Doddo A 013425

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ACLU-RDI 387 p.

DODDOA 013425
*FM 34-10
NO. 34-10

Washington, DC, 25 November 1986


Table of Contents

Preface iv

Chapter 1. The Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Mission 1 1


Intelligence and Electronic Warfare System 1-1

Electronic Warfare and Counterintelligence
Operations 1-4

Chapter 2. Organizations and Intelligence Resources 2 0


Combat Aviation Brigade 2-2

Division Artillery 2-3
Air Defense Artillery Battalion 2-4
Combat Engineer Battalion 2-4
Military Police Company 2-4
Division Support Command 2-5
Signal Battalion 2-5
Military intelligence Battalion (CEWI) (Heavy
Division) 2-5
Military Intelligence Battalion (Airborne/Air
Assault Divisions) 2-13
Military Intelligence Battalion (Light Division) 2-19
Echelons Above Division Military Intelligence
Support 2-23

Chapter 3. Command and Control 3 0


Planning and Management 3-0

Division C2 Organizations and Facilities 3-1
MI Battalion C2 Organizations and
Facilities 3-14
Command and Control Communications 3-30
Command and Control Differences in the Light,
Airborne, and Air Assault Divisions 3-45

DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION; 'Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.'

*This publication supersedes FM 34-10 (HTF), 3 July 1981; FM 34-11, 24July 1981; FM 34-12,
30 September 1982; and TC 100-33, 28 September 1979.

ACLU-RDI 387 p.2

DODDOA 013426
Thapter 4. Preparation for Combat 4-1

Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Planning 4-1

Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Management .4-7

Thapter 5. Combat Operations 5-0

Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Support

During Deployment 5-1
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Support to
Combat Operations 5-1
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Support to
Offensive Operations 5-9
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Support to
Defensive Operations 5-16
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Support to
Retrograde Operations 5-25
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Support to
Combined Arms Operations 5-26

Thapter 6. Combat Service Support 6-1

Command and Control 6-1

Coordination 6-4
Food Service 6-4
Supply. 6-5
Maintenance, Repair, and Recovery 6-8
Other Combat Service Support 6-11

Thapter 7. Training 7-1

Battle Focus 7-1

Training Areas 7-1

\ppendix A. Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Report Formats A-1

Communications Intelligence Advisory Tasking

Message , A-1
Daily Intelligence Summary A-2
Electronic Intelligence Requirement Tasking
Message A-3
Electronic Warfare Approval Message A-4
Electronic Warfare Employment Message A-5
Electronic Warfare Mission Summary A-6
Electronic Warfare Requesting/Tasking Message A-8
Intelligence Report A 10

Intelligence Summary A-12

Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference
Feeder A-14
NBC-1 Report A-15
Request for Information A-16
Response to Request for Information A-17

ACLU-RDI 387 p.3

DODDOA 013427
Signals Intelligence/Electronic Countermeasures
Planning/Coodination Message A-18
Sensitive Information Summary A-19
Situation Report A-21
Tactical Report A-23
Intelligence Estimate A-23
Intelligence Annex A-38
Analysis of the Battlefield Area A-41
Appendix B. Published Under Separate Cover

Appendix C. Briefing Techniques 0-0

Information Briefing C-0
Decision Briefing C-1
Staff Briefing C-2
Mission Briefing C-3
Briefing Pointers C-4
Appendix D. Special Operations and Environments D-1
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations
in the Mountains D-1
intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations
in the Desert D-3
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations
in the Jungle D-5
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations
in the Winter D-6
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations
on Urbanized Terrain D-7
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations
at Night D-9
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations
in a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical
Environment D-10
Glossary Glossary-1

References References-1

Index Index-1


ACLU-RDI 387 p.4

DODDOA 013428

Intelligence and electronic warfare (IEW) operations enable the division commander to
ght the air-land battle. Intelligence helps him to see the battlefield and the enemy—and
mploy division resources when and where they can achieve decisive results. Counterintelli-
ence (CI) protects the division from the enemy multidisciplined intelligence collection threat
nd from subversion, sabotage, and terrorism. Electronic warfare (EW) degrades the enemy's
apability to control and coordinate combat resources and reduces the effectiveness of enemy
ombat power at the critical time and place on the battlefield. Division operations are de-
cribed in FM 100-5.
This manual defines doctrine for division IEW operations. It describes how the IEW sys-
ma is structured, and how it operates to support division combined arms operations. It
ddresses the role of division commanders and staff officers and officers, warrant officers,
nd noncommissioned officers (NCOs) in functional IEW positions within the division.
The proponent of this publication is HQ TRADOC. Submit changes to this publication on
IA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) and forward it to
ommander, US Army Intelligence Center and School, ATTN: ATSI-TD-PAL, Fort
luachuca, Arizona 85613-7000.
Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine gender is used, both men and women are

ACLU-RDI 387 p.5

DODDOA 013429
The Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Mission

The division commander directs, coordi- immediately or potentially significant

nates, and supports subordinate unit opera- to military planning and operations.
tions against enemy first-echelon regiments ❑ Combat Information: unevaluated
in support of the division's close operations. data, gathered by or provided directly
Simultaneously, he attacks enemy forces, to the tactical commander which, due
supporting or sustaining enemy forces to its highly perishable nature or the
engaged in close operations, and interdicts criticality of the situation, cannot be
enemy second-echelon and follow-on forces processed into tactical intelligence in
to prevent them from closing on and time to satisfy the user's tactical intel-
influencing the close operations. He takes ligence requirements.
actions necessary to secure his rear and
sustain his combat capabilities by conduct-
ing rear operations as required. To success- INTELLIGENCE AND
fully conduct all operations of the air-land ELECTRONIC WARFARE
battle, it is imperative that the IEW system SYSTEM
provide accurate information in sufficient
time to allow the commander to reach a The IEW system supports the commander
decision, prepare orders, and execute his • by accomplishing four major tasks: situa-
plan. Additionally, EW represents another tion development, target development, EW,
element of combat power which must be and CI. These tasks are shown in the fol-
incorporated with fire and maneuver plans. lowing illustration.
Finally, CI protects the force and its opera- The first major task is situation develop-
tions by denying the enemy the information ment (sometimes referred to as predictive
he needs to effectively conduct his intelligence). In the situation development
operations. process, the intelligence analyst takes
information collected from all sources under
The IEW system produces both intelli- differing circumstances and concludes the
gence and combat information required to enemy's most probable courses of action.
support operations. The definition of these Who, what, when, where, and in what
terms are as follows: strength are the questions the analyst is
trying to answer as he accomplishes the
situation development task. To assist the
❑ Intelligence: the product resulting from analyst, a method of integrating informa-
the collection, evaluation, analysis, tion concerning the enemy, weather, and
integration, and interpretation of all terrain to draw a reasonable conclusion has
available information which concerns been developed called intelligence prepara-
one or more aspects of foreign nations tion of the battlefield (IPB). IPB procedures
or of areas of operations and which is are covered in Chapter 4 of FM 34-3.

1 1

ACLU-RDI 387 p.6

DODDOA 013430



rhe second major task is target develop- mately approved by the commander, are
mt. A significant problem on the air-land used to focus both the G2's collection effort
ttlefield is selecting targets for attack and the maneuver and attack efforts of the
th either lethal (artillery, air, maneuver) G3 and fire support coordinator
nonlethal (EW or deception) measures. (FSCOORD). Target development proce-
e target development process is employed dures are outlined in detail in FM 34-3.
provide target locations and to cope with The third major task is EW, consisting of
dilemma of having too many targets EW support measures (ESM), electronic
th too few attack assets. Target develop- countermeasures (ECM), and electronic
nit segregates targets by their potential counter-countermeasures (ECCM). ESM
terms of hindering the enemy's intended and ECM are sometimes referred to as
arse of action and assisting the friendly offensive EW. ESM are actions taken to
arse. High value targets (HVTs) are search for, intercept, locate, and identify
'ectly related to forces or facilities critical sources of radiated electromagnetic energy
the enemy commander and his desired (tactical radios, radars, and so forth) for
arse of action. They are not necessarily . immediate use on the battlefield. ESM pro-
-geted for destruction. HVTs are devel- duces combat information and can be used
ed by the G2 intelligence staff and are with little systematic analysis. ECM are
:efed in conjunction with the intelligence actions taken to prevent or reduce effective
;imate as HVT lists associated with each use of the electromagnetic spectrum by the
ssible enemy course of action. HVT lists enemy. ECM includes both jamming and
used by the G3 and fire support element electronic deception. ECCM are actions
3E) in developing friendly courses of taken to retain friendly use of the electronic
tion and associated fire support plans spectrum. Some of these actions are emis-
d in selecting high payoff targets (HPTs) sion control, operator training, and fre-
HVT lists through weaponeering or quency control. Further details on EW can
:apons pairing functions. HPTs, ulti- be found in FM 34-40.

ACLU-RDI 387 p.7

DODDOA 013431
The fourth major task is CI. CI activities These four tasks provide for the com
are conducted to counter enemy multidisci- mander's informational and operational .
plined intelligence collection efforts. CI needs. The situation and target develop-
activities include the identification of the ment tasks provide information on the
hostile multidisciplined human intelligence enemy, weather, and terrain which is used
(HUMINT), signals intelligence (SIGINT), in the intelligence estimate at the beginning .
imagery intelligence (IMINT), and mea- of the decision-making process and con-
surement and signature intelligence tinues throughout the battle as the plan is
(MASINT) threat; determination of friendly changed based on the situation and esti-
vulnerabilities to that threat; and actions to mates of the enemy's intent. As targets are
counter that threat. CI plays an integral selected and neutralized, target develop-
role in OPSEC, deception, rear operations, ment priorities change. The process is dyna-
and terrorism counteraction. Further mic. In the situation and target develop-
information concerning CI can be found in ment process, information is analyzed to
FMs 34-60 and 34-60A(S). produce the intelligence that satisfies the
The four major tasks of the IEW system commander's priority intelligence require-
support the division commander's decision- ments (PIR) and combat information
making process and the execution of the air- requirements (IR) (see the following
land battle. The four tasks are summarized illustration).
in FM 34-1.




1 3

ACLU-RDI 387 p.8

DODDOA 013432
ELECTRONIC WARFARE AND Bringing it all together, a strategy has
COUNTERINTELLIGENCE been developed which allows the friendly
commander to act faster than his enemy.
OPERATIONS That strategy shown in the following illus-
Operational needs are activities that are tration is called command, control, com-
art of the battle as it is underway. EW munications countermeasures (C 3CM). The
perations support the commander's opera- objective of the C 3CM strategy is to inhibit ,
onal needs. EW is an element of combat the enemy's command, control, and corn-
ower as is fire and maneuver. CI opera- munications (C 3) ability while at the same
ons support both the commander's opera- time protecting the friendly C 3 capability.
onal and informational needs. CI supports IEW support, principally CI and EW, is a
ie commander's informational needs by significant participant in the C 3CM stra-
lentifying and evaluating the threat to the tegy. The four functional elements of C 3CM
[vision and its operations posed by hostile are: destroy, deceive, disrupt, and defend.
►telligence collection, and by subversion,
ibotage, and terrorism. CI supports the Destroy is just that—destroy the C3 abili-
nnmander's operational needs by counter- ty of the enemy. That may be accomplished
►g or preventing hostile intelligence collec- by placing artillery fire on a communica-
on, subversion, sabotage, and terrorism. tions complex or conducting a raid on a







ACLU-RDI 387 p.9

DODDOA 013433
command post (CP) (see the following illus-
tration). The desired result is the same, the
enemy's C3 ability has been destroyed.






Disrupt refers to EW, specifically elec-

tronic jamming (shown in the following
illustration). Jamming degrades the ene-
my's communications ability thereby dis-
rupting his command and control (C 2). It
may be applied to secure communication
systems to force the enemy to transmit in
the clear so that the communications can be
exploited for combat information. Jamming
also can aid in direction finding (DF) by
forcing the enemy to transmit longer, allow-
ing time for tipoff and multiple lines of
bearing (LOBs) from different locations for
position determination.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.10

DODDOA 013434

ACLU-RDI 387 p.11

DODDOA 013435
Deception contributes to surprise which
acts as a powerful combat multiplier. Bat-
tlefield deception leads the enemy to make
decisions or take actions which are not in
their best interest. Electronic deception
includes simulative electronic deception
(SED), manipulative electronic deception
(MED), and imitative electronic deception
(IED). Greater detail on electronic deception
can be found in FM 34-1 and FM 34-40. The
deceive component of the C 3CM strategy
may include electronic deception as part of
the overall deception effort. Deception
portrays the false, by denial of
information to the enemy. Defend protects
the real (see the following illustration).



Defend protects friendly C3 and denies

the enemy vital information he needs to
destroy, disrupt, or deceive. This is accom-
plished through OPSEC programs and
through CI activities such as counter-
HUMINT, counter-SIGINT, counter-IMINT,
and counter-MASINT.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.12

DODDOA 013433



' •

An effective C 3CM strategy is entirely

dependent on accurate and timely intelli-
gence support. Situation and target devel-
opment support the planning and direction
of C3CM. EW can be a major contributor in
degrading enemy C 3, and CI is the corner-
stone of deception and denying the enemy a
C3CM capability. C 3CM can now easily be
equated with the four military mission
areas supported by intelligence (see the fol-
lowing illustration).







C3 CM is not a new mission area, rather,

C3 CM activities are accomplished as part of
the strategy and tactics of normal military


ACLU-RDI 387 p.13

DODDOA 013437
The division's organic intelligence assets the battlefield: width, depth, airspace
are pulled together to collect, process, and (height), and time. The air-land battlefield
produce all-source intelligence. This intelli- has distinct geographical areas used as
gence, in addition to normal combat infor- friendly control measures which consider
mation reporting, is used to satisfy the the four dimensions of the battlefield and
commander's informational and opera- aid in accomplishing the IEW mission.
tional requirements. Brigades and battal- These areas are the area of operations (AO)
ions may have IEW assets supporting them, and area of interest, and are defined as
but for the most part, they depend on pro- follows:
cessed information from division to support The AO is that portion of an area of
their conduct of deep and rear operations. conflict necessary for military opera-
The division's deep operations prevent tions. It is assigned to a maneuver
second-echelon divisions and regiments commander by the next higher
from closing with friendly forces in the commander.
main battle area (MBA) to achieve mass
and influence close operations. In addition El The area of interest is that area of con-
to information on second-echelon division cern to the commander, including the
locations and intentions, information on area of operations, areas adjacent
regimental locations, strengths, capabili- thereto, and extending into enemy ter-
ties, activities, movement, and intentions ritory beyond the objectives of current
are examples of division informational and planned operations. This area also
needs. To support close operations, the divi- includes areas occupied by enemy
sion's deep operations focus on enemy forces who could jeopardize the
second-echelon regiments of the first- accomplishment of the mission.
echelon divisions and second-echelon or
follow-on divisions. IEW supports the com-
mander throughout all four dimensions of


ACLU-RDI 387 p.14

DODDOA 013438
Organizations and Intelligence Resources

Every unit in the division has an implied tion on the terrain and on the terrain effects
fission to report information about the on the movement of enemy and friendly
1emy and terrain. Additionally, divisional forces.
nits are assigned collection missions based
n their primary mission, capabilities, and In the division's rear area, the military
cation on the battlefield. While military police company and elements of the divi-
rtelligence (MI) units are structured spe- sion support command (DISCOM) observe
fically to provide IEW support, non-MI and report enemy activity, whether low
nits provide a great deal of targeting and level sabotage or terrorism, or larger enemy
:her combat information. combat elements. The signal battalion re-
Frontline troops and reconnaissance - ports enemy jamming efforts, also contrib-
atrols of maneuver brigades collect infor- uting to the intelligence data base.
fation on enemy units which they are in The division's MI battalion performs mul-
intact with. The cavalry squadron of the tidisciplined intelligence collection •
3mbat aviation brigade (CAB) also per- throughout the division area. It performs
arms ground reconnaissance, while avia- HUMINT collection through interrogation
on elements of the CAB collect informa- of captured enemy soldiers and through
on on the battlefield as they fly their deployment of long-range surveillance
fissions. Through counterrnortar and teams. Other assets intercept signals from
)unterbattery radar which track the trajec- enemy emitters to develop intelligence, and
fry of enemy artillery rounds, division ground surveillance systems search the bat-
rtillery (DIVARTY) assets locate enemy tlefield for moving targets.
rtillery. Division artillery forward
bservers also report combat information as This chapter describes the IEW resources
available to support the division with
fey observe the battlefield.
emphasis on the MI battalion (see the fol- •

Air defense units observe and report con- lowing illustration). For a detailed review of
nitrations of enemy aircraft, and air corri- individual sensors found within all units of
ors in use. Engineer units collect informa- the division, see FM 34-80.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.15

DODDOA 013439

RESOURCE 50km • 60km
• 10 km 20km 30km 40km
1 i I I 1

Frontline Troops - -I
Recon Patrols


Ground Recon ■ -I
Aerial Recon

Visual Observation - -I
MTI Radar .1
CM/CB Radar I
FA Aerial Observers 4
Visual Observation Ile 1
Radar .

ENGINEER BATTALION Within visual LOS of assigned elements .

MP COMPANY Within visual LOS of assigned elements

DISCOM Within visual LOS of assigned elements

Interrogation' '
LRS Detachment I
Ground Survi Radar
-Vehicles .- - - - I • .
-Personnel - ...1

1 Range for planning purposes: Actual range depends on terrain. weather, enemy deployment, and location of
friendly sensor
2 Employed under OPCON of MI battalion,
3 Range indefinite: based.on information obtained through exploitation of HUMINT sources


ACLU-RDI 387 p.16

DODDOA 013440
:,1 0111BAT AVIATION BRIGADE ground maneuver forces. It also provides
combat support aviation forces to other di-
The combat aviation brigade (CAB) pro- visional units such as the QUICKFIX flight
ides all aviation support to the division. It platoon deployed under the operational con-
.ssists in conducting sustained combat trol (OPCON) of the MI battalion (combat
perations throughout the depth of the di- electronic warfare and intelligence (CEWI).
ision's AO. The CAB is a maneuver bri-
'ade and controls either air or air and The CAB of the mechanized and armor
divisions is organized as shown in the fol-
lowing illustration.



1 13






ACLU-RDI 387 p.17

DonnnA ni
The CAB finds, fixes, and destroys enemy system through normal operations and
armored and mechanized forces by observa- intelligence reporting channels within the
tion, fire, and maneuver. As a result of its CAB. When CAB subordinate units are
ground and air capabilities, the CAB per- deployed in support of other divisional
forms ground and air reconnaissance, units; combat information and intelligence
aerial visual surveillance, air assault, and derived from their operations are reported
air mobile missions. Additionally, aviation directly to the supported unit. As the
assets assigned to the general support (GS) QUICKFIX flight platoon is deployed under
aviation company provide command, con- the OPCON of the MI battalion, operational
trol, liaison, aerial observation, and air- intelligence reports transmitted from
borne communications intercept, DF, and QUICKFIX collection missions are reported
ECM capabilities to divisional units. directly to the technical control and analy-
sis element (TCAE) of the MI battalion for
CAVALRY SQUADRON SIGINT analysis and dissemination within
the division.
The cavalry squadron performs ground The CAB's extensive ground and airborne
and air reconnaissance, surveillance, and surveillance capabilities represent a sub-
security or screening missions. stantial portion of the division's combat
information collection capability. Intelli-
ATTACK HELICOPTER BATTALION gence planning, to include a thorough col-
lection plan which includes detailed recon-
The attack helicopter battalion provides naissance and surveillance planning, must
aerial escort, air observation and attack, focus on and identify the critical PIR and
and suppressive fires to support air assault IR which the CAB may be best capable of
operations. Air attack missions include satisfying.
those directed against key enemy C 3 facili-
ties, logistics centers, and enemy forma-
tions engaged as part of the division's close DIVISION ARTILLERY
operations. Attack helicopters are capable
of cross-FLOT, deep operations with coor- DIVARTY is uniquely suited to acquire
dination for the suppression of enemy air combat targeting information through fire
defense weapon systems, and joint air support coordinating agencies. It acquires
attack team (JAAT) operations with close- targets using-
air support aircraft against critical targets. ❑ Visual observation.
❑ Moving-target radars.
GENERAL SUPPORT AVIATION O Weapon-locating radars.
DIVARTY primarily collects targeting
The GS aviation company provides OH- information for its own use. Its elements
58C observation aircraft to the division also provide information to maneuver and
artillery (DIVARTY) for use by the field other units of the division and feed infor-
artillery aerial observers (FAAO) in direct- mation into the division IEW system at all
ing indirect fires against enemy targets. echelons from company to the division FSE.
Additionally, the GS aviation company Fire support teams (FIST) and field artillery
provides the QUICKFIX flight platoon with (FA) aerial observers pass target informa-
airborne communications intercept, DF, tion via fire support channels to the
and ECM aircraft deployed under the maneuver unit it supports which, in turn,
OPCON of the MI battalion. passes it up through intelligence and fire
support channels. Target information devel-
When CAB units are deployed in GS of oped through intelligence operations that
the division, combat information received reaches the DIVARTY tactical operations
from the ground and airborne reconnais- center (TOC) is fed into the tactical fire
sance and surveillance missions is intro- direction system (TACFIRE).
. duced into the CAB tactical intelligence


ACLU-RDI 387 p.18

DODDOA 013442
'he division FSCOORD, G2, and G3 form COMBAT ENGINEER
team which plans the division's overall BATTALION
geting effort. The all-source production
tion (ASPS) supports targeting through The divisional combat engineer battalion
get value analysis (TVA), target devel- conducts reconnaissance missions to sup-
nent, and IPB. port mobility, countermobility, and general
engineering tasks. Mobility tasks are hasty
&IR DEFENSE ARTILLERY and deliberate route, bridge, aerial, and
special reconnaissance. The battalion also
BATTALION reconnoiters assault bridge crossing sites
and conducts river reconnaissance. The
'he air defense artillery (ADA) battalion countermobility task is primarily a recon-
quipped with air defense target acquisi- naissance for obstacle locations. General
i radars that allow early warning of
my air activity to the division. The bat- engineering tasks include construction site
reconnaissance, construction surveying,
on also provides information about air
and bridge site reconnaissance.
tes into the division AO and enemy air
ivity in the division sector, as well as Combat engineer companies can provide
tistical data about the destruction of DS to, be attached to, or under OPCON of
my aircraft. the maneuver brigades or task forces, and
in each case, the companies report terrain
he ADA battalion receives information information directly to the supported
1 intelligence from Army intelligence maneuver unit. Combat information is for-
ts, Air Force elements, Army theater and warded to the division through intelligence
ps ADA units, and subordinate ADA channels. At division, the assistant division
ts. An air defense coordination section engineer (ADE) compiles and forwards the
n the division ADA battalion acts as information to the combat engineer battal-
son for coordination with the nearest ion TOC, other engineers operating in the
rce of high-to-medium air defense
division area, and the G2. In some cases,
MAD) or Air Force information center.
the information may be passed directly to
s center screens the information for the the battalion TOC if the communication
ision ADA battalion. At the ADA battal- channel is available.
, this information goes into the Manual
n.t-Range Air Defense Control System
3CS). From there it is transmitted to the MILITARY POLICE COMPANY
xard area alerting radar (FAAR) that
ports air defense firing units. When one The military police (MP) company is
he FAAR firing units gathers early responsible for order and discipline; the col-
ming information and statistical data, it lection, movement, and control of enemy
orts the information to its battery CP. prisoners of war (EPW); and traffic control
battery CP then reports to the sup- throughout the division AO. They establish
ted brigade S2 and the division ADA and ensure physical security at the division
talion 52 and S3. EPW cage. Information on prisoner behav-
ior, rear operational activities, and terror.
he ADA battalion uses the IEW system ism is collected by military police during
xtract current terrain and weather tactical operations.
irmation that pertains to friendly and
my air and air defense effectiveness. The MP company plans rear operations
!3r also use the system for current enemy against level I and II enemy forces in coor-
.ations and order of battle (OB) data for dination with the rear area operations cen-
lining and operational purposes. ter (RAOC). Military police are a major con-
tributor and user of intelligence concerning
the division rear area.

ACLU-RDI 387 p.19

DODDOA 013443
DIVISION SUPPORT enemy signal equipment and receives
COMMAND meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and inter-
ference (MIDI) reports from subordinate
Division support command (DISCOM) elements, and after friendly, inadvertent
elements operating in the division rear interference has been ruled out as the
include its main support battalion, material source of interference, forwards them to the
management center (MMC), and tactical G2 or MI battalion for processing.
aircraft maintenance company (TAMC).
These elements make extensive use of road Elements of the signal battalion that are
networks within the division rear. They collocated with major subordinate head-
provide valuable information about lines of quarters such as a brigade, report informa-
communication (LOC), guerrilla activity, tion of an intelligence nature to the brigade
and weather and terrain conditions. S2 and the signal battalion S2/S3. Signal
DISCOM elements report information via battalion elements report combat informa-
the normal chain of command back to the tion to the signal battalion S2 or S3.
DISCOM S2 over the DISCOM intelligence
DISCOM exchanges information and BATTALION
intelligence with other elements operating
in the division rear area. The military police (CEWI) (HEAVY DIVISION)
exchange information gained from their The MI battalion provides dedicated IEW
traffic control points (TCP) directly with support to the division. It is organic to the
DISCOM S2 in the RAOC. In addition, the division and operates under the command
DISCOM's intelligence interests are evalu- and direction of the division commander
ated by. the DTOC G2. As the DTOC and his staff. It responds to missions
receives information and intelligence of assigned by the G2 and G3.
special interest to the DISCOM, it passes it
via operations and intelligence channels to The MI battalion at. division level is a
DISCOM. The DISCOM elements in the four-company organization, with the excep-
division rear are critical as they may be the tion of the MI battalion light infantry divi-
first units to observe and report enemy sion, which has three companies. The
activity that impacts significantly on the internal structure of the MI battalion varies
division's rear operations. according to the division type. The MI bat-
talion (CEWI) heavy division is organized
DISCOM also has three forward support as shown in the following illustration.
battalions which operate in'the brigade rear Organizations of the airborne, air assault,
areas. These battalions provide information and light infantry divisions' MI battalion
on enemy activity, weather, and terrain are provided after the discussion of the MI
within the brigade rear areas. They fre- battalion (CEWI) heavy division.
quently are the first elements to identify
level I and II threats to the brigades.

The division signal battalion is responsi-
ble for establishing and maintaining com-
munications with the division CPs, brigade
CPs, and major subordinate elements of the
division. Communication is provided to as
low as the brigade level of command. The
division signal battalion also coordinates
with the division G2 on the evaluation of


ACLU-RDI 387 p.20

DODDOA 013444


• •1 •
CO -

we •

* Assigned to combat aviation brigade, OPCON to MI battalion.

The headquarters, headquarters and ser-
vice company (HHSC) provides C 2 for
headquarters elements of the battalion and
elements under OPCON of the battalion. It
also contains the elements which provide
asset management for IEW operations and
supplies technical control and analysis for
EW operations (see the following
The company headquarters and service
section provides C2 and administrative
support for the company. The command
and staff sections provide C2 for assigned
and supporting elements, staff planning,
and management of assets. Service support
elements provide communications,
Communications-Electronics (C-E) and
mechanical maintenance, and food service
support to the battalion. The communica-
tions platoon provides both radio teletype-
writer (RATT) and landline record traffic
capabilities. The communications center
(COMMCEN) section provides a terminal in
the division multichannel communications

ACLU-RDI 387 p.21

DODDOA 013445


•• •* • •

•• •• • •

•• ••
•• •.• •• ••

•• • •

system. The C-E and IEW maintenance sec- gration and use of MI assets to support the
tion services SIGINT, EW, and other GE brigade's battles. The IEWSEs are des-
equipment. The mechanical maintenance cribed in detail in Chapter 3.
platoon provides vehicle maintenance, tank Part of the battlefield deception cell oper-
and pump, and recovery support for the-bat ates at the DTOC, supporting the G3. It
talion. As the battalion task organizes into assists in the planning of deception opera-
IEW company teams, assets of the IEW tions. The balance of this cell is deployed to
maintenance section and mechanical main- assist in execution of deception activities.
tenance platoon are organized into teams
attached to each company.
The MI battalion section includes three
IEW support elements (IEWSEs) to support
each brigade. These elements advise the
brigade commander and staff on the inte-


ACLU-RDI 387 p.22

nnnnnA ni '14AR
COLLECTION AND JAMMING Collection and Jamming Platoon
The collection and jamming (C&J) com-
ny provides SIGINT and EW support to The C&J platoon headquarters provides
e division. It is organized as shown in the asset management for the platoon's collec-
lowing illustration. tion, analysis, and jamming teams. It is the
focal point for the tasking and reporting
The C&J company provides communica- associated with platoon operations. It pro-
ns intelligence (COMINT) collection, low- vides the interface between the TCAE and
✓el analysis, and communications jam- the C&J company as well as teams
ing. It also has organic RATT assigned to the platoon.



01• ••• •• •

•• •



mmunications and frequency modulated Transcription and Analysis Team

M) radio. retransmission. The three C&J
The transcription and analysis (T&A)
atoons may be attached or detached by
team is deployed as part of the C&J platoon
e MI battalion to task organize the com-
headquarters. It performs selective scan-
Lny to best accomplish the battalion mio-
ning and gisting of voice intercepts
C-E and mechanical maintenance recorded by collection teams. When neces-
sets may be attached from HHSC when sary, extracts or complete translations of
e company is deployed.
voice intercepts may be made. The team
performs limited analysis. It reports
acquired combat -information to the TCAE
via the C&J tasking and reporting net (FM-
secure), which is monitored by the brigade

ACLU-RDI 387 p.23

DODDOA 013447
IEWSE for combat information. Technical Electronic Countermeasures Teams
data is also passed to the MI battalion ECM teams are capable of jamming HF
TCAE via RA TT. and VHF communications in support of
close and rear operations and to a limited
extent, the division's deep operations. They
Voice Collection Team also perform ESM tasks when not tasked
for ECM operations. Under extraordinary
The voice collection team intercepts and circumstances, the mission of team opera-
gists HF and very high frequency (VHF) tions may be switched from attacking
voice communications. It also has a limited enemy communications to assisting
capability to provide LOB information for friendly communications by providing voice
intercepted transmission. Recordings, gists, message traffic with its high-powered
and LOB data are sent to the T&A team for transmitter.
further processing and dissemination. The
team has both vehicle-mounted and man- INTELLIGENCE AND
pack collection receivers. The vehicle- SURVEILLANCE COMPANY
mounted and manpack systems each pro- (HEAVY DIVISION)
vide HF, VHF, or a combination of the two.
The team, however, is manned only for con- The intelligence and surveillance (I&S)
tinuous operation of the two collection posi- company provides the division ground sur-
tions within the vehicle-mounted intercept veillance, EPW interrogation, and limited
system. The manpack system is deployed CI capabilities. The I&S company is organ-
for short periods of time when a surge capa- ized as shown below. C-E and mechanical
bility is required or the vehicle-mounted maintenance assets may be attached to the
system is moving. company when it is deployed.


• • • •


•• •1 • •



ACLU-RDI 387 p.24

DODDOA 013448
Headquarters provides command and
ontrol for I&S company assets and may The EW company provides SIGINT/ESM
erve as a company team headquarters support to the division and subordinate
when so designated. elements. The company is capable of
COMINT collection and DF. It also has
Operations Support Section noncommunications collection and manual
DF capabilities. RATT communications
The operations support section provides support is organized within the company.
nterrogation and CI operational teams The EW company is organized as shown in
vhich are tasked to process EPW and coun- the following illustration.
er hostile intelligence collection, sabotage,
ubversion, and terrorists threats. The CI The company headquarters provides
earns also provide support to the division's overall C 2 of assigned and attached assets.
)PSEC program as well as advice and It may also act as a company team head-
assistance to security managers. The inter- quarters when task organized.
ogation teams serve as the nucleus around The SIGINT processing platoon is
vhich the division cage is formed and can equipped with the AN/TSQ-114
zovide limited prisoner of war interroga- (TRAILBLAZER) COMINT collection/DF
ion (IPW) support at the brigade level. system and three TEAMPACK noncom-
3orps augmentation is required to simul- munications collection and DF systems.
aneously sustain division cage operations The TRAILBLAZER system consists of two
aid to provide continued IPW exploitation master control stations (MCSs) and three
it the brigade level. The division is heavily outstations. Variants of TRAILBLAZER
lependent on corps and echelons above may have five MCSs and no outstations.
orps (EAC) MI support for additional CI, An analysis section is also organized
ignals security (SIGSEC), and interroga- within the platoon which provides for
ion operations. These assets will normally communications and noncommunications
le deployed in GS unless sufficient aug- analysis.
mentation is received from corps to place CI
.nd interrogation teams in direct support Communications DF Teams
DS) of brigades. The platoon headquarters, with the analy-
sis team, collocates with one of the MCSs,
which then becomes the primary MCS. The
Ground Surveillance Platoon primary MCS interfaces with the other
The ground surveillance platoon is organ- MCSs and outstations via a system internal
zed into three ground surveillance radar ultra high frequency (UHF) data link and
GSR) squads, each with four AN/PPS-5 reports intercepted traffic with DF locations
;SR teams. Ground surveillance assets to the MI battalion TCAE via a RATT
nay be attached to a brigade and further interface with the primary MCS. The analy-
.ttached to the battalion task force (BTF) sis section conducts preliminary analysis of
.nd maneuver company teams. GSR assets intercepted traffic and reports to the TCAE
nay also be attached to the DISCOM or by RATT or FM. It reports combat informa-
ear area elements for rear area surveil- tion to the TCAE for exploitation by fire or
ance. All support for GSR teams is pro- maneuver elements. The TCAE establishes
ided by the unit to which attached, less the collection, DF, and reporting criteria.
adar unique maintenance, which is pro-
When the primary MCS reaches its storage
Tided by the MI battalion. capacity, primary control of the DF base-
line may be transferred to the other MCS, •
thereby permitting continuous operations.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.25

DODDOA 013449


••• • • • • •



Noncommunications Intercept Teams It consolidates LOB data and forwards it to

The noncomrnunications intercept teams the TCAE. The TCAE analyzes the data to
are equipped with the AN/MSQ-103 determine radar locations and reports com-
(TEAMPACK) system capable of collecting bat information to the collection manage-
ment and dissemination (CM&D) section
intercept and LOB data from enemy non- within the G2 DTOC or the appropriate bri-
communications emitters. The systems gade IEWSE. The TCAE also correlates the
must be located well forward near the data with intercept data from other sources,
FLOT due to line of sight (LOS) restrictions. particularly COMINT, to template the bat-
The three teams may be dispersed through- tlefield from the standpoint of enemy elec-
out the division AO or be concentrated in a tronic order of battle (EOB) parameters.
particular high-threat area according to
mission requirements. A fix capability can The SIGINT processing platoon normally
be obtained if manual tasking of the three supports the entire division as a GS asset.
TEAMPACK systems is accomplished via The platoon deploys its systems within bri-
FM radio. Noncommunications intercept gade areas to ensure range and LOS to
operations are concerned primarily with target emitters. Their operations must be
enemy fire direction and target acquisition coordinated closely with the brigades in
radars associated with FA and air defense whose AOs they are deployed.
The TCAE may direct the manual coordi-
nation of this electronic intelligence
(ELINT) system to locate enemy high-value
radars. In this operation, the platoon head-
quarters coordinates the operation, receiv-
ing tasking and technical data from the
TCAE and passing it to the intercept teams.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.26

DomnA n1 :145n
systems; nuclear weapon storage sites;
reserves; C3 facilities; and other key
LONG-RANGE SURVEILLANCE facilities such as airfields and ammu-
DETACHMENT nition supply points.
The formation of long-range surveillance ❑ Conducts damage assessment and
ganizations within the division and corps NBC monitoring.
ructure under the Army of Excellence
.0E) represents the most significant ❑ Emplaces and employs unattended
Lange in IEW support to forward maneu- sensors and electronic intelligence and
r forces. The long-range surveillance de- target acquisition and designation
chment (LRSD), division, provides collec- equipment.
m by HUMINT means within the ❑ Employs photographic and night
vision's areas of operations and interest, image enhancement devices.
r planning purposes to a depth of 50 km ❑ Obtains information on possible drop
yond the PLOT. It observes and reports and landing zones for airborne and
.emy dispositions, facilities, activities, airmobile or air assault operations.
td terrain and weather conditions. Specifi-
lly, the LRSD- ❑ Provides information on terrain and
weather conditions.
❑ Conducts long-range collection
through surveillance and reconnais- ❑ Provides an assessment of indigenous
sance operations. communication facilities for possible
future allied use.
❑ Determines and reports the location,
strength, equipment, disposition, The LRSD is organized as shown in the
organization, and movement of enemy following chart.
forces and determines the location of
HPTs, to include nuclear, biological,
and chemical (NBC) weapon delivery

• • •



•• •

NOTE: The LRSD light division is organized

with tour surveillance teams.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.27

DODDOA 013451
The headquarters includes the LRSD In the heavy division CAB, the platoon is
command and operations center. It directs assigned to the GS aviation company. With
the functions and activities of the LRSD this subordination, constant coordination
from the operations center which is located must be effected between the CAB and the
at the division main CP and wired for MI battalion to ensure operational readi-
communications into the division tactical ness of the SIGINT and EW subsystems
operations center (DTOC) G2 section. The and the QUICKFIX system as a whole. The
base station communication teams provide platoon operates under the OPCON of the
high frequency (HF) burst communications MI battalion with tasking and control com-
between the detachment operations center ing from the TCAE. The QUICKFIX flight
and deployed surveillance teams, and for- platoon remains organic to the MI battalion
ward surveillance team reports by secure of the air assault division located in the
communications immediately to the DTOC headquarters, headquarters and operations
support element (DTOCSE) within the G2. company (HHOC).
The surveillance teams operate indepen- Under either situation, SIGINT and EW
dently obtaining and reporting information tasking flows from the TCAE to the
about enemy forces, activities, terrain, and QUICKFIX flight platoon headquarters
weather within their assigned areas of sur-' which then tasks the individual QUICKFIX
veillance. For timely receipt of combat systems. However, in-flight tasking from
information from corps long-range surveil- the TCAE to the aircraft may be accom-
lance teams deployed beyond the range of plished when necessary via UHF and FM
surveillance provided, by LRSD teams, the secure radio. The QUICKFIX system
LRSD may be augmented by an additional reports collected data directly to the TCAE.
base station from the corps long-range sur- Resulting combat information is reported
veillance company (LRSC). Divisions and by the TCAE to the IEWSE at brigade for
corps coordinate long-range surveillance use by fire and maneuver units and to the
plans to ensure complementary surveillance G2 or DTOCSE at the DTOC.
A detailed description of the QUICKFIX
The LRSD is organic to the MI battalion, system, its capabilities, and information on
division. The LRSD conducts long-range all of the SIGINT and EW systems of the
surveillance missions for the division to division is located in Appendix B (classi-
supplement the intelligence collection and fied) published separately.
surveillance provided by the MI battalion
and other IEW sources. Long-range surveil- MILITARY INTELLIGENCE
lance operations significantly enhance the BATTALION (AIRBORNE/AIR
IEW system in providing current intelli- ASSAULT DIVISIONS)
gence to tactical commanders as to threat The MI battalion (airborne division) and
formations within their respective areas of MI battalion (air assault division) are
operations and interest (for more detail, see organized into four companies. The battal-
FM 7-93). ions are identical except the MI battalion
(airborne) has added Remotely Monitored
assets. The battalion organization is shown
The QUICKFIX flight platoon, with three in the following illustration.
QUICKFIX systems, provides aerial
COMINT, DF, and jamming support to the
division. Deployed under the OPCON of the
MI battalion, it is employed by the MI bat-
talion as a GS resource to complement
ground-based systems capabilities. Close
coordination is maintained with the CAB to
ensure maintenance support, flight readi-
ness, and pilot training.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.28

DODDOA 013452



Che MI battalion provides support to both The company headquarters provides C 2

division and its subordinate brigades. andmistrveupofhcm-
e MI companies may be task organized pany. The battalion headquarters section
o multidisciplined company teams to provides C2 of battalion assigned and sup-
wide IEW capabilities to division units porting elements, staff planning, manage-
a DS or GS basis. The differences ment, and coordination of battalion opera-
mean the MI battalion (heavy) and the tions including the employment of battalion
battalion (airborne and air assault) are assets.
cussed in the following paragraphs.
SU detachment operations in the light, The QUICKFIX flight platoon is organic
borne, and air assault divisions are the to the MI battalion in the air assault divi-
ne as described earlier under the heavy sion, rather than to the CAB as in the
•sion. Within these divisions, however, heavy, airborne, and light divisions. Its
r LRS teams are assigned to the detach- personnel, equipment, functions, and opera-
nt rather than six as is the case in the tions are identical to those of the QUICK-
SD of the heavy division. FIX flight platoon in the heavy division.
The imagery analysis section has a two-
(AIRBORNE/AIR ASSAULT 0 To analyze imagery to identify suitable
DIVISIONS) drop/landing zones for airborne
HHOC provides command and con- operations.
1 for elements of the battalion and sup- ❑ To provide limited imagery analysis
ling units. It also provides elements support for contingency planning and
ich manage IEW operations and perform operations.
finical control and analysis for SIGINT/
I operations. It is organized as shown in Additionally, the imagery analysts can
following illustration. exploit hand-held imagery in support of


ACLU-RDI 387 p.29

DODDOA 013453
* In airborne division only.
* * In alr assault division only.

•• •• •• •• •

OPSEC and for general intelligence Collection and Jamming Platoon

purposes. The three C&J platoons differ from those
found in the heavy division in that they
have only one ECM team and three low-
COLLECTION AND JAMMING level voice intercept (LLVI) teams per pla-
COMPANY (AIRBORNE/AIR toon. The LLVI teams are separately
ASSAULT DIVISIONS resourced and manned from the voice col-
lection team, and they are capable of oper-
The C&J company provides SIGINT and ating independently and full time.
ESM collection and ECM support to the di-
vision and its subordinate units. The com- The LLVI teams may be deployed near
pany is organized into three platoons which the FLOT to support a battalion task force
provide COMINT collection, LOB and ECM or retained under the JEW company team's
support, plus one platoon designed to pro- control. They provide combat information
vide ELINT noncommunications collection to the platoon T&A team for forwarding to
and LOB information. the TCAE on the C&J tasking and report-
The heavy jammers (AN/GLQ-3B and ing net (FM). Normally, a C&J platoon will
AN/MLQ-34) are not assigned to the MI directly support each brigade while the
battalion of the airborne and air assault noncommunications intercept platoon will
divisions due to the weight of these systems be tasked to provide GS to the division. C&J
and the nature of airborne/air assault company assets are normally task orga-
deployments. Heavy VHF jamming teams nized into IEW company teams to satisfy
are assigned to the MI battalion tactical mission requirements and to support their
exploitation (TE) of the airborne corps to deployment in brigade support packages.
augment airborne and air assault division
ECM operations once these units are
deployed in the theater of operations.
The C&J companies of the MI battalion
airborne/air assault divisions are organized
as shown in the following illustration.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.30

DODDOA 013454


•• •• • 0••

••I 1
• •


•• •

Ioncommunications Intercept Platoon LOB data against enemy radars. This sys-
The noncommunications intercept platoon tem must be located well forward, near the
'the C&J company provides collection and FLOT, to overcome ground-based LOS re-
OB information on radars and other non- strictions. The three teams may operate
anmunications emitters. independently throughout the division AO,
subordinated individually to C&J platoons,
The noncommunications intercept opera- or be concentrated in a particular high-
3ns section directs the coordinated threat area according to mission
nployment of the three noncomrnunica- requirements.
ms intercept teams, receiving tasking and
clinical data from the TCAE and passing
to the intercept teams. It consolidates
DB data and forwards it to the TCAE. The INTELLIGENCE AND
L'AE analyzes the data to determine emit- SURVEILLANCE COMPANY
r locations. The TCAE then reports corn- (AIRBORNE/AIR ASSAULT
it information to the CM&D section at the DIVISIONS)
roc and forward maneuver brigades The I&S company provides the division's
rough the IEWSE. It also correlates the ground surveillance, interrogation, and CI
Ita with information from other sources, support. The airborne division's I&S com-
articularly COMINT. pany also contains REMBASS assets. The
I&S company is organized as shown in the
following illustration.
Each of three noncommunications inter-
Tot teams is equipped with a TEAMPACK The company headquarters is responsible
astern, capable of collecting intercept and for providing C2 and administrative support
for the unit.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.31

DODDOA 013455


0• ••• • ••


•• • •


ri■•••■=1. I
• • ••

* Airborne Division Only.

Support Platoon Ground Surveillance Radar Platoon

The support platoon provides CI and The GSR platoon is organized into three
interrogation support to the division and its GSR squads. They differ from the GSR
subordinate brigades. CI teams normally squads of the heavy division in that each
deploy as five separate CI teams which has one AN/PPS-5 and three AN/PPS-15
support major subordinate commands GSR teams.
(MSCs) within the division by countering REMBASS
hostile intelligence collection, sabotage,
subversion, and terrorist threats. They pro- The REMBASS assets, presently found
vide GS to the division and DS, on a limited only in the MI battalion of the airborne di-
basis, to the brigades. GS and designated vision, provide additional ground surveil-
DS teams support units that are deployed in lance capabilities. The GSR platoon
the division rear, especially DISCOM, in includes five 3-man remotely employed sen-
the division's rear operations mission. The sors (REMS) teams who hand emplace and
interrogation section normally deploys to remotely monitor the sensors when acti-
the division EPW collection point. The MI vated. These teams may be employed with
battalion TOC tasks the IPW section based GSR assets, independently under the con-
on collection missions assigned by the trol of an IEW company team, or attached
CM&D section. The IPW section reports col- to brigades and BTFs. Remotely monitored
lected information directly to the G2 and sensors can be used for surveillance of gen-
CM&D section using normal division com- eral or specific areas, along unit flanks to
munication systems such as the multichan- enhance security, and in a rear area surveil-
nel communications system and general lance role. The REMBASS is comprised of
purpose RATT. Elements of the interroga- three components:
tion section may be employed in DS of
division subordinate units. When employed ❑ Sensors (magnetic, seismic, acoustic,
in DS of the brigade, the S2 tasks and and infrared).
receives reports from the team through ❑ Radio repeaters.
operations and intelligence communica- ❑ Sensor monitoring equipment.
tions channels internal to the brigade.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.32

DODDOA 013456
Unattended ground sensors, with inter- Communications Platoon
wetation by sensor personnel, are capable
The communications platoon operates a
)f providing target classification (person- telecommunications facility at the MI bat-
tel, wheeled, tracked vehicles), location, talion TOC and provides a RATT section
lumber, direction and rate of movement,
which terminates communications to the
ength of column, and time of sensor
MI battalion's operational platoons. The
activation. radio retransmission section operates three
FM voice retransmission stations for battal-
ion internal communication nets to extend
SERVICE SUPPORT COMPANY range when necessary.
DIVISIONS) Communications-Electronics
Maintenance Platoon
The service support company provides
aaintenance, food service, and communica- The C-E maintenance platoon consists of
ions support to the battalion. The company the C-E maintenance section and the EW or
organized as shown in the following intercept equipment repair section. It pro-
ilustration. vides unit maintenance support for most
battalion C-E and EW intercept systems
and intermediate DS maintenance on
Company Headquarters SIGINT and EW systems.
The company headquarters provides C 2 . Mechanical Maintenance Platoon
or the company and its assigned and at-
ached assets. It also has a food service sec- The mechanical maintenance platoon
consists of the platoon headquarters and a
ion which operates the battalion dining
mechanical maintenance section. The pla-
toon headquarters has a decontamination


••• • ••

111 • ••

• • •• •• ••


ACLU-RDI 387 p.33

DODDOA 013457
specialist and decontamination equipment for ground-based jamming and ELINT sup-
for battalion use. The mechanical mainte- port. When the division is employed in a
nance section performs required unit main- low intensity conflict (LIC) environment,
tenance on organic vehicles, generators, additional CI and IPW augmentation from
and air conditioners. corps and EAC is required. The battalion is
organized into three companies. Company
assets may be task organized into multidis-
MILITARY INTELLIGENCE ciplined company teams to support divi-
BATTALION sional unit or specific missions. The MI bat-
talion, light division, is organized as shown
(LIGHT DIVISION) in the following illustration.
The MI battalion supporting the light di-
vision is organized with the same philoso-
phy as its parent division. It is light, easy to
transport, and relies on additional assets
from higher echelons for support during
combat operations. The MI battalion, light
division, relies on augmentation from corps






•Flight platoon organic to combat aviation brigade


160-850 O - 94 - 2

ACLU-RDI 387 p.34

DonnnA (11 'MFR
HEADQUARTERS, HEADQUARTERS The battalion command staff elements
AND SERVICE COMPANY (LIGHT are all contained in the battalion headquar-
DIVISION) ters section. The company headquarters
The HHSC provides C2 for elements of the section provides C2 for the elements
)attalion and supporting units. It contains assigned and attached to the company.
;he dements which provide asset manage-
nent for IEW operations and performs The battlefield deception cell deploys ele-
,echnical analysis for SIGINT and EW ments to the DTOC, assisting the G3 in
ictivities. The HHSC is organized as shown planning multidisciplined deception
n. the following illustration. activities.




• • •• ••

• •"


• •

•• ••

• •


ACLU-RDI 387 p.35

DODDOA 013459
The TCAE, while reduced in strength organized to provide maintenance on bat-
from that found in the heavy division, pro- talion vehicles and generators. Elements of
vides for the same control and analysis of this platoon are included in company teams
SIGINT and EW operations. The operations as the battalion task organizes.
section is concerned primarily with control
and reporting, while the operations support
section provides analysis and technical COLLECTION COMPANY
data base maintenance. (LIGHT DIVISION)
The service support platoon provides both The collection company contains the
communications and maintenance support SIGINT and EW collection assets of the MI
to the battalion's elements. The RATT and battalion. The company provides voice col-
communications center sections provide lection, LOB information, and limited
record copies of message traffic for internal analysis. It is organized into three voice col-
nets as well as a terminal for multichannel lection platoons and a communications sec-
communications linking the MI battalion tion (see the following illustration).
with the division's CPs and other divisional
units. The C-E and IEW maintenance sec-
tion provides maintenance support for elec-
tronic equipment found in the battalion.
The mechanical maintenance section is


•• •••

•0 T&A



ACLU-RDI 387 p.36

DomnA ni :14Rn
Company Headquarters airborne/air assault divisions, except that
they have no ECM team. Their voice collec-
The company headquarters exercises C 2 tion and LLVI teams operate as described
over all personnel and equipment assigned earlier, tasked by the T&A team based on
or attached to the unit. COMINT tasking from the TCAE.
Communications Section
This section provides communications INTELLIGENCE AND
support to the company. It has both RATT SURVEILLANCE COMPANY
and FM voice retransmission capabilities in (LIGHT DIVISION) , •
the communications section. These assets The I&S company contains the MI battal-
link the voice collection platoons to the ion's CI, IPW, and ground surveillance
TCAE. assets. It is organized as shown in the fol-
lowing illustration.
Voice Collection Platoon
The three voice collection platoons are The company headquarters provides C2
similar to the C&J platoons discussed in the and administrative support for the unit.



• 1• • •• ••• •1•

• IP • •

•• • •






ACLU-RDI 387 p.37

DODDOA 013461
Interrogation Platoon division commander's ability to see deeper
The interrogation platoon is organized to into the enemy's rear area. Division MI
provide IPW and document exploitation assets generally cover the division's AO
support to the division and its subordinate and portions of the divisions area of inter-
units. The interrogation operations section est. The division is largely dependent on the
is responsible for screening and interroga- corps and higher echelons for intelligence
tion of EPW and detainees at the division's concerning threats within distant portions
central collection point. They function in of the division's area of interest.
GS of the division. The two interrogation The MI brigade at corps provides both DS
teams can be used at the division's forward and GS JEW capabilities to the division.
collection points or to augment the interro- Short-range assets (ground-based SIGINT
gation operations section. When used at the systems and jammers) must be moved into
forward collection points, they are the division's forward area in order to be
employed in DS of the brigades. When in a effective. These assets are allocated by
DS role, the brigade S2 tasks and receives corps to forward deployed divisions and the
reports from the team through the brigade armored cavalry regiment (ACR) to weight
internal operations and intelligence report- the intelligence or jamming effort. Corps CI
ing network. The document exploitation and interrogation teams can be pent to
section is tasked to review enemy docu- augment the forward divisions, and LRSC
ments and provide reports and translations operations may be conducted within or
required to support current intelligence beyond the divisions' area of interest under
operations. division or corps control. Such augmenta-
tion depends on the missions assigned to
the corps and the divisions and the priority
Counterintelligence Platoon given to interrogation, CI, and LRSC opera-
The CI platoon provides CI support to the tions at each of these echelons. The longer-
division and subordinate unit. The CI ranged airborne collection systems provide
operations section assists the platoon leader coverage from the corps area spread across
in managing the platoon's CI teams. Addi- the entire corps front. The GUARDRAIL
tionally, its personnel augment the CI and QUICKLOOK SIGINT and EW sys-
teams when necessary. The four CI teams tems are good examples of this type of
provide support by countering hostile intel- support.
ligence collection, sabotage, subversion, Corps is also the main interface between
and terrorist threat. the national intelligence system and tacti-
cal operations. It is a two-way communica-
Ground Surveillance Platoon tion path as tactical information is fed to
The GSR platoon differs from other GSR support the national intelligence effort, and
platoons in that it is organized into four national-level systems provide data needed
GSR squads with three AN/PPS-15 GSR by the corps and division.
systems each. EAC SIGSEC and HF SIGINT and EW
assets support theater, corps, and division
ECHELONS ABOVE DIVISION operations since these organizations have
SUPPORT The theater TCAE (formerly called primary
control and analysis center (PCAC)) for
The MI battalion organic to a division SIGINT and EW operations is also found at
requires support from corps and EAC MI EAC in the MI brigade (EAC). The PCAC
assets. Primary support received from corps functions in a manner similar to the TCAEs
is in the areas of CI, IPW, and SIGINT and of the corps and divisions by providing
EW. EAC provides communications secu- technical control and management of MI
rity (COMSEC) support for all subordinate brigade (EAC) SIGINT resources and inter-
organizations. facing with national systems for analysis of
The added MI support is designed to technical SIGINT data received from such
cover gaps in coverage and to extend the systems.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.38

DODDOA 013462
Command and Control

The division commander places demands IEW requirements for these missions are
a the IEW system and uses the products of forecast and updated during the mission.
Le system to plan and direct all phases of The status and capabilities of divisional
le air-land battle. His staff employs the IEW resources must be closely monitored to
system and ensures that it is inte- ensure effective use of these resources.
rated with division combined arms
aerations. MANAGEMENT
The MI battalion commander and his
aff organize and task the MI battalion The management and command and con-
ements discussed in Chapter 2 based upon trol of the IEW system are closely interre-
ission requirements provided by the G2 lated. The responsibilities of management
ad G3. This includes initial task organize- are split between the various command and
on with assignment of standard tactical control facilities described in this chapter
issions (DS, GS, reinforcing, or GS rein- (for more detail, see FC 101-55). The three
,rcing as described later in this chapter), levels of management are---:
agoing management of specific missions
Lrough provision of technical data, and the O Requirements management, which is
•ocess of redirecting and moving assets on the translation of the division com-
Le changing battlefield. mander's guidance and concept of the
operation into intelligence, EW, and CI
This chapter will describe the principles
Lat guide the MI commander and staff in
ganizing to meet IEW mission require- O Mission management, which is the
ents. It describes command and support specific planning, direction, and con-
lationships and offers. methods of task trol of operations required to satisfy
•ganizing an MI unit. It also describes the the commander's needs for intelli-
,mmunications that are vital in organiz- gence, EW, and CL
g the MI unit for combat and ensuring the O Asset management, which is the plan-
nely flow of information and intelligence ning, direction, and control of individ-
hich affects the outcome of the air-land ual collection, EW, and CI resources
ittle. necessary to accomplish the IEW
MANAGEMENT Requirements and mission management
are conducted by the G2 and G3 staff,
The division initiates IEW planning augmented by the DTOCSE. The headquar-
aen it receives a mission from the corps or ters of each divisional unit manages the
sumes a mission on its own initiative. IEW mission asset that the unit is capable
of performing. The MI battalion S3 within
the MI battalion TOC manages MI battal-
ion element assets for the commander.
These levels of management are described
in detail in Chapter 4.

