Mentalhealth 170225073540
Mentalhealth 170225073540
Mentalhealth 170225073540
a. Emotional well-being
- perceived life satisfaction,
happiness, cheerfulness, and
b. Psychological well-being
self-acceptance, personal
growth including openness to new
experience, optimism, hopefulness,
purpose in life, control of one’s
environment, spirituality, self-direction,
and positive relationship.
c. Social well-being
- social acceptance, beliefs in
the potential of people and society as a
whole, personal self-worth and
usefulness to society, and sense of
• Social determinants of mental health
also includes adequate housing, safe
neighborhoods, equitable jobs and
wages, quality education, and equity in
access to quality health care.
Warning Signs
• One half of all mental illness begins by
age 14 and 75% begins by age 24.
• Small changes or a feeling that
“something is not quite right” about
their thinking, feelings or behavior
occurs before one of these illnesses
appears in its full-blown form.
Signs and Symptoms
If several of the following are
occurring, it may useful to follow up
with a mental health professional.
• Withdrawal — Recent social
withdrawal and loss of interest in