105 A Survey On Conversational Recommender Systems

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A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems

DIETMAR JANNACH, University of Klagenfurt

AHTSHAM MANZOOR, University of Klagenfurt
arXiv:2004.00646v2 [cs.HC] 31 May 2021

WANLING CAI, Hong Kong Baptist University

LI CHEN, Hong Kong Baptist University

Recommender systems are software applications that help users to find items of interest in situations of
information overload. Current research often assumes a one-shot interaction paradigm, where the users’
preferences are estimated based on past observed behavior and where the presentation of a ranked list of
suggestions is the main, one-directional form of user interaction. Conversational recommender systems (CRS)
take a different approach and support a richer set of interactions. These interactions can, for example, help
to improve the preference elicitation process or allow the user to ask questions about the recommendations
and to give feedback. The interest in CRS has significantly increased in the past few years. This development
is mainly due to the significant progress in the area of natural language processing, the emergence of new
voice-controlled home assistants, and the increased use of chatbot technology. With this paper, we provide a
detailed survey of existing approaches to conversational recommendation. We categorize these approaches in
various dimensions, e.g., in terms of the supported user intents or the knowledge they use in the background.
Moreover, we discuss technological approaches, review how CRS are evaluated, and finally identify a number
of gaps that deserve more research in the future.

CCS Concepts: • Information systems → Recommender systems; • General and reference → Surveys
and overviews; • Human-centered computing → Interactive systems and tools;

ACM Reference format:

Dietmar Jannach, Ahtsham Manzoor, Wanling Cai, and Li Chen. 2021. A Survey on Conversational Recom-
mender Systems. ACM Comput. Surv. 54, 4, Article 105 (May 2021), 35 pages.

Recommender systems are among the most visible success stories of AI in practice. Typically, the
main task of such systems is to point users to potential items of interest, e.g., in the context of an
e-commerce site. Thereby, they not only help users in situations of information overload [126], but
they also can significantly contribute to the business success of the service providers [57].
In many of these practical applications, recommending is a one-shot interaction process. Typically,
the underlying system monitors the behavior of its users over time and then presents a tailored set
of recommendations in pre-defined navigational situations, e.g., when a user logs in to the service.
Although such an approach is common and useful in various domains, it can have a number of
potential limitations. There are, for example, a number of application scenarios, where the user
preferences cannot be reliably estimated from their past interactions. This is often the case with
high-involvement products (e.g., when recommending a smartphone), where we even might have
no past observations at all. Furthermore, what to include in the set of recommendations can be
highly context-dependent, and it might be difficult to automatically determine the user’s current
situation or needs. Finally, another assumption often is that users already know their preferences
when they arrive at the site. This might, however, not necessarily be true. Users might also construct
their preferences only during the decision process [152], when they become aware of the space of
the options. In some cases, they might also learn about the domain and the available options only
during the interaction with the recommender [154].

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 4, Article 105. Publication date: May 2021.
105:2 Dietmar Jannach et al.

The promise of Conversational Recommender Systems (CRS) is that they can help to address
many of these challenges. The general idea of such systems, broadly speaking, is that they support
a task-oriented, multi-turn dialogue with their users. During such a dialogue, the system can elicit
the detailed and current preferences of the user, provide explanations for the item suggestions, or
process feedback by users on the made suggestions. Given the significant potential of such systems,
research on CRS already has some tradition. Already in the late 1970s, Rich [127] envisioned
a computerized librarian that makes reading suggestions to users by interactively asking them
questions, in natural language, about their personality and preferences. Besides interfaces based on
natural language processing (NLP), a variety of form-based user interfaces1 were proposed over the
years. One of the earlier interaction approaches in CRS based on such interfaces is called critiquing,
which was proposed as a means for query reformulation in the database field already in 1982 [144].
In critiquing approaches, users are presented with a recommendation soon in the dialogue and can
then apply pre-defined critiques on the recommendations, e.g., (“less $$”) [15, 49].
Form-based approaches can generally be attractive as the actions available to the users are
pre-defined and non-ambiguous. However, such dialogues may also appear non-natural, and users
might feel constrained in the ways they can express their preferences. NLP-based approaches, on
the other hand, for a long time suffered from existing limitations, e.g., in the context of processing
voice commands. In recent years, however, major advances were made in language technology. As
a result, we are nowadays used to issuing voice commands to our smartphones and digital home
assistants, and these devices have reached an impressive level of recognition accuracy. In parallel
to these developments in the area of voice assistants, we have observed a fast uptake of chatbot
technology in recent years. Chatbots, both rather simple and more sophisticated ones, are usually
able to process natural language and are nowadays widely used in various application domains,
e.g., to deal with customer service requests.
These technological advances led to an increased interest in CRS during the last years. In contrast
to many earlier approaches, we however observe that today’s technical proposals are more often
based on machine learning technology instead of following pre-defined dialogue paths. However,
often there still remains a gap between the capabilities of today’s voice assistants and chatbots
compared to what is desirable to support truly conversational recommendation scenarios [117], in
particular when the system is voice-controlled [161, 165].
In this paper, we review the literature on CRS in terms of common building blocks of a typ-
ical conceptual architecture of CRS. Specifically, after providing a definition and a conceptual
architecture of a CRS in Section 2, we discuss (i) interaction modalities of CRS (Section 3), (ii) the
knowledge and data they are based upon (Section 4), and (iii) the computational tasks that have to
be accomplished in a typical CRS (Section 5). Afterwards, we discuss evaluation approaches for
CRS (Section 6) and finally give an outlook on future directions.


In this section we discuss relevant preliminaries to our work. First, we provide a general characteri-
zation and conceptual model of CRS. Second, we discuss our research methodology.

2.1 Characterization of Conversational Recommender Systems

There is no widely-established definition in the literature of what represents a CRS. In this work,
we use the following definition.
Definition 2.1 (Conversational Recommender System–CRS). A CRS is a software system that
supports its users in achieving recommendation-related goals through a multi-turn dialogue.
1 With form-based UIs, we refer to systems approaches where users fill out forms and use check boxes or buttons.
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems 105:3

One fundamental characteristic of CRS is their task-orientation, i.e., they support recommenda-
tion specific tasks and goals. The main task of the system is to provide recommendations to the
users, with the goal to support their users’ decision-making process or to help them find relevant
information. Additional tasks of CRS include the acquisition of user preferences or the provision of
explanations. This specific task orientation distinguishes CRS from other dialogue-based systems,
such as the early ELIZA system [158] or similar chat robot systems [151].
The other main feature of a CRS according to our definition is that there is a multi-turn conversa-
tional interaction. This stands in contrast to systems that merely support question answering (Q&A
tools). Providing one-shot Q&A-style recommendations is a common feature of personal digital
assistants like Apple’s Siri and similar products. While these systems already today can reliably
respond to recommendation requests, e.g., for a restaurant, they often face difficulties maintaining a
multi-turn conversation. A CRS therefore explicitly or implicitly implements some form of dialogue
state management to keep track of the conversation history and the current state.
Note that our definition does not make any assumptions regarding the modality of the inputs
and the outputs. CRS can be voice controlled, accept typed text, or obtain their inputs via form
fields, buttons, or even gestures. Likewise, the output is not constrained and can be voice, speech,
text, or multimedia content. No assumptions are also made regarding who drives the dialogue.
Generally, conversational recommendation shares a number of similarities with conversational
search [115]. In terms of the underlying tasks, search and recommendation have in common that
one main task is to rank the objects according to their assumed relevance, either for a given
query (search) or the preferences of the user (recommendation). Furthermore, in terms of the
conversational part, both types of systems have to interpret user utterances and disambiguate
user intents in case natural language interactions are supported. In conversational search systems,
however, the assumption often is that the interaction is based on “written or spoken form” [115],
whereas in our definition of CRS various types of input modalities are possible. Overall, the boundary
between (personalized) conversational search and recommendation systems often seems blurry, see
[86, 139, 172], in particular as often similar technological approaches are applied. In this survey, we
limit ourselves to works that explicitly mention recommendation as one of their target problems.

2.2 Conceptual Architecture of a CRS

A variety of technical approaches for building CRS were proposed in the last two decades. The
specifics of the technical architecture of such solutions depend on the system’s functionality,
i.e., whether or not voice input is supported. Still, a number of typical interoperating conceptual
components of such architectures can be identified, as shown in Figure 1.

Computational Elements. One central part of such an architecture usually is a Dialogue Manage-
ment System (also called “state tracker” or similarly in some systems). This component drives the
process flow. It receives the processed inputs, e.g., the recognized intents, entities and preferences,
and correspondingly updates the dialogue state and user model. After that, using a recommendation
and reasoning engine and background knowledge, it determines the next action and returns appro-
priate content like a recommendation list, an explanation, or a question to the output generation
The User Modeling System can be a component of its own, in particular when there are long-term
user preferences to be considered, or not. In some cases, the current preference profile is implicitly
part of the dialogue system. The Recommendation and Reasoning Engine is responsible for retrieving
a set of recommendations, given the current dialogue state and preference model. This component
might also implement other complex reasoning functionality, e.g., to generate explanations or to
compute a query relaxation (see later). Besides these central components, typical CRS architectures
105:4 Dietmar Jannach et al.

Input Processing Output Generation


User Modeling Item
User Models and Reasoning
System Database

Domain and Background Knowledge

Fig. 1. Typical architecture of a conversational recommender system (see also [142]).

comprise modules for input and output processing. These can, for example, include speech-to-text
conversion and speech generation. On the input side—in particular in the case of natural language
input—additional tasks are usually supported, including intent detection and named entity recognition
[66, 99], for identifying the users’ intentions and entities (e.g., attributes of item) in their utterances.
Knowledge Elements. Various types of knowledge are used in CRS. The Item Database is something
that is present in almost all solutions, representing the set of recommendable items, sometimes
including details about their attributes. In addition to that, different types of Domain and Background
Knowledge are often leveraged by CRS. Many approaches explicitly encode dialogue knowledge
in different ways, e.g., in the form of pre-defined dialogue states, supported user intents, and the
possible transitions between the states. This knowledge can be general or specific to a particular
domain. The knowledge can furthermore either be encoded by the system designers or automatically
learned from other sources or previous interactions. A typical example for learning approaches
are those that use machine learning to build statistical models from corpora of recorded dialogues.
Generally, domain and background knowledge can be used by all computational elements. Input
processing may need information about entities to be recognized or knowledge about the pre-
defined intents. The user modeling component may be built on estimated interest weights regarding
certain item features, and the reasoning engine may use explicit inference knowledge to derive the
set of suitable recommendations.

