TH GS1 Pro 19030 00 Eor03 Mec TCS 1002 - SLB - 20210420
TH GS1 Pro 19030 00 Eor03 Mec TCS 1002 - SLB - 20210420
TH GS1 Pro 19030 00 Eor03 Mec TCS 1002 - SLB - 20210420
Project No Project Material/Equipment Tag No. A
Technical Compliance/Clarification SUR FAC E PU MP) w
Sheet COMPANY Requisition No.: TH-GS1-PRO-19030-00-EOR03-MEC-RFQ-1002 o
SUPPLIER Name: Schlumberger SUPPLIER Proposal No.: m
Update Date : 20-Apr-2021 n
Note: Technical Compliance/Clarification Sheet filled in by SUPPLIER is considered as a part of SUPPLIER proposal. c
(Y/N ) e
C om plete d Dilution Water B ooste r Pum ps (P-E3 10 1) pe r refe rence data shee t “TH-GS1- e
1.1 PR O-1 903 0-00 -EOR03 -MEC-DTS-10 01” and s pe cific ation, including but not limite d to the Included, Qty 1 unit complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
1.1.2 Driver unit including electric motor, Variable Speed Drive and Gear Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
1.1.3 Bearing temperature transmitter and Vibration transmitter at Thrust chamber Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
1.1.4 Bearing and winding temperature transmitters for motor Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
1.1.5 Me chan ical se als, sea l fl ush pl ans, and a ll a ccessori es (API sea l pla n 11/6 5A) incl udi ng le vel Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
sw itch at se al dra in co lle cti on tank (sea l lea k d etector)
1.1.6 Flexible Coupling complete with brass non-sparking guards Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
1.1.7 Common base plate for mounting of pump, driver unit and seal system Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
1.1.8 Ba sepl ate liftin g lug s/p ad eye s for tran sportatio n, e rection a nd ma inten ance (N ote: L ifti ng Included comp lie d, calcu latii on cou ld be p rovid ed a fter ord er [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
ca lcul ation sh all b e pro vide d) p lace ment
1.1.9 Two (2) SS316L Earthing bosses and with SS316 M10 stud, 2 Hex nuts and 2 plain washers Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
1.1.10 2 mm-thick (minimum) SS316 nameplate, hazardous area certification plates and tag plates. Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
1.1.11 Jack Screws – lateral & axial for motor Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
1.1.12 SS316 Shim plates for alignment Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
An chor bo lt is out of Sch lumb erge r stan da rd scope [20 -Apr-21 ] No te d. On ly th e draw ing i s re qu ired to sho w th e
a nd the dra win g of skid to ide ntify a ncho r bol t's lo cation a ncho r b olt de ta il (e.g. dia meter), l ocatio n an d instal latio n See below See below
can b e provi ded . fi gure . Pl ease co nfirm.
1.1.13 Holding bolt detailed drawing Included
1.2 Insp ection and Testin g with rep orts co mplyi ng wi th th e requ ireme nts i n th is do cumen t an d Included Complied to provide Client ITP at additional cost [20-Apr-21] Noted Y (+) CLOSED
re fe rence d ocu ments
1.4 Surface preparation, Cleaning and Painting Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
R equ ired l ifti ng d evice s (“Fou r-leg w ire rop e slin g with 4 sha ckles, 2 in te rmedi ate lin ks a nd o ne
ma ste r l ink” or “Ce rti fi ed spre ad er bar wi th sl ing s, li nks and sh ackle s” or th e other req uire d lifting
1.5 g ears wh iche ver ap pli cabl e) fo r tran sportatio n, e rectio n and ma inten anc e with 3rd p arty ce rti fi cate Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
from DN V-GL / ABS / BV / LR / K2 Speci ali st / In te rte k o nly
N ote: L ifti ng a rra ng emen t dra win g with cal cula ti on sh all b e provi ded .
