil
918 Panjpir 2 OGDC 25-Apr-85 Punjab 463 6,237 Shinwari 11-Jul-85 Gas
919 Panjpir 3 OGDC 27-Jan-86 Punjab 470 6,299 Shinwari 07-Apr-86 Gas
920 Panjpir 4 OGDC 03-May-86 Punjab 478 6,299 Shinwari 12-Jul-86 Gas
921 Panjpir 5 OGDC 08-Dec-96 Punjab 6,234 Shinwari 31-Jan-97 Suspended
922 Panjpir 6 OGDC 29-Mar-07 Punjab 7,123 Samana Suk Gas
923 Panjpir 7 OGDC 07-May-08 Punjab 6,900 Samana Suk Gas
924 Pariwali 2 POL 20-Dec-97 Punjab 16,182 Lockhart Gas/Cond.
925 Pariwali 3 POL 22-Oct-99 Punjab 1213 16,140 Oil/Gas
926 Pariwali 4 POL 09-May-01 Punjab 1791 16,329 Oil/Gas
927 Pariwali 5 POL 03-Jul-04 Punjab 16,201 Oil & Gas
928 Pariwali 6 POL 14-Jan-06 Punjab 15,725 Oil & Gas
929 Pariwali 7 POL 23-Nov-07 Punjab 16,440 Gas/Cond.
930 Parwaaz Deep 1 MPCL 12-Dec-20 Sindh 9,186 09-Jan-21 Gas
931 Pasahki 2 OGDC 13-Jun-90 Sindh 73 7,060 Lower Goru 22-Aug-90 Oil
932 Pasahki 3 OGDCL 18-Dec-97 Sindh 6,742 Lower Goru 21-Mar-98 Oil
933 Pasahki 4 OGDCL 09-Dec-01 Sindh 78 6,916 Lower Goru Oil
934 Pasahki 5 OGDCL 07-May-08 Sindh 0 Lower Goru Gas/Cond.
935 Pasahki 6 OGDCL 01-Jan-09 Sindh 6,644 Lower Goru 05-Mar-09 Oil
936 Pasahki 7 OGDCL 02-Apr-11 Sindh 6,693 Oil
937 Pasakhi 8 OGDCL 14-Mar-12 Sindh 7,231 Lower Goru 16-May-12 Suspended
938 Pasakhi 9 OGDCL 01-Jun-12 Sindh 4,915
939 Pasakhi 10 OGDCL 28-Dec-14 Sindh 7,054 Lower Goru 17-Feb-15 Oil
940 Pasakhi 11 OGDCL 27-Apr-20 Sindh 7,457 Oil
941 Pasakhi 12 OGDCL 13-May-21 Sindh 5,256 Sidetracking
942 Pasakhi Deep 2 OGDCL 07-Oct-08 Sindh 10,833 22-Feb-09 Gas
943 Pasakhi Deep 3 OGDCL 21-Jan-10 Sindh 10,827 Lower Goru Gas
944 Pasakhi Deep 4 OGDCL 16-Mar-14 Sindh 11,102 Drilling
945 Pasakhi Deep 5 OGDCL 13-Oct-14 Sindh 11,385 Sembar 19-Jan-15 Gas Cond.
946 Pasakhi Deep 6 OGDCL 18-Jan-16 Sindh 10,827 Gas Cond.
947 Pasakhi Deep 7 OGDCL 18-Jun-17 Sindh 2,192 Drilling
948 Pasakhi North 3 OGDCL 20-Nov-17 Sindh 6,969 18-Jan-18 Oil
949 Pasakhi North East 2 OGDCL 15-Oct-18 Sindh 7,087 01-Jan-19 Oil
950 Pasakhi West Deep 2 OGDCL 14-Feb-19 Sindh 11,490 Testing
951 Pasakhi WIW 1 OGDCL 17-Jan-21 Sindh 7,283 28-Apr-21 Completed
952 Pindori 2 OXY 09-Mar-92 Punjab 1,602 13,894 16-Nov-92 Oil
953 Pindori 3 POL 08-Oct-94 Punjab 13,625 Lockhart 15-Apr-95 Oil
954 Pindori 4 POL 18-Dec-98 Punjab 13,245 05-Jul-99 Oil&Gas
955 Pindori 5 POL 11-Jul-00 Punjab 1,578 12,720 Plugged & Abdnd.
956 Pindori 5A POL 21-Apr-02 Punjab 13,878 Oil
957 Pindori 6 POL 16-Sep-04 Punjab 14,275 Oil & Gas
958 Pindori 7 POL 16-Nov-07 Punjab 7,132 Plugd. & Abd.
959 Pindori 8 POL 25-Aug-09 Punjab 14,186 Plugd. & Abd.
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 129


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
960 Pindori 10 POL 28-Jan-19 Punjab 4,721 Drilling
961 Pindori WIW 1 POL 13-Jan-06 Punjab 14,215 Completed
962 Pindori WIW 2 POL 05-Apr-06 Punjab 7,556 Plugd. & Adb.
963 Pindori WIW 2A POL 31-Dec-06 Punjab 13,924 Completed as WIW
964 Pir 2 UTP 11-Oct-96 Sindh 8,222 Lower Goru 05-Nov-96 Gas
965 Pir Apan 2 UEPL 21-Jul-12 Sindh 7,464 Lower Goru 03-Oct-12 Oil
966 Pirkoh 2 OGDC 01-Sep-81 Baloch. 393 8,136 Mughalkot 13-Aug-82 Abandoned
967 Pirkoh 4 OGDC 15-May-82 Baloch. 3,553 8,166 Mughalkot 04-Aug-83 Gas
968 Pirkoh 3 OGDC 08-Aug-82 Baloch. 3,653 7,890 25-Dec-82 Gas
969 Pirkoh 2A OGDC 11-Mar-83 Baloch. 3,667 7,887 Pab 17-Mar-84 Gas
970 Pirkoh 5 OGDC 23-Oct-83 Baloch. 3,692 7,865 Pab 27-Feb-84 Gas
971 Pirkoh 6 OGDC 01-Mar-84 Baloch. 3,626 8,048 Pab 10-Nov-84 Gas
972 Pirkoh 7 OGDC 01-Jun-84 Baloch. 3,646 7,907 Pab 10-Aug-84 Gas
973 Pirkoh 8 OGDC 27-Oct-84 Baloch. 3,576 8,038 Pab 05-Jan-85 Gas
974 Pirkoh 9 OGDC 10-Feb-85 Baloch. 3,560 8,202 Mughalkot 28-Apr-85 Gas
975 Pirkoh 10 OGDC 03-Jun-85 Baloch. 3,601 7,874 Pab 15-Sep-85 Gas
976 Pirkoh 11 OGDC 04-Nov-85 Baloch. 3,484 7,399 Pab 16-Mar-86 Gas
977 Pirkoh 12 OGDC 30-Mar-86 Baloch. 3,479 7,881 Pab 06-Jul-86 Gas
978 Pirkoh 13 OGDC 26-Jul-86 Baloch. 3,470 7,710 Pab 23-May-87 Gas
979 Pirkoh 16 OGDC 25-Sep-86 Baloch. 3,361 8,074 Pab 27-Feb-87 Gas
980 Pirkoh 15 OGDC 22-Dec-86 Baloch. 3,210 8,960 Pab 12-May-87 Gas
981 Pirkoh 14 OGDC 02-May-87 Baloch. 3,395 8,953 Pab 01-Sep-87 Gas
982 Pirkoh 17 OGDC 22-May-87 Baloch. 3,342 7,838 Pab 16-Jul-87 Gas
983 Pirkoh 18 OGDC 31-Jul-87 Baloch. 2,974 8,773 Pab 15-Sep-87 Gas
984 Pirkoh 19 OGDC 25-Sep-87 Baloch. 3,501 8,970 Pab 15-Dec-87 Gas
985 Pirkoh 21 OGDC 04-Oct-87 Baloch. 3,542 7,792 Pab 11-Dec-87 Gas
986 Pirkoh 20 OGDC 31-Dec-87 Baloch. 3,638 7,858 Pab 15-Apr-88 Gas
987 Pirkoh 23 OGDC 03-Mar-88 Baloch. 3,513 7,720 Pab 03-May-88 Gas
988 Pirkoh 24 OGDC 04-May-88 Baloch. 3,552 7,809 Pab 20-Jun-88 Gas
989 Pirkoh 22 OGDC 10-May-88 Baloch. 3,399 7,621 Pab 15-Jun-88 Gas
990 Pirkoh 26 OGDC 26-Jun-88 Baloch. 3,271 7,759 Pab 19-Aug-88 Gas
991 Pirkoh 25 OGDC 09-Jul-88 Baloch. 3,338 7,615 Pab 25-Aug-88 Gas
992 Pirkoh 27 OGDC 30-Aug-88 Baloch. 3,523 7,707 Pab 19-Nov-88 Gas
993 Pirkoh 28 OGDC 16-Sep-88 Baloch. 3,617 7,874 Pab 08-Jan-89 Gas
994 Pirkoh 29 OGDC 26-Nov-88 Baloch. 3,301 1,824 Pab 04-Jan-89 Abandoned
995 Pirkoh 31 OGDC 18-Jan-89 Baloch. 2,994 7,037 Pab 20-Mar-89 Gas
996 Pirkoh 30 OGDC 01-Feb-89 Baloch. 3,626 7,765 Pab 28-Jun-89 Gas
997 Pirkoh 29A OGDC 03-Apr-89 Baloch. 3,310 7,549 Pab 01-Sep-89 Gas
998 Pirkoh 32 OGDC 01-Jul-89 Baloch. 3,513 1,419 Pab 23-Nov-89 Abandoned
999 Pirkoh 33 OGDC 29-Nov-89 Baloch. 2,896 2,203 Pab 11-Feb-90 Gas
1000 Pirkoh 34 OGDC 12-Dec-89 Baloch. 3,487 7,556 Pab 26-Jun-90 Gas
1001 Pirkoh 35 OGDC 23-Feb-90 Baloch. 2,604 7,110 Mughalkot 12-Apr-90 Gas
1002 Pirkoh 36 OGDC 24-Apr-90 Baloch. 2,798 6,998 Pab 06-Jun-90 Gas
1003 Pirkoh 37 OGDC 25-Jun-90 Baloch. 3,632 7,710 Pab 19-Aug-90 Gas
1004 Pirkoh 32A OGDC 14-Jul-90 Baloch. 3,512 7,710 Pab 26-Oct-90 Gas
1005 Pirkoh 38 OGDC 04-Sep-90 Baloch. 2,820 7,090 Pab 15-Oct-90 Gas
1006 Pirkoh 39 OGDC 31-Oct-90 Baloch. 2,791 6,791 Pab 02-Dec-91 Gas
1007 Pirkoh 40 OGDC 26-Nov-90 Baloch. 3,307 7,878 Pab 12-Jan-91 Gas
1008 Pirkoh 41 OGDC 12-Dec-90 Baloch. 3,222 6,890 Pab 07-Jan-91 Gas
1009 Pirkoh 42 OGDC 24-Jan-91 Baloch. 3,288 610 Sirki 23-Feb-91 Gas
1010 Pirkoh 43 OGDC 25-Feb-91 Baloch. 3,310 7,874 Pab 06-May-91 Gas
1011 Pirkoh 44-A OGDC 09-Jun-91 Baloch. 7,188 Pab 12-Aug-91 Gas
1012 Pirkoh 45 OGDC 05-Jun-91 Baloch. 3,243 7,874 Pab 24-Aug-91 Gas
1013 Pirkoh 44 OGDC 11-May-91 Baloch. 2,656 1,526 Ghazij 24-Aug-91 Abandoned
1014 Pirkoh 46 OGDC 26-Aug-91 Baloch. 2,397 6,660 Pab 11-Oct-91 Gas
1015 Pirkoh 47 OGDC 03-Oct-91 Baloch. 2,758 7,054 Pab 17-Nov-91 Gas
1016 Pirkoh 48 OGDC 23-Oct-91 Baloch. 3,026 7,382 Pab 18-Dec-91 Gas
1017 Pirkoh 49 OGDC 14-Dec-91 Baloch. 3,379 7,812 Pab 04-Feb-92 Gas
1018 Pirkoh 50 OGDC 04-Jan-92 Baloch. 3,361 7,644 Pab 25-Feb-92 Gas
1019 Pirkoh 51 OGDC 13-Mar-92 Baloch. 3,109 7,612 Pab 08-May-92 Gas
1020 Pirkoh 52 OGDC 26-Mar-92 Baloch. 3,233 7,543 Pab 20-May-92 Gas
1021 Pirkoh 53 OGDC 09-Jun-92 Baloch. 2,272 7,119 Pab 01-Aug-92 Gas
1022 Pirkoh 54 OGDC 22-Dec-15 Baloch. 7,162 10-Mar-16 Gas
1023 Qadirpur 2 OGDC 05-Apr-90 Sindh 249 4,622 Sui Main Ls. 18-May-90 Gas
1024 Qadirpur 3 OGDC 24-Apr-91 Sindh 259 4,610 Sui Main Ls. 04-Jun-91 Gas
1025 Qadirpur 4 OGDC 20-May-91 Sindh 261 4,606 Sui Main Ls. 18-Jun-91 Gas
1026 Qadirpur 5 OGDC 15-Jan-93 Sindh 4,662 Sui Main Ls. 04-Mar-93 Gas
1027 Qadirpur 6 OGDC 22-May-93 Sindh 4,626 Sui Main Ls. 08-Jul-93 Gas
1028 Qadirpur Water 1 OGDC 26-Oct-94 Sindh 2,297 Drazinda 14-Nov-94 Water Injection
1029 Qadirpur Water 2 OGDC 29-Nov-94 Sindh 2,297 Drazinda 16-Dec-94 Water Injection
1030 Qadirpur 7 OGDC 09-Jan-95 Sindh 4,577 Sui Main Ls. 24-Feb-95 Gas
1031 Qadirpur 8 OGDC 15-Jan-95 Sindh 6,263 Sui Main Ls. 25-Feb-95 Gas
1032 Qadirpur 9 OGDC 11-Mar-95 Sindh 4,577 Sui Main Ls. 11-May-95 Gas
1033 Qadirpur 10 OGDC 16-Mar-95 Sindh 4,554 Sui Main Ls. 07-May-95 Gas
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 130


