Guan 2021

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J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.


Additive Manufacturing of High-Entropy Alloys: Microstructural

Metastability and Mechanical Behavior
Shuai Guan1 • Jie Ren1 • Shahryar Mooraj1 • Yanfang Liu1 • Shuai Feng1 •
Shengbiao Zhang1 • Jian Liu1 • Xuesong Fan2 • Peter K. Liaw2 • Wen Chen1

Submitted: 26 April 2021 / in revised form: 29 May 2021 / Accepted: 22 June 2021
 ASM International 2021

Abstract High-entropy alloys (HEAs) have received of advanced HEAs with the superior strength-ductility
considerable interest over the past decade due to their synergy via 3D printing.
intriguing structural, chemical, and physical properties.
Additive manufacturing (AM), also termed three-dimen- Keywords additive manufacturing  high-entropy alloys 
sional (3D) printing, generates parts with complex mechanical behavior  microstructural metastability  rapid
geometries and internal features layer-upon-layer from a solidification  thermal cycling
computer-aided design (CAD) 3D file. In recent years,
explosive research on AM of HEAs has been inspired. This
paper performs a comprehensive and critical review on the
recent progress in additively manufactured (AM-ed) HEAs, 1 Introduction
with a special focus placed on the similarities and differ-
ences in the microstructure and mechanical behavior The conventional alloy-design approach often produces
between the AM-ed HEAs and the as-cast or thermo-me- alloys based on a single host element (e.g., Fe in steels),
chanically processed (TMP-ed) counterparts. To gain a with modifications by small amounts of alloying elements
better understanding of the formation of the AM (e.g., C in steels) to tailor the material properties. In con-
microstructure, the working principles, rapid solidification trast, a recent decade has witnessed an emerging-paradigm
effects, and subsequent thermal cycling effects of various shift from conventional alloys to so-called high-entropy
metal AM techniques, e.g., directed energy deposition alloys (HEAs), which comprise multi-principal elements
(DED), selective laser melting (SLM), and electron beam that are mixed equiatomically or near-equiatomically.[1–3]
melting (EBM), are also introduced. In the end, several Such a compositional characteristic often leads to an
future research directions are suggested towards the design increased configurational entropy and hence, the formation
of multi-component solid solutions. Typically, HEAs
crystallize as a single-phase face-centered-cubic (FCC),
This article is part of a special topical focus in the Journal of Phase body-centered-cubic (BCC), or hexagonal-close-packed
Equilibria and Diffusion on the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of (HCP) solid-solution structure.[4–10] Several HEAs with
High-Entropy Alloys. This issue was organized by Dr. Michael Gao, multi-phase (e.g., FCC plus BCC) microstructures have
National Energy Technology Laboratory; Dr. Ursula Kattner, NIST;
also been designed.[11–13] Since their emergence, HEAs
Prof. Raymundo Arroyave, Texas A&M University; and the late Dr.
John Morral, The Ohio State University. have aroused considerable research interest due to their
extraordinary mechanical properties,[4, 14] paired with
& Wen Chen superior corrosion and irradiation resistance.[6,15,16] To date, HEAs are often processed by conventional routes,
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, such as casting,[4,5,17, 18] powder metallurgy,[19, 20] and
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-2210 magnetron co-sputtering.[21] A post treatment, such as
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The thermomechanical processing (TMP), is often required to
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 refine the as-cast microstructure towards desired

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

properties.[4,17] As-for magnetron co-sputtering, it is often instead of powder-blown ones, as shown in Fig. 1(b) and
used to manufacture thin films for ultra-small-dimension (c).[30, 31] SLM works with a high-energy laser beam,
devices.[21] Furthermore, these conventional metallurgical whereas EBM works with a high-energy electron beam.
processes are often used to generate simple-geometry parts. During powder-bed fusion AM processes (i.e., SLM and
In contrast, additive manufacturing (AM), also termed EBM), a thin layer (several tens of lm) of metal particles is
three-dimensional (3D) printing, produces parts directly spread onto a powder bed and then melted selectively
from a 3D digital model via a layer-by-layer route, according to a pre-defined path. Then the build platform
enabling the build-up of large-scale parts with complex moves downwards (in the z direction) by the pre-defined
geometries and internal features. In addition, the AM layer thickness, and the subsequent layers are deposited
process is often characterized by a highly-localized melting until the completion of the designed part. In general, DED,
and solidification process that leads to the formation of SLM, and EBM are energy-intensive AM approaches that
extremely non-equilibrium microstructures and thus, unu- are characterized by rapid solidification and subsequent
sual mechanical properties.[22] Several commercial alloys, heating-cooling thermal cycles. Such a complex thermal
such as 316L stainless steel,[22,23] Al-Si alloys,[24] and history produces extremely non-equilibrium microstruc-
Inconel superalloys,[25] have been successfully printed, and tures, which are not readily accessible via conventional
recently 3D printing of HEAs has also received explosive metallurgical routes. In contrast, in the DIW AM process, a
research interest.[26] colloidal particle suspension ink is dispensed out of a
This paper aims to perform a comprehensive review on micro-nozzle and deposited along a pre-defined path (see
the microstructures and mechanical behavior of additively Fig. 1d).[32] The printed green parts are subsequently sin-
manufactured (AM-ed) HEAs. In particular, the similarities tered and consolidated via the post heat treatments,[32, 33]
and differences in the microstructures and mechanical thereby allowing for significant mitigation of rapid-solidi-
behavior of the AM-ed HEAs versus conventionally pro- fication-induced thermal residual stresses as in other AM
cessed counterparts are discussed. To gain a fundamental processes.
understanding of the microstructure formation of HEAs
during AM, the working principles, rapid solidification, 2.2 Rapid Solidification and Thermal Cycling
and thermal cycling effects of various metal AM tech-
niques are reviewed. Finally, we suggest some future As aforementioned, DED, SLM, and EBM are energy-in-
research directions towards advanced HEAs with an tensive AM approaches that involve rapid heating and
exceptional strength-ductility synergy via 3D printing. melting of metallic powders, followed by rapid solidifica-
tion. Deposition of subsequent layers induces heating-
cooling thermal cycles on the as-solidified layers, as pre-
2 Metal Additive Manufacturing sented in Fig. 2.[34] It is of critical importance to under-
stand the complex thermal process, as it significantly
2.1 Working Principles affects the microstructures and hence, mechanical proper-
ties of the AM-ed materials. The rapid solidification of the
Several metal AM approaches, including directed energy melt pool is characteristic of large temperature gradients
deposition (DED), selective laser melting (SLM), electron and fast cooling rates. The temperature gradient and
beam melting (EBM), and direct ink writing (DIW), have cooling rate can be calculated from the temperature field
been used to produce HEAs. DED is a laser powder-blown that is often quantified by experimental or numerical
AM process, during which the metal particles are blown approaches. The temperature field can be measured by
from a powder hopper and injected into a melt pool created thermocouples[34] or thermal imaging pyrometers.[34–37]
by a high-energy laser beam, as shown in Fig. 1(a).[27] The For example, the temperature variations at a specific
substrate moves in the x-y plane following a pre-defined location of the built part can be recorded by the thermo-
path, and hence a moving melt pool is created until a cross- couple throughout the printing process. In other words, the
sectional layer of the designed part is complete. Then the heating-cooling profile at a specified location can be
deposition head moves up in the z direction to build con- recorded in real time. In contrast, the high-speed thermal
secutive layers. It should be pointed out that via DED, imaging pyrometer is often used to measure the tempera-
functional coatings can be produced and damaged com- ture field of the melt pool surface.[38–40] Besides these
ponents can be repaired.[28] Moreover, compositional measurement methods, numerical approaches have been
heterogeneity can be achieved spatially within a single developed to simulate the temperature field and hence, the
DED part if different types of particles are loaded in sep- temperature evolution during printing.[35,37, 41–44] As for
arate powder hoppers and fed simultaneously.[29] In con- the numerical approaches, the heat-source characteristics,
trast, SLM and EBM are powder-bed fusion AM processes the heat-source-metal particle interaction, and the heat-