1.6 Functional skid lifting test (self-empty weight) with 100% visual inspection after test Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
First fi ll (10 0%) of pump l ub rican t an d consu mabl es
1.7 N ote: L ubri can t sha ll be PTT p rodu cts wh ich a re compa ti ble for ea ch compo ne nts. In case PTT Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
p rodu cts are n ot avai lab le, th e prop ose d sh all b e subj ect to C OMPAN Y’s app roval
Pa cking , Prese rvatio n and Pre para ti on for Shi pmen t in clud ing temp orary n ozzle co vers, g asket,
1.10 b oltin g and supp orts Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
1.11 D ocume ntation as speci fi ed in Se cti on "Mi nimu m SU PPLIER Docu ment Submi ssion " and Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted Y (+) CLOSED
Ap pen dix III SUPPL IER D ocume ntation In stru cti on
Tran sportatio n of all su ppl ied i te ms p er agre ed d eli very te rm a nd lo cation (D AP a t C OMPAN Y’s
1.12 Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
w orksite, Lan krabu e, Kamph aen gph et, Tha ila nd, IN COTER MS 2 010 )
1.13 Pu mp performa nce a nd Mech ani cal gu aran tees in clud ing me chan ical / structura l desi gn, materia ls Included complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
a nd wo rkmansh ip
Optional Items
A dditional co mple te d Dil utio n Wa te r Bo oster Pumps in clud ing insp ection & testing ,
1.14 d ocume ntatio n and tran sportatio n (Ite m re fe r to item no . 1.1 – 1 .4 , 1.6 – 1.7 an d 1.10 - 1.13 ) (U nit Included as option, Unit rate provided for 1 - 3 Unit(s) Complied. Refer Priced bid [20-Apr-21] Noted Y (+) CLOSED
p rice sha ll be p rovid ed )
[2 0-Apr-2 1] Pl ease p rovid e repo nse for the foll owi ng req ue st;
(1) Plea se advi se whe rth er shi m p lates are re qui red as Start-
Sp are pa rts for Erectio n, C ommissi oni ng & Sta rtu p. up an d Commi ssion ing sp are p arts. If req uire d, p lea se revise
th e list and consi der for cost i mpact.
The sp are pa rts l ist sh all b e provi ded a nd co mpose d of the fol low ing items as a mini mum: Complied. Refer Priced bid See below See below
- Pump co nsuma ble parts (e.g. g askets, o -ring s, e tc.) (2) COST IMPACT wa s fil led w ith "N" whi ch di ffere nt from
1.16 Included as option, Unit rate provided for 1 - 3 Unit(s)
- Pump l ubri cant (sep arated from first fil l) some items in thi s se cti on. So, p le ase con fi rm tha t cost of th is
- Co mple te d set o f me chan ical se al cartrid ge i te m i s n ot i nclu ded i n base scope a nd reco nsid er fo r COST
The SU PPLIER sha ll in dica te i n th e offe r, if an y o th er items are req uire d. imp act for usi ng the sa me conce pt.
(Item refer to i te m n o. 1.8) (Uni t pri ce shal l be pro vide d)
Sp are pa rts for no rmal op eratio n (price d list, se pa ra tely qu oted). Th e spare parts list shal l be
co mpose d of th e fo llo win g items as a mini mum:
- Co mple te p ump b und le
- Co mple te se t of mech ani cal sea l
- Co upl ing
1.18 - Pump b eari ngs Included as option, price list provided Complied. Refer Priced bid [20-Apr-21] Noted Y (+) CLOSED
- Throa t bu shin g
- Key
- Pump co nsuma ble parts (e.g. g askets, o -ring s, e tc.)
- 10 0% of pu mp lub rican t
The SU PPLIER sha ll in dica te i n th e offe r, if an y o th er items are requ ired
Fie ld sup ervisi on SERV IC ES for Install ation , Co mmissio nin g, a nd Start-up , Performa nce test and
Si te Acce ptan ce Te st (SAT) a t COMPANY’ S WORKSITE. SUPPL IER sh all p rovid e th e un it ra te Inclu ded a s o ption , Da y ra te and mo bil izatio n &
se para te ly.