2.3 Research Method: Identifying Relevant Works

We followed a semi-systematic approach to identify relevant papers. We first queried several
digital libraries2 using pre-defined search strings such as “conversational recommender system”,
“interactive recommendation”, “advisory system”, or “chatbot recommender”. The returned papers
were then manually checked for their relevance based on titles and abstracts. Papers considered
relevant were read in detail and, if considered to be in the scope of the paper, used as a starting
point for a snowballing procedure. Overall, the paper selection process surfaced 121 papers on CRS

2 We looked at Springer Link, the ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, arXiv.org, and ResearchGate
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems 105:5

that we considered in this work.3 Looking at the type of these papers, the majority of the works
described technical proposals for one of the computational components of a CRS architecture. A
smaller set of papers described demo systems. Another smaller set were analytical ones which, for
example, reviewed certain general characteristics of CRS.
Generally, we only included papers that are compliant with our definition of a CRS given above.
We therefore did not include papers that discussed one-shot or multi-step question-answering
systems [133, 166], even when the question or task was about a recommendation. We also did not
consider general dialogue systems like chatbot systems, which are not task-oriented, or systems that
only support a query-response interaction process like a search engine without further dialogue
steps, e.g., [31]. Furthermore, we did not include dialogue-based systems, which were task-oriented,
but not on a recommendation task, e.g., the end-to-end learning approaches presented in [159] and
[76], which focus on restaurant search and movie-ticket booking. Furthermore, we excluded a few
works like [50] or [174], which use the term “interactive recommendation”, which however rather
refers to a system that addresses observed user interest changes over time, but is not designed to
support a dialogue with the user. Other works like [138] or [174] mainly focus on finding good
strategies for acquiring an initial set of ratings for cold-start users. While these works can be seen
as supporting an interactive process, there is only one type of interaction, which is furthermore
mostly limited to a profile-building phase. Finally, there are a number of works where users of
a recommendation systems are provided with mechanisms to fine-tune their recommendations,
which is sometimes referred to as “user control” [61]. Such works, e.g., [163], in principle support
user actions that can be found in some CRS, for example to give feedback on a recommendation.
The interaction style of such approaches is however not a dialogue with the system.


The recent interest in CRS is spurred both by developments in NLP and technological advances
such as broadband mobile internet access and new devices like smartphones and home assistants.
Our review of the literature however shows that the interaction between users and a CRS is neither
limited to natural language input and output nor to specific devices.

3.1 Input and Output Modalities

The majority of the surveyed papers explicitly or implicitly support two main forms of inputs and
outputs, either as the only modality or combined in a hybrid approach:
• Based on forms and structured layouts, as in a traditional web-based (desktop) application.
• Based on natural language, either in written or spoken form.
Approaches that are exclusively based on forms (including buttons, radio-buttons etc.) and
structured text for the output are common for almost all (except [47]) critiquing-based approaches,
e.g., [7, 39, 52, 89, 123], as well as for web-based interactive advisory solutions as presented, e.g., in
[41, 55, 60]. In such applications, users typically follow pre-defined dialogue paths and interact with
the application by filling forms or choosing from pre-defined options. The final output typically is
a structured visual representation in the form of a list of options.
On the other hand, approaches that are entirely based on natural language interactions include
task-oriented dialogue systems like the early proposal from [127], the explanation-aware conver-
sational system proposed in [109], as well as more recent (deep) learning-based approaches, e.g.,
[46, 48, 77]. Spoken-text-only approaches are often implemented on smart speakers like Amazon
3A few additional papers were considered later on based on reviewer suggestions. Overall, while this research is not the
result of a systematic literature review, we are confident that the selection of considered papers is not biased, given our
structured and documented search process.
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Alexa or Google Home, e.g., [4, 36]. Compared to form-based approaches, these solutions usually
offer more flexibility in the dialogue and sometimes support chit-chat and mixed-initiative dia-
logues. Major challenges can, however, lie in the understanding of the users’ utterances and the
identification of their intents. But also the presentation of the recommendations can be difficult, in
particular when more than one option should be provided at once.
Hybrid approaches that combine natural language with other modalities are, therefore, not
uncommon. For example, systems that support written natural language dialogues often rely on
list-based or other visual approaches to present their results [73, 172]. The work presented in
[167], on the other hand, supports a hybrid visual/natural language interaction mechanism, where
recommendations are displayed visually, and users can provide feedback to certain features in a
critiquing-like form in natural language. Yet other systems support voice input, but present the
recommendations in textual form [47, 142], because it can be difficult to present more than one
recommendation at a time through spoken language without overwhelming the users. Chatbot
applications, finally, often combine natural language input and output with structured form elements
(e.g., buttons) and a visually-structured representation of the recommendations [53, 62, 100, 114].
Besides written or spoken language and fill-out forms, a few other alternative and application-
specific modalities for inputs and outputs can be found. The dialogue system presented in [150],
for example, supports multiple types of inputs, including visual inputs on a geographic map, pen
gestures like zooming, or handwritten input. The work proposed in [18] furthermore tries to process
non-verbal input, like body postures, gestures, facial expressions, as well as speech prosody to estimate
the user’s emotions and attitudes in order to acquire implicit feedback and preferences.
In terms of the outputs, several approaches use interactive geographic maps, often as part of a
multi-modal output strategy [5, 39, 73, 150]. The applicability of map-based approaches is limited to
certain application domains, e.g., travel and tourism, but can help to overcome various challenges
regarding the user experience with conversational systems [125]. The use of embodied conversational
agents (ECAs) [19] as an additional output mechanism is also not uncommon in the literature
[41, 52] because of the assumed general persuasive potential of human-like avatars [2, 38]. Various
factors can impact the effectiveness of such ECAs. In [43], for example, the authors analyze the
effects of non-verbal behavior (e.g., the facial expressions) on the effectiveness of an ECA in the
context of a dialogue-based recommender system. Research on the specific effects of using different
variants of an ECA in the context of recommender systems is, however, generally rare.
Finally, a few works exist where users interact with a recommendation system within a virtual,
three-dimensional space. In [33, 34], the authors describe a virtual shopping environment where
users interact with a critiquing-based recommender and can, in addition, collaborate with other
users. Supporting group decisions is also the goal of the work presented in [1]. In this work, however
no 3D visualization is supported, and the focus of the work is mostly to enable the conversation
between a group of users supported by a recommender system. Figure 2 provides an overview of
common input and output modalities found in the literature.

3.2 Application Environment

Stand-alone and Embedded Applications. CRS can both be stand-alone applications or part of
a larger software solution. In the first case, recommendation is the central functionality of the
system. Examples for such applications include the mobile tourist guides proposed in [7, 60, 86], the
interactive e-commerce advisory systems discussed in [41, 58], or the early FindMe browsing and
shopping systems [14, 15]. In the second case, that of an embedded application, the CRS does not
(entirely) stand on its own. Often, the CRS is implemented in the form of chatbot that is embedded
within e-commerce solutions [32, 164] or other types of web-portals [21]. In some cases, the CRS is
also part of a multi-modal 2D or 3D user experience, like in [33] and [43]. A special case in this
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems 105:7

Input and Output 

Natural Language Forms and  Application‐Specific 

Structured Layouts Inputs and Outputs
Spoken Written

Embodied Agents … 3D Space
Maps (including non‐verbal acts)
(including gestures)

Fig. 2. Categorization of input and output modalities.

context is the use of a CRS on voice-based home assistants (smart speakers) [4, 36]. In such settings,
providing recommendations is only one of many functionalities the device is capable of. Users
might therefore not actually perceive the system as primarily being a recommender.
Supported Devices. An orthogonal aspect regarding the application environment of a CRS is
that of the supported devices. This is particularly important, because the specific capabilities and
features of the target device can have a significant impact on the design choices when building a
CRS. The mentioned smart speaker applications, for example, are specifically designed for hardware
devices that often only support voice-based interactions. This can lead to specific challenges, e.g.,
when it comes to determining the user’s intent or when a larger set of alternatives should be
presented to the users. The interaction with chatbot applications, on the other hand, is typically
not tied to specific hardware devices. Commonly, they are either designed as web applications or
as smartphone and tablet applications. However, the choice of the used communication modality
can still depend on the device characteristics. Typing on small smartphone screens may be tedious
and the limited screen space in general requires the development of tailored user interfaces.
The applicability of CRS is not limited to the mentioned devices. Alternative approaches were, for
example, investigated in [18, 37]. Here, the idea is that the CRS is implemented as an application on
an interactive wall that could be installed in a real store. A camera is furthermore used to monitor
and interpret the user’s non-verbal communication actions, in particular facial expressions and
gestures. An alternative on-site environment was envisioned in [170]. Here, the ultimate goal is
to build a CRS running on a service robot, in this case one that is able to elicit a customer’s food
preferences in a restaurant. Yet another application scenario, that of future in-car recommender
systems, is sketched in [83]. Given the specific situation in a driving scenario, the use of speech
technology often is advisable [22], which almost naturally leads to conversational recommendation
approaches, e.g., for driving-related aspects like navigation or entertainment [8, 9].

3.3 Interaction Initiative

A central design question for most conversational systems is who takes the initiative in the dialogue.
Traditionally, we can differentiate between (i) system-driven, (ii) user-driven, and (iii) mixed-initia-
tive systems. When considering CRS primarily as dialogue systems, such a classification can in
principle be applied as well, but the categorization is not always entirely clear.
Critiquing-based systems are often considered to be mainly system-driven, and sometimes mixed-
initiative, e.g., in [148]. In such applications, the users are typically first asked about their preferences,
e.g., using a form, and then an initial recommendation is presented. Users can then use a set of
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pre-defined or dynamically determined critiques to further refine their preferences. While the users
in such applications have some choices regarding the dialogue flow, e.g., they can decide to accept a
recommendation or further apply critiques, these choices are typically very limited and the available
critiques are determined by the system. Another class of mostly system-driven applications are
the form-based interactive advisory systems discussed in [41]. Here, the system guides the user
through a personalized preference elicitation dialogue until enough is known about the user. Only
after the initial recommendations are displayed, the user can influence the dialogue by selecting
from pre-defined options like asking for an explanation or by relaxing some constraints.
The other extreme would be a user-driven system, where the system takes no proactive role.
The resulting dialogue therefore consists of “user-asks, system-responds” pairs, and it stands to
question if we would call such an exchange a conversational recommendation. Such conversation
patterns are rather typical for one-shot query-answering, search and recommendation systems that
are not in the scope of our survey. As a result, in the papers considered relevant for this study, we
did not find any paper that aimed at building an entirely user-driven system in which the system
never actively engages in a dialogue, e.g., when it does not ask any questions ever. A special case in
that context is the recommender system proposed in [82], which monitors an ongoing group chat
and occasionally makes recommendations to the group based on the observed communication.
This observation is not surprising because every CRS is a task-oriented system aiming to achieve
goals like obtaining enough reliable information about the user’s preferences. As a result, almost
all approaches in the literature are mixed-initiative systems, although with different degrees of
system guidance. Typical chatbot applications, for example, often guide users through a series of
questions with pre-defined answer options (using forms and buttons), and at the same time allow
them to type in statements in natural language. In fully NLP-based interfaces, users typically have
even more freedom to influence how the dialogue continues. Still, also in these cases, the system
typically has some agenda to move the conversation forward.
Technically, even a fully NLP-based dialogue can almost entirely be system-driven and mostly
rely on a “system asks, user responds” [172] conversation pattern. Nonetheless, the provision of a
natural language user interface might leave the users disappointed when they find out that they
can never actively engage in the conversation, e.g., by asking a clarification question or explanation
regarding the system’s question.