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
1034 Qadirpur 11 OGDC 08-Apr-95 Sindh 4,613 Sui Main Ls. 09-Jun-95 Gas
1035 Qadirpur 12 OGDC 19-Apr-95 Sindh 6,115 Sui Main Ls. 19-Jun-95 Gas
1036 Qadirpur 13 OGDC 18-Nov-95 Sindh 4,531 Sui Main Ls. 08-Jan-96 Gas
1037 Qadirpur 14 OGDC 25-Nov-95 Sindh 6,122 Sui Main Ls. 29-Jan-96 Gas
1038 Qadirpur 15 OGDC 03-Mar-96 Sindh 5,863 SML 15-Jun-96 Gas
1039 Qadirpur 16 OGDC 05-Jan-97 Sindh 4,528 SML 11-Mar-97 Gas
1040 Qadirpur 17 OGDCL 04-Mar-98 Sindh 4,593 SML 04-May-98 Temp. Abandoned
1041 Qadirpur 19 OGDCL 23-Jun-00 Sindh 261 5,755 Sui Main Ls. Gas
1042 Qadirpur 18 OGDCL 03-Oct-01 Sindh 271 6,286 Ghazij Plugged & Abdnd.
1043 Qadirour 20 OGDCL 19-May-10 Sindh 1,635
1044 Qadirpur 21 OGDCL 30-Jun-03 Sindh 5,538 Gas
1045 Qadirpur 22 OGDCL 23-Nov-03 Sindh 5,774 02-Apr-04 Gas
1046 Qadirpur 25 OGDCL 16-Apr-04 Sindh 6,096 10-Jun-04 Gas
1047 Qadirpur Habib Rahi 1 OGDC 14-May-96 Sindh 3,245 Ghazij 08-Jul-96 Abandoned
1048 Qadirpur Habib Rahi 2 OGDCL 30-May-08 Sindh 4,806 Habib Rahi Gas
1049 Qadirpur Habib Rahi 3 OGDCL 18-Nov-08 Sindh 5,328 Gas
1050 Qadirpur Habib Rahi 4 OGDCL 14-Jan-09 Sindh 4,921 Gas
1051 Qadirpur Habib Rahi 5 OGDCL 13-Feb-09 Sindh 4,974 Gas
1052 Qadirpur Habib Rahi 6 OGDCL 19-Jun-12 Sindh 4,400
1053 Qadirpur Habib Rahi 7 OGDCL 21-Jun-13 Sindh 2,943
1054 Qadirpur Habib Rahi 8 OGDCL 19-Mar-14 Sindh 5,259 Gas
1055 Qadirpur Habib Rahi 9 OGDCL 15-Nov-15 Sindh 6,135 Gas
1056 Qadirpur Habib Rahi 10 OGDCL 09-Jan-16 Sindh 6,578 Gas
1057 Qadirpur Habib Rahi 11 OGDCL 17-Apr-16 Sindh 10,112 Gas
1058 Qadirpur Habib Rahi 13 OGDCL 12-Jan-18 Sindh 9,964 31-Mar-18 Gas
1059 Qadirpur Habib Rahi 14 OGDCL 21-Sep-17 Sindh 5,896 27-Oct-17 Gas
1060 Qadirpur Habib Rahi 15 OGDCL 03-Mar-20 Sindh 5,771 12-Apr-20 Gas
1061 Qadirpur West X-1 OGDC 18-Mar-93 Sindh 4,724 SML 11-May-93 Abandoned
1062 Qadirpur 24 OGDCL 05-Nov-04 Sindh 4,708 SML 26-Dec-04 Gas
1063 Qadirpur 23 OGDCL 06-Nov-04 Sindh 9,062 Gas
1064 Qadirpur 26 OGDCL 20-Jan-05 Sindh 8,796 Gas
1065 Qadirpur 20 OGDCL 14-Apr-05 Sindh 6,266 Gas
1066 Qadirpur 27 OGDCL 28-Jun-05 Sindh 10,171 Gas
1067 Qadirpur 28 OGDCL 30-Nov-05 Sindh 5,974 Gas
1068 Qadirpur 29 OGDCL 13-Jun-07 Sindh 4,498 Gas
1069 Qadirpur 30 OGDCL 17-Oct-07 Sindh 4,511 Gas
1070 Qadirpur 31 OGDCL 12-Mar-08 Sindh 4,587 SML Gas
1071 Qadirpur 32 OGDCL 12-Apr-08 Sindh 4,836 SML Gas
1072 Qadirpur 33 OGDCL 18-May-08 Sindh 4,895 SML Gas
1073 Qadirpur 34 OGDCL 26-Jul-08 Sindh 5,627 SML 30-Aug-08 Gas
1074 Qadirpur 35 OGDCL 09-Nov-08 Sindh 4,462 SML 06-Dec-08 Gas
1075 Qadirpur 36 OGDCL 18-Jan-09 Sindh 4,462 SML 17-Feb-09 Gas
1076 Qadirpur 37 OGDCL 03-Apr-09 Sindh 4,472 Gas
1077 Qadirpur 38 OGDCL 23-Apr-09 Sindh 5,495 Gas
1078 Qadirpur 39 OGDCL 19-Jun-09 Sindh 5,715 SML Gas
1079 Qadirpur 41 OGDCL 18-Jul-10 Sindh 5,390 Sui Upper L. St 30-Oct-10 Gas
1080 Qadirpur 42 OGDCL 26-Apr-11 Sindh 7,556 Gas
1081 Qadirpur 43 OGDC 01-Oct-11 Sindh 9,186 07-Dec-11 Gas
1082 Qadirpur 44 OGDC 17-Dec-11 Sindh 11,155 SML 18-Apr-12 Gas
1083 Qadirpur 45 OGDC 29-Apr-12 Sindh 6,102
1084 Qadirpur 46 OGDC 28-Sep-12 Sindh 8,061 Gas
1085 Qadirpur 47 OGDC 04-May-13 Sindh 9,281
1086 Qadirpur 48 OGDC 10-Mar-13 Sindh 5,919 22-May-13 Gas
1087 Qadirpur 49 OGDC 05-Dec-12 Sindh 10,774 26-Apr-13 Gas
1088 Qadirpur HOR 50 OGDC 03-Aug-13 Sindh 6,079 SML 16-Sep-13 Gas
1089 Qadirpur H Rahi 12 OGDC 30-Mar-17 Sindh 9,892 20-Jun-17 Gas
1090 Qadirpur 51 OGDC 31-Jan-14 Sindh 6,480 Gas
1091 Qadirpur H 52 OGDC 11-Dec-13 Sindh 5,833 Sui Upper Lime 19-Jan-14 Gas
1092 Qadirpur 53 OGDC 17-Jun-14 Sindh 4,035 Drilling
1093 Qadirpur 54 OGDC 26-Feb-16 Sindh 5,066 Gas
1094 Qadirpur 55 OGDC 23-Aug-15 Sindh 5,850 Gas
1095 Qadirpur 56 OGDC 21-Nov-16 Sindh 6,496 01-Jan-17 Gas
1096 Qadirpur 57 OGDC 13-Jan-17 Sindh 6,453 12-Mar-17 Gas
1097 Qadirpur 58 OGDC 30-Jun-17 Sindh 5,781 Drilling
1098 Qadirpur 59 OGDC 16-Jun-18 Sindh 3,301 Drilling
1099 Qadirpur 60 OGDC 11-Nov-18 Sindh 6,434 20-Jan-19 Gas
1100 Qadirpur 61 OGDC 03-Feb-19 Sindh 6,079 16-Apr-19 Gas
1101 Qadirpur 62 OGDC 18-Sep-20 Sindh 6,686 08-Dec-20 Gas
1102 Rahim 3 UEPL 11-Jan-18 Sindh 11,999 18-Apr-18 Oil & Gas
1103 Rahim 4 UEPL 04-Mar-19 Sindh 11,178 20-Apr-19 Oil & Gas
1104 Raj 2 UEPL 22-Oct-15 Sindh 8,504 Gas
1105 Rajani 2 UEPL 21-Dec-14 Sindh 13,848 Lower Basal Sa 13-Feb-15 Gas
1106 Rajani 4 UEPL 20-Jul-15 Sindh 14,278 Gas
1107 Rajani 5 UEPL 21-Mar-16 Sindh 14,049 Gas
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 131