- SUPPL IER sh all p rovid e servi ce day rate an d mob iliza tion & de mobi liza ti on cost. de mobi liza ti on cost pro vide d.
1.19 - Da y ra te sh all b e in clusi ve of d ail y tran sportatio n from/to the w orksite, per di em, me al , SU PPLIER to advi se th e nu mber an d posi ti on of Complied. Refer Priced bid [20-Apr-21] Noted Y (+) CLOSED
a ccommod ation , la un dry, co mmuni cation , an d/or the othe r co st wh ich rel ated to site sup ervisi on.
- Mob ili zation & De mobi liza ti on co st sha ll in clud e day rate o n th e day(s) of tra veli ng, an y perso nne l wh o is/are req uire d to co mple te th e
tran sportatio n cost betwe en po int of orig in an d worksi te , acco mmoda tion a nd the othe rs co st
i ncurre d duri ng trave llin g
Thi s TCS wi ll be the p art of C ON TR ACT a fter aw ards wh ich SUPPL IE R shal l fo llo w. OPEN
The N et Po sitive Su cti on He ad Avai lab le (NPSH a) sha ll exce ed the Ne t Posi ti ve Suctio n Hea d
3.1.2 R equ ire (NPSH r) b y a t le ast 1m th roug hou t the e ntire op eratin g rang e. Complied complied (NPSHa = 650 m VS NPSHr=10 m) [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.1.3 R ated flow sh all b e wi th in the reg ion o f 8 0 % to 1 10 % of be st efficie ncy fl owra te o f the p ump as Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
furn ishe d.
3.1.4 Head rise from rate point to shutoff shall be at least 10% Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.1.5 Thrust chamber bearing operating temperature shall be less than 80oC. Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.1.6 Guard protection shall be provided for the part which surface temperature exceeds 70oC. Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
The a llo wab le force s a nd mome nts o n pump nozzl es due to pi pin g rea cti ons sha ll be two time s
3.1.7 the va lue s give n in No zzle lo adi ngs Tabl e 2 of API 61 0. Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
Su cti on an d di scharg e nozzl es shal l be fla nge d with we ldi ng ne ck, ra ised face w ith smooth fini sh.
3.1.8 Al l fl ang es on the ca sing sh all b e rated the sa me as disch arge fla ng e and sh all co nform to ASME Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
B1 6.5, S lip -o n flan ge or socke t we ld flan ge i s n ot p ermitted.
3.1.11 All piping onskid shall be complied in accordance with 10008-STD-6-PIP-001-R00 for piping design Complied n/a - no piping in HPS design [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.1.12 Pi pin g stre ss a na lysis sha ll be p erformed i nclu din g small b ore co nne cti ons in a ccorda nce w ith Complied n/a - no piping in HPS design [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
p ump de sign code
Dra in pa ns fo r thru st cha mber a nd in ta ke are pro vide d as [20 -Apr-21 ] Ple ase p rovid e th e drai n pan at d ischa rge are a
See below See below
sta nda rd desi gn al so and co nsid er fo r co st imp act.
