Father’s/ Guardian’s Name:
AGE/Date Of Birth:
Single /Married /Divorced
Telephone No:
Fax No:
Mobile No:
E Mail Address:
Occupation / Nature of Work:
What Is The Problem? 2)
Explain - Causation / Onset Or Origin Of Each Complaint. (If Known)
Site of The Problem?
When & How It Started?
How Has It Progressed?
Any Sensations?
Any Extension of Pains?
Modalities: (How Your Problem Gets Affected or
When & How Is It Worse or Better?
(Time/Condition/Position/Season/Food Item, etc.)
Any history of same suffering among Blood-related family members i.e. Parents Grandparents,
Siblings, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins etc. from maternal or paternal side. Specify your relation with the
( Kindly elaborate and mention habits, addictions like Alcohol, Smoking, Tobacco etc.)
Allergies : (If any (Known or Unknown Allergens
specially Any Drug / Food Allergy )
Tendencies : ( like Cold, Viral, Infections, Boils etc.)
or any other
Smoking : (If Yes - How many and since when ?)
Drinking Alcohol : (If Yes - quantity, duration and
frequency) ?
Any Other Addictions ?
(Tobacco/ Paan Masala/ Drugs etc ?)
Temperature : ( Normal/Subnormal/ Raised) ?
Blood Pressure?
SLEEP: Whether restless/ disturbed/ sound/ position
during sleep ?
DREAMS: (Whether regular / occasional. Type of
Dreams – Pleasant/ Unpleasant/ Frightful/ Day to day
affairs/ Animals/ Snakes/ Water / Journey/ Accidents /
Death / Dead people/ Sexual – Wet dreams/ Past
Events/ Loss or missing something Heights/ Failure /
Night Mares etc
Do you wake up because of dream / Are you able
to sleep again easily afterwards / Do you have to
make efforts to go to sleep again / Does the same
dream continues again?
Do you normally remember / forget the dream?
What is the effect of Dreams on you the following
APETITE: Whether hunger is proper or not, any food
substance allergic to or it suits or does not suit?
THIRST: How is your Thirst? Please mention the grade
of thirst? If you are very thirsty, you may mention grades
+, ++ or +++ (Quantity, frequency, liking for cold or
normal, or thirstlessness ) ?
DESIRE or CRAVINGS: (Mention grades of
preference +, ++ or +++ For example if you like sweets,
mention + or ++ or +++) Sweets, Salty, Sour, Fried,
Spicy, Cold or Hot /, Tea, Coffee, Milk, Fruits, Eggs,
Meat, Fish, Alcohol etc.)
Anything else Unusual like Mud, Chalk, Pencils
etc, Does it cause any problem?
AVERSION or DISLIKE to any like Sweets, Salty,
Sour, Fried, Cold or Hot, Bread, etc. or any thing
in particular like Meat/ fish/ egg/ milk/ vegetables/
chocolates etc. Or anything else
URINE (frequency, character, color , pain
/burning, involuntary urination, stress
incontinence, any complaints before/during or
after urination - Any Blood, Sediments etc ?
STOOL: (frequency, Bowel movements,
constipation, loose/hard, any complaints
before/during or after stools. Any Mucus or Blood
in stool. Any pain /burning while passing stool ?
SWEATING - (More /Less / Normal.
Summers/Winters .Any particular part. Where you
sweat more , Odour or Smell of sweat does it
stain the clothes )
Does your trouble tend to occur or become
worse, periodically (e.g daily or alternate days,
Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly, during New or
Full Moon etc?)
THERMAL REACTION: (Feel Heat / Cold more,
Sensitivity/tolerance, any coldness of the
(It’s very important to give as much details as possible in this section especially in chronic diseases ).
Do you like to be Alone or in Company ?
Any Fears or Phobias (of being
alone/darkness/heights/death/ water/
falling/ghosts/ thunderstorms/ animals /thieves /
robbers / sudden noises or any other things .)