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

Fig. 1. Schematics for (a) DED, (b) SLM, (c) EBM, and (d) DIW processes. (a) Reproduced with permission.[27] (b) Reproduced with
permission.[30] (c) Reproduced with permission.[31] (d) Reproduced with permission[32]

fP r2
Pd ¼ 2 exp f 2 ðEq 1Þ
prb rb
where Pd is the power density, rb the heat source radius,
P the total power of the heat source, f the distribution
factor, and r the radial distance of any point from the axis
of the heat source. As for the heat source-metal particle
interaction, it should be noted that the heat energy cannot
be fully absorbed by the deposit, and a portion of energy is
wasted. For example, for the powder-bed AM processes,
the total incident energy has to be reflected several times
and only a portion of the total energy is eventually absor-
bed by the powder bed. Therefore, the particle’s absorp-
tivity should be reasonably considered.
Fig. 2. Temperature profile of the first layer of the H13 tool steel The melt pool cools down and solidifies via multiple
during the deposition of subsequent 20 layers. Reproduced with heat-transfer mechanisms, i.e., conduction, convection, and
permission from Ref 34 radiation. Several models have been proposed to simulate
the heat-transfer process. However, over-simplifications
transfer process need to be carefully considered. The heat would lead to a decreased computational accuracy. For
source often follows an axisymmetric Gaussian profile:[45] example, in the Eagar–Tsai model, the temperature

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

dependence of the thermo-physical parameters (i.e., 103-105 K/mm and 104-107 K/s, respectively during
specific heat capacity, density, and thermal conductivity), SLM.[48, 52–54]
and the possible phase transformation are not taken into
account, which significantly decreases the predictive 2.3 Microstructure Formation
accuracy.[46,47] In a study by Johnson et al.,[47] both phase
transformations and phase-dependent thermo-physical The large temperature gradient (G) during melt-pool
parameters are taken into account, which reaches a good solidification facilitates the formation of columnar
compromise between computational accuracy and effi- microstructures, with crystallographic textures.[48, 55, 56]
ciency. Besides those experimental and numerical meth- The crystallographic textures often lead to anisotropic
ods, the cooling rate during melt-pool solidification can mechanical properties,[57, 58] and extensive attempts have
also be roughly estimated from the measured solidification been made to achieve the fine and equiaxed microstruc-
structure scale according to well-established empirical tures, with decreased crystallographic textures. The solid-
relations.[48] ification grain geometry is collectively controlled by the
The temperature gradient and cooling rate during AM temperature gradient (G) ahead of the solidification inter-
are closely related to the specific printing parameters. face and solidification front growth velocity (V). Equiaxed
Table 1 gives a summary of the printing parameters for grains tend to form in the region nearby the melt-pool
some typical HEAs. During DED, the scan speed is as low surface where low G and high V values pre-
as a dozen mm/s, and hence, the linear heat input (i.e., ratio vail.[50, 55, 56, 59–69] However, these equiaxed grains located
of the laser power to scan speed) can be as high as tens to nearby the melt pool surface may be partially or even
hundreds of J/mm. Consequently, the layer-thickness and completely erased due to the subsequent remelting process.
hatch-spacing values are often large (150-500 lm). During Consequently, it is difficult to achieve fully-equiaxed
SLM, the scan speed can reach up to several thousands of microstructures in the AM-ed alloys.[70–72] Surprisingly, in
mm/s, and thus, the linear heat input is as low as 0.1-0.5 a recent study by Guan et al.,[38] a six-component HEA
J/mm. Accordingly, the layer-thickness and hatch-spacing AlCoCrFeNiTi0.5 was reported to form equiaxed
values are significantly smaller (25-110 lm). Such distinct microstructures with random crystallographic textures. In
printing parameters between DED and SLM are responsi- their study, various laser powers and scan speeds were
ble for the differences in the temperature gradient and used, hence creating a wide range of G and V (see Fig. 3a).
cooling rate. Typically, the temperature gradient and With no exception, a fully-equiaxed microstructure was
cooling rate during DED are 102-103 K/mm and 103-104 achieved (see Fig. 3b). The formation of the equiaxed
K/s, respectively,[35, 37, 41, 49–51] as compared to those of microstructure was well understood within the framework
of Gäumann’s model.[73] The Gäumann’s model estimates

Table 1. Printing parameters used for some typical HEAs reported in literature
HEA system AM Laser power, Scan speed, mm/ Layer thickness, Hatch spacing, References
method W s lm lm

CoCrFeMnNi DED 400 5 154 460 39

SLM 160-290 1500-2500 40 50 81
(CoCrFeMnNi)99C1 SLM 90 200, 600 25 80 53
SLM 90 200 25 80 138
CoCrFeNi SLM 150 270 50 100 96
CoCrFeNiC0.05 SLM 200-400 400-3000 50 110 98]
SLM 400 800 … … 119
CoCrFeNiAl0.3 DED 300 17 254 381 126
Ni2.1CoCrFeNb0.2 DED 1600 7 300 … 127
Mo-Nb-Ta-W systems DED 800 4.2 * 508 … 51
AlCoxCr1-xFeNi DED 200-300 6.7 250 … 103
CoCrFeNiAlx (x = 0.3-0.7) DED 300 6.7 … … 134
(CoCrFeMnNi)100-xAlx (x = 0, 2, 5, DED 1400 10 … … 125
Al0.5CrMoNb EBM … 80 50 … 139

