TRX Metabolic Paper 3236431103
TRX Metabolic Paper 3236431103
TRX Metabolic Paper 3236431103
DOI: 10.5923/j.sports.20150502.04
Department of Health and Human Performance, College of Charleston, Charleston
Department Exercise & Sport Science, The Citadel, Charleston
Abstract Suspension training is a combination of unique training movements aimed at improving strength, endurance,
coordination, flexibility, power, and core stability within a single workout. Suspension training is marketed as a
cardiovascular and resistance training exercise modality performed like a circuit-training workout, in which a series of
exercises are performed in rotation with minimal rest time. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects
of a suspension training workout on physiologic and metabolic markers of intensity and performance. Methods: Twelve
male subjects (22.0 ± 0.7 years) participated in a 60-minute whole body interval-based suspension training workout while
connected to a metabolic cart. Lactate was measured before, at mid point, and various times following exercise. Results: The
average heart rate (HR) during the work out was 69±2 % of estimated max. Blood lactate levels rose to 8.0±0.5 mmol/L at
mid point, and remained elevated during the work out. The caloric expenditure was 340.9±13.6 kcals, or 5.3±0.4 kcal/min
with a respiratory exchange ratio1.03±0.01. Conclusions: These data indicate that a suspension training workout with a 30
sec: 60 sec work to rest ratio provides at least a moderate-intensity cardiovascular workout while some data suggest a higher
intensity workout is achieved.
Keywords Exercise, Unstable, Core, Intensity
at improving endurance and core strength [5]. Each study participant completed the suspension training
Exercise elicits various physiologic and metabolic workout according to a protocol commonly prescribed by
responses, all of which depend on the intensity and duration Fitness Anywhere, Inc. [2]. Exercise sessions and rest
of the effort and the modality of choise. A few of these periods were completed individually and were monitored by
responses include substrate utilization, caloric expenditure, the research team during all phases of the study. Body
and lactate production. By measuring the changes in heart composition, IV catheter placement, and facemask fitting
rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), blood lactate, oxygen were all completed prior to the workout on the day of testing.
consumption, and carbon dioxide production of the Body mass was measured using a digital scale accurate to the
individuals performing a suspension training workout, the nearest 0.1 kg. The subjects’ body composition was analyzed
physiologic and metabolic stress placed on the body can be using the BodPod®, which was calibrated prior to use. All
estimated. In the current study, HR, BP, lactate, and oxygen testing followed the manufacture’s protocols.
consumption were monitored for physiologic and metabolic A heparinized venous catheter was securely placed in a
changes throughout the training session using the 1:2 work to superficial forearm vein of each subject’s right arm,
rest ratio (30 seconds exercise and 60 seconds rest) connected to a 2-way valve and secured with appropriate
recommended by the manufacturer. wrap. A 2 milliliter blood sample was drawn to remove
Given the use of suspension training in elite athletes [6] waste fluid. Following this, 10mL blood samples were drawn
and its popularity in the fitness world [7, 8] our purpose was prior to the workout, midpoint, post-workout, 30 minutes
to describe the physiologic and metabolic responses of a post, 60 minutes post, and 120 minutes post workout for
single suspension training workout. Caloric expenditure, determination of lactate (Lactate Plus, Nova Biomedical).
heart rate, blood pressure, expired gas analysis and blood Heparinized saline (50 U/mL) was administered to the IV
lactate was measured during and after a typical one-hour catheter post blood draws to protect the catheter from
suspension training workout. clotting [9].
The subject was fitted with the proper size facemask and
connected to the flow-over indirect calorimeter metabolic
2. Methods cart (ParvoMedics®). This metabolic cart permits almost
complete mobility with minimal agitation, allowing the
The Citadel’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved subject to complete the suspension training exercises without
all methods for the study. All training took place in the restriction. The calorimeter was calibrated for flow daily
Human Performance Laboratory at The Citadel. All 12 male with a syringe. The gas analyzers were calibrated with two
subjects (22.0 ± 0.7 years, 176.7 ± 2.3 cm, 79.4 ± 3.0 kg, 13.6 primary standard span gases (4% CO2, 16% O2, and 26% O2
± 1.3% body fat) who completed the study were active and balance N2). Expired air was collected using the facemask,
self-reported that they participated in a structured which was connected to the calorimeter by leak proof tubing
exercise-training program for at least three days/week during [10]. Data was averaged every 30 seconds and stored on a
the 12 months prior to the study. In the week prior to the computer.
study, subjects participated in two practice sessions with the During testing the subject was asked to lie on the floor and
suspension trainer to familiarize themselves with the 23 relax so that data could be recorded for 30 minutes to provide
exercises that they would be asked to perform for the study. resting metabolic rate (RMR). Continuous expired gases
The practice sessions lasted one hour and were led by a were collected and analyzed using open-circuit spirometry to
trained research team member. determine VO2 and Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) [11].
