Project On Same Sex
Project On Same Sex
Project On Same Sex
For these and other reasons that may be urged at the time of hearing, it is
most humbly prayed that this Honourable Court be pleased to:-
i) declare that Section 4 of the Special Marriage Act, 1954, to the extent
that it restricts solemnization of marriages only between a man and a
woman, is unconstitutional and void;
ii) declare that the Second, Third and Fourth Schedule to the Special
Marriage Act, 1954, to the extent that it restricts marriages only
between a bridegroom and a bride, is unconstitutional and void;
iii) declare that any provision or words or phrases in Special Marriage Act,
1954, to the extent it excludes or implies an intention to not recognize
or solemnize or register marriage between homosexual couples, is
unconstitutional and void;
iv) declare that the homosexual couples are entitled to solemnize and
register their marriage under the Special Marriage Act, 1954;
Ans: The respondent state that prima facie that there is no infringement
of fundamental rights as the topic of same-sex marriage is not
applicable in India. Hence the respondent craves leave of this Hon’ble
court to present its case at the advanced argument stage.
Ans: 1. To the issue whether the Stigma may undermine the healthy
social development of social relationships due to same sex marriage the
respondent would like to state that, as India is a country which
comprises of people with different religion, culture and ideologies
where same- sex marriage is consider as a taboo and is consider as
against the Indian culture and Indian religion and is invalid under
Indian laws.
2. However, "In Hindu culture, marriage is one of the 'sanskar' and can be
performed between a man and a woman. "Our country runs according
to the Indian culture, religions, and Indian law. In India, marriage is
considered a sacred 'sanskar', whereas in other countries, marriage is a
contract," Therefore allowing same-sex marriage will create a stigma in
the healthy social development of social relationships in the society.
3. Allowing same-sex marriage can also create an bad influence among the
kids and youth towards the same-sex marriage as they can get easily
4. Allowing same-sex marriage will also create decline in the reproduction
rate as because there is no scope of reproduction in same-sex marriage.
5.The Indian government has told the country’s High Court that despite the
decriminalization of same-sex relationships, homosexual couples “cannot
claim a fundamental right for same-sex marriage”. Rejection of same-sex
marriage, however, is not because they are against homonormativity, which is
the reason why a section of the LGBTQIA+ community disfavour same-sex
marriage. Homonormativity derives from heteronormativity, with its non-
negotiable requirement of monogamous sexual relationships within marriage,
and it Is attendant ills of patriarchy, misogyny, sexism and toxic masculinity
and femininity.
6. Hence it can be clearly state the allowing same-sex marriage will create
a stigma undermining the healthy social development of social
relationships due to same sex marriage.
2 Whether the fundamental rights of the LGBTQI violated?