Clinic CH 1 and 2
Clinic CH 1 and 2
Clinic CH 1 and 2
Institute of Technology
Name ID
1.Hilina Mosha NSR/12/0468
2.Sisay Mekonnen NSR/12/0757
3.Girum Girma NSR/12/0398
First of all we would like to thank our advisor Mr.Mifta for all admiring advice, support and
Passionate guidance which he gave us throughout the project phases.
Secondly, our thanks go to all our friends, since it is difficult to mention their contribution to our
achievements in words. It is better to say our hearts have recorded it forever. Lastly thanks for
the WRU clinic personnel. They have given us all the required documents essential for the study
and by giving different forms about the work flows as much as possible by devoting their time
for us.
List of Acronyms
Table of content
Approval Page.............................................................................................................................................i
List of Acronyms.......................................................................................................................................iii
List of Figures...........................................................................................................................................iv
List of Tables..............................................................................................................................................v
Chapter One: Introduction.......................................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Background of Werabe university student Clinic.........................................................................1
1.3 Statement of the problem................................................................................................................2
1.4 Background of the project..............................................................................................................2
1.5 Objective of the study......................................................................................................................3
1.5.1 General objective......................................................................................................................3
1.5.2 Specific objective.......................................................................................................................3
1.6 Feasibility Analysis..........................................................................................................................4
1.6.1 Technical Feasibility.................................................................................................................4
1.6.2 Operational Feasibility.............................................................................................................4
1.6.3 Economic Feasibility.................................................................................................................4
1.6.4 Behavioral/Political Feasibility................................................................................................5
1.6.5 Schedule Feasibility..................................................................................................................6
1.7 Scope of the project.........................................................................................................................6
1.8 Significance of the Project...............................................................................................................6
1.9 Target beneficiaries of the system..................................................................................................7
1.10 Methodology of the Project...........................................................................................................8
1.10.1 Data Collection Tools/Techniques.........................................................................................8
1.10.2 Testing Methodology..............................................................................................................8
1.10.3 Development Tools and Technologies...................................................................................9
1.11 System Analysis and Design Approach........................................................................................9
System Development Model............................................................................................................10
1.11.1 Limitation of the project......................................................................................................11
1.11.2 Risks and contingencies........................................................................................................11
1.11.3 Assumptions and Constraints..............................................................................................12
1.12 Budget and Time Schedule of the Project..................................................................................13
1.12.1 Budget of the Project............................................................................................................13
1.12.2 Time Schedule of the Project...............................................................................................13
1.13 Team Composition.......................................................................................................................14
Chapter Two: DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM..........................................................15
2.1. Introduction of Existing System.............................................................................................15
2.3 . Users of Existing System.......................................................................................................16
2.4 Major Functions of the Existing System................................................................................16
2.5 Existing system workflow structures............................................................................................17
2.6 Forms and Other Documents of the Existing Systems (if any).............................................18
2.6. Business Rules of the Existing System.........................................................................................20
2.7. Report generated in the existing system (if any).........................................................................21
2.8. Bottlenecks of the existing system (using for example PIECES frame Work).........................21
2.8.2 Input (Inaccurate/redundant/flexible) and Output (Inaccurate)........................................22
Chapter Three: Proposed System...........................................................................................................23
3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................23
3.2 Product Overview..........................................................................................................................24
3.3 User class and characteristics.......................................................................................................24
3.4 Functional Requirements..............................................................................................................24
3.4.1 Performance requirements.....................................................................................................24
3.4.2 Process requirements..............................................................................................................24
3.4.3 Input related requirements....................................................................................................25
3.4.4 Output related requirements.................................................................................................25
3.4.5 Storage related requirements.................................................................................................25
3.5 Nonfunctional Requirements....................................................................................................25
Chapter Four: System Analysis..............................................................................................................27
4.1 System Models...............................................................................................................................27
4.1.1 Scenarios..................................................................................................................................27
4.1.2 Use case model........................................................................................................................27
4.1.3 Use Case Description..............................................................................................................27
4.1.4 Object Model...........................................................................................................................27
4.2 Dynamic model..............................................................................................................................27
4.2.1 Sequence Diagram..................................................................................................................27
4.2.2 Activity Diagram.....................................................................................................................27
4.2.3 State Diagrams........................................................................................................................27
4.3 ER Diagram...................................................................................................................................27
4.3.1 Mapping...................................................................................................................................27
4.3.2 Normalization (1st – BNCF normal forms)............................................................................27
List of Figures
Figure 1 forms.........................................................................................................................................xxiv
List of Tables
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Today we have various emerging technologies which impact our lives in different way.
