1 s2.0 S0169131715001325 Main
1 s2.0 S0169131715001325 Main
1 s2.0 S0169131715001325 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, reactive magnesia (MgO)- and carbide slag (CS)-activated ground granulated blastfurnace slag
Received 27 November 2014 (GGBS) were used to stabilise a natural soil in comparison to Portland cement (PC). X-ray diffraction (XRD), scan-
Received in revised form 25 March 2015 ning electron microscopy (SEM), and unconfined compressive strength (UCS) test were employed to investigate
Accepted 26 March 2015
the microstructural and mechanical properties of stabilised soils. The results indicated that the main hydration
Available online 11 April 2015
products of CS-GGBS stabilised soil included calcium silicate hydrates (CSH), calcium aluminate hydrates
(CAH), and ettringite. For MgO-GGBS stabilised soils, CSH was the only hydration product detected. These hydra-
Soil stabilisation tion products had different microstructure and binding ability, affecting the strength of stabilised soils. There was
Reactive magnesia an optimum MgO or CS content, in a range of 10–20%, for yielding the highest UCS of MG-GGBS or CS-GGBS
Carbide slag stabilised soil at the same age. The 90-day UCS of the optimum MgO-GGBS and CS-GGBS stabilised soils was
GGBS 3.0–3.2 and 2.4–3.2 times that of the PC stabilised soil, respectively.
Portland cement © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction 2008a, 2008b, 2009a, 2009b, 2009c, 2010; Kinuthia and Oti, 2012),
treatment of acid sulphate soils (Islam et al., 2014a, 2014b), reducing
Cement soil stabilisation is a popular ground improvement method flooding effects on road embankment (Obuzor et al., 2011a, 2011b,
for geotechnical applications (e.g. Bruce, 2001; Al-Tabbaa, 2003; 2012) and other applications (Hughes and Glendinning, 2004;
Terashi, 2003; Al-Tabbaa et al., 2011; Terashi and Kitazume, 2011; Osinubik, 2006; James et al., 2008; Wilkinson et al., 2010a, 2010b;
Kitazume and Terash, 2013); however, there are significant environ- Hughes et al., 2011; Yi et al., 2015). A summary of the use of lime-
mental impacts associated with Portland cement (PC) production, GGBS for soil stabilisation can be found in Higgins (2005) and Nidzam
such as high CO2 emissions (0.95 t CO2/t PC), energy consumption and Kinuthia (2010). Lime is generally calcinated from limestone
(5000 MJ/t PC), and non-renewable resources (1.5 t limestone and (CaCO3), also inducing significant environmental impacts. Carbide slag
clay/t PC) (Higgins, 2007). In this context, the use of industry by- (CS) is an industry by-product of calcium carbide industry and mainly
products/wastes has been encouraged, such as ground granulated composed of Ca(OH)2 (85–95%) and CaCO3 (1–10%) (Cardoso et al.,
blastfurnace slag (GGBS), a by-product of the steel industry (Jegandan 2009). Currently, most of the CS in China is landfilled; however, CS
et al., 2010; Nidzam and Kinuthia, 2010; Wilkinson et al., 2010a, has the potential to replace hydrated lime to activate GGBS for soil
2010b). Manufacturing 1 t GGBS induces only 0.07 t CO2 emissions stabilisation due to their similar chemical compositions.
and 1300 MJ energy consumption (Higgins, 2007). Recently, reactive magnesia (MgO) was shown to be a novel GGBS
GGBS is usually activated by hydrated lime or quick lime for soil activator for soil stabilisation (Yi et al., 2014). Reactive MgO is generally
stabilisation applications, including treatment of sulphate-bearing ex- calcinated from magnesite (MgCO3) at a lower temperature (~ 700–
pansive soils (Wild et al., 1996, 1998; Tasong et al., 1999; Wild et al., 800 °C) than dead burned MgO (N1400 °C), and hydrates more rapid
1999; Puppala et al., 2003; Higgins, 2005; Puppala et al., 2007; Celik (Al-Tabbaa, 2013). Compared to PC, less energy is required for
and Nalbantoglu1, 2013), manufacture of unfired masonry (Oti et al., manufacturing reactive MgO (~2400 MJ/t MgO) due to its lower calcina-
tion temperature, and renewable energy sources can be used (Liska,
2009). Manufacturing 1 t reactive MgO consumes 2.08 t MgCO3 and in-
⁎ Corresponding author at: Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Southeast University,
No.2 Sipailou, Nanjing 210096, China. Tel.: +86 25 83795776; fax: +86 25 83795086.
duces ~1.4 t CO2 emissions (Liska, 2009), which is higher than those of
E-mail address: yaolin@ualberta.ca (Y. Yi). PC. However, the MgO is used as an activator for GGBS and its addition is
Tel.: +86 25 83795776; fax: +86 25 83795086. low, consequently the overall CO2 emissions associated with MgO-GGBS
0169-1317/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
22 Y. Yi et al. / Applied Clay Science 111 (2015) 21–26
Fig. 1. XRD diffractograms of 90-day soils stabilised by PC, CS:GGBS = 1:4 and Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs of 90-day PC stabilised soil with 20% binder content:
MgO:GGBS = 1:4 with 20% binder content. (a) × 500 and (b) × 3000.