ACLU-RDI 387 p.39

DODDOA 013463
SUPPORT ❑ Direct forces.
❑ Sustain the force.
The IEW missions described in Chapter 1
and the IEW functions, capabilities, and ,
❑ Motivate subordinates.
limitations described in Chapter 2 and ❑ See the battlefield.
Appendix B provide the basis for the prin-
ciples of IEW support to both offensive and ❑ Win the battle.
defensive combat operations. These IEW The commander personally controls the
principles are directly keyed to division and battles in which the division is engaged. As
brigade requirements. The principles of the commander, he must clearly establish
IEW support are- and communicate his intent to coordinate
❑ Knowing the battlefield- forces and synchronize combat power
multidisciplined reconnaissance, sur- through concentration in time and space at
veillance and target acquisition decisive points on the battlefield. Thus, the
(RSTA) assets to provide essential tenets of air-land battle doctrine: initiative,
information about the enemy, terrain, agility, synchronization, and depth are
and weather. exercised through the precise execution of
command at all levels. Division CPs sup-
O Denying the enemy intelligence—EW port the commander in the exercise of his
and COMSEC resources to protect. Ca command requirements. The division
and CI resources to counter the ene- staff-
my's multidisciplined intelligence col-
lection efforts. ❑ Obtains and provides information.
❑ Disrupting and destroying enemy C 3I ❑ Estimates and anticipates the
facilities—communications jamming situation.
(COMJAM) resources to disrupt HPT ❑ Supervises execution.
C3 facilities and ESM resources to O Recommends courses of action . .

target fire support systems.

❑ Prepares plans and orders.
❑ Maintaining the integrity of IEW
operations—task organizing to satisfy ❑ Coordinates operations.
aggregate mission requirements and
the full integration of IEW to maintain CPs accomplish three principal tasks to
the integrity of the force as a whole. support the division's overall C2 system.
These tasks include-
ORGANIZATIONS AND ❑ Planning the battle.
FACILITIES ❑ Conducting the battle.
The division's CPs consist of the facili-
ties from which the commander and his O Sustaining the battle.
staff plan and direct battles on the air-land The amount of effort dedicated to each of
battlefield. The division commander com- these functions varies by echelon and
mands his forces from the most advanta- within each of the division's CPs.
geous place on the battlefield. He is not
fixed to any of the division CPs in the exe-
cution of his command responsibilities. CPs DIVISION COMMAND POSTS
exist to support the commander in perform- The imperatives each division CP must
ing the following critical functions: meet to achieve their purpose are shown in
the following illustration.
❑ Command the force.
❑ Know the situation. If the CP does not survive, it fails to
accomplish its assigned tasks. CP opera-
❑ Make decisions. tions must be continuous 24 houis a day,
❑ Assign missions. with a qualified and integrated staff to
❑ Allocate means. accomplish their operational functions.

3 1

ACLU-RDI 387 p.40

DODDOA 013464



.ch CP staff must plan for future opera- sion's deep, close, and rear operations and
ns by assimilating current information recommend reallocation of combat power
d developing estimates and plans for the within the division's AO. The DTOC is the
aduct and support of these operations. operational hub of the main CP and is nor-
fective C2 can be exercised only when mally supervised by the division's chief of
erational planning and execution support staff. At the DTOC, the division's in-depth
.3 rapid, changing battle. This allows the planning for and conduct of IEW operations
endly commander to act and the enemy take place, requirements and mission man-
.ce to react. Effective CP operations allow agement of IEW activities are performed,
commander to choose the time and and IEW elements throughout the division
tee to fight and synchronize the use of all are tasked.
!ans of combat power to decisively win
battle. The main CP staff includes-
['here are three major CPs used at the ❑ Staff resources of the G2.
rision level: the division's main CP, tacti- ❑ DTOCSE.
1 CP, and rear CP.
❑ G3.
❑ FSE.
Main CP
❑ Division chemical section.
Che primary functions of the main CP are
❑ Tactical air control party (TACP).
Synchronize the battle. ❑ C-E staff element.
Conduct deep operations. ❑ Other special staff sections.
Plan future b-attles. The G2, as the intelligence manager, pro-
vides perishable combat information and
rhe secondary function of the main CP is intelligence to support the planned use of
coordinate combat service support (CSS). fire, maneuver, EW, and other operations to
e main CP staff monitors the close and be executed by the division. The DTOCSE
it operations to synchronize the divi- and all other principal and special staff

ACLU-RDI 387 p.41

elements support the G2 in receiving com- of special staff officers such as the ADA,
bat information dealing with enemy, engineer, and FSE (DIVARTY), or through
weather, terrain, and intelligence derived operations and intelligence reports received
from all other sources. at the tactical CP from divisional units at
The DTOC maintains communications large. So that detailed intelligence collec-
with the- tion operations can be focused on the
follow-on enemy forces, combat information
❑ Tactical CP. received and analyzed by the tactical CP G2
❑ Rear CP. assists the division main CP G2 staff
determine the identification, disposition,
❑ Subordinate CPs within the division. and strength of enemy units in contact. -
❑ Corps TOC and corps tactical CPs. Operation of the tactical CP is normally the
responsibility of either the assistant divi-
❑ Adjacent unit CPs. sion commander or the G3.
The Tactical CP The Rear CP
The primary function of the tactical CP is The primary functions of the rear CP are
to conduct the division's close operations. to sustain the battle and the conduct of divi-
Its secondary function is to monitor the di- sion rear operations. Its secondary func-
vision's deep and rear operations for their tions include serving as the back-up or
impact on FLOT operations and to plan alternate CP for the main CP and planning
future close operations. The tactical CP future rear operations. Rear operations
operates continuously and is of small physi- planning includes IPB of the division rear
cal size and electronic signature. It is posi- area, terrain management in the division
tioned forward on the battlefield and has rear area, traffic control, battle manage-
great mobility. ment of the rear area, and overall C2 for
administrative and logistic support that
The tactical CP staff elements include
takes place in the rear. The rear CP consists
representatives from the-
of the RAOC and support personnel from
❑ G2. the division's coordinating and special
❑ G3. staff. Support personnel are-
❑ FSE. ❑ Personnel who have expertise in gen-
eral intelligence and CI operational
❑ TACP. areas.
❑ ADA. ❑ GI., G3, G4, and adjutant general
❑ Engineer. personnel.
❑ CSS/units. ❑ Administrative/logistics operators.

As the orientation of the tactical CP is

forward in the MBA with a principal focus The assistant commander or the
on the division's close operations, the tacti- DISCOM commander is responsibile for
cal CP is a principal user of intelligence operation of the rear CP. The RAOC
produced by the G2 section at the DTOC includes an operations staff representing
and combat information reported by the maneuver (operations), intelligence,
friendly units in contact. Planning, accom- chemical, and fire support functional areas
plished within the tactical CP, is narrower and designated rear area combat operations
in scope than that accomplished at the and area damage control officers. IEW sup-
main CP. It has a shorter time line towards port to the division's rear operations is
its execution•normally only 24 hours. All planned concurrently with intelligence
staff elements located at the tactical CP operations supporting the division's deep
contribute to the intelligence process and close operations. IPB of the rear area
through the input of combat information focuses on the types and degrees of JEW
received from their parent unit, in the case support dedicated to rear operations. CI


ACLU-RDI 387 p.42

DODDOA 013466
)perations designed to provide I&W infor- ❑ Establishes and enforces division pol-
nation and security to division rear ele- icy for personnel and document
rents will be planned in detail. The posi- security.
tioning of the division's EPW interrogation
:ollection point will also be integrated into ❑ Supervises the division special secu-
he rear operations plan for security as well rity officer (SSO).
is intelligence exploitation purposes. Other ❑ Ensures that division policies and
EW support to include GSR, COMINT, and procedures are compatible with those
LI CM will be integrated into the rear opera- established by the Departments of
ions plan as dedicated support, or on-call Army (DA) and Defense (DOD).
n the event of contingencies, based on mis- ❑ Provides staff supervision for branches
;ion, enemy, terrain, time and troops avail- within the G2 and those sections of the
Lble (METT-T) and detailed intelligence DTOCSE that support G2 intelligence
and CI responsibilities.
DIVISION STAFF ❑ Recommends and satisfies the com-
The G2, G3, FSCOORD, and the C-E mander's PIR and IR.
fficer coordinate and direct division IEW ❑ Plans and manages the command's
perations. They obtain the information multidiscipline intelligence collection
squired to answer the commander's (IMINT, HUMINT, and SIGINT) and
equirements concerning both enemy forces processing resources. This includes
nd friendly vulnerabilities. They integrate identifying requirements for RSTA
;CM with maneuver and fire and plan and assets available within and in support
oordinate OPSEC measures and defensive of the division.
;W measures to protect the'division from
nemy intelligence collection operations. ❑ Coordinates with the G3 and assigns
IEW missions to units of the division.
The G2, the senior intelligence officer in ❑ Recommends and satisfies the divi-
le division, is the division commander's sion's CI requirements.
rincipal advisor concerning the enemy,
irrain, and weather. He directs and coor- ❑ Performs situation and target devel-
inates division intelligence, CI, and secu- opment; for example, recommends
ity operations. targets in support of the division
maneuver, fire support, and EW
The G2— systems.
O Recommends intelligence ❑ Provides predictions of fallout from
requirements. enemy employed nuclear and chemical
❑ Directs intelligence collection and all- weapons
source analysis for the production of FM 101-5 and FM 34-1 provide additional
intelligence. information concerning the responsibilities
❑ Ensures the timely dissemination of and functions of the division G2.
intelligence and combat information.
There is no standard organization for the
❑ Plans, directs, and supervises CI
operations throughout the division G2 section. The specific organization is dic-
tated by the division mission, nature of the
area to counter enemy multidisciplined
threat and AO, resources, and the desires of
intelligence collection, espionage, sub-
version, and sabotage. the division commander, chief of staff, or
G2. Like all other principal division staff
❑ Directs support to OPSEC. elements, the G2 provides manning at all
❑ Provides the ESM and intelligence division operational facilities to include the
tactical, main, and rear CPs. A type of
necessary to plan and execute EW
operations. organization for the division's intelligence
staff is shown in the following illustration.

ACLU-RDI 387 p.43

DODDOA 013467







The G2 operations branch, based on G2 serves as the principal G2 interface between

guidance, directs and coordinates intelli- the CM&D section who executes R&S plan-
gence, CI, division SSO, staff weather team, ning, requesting, and tasking and the plans
and the engineer terrain team operations. It section of the G3, the air liaison officer and
coordinates the daily operations of the G2 division aviation, and fire support and
staff within the DTOC, providing intelli- target acquisition experts in the FSE.
gence to the division commander, the coor- The G2 plans and exercise branch formu-
dinating staff, and the special staff. It lates and coordinates intelligence and CI
ensures that intelligence requirements to plans and requirements for future and con-
support current operations are satisfied, to tingency operations by close coordination
include the dissemination of intelligence with intelligence personnel assigned to the
and combat information. It coordinates G3 plans branch. The G2 directs the
closely with the G3 operations branch and DTOCSE to ensure that IPE and TVA sup-
FSE to ensure that intelligence and CI port is provided.
operations are integrated with and support
the commander's scheme of maneuver and The security branch develops division
the fire support targeting effort. security policies and assesses the security
status of the command. It coordinates with
The tactical surveillance officer (TSO), a the DTOCSE CI analysis section for secu-
member of the G2 staff, monitors the cur- rity assistance,
rent and planned deployment of reconnais-
sance and surveillance (R&S) assets The G2 DTOC and tactical and rear CP
assigned and attached to the division and elements may be staffed as separate
divisional units. In coordination with the branches or the necessary resources may be
CM&D section, the TSO maintains the cur- drawn from other G2 branches. The G2
rent status of R&S resource availability and element at the tactical CP provides the divi-
plans for their employment to support sion commander and staff with the intelli-
future operations. The TSO, trained in col- gence support required to conduct close
lection management and R&S operations, operations. The element must be small and


ACLU-RDI 387 p.44

DODDOA 013468
capable of continuous operations. The G2 ❑ In-place communications architecture
tactical CP element coordinates closely with that supports the electrical, voice,
the G2 operations branch and DTOCSE at radio, and facsimile transmission of
the division main CP to ensure that it is SCI material within the division AO.
aware of the division's current deep and
rear operations as well as intelligence plans DTOCSE
for future operations.
The division HHC has organic to it, a
The division SSO is a G2 asset assigned DTOCSE which is designed to reinforce the
to the division headquarters, headquarters G2 and 03 in the management of IEW
company (HHC). The SSO section will con- operations. The sections of the DTOCSE are
sist of the SSO, one enlisted clerk, and may functionally integrated with the G2 and G3
be augmented as required. The division sections. They may also be integrated physi-
SSO- cally. The individual sections work as
❑ Ensures that SCI operations within extensions of and act in the name of the G2,
the division conform to national-level G3, or commander. The DTOCSE is orga-
directives and regulations. nized as shown in the following chart.
❑ Supervises the establishment of sensi- CM&D Section. The CM&D section, under
tive compartmented information facili- the staff supervision of the G2, performs
ties (SCIFs) in tactical field mission management for intelligence collec-
environments. tion and is the focal point for the rapid dis-
❑ Provides guidance to the G2 regarding semination of combat information and
the commander's SCI requirements intelligence. Mission management includes
balanced against the parameters and collection planning, tasking, and coordina-
constraints levied by national-level tion. Collection planning converts PIR and
agencies. IR into collection missions. Requirements



II RI Il• ■■ Is ■


He must be familiar with the— include those developed by the commander,

G2 and G3, division subordinate units, and
❑ Routine garrison duties that are com- higher and adjacent commands. Require-
mon to SSOs at all echelons of ments are also generated from the identifi-
command. cation of gaps in the division intelligence
data base as identified by the ASPS of the
O SIGINT organization of his division DTOCSE. The CM&D section receives,
and how SIGINT tactical operations analyzes, consolidates, and assigns priori-
and procedures impact on the adminis- ties to IEW requirements and ensures that
tration of SCI. combat information and intelligence are

ACLU-RDI 387 p.45

DODDOA 013469
disseminated to the right user at the right screens and segregates combat information
time. and intelligence received by the DTOC
for its application to targeting require-
ASPS Section. The ASPS, under the staff ments. The FAIO also coordinates cuing of
supervision of the G2, provides intelligence MI collection systems from information
analysis and production support to the divi- developed by artillery target acquisition
sion. It is staffed to provide continuous, all- systems.
source analysis support. It is located within The ASPS interfaces with other analyti-
a SCIF in the DTOC. It is a terminus for cal elements to exchange information and
SCI communications links which it uses for intelligence, to reconcile processing efforts
analyst-to-analyst communications with and to resolve discrepancies. Close and con-
other analytical elements within the divi- tinuous interface between intelligence pro-
sion, corps, and adjacent units. These SCI ducers is vital to the intelligence production
communication links provide the ASPS effort.
access to national intelligence products and
support. The ASPS, supported by the ter-
rain and Air Force weather teams, performs
IPB. The ASPS uses the IPB data base for
situation and target development. The fol-
lowing illustration is a list of the support
provided by the ASPS.



Processes information from all sources—organic and external—to produce intelligence in response to the division
commander's needs.
Develops and maintains the intelligence data base to Include EOB Information.
Identifies gaps hi the data base and refers them to the CM&D section for inclusion in the collection plan.
Provides 1P9 products to the division commander and staff, subordinate units, and other elements that require
them to plan, execute, and support combat operations.
Identifies enemy HVTs and, in coordination with the FSE and 63, recommends HPTs to the commander.

Through target development, the ASPS EW Section. The EW section assists the G3
plays a key role in the division targeting in carrying out his EW staff responsibili-
effort. Through IPB and TVA, it identifies ties. It provides mission management for
enemy HVT. It also supports targeting EW operations and recommends the alloca-
through target correlation. tion of EW resources. It assists the G3 in
The field artillery intelligence officer integrating EW with combat operations and
(FAIO), assigned to the FSE, operates identifying EW requirements. It converts
within the ASPS in the DTOC. The FAIO EW requirements to specific ECM missions
helps identify targeting and target devel- and tasks the MI battalion S3 through the
opment requirements, evaluates incoming CM&D section. The illustration on page 3-8
reports to identify pertinent targeting data, is a list of the support provided by the EW
and once the target has been developed suf- section.
ficiently by the ASPS, expedites its report-
ing to the FSE. He informs the DTOCSE of
current targeting requirements. The FAIO
3 7

ACLU-RDI 387 p.46

DODDOA 013470
Monitors the enemy electronic order of battle (EEOB) technical data base which is maintained by the TCAE.
Evaluates the vulnerability of enemy emitters.
Recommends enemy targets for ECM to support planned and ongoing operations.
Identifies asset capabilities, formulates mission tasking, and monitors results.
Evaluates the brigade and division schemes of maneuver and recommends the integration of EW.
Develops and maintains EW target lists and jamming schedules and other planning and coordination mechanisms
to ensure engagement of key electronic targets with ECM systems at critical times.
Recommends to the 03, priority of effort for jamming after considering the enemy, terrain, scheme of maneuver,
and expected jamming effectiveness.
Prepares the LW portions of estimates, plans, orders, and requests for ESM in coordination with the G3 EW staff
Coordinates jamming ON-OFF control measures, and in the case of ON-OFF controlled jamming, provides mis-
sion initiation and termination orders using existing communications from the DTOC to the MI battalion TOC.
This ON-OFF control is seldom instantaneous and usually requires planned cues to lime the start and stop of
Assists the G3 in evaluating the effectiveness of EW activities in support of combat operations and recommends
changes in unit task organization to achieve improved efficiency and effectiveness.
Reviews reports and evaluates hostile EW efforts, and in coordination with the C-E officer, recommends appro-
priate ECCM.
Assists In the evaluation of friendly EW operations to determine their effects on friendly C-E activities.
Assists in the preparation of emergency, contingency, and other plans, ensuring that LW capabilities and vulnera-
bilities are adequately considered.
Assists in the review of resource status reports (RSRs) for determination of the readiness of intercept and com-
munications jamming assets assigned and under OPCON of the command.
Assists in integrating LW into programs of instruction, lesson plans, training exercises, and scenarios.

CI Analysis Section. The CI analysis sec-

tion, under the staff supervision of the G2,
provides CI analysis support to OPSEC,
rear operations, and deception. The follow-
ing illustration is a list of the support pro-
vided by the CI analysis section.



Supports the command's OPSEC program by analyzing hostile intelligence collection capabilities, and working
with the OPSEC staff element, compares enemy collection capabilities with divisional profiles to identify friendly
vulnerabilities and OPSEC measures.
Supports the division's rear operations mission by identifying and recommending actions to neutralize level I and
II threats.
Supports deception planning by recommending deception techniques as an OPSEC measure or in support of tac-
tical deception operations. its personnel are experts in counter-SIGINT, -HUMINT, and -(MINT.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.47

DODDOA 013471
OPSEC Staff Element. The OPSEC staff postattack assessments, aerial imagery,
element assists the G3 in fulfilling com- reconnaissance patrol debriefings, and
mand OPSEC responsibilities. Working EPW interrogation and engineer reconnais-
closely with the CI analysis section, it per- sance reports. It correlates and analyzes
forms the OPSEC management functions this data with other terrain data on enemy
necessary for the development and imple- LOC and facilities. It updates maps using
mentation of the command's OPSEC pro- all available environmental and weather
gram. In addition to these management data. The team maintains a close interface
tasks, the following illustration lists the with its parent battalion at EAC and the
OPSEC staff element's specific duties. corps terrain team for terrain analysis, map


Assists the G3 in developing essential elements of friendly information (EEF1).
Prepares the command's OPSEC plans and annexes.
Provides input to and reviews deception plans and related publications and documents.
Prepares and maintains the command OPSEC standing operating procedure (SOP).
Develops, implements, and supervises command OPSEC training and education programs.
Develops OPSEC evaluation requirements and missions and tasks them to the MI battalion through the CM&D

Terrain Team.The terrain team is a evaluation support, and terrain products

five-man team from the EAC engineer that are beyond its own capability. FM 34-3
topographic battalion which deploys and provides a detailed description of how the
works with the ASPS. Its working relation- terrain team supports IP&
ship with the USAF weather team and
DTOC ensures rapid integration of ter- Weather Team. A weather team from the
rain information with enemy and weather supporting Air Force Air Weather Service
data to produce intelligence. Operating in (AWS) unit provides weather support for the
DS of the division, it is under the staff division. The team consists of the SWO, a
supervision of the division G2. The team is forecast element, and weather observing
composed of a terrain intelligence techni- teams. The SWO is a member of the divi-
cian, two terrain analysts, a cartographic sion special staff, operating under the staff
draftsman, and a clerk. The terrain team- supervision of the G2. The team has a 24-
hour capability to observe and forecast
❑ Provides terrain analysis and main- weather.
tains a terrain data base for the divi-
sion areas of operation and interest. Normally, the team forecasts weather for
the division TOC, one airfield/helipad, and
❑ Assists the ASPS in its IPS functions the maneuver brigades. It is capable of
by performing general and detailed direct forecasting support to a brigade or
terrain analysis and producing terrain airfield for limited periods.
factor overlays. The forecast element provides weather
forecasting and climatic support to the divi-
O Provides map evaluation support to sion. It maintains the weather and climatic
the division and coordinates carto-
graphic support through the corps ter- data base. It normally locates with the ter-
rain team and cartographic company. rain team at the division main CP and pro-
vides climatic and weather products to sup-
port IPB. It receives weather data from the
The terrain team gathers terrain data
from all-source intelligence reports such as


ACLU-RDI 387 p.48

DODDOA 013472
orps weather team, weather observations The G3 tasks the MI battalion to carry
rom its forward weather observation out ECM and OPSEC evaluation missions
earns, and meteorological data from in coordination with the G2.
)IVARTY. The G3—
The division HHC provides the weather ❑ Plans and coordinates EW operations.
earn with its tactical equipment and
nsures unit maintenance of common • ❑ Directs ECM actions needed to support
quipment, such as vehicles, generators, planned and ongoing operations.
nd communications gear used by the ❑ Identifies, in coordination with the G2,
leather team. Weather team personnel ESM requirements to support ECM
perate and perform operator-level mainte- and ECCM.
ance on its assigned equipment. The AWS
rovides specialized equipment. ❑ Coordinates with the C-E officer to
establish ECCM to protect friendly C-E
G3 operations.
The G3 is responsible to the commander ❑ Prepares the EW annex to operation
)r operations, plans, and training. He has plans (OPLANs) and operation orders
taff responsibility for planning all division (OPORDs).
perations and directing the OPSEC, decep-
on, and EW operations of the division. The ❑ Identifies and recommends EEFI.
W section of the DTOCSE reinforces the ❑ Implements countermeasures to frus-
in the management of division EW trate the enemy intelligence collection
perations. As such, it operates closely with effort.
ie operations and plans branches of the
G3, FSE, and division C-E officer to ❑ Plans and coordinates deception opera-
osure that EW is integrated with and sup- tions to support the commander's
orts all division operations. The G3 inte- scheme of fire and maneuver.
rates jamming with fire and maneuver, FM 101-5 and FM 34-1 provide detailed
nd electronic deception with other forms of descriptions of the responsibilities and
eception and OPSEC measures. He coor- functions of the division G3.
inates ECM with the G2 and, in turn,
.ceives the intelligence and ESM needed to
Ian and execute ECM and ECCM. He FSCOORD
)ordinates ECM operations with the C-E
Meer to ensure ECM does not adversely The FA commander is designated the
Ffect division communications or the corn- FSCOORD. At the division level, the
kunications of other units operating in or DIVARTY commander serves as the
ear the division AO. Additionally, the G3 FSCOORD. The FSCOORD is responsible
)ordinates with the C-E officer regarding for—
CCM aspects of the division's EW
perations. The proper integration and application
of all fire support to enhance the
The G3, with the assistance of the scheme of maneuver. This is accom-
1PSEC staff element of the DTOCSE, plished through the collective and
Tans and directs OPSEC measures to pro- coordinated use of target acquisition,
)ct the command and its operations, He indirect fire weapons, armed aircraft,
)ordinates with the G2 for CI support to and other lethal and nonlethal means
)PSEC. He develops OPSEC evaluation in support of battle plans. (see FM 6-20,
fissions and, assisted by the G2, directs page 4-9).
ie task organization and ad hoc OPSEC ❑ Planning and coordinating target
valuation teams that carry them out. He acquisition, ADA fires, schedules of
)ordinates with the G2 to ensure that fires, deception operations by fire sup-
vailable CI assets are used effectively to port means and the engagement of sur-
atisfy division CI and OPSEC evaluation face targets by air support, naval gun-
eeds. fire, chemical and nuclear weapons,


ACLU-RDI 387 p.49

DODDOA 013473
field artillery, and offensive electronic within the command and with higher
warfare systems. and adjacent commands.
❑ Providing information on the status of ❑ Coordinating nuclear and chemical
fire support and FA target acquisition fires with the chemical officer.
means. O Submitting information and intelli-
❑ Recommending the FA task gence derived from fire support opera-
organiz ation. tions to the G2.
❑ Providing status of FA ammunition on ❑ Organizing and supervising the FSEs,
hand; recommending to the G3 the FA fire support sections, and FISTs with
ammunition required supply rate, pro- supported units down to and including
viding an estimate of the adequacy of company and troop.
the FA ammunition controlled supply O Coordinating efforts to suppress
rate (CSR), and recommending the enemy air defense with fire support
CSR for subordinate commands. means, both lethal and nonlethal.
❑ Recommending the allocation of ❑ Coordinating the counterfire and
nuclear and chemical weapons for fire interdiction fire effort of the force.
support operations (that is the pre-
scribed nuclear load (PNL)/prescribed ❑ Recommending and coordinating use
chemical load (PCL) for FA units, sub- of fire support means from other ser-
ordinate units, supply points, and vices and advising liaison representa-
depots). tives from supporting services.
❑ Assisting in the preparation of ' ❑ Developing, in coordination with G3, a
OPLANs and OPORDs by providing fire support concept to support the
information about fire support organi- battle.
zations and operations, to include ❑ Providing fire support coordination
recommending fire support coordina- representatives to assist the G3 air as
tion measures, high payoff targets, a member of the airspace management
and priorities. The FSCOORD also element (AME).
supervises the preparation of the fire
support annex and supporting The FSE is responsible for planning and
appendixes. ,•, coordinating fire support. The FSE staff is
provided by the DIVARTY. The FSE
❑ Coordinating FA survey within the
command and with higher and adja- O Advises on all fire support matters.
cent commands. O Develops the fire support plan and
❑ Providing technical assistance to the coordinates its implementation, to
G2 in the study and evaluation of include nuclear and chemical fires.
enemy fire support capabilities and ❑ Maintains a current status of all fire
weather/terrain effects on friendly fire support means available to the force,
support capabilities. to include FA, air support, naval
❑ Providing technical assistance to the gunfire, and offensive EW.
G2 in supporting the battlefield sur- ❑ Plans and coordinates fire support
veillance plan. suppression of enemy 'air defenses
❑ Preparing the fire support portion of (SEAD).
the training program and supervising
the FA training throughout the ❑ Recommends FA organization for
command. combat.
❑ Recommends target priorities (high
❑ Monitoring the maintenance condition payoff targets) for fire support.
of FA equipment and advising the
commander and responsible staff per- The FSE is divided between the division's
sonnel on related problems. tactical and main CPs. The tactical CP
❑ Coordinating FA target acquisition FSE-


ACLU-RDI 387 p.50

DODDOA 013474
Is responsible for fire support coordi- FSE in determining the best means of en-
nation for the current battle. gagement to include nonlethal attack
3 Monitors current fire support opera- options. The G2 section also provides the
tions to ensure that fire support is allo- high value target list to the FSE and tech-
cated properly and assesses the need nical considerations that may impact on
for additional fire support for imme- the development of the high payoff target
diate and near immediate tactical list. Additionally, the G2 section provides
situations. enemy intent and probable courses of action
and movement for consideration in weapon
3 Maintains the status of fire support and radar emplacement, fire planning, and
needs. ammunition requests. The G2's analysis of
Expedites immediate fire support terrain and weather are also reviewed by
needs. the FSE for information impacting on weap-
on positioning, task organization, and fire
Artillery targeting information obtained planning.
the tactical CP FSE is provided to the
ctical CP G2 section as combat informa- The FSE provides targeting intelligence
)11. The G2 section uses such information collected from direct observation by fire
confirm other combat information support teams, observation/lasing teams,
zieived from units located in the MBA and aerial artillery observers, and target acqui-
its overall intelligence assessments that sition radars. Artillery observers provide
provides to the main CP G2. damage assessments (when possible) from
which the G2 determines the enemy force's
The main CP FSE- level of attrition through fire support
] Augments the capabilities of the tacti- engagements and estimates of the enemy's
cal FSE as required. strength and capabilities.
Plans fire support for future The FSE, through information and intel-
operations. ligence received from and given to the G2,
provides for the proper integration and
Responds to requests for future addi- application of all fire support, lethal and
tional fire support from subordinate nonlethal, to enhance the scheme of
commands. maneuver.
Develops, in coordination with other
fire support representatives, fire sup- C-E Officer
port plans and disseminates them The division C-E officer is responsible to
through the G3 section. the commander for all aspects of division
3 Plans SEAD fires for both current and communications. He is part of the division
future operations. special staff and commander of the division
signal battalion. He exercises overall direc-
3 Recommends FA organization for tion of ECCM—one of the three major EW
combat, target priorities (HPT), and functions.
fire support coordination measures.
The relationship between the G2, G3, and ECCM are executed by every element of
3COORD and the G2, G3 staff and FSE is the combat force that uses or is responsible
ie of mutual support. The G2, G3/S2, S3 for the use of electronic emitters. The
id the FSE closely coordinate situation responsibility for ECCM starts with com-
id target development. At battalion and manders and extends to supervisors and
igade, this is accomplished through per- operators at all levels. Techniques for reduc-
nal contact between staff officers. Coor- ing friendly vulnerabilities to enemy radio
nation between staff elements at division electronic combat (REC) efforts are directed
id corps requires SOPs to ensure through the Communications-Electronics
ficiency. Operating Instructions (CEOI),
Communications-Electronics Standing
The G2 provides timely intelligence to the Instruction (CESI), SOP, and other
3E for targeting purposes and assists the instructions.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.51

DODDOA 013475
Normally, the division C-E officer will and C-E staff sections are manned by ASI
coordinate all communications matters 5M personnel. These personnel have been
with the general staff. The functions of the trained to plan, integrate, and coordinate
division C-E officer are advisory: coordinat- EW in support of combined arms operations
ing plans and orders, providing staff super- in the context of their normal staff func-
vision and liaison, and supervising tions. They assist the commander and prin-
training. cipal staff officers in assessing how friendly
and enemy use of electronic systems affect
The division C-E officer coordinates with an operation. The 5M-qualified officer coor-
and assists the G2 on- dinates EW in support of the unit mission
❑ COMSEC equipment and procedures within his staff area of responsibility. He
and ECCM actions. helps plan and execute EW training pro-
❑ Interpretation of enemy signal grams, prepares EW estimates and annexes
documents. to plans and orders, and provides staff
supervision and evaluation of EW support
❑ Evaluation of enemy signal operations.
equipment. The G3, 5M-qualified EWS0—
❑ Evaluation of MIR reports.
❑ Integrates EW planning into tactical
❑ Establishment of multichannel circuits plans and orders.
required for tactical SCI communica-
tions within the division. ❑ Prepares, in coordination with the EW
section of the. DTOCSE, the EW esti-
The division C-E officer coordinates with mate, the EW annex to command
the G3 on- operational plans and orders, and the
❑ Overall tactical communications command SOP.
activities. ❑ Assists in the preparation of requests
❑ SED, MED, and tactical ECCM. for the authority to conduct ECM
❑ Organization and signal equipment of
division units. ❑ Determines requirements for pre-
planned EW support and recommends
❑ Division personnel training in com- taskings for EW units and subordinate
munications activities. elements of the command.
❑ Selection of division CP locations
based on communications ❑ Advises and assists staff officers to
requirements. develop electronic deception plans and
within the G3, acts as the principal
❑ Physical security of signal advisor on the technical aspects and
installations. requirements for electronic deception
❑ Preparation of C-E annexes to the divi- programs.
sion SOP and division OPLAN includ-
ing paragraph 5 of the division ❑ Establishes safety procedures to
OPORD. ensure that active ECM equipment and
operations do not endanger personnel
❑ Allocation and assignment of radio or cause the degradation or malfunc-
frequencies. tion of any nuclear weapons (including
❑ Development of TABOO and PRO- atomic demolition munitions) or any
TECTED frequencies to assist in con- conventional weapons with internal
troling the direction of ECM electronic guidance and fusing. This
operations. requires coordination with explosive
ordnance disposal (E0D) and other
units to determine. critical electronic
EW Staff Officer (ASI 5M) thresholds to establish safety proce-
Various positions in corps, division, and dures and distances and frequencies to
subordinate unit intelligence, operations, be avoided.

3 13

ACLU-RDI 387 p.52

DODDOA 013476
Assists in the exercise of command The division airspace management ele-
ON-OFF control of jamming ment (DAME) 5M-qualified officer coordi-
operations. nates airborne EW missions with the FSE
Prepares for the G3, and in coordina- and the air defense staff officer to preclude
tion with the C-E staff officer, TABOO interference with planned operations of
and PROTECTED frequencies to these activities.
assist in the control of ECM
operations. MI BATTALION C2
Receives and evaluates all reports of ORGANIZATIONSAND
enemy jamming or suspected enemy FACILITIES
The MI battalion responds to the guid-
he. G2 5M-qUalified EWS0— ance of the division commander and the G2
Assists the EW section, DTOCSE, and or G3 regarding IEW support to division
the G3 staff element to prepare EW elements and to mission tasking from the
estimates and annexes to plans and CM&D sections.
orders for pending and ongoing The MI battalion establishes a TOC from
operations. which the deployed assets of the MI battal-
ion are controlled and a battalion trains to
CoOrdinates with the intelligence col- ensure that logistical support is provided to
lection manager to ensure that infor- all battalion assets. These facilities are
mation needed to support EW is normally located close to each other (3 to 5
included in the collection plan. kilometers) and connected by land line and
Prepares the GUARDED frequencies FM voice communications.
list to protect intelligence sources for METT-T and the need for radio LOS with
the G2. the DTOC and the battalion's forward
deployed IEW company teams determine
he C-E staff 5M-qualified EVVS0— the location of the MI battalion TOC in the
Prepares the signal and ECCM portion division area. It may be located forward in
of the training program and provides the division rear area or in a brigade's AO.
staff supervision over signal and The MI battalion trains are positioned to
ECCM training for the command. maximize coordination with the MI battal-
ion TOC, to provide access to major supply
Provides input for the preparation of
EW estimates, plans, and annexes. routes and brigade and division CSS cen-
ters, and to maximize the use of shelter and
Advises on the electromagnetic radia- maintenance support facilities in towns and
tion environments in the command. built-up areas. The battalion normally
Determines local TABOO and PRO- deploys company teams and assigns them
TECTED frequencies in coordination standard tactical missions. This ensures
with the G3 EW staff officer. that MI assets are organized and positioned
to meet the division's needs. These com-
Coordinates measures to reduce elec- pany teams are under the C 2 of the MI bat-
tromagnetic radiation interference. talion commander exercised by the MI bat-
Coordinates MIDI reports with the EW talion TOC/S3 who coordinates closely
section for possible immediate with the unit in whose area they are
countermeasures. deployed. The following paragraphs de-
scribe how the MI battalion trains, TOC,
Advises on the technical C-E aspects of and IEW company teams are configured
electronic systems and devices. and operate.
Implements SIGSEC policy and
'he FSE 5M-qualified officer coordinates The MI battalion trains are the focal
exchanging targeting information point for administrative and logistical sup-
ned from division EW operations. port in the battalion. The MI battalion


ACLU-RDI 387 p.53

DODDOA 013477
trains use existing buildings when possible officers. The XO serves as the deputy
and often locate in built-up areas. This battalion commander and makes
reduces setup and teardown time for main- command decisions in the absence of
tenance activities, improves access to major the commander. He assumes command
roads, and reduces power generation require- of the battalion when the commander
ments as commercial sources may be used. is incapacitated or when directed by
The trains consist of the MI battalion XO, the battalion commander.
Sl, S4, their staffs, and the maintenance ❑ Sl. The Si is responsible for personnel
and support elements of the MI battalion's management and administration. A
HHSC. list of his responsibilities is shown in
The MI battalion trains support the MI the following illustration.



Maintenance of unit strength. Physical security.

Management of personnel and manpower. Headquarters management.
Supervision of health services. Casualty reporting.

battalion and its deployed assets by per- ❑ S4. The S4 has staff responsibility for
forming the following functions: the logistical support within the battal-
❑ Monitoring the battalion's personnel ion. He ensures the availability of
status and coordinating for the provi- supplies and services to all organic
sion and distribution of replacements. and supporting MI elements deployed
throughout the division area and per-
❑ Monitoring the status of all classes of forms staff supervision of maintenance
supply in the battalion and ensuring operations. The S4 coordinates with
that resupply is accomplished. supported unit S4s for CSS of MI units
❑ Providing vehicular and communica- operating in forward areas.
tions maintenance and food service to The MI battalion S4 acts as the net
all elements of the MI battalion TOC control station for the battalion's
and trains. administration and logistics net,
❑ Providing vehicular, command, and which connects the trains with the
IEW systems maintenance support to forward deployed service support ele-
the deployed IEW company teams ments with the IEW company team.
when their requirements exceed the The MI battalion trains staff elements
capability or their assigned or at- communicate with the MI battalion
tached service support elements. TOC via landline telephone and FM
radio and are subscribers in the divi-
The overall responsibilities of the XO and sion's general purpose RATT net as
staff sections are as follows: the MI battalion positions that RATT
❑ XO. The XO supervises the staff and system in the trains. Communications
coordinates administrative and logisti- net diagrams are provided later in this
cal support for the battalion. Nor- chapter.
many, the commander delegates the
authority that the XO needs to direct MI BATTALION TOC
the staff. While each staff officer has
direct access to the commander, the The TOC is the C2 center for the MI bat-
XO is informed of matters that are talion. Under the direction of the battalion
addressed through direct coordination commander or battalion S3, it performs
between the commander and staff asset management•of organic, attached,

3 15

ACLU-RDI 387 p.54

DODDOA 013478
supporting intelligence and EW re- assessing CI and IPW mission priori-
cces. It provides the MI battalion com- ties as received from the CM&D sec-
ider with the centralized management tion and recommends to the S3 those
?ssary to ensure rapid, efficient response specific tasks required by CI and IPW
iission requirements. elements in GS of the division to
MI TOC Composition satisfy these missions.
S3. The S3, as the battalion operations
he TOC is composed of the MI battalion
officer, has staff responsibility for
S3, their staffs, and the TCAE. The C-E operations, plans, and training in the
T officer is also located in the TOC. The
battalion. He has staff responsibility
)onsibilities of these sections are as
for asset management for MI battalion
resources, to include supporting or
S2. The S2 is the principal intelligence reinforcing MI assets and supervising
staff officer within the battalion and battalion TOC operations.
serves as the security manager, over- The S3 section supports the S3 in the
seeing the establishment of personnel management of MI assets. It reviews
security procedures within the battal- missions received from the division
ion. He is responsible for the estab- CM&D section, develops specific tasks,
lishment of emergency destruction and and identifies the assets that can best
evacuation procedures within the TOC accomplish these tasks. It prepares
to ensure the security of its SCI hold- and transmits tasking instructions less
ings. He ensures that battalion SCI SIGINT and EW taskings which are
management, handling, production, prepared by the TCAE. Responsibili-
and dissemination are consistent with ties of the S3 section are shown in the
national-level regulations and local following illustration.


tintainIng continuous coordination with the CM&D section.

.eping abreast of the current battlefield situation.
iveloping plans for the employment of assets based on projected division and brigade operations.
inaging HUMINT, C!, ground surveillance, and SIGSEC (when attached from EAC) assets.
tabiishing SIGINT and EW priorities for asset tasking by the TCAE.
, eping the CM&D section advised of the current capabilities and operational status of battalion assets.
rmuiating and transmitting asset tasking, instructions, and messages.
tintaining the current status of assets through operational status reports received from battalion elements.
)nitoring task accomplishment and adjusting tasking when required.
lintaining necessary management records and logs.

procedures established by the division o TCAE. The TCAE manages SIGINT

SSO. The S2 may be appointed as an and EW assets for the commander and
alternate SSO. When deployed for S3 by providing technical control and
combat, the S2 enters and monitors the tasking according to established
division operations and intelligence SIGINT and EW priorities directed by
(O&I) net and maintains a current the S3. It recommends to the S3 the
intelligence SITMAP or overlay within task organization and technical
the battalion TOC reflecting the cur- employment of SIGINT and EW
rent enemy situation as analyzed from assets. Other responsibilities of the
reports monitored from the division's TCAE are shown in the following
O&I net. The S2 also assists the S3 in illustration.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.55

DODDOA 013479

Correlates signal Intercept data to satisfy the division's SIGINT needs.

Processes first-level interpretations, transcriptions, and analysis of Intercepted transmissions.
Provides SIGINT-produced reports to the G2/DTOCSE for further analysis and Integration with information from
other sources.
Provides technical control of SIGINT/EW systems.
Controls and disseminates SCI within the guidelines outlined by national level regulations and local procedures
established by the division SSO.

The TCAE is organized as shown in The operations section assists the TCAE
the following chart. headquarters in directing SIGINT arid EW
operations within the battalion. The section
The TCAE headquarters supervises tasks, controls, and coordinates C&J assets.
and coordinates TCAE operations in It also directs and coordinates the efforts of
response to mission guidance from the the analysis team to ensure that signal
MI battalion commander and S3. It intercept data is fully exploited. Based on
works directly for the MI battalion S3. missions assigned by the S3 section, the






ACLU-RDI 387 p.56

DODDOA 013480
AE operations section develops and SIGINT hard copy, tactical ELINT
ues specific tasking for battalion SIGINT (TACELINT), DF, and other technical
d EW assets. It recommends the task reports pertaining to the division area.
;anization of assets to satisfy division ❑ Correlating emitter locations to deter-
;uirements and to provide support to the mine enemy force deployments.
gades and other subordinate units of the
-ision. It coordinates all SIGINT and EW ❑ Correlating the SIGINT-derived OB
,ivities within the division to prevent with the data produced by the ASPS
necessary duplication, to attain selected associating enemy emitters with spe-
lundancy, cuing, and mutual support; cific enemy units.
d to facilitate the technical hand off of ❑ Responding to requests for technical
:my elements as they move between sub- support from SIGINT and EW ele-
lin ate unit's area of interest. Because of ments of the battalion with data devel-
tasking, coordinating, and controlling oped through integrated analysis.
•ponsibilities, the section must be fully
are of all SIGINT and EW activities ❑ Formatting and releasing TACREP
thin the divisional area. To ensure that and other reports.
s information is available, the section ❑ Analyzing integrated data and produc-
eives, sorts, catalogs, and distributes all ing necessary reports.
ssages, data, and reports received at the
:AE. This includes technical information ❑ Forwarding information and intelli-
m— gence to the DTOCSE for further dis-
semination and correlation with other
Battalion resources. information and intelligence.
Corps, EAC, and national systems. ❑ Forwarding SIGINT and EW asset
Adjacent MI units. status reports to the CM&D section.

lie operations section develops and The traffic analysis team processes
iintains the technical data bases needed enemy communications traffic to produce
axecute SIGINT and EW missions. It SIGINT and to develop a SIGINT and EW
)vides technical control data to all battal- technical data base. It compiles the enemy
and supporting SIGINT and EW assets, C-E EOB from its own analysis and reports
d as required, exchanges this data with produced by other SIGINT and EW units.
Ler echelons. The team-
le operations section processes signal ❑ Maintains historical data on enemy
except data received from battalion communications, including net
;ets and data provided by adjacent units structures.
d the corps TCAE. It focuses the process- ❑ Examines intercepted traffic for
; effort on developing intelligence to exploitable information.
isfy division needs and to add to the
3INT and EW technical data base. It ❑ Develops enemy net diagrams to
)rdinates the effort of the three analysis develop subordination within threat
.ms (cryptanalysis, ELINT analysis, traf- formations.
analysis) by combining, con-elating, and ❑ Isolates individual transmitters.
alyzing their products to develop a corn-
te picture of enemy signal activity within ❑ Correlates DF results to locate
) division area. When available, it also transmitters.
:ludes information and intelligence from ❑ Exploits captured enemy CEOI.
jacent divisions, corps, EAC, national
The cryptanalysis team exploits enemy
encies, and other services. Specific pra-
low-level operation and numerical codes
ising functions include—
and ciphers to produce intelligence and to
Receiving, cataloging, and integrating add to the SIGINT and EW technical data
all tactical reports (TACREPs), base. The team-


ACLU-RDI 387 p.57

DODDOA (1134R1
❑ Maintains data on known enemy ❑ Provision of asset management and
cipher and code systems, including tasking for subordinate CI and IPW
jargon and brevity codes. elements when deployed in GS of the
❑ Receives copies of all enciphered division.
traffic. The MI battalion TOC exercises control
❑ Performs cryptologic diagnostic tests over the subordinate elements of the battal-
to determine code sytems in use. ion. It interfaces directly with IEW com-
pany teams and forward deployed elements,
❑ Assists in deciphering intercepted the QUICKFIX flight platoon (under the
traffic. OPCON of the MI battalion), and corps MI
elements attached or under OPCON of the
The ELINT analysis team processes non- divisional MI battalion. It directs and tasks
communications signal intercepts for subordinate assets according to missions
SIGINT information to construct the non- assigned by the G2 and G3. It task orga-
communications portion of the EOB and to nizes MI battalion assigned and attached
add to the SIGINT and EW technical data resources to accomplish IEW missions.
base. Primary functions include-
Planning and task organizing IEW assets
❑ Maintaining technical and OB infor- ensures the most effective mix and
mation on noncommunications employment of these assets to accomplish
emitters. assigned missions and support the division
❑ Comparing and correlating intercept commander's concept of the operation. The
recordings with technical and collat- MI battalion TOC plans and task organizes
eral information to identify emitters by battalion resources according to the follow-
type and function. ing principles of employment:
The C-E staff officer supervises communi- • Integrated support. IEW support; is
cations operations within the battalion. He provided to each echelon and inte-
is the principal advisor to the battalion grated with combined arms operations.
commander and staff on all communica- This support may be responding
tions matters. He plans, coordinates, and directly to that echelon, or may be
supervises C-E training and recommends indirect as a unit receives the product
employment of battalion C-E assets. The or information collected by assets in
C-E officer manages the battalion's GS.
COMSEC and ECCM programs.
In the MI battalion TOC, he monitors the ❑ Centralized control/decentralized exe-
status of communications in the battalion cution. Assets are positioned, allocated
and plans for changing requirements as MI missions, and in the case of SIGINT
facilities and assets move on the battlefield. and EW assets, provided supporting
technical data by the MI battalion
MI Battalion TOC Functions TOC. They execute these missions and
The MI battalion TOC is the division's rapidly report combat information.
focal point for the employment and control Control is centralized in order to pro-
of MI battalion assets. Its functions are- vide the most effective support. Decen-
❑ Overall C2. tralized execution allows maximum
flexibility in the execution of assigned
❑ C2 of MI battalion assets. tasks by subordinate elements.
❑ Control of subordinate company
teams. ❑ Direct dissemination to user. In any
❑ Control of corps MI assets attached or employment profile, a direct dissemi-
under the OPCON of the division MI nation capability is established so that
battalion. time-sensitive information may be
provided by the collector to the user
❑ Provision of SIGINT and EW tasking with minimum delay. Communications
to both GS and DS assets (through the channels will be established to ensure
TCAE). all targets which meet the support unit
3 19

ACLU-RDI 387 p.58

DODDOA 013482
commander's attack priorities and tion elements for exploitation and
target location error (TLE) require- further reporting.
ments are transmited immediately to
maneuver and FSEs at the appropriate ❑ Receive operational status reports.
echelon. Deployed SIGINT and EW assets
report their status directly to the
❑ Not in reserve. While IEW assets may TCAE. Other DS or attached assets
be echeloned to provide support in- report through brigade IEWSE, while
depth, they are not placed in reserve. non-SIGINT and -EW.GS assets (such
They are always placed where they as CI and IPW) report directly to the
can contribute most effectively to intel- TOC.
ligence collection and EW in support of
the forces. Close coordination with ❑ Coordinate, as required.
other divisional and nondivisional The TCAE is the focal point for the
elements is vital to effective IEW oper- exchange of SIGINT and EW information
ations. These include the DTOCSE, in the division area. To ensure that infor-
operational MI assets, and other mation is available when and where
TCAEs. needed, the TCAE must interface with-
The continuous flow of information ❑ The corps TCAE.
etween the TOC and the DTOC forms ❑ Adjacent division TCAEs.
le basis for all battalion operations. ❑ Adjacent allied EW units.
hrough communications with the
ITOC the MI battalion TOC- The TCAE relies on the corps TCAE for
SIGINT and technical data base support.
❑ Receives mission tasking based on the
Corps provides technical data development
IEW needs of the division commander.
by corps assets and by national systems. In
❑ Reports combat information and intel- turn, the division TCAE provides SIGINT
ligence froth intelligence and EW technical data developed by division assets
sources. Non-SIGINT and EW assets to the corps TCAE.
report mission results directly to the
CM&D section using existing division The TCAE also coordinates EW opera-
tions and exchanges data with adjacent
communication systems when in GS of divisions. In some cases this may be with
the division, for example, CI, IPW, or an allied division. Regardless of nation-
directly to the supported unit when DS
or attached. ality, effective coordination is vital concern-
ing ECM operations near a common
❑ Reports the operational status and boundary.
disposition of MI personnel and
equipment. The TCAE performs technical tasking of
all SIGINT and EW assets in the division,
❑ Coordinates tasking and priorities. regardless of the standard tactical mission
❑ Reports accomplishment of assigned given IEW company teams. If a company
missions. team with EW assets is in DS of a brigade,
the IEWSE at that brigade will act as the
❑ Receives all-source intelligence pro- interface between the brigade and the MI
ducts, to include 08 information pro- battalion TOC. The IEWSE will relay bri-
duced by the ASPS. gade mission tasking to the MI battalion
The MI battalion TOC communicates TOC, where the TCAE will add technical
ith battalion elements to- data and task the EW element through the
company team headquarters.
❑ Task assets. Tasking includes techni-
cal, background, and associated Upon receipt of mission tasking from the
information necessary to accomplish CM&D section at the DTOC, the S3 evalu-
the task. ates the mission and assesses mission
requirements with the assistance of the
❑ Receive combat information and intel- TCAE chief (for SIGINT and EW missions)
ligence from SIGINT and EW collec- or the S2 (for CI or interrogation missions).

ACLU-RDI 387 p.59

DODDOA 013483
This assessment includes consideration of assistance of the S2 staff. The Communica-
ongoing missions, availability of technical tions nets used for this tasking and for
data, relative priorities, and the status of reporting are described later in this chapter.
assets. For SIGINT and EW missions, the The MI battalion TOC configuration, with
S3 then tasks the TCAE chief to perform the communications used to accomplish the
the necessary planning and asset tasking. tasking and reporting described above, is
For CI and interrogation missions, the S3 shown in the following illustration.
section performs asset tasking with the


( 1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5)

21/2 T
M577 M577 2 1/2 r
S2 S3 2 1/2 T
EC omit
-80 TSC
2 1/2 T 2 1/2 T 2 1/2 T 2 1/2 T

411$ 1 KM
P 1

(6) ( 7) (8) ( 9) ( 10)

Div cmd net (FM)
Div 0/f net (FM)
MI bn cmd net (FM)
MI bn ape net (FM)
CM &D tasking/reporting net (FM) (12)
C&J tasking/reporting net 1 (FM) :"RATT
C&J tasking/reporting net 2 (FM) RATT
C&J tasking/reporting net 3 (FM)
SIGINT tasking/reporting net (FM) RATT 1:11
OUICKF1X fit pit tasking/reporting net (15)
C&J tasking/reporting net 1 (RATT) (13)
C&J tasking/reporting net 2 (RATT)
C&J tasking/reporting net 3 (RATT)
SIGINT tasking/reporting net (RATT)
(15) Corps SIGINT/EW net (RATT)* (16)
(16) Div general purpose net (RATT)•*
• Equipment and operators provided by MI brigade at corps.
" Equipment and operators provided by division signal battalion. May be located at MI battalion trains to facili-
tate administration and logistical traffic. Operates at collateral SECRET level.
— in Mr battalions equipped with the TCAC-D system, two TCAC-D configured 5-ton vans will augment the four
2-1/2 ton vans (TCAE CA TM, TCAE EA TM, TCAE TA TM, and TCAE OPS SEC).


ACLU-RDI 387 p.60

DODDOA 013484
The TCAE exercises technical control of splitting of the battalion TOC but minim-
e three C&J platoons, the SIGINT gro- ized through prior planning and rehearsal
ssing platoon, and the CEWI (QUICK- during training of jump TOC operations.
1) flight platoon which is under OPCON The jump TOC must include—
the MI battalion. Based on the tasking of
e S3, the TCAE adds technical data • Necessary personnel to provide for the
garding frequencies, call signs, schedules, tactical control of battalion IEW ele-
id equipment parameters to the mission, ments while the primary TOC is
id tasks the appropriate platoon. moving.
The MI battalion commander, through ❑ Essential communications to operate
e S3, maintains tactical control of all bat- internal command nets, operations
lion elements that are not attached to di- nets, and technical nets, (for example
sional units_ Through close coordination EW nets) and continue essential com-
ith the division G3, brigade S3, IEWSE at munications on external nets in which
igades, and IEW company team corn- the battalion must maintain communi-
anders, he exercises tactical control by cations (division command, CM&D
ordinating and directing the movement of tasking and reporting net).
:W assets on the battlefield, DS and GS, to ❑ Essential SIGINT analysis capabili-
eet current and projected mission ties for MI battalion collection
quirements. The S3 is the battalion corn- capabilities.
ander's senior resource manager. While
3 IEW elements coordinate movement of ❑ Support and security personnel to sus-
;sets with their supported brigade via the tain jump TOC operations during the
1WSE, they must also coordinate such teardown, movement, and re-estab-
ovements with the MI battalion S3, who lishment of the battalion's main TOC
lows the current status of the division's elements. The primary TOC maintains
aerations and IEW requirements and control of battalion elements until the
wational constraints on technical sys- jump TOC is in position and reports its
ms performance. The S3 section closely preparedness to assume total control of
onitors the teardown, movement, and the battalion's operations. Transfer of
tup of assets via communications with control is formally announced on all
.e company team headquarters so as to internal battalion communication net-
ways be aware of the availability of works to avoid confusion and ensure
;sets to meet short-notice requirements. continuity of operations.
ze TCAE supports the S3's execution of With the large number of communication
.ctical control by recommending suitable modes and means available within the bat-
tes for SIGINT and EW systems based on talion, care is taken to replicate mission
clinical factors. essential networks when organizing the
jump TOC. Where redundancy is present in
When the tactical situation requires the mode of communications during full
ovement of the MI battalion TOC, the TOC operations (FM, RATT, multichannel),
splacement of this 0 2 facility is accom- the jump TOC is normally provided with
ished in two stages, starting with the one of these modes. For example, the coor-
:ployment of a jump TOC. Part of the staff dination and exchange of technical
the TOC moves to the selected new loca- SIGINT/EW information between the
M, while the remainder continue to con- TCAE at corps and division is accom-
ol the operations of the battalion from the plished over HF RATT and multichannel
:isting facility. circuits. The jump TOC would normally be
configured to include the corps MI brigade's
When the first section arrives at the new HF RATT team providing TCAE-to-TCAE
ration and initiates operations, the second coordination, leaving the multichannel
age of the displacement occurs. The jump terminal and communications center at the
)C assumes control of the battalion's main TOC for continued use during the dis-
sets, and the staff at the main facility placment of the jump TOC.
scontinues operations and shifts to the
w TOC location. Risk is accepted in the When redundant modes of communica-


ACLU-RDI 387 p.61

nnnnnA ni
tions do not exist, duplication of means nets. This may entail placing C&J platoons
between the main and jump TOCs must be 1, 2, and 3 on a single FM tasking and
configured. FM voice nets will be used at reporting net with the TCAE during the
both TOCs as a means of control on inter- period of the jump TOC operations rather
nal and external networks_ By using call than three distinct nets normally used. Risk
sign expanders, confusion is avoided in the is minimized by rehearsal and planning,
identification of main and jump TOC ele- but a degree of risk does exist in continuity
ments on the same voice networks. When of operations when the use of a jump TOC
duplicate nets cannot be configured due to is required by the battlefield situation. A
the limited number of FM radio terminals, type jump TOC for the MI battalion, heavy
the commander or S3 may require that division, may be configured as shown
select elements double up on designated below.