Technology is being implemented in almost every section of our lives and business structure.
Some of the areas that technology applied are in health, education, government and other sectors.
Clinical Management System (CMS) is a user support system which is developed to assist doctor
and nurses in patient records management [1]. This system is made to keep records about the
patients, doctors, and other staff members working at a clinic receptionist.
As our country context web based systems are not experienced. Werabe University is one of the
higher education centers in Ethiopia but there is no web based student clinic management system
until now. All the services are performed on a paper. These are not good according to store
student record, staff management, patient services and resource management.
In order to solve this problems we motivated to develop web based student clinic management
system. The proposed system includes all the features of the existing system but all tasks are
performed in digitalized manner. That means student records are stored in a database and all
detail information are managed in one platform. So, overall, this clinic management service is a
solution to all the problems that we face in a clinic.
The foundation stone of Werabe University was laid on 20th of November 2007 E.C by the
former prime Minster his Excellency Ato Haile Mariam Desalegn. The construction of the
university was started on a total land area of 136 hectares. Werabe University was started the
education program in January 2010 E.C. where the university started the education program
there was student services. WRU clinic was one of the services that provided for students. WRU
clinic started providing services a little bit after the university begins to accept students. Until the
end of 2014 the clinic was found around the student cafeteria and wasn’t that much wide and
open to serve students, but now it has shifted to the newly built as a health center located at the
back of the old building male’s dormitory. Still now it uses the traditional paper based service.
As we interview with the clinic personnel, personal observation, experience and initial analysis,
the existing WRU Clinic Office has the following drawbacks:
As mentioned before the concept our title the motivation behind to create clinic management
system is that there are so many problems which the clinic failed to accomplish and give proper
service for the students. This kind of failure is not tolerated as the health center. It must be the
most accurate organization in everything from time management to medication.
Based on this by using some programming languages and framework we decided to create the
system that change manual service to web based student clinic management system.
In order to attain the above general objective the following activities will be carried out.
These incudes:-
To implement backend
Propose design: -in this section every subsystem that exist in the system will
be described. Its persistent data management, detailed class description and
so on.
Implement the proposed system: -Implementation of the clinic management
system will take place based on the proposed design.
Test and evaluate the developed system: - The system will be deployed to
the student clinic.
proposed system to develop will decrease a lot of cost that was expensive to buy the hard
document material such as paper, pen, and printers and so on.
It is difficult to develop the system in our budget. Because the proposed system wants very high price.
The system to be developed is economically feasible and the benefit is outweighing the cost.
Since this project already computerizes the existing system, by now the reduction of cost for
materials used in manual operation becomes beneficiary to the organization.
Generally the system that we developed, AU IOT clinic patient’s Information Management
System brought a number of tangible and intangible benefits.
Tangible benefits:
Cost Reduction.
o The clinic has two clerks and pay salary for them per a month .But, after the
proposed system is applied to the existing system those clerks will be reduced and
there is no any payment.
Error Reduction.
o By reducing the redundancy of records.
Increase Speed of activity.
Searching, registering, updating, and deleting of the specific data is based on the
user’s id.So it can be accessed easily with high performance.
Enhance confidentiality of patient information
Every users of the system use their own password to keep any kind of patient
records accordingly.
Intangible benefits:
User satisfaction
Job satisfaction
gives services for the people effectively and efficiently, And also it doesn’t affect any individual
or group rights of the peoples. Even the government is profitable, so the system will be
politically feasible.
1. Registration module – When a patient comes to the clinic, he/she needs to register
first if it is the first time visitation.
2. Laboratory Information module
3. Pharmacy Inventory module and
4. User Management module
The scope for the system will involve staff, doctor and management of the clinic. The staff will
register the patient. The doctor will diagnose the patients and give the medication while the
management will view the daily report of clinic operation. The communication between the staff
is done using the local clinic network.
o Automated data storing method
o Data security will be improved
o High time management and provide facilitated medication services
o The interaction between different departments will be increase
Spending less time on administrative tasks such as patient ordering, keeping track of
patient history, and more.
