256-Article Text-1062-1-10-20220511
256-Article Text-1062-1-10-20220511
256-Article Text-1062-1-10-20220511
Jolanta Drobnicka
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to review existing literature in the portfolio risk management area and find
out how researchers are addressing this topic in the time span of 1999-2020. Further, the aim is to identify research
opportunities. This paper uses a systematic literature review (SLR) process published by international organizations
and journals specializing in the field of project portfolio and risk management.
Out of 1245 publications originally analysed. After 2-stage screening, the number was reduced. This paper presents
findings from 90 selected papers. The review of literature provides an insight into project portfolio risk management
process. The paper finds that the process for managing risks is similar to project risk management process and it is di-
vided to phases. The coverage of portfolio risk management phases in literature varies. This study demonstrated that
project portfolio risk analysis has a good representation in literature. On the other hand, project portfolio risk response
planning is a candidate for further research.
Additionally, several implications of research gaps have been identified. To name a few, uncertainty management,
opportunity management, project portfolio risk management tools or human factor. This paper sees that project portfo-
lio risk management research should be continued.
opportunity in improving enterprise risk data collection closer together (Kraus et al., 2020, p. 1024). It identifies,
that will balance portfolios and support portfolio managers evaluates and summarizes the existing knowledge of a spe-
in mitigate risks (Breault and Cleveland, 2020, p. 97; cific area in the literature (Mariano et al., 2017, p. 2).
Sanchez et al., 2009, p. 31). In various researches, this type of process is an im-
Publications covering risk responses planning vastly portant step used to manage the diversity of knowledge for
propose various strategies targeted to a particular portfolio a particular query (Tranfield et al., 2003, p. 208). It follows
or industry or country and studies are encouraging to in- a pre-defined repeatable process to analyse literature which
troduce more of them (Xiao et al., n.d., p. 155). Risk re- provides transparency minimizing bias or missing essential
sponse strategies are also covered in the literature and information.
some propose putting an emphasis on investigating more This paper is aligned with the PRISMA Statement (Pre-
the linkage between the risk response measures dimen- ferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
sions and project portfolio success (Teller, 2013, pp. 43, Analyses) published in 2009 and it follows its protocol (Fig.
48). 1)
Unfortunately, no publications that address risk re-
sponse implementation in portfolios have been found. Still,
it’s worth highlighting some examples of projects from food
industry and green energy where risk mitigating steps are Figure 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
being proposed and an interesting observation was made. and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow
The selection and implementation of the risk mitigation
strategies highly depend on the management. The role of This study also was supplemented by elements from an-
the leadership seem to be the most important factor in other formalized procedure for systematic review formed
building and implementing the risk strategies. Further by the Cochrane Collaboration. In addition to it, some
research on risk response implementation in portfolios is methods described by Webster and Watson (2002) have
needed to identify areas that would provide a real value to also been applied additionally to the PRISMA model.
the business, measure success rate of the implemented risk This SLR follows the below PRISMA steps:
strategies and management approach (Diabat et al., 2012, ▪ identification,
p. 3048; Mangla et al., 2014, p. 215). ▪ title, abstract and keywords screening,
The monitoring of risks is underrepresented in publica- ▪ full-text screening,
tions in scope of this SLR even though studies claim that ▪ analysis of included papers,
monitoring of risks is aimed at identifying newly occurring ▪ discussion of the results and comparison with previous
risks at an early state. It improves the responsiveness of the research.
organization and should be the knowledgebase for future The work on the SLR started by defining a review proto-
portfolios to increase their success. Continuous control and col. The database used for this study was Scopus. Inclu-
monitoring is a research opportunity to further develop sion/exclusion criteria were set out as follows: date of pub-
(Sanchez et al., 2009, p. 30; Teller and Kock, 2013, p. 822). lication considered for this study was limited to 1999-2020,
The review of existing publications related to portfolio only looked at English articles, no specific locations, states
risk management ranged from 1999 and 2020 prove that or countries. The focus of the research was put on all-peer-
there are gaps in this area that should be further investigat- reviewed papers from leading international journals. It also
ed. The objective of this SLR is to try to answer a question included some conference proceedings. Another parameter
to what extent project portfolio risk management phases of the protocol was search strings. The protocol was re-
are covered by the publications and to set a path for further viewed and adapted throughout the entire search. The
work. The results from this SLR justify the need for such keyword strings used for the first search helped to identi-
research, provide current limitations and by providing ex- fied missing keywords for the next iteration of the search.