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

Fig. 3. Printing of the AlCoCrFeNiTi0.5 HEA via DED. (a) Temper- figure (IPF) map, showing a fully-equiaxed microstructure. (a)–(b).
ature gradients as a function of laser powers and scan speeds. Reproduced with permission from Ref 38
(b) Electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) inverse pole

the volume fraction, /, of the equiaxed crystals at the forces promotes the dendrite fragmentation during solidi-
solidification front, and as proposed by Hunt,[74] when the fication due to multiple effects, for example, remelting and
/ value reaches or exceeds 49%, the equiaxed growth will mechanical breakup.[77] These fragments may serve as new
dominate over the columnar growth, and a fully-equiaxed equiaxed crystal embryos, promoting the formation of
microstructure can be achieved. The parameters used in equiaxed microstructures. To the best of our knowledge,
Gäumann’s model was largely estimated by Thermo-Calc. 3D printing of HEAs with the assistance of external forces
Based on this approach, the / values corresponding to has not been reported.
various G–V combinations were calculated to be greater Aside from the rapid solidification, the in-situ thermal
than 49%, thus providing theoretical basis for the observed cycling during AM can cause significant microstructural
equiaxed microstructures. evolution. For example, in a study by Fujieda et al.,[79] they
The equiaxed microstructure can also be achieved with printed an equiatomic HEA AlCoCrFeNi via EBM. Fig-
the assistance of external stimuli, a well-established wis- ure 5 gives the EBSD inverse pole figure (IPF)and phase
dom as demonstrated in traditional casting[75, 76] and maps of the top and the bottom parts of this EBM-ed
welding[77] literature. For example, in a study by Zuo AlCoCrFeNi HEA. Clearly, the grain structure, crystallo-
et al.,[75] the intensive melt shearing was shown to promote graphic texture, and phase content are different in both
the formation of fine and equiaxed microstructures in the regions. The bottom region includes more equiaxed grains
as-cast Mg alloys. In another study by Yuan et al.,[77] the with random textures than the top region. Also, the bottom
arc oscillation was shown to facilitate the microstructure region contains more FCC phases, which are located at the
transformation from the columnar to equiaxed grain in Mg grain boundaries of BCC phases, than the top region. Such
alloys during welding. As such, it can be envisioned that microstructural heterogeneities along the build direction
the grain structure formed during 3D printing can also be was ascribed to the microstructural evolution of the as-
influenced by the external forces, and such an idea has been solidified region during 3D printing. The bottom region is
recently proven. In a study by Todaro et al.,[78] IN625 exposed to a longer pre-heating duration than the top part
superalloy specimens were printed with the assistance of an that triggers the phase transformation from the BCC to
ultrasonic device. Surprisingly, a fine equiaxed c FCC phase. In another study by Kürnsteiner et al.,[80] a
microstructure with a random crystallographic texture was Fe19Ni5Ti (weight percent) maraging steel was additively
achieved (see Fig. 4b and d). For comparative purposes, a manufactured via DED. Often, a two-step phase transfor-
conventional microstructure with morphological and crys- mation is needed to achieve the required properties, i.e., the
tallographic textures is also shown (see Fig. 4a and c). austenite-to-martensite phase transformation and subse-
Furthermore, the grain structure can be readily manipulated quent nanoscale NiTi precipitation in the martensite.
by periodically switching the ultrasonic device on and off Through the control of the heating-cooling thermal cycle,
(see Fig. 4e). Enhanced dendrite fragmentation is assumed these two-phase transformations are in-situ activated dur-
to be responsible for the grain-structure evolution in the ing printing. In their study, this Fe19Ni5Ti maraging steel
presence of external forces. The presence of those external was not continuously printed, but with a 120-s pause after a

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

Fig. 4. AM of the IN625 superalloy without (a, c) and with (b, d) high-intensity ultrasonic vibration assistance. (e) Control of the grain structure
by periodically switching the ultrasonic device on and off. Scale bars: 250 lm. (a)–(e). Reproduced with permission from Ref 78

Fig. 5. EBSD IPF maps (a) and

phase maps (b) of the top and
the bottom parts of the EBM-ed
AlCoCrFeNi HEA. (a)–(b).
Reproduced with permission
from Ref 79

