1996 Bever Esporulacao
1996 Bever Esporulacao
1996 Bever Esporulacao
Mown Grassland
Author(s): James D. Bever, Joseph B. Morton, Janis Antonovics and Peggy A. Schultz
Source: Journal of Ecology , Feb., 1996, Vol. 84, No. 1 (Feb., 1996), pp. 71-82
Published by: British Ecological Society
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Journal of Ecology
Table 1 Multivariate analysis of variance of effects of plant species, genotype within plant species, and harvest on spore counts
of AM fungi in the microcosm experiment. Spore counts were made for each pot and these counts were ranked within each
fungal species; the analysis was then carried out on the ranks. The heading 'overall differences' presents tests for effects of
treatments on total sporulation (considered across all fungal species). The heading 'interaction with the profile' presents tests
for the specific hypothesis that the relative rank of sporulation of the different fungal species depends upon the designated
treatment effects. The plant species effect was tested over the variation among genotypes within species. Other effects were
tested over the residual error
Overall differences
plant 48 28 8.0x 104 5.8 0.0001
genotype within plant 384 176 5.0 x 10'7 0.9 NS
harvest 16 9 8.0 x 10-2 5.9 0.005
plant x harvest 48 28 2.0 x 10-2 1.5 NS
21 2
I 0
2 . bS0 '4opr . 4G.D
10 b ~~~~bc c0
0l 2 1 ,,LO M 0
Allium Anthox. Panicum Plantago Allium Anthox. Panicum Plantago Allium Anthox. Panicum Plantago
S. calospora A. D4 GI. D3
40 250 3a
20 b ab 1.5
10 * ~~~~~~~~~~~50 0.5
Allium Anthox. Panicum Plantago Allium Anthox. Panicum Plantago Allium Anthox. Panicum Plantago
GI. DI A. 3 S. pellucida
3 1.2 a 0.35a
2.5 10.
0.8 E~~~~~~~~~~~~~02
'E 2 E 0.8 'E~~~~~~~~~AD .2
8 ab 0.2
1.5 ab 06ab
1 E K E mum 04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.15
Allium Anthox. Panicum Plantago Allium Anthox. Panicum Plantago Allium Anthox. Panicum Plantago
Fig. 2 Sporulation of AM fungi in association with the four plant species in the experimental microcosm. F
significantly different sporulation between hosts are presented, and are arranged in decreasing order of t
volume. Although all statistical tests were performed on the ranks of the spore counts, mean sporulation
of interpretation. Significant differences in sporulation are indicated by different letters.
produced a greater number of spores at the first har- nificantly influenced by the species of plant under
vest than the second, while Acaulospora mellea which the soil was obtained (Table 4). However, both
showed the opposite trend. However, the effect of the total number of spores, and the relative abundance
the host species on total sporulation did not depend of spores of different species did depend on the
significantly on the harvest (Table 1). location in the field from which the inocula were col-
lected (Table 4), indicating that AM fungal species
DISTRIBUTION OF AM FUNGI IN THE FIELD were not uniformly distributed even in this small
Twenty-three distinct AM fungal species were ident-
ified from this site, seven of which have not been
described previously (Table 3). No single sampling Transplant trap cultures
procedure revealed all of the fungal species, and while
The overall abundance of spores observed was sig-
there was qualitative agreement in the abundances of
nificantly influenced by both the species of plant
the different species recorded by the different sampling
which was transplanted as well as by the location of
methods, there were also some marked discrepancies.
that plant in the field (Table 4). The relative abun-
For example, Scutellospora calospora spores were very
dance of spore types in the transplant traps was sig-
abundant in the Sorghum trap cultures, but were much
nificantly affected by plant species but not by location
less so using the other methods. Also, the transplant
(Table 4), indicating that the composition of the fun-
trap cultures revealed the lowest diversity and total
gal communities differed between plant species.
abundance of fungal spores. The results of the indi-
vidual sampling methods are described below. The
spore abundances in the experimental microcosms Field-collected spore counts
were qualitatively similar to those obtained by direct
In the direct counts of field soil, neither the overall
field sampling.