3.4 Discussion
A variety of ways exist in which the user’s interaction with a CRS can be designed, e.g., in terms
of the input and output modalities, the supported devices, or the level of user control. In most
surveyed papers, these design choices are, however, rarely discussed. One reason is that in many
cases the proposed technical approach is mostly independent of the interaction modality, e.g., when
the work is on a new strategy to determine the next question to ask to the user. In other cases, the
modalities are pre-determined by the given research question, e.g., how to build a CRS on a mobile.
More research therefore seems required to understand how to make good design choices in
these respects and what the implications and limitations of each design choice are. Regarding the
chosen form of inputs and outputs, it is, for example, not always entirely clear if natural language
interaction makes the recommendation more efficient or effective compared to form-based inputs.
Pure natural language interfaces in principle provide the opportunity to elicit preferences in a
more natural way. However, these interfaces have their limitations as well. The accuracy of the
speech recognizer, for example, can have a major impact on the system’s usability. In addition, some
users might also be better acquainted and feel more comfortable with more traditional interaction
mechanisms (forms and buttons). According to the study in [54], a mix of a natural language
interface and buttons led to the best user experience. Moreover, in [102], it turned out that in
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems 105:9

situations of disambiguation, i.e., when a user has to choose among a set of multiple alternatives,
mixed-interaction mode (NLP interface with buttons) can make the task easier for users. Overall,
while in some cases the choice of the modalities is predetermined through the device, finding an
optimal combination of interaction modalities remains challenging, in particular as individual user
preferences might play a role here.
More studies are also needed to understand how much flexibility in the dialogue is required
by users or how much active guidance by the system is appreciated in a certain application.
Furthermore, even though language-based and in particular voice-based conversations have become
more popular in recent years, certain limitations remain. It is, for example, not always clear
how one would describe a set of recommendations when using voice output. Reading out more
than one recommendation seems impractical in most cases and something that we could call
“recommendation summarization” might be needed.
Despite these potential current limitations, we expect a number of new opportunities where CRS
can be applied in the future. With the ongoing technological developments, more and more devices
and machines are equipped with CPUs and are connected to the internet. In-store interactive
walls, service robots and in-car recommenders, as discussed above, are examples of visions that are
already pursued today. These new applications will, however, also come with their own general
challenges (e.g., privacy considerations, aspects of technology acceptance) and application-specific
ones (e.g., safety considerations in an in-car setting).


Depending on the chosen technical approach, CRS have to incorporate various types of knowledge
and background data to function. Clearly, like any recommender, there has to be information about
the recommendable items. Likewise, the generation of the recommendations is either based on
explicit knowledge, for example recommendation rules or constraints, or on machine learning
models that are trained on some background data. However, conversational systems usually rely on
additional types of knowledge about the user intents that the CRS supports, the possible states in
the dialogue, or data such as recorded and transcribed natural language recommendation dialogues
that are used to train a machine learning model. In the following sections, we provide an overview
on the different types of knowledge and data that were used in the literature to build a CRS.

4.1 User Intents

CRS are dialogue systems designed to serve very specific purposes in the context of information
filtering and decision making. Therefore, they have to support their users’ particular information
needs and intents that can occur in such conversations. In many CRS, the set of user intents that the
system supports is pre-defined and represents a major part of the manually engineered background
knowledge on which the system is built. In particular in NLP-based approaches, detecting the
current user’s intent and selecting the system’s response is one of the main computational tasks of
the system, see also Section 5. In this section, we will therefore mainly focus on NLP-based systems.
The set of user intents that the system supports varies across the different CRS that are found in
the literature, and the choice of which intents to support ultimately depends on the requirements
of the application domain. However, while a subset of the intents that the system supports is
sometimes specific to the application as well, there are a number of intents that are common in
many CRS. In Table 1, we provide a high-level overview of domain-independent user intents that
we have found in our literature review. The order of the intents in Table 1 roughly follows the flow
of a typical recommendation dialogue. This overview is also intended to serve as a tool for the
designers of CRS to check if there are any gaps in their current system with respect to potential
user needs that are not well supported.
105:10 Dietmar Jannach et al.

Research on what are relevant user intents is generally scarce, and we only found 11 papers that
explicitly discussed user intents. Among these 11, only few of them, e.g., see [16, 100, 164], considered
the majority of the domain-independent intents shown in Table 1. Others like [65, 105, 142] only
discuss certain subsets of them. Yet another set of papers focused on very application-specific
intents in the context of group recommendation [1, 103].

Table 1. High-level overview of selected domain-independent user intents found in the literature.

Intent Name Intent Description

Initiate Conversation Start a dialogue with the system.
Chit-chat Utterances unrelated to the recommendation goal.
Provide Preferences Share preferences with the system.
Revise Preferences Revise previously stated preferences.
Ask for Recommendation Obtain system suggestions.
Obtain Explanation Learn more about why something was recommended.
Obtain Details Ask about more details of a recommended object.
Feedback on Recommendation Give feedback on the provided recommendation(s).
Restart Restart the dialogue.
Accept Recommendation Accept one of the recommendations.
Quit Terminate the conversation.

Starting, re-starting, and ending the dialogue. In NLP-based CRS, either the system or the user can
initiate the dialogue. In a user-driven conversation, the recommendation seeker might, for example,
explicitly ask for help [100] or make a recommendation request [162] to start the interaction. One
typical difficulty in this context is to recognize such requests when the dialogue starts with chit-chat.
Once the recommendation dialogue is moving on, it is not uncommon that users want to start
over, i.e., begin the session from scratch and “reset their profile” [100]. Previous studies found
that such an intent was found in 5.2% of the dialogues [16] or that 36.4% of the users had this
intent in a conversation [65]. Finally, at the end of the conversation, the user has either found a
recommendation useful and accepts it in some form (e.g., by purchasing or consuming an item)
or not. In either case, the CRS has to react to the intent in some form by redirecting the user
accordingly, e.g., to the shopping basket, or by saying goodbye.
Chit-chat. Many NLP-based systems support chit-chat in the conversation. In the study in [164],
nearly 80% of the recorded user utterances were considered chit-chat. This number indicates that
supporting chit-chat conversations can be a valuable means to create an engaging user experience.
Furthermore, the study in [164] showed that chit-chat can also help to reduce user dissatisfaction,
even though this part of the conversation is irrelevant to achieving the interaction goal.
Preference Elicitation. Understanding the user’s preferences is a key task for any CRS. Preference
information can be provided by the user in different ways. In an initial phase of the dialogue, the
user might specify some of the desired characteristics of the item that she or he is interested in or
even provide strict filtering constraints. In [105], this process is termed as “give criteria”. In later
phases, the user might however also want to revise the previously stated preferences. Note that
some authors also consider answering—to a system-provided question or proposal for a constraint
[25, 145]—as a dialogue intent during preference elicitation [156]. Since in NLP-based systems a
user may respond in an arbitrary way, it is clearly important for the system to disambiguate an
answer by the user from other utterances. Such an “Answer” intent nonetheless is different from
the other intents discussed here, as the intent is a response to the system’s initiative of asking.
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems 105:11

Also later in the process, preferences can be stated by the user in different ways after an initial
recommendation is made by the system. In critiquing-based approaches, the users can, for example,
add additional constraints in case the choice set is too large, relax some of the previously stated
ones, or state that they already know the item [56, 123, 142]. Generally, a system might also allow
the user to inspect, modify, and delete the current profile (supporting a “show profile” intent) [100].
By analyzing the interaction logs of a prototypical voice-controlled movie recommender, e.g., in
[65], the authors found that many users (41.1%) at some stage try to refine their initially stated
preferences. In particular in case of unsatisfactory system responses, some users might furthermore
also have the intent to “reject” [156] a recommendation or “restate” their preferences. In the study
presented in [16], this however happened only in 1.5% of the interactions.
Obtaining Recommendations and Explanations. There are various ways in which users might ask
for recommendations and additional information about the items. Asking for recommendations
often happens at the very beginning of a dialogue, but this event can also occur after the user has
revised the preferences. In case a currently displayed list of options is not satisfactory, users also
might ask the system to “show more” options [16] or ask for a similar item for comparison. For
each of the items, the user might want to learn more about its details or ask for an explanation, e.g.,
why it was recommended [100]. Finally, an alternative form of requesting a recommendation is to
ask the system about its opinion (“how about”) regarding a certain item, see e.g., [164].

4.2 User Modeling

The interactive elicitation of the user’s current preferences or needs and constraints is another
central task of CRS. As discussed above, this can be done through different modalities and by
supporting various ways for users to express what they want. The acquired preferences are typically
recorded in explicit form within a user profile, based on which further inferences regarding the
relevance of individual items can be made. There are two main ways of representing the preference
information in such explicit models:
• Preference expressions or estimates regarding individual items, e.g., ratings, like and dislike
statements, or implicit feedback signals. In [39], for example, users are initially presented
with a number of tourism destinations and asked which of them match their preferences.
• Preferences regarding individual item facets. These facets can either relate to item attributes
(e.g., the genre of a movie) or the desired functionalities.
For the latter class of approaches, the goal of the CRS is sometimes referred to as “slot filling”,
i.e., the recommender seeks to obtain values for a set of pre-defined facets. Sometimes, also the
preference strength, e.g., must or wish, can be relevant [123]. While different approaches for mining
possible facets from structured and unstructured text documents were proposed in the literature
[157], the set of facets is often manually engineered based on domain expertise. Furthermore, in
case the facets refer to functional requirements as in [55, 160], additional knowledge has to be
encoded in the system to match these requirements with the recommendable items. In [55], for
example, the user of an interactive camera recommender is asked about the type of photos she or
he wants to take (e.g., sports photography), and a constraint-based system is then used to determine
cameras that are suited for this purpose.
Finally, a few works exist that do not assume the existence of a set of engineered item features. In
[119], for example, an approach is proposed for preference elicitation, where user repeatedly specify
preferences on items and the system then finds items that are similar in terms of unstructured
features like keywords or tags. Similarly, other types of non-engineered features (tags, key phrases,
or latent representations) were used in the preference elicitation approaches proposed in [81, 84]
and [149].
105:12 Dietmar Jannach et al.