Monitors only with R442 (AUX RCVR).

" Consolidated on one frequency.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.62

DODDOA 013486
The elements comprising the jump TOC to enhance MI battalion internal command
=ally include the S3, select members of and control of operational'elements, a com-
e S2 and S3 staff, the battalion C-E offi- pany team will be created to command
rs, a carefully selected element of the them. These company teams may be in DS
DAE, and minimal support personnel of a maneuver brigade or in GS of the divi-
quired to assist in the establishment of sion. The designation of standard tactical
e jump TOC and maintain its security. missions of DS, GS, and so forth will be
Le jump TOC will normally include the determined by the battalion commander in
.'s 5/4-ton vehicle, communication and coordination with the desires of the division
.alyst shelters from the TCAE, and may commander and recommendations of the
elude one M-577 command track carrier. G2 and G3. The means of stating standard
the jump TOC is expected to operate for tactical missions for IEW elements is
extended period of time, an M-577 is through annex A of the division or brigade
eluded to take advantage of its cornmuni. OPORD as well as the MI battalion
tion and space capabilities. The con- OPORD. No standard mix for a company
Lued integrity of the battalion's main team exists, as they are structured to meet
)C operation will normally dictate the the needs of a specific situation and based
ntinued use of battalion C&J and on the factors of METT-T. Examples of the
GINT platoon RATT networks and multi- company teams will follow later in this
annel communications at the main TOC chapter.
ration. When the battalion S3 acts as the Company commanders assigned to the
:C of the jump TOC, his designated MI battalion respond directly to the battal-
sistant S3 will remain as the OIC of the ion commander on all C 2 matters. They
ain TOC.
respond to the battalion staff on matters
Reconnaissance and selection of the jump within the staffs functional areas and
)C location is accomplished by the S3 and delegated authority. They are responsible
e battalion C-E officer to ensure that for the performance of their companies and
erational communication requirements exercise command authority over all
sociated with jump TOC operations are organic and attached company elements.
lly considered. They ensure that company operating ele-
Risks assumed with the jump include- ments are fully trained, equipped, and
] No duplication of the division O&I net maintained to perform assigned missions.
or MI battalion command net at the Commanders select the site for their com-
jump TOC. pany CP and supervise the deployment of
their elements. They inspect company ele-
Potential delays in SIGINT reporting ments, correct deficiencies, and solve pro-
or tasking of C&J platoons while all blems that prevent the accomplishment of
platoons are subscriber on a single FM
net. the unit's mission or significantly reduce its
effectiveness. They coordinate with appro-
3 No redundancy in means or modes of priate battalion staff elements for required
communication. support. Asset tasking for their subordinate
1 No redundancy on voice communica- elements orginates with the MI battalion
tion for control, coordination, and TOC and its TCAE.
reporting within the MI battalion.
Company Team Missions
While these risks are present, they clearly
tweigh the alternative of taking the MI During IEW operations, MI assets are
ttalion TOC entirely out of operation dur- assigned standard tactical missions.
g a single move. Standard missions describe the IEW sup-
port responsiblities for an MI unit. They
IEW COMPANY TEAMS also establish an MI unit's relationship to a
the assets of the MI battalion are task supported force or another MI unit. Stan-
;anized, IEW company teams are created. dard tactical missions do not affect the
tese contain the mix of assets selected by organizational structure or the command
e MI battalion commander and his S3 to relationship that results from that struc-
rform a specific mission. When sufficient ture. The four standard tactical missions
sets are operating in the same area, and are-

, 24

ACLU-RDI 387 p.63

DODDOA 013487
❑ DS. ticular subordinate unit. It responds to the
GI GS. requirements of the force commander, as
tasked by the MI battalion TOC.
❑ Reinforcing. The IEW capabilities of MI units are
❑ GS reinforcing. extended by MI units reinforcing other MI
An MI element in DS of a specific unit units. Reinforcing MI units remain under
will respond to the requirements of the sup- the command of the MI commander assign-
ported unit as first priority and then the ing the reinforcing mission, while OPCON
priorities of the parent unit. The supported is retained by the MI unit being reinforced.
unit will identify its requirements through The reinforcing mission permits increased
liaison elements, which will route them to - support to specific maneuver units without
the MI element for execution. As well as giving up complete control of MI assets to
their first priority to respond to the the supported elements.
requirements of the specified unit, DS ele- An MI element assigned a GS reinforcing
ments have a second priority to respond to mission is required to respond first to the
the needs of the force as a whole. A unit in IEW requirements of the forces as a whole
DS has no command relationship with the and then to reinforce the activities of
supported unit, and remains under the C2 of another specified MI element as a second
its MI chain of command. The centralized priority. The GS reinforcing mission gives
technical management of SIGINT opera- the force commander the flexibility needed
tions will be maintained by the MI battal- to meet the changing tactical situation.
ion regardless of standard tactical missions There are inherent responsibilities within
assigned. each of the four standard missions. The fol-
An MI element in GS will provide support lowing matrix illustrates these
to the force as a whole and not to any par- responsibilities.



• Responds to • Supported unit • Force as • Reinforced MI • Force as

request of • Force as a whole a whole unit whole
• Reinforced
MI unit

• Technical control • Ml bn TOC • MI bn • Reinforced MI • MI bn TOC

TOC unit • Reinforced
- • MI bn TOC MI unit

• Zone of Action • Supported units • Div • Same as • Div area ops

area of ops area reinforced MI • Same as
• Div area of ops of ops unit supported
• Furnishes IEW • MI battalion provides an IEWSE to each maneuver brigade
support element regardless of what MI assets are in the brigade AO.

• Establishes • Supported unit • MI bn • •Reinforced MI • Reinforced MI

communication • MI bn TOC TOC unit • MI bn TOC
• Is positioned • MI unit cdr in • MI bn • Reinforced MI • MI bn TOC or
by coordination with TOC unit or as reinforced MI
supported unit ordered by MI unit if approved
bn TOC by MI bn TOC
• Tasked by • Supported unit • MI bn • Reinforced MI • MI bn TOC
• MI bn TOC TOC unit • Reinforced
MI unit


ACLU-RDI 387 p.64

DODDOA 013488
Standard tactical missions are not corn- Intelligence and Electronic
Land relationships. They clearly define the Warfare Support Element
riorities of support, but in all cases, C 2 is
iercised through the MI chain. A company An IEWSE is provided by the MI battal-
Lam may be assigned any of the four ion S3 section to each of the three maneuver
:andard tactical missions. The assets and brigades. This element is vital to effective
fissions assigned to company teams will MI support to the brigade. When an IEW
e determined by the MI battalion corn- company team is deployed into a brigade
AO, the IEWSE is attached to the company
Lander. He will make these determinations
team. It assists the team commander in
ased on the division concept of operation
rid the guidance of the division corn- coordinating MI operations and support
Lander, G2, and G3. while in the brigade AO. It advises the bri-
gade commander and staff on the integra-
MI Battalion IEW Company Team CP tion and use of MI assets to support the bri-
gade's battles. The IEWSE is dependent on
The IEW company team CP is where the
impany team commander commands and the brigade for logistical support. It is
tctically controls the unit's assets. It con- responsive to requirements levied by both
ists of the company commander, first ser the supported brigade and the supporting
eant, company supply section, and the IEW company team. The IEWSE-
arvice support element attached to the ❑ Establishes liaison between the MI
Dmpany from HHSC during task organiza- battalion, IEW company team, and the
on. The CP will also include the platoon brigade commander and staff.
perations center of the C&J platoon, which ❑ Advises the brigade S2 and S3 on the
made up of that platoon's headquarters capabilities, limitations, and employ-
action and its T&A team. ment of supporting MI assets.
From this CP, the location and status of ❑ Assists the brigade S2 and S3 in plan-
ze IEW company team's assets are moni- ning the use of supporting MI assets
)red and controlled, C&J assets are tasked, and in preparing taskings.
ieir reports processed, efforts of CI or
iterrogation assets (when attached to the O Coordinates with the company team
EW company team) are directed, and commander to ensure rapid response to
iaintenance resources are dispatched to requirements.
iaximize asset availability. ❑ Ensures rapid dissemination of col-
Communications in the company team lected combat information from MI
"P include nets dedicated to each of the elements, as directed by the brigade
anctional areas: MI battalion command commander.
nd operations nets, battalion administra- O Coordinates with the MI battalion
Lve and logistics net, and the technical TOC on all matters concerning MI
&J tasking and reporting net. Information support to the brigade.
3 passed to the IEWSE at the brigade TOC;
/II team asset locations are coordinated ❑ Monitors the SIGINT and EW tasking
hrough the IEWSE with the brigade S3; and reporting net for assets within the
asking is received from the MI battalion brigade sector.
'OC and directed to specific assets for exe- O Maintains communications with the
ution; and maintenance or administrative MI battalion TOC on the MI battalion
,eeds are coordinated. A deployed IEW operations net.
ompany. team CP, the IEWSE in a brigade
'OC, and part of the MI battalion TOC ❑ Ensures that deployed MI elements are
Tith their communications links are shown advised of friendly force maneuvers
a the following illuStration. that will affect their security.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.65


■ 1 Km




150-850 0 - 94, - 3

ACLU-RDI 387 p.66

DODDOA 013490
3 Coordinates with the brigade staff to Company Team Examples
ensure availability of operational sites One example of an IEW company team
within the brigade sector and neces- follows:
sary support for MI team movement or SITUATION: The guidance of the division
routes within the brigade AO. commander is to provide direct IEW support
to the maneuver brigades. The following
Requests additional MI support when organizational chart is a typical structure
required. of a DS company team.









ACLU-RDI 387 p.67

DODDOA n1'.14Q1
As this company team is in DS, the first assets, a DS company team is responsible
priority of IEWSE assets is to IEW for providing and coordinating administra-
requirements of the brigade that it supports. tive and logistical support to any GS IEW
Its second priority is to overall divisional elements operating in the brigade area. If
requirements. The MI battalion TOC will there are no DS IEW company teams, GS
manage brigade and division priorities and assets operating in the brigade areas
provide direct tasking to SIGINT and EW receive administrative and logistical sup-
assets placed in DS of a force. The C80 pla- port from their parent company team and
toon receives technical tasking from the from brigade support elements based on
TCAE. The IEWSE coordinates brigade prior coordination.
SIGINT and EW requirements with the MI A second example of an IEW company
battalion TOC while non-SIGINT assets are team follows:
tasked directly by the IEWSE or brigade.
The IEWSE receives combat information SITUATION: There is a single major
directly from the assets of the company avenue of approach into the division area.
team. The maintenance assets that are task The division commander wants to consoli-
organized and attached to the company date most IEW assets to focus on that
team would include communication, vehicu- avenue of approach. A GS company team
lar, and IEW systems maintenance person- for this situation might be as shown in the
nel as all types of assets are attached to this following organizational chart.
IEW company team. In addition to its own









ACLU-RDI 387 p.68

DODDOA 013492
As this company team is in GS, its priori- FM nets. Wire is used as a backup system
es are the IEW requirements of the divi-. for FM radio, and messengers are used for
ion. Its tasking comes from the MI battal- bulky items and large quantities of mes-
m TOC with technical tasking for the sages. Retransmission stations extend the
•IGINT processing platoon and C&J pla- range of FM radio communications. Intelli-
)ons tasked from the TCAE. Combat gence nets are established at each level of
-iformation from company assets will be command throughout the division.
?ported to the brigade IEWSE by the MI
any team may be deployed in more than Divisions rely on multiple means of com-
ne brigade area. The company team head- munications. Multichannel, wire, and other
uarters is responsible for administrative systems are integrated to complement each
nd logistical support to company assets. other. This provides maximum flexibility,
,ogistical support from brigade CSS ele- reliability, redundancy, and responsiveness
lents will be provided, based on prior to commanders' IEW and operational
lanning between the MI battalion S4 and needs.
he brigade staff.
The division signal battalion installs and
COMMAND AND CONTROL operates three area signal nodes in the
heavy division and two area signal nodes in
COMMUNICATIONS the light division, providing multichannel
The air-land battlefield is dynamic, communications between all division CPs
tthal, and places demands on tactical and those of MSCs and most separate bat-
mmunications systems not experienced in talions. This multichannel system, operated
ie past. Communications systems must be on a common-user, dial-up basis, provides
apable of delivering the information to the for secure voice, facsimile, and COMMCEN
)mmander that he requires for decision traffic within the division, and between the
taking quickly and in a form that facia- division, adjacent units, and the corps'
ates the decision-making process. Division major CPs. Multichannel also provides the
)mmanders must be able to turn their circuit for communications between many
ecision cycle inside that of the enemy. of these CPs using the maneuver control
,apid, reliable, and secure communications system's tactical computer system (TCS),
re the means by which this can be and tactical computer terminals (TCT)
ccornplished. fielded under the site information genera-
Rapid and secure communications pro- tion and materiel accountability (SIGMA)
ide a means for tasking and coordinating program. Multichannel communications
EW resources and for receiving intelli- serve the IEW system within the division as
ence, combat information, and targeting the primary means of reporting and dis-
ata from these assets. It also provides a seminating from the brigade main CP and
leans for divisions to receive information higher. Encrypted at the SECRET level,
nd to disseminate intelligence, combat multichannel communications are further
iformation, and targeting data to their encrypted by crypto systems within the
ubordinate maneuver units and FSEs. COMMCEN (AN/TSC-58) for record copy
SCI traffic between the division SSO, the
The following paragraphs describe the MI battation TOC, and SSO sections within
ommunications systems that support divi- adjacent divisions and the corps. The two
ion IEW operations. It describes division illustrations that follow show the heavy
EW communication requirements and the division's three nodes and the light divi-
omplementary intelligence and EW nets of sion's two nodes multichannel communica-
he division. tions systems. These systems provide reli-
able, redundant, secure communications for
The communications system supporting C2, operations, and intelligence and admin-
ivision IEW operations is primarily corn- istrative logistical traffic within the
osed. of multichannel, HF RATT, and VHF division.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.69

DODDOA 01 3493


ACLU-RDI 387 p.70

DODDOA 013494


r -_

XX as



ACLU-RDI 387 p.71

DODDOA 013495
HF RATT the wire is not covered or guarded. Wire is
The HF BATT serves as the primary generally used to interconnect closely
backup means of communications in the located activities, to integrate radio with
division. RATT provides a rapid method of wire, or to tap into existing commercial
transmitting lengthy and technical infor- lines.
mation at the collateral level. HF RATT One of the major disadvantages of wire is
requires greater power, more maintenance, that it cannot be used under mobile condi-
and higher quality circuits than simpler tions. It also requires more time, personnel,
means of communications such as wire or and equipment to install and maintain than
FM radio. Some SIGINT and EW elements radio. Even when it is laid properly, signal
located in the brigade AOs may have RATT integrity diminishes over long distances.
capability; however, this capability is used When it is not laid properly, it may be dam-
for communications with the MI battalion aged by tracked and wheeled Vehicles or be
TOC and TCAE. There are no direct RATT susceptible to wiretaps. It is also susceptible
links to the brigade from IEW elements to sabotage by low-level agents and
operating within the brigade AO. infiltrators.
Radio Nets Division's normally use wire for internal
communications within their CP and
Secure VHF FM and UHF communica- assembly areas. MI and other units use wire
tion means are used for 0 2 purposes and to to remote active COMJAM systems and
interface most of the IEW elements. These other emitters from their actual locations
communications—especially the data for survival purposes when the situation
systems—are fast and can handle large permits.
amounts of traffic. They need a minimum of Messengers
personnel and space for equipment and can Messengers provide a secure means of
be remoted or operated while on the move. delivery for bulky items and large quanti-
They can also be integrated into compatible ties of message traffic. The use of mes-
wire systems providing a radio wire inte- sengers is limited only by the availability of
grated system. Retransmission of these trained personnel, transportation, the tacti-
secure communications increases their cal situation, and the security clearance of
range for enhanced 02. Limitations include the courier. Using messengers eliminates
a high susceptibility to jamming or inter- the electromagnetic signature and provides
ception and interference from atmospheric, a means of communicating if electrical
terrain, man-made sources, and constraints means are destroyed or their use is inadvis-
on placement within tactical SCIFs if not able. Although messenger service is very
protected by security equipment. If security flexible, it is slower than electrical trans-
equipment is not used, FM radio is the least mission. Weather:terrain, and operational
desired means of communications. Critical considerations also impact on the type and
command, control, communications, and frequency of messenger service.
intelligence (C 3I) facilities can be imme-
diately identified by enemy SIGINT units Within the division, messengers are used
and targeted by both lethal and nonlethal regularly between CPs, trains, higher head-
attack systems. quarters, and subordinate elements. How-
ever, depending upon the nature of the
Wire material and the combat situation, special
messenger service may be performed by
Wire communications (telephone) is a IEW company team personnel or estab-
backup system' for FM radio. It is one of the lished by the supported battalion or bri-
most dependable means of communication gade. MI and other units do not have suffi-
and is more secure from unauthorized radio cient assets to establish a regular
interception than radio if the line is messenger service. Specific instances when
guarded from point to point. It is not this may be required is the evacuation of
vulnerable to enemy electromagnetic dis- captured enemy documents for immediate
ruption or DF, although wire can be tapped exploitation at higher headquarters. Mes-
(with or without a physical connection) if senger operations are described in FM 24-1.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.72

DODDOA 013496
Retransmission Stations lished through two division FM nets and
The division signal battalion provides one HF net—RATT: the command net,
7adio retransmission stations within the operations and intelligence (O&I) net, and
livision AOs to extend the range of FM general purpose BATT net. The division-
7adio communications. These retransmis- ❑ Command net (FM) (see the following
don stations overcome radio LOS and illustration) is used by the division
range constraints. commander and G3 for tactical infor-
mation control, coordination, and
reporting of tactical information. The
DIVISION IEW COMMUNICATIONS MI battalion TOC monitors this net
Division Nets continuously to receive command task-
ings, direction, and information.
The division VHF FM communications
inks to the subordinate elements are estab- 0 O&I net (FM) provides the division




ACLU-RDI 387 p.73

DODDOA 013497
with a means of receiving and dissemi- sion O&I net is shown in the following
nating O&I information. The division illustration.
G2 uses this net to receive information
and intelligence developed by the bri-
gades and to receive requirements and
requests for additional YEW support.
The MI battalion S2 is a subscriber on
the division O&I net; he reports infor-
mation to and receives intelligence
from the division G2 and other sta-
tions on this network relative to the
conduct of current intelligence opera-
tions. It is also used by the CM&D sec-
tion to disseminate intelligence pro-
ducts and to receive reports of collected
information from divisional elements.
The MI battalion TOC uses this net to
monitor reported information and to
receive intelligence disseminated from
the DTOC and tactical CP. The divi-



*Other stations as required.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.74

DODDOA 013498
General purpose HF net (RATT) pro- administrative and logistical reports.
vides backup communications for the This net is operated at the collateral
dissemination of intelligence and com- SECRET level only.
bat information within the division. Brigade Nets
The DTOC station, installed and oper-
ated by the division signal battalion, is The brigade intelligence net (FM) (see the
used by the G2/CM&D section to dis- following illustration) provides a combat
seminate intelligence and combat information, intelligence, communications,
information to all subscriber stations. coordination, tasking, and dissemination
The MI battalion TOC station, also link from the brigade S2 to subordinate
installed and operated by the division combat, combat support, and supporting MI
signal battalion, is used to monitor elements. When GSR/remotely employed
traffic on the net, report combat infor- sensors (REMS) teams are retained under
mation and intelligence collected by brigade control, they too may operate in the
MI assets, and transmit and receive brigade net; however, the teams normally


* When in DS to the brigade. *When under brigade control. *** Other stations as required.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.75

nnnnnA ni
are tasked by the BTF Sts and operate in corps SSO net. The MI brigade at corps
their subordinate unit nets. Reports gener- provides the equipment and personnel for
ated by these GSR/REMS teams are trans- the operation of this net within the division
mitted directly to their controlling unit CP. which provides SCI RATT communications
CM&D Net (FM) between the division SSO and corps as a
backup to the normal SSO COMMCEN
The CM&D tasking and reporting net (see multichannel circuit.
the following illustration) is the primary
channel for passing mission tasking to the Corps CM&D Net (RATT)
MI battalion TOC and for the reporting of An SCI net connects the CM&D section at
analyzed SIGINT. This NET is established the DTOC with its counterpart at corps.
at the SCI level. All mission tasking is This net is used to request assistance from
passed from CM&D to the MI battalion S3 corps for collection requirements that are
section. The TCAE monitors the net and is beyond the range of division sensors and to
prepared to execute SIGINT and EW mis- receive intelligence summaries and other
sions on order from, and with guidance reports from corps. The equipment and
from, the S3. The TCAE uses this net to operators for the operation of this net are
report its SIGINT product to CM&D at the provided by the MI brigade at corps.
not rapid enough.
There are three types of communications
Weather net (RATT) used in the MI battalion: multichannel,
The division is a subscriber in the corps RATT, and radio (FM).


weather net. The staff weather officer uses Multichannel

this RATT net to receive current data for
weather forecasts. This data is incorporated The division's MI battalion employs mul-
into the IPB process. Equipment and opera- tichannel communications for C 2, coordina-
tors for this HF RATT net are assigned to tion, and reporting purposes. In support of
the division HHC. the C2 function, multichannel-based voice,
Special Security Officer Net (RATT) facsimile, and TCT traffic between the MI
battalion TOC, IEWSE sections at brigade
The division is also a subscriber in the CPs, the G2 or G3, and DTOC allow for


ACLU-RDI 387 p.76

DODDOA 013500
oordination of mission tasking, clarifica- ion TOC uses internal encryption systems
.on of priorities for MI battalion opera- to encipher the information provided in
.ons, and the tactical control and coordina- SIGINT reporting at the SCI level. Similar
on needed by the MI battalion commander traffic is transmitted between the MI battal-
nd S3 in planning for subsequent MI bat- ion TOC/TCAE and the corps MI brigade
alion operations or the displacement of TOC/TCAE for technical coordination in
EW company teams within the division support of SIGINT operations. Within the
nd brigade AOs. It is, in a sense, an open, MI battalion TOC, multichannel circuits
eliable communications circuit allowing are used for voice and facsimile communi-
ccess to any subscribing station for C2 and cations with necessary stations within the
oordination purposes. The MI battalion division. Multichannel access is extended to
ses multichannel-based COMMCEN traf- the MI battalion's logistical trains via rout-
ic as the principal means of communica- ing through the battalion switchboard by
ions for the receipt of tasking from the wire. Once this routing capability is estab-
1TOC and reporting to the DTOC G2 the lished, coordination of administrative and
esults of SIGINT collection. The logistical information with division and
;OMMCEN (AN/TSC-58) at the MI battal- brigade counterparts is provided for the MI



ACLU-RDI 387 p.77

nonnnA niqgni
battalion's SI. and S4 sections. battalion TOC with IEW company teams
and to the IEW assets on the battlefield. FM
RATT nets in the MI battalion also connect the
In the MI battalion, RATT is used for IEWSE at the brigades to the MI battalion
record traffic communications to to ensure it receives the IEW requirements
SIGINT and EW assets. These nets pass of the brigades in a timely manner.
formatted tasking messages and reports of
intercepted information. RATT systems of Command or Operations Net (FM). The
the MI battalion deploy to the battalion MI battalion command or operations net is
TOC and well forward with each of the used by the MI battalion commander for C 2
three C&J and the SIGINT processing pla- and coordination purposes. Stations found
toons. RATT nets established internal to within this net are as shown of page 3-38.
the MI battalion operate on a full duplex Operations Net (FM). The MI battalion
basis. operations net (FM) (see the following illus-
tration) is the principal operations net
Radio (FM) internal to the MI battalion used for asset
FM voice communications are critical to tasking, coordination, and tactical control
C 2 within the MI battalion. They link the of deployed IEW elements.



This net is used for asset tasking of JEW company teams and GS CI and interrogation teams. Reporting by Cl and
interrogation teams to the DTOC is accomplished using division common-user communications (for example,
multichannel and general purpose RATT systems).


ACLU-RDI 387 p.78

DODDOA 013502
intinistative and Logistics Net. The The service support platoons or elements
I battalion administrative and logistics of the MI battalion's operational companies
t (see the following illustration) is used to will deploy with their parent company
ordinate combat service support require headquarters task reorganized as an IEW
ants internal to the MI battalion. Its company team. Collocated with the com-
imary subscribers are the maintenance pany team headquarters section, the service
ams of the battalion's HHSC and service support platoon or element provides the
pport platoons or elements found in each communications with the MI battalion
the operating companies of the MI trains for the company team commander.


• assets attached to C&J Co

•• assets attached to EW Co

••• assets attached to 1815 Co


ACLU-RDI 387 p.79

nnnnnA ni-)gno
C&J Tasking and Reporting Nets (FM In addition, C&J tasking and reporting
and BATT). The MI battalion C&J tasking nets (RATT) connect the TCAE to each C&J
and reporting nets 1, 2, and 3 (FM) (see the platoon for record traffic. Each C&J pla-
following illustration) are used for SIGINT toon terminates a TCAE net control station
and EW tasking and reporting and for pass- (NCS) HF RATT net. A separate full duplex
ing technical data to the deployed C&J pla- net exists for each C&J platoon.
toons. Due to the distances between sta-
tions, a retransmission capability may be Upon receipt of missions from the TCAE
required for effective FM communications. via the FM or RATT tasking and reporting
The IEWSE at the brigade CP monitors the nets, the T&A team will task subordinate
C&J tasking and reporting net for elements teams of the platoon via the C&J platoon's
in the brigade sector to provide rapid report- internal tasking and reporting net. Each of
ing of combat information and intelligence the three C&J platoons operates such a net
derived from SIGINT to the brigade S2. (see illustration on page 3-42).






1. REXMSN deployed as required.

2. IEWSE monitors C&J tasking/reporting net with auxiliary receiver of AN/VRC-47/89.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.80

DODDOA 013504


rGINT Tasking and Reporting Nets lowing illustration) connect the TCAE to
'ATT and FM). SIGINT tasking and • the SIGINT processing platoon analysis
porting nets (RATT and FM) (see the fol- section for record traffic and operational




1. All elements shown at diagram center are collocated.

2. Secondary AN/TSQ-114 MCS is collocated with an adjacent C&J platoon HQ/CP for GRC-122 backup RATT
communications with the TCAE when mission and terrain requirements permit. Secondary MCS assumes NCS
role to control DF operations upon displacement of primary MCS or loss of GRC-122 RATT communications to
primary MCS.
3. AN/MSQ-103 team pack outstations receive manual DF instructions from SIGINT processing platoon and analysis
team on internal FM net.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.81

DODDOA 013505
taskings and reporting. The primary net, EW operations while aloft. SIGINT and EW
RATT, is wired to the primary MCS of the operators within the QUICKFIX aircraft
TRAILBLAZER system to permit auto- provide immediate tactical reporting to only
matic transmission of DF reports from the those priority collection tasks stated in the
computer of the primary MCS to the TCAE. tasking message using on-board UHF and
The FM net is used only when the HF VHF communications systems netted with
RATT network is inoperable or when a the TCAE. For data collected of a general
backlog of operational traffic exists. information and intelligence nature, reports
are normally provided at the conclusion of
UHF data links connect the the QUICKFIX mission to allow maximum
TRAILBLAZER MCS to the outstations. A time for collection operations. As a general
data link will also connect the noncommun- rule, when QUICKFIX SIGINT and EW
ications intercept teams when upgraded operators are communicating reports while
equipment is fielded. aloft they must cease collection operations.
QUICKFIX Flight Platoon Tasking Retransmission Stations. Communica-
and Reporting Net. The flight platoon tion between deployed teams, platoon head-
operations section is tasked by the TCAE quarters, company team headquarters, bri-
for QUICKFIX missions. Mission tasking gade IEWSE, and the MI battalion TOC are
and technical data to support this tasking vital to maintain continuous support to the
is provided to the platoon operations center division and brigades. Because of the dis-
over the QUICKFIX flight platoon tasking tance and terrain features between ele-
and reporting net (see following illustra- ments, retransmission of communications
tion) prior to mission execution to allow may be necessary. Three VHF FM retrans-
maximum operational time by SIGINT and mission stations are provided within the MI



ACLU-RDI 387 p.82

DODDOA 013506
ttalion so that battalion elements can COMMCEN, AN/MSC-31, is positioned and
mmunicate at extended ranges or avoid manned by the MI battalion's communica-
•rain obstructions. The battalion corn- tions platoon to serve as the battalion's
Ander must decide where this capability main integrating COMMCEN. It provides
11 best serve the needs of the battalion. access from the internal SB22 switchboard
to the division main switchboard through
Wire the division multichannel system by way of
its interface with the AN/TRC-145 (V) radio
The MI battalion uses wire to communi- terminal: The wire system in the following
te between elements internal to the diagram depicts the wire lines laid to and
;AE, between elements located at the bat- from the battalion's main switchboard con-
.ion TOC, and between the battalion TOC necting sections and elements of the battal-
d trains. The battalion wire system also ion. The headquarters section of the HHSC
;erfaces with the division's multichannel provides an SB22 switchboard for use at the
stem providing access to other units battalion trains locations. This switch-
thin the division multichannel system. board, positioned within the trains opera-
Le MI battalion's main switchboard is tions center established by the S4 and XO,
sated at the MI battalion TOC. The is connected by wire or cable to the MI bat-





BN S2 2 l&S CO HO'





1. Unless deployed
2. Located at the battalion TOC

ACLU-RDI 387 p.83

DODDOA 013507
talion main switchboard at the TOC or to The airborne and air assault divisions
the nearest unit switchboard. It provides may be employed with one brigade securing
access to the division multichannel system landing or drop zones for later insertion of
to permit communications between the bat- the other brigades. In such cases, an aug-
talion trains and other CSS organizations mented DS IEW company team would
and staff within the division. The TCAE deploy with the first brigade, with special
employs an SB22 switchboard for telephone provisions for support by all available divi-
communications internal to the TCAE. sion IEW elements (that is, QVICKFIX)
Corps SIGINT and EW Net (RATT) and corps IEW assets such as side-looking
airborne radar (SLAR), GUARDRAIL, and
The TCAE at the MI battalion TOC is a QUICKLOOK. Most of the corps IEW effort
subscriber in the corps SIGINT and EW may be dedicated to a single maneuver bri-
net. This SCI net allows for the exchange of gade, with one IEW company team being
technical data between the division TCAE, the focal point for the coordination of this
corps TCAE, and the TCAEs of adjacent support. As the battle progresses and more
divisions. The MI brigade provides the maneuver and IEW elements are deployed
equipment and operators for this net. to the battle area, periodic realignment of
the standard tactical missions initially
assigned to IEW assets and the communi-
COMMAND AND CONTROL cations supporting these assets may be
required. The MI battalion commander and
DIFFERENCES IN THE LIGHT, S3 must constantly monitor the status of
AIRBORNE, AND AIR assets, division operations, and IEW
ASSAULT DIVISIONS requirements and shift assets and adjust
asset tasking to best meet the division's
Command and control of IEW elements in needs.
the light, airborne, and air assault divisions
is similar to that described in the heavy If the division consolidates into a single,
division, with the same facilities, CPs, and sustained operation in a LIC environment
staff responsibilities. The different or builds to a full division force in an air-
employment of these divisions and their borne or air assault operation, the employ-
reliance on corps and its MI brigade for ment of, and C 2 procedures for, IEW ele-
IEW support to overcome a lack of some ments will become more closely aligned
IEW capabilities will, however, often create with standard deployment concepts asso-
significantly different C2 needs and com- ciated with the heavy division.
munication requirements. The light division lacks a ground-based
In a LIC, these divisions may operate jamming capability, but has a much greater
with the brigades fighting three separate HUMINT capability than the heavy divi-
battles in different locations. IEW company sion. A type IEW company team in a light
teams may be required to operate in DS of division which may be placed in DS of a
these brigades instead of GS to the division. brigade could be organized as shown in the
If distances between brigades were great, following illustration.
the IEW company teams would need to IEW company teams in the airborne and
operate independently without technical air assault divisions are similar to those in
data and control from the MI battalion the heavy division, lacking only heavy
TOC. Under such situations, the role of the ground-based jammers. In sustained ground
MI battalion TOC would alter, and if neces- operations, all of these divisions rely on
sary, its TCAE would augment the T&A augmentation from the corps MI brigade for
teams in each C&J or voice collection pla- ELINT, DF, and ECM support. IEW assets
toon for technical control of SIGINT and from the TEB of the MI brigade may be at-
EW assets. tached as part of the IEW company team.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.84

DODDOA 013503


•• •• •• • •• 1
•• ••

• •



1 X GRC-122
1 X VRC-49
1. Task organized maintenance team from HHSC. Includes special maintenance augmentation to maintain unique
attached equipment.
2. May include augmentees from TCAE if operating separately.
3. May include additional special comm when required (ARC-164, GUARDRAIL CIT. and so forth).


ACLU-RDI 387 p.85

DODDOA ni :15nca
Preparation for Combat

Division IEW operations are dynamic. The commander analyzes the mission to
They change as the battle progresses. The identify assigned and implied tasks, the
division commander, through his require- corps commander's concept of the opera-
ments, places demands on the system to tion, and the constraints that the corps
start the IEW process. He uses the products commander has placed on the operation.
of the system to plan and direct all phases Constraints might include such things as
of the air-land battle. He provides guidance time, radio silence, and in some cases, the
to the staff to support his concept of the use of ECM. Based on this analysis, the
operation for the employment of the IEW commander restates the division mi ssion-
system and to ensure it is integrated with clearly and concisely—clarifying the overall
division combined arms operations. purpose of the operation and the specific
Together, the division commander and the tasks to be accomplished. The restated mis-
IEW staff accomplish the estimating, deci- sion becomes the basis for estimates, plans,
sion making, planning, and ordering pro- and orders.
cess which puts the system in motion,
focusing on critical requirements and keep- The commander provides initial planning
ing it aligned with priorities. guidance to the staff with the restated mis-
sion. Using this planning guidance the
This chapter describes how the IEW sys- staff prepares or revises their estimates. It
tem operates and how IEW operations are provides a common start point for staff
planned, directed, and coordinated. planning. The commander continues to
provide planning guidance throughout an
INTELLIGENCE AND operation. The nature and frequency of
planning guidance will vary with the mis-
ELECTRONIC WARFARE sion, situation, planning time available,
PLANNING and length of time the commander and staff
have worked together. Planning guidance
The division commander initiates IEW will often include-
planning when he receives a mission from
the corps or he assumes a mission on his ❑ Specific courses of action to consider.
own initiative. The G2 might recommend ❑ Critical information and intelligence
an operation to exploit a tactical opportu- requirements.
nity detected through intelligence. Initially
the commander and staff exchange avail- ❑ Special IPB considerations. .

able information that will affect the accom- ❑ ECM targets and objectives.
plishment of the mission.
❑ OPSEC considerations.
The G2 provides information and intelli-
gence about the current enemy situation ❑ Deception opportunities.
and the AO. The G2 and G3 provide infor- When time permits, the division staff
mation about the current status and capa- usually develops formal estimates for each
bilities of divisional units, including the MI operation. These estimates are dynamic; the
battalion. staff continuously changes them during the

4 1

ACLU-RDI 387 p.86

DODDOA 013510
leration in accordance with the factors of cion combat forces and weapon systems
ETT-T. Staff estimates are the basis for effectively. It is a primary basis for esti-
e division commander's personal estimate mates and tactical decisions. It supports all
the situation and tactical decision. When battlefield functions within the division.
e division commander has decided on a
Initially, the G2 focuses intelligence oper-
urse of action, he announces his decision ations on developing the information and
Ld concept of the operation to the division
intelligence needed to support command
aff. He may include subordinate and sup-
and staff estimates. During this phase, he
ating commanders. At this point, the staff must generate accurate intelligence to sup-
anges the focus of its planning to support
port the formulation of the division com-
e commander's concept of the operation.
mander's restated mission and concept of
The commander announces his concept of the operation . After the commander has
e operation in sufficient detail so that the announced his decision and concept of the
aff can develop plans and orders. The operation, the intelligence effort is focused
mmander clearly articulates his intent, to on supporting the division scheme of fire
clude special intelligence requirements, and maneuver for accomplishing the
e use of ECM, OPSEC priorities, and mission.
ception measures. The mission corn- Division intelligence operations follow
ander's concept and guidance are the the intelligence cycle. The intelligence cycle
sis for managing IEW operations. is a logical sequence of actions consisting of
four phases. All phases of the cycle focus on
NTELLIGENCE STAFF PLANNING the division mission and concept of the
operation. The intelligence cycle is-a con-
Intelligence enables the division and sub- tinuous process. Even though each phase is
dinate commanders to see and under- conducted in sequence, all are conducted
and the battlefield in order to employ divi- concurrently (see the following illustration).


ACLU-RDI 387 p.87

DODDOA 013511
Directing begins with the determination options (see Appendix A for the intelligence
of requirements. This essentially entails estimate format).
asking the questions of who, what, where,
why, and how. This sets the stage for the The G2 is responsible for developing the
second phase of the intelligence cycle: col- division intelligence estimate. The ASPS
lecting. Initially, intelligence must satisfy assists him by providing information and
the requirements of command and staff intelligence from the data base, identifying
estimates and the commander's decision gaps in the data base, and assisting in the
and concept of the operation. Division preparation of the estimate. The ASPS
information and intelligence requirements passes IR to the CM&D section as collection
are expressed in terms of PIR and IR. requirements when gaps are found in the
intelligence data base.
PIR are Close intelligence requirements
for which a commander has an anticipated The division intelligence estimate may be
and stated priority in his task of planning presented in several formats. Through IPB,
and decision making. the ASPS converts as much of the estimate
IR are specific items of information as possible into graphics that divisional
commanders and staffs can easily under-
needed to satisfy intelligence requirements. stand and compare. In fact, most of the di-
vision intelligence estimate is presented
PIR are top priority. Any enemy capabil- through graphic IPB products.
ity, course of action, or characteristic of the
battlefield environment which will signifi-
cantly impact on the commander's tactical
decisions are PIR. The commander person- INTELLIGENCE PREPARATION OF
ally approves PIR. THE BATTLEFIELD
IR, together with the PIR, are a basis for IPB is the cornerstone to effective intelli-
collection operations. They include that gence operations and the commander's
information needed to satisfy PIR as well scheme of fire and maneuver. IPS predicts
as the other intelligence requirements. the allocation and employment of collection
assets and is the basis for situation and
Intelligence collection is the process of target development. It also establishes the
gathering information from all available basis for TVA which identifies HVTs and
sources. Collection operations are guided by for fire support targeting, the selection of
the commander's requirements and are HPTs. HPTs and the number and capabili-
facilitated by use of the collection plan and ties of available weapon systems and
the IPB data base. maneuver forces are used to establish target
Processing is the phase of the intelligence priorities. See FC 6-34-10/FC 34-118 for a
cycle whereby information is analyzed to detailed explanation of the targeting pro-
produce intelligence. Information from all cess, and FM 34-3 for detailed discussion of
sources is evaluated, correlated, and ana- IPB.
lyzed to produce an all-source intelligence
estimate. The G2, assisted by the ASPS, the terrain
team, and the USAF staff weather officer
The intelligence estimate is a logical
and his weather team, initiates and directs
examination of the enemy situation and the
prebattle, battle, and postbattle IPB. For
significant aspects of the AO that can
affect the accomplishment of the division decision making, the IPB process provides a
mission. It presents and analyzes enemy graphic intelligence estimate to the
capabilities, vulnerabilities and probable
courses of action, and the effects of terrain The division IPB effort is not done in a
and weather on both friendly and enemy vacuum. Coordination is required with
operations. To choose the most favorable other divisional elements and with corps
course of action for the division, the divi- and adjacent units. The ASPS uses IPB and
sion commander uses the intelligence esti- other products developed by corps. This
mate to weigh the effects of enemy actions, conserves time and manpower and facili-
terrain, and weather against his own tates a common perspective of the enemy


ACLU-RDI 387 p.88

DODDOA 013512
and the battlefield environment. In turn,
the ASPS considers the needs of division
subordinate combat and support elements
and provides IPB products which will sup-
port their plahning and operations.
1PB is a five-step process:
❑ Evaluation of the battlefield area.
❑ Terrain analysis.
❑ Weather analysis.
❑ Threat evaluation.
❑ Threat integration.
Four steps of the process (see the follow-
ing illustration) continuously revolve
around the fifth step which serves as the
nucleus of the 1PB process: threat integra-
tion. In a low-, mid-, or high-intensity con-
flict, the process begins with an assigned







ACLU-RDI 387 p.89

BATTLEFIELD AREA EVALUATION Based on the factors of METT-T and the
The division battlefield is comprised of commander's concept of operation, the G2
two areas: operations and interest (see the recommends the geographic bounds of the
following illustration). These areas are division area of interest to the commander.
After command approval, the ASPS for-
viewed in terms of height (airspace), width, wards the limits of the area of interest to
depth, and time—witIrtime being the most the corps ASPS to serve as a guide for sup-
critical. The division AO is a geographical porting division intelligence requirements.
area assigned by the corps commander for Similarly, this geographic area is also pro-
which the division commander has responsi- vided through collection management
bility and authority to conduct military channels to the corps CM&D section to
operations. The division's assigned AO is
based on the factors of METT-T, including
the corps commander's concept of the opera-
tion. Planning considerations extend
beyond the FLOT to a specified line or


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ACLU-RDI 387 p.90

DODDOA 013514
rve as a general guide for corps collection Weather Analysis
►erations supporting the division. This
'ea is of concern to the commander and Inseparable from terrain analysis is
eludes the AO, adjacent areas, and areas weather. Weather affects trafficability,
tending into enemy territory. Division weapons, and sensor systems. During plan-
anning guidelines extend up to 72 hours ning, the SWO and his weather team pro-
:yond the FLOT or attack objectives. vide studies based upon historical climatic
data concerning the battlefield area. Upon
commitment of division forces to an opera-
IPB serves as a basis for assigning the tion, these studies provide weather fore-
nits of the brigade AO. Based on an casts. Weather affects overlays and pro-
•aluation of METT-T, the G2 recommends ducts multiply the value of raw weather
e limits of the brigade AO to the G3, who data by applying them directly to all com-
turn evaluates the G2's recommendations bat and support operations. .

id submits the boundaries to the corn-

ander for approval. The definition of the During operations, the commander must
igade AO serves as a basis for allocating ensure that dedicated weather communica-
sources and support to the brigades. tions are not interrupted so that current
field observations are available continu-
ously, and the latest forecast can be used to
Terrain Analysis support division operations.
Terrain analysis is a process of analyzing The division has no all-weather weapon
Ltural and man-made terrain features system. The effects of atmospheric condi-
pable of aiding or inhibiting combat by tions on the integrated battlefield require
endly or enemy forces. The output of this more than just the traditional thinking
Lalysis determines where forces can move, about the role of weather in combat. The
oot, and communicate. division commander needs specific informa-
tion about the effects of weather so as to
The division commander focuses on tailor a scheme of maneuver to exploit these
emy divisional and regimental avenues effects.
approach, both cross country and along
)C. Supporting the division is a terrain Threat Evaluation
im that collects, processes, and dissemi- Threat evaluation focuses on the specific
tes terrain intelligence. forces that can effect the accomplishment of
Me terrain team develops numerous ter- the division mission. In terms of combat
in overlays and studies for the division. maneuver forces, the division focuses on
tese include obstacles, cross-country one echelon above and two below its own
ivement, percent of slope, vegetation, soil, echelon. This translates into enemy armies,
d LOS overlays. divisions, regiments, and battalions. A sys-
tematic approach requires developing a
terrain analysis procedures and method- threat data base, evaluating threat capabil-
►gy allow the ASPS to project force ities, and developing doctrinal templates.
ivements within the battlefield area and,
conjunction with doctrinal data, in time. The ASPS builds the threat data base
using the nine OB factors as a start point
(see FM 34-3). The threat data base reflects
current intelligence concerning enemy for-
mations, leadership, and doctrine, using
both open and classified sources.
Additionally, the division commander is
interested in battlefield functional systems.
These include tactical rockets and artillery
with priority to NBC delivery systems; air
defense systems; C 2 facilities and installa-
tions; C 2 communications; and REC

ACLU-RDI 387 p.91

DODDOA 013515
After the threat data base has been devel- will help confirm or deny a particular
oped, the ASPS evaluates enemy capabili- enemy course of action.
ties. Primarily, is the enemy capable and The event analysis matrix is used in con-
does he have the available resources to exe- junction with the event template, and based
cute specific types of operations that can on enemy doctrinal rates of movement and
affect the accomplishment of the division
mission. For example, analysis indicates each enemy course of action postulated,
that a river crossing must be conducted in estimated times can be calculated for threat
the friendly AO. The threat force must have movement. Both focus on the collection
the proper engineering assets available. If effort. The ultimate objective of threat inte-
not, a significant capability does not exist. gration is for the division commander to
The threat data base and capabilities form identify opportunities to use the weather
the foundation for doctrinal templates. and terrain to exploit enemy vulnerabilities
to defeat the threat. The decision support
Doctrinal templates are illustations of template (DST) is developed specifically to
enemy force structures, deployments, and aid the commander in making decisions.
capabilities drawn to scale without consid- They do not dictate decisions, but provide a
ering the battlefield constraints of weather guide as to when decisions must be made to
and terrain. This is doctrinally how the execute the decision in time to gain the
threat forces want to fight. desired effects.
A standard set of doctrinal templates Through staff coordination, target areas
(GTA 30-1-24) useful to the division IPB of interest (TAI), decision point clusters,
effort is available from the training aids and time phase lines are graphically por-
support centers. The ASPS may use these trayed on the DST. Also referred to as the
templates as they are or modify them to intelligence estimate in graphic format, the
conform to the specific enemy forces that DST provides the division commander via-
will operate in a specific battlefield area. ble options for using critical assets at the
right time and right place to maximize tac-
Threat Integration tical benefits. Through systematic and con-
tinuous IPB, the division commander can
The nucleus of the IPB process, threat influence the battle by conducting opera-
integration, integrates all the previously tions based on planned events to cause the
evaluated data into products useful to the enemy force commander to react to friendly
division commander and staff. Threat inte- initiatives rather than the reverse.
gration is accomplished through the inte-
grated efforts of the G2, G3, FSE, and
others as needed. Supported by situation, INTELLIGENCE AND
event, and decision support templates, the
division commander can allocate scarce ELECTRONIC WARFARE
resources to decisively defeat the threat. MANAGEMENT
Situation templates are hypotheses of COLLECTION
how threat forces might deploy based upon
enemy doctrine and influenced by the ter- Division collection operations must
rain and weather. They provide a basis for satisfy the intelligence and combat infor-
selecting critical areas on the battlefield mation needs of the division and subordi-
and for identifying, locating, and tracking nate unit commanders, staffs, and opera-
HPTs during an operation. With these, tional elements. The division commander's
indicators of activity can be identified. PIR drive the collection effort; the G2
Intelligence collection, directed against directs it; and the CM&D section manages
indicators or potential indicators, is it.
accomplished through the use of named The division commander initiates collec-
areas of interest (NAI). Depicted on the tion operations based upon his uncertain-
event template, NAI are areas or points ties concerning weather, enemy, and ter-
located along a mobility corridor (an area of rain, which are identified through IPB. The
ingress) where activity or lack of activity commander may ask questions (PIR), or the

4 7

ACLU-RDI 387 p.92

DODDOA 013516
32 may recommend PIR. The commander's priorities throughout the operation to
'IR are always the top priority for ensure that they reflect the commander's
:election. needs relative to METT-T.
The G2 directs intelligence collection
perations in response to the division coin- Once the collection manager has logged,
nander's PIR. The CM&D section carries validated, consolidated, and prioritized
∎ut collection management. Collection PIR/IR, he translates these requirements
aanagment ensures effective use of a into SIR. An SIR is the basic question that
United number of collectors against a tre- needs to be answered to confirm or deny the
aendous number of movers, shooters, sit- existence of an indicator or to be used in
ers, and emitters. Collection management satisfying a PIR or IR. The ASPS identifies
perations are subdivided into three func- indicators that support each PIR/IR and
ional levels of management: requirements, translates them into SIR. The ASPS uses
aission, and asset management. The G2 IPB products, specifically event templates
Ind CM&D section perform requirements and event analysis matrices, to specify
.nd mission management. Subordinate and where to look, when to look, and what to
upporting unit (collection agency) cora- look for; these three questions must be ans-
aanders, including the MI battalion and wered before an SIR is collectible.
ompany commanders, perform asset man- Before assigning a collection mission to a
.gement. The MI battalion TCAE accom- collection agency, the CM&D queries the
dishes the technical aspects of asset man- ASPS, the corps CM&D section, or adjacent
.gement for SIGINT and EW assets. command CM&D sections for an answer to
the SIR. An SIR that can be satisfied from
Requirements Management existing data bases generates a more timely
Requirements management translates the reply to the requester and requires no new
ivision commander's PIR and IR from the collection mission.
32 and higher, lower, and adjacent corn- When the collection manager is satisfied
lands into specific information require- that SIR cannot be answered from existing
aents (SIR). data bases, reporting requirements are then
determined. Collection results are normally
When the collection manager (CM&D sec- reported to the CM&D, but combat informa-
ion) receives a requirement or request, he tion in addition to being reported to the
Dgs it in and assigns a suspense date based
CM&D, will be reported directly to using
n when the information is needed and the units throughout the division.
atest time it will be of value. He ensures
hat the request includes all the information To manage collection requirements, the
hat is needed. Using the request for infer- division collection manager uses a collec-
lation (RI) format (see Appendix A) which tion plan. The collection plan is a working
liminates gaps in the data required, he document used to direct and coordinate the
ueries the requester for any missing data. collection effort. The collection manager
may select the format himself, or the G2
The collection manager consolidates may specify one. The collection plan is a
xisting and new requirements to reduce the dynamic document that is continuously
verall number of requirements. While the updated in response to new requirements
ivision commander's PIR are the top prior- and situations. The format used must facili-
ies, the collection manager bases the prior- tate these changes. The collection work-
;37 of other information requested on the sheet (see the following example) is one
riority assigned by the requester. The col- format which may be used for a collection
?.ction manager continuously assesses plan.
As SIR are answered, they are deleted
from the collection plan. New PIR, IR, and
resultant SIR are added to the collection
plan as new uncertainties, intelligence
gaps, or operations dictate.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.93

DonnnA ni 7


Ad' Olv
d Ode
d Bdo


IP C o
ngr Bn



B n(CEWI )






1. Will the Massing of mach Enemy movement DTOC G2 Initial

enemy attack? elements, between ridge vlc report via
If so, when, artillery, 5047-5042 to Seine spot report
where, and and logistical River. Rept size and on FM (OM)
In what support. type unit, dlrec- or multi-
strength? lion of movement, channel.
and termination pt.
Special attention to
NAI 3, 5, & 8.
21. 9£1. 0 v00000

ACLU-RDI 387 p.94

Mission Management confirmation. For example, he might
The collection manager identifies and request IMINT from corps to find the free
valuates collectors to satisfy SIR and tasks rocket over ground (FROG) battery as a
a- requests collection agencies with the col- mover or sitter and COMINT from corps to
action mission. As such, the collection detect and identify the battery through its
aanager must know the availability, capa- communications_ This programed redun
dlities, and limitations of collectors. Collec- dancy or duplication is used to ensure suc-
or availability is determined by using cessful collection and to verify critical intel-
quipment status reports from the MI bat- ligence information from independent
alion and other division collection agen- collection resources. Balance is also used to
ies. The DOD sensor capabilities hand- avoid overtaxing the capabilities of indi-
,00k, or in the case of national systems, the vidual resources.
oint-Tactical Exploitation of National Sys-
ems (J-TENS) Manual gives the baseline Asset Management
apabilities and limitations of collectors. By Unit commanders select and direct (task)
xperience, the collection manager also organic collection assets to fulfill mission
ains knowledge of the capabilities and lim- tasking received from the division CM&D
;ations of collectors in organic, higher, and section. This is accomplished by knowing
djacent collection agencies. asset availability, proximity to the threat or
Once the availability of collectors has availability to collect based on positioning, •
een assured, the asset evaluation work. and the careful prioritization of existing
heet is prepared for each SIR. FM 34-1 de- tasks assigned suitable assets. Just as mis-
cribes the asset evaluation worksheet. sion management indicates that the unit or
Tsing the worksheet, the collection man- activity is capable of collection, asset man-
ger correlates the SIR to a list of available agement indicates the systems or assets
Dilectors from subordinate, higher, and capable of collection. For example, in
djacent commands. The SIR is evaluated response to a tasking from CM&D for the
gainst capabilities and environmental fac- location of an enemy division main CP, the
)ra on each collector. As a result of this MI battalion TOC directs the AN/TRQ-32
valuation process, collectors are identified intercept and TRAILBLAZER teams to
s capable, marginally capable, or incapa- execute COMINT missions to verify that a
le of collecting the SIR. division CP exists and DF to determine its
location. In response to this mission task-
The collection manager then identifies ing, the MI battalion may also task ELINT
ie collection agencies to which capable or collection teams to verify COMINT reports
Larginally capable collectors belong. When of this CP by locating associated air
ossible, the colleCtion manager tasks sub- defense radars which habitually protect
rdinate collection agencies first. Should such critical CPs.
ibordinate agencies be incapable of col-
cting the SIR, the collection manager
quests collection from higher or adjacent INTELLIGENCE PROCESSING
,mmands. Capable or marginally capable The ASPS processes information from all
gencies are indicated on the collection sources to produce intelligence in response .
Ian with an X at the intersection of the col- to the division and subordinate command-
ction agency and respective SIR. The ers' needs. The TCAE processes informa-
gencies which have been tasked or tion gained from signal intercept to produce
quested to provide information are indi- SIGINT. It forwards the SIGINT it devel-
ited by circling the X. ops to the ASPS for correlation with other
The collection manager consolidates col- information and intelligence to produce all-
ction missions when possible. A collection source intelligence.
ission may satisfy several SIR. He also Intelligence developed through processing
isures that more than one collection satisfies the division's PIR, IR, and target
;ency or collector is committed to the most development requirements. While process-
•tical SIR for purposes of redundancy and ing satisfies the division requirements, it

- 10

ACLU-RDI 387 p.95

DODDOA 013519
may identify other requirements. As addi- ing order, mission, or contingency mission.
tional requirements are identified or gener- The IPB data base is the primary basis for
ated through processing, the ASPS passes intelligence analysis within the division.
them to the CM&D section for collection. Situation and event templates provide the
ASPS with patterns for comparing actual
The ASPS maintains the intelligence battlefield activities to predict the enemy's
data base, except the SIGINT and EOB intentions and identify and locate HVTs.
data bases which are maintained by the The ASPS interfaces with the CM&D sec-
TCAE. The ASPS arranges and catalogs tion when collection requirements are satis-
information and intelligence so it will be fied or no longer needed and when new col-
easy to retrieve and use for correlation and lection requirements are established.
analysis. The G2 and chief, ASPS, jointly
determine what data base files will be The ASPS plays a key role in the fire
maintained. They may vary between divi- support targeting effort. Planning fire sup-
sions with the availability of resources, port targeting operations requires the coor-
nature of operations, and personal desires. dinated effort of the G2, G3, and FSE. The
The following illustration shows data base ASPS advises the G2 and provides TVA
files that the ASPS section will usually and target correlation support to target
maintain. development. The FAIO, who operates in