abundance of spores nor the relative abundance of
spores of different species depended on the plant spec-
?) 1996 British Sorghum trap cultures
ies under which the soil was sampled, although the
Ecological Society,
Journal of Ecology, Neither overall abundance of spores nor the relative latter effect approached significance (P < 0.08, Table
84, 71-82 abundance of spores of different species were sig- 4). Location of the sample in the field influenced both
within Plant x
Plant plant harvest Harvest Error
d.f. 3 24 1 3 24
A. DI 8628**** 2138 944** 354 2513
A. trappei 4116*** 4326 1170** 1037 3969
Gi. gigantea 2392* 5124 462 2019* 4425
S. calospora 2295** 3882 3045*** 237 5145
Gl. D2 1115 4458 5904**** 206 2936
A. D4 1981**** 1248 325t 374 2052
S. reticulata 1093 5487 45 286 5532
A. D2 1232 5258 952* 625 4008
Gl. D3 1770*** 1512 18 159 2511
Gl. D2 1514* 3802 138 1806 5440
A. mellea 322 2497 3180**** 655 3029
A. D3 1221* 3278 208 514 2779
S. pellucida 764** 1306 5 537 2215
Gi. rosea 599 3043 833* 103 4282
S. heterogama 70 3325 71 281 3287
Gl. clarum 144 1922 9 159 2585
tP< 01, *P < .05 **P < .1, ***P < 001, ****P < 0.01.
the overall abundance of spores and the relative ranks teristic of the site (Morton et al. 1995). Moreover,
of spore abundance of the different fungal species given that no single sampling procedure revealed all
(Table 4). of the fungal species (Table 3), it is unlikely that all
of the fungal species present at this site were dis-
covered in this study. In fact, further sampling at
Correlation offield distribution with differentiation in
this site has revealed several additional species (J. D.
the microcosms
Bever, unpublished data).
The composition of the AM fungal community associ- The glasshouse microcosm experiment provides
ated with the four plant species in the field, as esti- strong evidence of host-dependent differentiation of
mated from the sorghum trap cultures and from direct AM fungal communities. Not only did overall sporu-
counts of field soil, was significantly similar to the lation of the AM fungi vary significantly on different
composition of the AM fungal communities observed plant hosts, but, most importantly, fungal species had
in the glasshouse microcosms (P < 0.04, R2 = 0.08 distinct patterns of differential sporulation such that
and P < 0.05, R2 = 0.08, for sorghum traps and field for a given pair of plant species, one was a better
soil, respectively). When only the nine fungal species host for one AM fungal species, but a worse host for
which had significantly different sporulation on plant another. For example, A. DI and A. D4 sporulated
hosts in the microcosm experiment (Table 3) were most prolifically on Allium while on this same host A.
included in the analysis, the strength of the regressionstrappei and Gi. gigantea had their lowest sporulation
(Fig. 2, Table 2). The mechanism of this host-depen-
increased (P < 0.03, R2 = 0.17 and P < 0.04,
dent sporulation was not investigated, but it could
R' = 0.12 for sorghum traps and field soil, respec-
result directly from host-dependent growth of the
tively) (Fig. 3). There was no significant correlation
fungi, indirectly through host-dependent changes in
between the field distribution of the fungi as estimated
the mineral soil, or indirectly through host-mediated
from the transplant trap cultures, and their host
interactions of individual AM fungal species with
related abundances in the glasshouse microcosms.
each other or with other components of the soil com-
munity. Regardless of the mechanism generating the
Discussion host-dependence, the strength of the host effect sug-
gests that host-dependent processes are important in
The 23 species of AM fungi identified from the 75_m2
this system.
area of the field site in this study probably represents Direct evidence of host-dependence in nature was
? 1996 British
Ecological Society, the highest species richness ever recorded for AM much weaker: of the three methods used to examine
Journal of Ecology, fungi within such a small area, and may reflect the association of fungal distribution with plant species,
84, 71-82 intensity of sampling rather than any unique charac- a significant plant species effect was only observed in
bireticulata 0 0 19.7* 0 180
mellea 71.4 0 7.9 2.4 101 NC 148
trappei 48.0 45.6 13.7 198.2 65 NC 112A
sp. D1' 216.2 95.6 217.1 211.6 280 NC 168
sp. D22 2.9 9.2 46.0 5.9 69
sp. D33 0 0 13.4 2.2 69
sp. D44 0 0 9.1 10.3 201 NC 174
gigantea 102.2 34.2 61.1 64.3 352 NC 120A
rosea 23.7 3.7 P 1.6 260 NC 121A
ramisporophora 0 . 0 0 P 320 NC 175
clarum P 0 P 0.1 104 NC 112B
constrictum P 0 P P 170
fasciculatum 0 3.0 0 0 55
leptotichum P 0 0 0 160 NC 171
mosseae 3.8 0 P P 143
sp. Dl1 7.1 2.2 0.6 0.9 106 NC 172
sp. D26 16.4 0.9 31.6 12.7 83
sp. D37 77.5 0 7.1 3.0 160
sp. D48 p 0 p p 53
calospora 223.4 4.4 16.3 40.2 154 NC 146
heterogama 1.0 P 1.3 1.0 165 NC 141
pellucida 23.5 0 21.1 3.0 330 NC 155
reticulata 1.6 0 2.4 7.9 237 NC 202
the transplant traps. Moreover, this method has the geners; bulk soil samples taken from under each plant
weakness that the quantity of the inoculum is not included the roots of other plant species.
