Floorplanner Manual EN
Floorplanner Manual EN
Floorplanner Manual EN
Floorplanner lets you easily create interactive Typical users of the floorplanner drawing tool
Drawing Manual floorplans and publish them online. This are real estate agents or companies providing
manual explains the floorplanner drawing drawing services for real estate agents. But
tool. For details on the Dashboard pages, we the tool is also very useful for any professional
direct you to our Floorplanner PRO Manual. designing, planning, or managing spaces.
How to draw a floor plan How to draw a floor plan
1 Overview 1 Overview
5. Construction menu
6. Switch 2D and 3D
7. Drawing space
Property Menus
From here you can: See next page or jump quickly to: Enter name or choose from pull down menu
Furnish your plan How to draw rooms Adjust texture and color
Export your plan Drawing surfaces
Copy element
Add a description How to rotate plans
Add media objects How to trace existing drawing Rotate element
Set your location Good tips for drawing plans
Rotation doors / windows
Share your plan
Find the help pages Mirror element
Lock element
Rooms are drawn as one rectangular space, not by connecting separate walls. The room can then be Adjust shape and size of a room
adjusted to the desired shape and size. A complete floor plan can be constructed by adding extra rooms.
Move walls
Draw a room Hold down the left mouse
button on the wall and drag
· Choose ‘draw room’ button this to the right location.
in the construction menu:
Tip: zoom in for more
· Click in the drawing field once precise measurements.
for the first corner, drag the
mouse to the right size and click
again to set the second floor.
Per separate Wall – already drawn N.B. Only horizontal and vertical
· Click on the wall. The property menu walls can be dragged. Other walls can
appears. Adjust the thickness in the menu be moved by adjusting the corners,
not by dragging the whole wall.
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How to draw a floor plan How to draw a floor plan
2.1 Rooms 2.2 Surfaces
Draw a surface
Add Rooms -Choose ‘draw surface ‘ button
in the construction menu,
Choose ‘draw room’ button
in the construction menu. -Click in the drawing field once
for the first corner and click
again for every new corner,
Click on an existing corner and drag -Close the surface by clicking the
the new room to the right size. The first corner again or use ‘ESC’
new room can be drawn ‘inside’
or ‘next to’ the existing room.
Click on the 3rd button in the Lines can be moved with the
construction menu, and choose one right mousebutton. You can move
of the icons. You can create walls, the corner or the entire line.
lines, dimensions, fences or hedges.
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How to draw a floor plan How to draw a floor plan
2.4 Doors and windows 2.5 Furniture and objects
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How to draw a floor plan How to draw a floor plan
2.5 Furniture and objects 2.6 Text and comments
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How to draw a floor plan How to draw a floor plan
2.7 Tracing an existing drawing 2.8 Units and View options
Do you already have a drawing or a sketch of the floor plan on scale? Upload Before you start drawing a plan, it is recommended
this drawing to trace it. It can help you draw a floorplan much quicker. For that you are working with the right units.
each floor you can upload a different drawing. (jpg-, png- or gif files).
Setting the Units
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How to draw a floor plan How to draw a floor plan
2.8 Units and View options 3.1 Saving and renaming designs
Find “Save” in
the top right:
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How to draw a floor plan How to draw a floor plan
3.2 Adding the next floor 3.3 Managing floors and designs
The number of floors is set when creating a new project. Switch between More lay outs of the same floor helps to show all the different options
the floors by clicking the floor tabs on top of the drawing space. of a house. Per floor multiple designs of a floor can be saved.
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How to draw a floor plan How to draw a floor plan
4.1 Advanced floorplanning 4.2 Rotating and mirroring plans
Some extra features with walls and rooms are explained below. Our right-click menu holds some useful functions.
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How to draw a floor plan How to draw a floor plan
4.3 Height options 4.4 Curved walls
Walls, surfaces, doors, windows and furniture all have the option to change height and elevation. In If you have a curved wall somewhere
the property menu, click edit height. It allows you create roofs, split level plans etc. The possibilities in your building, first draw a straight
are best described in an example. wall with corner points on the same
place as where the curve begins. Then
Example: Creating an attic click on a wall to get the wall properties
menu. Click on the curve wall icon.
For surfaces like roofs, draw them Then drag your cursor until your curve
manually, then click the surface once has the right shape and click again.
so it highlights, then click a corner
to set the elevation. You can also set Examples
the height of the whole surface with
edit height in the floor properties. You can create a sloped curved
wall by setting the height of
one of the endpoints. This is
For walls, you can set the elevation particularly interesting for walls
and height of the entire wall (both that go along a stairway.
points) or of one corner point. Here
the height of the corner point is
set to 0.1 to create a sloped wall.
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How to draw a floor plan How to draw a floor plan
4.5 Drawing tips & tricks 4.6 Shortcuts
1. Examine the quality of the base material. Function Keys (PC/MAC) Context
2. Start by drawing the rooms, start with the big Undo CTRL + Z / CMD + Z always
spaces, and finish with the small closets. Remove object DELETE when object is selected
Split wall hold CTRL/CMD when cursor is over wall
3 Adjust the thickness of the walls. End a drawing action ESC when drawing rooms, surfaces or lines
Exit a menu ESC when a menu is selected
4 Add doors, windows, stair and other structural elements. Turn Snap Off hold S while drawing lines or surfaces
Move Furniture ARROW KEYS when object is selected
5 Finish the drawing with floor patterns, comments and measurements. Select multiple objects hold SHIFT while selecting furniture
Scale from center hold SHIFT+CMD+ALT while dragging object scaleboxes
If you added a drawing, make sure it has the right scale and has a convenient orientation. Before
drawing anything, scale the drawing correctly and rotate it so the sketch has a horizontal
orientation and most walls are either horizontal or vertical. Then start tracing the rooms.
Often the basic structure of the floors are similar. Copying the structure that is similar
to the next floor can save you a lot of work. So start by drawing the structures that are
similar ( exterior walls, supporting walls, stairs etc.) on the several floors. Then copy
it to the next floor. Afterwards, add the structures that are typical for each floor.
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How to draw a floor plan How to draw a floor plan
5.1 Export and Printing floorplans 5.2 Publishing Plans
The published status of a plan has 3 options: Public, Private or Published. The publish mode
Plans can be exported from within a project or from the project options on your projects overview. is used to present a plan in a website, or to other people directly. After publishing, a plan has a couple
of options for presentation. Publishing plans and the Private option is not available for Free accounts.
Exporting plans
Export options
A published plan you can embed in a
website, or you can give up a
For exported PDF’s there’s also weblink to give access to a plan:
the option to export all designs.
Furthermore you can select a scale http://floorplanner.com/yourplanname or
in which your plan appears. http://yoursubdomain/floorplanner.com/ yourplanname
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How to draw a floor plan How to draw a floor plan
5.3 Embedding in a Website 5.4 Adding media
After a plan is published you can get an html code in the export options with which you can You can add photos, videos or 360 degrees pictures to your plan to give some extra insights
add an interactive plan to your website. Here’s a small explanation on how it is done. on you property to visitors. This is extremely valuable when publishing a plan on a website.
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How to draw a floor plan
5.5 Adding a Location
Adding a location to your plan lets people find your real estate more easily. This is extremely
valuable when putting your property for sale online, because potential customers will search for
houses in a certain district or will want to know where to find it if they stumble upon plan somewhere.