Have a faster and easier procedure by keeping track of the patient condition.
It makes it easier for people working in different departments such as in reception,
injection room and in pharmacy to collaborate on patient records, which makes easier.
Centralize the data in single software where the admins can access patient information,
check the past description of the patient if there is any, or review the overall history of
the patient.
The second beneficiary of the system is the patient itself. The patient gain different benefits such
In the registration period the patient information is stored in the database. The patient
only gives the information one time. Then when needed it is retrieved from database
anytime, There is no re-registration.
Gain faster medication in less time.
The third beneficiary of the system is Werabe University. As a big educational institution, there
must be a clinic for their students. In each year the university set budget for the student clinic.
Based on this information the clinic management system helps to reduce unnecessary cost for
paper, human power, wastage of pharmaceutical products and soon.
1.10 Methodology of the Project
1.10.1 Data Collection Tools/Techniques
In order to find the necessary information about the existing system the team uses different data
collection methodologies.
1. Observation: -we observe directly some information’s from the clinic. we have seen
patients waiting to get medication. They wait until their card is found. These take lots of observing this we plan how we facilitate the medication services. We have
collected which is necessary for automating the existing manual system.
2. Interview: -to get the basic information and background information about the existing
clinic management system, we have interviewed the clinic manager about when the clinic
was founded and how the clinic is working right now and students to know how they work
by using the existing system. And what are the problems that are raised in manual system.
3. Existing documents: -to get more information about the project we use earlier document
that help us to develop the system. During the analysis of document, we give a special
consideration to those documents which can bring more features to the system.
Unit test: -in this level each module test individually. By taking an input we check
if there exist an error or not.
Integration test: -after performing the unit testing in all modules we will test the
integrity of interface of the system.
System test: -finally we will test the system overall to identify if the system is work
correctly or not.
MS word 2010: -we use MS word 2010 for the documentation phase of the
Microsoft powerpoint 2010:-helps to prepare presentation of the project.
Scripting language: -we use scripting languages such as PHP, Java script, CSS
and HTML
Eddraw max: - for design the UML diagram associated with the
Use case diagram,Activity diagram,Class diagram and Sequence diagram.
VScode:-text editor for PHP
WEB SERVER: -Apache Xampp Server
Database server: -Xampp MySQL sever
Frontend Technologies: the front end technologies for this system development are:
Backend Technologies: the backend technologies for this system development are:
Larval framework
Generally in this phase we analysis the existing system and identify the Based on the above
analysis and the features of the existing system we design the proposed system.
For analysis and design of our project we have use the object oriented system analysis and design
(OOSAD) method. This analysis method is better for the development of system. The OOSAD
design method is easy to understand and helpful for the flow the project. From the OOSA
methodologies we select the UML (unified modeling language) model.UML model can add the
following features to our system:-
There are many software development life cycle modal such as iterative, spiral, v-modal,
waterfall, incremental and other used in system development. From that model, in this project
iterative modal is used. In the iterative process, each development cycle produces an incomplete
but deployable version of the software. The first iteration implements a small set of the software
requirements, and each subsequent version adds more requirements. The last iteration contains
the complete requirement set.[]
The benefit of iterative model is, we can make structure of the application before starting to
assemble the features and characterize the outline answer for the whole features. Later on we can
sketch and construct a skeleton form of that and afterward developed the structure taking into
account what had been manufactured. In the iterative model, we are building and enhancing the
features and later we can track the imperfections at early stages.
1.11.2 Risks and contingencies
Risk and contingencies means the challenge that can be occurred during the system development.
The project may not be developed as it is initially planned. This is due to the fact that risk may
happen in the process of project development . So risk can affect the progress and achievement of
a project if & only if it is identified, managed at early stage. Different risks may have been
happened in the project like:
Technical Risks: -related to the business logic of the project, normally in the form of
some language. These risks may result from excessive constraints, lack of experience,
poorly defined parameters, or dependencies on organizations outside the direct control of
the Project team.
Problems with language.
Project size (leading to financial and schedule risk).
Project functionality.
Personal Risks: – Risks related to the people involved with the project. Good
communication is the key between both the members of the team and the supervisor, the
capability to communicate ideas and problems is very important. Regular meetings to
keep everyone up to date will help avoid any ambiguity and hopefully catch any
problems before they get out of hand. The other risk to consider is that of time
management. Figuring out how best to devote time to the project will be tricky, but once
figured out, it will greatly help reaching the goal on time.