How is your temperament ? (Irritable/ Weep easily/
Sensitive/ get Angry soon / Depressed./Moderate/
Accommodating / Cool.)
If angry : (What brings the anger, and what do you
do – Shout / Abuse / Violent / Don’t show and
Suppress or something else - Specify )
Do you weep easily ? Yes /No
(Do you weep when alone or in front of others ?
How do you feel after weeping?)
What is the effect of consolation on you ?
Do you share your feelings with others or keep
inside you ?
How about taking Decisions – Indecisive / Take
quick decisions and stick on them or Wavering ?
Jealous/ Suspicious/ Religious/ Superstitious, if
yes, then of what and to what extent?
How about keeping things Neat and Tidy /clean ?
Any Fault finding in others ?
Do you worry a lot ? Yes / No
(Even for small things / or take things lightly )
Do you Brood over things ? Yes / No
(How does it affects you ?)
Anxiety if any about (What / when/ what happens
when you have anxiety/ does it associate with any
physical problems.(Sweating/Trembling/Palpitation/
Breathlessness, Sinking etc. Pls.specify).
Do you get startled easily by sudden noises ,
telephone bells, banging of doors etc ?
Are you very caring by nature or indifferent ?
(Towards family members and friends etc.) ?
How do you feel when Contradicted ?
Any Guilt or Regrets in life?
Do you Apologies or Not?
Any Negative or Suicidal thoughts? (Explain and
if Yes , any such Attempt made.
How Ambitious are you?
Any Non fulfillment of ambition in life ?
Do you like your work ? or don’t want to do it.
What do you think about your disease?
Do you forgive easily? Keep the bad things done to
you in mind and plan to give it back when time
comes Revengeful/ Coward/ Brood.
Any Complex about yourself ?
Do you hurry for everything and become
Do you Postpone the things or become worried
with Anticipation ?
How do you rate yourself ? ( Self Esteem, Haughty,
Shy, Rational, Egoistic, Sympathetic, Conscientious,
Emotional, Strong Headed, Calculative, Impulsive etc.)
What according to you others think of you ?
What makes you feel Happy ?
What makes you feel Sad ?
Please mention any Incidence, Mishap , Loss, Betrayal , Death, Disappointment , Love, Insult, Failure,
Depression etc. which has any impact or relation to your present problem either has affected you
deeply or otherwise also.
In view that the patients world over, who have chronic diseases resistant to conventional line of treatment be able to
take advantage of homeopathic treatment, we at A.K.Gs OVIHAMS (A.K.Gs Om Vidya Institute of Homoeopathy &
Allied Medical Sciences) have devised a special method to treat these patients from a long distance. It is case history
that is more important to us in such chronic conditions, hence after receiving patient's detailed case history in a
format, he can be treated successfully even without being present in the clinic physically.
In order to promote homeopathy world over, the treatment offered on-line is at a small token cost. Charges may be
different in certain chronic and difficult cases like MND etc. depending on the Medications.
Above charges include Consultation charges, Medicine charges and Courier charges for that respective
period within India only. Postage / Courier Charges for Overseas is additional.
Charges are subject to change.
Bank drafts should be sent in favour of "Dr A.K. Gupta" and mailed to –
Dr. A.K. Gupta
NEW DELHI – 110015
Deposit Cash at ICICI Bank A/c No. 629301506782
IFSC Code : ICIC0006301
Vishal Enclave, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi Branch
West Delhi: - J - 158, RAJOURI GARDEN, NEW DELHI –110027 ,INDIA
North Delhi :- RU – 115, PITAM PURA NEW DELHI –110034 , INDIA
South Delhi:- 158 , SATYA NIKETAN, MOTI BAGH-II, NEW DELHI – 110021 , INDIA
Tel: 011- 25101989 ; 25430368 , 24100494, Fax- 011-25111989 ; M - 9811341238 , 9711013938, 9873565050
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