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

block of four layers. During this pause (i.e., the laser was seen from Fig. 6 that a \100[ crystallographic texture was
switched off), the block was cooled down below the formed along the build direction. This is because cubic
martensite-transformation temperature, Ms, with a dark alloys preferentially align one of their six \100[ crystal-
layer introduced. Hence, a partial austenite-to-martensite lographic directions along the maximum heat flux direction
transformation occurs, and some austenite phases at grain during solidification. Note that the as-deposited
boundaries are retained. During subsequent deposition microstructure of CoCrFeMnNi is highly sensitive to the
cycles, a series of temperature spikes are exposed, trig- specific AM-processing protocol. For example, in a study
gering the precipitation of the nanoscale g-NiTi phases in by Piglione et al.,[83] the SLM-ed CoCrFeMnNi single-
the martensite of the dark layer. Finally, a complex and track single-layer build was also reported to show colum-
hierarchical microstructure was achieved, leading to nar grains (see Fig. 7a). However, these columnar grains
enhanced tensile properties. grow along the direction perpendicular to the local melt
pool boundary, forming a convergent pattern, and these
columnar grains form a random crystallographic texture
3 Microstructures and Mechanical Behavior (Fig. 7a). Such a random crystallographic texture is totally
of AM-ed HEAs different form the \100[ crystallographic texture reported
by Zhu et al.,[81] and can be well understood in view of the
To date, the AM process has been used to synthesize build-substrate interactions. The epitaxial growth from
several HEA systems, including AlCoCrFeNiTi0.5,[38] existing grains in the polycrystalline substrate inevitably
CrMnFeCoNi,[39, 81–91] AlxCoCrFeNi,[72, 79, 92–98] Co0.5- results in a random crystallographic texture. In contrast, in
CrCu0.5FeNi1.5AlTi0.4,[99] TiZrNbMoV,[100] Co1.5- the multi-track-/multi-layer builds, the number of grains
CrFeNi1.5Ti0.5Mo0.1, and AlCoFeNiSmTiVZr,[102] within a single melt pool decreases substantially due to the
compositionally-graded HEAs,[103–106] and laminated promoted competitive grain growth. Furthermore, due to
HEAs,[40, 107] etc. The microstructures and mechanical the competitive grain growth, a crystallographic texture
properties of these AM-ed HEAs are reviewed in this can be finally achieved after a certain build height, i.e.,
section, and the microstructural features of some typical \100[ or \110[ orientations parallel to the build direc-
AM-ed HEAs are summarized in Table 2. In this section, tion (Fig. 7b). Similar crystallographic textures can also be
we begin with FCC-based and BCC-based HEAs. Then we found in other SLM-ed CoCrFeMnNi specimens.[108] In
focus on certain HEAs with transformation induced plas- contrast, DED-printed CoCrFeMnNi HEAs show a more
ticity (TRIP) effects during straining. Finally, we divert to random crystallographic texture, as evidenced from Refs
compositionally-graded HEAs and finally to laminated 39, 88.
HEAs. Besides the crystallographic texture, the grain structure
of CoCrFeMnNi can also be manipulated. For example, in
3.1 FCC-Based HEAs a study by Li et al.,[109] a DED-ed CoCrFeMnNi HEA
single-track build was reported to achieve a small portion
3.1.1 Single-Phase FCC HEAs of equiaxed grains at the very top of the melt pool. In
another study by Zheng et al.,[110] they even achieved fully
The equiatomic alloy, CoCrFeMnNi (so-called Cantor equiaxed microstructures in CoCrFeMnNi HEAs via the
alloy), is a typical single-phase FCC HEA and receives the DED process. As shown in Fig. 8(a) and (b), a near fully-
most attention for 3D printing due to its extraordinary equiaxed microstructure was achieved at a laser scan speed
mechanical properties.[4] In a study by Zhu et al.,[81] the of 3 mm/s, whereas the conventional columnar
SLM-ed CoCrFeMnNi was reported to show a hierarchical microstructure was achieved at a higher laser scan speed of
microstructure across multiple length scales, i.e., melt 4 mm/s. A microstructure-selection map with three distinct
pools (tens of micrometers), columnar grains (* 12.9 lm), regions, i.e., columnar, mixed, and equiaxed, was estab-
and solidification cell structures (* 0.34 lm) (see Fig. 6). lished in their study, showing that the decrease in the scan
Such a hierarchical microstructure has also been reported speed can result in a G–R combination (note they used
for a SLM-ed 316L stainless steel.[22] The columnar grains R instead of V to denote solidification front velocity) that
are common in AM-ed alloys due to the large thermal locates in the equiaxed domain. As such, the equiaxed
gradient inherent to AM. Furthermore, the cellular struc- microstructure with a random crystallographic texture can
tures can be attributed to the constitutional undercooling be formed instead of the columnar microstructure with a
and the fast-cooling rate that prohibits the formation of \110[ crystallographic texture (see Fig. 8a and b). Fur-
secondary and tertiary arms. The fast-cooling rate may also thermore, the equiaxed microstructure with a random
suppress the segregation kinetics and hence, lead to a crystallographic texture exhibits a more pronounced strain-
uniform elemental distribution (see Fig. 6h). It can also be hardening rate and hence, an enhanced ultimate tensile

Table 2. Summary of microstructural features of some typical HEAs printed via DED, SLM, or EBM
HEA system AM method Microstructural features References

CoCrFeMnNi SLM Columnar grains; grain size of * 12.9 lm; \100[ texture along build direction; cellular structures; [81]
dislocation cells (* 0.34 lm); no elemental segregation observed
CoCrFeMnNi DED Columnar grains; grain size of * 13 lm; weak texture; cellular structures (2-5 lm); dense [39]
dislocations but not in the form of cells; Mn and Ni segregated at cellular walls, and Co, Cr, and Fe
segregated at cellular interiors
CoCrFeMnNi DED Columnar grains; weak texture; cellular structures (3-4 lm); dense dislocations but not in the form of [88]
cells; Mn and Ni segregated at cellular walls, and Co, Cr, and Fe segregated at cellular interiors
CoCrFeMnNi DED Both columnar and equiaxed microstructures can be achieved via adjusting the printing parameters [83]
(scan speed); grain sizes of 30-46 lm; equiaxed microstructures show random crystallographic textures,
whereas columnar microstructures present a strong \110[ texture (along the build direction)
(CoCrFeMnNi)99C1 SLM Columnar grains; grain size of 20-35 lm; cellular structures (180-330 nm); Mn-rich oxide and sulfide [53, 138]
and Cr-rich carbide precipitates (1.13-1.73 volume-percent (vol.%); 20-80 nm) preferentially at cellular
boundaries; dislocation density of 1014 m-2
CoCrFeMnNi reinforced with TiN SLM Nearly equiaxed grains; refined grain size down to a few micrometers; TiN nanoparticles [120–122]
preferentially segregate at grain boundaries
CoCrFeMnNi reinforced with TiC DED Columnar grains: TiC particles uniformly distributed [124]
CoCrFeMnNi reinforced with WC DED Equiaxed grains; Cr23C6 precipitates at micrometer-scale along some * 100 nm cubic precipitates [123]
CoCrFeNiC0.05 SLM Columnar grains; cellular structures (500-1,000 nm); a high density of dislocations; FCC single-phase [98]
microstructure, no Cr23Cr6 precipitates
CoCrFeNiC0.05 SLM followed As-deposited cellular structures (500-1000 nm) disappear after aging; in addition to the FCC matrix, [119]
by 800 C aging Cr23Cr6 precipitates are formed preferentially at grain boundaries
Al0.2Co1.5CrFeNi1.5Ti0.3 SLM Grain size of * 27 lm; cellular structures (* 527 nm); segregation of Ti and Al at cellular walls; [128]
FCC matrix plus a dispersion of corundum particles (* 5 nm); after ageing, spherical L12 precipitates
(* 25 nm, 32.7 vol.%) and blocky L21 precipitates (* 200 nm, 3 vol.%) are formed, L21 precipitates are
preferentially formed at subgrain boundaries, and corundum particles grow up to * 50 nm
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Fig. 6. Hierarchical microstructures of the SLM-ed single-phase boundaries (LAGBs) in red, (f) EBSD Kernel average misorientation
CoCrFeMnNi HEA. (a) Melt pools; (b) Columnar grains growing (KAM) maps; (g) Dislocation networks, and (h) elemental distribu-
along the build direction; (c) Cellular substructures within grains; tion maps. (a)–(h). Reproduced with permission from Ref 81 (Color
(d) EBSD IPF, (e) EBSD image quality map superimposed with high figure online)
angle grain boundaries (HAGBs)in blue and low angle grain