Project Risks: –Risks related to the ‘act’ of doing a project. The project itself, like other
projects, encompasses three important things; time, resources and quality. As the amount
of time or resources increase, theoretically, the quality of the output should
increase. Conversely, should the amount of time or resources decrease, then the
outcome of the project will be of a much lower quality. Using this, to an extent we can
cater for several potential problems. It means that for a given problem, we would have to
increase/decrease one of the aforementioned three factors. So, we can ‘tolerate’ problems
to an extent using this approach.
Controllable risks: -Failure to finish the system in time, Cost overruns, Low quality and
error prone modules.
Uncontrollable risks: - Work load, inadequate user documentation, Low user
Scope creep (undefined features that are added as the project progresses) is another threat
to the project. It is extremely detrimental to the cause, but so long as the scope is
well defined and everyone agrees on what is to be done, it should be avoidable.
Therefore, we will follow the best five risk management methods in order to manage
those uncertainties occurring in our project. The five main ways of risk management and
controls are Risk acceptance, Risk avoidance, Risk transference, Risk mitigation or Risk
Electric power.
Because the proposed system depends on the above constraints, we assume that there is Ethernet
access and electric power and also needs computers.So electric power and Ethernet connection
must needed to the system to work as intended. And also Constraints are limitations imposed on
the project, such as the limitation of cost, schedule, or resources and you have to work
within the boundaries restricted by these constraints.
No material Amount Price per unit Total price
1 A4 size paper 200 1 birr 200
2 pen 5 20 100
3 computer 1 30,000 30,000
4 For print 130 4 520
5 Flash disk 1 350 350
6 For internet -- Free free
Total 31,170
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Our members are on the same level and we can review each other.
Suitable for easily understanding more complicated problem in working together.
Higher moral among team member.
The existing system of the werabe university student clinic performs different tasks. The most
popular tasks that will be performed in the existing system of the clinic are: Patient Registration,
giving appointment, assigning doctor, order a drug and giving prescription and generating report
are the major tasks. In the existing system of clinic, there are a number of steps the Front-desk
staff accepts the patient’s card number and find the patients information then assign the patient to
the doctor if the patient comes for the first time the Front-desk staff register the patient and
assign to the doctor. Then the doctor makes diagnosis, if laboratory test required the patient goes
to the laboratory, after finishing the laboratory test backs to the doctor and the doctor makes
analysis and ordered a drug.
Card room OPD Laboratory Pharmacy room
Clark Laboratory
Doctors Pharmacist Nurse
2.3. Users of Existing System
The current system has many users. The following are the user of the existing system of clinic:
These are the various jobs that need to be done in a clinic by the staff and doctors. All these
works are done on a paper. The work is done as follows:
Information about patients is done by just writing the patients name, age and gender.
Whenever the patient comes up with his information is stored freshly
Diagnosis information to patients is generally recorded on the document, which
contains patient information. It is destroyed after some time period to decrease the
paper load in the office
All these work is done manually by front desk staff, doctors and other staff, So lot of papers are
needed to be handled and taken care of.
Injection room
2.6 Forms and Other Documents of the Existing Systems (if any)
The Patient Registration Form as seen in Table1 is used by the clinic personnel to register
Patients. A registered patient does not need to fill up the form once they are already
registered. Only single registration form is being used. Medical history is recorded in this
form with the remarks by the attending doctor or nurse.
Figure 1 forms
As needed, patient are advised by the doctor or nurse to undergo laboratory testing. The
Laboratory Requesting Form below in Table2 is used to endorse patients to undergo the said
laboratory exams.
BR6: clinic personnel must be attend on their work
BR7: All Patient should provide the information which required by the clinic.
2.8. Bottlenecks of the existing system (using for example PIECES frame
Unable to have effective handling and processing of patient information. This problem is
caused by the use of the manual system and involvement of a number of employees. This
also causes unnecessary wastage of time, material, man power and other stationary
materials and user dissatisfaction.
Unable to manage patients who need medication in the clinic. This is basically caused by
performing the task manually. This also causes loss of time and user dissatisfaction.