Besides such ephemeral user models that are constructed during the ongoing session, some
approaches in the literature also maintain long-term preference profiles [4, 123, 142, 154]. In the
critiquing approach in [123], for example, the system tries to derive long-term and supposedly
more stable preferences (e.g., for non-smoking rooms in restaurants) from multiple sessions. In
the content-based recommendation approach adopted in [142], a probabilistic model is maintained
based on past user preferences for items. In general, a key problem when recommending based
on two types of models (long-term and short-term) is to determine the relative importance of the
individual models. One so far unexplored option could lie in the consideration of contextual factors
such as seasonal aspects, the user’s location, or the time of the day.
Finally, there are also approaches that try to leverage information about the collective preferences
of a user community, in particular for cold-start situations [101]. If nothing or little is known yet
about the user’s preferences, a common strategy is to recommend popular items, where item
popularity can be determined based on user ratings, reviews, or past sales numbers as in [47]. The
feedback obtained for these popular items can then be used to further refine the user model.

4.3 Dialogue States

To be able to support a multi-turn, goal-oriented dialogue with their users, CRS have to implement
appropriate means to keep track of the state of the dialogue to decide on the next conversational
move, i.e., the next action. In many CRS implementations and in particular in knowledge-based
approaches, dialogue management is based on a finite state machine, which not only defines the
possible states but also the allowed transitions between the states [85, 86, 153, 155]. In the Advisor
Suite framework [55, 58], for example, the entire recommendation logic including the dialogue
flow was modelled with the help of graphical editors.

A Conditional 
Phase 1 Dialog pages / 
Personalized  Interaction 
B C dialog page steps

D F Hint

Phase n


Presentation  Explanation
of proposal


Fig. 3. Pre-defined dialogue states in the Advisor Suite system (adapted from [58]).

Figure 3 shows a schematic overview of such a dialogue model. It consists of (i) a number of
dialogue steps that to acquire the user’s preferences through questions, and (ii) special dialogue
states in which the system presents the results, provides explanations, or shows a comparison
between different alternatives. The possible transitions are defined at design time, but which path is
taken during the dialogue is determined dynamically based on decision rules. Another example for
a work that is based on a pre-defined set of states and possible transitions is the interactive tourism
recommender system proposed in [86]. In their case, the transitions at run-time are not determined
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems 105:13

based on manually engineered decision rules, but learned from the data using reinforcement
learning techniques, where one goal is to minimize the number of required interaction steps.
Technically, there are different ways of explicitly representing such state machines. Some tools,
as the one mentioned above, use visual representations, others rely on textual and declarative
representations like “dialogue grammars” [13] and case-frames [12]. Google’s DialogFlow4 , as an
example of a commercial service, uses a visual tool to model linear and non-linear conversation
flows, where non-linear means that there are different execution paths, depending on the user’s
responses or contextual factors. Finally, in some cases, the possible states are simply hard-coded as
part of the general program logic of the application.
In some works, and in particular in early critiquing-based ones which are based on forms and
buttons [122, 123, 134], only a few generic dialogue states exist, which means that no complex flow
has to be designed. After an initial preference elicitation stage, recommendations are presented,
and the system offers a number of critiques that the user can apply until a recommendation is
accepted or rejected. Dialogue state management is therefore in some ways relatively light-weight.
The main task of the system in terms of dialogue management is to keep track of the user responses
and, in case of dynamic critiquing, make inferences regarding the next critiques to offer.
Similarly, in some NLP-based conversational preference elicitation systems such as [29, 172],
there are mainly two phases: asking questions, in this case in an adaptive way, and presenting a
recommendation list. In other NLP-based systems, the possible dialogue states are not modeled
explicitly as such, but implicitly result from the implemented intents. For example, whether or not
there is a dialogue state “provide explanation” depends on the question whether a corresponding
intent was considered in the design phase of the system.
Finally, in the NLP-based end-to-end learning CRS proposed in [75], the dialogue states are in
some ways also modeled implicitly, but in a different way. This system is based on a corpus of
recorded human conversations (between crowdworkers) centered around movie recommendations.
This corpus is used to train a complex neural model, which is then used to react to utterances
by users. Looking at the conversation examples, these conversations, besides some chit-chat,
mainly consist of interactions where one communication partner asks the other if she or he likes a
certain movie. The sentiment of the answer of the movie seeker is then analyzed to make another
recommendation, again mostly in the form of a question. The dialogue model is therefore relatively
simple and encoded in the neural model. It seemingly does not support many other types of intents
or information requests that do not contain movie names (e.g., “I would like to see a sci-fi movie”).

4.4 Background Knowledge

Besides the discussed knowledge regarding the set of supported user intents or the possible dialogue
states, CRS are based on additional types of knowledge and data. This knowledge for example
includes information related to the items (e.g., attributes and ratings), corpora of logged natural
language conversations for learning, and additional knowledge sources used for entity recognition.
4.4.1 Item-related Information. Like any recommender, also a conversational system has to have
access to a database with information about the recommendable items. Such a database can contain
item ratings, meta-data that can be presented to the user (e.g., the genre of a movie or the director),
community-provided tags, or extracted keyphrases. These item attributes can furthermore serve
as a basis for other computational tasks, e.g., to compute the personalized recommendations, to
generate explanations, or to determine which questions can be asked to the user.
In the examined papers, we found that researchers used a number of different databases. Some
works are based on typical rating datasets, e.g., from MovieLens or Netflix, whereas other researchers
4 https://dialogflow.com/
105:14 Dietmar Jannach et al.

created their own datasets or relied on preexisting datasets from different domains. In Table 2, we
provide examples of datasets containing item-related information. It can be observed that it is not
uncommon, e.g., in critiquing-based applications, that researchers solely rely on datasets which
they created or collected for the purpose of their studies, i.e., there is limited reuse of datasets by
other researchers. One main underlying reason is that in most papers we analyzed, researchers did
not publicly share their datasets.

Table 2. Examples of datasets containing item-related information.

Domain Description
Movies Traditional movie rating databases from MovieLens, EachMovie, Netflix, used
for example in [75, 174, 174].
Electronics A product database with more than 600 distinct products was collected from
various retailers [47].
A smartphone database consisting of 1721 products with multiple features [34].
An Amazon electronics review datasetcontaining millions of products, user
reviews and product meta-data [172].
A dataset consisting of 120 personal computers, each with 8 features [134].
Travel More than 100 sightseeing spots in Japan with 25 different features [53].
A database of restaurants in the San Francisco area covering 1,900 items with
multiple features like cuisine, ratings, price, location, or parking [142].
Search logs and reviews of 3,549 users of a restaurant review provider, focusing
on locations in Cambridge [29].
A travel destinations dataset, crawled from online platforms containing
5,723,169 venues in 180 cities around the globe [39].
A restaurants dataset crawled for Dublin city, which consists of 632 restaurants
with 28 different features [92].
Food Recipes A food recipe dataset containing dishes and their ingredients [170].
E-commerce A product database of 11M products and logged data from the search engine
of an e-commerce website was collected. The logged data consists of 3,146,063
unique questions [164].
Music A music dataset crawled from multiple online sources, containing 2,778 songs
with 206k explanatory statements and 22 user tags [173].

4.4.2 Dialogue Corpora Created to Build CRS. NLP-based dialogue systems are usually based
on training data that consist of recorded and often annotated conversations between humans
(interaction histories). A number of initiatives were therefore devoted to create such datasets
that can be used to build CRS. Other researchers, in contrast, rely on dialogue datasets that were
created or collected for other purposes. Generally, these corpora can be obtained with the help of
crowdworkers [64, 75, 139], by annotating interviews [16, 18, 109], or by logging interactions with
a chatbot like in [63]. Table 3 shows examples of such datasets used in recent research.
Note that in some cases when building a CRS, these dialogue corpora are combined with other
knowledge bases [75, 170]. In [75], for example, both a dialogue corpus and MovieLens data are
used for the purposes of sentiment analysis and rating prediction. Such a combination of datasets
can be necessary when there is not enough relevant information in the dialogues.
4.4.3 Logged Interaction Histories. Building an effective CRS requires to understand the conver-
sational needs of the users, e.g., how they prefer to provide their preferences, which intents they
might have, and so on. One way to better understand these needs is to log and analyze interactions
between users and a prototypical system. These logs then serve as a basis for further research.
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems 105:15

Table 3. Examples of dialogue corpora created or used to build CRS.

Domain Name Description

Movies ReDial Crowdworkers from Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) were used to collect
over 10,000 dialogues centered around the theme of providing movie
recommendations [75]. A paired mechanism was used where one person
acts as a recommendation seeker and the other as a recommender.
CCPE-M A Wizard-of-Oz (WoZ) approach is taken to elicit movies preferences
from crowdworkers within natural conversations. The dataset consists of
over 500 dialogues that contain over 10,000 preference statements [116].
GoRecDial This dataset consists of 9,125 dialogue interactions and 81,260 conversation
turns collected through pairs of human workers; here also one plays the
role of a movie seeker and the other as a recommender [64].
bAbI In [100], the authors used a general movie dialogue dataset provided by
Facebook Research [40] to build a CRS. The dataset contains task-based
conversations in a question-answering style. It consists of 6,733 and 6,667
dialogue conversations for training and testing respectively.
Restaurants CRM An initial dataset containing 385 dialogues is collected using a pre-defined
and Travel dialogue template through AMT [139]. Using this dataset, a larger syn-
thetic dataset of 875,721 simulated dialogues is created.
ParlAI A goal-oriented, extended version of the bAbI dataset that was collected
using a bot and users. It consists of three datasets (training, development
and testing), each comprising 6,000 dialogues. [63].
MultiWOZ A large human-human dialogue corpus, which covers 7 domains and
consists of 8,438 multi-turn dialogues around the themes of travel &
planning recommendation [162].
Fashion MMD A dataset consisting of 150,000 conversations between shoppers and a
large number of expert sales agents is collected. 9 dialogue states were
identified in the resulting dataset [129].
Multi-domain OpenDialKG Chat conversation between humans, consisting of 15,000 dialogues and
91,000 conversation turns on movies, books, sports, and music [97].

Differently from the dialogue corpora discussed above, these datasets were often not primarily
created to build a CRS, but to better understand the interaction behavior of users. In [154, 155],
for example, the interactions of the user with a specific NLP-based CRS were analyzed regarding
dialogue quality and dialogue strategies. In [16, 18], user studies were conducted prior to developing
the recommender system to understand and classify possible feedback types by users. In some
approaches like [18, 114] researchers annotated and labeled such datasets for the purpose of model
training and system initialization. However, such logged histories are—except for [114]—typically
much smaller in size than the dialogue corpora discussed above, mostly because they were collected
during studies with a limited number of participants. Examples of datasets obtained by logging
system interactions and user studies are shown in Table 4.