3.1.13 A fabri cated stee l base p late skid w ith dra in rim sha ll be furn ishe d and s hal l extend co mple te ly Complied
u nde r b oth pu mp and d river
SU PPLIER shal l ta ke full re spon sibi lity to co mple te th e Pump pa ckage for d esig n, e ngi nee ring
a nd man ufacture so a s to en sure tha t it can pro vide the g ua rantee d capa bil ities in proce ss
3.1.14 Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
se rvice. Th e respo nsi bil ity sh all co ver to the sp ecifica ti on o f the pa rts an d acce ssorie s su b-
co ntracted b y the SU PPLIER
[20 -Apr-21 ] Ple ase pro vide th e respo nse for th e foll owi ng
re que sts;
D etail s o f rep airs sh all b e record ed an d repo rted to COMPANY, w ho sha ll be i nforme d of the
3.1.16 Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
n eed for p lug gin g prio r to an y re pa ir b ei ng carri ed ou t
N on pre ssure pa rts a ttach ed to pressu re pa rts by we ldi ng sha ll be the same materi al as the
3.1.17 Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
p ressure p art
3.1.18 Dissimilar material welding is not permitted Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
Al l bol ti ng sha ll b e compl ied i n accord ance w ith 10 008 -STD -6-COR-0 11-R 00, Pain ti ng o f
3.1.19 Complied complied with additional cost comparing standard SLB AVL [20-Apr-21] Noted, to follow COMPANY's requirement. Y (+) CLOSED
Onsh ore structure a nd Facil ities, section 7 .8 .3 .5
3.1.20 Slip-on flange and thread connections on any parts / equipment are not permitted Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
compl ied w ith ad ditio nal co st comp arin g sta nd ard SLB
3.1.21 Nameplates and rotation arrows shall be made of 316 stainless steel with 2mm-thick Complied [20-Apr-21] Noted, to follow COMPANY's requirement. Y (+) CLOSED
de sig n 0.5mm th ick
The ma ximum al low ed no ise l evel i s 8 5 dBA measu red a t 1 m. from the surface o f the e qui pmen t
3.1.22 Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
p ackag e.
The vi bratio n leve l sha ll be me asure d compl ian ce with 1 000 8-STD-6-R OT-03 7-R0 0, ESP Ba se
3.1.23 H orizo ntal Pump Pa ckag e fo r Su rfa ce Pumpi ng Systems, or Manu fa ctu rer sta nd ard, whi cheve r i s Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
mo re stri nge nt
N DT sh all b e performe d as req uire d by materia l speci fi cation . In ad ditio n, N DT sh all b e pe rfo rmed
3.1.24 i n accord ance with min imum req uire ments as sta te d in tab le in se cti on 5.1.19 of TH-GS1-PR O- Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
1 903 0-00 -EOR03 -MEC-RFQ-1 00 2
C asting d efects shal l not be rep aire d by we ldi ng, plu ggi ng, burn in g in, or impre gna ti ng, exce pt a s
fol low s
1 ) Wel dab le gra de o f steel ca sti ng may be re pa ired b y w eld ing i n accord an ce with resp ective
ma te rial stan dard s.
2 ) R epa ir wel din g pro cedu re and w eld er’s qu ali fi catio n shal l be in a ccorda nce wi th ASTM A 488
3 ) Ma jor we ld rep air sha ll b e subj ected to Comp any ’s p rio r a ppro val. Majo r w eld re pai r i s d efine d
a s e ither a remo val o f more tha n 40% o f the w all thi ckness, or len gth of more than 1 00mm in o ne
3.1.25 Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
o r mo re dire cti on, or a total surface a rea of al l re pa irs excee din g 20% o f the total ca sti ng surface
a rea
4 ) Ma jor we ld rep air sha ll b e fo llo wed b y su itabl e he at trea tme nt
5 ) Wel d repa ir shal l be i nspe cte d accord ing to the sa me qua lity sta nda rd use d to i nspe ct the
ca sti ng.