controlled and is likely to depend on the plant species. The strongest evidence that the host-specific effects
The absence of a significant effect of plant species on seen in the microcosm were relevant to the field situ-
the distribution of spores in field soil and sorghum ation was the correlation between the patterns of host-
traps may not be surprising given our sampling tech- dependent differentiation observed in the microcosms
nique. Real differences in the fungal communities in and those found in the field (Fig. 3). While this cor-
the rhizospheres of the four plant species may have relation is weak, it does suggest that the process of
? 1996 British
Ecological Society, been obscured by the fact that these plants are grow- differential sporulation observed in the laboratory
Journal of Ecology, ing in close proximity and their root systems certainly may be active under natural conditions, though this
84, 71-82 overlap with each other as well as with other con- pattern was difficult to detect with our sampling tech-
Overall differences
Sorghum trap cultures
plant species 42 16 1.0 x 10-' 1.4 ns
location 70 28 2.5 x 10-5 3.3 0.0004
Transplant trap cultures
plant species 18 2 1.4 x 108 92.5 0.001
location 45 8 1.6x 10-9 15.5 0.0003
Direct counts of field soil
plant species 45 10 9.0 x 10 2.1 ns
location 90 24 1.0 x 106 2.7 0.004
Interaction with profile
Sorghum trap cultures
plant species 39 18 1.5 x 10-3 1.5 ns
location 65 32 8.0x 10-5 3.1 0.0003
Transplant trap cultures
plant species 16 4 1.0 x 10-3 7.6 0.03
location 40 11 2.3 x 10' 1.8 ns
Direct counts of field soil
plant species 42 13 2.0 x 10' 2.1 0.08
location 84 29 2.5 x 106 3.1 0.0005
niques in a heterogeneous field. This host-dependence relation within a fungal species and generality of this
was seen across a wide range of plant and fungal correlation across fungal and host species is not
taxa, further suggesting that such host-dependence of known. Differences in sporulation, as observed in this
sporulation rates are of general importance among study, may therefore reflect differences in the growth
co-occurring plants and AM fungi. rates of fungal populations or differences in the allo-
To interpret the ecological consequences of the cation of resources to sporulation relative to hyphal
differential sporulation rates of the AM fungi extension. In this study, we tested sporulation at two
observed in this study, it is important to know if these
times of harvest, and while total spore number was
differences result in corresponding differential rates significantly different between the two harvests, the
of population growth. However, measuring the rate strong patterns of differentiation with respect to plant
of growth of a fungal population is problematical host were not significantly affected by time of harvest.
because fungal individuals are usually difficult to dis- This suggests that the differential sporulation rates
tinguish and observe directly (for a discussion of the are not simply due to timing of allocation of resources
difficulties for estimating growth rate of fungal geno- to sporulation, and supports the general expectation
types, see Antonovics & Alexander 1989). Most wor- that these sporulation rates are likely to be correlated
kers in epidemiology use the rate of production of with fungal population growth rates.
new infections/lesions per infected individual/lesion Host-dependence of fungal population growth
as a phenomenological measure of fungal spread; and rates would play an important role in maintaining
this measure itself is a function of the rate of pro- AM fungal species diversity whenever there is a rever-
duction of infectious propagules, the time to disease sal of the ranks of population growth rates on distinct
expression, and the duration of the infectious period. hosts (MacArthur 1972; Levin 1976; Levins 1979), as
However, in AM fungi, the rate of production of observed in our microcosm experiment. Furthermore,
infective propagules has been an elusive measurement if the relative rate of growth of a plant species is also
because new infections can result either from the ger- dependent upon the species of AM fungi with which
mination of spores (which are identifiable to species) it associates, as has frequently been observed (Nemec
or from the extension of hyphae from previously 1978; Powell et al. 1982; Ollivier et al. 1983; Wilson
infected roots (which cannot currently be dis- 1988; Ravnskov & Jakobsen 1995), then the resulting
tinguished taxonomically). While sporulation has dynamics may be complex, with alternate mechanisms
? 1996 British
Ecological Society, been shown to be correlated with fungal biomass at for the coexistence of fungal species (Bever 1992). The
Journal of Ecology, some level (Gazey et al. 1992; Jasper et al. 1993; power of these mechanisms for maintaining diversity
84, 71-82 Franke & Morton 1994), the linearity of this cor- is enhanced by the plant and fungal life histories.