4.4.4 Lexicons and World Knowledge. Researchers often use additional knowledge bases to
support the entity recognition process in NLP-based systems. In [73, 80], for instance, information
was harvested from online sources such as Wikipedia or Wikitravel to develop dictionaries for the
purpose of entity-keyword mapping. Similarly, the WordNet corpus was used in [73] to determine
the semantic distance of an identified keyword in a conversation with predefined entities. More
examples for the use of lexicons and world knowledge are shown in Table 5.
105:16 Dietmar Jannach et al.

Table 4. Examples of datasets obtained from logged system interactions and user studies.

Domain Description
Movies A dialogue dataset involving 347 users was collected in [65] during the experi-
mental evaluation of a recommender system.
A subset of the ReDial dataset was analyzed and annotated in [16] to classify
the user feedback types in 200 dialogues at the utterance level.
A dialogue corpus was collected in [154] for the purpose of dialogue quality
analysis consisting of 226 complete dialogue turns with 20 users.
A user study was conducted in [155], where a movie seeker and a human
recommender converse with each other. The dialogue corpus consists of 2,684
utterances and 24 complete dialogues.
Travel A dataset containing preferences for hotel, flight, car rental searches was col-
lected in [4] involving 200 users of a content-based recommender system that
supports multiple tasks (i.e., hotel, car, flight booking) in the same dialogue.
Fashion A user study was conducted using a virtual shopping system. A non-verbal
feedback (e.g., gestures, facial expressions, voices) dataset involving 345 subjects
was collected and then annotated for model training [18].
E-commerce A dataset containing conversation logs of users with a chatbot of an online
customer service center (Alibaba.com) was collected in [114]. It consists of over
91,000 Q&A pairs as a knowledge base used for the information retrieval task.

Table 5. Examples of the use of lexicons and world knowledge.

Source Name Description

Wikipedia A dataset crawled from online sources (Wikipedia and Wikitravel) for the purpose of
entity recognition in the travel domain [73].
WordNet WordNet is used in order to compute the semantic distance between entities and
keywords mentioned in the conversation [73, 80].
Wikiquote A quote dataset crawled from two online sources, wikiquote.com and the Oxford
Concise Dictionary of Proverbs [70].
Citysearch In [80], a dataset of 137,000 users reviews on 24,000 restaurants was harvested from
two online sources (citysearch.com and menupages.com to generate a dictionary of
mappings between semantic representations of cuisines and dialogue concepts.

4.5 Discussion
Our discussions show that CRS can be knowledge-intensive or data-intensive systems. Differently
from the traditional recommendation problem formulation, where the goal is to make relevance
predictions for unseen items, CRS often require much more background information than just a
user-item rating matrix, in particular in the context of dialogue management.
Pre-defined Knowledge vs. Learning Approaches. In CRS approaches that use forms and buttons as
the only interaction mechanism, the interaction flow is typically pre-defined in the form of the
possible dialogue states, the set of supported user intents, and the user profile attributes to acquire.
NLP-based systems, in contrast, are usually more dynamic in terms of the dialogue flow, and they
rely on additional knowledge sources like dialogue corpora and answer templates as well as lexicon
and word knowledge bases. Nonetheless, these systems typically require the manual definition of
additional background knowledge, e.g., with respect to the supported user intents.
Pure “end-to-end” learning only from recorded dialogues seems challenging. In most existing
approaches the set of supported interaction patterns is implicitly or explicitly predefined, e.g., in the
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems 105:17

form of “user provides preferences, systems recommends”. To a certain extent, also the collection
of human-to-human dialogues can be designed to support possible system responses like in [75],
where the crowdworkers were given specific instructions regarding the expected dialogues. As a
result, the range of supported dialogue utterances can be relatively narrow. The system presented
in [75], for example, cannot handle a query like “good sci-fi movie please”.
Intent Engineering and Dialogue States. In case a richer dialogue and additional functionalities
are desirable, the definition of the supported user intents usually is a central and often manual task
during CRS development. Compared to general-purpose dialogue systems and home assistants,
however, the set of user intents that will be supported is often relatively small. We have identified
some common intent categories in Section 4.1. Depending on the domain, also very specific intents
can be supported, e.g., asking for a style tip in a fashion recommender system [105]. Furthermore,
yet another set of possible user intents has to be supported in CRS that are designed for group
decision scenarios. Typical user intents can, for example, relate to the invitation of collaborators
[103] or to a request for a group recommendation. Furthermore, there might be user utterances
that relate to the resolution of preference conflicts and voting among group members [1, 91, 103].
Generally, the set of user intents that the system supports determines how rich and varied the
resulting conversations can be. Not being able to appropriately react to user utterances can be
highly detrimental to the quality perception of the system. For example, being able to explain the
recommendations that the system makes is often considered as a key feature to make decision-
making easier or to increase user trust in a recommender system. A user of an NLP-based system
might therefore be easily disappointed by the conversation if the system fails to recognize and
respond to a request for an explanation.
A key challenge therefore is to anticipate or learn over time which intents the users might
have. Depending on the application and used technology, the design and implementation of an
intent database (e.g., using Google’s DialogFlow engine) can lead to substantial manual efforts
and require the involvements of professional writers to achieve a certain naturalness and richness
of the conversation. At the same time, the rule-based modeling approach (“if-this-then-that”) as
implemented by major solution providers can easily lead to large knowledge bases that are difficult
to maintain, leading to a need for alternative modeling approaches [140].

Having discussed possible user intents in recommendation dialogues, we will now review common
computational tasks and technical approaches for CRS. We distinguish between (i) main tasks, i.e.,
those related more directly to the recommendation process, e.g., compute recommendations or
determine the next question to ask, and (ii) additional, supporting tasks.

5.1 Main Tasks

Broadly speaking, CRS carry out four general types of tasks (or: system actions) during conversa-
tions [26, 101]: Request, Recommend, Explain, and Respond, see Figure 4. However, not every CRS
necessarily implements all of them. System-driven CRS (as described in Section 3.3) usually drive
the conversation by requesting user preferences on attributes and allowing users to give feedback
on recommendations through multiple interaction cycles. User-driven systems, in contrast, can
take a more passive role, and mainly respond to conversational acts by the user. In mixed-initiative
systems, e.g., those based on natural language interfaces, all types of actions can be found.
5.1.1 Request. A number of CRS follow a “slot-filling” conversation approach where the system
seeks to acquire preference information about a pre-defined set of item attributes or facets. One
main computational task in this context is to determine the next question to ask, often with the
105:18 Dietmar Jannach et al.

System-driven CRS
User-driven CRS

Request Respond


Mixed-initiative CRS

Fig. 4. Major actions taken by conversational recommender systems.

goal to increase dialogue efficiency, i.e., to minimize the number of required interactions (see also
Section 6). Various methods to determine the order of the facets were proposed in the literature
[20, 132, 142, 170]. In an early system [142], specific weights were used to rank the item attributes
for which the user has not expressed preferences yet. Entropy-based methods also consider the
potential effects on the remaining item space of each attribute. They aim to identify the next question
(attribute) that helps mostly to narrow down the candidate (item) space [20, 96, 104, 132, 166],
sometimes including feature popularity information [96]. Considerations like this are typically also
the foundation of typical dynamic and compound critiquing systems [25, 90, 111, 121, 134, 148, 171].
In compound critiquing systems, in particular, the user is not asked about feedback for one single
attribute, but for more than one within one interaction, e.g., “Different Manufacturer, Lower Processor
Speed and Cheaper”. Finally, in some systems, possible sequences of questions asked to the users are
pre-defined in the form of state machines [55, 58]. At run-time, the dialogue path is then chosen
based on the users’ inputs in the ongoing session.
Instead of using heuristics for attribute selection and static dialogue state transition rules, a
number of more recent systems rely on learning-based approaches, e.g., using reinforcement
learning [86, 139, 146]. In [139], for example, the authors use a deep policy network to decide on
the system action. Based on the current dialogue state, as modeled by a belief tracker, the system
either makes a request for a pre-defined facet or generates a recommendation to be shown to the
user. An alternative learning-based way to determine the question order was proposed in [30]. In
their work, the authors design a recommender for YouTube that leverages past watching histories
of the user community and a Recurrent Neural Network architecture to rank the questions (topics)
that are shown to the user in a conversational step.
An alternative to asking users about attribute-based preferences is to ask them to give feedback on
selected items. This can be done either by asking them to rate individual items (e.g., by like/dislike
statements) or by asking them to express their preference for item pairs or entire sets of items
[81]. The computational task in this context is to determine the most informative item(s) to present
to the user. Possible strategies include the selection of popular or diverse items in the cold-start
phase, items that are different in terms of their past ratings or attributes, or itemsets that represent
a balance of popularity and diversity [17, 93, 101, 120]. However, not only item features might be
relevant for the selection of the items. In [17], the authors found that a user’s willingness to give
feedback on an item can depend on additional factors. Specifically, they identified several situations
in which the feedback probability may be higher, e.g., when the system’s predicted rating deviates
from the user’s past experience of the item. In more recent works, again learning-based approaches
are more common. The authors of [29, 174], for example, employed bandit-based approaches to
either (i) determine the next item to be shown for eliciting the user’s absolute feedback (i.e., like or
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems 105:19

dislike), or (ii) to select a pair of items for obtaining the user’s relative preference regarding these
two items.

5.1.2 Recommend. The recommendation of items is the core task of any CRS. From a technical
perspective, we can find collaborative, content-based, knowledge-based, and hybrid approaches
in the literature. Differently from non-conversational systems, the majority of the analyzed CRS
approaches mainly relies solely on short-term preference information. However, there are also
approaches that additionally consider long-term preferences of a user, e.g., to speed up the elicitation
process [82, 103, 125, 130, 139, 142, 154].
In the context of critiquing-based and knowledge-based systems, different strategies are applied
to filter and rank the items. For the filtering task, often constraint-based techniques [42] are applied
that remove items from the candidate set which do not (exactly) match the current user’s preferences.
The items that remain can then be sorted in different ways [169]. In the system proposed in [171],
for example, the user preference model is updated after a user critique by adjusting the weights of
the attributes that are involved in the critique. Then, Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) [67]
was used to calculate the utility of each candidate item for generating top-K recommendations for
the user. An alternative ranking approach was applied in [130], where a history-guided critiquing
system was proposed that aims to retrieve recommendation candidates from other users’ critiquing
sessions that are similar to the one of the current user. In [39], a critiquing-based travel recommender
system was implemented that computes recommendations based on the relevance of item attributes
to user preferences based on the Euclidean Distance.
Some works consider both long-term and short-term preferences of users when making recom-
mendations [4, 82, 123, 130]. The Adaptive Place Advisor system [142] represents an early example
of combining short-term and long-term preferences. Here, the user’s current query is expanded
by considering the probability distribution of the user’s past preference for item attributes, based
on her/his short-term constraints (within a conversation) and long-term constraints (over many
conversations). This expanded query was then used to retrieve and rank the items for recommen-
dation. In [130], the authors proposed to leverage the successful recommendation sessions in the
previous conversations to improve the efficiency of the current session (i.e., to shorten its length).
More recent works rely on machine learning models and background datasets for the recom-
mendation task. One common approach is to train a model on the traditional user-item interaction
matrix, e.g., based on probabilistic matrix factorization [29], and to then combine the user’s current
interactions with the trained user and item embeddings. In another approach [4], the authors rely
on a content-based method based on item features and the user profile in the cold-start stage, and
then switch to a Restricted Boltzmann Machine collaborative filtering method once a sufficient
number of preference signals is available. In [172], a hybrid multi-memory network with attention
mechanism was trained to find suitable recommendations based on item embeddings and the user’s
query embedding. Here, the item embedding was based on the item’s textual description, and
the user’s query embedding encoded the user’s initial request and the follow-up conversations
during the interaction. A hybrid model was also proposed in [139], which used Factorization
Machines to combine the dialogue state—represented with an LSTM-based belief tracker for each
item facet—user information, and item information to train the recommendation model. In the
video recommender system presented in [30], finally, an RNN-based model was built for making
recommendations, based on the topics selected by the users and their watching history.
In some cases, application-specific techniques were applied for the recommendation task. In
[167, 168], for example, the CRS features a visual dialogue component, where users can give
feedback based on the images, e.g., “I prefer blue color”. To implement this functionality, the system
proposed in [167] implemented a component that encoded item images and user feedback using a
105:20 Dietmar Jannach et al.

convolutional neural network, and then combined these encodings as an input to both a response
encoder and a state tracker. Furthermore, various types of user behaviors (i.e., viewing, commenting,
clicking) on the visually represented recommendation were considered in a bandit approach to
balance exploration and exploitation.

