Masonry Condominium
Masonry Condominium
Masonry Condominium
Masonry is the important phase in internal and external finishes that listed in one of the most
establish building technique. It can be applied to any type of building projects such as school,
residential building, apartment and also hospital. Regardless of its status as the oldest building
technique, its innovation leads to a lot of improvement by improving the design and material
technology. The advance type of masonry has the ability to enhance and improve the durability,
performance and support system by adjusting it in a proper way. The properties of masonry include
a lot of attributes in construction, such as the durability, sustainability, maintenance cost and needs,
resistance in many ways.
Firstly, in aesthetic variety, masonry come with various type of design, texture, colours, size and
shape to begin with. Masonry provides a lot of option to the designer, client and engineer to pick the
suitable and compatible design that suit the building necessities. Starting form the basic ones which
is cement, it has a lot of options and design to improve the aesthetic value towards the building.
Secondly, masonry offers resistance properties in its design and material such as resistance towards
fire, sound, wind or earthquake and heat. For example, clay brick and concrete masonry are all listed
in best for its resistancy towards heat, high pressure and wind. By accessing the materials and
process, the durability and sustainability will be increase as well. The durability of building will be
increase by selecting the best material and design. It will reinforce the building to resist flying debris
and high pressure that can damage and increasing the management cost. There are many types of
masonry that practiced in construction industry such as
1. Stone masonry
2. Brick masonry
3. Block masonry
4. Veneer masonry
5. Gabion masonry
6. Concrete masonry
7. Composite masonry
Masonry exist in varied design, structure, base, cost and durability since the old times. Assuming the
current project is to build a standard condominium, a lot of confirmation regarding material
properties need to be analysed in order to succeed the project. Generally, masonry is commonly
used to provide the great compressive strength to withstand the load, increasing the resistance
towards heavy thermal climate change. Therefore, there is a lot of masonry’s design with different
features to fit in with the different types of buildings and geographical factors. Thus, there are
several types of masonry construction that based on building materials such as stone masonry, brick
masonry, block masonry, veneer masonry, gabion masonry, composite masonry, concrete masonry
and reinforced masonry. With addition of aesthetic properties, masonry has a number of desirable
properties with its value in colour, scale, texture, pattern and the permanence’s look. The commonly
used masonry types in residential building are block masonry and brick masonry with the suitable
physical properties to increase the building durability. Block masonry concrete-based is the suitable
component and had been used worldwidely for the load building type. Packed with the high
durability and high level of resistance, it become the people’s choice as a standard type of masonry
used for residential building. Bricks masonry also equipped with the suitable properties that are
prone to the and are able to withstand large amount od load, heat, insulation and many more. In
order to build a proper and standard condominium, using the block masonry type will be the best
option that able to determine the success of project.
Brick masonry deemed to be the most suitable for the constructing the condominium. Brick masonry
Is more durable and can carry heavy load as compared to block. With the condominium
characteristics, it seems to have more support to withstand the load such as static load, live load and
much more. Brick masonry is more necessary compared to brick masonry since they have lesser
maintenance that can be said with maintenance free that will save our time and cost effective. Even
though, it consumes a lot of time to construct a building using bricks, it economically effective and
energy efficient compared when using block as the main material.
In construction industry, brick is categorised as the most important building material that
materialised in many building parts. Several years ago, bricks production may be vast in many
countries as the use of bricks is the main material used in construction industry but it changes in the
recent years later. Recently, the use of bricks has no longer seen as vital material used for
construction since there is a lot of suitable materials and elements that can be use in replacing the
use of bricks. At the late 1700s, there is numerous attempts at making successful use of concrete
masonry in building construction by mixing the powdered quicklime and moist sand together and
moulding it inti a useable building block. Block is one of the building materials that usually used in
construction industry until now and it can be said that every building material have their own pros
and cons despite how innovative the product is. By comparing the properties of block masonry
between stone and brick masonry, it can be depicted that there is a lot of significant differences
between the building material in regards of the need of skilled labour, aesthetic variety, construction
cost, durability and sustainability and resistance.
3. Construction cost
Brick masonry is generally considered t be more expensive compared to block masonry due
to the quantity of bricks need that consume large amount since the size of bricks. Block
masonry took less of cost compared to the brick masonry since the size is bigger than brick.
Brick comes in 230mm x 110mm x 75mm meanwhile blocks are available in 200mm x
400mm x 200mmConstruction cost is calculated based on per square foot and the material
quantity used in the construction, therefore the larger the material size is, the cost will be
reduced as well. But, regarding the maintenance cost and labor cost, Block masonry, is more
expensive in term of overall cost compared to brick masonry.