strength and ductility, as well as different failure modes (i.e., cell interiors) have been predicted and validated in
(see Fig. 8c and d). numerous DED-ed CoCrFeMnNi HEAs.[39, 88] In contrast,
The cellular structures are ubiquitous in AM-ed CoCr- the segregation kinetics are suppressed, and a homoge-
FeMnNi HEAs. Their sizes, however, vary significantly neous elemental distribution is achieved in SLM-ed
due to different cooling rates. The SLM process is char- CoCrFeMnNi HEAs.[81, 108] The dislocation configurations
acterized by a cooling rate up to 106 K/s, leading to the may also be influenced by cooling rates. Instead of the
formation of ultra-fine cellular structures of several hun- highly tangled dislocation networks in the SLM-ed CoCr-
dred nanometers.[81, 83, 108] In contrast, the cooling rate of FeMnNi HEA (Fig. 8g), the dislocations in the DED-ed
the DED process is less pronounced (103-104 K/s), and CoCrFeMnNi HEAs are much more loosely
thus, the DED-ed CoCrFeMnNi HEAs often exhibit coarser arranged.[22, 39, 112] The absence of highly tangled dislo-
cellular structures with sizes of 2-5 lm.[39, 88, 109] The cation networks is mainly because the DED process often
cooling rate also influences the elemental segregation generates smaller internal stresses and hence, lower dislo-
kinetics. For example, in the study of Haase et al.[111] and cation densities, as compared to the SLM process.
Guan et al.,[39] the segregation of Mn and Ni in the last As shown above, distinct microstructural features of the
solidified regions (i.e., cellular boundaries) and the segre- AM-ed CoCrFeMnNi HEAs may be achieved via the
gation of Co, Cr, and Fe in the initially solidified regions manipulation of the AM-processing protocol, which in turn

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

Fig. 7. Microstructures of SLM-ed (a) single-track and (b) multi-track multi-layer CoCrFeMnNi builds. (a)–(b). Reproduced with permission
from Ref 83

Fig. 8. Microstructures of DED-ed CoCrFeMnNi builds processed at (a), (c) 3 mm/s and (b), (d) 4 mm/s. (a), (b) Microstructures prior to
tension, and (c), (d) microstructures after tension fracture. (a)–(d). Reproduced from permission from Ref 110

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

CoCrFeNi HEA micro-lattices.[117] The formulated ink

consists of a blend of nanoscale oxide powders (i.e.,
Co3O4, Cr2O3, Fe2O3, and NiO) plus several organic sub-
stances as the solvent, binder, plasticizer, and surfactant
(see Fig. 10a, b, and c). The co-reduction, inter-diffusion,
and sintering of these nano-scale oxide particles take place
in a subsequent heat treatment under the H2/Ar atmosphere,
leading to the formation of fully annealed and dense
CoCrFeNi lattices (Fig. 10d). Such CoCrFeNi lattices also
exhibit excellent compressive properties at both ambient
and cryogenic temperatures (Fig. 10e).
Fig. 9. A summary of uniform tensile elongation versus tensile yield
strength of CoCrFeMnNi HEAs processed via diverse routes, 3.1.2 FCC HEAs Reinforced with Ceramic Particles
including casting,[85, 113] TMP,[4, 114–116] mechanical alloying plus
spark plasma sintering (MA ? SPS),[140] and AM[53, 81, 85, 88, 89, 141]
processes Single-phase FCC HEAs (e.g., CrMnFeCoNi and CrFe-
CoNi) often exhibit low yield strengths (Fig. 11). Hence,
leads to a wide range of tensile properties, e.g., tensile yield numerous efforts have been devoted to strengthening these
strength of * 200-600 MPa and uniform tensile elongation single-phase FCC HEAs. One effective approach is to
of * 20-60%.[39, 84–88] Figure 9 compares the tensile introduce secondary hard ceramic particles. For example,
properties of CoCrFeMnNi HEAs produced by diverse in a study by Park et al.,[53] a C-doped CoCrFeMnNi HEA
routes, including casting, TMP, conventional powder was printed via SLM from CoCrFeMnNi prealloyed par-
metallurgy, and AM processes. The as-cast CoCrFeMnNi ticles with additions of 1 atom-percent (at.%) carbon.
HEAs have low tensile yield strengths due to their coarse Interestingly, the precipitation of nanoscale Mn-rich oxides
grains (grain size: hundreds of lm).[85, 113] In contrast, the and sulfides and Cr-rich carbides was activated in this
tensile yield strengths of TMP-ed CoCrFeMnNi HEAs vary SLM-ed C-doped CoCrFeMnNi HEA, and these nano-
from * 200 to * 1400 MPa.[4, 114–116] Such a wide precipitates tend to form along the cellular boundaries. It
property space originates form the easy control of the grain was found that at a higher laser scan speed, V, a smaller
size and dislocation density via TMP. Nevertheless, the number of carbides were achieved, i.e., * 1.73 volume
general strength-ductility trade-off is observed among percent (vol.%) for V = 200 mm/s versus * 1.13 vol.% for
these samples. For instance, the nanocrystalline TMP-ed V = 600 mm/s. This trend may be due to a shorter exposure
CoCrFeMnNi HEAs can realize ultra-high yield strengths time for carbide formation when the laser scan speed is too
over 1 GPa, but the uniform tensile ductility often falls to a high. In a study by Kim et al.,[118] the CoCrFeMnNi HEA
few percent or even reaches near zero. was also fabricated via SLM and its high-cycle fatigue
Besides those energy-intensive AM approaches, the properties were investigated. In addition to the common
DIW process has also been used to print the CoCrFeMnNi features like refined grains and cellular structures, some in-
HEA. For example, Peng et al. additively manufactured a situ Mn2O3 oxides were also observed at cellular bound-
series of CoCrFeMnNi micro-lattices based on DIW of a aries (Fig. 12a, b, and c). The formation of these oxides is
specially-designed ink.[32] The ink includes organic sol- ascribed to the existence of trace oxygen (419 ppm) in the
vents, CoCrFeMnNi pre-alloyed particles (15-32 lm), and starting powder particles. The SLM-ed CoCrFeMnNi HEA
an organic polymer binder. Such a colloidal suspension ink reinforced with these in-situ formed Mn2O3 oxides exhibits
shows a typical shear-thinning characteristic and has a significantly enhanced fatigue properties, as compared with
viscosity of 102-105 Pas, ensuring the formation of con- the conventionally processed counterpart, i.e., fatigue
tinuous filaments and the subsequent drying and shape strength of 570 versus 280 MPa (Fig. 12d). Furthermore,
retention. After a multi-step heat treatment, the thermally the deformation twinning activated during cyclic loading
sintered CoCrFeMnNi lattices exhibit fully-equiaxed also contributes to the excellent fatigue properties of the
microstructures. The formation of the fully-equiaxed SLM-ed CoCrFeMnNi HEA (Fig. 12e). More research on
microstructure after sintering allows for the mitigation of the AM-ed C-doped HEAs can be found in Ref 119.
the thermal stress, as occurred in other rapid solidification- In addition to the design approach of in-situ nanoce-
based AM approaches. Furthermore, these micro-lattices ramic precipitates, composites comprised of HEA pre-al-
exhibit an exceptional energy absorption due to the sub- loyed particles and foreign ceramic particles such as
stantial and sustained the strain-hardening capability. TiN,[120–122] WC,[118, 123] TiC[118, 124] have also been
Similarly, the DIW process has been used to print studied. In Refs 120–122, a mixture of pre-alloyed CoCr-
FeMnNi particles and TiN nano-particles AM-ed via SLM,