5.1.3 Explain. The value of explanations in general recommender systems is widely recognized
[51, 106, 143]. Explanations can increase the system’s perceived transparency, user trust and
satisfaction, and they can help users make faster and better decisions [45]. However, according to
our survey, few papers so far have studied the explanation issue specific to CRS.
In the context of critiquing-based systems, [110] examined the trust-building nature of explana-
tions. In this work, an “organization-based” explanation approach was evaluated, where the system
showed multiple recommendation lists to the user, each of them labelled based on the critiquing-
based selection criteria, e.g., “cheaper but heavier”. A more recent interactive explanation approach
for a mobile critiquing-based recommender was proposed in [69], where the textual explanations
to be shown to the user were determined based on the user’s preferences and constructed from
pre-defined templates.
Providing more information about a recommended item, e.g., in the form of pros and cons, is a
typical approach when providing explanations. Generating such item descriptions in a user-tailored
way in the context of CRS was proposed in [43] and [150]. In such approaches, the users’ feedback
during the conversation can influence which attributes are mentioned in the item descriptions shown
to the user in the recommendation phase. Furthermore, the user preferences can be considered to
order the arguments and to help determine which adjectives and adverbs to use in the explanation
In [101], two kinds of explanations were implemented in a CRS for movies. One was simply
based on the details of a given movie, whereas the other connects the given user preferences
with item features through a graph-based approach to create a personalized explanation. Another
graph-based approach following similar ideas was proposed in [97], where a knowledge-augmented
dialogue system for open-ended conversations was discussed. In this approach, relevant entities
and attributes in a dialogue context were retrieved by walking over a common fact knowledge
graph, and the walk path was used to create explanations for a given recommendation. In [109],
finally, a human-centered approach was employed. By analyzing a human-human dialogue dataset,
the authors identified different social strategies for explaining movie recommendations. They then
accommodated the social explanation in a conversational recommender system to improve the
users’ perception of the quality of the system.
However, for the main task of explaining, we found that little CRS-specific research exists so far,
and only a smaller set of the proposed CRS in the literature support such a functionality.

5.1.4 Respond. This category of tasks is relevant in user-driven or mixed-initiative NLP-based

CRS, where the user can actively ask questions to the system, actively make preference statements,
or issue commands. The system’s goal is to properly react to user utterances that do not fall in the
above-mentioned categories “Recommend” and “Explain”. Two main types of technical approaches
can be adopted to respond to such user utterances. One approach—also commonly used in chatbots—
is to map the utterances to pre-defined intents, such as the ones mentioned in Table 1, e.g., Obtain
Details or Restart. The system’s answers to these pre-defined intents can be implemented in the
system with the help of templates. In the literature, various user utterances are mentioned to which
a CRS should be able to respond appropriately. Examples include preference refinements, e.g., “I
like Pulp Fiction, but not Quentin Tarantino” [101], requests for more information about an item, or
a request for the system’s judgement regarding a certain item, e.g., “How about Huawei P9 ?” [164].
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems 105:21

An alternative technical approach is to select or generate the system’s responses by automatically

training a machine learning model from dialogue corpora and other knowledge sources like in
“end-to-end” learning systems, e.g., [27, 63, 64, 75]. In an open-domain dialogue system described
in [114], for example, an information retrieval model was used to retrieve an initial set of candidate
answers from a Q&A knowledge base (an online customer service chat log). Then, an attentive
sequence-to-sequence model was used to rank the candidate answers in order to determine answers
with scores that are higher than a pre-defined threshold. If no existing answer was considered
suitable, a sequence-to-sequence based model was used to generate the system’s response.
Another example for such an approach is described in [105]. In this multi-modal recommender
system, one RNN model was used to generate general responses such as greetings or chit-chat, and
a knowledge-aware RNN model was trained to answer more specific questions. For instance, when
the user asks for style-tip: “Will T-shirt complement any of these sandals?”, the system may respond
with “Yes, T-shirt will go well with these sandals” [105].
Finally, some approaches were proposed in the literature to deal with very specific dialogue
situations. One example of such a situation is a conversational breakdown, where the system is
unable to understand the user’s input [98]. Possible repair strategies, such as politeness and apology
strategies, were examined in the area of human-robot interaction to mitigate the negative impact
of such a breakdown [71, 74, 136]. Various repair strategies based on communication theory,
e.g., repeating or asking for clarifications, or strategies from explainable machine learning, e.g.,
explaining which parts of the conversation were not understood, can in principle be applied [6].

5.2 Supporting Tasks

Depending on the system’s functionality, a number of additional and supporting computational
tasks may be relevant in a CRS.

Natural Language Understanding. In NLP-based CRS, it is essential that the system understands
the users’ intents behind their utterances, as this is the basis for the selection of an appropriate
system action [118]. Two main tasks in this context are intent detection and named entity recognition,
and typical CRS architectures have corresponding components for this task. In principle, intent
detection can be seen as a classification task (dialogue act classification), where user utterances
are assigned to one or multiple intent categories [137]. Named entity recognition aims at the
identification of entities in a given utterance into pre-defined categories such as product names,
product attributes, and attribute values [164].
Although intent detection and named entity recognition have been extensively studied in general
dialogue systems [137], there are few studies specific to CRS according to our survey, possibly due
to the lack of a well-established taxonomy and large-scale annotated recommendation dialogue
data. In an early approach [142], manually-defined recognition grammars were used to map user
utterances to pre-defined dialogue situations, which is comparable to using pre-defined intents as
described above in the context of the Respond task. An example for a more recent approach can be
found in [164]. Here, a natural language understanding component for intent detection, product
category detection, and product attribute extraction was implemented in a dialogue system for
online shopping. For instance, from the utterance “recommend me a Huawei phone with 5.2 inch
screen” the system should derive the intent recommendation, the product category cellphone, as well
as the brand and the display size. To solve these tasks, the authors first collected product-related
questions from queries posted on a community site, and then extracted intent phrases (e.g., “want
to by” and “how about”) by using two phrase-based algorithms. A multi-class classifier was trained
for intent detection of new user questions. As for product category detection, the authors employed
105:22 Dietmar Jannach et al.

a CNN-based approach that took the detected intent into account to identify the category of a
mentioned product in a given utterance.
Neural networks were used also in other recent intent and entity recognition approaches [105,
146]. For example, a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) was used to predict the probability distribution
on a set of pre-defined intent categories in [105]. A sequence-to-sequence model was used in [166]
to reframe the user’s query (e.g., “How to protect my iphone screen”) into keywords (e.g., “iphone
screen protector”) that are then used in the recommendation process to identify candidate items.
Another supporting task in some applications is sentiment analysis, see, e.g., [54, 75, 100, 105, 173].
One typical goal in the context of CRS is to understand a user’s opinion about a certain item. For
example, whenever an item—e.g., a movie—is mentioned in an utterance, the sentiment of the
sentence can be used to approximate the user’s feelings about the item. This sentiment can then be
considered as an item rating, which can subsequently be used for recommending other items using
established recommendation techniques.

Specific Recommendation Functionality. Depending on the technical approach to generate recom-

mendations, specific computational subtasks may be helpful or required to support the recommen-
dation process. We will give examples from the context of critiquing-based approaches here. In
[11, 145], for example, the goal is to make “query suggestions” to users, where the term “query”
is equivalent to a critique or constraint on the item features. In the mentioned approaches, the
query suggestions (or modifications) are based on an extended analysis of the satisfiability of a
query (i.e., will the suggested query lead to any results) or dominance relations between possible
query suggestions. Generally, such query suggestions can be particularly helpful for users who
have difficulties expressing their preferences. In the field of information retrieval, many approaches
to query suggestion were proposed to assist users in expressing their information needs, see, e.g.,
[135] for a more recent example. Limited work however exists so far to apply such ideas to the
context of CRS.
A related problem in constraint-based CRS is that in some cases the user’s expressed preferences
lead to the situation that either too many items remain for recommendation or that no item is left.
Different approaches were proposed in the literature for query relaxation. In [142], for example, a
relatively simple strategy was adopted to remove some constraints. More elaborated strategies were
proposed in [56, 94] and [124]. In this latter work [124], the authors also introduce the concept of
“query tightening”. Here, the idea is to add more constraints on item attributes in case the number
of relevant items returned by the system would lead to a choice overload problem. Generally, like
for the query suggestion approaches described above, similar query revision approaches (relaxation
and tightening) were not explored to a large extent in the context of NLP-based CRS. An exception
is the concept for a chatbot presented in [104], where the system tries to first identify the cause of
the unsuccessful query and then asks the user to remove some preferences and to rank the item
features by importance. Finally, instead of returning an empty result and asking the user to revise
the preferences, approaches exist that automatically relax constraints and inform the user, e.g., that
“There are 10 cameras less than 300 euro but their resolution is between 1 and 4 mega-pixels” [55, 90].

