Marketing I CHAPTERS 16, 17 & 20
Marketing I CHAPTERS 16, 17 & 20
Marketing I CHAPTERS 16, 17 & 20
3º ADEb, 2021-22
1. Personal Selling
Nature of Personal Selling.
Often, salespeople are not well seen by others. Nowadays, most salespeople are well – educated, well
– trained, and they have one of the best – paid and most demanded jobs. Is key for the organization’s
survival as personal selling can be more effective than advertising, especially in complex selling
Salespeople link the company with its customers as they represent the company to the customers, and
vice versa. The sales department should work closely with the other departments.
Outside sales force, consists of traveling to meet customers outside the organization. Instead, the inside
sales force consists of staying in the office where they use the telephone and internet or receive customers.
It is much cheaper, it allows to reach more customers, and it provides higher access to more information
about the product and customer.
Apart from these two sales forces, we can also talk about the team selling, which uses a team of people
from the same or different departments, and it is useful for complex products and important customers.
A sales force turnover is costly for the organization, is in charged of hiring and training new
salespeople. It can also disrupt customer relationships. It is very important to recruit excellent salespeople
to maximize the sales force effectiveness and efficiency. Here are some important traits of a salesperson:
Marketing I. Alejandra Oliver Rodriguez.
3º ADEb, 2021-22
Normally, sales activities are often done alone, sales peoples need to be supervised. Selling also
involves a lot of frustration and solitude, sales peoples need to be motivated with: monetary compensation
to feel that their efforts are being rewarded; organizational climate to feel that they are supported by the
management, and doing sales meetings to break the routine and identify the group.
Compensating salespeople.
Fixed amounts provide the safeness of the stable income. Whereas a variable amount motivates people
for a particular action such as selling, acquiring new customers, and training new salespersons. The sale
manager is in charged of deciding how to balance them, it uses a long – term perspective.
4. Sales Promotion.
We call sales promotion to the short – term incentives to encourage the purchase of a product. Whereas
advertising offers reasons to buy a product, sales promotion offers reasons to BUY IT NOW. Typically,
is used together with other tools such as advertising, personal selling, and price discounts.
As it has an immediate effect, it becomes very popular, it accounts 60% of the marketing budget in
FMCG. It has a rapid growth due to the increasing competition and brand proliferation, the declining
efficiency of advertising, and the price – sensitive and deal oriented consumers have become.
Consumer promotions.
Its principal aim is to increase short – term customer buying. In this case, these sales promotion should
be visual, easy, and appealing. The following table shows the principal methods of consumer promotions:
Trade promotions.
Its principal aim is to persuade resellers to carry new items, buy, push our products to cutomers, and
give additional shelf space. It accounts for the great majority of the sales promotions paid by
manufactures. Its retailers and wholesalers typically want money and get rid of excess inventory. In this
case, manufactures should focus on value creation not on discounts.
Marketing I. Alejandra Oliver Rodriguez.
3º ADEb, 2021-22
Business promotions.
It occurs in B2B, and its principal aim is to generate business leads, stimulate purchases, reward
customers, and motivate salespeople. It uses many of the same tools as in customer and trade promotions.
Conventions and trade shows are used for B2B products which are technically more complex and that
require larger investment and commitment. This conventions and trade shows allow sellers to show their
products in detail, clarify doubts, and discuss deals. It also facilitates buyers to access to many suppliers
and understand the product.
1. Direct Marketing.
Is a form of communication in which the organization contacts directly current/ potential customers to
(a) obtain an immediate response, and (b) build a lasting relationship. It can also work as a distribution
Direct marketing success starts with a good management of the client’s data base, not a mere phone
book. It allows a stronger interaction with customers, only if it is well executed. Direct marketing has
developed a bad reputation over the years for bombing people with junk mail, spam, and annoying calls.
This marketing method is much more affordable and can be important for small companies.
Catalog Marketing ⇒ A print, video, or digital document with the several products offered by a
company, typically in an attractive presentation. It allows to reach a large number of consumers –
sometimes geographically dispersed – and with a low investment.
Telemarketing ⇒ Using the phone to contact current or potential customers to inform about a product
and/or make them buy it. It allows to interact with customers, and as so, understand better their needs in
order to adjust the offer in an effective way. Low cost. It can be considered annoying and provoke rejection
by the customer
Branded Community Websites ⇒ Sites that aim not to sell the organization’s products, but to present
brand content that engages customers and creates a customer community around a brand.
Online Advertising ⇒ Ads that appear while consumers are browsing online. Important as consumers
spend more and more time online. – Online Display ads: Ads shown on the screen, they are often related
to the information being viewed. – Search-related ads: Ads and links that appear in a good position when
looking for some particular product/company in a search engine.
Email Marketing ⇒ Sending personalized emails with marketing content. Can be very effective if
well done. High ROI due to its very low cost. Dark side: spam.
Marketing I. Alejandra Oliver Rodriguez.
3º ADEb, 2021-22
Online Videos ⇒ Posting digital video content on brand websites or social media platforms such as
YouTube and Facebook. The goal is to engage customers in such a high level that they start sharing the
video and it becomes viral.
Blogs and Online Forums ⇒ Companies try to influence consumers by creating and participating in
blogs and forums. Blogs and forums have the advantage that are usually of a specific topic (which allows
to reach many people with similar needs) and led by experts (whose opinions are respected).
Social Media ⇒ Using online communities (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) to reach consumers.
It allows to target narrowly consumers, with engaging content, and immediately. By checking what
consumers post, the organization can know their needs. Low-cost medium. Like in blogs and forums, it
is essentially controlled by consumers.
Mobile Marketing ⇒ Marketing messages, promotions and other content delivered through mobile
devices. Allows to access the majority of the population, and to deliver personalized communications and
offers. Because consumers carry their smartphones with them constantly, organizations can deliver the
proper information at the proper time and location.
Governments and consumers associations try to protect customers from abuse (Opt – in, Three – day
cooling – off rule). Disrespecting the customer makes them angry and harms the entire industry in the
long – run.
Environmentalism ⇒ Are movements designed to protect and improve people’s current and future
natural environment.
5. Sustainable Marketing.
Is a socially and environmentally responsible marketing that meets present and future needs to both
consumers and business.