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
1108 Rajani 6 UEPL 09-Jan-16 Sindh 13,303 18-Oct-16 Gas
1109 Rajani 7 UEPL 01-Aug-17 Sindh 13,806 03-Mar-17 Gas
1110 Rajani 8 UEPL 14-Mar-17 Sindh 17,764 15-May-17 Gas
1111 Rajani 9 UEPL 06-Feb-18 Sindh 13,687 16-Apr-18 Gas
1112 Rajani 10 UEPL 10-Aug-18 Sindh 16,073 25-Sep-18 Gas
1113 Rajani 11 UEPL 01-Aug-19 Sindh 13,422 17-Sep-19 Gas
1114 Rajani 12 UEPL 07-Feb-19 Sindh 13,263 31-Mar-19 Gas
1115 Rajian 2 OGDC 05-Oct-94 Punjab 12,077 Khewra S. st. 07-Jun-95 Oil
1116 Rajian 3 OGDC 04-Nov-95 Punjab 4,511 Murree 20-May-96 Abandoned
1117 Rajian 3A OGDC 27-Jul-96 Punjab 11,982 Khewra S. st. 13-Mar-97 Oil
1118 Rajian 4 OGDC 11-Mar-01 Punjab 1791 12,490 Khewra S. st. Plugd & Abd.
1119 Rajian 4A OGDCL 14-Aug-06 Punjab 12,598 Khewra S. st. 03-Feb-07 Oil
1120 Rajian 5 OGDCL 30-Dec-09 Punjab 12,018 Khewra S. st. Oil
1121 Rajian 6 OGDCL 14-Jul-11 Punjab 12,139 Khewra 15-Jan-12 Oil
1122 Rajian 7 OGDCL 09-Nov-12 Punjab 12,139 Temp. Suspended
1123 Rajian 8 OGDCL 29-Oct-13 Punjab 12,336 Drilling
1124 Rajian 9 OGDCL 25-Apr-16 Punjab 12,270 Oil
1125 Rajian 10 OGDCL 12-May-16 Punjab 12,156 Drilling
1126 Rajian 11 OGDCL 29-Dec-19 Punjab 12,395 Oil
1127 Ranjho 2 UEPL 25-May-21 Sindh 9,710 21-Jun-21 Gas
1128 Ratana 2 OXY 18-Apr-92 Punjab 1,263 16,379 Lockhart 21-Jan-93 Gas/Cond.
1129 Ratana 3 OXY 04-Jun-94 Punjab 17,405 Patala 27-Oct-95 Gas/Cond.
1130 Ratana 4 OPII 04-Jul-11 Punjab 18,100
1131 Ratana 5 OPI 08-Jun-21 Punjab 3,415 Opening pilot hole
1132 Rawat 2 UEPL 10-Nov-16 Sindh 11,703 01-Dec-16 Temp. Suspended
1133 Rehman 2 POGC 20-May-16 Sindh 9,416 Gas
1134 Rehman 3 POGC 17-Nov-16 Sindh 10,400 15-Apr-17 Gas
1135 Rehman 4 POGC 14-Nov-17 Sindh 9,088 19-Feb-18 Gas
1136 Rehman 5 POGC 16-Sep-18 Sindh 10,597 04-Apr-19 Gas
1137 Rehman 6 POGC 21-Apr-19 Sindh 8,327 Drilling
1138 Rehman 7 POGC 29-Feb-20 Sindh 8,839 Gas
1139 Rehmat 2 Petronas 02-Feb-03 Sindh 12,024 Gas
1140 Rehmat 3 Petronas 11-Mar-07 Sindh 12,712 Gas
1141 Rehmat 4 OMV Mauric 07-Jun-13 Sindh 10,938
1142 Rehmat St-1A Petronas 09-Jun-11 Sindh 11,129 Temp. Suspended
1143 Resham 2 OGDCL 28-Jul-04 Sindh 120 10,499 Lower Goru Plugged & Abd.
1144 Reti 2 OGDCL 08-Feb-15 Sindh 2,310 Sirki 28-Feb-15 Gas
1145 Rind 2 UTP 17-May-97 Sindh 3,350 Lower Goru 26-May-97 Abandoned
1146 Rind 3 BP 24-Mar-02 Sindh 0 3,300 Lower Goru 29-Mar-02 Completed as WIW
1147 Rind 4 BP 10-Dec-11 Sindh 1,797 Lower Goru 18-Dec-11 Oil
1148 Rizq 2 POGC 05-Jan-17 Sindh 6,890 Drilling
1149 Rizq 3 POGC 01-Jul-19 Sindh 10,912 10-Feb-20 Gas
1150 Rodho 3 OGDC 30-May-85 Punjab 1,819 5,292 Pab 08-Dec-85 Abandoned
1151 Saand 2 OGDCL 29-Jun-14 Sindh 105 Drilling
1152 Sachu 1 UEPL 09-Oct-19 Sindh 12,300 30-Jan-19 Temp. Suspended
1153 Sadkal 2 OGDC 24-Jun-92 Punjab 1,541 14,928 Lockhart 15-Mar-93 Condensate
1154 Sadkal 3 OGDC 30-Jun-93 Punjab 15,092 Lockhart 18-Apr-94 Condensate
1155 Sadkal 4 OGDC 29-Apr-94 Punjab 12,976 Margalla 24-Jan-95 Condensate
1156 Sadkal 5 OGDC 14-Sep-98 Punjab 12,047 Margalla 03-Jul-99 Oil&Gas
1157 Sadiq 2 PEL 26-Aug-08 Sindh 3,622 SML 23-Sep-08 Gas
1158 Sakhi 2 UTP 20-Nov-97 Sindh 7,051 Lower Goru 26-Dec-97 Abandoned
1159 Sakhi (WIW) 3 UTP 28-Oct-97 Sindh 7,201 Lower Goru 19-Nov-97 INJ
1160 Sakhi (WIW) 4 UTP 30-Sep-98 Sindh 7,100 Lower Goru 24-Oct-98 Oil
1161 Sakhi 5 UTP 10-Nov-99 Sindh 77 6,831 Lower Goru 25-Nov-99 Oil
1162 Sakhi 6 BP 06-Sep-08 Sindh 7,283 Lower Goru 05-Oct-08 Gas
1163 Sakhi 7 BP 20-Aug-09 Sindh 7,282 Lower Goru 05-Sep-09 Oil
1164 Sakhi South Deep 2 BP 08-May-07 Sindh 9,803 Lower Goru 12-Jun-07 Gas
1165 Saleh WSW 1 UEPL 18-Feb-16 Sindh 4,273 Completed
1166 Saleh 2 UEPL 07-Dec-14 Sindh 10,505 07-Jan-15 Oil
1167 Saleh WIW 4 UEPL 31-Jan-16 Sindh 10,397 Completed
1168 Saleh 5 UEPL 09-May-19 Sindh 10,568 Drilling
1169 Saman 2 UEPL 09-Apr-15 Sindh 13,179 11-May-15 Gas Cond.
1170 Saqib 2 Petronas 29-Aug-09 Sindh 11,647 Lower Goru 21-Sep-09 Plugged & Abd.
1171 Sara 2 Tullow 19-Jun-96 Sindh 3,848 Ghazij 07-Jul-96 Abandoned
1172 Sara 3 Tullow 21-Sep-96 Sindh 3,701 Goru 05-Oct-96 Abandoned
1173 Sara 4 Spud Energy 29-Nov-15 Sindh 3,675 Gas
1174 Sara West 2 OGDCL 03-Oct-07 Sindh 8,858 Lower Goru 15-Nov-07 Suspended
1175 Sara West 3 OGDCL 14-Dec-07 Sindh 8,858 Lower Goru 11-Mar-07 Gas
1176 Sara West 4 OGDCL 20-May-13 Sindh 6,627
1177 Sari 3 OGDC 06-Feb-66 Sindh 853 6,083 Lower Ranikot 01-Mar-67 Gas
1178 Sari 2 OGDC 08-Mar-66 Sindh 863 7,247 Lower Ranikot 10-Apr-66 Gas
1179 Sari 4 OGDC 22-Jun-74 Sindh 798 5,095 Lower Ranikot 16-Apr-76 Abandoned
1180 Sari 5 OGDC 02-Sep-89 Sindh 879 5,617 Lower Ranikot 30-Nov-89 Abandoned
1181 Sawan 2 OMV 06-Oct-98 Sindh 11,447 Lower Goru 07-Dec-98 Suspended
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 132