5.3 Discussion
Our analysis shows that a wide range of technical approaches are used in the literature to support
the main computational tasks of a CRS. For the problem of computing recommendations, for
example, all sorts of approaches—collaborative, content-based, hybrid—can be used within CRS.
However, for the main task of explaining, we found that little CRS-specific research exists so far,
and only a smaller set of the proposed CRS in the literature support such a functionality.
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems 105:23

Another observation is that dialogue management is often sketched as a conceptual architectural

component, but it is then implemented either in a rather static way with pre-defined transitions, e.g,
see [86, 172], or done implicitly during the intent recognition and mapping phase or determined by
the choices of the preference acquisition strategy, e.g., slot-filling [162]. In some cases, the possible
dialogue states are furthermore quite limited, e.g., the system can either decide to ask questions or
to provide a recommendation [139]. Technically, in a few cases intent recognition and dialogue
flow management are based on commercial tools, e.g, see [5, 36].
In general, with the growing spread of chatbot applications, several commercial companies such
as Google, Microsoft, Facebook and IBM, have released frameworks or public APIs that implement
some of the mentioned computational tasks and allow developers to create their own chatbots.
These tools include Google’s DialogFlow system, Facebook’s Wit.ai, and IBM Watson Assistant 5 and
provide functionalities such as speech recognition, voice control, the identification of pre-defined
intents from natural language utterances, dialogue flow management, response generation to
specific intents, and the deployment of applications to commercial platforms. Examples of research
works that used these services include [3, 5, 21, 36, 62, 65, 133]. Frameworks for the development of
conversational systems are also provided by Microsoft through its Bot Framework and by Amazon
for its Alexa assistant and smart speakers. A CRS for the travel domain that uses Amazon Echo
smart speakers was, for example, presented in [4]. In general, however, these frameworks and
services usually do not implement functionality that is specific to recommendation problems, but
are designed to build general-purpose conversational systems.
Besides companies, also some researchers release their NLP-based CRS to the public. Exam-
ples include the VoteGoat movie recommender [36] and the ConveRSE framework for chatbot
development [54, 101].


In general, recommender systems can be evaluated along various dimensions, using different
methodological approaches [131]. First, when a system is evaluated in its context of use, i.e.,
when it is deployed, we are usually interested mostly in specific key performance indicators (KPIs)
that measure—through A/B testing—if the system is achieving what it was designed for, e.g.,
increased sales numbers or user engagement [57]. Secondly, user studies (lab experiments) typically
investigate questions related to the perceived quality of a system. Common quality dimensions are
the suitability of the recommendations, the perceived transparency of the process or the ease-of-use,
see also [113]. Offline experiments, finally, do not involve users in the evaluation, but assess the
quality based on objective metrics, e.g., the accuracy of predicting heldout ratings in a test set, by
measuring the diversity of recommendations, or by computing running times.
The same set of quality dimensions and research methods can also be applied for CRS. However,
when comparing algorithm-oriented research and research on conversational systems, we find that
the main focus of the evaluations is often a different one. Since CRS are highly interactive systems,
questions related to human-computer interaction aspects are more often investigated for these
systems. Furthermore, regarding the measurement approaches, CRS evaluations not only focus on
task fulfillment, i.e., if a recommendation was suitable or finally accepted, but also on questions
related to the efficiency or quality of the conversation itself.

6.1 Overview of Quality Dimensions, Measurements, and Methods

Through our literature review, we identified the following main categories of quality dimensions
investigated in CRS:
5 https://dialogflow.com, https://wit.ai/, https://www.ibm.com/cloud/watson-assistant/
105:24 Dietmar Jannach et al.

(1) Effectiveness of Task Support: This category refers to the ability of the CRS to support its main
task, e.g., to help the users make a decision or find an item of interest.
(2) Efficiency of Task Support: In many cases, researchers are also interested to understand how
quickly a user finds an item of interest or makes a decision.
(3) Quality of the Conversation and Usability Aspects: Analyses in this category focus on the quality
of the conversation itself and on the usability (ease-of-use) of the CRS as a whole.
(4) Effectiveness of Subtask: A number of studies investigated in our survey focus on certain subtasks
like intent or entity recognition.
In each of these dimensions, a number of different measurements are considered in the literature.
Task effectiveness, for example, can be both measured objectively (through accuracy measures,
acceptance or rejection rates) or subjectively (through surveys related to choice satisfaction or
perceived recommendation quality). Task efficiency is very often measured objectively through
the number of required interaction steps and shorter dialogues are usually considered favorable.
The quality of the conversation is most often analyzed in terms of subjective assessments, e.g., with
respect to fluency, understandability, or the quality of the responses. Finally, specific measurements
for subtasks include intent recognition rates or the accuracy of the state recognition process.
From a methodological perspective, we found works that entirely relied on offline experiments,
works that relied exclusively on user studies, and studies that combined both offline experiments
with user studies. Reports on fielded systems and A/B tests are rare. Examples of such works that
discuss deployed systems include [20, 30, 32, 55, 60, 104, 114, 164]. However, the level of detail
provided for these tests is often limited, partially informal, or only considers certain aspects like
processing times. Finally, we also found works without any evaluation or where the evaluation
was mostly qualitative or anecdotal [4, 73, 160].
In the experimental evaluations, all sorts of materials—in particular prototype applications—and
datasets were used. As discussed in Section 4, at least an item database is needed. Depending
on the technical approach, also additional types of knowledge and data are used, such as logged
conversations between humans, explicit dialogue-related knowledge such as supported intents etc.
In Figure 5, we provide an overview of the most common evaluation dimensions and evaluation
approaches, and give examples for typical measurements and datasets. In the following sections,
we will discuss some of the more typical evaluation approaches in more detail.

6.2 Review of Evaluation Approaches

6.2.1 Effectiveness of Task Support. In traditional recommender systems, the most common
evaluation approach is to determine—through offline evaluations—how accurate an algorithm is at
predicting some known, but withheld user preferences. The underlying assumption is that systems
with higher accuracy are more effective, e.g., in helping users find what they need. Objective
accuracy measures such as the RMSE or the Hit Rate are sometimes also used to evaluate CRS.
However, there are typically no long-term preferences available for conversational systems and the
system only learns about the user preferences in the ongoing usage session. Therefore, alternative
evaluation protocols are typically applied that rely on simulated users or user studies. Furthermore,
researchers sometimes use specific objective metrics besides accuracy, and they also frequently
rely on subjective quality assessments from users [27, 75, 139]. The objective and subjective quality
measures are discussed below in detail.
Objective Measures. Accuracy measures like Average Precision, the Hit Rate or RMSE were
for example used as part of the evaluations in [18, 29, 101] or [146]. In [29], a framework for
interactive preference elicitation was proposed that learns which questions should be asked to users
in the cold-start phase. To evaluate different strategies, the authors use real and simulated user
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems 105:25

CRS Evaluation

Quality Dimensions Evaluation Method Data

Measures, e.g., task completion / acceptance /  Simulation / 
Effectiveness of  rejection rate, number of add‐to‐carts, hit rate,  Item and rating 
decision accuracy, reward, engagement, BLEU 
Offline  databases
Task Support
score, choice satisfaction, intention to reuse Experiment
Measures, e.g., number of interactions in 
Efficiency of  simulated conversation or user study, perceived 
efficiency, interaction time, number of utterances, 
User Study Logged dialogs
Task Support
distraction, perceived effort

Quality of the  Measures, e.g., fluency, understandability, 
response time, user‐friendliness, misrecognition  Background 
Conversation  Mixed Methods
rate, usability score (SUS), perceived quality of  knowledge
and Usability responses, user control, intimacy, adaptation
Measures, e.g., intent or entity recognition  No or only 
Effectiveness of  performance, acceptance of conversation repair, 
accuracy of proposed critiques, state recognition 
anecdotal  …
accuracy, misrecognition rates evaluation

Fig. 5. Overview of evaluation dimensions and experiment designs.

profiles and report the average precision of the recommendations after each question-answering
round. Similarly, a user simulator was used for the evaluation of a dialogue-based facet-filling
recommender system based on deep reinforcement learning and end-to-end memory networks in
[146] and [139]. The simulator in [146] was based on real user utterances extracted from a dataset
about restaurant reservations [63]. The objective measures included the recommendation accuracy
(median of ranking and success rate), as well as the proportion of the simulated users who accepted
the recommendations. In [139], the “online” experiments were based on a dataset collected through
crowdworkers and the objective measures included Average Reward of the reinforcement learning
strategy and the Success Rate (conversion rate), i.e., the fraction of successful dialogues.
The authors of [101] present a domain-independent CRS framework, and they use the Hit Rate to
assess the effectiveness of different system components such as the recommendation algorithm or
the intent recognizer. To make the measurements, they use the above-mentioned bAbI dataset as a
ground truth, where each example contains the user preferences, the recommendation request and
the recommended item. A similar evaluation approach based on ground truth information derived
from different real-world dialogues and accuracy measures (RMSE, Recall, Hit Rate) was adopted in
[27, 64, 75]. In such approaches, the system typically analyzes (positive) mentions of items (movies)
in the ongoing natural language dialogue and use these preferences for the prediction task.
The focus of [18] was on implicit feedback in CRS, where this feedback was obtained from
non-verbal communication acts. To assess the effectiveness of using such signals, the accuracy of
rating predictions by a content-based recommender was evaluated using MAE and RMSE. In their
approach, the ground truth for the evaluation was previously collected in a user study. In some
ways, this approach is similar to [101] in that the effects of the performance of a side task—here,
the interpretation of non-verbal communication acts—on the system’s overall recommendation
quality are investigated.
105:26 Dietmar Jannach et al.

Given the possible limitations of pure offline experiments in the context of CRS, user studies
are also frequently applied to gauge the effectiveness of a system. In the context of a critiquing-
based system [23, 24], for example, decision accuracy was objectively measured by the fraction of
users who changed their mind when they were presented with all available options after they had
previously made their selection with the help of the CRS. In [86], in contrast, the authors used task
completion rates and add-to-cart actions as proxies, which measure how often users had at least one
item in their cart and how many items they added on average, respectively.
Subjective Measures. Differently from objective measures that, e.g, record the user’s decision
behavior when interacting with the system or determine prediction accuracy using simulations,
subjective measures assess the user’s quality perception of the system. Such measurements can be
important because even common accuracy measures are often not predictive of the quality of the
recommendations as perceived by the users.6 In the reviewed literature on CRS, various quality
factors were examined that are also commonly used for non-conversational recommenders, e.g.,
those discussed in the evaluation frameworks in [68] and [113].
For the critiquing-based systems discussed in [23, 24], the authors therefore not only used decision
accuracy (as an objective measure) but also assessed the different factors like decision confidence,
and purchase and return intentions. User satisfaction, either with the system’s recommendations
or the system as a whole, was additionally investigated in earlier critiquing approaches such as
[112, 125] and in other comparative evaluations [101, 165]. The perceived recommendation quality
was assessed in the speech-controlled critiquing system in [47], and in [152] the authors looked at
user acceptance rates. In [62, 81] and [109], finally, the authors considered several dimensions in
their questionnaire like the match of the recommendations with the preferences (interest fit), the
confidence that the recommendations will be liked, and trust.
6.2.2 Efficiency of Task Support. Traditionally, in particular critiquing-based CRS approaches
are often evaluated in terms of the efficiency of the recommendation process. Specifically, one goal
of generating dynamic critiques is to minimize the number of required interactions until the user
finds the needed item or accepts the recommendation. Such evaluations are often done offline with
simulated user profiles. One assumption, also in approaches that are not based on critiquing, is
that the simulated users act rationally and consistently, i.e., they will not revise their preferences
during the process.
Examples of works that measure interaction cycles in critiquing approaches include [47, 86, 89,
91, 122, 125, 147, 171]. The number of required interaction stages was also one of usually multiple
evaluation criteria for chatbot-like applications, e.g., [53, 62, 101, 154], and a shopping decision-aid
in [152]. In the context of learning-based systems, the number of dialogue turns in a two-stage
interaction model was measured in [139]. The usage of such measures is however rather uncommon
for natural language, learning-based dialogue systems.
Besides the number of interaction stages, task completion time is sometimes used as an alternative
or complementary way of objectively measuring efficiency, e.g., in [62, 86]. In [54], the authors,
among other aspects, compared the efficiency of different interaction modes with a chatbot: NLP-
based, button-based, and mixed. They measured the number of questions, the interaction time
and the time per question in the dialogue. A main outcome of their work was that pure natural
language interfaces were leading to less efficient recommendation sessions, in part due to problems
of correctly interpreting the natural language utterances.
In the mentioned papers, shorter interaction or task completion times are generally considered
favorable. Note however, that in some cases longer sessions are desirable. In particular, longer
6 See, e.g., [10, 35, 44, 87, 128].
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems 105:27

