Proceedings Expres 2017-21-26

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ISBN 978-86-919769-1-0

Application of analogy of momentum and heat transfer at

shell and tube condenser

Department of Building Services and Process Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,

Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
H-1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3, Hungary

In environmental and chemical industry majority of processes are based on the simultaneous transfer of extensive properties.
These can be the heat, mass and momentum transfer. Because of the close relation of these transport phenomena, correlations
can be created between transport coefficients. These are the so-called transport analogies. In this paper relation of heat and
momentum transfer is studied. In order to perform the analysis, experimental investigations were made on a shell and tube
heat exchanger device. Goals of our work are to calculate tube side heat transfer coefficient and Nu number with formulas of
transport analogies; to validate them by measured data; to find reason of decreasing Nu number with increasing Re number in
the condenser at higher Re levels. Finally operation of the condenser is modelled by the analogy of heat and momentum

Keywords: shell and tube heat exchanger, transport analogy, friction factor, heat transfer coefficient

1. Introduction expression was necessary. In independent works

Ludwig Prandtl and Geoffry Ingram Taylor
In environmental and chemical engineering modified the Reynolds analogy in the first half of
majority of processes are based on the the 20th century. A new formula was created
simultaneous transfer of extensive properties. between heat transfer coefficient and friction
These can be the heat- mass- and momentum factor by combining the resistances of a viscous
transfer. Because of the close relation of these sublayer where molecular effects dominate with
transport phenomena, correlations can be created a turbulent outer layer where turbulent effects
among transport properties. control [1, 2]:
At the end of 19th century Osborne 
Reynolds was the first who recognized the ℎ 
 = = (2)
analogy between heat and momentum transfer   
during his experimental investigation on rough 1 + 5  ( − 1)
tubes. His observations resulted in the so-called
Reynolds analogy which describes the Prandtl-Taylor analogy can be applied in a wider
connection between heat transfer coefficient and range, it allows Pr to differ from 1. Hence it is
friction factor [1, 2]: applicable mainly in case of Pr smaller than 2
 ℎ  Theodore von Kármán (1881-1963)
 = = = (1)
 ∙    2 extended Reynolds analogy even further by
including an intermittent boundary layer between
Eq (1) is applicable for turbulent flow in a pipe the viscous sublayer and the turbulent bulk.
or over a flat plate when Pr is equal or close to Turbulent viscosity and turbulent heat
unity. This is a reasonable approximation for conductivity were determined from the universal
many gases, but for liquids the Pr numbers are velocity profile. Thus the Kármán analogy is [1,
much larger than 1. Therefore this analogy is not 3]:
appropriate for liquids.
Since applicability of the Reynolds analogy
is very limited, derivation of a more general


 W.L.Friend and A.D Metzner made

 measurements in a wide range of Sc and Pr
 = (3) numbers to obtain a correlation between heat-,
 
1 + 5 ( − 1 +  
) mass- and momentum transfer [4]:
 ,
Thomas H. Chilton and Allan P. Colburn ∙
 
expanded the Prandtl-Taylor analogy for fluids  = (6)
 
with varying Prandtl number. Intensive 1,2 + 11,8 ∙  ( − 1) ∙   
properties (velocity and temperature) were 