12 -
site is temporally divided into distinct warm and cool
season associations (Fowler & Antonovics 1981), with
the four plant species used in this study being active
0 8 during the cool season. These experiments were per-
formed in a glasshouse under the seasonally appro-
6 6- I I l l I
priate cool-weather conditions, perhaps facilitating
the detection of host-dependent responses. Identi-
fication of similar responses in the field soil as in
22- the glasshouse experiments may have been further
facilitated by the sampling of the field soil in spring,
at which time fungi active during the cool season may
,, 18 - be expected to sporulate. Seasonal dependence has
been observed in fungal sporulation (Gemma et al.
r 16 *
1989) and in the interaction of plants and AM fungi
a 14 - in another grassland site, a prairie in Kansas, with
warm and cool season grasses showing their greatest
response to fungi at their respective optimal tem-
0 - peratures (Bentivenga & Hetrick 1991; Hetrick et al.
8 - 1994).
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Host-dependent responses in other organisms have
Abundance in Experimental Microcosms
been found to vary between (Rank)
geographical isolates and
ecological circumstance
Fig. 3 Regression of ranks of number of spores (Fox & of
AM 1981; Bur-
don 1987). from
in association with four plant hosts Geographical
(a)isolates of single species
sorghum trapsof
and (b) field samples against the corresponding ranks from AM fungi have been found to differ in their responses
an experimental microcosm. Each point represents the mean
to edaphic factors (Gilden & Tinker 1981; Stahl &
rank of spore numbers of a fungal species in association with
a plant species. The lines were derived by regression with
Smith 1984; Louis & Lim 1988; Boerner 1990; Stahl
P < 0.03 and P < 0.04 for the sorghum traps and field et al. 1990; Stahl & Christensen 1991), but ecotypic
specialization of AM fungi on host species has not
samples, respectively. Here, we only include the fungal spe-
cies which were found to have sporulated differentially been
on investigated. It is interesting that in contrast to
host-plant species in the microcosm experiment, although
this study, Sanders & Fitter (1992) did not find high
the results are similar if all fungal species are included.
sporulation rates of Scutellospora calospora on Plan-
tago lanceolata, in a seminatural grassland com-
munity in England. Distinct patterns in geo-
Because of the perennial habit of the plants (quite graphically distinct populations and differing
long relative to the potential rate of turnover of the ecological circumstances suggests that host-depen-
fungi), the fungi have a high probability of infecting dence may not be a species-level characteristic in AM
their optimal host plant in successive generations, fungi.
thereby expanding the range of conditions in which The sorghum traps, transplant traps, and direct
diversity may be maintained. Moreover, with long counts of spores in the field all showed evidence of
lived plants and limited fungal dispersal, host-depen- spatial structure in the AM fungal community at the
dence may maintain AM fungal diversity on a local relatively small scale of a few metres. Similar small-
scale. scale differentiation was observed in a detailed study
An expectation of the hypothesis that host-depen- of a sand dune by Friese & Koske (1991). Other inves-
dence of fungal population growth rates maintains tigations had previously documented differentiation
AM fungal species diversity is that species diversity of of the AM fungal community across broader scales
fungi will correlate with diversity of VA mycorrhizal (Walker et al. 1982; Hetrick & Bloom 1983; Sylvia
plant species. It may not be a coincidence that this 1986; Koske & Tews 1987; Koske 1987; Johnson et
study site not only has a high AM fungal species al. 1991 b). Such small scale differentiation may be
diversity, but also has a stable but diverse plant com-the result of local variation in edaphic factors or in
munity (Fowler & Antonovics 1981); many of the vegetation composition; such effects were not assessed
previous studies of AM fungal diversity have largely directly in the present study but previous inves-
? 1996 British
Ecological Society, focused on samples taken from single plant species or tigations in the same field had shown small scale vari-
Journal of Ecology, from agricultural settings where plant species diver- ation in both these features (Fowler & Antonovics
84, 71-82 sity is low. It would be interesting to test such a 1981; Antonovics et al. 1988; Moloney 1988).
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