The ASPS analyzes and correlates col- the ASPS, is the key link between the ASPS
lected information from all sources to and FSE.
satisfy,the division PIR and other intelli- Targeting is a staff function accom-
gence requirements. The primary analysis plished primarily by the G3/S3, G2/S2, and
tasks are to determine the intentions of the FSE. The three primary players in the
enemy armies, divisions, and regiments targeting process are referred to as the tar-
opposing the division; and identify, track, geting "triad?' Other agencies that will
and develop required targeting data con- have major input to the process include
cerning enemy HVT and designated HPT. USAF representatives, engineer, airspace
management element, and chemical liaison
The ASPS accomplishes IPB as early as officers. Targeting is a continuous process
possible after the division receives a warn- which includes five phases or functions:


ACLU-RDI 387 p.96

DODDOA 013520
cus, sensor tasking, information process- 0 Available weapon systems.
g, attack, and assessment. These func-
'nal activities are based upon a distribu- 0 Commander's concept of the operation.
te data base where each staff agency These HPTs are HVTs which friendly col-
!leas and stores the data applicable to its lection systems can locate and which
in area, but has access to the information friendly fire support and EW and/or
)red by any other agency. The proper maneuver systems can attack. If HVTs
nduct of the targeting process is depen- cannot be acquired by friendly systems or
nt upon such a sharing of information. attacked, then the HVTs cannot be HPTs.
Target development is closely linked with The G2, G3, and FSE integrate the HPTs
e situation development process described with the IPB data base and the command-
rlier in this chapter. The targeting pro- er's concept of the operation to select TAI.
is is discussed in detail in FC 6-34-10/FC The TAI are the optimum time and place on
-118. During preparation for combat, the the battlefield to attack HPTs to achieve the
B process assists the target development desired results.
'oft especially when TVA is used with it. The G2, assisted by the DTOCSE, devel-
Le result should be the timely nomination ops the target data required to attack each
the enemy HVTs which provide the basis HPT and the TAI. The CM&D section
selecting HPTs. directs collection operations to identify,
During the threat evaluation phase, the locate, and track HPTs. They focus on the
staff identifies the HVTs corresponding NAI and collect the needed data in conjunc-
the battlefield environment, enemy cape- • tion with data needed to support situation
ities, and anticipated courses of action. development. The ASPS, through all-source
tese HVTs are critical to the enemy com- analysis, further develops each target and
mder for achieving his objectives. HVTs provides the data to the FSE. After the FSE
not take into account the impact of receives the required targeting data, the
endly operations. Additionally, the means for attacking the target are
emy fallback options associated with determined.
ch operation must be analyzed and a cor-
Tonding HVT list for each fallback DISSEMINATING AND REPORTING
tion developed. Fallback options are The CM&D section is responsible for the
sed on anticipated modifications to the dissemination and reporting of information
emy's operation if friendly interdiction and intelligence to subordinate units within
ccessfully denied him his original course the division, corps, and adjacent units. It
action. This process can be cyclic, that is, ensures that combat information and intel-
lowing each fallback option through to ligence are disseminated to the user in a
next set of fallback options and so on, timely manner.
t time will probably allow for only the
tial series of fallback options to be com- The brigades and other subordinate ele-
yted. Further analysis should be con- ments of the division, which have a limited
cted when in combat and the information intelligence production capability, rely on
:eived by the situation analyst dictates division for intelligence and combat infor-
likely possibilities. mation from their adjacent units to fight
their portion of the battle. They need com-
3 2 , G3, and FSE targeting representa- bat and targeting information in near-real
es select the HPTs. They base their selec- time. Timely dissemination is vital to their
ns on the factors of METT-T and com- operations.
alder's guidance. They consider the
lowing specific factors: The means used to disseminate informa-
tion and intelligence depend on the impor-
Time. tance of the information, the perishability
HVTs. and sensitivity of intelligence, and the dis-
semination means available. Combat
IPB data base. information, regardless of source, is dissem-
Available collection systems. inated by the fastest and most direct means


ACLU-RDI 387 p.97

DODDOA 013521
available to fire and maneuver elements forwards information needed by corps or.
that can use it. This may be directly from adjacent units to their supporting CM&D
the collection system to the user. section. SIGINT- or EW-derived informa-
tion flows into the TCAE at the MI battal-
The CM&D section disseminates perish- ion TOC where, after analysis, SIGINT-
able intelligence as it is received from the based intelligence is forwarded to the users
ASPS or other sources. It transmits only within the division and the ASPS for
that intelligence that is needed—only to the further correlation with intelligence
elements that need it. If there is doubt about received from other sources. The flow of
the usefulness of the intelligence to a par- information and intelligence within the di-
ticular unit, it should be disseminated to the vision is as shown in the following
unit until a positive determination of use- illustration.
fulness can be made. The CM&D section
primarily uses spot reports transmitted via Combat information is highly perishable
radio and telephone to disseminate time and must be reported quickly to fire and
sensitive critical intelligence. It uses liaison maneuver elements for exploitation. DS col-
teams, intelligence summaries, and brief- lection elements report all information
ings to disseminate less perishable intelli- except EW technical data to the supported
gence. It exchanges intelligence summaries unit. They may report combat information
with corps and adjacent divisions and dis- directly to fire and maneuver elements.
seminates them to the division staff and They report all SIGINT/EW information to
subordinate units. This enhances a common the TCAE.
perspective of the intelligence situation. The GS elements, except SIGINT/EW assets,
dissemination of intelligence is also report the results of missions tasked by the
accomplished within the division staff to MI battalion directly to the CM&D section
help focus current tactical operations and to expedite intelligence reporting. SIGINT/
those still in the planning stages. The EW elements report to the TCAE, which
ASPS, EW, and CM&D sections will pro- analyzes the results of their collection and
vide critical intelligence, which may affect reports the SIGINT produced from this col-
current and future maneuver and targeting lection to the ASPS for correlation with
operations, to the G3 and FSE as the intel- data from other sources. Like DS elements,
ligence is received. To focus the collection, GS elements may report combat informa-
intelligence production, and dissemination tion directly to fire and maneuver elements
efforts required to support these operations, when the required communications are
intelligence staff personnel must under- available.
stand the current and planned operations of
The results of intelligence planning, col- The G3, assisted by the EW section, man-
lection, and production will further be used ages EW operations to support division
in the development of intelligence and EW operations. He integrates EW with the
portions of OPLANs and OPORDs. As scheme of fire and maneuver for all phases
intelligence dissemination is the transmis- of the battle. He allocates EW resources to
sion or conveyance of intelligence, it can be support the brigades and other combat ele-
accomplished through verbal briefings, ments in support of close operations. He
written estimates, annexes or appendixes to also integrates EW with other fire and
OPLANs and OPORDs, or through desig- maneuver in the deep operations.
nated operations and intelligence channels
using standard tactical communication sys- The G3, assisted by the EW section,
tems available within the division. develops ECM requirements to support the
Reports`of intelligence and combat infor- division commander's concept of the opera-
mation, except SIGINT or EW data, flow tion. He also allocates ECM support and
into the CM&D section which disseminates designates targets based on the command-
er's concept and associated priorities.
them to the units that need them. It dissem-
inates combat information to the user and The EW section is the focal point for
information to be processed to the ASPS. It planning and managing EW operations to


160-850 0 - 94 -'4

ACLU-RDI 387 p.98

DODDOA 013522

CM&D .11111•■••■•■■•=111.... MI BDE





and reporting S2 CO TM ASSETS
Reporting only
SiGINT/EW technical data
Combat information
Mission requests'

support the battle. It works closely with the The EW section manages ECM opera-
33 and FSE to ensure limited EW assets are tions for the G3. It coordinates with the G3,
)est used to support both fire and G2, C-E officer, and FSE to determine
naneuver. It identifies requirements for which enemy communications systems
ntelligence, including IPB support for EW must be located for physical attack,
tnd forwards requests to the CM&D sec- jammed, or deceived to support the division
ion. It develops EW estimates and annexes scheme of fire and maneuver. It determines
o division OPORDs. when and where to jam or to deceive, and it
establishes priorities. The C-E officer coor-
The EW section starts the development of dinates with the EW section on interference
he division EW estimate with the division reports received from subordinate units.
ommander's restated mission and plan- These reports are evaluated to determine
ting guidance and the corps EW estimate. which MIJI category they fit into and if
'he TCAE provides the status of friendly any immediate countermeasures can be
;W assets based on RSRs from all EW taken. The EW section coordinates with the
nits operating in the division AO. The EW TCAE to identify ESM needed to support
ection then develops and compares possi- EW operations. It forwards requirements
le courses of action, including a recom- for ESM to the CM&D section for tasking
iendation for the best course of action. The with other collection needs. It prepares
;W estimate is then disseminated to subor- ECM mission tasking and forwards this
inate brigades where it will be used as the tasking through the CM&D to the MI bat-
asis of further EW planning. talion TOC. This includes the allocation of


ACLU-RDI 387 p.99

DODDOA 013523
jamming support to subordinate systematic application of OPSEC measures
commands. provides the security needed by the
The EW section and MI battalion TOC division.
continuously evaluate the effectiveness of The G3 and G2 plan the OPSEC program
EW operations. The EW section is con- for each division operation. The following
cerned with the effects of EW operations on illustration depicts the OPSEC process,
the enemy while the TCAE assesses the which is used for planning.
technical effectiveness of EW operations. The commander's concept of the opera-
The EW section alerts the 03 when changes tion provides planners with the direction
are required in EW support. The TCAE pro- and guidance necessary to prepare OPSEC
vides technical control data to SIGINT and plans. If the operation is to succeed, the
EW assets and exchanges it with other commander and G3 normally specify criti-
commands and echelons. cal aspects of the operation which they feel
Technical control data is the technical must be kept from the enemy. These critical
aspect of enemy communications and emit. aspects are called EEFI.
ters. It includes such information as equip- Initially, the CI analysis section identi-
ment and signal characteristics, net struc- fies the enemy multidisciplined intelligence
tures, frequency and call sign usage, collection threat, including—
operating techniques, and code and cipher O HUMINT.
systems. It can tell the collector or jammer
how best to attack the electronic target with ❑ IMINT.
the EW systems available. ❑ SIGINT.
FM 34-40 and the classified Appendix to The ASPS provides the CI analysis sec-
this FM provide detailed information on tion with information concerning the ene-
EW operations. my's collection capability. The CI analysis
COUNTERINTELLIGENCE section analyzes this data to assess the col-
lection threat in each intelligence discipline.
CI operations support division OPSEC, This information, combined with known
rear operations, and deception. CI elements enemy doctrine, forms the basis of the col-
monitor and analyze enemy intelligence col- lection threat data base. The data base is
lection operations that gather information expanded using graphic devices to include
and threaten division and brigade opera- range fans, templates, and overlays. It is
tions and facilities. continually updated through close coordi-
Input of their expertise to OPSEC and nation with the ASPS.
deception planning assists in the develop- The data base must be reviewed fre-
ment of effective measures to counter quently to identify gaps in intelligence
enemy intelligence capabilities and to holdings. When gaps are recognized, the CI
deceive, distort, or confuse this collection. analysis section prepares requests for the
CI evaluation of enemy activities in the rear needed information. Each request is for-
area provides critical intelligence for con- warded to the CM&D section for inclusion
ducting the divisions rear operations. in the division collection plan. Intelligence
Counterintelligence Support resulting from such requests is normally
to Operations Security received from the ASPS.
OPSEC is a combination of actions taken The G3 and G2, assisted by the OPSEC
to deny the enemy information about divi- staff element, CI analysis section, and
sion forces, operations, capabilities, and appropriate elements within the command
intentions. Its principal elements are coun- identify friendly force profiles and recom-
tersurveillance, countermeasures, and mend initial EEFI. Development of friendly
deception. To be successful on the battle- force profiles is accomplished primarily dur-
field, a commander must conceal his opera- ing peacetime and then updated as needed
tions and intentions from the enemy. The during combat.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.100

DODDOA 013524

G2 G2 & G3 ,

Identify the hostile Identify friendly force Identify friendly force

intelligence collection profiles and recommend vulnerabilities
threat EEFI


G2 & G3 & G3

OPSEC measures

G2 & G3 02, G3, & THE FORCE

Direct efforts to monitor Monitor OPSEC measures

the effectiveness of effectiveness
applied OPSEC measures


G2 & G3

Recommend adjustments
to, OPSEC measures


The friendly profile data base contains ties that are vulnerable to enemy detection.
nformation about the division. It portrays OPSEC measures are developed for all criti-
t picture of the division similar to what cal vulnerabilities to conceal the vulnerabil-
!nemy intelligence staffs would see. It ity, prevent enemy collection, or deceive his
ncludes the signatures and patterns pre- collection systems.
.ented by divisional units and the division's
'perations. Closely associated with EEFI are indica-
tors. Indicators are positive or negative evi-
US Army doctrine, division SOPs, and dence of activities that contribute to the
urrent operations are analyzed to identify determination of friendly courses of action.
rho does what, when, and where during the In preparing for combat operations, it is
'peration. Every activity presents a signa- virtually impossible for the division to
ure and a pattern. Combinations of signa- avoid revealing some indicators. Certain
ures and patterns form profiles indicative activities simply must be done. In many
f force composition, the commander's cases, these activities can be detected by the
ntentions, and operations in progress. enemy and used to determine the intentions
Profiles of division units are depicted of the division commander.
Taphically on overlays, using templates, Identification and interpretation of spe-
.nd matrices. The comparison of division cific friendly indicators are critical tasks of
irofiles with enemy collection capabilities personnel involved in developing the unit
acilitates identification of friendly activi- profile. Personnel look for indicators which


ACLU-RDI 387 p.101

DODDOA 013525
could reveal friendly vulnerabilities, capa- to be effective. Evaluation teams are
bilities, or adoption of particular courses of used to determine the effectiveness of
action. Their analysis provides a basis for division deception efforts.
the redirection of planning, decisions, and To ensure that OPSEC and deception
orders. plans are adequately supported and inte-
Knowledge of indicators is a prerequisite grated with other operational plans, the
to conducting a successful OPSEC program. OPSEC and deception planners coordinate
The correct interpretation of indicators with other division planning elements.
requires knowledge about the enemy collec- They coordinate with other sections of the
tion threat and the tactical situation. Indi- DTOCSE and other members of the division
cators point to EEFI. They are not abstract staff, including the Gl, G4, G5, and C-E
events but are activities which result from officer.
military operations. Within the DTOCSE, the CI analysis sec-
Vulnerability assessment orients on the tion coordinates with the ASPS, EW sec-
enemy's intelligence collection capabilities tion, OPSEC staff element, and CM&D
and friendly force profiles. Comparison of section. It tasks the ASPS for information
the two identifies friendly force vulnerabili- from the intelligence data base to support
ties to the enemy's collection threat. OPSEC its planning requirements. It coordinates
measures, formulated as recommendations, with the EW section to ensure that elec-
are made to the G3. tronic deception is integrated with the over-
OPSEC measures are interim or long- all deception operation. It tasks the MI bat-
term solutions which resolve the vulnerabil- talion for information and OPSEC support
ities of a unit or activity. They are devel- through the CM&D section. Results from
oped systematically after careful such tasking are incorporated in the divi-
comparison with the hostile intelligence col- sion OPSEC plan or deception annex. The
lection threat. Two conclusions result from OPSEC staff element also ensures that divi-
this analytic process: sion requirements for OPSEC and deception
are fulfilled. The success of OPSEC and
0 No OPSEC measure is needed. Usually deception is dependent on effective OPSEC
at least one of three conditions exists: support. The OPSEC staff element ensures
The enemy force has no collection that this support is provided through its
means to detect the activity; if mission management function.
detected, the activity supports a battle- OPSEC support missions provide a
field deception plan; or decision means of verifying the effectiveness of
makers have decided to accept the risk. OPSEC measures taken by the command.
❑ Apply an OPSEC measure. OPSEC In performing mission management, the
measures are either planned to protect section identifies requirements and plans
vulnerable indicators (counters urveil- missions needed to satisfy them.
lance), nullify specific collectors (coun- Counterintelligence Support
termeasure), or deceive specific hostile to Division Rear Operations
forces. Countersurveillance measures
include prohibiting the activity; In addition to knowing the hostile threat
increased emphasis on COMSEC and capabilities in the division rear area, CI
other security procedures; or other personnel must know the scheme of
OPSEC measures such as light, noise, maneuver for friendly units and know and
and litter discipline. Countermeasures understand the commander's rear opera-
target the collector using physical de- tions plan. Failure to thoroughly under-
struction, counter-HUMINT, counter- stand these subjects can leave devastating
SIGINT, and counter-IMINT methods. gaps in countermeasures development and
The use of deception, recommended to identification of critical targets. CI person-
the G3, is another useful OPSEC mea- nel must also be familiar with location.of
sure. Deception operations must be logistics depots, communications nodes,
fully integrated with other operations LOC, main supply route (MSR), and other

4 17

ACLU-RDI 387 p.102

DODDOA 013526
atential targets of interest to the enemy. A These key LN personnel can include may-
orking knowledge of resupply schedules, ors, chiefs of police, forest rangers, and
tutes, and other logistical signatures must local military CI personnel. Counterpart US
established to determine vulnerabilities CI personnel can also assist by providing
hostile multidisciplined collection. personality data on these key LN subjects.
OPSEC support is crucial to the conduct Ideally, CONUS-based division CI person-
rear operations. The multidisciplined nel should conduct periodic visits to the
treat posed by enemy intelligence services OPLAN AO to establish personal contact.
as demonstrated an ability to identify This personal contact prior to deployment
lips in our security that can be exploited. can be invaluable to avoid a cold approach
ue to the more static nature of rear area to OPSEC liaison. Examination of the rear
OPSEC must be a continual day-to- operations plan through OPLAN analysis
iy function. Only by denying enemy intel- can also be a lucrative source of briefing
;ence through OSPEC and portraying the subjects to the division commander and his
lse through deception, will we ensure that staff. OPLAN analysis can provide infor-
.e enemy commander is sufficiently con- mation that is timely (when the established
sed as to our real dispositions. Through personal contact is exploited) and relevant
,nstant vigilance, the enemy can be denied since it will apply to potential real-world
lowledge of the location and strength of combat locations directly affecting the
tr forces. division.

Upgrading intelligence holdings from In the Federal Republic of Germany

ports submitted by all sources plays an (FRG) where population centers average 3.5
iportant part in providing an accurate kilometers from each other, threat activities
cture of enemy intentions for rear area • will be hard pressed to avoid detection. CI
aerations. Because the rear area threat is personnel, in liaison with town mayors,
7 namic, CI personnel must continually forest rangers, and local military subregion
Isess the threat level and develop and command forces may provide intelligence
commend appropriate OPSEC measures indicators, which in conjunction with other
ae FM 34-.60). The following paragraphs intelligence, may provide indications and
scribe the CI functions which support the warning (I&W) intelligence or actual loca-
vision's rear operations. tions of suspected level I threat personnel.
Even Committee for State Security (KGB)
'.orison. Liaison with police, civilian and special purpose teams (SPETSNAZ) per-
ilitary intelligence agencies, G5, and civil
sonnel fluent in the local language may
fairs units is a daily function. When hos-
arouse suspicion of local personnel who
e rear area operations begin, cooperation
know each other by sight. This information
tween agencies is critical in neutralizing
may be gathered through liaison activities.
e threat, particularly at level I (see FM
-60A). LN forces in point security missions will be
valuable sources of information. Forest
Liaison should begin prior to deployment rangers and local militia may be able to
time permits. CI personnel should care- discern unusual activity within their
Ely review division OPLANs to determine forests, which may be logical rally points
ations of aerial ports of debarkation and cache sites and offer threat forces con-
POD), sea ports of debarkation (SPOD), cealment from US and allied forces.
epositioning of materiel configured to
Forest rangers will usually report such
it sets (POMCUS) sites, and marshaling
information to local police or mayors. If
d assembly areas identified in advance
alerted by CI or allied intelligence, these
the OPLAN for division use. Once these
personnel can focus increased surveillance
:ations are determined, CI personnel
ould then identify counterpart US CI per- on such areas.
nnel currently providing area coverage. To avoid duplication of effort, close plan-
unterpart US personnel located in the ning with corps and each allied and US
'LAN AO can then assist division CI intelligence unit is essential prior to hostili-
rsonnel in identifying key local national ties. CI personnel need to understand their
N. ) personnel of interest to the division. responsibilities, usually detailed in the CI


ACLU-RDI 387 p.103

DODDOA 013527
annex to the OPORD. Prior detailed plan- in the division rear area, and trend activity
ning, reconnaissance of routes, and under- can then be determined and analyzed.
standing background information of the
assigned areas of responsibility are viable White, Gray, and Black Lists. Gray and
options. Key locations, supplemented with black lists are created and updated to per-
photographs, will quickly acclimate newly mit rapid identification of key suspects in
assigned CI personnel. hostile rear area operations at threat level I.
Persons on black lists are those personnel
In areas where no host-nation agreement whose capture and detention are of prime
exists, prior planning is even more critical. importance to the US Army at or during the
Liaison may be difficult, especially if deal- outbreak of hostilities. They include known
ing with a hostile population with unknown or suspected agents, saboteurs, enemy sym-
political sympathies. Liaison, driven by the pathizers, and others who represent a
use of gray-, white-, and black-listed per- serious threat to rear area security. White
sonnel, may provide credibility to informa- lists are maintained to identify those per-
tion derived from liaison. CI personnel in sons which are to be protected from enemy
support of liaison missions may be best targeting. Definitions for white-, gray-, and
employed in a GS role. Defined areas of black-listed persons are found in FM 34-60.
responsibility ensure maximum effort and
avoid duplication of reporting. An under- Screening and Interrogation. CI and
standing of local police reporting proce- interrogation personnel identify line
dures will ensure efficient liaison efforts crossers and refugees or defectors who can
and maximize host-nation reporting proce- provide information of CI interest. This
dures. For additional information, see FM mission exists during times of war and
34-60 and FM 34-60A. peace and provides for medium- and long-
Threat Awareness Training. Threat range CI planning and activities. During
awareness training is prepared and dissem- war, CI teams located near or collocated
inated by CI personnel to all units. Threat with the division and corps EPW cage will
awareness training takes two forms. First, have EPWs, refugees, defectors, and line
all personnel are given basic instructions crossers identified by interrogators as being
on reporting responsibilities and channels of CI interest. CI personnel conduct inter-
to use when suspicious activity is observed. views and interrogations of these individu-
Unclassified information regarding the als and are primarily concerned with CI
threat is provided to all personnel. Person- information of current tactical value. Fre-
nel with the proper clearances are given quently, these interviews and interroga-
more detailed classified information regard- tions require a joint effort by interrogation
ing threat capabilities and past incidents. and CI personnel with the appropriate lan-
Second, CI personnel provide security guage capability.
advice and assistance. Control and coordination of CI support to
Incident Investigations. Incidents of CI the division is organized in the same
interest are investigated by CI personnel as manner as applies to all IEW assets. CI
directed by the G2. These investigations teams may be deployed in GS of the divi-
can lead to identification and elimination of sion; and depending on the magnitude of
perpetrators of hostile actions in the rear the enemy threat anticipated in the divi-
area. Pattern analysis of multiple incidents sion's rear area, the G2 may place CI teams
can reveal enemy plans and intentions. in DS of DISCOM to support rear opera-
This pattern analysis can be accomplished tions. In this case, CI personnel assigned a
by posting incidents on a situation map DS mission will devote their full attention
(SITMAP). By using the same tools and to supporting the rear operations officer
techniques applied to the plotting and pre- and providing CI support to the division
diction of enemy activity in the conduct of RAOC. CI personnel will be responsive to
deep and close operations, trends and pre- requirements generated by the division G2
dictions can be made for rear operations. as well as by the rear operations officer. For
Postings to the SITMAP can be compared additional information regarding division
to known locations of key support activities rear operations, see FM 90-14.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.104

DODDOA 013528
Counterintelligence Support Execution of a deception operation
to Deception requires intelligence on any significant
changes to data furnished earlier, indica-
Deception planning is accomplished con-
tors of enemy reactions to inserted data,
urrently with the development of the tacti-
and suggestions for improving the decep-
al operations plan to ensure that deception
Aerations complement and enhance mis- tion means or techniques. The deception
plan may require exposure of an EEFI to
ion accomplishment. Deception operations
enemy intelligence. Disclosures of this
re planned so that the discovery of the
EEFI will be monitored and evaluated as
eception by the enemy does not jeopardize
le tactical mission. part of this deception process. A major role
of the unit's CI assets during execution is to
Each successful case of deception has counteract enemy intelligence collection
)ur common elements: efforts that can identify the deception plan
❑ Knowledge of the enemy and his intel- and to recommend modifications to the plan
ligence system. as needed. Other intelligence assets are
responsible for providing information on
O A deception objective. the enemy's responses. The OPSEC staff
O A believable story. element and CI analysis section may be
tasked to assist in the analysis of intelli-
❑ Denial of true dispositions and gence to determine what the enemy is doing
intentions. and is likely to do. This feedback provides
Planning for deception operations is information needed to determine if the
ccomplished concurrently with the plan- deception should be continued, terminated,
ing of the tactical operation. Deception is or modified.
ddressed in the commander's initial guid-
Intelligence is a prime ingredient required
nce to his staff. During the formulation of
for assessing the effectiveness of a decep-
iendly courses of action, possibilities for
tion operation. Operational results vary and
::hieving deception are considered. Devel-
in-depth analysis of what happened, and
ament of the deception plan follows the
why, is made to assess the effectiveness or
ame general procedure used to prepare the ineffectiveness of specific deception tech-
niques. The OSPEC staff element deter-
Once a course of action is chosen, the mines the effectiveness of OPSEC measures
PSEC staff element identifies or updates employed to protect the real story in the
iendly force profiles and vulnerabilities deception operation. To know the enemy
ased upon EEFI established for the opera- well enough to deceive him requires the
on. Vulnerabilities that cannot be ade- effective use of CI. CI is employed in the
lately protected by normal measures are identification of the hostile multidisciplined
mdidates for deception measures. These intelligence collection threat, the determi-
?ception measures must not conflict with nation of friendly vulnerabilities to that
ie deception objective and must comple- threat, and the recommendation and evalu-
ent the deception story. In this step, the ation of OPSEC measures. The requirement
PSEC staff element may be tasked to for CI to identify the hostile multidisci-
.rther develop deception techniques identi- plined intelligence collection threat is criti-
ed in the previous step. The manipulation cally important. When portraying the false
id concealment of friendly force profiles as real, it is essential that deception activi-
ill be key in deception planning opera- ties be oriented on identified hostile intelli-
)ns. For example, if a feint is to be exc- gence collectors. For example, the selective
ited by a battalion-sized unit that must and intentional disclosure of information
year to be a brigade-sized unit, then that by voice communications serves little use if
ittalion's profile must represent a full bri- the intended enemy collection receiver is
tde profile to the enemy's collection assets. not in a position to successfully intercept
le unit that is actually going to conduct the information. Another critical considera-
e main attack must conceal those indica- tion is knowing the enemy intelligence
rs that will reveal its mission to the analysis system and how long the system
Lemy. requires to process information. Deception


ACLU-RDI 387 p.105

DonnnA n1f9(:1
information must be provided to the enemy least suspicious way of presenting each
through his established intelligence system element. It is necessary when painting the
in time to process the information and to deception picture to add a certain degree of
allow the enemy commander to react, while truth to the false, and the CI analyst
at the same time, not permitting time for recommends how much truth is to be
careful analysis which might discover the revealed. Realism is directly proportional to
deception. the type of deception employed, which also
dictates how long the deception must last in
CI analysis supports deception by provid- order to be effective. It is important to
ing detailed analysis of threat doctrine, tac- understand that the more sophisticated the
tics, and capabilities with regard to enemy deception's story, the longer the execution
intelligence and EW systems. The CI ana- of the deception operation must be.
lyst is responsible for detailed analysis of
the enemy collection threat. This informa- Based on the assessment of the enemy's
tion is one half of the OPSEC data base and intelligence system and a comparison with
is managed by the CI analysis section the deception objective, the CI analysis sec-
under the G2 (Step 1, OPSEC Process). The tion and OPSEC staff element prepare
same types of information about the enemy recommendations for deception measures.
collection assets needed for OPSEC are The CI analyst's responsibilities are-
required for deception operations. ❑ Know the enemy.
The CI analyst must understand the ❑ Know friendly profiles.
enemy command and decision-making
structure. Seeing a centralized structure, ❑ Make recommendations based on that
such as the Soviet or Warsaw Pact Threat, knowledge.
leads to the assumption that all decision- ❑ Drive collection requirements to
related data flows to a central fusion activi- determine the success or failure of the
ty or point. This is important to the success deception.
or failure of the deception story; because in
such a system, there is less chance of poten- ❑ Recommend a mix of true and false
tially vital, deceptive indicators being lost information to be targeted at enemy
at intermediate filter or fusion centers. collection assets.
The CI analysis of the enemy intelligence Postaction analysis of the success or fail-
system, once completed, recognizes the ure of the deception operation enhances the
strengths and weaknesses of the enemy's ability of the CI analyst to plan for future
analytical ability. It further determines the operations and provides further analysis of
amount of information which must be friendly OPSEC procedures.
known by the enemy so that he will draw
the appropriate conclusions and react in the
manner intended in the deception objective.
It is crucial that the CI analyst estimate the
enemy's vulnerabilities to friendly decep-
tion as accurately as possible. This requires
that friendly intelligence knows the enemy
as well as he knows himself.
The deception operation must achieve a
delicate balance in the amount of true and
false data the enemy is permitted to collect.
Enough data must reach the enemy analyst
to allow conclusions to be drawn about our
apparent intentions without raising suspi-
cions about the deception itself. CI will
recommend which elements of information
should be exposed to which sources of
enemy collection and the most effective,

ACLU-RDI 387 p.106

DODDOA 013530
Combat Operations

Elements of the IEW system are joined concept of the operations is designed to
vith other combat and support elements of create opportunities to gain or retain the
he division to form the combined arms initiative. Intelligence plays a major role in
earn required to fight the air-land battle. this total battle.
the employment of IEW resources, as inte-
;ral parts of the combined arms team, mul- The division commander plans deep
iplies the combat power of the division. operations based on the factors of METT-T
lese assets enable the division to effec- and IPB analysis. He begins planning for
ively use fire and maneuver, determine the interdiction of second-echelon forces
nemy intentions, disrupt enemy C2, and while they are deep in the division area of
protect the division and its operations from interest. He identifies and plans the attack
he enemy intelligence effort. The division of HVTs well before the situation places the
ntegrates IEW with the commander's enemy force at the point selected for inter-
theme of fire and maneuver to support all diction. He projects how enemy second-
.hases of the air-land battle. echelon forces will react to friendly activi-
ties. He selects the targets, time, and place
This chapter describes the doctrinal prin- of attack based on his prediction of the
iples for employing IEW resources in sup- situation at the projected time and place of
ort of various types of combat operations attack.
nd battlefield environments. It describes The division commander begins the
ow IEW assets deploy, focus their efforts, interdiction battle against identified enemy
nd integrate their operations with the divi- forces as soon as they are within his area of
ion and its subordinate unit operations. influence. He directs attacks against HPTs
`or special operations and environments, to achieve the greatest effect with the mini-
ee Appendix D. mum use of available weapons, lethal as
The division commander directs and sup- well as nonlethal. _ •
orts brigade operations against enemy
rst echelon regiments in the conduct of the The selection of weapons and targets for
ivision's close operations. He concentrates deep operations is critical. The limited
Dmbat power to the division main effort weapons available to the division—division
nd to those areas where he expects the de- and supporting corps artillery, aerial
isive battle to be fought. He uses economy weapon systems, allocated air force sorties
f force in other areas of the battlefield. At and EW systems—must be employed in
le same time, he interdicts second-echelon support of the division's deep, close, and
.giments and lead elements of second- rear operations. Therefore, each weapon
thelon divisions to keep them out of the used must achieve maximum results. Only
attle until the brigades defeat assaulting the HPTs whose destruction will contribute
aemy echelons or opportunities are created significantly to the accomplishment of the
nr bold offensive action. He simultaneously division mission are attacked. These targets
/stains his forces and protects against are preselected during the planning phase
icursions in the division rear area. His of an operation.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.107

DODDOA 013531
gence satisfies the commander's situation
INTELLIGENCE AND and target development requirements. It
ELECTRONIC WARFARE enables him to make sound and timely deci-
SUPPORT DURING sions and to attack HPTs at the selected
time and place on the battlefield. FM 34-3
DEPLOYMENT describes situation and target development
in detail.
Upon receiving the order to execute an
operation, the G2, assisted by the ASPS, INTELLIGENCE AND
updates the intelligence estimate including
the IPB data base. The ASPS identifies ELECTRONIC WARFARE
gaps in the intelligence data base. It tasks SUPPORT TO COMBAT
the CM&D section to acquire the required OPERATIONS
information and intelligence. Initially,
corps or intelligence elements, already MI resources are employed to satisfy the
deployed in the operational area, collect the IEW requirements supporting the division's
required information. deep, close, and rear operations. Resources
may be allocated in GS of the division and
If the division is required to deploy to the in DS of the brigades and other subordinate
operational area in a mid- to high-intensity units of the division. DS resources, though
conflict, it may do so under the protection of controlled by the MI battalion, respond to
a covering force. The covering force pro- brigade IEW requirements based on estab-
vides accurate information about the ter- lished priorities. This is particularly true of
rain and enemy forces forward of division ground-based signals intercept and jam-
positions. The ASPS uses this information ming systems, which are controlled by the
to update the IPB data base and intelli- MI battalion TOC and TCAE, but primarily
gence estimate. It also requests through the support the brigades in the division's close
CM&D section and TSO, USAF tactical operations.
reconnaissance sorties to collect informa-
tion needed to support deep operations.
As division units deploy to the AO, they
are tasked to collect needed information The employment of MI resources are
about the terrain and enemy within the di- based on the factors of METT-T, the divi-
vision's areas of operation and interest. The sion commander's concept of the operation,
corps covering force and the corps ASPS and the missions and task organization
hand off enemy forces to the division as specified in the division OPLAN, OPORD,
enemy units enter the division area of or fragmentary orders (FRAGOs).
operations. The MI battalion commander, upon
The CM&D section directs the collection receipt of his mission or order to execute a
effort to ensure that resources are used contingency plan, task organizes organic
effectively to satisfy the command PIR and and supporting MI assets to accomplish the
IR. It uses event templates and event analy- mission. Task organization provides for the
sis matrices, developed during IPB, to focus most effective use of IEW resources accord-
collection missions to key areas on the bat- ing to the division commander's priorities.
tlefield. Enemy activities in the NAI pro- Normally, MI resources are task organized
vide indicators of enemy direction, rate of into IEW company teams. When possible,
movement, and adoption of probable MI elements deploy with the force that they
courses of action. The CM&D section will support or in whose area they will
focuses collection operations on NAI to operate.
identify, locate, track, and determine the Most ground-based MI assets will nor-
activities of the HPT selected for attack. mally operate in the brigade and battalion
The ASPS uses information from all task force AO, either in GS of the division
sources to maintain a current and accurate or in DS of the brigades. FM 34-80 describes
intelligence estimate and identify and how MI units deploy, coordinate, select, and
locate HPTs. Integrated, all-source intelli- occupy operational sites in the brigade AO.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.108

DODDOA 013532
Flight Platoon the QUICKFIX platoon operations center
The flight platoon, equipped with the
QUICKFIX system, may deploy to and ❑ The target and target area.
operate from the division airfield. It may ❑ The general flight path or orbit.
also operate from other areas within the
division AO, relying on support from air- ❑ Times on target.
mobile maintenance teams and forward ❑ Requirement priorities.
arming and refueling points (FARP). It
initiates signals collection operations early ❑ Technical intercept and jamming data.
in the deployment to find and track the ❑ Reporting requirements.
enemy and locate and identify HPTs while
they are still at extended ranges. The pla-
In addition to targeting information con-
toon provides coverage of the division AO
tained in the mission briefing the aircrews
while ground-based assets initially deploy
receive, the information includes terrain,
or move.
weather, and flight data and the locations
The QUICKFIX system is well suited to and fire fans of enemy air defense systems
provide continuous support of fast moving that are capable of engaging the mission
operations. It is the jamming system most aircraft.
responsive to rapidly changing require-
The success of QUICKFIX missions
ments across the entire division. It is used depend on how well they have been
to- planned. The MI battalion TOC (TCAE), •
flight platoon leader, and aircrew share the
❑ Locate enemy jammers for destruction planning responsibility. They use IPB pro-
by fire. ducts such as terrain factor overlays depict-
❑ Locate or jam key enemy division to ing air avenues of approach and LOS re-
first-echelon regiment C3 nets. strictions, weather forecasts, event
templates, and event analysis matrices.
❑ Locate or jam enemy air defense com- They also use current maps and intelligence
munications nets. data as planning tools.
❑ Locate or jam enemy intelligence They fly missions in a stand-off mode,
reporting nets. selecting the optimum flight orbit and alti-
❑ Locate or jam enemy fire control nets. tude to get the best LOS to target emitters
and receivers and avoid enemy air defenses
The platoon is used to provide wide area (see the following illustration). Two or more
:overage of the division's areas of opera- aircraft may fly coordinated missions with
ions and interest. It complements ground- ground-based systems. This serves to
)ased signals collection and jamming, extend the baseline for DF operations or
:overing deep areas and areas that are confuse enemy REC systems during jam-
naccessable to ground-based systems due ming missions.
o LOS constraints. It participates in coor-
linated DF and jamming missions with
:round-baSed systems.
SIGINT Processing Platoon
This extends the baseline for more -accu-
•ate fixes in DF operations. It increases the The SIGINT processing platoon, consist-
:ecurity of jamming systems by jamming ing of the TRAILBLAZER and TEAM-
alternately or randomly from widely separ- PACK systems, is normally employed in a
ated locations. These same benefits can be GS role.
rained by employing two QUICKFIX sys- TRAILBLAZER, a communications emit-
ems on a mission. ter locating system deployed well forward
The MI battalion TOC directs QUICKFIX in the brigade AO, consists of two MCSs
nissions based on mission tasking received and three outstations, or five MCSs. It
ram the division CM&D section. The task- operates as a single, integrated system to
rig message from the MI battalion TOC to intercept, locate, and collect technical data


ACLU-RDI 387 p.109

DODDOA 013533





and COMINT on key enemy communica- defense, surveillance, and target acquisition
tions emitters in support of division intelli- radars. The TEAM PACK has a capability
gence and targeting requirements. It to locate enemy radars when netted under
focuses on key enemy fire and maneuver C 3 the control of the SIGINT processing pla-
nets.IpaircdDFtaohe toon headquarters. FM 34-80 further de-
TCAE, which correlates it with other scribes the operation of the SIGINT pro-
SIGINT data to produce SIGINT and tech- cessing platoon.
nical control data. The TCAE passes com-
bat information to the brigade through the Collection and Jamming Platoons
IEWSE and analyzed SIGINT to the ASPS
at the DTOC for integration into the all- The C&J platoons provide communica-
source intelligence network. tions intercept and jamming support to the
division and its brigades. They deploy well
TEAMPACK is a noncommunications forward to support division and brigade
intercept system which is also deployed well requirements. They respond to asset task-
forward in the brigade AO. It is used to ing from the TCAE. The IEWSE passes bri-
identify and locate critical enemy air gade requirements to the TCAE.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.110

The voice collection teams, equipped with separate locations against a single target
e AN/TRQ-32 and either the AN/TRQ-30 also reduces their vulnerability to enemy
PRD-I0 communications intercept sys- detection and location.
ms, focus on enemy C in support of the FM 34-80 describes how C&J platoons
vision's close operations. One of its pri- operate in support of brigade operations.
ary functions is to collect technical data
support of ECM operations. It also pro- Surveillance Platoon
des targeting data and other combat
formation to fire and maneuver forces. It The surveillance platoon, with ground
surveillance radars, provides "eyes and
isses intercept information directly to the
ears" to the brigades, BTFs, and compa-
A team, which in turn reports it to the
nies. They may be placed in direct support
3AE. COMINT reporting from the T&A
of, or attached to, maneuver units down to
am is monitored by the IEWSE within the
company level. They may actually operate
igade CP for immediate use by the
with platoons and squads. They are used
igade. to-
The VHF ECM teams, equipped with the
\T/MLQ-34 (TACJAM) ECM system and ❑ Provide early warning.
e HF/VHF ECM teams, equipped with ❑ Detect and locate targets.
e AN/TLQ-17A ECM system, provide
❑ Search and monitor avenues of
)MJAM support to the division.
)MJAM is a vital part of the division's
)se operations. It is used to disrupt enemy ❑ Provide surveillance of areas between
and VHF communications nets at criti- friendly units and on flanks.
times and places on the battlefield. It ❑ Vector friendly units.
ay be used to complement or as an alter-
tive to lethal attack means such as fire ❑ Cue shorter range acquisition or
d maneuver. Jammers support close weapon systems.
erations by- FM 34-80 provides a detailed description
1 Jamming key enemy communications of how GSR supports combat operations.
at critical times.
Long-Range Surveillance Unit
Performing communications intercept
when not performing ECM. In accordance with the division R&S
Screening critical division plan, long-range surveillance unit (LRSU)
communications. teams establish observation posts beyond
the FLOT along major avenues of approach
Transmitting emergency messages. and key terrain to observe activity at NAI
ECM teams target enemy radio nets and TAI. They provide reports of activity at
x)rding to priorities established by the NAI and TM as well as general combat
'ision fire support plan. Target nets nor- information concerning enemy movement,
illy include— equipment, and other activities. They pro-
vide information to help locate, identify,
C3 links between divisions, regiments, and track enemy forces and HPTs. LRSU
and battalions. teams provide critical information to sup-
Artillery fire control nets. port the assessment of friendly maneuver
options by providing detailed information
Intelligence reporting nets. about the terrain such as routes and
Air defense C 3 nets. maneuver space, obstacles, LOS, and drop/
landing zones beyond the FLOT. They also
REC nets. assess the results of deep operations.
)ue to LOS requirements, jammers must
)loy well forward which places them LRSU teams may be inserted into their
hin range of enemy artillery. They are operational area by helicopter, parachute,
me targets for enemy attack; thus, they water, or ground infiltration. During retro-
st move often. Employing jammers at grade operations or withdrawal of the

ACLU-RDI 387 p.111

DODDOA 013535
covering force in a defensive operation, CORPS MILITARY
LRSU teams may be employed in a stay- INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT
behind mode.
The corps MI brigade also supports the
Interrogation Support division's operations. This support includes
The interrogation teams organic to the aerial assets from the corps MI battalion
MI battalion provide interrogation support (aerial exploitation (AE)) and ground-based
to the division to simultaneously provide assets from the MI battalion (tactical
support to the brigades and to sustain IPW exploitation (TE)).
operations at the division's central collec- The MI battalion (AE) provides aerial
tion point. signals intercept support to the division
assets of the aerial EW company. The avia-
Interrogation support to the brigades tion company (aerial surveillance (AS))
includes IPW screening operations and provides aerial surveillance support.
EPW interrogations to satisfy brigade
needs. They focus on the brigade PIR and
IR. FM 34-80 describes interrogation sup- AERIAL SIGNALS INTERCEPT
port to the brigades in greater detail. SUPPORT
Interrogation assets in GS of the division The AEW company normally provides
conduct more detailed interrogations which near-real time COMINT and DF to the divi-
are focused on the division PIR and IR. sion through the GUARDRAIL tactical
They attempt to acquire detailed informa- commander's down link terminal located in
tion about the missions of enemy. units and the TCAE of the MI battalion. The AEW
detailed OB information. Interrogation assets are usually employed in GS of the
teams report information to the CM&D sec- corps where they provide wide-area cover-
tion based on tasking from the MI battalion age, economical use of resources, and flexi-
TOC. They submit spot reports concerning bility to redirect the effort as priorities
information of immediate tactical value and change. Subordinate division requirements
interrogation reports for more detailed can usually be satisfied by these GS mis-
information. sions. When necessary, priority of support
may be directed to a particular corps ele-
ment. The AEW company assets include the
Counterintelligence Support GUARDRAIL system for communications
intelligence and the QUICKLOOK system
The CI team provides CI support to the for noncommunications intelligence.
division with the objectee of protecting the
divsion and its operations from the hostile
multidiciplined intelligence threat and from
subversion, sabotage, and terrorism. This
CI support, which is described in detail in
FMs 34-60 and 34-60A(S), includes-
❑ Countering the multidisciplined
MASINT) threat.
❑ Support to OPSEC.
❑ Support to battlefield deception.
❑ Support to rear operations.
❑ Support to terrorism counteraction.
❑ Tactical HUMINT operations.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.112

DODDOA 013536
Because of their extended LOS, these sys- ❑ Ground support and maintenance
ms are suited for long-range, wide-area equipment.
.verage to satisfy deep operational ❑ An integrated processing facility (IPF)
from which ground operators operate
the system.
UARDRAIL System. The GUARDRAIL ❑ A commander's tactical terminal
ovides collection and emitter location (CTT) located within the TCAE of MI
formation for enemy communications units throughout the corps.
stems. It intercepts enemy HF, VHF, and
Two aircraft normally are employed for
HF communications emitters and locates
each mission to optimize the emitter loca-
rough DF HF and VHF communications tion capability. Continuous maximum spac-
titter. It processes the information and ing between aircraft is desired to establish
ports it to users over secure, direct corn- the longest DF baseline. The aircraft fly
unications links in near-real time. The over friendly controlled areas in a stand-off
stem consists of—
mode. The nature of the terrain, anticipated
location of target emitters, and the enemy
air defense threat dictate the distance
I A remotely controlled collection and behind the FLOT and altitude for each mis-
data transmitting system aboard an sion. The following illustration depicts a
RU-21 or RC-12 aircraft. normal GUARDRAIL DF mission.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.113

DODDOA 013537
Operators within the IPF remotely con-
trol the airborne collection equipment, pro-
cess data received from the aircraft, and
transmit the processed information through
the aircraft as a relay to CTTs within the
corps. Missions must be flown within the
range and LOS of the target emitters. Addi-
tionally, the aircraft must maintain LOS to
each other; one of the aircraft must main-
tain LOS to the IPF and all CTTs.
The GUARDRAIL system provides com-
munications links as depicted in the follow-
ing illustration.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.114

DODDOA 013538
UICKLOOK System. The QUICK- and templates and the intelligence
)OK is an airborne ELINT collection and SITMAP, helps intelligence analysts
litter location system. It provides com- develop target data and predict enemy
anders with the identification, location, courses of action.
► d deployment of noncommunications
utters. The system is mounted in the The aviation company (AS) provides
I-1D aircraft. aerial imagery support to the division on a
mission basis. Aerial imagery, to include
The QUICKLOOK provides classification photography and infrared, offers the divi-
Ed location of noncommunications emit- sion high-resolution imagery of HPTs and
s to a ground-based data collection and target areas. Normally, the division
litter location facility by digital data link. receives imagery analysis reports, unless
ie aerial portion of the system consists of the actual imagery is specifically requested.
3ountermeasures receiving set and a digi- Actual imagery is an invaluable aid for
t communications link. planning operations, especially IPB. Aerial
The countermeasures set collects and gro- imagery missions that require penetration
sses data as it detects enemy ground- of enemy airspace are, however, limited by
.sed emitters. Upon return of the aircraft the vulnerability of the aircraft to enemy
its airfield, the collected information is air defense systems. They normally are
moved from the receiving set data files for flown only when the information is vital to
:alysis. The system in the aircraft can the success of the operation and there is no
riodically transmit its data to the ground other means of acquisition.
ocessor via data link. As the ground pro- Visual reconnaissance is part of every
ssor receives the collected data, the opera- aerial surveillance mission. Aircrews sub-
:. passes combat information directly to mit in-flight reports of any significant
e corps and its subordinate divisions by enemy activity that they observe. They
e fastest means available. report to their company operations center,
Like the GUARDRAIL, QUICKLOOK which in turn forwards the report to the
fissions are flown in a stand-off mode. An corps CM&D section. The corps CM&D sec-
mgated flight profile parallel to the FLOT tion passes these reports to the division
used. Distance from the FLOT depends CM&D section.
. the mission, terrain, and enemy air
fense threat. Each leg of the flight track Counterintelligence and
of sufficient length to establish an ade- Interrogation Support
ate baseline consistent with anticipated
rages to the targets. The heavy division's organic CI and
interrogation resources are very limited.
Aerial Surveillance Support The division relies on additional resources
The aviation company (AS) of the corps from the corps MI brigade to augment divi-
I brigade provides aerial imagery and sion resources. The corps G2 allocates CI
chortle SLAR support to the corps and the and interrogation support to the divisions
visions. in accordance with the corps commander's
priorities. Priorities are based on-
SLAR provides wide area coverage of the
0 Resources available to support the
rps front, including parts of thedivision
eas of operations and interest forward of
e FLOT. It transmits imagery in near-real ❑ The nature of the threat to the divi-
ne to ground sensor terminals (GSTs) sions and the corps rear.
sated within the corps. SLAR missions ❑ The mission and commander's concept
tea enemy movement along the major of the operation.
venues of approach and LOC. SLAR
iagery, when compared with IPB overlays The MI battalion commander controls
augmenting CI and IPW teams from the
corps MI brigade and employs them to
accomplish missions assigned by the G2.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.115

INTELLIGENCE AND O Adequate all-around security and the
ELECTRONIC WARFARE early development of the situation.
SUPPORT TO OFFENSIVE ❑ Retention of the bulk of comba ower
uncommitted during movemen
❑ Rapid, coordinated employment when
The division commander gains the initia- decisive contact is made with enemy
tive by taking the fight to the enemy and forces.
reaching decisions on his own terms. He Primary emphasis is placed on the best
seizes the initiative by detecting and use of the road nets and the terrain.
exploiting every opportunity to attack or Through IPB, supplemented by air and
counterattack. He seeks to attack enemy ground reconnaissance when possible,
weak areas and exploits gaps in his forma- routes are selected that provide for rapid
tions. The employment of nuclear and
chemical weapons on the air-land battle- movement, maneuver space, and LOS for
field can rapidly alter combat power ratios, communicating, shooting, and the effective
creating opportunities for offensive employment of IEW systems.
operations. Primary considerations for organizing a
The primary purpose of offensive opera- movement to contact is the action antici-
tions is to destroy enemy forces. However, it pated during movement and requirements
is not necessary to destroy every enemy for maneuver and fire support. The division
formation to win. Attacks that avoid enemy commander and staff continually analyze
strength, but reduce the will and fighting the situation during the move, shift forces,
capabilities of his forces, are the fastest and and alter the plan as required by the
least costly means to win. situation.
The major types of offensive operations A highly mobile force, such as the
are- armored cavalry squadron or a battalion
task force, may form the nucleus of the divi-
❑ Movement to contact. sion covering force. The covering force is
❑ Hasty and deliberate attacks. reinforced with field and air defense
artillery, engineering, and IEW assets. The
❑ Exploitation and pursuit. primary task of the covering force is to
locate the enemy, provide early warning,
MOVEMENT TO CONTACT deceive the enemy as to the location and
strength of the main body, and develop the
The movement to contact is an operation situation.
conducted to gain or to reestablish contact
with the enemy. Its purpose is the early
development of the situation to provide an Intelligence Support to the
advantage prior to decisive engagement. It Movement to Contact
is characterized by decentralized control Movement to contact operations are gen-
and rapid commitment of forces from the erally characterized by vague information
march. It terminates when determined about the enemy. The primary objective of
enemy resistance requires the deployment the division IEW system is to detect and
and coordinated effort of the division. locate enemy first echelon units early. It
The division organizes its forces to facili- locates and identifies critical elements of
tate rapid and secure movement. Normally his C3 system, fire support system, and
it moves in multiple brigade columns. REC assets. It also locates enemy rein-
Movement elements are the covering force; forcements or follow-on units and deter-
the advance, flank, and rear guards; and mines their strength and direction of
the main body. These groupings provide movement.
for- The IEW system must enable the division
❑ Rapid and uninterrupted advance of and subordinate commanders to "see the
the division. battlefield." They need-

5 9

ACLU-RDI 387 p.116

DODDOA 013540
• The location, direction of movement, Intercept priorities to locate the enemy
strength, and capabilities of enemy normally include enemy-
❑ C 2 nets: maneuver, fire support, engi-
• The identification and location of neering, and other critical functions.
❑ Intelligence nets.
❑ Enemy intentions. ❑ Jammers.
❑ Early warning.
❑ Terrain information, such as avenues MI Support to the Covering
of approach and mobility corridors, Force in a Movement
obstacles, and LOS. to Contact
The division IEW system, through IPB, A full complement of multidisciplined MI
egins to provide this information during resources supports the covering force (see
ie planning stage. IPB identifies where tl.e following illustration). To ensure effec-
oth friendly and enemy forces can move,
tive coordination and control, they will
boot, and communicate. The G2 uses event normally be task organized into an IEW
:mplates to plan and execute the collection
company team. Due to the nature of cover-
nd surveillance effort. The G3 uses terrain
ing force operations, the IEW company
ictor overlays, especially the combined team and most of the supporting MI assets
bstacle overlay, to select the division's axis may be attached to the covering force. The
f advance and brigade mobility corridors. IEW systems assigned to support the cover-
The G2 employs long-range collection and ing force must be highly mobile to keep
urveillance capabilities to find and follow pace with the covering force. Ground-based
ie enemy and provide early warning. To systems must be capable of rapid displace-
rovide information that is beyond the col- ment. They operate in pairs leapfrogging
:ction capabilities of division systems, he between positions to provide continuous
flies on corps and Air Force long-range coverage. Aerial assets, including those of
urveillance and reconnaissance systems, the division, corps, and the supporting tac-
itch as SLAR and tactical air tical air reconnaissance unit, habitually_
econnaissance. support the covering force. They provide
continuous, long-range coverage over wide
areas forward and to the flanks of the divi-
Electronic Warfare Support to sion. They are used to cue other systems, to
the Movement to Contact
confirm or refute information reported by
During the movement to contact, SIGINT other agencies, and to provide continuous
nd EW resources are employed primarily coverage while ground-based systems
3 identify, locate, and collect technical data displace.
n key enemy emitters. The capability to
)cate enemy emitters with ground-based
ystems is limited during movement. Jam- SIGINT/EW assets consist of signals
-ling is limited due to the limited availabili- intercept and ECM teams. Either voice col-
y of targets and the need to preserve lection or TRAILBLAZER teams may be
)PSEC. Jammers are, however, prepared to assigned to provide communications inter-
am selected targets upon contact with the cept support. Mobility requirements may
nemy. Intercept teams pass combat infor- preclude the employment of the TRAIL-
aation collected to their supported BLAZER as a system in the covering force
-ianeuver elements or to FSEs. They pass during a movement to contact. The use of
echnical control data and information to voice collection teams with the covering
upport intelligence to the TCAE. force frees TRAILBLAZER for employment
in more static positions to conduct DF oper-
ations before and when contact is made
with enemy forces. The ECM teams are also
used for communications intercept during


ACLU-RDI 387 p.117

DODDOA n1'.1541


_rum. (+ )


(3) (2) GSR
•• •

(*) 1-9
••• •••


H Fpal F- ]





the move when not conducting ECM opera- and collect technical data on key enemy C3 ,
tions, They ire prepared to initiate jam- target acquisition, and fire control systems.
ming operations upon contact with the They monitor communications nets for
enemy. TEAMPACK alerts the covering exploitable information. They pass target
force commander to the activation of enemy data and other combat information to
radars. Signals intercept systems identify maneuver units, FSEs, or jammers. Until