interaction times might reflect higher user engagement and, as in [62], correspond to a larger
number of listened songs in a music application. In [28], the authors compared a voice-based and
visual output system and measured the number of options that were explored by the users. In
this context, note that the exploration of more items can, depending on the application, both be a
sign that the user found more interesting options to inspect and a sign that the user did not find
something immediately and had to explore more options. In [165], the effects of using a voice
interface for a podcast recommender were analyzed. Their results showed that users were slower,
explored fewer options, and chose fewer long-tail items, which can be detrimental for discovery.
In some works, finally, subjective measures regarding the efficiency of the process are used,
typically as a part of usability assessments. In [23, 81, 109, 152] and [86] the authors ask the study
participants about their perceived cognitive effort.

6.2.3 Quality of the Conversation and Usability Aspects. In a number of works, the focus of the
evaluation is put on certain aspects of the dialogue quality and on usability aspects regarding the
system as a whole. The general ease-of-use of the system was, for example examined in [47, 62, 112,
122]; the more specific concept task ease was part of the user questionnaire in [154].
Regarding quality aspects of the conversation itself, various aspects are investigated in the
literature. From the perspective of the conversation initiative, the authors of [81] and [109] measured
the perceived level of user control. Whether or not the desire for control is dependent on personal
characteristics was investigated in [62]. In addition to user control, perceived transparency was
considered as a quality factor in [109]. A common way to establish transparency is through the
use of explanations. Questions of how to design explanations for a recommender chatbot were
investigated in [108]. The quality factors used in [154] were based on an early framework for
evaluating spoken dialogue systems in [78]. They, for example, include adaptation (i.e., how fast
the system adapts to the user’s preferences), expected behavior (i.e., how intuitive and natural the
dialogue interaction is), or the entertainment value. Furthermore, in [109] coordination, mutual
attentiveness, positivity, and rapport were considered as additional desired factors of a conversation.
Looking closer at the content and linguistic level of the dialogues, many recent proposals based
on natural language rely on the BLEU [107] score to assess the system’s responses, e.g., [64, 75–
77, 105]. With the help of this score, which was developed in the context of machine translation, one
can compare the responses generated by the system with ground-truth responses from real human
conversations in an automated way. As an alternative, the NIST score can be used, e.g., in [105].
Additional objective linguistic aspects that are measured in the literate include the lexical diversity
[46], perplexity (corresponding to fluency), and distinct n-gram (to assess diversity) [27]. In addition
to these objective linguistic measures, researchers sometimes consider subjective assessments of
the quality of the system responses in their evaluations, e.g., with respect to fluency, appropriateness,
consistency, engagingness, relevance, informativeness, and the overall dialogue quality and generation
performance [27, 46, 64, 76, 77, 105, 154].

6.2.4 Effectiveness of Sub Task. In some works, finally, researchers focus on the evaluation of the
performance of certain subtasks. Again, such measurements can both be objective or subjective ones.
As objective measurements, the reward is often computed in approaches that rely on reinforcement
learning [86]. In a critiquing system, the number of times a proposed critique was applied was
investigated in [122]. In NLP-based systems, in contrast, researchers often evaluate the performance
of the entity and intent recognition modules [77, 101]. In the particular multi-modal CRS in [105],
Recall was used for assessing the image selection performance. In terms of subjective measures,
the interpretation performance, i.e., how good the system is in understanding the input, was, for
example, considered in [154].
105:28 Dietmar Jannach et al.

6.3 Discussion
Our review shows that a wide range of different evaluation methodologies and metrics are used to
evaluate CRS. In principle, general user-centric evaluation frameworks for recommender systems
as proposed in [68] and [113] can be applied for CRS as well. So far, however, while user-centric
evaluation is common, these frameworks are not widely used and no standards or extensions
to them were proposed in the literature. In terms of objective measurements, typical accuracy
measures are used by several researchers. Still, the individual CRS proposals in the literature
are quite diverse, e.g., in terms of the application domain, interaction strategy, and background
knowledge, and a comparison between existing systems remains challenging.
In NLP-based systems, the BLEU score is widely used for automatic evaluation. However, accord-
ing to [79], the BLEU score, at least at the sentence level, can correlate poorly with user perceptions,
see also [46]. In general, the evaluation of language models is often considered difficult [88] and
task-oriented systems like CRS might be even more challenging to assess. These observations
therefore suggest that BLEU scores alone cannot inform us well about the quality of the generated
system utterances and that in addition subjective evaluations should be applied.
Researchers therefore often resort to offline experiments with simulated users or user stud-
ies, where study participants have to accomplish a certain task. In offline studies, often a target
(preferred) item is randomly selected, and then a rationally-behaving user is simulated, which
interacts with the CRS by answering questions about preferences or by providing feedback on
explanations. Such a design however assumes that users a priori have fixed preferences towards
items or item features. However, in reality, users may also construct or change their preference
during the conversation when they learn about the space of options. Therefore, it is not always fully
clear to what extent such simulations reflect real-world situations. In user studies, in contrast, often
realistic decision situations are explored and participants have to accomplish tasks like selecting a
product in a shop or finding musical tracks for a birthday party. While such studies to some extent
remain artificial as usually no real purchase is made, such evaluations seem more realistic than the
offline experiments described above. In general, relying solely on offline experimentation seems
too limited, except for certain subtasks, given that any CRS is a system that has to support complex
user interactions.
Finally, more research seems needed with respect to understand (i) how humans make recom-
mendations to each other in a conversation, and (ii) how users interact with intelligent assistants,
e.g., what kind of intelligence they attribute to them and what their expectations are. Some aspects
related to these questions are discussed, e.g., in [29, 65, 108, 165]. With respect to how humans
talk with each other, some analyses were done in [13] and [29]. In [13], the authors based their
research on insights from the field of Conversational Analysis, and correspondingly implement
typical real-world conversation patterns, albeit in a somewhat restricted form, in their technical
proposal. In general, more work also needs to be done to understand the effects of the quality
perception of a system when certain communication patterns like the explanation for a system
recommendation are not supported, as it is the case for many investigated systems.

Our study reveals an increased rise in the area of CRS in the past few years, where the most recent
approaches rely on machine learning techniques, in particular deep learning, and natural language
based interactions. Despite these advances, a number of research questions remain open, as outlined
in the discussion sections throughout the paper. In this final section, we briefly discuss four more
general research directions.
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems 105:29

One first question is “Which interaction modality supports the user best in a given task?”.
While voice and written natural language have become more popular recently, more research
is required to understand which modality is suited for a given task and situation at hand or if
alternative modalities should be offered to the user. An interesting direction of research also lies in
the interpretation of non-verbal communication acts by users. Furthermore, entirely voice-based
CRS have limitations when it comes to present an entire set of recommendations in one interaction
cycle. In such a setting, a summarization of a set of recommendations might be needed, as it might
in most cases not be meaningful when the CRS reads out several options to the user.
Second, we ask: “What are challenges and requirements in non-standard application environ-
ments?” Today, most existing research focuses on interactive web or mobile applications, either with
forms and buttons or with natural language input in chatbot applications. Some of the discussed
works go beyond such scenarios and consider alternative environments where CRS can be used, e.g.,
within physical stores, in cars, on kiosk solutions, or as a feature of (humanoid) robots. However,
little is known so far about the specific requirements, challenges, and opportunities that come
with such application scenarios and regarding the critical factors that determine the adoption and
value of such systems. Regarding the usage scenarios, most research works discussed in our survey
focus on one-to-one communications. However, there are additional scenarios which are not much
explored yet, for example, where the CRS supports group decision processes [1, 103].
A third question is “What can we learn from theories of conversation?”, see also [141]. Regarding
the underpinnings and adoption factors of CRS, only very few works are based on concepts and
insights from Conversation Analysis, Communication Theory or related fields. In some works,
at least certain communication patterns in real-world recommendation dialogues were discussed
at a qualitative or anecdotal level. What seems to be mostly missing so far, however, is a clearer
understanding of what makes a CRS truly helpful, what users expect from such a system, what
makes them fail [95], and which intents we should or must support in a system. Explanations are
often considered as a main feature for a convincing dialogue, but these aspects are not explored
a lot. In addition, more research is required to understand the mechanisms that increase the
adoption of CRS, e.g., by increasing the user’s trust and developing intimacy [72], or by adapting
the communication style (e.g., with respect to the initiative and language) to the individual user.
Finally, from a technical and methodological perspective, we ask: “How far do we get with pure
end-to-end learning approaches, i.e., by creating systems where, besides the item database, only a
corpus of past conversations serves as input. Tremendous advances were made in NLP technology
in recent years, but it stands to question if today’s learning-based CRS are actually useful, see [59].
In part, the problem of assessing this aspect is tied to how we evaluate such systems. Computational
metrics like BLEU can only answer certain aspects of the question. But also the human evaluations
in the reviewed papers are sometimes not too insightful, in particular when a newly proposed
system is evaluated relative to a previous system by a few human judges. We therefore should revisit
our evaluation practice and also investigate what users actually expect from a CRS, how tolerant
they are with respect to misunderstandings or poor recommendations, how we can influence
these expectations, and how useful the systems are considered on an absolute scale. Technically,
combining learning techniques with other sorts of structured knowledge seems to be key to more
usable, reliable and also predictable conversational recommender systems in the future.

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