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
1182 Sawan 3 OMV 09-May-01 Sindh 11,975 Lower Goru Gas
1183 Sawan 4 OMV 27-May-02 Sindh 11,089 Lower Goru Gas
1184 Sawan WDW 1 OMV 19-Sep-02 Sindh 3,963 SML 28-Sep-02 Completed
1185 Sawan 7 OMV 07-Dec-02 Sindh 11,155 Lower Goru 05-Feb-03 Gas
1186 Sawan 8 OMV 16-Feb-03 Sindh 11,253 Lower Goru 22-Apr-03 Gas
1187 Sawan 9 OMV 29-Apr-03 Sindh 222 11,335 Lower Goru Gas
1188 Sawan 5 OMV 19-Sep-04 Sindh 11,056 Lower Goru Gas
1189 Sawan 6 OMV 16-Mar-06 Sindh 10,958 Lower Goru 14-Apr-06 Gas
1190 Sawan 10 OMV 04-Jun-06 Sindh 11,450 Gas
1191 Sawan 11 OMV 04-Nov-07 Sindh 11,204 Gas
1192 Sawan 12 OMV 24-Mar-10 Sindh 11,155 Temp. Suspended
1193 Sawan 13 OMV 01-Jan-08 Sindh 11,319 Lower Goru Gas
1194 Sawan 14 OMV 25-Oct-08 Sindh 11,352 Gas
1195 Sawan 15 OMV 31-May-09 Sindh 11,352 Lower Goru Gas
1196 Shaheen 2 MPCL 26-Apr-19 Sindh 3,855 Gas
1197 Sharf 2 PPL 31-Mar-16 Sindh 11,919 Gas Cond.
1198 Sharf 3 PPL 29-Oct-20 Sindh 11,581 27-Dec-20 Gas Cond.
1199 Shekhano 2 UEPL 06-Dec-12 Sindh 4,677 31-Dec-12 Oil/Gas
1200 Shekhano 3 UEPL 25-Apr-13 Sindh 5,736 Oil
1201 Soghri 2 OGDCL 25-Jun-15 Punjab 3,825 Drilling
1202 Sohrab Deep 3 UEPL 25-Jul-14 Sindh 12,520 Gas
1203 Sohrab Deep 4 UEPL 29-Mar-15 Sindh 12,766 Lower Basal Sa 08-May-15 Gas Cond.
1204 Sohrab Deep 7 UEPL 26-Jun-18 Sindh 4,557 Drilling
1205 Sono 2 OGDC 09-May-88 Sindh 68 7,573 Lower Goru 01-Jul-88 Oil
1206 Sono 3 OGDC 18-Jul-88 Sindh 68 7,602 Lower Goru 06-Sep-88 Oil
1207 Sono 4 OGDC 28-Feb-89 Sindh 68 7,520 Lower Goru 20-Apr-89 Oil
1208 Sono 5 OGDC 31-May-90 Sindh 75 7,546 Lower Goru 24-Jul-90 Oil
1209 Sono 6 OGDC 22-May-99 Sindh 7,546 Lower Goru 02-Jul-99 Oil
1210 Sono 7 OGDCL 22-Feb-06 Sindh 7464 Lower Goru 09-Apr-06 Gas/Cond.
1211 Sono 8 OGDCL 23-Jun-06 Sindh 7,448 Lower Goru 12-Aug-06 Oil
1212 Sonro 2 UTP 24-Nov-85 Sindh 64 4,292 Lower Goru 07-Dec-85 Oil/Gas
1213 Sonro 3 BP 21-May-02 Sindh 63 4,199 Lower Goru 30-May-02 Oil
1214 Sonro 4 BP 03-Mar-02 Sindh 68 3,953 Lower Goru 08-Mar-02 Oil
1215 Sonro 6 BP 20-Aug-02 Sindh 4,334 Lower Goru 27-Aug-02 Oil
1216 Sonro 5 BP 24-Aug-02 Sindh 4,206 Lower Goru 01-Sep-02 Oil
1217 Sonro 7 BP 23-Feb-03 Sindh 4,202 Lower Goru 03-Mar-03 Oil
1218 Sonro 8 BP 20-Dec-07 Sindh 4,320 Lower Goru 27-Dec-07 Oil
1219 Sonro 9 BP 10-May-09 Sindh 4,325 Lower Goru 15-May-09 Oil
1220 Sonro 10 BP 27-Dec-09 Sindh 4,206 Lower Goru 01-Jan-10 Oil
1221 Sonro 11 UEPL 11-Mar-12 Sindh 5,942 Lower Goru 21-Mar-12 Oil
1222 Sonro 12 UEPL 22-Sep-12 Sindh 2,665 Lower Goru 06-Oct-12 Oil
1223 Sonro 13 UEPL 12-Feb-13 Sindh 5,449 26-Mar-13 Oil
1224 Sonro 14 UEPL 04-Jun-13 Sindh 4,435
1225 Sonro 15 UEPL 25-Mar-14 Sindh 4,314 02-Apr-14 Oil
1226 Sonro 17 UEPL 15-Oct-18 Sindh 5,900 30-Nov-18 Oil
1227 Sonro 18 UEPL 27-Apr-19 Sindh 5,179 Plugged & Abd.
1228 Suhrab Deep 6 UEPL 23-Sep-16 Sindh 13,192 Testing
1229 Sumar Deep 9 UEPL 28-Feb-14 Sindh 12,060 Lower Goru 29-Apr-14 Gas
1230 Sui 2 PPL 17-Dec-52 Baloch. 734 4,830 Sui Main Ls. 28-Mar-53 Gas
1231 Sui 3 PPL 13-Feb-54 Baloch. 846 4,765 Sui Main Ls. 18-May-54 Gas
1232 Sui 4 PPL 23-May-54 Baloch. 726 4,853 Sui Main Ls. 21-Aug-54 Gas
1233 Sui 5 PPL 24-Jul-54 Baloch. 758 4,870 Sui Main Ls. 03-Sep-54 Gas
1234 Sui 6 PPL 18-Sep-54 Baloch. 662 4,744 SUL 23-Oct-54 Gas
1235 Sui 7 PPL 03-May-60 Baloch. 777 4,452 Sui Main Ls. 28-Jul-60 Gas
1236 Sui 8 PPL 15-Aug-64 Baloch. 732 4,520 Sui Main Ls. 06-Oct-64 Gas
1237 Sui 9 PPL 30-Oct-64 Baloch. 748 4,452 Sui Main Ls. 26-Jan-65 Gas
1238 Sui 10 PPL 07-Apr-65 Baloch. 830 4,400 Sui Main Ls. 29-Jun-65 Gas
1239 Sui 11 PPL 14-Jul-65 Baloch. 870 5,030 Sui Main Ls. 06-Sep-65 Gas
1240 Sui 12 PPL 15-Jun-66 Baloch. 858 4,609 Sui Main Ls. 15-Aug-66 Gas
1241 Sui 13 PPL 02-Sep-66 Baloch. 753 4,355 SML 21-Nov-66 Gas
1242 Sui 14 PPL 04-Jan-68 Baloch. 736 4,330 Sui Main Ls. 16-Feb-68 Gas
1243 Sui 15 PPL 05-May-68 Baloch. 774 4,521 SML 17-Jun-68 Gas
1244 Sui 16 PPL 28-Feb-70 Baloch. 595 4,875 Sui Main Ls. 15-Apr-70 Gas
1245 Sui 17 PPL 26-Apr-71 Baloch. 729 4,480 SML 27-May-71 Gas
1246 Sui 18 PPL 06-Nov-73 Baloch. 770 4,338 SML 28-Dec-73 Gas
1247 Sui 19 PPL 04-Feb-74 Baloch. 739 4,375 SML 15-Mar-74 Gas
1248 Sui 20 PPL 10-Nov-75 Baloch. 854 4,604 Sui Main Ls. 23-Jan-76 Gas
1249 Sui 21 PPL 26-Feb-76 Baloch. 805 4,555 Sui Main Ls. 26-Apr-76 Gas
1250 Sui 22 PPL 01-Oct-76 Baloch. 810 4,920 Sui Main Ls. 17-Jan-77 Gas
1251 Sui 23 PPL 08-Feb-77 Baloch. 803 4,913 Sui Main Ls. 12-Jun-77 Gas
1252 Sui 24 PPL 15-Mar-79 Baloch. 812 4,562 Sui Main Ls. 20-Apr-79 Gas
1253 Sui 25 PPL 20-Feb-80 Baloch. 758 4,916 Sui Main Ls. 01-Apr-80 Gas
1254 Sui 26 PPL 15-May-80 Baloch. 777 4,934 Sui Main Ls. 19-Jul-80 Gas
1255 Sui 27 PPL 06-Oct-80 Baloch. 845 5,155 Sui Main Ls. 07-Nov-80 Gas
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 133