Y. Yi et al. / Applied Clay Science 111 (2015) 21–26 23
Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrographs of 90-day CS-GGBS stabilised soil with 20% binder Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrographs of 90-day MgO-GGBS stabilised soil with 20% binder
content: (a) × 500 and (b) × 3000. content: (a) × 500 and (b) × 3000.
for an additional 10 min. Last, the homogenised mixture was then placed by liquid nitrogen for freeze drying. After that, the samples were placed
in cylindrical moulds, 50 mm in diameter and 100 mm in height. The mix- in a vacuum to sublimate for 48 h. The dried sample pieces not exceed-
ture was placed into the mould in three layers, and each layer was ing 10 mm in size were used for SEM testing, and the ground sample
subjected to consistent moderate compaction. The compaction was con- powder, sieved through 75-μm sieves, was used for XRD testing. The
ducted manually using an 8-mm-diameter steel rod and lasted for XRD testing was performed using a powder diffractometer D8 Discover,
10 min. The prepared specimens were placed in a sealed plastic container, Bruker Corp. A Cu-Kα X-ray tube with an input voltage of 40 kV and a
where the relative humidity was maintained at 95% ± 3% and the temper- current of 200 mA was employed. The samples were scanned for 2
ature was maintained at 20 °C ± 2 °C, and cured for 7, 28, and 90 days. At theta value ranging from 10° to 50°, with a step length of 0.02°, scanning
the designated curing ages, the specimens were de-moulded for density rate of 2°/min, and slit width of 0.3 mm. The XRD results were analysed
measurement, which took ~1 h, and then subjected to strength testing. using JADE 5.0, Materials Data, Inc. A Scanning Electron Microscope
It is noted that the specimens with significantly high variation in bulk (SEM) SM-6300, JEOL Ltd, with an accelerating voltage of 20 kV, was
density were eliminated from strength testing. employed to acquire highly magnified microimages. Prior to examina-
tion, samples were mounted on aluminium stubs using carbon tape
2.3. Testing and paste, and gold-coated in a sputtering machine to induce conductiv-
ity. The coated samples were then loaded into the scanning electron mi-
Unconfined compressive strength (UCS), the key design parameter croscope for capturing images.
of stabilised soil for deep mixing application (Bruce, 2001; Terashi and
Kitazume, 2011), was tested for all the stabilised soils with a constant 3. Results and analysis
displacement rate of 1 mm/min (ASTM: D1633, 2007). At one curing
age, three specimens were tested for each stabilised soil, and the aver- 3.1. X-ray diffraction
age and standard deviation of the three UCS values were used to repre-
sent the strength. The crystalline phases, determined by XRD analysis, of 90-day soils
Microstructural analyses were conducted by employing X-ray dif- stabilised by PC, CS:GGBS = 1:4 and MgO:GGBS = 1:4 with 20% binder
fraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for 90-day content are presented in Fig. 1. The main minerals of the soil included
soils stabilised by PC, CS:GGBS = 1:4 and MgO:GGBS = 1:4 with 20% kaolinite, quartz, calcite, albite, and anorthite, the last two being plagio-
binder content. The samples for microstructural analyses were soaked clase feldspar minerals. Typical PC hydration products including calcium
in ethanol for 7 days to stop hydration reactions, and were then frozen silicate hydrate (CSH), Ca(OH)2, and ettringite were detected in the PC
24 Y. Yi et al. / Applied Clay Science 111 (2015) 21–26
to their different minerals of the two soils in these two studies. The poz-
zolanic reactions between soil and Ca(OH)2 was more significant in Yi
et al. (2015) than in this study due to that there were more active clay
minerals in the former, and hence the produced Ca(OH)2 during PC hy-
dration was consumed. The above results indicate that soil type can af-
fect the hydration products of stabilised soil through soil-binder
reactions, which may lead to the consumption of some compounds
and/or producing others.
As shown in Fig. 1, CSH, CAH, and ettringite were also detected in the
CS-GGBS stabilised soil; however, Ca(OH)2 was absent although it's the
main composition of CS. The disappearance of Ca(OH)2 in CS-GGBS
stabilised soil was attributed to the fact that the GGBS activation reac-
tions consumed Ca(OH)2 (Nidzam and Kinuthia, 2010). For hydrated
lime-GGBS stabilised marine clay, Yi et al. (2015) also detected CSH,
CAH, and ettringite without Ca(OH)2; however, hydrocalumite was pre-
sented as well, attributing to the active clay minerals in the marine clay.
For MgO-GGBS stabilised soil, the only hydration product detected
through XRD is CSH (Fig. 1). Hydrotalcite, an Mg–Al double layered hy-
droxide, was observed in previous study (Yi et al., 2014). Here, hydrotal-
cite was not confidently detected in the MgO-GGBS stabilised soil,
which might be due to the fact that some hydrotalcite peaks in XRD
diffractograms were overlapped with those of the unstabilised soil in
this study. However, hydrotalcite might also be produced in the MgO-
GGBS stabilised soil.
Table 2
Relative UCS of the optimum MgO-GGBS and CS-GGBS stabilised soils over PC stabilised soil.
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