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

Fig. 10. 3D printing of CoCrFeNi lattices via (a) DIW from (b), (c) a CoCrFeNi lattice with a high relative density. (e) Excellent mechan-
blend of oxide particles. (d) Co-reduction, inter-diffusion, and ical properties at ambient and cryogenic temperatures. (a)–(e).
sintering of oxide particles, leading to a fully annealed, metallic Reproduced with permission from Ref 117

Fig. 11. A summary of the tensile yield strength versus uniform tensile elongation of various 3D-printed
HEAs[53, 81, 85, 88, 89, 96–98, 119, 123–127, 132, 138, 141–147]

and it was found that the SLM-ed CoCrFeMnNi/TiN CoCrFeMnNi HEA that often shows columnar
composites show a nearly equiaxed microstructure with microstructures. These TiN nanoparticles are preferentially
grain sizes down to a few micrometers. Such equiaxed located at grain boundaries. The present authors believe
microstructures are totally different from the SLM-ed that these TiN nanoparticles are not melted during printing

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

Fig. 12. (a) Nano-precipitates at cellular walls. (b), (c) Determination deformation twins at the specimen surface after failure. (a)–(e).
of nanoprecipitates to be Mn2O3. (d) S-N curves of SLM-ed and Reproduced with permission from Ref 118
conventionally processed CoCrFeMnNi HEAs. (e) A high density of

due to its high melting point and the relative low energy domain that is located at the upper right side of the single-
density intrinsic to the SLM process. Consequently, these phase FCC CoCrFeMnNi HEA, indicating that an
TiN nanoparticles are eventually rejected to the last enhanced strength-ductility synergy is achieved via pre-
solidified regions (i.e., grain boundaries). Similar findings cipitation strengthening (Fig. 11). Similarly, another pre-
were also reported in Ref 124. cipitation-hardened HEA CoCrFeNiAl0.3 was also printed,
and after aging at 620 C for 50 h, some nano-scale
3.1.3 FCC HEAs Reinforced with Intermetallic spherical and tubular L12 precipitates were formed within
Precipitates the grain interior, together with some B2 and r precipitates
preferentially along the grain boundaries.[126] In a study by
Another effective approach to strengthen these single- Zhou et al.,[127] another precipitation-hardened Ni2.1-
phase FCC HEAs is to promote precipitation hardening. In CoCrFeNb0.2 HEA was printed, where Nb was introduced
an investigation by Gao et al.,[125] a series of HEAs into the Ni2.1CoCrFe matrix to promote the formation of c00
(CoCrFeMnNi)100-xAlx (x = 0, 2, 5, and 8) were fabricated Ni3Nb (D022 ordered) precipitates upon post-heat treat-
via DED from pre-alloyed CoCrFeMnNi particles and ment. Furthermore, a specific orientation relationship was
elemental Al particles. In contrast to the single-phase FCC observed between the c00 precipitates and the FCC c matrix,
microstructure of the (CoCrFeMnNi)98Al2 HEA, a dual- \001[c0 0 //\011[c and (100)c0 0 //(100)c.
phase microstructure consisting of the FCC matrix and More recently, Lin et al. additively manufactured via
BCC precipitates was achieved in both (CoCrFeMnNi)95- SLM another precipitation-hardened Al0.2Co1.5CrFeNi1.5-
Al5 and (CoCrFeMnNi)92Al8 HEAs. Therefore, precipita- Ti0.3 HEA.[128] The cellular structures (* 527 nm) and
tion-strengthening mechanisms can be activated. Further corundum particles (* 5 nm) were observed in this SLM-
increasing the Al content leads to an increase in the ed Al0.2Co1.5CrFeNi1.5Ti0.3 HEA (Fig. 13a and b). The
strength but a decrease in the ductility. However, the post-aging treatment at 750 C for 50 h promotes the for-
(CoCrFeMnNi)100-xAlx occupies a strength-ductility mation of both spherical L12-ordered precipitates (* 25

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

Fig. 13. 3D printing of a precipitation hardened HEA Al0.2Co1.5- L21-ordered precipitates during aging. (d) Corundum particles in the
CrFeNi1.5Ti0.3 via SLM. SEM micrographs showing (a) cellular aged Al0.2Co1.5CrFeNi1.5Ti0.3 HEA. (e) Schematic illustrations pre-
structures and (b) corundum particles of the SLM-ed Al0.2Co1.5- senting the precipitation process during aging. (a)–(e). Reproduced
CrFeNi1.5Ti0.3 HEA. (c) Precipitation of L12-ordered precipitates and with permission from Ref 128

nm) and blocky L21-ordered precipitates (* 200 nm) of refractory HEAs. However, the difference in the melting
(Fig. 13c). These blocky L21-ordered precipitates prefer- point of each constituent element may be very large, e.g.,
entially form at sub-grain boundaries (Fig. 13c). Further- 1668 C for Ti and 3017 C for Ta. Such a large melting-
more, the post-aging treatment also promotes the growth of point difference possibly leads to the evaporation of low
the corundum particles, with the particle size increased to melting point metals during arc-melting and hence, results
* 50 nm (Fig. 13d). The precipitation process is in the deviation of the achieved composition from the
schematically shown in Fig. 13(e), and this process con- designed one. Severe elemental segregation and coarse
tributes to the tensile properties significantly. More dendritic grains of the as-cast refractory HEAs may also
specifically, both the tensile yield strength and ultimate deteriorate their thermal stability and mechanical proper-
tensile strength increase by * 500 MPa, reaching 1235 and ties. In addition, the high strength and limited plasticity of
1550 MPa, respectively. Revisiting Fig. 11, these precipi- refractory HEAs make post-machining or -processing dif-
tation-hardened HEAs show the best strength-ductility ficult. Hence, a strong interest has been recently driven in
synergy among all the reported 3D-printed HEAs up to the fabrication of refractory HEAs via the AM process.
date. Till today, refractory HEAs are often printed from
mixtures of elemental powders, and the majority of the
3.2 BCC-Based HEAs research is focused on the microstructure, hydrogen-stor-
age properties, and corrosion resistance of AM-ed refrac-
Refractory HEAs, often consisting of refractory BCC tory HEAs.[51, 100, 102, 129] The mechanical properties (e.g.,
metals and crystallizing as a single-phase BCC solid-so- tensile, compressive) of the AM-ed refractory HEAs are
lution structure, have also been frequently printed.[51] In rarely reported, possibly due to the high cracking sensi-
addition to those BCC metals (e.g., W, Mo, Nb, Ta, and V), tivity of refractory HEAs. Very recently, in a study of
some allotropic metals (e.g., Hf, Zr, and Ti) are also Zhang et al.,[130] a novel refractory HEA was successfully
common elements in refractory HEAs. Refractory HEAs designed and printed via SLM, without any cracks, and its
have aroused considerable attention because of their high compressive properties were tested. As can be seen from
melting points, high strengths, and excellent thermal sta- Fig. 14(a), the SLM-ed NbMoTa HEA exhibits severe
bility at elevated temperatures. Thus far, refractory HEAs cracking, but fortunately the addition of Ti and Ni shows
are mainly fabricated via vacuum arc melting and casting some beneficial effects. The addition of Ti reduces the
due to the ultra-high melting points of constituent elements crack size, and the addition of Ni can eliminate the