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
1256 Sui 28 PPL 09-Feb-81 Baloch. 587 6,229 Sui Main Ls. 02-Apr-81 Gas
1257 Sui 29 PPL 19-May-81 Baloch. 807 5,463 Sui Main Ls. 26-Jun-81 Gas
1258 Sui 30 PPL 19-Aug-81 Baloch. 836 5,266 Sui Main Ls. 28-Sep-81 Gas
1259 Sui 31 PPL 16-Nov-81 Baloch. 794 5,318 Sui Main Ls. 07-Jan-82 Gas
1260 Sui 32 PPL 15-Feb-82 Baloch. 728 5,281 Sui Main Ls. 06-Apr-82 Gas
1261 Sui 33 PPL 05-Jun-82 Baloch. 746 5,267 Sui Main Ls. 09-Aug-82 Gas
1262 Sui 34 PPL 07-Oct-82 Baloch. 806 5,351 Sui Main Ls. 13-Dec-82 Gas
1263 Sui 35 PPL 28-Jan-83 Baloch. 806 5,402 Sui Main Ls. 16-Apr-83 Gas
1264 Sui 37 PPL 24-Jun-83 Baloch. 813 5,320 Sui Main Ls. 27-Aug-83 Gas
1265 Sui 36 PPL 06-Jul-83 Baloch. 810 6,578 Sui Main Ls. 15-Oct-83 Gas
1266 Sui 38 PPL 26-Aug-83 Baloch. 828 4,641 Sui Main Ls. 23-Sep-83 Gas
1267 Sui 40 PPL 06-Oct-83 Baloch. 773 4,933 Pab 22-Nov-83 Gas
1268 Sui 42 PPL 19-Dec-83 Baloch. 798 4,956 Sui Main Ls. 30-Jan-84 Gas
1269 Sui 43 PPL 09-Feb-84 Baloch. 728 4,728 Sui Main Ls. 09-May-84 Gas
1270 Sui 39 PPL 03-Mar-84 Baloch. 831 4,989 Sui Main Ls. 13-Apr-84 Gas
1271 Sui 45 PPL 25-May-84 Baloch. 708 4,523 Sui Main Ls. 03-Jul-84 Gas
1272 Sui 41 PPL 07-Jun-84 Baloch. 716 4,874 Sui Main Ls. 25-Jul-84 Gas
1273 Sui 44 PPL 15-Jul-84 Baloch. 683 4497 Sui Main Ls. 15-Aug-84 Gas
1274 Sui 47 PPL 26-Aug-84 Baloch. 598 4,757 Sui Main Ls. 27-Sep-84 Gas
1275 Sui 46 PPL 13-Sep-84 Baloch. 656 4,815 Sui Main Ls. 18-Oct-84 Gas
1276 Sui 48 PPL 07-Oct-84 Baloch. 678 4,513 Sui Main Ls. 15-Nov-84 Gas
1277 Sui 49 PPL 26-Nov-84 Baloch. 670 4,478 Sui Main Ls. 22-Dec-84 Gas
1278 Sui 52 PPL 06-Dec-84 Baloch. 805 4,724 Pab 14-Jan-85 Gas
1279 Sui 51 PPL 04-Jan-85 Baloch. 697 4,511 Lower Goru 08-Feb-85 Gas
1280 Sui 54 PPL 18-Feb-85 Baloch. 805 4,617 Sui Main Ls. 12-Mar-85 Gas
1281 Sui 55 PPL 10-Mar-85 Baloch. 853 4,665 Sui Main Ls. 17-Apr-85 Gas
1282 Sui 53 PPL 24-Mar-85 Baloch. 837 4,205 SUL 15-Apr-85 Gas
1283 Sui 57 PPL 30-Apr-85 Baloch. 817 4,977 Sui Main Ls. 13-Jun-85 Gas
1284 Sui 50 PPL 01-May-85 Baloch. 841 4,088 Sui Upper Ls. 02-Jul-85 Gas
1285 Sui 59 PPL 29-Jun-85 Baloch. 782 4,596 Sui Main Ls. 23-Jul-85 Gas
1286 Sui 58 PPL 28-Jul-85 Baloch. 753 4,567 Sui Main Ls. 12-Sep-85 Gas
1287 Sui 60 PPL 05-Aug-85 Baloch. 822 4,636 Sui Main Ls. 15-Sep-85 Gas
1288 Sui 61 PPL 23-Sep-85 Baloch. 667 4,482 Sui Main Ls. 21-Oct-85 Gas
1289 Sui 56 PPL 30-Sep-85 Baloch. 783 4,268 SUL 03-Nov-85 Gas
1290 Sui 62 PPL 05-Nov-85 Baloch. 767 4,928 Sui Main Ls. 08-Dec-85 Gas
1291 Sui 63 PPL 21-Nov-85 Baloch. 831 4,990 Sui Main Ls. 07-Jan-86 Gas
1292 Sui 64 PPL 21-Dec-85 Baloch. 741 4,894 Sui Main Ls. 26-Jan-86 Gas
1293 Sui 65 PPL 30-Jan-86 Baloch. 886 5,046 Sui Main Ls. 22-Mar-86 Gas
1294 Sui 66 PPL 02-Feb-86 Baloch. 808 4,967 Sui Main Ls. 10-Mar-86 Gas
1295 Sui 67 PPL 22-Mar-86 Baloch. 757 4,921 Sui Main Ls. 20-Apr-86 Gas
1296 Sui 69 PPL 16-Apr-86 Baloch. 805 4,372 Sui Main Ls. 25-May-86 Gas
1297 Sui 70 PPL 04-Jun-86 Baloch. 782 4,941 Sui Main Ls. 03-Jul-86 Gas
1298 Sui 68 PPL 14-Jun-86 Baloch. 822 4,099 Sui Main Ls. 02-Aug-86 Gas
1299 Sui 71 PPL 11-Jul-86 Baloch. 801 4,259 Sui Main Ls. 08-Aug-86 Gas
1300 Sui 73 PPL 17-Aug-86 Baloch. 631 4,173 Sui Main Ls. 11-Sep-86 Gas
1301 Sui 72 PPL 10-Sep-86 Baloch. 687 4,145 Sui Main Ls. 13-Oct-86 Gas
1302 Sui 74 PPL 22-Sep-86 Baloch. 727 4,320 Sui Main Ls. 15-Oct-86 Gas
1303 Sui 76 PPL 27-Oct-86 Baloch. 587 4,194 Sui Main Ls. 18-Nov-86 Gas
1304 Sui 75 PPL 06-Nov-86 Baloch. 727 4,372 Sui Main Ls. 09-Dec-86 Gas
1305 Sui 77 PPL 25-Feb-87 Baloch. 735 4,895 Sui Main Ls. 30-Jul-87 Gas
1306 Sui 78 PPL 13-Nov-87 Baloch. 542 4,091 Sui Main Ls. 04-Dec-87 Gas
1307 Sui 79 PPL 24-Mar-88 Baloch. 727 4,193 Sui Main Ls. 17-Apr-88 Gas
1308 Sui 80 PPL 01-Aug-88 Baloch. 732 4,180 Sui Main Ls. 01-Nov-88 Gas
1309 Sui 81 PPL 18-Feb-89 Baloch. 722 4,267 Sui Main Ls. 23-Mar-89 Gas
1310 Sui 82 PPL 06-May-89 Baloch. 679 4,255 Sui Main Ls. 28-May-89 Gas
1311 Sui 83 PPL 03-Jul-89 Baloch. 722 4,104 Sui Main Ls. 28-Jul-89 Gas
1312 Sui 84 PPL 18-Nov-89 Baloch. 657 4,360 Sui Main Ls. 17-Dec-89 Gas
1313 Sui 85 PPL 01-Feb-90 Baloch. 710 4,167 Sui Main Ls. 26-Feb-90 Gas
1314 Sui 86 PPL 23-May-90 Baloch. 762 4255 Sui Main Ls. 26-Dec-90 Gas
1315 Sui 88 PPL 19-May-09 Baloch. 4,642 SML 29-Jul-09 Gas
1316 Sui 92 PPL 15-Mar-10 Baloch. 7,021 Suspended
1317 Sui 89 PPL 07-Jan-11 Baloch. 4,524 Gas
1318 Sui 93 PPL 21-Mar-11 Baloch. 7,218
1319 Sui 94 PPL 22-Jan-16 Baloch. 7,972 23-Mar-16 Gas
1320 Sui 95 PPL 28-Mar-16 Baloch. 11,959 Gas
1321 Sui 96 PPL 12-Nov-15 Baloch. 4,396 Gas
1322 Sui 97 PPL 22-Dec-11 Baloch. 3,166 Habib Rahi Ls. 13-Feb-12 Gas
1323 Sui 98 PPL 15-Oct-12 Baloch. 6,604 Under Completion
1324 Sui 99 PPL 08-Dec-12 Baloch. 2,290 23-Feb-13 Gas
1325 Sui 100 PPL 23-Mar-17 Baloch. 4,114 13-Apr-17 Gas
1326 Sui 101 PPL 02-Apr-17 Baloch. 4,167 04-Mar-17 Gas
1327 Sui 102 PPL 14-Feb-18 Baloch. 4,167 25-Mar-18 Gas
1328 Sui 103 PPL 22-Apr-18 Baloch. 4,318 20-May-18 Gas
1329 Sui 104 PPL 05-Jun-18 Baloch. 4,203 Drilling
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 134