Conditions were strictly regulated to avoid factors that could
affect RMR including the time of the day, prior exercise,
food consumption, room temperature, light, and stress. The
time of day for the study was set for the morning to help
eliminate additional energy expenditure from the thermic
effect of food and non-exercise physical activity [12, 13].
Subjects were asked to refrain from eating on the morning of
the study and were asked to abstain from exercise and
alcohol the day prior to testing.
The exercise portion of the study was broken into two
30-minute segments with the same 23 exercises performed in
each set in the same order. The subject performed each
exercise for 30 seconds followed by a 60 second rest. The set
began with chest and back exercises and then progressed to
Picture 1. Subject performing an upper body exercise while attached to a leg exercises. Shoulder and arm exercises followed and the
metabolic cart. The anchor point was a bar securely bolted to the wall while subjects finished with core-specific exercises (see Table 1).
the subject’s hands were supported by the suspension trainer’s handles and Upon completion of each 30-minute suspension training set,
the subject’s feet were planted on the floor HR, BP, and lactate were recorded.
International Journal of Sports Science 2015, 5(2): 65-72 67
Once the exercise portion of the testing was complete, the even out to 30 minutes post exercise (83 ± 3 bpm). However,
subject was asked to sit and not speak for two hours to obtain by 60 minutes post exercise HR had returned to baseline and
data for determining their exercise post oxygen consumption remained there out to 120 minutes. (See Figure 1) When
(EPOC). HR, RER, BP and expired gases were collected four looking at APMHR (expressed as % of APMHR using the
times during this two hour post-exercise time frame: equation 208 - 0.7 x age) during the exercise intervals, it was
immediately post, post 30 minutes, post 60 minutes, and post found that the HR average was 74% ± 2% and this dropped to
120 minutes [11]. Polar® heart rate monitors were used to 65% ± 2% during the rest intervals. For the overall
record HR during and after the exercise sessions. 60-minute suspension training exercise session APMHR was
69.3% ± 2%. (See Figure 3)
Table 1. Suspension Training Protocol
Lactate (mmol/L)
# #
140 Lactate 6.0
120 #*
100 4.0
Workout 0.0
Pre Mid IP Post 30 Post 60 Post 120
Figure 1. Heart rate and lactate responses during and following a suspension training workout. Heart rate and lactate were measured immediately before
the session (Pre), at the 30 minutes midpoint for the TRX® session (Mid), immediately after the session (IP), 30 minutes after the session (Post 30), 60
minutes after the session (Post 60), and 120 minutes after the session (Post 120). # Indicates difference from pre for HR. * Indicates difference from
pre for lactate
Following a TRX
® Workout
Blood Pressure (mmHg)
* * * *
60 Systolic
Workout Diastolic
Pre Mid IP Post 30 Post 60 Post 120
Figure 2. Blood pressure response during exercise and recovery. Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) and Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) were measured
immediately before the session (Mid), immediately after the session (IP), 30 minutes after the session (Post 30), 60 minutes after the session (Post 60), and
120 minutes after the session (Post 120). * Indicates difference from pre
International Journal of Sports Science 2015, 5(2): 65-72 69
Heart Rate as % of
70.0 *
Grand Exercise Grand Recovery Total
Figure 3. Percentage of age-predicted maximum heart rate (208 - 0.7 x age) expressed during the 30 second suspension training exercise portions of the
workout (Grand Exercise) and the 60 second recovery portions of the session (Grand Recovery). Total represents the 46 exercise and rest cycles (23
exercises each in set 1 and set 2. * Indicates difference from exercise
Figure 4. Respiratory exchange ratio levels during rest, exercise, and recovery. Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) was measured for the Resting
Metabolic Rate (RMR), the Exercise phase (EX) and for Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC). * Indicates difference from pre
70 Wesley D. Dudgeon et al.: Physiologic and Metabolic Effects of a Suspension Training Workout
Figure 5. Caloric expenditure (kcal/min) was measured during 1) a 30-minute rest phase obtain Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), 2) the suspension training
exercise session (EX), and 3) during the 2-hour recovery phase to obtain Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC). Open-circuit spirometry was
used to determine RER. Caloric expenditure was determined using a flow-over indirect calorimeter metabolic cart (ParvoMedics®) * Indicates difference
from pre
Oxygen Consumption
16 *
VO2 (ml/kg/min)
Figure 6. Oxygen consumption levels during resting metabolic rate, exercise, and exercise post oxygen consumption. Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) was
measured for 30 minutes prior to the session. The Exercise phase (EX) was measured for 60 minutes. The Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)
was measured for 120 minutes post exercise session. * Indicates difference from pre
until 120 minutes post exercise (75 ± 1 mmHg). In greater oxygen deficit than low intensity exercise. Elevated
attempting to classify the suspension training workout, the oxygen uptake following moderate intensity exercise
SBP results, as well as the HR data, strongly suggest more of sustains the slightly elevated levels of physiologic function
a cardiovascular-type exercise, yet the DBP does not fit with by replenishing high-energy-phosphates depleted during the
this classification. The explanation for the decrease in DBP suspension-training workout [15]. The average caloric
is that aerobic exercise results in an acute increase in cardiac expenditure during the testing session significantly increased
output as well as a decrease in peripheral resistance due to from 1.41 kcal/min at rest to 5.33 kcal/min during the
vasodilation in the exercising muscle. Consequently, as workout, and returned to 1.44 kcal/min during the two-hour
aerobic exercise intensity increases, systolic BP rises, recovery phase. These results suggest that the suspension
whereas diastolic BP remains stable or decreases slightly training workout used in this study was moderate intensity,
[16]. Pooling of blood in the visceral organs and lower limbs given that caloric expenditure during moderate intensity
during recovery reduces central blood volume, further physical activity for the college-age men generally ranges
contributing to a reduced post-exercise BP [15]. from 5.0-7.4 kcal/min [19].