The problems in the existing system also bring some effects in the following areas: -
2.8.2 Input (Inaccurate/redundant/flexible) and Output (Inaccurate)
The existing system is performed manually which will cause bottlenecks in various stages.
Redundancy, inaccuracy and lack of flexibility are some mentioned input problems that face in
the system.
Inaccuracy: is the major problem that makes things not to be exact and full of mistake. In
this kind of system data is shared between peoples to give better services but it uses manual
system so inaccuracy may happen. Customer’s information may not be accurate, transactions can
be mistaken, and input requests may have uncertainty.
Redundancy: there is no database that can organize and store data in a single system so
documents, forms and essential information can be written and stored several times, different in
coming requests processed frequently, fuel balance may have calculated every time with
repetition to avoid mistakes. Therefore, these redundancies reduce efficiency of the system
Flexibility: because of not having digitalized system, making changes in the existing
system to suit new conditions cannot be implemented easily. Cases such as different requests
processed manually, every person participating in the job must attend physically, and weakness
of the time management and costiveness of the system reduce its flexibility.
Because of the system inputs are not accurate and flexible enough to provide a better services the
system outputs can be inaccurate which results: insufficient services for customers, overlapping
of jobs on workers, tedious working environment, and these whole things make the system not to
be suitable for everyone.
2.8.3 Security and control: - the existing system have a problem in control and security, that is
facing loss in control and security
2.8.4 Efficiency: - the existing system has a problem in efficiency that is it decreases the
efficiency of performance of the whole system. Thus it lacks performing a task well without
wasting time and energy.
Chapter Three: Proposed System
3.1 Introduction
The purpose of the new proposed system is to solve the problems in current system using a web
based information management system and to determine the requirements needed to design and
develop a Clinic Management System for WRU.
By carefully analyzing and observing the problem of existing system we came up with a solution
all the drawbacks of the existing system and also enhance the way of operation to make the
operation performing easy. The proposed system will eliminate/reduce the problem on time,
work load and complexity on storing patient information. The time for retrieving the information
needed will be less compare to the manual. This will help the clinic assistant in doing the job.
The system will include a database for recording patient that facilitate fast information retrieval,
modifying, inserting and deleting. It also includes an attractive user interface that facilitates
accessing the database and recording patient easily. The proposed system also includes the
pharmacist where anyone can inquire about the drugs availability and the stock to be ordered as
well as about its expiry date.
Reduce the time and task required to perform the operation within the clinic office.
It will change the manual processing to computerize system.
It will provide speed, efficient, Flexibility, reliability, and security for the system users.
For clinic personnel, better satisfaction of the speed provided by the system.
And it improved the moral (motivation) of the users to use the new technology.
Performance: The performance of the proposed system provides fast response time
because it is easy to access data from the stored document.
Efficiency: the web based system by itself is short and clear and in this system there is
no duplication of data through the new system so it is powerful to manage things around
patient information.
The system does not require more human labor
It is easy to use (user friendly)
Fast and reliable
Reduces wastage of resources.
Bring operational efficiency and effective manner
Give data availability ,confidentiality and integrity
Retrieve the patient data from the database efficiently and securely.
- Prescription management
1. Patients - Patients are the primary users of a clinic management system. They can view their medical
records, schedule appointments, and communicate with their healthcare provider. They may also have
the ability to pay their bills online.
2. Clinic Staff - Clinic staff includes nurses, receptionists, and other administrative personnel. They can
schedule appointments, update patient records, and manage to bill. They may also be able to access
patient information for treatment.
3. Physicians - Physicians have the ability to view patient records, create treatment plans, and
communicate with other healthcare providers. They may also have the ability to prescribe medication
and order lab tests.
4. Administrators - Administrators have the ability to manage the clinic's financials, manage staff and
physician schedules, and control access to patient information.
2. Patient health records: The system should be able to store patient health records securely and allow
staff to view them as needed.
3.Diagnostic data analysis: The system should be able to aggregate and analyze diagnostic data from all
patients to identify potential trends in patient health.
4. Record management: The system must be able to manage the entire patient record system, from
patient admissions to discharge.
5. Staff management: The system should allow for staff management and scheduling.
6. Patient registration: The system should include a secure registration system for new patients, allowing
them to provide all the relevant details securely.
7. Analytics/Reporting: The system should be able to generate reports and analytics on patient data,
appointment visitation, diagnostic data, staff performance, and all other relevant data sets.