ACLU-RDI 387 p.118

DODDOA 013542
intact is made with the enemy, ECM is be directed to exploitable weaknesses iden-
;ed only where the benefits clearly out- tified in enemy defenses.
eigh the risks to OPSEC and jammer
irvivability. Interrogation Resources
The QUICKFIX flight platoon comple- Interrogators move with and support the
ents the ground-based EW assets. Aircraft covering force and advance guard. Until
-e particularly suited to intercept, locate, contact is made with the enemy and EPWs
'id identify transmitters and jam enemy are available, primary sources of informa-
ceivers during fast-moving operations. tion are limited to refugees, line crossers,
UICKFIX aircraft are able to overcome and other noncombatants. As EPWs are
tclio LOS limitations and have the mobili- captured, IPW teams conduct hasty screen-
to provide continuous support. Upon con- ing operations and interrogations for
et with the enemy, aerial systems shift information of immediate tactical value.
Leh- priority to locating deep targets and The division relies on additional interroga-
iemy jammers, while ground-based sys- tion teams from the corps TEB. Interroga-
ms support the units in contact. The tors determine-
UICKFIX flight platoon—
❑ Locations, size, composition, and direc-
• Intercepts and identifies enemy C3 nets tion of movement of enemy forces.
between first echelon battalions, regi-
ments, divisions, and supporting ❑ Enemy objectives.
artillery units. ❑ Location of minefields, obstacles, and
• Locates and jams air defense antitank weapons.
communications. ❑ Terrain conditions along the route of
• Intercepts, locates, and jams commu- advance.
nications between enemy reconnais- ❑ Intelligence related to personalities of
sance elements and their parent units. enemy commanders.
• Intercepts and locates enemy jammers ❑ Enemy plans and intentions.
for destruction by fire.
Surveillance Assets The movement to contact ends when
enemy resistance requires the deployment
GSRs are employed with the covering and coordinated effort of one or more of the
irce and advance and flank guard ele- brigades. The division has several options:
lents. They provide early warning, infor-
ation on enemy movement, and targeting ❑ Bypass the enemy unit and continue
tformation. They provide continuous sup- the movement.
)rt through leapfrog movement between ❑ Conduct a hasty attack or defense.
)sitions on dominant terrain, monitoring
Le terrain forward and to the flanks of the ❑ Conduct a deliberate attack or defense.
iendly unit for enemy movement. The division uses all available collection
LRSU teams are inserted along the resources to determine the strength, capa-
ovement to contact route to observe bilities, intentions, location, and deploy-
iemy movement and other activities. They ment of the enemy force. Ground-based
-ovide information to help identify enemy assets focus on support to close operations
rmations and to determine their composi- while aerial assets look deep for reinforce-
Dn, weapons and equipment, and inten- ments and support forces. Jamming focuses
xis. When possible, LRSU teams will con- on key enemy C 3 nets for maneuver, fire
rm the existence and location of key support, and air defense units.
iemy forward CPs based on tipoff infor- ATTACK
ation provided by COMINT/DF systems.
nee located, enemy CPs will be targeted The division attacks under a variety of
r destruction and friendly maneuver will circumstances. It may attack in a meeting


ACLU-RDI 387 p.119

DODDOA 013543
engagement, against prepared defensive deep into the enemy rear for reserves, rein-
positions following a movement to contact, forcing units, and combat support and CSS
from defensive positions after defeating an elements. Interrogation teams determine
enemy attack, or through another friendly the composition, disposition, and strength
force. of enemy security, defending, and reserve
The division commander directs the bri- forces.
gades in attacks against enemy weak areas SIGINT or EW assets intercept, locate,
to gain access to soft targets in the enemy and collect information and technical data
rear. At the same time, he conducts deep on enemy C2 and fire support nets. They
attacks to delay or destroy enemy rein- identify noncommunications emitters asso-
forcements, degrade support operations, ciated with specific weapon systems such as
and create additional opportunities for deci- missile and air defense systems. They iden-
sive offensive action. He focuses deep tify and locate enemy REC assets. They
attacks against HPTs to degrade enemy selectively jam key enemy C 3 nets at critical
capabilities and reduce the threat to the times to cause the enemy to use nonsecure
division's operations. communications which are then exploited
The division may conduct hasty or delib- for information.
erate attacks. The primary difference is in The ASPS integrates and analyzes
the detail of planning and the commitment information from all sources to complete the
of combat resources: picture of the battlefield and determine the
Hasty attacks are hastily planned and enemy's intentions.
executed with resources readily avail- Avoid Enemy Strength
able. The goal is to seize or retain the The division attacks enemy defenses at
initiative. Hasty attacks are the pre- their weakest point, directing the division's
ferred means of attacking. strength against enemy vulnerabilities. The
Deliberate attacks are planned in commander maneuvers attacking forces
detail and may be expensive in terms around enemy defenses. He maintains suf-
of combat resources. It requires a ficient flexibility to exploit enemy vulnera-
thorough reconnaissance, detailed bilities as they develop or are detected.
situation and target development, and A detailed knowledge of the battlefield
concentration of combat power. It is enables the division commander to identify
used against a strong enemy defense. exploitable enemy weaknesses. By knowing
The division IEW system supports the the enemy's defensive dispositions, he
destruction of the enemy defense by fire and locates gaps, exposed flanks, and other
maneuver in the conduct of close operations exploitable weaknesses.
and the projection of combat power to The CM&D section employes a multidis-
defeat or stall second-echelon and follow-on ciplined collection operation to gather
forces. detailed information about the enemy,
The G2 employs multidisciplined intelli- weather, and terrain. The IPB data base
gence collection and ESM resources in a serves as a basis for the collection opera-
coordinated effort and focuses them on the tion. The ASPS analyzes the available
enemy security zone and main defense belt. information from all sources to develop the
He also tasks the brigades and the cavalry situation and HPT. It identifies areas where
or reconnaissance squadron to collect the enemy has concentrated combat power
needed information within their capability. and economized his forces. It passes the
He directs reconnaissance patrols to the results to the commander, staff, and fire
most critical areas of enemy activity. He and maneuver elements that can exploit it.
employs aerial systems including corps, Concentrate Combat Power
national, and USAF assets; and LRSU
teams against deep targets. These resources To succeed in the attack, the division
confirm or refute other information con- commander must concentrate combat power
cerning enemy forward defenses—and look on a narrow front where the enemy is weak.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.120

DODDOA 013544
do this with acceptable risk, he must JEW and FSEs concentrate their efforts
ceive the enemy regarding the time, in an integrated operation to suppress
ice, and strength of the attack; cover the enemy fire support systems.
ineuver and concentration of forces; and
Surveillance and SIGINT or ESM sys-
ovide surveillance over areas where
tems locate and identify critical fire support
anomy of force has been applied.
radars and communications systems
The division, through an extensive through both physical and electronic signa-
?SEC and deception program, counters tures. The first priority is to locate nuclear
emy efforts to collect information about and chemical weapon storage sites and
e division and its operations. Multidisci- delivery systems.
tried collection assets, the ASPS, the CI Ground-based SIGINT and EW systems
talysis section, and the OPSEC staff ele- focus on enemy forward fire support assets
Bnt locate and assess enemy collection while aerial systems, including Air Force
pabilities. CI and ECM resources conduct and national assets, concentrate on long-
td support deception operations in accor- range artillery and rocket systems located
.nce with the overall deception plan. at greater ranges. They focus on fire sup-
LEW assets are concentrated to support port C 3 and target acquisition and fire con-
e main effort. Voice collection and trol radars. They also locate and identify
■ AMPACK teams continue to operate, but vital elements of the enemy's air defense
:ate in an area that facilitates their join- system that pose a threat to air reconnais-
g the supported units in the attack. The sance, close air support (CAS), and battle-
IIAMPACK system is used to locate field air interdiction.
emy surveillance radars that are capable As fire support systems are located, they
locating the concentrating division are suppressed by indirect fire systems or •

rtes. The TRAILBLAZER system con- USAF assets. Those systems which cannot
Ines to operate from dispersed positions. be or need not be physically suppressed
.mming during this phase is tightly con- may be attacked by ECM assets.
>lied. Enemy I&S nets may be selectively
mmed to frustrate enemy collection
Generate Overwhelming Combat
Forts; however, jamming of C3 nets is
'oided at this time, as this would allow the
emy sufficient time to find alternate The division concentrates sufficient com-
eans of communications. To avoid reveal- bat power in the main attack to overwhelm
g the location of troop concentrations, the enemy.
mmers operate from dispersed locations.
ECM assets are concentrated in the
GSRs provide surveillance over the area attack area and move with the attack, pro-
the flanks of and gaps between unit viding continuous support. Jamming is
sembly areas. integrated with fire and maneuver, attack-
The commander must consider the NBC ing enemy C 2 and fire support nets.
reat when concentrating forces. The intel- Multidisciplined IEW assets locate and
fence effort must focus on identifying and track enemy reserve forces and HVTs. As
eating enemy nuclear and chemical weap- they are located, they are reported for sup-
Is and his intentions to use them. pression by artillery, air strikes, or ECM.
Displacement and movement of enemy
forces and results of close and deep opera-
Suppress Enemy Defensive Fires tions are continuously monitored to detect
vulnerabilities that can be exploited.
As division forces concentrate against
id assault enemy defenses, they become GSRs move with attacking forces, provid-
creasingly vulnerable to enemy fires. ing surveillance forward of, to the flanks of,
ecordingly, maneuver must coincide with and in gaps between attacking units. They
[ppressive fires against enemy weapon report enemy troop concentrations and
-stems. enemy counterattack maneuvers.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.121

Sustain the Momentum and forces capable of counterattacking or
Exploitation and pursuit follow a success- establishing new defenses. Ground systems
move with the attack, using successive posi-
ful assault. They are aimed at the complete tions or leapfrog tactics. They monitor
destruction of the enemy's defense, his C' enemy movement, communications, key ter-
and support facilities, and his retreating rain, and avenues of approach. Aerial sys-
forces. Decisive results are achieved by tems assist ground systems in following
maintaining the momentum of the attack enemy forces, locating critical communica-
and keeping constant pressure on the tions emitters, and searching the terrain.
retreating enemy forces. They also locate enemy reserves, deeply
The IEW system is targeted against echeloned forces, and HPTs (see the follow-
enemy C 2 and support facilities, communi- ing illustration).
cations centers, retreating enemy forces,



r 4•







ACLU-RDI 387 p.122

DODDOA 013546
GSRs, moving with the attacking units, COUNTERINTELLIGENCE
.?tect retreating and counterattacking SUPPORT TO OFFENSIVE
iemy forces. OPERATIONS
Interrogation teams move with the
ttacking brigades. They conduct initial One of the key IEW principles in the
Lterrogations, primarily for combat infor- offense is denying the enemy intelligence. A
tation of immediate tactical value. They primary element in doing this is CI support
ttempt to acquire information concerning to OPSEC. CI supports OPSEC by —

iemy locations, strengths, composition, El Monitoring the friendly force OPSEC

ad capabilities; and the location of key posture.
tstallations such as CPs and logistics
tcilities. 10 Identifying and recommending mea-
sures to control friendly profiles.
ECM systems disrupt enemy efforts to
iaintain C 2, reestablish communications, ❑ Monitoring and recommending
pass target acquisition and fire control countermeasures.
iformation. Ground-based systems focus CI also supports deception operations by
enemy units in contact, while aerial sys- identifying the enemy multidisciplined col-
ms target deep against enemy reserve lection capabilities, by recommending activi-
irces and support activities. This is a coor- ties which should be protected from enemy
mated effort aimed at destroying the ene- collection attempts, and by identifying
my's defense and his capability to recover. those channels through which false infor-
To sustain the momentum of a successful mation could be revealed in support of the
:tack, continuous support is required. IEW deception plan.
/stems must be flexible and capable of CI assets isolate key enemy targets of
.oving with attacking forces. Systems interest for exploitation and neutralization.
Lust be able to operate on the move, or As the force moves forward into areas pre-
Pews must be able to displace their equip- viously under enemy control, CI actively
ent quickly. Ground and aerial systems, seeks out personnel engaged in espionage,
hich are coordinated and mutually sup- sabotage, or subversion against US forces.
3rting, provide for continuous support. Close coordination with higher echelons for
Hide the Main Effort CI target development is necesSary.
The division and its subordinate units CI assets work closely with interrogators
.ake a coordinated effort to conceal and in screening local nationals about the situ-
?•ceive the enemy as to the location of the ation in front of friendly forces. They also
ain attack. This primarily involves decep- implement CI plans prepared prior to the
on as well as effective OPSEC. The divi- movement to contact by safeguarding or
on's deception operation may be part of a detaining persons identified on white;
)ordinated corps deception operation, or it black, or gray lists.
.ay be solely a division operation. Units
)nduct deception in accordance with the INTELLIGENCE AND
reran division plan. The MI battalion or ELECTRONIC WARFARE
her division elements may conduct elec-
onic deception. Effective OPSEC is vital SUPPORT TO DEFENSIVE
) deception, especially in the area of the OPERATIONS
.ain attack.
The division's defense is a coordinated
effort to defeat an enemy attack and pre-
vent him from achieving his objectives. It is
a temporary measure conducted while
awaiting or creating an opportunity to
attack. Defensive doctrine is designed to-


ACLU-RDI 387 p.123

DODDOA 013547
❑ Defeat superior forces in detail by con- the enemy, weather, and terrain. It locates,
centrating combat power to gain local identifies, and tracks assaulting forces
combat superiority. while identifying the location of the main
❑ Reduce the enemy's combat power by attack. It locates and identifies key C 2 and
suppressing critical C 2 and fire support fire support systems and exploits them for
systems. information, suppresses them by ECM, or
hands them off to the FSE for destruction.
❑ Destroy the momentum of the enemy It locates enemy second-echelon forces and
attack by disrupting his follow-on HPTs that can be attacked before they can
forces, combat support, CSS, and C 2 influence the battle. It frustrates enemy
sytem.Thdivonuskep intelligence efforts by determining enemy
enemy follow-on forces out of the MBA collection capabilities and recommends
until forward brigades defeat enemy OPSEC and deception measures to counter
assaulting forces. them.
❑ Divert the attacker's resources to non- The first priority is to locate and track the
productive ventures by deception and enemy's first-echelon forces at extended
OPSEC measures. ranges to delay them and determine where
❑ Minimize friendly losses through they will make their main effort. The IEW
maneuver, speed, surprise, and effec- system locates and tracks enemy forces as
tive use of terrain. they enter the division area of interest. It
directs sensors to monitor NAI along
The key to a successful defense is the con- avenues of approach and mobility corridors
centration of the division's combat power that were previously identified through the
and skillful use of terrain and fire and IPB process. It intercepts and monitors
maneuver. Combat forces maneuver to de- enemy movement and key C 2 nets. It corre-
feat the enemy's main attack. Economy of lates and analyzes information from all
force is used in other areas. The defense is sources to determine the direction of the
active, aggressive, and fast-reacting. Divi- enemy's main effort.
sion weapon systems engage enemy targets
at maximum ranges. Units in forward bat- Next, the priority shifts to locating enemy
tle positions maneuver between various bat- fire support and air defense systems.
tle positions until the enemy is defeated. SIGINT and 'MINT resources are used to
Deep attacks against enemy follow-on identify the enemy's overall fire support
forces and HPTs support the division and and air defense capabilities and key target
brigade close operations. acquisition and fire control systems. His
NBC delivery systems are especially criti-
The limited number and capabilities of cal. As systems are identified and located,
IEW resources do not permit complete and they are destroyed or suppressed by fire or
continuous coverage of the entire division ECM. Artillery weapons locating radars are
AO; therefore, assets are employed in used to locate enemy fire support weapons.
accordance with the division commander's Concurrently COMINT and ELINT inter-
priorities and where maneuver forces have cept is used to identify and locate key
been weighted. They are concentrated in enemy target acquisition, fire control C 3
dominant threat areas against HPTs that centrs,ad.
will have the greatest influence on the bat-
tle. The enemy's main attack must be The first consideration for EW is to pro-
determined early enough to maneuver suffi- tect friendly C 2 communications from
cient forces and weapon systems to defeat enemy exploitation or interference. SIGINT
it. IPB, which is initiated before and con- or EW systems locate enemy jammers and
tinues throughout the battle, facilitates the target acquisitions systems and pass their
effective use of resources. It provides direc- locations to the FSE for destruction.
tion as to when and where to use resources Jammers also may screen friendly com-
to achieve the maximum payoff. munications from enemy REC efforts.
Jamming operations are integrated with
The IEW system produces a continuous fire and maneuver.
flow of information and intelligence about
5 17

ACLU-RDI 387 p.124

DODDOA 013548
As the assaulting enemy echelon is covering force should be very mobile. Many
engaged by defending forces, they are sup- MI resources deployed initially in support of
Dorted by deep attacks directed against the covering force will operate in forward
enemy follow-on echelons. Deep attacks defending brigade areas upon withdrawal
lelay enemy follow-on forces until his of the covering force.
a ssaulting forces can be defeated. They also The covering force is supported by a full
-educe his combat effectiveness through complement of multidisciplined MI re-
suppression of critical C 2 and support sys- sources which are task organized into an
tems before they can influence the battle. IEW company team. The company team
Deep attacks are focused on the destruction will normally be attached to the covering
pf HPTs that promise the highest payoff in force.
terms of reducing the enemy's capability to
continue the attack and creating opportuni- Aerial assets, with their extended range
ties for friendly offensive action. Typical and wide-area coverage capabilities, pro-
EIPTs in support of defensive operations vide early warning and information about
are- enemy strength, equipment, and direction
of movement. They also provide targets in
❑ Nuclear and chemical storage sites, support of deep attacks to delay, disrupt,
delivery systems, and decontamination and weaken the enemy attack.
Reconnaissance patrols and observation
❑ Key C2 communications and facilities. posts, supported by GSRs and REMS, track
❑ Terrain targets along avenues of enemy forces as they come within range of
approach and LOC. supporting artillery. They provide targets
and information about enemy strength and
❑ Engineering assets.
fire support systems.
❑ REC assets.
Ground and aerial SIGINT or EW plat-
❑ Air defense target acquisition and fire forms operate against the enemy's C2,
control systems. intercepting, jamming, and handing off
targets to artillery for destruction in accor-
❑ Critical service support activities.
dance with the commander's priorities.
IEW SUPPORT TO THE Artillery and air defense radars comple-
COVERING FORCE ment other IEW sensors with target acqui-
sition information, each cuing the other as
The covering force serves as a forward targets develop.
security echelon in the defense. It occupies a
sector far enough forward of the designated IEW assets provide continuous support
forward edge of the battle area (FEBA) to throughout the covering force battle, moni-
protect MBA units from surprise, to prevent toring the flanks, forward areas, and gaps
delivery of medium range artillery fire between units for enemy movement. They
against MBA units, and to deceive the provide targets for the FSE and jam enemy
enemy as to the location of main defensive C2 and fire support nets as enemy units
positions. The mission of the covering force deploy, attack, or recover. As the situation
is to gain and maintain contact with develops and units in the covering force are
attacking enemy forces and to develop the withdrawn, the division commander redis-
situation. tributes IEW resources in support of the
deep attack and units in the MBA. LRSU
The covering force may be established teams may be employed in stay behind
with corps or division troops or a combina- operations to monitor enemy movement and
tion of units from each. The size, composi- other activities.
tion, and task organization depends on the
factors of METT-T. It is normally tank
heavy and reinforced with attack helicop- BATTLE AREA
ters, field artillery, air defense, and engi- The decisive battle is fought in the MBA.
neering units. MI resources supporting the The concept of the defense is to concentrate


ACLU-RDI 387 p.125

sufficient combat power to destroy assault- defense. The company-team scheme of
ing enemy forces until the opportunity to deployment will coincide with brigade
seize the initiative and defeat the enemy boundaries where possible to minimize con-
through bold, offensive maneuvers is flicts in positioning IEW company teams
achieved. Combat and combat support units and the necessary coordination with for-
are initially deployed along enemy avenues ward brigades. These IEW company teams
of approach that can accommodate large will be deployed in DS of brigades or GS to
enemy forces. When the location of the the division depending on METT-T plan-
enemy's main attack is determined, forces ning considerations and the desires of the
are shifted to meet the threat. Forces are commander.
economized along avenues of approach Avenues of approach are not often dis-
that will not accommodate large concentra- tributed evenly across the defensive sector.
tions of enemy forces and in less threatened For example, a division sector may have a
areas. single major avenue of approach. In such
The division plans and executes the main cases, the preponderance of MI resources
defensive battle to create opportunities to could be deployed to support the main effort
gain the initiative through offensive action. in a GS role under the control of the MI bat-
Offensive action may be initiated by a talion TOC. The battalion's SIGINT and
single massive counterattack or a series of EW assets may be task organized into two
local counterattacks. forward companies and the TOC (HHSC).
The battalion (-) is then deployed in-depth,
Multidiscipline(' intelligence assets en- positioned to enhance electronic LOS while
able defending commanders to see the bat- taking advantage of natural and man-made
tlefield with sufficient clarity to identify features to protect prime mission equip-
and exploit enemy vulnerabilities. MI ment. IEW assets are task organized into
assets are concentrated on the most critical three functional areas. Heavy and light
avenues of approach and against the most jammers are under the control of the CU
critical enemy targets. Their first priority of company commander and under the techni-
collection and analysis is to identify the cal control of the three composite T&A
enemy main attack. They also must detect teams. Radio intercept, ELINT teams, and
enemy vulnerabilities or weaknesses that DF assets are under the C2 of the EW com-
the division can exploit. Ground surveil- pany commander and the technical control
lance, interrogation, CX, and ground-based of its assigned analysis team. The TOC
SIGINT and EW teams operate forward in assets are under the C2 of the HHSC com-
BTF and brigade areas. mander, supervised by the S3, with techni-
MI systems deploy to support the defense cal control and coordination of SIGINT and
in the MBA in accordance with METT-T EW resources provided by the TCAE.
(see the following illustration). Initially, HUMINT resources such as IPW and CI
IPS and the commander's concept of the teams may be deployed in GS of the divi-
operation guide the deployment of MI sion and receive asset tasking from the MI
assets. However, the deployment scheme is battalion TOC. GSR squads are attached to
dynamic, changing with the situation. MI forward maneuver brigades and their sub-
assets deploy where LOS and range capa- ordinate task forces and companies based
bilities enable them to provide surveillance on R&S planning accomplished by the G2.
of the terrain that presents the greatest The QUICKFIX platoon, OPCON to the MI
threat to the defense and where possible battalion, remains under the control of the
opportunities for offensive action can be MI battalion TOC and is employed in a GS
detected. This may result in a fairly even reinforcing role. The MI battalion TCAE
distribution of IEW assets within the over- provides technical control for QUICKFIX
all defensive sector. This type of depby- operations. Key communications links
include command, operations, and technical
ment is typical when there are multiple channels to forward deployed companies,
avenues of approach into the MBA and are an added EW company analysis team
distributed across the defensive sector.
Multidisciplined IEW company teams will
normally be organized to support the

ACLU-RDI 387 p.126

DODDOA 013550

•• XX





"QUICKFIRE" reporting channel to bri-

gades, and the TCAE reporting network
(FM) to the DTOCSE. The battalion com-
mander exercises C2 of all deployed units,
less detached elements (for example GSRs),
and ensures movement and site occupation
are cleared, by the IEWSE, through the
appropriate brigade S3 or commander.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.127

nonnnA niqggi
While physically consolidating SIGINT col-
lection assets enhances strict control of
SIGINT collection operations, it is possible
only in tactical settings where the disper-
sion of SIGINT and EW assets is not dic-
tated by terrain and the threat (see the fol-
lowing illustration).


MSO-103A = MOD-34 Vr= TLO-17A



ACLU-RDI 387 p.128

DODDOA 013552
During the battle, the priority of effort is force division assets to provide support to
)cused on locating critical C 3 nodes, fire the brigades. The teams supporting the bri-
apport systems, and other critical targets. gades focus un information of immediate
tactical value. Those at the division cage
Communications intercept teams locate
focus on the division commander's PIR and
rid identify enemy C3 nets that control fire
nd maneuver forces. The voice intercept
jams focus on intercept. They report inter- When the enemy offense is impeded and
apt data to the T&A team at the C&J pla- he is forced to change his battle plans, his
)on headquarters. The TRAILBLAZER communications and electronic systems
itercepts and locates critical enemy com- become inceasingly vulnerable to intercept,
Lunications nets. The TCAE uses commu- DF, and targeting. At this point, the use of
ications intercept and DF data to locate ECM against enemy C 2 nets becomes
ey enemy C Z centers and to provide target increasingly effective.
ata. The flight platoon coordinates with IEW SUPPORT TO DEEP
ie C&J and SIGINT processing platoons OPERATIONS
ensure continuous coverage during their
isplacement. It also covers areas of the AO The IEW means available for deep attack
iat are inaccessible to ground-based sys- are limited. They must be used effectively to
Jms due to LOS restrictions. obtain the effects desired to gain maximum
The TEAMPACK system focuses on tactical benefits.
-iemy target acquisition and fire control IPB is used to focus intelligence collection
2dars for artillery and air defense systems. and surveillance operations. The presence
Targeting data is reported immediately or absence of predicted enemy activity in
ir suppression by maneuver, fire, or ECM. the NAI helps confirm or deny estimates of
CM assets jam C2 and fire support nets at enemy intentions and provides a basis for
:ideal times during the battle, preferably adjusting the estimate.
s the enemy attempts to deploy his forces The division relies on corps to track
nd assault friendly forces in the defense. enemy forces until they come within range
nemy air defense weapons and associated of the division's collection systems. The
it defense radars are located and sup- corps ASPS informs the division ASPS of
ressed, reducing the threat to friendly air enemy activity that will affect the division
perations. operation. The corps hands off enemy forces
GSRs are employed with fire and to the division as they enter the division
ianeuver elements to provide early warn- area of operations.
ig and targets. They focus on avenues of The division uses aerial resources and
pproach identified during IPB. They also LRSU teams to locate and track enemy
rovide surveillance of gaps in division forces at extended ranges. Tactical air
efense areas and along unit flanks. reconnaissance missions determine enemy
OPSEC and deception are also vital to the strength, weapons and equipment, loca-
access of the defense. CI elements assess tions, and direction of movement. They also
nervy collection capabilities and actively locate key C2 and support activities. SLAR
ionitor friendly operations to identify vul- locates and determines the direction and
erabilities and recommend countermea- the rate of enemy movement. GUARD-
tires. Effective OPSEC and deception RAIL, QUICKLOOK, and QUICKFIX sys-
enies the enemy information about tems identify and locate key enemy radios
iendly operations and misleads him con- and radars. Through traffic 'analysis, the
erning the location of defense positions associated unit and key equipment are
nd intentions of our forces. determined. Long-range surveillance teams
determine the type enemy units, their
Interrogation teams operate at the divi-
weapons and equipment, their direction and
ion EPW collection point and may operate
rate of movement, and in some cases, their
nth the brigades. Additional teams from
unit identification. They also identify and
he corps MI brigade are required to rein-
locate HPTs.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.129

DonnnA ni
Through analysis of all-source informa- effort and, like combat resources, are
tion, using the IPB data base, the ASPS directed to support rear operations based
estimates enemy intentions and develops upon preplanned contingency missions.
the data needed to attack HPT.
IPB of the rear area provides the basis for
As HPT are identified and located, they planning the rear operations. It identifies
are reported to the FSE for attack by fire, potential enemy objectives in the division
ECM assets, or maneuver forces. Following rear, landing and drop zones, air and
the attack, the results are assessed. This ground avenues of approach, and infiltra-
includes not only the damage to the target tion routes. It also identifies where division
itself but the overall effect on enemy com- reaction forces can move, shoot, and com-
bat capabilities. The IEW system monitors municate in the division's rear area.
the deep operations area throughout the IEW resources that are dedicated to the
defensive operation to assess the effects of rear operations include IEW assets that are
friendly strikes, to support the redirection of organic to rear area units and select MI
assets, and to detect enemy vulnerabilities assets. MI support consists primarily of CI
that can be exploited. and interrogation resources. Limited GSR
The defense is planned and prepared in support may also be provided. Aerial imag-
as much depth as time and resources ery and EW support may be provided on a
permit. mission basis. Corps normally provides
IEW SUPPORT TO additional CI resources to augment division
IEW support of rear operations is a two-
Protection of the division rear area is fold task. First, it denies the enemy infor-
vital. This is the area from which supply mation about friendly rear activities.
and maintenance support is projected for- Second, it detects, locates, and supports the
ward. It also includes administrative activi- neutralization or destruction of enemy
ties, division and corps logistic storage threat forces deployed within the rear area.
areas, and C 3 centers. Because the security
of the rear area is so vital to the sustain- IEW assets provide close and continuous
ment of the division's operations, the pro- surveillance of rear area activities to deter-
tection of the rear area is planned with the mine their vulnerability to enemy detection
overall concept of the division operation. and exploitation. CI personnel advise com-
Threat forces operating against the divi- manders regarding the type of intelligence
sion rear area include agents, saboteurs, picture being portrayed to the enemy and
and terrorists (level I threat); special opera- conduct active liaison with local police and
tions reconnaissance and strike teams, for governmental agencies to identify rear area
example, SPETSNAZ, (level II threat); and threat forces.
conventional military forces including air- CI and interrogation assets are targeted
borne and airmobile forces up to regimental against enemy agents, sabotage teams, and
size (level III threat). Primary targets are local dissidents. Aerial imagery and
C2, special weapons storage sites and deliv- SIGINT assets are used to detect, locate,
ery systems, and critical support activities. and identify airborne and airmobile threats.
The G3 integrates the division's rear Because limited IEW assets are available to
operational plan with the division's total the division, clear priorities must be estab-
battle plan. The DISCOM commander or lished between missions to support rear
assistant division commander directs rear operations and IEW mission support to
operations. A rear CP is established to plan close and deep operations. Information col-
and coordinate rear operations. IEW sup- lected in support of rear operations is used
port to rear operations is developed as an for OPSEC, fire and maneuver, and then for
integral part of the overall division IEW correlation with other information to
determine enemy intentions.

5 23

160-850 94 - 5

ACLU-RDI 387 p.130

DODDOA 013554
CI SUPPORT TO REAR hostile rear area operations begin, coopera-
OPERATIONS tion between agencies is critical to neutral-
izing the threat, particularly the level I
In addition to being intimately familiar threat.
with the hostile threat capabilities in the
rear area, CI personnel must be aware of Intelligence Preparation of
the scheme of maneuver for friendly the Rear Battlefield
deployed units and know and understand Rear area IPB reduces uncertainties con-
the commander's rear area support plan. cerning the battlefield environment and
Upgrading intelligence holdings from threat in the rear area. IPB identifies poten-
reports submitted by all sources plays an tial enemy objectives in the division rear
important part in providing an accurate area. Although of slightly different focus
picture of enemy intentions for rear area than the traditional IPB process, the build-
operations. Because the rear area threat is ing blocks of terrain and weather analysis,
dynamic, CI personnel must continually coupled with the friendly mission, will help
assess the level of threat and develop and identify enemy objectives, landing zones,
recommend appropriate countermeasures to avenues of approach, and other factors
frustrate or eliminate the threat. affecting rear operations. CI analysts
within the CI analysis section may assist
The following illustration depicts CI intelligence personnel in the rear CP in
responsibilities in support of rear opera- developing the detailed IPB of the rear area.
tions. Many of those activities associated IPB plays a key role in the command's
with terrorism counteraction and the level I efforts to reduce the uncertainties of divi-
threat are ongoing long before the outbreak sion rear operations.
of declared hostilities. These responsibilities
are discussed in detail in FM 34-60 and FM Defensive Source Nets
34-60A. Defensive source nets are established to
Liaison with police, civilian and military provide I&W of potential hostile rear area
intelligence agencies, the G5, and civil activity and to provide leads for the identi-
affairs personnel is a daily function. When fication of perpetrators of incidents against






ACLU-RDI 387 p.131

DODDOA 013555
friendly units and personnel. The source space on the battlefield for time to accom-
nets are composed of personnel who serve plish some other action. Withdrawal opera-
as paid or unpaid informants. They are tions are conducted to break contact with
generally local national employees such as the enemy. Retirement operations are con-
barbers, civilian facilities engineers, and ducted to relocate from one position to
others whose access to the military and ci- another without enemy pressure.
vilian community may put them in a posi-
tion to become aware of potential activities In any retrograde operation, intelligence
against friendly facilities. requirements increase. The division com-
mander must know where the enemy's main
Identification and Neutralization strength is and where and when he will
The Identification and neutralization of attempt to mass his combat power to over-
hostile teams and cells are an important take and destroy friendly units. Conversely,
priority in support of the division's rear the ability to collect information is
operations. Information provided by CI per- decreased because collection assets are
sonnel is passed to local police, US MP, or pulled off line and leapfrogged to the rear to
combat elements to allow for their capture provide continuous support. Aerial plat-
and detention. forms may be forced to increase standoff
distances or reduce operations due to enemy
Tactical HUMINT Operations air superiority.
Tactical HUMINT operations are The division brings the enemy under
employed to exploit captured personnel who artillery fire and air strikes at long range.
can quickly identify hostile agents and This is designed to deceive him concerning
saboteurs or pinpoint enemy unconven- the retrograde operation, cause his deploy-
tional warfare (UW) team locations, future ment, delay him, and interrupt his
plans, or weaknesses. Generally, time con- momentum.
straints prevent extensive tactical IPB helps the G2 direct collection opera-
HUMINT operations against the level HI tions to locate and track the enemy at
threat; but, enemy agents, sympathizers, extended ranges. Corps provides the divi-
and terrorists can often be thwarted at sion with information about the strength,
threat levels I and II. capabilities, and movement of enemy forces
Terrorism Counteraction within the division area of interest.
CI personnel play a vital role in counter- As enemy forces come within range of col-
ing terrorism, particularly in the rear area. lection systems, the division G2 directs
Using the analysis of previous terrorist long-range assets to track them. These
groups and incidents, CI analysts can assets include LRSU teams and the
determine terrorist patterns and recom- QUICKFIX flight platoon. The G2 also
mend measures to prevent future terrorist requests IAF tactical air reconnaissance
attacks. CI personnel also can be extremely support afild SLAR, GUARDRAIL, and
helpful in collecting information after a ter- QUICKLOOK missions from corps. As first-
rorist incident occurs. echelon enemy forces come within range of
ground-based systems, they are handed off.
INTELLIGENCE AND Division, corps, and USAF long-range sys-
ELECTRONIC WARFARE tems shift their focus to locating and track-
ing enemy follow-on forces.
OPERATIONS Ground and aerial surveillance and
SIGINT collection assets maintain contact
Retrograde operations are movements with the enemy and identify HPTs to pro-
away from the enemy. There are three spe- vide targeting information to the FSE and
cific types—delay, withdrawal, and retire- jammers. The enemy is further delayed by
ment. Delay operations are used to trade jamming his C2 and fire support nets.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.132

DODDOA 013556
The IEW system must also detect enemy our forward deployed forces and those
attempts to outflank and isolate friendly which would be vulnerable to deception
farces. GSR and combat and reconnais- operations.
sance patrols monitor gaps between units
and flank areas. Aerial surveillance sensors CI operations must be compatible with
provide wide-area coverage to the front, the courses of action taken by the supported 7.;

flanks, and rear of friendly forces. combat unit.

OPSEC and deception measures are used In conjunction with the MP and host-
to- nation forces, rigid controls over civilians
and refugees must be applied to detect per-
o Deny the enemy information and sons posing a threat to the security of
deceive him concerning our intentions. friendly operations.
• Protect C3 through use of terrain mask-
ing, radio silence, and ECCM to INTELLIGENCE AND
degrade enemy REC operations.
O Deceive the enemy and cover disen-
gaging units through the effective use
of weather, terrain, and smoke, and by ARMS OPERATIONS
simulating the continued presence of The combined capabilities of division
units until disengagement is complete. surveillance, target acquisition, and
Some electronic emitters, such as weapon systems are impressive. They pro-
GSRs, continue to operate in forward vide the commander with the means for
areas until the last units withdraw. winning the air-land battle. They are capa-
EW support of retrograde operations is ble of providing effective EW support in
much the same as support to offensive and various battlefield environments and threat
defensive operations. The use of ECM scenarios. But if victory is to be attained,
remains situation dependent and is continu- the potential of these systems must be fully
ously integrated with the commander's exploited through their integrated opera-
scheme of fire and maneuver. tion. They must effectively engage the
The first IEW task in retrograde opera- enemy wherever he is, from the rear bound-
tions is to locate and track enemy forces. ary, to the forward limits of the area of
EPW interrogations and low-level tactical operations.
HUMINT operations can provide informa-
tion on the location and movement of The IEW system enables commanders
enemy forces. Low-level tactical HUMINT within the division to achieve the full
can also provide I&W information which potential of combat power. Through this
supports another IEW principle: determin- system, they see the battlefield and deliver
ing when and where the enemy will attempt their forces and weapons against decisive
to mass combat power and overtake and targets. They attack the enemy's 0 2,
destroy the friendly force. degrading his ability to deliver his combat
power for decisive results; and they achieve
OPSEC and deception are essential to the the tactical advantage of surprise.
successful conduct of retrograde operations.
CI supports OPSEC by assisting the G3 in The IEW system is dynamic. It changes .
identifying those critical friendly activities in response to new demands or require-
that must be protected to keep the enemy ments to support new missions. It moves
uncertain as to the time and place of actual with the battle and covers every corner of
disengagement. CI supports deception by the battlefield. It interacts with every ele-
identifying the enemy collection means ment of the combined arms team and is an
which are most likely to be targeted against integral part of every combat function.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.133

DonnnA ni f7
Combat Service Support

CSS feeds, fuels, maintains, and moves The S4 is the principal staff officer
the MI battalion. It provides this support as responsible for developing the battalion's
far forward as possible and throughout the CSS plans, policies, and programs.
AO. This chapter describes those CSS func- The following illustrations outline the
tions that the MI battalion provides to its duties of the battalion S4 and his interface
elements and the CSS provided to the MI with the other staff elements.
battalion by the DISCOM and other
divisional units. Each MI company commander is respon-
sible for the service support activities of his
company when task organized with these
COMMAND AND CONTROL assets. He supervises the administrative
The MI battalion commander exercises and logistical activities of company ele-
control of his CSS system through the bat- ments in the company CP and those in GS
talion executive officer (XO). The battalion roles. He ensures that company elements
XO performs overall staff supervision of MI deploying forward are supported fully until
battalion CSS. The battalion XO, with the they reach the maneuver unit. If company
assistance of the Si and S4, coordinates the elements are deployed on an individual
administrative and logistic activities basis in the maneuver unit's area, the
needed to maintain continuous support for commander monitors the element's service
all MI battalion elements. support status through the MI unit platoon
leaders and the IEWSE. When an IEW com-
The Si is responsible for personnel and pany team is formed, the IEW company
administrative support. FM 101-5 contains team commander assumes this
a complete list of S1 tasks. responsibility.

6.4 .

ACLU-RDI 387 p.134

DODDOA 013558


• Monitors maintenance operations and equipment • Coordinates with the • Consolidates unit eta-
VMS. S4 to replace tus reports.
• Confers with battalion maintenance officer, motor
officer, communications officer. and material
lost through • Coordinates with S4
readiness officer.
• personnel on the inclusion of
Reviews unit status reports and materiel condition
reports. turnovers. maintenance training
• Makes materiel condition assistance visits to battalion in training pogroms
maintenance elements.
• Makes spat check inspections.

• Prepares the logistics portions of the unit status report

• Supervises maintenance program.
• Reviews prescribed load list and record of demands for
repair parts,
• Has staff responsibilities for recovery and repair of
bannerol vehicles and equipment.
• Monitors the distribution and storage of repair parts
and maintenance supplies.
• Identifies maintenance problem areas. -
• Ensures accurate maintenance records are maintained.
• Establishes maintenance priorities.
• Coordinates external maintenance support with the S3.
• Determines adequacy of maintenance training.

• Writes or updates S4 sectiensof the garrison SOP. • Operates the PAC. • Prepares and pro- • Prepares operations
• prepares the service support par seraph or annex so the • Maintains personnel causes personnel orders.
operation plan or order. daily summary. security clearances. • Prepares operations
• Prepares logistical fragmentary orders. • Processes SIDPERS estimates.
• Makes logistics status reports at required intervals. reports. • Monitors training
• Maintains personnel programs of assigned
le Monitors spending, particularly spending for class II
records and assigns or attached units.
and IX items.
replacements • Prepares training
• Submits work requests to °FAL.
according to MOS - schedules and main-
= • Coordinates self•help program. tales training
and unit require-
ez • Reports quarters usage. meats. records. .
se • Advises other staff officers on required or recent- • Monitors sick call • Coordinates with the
, mended changes to section It lPersonnel Allowances) rates, AWOL rates. S4 before submitting
VI and section III (Equipment Allayment) of the and disciplinary sc. changes to section
i organization's MTOE/TDA (TAADS). rims. III (Equipment AI-
M • Ensures that all logistic activities have needed publico lowances) et the
cm • Provides guidance en
iet dens en hand and coordinates with the St for and processes roc- organization's
shortages. .ornmendations far MTOE/TDA, to in-
• Determines training requirements for logistics person- awards, decoration, chide writing
net and coordinates time. piece. and materials end personnel cc - justifications
required. tiaras. for these changes.
• Prepares correspondence far command signature • Plaintiff's policy and .
. when replacements and training are needed. administration filits
• Coordinates the timely correction of deficiencies in and records.
visitor or assistance reports. • Provides message and
distribution center.
• Monitors the organi-
zational safety pro-
• Coordinates with the
S4 on supply end
maintenance person-
nel required before
submitting changes
to section II (Per-
sonnel Allowances)
of organization's


ACLU-RDI 387 p.135

DODDOA 013559


• Advise', other staff officers and assists them in the area • Coordinates with S4 • Monitors overall • Decides prescribed
of supply. to replace supply physical security load for equipment
• Monitors the request, acquisition. storey. and distri- personnel lost program. and supplies.
bunt* of supplies, except for cloths VIII (medical) and through turnovers. • Monitors security of • Coordinates with the
class IX (repair parts) items. Provides S4 with unit classified material. S4 on inclusion of
strength data. supply training in
• Checks the organization and installation property books
the training program
and confers with the P80. • Is responsible for pub-
to include prepare-
• Reviews adjustment documents and confers with the Hendon pinpoint dis-
dins for SOTS.
P80 and survey officer (on reports of survey), the unit tribution system.
commanders (on statements of charges), and the *Requests religious
finance offices (on cash collection vouchers). supplies.

• Reviews requests for supplies and confers with the

P80 and motor officer.
• Checks requests for expendable supplies; confers with
unit commanders, P50, and self-ism -vice supply center
personnel; and administers distribution.
• Checks due-in status file and confers with the P50,
division support officer, end maintenance officer.
• Checks document register end document file.
• Assists units which have supply record problems.
• Prepares forecasts and maintains data on use of class
III (petroleum) items.
• Gives guidance go disposal of salvage and encase.
• Keeps records of shortages of MTN equipment.
• Coordinates with the 53 for SOT training for supply

• !aspects dining facilities, • Provides mail service.

• Monitors food service operations. • Processes leaves.
• Checks daily ration requests. passes, and relations.
• Makes sure troop issue subsistence officer is Itepr — • Coordinates religious,
informedtagxcisndubtepor legal, and financial
required. services.
• S as the contract officer's representative in food • Plans end supervises
service areas when revised. current death
• Arranges for the receipt, storage, issue, and direct program.
exchange of organisations, clothing and equipment • Coordinates medical

when no CIF has been established.

• Inspects organization clothing and equipment records
and confers with the P80, unit commanders, CIF
personnel, and clothing sales store personnel.
• Directs the processing of unit laundry.
• Arranges for possible training sessions on laundry
payroll deduction procedures and the clothing
monetary allowance system.
• Advises on salvage operations.

• Supervises administrative movements. • Coordinates use of • Gives S4 require-

• Coordinates transportation for services and supplies. MPs fur traffic CM meets for transpor-
• S as movement officer for battalion headquarterz "Ili and discipline. ration for training
makes loading plans and checks to make sure plans • Resolves Personnel exercises,
cover current MTGE equipment. problems resetting • Publishes movements
• Helps units make loading plans, especially for road or from proposed move. order.
air movements. • Plans for movement
of the battalion,
• Requests transportation from other units for Waling
coordinating routes
when needed.
with the S4.
• Coordidates with DID on overseas and local


ACLU-RDI 387 p.136

DODDOA 013560
The company first sergeant assists the IEW system's unique maintenance is pro- ,
ompany commander in matters pertaining vided by the MI battalion. The IEW com-
) administrative and logistical support. He pany team commander coordinates with the
nd the company supply sergeant maintain brigade S4 for additional maintenance.
lose and continuous coordination with the Other additional requirements may be satis-
attalion S4 and appropriate elements of fied by supported brigade or BTF mainte-
he headquarters and service company. nance assets or by the intermediate (DS)
'hey ensure continuous supply support to maintenance company of the forward sup-
ompany elements at the company CP and port battalion (FSB) of the DISCOM.
3 those company elements deployed in the
rigade and division sectors. The service
upport section leader, when attached to the FOOD SERVICE
ompany, is also responsible for providing
iaintenance support to company elements. During combat operations, soldiers sub-
le is also prepared to provide maintenance sist on combat rations. To meet this need,
upport to those company elements which battalion vehicles carry a 3- to 5-day supply
of rations. Actual supply requirements are
re deployed throughout the company's
rea of deployment. determined in the battalion and company
SOPs. When circumstances permit, the bat-
Individual platoon leaders of deployed talion establishes one field dining facility
?ams must make frequent visits to team for the preparation of hot meals. The dining
)cations to ensure that adequate service facility usually is placed within the MI bat-
upport has been received from the sup- talion trains area. This dining facility will
orted unit. support all battalion elements located at the
When IEW company teams are formed battalion trains and battalion TOC loca-
nd deployed, the IEW company team tions. Rations are normally issued based on
ommander coordinates the CSS require- initial input provided by the food service
ients of his unit. These support require- sergeant to the class I point.
ients are generally stipulated in the logis- Food service support for deployed MI
.cal annex of the OPORD and are coor- units is coordinated between the MI battal-
Mated between the MI battalion and ion S4, the IEW company team command-
ianeuver units. Most CSS requirements are ers, and the brigade and maneuver battal-
let by the MI battalion or by DISCOM ion S4s. Before MI elements are deployed,
tements located in the brigade support the MI battalion S4 initially coordinates
rea. anticipated food service requirements with
COORDINATION the division G4, brigade, and maneuver bat-
talion S4s.
The MI battalion S4 is responsible for The IEW company team commanders
oordinating CSS, particularly for deploy- submit daily strength reports to the MI bat-
ig and deployed MI elements. As soon as talion SI for consolidation. The consoli-
he battalion is notified that MI assets are dated report goes to the division GI section.
eing deployed within the division and bri- The division materiel management center
ade AOs, preliminary coordination is (DMMC) also receives a copy of this report.
iitiated. The MI battalion S4 notifies the The DMMC coordinates the flow or rations
ivision G4 of the planned deployment and to class I supply points. The MI battalion
oordinates with the G4 and DISCOM to food service section uses organic vehicles to
ieet the anticipated CSS requirements of move rations from the supply point to the
lese elements. These anticipated require- established dining facility site. The IEW
ients will be outlined in the logistical por- company team commander draws rations
nn of the OPORD. The MI battalion S4 from a class I supply point established in
lso coordinates anticipated CSS require- the brigade support area. These rations are
lents with the brigade S4. held at the IEW company team headquar-
ters until they can be distributed to MI ele-
ments within the company team.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.137

DODDOA 013561
MI elements operating in support of CLASSES OF SUPPLY
maneuver battalions (or who are deployed
in a maneuver battalion's AO) also draw Supplies are grouped into ten classes, or
rations based on their daily strength major categories, so that items may be
reports. They report this information to the readily identified. This establishes a com-
IEW company team commander. The IEW mon supply terminology and eases logisti-
company team commander consolidates cal planning and operations. Nine of the
these reports and passes them to the bri- ten classes of supply are outlined in the fol-
gade S4 and the MI battalion Si. Desig- lowing chart.
nated MI representatives draw these Class I
rations from the battalion supply point and
deliver them to the using MI units. The MI battalion's HHSC, food service
section, draws rations from a distribution
point in the division support area for the
SUPPLY battalion's field dining facility. Whenever
possible, potable water is also provided at
Supplies are those items required by the the same supply point. The food service sec-
battalion to support and sustain its person- tion uses organic water trailers to move
nel, maintain its equipment, and conduct its water from the supply point to the dining
operations. Supply operations involve the facilities or to points designated by the MI
process of determining requirements and battalion S4.
requesting, obtaining, storing, and distrib-
uting items to fill needs. IEW company teams operating in support
of or with committed brigades coordinate
In peacetime, units of the MI battalion with the brigade for food service support.
stock combat-essential supplies according The IEW company team arranges to draw
to unit SOP. These supplies are designed to rations from the class I supply point that is
sustain combat operations until the war- set up in the brigade support area. Other MI
time supply system is operating. Examples elements operating in support of maneuver
of supply items that units take into battle units coordinate with and draw rations
are ammunition, combat rations, and repair from the maneuver unit's designated supply
parts. points, unless other arrangements through
Once the wartime supply system is estab- battalion and brigade S4 coordination have
lished, distribution takes several forms. been made. Deployed elements normally
Supply point distribution requires the keep a 3- to 5-day ration supply in their
requester to pick up supplies at the supply vehicles or at their tactical position.
point and transport them to the unit in When individual MI units are deployed to
organic vehicles. Unit distribution entails the brigade or BTF AO, the MI unit leader
direct delivery of requested supplies to the must coordinate class I support with the
requester, for example, the unit. Through- nearest combat unit.
put distribution delivers supplies as close
to the user as possible, bypassing interme- See FM 34-80 for more information on
diate points and normally is restricted to CSS in the brigade and battalion AO.
nonstockage list items brought directly
from corps theater support units. MI battal- Class II, III (packaged), IV, and VII
ion personnel are authorized from the bat-
talion and IEW company team headquar- These supply classes are provided by the
ters to pick up supplies from established supply and service company of the main
division distribution points. When the unit support battalion (MSB) in the division
supply method is used, supplies are deliv- support area and the support FSB supply
ered directly to the requesting unit by a companies in the brigade support area
supporting supply unit from the main sup- (BSA). Requests originate at the company
port battalion and forward support battal- level and flow through the battalion S4 sec-
ions of DISCOM. Throughput distribution tion, through the supply companies to the
seldom is used by the MI battalion. DMMC. MI battalion company teams draw


ACLU-RDI 387 p.138

DODDOA 013562


1 Subsistence Items and gratuitous issue health and welfare items: C-rations, fresh vegetables,
sundry packs.

II Items of equipment, other than principal items, which are prescribed in authorization/allowance
tables: Individual equipment, clothing Items, tentage, tool sets, administrative and housekeeping

HI Petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL): petroleum fuels, hydraulic and insulating oils, chemical
products, antifreeze compounds, compressed gases, coal.

IV Construction and barrier materials: lumber, sandbags, barbed wire.

V Ammunition: small arms ammunition, artillery rounds, hand grenades, explosives, mines, fuses,
detonators, missiles, bombs—includes special ammunition (chemical and nuclear rounds).

VI Personal demand items; items which would normally be sold through exchange system:
cigarettes, candy, soap.

VII Major end items; final combinations of items which are ready (assembled) for intended use:
vehicles, self-propelled artillery pieces, missile launchers, major weapons systems (the weapon
itself—not including the crew).

VIII Medical material: medicines, stretchers, surgical instruments, medical equipment, repair parts. .

IX Repair parts and components, including kits and assemblies, Items required for maintenance
support of all equipment: batteries, spark plugs, axles.