The amount of lactate produced from exercising muscles Another variable of interest is excess post-exercise oxygen
depends on the mode, duration, frequency, and intensity of consumption (EPOC), which reflects the general disturbance
the exercise [17], with high lactate concentrations indicating in the body’s homeostasis caused by exercise. EPOC values
higher intensity exercise. Blood lactate levels that reach 8 to indicate the magnitude of increased rate of oxygen intake
10 mmol/L indicate surpassing the lactate threshold and following the suspension training workout that is intended to
reaching near maximal exercise effort [15]. Large muscle negate the body's oxygen deficit caused by the strenuous
groups and small muscle groups tend to vary in the activity [15]. Elevated oxygen consumption post-exercise
magnitude of lactate responses, and this can vary based on results in increased energy expenditure that contributes to the
the intensity of the workout. Overall, blood lactate levels in overall metabolic cost of an exercise bout [20]. During the
this study peaked at ~8 mmol/L during the workout portion two-hour recovery period, the average VO2 was 3.76
and took the full two-hour recovery time to return to resting ml/kg/min, no different than rest (3.59 ml/kg/min),
levels. These results suggest a high intensity workload in suggesting there was not an elevated metabolism post
which participants reached, or came close to reaching, lactate exercise. However, when looking at the first 30 minutes of
threshold. While the HR and BP data suggest a recovery, the average VO2 was 4.05 ml/kg/min. The
moderate-intensity workout, the lactate responses are more magnitude of EPOC values is proportional to the intensity of
suggestive of higher-intensity work. The explanation for the the exercise performed, thus higher intensity exercise will
apparent disagreement lies in the fact that suspension elicit a greater EPOC values and will increase the time it
training workouts include not only resistance exercises, but takes for oxygen consumption levels to return to resting
also requires near continuous activation of core and stability values [20].
musculature, which would lead to more lactate production
than the HR data alone would suggest.
Indirect calorimetry has been used for years to estimate 5. Conclusions
the amount of heat produced during (energy utilized)
exercise by measuring the amount of oxygen consumed and Based on the data collected from this experiment, the
the amount of carbon dioxide eliminated [18]. Utilizing one suspension training workout performed in this study appears
liter of oxygen generates 4.82 kcal from a combination of to provide a moderate (based on HR and caloric expenditure)
carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Indirect calorimetry to high (suggested by lactate data) intensity cardiovascular
provides two valuable pieces of information germane to this workout. The ACSM currently recommends that all healthy
study: a measure of substrate utilization as reflected by the adults accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity
respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and a measure of energy activity (including cardiorespiratory and resistance exercise)
expenditure. The magnitude of the increase in oxygen each week [21]. This study certainly shows that a suspension
consumption is dependent on the duration and intensity of training workout will elicit a moderate-intensity
the activity [15]. The average RER during exercise portion cardiovascular stimulus. Further, the authors theorize that
of the session was 1.03±0.01, indicating a high exercise suspension training can also provide a resistance training
intensity (as an RER of 1.1 is a secondary marker of VO2peak). stimulus for most adults, thus making this a viable modality
During recovery, RER values decreased to 0.758, evidencing for achieving recommended physical activity goals.
an increased reliance on fats and aerobic metabolism. The benefits of interval training, both from a health and
The exercise portion of the protocol produced oxygen performance perspective, have been known to scientists for
consumption levels as high as 1.09 L/min, which is 73% some time, and are now being realized by the general
higher than resting values (0.29 L/min). During the recovery population [22]. Interval training leads to adaptive responses
phase, oxygen consumption levels returned to 0.30 L/min by the body, such as increased blood volume and capillary
after two hours of recovery. Muscles take longer to reach a proliferation that aid in the delivery of oxygen to working
steady rate of oxygen consumption following moderate- to muscles while muscles develop a higher threshold to lactate
high-intensity aerobic exercise, which elicits a considerably buildup and improve lactate removal [23]. Combined with
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