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
1330 Sui 105 PPL 24-Apr-19 Baloch. 4,249 Gas
1331 Sui 106 PPL 17-Aug-19 Baloch. 4,137 26-Sep-19 Gas
1332 Sui 107 PPL 24-Jun-19 Baloch. 1,299 Drilling
1333 Sui 108 PPL 05-Apr-19 Baloch. 9,068 Gas
1334 Sui 109 PPL 01-Feb-19 Baloch. 3,953 16-Mar-19 Gas
1335 Sui 110 PPL 16-Apr-20 Baloch. 4,098 16-May-20 Gas
1336 Sui 111 PPL 01-Jan-21 Baloch. 4,045 10-Feb-21 Gas
1337 Sui 112 PPL 14-Jul-20 Baloch. 7,221 15-Nov-20 Gas
1338 Sui Effluent 1 PPL 08-Aug-01 Baloch. 753 1,243 Dozkushtak 27-Aug-01 Completed as SWD
1339 Suleman 2 OGDCL 30-Jun-15 Sindh 7,953 Drilling
1340 Suri 2 Tullow 09-Jan-02 Sindh 252 4,035 Upper Goru Gas
1341 Sutiari Deep 2 UEPL 18-May-16 Sindh 12,867 Gas
1342 Sutiari Deep 3 UEPL 06-Sep-17 Sindh 13,074 Drilling
1343 Sutiari Deep 4 UEPL 10-Aug-18 Sindh 12,086 25-Sep-18 Gas
1344 Tajedi 2 UTP 27-Oct-84 Sindh 38 6,015 Lower Goru 24-Nov-84 Oil
1345 Tajjal 2 OMV 29-Jul-08 Sindh 12,585 Temp. suspended
1346 Tajjal 3 OMV 01-Nov-08 Sindh 12,467 Lower Goru 30-Nov-08 Plugged & Abd.
1347 Tajjal 4 OMV 27-Mar-11 Sindh 12,582 22-May-11 Gas
1348 Tando Alam 5 OGDC 13-Jul-85 Sindh 69 7,940 Lower Goru 04-Sep-85 Oil
1349 Tando Alam 2 OGDC 17-Jul-84 Sindh 79 7,546 Lower Goru 21-Oct-84 Oil
1350 Tando Alam 4 OGDC 29-Apr-85 Sindh 70 7,704 Lower Goru 29-Jun-85 Oil
1351 Tando Alam 7 OGDC 13-Oct-85 Sindh 68 7,719 Lower Goru 10-Dec-85 Oil
1352 Tando Alam 6 OGDC 24-Dec-85 Sindh 69 8,205 Lower Goru 03-Mar-86 Oil
1353 Tando Alam 3 OGDC 24-Dec-84 Sindh 72 7,645 SML 04-Apr-85 Oil
1354 Tando Alam 11 OGDC 05-Oct-86 Sindh 68 7,720 Lower Goru 09-Nov-86 Abandoned
1355 Tando Alam 13 OGDC 21-Jan-87 Sindh 69 8,284 Lower Goru 26-Feb-87 Abandoned
1356 Tando Alam 10 OGDC 12-Aug-86 Sindh 70 7,891 05-May-86 Abandoned
1357 Tando Alam 14 OGDC 05-Apr-87 Sindh 72 8,088 Lower Goru 16-May-87 Abandoned
1358 Tando Alam 8 OGDC 16-Mar-86 Sindh 68 7,792 Lower Goru 05-Jun-86 Oil
1359 Tando Alam 12 OGDC 15-Jan-87 Sindh 70 7,858 Lower Goru 19-Mar-87 Oil
1360 Tando Alam 15 OGDC 29-Jul-90 Sindh 70 7,431 Lower Goru 16-Feb-91 Abandoned
1361 Tando Alam 9 OGDC 17-Jun-86 Sindh 70 8,202 Lower Goru 28-Jul-86 Oil
1362 Tando Alam 17 OGDC 13-Jun-07 Sindh 7,943 Lower Goru Oil
1363 Tando Alam 16 OGDC 20-Jun-07 Sindh 7,953 Lower Goru Oil
1364 Tando Alam 16A OGDC 13-Mar-08 Sindh 7,874 Gas/Cond.
1365 Tando Alam 18 OGDC 14-Jun-07 Sindh 7,874 Lower Goru Oil & Gas
1366 Tando Alam 20 OGDC 23-Jun-07 Sindh 7,884 Lower Goru Oil & Gas
1367 Tando Alam 19 OGDC 27-Jun-07 Sindh 7,598 Lower Goru Temp. suspended
1368 Tando Alam 21 OGDC 07-May-21 Sindh 7,523 Logging
1369 Tando Allahyar 2 OGDCL 22-Jun-98 Sindh 5,495 Lower Goru Oil/Gas
1370 Tando Allahyar 3 OGDCL 22-May-99 Sindh 5,249 Lower Goru 20-Jun-99 Oil
1371 Tando Allahyar 4 OGDCL 14-Sep-99 Sindh 69 5,512 Lower Goru 10-Oct-99 Oil
1372 Tando Ghulam Ali 2 UTP 14-Jan-90 Sindh 63 5,363 Lower Goru 24-Jan-90 Gas
1373 Tangri 3 UTP 01-Jun-95 Sindh 7,650 Lower Goru 22-Jun-95 Oil
1374 Tangri 4 UTP 20-Jan-96 Sindh 7,630 Lower Goru 18-Feb-96 Oil
1375 Tangri 5 UTP 07-Mar-96 Sindh 7,775 Lower Goru 14-Apr-96 Abandoned
1376 Tangri 6 UTP 28-Jul-97 Sindh 7,388 Lower Goru 27-Oct-97 Oil
1377 Tangri 7 UTP 19-Sep-00 Sindh 78 7,431 Lower Goru 04-Oct-00 Oil
1378 Tangri 8 UTP 23-Apr-00 Sindh 70 7,621 Lower Goru 16-May-00 Completed as WIW
1379 Tangri (WIW) 9 UTP 21-Jun-01 Sindh 7,904 Lower Goru Completed as WIW
1380 Tangri (WIW) 10 UTP 14-Aug-01 Sindh 77 7,549 Lower Goru 22-Aug-01 Completed as WIW
1381 Tangri 11 UTP 19-Jul-01 Sindh 7,418 Lower Goru Completed as WIW
1382 Tangri 12 BP 12-Aug-05 Sindh 7496 Lower Goru 23-Aug-05 Oil
1383 Tangri Deep 2 UEPL 10-Jul-12 Sindh 10,223 Lower Goru 20-Aug-13 Gas
1384 Thal East 2 OGDCL 30-Jun-16 Sindh 14,649 Plugged & Abd.
1385 Thal East 3 OGDCL 20-Oct-16 Sindh 13,301 23-Jan-17 Plugged & Abd.
1386 Thal West 2 OGDCL 02-Jun-17 Sindh 11,985 17-Apr-17 Plugged & Abd.
1387 Thora 4 OGDC 14-Apr-89 Sindh 75 6,907 Lower Goru 24-May-89 Oil
1388 Thora 5 OGDC 28-Dec-06 Sindh 7,251 Lower Goru 03-Feb-07 Temp. suspended
1389 Thora 6 OGDC 26-May-07 Sindh 6,759 Lower Goru Gas/Condensate
1390 Thora 7 OGDC 28-Jun-08 Sindh 7064 Lower Goru Oil
1391 Thora 8 OGDC 04-Oct-10 Sindh 7,011 Lower Goru 19-Dec-10 Gas Cond.
1392 Thora 2 OGDC 01-Nov-87 Sindh 82 7,448 Lower Goru 07-Dec-87 Oil
1393 Thora 3 OGDC 03-Aug-88 Sindh 66 7,251 SML 21-Oct-88 Oil
1394 Thora Deep 2 OGDC 22-May-08 Sindh 11155 Sembar Gas/Cond.
1395 Thora Deep 3 OGDC 03-Sep-19 Sindh 11,388 18-Sep-19 Gas/Cond.
1396 Thora WDW 1 OGDCL 06-Dec-04 Sindh 74.672 3,274 Khadro Completed as WDW
1397 Tipu 2 MPCL 11-Jan-19 Sindh 9,311 28-Feb-19 Gas
1398 Togh Bala 2 OGDCL 29-Jun-21 KPK 171 Drilling
1399 Toot 2 OGDC 17-Feb-68 Punjab 1,158 16,093 Datta 19-Mar-70 Abandoned
1400 Toot 3 OGDC 15-Feb-70 Punjab 1,103 7,224 01-Jul-70 Abandoned
1401 Toot 4 OGDC 24-Oct-70 Punjab 1,103 14,626 Dhak Pass 10-Jul-72 Oil
1402 Toot 5 OGDC 17-Oct-72 Punjab 1,076 14616 Datta 13-Feb-74 Oil
1403 Toot 6 OGDC 15-May-74 Punjab 1,100 14878 Datta 10-Mar-76 Oil
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 135