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

Fig. 14. (a) SEM micrographs of NbMoTa, NbMoTaTi, NbMoTaNi, crystallographic defects (e.g., dislocations). (c) Crack-suppression
and NbMoTaTi0.5Ni0.5 HEAs, showing the formation of the cracks. mechanisms and compressive properties. (a)–(c). Reproduced with
(b) TEM images showing the grain-boundary phases and permission from Ref 130

majority of microcracks. Interestingly, the simultaneous 3.3 HEAs with TRIP Effects
addition of Ti and Ni completely suppresses the formation
of cracks in the SLM-ed NbMoTaTi0.5Ni0.5 (Fig. 14a). The In certain HEAs, additional deformation mechanisms (e.g.,
suppressed cracking phenomenon observed in the SLM-ed TRIP) can be activated during straining, which is beneficial
NbMoTaTi0.5Ni0.5 may be ascribed to the beneficial grain- for sustained work hardening and hence, a simultaneous
boundary phases (Fig. 14b and c). The grain boundaries of enhancement of strength and ductility.[131] The TRIP effect
the SLM-ed NbMoTaTi0.5Ni0.5 HEA are decorated with the often originates from the low SFE value of the matrix
Ni3Ta (Ti, Nb, Mo) phase, which has a lower stacking fault phase and thus, the high driving force for phase transfor-
energy (SFE). As such, when exposed with the internal mation. TRIP HEAs have attracted increasing attention for
stresses during cooling, dislocation reaction occurs more printing in recent years. In a study by Agrawal et al.,[132]
readily, e.g., the formation of extended dislocations. Also, SLM was used to produce a TRIP HEA Fe40Mn20Co20-
stacking fault regions can consume energy during grain- Cr15Si5. Figure 15 shows the microstructure and tensile
boundary slip, thus avoiding the separation of grain- properties of this SLM-ed HEA Fe40Mn20Co20Cr15Si5. For
boundary phases. In this way, the cracking behavior is comparative purposes, the microstructure and tensile
suppressed in the SLM-ed NbMoTaTi0.5Ni0.5 HEA. Fur- properties of the as-cast counterpart were also presented.
thermore, the excellent compressive properties are Surprisingly, the as-printed Fe40Mn20Co20Cr15Si5 shows an
achieved in this SLM-ed NbMoTaTi0.5Ni0.5 HEA increased strength and ductility simultaneously. The
(Fig. 14c). It is worth noting, however, that the tensile enhanced strength partly originates from the refined grain
properties of AM-ed refractory HEAs have not been size (i.e., * 30 lm of the as-printed material versus * 100
reported to date, and 3D printing of high-performance lm of the as-cast counterpart), and another important
refractory HEAs with a superior combination of tensile contributor is the high density of dislocations in the as-
strength and ductility represents a significant future printed material. It is also interesting to note that the as-
direction. printed material shows a dual-phase microstructure, i.e., *

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

Fig. 15. The comparison of

microstructures and tensile
properties between the as-cast
and as-printed
Reproduced from permission
from Ref 132

72% e (HCP) phase and * 28% c (FCC) phase. In contrast, phase). Also, during tensile straining, a * 35% c phase is
the as-cast counterpart has a * 90% e (HCP) phase and * transformed into a e phase.
10% c (FCC) phase. The more metastable microstructure of
the as-printed Fe40Mn20Co20Cr15Si5 HEA can be ascribed 3.4 Compositionally Graded HEAs
to the high cooling rate associated with the SLM process.
During tensile straining of this SLM-ed Fe40Mn20Co20- Compositionally graded HEAs with inhomogeneities in
Cr15Si5 HEA, the uniform strain accommodation in both compositions, microstructures, and properties have aroused
phases occurs. The c phase accommodates strain via TRIP, increasing attention. Compositionally- graded HEAs can be
leading to the c phase-fraction decrease from initial * 28 used to rapidly explore the desired alloy composition, i.e.,
to * 9% at failure. The more pronounced TRIP effect of high-throughput screening. DED demonstrates a unique
the SLM-ed Fe40Mn20Co20Cr15Si5 HEA contributes to the advantage in this aspect due to its high flexibility of alloy
more sustained working hardening and hence, improved design by tailoring the feeds of multiple powder feedstocks
ductility. As mentioned previously, the activation of the through multiple co-axial nozzles. For example, in a study
TRIP effect is determined by the SFE value. Thus, the by Gwalani et al.,[134] a compositionally-graded HEA
stability of a specific HEA can be tuned via compositional CoCrFeNiAlx (x = 0.3-0.7) along the build direction was
modification and SFE engineering. In an investigation by additively manufactured via DED, and the microstructures
Thapliyal et al.,[133] SLM was used to produce the Fe38.5- at various locations were investigated. When x = 0.3
Mn20Co20Cr15Si5Cu1.5 HEA. As compared with the afore- (CoCrFeNiAl0.3), a single-phase FCC microstructure was
mentioned Fe40Mn20Co20Cr15Si5 HEA, small amounts of observed, which is consistent with the findings of Nartu
Fe were replaced with Cu, leading to a more stable c et al.[126] When x = 0.7 (CoCrFeNiAl0.7), an FCC/B2 dual-
matrix. Consequently, the SLM-ed Fe38.5Mn20Co20Cr15- phase microstructure was achieved. Another example
Si5Cu1.5 achieves a near single-phase microstructure (* shows that the effect of Al can be found in a study by
99% c phase and * 1% e phase). Consistent with the Borkar et al.[104] In their study, a compositionally graded
findings of Agrawal et al.,[132] the SLM-ed Fe38.5Mn20- HEA AlxCrCuFeNi2 (x = 0-1.5) was additively manufac-
Co20Cr15Si5Cu1.5 HEA is more metastable, as compared tured via DED. It is found that AlxCrCuFeNi2 (x = 0)
with the as-cast counterpart (* 87% c phase and * 13% e exhibits a single-phase FCC microstructure, whereas the
addition of Al promotes a pronounced phase change. For