NOTE: The MI battalion uses nine of these ten classes. The tenth class of supply is forall nonstandard items. Since the
MI battalion does not use these items, distribution and a description of these categories have been omitted. For
further information on classes and subclasses of supply, see FM 704-28.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.139

DODDOA n1 :25F'1
from the MSB in the division support area basic load. MI elements draw resupply of
(DSA) and from the FSB in the BSA. IEW class V based on their location within the
company teams operating in the brigade division area. Requirements for company
AO coordinate with and receive support teams located within the forward brigade
from DISCOM elements of the BSA. Sup- areas will be consolidated with the nearest
plies are issued by elements of the DISCOM maneuver unit S4 and drawn from that
organized into an FSB. The FSB is tailored unit. MI battalion elements in the DSA will
to provide DS to the brigade and to MI units submit requirements to the MI battalion S4.
supporting the brigades or deployed in the The S4 will submit requirements to the divi-
brigade AO. sion ammunitions officer and the MI battal-
ion will draw class V from the corps
Class III ammunition supply point or division
Class HI supplies are replenished through ammunition transfer point as designated in
a process of informal requisition, allocation, the logistics annex of the OPORD.
and distribution. The initial additional allo- Class VI
cation of POL is usually based on consump-
tion experience records which are consoli- Class VI covers personal items usually
dated and maintained by the MI battalion sold through the corps support command
S4. Other factors which must be considered (COSCOM) post exchange (PX). When a PX
when preparing a POL estimate is the dura- is not available, requests for these items are
tion of deployment and the trafficability of submitted by the Si, through administra-
terrain. tive channels to the Gi for procurement.
The MI battalion S4 uses this information
to prepare an estimate of POL requirements Class VIII
for MI battalion elements and for future Medical supplies are issued to the MI bat-
planning purposes. He supplies the DMMC talion to replace or supplement expended
with these estimates. He also coordinates items on an as-needed basis. Medical ser-
POL requirements for MI elements to be vices and supplies are provided to MI bat-
deployed in the BTF AO with BTF S4s talion elements operating at the battalion
through the brigade S4. This ensures that TOC and battalion trains areas by the
adequate POL is on hand and available for nearest division medical unit.
all MI elements wherever they are deployed.
MI elements deployed in a brigade AO
All MI battalion vehicles use the nearest receive class VIII items from the nearest
fueling point to refuel or to secure POL for medical unit. These items are usually
transport to the unit area for fueling, lubri- limited to replacements or as supplements
cating, and oiling generators and vehicles to items from personal or vehicle first-aid
not free to travel. Those that cannot move kits. Casualties are evacuated to the nearest
to a POL point, because the situation medical facility when ambulatory. For
demands they remain in place, may also be those injured who cannot be moved by the
refueled by organic tankers within the MI unit, medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) is
battalion or by hand pump from fuel drums. arranged.
Equipment in remote locations not serviced
by roads may have to be fueled from 5- Class IX
gallon cans delivered to the site by helicop- Specialized repair parts are critical for
ter or backpack. Oil and lubricants are effective IEW maintenance support. Unlike
picked up at fueling points, whenever repair parts support for high-density com-
required. mon items, support for IEW systems such
Class V as TEAMPACK and ECM sets is limited
because of the low density of such equip-
The MI battalion's requirement for class ment. Therefore, it is essential that repair
V consists of basic load for individual and parts support be closely monitored by the
crew-served weapons. Resupply require- MI battalion commander and his logistics
ments are based on consumption of this staff. This monitoring begins before combat


ACLU-RDI 387 p.140

DODDOA 013564
arid is a continuous process. The battalion Bath and laundry services are normally
must have on hand or on order a prescribed established with clothing exchange activi-
load list (PLL) of repair parts, as authorized ties. DS supply units supporting brigades
by the commander. Maintenance is predi- and the division provide laundry, shower,
cated on the principle of on-site repair and and clothing exchange services.
return to operational status with the least
possible delay. Repair parts for MI-peculiar Map coverage of present and projected
equipment are requisitioned by the lowest AOs is critical to effective tactical opera-
level authorized to conduct that repair. In tions. Responsibility for the storage and
most cases involving MI-unique systems, issue of maps rests with the DISCOM sup-
DS, and sometimes intermediate (GS) main- porting the division. The G2 and subordi-
tenance is performed by the MI battalion's nate unit S2 determine unit requirements
service support element within the HHSC. for maps. The MI battalion S4 establishes a
In such cases, the MI battalion S4 section map supply account at the DISCOM stor-
submits spare parts requisitions to the age site for requesting and issuing maps in
supply support activity (SSA). The SSA, if support of MI battalion operations. The
unable to satisfy these requisitions, passes field SOP will stipulate basic load map
them to the corps MMC which authorizes requirements. The S4 draws these maps
the release of parts from the intermediate from the DISCOM storage site through a
(GS) supply unit in the corps support group. map supply account established with the
storage site.
Deployed MI elements receive mainte-
nance and repair parts support from the
battalion maintenance section organic to MAINTENANCE, REPAIR,
the MI battalion. When MI units are task AND RECOVERY
organized into IEW company teams,
Maintenance is defined as all actions
maintenance elements are also task necessary for retaining or restoring an item
organized and included in the company to a specified condition. It includes inspec-
organization. Through coordination with tion, testing, servicing, classification as to
brigade S4, forward-deployed MI ele- serviceability, repair, rebuilding, and rec-
ments also may receive common equip- lamation. It also includes all maintenance
ment repair parts support from division
related supply actions. The term mainte-
or brigade foward-deployed intermediate nance includes all repair actions necessary
(DS) maintenance units. to keep a military force in condition to carry
OTHER SUPPLIES out its mission.
The categories of maintenance under the
MI battalion elements require water for
Army's three-level maintenance concept
drinking, sanitation, and food preparation.
consist of unit, intermediate, and depot
Elements of the COSCOM and DISCOM maintenance:
locate and develop water sources in the
combat zone and establish water points. MI 0 UNIT: User maintenance, which is
units draw water from the nearest water characterized by quick turnaround
point or class I supply point and transport based on repair by replacement and
it to the unit in either 400-gallon bladders or minor repair (adjust, clean, lubricate,
in 5-gallon water cans, depending upon tighten).
available resources and the combat situa- 0 INTERMEDIATE: Intermediate main-
tion. Deployed MI elements often rely on tenance is organized into DS and GS
the nearest tactical unit's supporting water elements. DS is characterized by high
point for potable water. Water is a free issue mobility, a forward orientation, and
item, but may be rationed depending on the repair by replacement. Intermediate
tactical situation. GS maintenance is characterized by
semifixed facilities. Its fundamental
purpose is to support the theater
supply system through repair of

ACLU-RDI 387 p.141

DODDOA 013565
❑ DEPOT: Maintenance at this level will repair can be done without moving the
support the supply system. It is equipment, contact teams do the work. The
production-line oriented and is per- contact team only performs the work neces-
formed by special repair activities, sary to keep the equipment operating. Other
Army Materiel Command (AMC) maintenance is deferred until after the
depots, and contractor personnel. battle.
Though each category is separate and VEHICLES, AIR CONDITIONERS,
distinct, there are times when a shop per- AND POWER GENERATORS
forms more than one category of mainte- Vehicles, air conditioners, and power
nance. The maintenance allocation chart generators make up the bulk of items
(MAC) remains the primary tool for assign- known as common equipment. In the MI
ing specific tasks which can be performed battalion, the mechanical maintenance pla-
at each category of maintenance. The fol- toon of the HHSC provides unit mainte-
lowing chart describes each level of main- nance for this equipment. The platoon
tenance and who performs that assets form maintenance support teams to
maintenance. be attached to the MI companies and meet
Maintenance operations during combat their forward repair requirements.
operations are guided by the mission and
the situation. Equipment repair is accomp-
lished as far forward as possible. If the














6 9

ACLU-RDI 387 p.142

DODDOA 013566
ntenance support teams perform unit RECOVERY AND EVACUATION
.enance on MI battalion equipment
Jed in the brigade areas. They repair
uipment on site whenever possible. When on-site repair of MI battalion
nediate (DS) maintenance support equipment is not practical due to the tacti-
(MST) of the FSB may be placed cal situation, the damage involved, or the
the OPCON of the forward area sup- nonavailability of mobile maintenance
oordinator (FASCO) of the supported teams, and when recovery cannot be per-
le. Additional maintenance is avail- formed at the platoon level using self-
rom the nondivisional intermediate recovery or similar equipment, the HHSC
aintenance battalion which will pro- will provide special purpose equipment from
orps back-up maintenance support. the MI battalion trains to perform recovery
ntenance and repair parts support are operations. Recovered equipment will be
y related. Each unit carries its manda- relocated to a unit maintenance collection
ombat stockage class IX repair parts point, intermediate forward maintenance
ombat but must rely on maintenance collection point, or to the brigade support
for repair parts support. In most - area where damage can be assessed and the
the unit that provides intermediate repair level can be determined.
naintenance also provides repair parts Recovery may also be conducted to
rt. retrieve enemy material found on the battle-
MUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS field which might be of intelligence use. The
EQUIPMENT HHSC has the primary responsibility for
this recovery of enemy equipment captured
C-E or IEW maintenance section of by MI battalion elements.
HSC provides unit and intermediate Recovered equipment which cannot be
aintenance for MI battalion SIGINT repaired at the unit or intermediate DS level
equipment. It performs unit mainte- will be evacuated to the intermediate (DS)
on standard C-E and COMSEC forward maintenance unit. Evacuation is
Intermediate and DS maintenance used to expedite movement of disabled
and COMSEC items is performed by equipment to an activity or maintenance
[SCOM. The C-E or IEW maintenance level where repairs can be made.
n maintains a shop stock or repair
for the MI battalion in accordance Before evacuation, the maintenance
M. 710-2, DA Pam 710-2-1, and the officer considers a controlled exchange of
ander's policy. parts according to regulation and command
guidance. Systems which have suffered
battalion's forward contact mainte- excessive damage may be used as a source
teams provide maintenance support for repair parts.
ployed MI battalion elements. Addi-
support—up to intermediate (DS)
Aviation unit maintenance (AVUM)
enance—remains with the battalion responsibilities for QUICKFIX rests with
C-E or IEW equipment repair section. its parent unit, the CAB. Unit-level repair of
t maintenance for SIGINT and EW EW systems on the QUICKFIX aircraft is
n.ent is performed on site, if possible, performed by military occupational
forward contact maintenance team. specialty (MOS) 33R personnel assigned to
cannot repair it, it is recovered to the the QUICKFIX flight platoon. 33Ts of the
ttalion trains area and repaired by MI battalion are responsible for
E or IEW maintenance section. The intermediate (DS) maintenance of SIGINT
ttalion provides intermediate (DS) and EW systems on board these aircraft.
enance support for this equipment. If Since QUICKFIX is under the OPCON of
I battalion cannot repair it, it is the MI battalion, if an aircraft is downed
r evacuated to a COSCOM interme during a mission, the MI battalion S4 is
GS) maintenance battalion repair responsible for notifying the CAB to initiate
y. recovery operations.

ACLU-RDI 387 p.143

DODDOA n1 :15R7
AVIATION MAINTENANCE blies that are beyond the capability of GS-
level maintenance. Maximum use of MST
Maintenance of the QUICKFIX aircraft from the depot will be used at both the DS
and associated equipment presents a two- and GS levels to facilitate rapid repair and
fold. situation: the EW mission equipment replacement of malfunctioning parts.
maintenance and maintenance of the air- There is no maintenance facility at the
craft, avionics, and aircraft support equip- organizational level which is tailored spe-
ment. All QUICKFIX mission equipment cifically for the QUICKFIX system. Most
can be maintained within the Army main- items of mission equipment are in the Army
tenance system and is designed with many inventory and can be maintained by stan-
self-test features to simplify the organiza- dard maintenance facilities. Several unique
tional maintenance concept. The aircraft pieces of mission equipment will be main-
and types of equipment in QUICKFIX are tained at the organizational level by chang-
such that the levels of maintenance per- ing boxes.
formed, and the organizations which will
provide the maintenance, vary with the Logistics and maintenance of the
equipment types being considered. QUICKFIX aircraft are based upon the
QUICKFIX mission equipment is de- AVUM and aviation intermediate mainte-
nance (AVIM) concept. AVIM will be per-
signed with many built-in test equipment formed by the CAB. Aircraft needing exten-
features which assist in isolating the cause sive maintenance beyond division AVIM
of equipment malfunctions, thus limiting capability will be evacuated to corps AVIM
maintenance downtime. Intermediate (DS) units. Aircraft avionic equipment (naviga-
maintenance on EW systems will be per- tional radios, communications radios, and
formed within the MI battalion. Unit main- navigational instruments) will be main-
tenance on all QUICKFIX subsystems is tained within the AVUM and AVIM main-
performed within the QUICKFIX flight pla- tenance categories.
toon of the CAB. Unit maintenance
includes performing preventive mainte- Due to the unique nature of the QUICK-
nance, making external adjustments, and FIX flight platoon and its mission, priority
making repairs which do not require inter- must be placed on the processing of main-
nal adjustments or system alignments. tenance and parts requisitioning to ensure
mission availability of these special elec-
Intermediate (DS) maintenance per- tronic mission aircraft (SEMA). With the
formed by the MI battalion for EW systems limited allocation of only three QUICKFIXs
is characterized by replacement and repair to the division's CAB for use by the MI bat-
of modules which can be accomplished by talion for SIGINT or EW missions, priority
using test, measurement and diagnostic of repair must be established for these air-
equipment (TMDE) and performing module craft to provide for a sustained operational
fault diagnosis, inspection, test, adjust- readiness rate.
ment, calibration, alignment, and repair
GS-level maintenance will be performed SUPPORT
at the corps C-E-level maintenance battal- The MI battalion provides personnel and
ion using automatic test equipment (ATE). administrative support to its elements
GS maintenance will encompass quick- under the supervision of the Si. The Si
reaction maintenance support to the DS ensures that personnel management
facilities through use of direct exchange actions are quickly and efficiently pro-
(DX) modules. GS maintenance will include cessed. He maintains the daily strength
module fault diagnosis, testing, adjustment, reports, casualty feeder reports, and autho-
calibration, repair, and alignment functions rized position vacancy fill requests; and, in
that can be efficiently done using ATE. coordination with the battalion XO, deter-
The depot will repair or rebuild printed mines assignments for individual
circuit boards, assemblies, and subassem- replacements.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.144

DODDOA 013568
Che Si section also processes leaves and The MI battalion depends on DISCOM
sses and distributes command informa- for most of its medical, religious, and spe-
n; assists in providing or obtaining reli- cial physical security support requirements.
.us, postal service, finance, and legal wel- Medical support is provided to battalion
e services; and promotes those activities elements operating in the division rear by
ich affect the morale and general welfare the DISCOM's medical company. Elements
MI battalion soldiers. operating in the brigade CP area are sup-
ported by the brigade headquarters aid sta-
ilthough the MI battalion provides these
vices, it must still depend upon the tion. Other elements operating forward of
SCOM for supplemental personnel ad- the brigade AO are supported by the near-
nistrative support. Additional financial est maneuver battalion aid station. Teams
Tort is provided through the division supporting maneuver battalions receive
ance support office and mobile pay medical support from those battalions. The
ms from the corps area finance support IEW company team commander, through
iter. The division staff judge advocate the IEWSE, arranges for medical support
A) provides supplemental and special- for forward elements and informs each ele-
ment where to get its support.
I legal services to MI battalion soldiers.
SJA is responsible for the administra- Religious services are also provided
L of military justice and other legal mat- through the DISCOM. Chaplains normally
s. Any additional transportation re- will conduct services for small groups
xces the battalion may require are pro- throughout the division area. MI personnel
ed through coordination between the MI may attend the service nearest their loca-
talion S4 and the division transporta- tion, depending upon the combat situation
i officer, movement control center, and mission.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.145

DODDOA 013569

The development of a working IEW sys- Training is a command responsibility.

tem within the division requires training. The G3 and S3 have staff responsibility for
The input of people, time, and money into ensuring training programs are developed
the Army's training base provides soldiers and executed under the direction of the
first, then soldiers trained in individual commander. Intelligence training is heavily
specialties such as infantry, artillery, and influenced by the G2 and S2 as the com-
MI after their initial soldierization training. mander's senior intelligence officers. In
The development of a functional IEW sys- concert with the G3, the G2 evaluates the
tem within the division must focus on indi- state of IEW training within the command
vidual, collective, and unit training and recommends training objectives and
requirements at all echelons to develop an programs for inclusion in the unit training
IEW system capable of providing timely program. The G2 also supports unit train-
and accurate combat information, intelli- ing programs by providing intelligence
gence, and tactical EW to support the divi- training with expert members of his staff
sion's combat operations. It is a dynamic and training materials.
process requiring the attention and support
of commanders, trainers, and intelligence TRAINING AREAS
personnel throughout the division.
Under the battle focus provided by the
division's mission, IEW training is formu-
BATTLE FOCUS lated and executed with emphasis on three
distinct but complementary areas: general
Like the division's overall unit training intelligence and security training, com-
program, intelligence and EW training mand and staff operations and interaction,
requires battle focus. Intelligence and EW and MI unit training (see the following
training is based on the division combat illustration). All intelligence training is
mission and the IEW tasks inherent in mis- oriented on the successful accomplishment
sions given to all units within the division. of the four IEW tasks: situation develop-
Given such focus, soldiers of the ADA bat- ment, target development, EW, and CL
talion become skilled in combat intelligence
areas related to the division's airspace, All three areas include training to indi-
while soldiers within the DISCOM learn to vidual and collective tasks under standards
recognize rear area threat formations. This established by the Army in soldier and
battle focus permits the translation of unit common task training manuals, unit Army
missions into supporting individual and Training and Evaluation Programs
collective tasks. These tasks, in turn, are (ARTEPs), and standards established by
capable of being trained to and are mea- the division and subordinate commanders
surable by performance training objectives through their operations, training, and
and standards of performance. intelligence staff officers.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.146

DODDOA 013570



INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY accomplishment. Specific battle fodus ap-

plied within each unit of the division allows
General intelligence and security training such training to progress from general to
designed to develop a disciplined combat specific threats that the friendly unit might
,formation and intelligence reporting sys- encounter on the battlefield due to its mis-
m. This reporting system supports the sion and related positioning. Examples of
tuation and target development functions, programs that support such focused threat
hile general security education is used to training are the US Army Forces Com-
ipport CI, OPSEC, and denial operations. mand's "Project Spotlight" and the US
Adiers within the division represent the Army Europe's "Project Focus." The intelli-
rgest collection agency available to the gence aspects of scout and patrol operations
'mmander and his intelligence staff. The are taught to ensure that soldiers are
neliness and reliability of information knowledgeable of observation and reporting
'ovided, however, is directly proportional requirements. Soldiers are trained to under-
the training received by soldiers and the stand the importance of security and battle-
ills they develop in providing timely and field survival. The use of dismount points
curate reports dealing with the enemy, and enforcement of light and noise disci-
Bather, and terrain. All soldiers are pline do not constitute CI operations; they
ained in observation techniques and corn- represent countersurveillance measures
tt information reporting procedures. The which allow soldiers to survive in combat.
Idler is trained to quickly identify and Soldiers are taught security measures and
port observation of friendly and enemy practices to protect classified and sensitive
uipment, to recognize enemy formations information, how to handle classified mate-
7 type and size, and to provide current
rials such as cryptographic key lists, and
formation on weather and terrain which the importance of policing battle litter at
ight impact on friendly or enemy mission CP locations to ensure the protection of the

ACLU-RDI 387 p.147

DODDOA 013571
friendly force by denying information from Detailed training in each area will allow the
the enemy. Radiotelephone procedures and intelligence staff at the division's CPs, bri-
SIGSEC techniques are taught to ensure gade and separate battalion CPs, and the
users of C-E systems employ sound security intelligence staffs at corps and adjacent
measures. Training on procedures for hand- units to understand their role and responsi-
ling EPWs is conducted to ensure the well bilities in making the intelligence system
being of prisoners when under US control operate in support of the situation develop-
and to support IPW exploitation for intelli- ment, target develoment, EW, and CI func-
gence purposes. The best way to teach sol- tions. Again, using the battle focus pro-
diers intelligence and security subjects is to vided by the unit mission will permit intel-
integrate these subjects with other subjects ligence personnel at each CP to fully
during garrison, CP, and field training understand their role in satisfying these
exercises. The success of this training can critical IEW tasks. Unit SOPs and intelli-
be seen in the ease with which intelligence gence portions of plans and orders specify
staffs are able to discern committed from priorities and the procedures to be used. To
uncommitted enemy forces based on accu- develop these skills, the G2 will establish
rate combat information reporting. With a intelligence training objectives during CP
disciplined combat information system and field training exercises and evaluate
established, the full intelligence system is intelligence procedures and the overall suc-
better able to focus on the critical uncer- cess or failure of the IEW system. Principal
tainties of the battlefield. A disciplined staff section at all echelons must work
combat information system is critical to together to support EW, targeting, and
controlling the shear volume of reports the friendly NBC operations to ultimately sup-
intelligence staff must consider in develop- port the division's tactical operations. For
ing the current enemy situation and the EW operations, the G2, G3, FSE, and C-E
enemy's most likely course of action. Effec- staff elements must know their respective
tive soldier training in general intelligence areas of responsibility and be able to
and security subject areas is the key to thoroughly integrate their operations to
building this combat information system. support EW planning and its execution in a
timely manner. For targeting operations,
COMMAND AND STAFF the triad of the G2, G3, FSE, and all special
Training in command and staff staff sections represented within the FSE
operations and staff interaction supports (for example, Army airspace command and
the development of staff cognizant of its control (A 2C 2) air liaison officer, and chemi-
role in the planning and execution of all cal sections) must understand their support-
four IEW tasks. The role of the commander ing missions in target development, target
is paramount because he starts the selection, and decision making pertaining
intelligence and EW planning effort with to engagement. To support NBC operations,
the announcement of the unit mission and the commander, G2, G3, FSE, and division
his concept for its execution. PIR are chemical section serve as the key staff ele-
announced by the commander or are ments responsible for planning and con-
developed by the G2 and recommended to ducting such operations. The development
the commander to focus the intelligence of a staff capable of planning, supporting,
effort, The G2 analyzes the terrain and the and conducting IEW operations is best
threat using IPB as the foundation for the accomplished through battle simulation,
division's full staff planning effort. The CP, and field training exercises. Through
commander, G2, and G3 must work together planning and rehearsal, battle staff SOPs
to develop the commander's concept of are developed and written for use and
operations in sufficient detail to allow the refinement during training.
remainder of the staff to complete its plans
and estimates. MI UNIT TRAINING
Intelligence staff training focuses on the A critical element of the division's func-
unit's mission, the division's estimate, and tioning IEW system is the MI battalion. To
the intelligence cycle: planning, directing, fully support the successful execution of the
collecting, processing, and disseminating.

ACLU-RDI 387 p.148

DODDOA 013572
FEW tasks, the MI battalion must be determines where to start this training; how
able of performing its assigned and to best integrate newly assigned personnel
lied missions. To execute these mis- in the unit training system; and when his
s, soldiers within the MI battalion must individual and collective training programs
Toficient in individual and collective have reached the desired goal of demon-
is within their respective intelligence strated proficiency. Using these tools, the
iplines as well as common soldier skills commander ensures that his training goals
asure that they can perform intelligence delineate training tasks to subordinate
3ions in combat. Like other unit corn- commanders and leaders within the
iders, the MI battalion commander battalion.
.t pay particular attention to the profes-
The training program of the MI battalion
al development and MOS training of
must be structured on how the battalion
-MI soldiers within the battalion whose fights, not by table of organization and
.s are crucial to the success of the battal- equipment (TOE). While individual MOS
s intelligence mission. Because of the
skills can be taught within the company
e number of automotive systems within
structure, collective skills leading to combat
battalion and the dependency of the MI
proficiency must be developed within the
alion on all forms of communications,
combat structure of the MI battalion's task
areas of mechanical and C-E mainte-
organization. Given the battle focus of the
ce and communications are particularly
division missions and battalion-assigned
Drtant. In developing a unit training
missions, training emphasis is placed on
;ram, the battalion's enlisted strength
the operations of the multidisciplined IEW
50 plus soldiers and noncommissioned
company team organization and its interac-
:ers encompassing some 33 separate
tion with the other key combat elements of
Ss must be carefully considered in
the division's IEW system. To reach the
doping the training strategy and tempo
desired levels of collective proficiency
aining. These MOSs illustrate the wide
within the battalion, training is focused on
rsity of skills found within the battal-
four primary areas:
;hat require detailed and careful study.
complexity of the battalion's training ❑ Individual soldiers.
don is further influenced by the follow- ❑ Collective team or unit skills.
❑ Technical skills proficiency.
Low density MOSs.
❑ Tactical proficiency and force
Extensive technical training in select integration.
Individual Soldier Skills
The need for language sustainment
training. Individual soldier skills encompass indi-
vidual common tasks, skills of fundamental
The necessity to hone these numerous
soldiering, and MOS proficiency. Soldiers in
skills into a collective, integrated intel- all MOSs must know their individual jobs
ligence collection and processing capa-
bility to satisfy assigned and antici- and how to perform them in a combat
environment. This training includes com-
pated missions.
mon intelligence skills and training
designing the MI battalion's training requirements contained in the division's
Tam, the MI battalion commander and training plan such as Subversion and
33 rely on certain key planning tools. Espionage Directed Against US Army and
se tools include statements of critical Deliberate Security Violations awareness
s at each skill level for each MOS; a and combat information reporting. Division
nostic skill measuring system in the training plans, MOS skill qualification
t of a test or demonstration such as a tests, soldier's manuals, and common task
em crew drill; and clearly defined test criteria all help to focus training to
dards of performance for each MOS by individual skill requirements. This training
level. With these tools, the commander normally begins at the first-line supervisory

ACLU-RDI 387 p.149

DODDOA 013573
Collective Team or Unit Skills required of a prisoner of war interrogator or
COMINT voice intercept operator does fall
Collective training is the training into the realm of technical training. To
required to develop a team, section, or unit replicate the battlefield environment and
capability. Collective training emphasizes conduct language sustainment training for
the individual tasks that are performed by such key intelligence collectors requires a
members of a team to accomplish a com- great deal of planning. To link such train-
mon task or mission. A GSR team, for ing to the battle focus of the unit's mission
example, establishes a GSR site and places requires time and resources which the MI
the system in operation through the coordi- battalion commander must manage and
nated efforts of the team within a specified develop. Similar challenges exist in devel-
time. The use of established crew drills oping the technical training required of
permits the development of collective profi- other SIGINT and EW system operators
ciency. Collective training above the team and teams such as those that man the
or crew level, in a similar manner, requires TEAMPACK, QUICKFIX, and TRAFFIC
the coordinated efforts of all elements of the JAM systems. The methods, techniques,
section or unit over time, for example, the and procedures employed in providing
GSR platoon deploys its individual teams technical control of SIGINT and EW
and sections to establish a platoon (unit) resources and in performing SIGINT analy-
ground surveillance system. The deVelop- sis also require the creation of a unique
ment of a collective capability requires peri- training environment. The environment
odic adjustment of training goals and objec- must connect the individual collector to the
tives to allow for the integration of newly completion of the analysis function which
assigned personnel. The unit's training supports the all-source intelligence system.
plan must be flexible and integrate new While all the elements of this intelligence
personnel and bring them to an acceptable system can describe their individual and
level of proficiency for the teams, sections, collective tasks, the total system can train
or units to which they are assigned. The to required levels of proficiency only when
ARTEP mission training plan and collec- conducting actual intelligence operations or
tive training objectives established by the operating in a simulated battlefield envi-
commander based on the overall unit mis- ronment which replicates the threat on a
sion serve as training and evaluation tools factual basis.
for measuring team and unit proficiency.
Specific technical support packages often
tailored to the unit's mission or geographic
Technical Skills Proficiency environment are used to enhance sustain-
The development and sustainment of ment training in technical skills. The
technical skills make the MI battalion Army's readiness training (REDTRAIN)
somewhat unique. While nearly all program is specifically designed to support
branches of the Army have technical skills MI unit commanders in establishing and
they must train to, the MI force must estab- sustaining technical training within the
lish a unique training environment to unit. REDTRAIN funds are used to pur-
maintain required levels of technical profi- chase in-unit training devices and pro-
ciency. While the artillery battalion can grams and to send MI soldiers to locations
rehearse fire direction missions in a live-fire where the environment exists to support
exercise, and medical specialists can per- technical training, particularly for low den-
form their individual and collective tasks in sity MOSs. The development of the
aid stations daily, many individual and col- TROJAN program throughout the Army is
lective training tasks common to the MI another measure being taken to enhance in-
unit require the development of a unique unit technical skills training. The com-
training environment to replicate the bat manders greatest training resource remains
tlefield environment. Language training for the proficient cadre of noncommissioned
example does not in itself constitute a tech- officers and officers with years of expe-
nical training requirement. Language train- rience in the technical aspects of their jobs.
ing related to the accompanying skills

7 5

ACLU-RDI 387 p.150

DODDOA 013574
le commander's greatest challenge is Standardized evaluation and training
ten simply organizing the training pro- tools available to the first-line supervisor
am to effectively use these training include the common skills manual, ARTEP
sources. manual, soldier's manuals, technical manu-
als, and the crew drill. This allows a step-
by-step evaluation of the team and the
Tactical Proficiency and Force recording of the degree of proficiency with
Integration which the team performs each task.
The purpose of the MI battalion's train- The last tool to be used by the first-line
g program is the successful accomplish- supervisor is the technical support package.
ent of all individual and collective tasks Technical support' packages can be used as
a fighting unit in a tactical environment. they are or can be modified to meet specific
11 MI elements organized for combat must training requirements. Additional training
capable of deploying, accomplishing tools can be developed internally.
eir assigned missions, and sustaining
eir operations over time to support the full The first-line supervisor records in indi-
ecution of the MI battalion missions. The vidual job books all training and evalua-
tegration of all MI elements into a single tions to indicate the degree of progress or
ultidisciplined organizational capability proficiency of each task to prioritize needed
quires the cle-ar demonstration of indi- training.
dual and collective skills, technical profi- An additional advantage to using the
?ncy, and the coordination required to put first-line supervisor as the primary trainer
all together. It is in this area that the MI is that it assists in his development as a
:ttalion integrates its operations with trainer and leader. Skills learned from prac-
ose of other units and sections within the tical hands-on training experience cannot
vision to support the situation develop- be developed in formal leadership courses
mit, target development, EW, and CI such as the Primary Leadership Develop-
sks of the total IEW system. Training is ment Course.
complished through CP and field training
In order for the first-line supervisor to be
ercises involving all key elements of the
developed as a trainer and leader, the com-
battalion. It is through such exercises mander, his staff, and the NCO chain
at the MI battalion is able to exercise col-
live intelligence skills in a realistic train- must-
; environment. The training should begin ❑ Evaluate each first-line supervisor on
the lowest subunit level (team, squad, his present strengths and weaknesses
:tion) and its corresponding mission. - as a trainer and leader.
❑ Give the first-line supervisor the
responsibility for specific training
First-Line Supervisor tasks and objectives based on his indi-
The advantages of the first-line supervi- vidual capability as a trainer and
r being the primary trainer are- leader. He should be permitted flexibili-
ty in determining when, how, and
He is aware of the specific strengths
where tasks are to be trained. The pro-
and weaknesses of his subordinates. ficiency of his element is the goal not
He can identify the training required the means.
to eliminate the weaknesses of his
subordinates. ❑ Establish a program to evaluate the
trainer's progress as a trainer and
He is available to conduct hip-pocket leader. This program should include
training during periods of inactivity continuous counseling on the trainer's
with little or no formal notice. strengths and weaknesses, to include
He can teach MOS skills as well as guidance on improvement where
common soldier skills (individual and needed, and noncommissioned officer

ACLU-RDI 387 p.151

DODDOA 013575
development classes conducted on a toon sergeant. The platoon leader's respon-
regular basis. sibilities include-
❑ Allow the trainer to make and learn ❑ Coordinating with the commander and
from his own mistakes. staff to ensure his training program is
in concert with the battalion and com-
pany training programs.
The next level, the platoon, is the highest ❑ Supervising (with the platoon ser-
subunit, by TOE, where the battalion is geant) the subelements to ensure that
organized for combat. they are proficient in time for the
In many divisions, brigades train within primary training cycle.
a rotating cycle, with each phase of the ❑ Monitoring the progress of the platoon
cycle having a different level of intensity: sergeant's leadership and training
low, medium, and high. development program.
❑ Low. Training is kept at a minimum ❑ Requesting training sites and mate-
during this phase to allow for the inte- rials for the platoon.
gration of new personnel, ordinary
leaves, passes, support details, main- ❑ Developing a revised training program
tenance, and attendance at formal designed and prioritized to correct spe-
schools. cific deficiencies during the last
platoon-level training cycle. This is of
❑ Medium. Individual training and inte- critical importance when those identi-
gration of that training at the subunit fied deficiencies are in specific IEW
level. Unit level preparation for individual and collective tasks.
ARTEPs, unit evaluations, and inten-
sive equipment maintenance. The platoon sergeant's responsibilities
closely parallel those of the platoon leader.
❑ High. The brigade (and nonbrigade The platoon sergeant must be able to take
units which are combat organized to charge of the platoon's training in the pla-
support it) is on alert status as the toon leader's absence. He advises the pla-
ready brigade. Because of this com- toon leader on training and is responsible
mitment, brigade personnel cannot be for the professional development of the
allowed ordinary leave during first-line supervisors.
ARTEPs or when deployment exercises
are conducted.
Because the platoons of the MI battalions Company
may be part of a brigade slice, either as a The next level of training is the company.
separate entity or as part of a combat- The MI company commander is responsible
organized IEW company team, it may for the training of his company to a profi-
structure its training program in concert ciency level to meet the mission.
with that of the IEW company team and the
brigade it supports. Platoon-level ARTEPs Responsibility for specific individual and
can be conducted concurrent with the pla- collective tasks should be placed with each
toon's support of brigade and battalion field company commander. For example, man-
training exercises and ARTEPs. agement responsibility for all MOS training
common to the 98Cs should be given to one
The primary task during the training ' company. This method of delegating•train-
cycle is to evaluate the proficiency of the ing responsibilities can be extended to spe-
platoon as an entity and not the proficiency cific, common, individual, and collective
of its subelements. The subelements should proficiency. This is an effective and efficent
have reached an acceptable level of team method of managing training. The respon-
proficiency by the end of the previous cycle. sibility for a specific task is not diffused
The responsibility for platoon-level train- among three or four commanders.
ing belongs to the platoon leader and pla-


ACLU-RDI 387 p.152

DODDOA 013576
The next level of training is the battalion.
The battalion trains for combat as it is
combat organized, not by TOE. The battal-
ion commander and his S3 should coordi-
nate with division to ensure that any oppor-
tunity to train and evaluate the TCAE and
the MI battalion staff (TOC and MI battal-
ion trains) is not lost.
The battalion S3 should ensure an even
flow of training and qualification based on
the training cycle of the division.

ACLU-RDI 387 p.153

DODDOA 013577
Intelligence and
Electronic Warfare
Report Formats
Formats for key IEW messages and by the commander joint task force to
reports are provided on the following pages. request COMINT coverage assistance from
Where applicable, message formats and joint task force component commands
examples in the Joint Interoperability of which cannot be covered by direction of
Tactical Command and Control Systems joint task force assets and to request
(JINTACCS) format are included. COMINT coverage assistance from US
JINTACCS formats provide for the SIGINT System (USSS) resources. It is used
enhancement of interoperability between by component commanders to request from
the uniformed services, national agencies, the commander joint task force COMINT
and between allies and expedite the transfer coverage assistance which cannot be pro-
of information from manual to automated vided by the requesting component and to
systems. For further guidance on the use of request, through the commander joint task
JINTACCS report formats, refer to the force, COMINT coverage assistance from
JINTACCS User Handbook. For a full the USSS.




CVRREQD/GC/1 GDS TANK AR11Y/ABC00001/251000Z/302400Z//

review of report formats, see FM 34-3.

The communications intelligence advi-
sory tasking message (COMINTADTSK) is
used to task specific COMINT collection
missions. The COMINTADTSK is also used

160-850 94 - 6

ACLU-RDI 387 p.154

DODDOA 013578
Use the daily intelligence report (DISUM)
to report a summary of all major intelli-
gence produced and collected during the
previous 24-hour period. This message
includes the effective time period and free-
text comments on the general enemy situa-
tion; enemy air, ground, maritime, nuclear,
biological, and chemical operations; train-
ing activities; other intelligence factors; and
the CI situation.


LINE 1: Classification








ACLU-RDI 387 p.155

DODDOA 013579
The electronic intelligence requirement
tasking message (ERTM) is used for opera-
tional control of ELINT collection resources
by operational commanders or requests for
ELINT collection sources outside the com-
mander's control.








/01/A1d3 /ADOBE / 190MHZ/ 210f1HZ/733ZN10249W
/132/AR1 /CHIEF 82MHZ/ 98MHZ/B541N9L2OW//
/01/- /Y/Y/N/Y 501/ 100M/ 2H/ 8H/1011/2DM/ 2D
/0a/- /N/N/Y/Y sun/ IOOM/IdH/ ID/ 2H/ 4H/I2H//


ACLU-RDI 387 p.156

DODDOA 013580
The electronic warfare approval rnessge
(EWAM) allows the joint force commander
to approve or modify the joint EW opera-
tions plan.








ACLU-RDI 387 p.157

DODDOA 013581
The electronic warfare employment mes-
sage (EWEM) is used by the joint opera-
tions center to eliminate potential EW mis-
sion conflicts. It is also used by the
component commander to inform the joint
force commander of his intentions to
employ ECM for either a specific mission or
reporting time.














PERID/260001Z/TO: 271200Z/ASOF : 2715002/ /
/01 /1111 /ZA/MU513526 /XYZ23 /1ST N1CP BDE / /
/01 /KR/HE LMENT /A.BC1 23.5/10/
/01 /260200Z/270200Z/ I /JAMMING /SDASIM/ /
/01 /38. 7MHz/ 48.2MHZ/ / -/PRII0//


ACLU-RDI 387 p.158

DODDOA n1'.15R9
The electronic warfare mission summary
(EWMSNSUM) is used to summarize sig-
nificant EW missions and the status of
offensive EW assets. It is not to be used for
reporting results of ESM operations.











ACLU-RDI 387 p.159

DODDOA 013583
PERID/U81200Z/TO: 081800Z/ ASOF :13612002//
/01/Al23 /WA/4523N12246W / ABADABA /1ST ADA 13N//
/01/RR/SWANFRAT / AM159/ 14.21C//
/01/100001Z/ Z024002/ 4/INTERFER/INCDSPOOF//
/01/ -/ -/ 58.2 MHZ/ 79.3 MHZ/PRI20//

NOTE: The TACREP is to be used to report ESM operational results.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.160

DODDOA 013584
The electronic warfare requesting/task-
ing message (EWRTM) is for tasking units
under your control to perform EW missions
or to request EW support from units not
under- your control. This message includes
descriptions of ECM and ESM targets you
need support against.














ACLU-RDI 387 p.161

DODDOA 013585
/01/A543A M/4530N08045E /UNK /-//
/01/RR/JUMPER /A0U01/ 14.5/S//
/01/051200Z/100600Z/ 2/JAMMING/BLANKET//
/01/ 32.UMHZ/ 42.0MHZ/ -/ -/PRI10//
/01/26021 /ZZ/32VMN123123 /SGEZZ /34TH MRR//
/01/0/FASTDITCH /P555A/ 28.5/P//
/01/ -/ -/ 6711HZ/ 83MHZ/--//
/01/0512002/07Z400Z/ 22/ 1//

Use EWEM to answer EWRTMs that you receive. Do not use EWRTM to task/request
SIGINT assets. Use the ERTM and COMINTADTSK to task/request SIGINT assets.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.162

DODDOA 013586
Use the intelligence report (INTREP) for
the joint exchange of information you get
through tactical collection efforts. The
INTREP provides timely information about
events that could have an immediate and
major effect on current planning and opera-
tions or information that may be of timely
interest at the national level. This message
is the main means of reporting HUMINT
and CI information.
This message includes the source of the
intelligence, effective time, target type and
description, target location, and enemy
losses (personnel and equipment).











ACLU-RDI 387 p.163

DODDOA 013587

/01/WN / 800M/ -/ -/
/02/C0 / -/ 300M/ 200M/
/03/SM / -/ 6UM/ 10M/ SM/ /
/01/ 20MPH/S /- / 270M/OCCOPRARM/- /ZZ/12345
/02/ 30MPH/SSE/- / 250M/OCCOPRARM/- /ZZ/23456
103/ -/- /- / 180M/OCCDEFUCO/ABN1026 /ZZ/34567//
/01/BRADESLAVA RID( /23BNV186421 /A
/02/GROVOTNY /23BNV220436 /A
/03/FWSINOVA RIVER /23HNV19624006 /A//


ACLU-RDI 387 p.164

nnnnru (11'2FS:25:2
The intelligence summary (INTSUIVI) is
used to provide a brief summary- dinforma-
tion of intelligence interest covering a spe-
cific period of time. It provides a summary
of the enemy situation inforward and rear
areas, enemy operationi and capabilities,
and weather and terrain characteristics.













ACLU-RDI 387 p.165

DODDOA 013589

/01/15 /HVWHL /POL TANK TRUCK /APPROCH/201305Z/33UVR45043000
/U2/10 /ISTOR /POL STORAGE AREA/REPORT /201430Z/33UVR14520000//
/01/10 /CZ/MIG 21 /CAP /2016007/482000N135000E
/02/14 /CZ/MIG 23 /DCA /201630Z/481000N143000E//

NOTE: The INTSUM reflects the intelli-

gence staff officer's interpretation and con-
clusions as to enemy capabilities and prob-
able courses of action. It is prepared by
components and lower echelons as directed
and provides the major input for the


ACLU-RDI 387 p.166

DODDOA 013590
MEACONING, tactical MIJI information, including electro-
INTRUSION, optic interference. This message includes
JAMMING, AND the MIJI victim unit name and location,
ECM type, time period of event, operator
INTERFERENCE position and equipment affected, symptoms
FEEDER of MIJI, effectiveness of ECM, ECCM
actions, enemy response to ECCM, fre-
'he following meaconing, intrusion, quency or bandwidth affected, and signal
'ming, and interference feeder strength.
[JIFEEDER) is used as a primary means
;haring MIJI incidents in a timely
nner, and provides for joint exchange of









UNIT/C-1-30 F A/ R67/ /
NIJITYP/JAMMING/521825NO2513S0E/01193 OZ/011942Z/WC-46//
flIJIPRI1/47 • 95/30-00/79.95/ RSS; 2/ IV/


ACLU-RDI 387 p.167

DonnnA ni
The NBC-1 report is used by observing
units, giving initial data on a.nuclear, bio-
logical, or chemical attack. NBC-1 reports
are used to report enemy first use and sub-
sequent use of NBC weapons.











NOTE: Reports on the first use of NBC

weapons will be transmitted by voice using
flash precedence followed by record back up
message using immediate precedence. There-
after reports will use immediate precedence
unless a particular situation calls for flash.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.168

DODDOA 013592





The request for information (RI) is used to
request information from other units. It is
also used to request the status of an antici-
pated response of a previous request.

ACLU-RDI 387 p.169

DODDOA 013.593








The response to request for information
(RRI) is used to reply to an RI. If informa-
tion is contained in a previous message, the
RRI should reference that message.







ACLU-RDI 387 p.170

DODDOA 013594


1 4 53721N1573420E SA 8 LAST KNOWN LOC

2 453905N1574010E SA 2 4 . LAUNCHERS UP
3 4 53901N1575010E SA 2 6 CONFIGUR
4 454010N1565130E SA 8
5 454015N1571020E SA 2 HGT FINDR DAM
6 455120N1565959E SA 2
7 454131N1570110E SA 4
8 454120N1565739E SA 4
9 454130N1792731E SA 3
10 454122N1575751E SA 6 LAST LOC/ /

The signals intelligence/electronic coun-
termeasures planning/coordination mes-
sage (SIEPCM) is used to plan and coordi-
nate SIGINT collection and ECM commu-
nications/noncommunications missions. It
is also used to request cross-service assets to
satisfy tasks beyond a component service's

ACLU-RDI 387 p.171

DODDOA n1:15c2)











Use the sensitive information summary
(SISUM) to provide a daily summary of all
events of significant tactical interest
derived from special compartmented intelli-
gence sources during the previous 24-hour
period. The SISUM augments/amplifies
information contained in the DISUM.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.172

DODDOA 013596












ACLU-RDI 387 p.173

DODDOA n1'.15Q7
AT 25U630Z, LOCATION 26TSV276452//
/U1/ASLTR-ASSAULT RIFLE-AK74 / 116/26TSR352765
/U2/TANK-MEDIUM TANK-T72 / 25/26TSR360753//
/0I/TANK-MEDIUM TANK-T72 / 26/26TSR352765
/01/TANK-MEDIUM TANK-T72 / 39/26TSR352765
/01/ASLTR-ASSAULT RIFLE-AK74 / 27/26TSR352765
/U3/5TH CAA//
/u1/26TSR749652 /26TSK715601 /RGT /250400Z/ 75
/Ud/26TSR387668 /26TSR371523 /DIV /25000Z/ 60
/03/26TYR790520 /27YSV512554 /ARMY /250800Z/ 80//

SITUATION REPORT situation changes, friendly situation

changes, administration and logistical
Use the commander's situation report situation, general comments and recom-
(SITREP) for changes in the situation since mendations, and the commander's personal
the last report. Areas covered are current evaluation of the situation.
operational plans, current status, unit readi-
ness, situations that may affect operations,
operational problems, recommended course
of action, and items not included in other
This message is divided into areas of
effective time period, map reference, enemy


ACLU-RDI 387 p.174

DODDOA 013598













/02/ZZ/DEPLOY/4TH MRB /32FUV12341234 /121910Z//
/01/C-1-6 MECH /VIC HILL 428
/02/4-4 ARMOR /32FUD2175182//


ACLU-RDI 387 p.175

DODDOA 013599
TACTICAL REPORT This message includes enemy activity;
ship, aircraft, or ground vehicle type;
Use the tactical report (TACREP) to related unit; location; speed and direction of
quickly report vital intelligence information movement for maritime, air, and ground
such as fleeting target, threat or danger to enemy units with amplifying information;
friendly units, distress situations, radio DP and EW information such as emitter fre-
and other EW information, newly discov- quency, bandwidth, call sign, and type of
ered enemy intentions, battle damage EW.
assessment data, and combat information
that cannot be exchanged with tactical data
systems between tactical units.










INTELLIGENCE battalion, although, in a contingency opera-

ESTIMATE tion, it may be written at the brigade level.
It may be presented to the commander for-
The intelligence estimate is a logical and mally or informally and may be written or
orderly examination of the intelligence fac- oral, detailed or summarized. However,
tors affecting mission accomplishment. It when possible, a written estimate is
provides the commander with a basis for preferred.
planning operations and for disseminating The intelligence staff officer prepares the
intelligence to his staff and to other head- intelligence estimate of the enemy situation.
quarters. It consists of five paragraphs An estimate is prepared at the commander's
which outline an analysis of the AO, enemy direction or on the intelligence staff officer's
strength, and enemy capabilities that can initiative.
influence the mission.
The intelligence estimate includes-
It is generally written at division and
higher headquarters and briefed down to ❑ Mission.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.176

DODDOA 013600
❑ Area of operations. ❑ Enemy capabilities.
❑ Enemy situation. ❑ Conclusions.



Date, time, and zone
Msg Ref No.
References: Maps, charts, or other documents.
Time Zone Used Throughout the Estimate:

1. MISSION. Restate the mission determined by the commander.

2. AREA OF OPERATIONS. This paragraph discusses influence of the bat-

tlefield environment in arriving at conclusions. It is based on the facts
and conclusions of IPB and the analysis of the battlefield area, if one has
been prepared. It may be a reference to an analysis of the battlefield
area, if adequate coverage and discussion are contained therein.

a. Weather.

(1) Existing situation. Include light data and either a

weather forecast or climatic information, as appropriate. Use
appendixes for detailed information.

(2) Effect on enemy courses of action. Describe the effects

of weather on each broad course of action (such• as attack or defend).
Each description concludes with a statement of whether the weather
favors the course of action. Among the courses of action, include
use of chemical agents, nuclear weapons, and special methods, tech-
niques, equipment, procedures, or forces.

(3) Effect on own courses of action. Describe in the same

manner as for (2) above, except that the estimate excludes the use
of biological agents.

b. Terrain.

(1) Existing situation. Use graphic representations, such as

IPB templates, where possible. Use annexes for detailed material.
Include as much information as necessary for an understanding of ob-
servation and fire, concealment and cover, obstacles, key terrain
features, and avenues of approach. Include effects of nuclear fires,
enemy biological and chemical agents, and any other pertinent con-
siderations on each of these factors as appropriate.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.177


(Short title identification)

(2) Effect on enemy courses of action. Describe in the same

manner as for the effects of weather in a(2) above. For defensive
courses of action, state the best defense area and the best avenues
of approach leading to it. For attack courses of action, state the
best avenues of approach.

(3) Effect on own courses of action. Describe in the same

manner as for effects of weather in a(3) above.

c. Other Characteristics. The following additional characteris-

tics considered pertinent are included in separate subparagraphs:
sociology, politics, economics, psychology, and other factors. Other
factors may include such items as science and technology, materiel,
transportation, manpower, and hydrography. These factors are ana-
lyzed using the same subheadings as weather and terrain.

3. ENEMY SITUATION. This paragraph gives information on the enemy

which will permit later development of enemy capabilities and vul-
nerabilities and refinement of these capabilities into a specific
course of action and its relative probability of adoption.

a. Disposition. Reference may be made to overlays, enemy situa-

tion maps, or previously published documents.

b. Composition. Summarize enemy order of battle that can influ-

ence accomplishment of the mission. Reference may be made to pre-
viously published documents. Special mention is made of units capa-
ble of EW, low-intensity operations, and other special operations,
as appropriate.

c. Strength. Enemy strength is listed as committed forces, rein-

forcements, air assets, nuclear weapons, and chemical and biological
agents. The purpose of this listing is to assist tn . developing enemy
capabilities and vulnerabilities for use by the commander and staff in
selecting courses of action. The unit mission, location of the enemy,
enemy doctrine, and the level of command at which the estimate is being
prepared are factors to be considered.

(1) Committed forces. List those enemy ground maneuver units

currently in contact and those ground maneuver units with which immi-
nent contact can be expected, regardless of the specific friendly
course of action implemented. Designation of enemy forces as commit-
ted forces depends on disposition, location, controlling headquarters



160-850 94 - 7

ACLU-RDI 387 p.178

DODDOA 013602

(Short title identification)

and doctrine. The intelligence officer usually accounts for committed

forces based on the size unit doctrinally used to oppose the friendly
unit. Generally, enemy units are counted in terms of units two eche-
lons below the friendly unit's size (for example, a brigade S2 nor-
mally considers committed forces in terms of comnanies; a division G2,
in terms of battalions; and a corps 02, in terms of regiments). If
there is doubt whether a unit is a committed force or a reinforce-
ment, it is considered a reinforcement. This attributes to the enemy
the maximum capability to reinforce forces to oppose a given friendly
course of action.

(2) Reinforcements. Include designation and location. Rein-

forcements are those enemy maneuver units that may or may not be em-
ployed against us, depending on our choice of a specific course of ac-
tion and enemy plans. Reinforcements are enemy units not committed in
or out of the friendly sector, but which can react to the friendly
course of action, subject to time and distance considerations, in time
to influence the accomplishment of the mission. Imminent contact is
not expected. Disposition, location, Level of control, or other fac-
tors at the time of the estimate are considered in determining which
enemy forces are reinforcements.

(3) Air. List the number of enemy aircraft by type within

operational radius. Include the number of possible sorties per day
by type of aircraft, if known..

(4) Nuclear weapons and chemical and biological agents. Esti-

mate, as appropriate, the number, type, yield, and delivery means of
enemy nuclear weapons and chemical and biological munitions or agents
available to the enemy.

d. Recent and Present Significant Activities. List selected items

of information to provide basis for analyses to determine relative prob-
- ability of adoption of specific courses of action and enemy vulnerabili
ties. Enemy failures to take•expected actions are listed, as well as
positive information.

.e. Peculiarities and Weaknesses. Based on knowledge of enemy tac-'

tical doctrine, practices, the principles of war, the AO, and the enemy
situation previously described and discussed, list peculiarities and
weaknesses, and briefly describe each, indicating the extent to which
they may be vulnerable and how they influence possible friendly courses
of action. The items listed are grouped under the headings indicated
below. Only pertinent headings are used.



ACLU-RDI 387 p.179

DonnnA n1 2 R fl

(Short title identification)

(1) Personnel. An estimate of strength usually is included if

less than 80 percent of authorized strength. Status of morale is in-
cluded, if known.

(2) Intelligence. An estimate of enemy intelligence success, in-

effectiveness, and susceptibility to deception and detection is usually

(3) Operations. An estimate of combat effectiveness is usually

included if less than excellent.

(4) Logistics. An estimate of the enemy's capability to support

their forces logistically is included if there are apparent weaknesses.

(5) Civil-military operations. An estimate of the attitudes of

the enemy and the civilian populace and the status of food supply, medi-
cal facilities, communications, and other critical resources is usually

(6) Personalities. An estimate of the capabilities and or

weaknesses of the enemy commander and principal staff officers usu-
ally is included.

4. ENEMY CAPABILITIES. Based on all the previous information and analy-

ses, develop and list enemy capabilities. The listing provides a basis
for analyzing the available information to arrive at those capabilities
the enemy can adopt as specific courses of action and their relative
probability of adoption.

a. Enumeration. State what, when, where, and in what strength for

each capability.

b. Analysis and Discussion. To provide a basis for conclusions of

enemy capabilities and their relative probability of adoption, each
capability, or appropriate combination thereof, is discussed in a
separate subparagraph. Consideration of enemy deception measures is
included. All the pertinent previous information and conclusions are
tabulated as either supporting or rejecting the adoption of the capa-
bility. After listing all the evidence, each capability is judged
from the enemy point of view of whether the adoption of the capability
is advantageous to the enemy. Such judgments need not he made if the
conclusion is obvious or if there is no evidence that the enemy will
adopt the capability, except when the capability is one that will make
the accomplishment of the friendly mission highly doubtful or impos-
sible. This exception is to focus attention on dangerous threats.



ACLU-RDI 387 p.180

DODDOA 013604

(Short title identification)

5. CONCLUSIONS. Based on all the previous information and analyses,

conclusions are stated concerning the total effects of the AO on
friendly courses of action; the courses of action most likely to be
adopted by the enemy, including their relative probability of adop-
tion; and the effects of enemy vulnerabilities that can be exploited.
These conditions assist in the selection of a friendly course of ac-
a. Effects of IntelLigence Consideration on Operations. Indicate
whether the mission set forth in paragraph I, above, can be supported
from the intelligence standpoint.. Indicate which courses of action
can best be supported.

h. Effects of the AO on Own Courses of Action. For attack courses

of action, indicate the best avenues of approach. For defensive courses
of action, indicate the best defense areas and the best avenues of ap-
proach leading to and into the defense areas. (This subparagraph is
omitted if the discussion of the effects of the area on own courses of
action in paragraph 2 has been omitted because of the availabiLity of a
current analysis of the AO.)

c. Probable Enemy Courses of Action. List courses of action in

nrder of relative probability of adoption. A listed course of ac-
tion may include several subordinate courses of action that can be
executed concurrently. Usually, no more than two or three courses
of action, in. order of probability of adoption, can he justified by
the available evidence.

d. Enemy Vulnerabilities. List the effects of pecuLiarities and

weaknesses that result in vulnerabilities that are exploitable at
own, higher, or lower levels of command. The order in listing these
vulnerabilities has no significance.

(Designation of staff officer)

Annexes (as required)



ACLU-RDI 387 p.181

DODDOA 013605


Copy of Copies
C2 Section, 52d Division (Meeh)
2308307 June 19


Reference: Map, series EASTLAND, sheets DELTA through KILO, edition 2,

1. MISSION. 52d Division defends along DRY CREEK, and accepts no

penetration south of hills 333 and 121, prepares to conduct offensive
operations within 12 hours.


a. Weather.

(1) Existing situation. Weather for the period 23 June to 28

June will be rainy and cool, gradually warming and clearing as a high
pressure system moves through the area of operations from the south.
Temperatures from 40 ° to 65 ° F. Visibility will range from 16 to 25
kilometers, except during precipitation and in morning fog in low
drainage areas. Surface winds from the south at 8 to 10 knots.

BM- BM- EE- EE- Moon- Moon-

Date NT CT CT NT rise set

23 June 0331 0419 2029 2130 1746 0125

25 June 0339 0422 2025 2124 1907 0214
27 Jun 0344 0425 2022 2118 2001 0518
29 Jun 0349 0428 2018 2112 2022 0820

(2) Effects on enemy courses of action:

(a) Precipitation will not hinder cross country movement
except in the tow drainage areas of MlNERTOWN.
(h) Southerly winds will not affect enemy employment of

(c) Low visibility during precipitation and morning fog

will favor enemy attack.



ACLU-RDI 387 p.182

DODDOA 013606

(3) Effects on friendly courses of action:

(a) Precipitation will not hinder cross country movement

except in the low drainage areas of MINERTOWN.

(b) Southerly wind direction will not affect friendly use

of chemical or nuclear weapons.

(c) Low visibility during precipitation and morning fog

will not favor friendly defense.

b. Terrain.

(1) Existing situation.

(a) Cover and concealment. Wooded areas around MIDWAY

offer good concealment. Numerous ravines in drainage areas of MI-
NERTOWN offer limited cover and concealment.

(b) Observation and fire. There are good observation

points along bluffs above GRINGO River. Fields of fire are excel-
lent throughout plains areas north of MUD CREEK but limited moder-
ately in populated and vegetated areas near GLENVILLE.

(c) Obstacles.

1 SWIFT River (fordable 1 kilometer east of GLENVILLE).

2 Bluffs above GRINGO River.

3 City of.GLENVILLE. Routes around city are pass-

able; routes through city impassable.

(d) Key terrain. Hiii mass MUKELROY and HILL 333.

(e) Avenues of approach.

1 Available to the enemy into our sector:

a Avenue of approach 1 is from LARGO through gap

around the northeast end of HILL 702, 34 kilometers southwest to MI-

NERTOWN and south to DRY CREEK.

b. Avenue of approach 2 is from LARGO southeast

through MIDWAY to river crossing east of GLENVILLE.



ACLU-RDI 387 p.183

DODDOA 013607

2 Avenue of approach available for US movement into

the enemy's area will be generally the same as those listed for enemy
into our sector.

(2) Effect on enemy courses of action. Terrain favors the enemy

attack using avenue of approach 1.

(3) Effect on friendly courses of action. Terrain favors our

defense of the area around DRY CREEK.

c. Other Characteristics.

(1) Existing situation. Local nationals throughout the area

favor friendly military operations. Large numbers of refugees can be
expected to pass through friendly lines.

(2) Effect on enemy courses of action. The enemy can be ex-

pected to insert infiltrators as refugees.
(3) Effect on friendly courses of action. Refugees can be ex-
pected to provide valuable intelligence.


a. Disposition. Annex A, Situation Overlay.

b. Composition. Enemy forces opposing 52d Division consist of ele-

ments of the 4th Combined Arms Army.

(1) Identified units are:

(a) 10th MRD consisting of:•

27th MRR
30th MRR
31st MRR
121st Tank Regiment (unlocated)

(b) 19th Mechanized Division consisting. of

23d MRR
37th Tank Regiment



ACLU-RDI 387 p.184

DODDOA 013608

(2) Unidentified units are; 2 x U/1 MRR of 19th MRD.

c. Strength.

(1) Committed forces. 52d Division (Mechanized) is opposed im-

mediately by four mechanized battalions and one tank battalion. These
units are supported by normal divisional and regimental artillery groups.

(2) Reinforcements. Reinforcements available to the enemy for

commitment in our zone are a total of five MRB and four tank battalions
from the 27th MRR, 121st Tank Regiment, and the second-echelon battal-
ions of the 30th and 31st MRRs and the 37th Tank Regiment. Also, the
23d MRR can totally reinforce within 8 hours from start of movement.