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
1404 Toot 7 OGDC 02-Jan-77 Punjab 1,068 15,305 Kingriali 17-Jun-78 Oil
1405 Toot 9 OGDC 29-Jan-78 Punjab 1,121 15,190 Kingriali 30-Mar-79 Oil
1406 Toot 8 OGDC 02-Apr-78 Punjab 1,078 13,692 Sakessar 13-Aug-79 Abandoned
1407 Toot 10 OGDC 11-Jun-78 Punjab 1,072 14,145 Lockhart 05-Aug-79 Abandoned
1408 Toot 10A OGDC 12-Sep-79 Punjab 1,072 15,075 Kingriali 11-Sep-80 Oil
1409 Toot 11 OGDC 14-Jan-80 Punjab 951 14,993 Kingriali 27-Jan-82 Oil
1410 Toot 12 OGDC 15-Nov-80 Punjab 1140 14,862 Datta 12-Feb-82 Oil
1411 Toot 13 OGDC 04-Jun-81 Punjab 1010 11,194 Murree 05-Apr-82 Abandoned
1412 Toot 14 OGDC 10-Mar-82 Punjab 1075 14,770 Datta 06-Jan-83 Oil
1413 Toot 15 OGDC 24-Apr-82 Punjab 1099 14,892 Datta 01-Dec-82 Oil
1414 Toot 16 OGDC 28-Dec-82 Punjab 1043 14,888 Datta 11-Jan-84 Oil
1415 Toot 17 OGDC 18-Feb-83 Punjab 1120 14,823 Datta 08-Jan-84 Oil
1416 Toot 18 OGDC 14-Nov-83 Punjab 1108 15,108 Datta 08-Jul-84 Oil
1417 Toot 19 OGDC 31-Aug-84 Punjab 1072 15,128 Datta 25-Aug-86 Oil
1418 Toot 1A OGDC 07-Feb-01 Punjab 1053 15,039 Datta 31-Dec-01 Suspended
1419 Toot 20 OGDC 01-Jan-09 Punjab 15,420 Suspended
1420 Turk 2 UTP 11-Jan-86 Sindh 46 6,650 Lower Goru 26-Feb-86 Oil/Gas
1421 Turk 3 UTP 24-Oct-86 Sindh 50 6,670 Lower Goru 13-Nov-86 Oil/Gas
1422 Turk 4 UTP 07-Jul-87 Sindh 52 6,991 Lower Goru 07-Aug-87 Gas
1423 Turk 5 UTP 19-May-88 Sindh 53 11,052 Lower Goru 30-Jul-88 Gas
1424 Turk 6 UTP 15-Aug-91 Sindh 60 6,800 Lower Goru 02-Sep-91 Oil/Gas
1425 Turk 7 UEPL 02-Oct-15 Sindh 7,021 Oil/Gas
1426 Turk SWD 1 UTP 11-Mar-96 Sindh 1,506 20-Mar-96 Inj.
1427 Turk Deep 1 UTP 30-Sep-94 Sindh 10,850 Sembar 29-Nov-94 Gas
1428 Turk Deep 2 UTP 23-Jul-00 Sindh 56 8,510 Lower Goru 05-Sep-00 Gas
1429 Turk Deep 3 BP 20-Nov-03 Sindh 10233 Lower Goru 21-Jan-04 Gas
1430 Turk Deep 4 UEPL 20-Aug-14 Sindh 8,366 Lower Shale 22-Sep-14 Gas
1431 Uch 2 OGDC 16-Jul-87 Baloch. 318 4,747 Sui Main Ls. 09-Dec-87 Gas
1432 Uch 3 OGDC 07-Mar-88 Baloch. 387 6,027 Sui Main Ls. 24-May-88 Gas
1433 Uch 4 OGDC 27-Aug-88 Baloch. 325 6,194 Sui Main Ls. 08-Oct-88 Abandoned
1434 Uch 5 OGDC 28-Nov-88 Baloch. 378 5,003 Sui Main Ls. 31-Dec-88 Abandoned
1435 Uch 6 OGDC 28-Feb-89 Baloch. 479 5,994 Sui Main Ls. 05-Jun-89 Gas
1436 Uch 7 OGDC 18-Jul-92 Baloch. 4,659 Sui Main Ls. 29-Oct-92 Gas
1437 Uch 8 OGDC 28-Dec-92 Baloch. 4,718 Sui Main Ls. 27-Feb-93 Gas
1438 Uch 9 OGDC 18-May-94 Baloch. 4,619 Sui Main Ls. 18-Aug-94 Gas
1439 Uch 10 OGDC 16-Oct-94 Baloch. 4,541 Sui Main Ls. 01-Dec-94 Gas
1440 Uch 11 OGDC 06-Dec-95 Baloch. 4593 Habib Rahi 04-Jan-96 Gas
1441 Uch 12 OGDC 01-Jun-96 Baloch. 4528 SML 06-Jul-96 Gas
1442 Uch 13 OGDC 31-Dec-96 Baloch. 4495 SML 28-Mar-97 Gas
1443 Uch 14 OGDC 23-Jan-96 Baloch. 4934 SML 11-Mar-96 Gas
1444 Uch 15 OGDC 21-Mar-96 Baloch. 4610 SML 17-Jul-96 Gas
1445 Uch 16 OGDC 14-Sep-96 Baloch. 4462 SML 09-Dec-96 Gas
1446 Uch 17 OGDC 03-Apr-96 Baloch. 4587 SML 01-Jun-96 Gas
1447 Uch 17-A OGDC 16-Jun-19 Baloch. 1,260 Drilling
1448 Uch 18 OGDC 30-Jun-96 Baloch. 4560 SML 10-Aug-96 Gas
1449 Uch 19 OGDC 19-Sep-11 Baloch. 4,478 SML 15-Nov-11 Gas
1450 Uch 20 OGDCL 12-May-10 Baloch. 4921 SML Gas
1451 Uch 21 OGDC 18-Jun-09 Baloch. 4,560 SML Gas
1452 Uch 22 OGDCL 30-Jun-10 Baloch. 4364 SML Gas
1453 Uch 23 OGDCL 07-Sep-10 Baloch. 4,446 Sui Main Ls. 25-Nov-10 Gas
1454 Uch 24 OGDCL 01-Dec-10 Baloch. 4,380 SML 28-Jan-11 Gas
1455 Uch 25 OGDC 02-Oct-09 Baloch. 4377 SML Gas
1456 Uch 26 OGDC 07-Dec-09 Baloch. 4560 SML Gas
1457 Uch 28 OGDC 29-Jun-11 Baloch. 121 Gas
1458 Uch 27 OGDC 16-Dec-11 Baloch. 4,429 SML 18-Apr-12 Gas
1459 Uch 29 OGDC 10-Dec-10 Baloch. 4,396 Gas
1460 Uch 30 OGDC 15-Mar-11 Baloch. 4,429 Gas
1461 Uch 31 OGDC 27-Jan-11 Baloch. 4,462 Gas
1462 Uch 32 OGDC 09-Oct-11 Baloch. 4,446 SML 27-Nov-11 Gas
1463 Uch 33 OGDC 23-May-11 Baloch. 3,970 Gas
1464 Umar 2 UEPL 24-Dec-14 Sindh 11,191 Oil
1465 Unarpur 2 UEPL 03-Aug-19 Sindh 13,570 12-Dec-19 Gas
1466 Zamzama 2 BHP 01-Feb-99 Sindh 12,904 Parh 08-May-99 Gas
1467 Zamzama 3 BHP 15-Jul-02 Sindh 13,228 Pab 14-Sep-02 Gas
1468 Zamzama 4 BHP 13-Oct-02 Sindh 12,133 Fort Munro 03-Jan-03 Gas
1469 Zamzama 5 BHP 04-Feb-03 Sindh 12,700 Fort Munro 31-Mar-03 Gas
1470 Zamzama 6 BHP 10-Feb-09 Sindh 12,425 Gas
1471 Zamzama 7 BHP 05-Nov-08 Sindh 12,352 Gas
1472 Zamzama 8 BHP 02-Jun-12 Sindh 10,371
1473 Zamzama 9 BHP 30-Oct-12 Sindh 12,410 Gas
1474 Zamzama North 1 BHP 16-Apr-03 Sindh 13,114 Fort Munro Suspended
1475 Zamzama North 2 OPPL 19-Sep-18 Sindh 13,146 19-Jan-19 Plugged & Abd.
1476 Zamzama WDW 1 BHP 29-Dec-12 Sindh 6,512 Completed
1477 Zarghun South 2 Premier 31-Dec-99 Baloch. 9,465 Chiltan 04-Mar-00 Suspended
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Contd./...
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 136