assumed to be varying linearly in the intermittent Although Eq (6) is recommended for wide range
boundary layer similarly to the viscous sublayer of Pr numbers, at small ones (Pr < 0.5) it can not
[1]. Chilton-Colburn analogy (1933) – also called be applied.
j factor analogy – is also a modification of the
Reynolds analogy based on purely experimental
results [4]. Regarding to heat and momentum
2. Material and methods
transfer [1]:
Test device
 ∙   =  = (4)
2 Experimental measurements were
conducted on a shell and tube heat exchanger
Where z is an experimentally determined
system (Table 1, Fig. 1). The first unit of the
constant, e.g. at fluid flows inside tubes z = 2/3.
system is a condenser with moderate pressure
Above mentioned j factor in Eq(4) can be
steam in the shell side and water as the product in
determined with friction factor only, if drag
tube side. The second unit is a cooler where the
coefficient comes from friction and shape
heated product coming from the first body is
resistance can be neglected (e.g. flows inside or
cooled down before letting it to the drainage
outside tube parallel to its longitudinal axis,
system. This work is focused on the process
flows above a flat plate) [1]. Chilton-Colburn
taking place in the condenser. The targeted
analogy is still popular and widely used because
device is two pass on tube side and one pass on
of its accuracy and simplicity. For instance it can
shell side where the saturated steam coming from
be applied reasonably for industrial sugarcane
an electric steam generator is admitted. The
juices in shell and tube heat exchangers [5], and
temperature of steam is measured and kept
at shape optimization of chevron-type plate heat
constant (≈103°C) during the measurement
exchangers [6].
process. Mass flow rate of steam is measured by
At fluids characterized by small Pr numbers
measuring weighing the mass of condensate after
(e.g. liquid phase metals) the Martinelly analogy
the steam trap by using a stop watch and a
can be applied. At this analogy Nu-Re-Pr
bucket. Flow rate of product is measured by a
correlation is represented by monograms.
rotameter. Inlet and outlet temperatures are
In the middle of 20th century Robert
measured by temperature transmitters (Fe-CuNi
Deissler proved that at increasing Pr numbers (Pr
thermocouples), temperature data are collected
>> 10) result of the Kármán analogy differ more
by an ALMEMO data collector and recorded by
and more from the experimentally obtained data.
Win Control. During the experimental work
It was recognized that near to the wall where
product flow rate isvaried between 600 and
high temperature gradients exist description of
1300l/h. At different product flow rates - after
the eddy diffusivity had to be modified. Result of
reaching the steady state operating mode -
Diessler analogy is [3]:
temperature and flow rate data are recorded.At
each individual operating state heat balance and
 
 = 0,111 ∙  ∙    (5) heat transfer coefficients are evaluated.

Table1.Data of the shell and tube heat exchanger device

Heat conductivity of
Heat transfer area Number of tubes Size of tubes Size of shell
the wall
2 L = 1 m; L = 1 m;
A = 1.5 m N = 48 kw = 14 W/mK
dout/din = 10/8 mm dout/din = 200/196 mm


Fig. 1. Flow chart of the test equipment

Evaluation of heat transfer coefficient The transferred heat is the average of deflated
and admitted heat:
There is sensible heat transfer in tube side,  ∙ 
while condensation on shell side in the first unit  = (11)
of the device. The tube side heat transfer
coefficient can be determined from the next Deflated heat flow rate by the steam on shell
equation: side:
1  =  ∙ ∆ℎ (12)
ℎ=    (7)

− −  Admitted heat flow rate by the product on tube
  side [9, 10]:
The condensation heat transfer coefficient along
vertical tubs can be calculated by the next  =  ∙  ∙ ( −  ) (13)
correlation [7]: During the conducted series of experimental
 measurements it was found that - contrary to
  ∙  ∙  
expectations - the tube side heat transfer
ℎ = 1.47 ∙  ∙  (8)
 coefficient (and Nu number)at a distinct level of
Re numberdoes not continue increasing but
In Eq (8) the Reynolds number of the slightly decreases instead (at Tst ≈ 103°C, this
condensation film: level is Re ≈ 4000) (Fig. 2). Just before thislevel
4 ∙  of Re number temperature of the condensate
 = (9) measured at the outlet pipe of the shell side starts
 ∙  ∙  ∙ 
strongly falling (Fig. 3). It can be suspected that
The overall heat transfer coefficient can be condensate does not leave the device due to
calculated from the transferred heat flow rate and inappropriate installation and shell side becomes
the logarithmic temperature difference: flooded (Fig. 4). This phenomenon is realized
directly through the cut down of the condensate
 temperature. To verify this hypothesis we turned
= (10)
∆ ∙  to transport analogies to simulate the operation of
the condenser.