(3) Air. Enemy is supported by the 3d Air Army consisting of

unidentified numbers of fighter-bomber aircraft, ground attack air-
craft, and reconnaissance aircraft. Air parity currently exists with
either force capable of obtaining air superiority for limited periods of time.
Up to now enemy has used a maximum of 60 fighter-bomber sorties in a 12-hour

(4) Nuclear. No estimate of the enemy's nuclear support for the

next 30 days is available. Enemy currently has 152mm Gun-Howitiers with
nuclear rounds and SSMs which can deliver rounds of In- to 50-kt yield within
range of our division.

d. Recent and Present Significant Activities.

(1) Air reconnaissance and photography reports indicate increased

enemy movement along axis BRAVO to LIMO. Movement indicates reinforcement of
forward element of 4th CAA.

(2) Enemy's aerial reconnaissance and tactical air flights have

increased in the last 36 hours, particularly along the Line of contact.

(3) For the past 36 hours, volume of vehiclar traffic has

increased in southerly direction.

(4) Artillery fire from the enemy has become more intensive
in the last 24 hours.

(5)• Reliable source reports large tracked, amphibious vehi-

cles moving into area vicinity HILL 805.

(6) Enemy has begun to employ smoke along the forward slope
of HILL 702.

e. Peculiarities and Weaknesses.


1 732

ACLU-RDI 387 p.185

(Cl a s s ificat i on )

(1) Personnel. Enemy units are currently estimated to he at

85 percent to 90 nercent authorized strength. Morale is high, although
replacements may not he highly trained.

(2) Intelligence. Enemy stresses communications security and

subordinate units of the 4th CAA have recently initiated intensive radio
security and procedures training.

(3) Operations.

(a) Enemy is susceptible to mine warfare and antitank


(b) Enemy has trained heavily on attack formations and

has been told offensive action is the only way to victory.

(c) Enemy is vulnerable to nuclear weapons due to massed

forces and canalization by further advancement.

(4) Logistics. Supplies are adequate for the enemy's conduct

of either the offense or defense. The enemy had previously stockpiled
supplies well forward in division areas.

(5) Personalities. G/D Masonski, CG of the 10th MRD, is an

advocate of penetration type offense on a narrow front with subsequent
widening of the gaps to split enemy forces.


a. Enumeration:

(1) Attack at any time along avenue of approach 1 with four MRBs and
one tank battalion supported by normal divisional and regimental artillery

(2) Attack at any time along avenue of approach 2 with four MRBs and
one tank battalion supported by normal divisional and regimental artillery

(3) Defend at any time with forces in contact supported by all

available divisional and regimental artillery groups.



ACLU-RDI 387 p.186

DODDOA 013610

(4) Reinforce his attack or defense with ail or part of the

following units at the places and t imes indicated:


(a) 30th MRR(-) Avenue of immediately

approach 2
(b) 3Ist MRR(-) Avenue of immediately
approach 1
(c) 37th Tank Avenue of immediately
Regiment(-) approach I
(d) 27th AR Avenue of 2 hours after
approach 1 start of
or 2 movement
(e) 23d MRR vic LITTLE 8 hours after
start of
(f) 121st Tank Unlocated Unknown

(g) U/I MRR of vicinity BRAVO 9 hours after

19th MRD start of

(5) Delay in successive positions to the east of LITTLE.

(6) Employ chemical agents within our sector at any time.

(7) Employ nuclear weapons of a 0.5- to 50-kt yield with delivery by

artillery or SSM.

(8) Employ guerrilla forces in our rear area either alone or

in conjunction with the capabilities enumerated below.

(9) The enemy can attack our area with an undetermined number
of fighter, ground attack, and bomb sorties daily. The maximum number
of daily sorties mounted in our area has been 60.

b. Analysis and Discussion.

(1) Attack along avenue of approach 1.

(a) The following indicate adoption of this capability:

1 Uses a good avenue of approach.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.187

DODDOA 013611
2 The enemy is massing mechanized elements, tanks,
artillery and logistic support along this avenue.

3 Forward elements disposed on a relatively narrow


4 Extehsive artillery preparation along approach.

(b) The scant cover presented along this avenue of ap-

proach is a limiting factor but does not preclude adoption of this

(2) Attack along avenue of approach 2.

(a) The following indicate adoption of this capability:

1 The enemy is massing mechanized elements, tanks,

artillery and logistic support along this avenue.

2 Forward elements disposed on a relatively narrow


3 Extensive artillery preparation along this avenue.

(b) The following indicate rejection of this capability:

1 This avenue of approach accommodates only one de-

ployed regiment and offers limited cover and concealment.

2 The limited obstacle presented by GLENVILLE.

(3) Defend. The following indicate r6jection of this capabiiity:

(a) The enemy is massing his forces along the line of con-

(b) Enemy has followed known doctrine for attack.

(c) Terrain favors attack.

(4) Reinforce. The following indicates adoption of this capa-


(a) Movement of additional troops toward the front.

(b) New units identified in the combat zone.

(c) Forward logistical buildup.



ACLU-RDI 387 p.188

DODDOA 013612

(5) Delay. There are no indications of the enemy's adoption

of this capability.

(6) Employ chemical agents. There is no indication the enemy

will employ chemical agents other than smoke.

(7) Employ nuclear weapons. There is no indication the enemy

will employ nuclear weapons.

(8) Employ guerrilla forces. The following indicates adoption

of this capability:

(a) Doctrine calls for use of guerrilla force.

(b) Use would enhance enemy advance by creating panic and


(9) Air attack. Indications are that enemy will continue to

employ this capability as referenced in paragraph (9) above.


a. Intelligence. Available intelligence indicates that the divi-

sion can accomplish its mission. Intelligence supports adoption of the
division course of action.

b. Weather and Terrain. The weather and terrain favors our defense..
The best defensive area is the high ground east of DRY CREEK. The best
avenue of approach into our defensive sector is avenue of approach 1.

c. Probable Courses of Action.

(1) Attack with forces in contact supported by air and artillery

with the main attack of one motorized rifle regiment along avenue of approach
1. Will reinforce with elements as indicated in para 4a(4).

(2) Conduct secondary attack with forces in contact supported

by air and artillery with one motorized rifle regiment along avenue of ap-
proach 2.

(3) Employ guerrilla or special forces in our rear areas in

conjunction with the above courses of action.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.189

DODDOA 013613


d. Vulnerabilities.

(1) The enemy is vulnerable to counterattack since he has been

slow to exploit potential penetrations.

(2) Vulnerable to nuclear attack due to massing of troops and

concentrated logistics depots.

(3) Mine warfare will he effective against mechanized elements.




/s/ Bagger



Annex: A--Situation Overlay (omitted)

Distribution: A




ACLU-RDI 387 p.190

DODDOA 013614
INTELLIGENCE ANNEX The intelligence annex is a formal intelli-
gence tasking document that may accom-
The intelligence annex disseminates pany an OPLAN or OPORD. It should be as
nformation about forces essential to the brief as possible, consistent with clarity. Its
3onduct of the operation. It also gives any first paragraph gives a summary of the
)thex necessary intelligence orders or guid- enemy situation necessary to understand
ince for the operation in question. In addi- the plan or order and may refer to anno-
tion, the intelligence annex serves as a tated maps, enemy situation overlays, or
nedium for instructing subordinate corn- current INTREPs. Subsequent paragraphs
nanders to acquire information necessary contain specific collection requirements and
'or the conduct of the operation. Such instructions. SOP information should not
nformation often can only be obtained be repeated in the intelligence annex. The
mmediately before, or during, the operation format for an intelligence annex is on the
tself. The intelligence annex is not a sub- following pages.
rtitute for an intelligence collection plan.


(Change from oral orders, if any)

Copy no. of Copies

Issuing headquarters
Place of issue (may be in code)
Date-time group of signature
Message reference number


References: Maps, charts, and other relevant documents.
Time Zone Used Throughout the Order: ZULU

1. SUMMARY OF ENEMY SITUATION. Information about enemy forces essen-

tial in implementing the operation plan. When the amount of details
makes it appropriate, a brief summary and reference to the appropriate
intelligence document, or appendix to the annex, may be used. Refer-
ence to documents not included in the annex should not be made when
they are not available to all recipients of the annex.

2. INTELLIGENCE REQUIREMENTS. List each PIR in a separate subpara-

graph. If a priority has been assigned to the PIR list in order, so
state. In a final subparagraph, list information requirements, if
any. If an intelligence annex is not prepared or is distributed
separately from the basic order, PIR should be listed in the
coordinating instructions subparagraph of the operation order.



ACLU-RDI 387 p.191

DODDOA 013615


a. Orders to Subordinate and Attached Units. List, by unit, in a

separate numbered subparagraph detailed instructions for reports
requifed by the issuing headquarters. Units are listed in the same
order as they are listed in the operation order.

b. Requests to Higher, Adjacent, and Cooperating Units. List in

a separate numbered subparagraph requests for information from units
not organic or attached.


paragraph contains instructions about the operation that are not
contained in the SOP or that modify or amplify the SOP for the
current operation. Examples include--

a. EPWs, Deserters, Repatriates, Inhabitants, and Other Persons.

Special handling and segregation instructions. Location of EPW col-
lection point as provided by the provost marshal.

b. Captured Documents. Instructions for handling and processing

of captured documents from time of capture to receipt by specified
intelligence personnel.

c. Captured Materiel. Designation of items or categories of enemy

materiel for examination, and specific instructions for their proces-
sing and disposition.

5. DOCUMENTS OR EQUIPMENT REQUIRED. This paragraph lists, in each cate-

gory, the conditions under which certain documents or equipment required by
or allocated to units can be obtained or requested. Items may include air
photographs and maps.


a. This paragraph is covered largely by SOP. Many special opera-

tional instructions having counterintelligence aspects are listed in
the operation order or in other annexes.

b. Certain instructions and procedures on the conduct of special

personnel in the operation may require limited dissemination on a need-
to-know basis; therefore, a special counterintelligence measures appen-
dix may be prepared for a limited and specified number of addresses.



ACLU-RDI 387 p.192

DODDOA 013616
FM 34-10


7. REPORTS AND DISTRIBUTION. This paragraph may be covered largely by

SOP. It stipulates the conditions (for example, dates, number of
copies, issue) regulating the issue of intelligence reports to the
originating command for the duration of the operation. Any or all of
the following items may be covered in this paragraph:

a. Period to be covered by routine reports and distribution.

b. Routine and special reports that differ from SOP required from
subordinate units.

c. Periodic or special conferences of intelligence officers.

d. Distribution of special intelligence studies, such as defense

overprints, imagery analysis reports, and order of battle overlays.

e. Special intelligence liaison, when indicated.

8. MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS (if required). List here, under special

subparagraphs, necessary items that are not covered above or in SOPs,
or which require. action different from that detailed in SOPs.


Last name of commander




- 4O

ACLU-RDI 387 p.193

DODDOA 013617
ANALYSIS OF THE other effects of the area on CSS in the bat-
BATTLEFIELD AREA tlefield area. Additional considerations
include sociological, political, economic,
The analysis of the battlefield area is a religious, scientific and technological,
study to determine the effects of the battle- material transportation, and hydrographic
field area on the general course of action factors as they may affect enemy or
that the enemy and friendly forces may friendly military operations. An analysis of
adopt. It includes consideration of climatic the battlefield area is prepared at all
or weather conditions, relief and drainage echelons.
systems, vegetation, surface materials,
man-made features, military aspects of the
area, observation and fire, concealment and
cover; obstacles, key terrain, avenues of
approach, air avenues of approach, and

A -41

ACLU-RDI 387 p.194

DODDOA 013618
Copy no. 2 of copies
52d Mech Div
KELLY (8831)
121530 S July 19
Reference: Map, series CSM 01, WESTLAND, sheet 1 (EBEL), edition 1974,1:50,000
a. Purpose. To analyze and evaluate the area east of CARTERSBERG (9297) from the general area of
OVERLOOK Ridge (9406) south to the ERIE Canal within the divsion zone.
b. Mission. Division attacks 140900 July, secures high ground from Hill 322 (1394)10 Hill 305 (0490) to deny
the enemy a bridgehead, and prepares to cross the ERIE Canal and continue the attack to the south.
a. Climate or Weather Conditions.
(1) Climate. Annex A (Climatic Summary).
(2) Weather. Weather forecast, 12-16 July.
(a) Precipitation. None predicted.
(b) Fog None predicted.
(c) Temperature. Range from 70' to 86°F.
(d) Wind. Surface winds from north, 9 to 17 knots per hour.
(e) Cloudiness. None predicted.
(f) Atmospheric pressure. Average about 980 millibars.
(g) Moon. New moon, 25 July.
(h) Light data.
Date BMNT BMCT EECT EENT Moonrise Moonset

13 July 0232 0440 1933 2138 2024 0608

14 July 0233 0442 1932 2138 2050 0714
15 July 0234 0444 1931 2137 2114
16 July 0235 0446 1930 2137 2137 0901
b. Terrain.
(1) Relief and drainage systems. Annex B (Relief Overlay), Annex C (Drainage Overlay), and Annex D
(Slope Overlay). Area is drained by the MAINE River on the west and southwest and the SOUTH River on the nor-
theast. The northwest to southeast ridge running from Hill 351 (9807) to ALBANY (3960) generally bisects the area
The major spurs of this ridge run generally east and west. The terrain is generally rolling with a series of sharply
rising table lands. The MAINE and SOUTH Rivers and the ERIE Canal are unfordable. The MAINE River south of
CARTERSBERG averages about 30 meters in width and 2 meters in depth. The SOUTH River averages about 15
meters in width and about 2 meters in depth. The ERIE Canal has steep banks and averages about 3 meters in
depth and is about 17 to 21 meters in width at the top of the banks. All other rivers and streams are fordable, vary-
ing in width from about 1 to 7 meters, with an average depth of 40 centimeters.
(2) Vegetation. Annex E (Vegetation Overlay) and Annex F (Vegetation Impeding Movement Overlay).
Vegetation consists of growing crops, vineyards, pasturelands, orchards, and wooded areas. Hay, wheat, and
vegetables are the main crops. Most crops are completely cut by the end of September. Wheat is grown mostly on
open-topped tablelands. Vineyards are generally terraced and on the slopes of hills. Most woods in the area are
deciduous trees about 25 centimeters in diameter and approximately 10 to 12 meters apart.• Underbrush has been
cleared throughout the area. Logging operations throughout the forest in vicinity of 9306 have thinned the tree
stand to an average density of 90 trees per hectare. Roads and streambanks are generally bordered with trees.
Small, scattered patches of trees are found in the lowland plains. Wooded areas restrict, but do not preclude, the
employment of armor.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.195

DODDOA 013619

Classification is centered at the top and bottom of each page.

Copy number assigned by issuing headquarters. Official designation of unit. Physical location of command post
by coordinates, state, or county.

Date-time group when the analysis is signed followed by the message reference number (example: SB2) used
when the analysis is distributed outside the headquarters for the purpose of acknowledgment in the clear. AN
appended material to the analysis having the same distribution bears the same reference number.

The title line identifies the analyses by number (consecutive throughout the calendaiyear).

References list maps, charts, or other documents required to understand the analysis. References to maps include
the map series number (country or geographic area, if required), sheet number (and name, if required), edition
and scale (if required).

Paragraph is states the exact limits of the area being studied.

Paragraph lb states the mission and arty other limiting considerations such as time limitations, the
commander's plan of action, and enemy capabilities.

Paragraph 2 is listing of pertinent facts for use as a basis for the succeeding paragraphs.

Paragraph 2a lists or refers to other documents containing (for the period under study) meteorological conditions
to include precipitation, fog, cloud conditions, temperature, relative humidity, surface winds, effective winds (or
winds aloft), atmospheric pressure, fight data to include moon phases, moonrise and moonset, and other geodetic
data as appropriate. When appropriate, include magnetic phenomena.

Paragraph 2a(2) lists data to be considered by aviation units. it is used in calculating aircraft performance and
altimeter setting. Light data are always given, as they are necessary for the selection of courses of action. The
beginning morning nautical twilight (WANT) and the end of evening nautical twilight (EENT) are the begining and
end, respectively, of enough light for limited visibility. The beginning of morning civil twilight (BMCT) and the
end, of evening civil twilight (EECT) are the beginning and end, respectively, of adequate light for large-scale

Paragraph 2b(1) describes configuration of the ground, including slopes, for personnel and vehicles and critical
relief for equipment dependent on line of sight. Configuration and conditions of streams, including depth, slope,
and condition of banks and bottom, and location of crossing sites. Named localities are located by grid coordi-
nates the first time they appear in the analysis. Grid coordinates are repeated only if required for ease of

Paragraph 2b(1) also makes maximum use of special colored maps or overlays. Under each characteristic, include
facts to assist in subsequent determination of the effects of the characteristic on the use of nuclear weapons,
chemical agents, and important devices and equipment used in implementing courses of action (do not include
here the interpretation of these effects on friendly or enemy possible courses of action).

Paragraph 2b(2) indicates wooded areas, including type, location, size, and shape of trees, diameter of trunks,
density, crown cover, and undergrowth include types of natural and cultivated vegetation of nonwooded areas.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.196

DODDOA 013620


(3) Surface materials. Annex G (Soils Ovedays). Surface in most of the area consists of thick clay-like soil
n • hard limestone or Nary shale base. Above 200 meters elevation, with but few exceptions, the soil is fine and
amble of supporting heal/ wheeled and tracked vehicles even where under cultivation. The rains do not
Mainly affect trafficability at this time of year. The soil is generally wet in stream bottoms and in the lowlands
Sow 200 meters elevation. While capable of supporting light tracked or wheeled vehicles, the soil becomes
songy and boggy where the turf has been destroyed.
(4) Man-made features. Annex H (Built-up Areas and LOC Overlay). A double-track railroad crosses the
rea from CARTERSBERG to the east. A single-track railroad runs from NOME (9619) to CARTERSBERG, cross-
pg the MACON saddle (9608). A double-track railroad from the west parallels the south bank of the ERIE Canal
far as DAWSON (0409). The area is covered with an extensive network of principal and secondary roads. Prim-
ped roads radiate from CARTERSBERG. Roads across OVERLOOK Ridge (9406) from north to south have been
%proved. National highways are at least 6 meters wide. All bridges on regularly maintained roads are two-way
ass 50. Villages consist of closely grouped buildings of brick or stone. The enemy has constructed extensive
rid fortifications and artificial obstacles throughout the area he occupies north of the ERIE Canal. The artificial
estacles consist primarily of minefields and wire and are most extensive in the SOUTH River valley and in the
literal area of ATHENS (0194) and AUBURN (0495).
c. Other Characteristics.
(1) Sociology. The area is generally rural. The farm villages have a present population of from 50 to 100 each.
urrent population of CARTERSBERG is estimated at 50,000, and population of HARLOW is estimated at 5,000.
he population is primarily Caucasian; farming is the principal occupation. Principal crops are wheat, corn, col-
a, and grapes.
(2) Economics. Little food and few supplies are available because the enemy has taken food and materials to
rpport his forces. However, some grain crops remain in fields and can be harvested at a later date if protected.
(3) Government. There are civil agencies that are prepared to take over functions of civil government as the
;entry Is recaptured.
(4) Plychology. The confiscation of food and supplies and the impressing of civilian labor have made the
mete extremely hostile toward the enemy. Acts of sabotage occur frequently in the Army's rear area.
a. Tactical Aspects.
(1) Observation and fire. Annex I (Horizontal Visibility Overlay).
(a) Weather conditions. Annex J (Fog Overlay). Weather permits good air and ground observation.
enthused dry weather will increase dust clouds caused by nuclear weapons. Observation will be reduced for a
ever period of time in nuclear target areas. Weather favors our, but not enemy's, use of smoke.
(b) Relief. The high ground now held by the enemy affords him excellent observation over approaches
do his position. The enemy-held hills west of the MAINE River dominate the western part of the area. High
round vicinity BALDA'S PEAK (0004) provides the energy with excellent observation to the northeast, east, and
mak The division objective, with the spur extending north from 1395 to 1004, provides the enemy with excellent
bservalion over all approaches leading directly to it. Fields of fire within the area for flat-trajectory weapons are
comely good but short, except in valley bottoms and from the military crests of open hilltops where they are
enmity excellent Fields of fire on the northern slopes of OVERLOOK Ridge and Hill 351 are excellent and favor
nemy defense. Fields of fire from the northern slopes of the division objective are excellent. Long-range fields of
re to the south from OVERLOOK Ridge are good and favor our attack. Fields of fire for high-angle weapons are
ood throughout the area.



ACLU-RDI 387 p.197

DODDOA 013621

Paragraph 2b(3) indicates the type and distribution of soils and subsoils in the area and soil trafficability. Include
soil content as it affects induced radiation. Use overlay if material is extensive.

Paragraph 2b(4) indicates roads, railroads, bridges, tunnels, mines, towns, industrial areas, fortifications, and
other features of military significance; include type of construction.

Paragraph 2c(1), (2), ... consider as pertinent in separate subparagraphs sociology, politics, economics, psy-
chology, and other characteristics. Other characteristics may include such items as science, materiel, transporta-
tion, manpower, hydrography, etc. Under each of these characteristics considered, list ail facts as they pertain to
the area of study and which may Influence friendly and enemy courses of action. The degree of coverage required
of these characteristics varies with the mission and other aspects of the operational environment These charac-
teristics influence, to some extent, the decisions of all commanders and become increasingly Important as the
area of interest of a command increases.

Paragraph 3 analyzes the facts in the previous paragraph to determine their influence on factors affecting tactical
and combat service support activities that are considered in the development of specific courses of action. The
extent of the analysis depends on the mission, the means available to accomplish the mission, and the possible
means the enemy can use to prevent the accomplishment of the mission. In considering the factors under each
aspect, include the effects, as appropriate, of and on nuclear fires, chemical and enemy biological agents, and
important devices and equipment used In implementing courses of action.

Paragraph 3a considers the effect that the area will have on observation, fire, concealment and cover, and obstac-
les; and detemines key terrain features and avenues of approach.

Paragraph 3a(1) indicates graphically or describes the influence of weather, relief, vegetation, surface materials,
man-made features, and other pertinent characteristics. Effects of and on nuclear fires, chemical agents, and so
forth are Included as are soy marked effects on surveillance devices equipment based on line of sight, and fire
delivery means. Effects on fire include effects on delivery means, fields of lire, and effectiveness of fires. Observa-
tion and fire are -of concern to combat service support units as they influence rear area security.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.198

DODDOA 013622


(c) Vegetation. The NATIONAL Forest from 0306 to 0597 severely restricts observation and fields of
fire in the eastern part of the area. Within all wooded areas fields of fire for flat-trajectory weapons are restricted
in forest trails and roads. Fields and tree blowdown In woods, caused by nuclear weapons, may restrict fields of
fire within woods. Wheat fields severely restrict ground level observation at this time of the year. Forest fire smoke
clouds may reduce observation throughout the area.

(d) Man-made features. Church steeples in the numerous villages afford excellent observation points.
Villages and farm buildings will limit fields of fire for flat-trajectory weapons.

(2) Concealment and cover.

(a) Relief. The rolling nature of the terrain affords some degree of cover and concealment from ground
observation. Cover and concealment are poor on the northern slopes of OVERLOOK Ridges and Hill 351. On the
southern slopes of OVERLOOKING Ridge, cover and concealment are good. The roiling nature of the terrain and
numerous folds in the ground will reduce thermal effects of nuclear bursts.

(b) Vegetation. Annex IC (Canopy Closure Overlay). NATIONAL Forest offers excellent cover and con-
cealment for large units. Woods throughout the area afford excellent concealment and protection from thermal
effects because of the thick deciduous bees being in full leaf. Wheat/it:ids also afford some degree of

(c) Man-made features. Buildings in the area offer some cover from small arms fire and shell frag-
ments, but do not protect from blast to any significant degree.

(3) Obstacles. Annex L (Combined Obstacles Overtly).

(a) RelieL Terrain favors enemy use of persistent chemicals in the valley forward of his present posi-
tion. Drainage System consists of the MAINE and SOUTH Rivers.

(b) Vegetation. Woods, especially the NATIONAL Forest, will restrict the cross-country mobility of all
vehicles, including tracidriying vehicles. They will become severe obstacles in the event of blowdown by blast or if
set afire. Cultivated areas win limit wheeled vehicles. Terraced vineyards on the south slopes of OVERLOOK
Ridge BALD'S PEAK, and the plateau at 9400 northeast of CARTERSBERG will restrict the movement of tanks
and heady vehicles to road and trails in those areas.

(c) SurfaCe materials. Annex M (Weather Effects on Cross Country Movement Overlay). The soil is
generally wet in areas below 299 meters elevation. This will magnify the cratering effects of subsurface nuclear
burSts in these locations. While capable of supporting light backed or wheeled traffic, the soil becomes spongy
and boggy where the hut has been destroyed. Soil composition does not favor the production of high intensities
of radio activity_

(d) teatimes. The enmity has constructed extensive artificial obstacles consisting of mine-
fields and who, particularly on the east flank and north of Hill 305 (0490). This will hinder movements and limit use
of certain avenues of approach in these areas. Buildings and visages do not present significant obstacles even if
destroyed by blast, except for the suburbs of CARTERSBERG on the east bank of the MAINE River.

(4) Key Terrain features.

(a) Hill 351 (9007) and OVERLOOK Ridge west thereof_ These terrain features control the avenues of
approach in the western and central parts of our zone_ The mission will be seriously jeopardized If these areas are
not secured.

(b) 166 359 (0004). This isle mass dominates the central and eastern avenues at approach. Its seizure is
essential to the integrity and security of our forces, and wit facilitate fire and maneuver to the south.



ACLU-RDI 387 p.199

DODDOA 013A2:1

Paragraph on cover and concealment, indicates graphiCally or describes the Influence of weather, relief, vegeta-
tion, and man-made features. Effects of and on nuclear tires, surveillance devices, chemical and merely biological
agents, and so forth are Included as appropriate. The discussion is oriented not only on protection of own and
enemy forces, but also on other operations to Include use of guerrillas, infiltration and counter infiltration, decep-
tion, counterinteffigence, armor, and artillery. ft is also oriented on site requirements for combat service support
and tactical installations. include only marked effects that help in selection of friendly and enemy courses of

Paragraph on obstacles indicates graphically or describes all natural and artificial obstacles and the influence of
relief, weather, vegetation, surface materials, and man-made features. Effects, as appropriate, of and on nuclear
fires, chemical and enemy biological agents, and effects on trafficability and accessibility are included. It of signif-
icant Influence, the effect of each obstacle on possible friendly and enemy courses of action is indicated. Obsta-
cles and trafficability influence site locations for combat service support units.

Paragraph 3a(4) describes key terrain features based on the analysis of observations and fire, concealment and
cover, obstacles, and mission. Any locality or area the seizure, retention, or control of which affords a marked
advantage to either force Is considered. The influence of each key terrain feature listed is discussed brieffir. The
discussion Is oriented toward subsequent development of friendly and enemy courses of action. Key terrain fea-
tures selected are revised as required by the commander's decision and current situation. Key terrain features
may be omitted when the enemy has no capability to secure or control terrain features that will materially affect
the accomplishment of the mission.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.200

DODDOA 013624
(c) HIR 334 (9400). This plateau controls the avenues of approach in the western part of the division
wne. It is key terrain if our tactical plans call for either a main attack or a supporting attack In the area.
(d) Hill 306 (9997). This hill provides dominant observation over a wide area in this part of the division
tone. Its seizure and control will greatly enhance the security, fire, and maneuver of any of our forces attacking in
this area.
(e) FNII 326 (1199). This hill dominates favorable terrain leading directly to the eastern part of the div-
ision objective.
(1) Hills 305 (0490) and 322 (1394). This terrain system constitutes the division objective. The mision
cannot be accomplished without securing it. Control of this ridge is also necessary to continuation of the attack to
the south.
(5) Avenues of Approach. Annex N (Avenues of Approach Overlay).
(a) Available to enemy into our position.
1. Axis HE 351 (9807)-Hill 361 (9709).
2. Axis Ha 339 (9205)400 358 (9310).
3. Axis hili 280 (0010)-PARIS (9811)4011 345 (9613).
(b) Available to us into the enemy's position..
1. Axis Hill 358 (9310)-ill 339 (9206)-Hill 334 (9400)-Hilt 306 (9997)-Hill 305 (0490)-ridge east
thereat (Avenue A).
2. Axis Hill 361 (9709)-Hit 351 (9807)-Hill 359 (0004) AUBURN (0495)-ridge Hill 305 (0490) to Hill
322 (1394)) (Avenue B).
3. AXES Hill 361 (9709)4011 351 (9807)-Hili 359 (0004)-Hill 271 (0702)-Hill 326 (1199)-Hill 322
(1394)-ridge west thereof (Avenue C).
4. Axis Hill 280 (0010)4110 282 (0803)-Hill 326 (1199)-Hill 322 (1394)-ridge west thereof (Avenue
Is_ Combat Services Support Aspects.
(1) Personnel. Characteristics of the society are such that only unskilled civilian labor will be available at
any time. Employment of civilian labor to meet short-term objectives must be balanced carefully against the long-
term needs for harvesting remaining crops.
(2) Logistics. Lack of civilian food and supplies may impose added logistic burdens on our forces. Some
pilferage can be expected_ Few resources beyond basic natural resources are available for military use.
(3) Civil-military operations_ Displacement of civilians through the impressing of civilian labor by the
enemy and the lack of food and supplies will create problems which, if not controlled, can impact on military
operations. The existence of civil agencies capable of assuming the functions of goverment will help alleviate the
problem. However, these agencies will require guidance.
a. Effect on Enemy Courses of Action.
(1) Effect on enemy defense_
(a) Terrain now held by the enemy favors defense in depth from his present positions to the division
objective. The enemy has excellent observation over all avenues of approach, and his flanks are protected by the
rivers and canal on the west and arlffical obstacles on the east. His best defense areas are the forward positions
that he now occupies.
(b) The excellent weather conditions favor enemy defense and wilipermit him to use his supporting
fires with Maximum effectiveness.
(2) Effect on enemy attack.
(a) The enemy's best avenue of approach is the axis Hill 280 (0100)-PARIS (9811)-Hill 345 (9613).
(b) Weather conditions are such that he will not be able to maneuver toward our positions without
being observed except during the hours of darkness: The lack of precipitation favors cross-country mobility.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.201

nnnnnA ni '1R9g

Paragraph 3a (5) describes the avenues of approach that are developed from all the previous analyses of the tacti-
cal aspects. Such development does not consider the disposition of the enemy forces. An avenue of approach
must afford some facility of movement and room for adequate dispersion for a force large enough to have signifi-
cant effect on .the outcome of the operation. When either opposing force has available and adequate number of
aircraft that can be used to deploy troops and equipment forward to the battle area and significantly affect the
accomplishment of the mission,air avenues of approach are listed. If terrain and weather conditions do not signif-
icantly influence choice of flightpaths, then air avenues of approach are not listed. Enemy avenues of approach
are listed first, followed by a list of avenues of approach into the enemy battle area. When the opposing forces are
not in contact, or when only security forces are in contact, avenues of approach to the battle area for both forces
are listed. Each listing of an avenue of approach is accomplished by a brief discussion to provide a basis for sub-
sequent development of possible courses of action by either force. For combat service support units, the discus-
sion of avenues of approach is based on rear area security requirements.

Paragraph 3b analyzes the facts listed in paragraph 2, and the subconcluslons developed under tactical aspects.
Indicate those facts and subconclusions that significantly affect combat service support activities Influencing
choices of possible courses of action by either force or by requiring special activities to insure adequate support.
Omit ariy activity that is not significantly influenced.

Paragraph 3b(1) addresses personnel. Personnel management is of particular importance when weather and ter-
rain conditions are severe, when the area of operations has a significant population and potential labor forces,
and when political and economic conditions are unsettled.

Paragraph 3b(2) covers logistics.Logistics is of particular importance when weather and terrain conditions are
severe, when the area of operations imposes additional logistic requirements and has significant resources of
military value, and when political and economic conditions are unsettled. Coverage is particularly detailed for those
commands, accomplishing their mission by logistic support of other units.

Paragraph 3b(3) discusses civil-military operations. Civil-military operations are of particular importance in cold
war, limited war, occupation operations, and when extensive civil affairs responsibilities have been assigned to the
command. it is particularly important to tactical units when the numbers of civilians in the area present control
problems and restrict use of fire power. Coverage Is detailed for those commands with extensive civil affairs

Paragraph 4 contains the conclusions developed in the previous paragraphs. The conclusions are stated in terms
of effects on the general courses of action available to both tomes.

Paragraph 4a(1)(a) lists in turn, each significant possible enemy course of action, such as attack; defense; with-
drawal; use of air, armor, nuclear fires, chemical agents, guerrillas; elc. Each listed course of action (using sepa-
rate subparagraphs) is accompanied by a discussion, to indicate the characteristics of the area favoring the
courses of action. For attack courses of action, indicate the best avenue of approach. For defense courses of
action, indicate the best defense areas and, if appropriate, the best avenue of approach leading to the defense


ACLU-RDI 387 p.202

DODDOA 013626

(3) Effect on enemy air.

(a) Weather and terrain favor enemy employment of air in the division area of operation.
(b) Terrain favors enemy delivery of nuclear weapons by low-level air attack
(4) Effect on enemy use of nuclear weapons. Weather conditions are favorable for enemy use of nuclear
weapons. Effective winds do not favor use of fallout. Rolling terrain, numerous folds in the ground, and foliage will I
reduce thermal effects. Obstacles will be created by Wrest and tree blowdown.
(5) Effect on enemy chemical operations. Weather does not favor enemy use of chemicals. Terrain favors
use of persistent chemicals in the valley forward of his present defensive positions.
b. Effect on Own Courses of Action.
(1) The best natuaral avenue of approach into the enemy area is axis Hill 280 (0010)-Hill 282 (0803)-Hill
326 (1199)-HM 322 (1394)-ridge west thereof (Avenue 13). It is blocked by extensive minefields.
(2) The second best avenue of approach is axis Hill 361 (9709)-Hill 351 (9807)-HIII 359 (0004) -Hill 271
(0702)-hill 326 (1199)-Hill 322 (1394)-ridge west thereof (Avenue A).
(3) Weather and terrain do not favor our attack. We will not be able to maneuver toward enemy positions
without being observed except during the hours of darkness. The lack of precipitation will favor cross-country
mobility except below 200 meters elevation. Forest fires and tree blowdown caused by use of nuclear weapons in
NATIONAL Forest will restrict mobility, observation, and fields of fire.
(4) Effect an nuclear weapons. Weather conditions are favorable for the employment of nuclear weapons.
The rolling nature of the terrain, numerous folds in the ground. and foliage will reduce thermal effects on nuclear
bursts. The wooded areas are dry and subject to extensive burning. Soil composition does not favor the produc-
tion of high intensities of radioactivity. Winds generally favor employment by our forces of radiation effects of fall-
out from nuclear weapons.
(5) Effect of chemical agents. Weather conditions are favorable for our use of chemicals.
/s/ Foster
Annex: A-Climatic Summary (omitted)
B-Relief Overlay (omitted)
C-Drainage Overlay (omitted)
D-Slope Overlay (omitted)
E-Vegetation Overlay (omitted)
F-Vegetation Impeding Movement Overlay (omitted)
G-Soils Overlay (omitted)
H-Built-up Areas and LOC Overlay (omitted)
I-Horizontal Visibility Overlay (omitted)
J-Fog Overlay (omitted)
K-Canopy Closure Overlay (omitted)
L-Combined Obstacles Overlay (omitted)
M-Weather Effects on Cross Country Movement Overlay (omitted)
N-Avenues of Approach Overlay (omitted)
Distribution: A



ACLU-RDI 387 p.203

DODDOA 013627

Paragraph 4b lists, in turn, broad courses of action that will accomplish or facilitate the accomplishment of the
mission, such as attack; defense; withdrawal; or use of air, armor, nuclear fires, chemical agents, and guerrillas.
Each listed course of action Is discussed in the same manner as enemy courses of action.

Acknowledgement instructions included if distributed outside the headquarters. Normally, the word "acknowl-
edge" Is sufficient.
The signature block contains 'the name and rank of the commander and appears on all copies of the analysis If
distributed outside the headquarters. If not distributed outside the headquarters, it is signed by the Intelligence
Authentication Is required only If the analysis has not been signed by the commander and is to be distributed out-
side the headquarters.

Annexes are listed by letter and title.

Distribution may refer to a standard distribution list.



ACLU-RDI 387 p.204

DODDOA 013628
Briefing Techniques

The nature and roles of the military ser- The intelligence briefing is a specialized
ces require exacting communication use of military briefing techniques. The
dlls. Faced with the need for extreme purpose is to present selected intelligence
:curacy, absolute thoroughness, and information. The briefings are designed to
tention to detail on one hand and brevity, accomplish a specific purpose: to impart
peed, and almost instantaneous response information, obtain a decision, exchange
the other; a highly specialized and styl- information, or to review important details.
ed type of speech has evolved. This type of The objective common to every intelligence
leech has been called the military briefing. briefing is to facilitate rapid, coordinated
requires specific techniques with respect responses.
the role of the briefer, to the purpose it There are four recognizable types of intel-
ryes, and to the nature of the required ligence briefings: the information, decision,
staff, and mission briefings. Although there
Like the intelligence estimate and the are elements common to all, each type is
PORD, the military briefing is an opera- distinct and is discussed separately.
mal tool of the trade and the G2 and S2
;e the military briefing to communicate INFORMATION BRIEFING
ith the commander. The military briefing
used so extensively that it has become an The information briefing is to inform the
!cepted staff procedure technique. The listener—to keep him abreast of the current
imary reasons for frequent use of military situation or to supply specific requested
iefings are to save time for the senior information. It does not require a decision.
'ficer, enable him to question the briefer The desired response is comprehension.
id to clarify points, and to facilitate rapid, Information briefings provide-
iordinated responses thereby reducing ❑ High priority information or intelli-
action time. gence that requires the immediate
The principles and techniques of effective attention of the commander.
leaking apply to briefings just as to any • Complex information or intelligence
her type of oral presentation. The more such as statistical charts that require
∎ncise the briefing is, the better. It is detailed explanations.
wally limited to bare, unglossed facts and
the minimum amount of information ❑ Controversial information that
?.eded for comprehension. Intelligence ana- requires elaboration for thorough
sts and officers are often required to brief comprehension.
i a very broad subject in a very limited The information briefing deals only with
me. The intelligence briefing usually is a facts. It usually does not include conclu-
ie-time only presentation of unfamiliar sions or recommendations. It should con-
icts, with reference to'enough familiar tain a brief introduction to indicate the area
aterial to establish the scope and content to which the briefing is addressed and to
r the listeners—but it is always tailored to orient the listener. As with all briefings,
Le user. There are no attention-getters. presentation of the facts must be orderly,
nly the essentials are delivered in an strictly objective, honest, clear, and concise.
)jective manner. This is the significant You should avoid presenting redundant
.fference between the military briefing and information. Information must be tailored
Teryday public speaking techniques. to the user.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.205

Mastery of the techniques for information assumptions might be: "Adequate resources
briefing is most important. Mental disci- will be provided," or "The enemy will con-
pline is required in order to present the tinue to defend." Assumptions must be both
essential facts objectively, without drawing reasonable and supported.
conclusions. Information briefing elements
form an essential part of each of the other The next step is to present the facts bear-
three types of briefing techniques. An ing on the problem. This part of the deci-
example of an information briefing format sion briefing is essentially the same as the
follows. information briefing, and the same rules
generally apply except that if already
known facts have a direct bearing on the
1. INTRODUCTION. problem, they should be repeated. Since this
a. Greeting. Use military courtesy, briefing is presented to elicit a decision, the
address the person(s) being briefed, and users may need to be reminded of pertinent
identify yourself. facts directly related to the problem so they
b. Classification. Announce the classi-
can arrive at a sound decison. Facts pre-
fication of your briefing. viously unknown to the users should be
limited to those that have a direct bearing
c. Purpose. Explain the purpose and on the problem and that might influence
scope. the outcome of the decision to be made or
d. Procedure. Explain any special the subsequent action to be taken.
procedures such as demonstrations, dis- In presenting facts, you should strive for
plays, or tours. objectivity. All important facts must be
2. BODY. brought out accurately and fully. Facts may
be substantiated by citing single authorita-
a. Arrange main ideas in logical tive sources, multiple supporting opinions
sequence. or personal experiences, or by demonstrat-
b. Use visual aids correctly. ing their reasonableness. You should be
familiar with the sources of your informa-
c. Plan for effective transitions. tion. Wrong conclusions or recommenda-
d. Be prepared to answer questions at tions can be more readily excused if they
any time. are a matter of incorrect judgment than if
they are improper or biased presentation of
3. CLOSE. the facts. The facts must have a bearing on
a. Ask for questions. the problem.
b. Concluding statement. Next, state the probable courses of action,
c. Announce the next briefer, if any. and briefly point out the advantages and
disadvantages of each. Prior to the presen-
DECISION BRIEFING tation, you should analyze possible reactions
to each of the courses of action and state
Although the decision briefing contains concisely the potential dangers involved.
elements of the information briefing, it is This discussion is followed by the conclu-
much broader and more comprehensive in sions, which consist essentially of succinct
scope; and it is presented for an entirely dif- statements of the acceptability or undesir-
ferent purpose. The specific response to the ability of each course of action and reasons
decision briefing is an answer to a question why each should be so considered.
or a decision to take a course of action. Both the discussion and conclusion por-
The first step in preparing for a decision tions of the briefing must be logically con-
briefing is to isolate and define the problem. structed. A logical presentation allows the
Never present a problem-solving situation commander to make correct conclusions
too complex for solution by any step-by-step from the facts presented. Throughout a
logical reasoning process. The assumptions presentation, present evidence and draw
may be stated or not. Examples of proper inferences from it. You must be certain that


ACLU-RDI 387 p.206

DODDOA 013630
pnclusions flow reasonably from the facts b. Classification. Announce the classi-
resented. Each recommendation should be fication of your briefing.
fated so that its words can be used to state c. Purpose. State the purpose of the
ie decision whenever appropriate. briefing is to obtain a decision and
In your conclusions, list the possible announce the problem statement.
Durses of action in order of merit. If possi- d. Procedure. Explain any special
le, prior to the actual briefing, solicit con- procedures such as additional briefers.
arrences and nonconcurrences from inter-
3ted staff sections. When presenting e. Coordination. Indicate what coordi-
?commendations, you should be prepared nation has been accomplished.
) identify nonconcurrences and state from 2. BODY.
,horn and for what reason they were made.
a. Assumptions. Assumptions must be
You must be prepared for interruptions valid, relevant, and necessary. Omit if there
nd questions at any point during the brief- are none.
lg. When interruptions occur, questions
hould be answered completely before pro- b. Facts Bearing on the Problem.
?eding. At the same time, you should not Must be supportable, relevant, and
e distracted from rapidly resuming the necessary.
lanned sequence of presentation. You must c. Discussion. Analyze courses of
e able to support, by explanation, any part action. Plan for smooth transition.
f the briefing.
d. Conclusions. Give the degree of
A decision is the expected response of the acceptance or the order of merit for each
ecision briefing. At the outset of the brief- course of action.
ig, you must announce clearly that you are
?eking a decision. At the conclusion, if no e. Recommendations. State action(s)
ecision is received, you must ask for it. You recommended. Be specific, not a solicitation
lust be certain the decision rendered by the of opinion.
ecision maker is understood. If you are 3. CLOSE.
ncertain, you should ask for clarification.
a. Ask for Questions.
It is not always necessary to use the corn-
lete form of the decision briefing. For b. Request a Decision.
xample, a G2 or S2 might present the 4. FOLLOW UP. Following the briefing, if
ommander with one new facet of a current the chief of staff or executive officer (XO) is
roblem. He might explain the new aspect not present, inform him or the staff secre-
nd its effect on current operations plans, tary of the commander's decision.
ecommend a course of action, and ask for a
ecision. At other headquarters, depending STAFF BRIEFING
irgely on the personality and desires of the
The staff briefing is the most widely used
ommander, only portions of the briefing
light be presented. However, the processes type of military briefing. It is designed for
the rapid oral dissemination of information
sed to formulate the decision briefing to a group of people and is similar to the
emain essentially the same, regardless of information briefing. Although it is not
he local peculiarities of presentation.
commonly used for planning purposes or for
An example of the decision briefing solving problems, it bears a similarity to
)1lows. the decision briefing whenever it leads to a
command decision. It is used at every mili-
• INTRODUCTION. tary echelon to keep the commander and his
staff informed of the current situation. The
a. Greeting. Use military courtesy, anticipated response is a coordinated or
ddress the person(s) being briefed, and
lentify yourself. unified effort.

- 2

ACLU-RDI 387 p.207

DODDOA 013631
In headquarters of larger units, staff MISSION BRIEFING
briefings are normally scheduled periodi-
cally. Unscheduled staff briefings are called The mission briefing is designed espe-
as the need arises. In combat, briefings are cially for use during combat operations. It
held as often as the situation requires. Such is used to. impart information, give specific
briefings are especially valuable in opera- instructions, or to instill an appreciation of
tional conditions when a general awareness the mission. The desired response is a thor-
of the situation is difficult, if not impossi- ough understanding and appreciation of
ble, to achieve by any other means. There- operational conditions that will lead to the
fore, the staff briefing is an effective tool successful execution of the mission. It is
employed by the commander to ensure closely related to the information briefing.
unity of command. The intelligence portion of the mission
In the staff briefing, each staff represen- briefing is usually conducted by the G2 or
tative may be called on to present informa- S2, depending on the nature of the mission
tion pertinent to his particular activity. The to be performed or the level of the head-
staff briefing is usually presided over by the quarters involved.
immediate superior of the general staff or The first step in accomplishing a
coordinating staff officers. He usually calls mission—informing those involved of their
on staff representatives to present matters tasks—is taken by issuing oral or written
that might pertain to or require coordinated orders. When a situation is unique or the
action by other staff sections. Each head- mission is of a critical nature, particularly
quarters usually has an established order of as it relates to the actions of individual par-
staff presentation. The staff presentations ticipants, the mission briefing will provide
might be preceded or followed by remarks individual or small units with very specific
from the chief of staff, XO, or the com- mission data by means of the mission brief-
mander, if he is in attendance. ing. The mission briefing reinforces pre-
Staff briefings are commander's tool for viously issued orders. It also provides a
developing coordinated, unified staff action. more detailed list of requirements and par-
The commander's personality and the needs ticular instructions for individuals, often
of movement will lead him to use his staff explaining the overall significance of their
as he sees fit in the exercise of command. roles. This type of briefing must be prepared
and presented with great care to ensure that
The nature of the information presented it neither confuses mission or objectives,
at the staff briefing varies at each level of nor conflicts with previously issued orders.
command. At lower levels, the information
will pertain only to the immediate unit and A good example of the use of the mission
its activities. At higher levels, the informa- briefing in larger operations comes from
tion will be of a more general nature and World War II, prior to the invasion of Nor-
will deal with policies instead of particular mandy. The 101st Airborne Division had
actions. In field operations, information received its mission: Conduct an airborne
will emphasize tactical matters and will assault into Normandy on the night of 5-6
tend to take on fewer characteristics of the June 1944. Because each smaller unit and
information briefing and more of the deci- even each individual had a vital role to
sion briefing. play, mission briefings were used to inform
each man of his critical role in the opera-
The staff briefing is a valuable and flexi- tion. First, the men were told of the general
ble instrument available to the commander situation and mission of the division. Then
or chief of staff at every level of command. each individual was informed of the specific
It is used to achieve a unified, coordinated mission of his unit and was given detailed
effort in accomplishing the mission of the instructions for accomplishing it. Using
command. photographs and terrain mock-ups, the
briefers made certain that each man was
intimately familiar with his job and his


ACLU-RDI 387 p.208

DODDOA 013632
Particular AO. Each man learned to recog- graphs be placed on chalkboards? Are they
Lize distinguishing landmarks, how to available? Are draftsmen available with
prient himself no matter how far he missed material to produce the necessary aids? Is
Lis drop zone, where he was to go once on time available to prepare aids? These and
he ground, and the situations he might countless other questions must be answered
xpect to find and how to deal with them.
in the survey step. When planning for and
inally, he was told of the significance of preparing to use aids, prepare a detailed
ds role, and how it would contribute to the presentation plan. Ensure that any assis-
uccessful accomplishment of the division tants, if used, are familiar with what is
nission and, even more, to the success of expected of them. Consider the physical
he allied invasion. facilities available.
The purpose of the mission briefing can
le summarized as the final review of a Fourth, schedule preparation to ensure
orthcoming military action that is that necessary actions are accomplished.
lesigned to ensure that those taking part Every intelligence officer should formulate
are certain of their objectives and the par- a briefing checklist (see sample, page C-6).
icular problems that may confront them. This checklist provides an outline of the
tasks to be accomplished. Fill in the outline
BRIEFING POINTERS as the briefing takes shape; as the tasks are
Effective briefing cannot be learned by accomplished, check off the items. Finally,
imply reading a book. Skill in presenting make an initial estimate of the deadlines
►riefings requires knowledge of the princi- needed to accomplish each task. Schedule
►les of speech and experience gained by facilities for practice and request critiques.
onsiderable practice. Even the most Thorough preparation is essential to a suc-
accomplished briefer will learn something cessful briefing.
Lew and pick up pointers every time he After analyzing the situation, the next
task is to construct the briefing. The analy-
First, know your user. Just who is being sis helps to determine which type of brief-
►riefed? What is his official position? What ing to make. An information briefing will,
ire his personal likes and dislikes concern- among other things, consist of assembling
rig briefings? What does the user expect of all available information and intelligence,
he briefer? selecting key points, deciding how best to
present these key points, and deciding what
Each audience to be briefed is different. visual aids should be used. If it is to be a
r.:ach has its own particular needs (personal decision briefing, the problem must be
ikes and dislikes). Attempt to determine stated, courses of action isolated and ana-
hese needs and, on that basis, be guided by lyzed, conclusions reached, recommenda-
hem in constructing the briefing. This tions made, and an understandable decision
procedure will lead to more effective plan- received.
ting and a more successful presentation.
Constructing military briefings is a five-
Second, analyze the situation to deter- step process:
nine the purpose of the briefing. Is it to
present merely the facts, or is a recommen- First, know the subject thoroughly.
lation required? The purpose of the briefing Attempt to acquire as much knowledge
s extremely important, for it will form the of the subject as time and circum-
oasis of the presentation. stances permit. A logical and thorough
briefing is the result.
Third, survey the facilities. Where will the
►riefing be presented? What kind of aids Second, isolate essential points to be
night be used? If it is to be held in an office, presented. Be certain to present all
t may be impossible to use heavy equip- essential facts. Even if a fact should
prove detrimental to prepared conclu-
aent. If it is to be held in the field, there sions, if it is a vital consideration, dis-
nay be no electricity and no means of pre- cuss it. If the users want to know more,
paring transparencies. Will charts or


ACLU-RDI 387 p.209

they will ask questions giving you an obviously based on a full knowledge of the
opportunity to provide additional subject, helps convince the users that the
background material. briefing has merit.
El Third, arrange facts in a normal and Exhibit confidence, enthusiasm, and
logical order for presentation. The sincerity. Maintain a relaxed, but military
order of arrangement will depend on bearing. Use appropriate gestures, move
the type of briefing, the subject, and about naturally, and avoid distracting
the visual aids available. mannerisms. These fundamental delivery
principles, common in effective speaking,
El Fourth, select only those visual aids apply.
that will illustrate the point. Aids
should be simple, effective, and clear. If a decision is required, discuss all feasi-
Good titles or captions help. If the aids ble courses of action and their advantages
consist of charts, be certain the letter- and disadvantages. Use logic to arrive at
ing is large enough to read. Ensure conclusions and recommendations. Reveal
there are enough handouts for every- the reasons for arriving at the stated con-
one in the room and have an assistant clusion as the most logical course of action.
distribute them. Try to determine Understand questions before attempting to
ahead of time if the users prefer to read answer them. If you do not know the
the charts for themselves or have you answer, say so and offer to provide an
read them. If the users read the charts, answer later. Answer questions directly,
allow plenty of time for reading and briefly, and to the point. Answer 'the ques-
comprehension. Watch the users; many tion and only the question, and stop. The
commanders will signal when they are intelligence officer is responsible for pre-
ready to continue. Even if the audience senting the material and furnishing the
reads the charts, it may be helpful if user with comprehensive information.
you emphasize the especially signifi- Strive for a smooth, convincing, friendly,
cant points. Good visual aids, well and effective delivery, with a proper mili-
handled, add to clarity; bad or poorly tary bearing. A pleasant, well-modulated
used aids are worse than none. If the voice suited to the size of the area or room is
aids are cumbersome or complicated, a requisite. Be confident. Confidence is
plan to have someone assist you. achieved through practice and a thorough
❑ Fifth, establish key words. Good brief- knowledge of the subject.
ers ensure that the words are under- Following the briefing, prepare a concise
stood. Use familiar terms, when possi- memorandum for record. It should record
ble; define the unfamiliar; and give the subject, date, time, and place of the
warning when familiar words will be briefing; as well as ranks, names, and job
used in uncommon ways. Rehearse if titles of those present. The substance of the
possible. Adequate practice, within briefing may be-recorded in very concise
whatever time limits there may be, will form; however, depending on local custom,
pay dividends in familiarity with the this summary may be omitted. Recommen-
subject, smoothness of presentation, dations and their approval, disapproval, or
impact on the audience, and success of approval with modification are recorded, as
the briefing. well as any instructions or directed action
resulting from the briefing. If there is any
doubt about the intent of the decision
Briefings are characterized by concise- maker, a draft of the memorandum for
ness, objectivity, and accuracy. With cer- record should be submitted to him for
tain exceptions, the basic rules for effective approval or correction before it is prepared
speaking also apply to the delivery of a in final form and distributed.
briefing. The success of the briefing is
directly affected by the manner in which it The briefing checklist that follows is use-
is presented. A confident and relaxed, but ful in preparing and ensuring that the pre-
forceful delivery, clearly enunciated and sentation is concise and to the point.


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ACLU-RDI 387 p.210

DODDOA 013634
1. ANALYSIS OF SITUATION. d. Practice (Rehearse).
a. Audience. (1) Isolate key points
(1) Who and how many (2) Memorize outline
(2) Official position (3) Develop transitions
(3) Knowledge of the subject (4) Use of definitive words.
(4) Personal preferences 4. DELIVERY
b. Purpose and type. a. Posture.
c. Subject. (1) Military bearing
d. Physical facilities. (2) Eye contact
(1) Location (3) Gestures and mannerisms
(2) Arrangements b. Voice.
(3) Visual aids (1) Pitch and volume
(2) Rate and variety
a. Determine requirements. c. Attitude.
b. Schedule rehearsals. (1) Businesslike
c. Arrange for final review. (2) Confident
a. Collect material. 5. FOLLOW UP.
b. Prepare first draft. a. Ensure understanding.
c. Revise and edit. b. Record decision.
c. Inform proper authorities.