1. Speed and responsiveness: The system should be able to quickly retrieve and display patient
information, schedule appointments, and process billing transactions.
2. Data security: The system should be able to protect patient information from unauthorized access and
comply with relevant data privacy regulations.
3. Ease of use: The system should be intuitive and user-friendly, with a simple and consistent interface
that allows for easy navigation and data entry.
4. Scalability: The system should be able to handle a large number of patients and handle high levels of
concurrent usage.
5. Reliability: The system should be available and functional at all times, with minimal downtime or
system crashes.
6. Integration: The system should be able to integrate with other systems such as Electronic Medical
Records (EMR) and laboratory systems.
7. Reporting and analytics: The system should be able to generate a variety of reports and analytics,
such as patient demographics, appointment scheduling, and billing data.
2. Multi-level user and authorization management: The system should support multiple types of users
with different levels of access to patient and administrative data.
3. Reporting and Analytics: The system should generate reportable information and provide alerting,
tracking, and analytics to drive improvement.
4. Clinical Process Automation: Automate patient workflow and clinical processes such as referrals,
prescriptions, and diagnoses.
5. Clinical Documentation: Systems must support the creation and storage of patient documentation
and data entry tools.
10. Security: The system should be compliant with national standards for data security and patient
9. Integration with other systems, such as EHR and hospital information systems.
3.4.4 Output related requirements
1. Appointment confirmations and reminders sent to patients via email or text message.
2. Generating and printing patient visit summaries, treatment plans, and prescriptions.
6. Integration with external systems for lab results, referral management, and other data sharing.
- usability to ensure the system is easy to use for both patients and staff
- maintainability to ensure the system can be updated and maintained over time.
Non-functional requirement describes user visible aspects of the system that are not designed to
the functional behavior of the system and reflect the quality of the system. Some of the non-
functional requirements are:
Response Time:
The response time to do a given task in the proposed system is significantly low
because of the time it takes to get the appropriate information of patient manually is
time saving.
That means the systems are searching and getting available patient information are
requested for use takes short time.
The patient gets the services from the clinic timely.
As we estimated the time taken to serve each patient in addition with the movement of student
within the clinic is at most fifteen minute per a day.
The proposed system is much efficient and optimal because it saves more resources to
perform tasks and the data not redundantly recorded.
The stored data are free from inconsistency.
The system is well organized to perform each activities and itis flexible to change or
modify the data whenever needed.
The proposed system will be easy to fix errors in their operation and it will
be easy to maintain. The system will be to troubleshooting the problems and can be
solved with in time.
The system must responds every requests from the user in very few seconds in order to decrease
the waiting time of the patient as well as doctor and nurse. Responsiveness is one of main
concern during the system implementation.
Users of the system must be identified, authenticated and authorized before having
access to the system’s services.
The system must provide a highly security on protecting the patient privacy.
Some confidential data should restrict to only authorize user to access it using database
level role.
The system should have a simple and easy graphical interface that users can understand. After 2
hours of training user error per day should not exceed 1.
Only an authorized users with privilege of the system can able to update, modify,
delete or access patient data.
Access is denied for unauthorized and unauthenticated users of the system.
The system can recover within 1 hour after failure.
When the users of the system interact with the system errors may appear. To control these
inaccuracies the system will generate different messages. When users of the system input
wrong user names or passwords, the system pops up failure message which tells them
that either user name or password is not correct.
Backup and Recovery
We will use removable flashes and disks such as CD, DVD for backup and recovery
mechanism. Because the risks of data lost might be happen due to a number of reasons
such as: computer viruses, data theft or power fluctuation.
Every day at 6:00 PM the system will copy the content of active data flash Remo.
The system not interoperable with other system.
The system is available for 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. Is provides real
information at right time.
Chapter Four: System Analysis
4.1 System Models
4.1.1 Scenarios
4.1.2 Use case model
4.1.3 Use Case Description
4.1.4 Object Model Data Dictionary Analysis level Class Diagram (Conceptual Modeling)
4.2 Dynamic model
4.2.1 Sequence Diagram
4.2.2 Activity Diagram
4.2.3 State Diagrams
4.3 ER Diagram
4.3.1 Mapping
4.3.2 Normalization (1st – BNCF normal forms)
4) WRU student clinic