ISBN 978-86-919769-1-0

Fig. 2.Measured Nu versus Re Fig. 3Temperature of the condensate versus Re

pipe wall and Re restrictions: Blasius formula

can be applied in the turbulent range
(2300…3000 < Re < 105) for hydraulic smooth
 = (14)
 /
and Panhandle-A formula [8] is useful at the
lower part of turbulent range for smooth tubes:
 = (15)
47.22 ∙  ∙  .
E is the efficiency coefficient which can vary
from 0.85 to 1. In Eq (14) and Eq (15) express
Darcy’s friction which is in direct connection
with Fanning friction applied in analogies’
equations Eq(1)…Eq(6):
 = (16)
Application of analogies was investigated
by looking for the minimum of sum of squared

 =   −  () (17)


All analogies were combined with different

friction correlations (Blasius, Panhandle-A with
E = 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0). SSR values can be
found in (Table 2). It can be seen that measured
Fig. 4.Flooded shell and tube condenser Nu numbers do not fit on Reynolds analogy and
Diessler analogy at all. Prandtl-Taylor, Kármán,
Chilton-Colburn and Friend Metzner analogy can
3. Results be applied quite well with friction given by
Panhandle-A formula, but friction given by
Since all analogies are very sensible to Blasius formula can be applied only with Friend-
friction factor, exact determination of that has Metzner analogy. The minimum value of SSR is
high relevance. Several friction models were obtained by Chilton-Colburn analogy with
investigated (Hagen-Poiseuille, Blasius, Kármán, friction by Panhandle-A with E = 0.9. Result of
Colebrook-White, Panhandle-A) but two of them this analogy with measured values can be seen in
can be considered due to roughness of the inside Fig. 5.


Table 2. SSR values of the analogies with different caused by condensate retention. Due to
friction formulas inadequate condensate drainage in the bottom of
the heat exchanger there is sensible heat transfer
instead of condensation (Fig. 4). At Re > 4000
Pan- Pan-A Pan-A Pan-A
Blasius modified heat transfer area can be calculated
A(E=0,85) (E=0,9) (E=0,95) (E=1)
from the predicted heat transfer coefficient from
741,7 437,6 277,0 170,3 100,4
the Chilton-Colburn analogy by Eq (18) and Eq
(19). The predicted condensate level is
represented in Fig. 6.
Pan-A Pan-A Pan-A Pan-A 1
(E=0,85) (E=0,9) (E=0,95) (E=1)
′ =    (18)
+ +  
102,9 49,3 24,4 11,6 7,0  

′ = (19)
KARMAN ANALOGY with ∆ ∙ ′
Pan-A Pan-A Pan-A Pan-A
(E=0,85) (E=0,9) (E=0,95) (E=1)
31,7 12,7 7,1 7,7 12,7


Pan-A Pan-A Pan-A Pan-A
(E=0,85) (E=0,9) (E=0,95) (E=1)
30,0 8,9 6,7 12,8 23,9


Pan- Pan-A Pan-A Pan-A Fig. 6.Condensate level in the shell at large Re range
A(E=0,85) (E=0,9) (E=0,95) (E=1)
237,5 169,2 127,0 94,6 69,8
4. Conclusion

FRIEND-METZNER ANALOGY with Several analogies of heat and momentum

Pan-A Pan-A Pan-A Pan-A transfer can be applied quite well at shell and
(E=0,85) (E=0,9) (E=0,95) (E=1) tube heat exchanger. Since all analogies are very
8,8 7,2 11,7 19,9 30,3 sensible on friction coefficient, determination of
its exact value needs further investigations.
Inappropriate operation of the condenser could
be modeled successfully. Installation of a
condensate pump in the system is recommended
to prevent flooding of the shell (Fig.6).

Fig. 5.Measured and predicted (by Chilton-Colburn

analogy) Nu versus Re

At Re > 4000 the measured heat transfer

coefficients and Nu numbers start falling because
of suspected reduction of condensation heat
transfer area of the device which is probably Fig. 6.Installation of a condensate pump in the system


Nomenclature in inside/inlet
ln logarithmic
A [m2] surface meas measured
c [J/kgK] specific heat out outside/outlet
d [m] diameter p at constant pressure
E [1] hydraulic efficiency coefficient pr product
f [1] friction factor pred predicted
g [m/s2] gravitational acceleration s steam
h [W/m2K] heat transfer coefficient sens sensible
∆h [J/kg] heat of condensation tr transferred
H [m] height w wall
j [1] colburn factor
k [W/mK] heat conductivity References
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