POES Action Research 23doc
POES Action Research 23doc
POES Action Research 23doc
Teacher In-Charge/Research
Developing Reading
of the Pupils in
P. Olarte Elementary School
Teacher III
Teacher I
Despite the high literacy rate, Philippines continue to be an under
developed nation. It is evident that Filipinos are not a reading populace. Filipinos
per capita consumption of books, newspapers, magazines, and other publications
is way beyond their Asian neighbors (Ople 1993; Locsin 1992; Nemenzo 1992).
The battle against illiteracy and the widespread aliteracy in campuses can only
be won by creating and implementing reading program that will generate self-
propelling and productive citizens (Hiebert and Colt 1989).
Driven by the result of Phil-Iri which was conducted on the first quarter of
the School Year,despite of the pandemic with the permission of the
parents,following the health protocols, this study was conducted. The study
focuses in improving the reading comprehension of the Primary and Intermediate
pupils through 90-day read-a-thon. The authors believe that the genuine love for
reading develops when child is exposed to different reading materials. It aims to
develop the pupils reading skills such as reading comprehension and literary
appreciation skills. The pupils are expected to read the selection well and work
with the comprehension questions to be able to determine how well he
comprehends the selection.
The authors hope to help the primary and intermediate pupils to become
a better reader through different selections. Belief in Divine Providence, love of
nature, patriotism, is just examples of themes that the reader could engage
himself into. These were believed to contribute total development of a pupil not
only to become a better reader but also a consciousness of their growth and
development to be a responsible citizen.
This 90 day read-a-thon encourages pupils to read a many reading
comprehension exercises as possible daily for 30 minutes. It aims to develop the
pupils reading skills such as reading comprehension and literary appreciation
skills. The pupils are expected to read the selection well and work the
comprehension questions to be able to determine how well he comprehends the
selection. The selections vary in length, as the reader improves his ability, the
passage become longer.
The author hopes the primaryand intermediate grades of P. Olarte
Elementary School to become a better reader through different selections. Belief
in Devine Providence, love of nature, patriotism, is just examples of themes that
the reader could engage himself into. These were believed to contribute total
development to be a responsible citizen.
It is hoped that pupils of P.Olarte Elementary School will enjoy their
reading experiences through these reading materials.
B.Literature Review
Over the several decades, reading fluency has been neglected and
misunderstood, and as a result, reading fluency instruction in many classrooms
has been ignored or implemented in ways that are not necessarily good
instruction (Rasinski, 2012). For examples, many teachers complain about having
to do daily “timed readings” in their classrooms, in which students are prompted
to read as quickly as possible, all in the name of developing reading fluency.
Reading teachers face a number of problems as they strive to implement
effective instruction. Henk, Moore, Marinak, and Tomasetti (2000) noted that
school professionals often experience difficulty as they attempt to work together
toward the identification and accomplishment of common literacy goals.
According to Sloat et al. (2007), “Reading is a complex process and that
complexity is reflected in the range of philosophies, pedagogies, curricula, and
programs available to guide early elementary reading instruction” (p.523).
Sloat et al. concluded that with so many options available, and with the
constraints imposed by limited resources and students’ diverse skills,
practitioners and researchers face the crucial question of how best to ensure that
children learn to read well in their early years. Addressing concerns about literacy
programming, Sloat et al. (2007) cited the need to respect empirical evidence of
what constitutes effective practice while at the same time taking into account the
involvement of students, parents, teachers, and administrators. (Alber-Morgan et
al., 2007). Research reveals that repeated reading methods have contributed to
an increase in fluency for some readers.
Machin and Mcnally (2008) evaluate an in-class literacy programs in the English primary
schools in which one hour per day is set aside for literacy-related activities such as group
reading. The authors show that the program had a significant effect on reading an English
scores, and that the literacy program even had a lasting impact on students’ English scores
once they reach secondary school.
Linden, et.al (2011) evaluated a program that aims to improve children’s reading
skills by providing classes with age-appropriate reading material and incentivizing
children to read through a 31 day read-a-thon. During the read-a-thon, the
program significantly increases the propensity of children to read, improves
students’ reading habits and skills and increases students’ scores in a reading
assessment. Implementing such short term programs that promote reading can
therefore be an effective way of cultivating good sustainable reading habits in
children and improving their reading ability.
The battle against illiteracy and the widespread aliteracy in campuses can
only be won by creating and implementing reading program that will generate
self-propelling and productive citizens (Hiebert and Colt 1989).
Conceptual Framework
C. Research Question
This research seeks to find answers to the following questions:
1.What is the reading level of the pupils?
2.Is there a significant effect in the conduct of reading improvement of selected POES pupils?
G.Cost Estimated
Each respondents will receive a reading materials worth fifty pesos. The table below
shows the cost estimated within that period.
The researchers are willing to present the study to the different schools through
meetings and LAC sessions.
Abeberese, A.B, Krumier T.J, Linden, L.L. 2013, Improving reading skills by encouraging to
Read in School: A Randomized Evaluated of the Sa Aklat Sisikat Reading program in the
Locsin, T.L., 1992 Towards Making Reading a Nation Habit, The RAP Journal XV27
Nemenzo, F. Jr. 1992 Towards Living Society, The RAP Journal XV7-9
Ople, B.F. 1993 The Battle for Tomorrow Philippine Panorama 22/36:26
Orencia, Melissa Alma R (2006) Enhancing Pupils Reading Comprehension and Attitudes
through a Whole Language-Inspired Literature-Based Reading Program, CELEA Journal 2006
Vol.29 No.3
Show me a family of
readers,and I will show
you the people who
move the world.
-Napoleon Bonaparte
Teacher II
Principal II/Research Consultant