ACLU-RDI 387 p.211

nonnnA ni-4R-4c
Special Operations and Environments

The geographic range of US interests in often required to ensure IEW systems func-
the world today requires that the division tion properly. Combat operations under
be prepared to fight and win in all types of these conditions require special IEW
terrain and climate. support.
The division may be committed to battle The effects of extreme climatic and ter-
in areas where severe weather, climate, and rain factors generally cause military opera-
terrain impact on military operations and tions to proceed at a slower rate than in
the intelligence mission. In addition to the more favorable environments. Setup and
physical effects on the individual soldier, teardown times may be longer and rates of
weapons, and equipment, environmental march slower. Routine functions, such as
extremes degrade the effectiveness of IEW. communications, can become a major
Regardless of environmental conditions, the undertaking. Commanders and staff offi-
commander relies on effective IEW support. cers must ensure that planning for combat
In fact, extreme environments often create operations takes into consideration the
a greater need for IEW support. environmental influence of friendly and
Special operations are those in which the enemy operations.
natural and man-made characteristics of While the means to collect data in special
the area, the nature of the operations, or environments are identical to those
unique conditions under which operations employed in normal environments, the
are conducted may require specially trained methods of employment and equipment
personnel or special techniques, tactics, or used may differ.
equipment. Special environments include— The enemy's methods of employment and
CI Mountains. deployment will also differ, but only to the
❑ Deserts. extent permitted by their doctrine or dic-
tated by the environment.
❑ Jungles
❑ Winter.
❑ Urbanized terrain. ELECTRONIC WARFARE
❑ Night operations. OPERATIONS IN THE
❑ IEW operations in an NBC MOUNTAINS
environment. Operations conducted in mountainous
The paragraphs below describe IEW areas are characterized by heavy use of
operations in special environments. The indirect fires, canalized movements along
special considerations, techniques, and valley floors, decentralized combat opera-
procedures that will increase the effective- tions, increased collection operations from
ness of IEW operations in harsh environ- aerial resources, and reduced C 2 capabili-
ments are detailed in these discussions. ties. Operations conducted by MI units in
Special training and acclimatization peri- mountainous terrain may often result in the
ods are required for personnel to be effective unit's restricted operational and sustain-
in certain parts of the world. Special main- ment capabilities.
tenance and operational procedures are

D 1.

ACLU-RDI 387 p.212

DODDOA 013636
Mountainous terrain degrades the target sideration. In some mountain terrain, the
acquisition and early warning capabilities effects of nuclear detonation can be effec-
of GSRs and the collection capabilities of tively contained within a specified area.
EW systems. Wooded mountainous terrain has the
Because of the low density of manpack same general effect on intelligence opera-
IEW equipment in the heavy division, there tions as does dense jungle. Enemy forces
may be brigade areas unsupported or are difficult to detect and generally difficult
severely reduced in GSR and EW support. to collect against. The best sources of
Such restrictions are minimized in light di- information are EPWs, defectors, and
vision deployments to mountainous areas friendly reconnaissance patrols.
because of the heavy reliance on man- Mountainous terrain favors light infantry
packed systems in the MI battalion of the forces. They will likely be deployed to con-
light division. Although operations may be trol passes, road junctions, built-up areas,
hampered, the mission for all MI assets and the high ground adjacent to these
remains the same as in any other type areas. Enemy tactics include bypassing
operation. The optimum operation of these defensive positions and attacking from the
IEW systems in mountain terrain is flanks and rear. Enemy forces will decen-
affected by interrupted LOS, extreme tralize the employment of artillery and use
temperature variations, and heavy multiple rocket launchers as individual fire
precipitation. units.
In mountain operations, the terrain
isolates friendly units, requiring them to Rugged, irregular mountainous terrain
operate more independently than in other degrades AM and FM communications and
environments. The division staff and MI associated C2. Heavy reliance on retrans-
battalion TOC may experience temporary mission and relay systems is required.
interruptions in communications with sub- Heavy (TACJAM) and medium (TRAFFIC
ordinate units, forcing them to operate more JAM) ECM systems can be used for
independently and to rely on their own retransmission tasks when all the other
resources to develop the intelligence they means fail.
HUMINT provides the commander his
Weather in mountainous terrain is diffi- best source of combat information and
cult to predict. The weather can change intelligence in this type of environment.
dramatically in short periods of time. As Mountain heights offer exceptional obser-
storms develop, the effects of the tempera-
vation post sites which are supplemented
ture and the windchill factOr may become with foot patrols. Population centers in val-
as important an item of intelligence as the ley areas serve as lucrative HUMINT col-
location and activity of major enemy units.
lection and interrogation sources.
Exposed flesh can freeze in a matter of
seconds. The higher elevations are fre- OPSEC, as in all operations, will be of
quently shrouded in rain, snow, sleet, and prime importance for attacking forces.
fog. Electronic surveillance, as well as vis- Defending forces will have a distinct
ual observation, is severely limited under advantage to deceive and contain any
these conditions. When weather permits, attack.
mountain heights offer outstanding condi- EW operations suffer a definite disadvan-
tions for long-range visual observation and tage in mountainous terrain. Enemy com-
electronic surveillance. Weather data and munications sites use terrain masking and
forecasts are increasingly more important relay systems to thwart both DF and ECM
in selecting areas and the desired time to activities. ECM and ESM systems are best
conduct operations. employed above the valleys, concentrating
Cross-country movement and trafficabili- on the valley floors for any enemy ap-
ty become more important in determining proaches. Ground-based signals intercept
enemy capabilities and intentions. Poten- and DF systems may frequently be em-
tial enemy use of nuclear weapons in moun- ployed in DS of the brigades because of the
tainous terrain is a prime intelligence con- dispersion of friendly forces. LOB data may


ACLU-RDI 387 p.213

DODDOA 013637
be degraded due to the terrain. Ground- dune. Operation of EW equipment in the
based systems will normally be used in con- desert is affected by dust and sand, extreme
junction with QUICKFIX. temperature variations, static electricity,
Mountain operations increase equipment and wind.
maintenance requirements. Equipment used Desert operations require highly mobile
in mountainous environments must be forces. The size of the areas of operations
rugged and man-portable. Weather in the and interest are normally increased at all
higher elevations or during seasonal varia- echelons. Collection assets are focused on
tions will affect equipment the same as in targets at significantly greater distances
winter operations. than normal. The division may become
more dependent upon corps and USAF tac-
Reduced mobility, compartmented ter- tical reconnaissance missions for intelli-
rain, limited visibility, and rapidly chang- gence because collection requirements may
ing weather increases the importance of exceed the range of the division's collection
reconnaissance and surveillance operations capability. Extended operational areas and
in the mountains. It is easy for the enemy to wide separation of combat units require
conceal his forces. more DS and GS reinforcing missions for
Many maps of mountainous areas are MI resources. The mobility factor of the
inaccurate or lack detail making terrain desert requires more tracked than wheeled
analysis important. Limited mobility and vehicles for EW systems.
LOS increase requirements for aerial IPB is vital to a desert operation.
reconnaissance. Procedures should be Avenues of approach and mobility corridors
established to debrief frontline soldiers, air- provide for rapid movement and ample
crews, and vehicle operators to acquire ter- maneuever space. At the same time, visibili-
rain information. ty may be seemingly unlimited. Dust from
The mountainous environment, with vehicles and low-flying aircraft can be visu-
severe and rapidly changing weather, limits ally observed at great distances. Yet, in
the use and performance of aerial sensors most deserts there are avenues of approach
and requires special flying techniques. with some cover and concealment. IPB
Mountainous terrain complicates flight helps commanders use terrain to maximize
route selection. Flight routes or orbits above mobility, cover and concealment, and effec-
the ridge lines expose aircraft to unaccept- tive communications. It helps them predict
able risks of detection and destruction by how the enemy will use the desert
the enemy. Flight routes follow terrain cor- Desert combat is rapid. An attack may be
ridors and aircraft must pop-up for limited
periods to intercept or jam the target emit- carried out by the enemy from the line of
ter or receiver. LOS is very restricted. march. Tank formations will generally be
used in the first echelon and the attack may
Mountain weather is especially hazard- be conducted using a single echelon. The
ous to flying, particularly helicopters. The enemy may employ airborne and heliborne
effects of fog, high altitude, wind, and ice forces to seize objectives in the rear.
require special consideration. See FM 90-6
for a detailed discussion of mountain Frequent and extreme changes in desert
operations. weather have a significant influence on
intelligence collection capabilities. Long
INTELLIGENCE periods of unobstructed visibility are
AND abruptly interrupted by violent wind and
ELECTRONIC WARFARE sandstorms. These storms reduce visibili-
ty and drive sand into mechanical and elec-
OPERATIONS tronic equipment causing frequent break-
IN THE DESERT downs. This wear and tear, particularly on
mechanical equipment, requires frequent
Deserts are semiarid and* arid regions replacement of moving parts. Wide varia-
containing a wide variety of soils in vary- tions in day and night temperatures also
ing relief. There are three types of desert: have detrimental effects on both people and
mountain, rocky plateau, and sandy or

ACLU-RDI 387 p.214

DODDOA 013638
machines. Precautions must be taken to can be seen for miles. This can be partially
prevent casualties resulting from direct overcome by selecting hard-landing sites,
exposure to the sun and to high minimizing low-altitude hovering, and
temperatures. treating landing zones with oil or chemi-
cals. Nap-of-the-earth flying is essential to
High desert temperatures may cause
aircraft survival. Aircraft cannot loiter in
equipment to overheat. Heat causes batter-
the open for long; thus, they normally work
ies to lose power more quickly. High in pairs. The desert heat reduces the lift
temperatures cause overheating in com- capability of aircraft. This can be partially
munications equipment resulting in equip- overcome by reducing payloads and making
ment failure. Lenses on night observation running takeoffs. Desert operations create
devices can become discolored when
additional maintenance requirements and
directly exposed to the sun. Communica-
increase the aircraft deadline rate.
tions equipment must be protected from
heat and from the direct ray of the sun. Desert observations are affected by-
Degradation of radio communications may ❑ Long ranges and the refraction of
occur due to extreme heat, while communi- visible light which impairs visual
cations during hours of darkness can be perception.
excellent. During daylight, a 20 to 30 per-
cent loss of radio communications is expe- ❑ Heat waves which blur detail.
rienced due to heat. Frequency correcting ❑ Estimating distances due to the lack or
will also limit radio capabilities. EW sys- absence of terrain reference points.
tems and RATT equipment will suffer fre-
quent downtime from sand and dust if not ❑ Mirages which can distort objects to
protected. Vehicle maintenance require- the point of being unrecognizable.
ments increase in extreme heat. The heat The intensity of these effects often
dries out seals and gaskets and causes tires depends on the angle of the sun in relation-
to crack. The effects of sand on equipment ship to the observer. Observation in the
creates the need to constantly replace bear- desert is enhanced by placing observers as
ings and other moving parts. Since recon- high above the desert floor as possible. In
naissance in desert operations is generally rolling desert terrain, tanks and other vehi-
accomplished using mobile patrols, mainte- cles are spread over an extended area per-
nance requirements will directly impact on mitting observation into areas which can-
reconnaissance capabilities. Aerial pho- not be seen by adjacent vehicle crews.
tography and visual observation are sub-
ject to heat-wave distortion and dust GSR and REMS are used to overcome
storms. HLTMINT operations are reduced visual distortion caused by the magnifica-
due to smaller population areas. tion of heat waves. In a desert environment,
GSRs can be used to acquire targets at
OPSEC requirements increase signifi- extended ranges and cover considerable dis-
cantly due to the long range of enemy tances across the front. The wide separation
observation and IMINT and SIGINT sys- of combat units increases the value of GSR
tems. Like OPSEC, the value of EW surveillance of flanks and gaps between
increases. The expansiveness of the desert units.
precludes using terrain masking to avoid
jamming. ECM can freeze the battle for de- The optimum operation of radar in desert
struction by fire and maneuver and plays a terrain is degraded by-
significant role in air defense and CAS ❑ Dust and sand.
❑ Temperature variations.
The QUICKFIX system and scout and air
observer aircraft can be used effectively in ❑ Static electricity.
the desert within special limits and ❑ Wind.
requirements. Concealment of the aircraft is To obtain the best performance in target
difficult. Helicopter rotors cause dust which detection, locate the radar set as high as
possible above the area under surveillance


ACLU-RDI 387 p.215

so that the radar antenna overlooks the forests and secondary growth to swamps
area. On smooth sandy surfaces, the detec- and tropical savannas. Heavy rainfall, high
tion range for moving targets may be and constant temperature, high humidity,
reduced because sand presents a surface and thick vegetation are the dominant fea-
that does not reflect an appreciable amount tures of jungle areas. These factors--
of clutter. Increasing the operating angle climate and vegetation—contribute to re-
helps to reduce this deficiency. A disadvan- strict operational sustainment capabilities
tage caused by the terrain is that little nat- of MI units.
ural cover and concealment are available Because of the density of jungle vegeta-
for radar positions. tion, IEW operations are decentralized.
OPSEC and deception are vital to desert Ground mobility restrictions of the jungle
operations. Combat forces are extremely require all IEW systems to be light, man-
difficult to conceal in the flat, open terrain. portable, rugged, and fielded in greater den-
Aerial collection platforms are very effec- sities than in more open environments.
tive in locating concentrated enemy forces. The jungle climate and dense vegetation
Mounted patrols are effective in desert reduce radio LOS and significantly reduce
operations. Air reconnaissance is used to the effectiveness of AM and FM communi-
the maximum extent possible. Ground cations. About 10 to 25 percent of electro-
reconnaissance by maneuver forces will be magnetic radiation is absorbed, decreasing
critical in confirming intelligence. The divi- communication ranges by about 20 percent.
sion's cavalry squadron is ideally suited for To facilitate effective command and control,
ground and aerial reconnaissance missions. hilltop and aerial relays are used. Although
Observation posts in static situations are wire appears a logical method, security and
sited in pairs as far apart as possible to maintenance considerations may preclude
permit accurate intersection. its use.
The desert terrain favors wide envelop- Jungle vegetation limits the identification
ments and turning movements. Collection of sounds, smells, deployments, movements,
operations must cover all directions and use locations, and other activities which might
all available collection systems, especially otherwise be detected. Intense tropical
those with long-range capabilities. Since storms can temporarily preclude the use of
large unit consolidations and preparations electronic collection equipment. Thick jun-
for attack are virtually impossible to hide, gle terrain restricts mobility largely to
commanders on both sides may decide to roads and foot paths. The best HUMINT
conceal the time and place of attack sources are EPWs, defectors, patrols, and
through the use of deception operations. the local populace. The local populace can
The G2 provides intelligence support for provide a wealth of information about
deception planning. He incorporates all of enemy forces operating in the local area. In
the collection means available in his collec- insurgency situations, efforts are made to
tion plan to achieve as much redundancy as identify individuals in the area that support
possible. All efforts are made to confirm or the enemy by providing supplies, food, and
deny significant indications of enemy information about friendly forces in the
intentions. See FM 90-3 for a detailed dis- area.
cussion of desert operations. GSRs, in heavy jungle foliage, will be of
INTELLIGENCE limited value. Foliage distorts signal reflec-
AND tions from vehicles and troops passing
through or behind dense foliage. Although
ELECTRONIC WARFARE GSR operations in jungle environments
OPERATIONS normally are limited, they are still valuable
IN THE JUNGLE when used in a security role with other sur-
veillance means, such as night observation
The jungle regions of Asia, Africa, and devices and patrols.
Central and South America are potential
areas of conflict where US forces could be
involved. Jungles vary from tropical rain


ACLU-RDI 387 p.216

DODDOA 013640
Lightly equipped, long-range reconnais- INTELLIGENCE
sance patrols play a major role in intelli-
gence collection operations in the jungle
environment. The terrain provides excellent ELECTRONIC WARFARE
cover and concealment, improving the OPERATIONS
chances of patrols to accomplish their mis- IN WINTER
sion unobserved and undetected. In patrol
planning, consideration is given to the pos- Because over 50 percent of the world can
sibility that an aerial resupply, often become a winter battlefield, the Army must
required in jungle operations, will provide be prepared to conduct IEW operations in a
the enemy with indications of patrol activi- winter environment. This environment is
ty and possibly the location of the patrol. characterized by low temperatures, fog,
Communications range is limited, often freezing rain, snow, ice, frozen ground, and
requiring radio relay for reporting intelli- shorter periods of daylight. Spring and fall
gence and targeting data. include changing weather conditions and a
Heavy foliage and rain showers decrease series of freeze-thaw cycles. The effects of
the range of enemy electronic signatures, the winter environment on personnel and
reducing the effectiveness of signals inter- equipment are numerous. Because of the
cept. Ground-based intercept systems are effort and extra equipment necessary to
concentrated in the brigade area where the keep warm, routine tasks take longer and
enemy main effort is expected to occur. are more difficult to perform. Mobility over
They may be used more as individual col- frozen ground can be better than over
lection stations than as integrated sys- unfrozen ground; snow or spring mud on
tems. The lightweight, highly-mobile sys- the other hand, can hinder or halt move-
tems such as the AN/PRD-I0 will find ment on roads or cross country. Fog and
extensive use. They may accompany and blowing snow can reduce visibility to near
support patrols. zero. Performance of most electrical and
optical systems is degraded.
Corps SLAR operations provide the com- Assessing the enemy's capability to live
mander with information about enemy and fight in extreme cold is an essential
movement. The airborne QUICKFIX has intelligence requirement. Historically, War-
excellent radio LOS to all targets for DF saw Pact forces conduct numerous exercises
intercept and COMJAM operations. during the winter giving them experience in
High incidents of rust, corrosion, and conducting combat operations in cold
fungus caused by jungle moisture and climates.
humidity increase the necessity for daily Snow and cold weather have detrimental
maintenance on equipment especially at the effects on the operations of both mechanical
operator level. This is especially true for and electronic equipment. The following
electronic systems, which are subject to factors can cause degradation of IEW
very high failure rates in jungle environ- operations:
ments. Continuous operation of such sys-
tems generates heat which combines with ❑ Reduced mobility of vehicular-mounted
moisture, corrosion, rust, and fungus to systems.
cause more frequent equipment failures. ❑ Poor or inaccurate performance of ra-
Mountainous regions may also be found dars, sensors, radios, and other electri-
in jungle areas. These areas are particularly cal and optical systems.
difficult for patrols to traverse, especially ❑ Antenna icing can reduce range,
during the rainy season. In these regions, increase interference, alter frequency
the extremes of weather can run from very or simply collapse antennas.
hot and humid at the lower elevation to cold
and wet at the highest elevations. ❑ Thickened oil and lubricants can cause
mechanical problems in generators
and vehicles.
❑ Battery life decreases.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.217

DODDOA 013641
Certain environmental phenomena such larger class III allocations because of fre-'
as snow and fog can significantly degrade quent engine starts. Higher PLL usage fac-
visibility making the GSR a valuable asset. tors will be experienced for filters, batteries,
However, cold weather adversely affects the spark plugs, hydraulic hoses, and all types
performance of the GSR and must be con- of seals. Less . viscous lubrications are
sidered by the operators. The successful required.
operation of the radar on the winter battle- In winter operations, the human element
field is affected by- is all important and demands concerned
❑ Signal scattering by airborne snow, leadership and thorough training. Particu-
ice, and fog. lar attention must be given to minimizing
❑ Variation of radar images caused by the effects of vision whiteouts with the
snow cover and frozen ground. attendant loss of perception which affects
driving and flying. High windchill factors
❑ Reduced •ability of equipment opera- and the potential problems of frostbite and
tors to function in the cold. immersion foot are additional
❑ Reduced battery life. considerations.
❑ Cold and condensation-induced main- Only with the proper training, planning,
tenance problems. and preparation can IEW operations be
successfully conducted on the winter
OPSEC is a prime consideration during battlefield.
winter operations. Due to the lack of live
foliage in many areas, concealment and
camouflage of positions, equipment, and INTELLIGENCE
facilities are very difficult. Vehicle and foot AND
traffic leave an unmistakable signature in ELECTRONIC WARFARE
the snow. However, new snowfall can hide OPERATIONS
the noise and tracks.
Winter battlefield operations require
longer to perform--even the simple tasks. Urbanization is gradually changing the
Experience indicates that more time is nature of the battlefield. Urban areas,
needed for maintenance on IEW equipment. spreading across LOC and adjacent terrain,
A major impact of winter operations on are narrowing or eliminating avenues of
equipment is caused by cold and snow. Ex- approach.
tremely low temperatures cause metal parts Urban centers may be seen as key terrain
of weapons to become brittle resulting in a or as obstacles, depending on the nature of
high breakage factor for internal parts. the conflict and the mission and capabili-
Vehicle engines and generators require fre- ties of the division. Urban centers contain
quent starting, and the frequent starts the bulk of the population and the eco-
cause condensation in the internal parts of nomic, political, and cultural facilities of a
the engine which later freezes. The intake country or area. The decision to attack or
filters of carburetors and systems are par- - bypass an urban area may be based on poli-
ticularysepbong.Cdsati tical and social, as well as military, consid-
on microphones and telephone handsets ice erations. The scope of this discussion is
frequently if not protected. Blowing snow limited to the tactical considerations for a
will also jam air intake valves. Pneumatic division operating in a mid- to high-
antenna masts and automatic data pro- intensity conflict.
cessing equipment freeze because of con-
densation and freezing temperatures. Power Urban sprawl expands the scope of IPB,
supplies have greatly reduced life spans. particularly terrain analysis. It increases
RATT equipment is very susceptible to mal- the requirements for detailed analysis of
function under these circumstances. where smaller units can move, shoot, and
communicate; and how the built-up areas
Winter operations require more spare
parts and oil changes. Each unit will need
D 7-

ACLU-RDI 387 p.218

DODDOA 013642
will affect both friendly and enemy organi- open areas, especially during periods of
sation, disposition, weapons, employment, limited visibility.
and maneuver.
HUMINT provides the commander with
Urbanized terrain normally offers the best means to gather intelligence.
numerous avenues of approach for mounted Troops supply first-hand knowledge about
maneuver forward of and leading to the the location and type of enemy equipment
built-up area. However, in the proximity of and activity. Interrogations of EPWs, Civil-
and within the built-up area, routes con- ians, line crossers, and defectors will prob-
verge and become restrictive. Bypass may ably be the best source of information on
be blocked by urban sprawl or adjacent enemy concentrations within the city. Civil-
natural terrain. ians recently displaced from their homes
Within the built-up areas, avenues of may provide the location of enemy forces
approach and maneuver space are deter- and information on structures such as forti-
mined by street patterns, building arrange- fications, major facilities, and vehicle or
ments, open areas, and underground sys- foot bridges. Before the battle, HUMINT
tems. Mounted forces are limited to streets, collection activity focuses on collection and
alleys, and open areas. Dismounted forces analysis of city plans to support IPB of the
ase available cover by moving through urban area.
Buildings and underground systems, along Communications and noncommunica-
the edges of streets, and over roofs. tions intercept systems have limited effec-
Urban combat is a three-dimensional bat- tiveness within built-up areas. There will be
;le. In addition to fighting at the street considerable crowding on the FM band with
evel, it is also conducted in the sewers, emitters located on tall structures to afford
subways, basements, and in the upper radio LOS. Enemy forces will make heavy
stories and roofs of buildings. While this use of wire and established civilian tele-
phone systems. Manpack intercept and DF
snhances OPSEC, it makes surveillance
and target acquisition much more difficult. systems are well suited to support military
operations on urbanized terrain (MOUT)
Intelligence collection in urban areas due to their ability to be used in high
-equires intensive management. The collec- towers and buildings. Vehicle-mounted
;ion effort is severely hampered by the ground collection systems are best used to
mvailability of ample cover. and conceal- provide early warning and indications of
nent which suppress enemy unit signa- enemy intentions or approaches to the
;tires. An urban environment, particularly urban areas.
me that is extensive, will all but eliminate
ECM also have little use in MOUT due to
nany of the indicators used to determine
snemy activities and disposition. The flash, limited radio LOS. As with the collection
sound, smoke, and dust signatures of weap- assets, ECM systems are best employed to
ms are suppressed or distorted. provide COMJAM support in the outlying
areas along suspected avenues of approach.
Urban areas are characterized by abun- Additionally, ECM systems may be tasked
lant cover and concealment and limited with collection missions to support other
risibility. LOS limitations decrease the sur- ESM assets.
reillance and target acquisition capability
)f observation posts, GSR, and signals Aerial observation and signals intercept
ntercept systems. Inaccurate range and are used to overcome LOS limitations of
azimuth readings may result when signals ground-based systems. However, aerial sig-
icochet off buildings. nals intercept will still be hampered by dis-
torted signals ricocheting off structures
GSR will normally be deployed near the within the built-up areas. Aircraft flying
dge of urban areas used to monitor routes over built-up areas can use the higher build-
nto and out of the built-up areas. Inside the ings for limited protection, but are vulnera-
milt-up areas, radars are positioned to ble to man-portable air defense weapons
letect movement along streets, alleys, and from within the built-up area.

)- 8

ACLU-RDI 387 p.219

DODDOA 013643
INTELLIGENCE Deception is easier at night. But this is a
AND two-edged sword. While the division can use
darkness to deceive the enemy, the enemy
ELECTRONIC WARFARE will likewise use this opportunity to deceive
OPERATIONS the division commander. The division intel-
AT NIGHT ligence system must employ other collection
means to compensate for the lack of visual
Both air-land battle and Soviet doctrine confirmation.
specify continuous combat, including com- HF communications signals, due to
bat at night and during other periods of changes in the atmosphere, travel farther at
limited visibility. Although night opera- night. This results in more unintentional
tions are difficult, they can be effective. jamming on division HF nets. HF radio
Night operations require special training, operators must be more alert to uninten-
planning, and other preparation. In some tional jamming which the enemy might
cases, it requires special operating tech- attempt to slip in with other interference.
niques and the use of night observation Use of directional antennas, which is
devices. important in all battlefield conditions, is
IEW requirements do not change signifi- especially critical at night. At night, more
cantly at night, except that a greater level information must come from signals inter-
of detail is needed in their planning and cept operations due to degraded HUMINT
execution. For example, situation develop- capabilities.
ment requirements might include detailed While night operations have little effect
information concerning enemy dispositions on the capability of IEW systems, it does
and terrain features. affect how they are employed. Some IEW
IPB must clearly indicate where division sensors can help overcome the limitations
forces and the enemy can move, shoot, and imposed by darkness. GSRs are especially
communicate. The nature and location of useful at night. This is especially true of the
obstacles become more critical. Some slow- AN/PPS-15 radar, whose range approxi-
go areas may become no-go at night. mates that of visual observation. GSRs and
Movement is slower at night. Decision night observation devices used together in a
points may need to be adjusted to allow mutually supporting role are very effective.
more time for friendly forces to act. GSRs can be used in other ways to compen-
sate for the darkness. They can vector
Target development requirements, which patrols and movement of other forces which
are based on IPB, do not change signifi- have greater difficulty navigating at night.
cantly at night. However, there is a greater
reliance on nonvisual means for acquiring While darkness provides protection for
targets. The FSE at each echelon in the di- IEW systems, it also imposes special
vision will depend more on IEW and target requirements. IEW teams must reconnoiter
acquisition sensors, such as GSR, SLAR, operational positions, ingress and egress
moving target and weapon locating radars, routes, and enemy approach routes into
and signals intercept for target acquisition. positions during daylight when possible.
This reconnaissance must include supple-
Darkness affects CI requirements, par- mentary and alternate positions. IEW
ticularly CI support to OPSEC. The EEFI teams must train to emplace, displace,
do not change significantly, but the OPSEC move, and operate their equipment at night.
measures needed to protect the EEFI do MI units should habitually train with fire
change. Noise and light disciplines are
especially critical at night. Night is the and maneuver units during night opera.
optimum time for enemy patrols and agents tions. Darkness increases the need for
to infiltrate and exfiltrate. Since night is coordination.
also the time that friendly patrols are most
frequently used, the coordination of routes,
passage points, passwords, and other
recognition signals is vital.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.220

DODDOA 013644
IEW SUPPORT OF THE NIGHT forces must deny the enemy the use of dark-
ATTACK ness to gain the element of surprise. They
The division attacks at night to gain or integrate IEW sensors, night observation
maintain the initiative, exploit dayl' ght devices, and patrols into a surveillance
success, and to overcome certain disadvan-
tages, such as- Division units conduct a daylight recon-
❑ Inferior combat power. naissance prior to or upon occupying defen-
sive positions. The reconnaissance should-
❑ Enemy defensive obstacles and
fortifications. ❑ Determine avenues of approach into
the defensive sector.
Detailed information and intelligence
about the enemy and terrain is needed to ❑ Detect enemy preparation for attack,
support a night attack. Daylight reconnais- including reconnaissance activity.
sance provides the following information: ❑ Identify good ambush sites along
❑ Enemy positions. avenues of approach into the division
❑ Obstacles and bypasses.
IEW sensors, night observation devices,
❑ Weak points or gaps in the defensive patrols, and illumination devices enhance
sector. the effectiveness of the night defense. Ra-
❑ Assembly areas, routes of advance, dars support friendly reconnaissance pa-
assault positions, and objectives. trols and provide early warning to listening
and observation posts concerning enemy
❑ Landmarks to enhance control of the movement. GSRs are reinforced with night
attack. observation devices. Together, they provide
When time permits, a night reconnais- overwatch of obstacles and barriers.
sance is also conducted. However, the loca- Remote sensors are employed along
tion and time of attack must not be avenues of approach and defilade areas.
compromised. USAF tactical air reconnaissance and
SLAR missions provide early warning and
Surprise is a primary objective of a night detection of enemy assault and follow-on
attack. OPSEC during preparation for the forces.
attack is vital. Movement to and displace- OPSEC is a critical factor in the night
ment from assembly areas is a critical defense. OPSEC measures include noise
phase of the operation. The division may and light discipline. COMSEC and elec-
plan and execute a deception operation to tronic security must be strictly enforced.
confuse the enemy concerning the division Generators are dug in and sandbagged to
commander's intentions and the time and reduce their signatures.
place of the attack. A well planned and exe-
cuted night attack is not discovered until INTELLIGENCE AND
the assault has begun. ELECTRONIC WARFARE
Attacking elements of the division use OPERATIONS IN A NUCLEAR
GSRs and night observation devices to BIOLOGICAL, AND
Dbserve the enemy and his activities during CHEMICAL ENVIRONMENT
the attack. Night observation devices assist
in navigation and avoidance of obstacles. The MI battalion commander and his
Radars may be oriented in the direction of staff must consider how NBC weapons will
the attack and provide direction to the affect operations. Enforcement of the three
attacking force. principles of NBC defense will enhance the
IEW SUPPORT OF THE NIGHT survivability and effectiveness of MI opera-
DEFENSE tions. They are-
❑ Contamination avoidance.
The night defense has all the elements of
a daylight defense. Defending division ❑ Protection.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.221

❑ • Decontamination. ❑ Time needed for mission accomplish-
ment will increase based on factors of
CONTAMINATION AVOIDANCE fatigue, training, level of protection
Contamination avoidance is the best way and weather. FM 3.4 contains esti-
to minimize the impact of NBC weapons. It mated times for accomplishing tasks
involves implementing passive defense while in mission-oriented protective
measures, using the NBC warning and posture (MOPP) 4.
reporting system effectively, NBC recon- ❑ Collective protective systems retrofit-
naissance, minimizing exposure, and avoid- ted to MI systems restrict operations.
ing known NBC hazards. Entry and exit procedures must be fol-
❑ Passive defense measures use NBC lowed to avoid contaminating the
monitoring and detection equipment, interior.
chemical protection covers, and ❑ Logistical requirements for the
friendly vulnerability analysis tech- exchange of overgarments, rations,
niques to avoid being targeted. and water expand drastically. Approxi-
❑ Key leaders of the MI battalion formu- mately 13 quarts of drinking water per
late NBC reports and interpret reports soldier per day is required to prevent
received. dehydration during extended periods
of MOPP 4 (see the following illustra-
❑ Battalion and company NBC recon- tion for MOPP levels).
naissance teams rapidly disseminate
locations of NBC hazards for move- ❑ Extensive training in MOPP analysis
ment planning. is required as MOPP-level selection is
delegated to the lowest level possible.
❑ Crews rotate and use protection shel-
ters and available cover to minimize ❑ Extensive peacetime training and
exposure to NBC. hazards. acclimatization is required as all
members of the battalion must be
❑ Avoiding NBC hazard areas is the best capable of performing mission tasks
course of action. This will minimize while in MOPP 4.
degradation caused by the use of pro-
tective equipment and negates the Commanders and leaders must be aware
need for decontamination. FM 3-3 de- that if forced to operate in MOP? 4—
scribes how units can avoid excessive ❑ Personnel and equipment will be
contamination in the NBC environ- stressed to a greater level than normal.
ment and FM 3-4 describes means for
protecting troops from NBC ❑ Times to accomplish IEW mission will
contamination. increase.
In the event the MI battalion elements ❑ The logistical and maintenance burden
are forced to operate in a contaminated area will increase.
or are operating where the threat of NBC
attack is high, effective use of NBC protec- DECONTAMINATION
tion, both individual and collective, is criti-
cal. The commander and his staff must be Decontamination is the reduction of the
aware that use of protective equipment, hazard to a level necessary to continue the
while critical for survival, will result in de- mission. The MX battalion is responsible for
gradation of mission effectiveness the hasty and deliberate decontamination
because- of its troops and equipment using battalion
decontamination equipment.
❑ Use of individual equipment will result
in excessive heat stress, loss of manual
dexterity, visual acuity, and fatigue.


ACLU-RDI 387 p.222

DODDOA 013646


r- CSIC'J %It



in hot 'weather, the coat or hood can be lef open for ventilation.

MOPP 0 - Soldiers carry the protective masks with load-carrying equipment, and the MOPP gear is readily available
(that is, within the work area, vehicle, fighting position, or the like).

MASK ONLY* - Soldiers do not need to wear protective overgarments or rubber gloves as long as they are protected from
direct skin exposure to Ilguld or solid contamination (transfer hazards).
*MASK ONLY is inappropriate when a blister agent is present.

Complete decontamination to peacetime a nuclear detonation. This effects com-

levels is impossible due to absorption/ munications systems which use omni-
desorption. Decontamination is very time-, directional antennas.
material-, and labor-intensive. Divisional
NBC defense units will be tasked to assist EMP and TREE mitigation techniques
divisional units. Company teams will have will reduce the harmful effects of nuclear
to depend on support from the battalion effects on MI unit operations. EMP mitiga-
iecontamination team and the supported tion techniques are employed for the protec-
brigade. For a more detailed description of tion of communications and key electronic
lecontamination, consult FM 3-5. collection systems. During periods of
increased probability of the enemies' use of
NUCLEAR CONSIDERATIONS' nuclear systems, redundant systems that
Three specific nuclear weapons effects can be shut down should be. All antennas
will have a severe impact on electronic on dormant systems should be removed.
3quipment utilized by the MI battalion.
Shield the overall system by closing doors
these effects are- to shelters, air intakes, and any other open-
ings. Stress the use of proper grounding
❑ Electromagnetic pulse (EMP). A sharp techniques. Star grounds are best for EMP
pulse of radio frequency (long wave- protection. Grounds and other wires should
length) electromagnetic radiation pro- not cross or form loops.
duced when an explosion occurs in an
symmetrical environment, especially TREE mitigation techniques include reset
airbursts. The intense electric and and alternative communication means:
magnetic fields can damage unpro- ❑ Reset or reload computer systems after
tected electrical and electronic equip- nuclear detonations, maintain dupli-
ment over a large area. cate programs and data bases off line,
❑ Transient radiation. Transient radia- and shield handheld and duplicate
tion effects on electronics (TREE) calculators.
which are caused by gamma radiation ❑ Under blackout conditions, use wire or
given off by a nuclear detonation. messengers until electronic communi-
cations systems are restored to use.
❑ Blackout. A temporary loss of com-
munications due to the mechanical dis- For a more detailed description of EMP
turbance of the atmosphere caused by mitigation techniques, consult FC 5046.

)-1 2

ACLU-RDI 387 p.223

DODDOA 013647
The effects of blast, thermal, and nuclear damage. FCs 50-15 and 50-20 provide addi-
radiation must also be considered in terms tional information concerning survivability
of personal vulnerability and material and mitigation.


A2C2 Army airspace command and control

ACofS Assistant Chief of Staff
ACR armored cavalry regiment
ADA air defense artillery
ADC(0) assistant division commander for operations
ADC(S) assistant division commander for support
ADE assistant division engineer
adj adjacent
AE aerial exploitation
AM amplitude modulated
AMC US Army Materiel Command
AME airspace management element
anal analysis
AO area of operations
APOD aerial ports of debarkation
ARTEP Army Training and Evaluation Program
arty artillery
AS aerial surveillance
AS1 additional skill indicator
ASPS all-source production section
at antitank
ATE automatic test equipment
Aug August
AVIM aviation intermediate maintenance
avn aviation
AVUM aviation unit maintenance
AWOL absent without leave
AWS air weather service

BAI battlefield air interdiction

bde brigade
BMCT beginning of morning civil twilight
bn battalion
BOMREP bombing report
BSA battalion support area
BTF battalion task force

C2 command and control

C3 command, control, and communications

ACLU-RDI 387 p.224

DODDOA 013648
C3CM command, control, communications countermeasures
C3I command, control, communications, and intelligence
CA cryptanalysis
CAA combined arms Army
CAB combat aviation brigade
CAS close air support
C-E communications-elctronics
CEOI Communications-Electronics Operation Instructions
CESI Communications-Electronics Standing Instruction
CEWI combat electronic warfare and intelligence
CI counterintelligence
CIF central issue facility
CLI collection and jamming
CM/CB countermortor/counterbattery
CM&D collection management and dissemination
poll collection
commcen communications center
COMINT communications intelligence
COMINTADTSK communications intelligence advisory tasking message
COMJAM communications jamming
COMM communication
COMSEC communications security
CONUS Continental United States
COSCOM corps support command
CP command post
irypto cryptographic
CSR controlled supply rate
CSS combat service support
CTT commander's tactical terminal

DA Department of the Army

DAG division artillery group
DF direction finding
DISCOM division support command
DISUM daily intelligence summary
div division
DIVARTY division artillery
DMMC division materiel management center
docu document
DOD Department of Defense
DS direct support
DSA division support area
DST division support templates
DTAC division tactical command post
DTO division tactical operations
DTOC division tactical operations center
DTOCSE DTOC support element
DX direct exchange


ACLU-RDI 387 p.225

DODDOA 013649

EA ELINT analysis .
EAC echelons above corps
ECCM electronic counter-countermeasures
ECM electronic countermeasures
EECT end of evening civil twilight
EEFI essential elements of friendly information
EENT end of evening nautical twilight
eff effective
ele element
ELINT electronic intelligence
EMP electromagnetic pulse
engr engineering
EOB electronic order of battle
EOD explosive ordnance disposal
EPW enemy prisoner of war
EQRPR equipment repair
equip equipment
ERTM electronics intelligence requirement tasking message
ESM electronic warfare support measures
EW electronic warfare
EWAM electronic warfare approval message
EWEM electronic warfare employment message
EWMSNSUM electronic warfare mission summary
EWRTM electronic warfare requesting/tasking message
EWSO electronic warfare staff officer

FA field artillery
FAAO field artillery aerial observers
FAAR forward area alerting radar
FAIO field artillery intelligence officer
FARP forward arming and refueling points
FASCO forward area support coordinator
FAST forward area support team
FEBA forward edge of the battle area
FIST fire support teams
FLOT forward line of own troops
FM frequency modulated
FPO field post numbers
FRAGO fragmentary order
FREETEXT free text message
FRG Federal Republic of Germany
FROG free rocket over ground
FS fire support
FSB forward support battalion
FSCOORD fire support coordinator
FSE fire support element
FSOP field standing operating procedures
fwd forward


ACLU-RDI 387 p.226

DODDOA 013650
Assistant Chief of Staff, GI (Personnel)
Assistant Chief of Staff, G2 (Intelligence)
Assistant Chief of Staff, G3 (Operations and Plans)
Assistant Chief of Staff, G4 (Logistics)
Assistant Chief of Staff, G5 (Civil Affairs)
4T Greenwich mean time
d ground
general support
IR ground surveillance radar
ground sensor terminal

high frequency
IC headquarters, headquarters company
IOC headquarters, headquarters and operations company
1SC headquarters, headquarters and service company
IT headquarters, headquarters troop
MAD high-to-medium-altitude air defense
host-nation support
high pay-off target
'MINT human intelligence
TT high value target

D imitative electronic deception

intelligence and electronic warfare
WSE IEW support element
INT imagery intelligence
B intelligence preparation of the battlefield
integrated processing facility
[R initial photographic interpretation report
prisoner of war interrogation
el intelligence
cp intercept
TREP intelligence report
TSUM intelligence summary
information requirements
S intelligence and surveillance
indications and warning


ACLU-RDI 387 p.227

DODDOA 013651

JAAT joint air attack team

JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JINTACCS Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems

KGB Committee for State Security

MA killed in action
kt kiloton

LIC low intensity conflict

LLVI low level voice intercept
LN local national
LOB line of bearing
LOC lines of communication.
LOS line of sight
LRSC long-range surveillance company
LRSD long-range surveillance detachment
LSRU long-range surveillance unit

M&A management and analysis

MAC maintenance allocation chart
MBA main battle area
MCS master control stations
mech mechanized
MED manipulative electronic deception
MEDEVAC medical evacuation
METT-T mission, enemy, terrain, troops, and time available
MI military intelligence
MIJI meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference
MIJIFEEDER meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference feeder
MISREP mission report
mm millimeter
MMC materiel management center
mvr maneuver
mo month
MOPP mission oriented protective posture

MORTREP mortar bombing report

MOS military occupational specialty
MOUT military operations on urbanized terrain
MP military police


ACLU-RDI 387 p.228

DODDOA 013652
RD motorized rifle division
SB main support battalion
RR motorized rifle regiment
SC major subordinate command
SCS Manual Short-Range Air Defense Control System
sg message
ST maintenance support teams
TI moving target indicator

AI named areas of interest

BC nuclear, biological, and chemical
CO noncommissioned officer
CS net control station
mcom noncommunications

B order of battle
&I operations and intelligence
P observation post
PCON operational control
PLAN operation plan
PORD operation order
PSEC operations security
S out station

AC personnel administrative center

BO property book officer
CAC primary control and analysis center
CL prescribed chemical load
ERINTREP periodic intelligence report
ERINTSUM periodic intelligence summary
ER priority intelligence requirements
LDC Primary Leadership Development Course
LL prescribed load list
NL prescribed nuclear load
OL petroleum, oils, and lubricants
OMCUS positioning of materiel configured to unit sets
X post exchange



ACLU-RDI 387 p.229

DODDOA 013653

R&S reconnaissance and surveillance

RAD radian
RAG regimental artillery group
RAOC rear area operations center
RATT radio teletypewriter
RCP rear command post
rdr radar
REC radio electronic combat (not a US term)
recon reconnaissance
RECCEXREP reconnaissance exploitation report
REDTRAIN readiness training
ref reference
regt regiment
REMBASS Remotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System
REMS remotely employed sensors
rept report
rexmit retransmission
RI request for information
rqr required
RRI response to request for information
RSR resource status report
RSTA reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition
RWI radio wire integration

Si Adjutant (US Army)
S2 Intelligence (US Army)
S3 Operations and Training (US Army)
S4 Supply Officer (US Army)
SALUTE size, activity, location, unit, time, and equipment
SAM surface to air missile
SCI special compartmented intelligence
SCIF sensitive compartmented information facility
scty security
SEAD suppression of enemy air defenses
sec section
SED simulative electronic deception
SEMA special electronic mission aircraft
SHELREP shelling report
SI special intelligence
SIDPERS standard installation/division personnel system
SIEPCM signals intelligence/electronic countermeasures planning/coordination
SIGINT signals intelligence .
SIGMA site information generation and materiel accountability
SIGSEC signals security
SIR specific information requirement
SISUM sensitive information summary
SITMAP situation map
SITREP situation report


ACLU-RDI 387 p.230

DODDOA 013654
A staff judge advocate
.AR side-looking airborne radar
)P standing operating procedure
'ETSNAZ KGB special purpose teams
'OD seaports of debarkation
do squadron
rf skill qualification test
;A supply support activity
;M surface-to-surface missile
10 special security officer
.'ANAL standardization agreement
JPINTREP supplemental intelligence report
JPIR supplemental photographic interpretation report
c service
VO staff weather officer

traffic analysis
transcription and analysis
ADS The Army Authorization Documents System
tactical air control parties
,C-D tactical deception
,CFIRE tactical fire
.CREP tactical report
target areas of interest
,MC tactical aircraft maintenance company
!AE technical control and analysis element
traffic control points
!S tactical computer system
!T tactical computer terminals
)A tables of distribution and allowance
tactical exploitation
target location error
)C tactical operations center
)E table of organization and equipment
A technical manual/team
/IDE test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment
ZEE transient radiation effects on electronics
;0 tactical surveillance officer
IS target selection standards
TA target value analysis


ACLU-RDI 387 p.231

DODDOA 013655

UHF ultra high frequency

U/I unidentified
US United States
USAF • United States Air Force
UW unconventional warfare

veh • vehicle
VHF very high frequency
vic vicinity

wea weather
WIA wounded in action

XO executive officer
XPLT exploitation

yr year


ACLU-RDI 387 p.232

DODDOA 013656

squired publications are sources that users must read in order to understand or to comply
this publication.

ay Regulations (ARs)

2 Supply Policy Below the Wholesale Level

Ed Manuals (FMs)

Fire support in Combined Arms Operations

Long-Range Surveillance Unit Operations

42 - Guide for Battalion S4

Combat Communications

Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations

Intelligence Analysis

0 Counterintelligence

OA (S/NOFORN) Counterintelligence Operations (U)

0 Brigade and Battalion IEW Operations

Desert Operations

Mountain Operations

4 Rear Battle

5 Operations

•5 Staff Organization and Operations

.28 Classes of Supply


ACLU-RDI 387 p.233

DODDOA 013657
Standardization Agreements (STANAGs)

2103 Reporting Nuclear Detonations, Radioactive Fallout, and Biological

and Chemical Attacks and Predicting Associated Hazards
publication unless sooner rescinded.

Command publications cannot be obtained through Armywide resupply channels. Deter-
mine availability by contacting the address shown. Field circulars expire three years from
the date of publication unless sooner rescinded.

Field Circulars (FCs)

6-34-10/34-118 Targeting Process. May, 1985. Commander, USAICS, ATTN: ATSI-

TD-PAL, Fort Huachuca, Arizona 85613-7000.
50-15 Nuclear Weapons Effects Mitigation Techniques. March 1984. Com-
mander, CAC and Fort Leavenworth, ATTN: ATZL-SWA-DL, Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas 66027-6900
50-16 Electromagnetic Pulse Mitigation Techniques. 1 February 1984.
Commander, CAC and Fort Leavenworth, ATTN: ATZL-SWA-DL,
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027-6900
50-20 Nuclear Conduction on the Air-land Battlefields. February 1984. Com-
mander, CAC and Fort Leavenworth, ATTN: ATZL-SWA-DL, Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas 66027-6900
101-55 Corps and Division Command and Control. 28 February, 1985. Com-
mandant, US Army Command and General Staff College, ATTN:
ATZL-SWA-DL Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027-6900
DA Pamphlets (DA PAMs)

710-2-1 Using Unit Supply System, Manual Procedures


ACLU-RDI 387 p.234

DODDOA 013658
Projected publications are sources of additional information that are scheduled for printing
t are not yet available. Upon print, they will be distributed automatically via pinpoint dis-
bution. They may not be obtained from the USA AG Publications Center until indexed in
k Pamphlet 310-1. •

eld Manuals (FMs)

NBC Contamination Avoidance

NBC Protection

NBC Decontamination

-40 (S/NOFORN) EW Operations (U)

-2 (S/NOFORN) Collection Management (U)

-25 Corps IEW Operations

;her Publications

Joint-Tactical Exploitation of National Systems

DOD Sensor Capabilities Handbook

JCS Pub 12 Tactical Command and Control Procedures for Joint


JINTACCS User Handbook


ACLU-RDI 387 p.235

DODDOA 013659

communications, 3-30
ASI 5M, 3-13 division IEW, 3-34
air defense artillery, 2-4 military intelligence battalion, 3-37
multichannel, 3-30, 3-37
air-land battle RATT, 2-9, 2-10, 3-33, 3-39
close operations, 3-3 counterintelligence, 1-1, 1-3, 1-4, 2-10,
deep operations, 3-2, 5-0, 5-22 2-23, 4-15, 5-8, 5-16
rear operations, 2-5, 3.8, 4-15, 4-17, 5-23
black list, 4-19
area of interest, 1-9, 4-5 black-listed, 4-19
area of operations, 1-9 gray list, 4-19
gray-listed, 4-19
Army Training and Evaluation teams, 2-10, 5-5
Program, 7-7 corps, 2-23
augmentation from corps, 2-10, 2-19 white list, 4-19
white-listed, 4-19
corps CI teams, 2-23
interrogation teams, 2-23 deception, 1-7, 4-15, 4-20, 5-16
collection management, 4-8 direction finding, 2-10, 5-2
asset management, 2-6, 3-0, 3-15, 4-8, 4.10 dissemination, 4-12
collection plan, 4-8 reporting, 4-12
information requirements, 1-3, 3-6, 4-3, 5-1
intelligence annex, A-38 division artillery, 2-3
mission management, 3-0, 3-6 ; 3-7, 4-8, division command post, 3-1
mission tasking, 3-37 main CP, 3-2
priority intelligence requirements, 1-3, 3-6, DTOC, 2-13, 3-2
4-3, 4-7, 5-1 rear CP, 3-3
request for intelligence information, A-16 tactical CP, 3-3
requirements management, 3-0, 4-8 division EPW cage, 2-4
response to request for intelligence
information, A-17 division signal battalion, 2-5
specific information requirements, 4-8 division staff, 3-4
combat aviation brigade, 2-2, 2-13 DTOCSE, 2-13, 3-2, 3.20, 4-17
QUICKFIX, 2-2, 2-3 ASPS, 3-7, 4-3, 4-10, 4-15, 5-1
QUICKFIX flight platoon, 2-13, 3-19, 3-43, C-E officer, 3-12
5-2, 6-11 CI analysis section, 3-8, 4-15, 4-20
reconnaissance CM&D section, 3-6, 3-37, 4-8, 4-12, 5-1,
squadron, light division, 2-2 5-2
EW section, 3-7, 4-13
combat engineer battalion, 2-4 FAIO, 3-7, 4-11
combat information, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-12 FSCOORD, 3-10
FSE, 3-7, 3-11, 4-11
command, control, communications OPSEC staff element, 3-9, 4-20
countermeasures, 1-4, 1-7, 1.8 G2, 3-2, 3-4, 4-2, 4-3, 4-11, 4-12, 5-1, 5 13

command relationships, 3.26 G3, 3-10, 4-11, 4-13


ACLU-RDI 387 p.236

DODDOA 013660
SSO, 3-6 long-range surveillance
terrain team, 3-9, 4-3, 4-6 company, 2-13
weather team, 3-9, 4-3, 4-6 detachment, 2-12
livision support command, 2-5, 2-17, 6-12 unit, 5-4, 5-22
electronic warfare, 1-1, 1-2, 1-4, 3-12 low intensity conflict, 2-19
ECCM, 1-2 maintenance, 6-8
ECM, 1-2, 3-7, 4-14 IE W, 6-10
jamming, 1-5, 5-10
deception, 1-7 meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and
ESM, 1-2, 4-14 interference, A-14
;round surveillance radar, 2-10, 2-17, MIJIFEEDER, A-14
2-23, 5-4 reports, 2-5, 3-13
GUARDRAIL, 2-23, 5-5 MI battalion
commander's tactical terminal, 5-6 Si, 6-4
S2, 3-16, 3-35
ntelligence, 1-1 S3, 3-0, 3-15, 3-17, 3-22, 3-26
human (HUMINT), 2-0 S4, 6-4
imagery (IMINT), 5-8 C-E staff officer, 3-19
aerial surveillance, 5-8 TOC, 3-0, 3-14, 3-16, 3-37, 4-10, 4-13, 5-2
electronic (ELINT), 2-11 trains, 3-14
ntelligence and electronic warfare MI battalions
system, 3-0, 5-0 aerial exploitation (corps), 5-5
ntelligence and electronic warfare airborne/air assault divisions, 2-13
support element, 2-7, 2-11, 3-20, 3-22, heavy division, 2-5
3-26 light division, 2-5, 2-19
tactical exploitation (corps), 2-15, 5-5
ntelligence cycle, 4-2
MI brigade
ntelligence preparation of the battle-
field, 1-1, 3-7, 3-9, 4-3, 4-11, 5-0 at corps, 2 23

analysis of the battlefield, A-41 MI companies

battlefield area evaluation, 4-4 collection and jamming company heavy
decision support template, 4-7 division, 2.8
doctrinal template, 4-7 collection and jamming company
event analysis matrix, 4-7 airborne/air assault divisions, 2-15
event template, 4-7 collection company, light division, 2-21
named areas of interest, 5-1 electronic warfare company, heavy
target areas of interest, 4-7 division, 2.10
terrain analysis, 4-6 headquarters, headquarters and
threat evaluation, 4-6, 4-12 operations company, airborne/air
threat integration, 4-7 assault divisions, 2-14
situation template, 4-7 headquarters, headquarters and service
weather analysis, 4-6 company, heavy division, 2-6
interrogation, 2-10, 2-23, 4.19, 5-5, 5-8, 5-12 headquarters, headquarters and service
company, light division, 2-20
division EPW cage, 2-4 IEW company teams, 3-14, 3-19, 3-22,
document exploitation, 2-23 5-1, 6-1
interrogation teams, 2-23, 5-5 intelligence and surveillance company,
airborne/air assault divisions, 2-16
intelligence and surveillance company,
heavy division, 2-9


ACLU-RDI 387 p.237

DODDOA 013661
intelligence and surveillance company, SIGINT processing platoon, 2-10, 5-2
light division, 2-22
service support company, airborne/air signal security, 2-23
assault divisions, 2-18 EEFI, 4-15, 4-20
military police, 2-4 situation development, 1-1
noncommunications intercept, 2-11 side-looking airborne radar, 5-8
platoon, 2-16 staff estimates, 4-2
operations security, 2-10, 4-15, 5-10 division intelligence estimate, A-29
intelligence estimate, 4-3
friendly profile data base, 4-15
measures, 4-17 staff planning, 4-1
processing, 4-3, 4-10 standard tactical missions, 3-24, 3-25
QUICKFIX flight platoon, 2-2, 2.3, 2-14, supplies, 6-5
3-19, 3-43, 6-11 distribution, 6-5
QUICKLOOK, 2.23, 5-5 target development, 1-1, 1-2, 4-12
rear area operation center, 2-4, 3-3 high payoff targets, 1-2, 3-7, 4-3, 4-11,
remotely employed sensors, 2-17 4-12, 5-0
reports high value targets, 1-2, 3-7, 4-3, 4-11,
4-12, 5-0
analysis of the battlefield area, A-41 target areas of interest, 4-7
communications intelligence advisory target value analysis, 4-3
tasking message, A-1
daily intelligence summary, A-2 task organization, 3-0, 5-1
division intelligence estimate, A-29 task organizing, 3.19
electronics intelligence requirement tasking
tasking message, A-3
electronic warfare approval message, A-4 mission, 4-14, 5-2 .
electronic warfare employment message, teams
electronic warfare mission summary, A-6 CI, 2-10, 2-17, 2-23, 5-5
electronic warfare requesting/tasking corps CI, 2-23
message, A-8 electronic countermeasures, 2-9,
intelligence, A-10 2-15, 5-4
intelligence annex, A-38 interrogation, 2-23
intelligence estimate, A-23 low-level voice intercept, 2-15
intelligence summary, A-12 noncommunications intercept, 2-11
meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and transcription and analysis, 2-8
interference feeder, A-14 voice collection, 2-9, 5-4
NBC-1 nuclear, A-15 TEAMPACK, 2-10, 2-16, 5-2
NBC-1 biological and chemical, A-16
request for intelligence information, A-16 technical control and analysis element,
response to request for intelligence 2-3, 2-10, 2-11, 2-21, 3-17, 3-22,
information, A-17 4-10, 4-13
sensitive information summary, A-19 TRAILBLAZER, 2-10, 5-2
situation, A-21
tactical, A-23 voice collection, 2-22


ACLU-RDI 387 p.238

DonnnA n12RR9
FM 34-10
25 NOVEMBER 1986

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:


General, United States Army
Chief of Staff


Brigadier General, United States Army
The Adjutant General


Active Army, USAR, and ARNG: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-11 A, Require-
ments for Military Intelligence Bn, CEWI (Division) (Qty rqr block no. 476); Ground Surveillance
Co, MI Bn, CEWI (Division) (Qty rqr block no. 477); and Collection and Jamming Co, MI Bn, CEWI
(Division) (Qty rqr block no. 478).

* U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1994 0 - 160-850

ACLU-RDI 387 p.239

DODDOA 013663
ACLU-RDI 387 p.240
DODDOA 013664

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