Sr# W ell Name W ell # Operator Spud Date Province KBE TD Completion Completion Status
(Ft.) (Ft.) Zone/Formation Date
1478 Zarghun South 3 MPCL 20-Sep-16 Baloch. 5,971 09-Dec-16 Gas
1479 Zarghun South 4 MPCL 02-Jan-20 Baloch. 6,634 21-Mar-20 Gas
1480 Zamzama East 1 BHP 09-Sep-03 Sindh 13,291 Fort Munro 25-Oct-03 Gas
1481 Zamzama Sub 1 OPPL 20-Feb-19 Sindh 13,517 Plugged & Abd.
1482 Zaur 2 UTP 28-Jul-95 Sindh 7,000 Lower Goru 15-Aug-95 Abandoned
1483 Zaur 3 UTP 09-Mar-01 Sindh 70 6,978 Lower Goru 23-Mar-01 Oil
1484 Zaur 4 UTP 06-Apr-01 Sindh 70 6,903 Lower Goru 22-Mar-01 Oil
1485 Zaur 5 BP 12-Nov-01 Sindh 70 7,000 Lower Goru 26-Nov-01 Oil
1486 Zaur 6 BP 21-Jan-02 Sindh 6,952 Lower Goru 02-Feb-02 Oil
1487 Zaur 7 BP 10-Sep-02 Sindh 6,532 Lower Goru 23-Sep-02 Oil
1488 Zaur 8 BP 22-Oct-02 Sindh 5,820 Lower Goru 05-Nov-02 Suspended
1489 Zaur 9 BP 12-Mar-03 Sindh 6,931 Lower Goru 24-Mar-03 Oil
1490 Zaur 10 BP 14-Jul-03 Sindh 6,850 Lower Goru 24-Jul-03 Oil
1491 Zaur 11 BP 29-Dec-03 Sindh 6,926 Lower Goru 12-Jan-04 Oil
1492 Zaur 12 BP 22-Jun-04 Sindh 6,390 Lower Goru Oil
1493 Zaur 14 BP 26-Aug-08 Sindh 6,958 Lower Goru 10-Sep-07 Gas
1494 Zaur 15 BP 25-Feb-08 Sindh 7,456 Lower Goru 12-Mar-08 Oil
1495 Zaur 16 BP 12-Oct-09 Sindh 6,941 Lower Goru 23-Oct-09 Oil
1496 Zaur 17 BP 10-Jan-10 Sindh 8,917 Lower Goru 06-Feb-10 Oil
1497 Zaur 18 BP 07-Jul-10 Sindh 7,001 Lower Goru 21-Jul-10 Oil
1498 Zaur 19 BP 13-Oct-11 Sindh 7,231 Lower Goru 27-Oct-11 Oil & Gas
1499 Zaur SWD 1 BP 09-Mar-09 Sindh 1,705 Completed
1500 Zaur WIW 13 BP 21-Nov-05 Sindh 7,064 Lower Goru 08-Dec-05 Completed as WIW
1501 Zaur WSW 1 BP 14-Dec-05 Sindh 1,906 Completed as WSW
1502 Zaur WSW 2 UEPL 15-Mar-12 Sindh 1,909 Completed
1503 Zaur Deep 2 UTP 10-Dec-00 Sindh 68 8,402 Sui Main Ls. 30-Dec-00 Gas
1504 Zaur Deep 3 UTP 06-May-01 Sindh 70 8,556 Lower Goru Gas
1505 Zin 2 OGDCL 16-Mar-12 Baloch. 3,445
1506 Zin 3 OGDCL 30-Jun-12 Baloch. 43
1507 Zin Pab 2 OGDCL 25-Aug-15 Baloch. 6,791 Fort Munro 12-Jan-15 Gas
1508 Zin SML 2 OGDCL 24-Apr-13 Baloch. 1,535
1509 Zin SML 3 OGDCL 17-Oct-13 Baloch. 3,379 SML 13-Dec-13 Gas
1510 Zin SML 4H OGDCL 25-Dec-19 Baloch. 4,413 26-Apr-20 Gas
Note: Shaded entries indicate wells drilled in current year Source: DGPC
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 137

Appendix: 7.3


Tonne Barrel Tonne Tonne MWh MWh

Million M cft Tonne Crude Crude Local Imported Primary Final
Btu Gas FO Oil Oil Coal Coal Electricity Electricity

1 million Btu 1 1.02 0.025 0.024 0.178 0.053 0.036 0.100 0.293

1 MM cft Pipeline Gas 980 1,000 24.024 23.392 174.363 52.283 35.553 98.000 287.222

1 tonne FO 40.792 41.62 1 0.974 7.258 2.176 1.480 4.079 11.955

1 tonne Crude oil 41.895 42.75 1.027 1 7.454 2.235 1.520 4.190 12.279

1 barrel Crude oil 5.620 5.74 0.138 0.134 1 0.300 0.204 0.562 1.647

1 tonne Local Coal 18.74 19.13 0.460 0.447 3.335 1 0.680 1.874 5.494

1 tonne Imported Coal 27.56 28.13 0.676 0.658 4.904 1.471 1 2.756 8.079

1 MWh Primary Elect. 10.0 10.20 0.245 0.239 1.779 0.534 0.363 1 2.931

1 MWh Final Elect. 3.412 3.48 0.084 0.081 0.607 0.182 0.124 0.341 1
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 138

Appendix: 7.4


Gas Million Btu Giga Joule TOE/


Sui Standard Natural Gas 980 1033.9 23.4

Badin & Condensates Average 1,047 1104.6 25.0
For Btu values of all other field gases, please see Table 3.1.

Oil Million Btu Giga Joule TOE/

per Tonne per Tonne Tonne

Indigenous Crude Oil 41.895 44.20 1.0000

Imported Crude Oil 43.313 45.7 1.0338
Avgas 43.659 46.1 1.0421
JP-1 43.218 45.6 1.0316
JP-4 44.144 46.6 1.0537
Motor Spirit 44.761 47.2 1.0684
HOBC 44.541 47.0 1.0632
E-10* 43.094 45.5 1.0286
HSD 44.045 46.5 1.0513
LDO 43.648 46.0 1.0418
Furnace Oil 40.792 43.0 0.9737
Kerosene 43.218 45.6 1.0316
Nephtha 44.761 47.2 1.0684
LPG 45.326 47.8 1.0819
MTBE 34.128 36.0 0.8146
Refinery Gas 46.200 48.7 1.1028

Electricity Million Btu Giga Joule TOE/

per GWh per GWh GWh

As Primary Energy Input for Hydro/Nuclear 10,000 10,550 238.69

As Final Energy 3,412 3,600 81.44

Coal Million Btu Giga Joule TOE/

per Tonne per Tonne Tonne

Indigenous 18.74 19.8 0.4474

Imported 27.56 29.1 0.6579

* Source: www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/analysispaper/errata_biofuels.html
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 139

Appendix 7.5

ACGR Annual Compound Growth Rate
AJKHEB Azad Jammu & Kashmir Hydro Electric Board
ARL Attock Refinery Limited
BP BP Pakistan Exploration & Production Inc.
BTU British Thermal Unit
BTX Benzyne Toulene Xylene
CFt Cubic Feet
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CPPA-G Central Power Purchase Agency
DGG Directorate General of Gas
DGM Directorate General of Minerals
DGO Directorate General of Oil
DGPC Directorate General of Petroleum Concessions
DPL Dewan Petroleum (Pvt) Limited
DRL Dhodak Refinery Limited
FBS Federal Bureau of Statistics
FO Furnace oil
GHCL GENCO Holding Company Limited
GSP Geological Survey of Pakistan
GTPS Gas Turbine Power Station
GWh Giga Watt Hour
HDIP Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan
HOBC High Octane Blending Component
HSD High Speed Diesel Oil
HSFO High Sulphur Furnace Oil
HUBCO The Hub Power Company
Hunt Hunt International Petroleum Company
JBO Jute Batch Oil
JJVL Jamshoro Joint Venture Limited
JP-1, JP-4 Aviation Fuels
KANUPP Karachi Nuclear Power Plant
KAPCO Kot Addu Power Company
KESC Karachi Electricity Supply Corporation
KPK Khyber Pakhtun Khwa
LASMO Lasmo Oil Pakistan Limited
LDO Light Diesel Oil
LHFO Low Sulphur Furnace Oil
LNG Liquified Natural Gas
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
MGCL Mari Gas Company Limited
MTBE Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
MTT Mineral Turpentine
MW Mega Watt
MWh Mega Watt Hour
n.a. Not Available
NGPS Natural Gas Power Station
NRL National Refinery Limited
NWFP North Western Frontier Province
OCAC Oil Companies Advisory Committee
OGDC Oil & Gas Development Company
OTPS Oil Thermal Power Station
OXY Occidental of Pakistan Inc.
PAEC Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
PARCO Pak-Arab Refinery Company Limited
PASMIC Pakistan Steel Mills Corporation
PEDO Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization
PLL Pakistan LNG Limited
PMDC Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation
POL Pakistan Oilfields Limited
PPL Pakistan Petroleum Limited
Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2021 140


PRL Pakistan Refinery Limited
Ps Paisa
PSO Pakistan State Oil
Qty Quantity
RON Research Octane Number
SNGPL Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited
SPS Steam Power Station
SSGCL Sui Southern Gas Company Limited
T&D Transmission & Distribution
TCF Trillion Cubic Feet
TEL Tapal Energy Limited
TOE Tonnes of Oil Equivalent.
Tonne Metric Tonne
TPS Thermal Power Station
US United States
UTP Union Texas Pakistan Inc.
WAPDA Pakistan Water & Power Development Authority, Lahore.
ZOT Zulfiqarabad Oil Terminal

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