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

instance, Al0.4CrCuFeNi2 (x = 0.4) shows an FCC matrix equiaxed microstructures with grain sizes of several
with copious ordered nanoscale L12 precipitates, i.e., a micrometers were observed in a substantial portion of this
dual-phase microstructure. In contrast, in Al0.8CrCuFeNi2 graded HEA part. It should be pointed out that in another
(x = 0.8), ordered B2 phases are formed. In another study study by Borkar et al.,[104] AlxCrCuFeNi2 (x = 0-1.5) was
by Pegues et al.,[135] several types of compositionally- also reported to achieve a portion of equiaxed
graded HEAs were also additively manufactured via DED. microstructures at specific locations and hence certain
For example, the compositionally graded HEA Nbx- compositions. Both studies indicate that in addition to the
CoCrFeMnNi was printed, and its composition, afore-mentioned AlCoCrFeNiTi0.5, numerous alloy com-
microstructure, and properties along the build direction positions can produce equiaxed microstructures, with ran-
were investigated. A compositional heterogeneity has been dom crystallographic textures. This feature helps achieve
established along the build direction, leading to a signifi- high-performance HEA parts with anisotropic mechanical
cant hardness change (Fig. 16a and b). In Fig. 16(b), a properties. More research on compositionally-graded
summary of the microstructural change along the build HEAs via DED can found in Ref 103.
direction was also given, e.g., from a near-single-phase
FCC microstructure to Nb-rich dendrites or even to 3.5 Laminated HEAs
cracking. Such microstructural characteristics can be seen
from SEM images in Fig. 16(c). Some compositionally Lamination is also an effective approach to achieve the
graded refractory HEAs have also been studied by AM. In enhanced strength-ductility synergy in HEAs due to several
a study by Dobbelstein et al.,[106] a compositionally-graded beneficial mechanisms, e.g., crack blunting[136] and crack
Ti25Zr50-xNbxTa25 (x = 0-50) HEA with no cracks was bridging.[137] In a study by Guan et al.,[40] they additively
additively manufactured via DED. Unlike the common manufactured via DED a laminated HEA CoCrFeMnNi/
morphological and crystallographic textures (e.g., colum- AlCoCrFeNiTi0.5 that exhibits an enhanced synergy
nar microstructures with \100[ or \110[ textures), fine between the compressive strength and macroscopic

Fig. 16. (a) Compositional and configurational entropy profiles and the hardness-overlap map. (c) Representative SEM images showing
(b) Hardness overlap map of a compositionally graded NbxCoCr- cracking, unfused Nb particles, and near-single-phase FCC
FeMnNi HEA. The microstructural characteristics are summarized in microstructures. (a)–(c). Reproduced with permission from Ref 135

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

Fig. 17. (a) Schematic of synthesis of a laminated CoCrFeMnNi/ respectively. The reference axis for the IPF map is the z-axis (i.e., the
AlCoCrFeNiTi0.5 HEA via DED. EBSD (b) IPF map, and (c) phase build direction). (d) Schematic view of the CET phenomenon
map of the as-deposited laminated HEA showing alternate columnar observed for the as-deposited laminated HEA. (a)–(d). Reproduced
and equiaxed-grain structures and alternate FCC and BCC phases, with permission from Ref 40

plasticity, surpassing those of monolithic bulk HEAs. As strength-ductility synergy as well, surpassing that of the
shown in Fig. 17(a), both constituent metallic particles monolithic CoCrFeNi HEA. Both research outcomes prove
were loaded into two separate powder feeding hoppers and that it is feasible to design HEAs with heterogeneous
were blown alternately. Hence, a laminated microstructure phases/microstructures and enhanced mechanical proper-
was achieved (Fig. 17b and c). The high compressive ties via DED.
strength of this laminated HEA originates from the hard
BCC-structured and equiaxed microstructures in the
AlCoCrFeNiTi0.5 layers, whereas the large macroscopic 4 Conclusions and Perspectives
plasticity originates from the soft FCC-structured and
columnar microstructures in the CoCrFeMnNi layers. It This paper introduces several metal AM techniques,
should be noted that the partial remelting during repeated including DED, SLM, EBM, and DIW. DED, SLM, and
depositions of AM processes can induce some elemental EBM are energy-intensive AM approaches that are char-
mixing between the two constituent alloys, resulting in the acterized by rapid solidification and in-situ heating-cooling
inter-penetrating structure in the vicinity of lamellar thermal cycles. Melt-pool solidification often promotes the
interfaces. Furthermore, as mentioned previously, the formation of columnar grain geometries, but some specific
columnar to equiaxed transition (CET) model can be used external stimuli (e.g., ultrasonic) may facilitate the for-
to explain the formation of equiaxed microstructures in the mation of equiaxed-grained microstructures. In contrast,
AlCoCrFeNiTi0.5 lamellae (Fig. 17d). In another study by DIW is an ink extrusion-based AM approach that utilizes
Cai et al.,[107] a crack-free laminated CoCrFeNi/CoCrFe- post-sintering to achieve fully dense components. Hence,
NiAl HEA was also printed via DED, and an alternating the DIW-ed parts often show equiaxed-grained
FCC/BCC microstructure was achieved. The laminated microstructures with a random crystallographic texture.
CoCrFeNi/CoCrFeNiAl HEA exhibits the enhanced Thereafter, this paper performs a comprehensive and

J. Phase Equilib. Diffus.

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Acknowledgment W.C. acknowledges the financial support from the Stability, Scr. Mater., 2021, 194, p 113674.
US National Science Foundation (CMMI-1927621 and DMR- 15. P. Lu, J.E. Saal, G.B. Olson, T. Li, O.J. Swanson, G.S. Frankel,
2004429) and UMass Faculty Startup. P.K.L. very much appreciates A.Y. Gerard, K.F. Quiambao, and J.R. Scully, Computational
the supports from (1) the U.S. Army Office Project (W911NF-13-1- Materials Design of a Corrosion Resistant High Entropy Alloy
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National Science Foundation (DMR-1611180 and 1809640) with the B. Yang, Homogenization of AlxCoCrFeNi High-Entropy
program directors, Drs. Judith Yang, Gary Shiflet, and Diana Farkas.

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