amples of gaps, inspire to continue research in the portfolio The search queries were applied to titles and abstracts.
risk management area. The initial search gave 1245 results. After removing du-
This study contributes to the overall portfolio risk man- plicates (306) this number went down to 939. Out of that,
agement field and defines areas of opportunity where prac- after performing screening it was noted that a large num-
tice guides and standards can be further improved. ber of articles (796) covered topics of portfolio risk in rela-
This paper is organized as follows. In section Data and tion to venture capital, wealth funds, stock markets, hedge
Methods we describe the steps of the SLR process, present funds and other financial services. These were excluded
data and describe methods used in this study. Then we from the research as not being relevant for this SLR. This
present section Results which consists of data extraction screening was done using data imported from databases as
and evaluation findings. It also discusses thematic scope .csv files and then analysed in spreadsheets. Then another
and areas of investigation. It is followed by Discussion. We review was applied – a full text review of 146 articles. This
conclude with the limitations and future implications of trimmed down the number of total articles in scope of this
our study. study to 90. While the majority of articles (69) were ex-
2. Data and Methods tracted from the database, based on references there were
SLR (Systematic Literature Review) is an established 21 articles included in this paper as a snowball approach.
method for reviewing previous literature to bring the field
attempt was made to identify areas of project portfolio risk The largest number of studies was performed in finan-
management areas that can be area of thorough research. cial sector (9) as well as IT (9) and R&D (9). However, if we
combine all services, then they are then referenced the
most (14). If we analyze in how many Services companies
researchers did their study there is also a clear trend. The
governmental agencies have been addressing portfolio risk
management the most (4), the other contributor in the
research was service & manufacturing industry (3). A third
industry where research was noted to a larger extend was
transportation (2). Other service industries were market-
ing, telecom, maintenance, tourism but their exposure in
the researches was minor.
proved that the peak in 2008 might be connected with the the last decade a change in the mindset to accelerate sus-
macroeconomic situation globally. tainable energy innovation has been observed. Hence this
The first peak took place during the world financial cri- could justify an interest in portfolios and related risk. Too
sis that started in 2007 and continued in 2008 might have little research in the SLR has been made to come to a con-
caused increase in the number of publications related to clusion that this could be the deciding factor on the number
portfolio risk management. of publications.
In addition to financial crisis, in 2007 one of the top Both peaks have been compared with the number of
(European) stories was Sarkozy’s presidential election in publications in project management between 1980 and
France (Sarkozy) as well as GB political issues. In GB, Tony 2017 (Abbasi and Jaafari, 2018, p. 94; Wawak Sławomir
Blair stepped down and Gordon Brown became new prime and Woźniak Krzysztof, 2020, p. 11) . The increase in publi-
minister. In 2008 one of the top both natural disasters cations in 2008 is similar to what was observed in project
happened (i.e. earthquake in China killing > 67000 peo- management. The overall trend of project management
ple). This however is not reflected as an increased number publications shows a slow increase between 1980 and
of publications in portfolio risk management in this region. 2002, then there a rapid increase in 2008. However, start-
Another aspect was considered – political. In 2008 Barack ing from 2009 this frequency dropped significantly and
Obama was elected 44th U.S. President but it does not remained static since 2010 with a small increase in 2015.
seem that it had impact on the publications. This is in contrast to results gained from the research on
It though could also be that in 2006 the major revision project portfolio risk management.
of PRINCE2 standard has been released and it took some Conducting further analysis on the portfolio risk man-
time for practitioners to apply the methodology and pro- agement it is inevitable to highlight portfolio risk manage-
duce relevant papers in this field. In 2008, 4th edition of ment lifecycle. This includes continuous planning, analysis,
APM PMBoK was released and in 2009 a major (now Ax- response, monitoring and control (Project Management
elos) PRINCE2 revision was released. Then in 2012 ISO Institute, 2018, p. 100). The same approach is presented in
21500:2012 (Guidance on project management) as well as the PMI Standard for Risk Management in portfolios, pro-
6th edition of APM PMBoK was released. In 2013 The grams and projects, 2019, p. 41. Neither PRAM Guide
Standard for Portfolio Management (3rd edition) was re- (APM), 2nd edition (2010) nor Management of Portfolios
leased. This may indicate an increased number of publica- (Axelos) provide (different) guidance on portfolio risk
tions between 2012 and 2014. The smallest interest in the management lifecycle. Hence this approach was also ap-
PRM was noted in Asia and Australia, especially post 2015 plied in this research. It’s is no surprise that the majority of
which might would require further investigation. articles identify and analyse potential threats and not many
Interestingly enough, the articles published in the dis- address opportunities. Furthermore, reporting and moni-
cussed period were focused not on the financial sector but toring seems also lacking evidence that it’s really covered
services, manufacturing, automotive, IT and construction. properly by toolset. There is an indication that the portfolio
All in all however, no real corelation between release of management tools don’t really take into account risk man-
PRINCE2 or world crisis has been found. agement. This situation presents both a significant cap in
The second peak (2012-2014) seems to connected with a the current practice but also a great opportunity given the
release of various standards and guides. This seems to ex- strong case for performing portfolio risk management.
plain the increase in the number of publications. The APM Considering industry, the largest number of publica-
Body of Knowledge 6th edition was released in 2012, ISO tions was noted in ‘services’. Here however, it is Australia
31000:2009 and 21500:2012 – Guidance on Project Man- who carried out the largest number of researches and not
agement was released. On top, the Standard of Portfolio the US. Interestingly enough it was the governmental agen-
Management 3rd edition was released in 2013. This pro- cies that were in scope of such research and not the entre-
vided a handful of information for researches to continue preneurs. The average size of companies that were provid-
their study on portfolio risk management both in the US ing results was ranging from 1 to 134. On the average the
and mainly in the northern part of Europe. It’s interesting research was done in 32 companies. It implies that portfo-
to see that none of the publications have been published in lio risk management may not be not widely implemented in
Russia even though. While there is evidence of articles re- practice yet (Teller, 2013, p. 2). While the second biggest
garding project management, Russian SOVNET Interna- contributor in the overall research was the R&D industry.
tional Project Management Association is active, no project Here though, the number of companies was small. On the
portfolio risk management article has been found. average, researches did their study in 9 companies, and the
What was really surprising is the fact that there is a sig- majority was coming from the Scandinavia hence this is a
nificant drop in the number of publications after 2015. polarized view of the industry and needs further research in
Financial factors (Russian, Greek, Turkish, Spanish finan- other regions to provide more holistic view.
cial or government-debt crisis) don’t seem to be the cause Apart from areas identified during this SLR, the follow-
of the reduction in the number of publications. Nor the ing seem to have quite a good potential for further re-
natural disasters during this time. Articles that have been search: uncertainty management (Korhonen et al., 2014,
published between 2015 and 2020 primarily came from the pp. 33–34). Uncertainty is seen as not being able to predict
energy, R&D and financial sectors. This result might be the states of the environment. Hence some researchers
related to the renewable energy policies and targets. Over claim that risk management may not always be enough for
managing uncertainty in the light of project portfolios. tion of portfolio risk management tools and understanding
What could be a subject of future research are the sources its impact on the success of the portfolio in various indus-
of uncertainty and the degree of clarity and visibility among tries could be an area of research (Breault and Cleveland,
managers in various countries across different industries 2020, p. 97; Teller and Kock, 2013, p. 826)
share sourced of project portfolio uncertainty. Another area Lastly, it seems that studies on portfolio managers are
could be best practices around management of project limited. Future research could also consider human factors,
portfolio uncertainties and understanding dependencies specifically the role of portfolio managers and their im-
between sources of uncertainty to management of uncer- portance to drive the innovations and influence on portfo-
tainty (Teller and Kock, 2013, p. 826). lio success. It’s known that the behaviour of portfolio man-
A research can also be performed to address manage- agers influences performance of the portfolio in a positive
ment of opportunities. Researches are in agreement that way. Considering measuring the level of innovation to
opportunity can be described as the positive effect of the clarify the degree of portfolio managers’ direct impact on
uncertainty on the project objectives. In literature though it project performance could be an area for research (Kissi et
is difficult to find a step by step guide to identifying and al., 2013, p. 494).
realizing opportunities. The majority of practitioners focus
5. Conclusion
on the negative risk. A framework to identify opportunities
In this paper we provided results of an investigation in-
has been introduced in 2008 by Olsson. An output of it was
to the portfolio risk management in the period of 1999 and
risk/opportunity register. It was also used in
2020. The study uses SLR (Systematic Literature Review)
risk/opportunity management guide developed by the US
method as an established method for reviewing previous
Department of Defence almost a decade later – without
literature. This research was divided into 2 screening phas-
significant changes. The PMI standards provide general
es followed by a full-text analysis of publications. As a re-
definitions of opportunities similarly to what APM pro-
sult, 90 papers were included in scope of this analysis. The
vides. The absence of opportunity management both in
described findings confirm that portfolio risk management
literature, in guides as well as in practice, is clear. Aspects
process is similar to project or program risk management
of positive risk that could be examined are documentation
process. This paper provides where information about pro-
and tracking of opportunities, scaling or tailoring oppor-
ject portfolio risk management phases can be found. In
tunity management process. If it’s not opportunity man-
addition to it, the examined publications uncover areas for
agement, what other tools are used to address opportunity
further research.
management? Other research topics could also be funding
This study helps researchers, project, program and port-
of opportunities, best practices for identifying positive
folio managers to systematize sources of information for
risks, usage of tools for that purpose. Another research
particular phases of risk, such as identification, analysis
question may be how is the effectiveness of opportunity
response planning or response implementation. In addition
management recorded? Or, how opportunities are priori-
to it, this SLR sets an avenue for future research on uncer-
tized? From practice point of view, what response process-
tainty management, opportunity management, human
es are used in the area of positive risk management. Anoth-
factor as well as software for portfolio risk management.
er aspect which could further be explored might be how
The value of this SLR is significant. None of the analysed
overall risk exposure or balanced risk is applied in project
papers had done a review of project portfolio risk manage-
portfolios. Lastly, how stakeholder involvement differ from
ment phases.
negative risk management (Bartlett, 2007, p. 105, 2007, p.
Some limitation of this study must be considered. First,
107; Denney and Powell, 2020, p. 232; “DoD Risk, Issue,
this paper is limited to English-language articles only due
and Opportunity Management Guide,” n.d., p. 46; Olsson,
to database limitations. Second, the total number of
2008, p. 69, 2007, p. 747; Project Management Institute,
screened articles was 1245 and it was reduced by 40 rec-
2019, pp. 8, 36–37, 2018, p. 93; Sanchez et al., 2009, p. 23;
ords which were not available in any research database.
Teller et al., 2014, p. 77).
Further research is planned to validate the results and
Managing risks requires tools that would easily aggre-
fine tune the research findings in various industries and
gate information and this seems to be rather new research
countries. We hope that by exposing some areas of portfo-
area. There are articles which form a basis for development
lio risk management will encourage researchers to trigger
of specific tools for portfolio risk management and con-
more research in this area.
clude that the usage of software to support risk manage-
ment in particular is low. The development and then adop-
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