Al l other rep airs sha ll b e subj ect to the COMPANY’ s p rio r a ppro val
Whe re th e con fi gura ti on of th e casting makes rad iog raph y i mpossi ble , it may be re pla ced by
3.1.26 Complied Complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
u ltrason ic te sti ng
L ifti ng lu gs sha ll be p erformed w ith fu nction al l ifti ng test (se lf-empty wei ght) and 100 % visua l
3.1.27 i nspe cti on after li ftin g te ste d Complied Complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.2.2 Medium fluid Water with high chloride content Complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
[20 -Apr-21 ] Ple ase pro vide fe edb ack fo r the fo llo win g
re que sts;
3.2.4 Density at pumping temperature 9 81 (kg /m3 ) Complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.2.5 Viscosity at pumping temperature 0.6 (cP) Complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.2.6 Vapour pressue at pumping temperature 1.39 (Psig) Complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.2.8 Suction Pressure (Min / Nor / Max) 1,000 / 1,500 / 1,600 (Psig) Complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.2.9 Design Discharge Pressure (Min / Nor / Max) 1,600 / 1,800 / 1,900 (Psig) Complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
[20 -Apr-21 ] Ple ase pro vide fe edb ack fo r the fo llo win g
re que sts;
(1 ) R efer to p ropo sed "Va riab le Spe ed Dri ve Curve s", the re is
Min d iff.pre ssure = 2 75 psi a t min a ccep ta ble sp eed 3 0 n o performa ce curve at spe ed 30 H z. So, ple ase u pda te a nd
H z, Max d iff pre ssure = 90 0 Psi - confirme d re submi t the curve . See below See below
3.2.10 Differential pressure at Minimum flow 200 (SUPPLIER to confirm) - 900 (Psi)
(2 ) At Mini mum fl ow (15 00 BPD), maximu m d iffe aren tial
p ressure w ill b e less than 5 00 Psi , pl ease re check an d
co nfirm th e rang e of D iffe ren ti al pre ssure.
3.2.13 Minimum available NPSH 650 (Meters) Complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.2.15 NPSHR @ End of Curve SUPPLIER to advise 12.6 m [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.2.17 Suction Specific Speed (Nss) Shall not exceed 11000 (USC units) complied - 4592 [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
17 4 ba rg
3.2.18 Mechanical design pressure, barg SUPPLIER to advise [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.2.19 Mechanical design temperature, Deg C 100 oC Complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
[20 -Apr-21 ] Ple ase spe cify Pump min a nd max con ti nou s fl ow
for stabl e ope ration (BP D) a t the fol low ing co ndi ti ons.
7 .7 m3 /d @ 30 Hz - min
75.3 m3/h @ 65 H z - max - Max spe ed See below See below
- Same sp eed w ith rated ca paci ty
3.2.20 Pu mp min an d max con ti nou s flo w fo r stab le o pera ti on (m3/h BPD) SUPPLIER to advise (Min / Max)
- Min sp eed
3.2.21 Efficiency (at Min / Nor / Rated / Max Flow), % SUPPLIER to advise 50.7%/ 68% / 76% / 64% [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.2.22 Best efficiency point (BEP), % (SUPPLIER to advi se) % at (S UPPLIER to advi se) 77% @ 59 m3/d @ 64 Hz [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.2.23 Power absorbed (Min / Nor / Rated / Max), kW SUPPLIER to advise 10.3 / 83.4 / 145.2 / 141 kW [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.2.24 Maximum power at rated impeller (EOC), kW SUPPLIER to advise 152.5 kW @ 65 Hz [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.2.25 Allowable maximum particle size SUPPLIER to advise 200 micron [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.3.2 Discharge Nozzle SU PPLIER to advi se / 15 00# (SU PPLIER to confirm) 3" / 1500# / RF / End [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
/ RF / End
[20 -Apr-21 Pl ease co nfirm wh ether SUPPL IER ca n instal l
1/2"NPT can be only provided ad ditio nal p ipe sp ool to co nvert 1/2" NPT to b e nozzl e 1" / See below See below
3.3.3 Drain Nozzle 1 " / 15 00# (SU PPLIER to co nfirm) / R F / Si de 1 50 0# (SUPPL IER to con firm) / RF / Sid e
n /a , sho uld be pa rt of pip eli ne co nne cte d to H PS (2) In case there i s ca n port on su cti on casi ng, ple ase a dvise
in ta ke/di scharg e size a nd po vid e valve w ith plu g , Plea se ad vise size a nd See below See below
3.3.4 Vent-Gland Nozzle SUPPLIER to advise / NPT / Valved with Plug con fi rm to sup pl y Va lve wi th p lug .
3.3.5 Drain Nozzle at drain pan 2" / 150# / RF / End complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.3.7 Hydrostatic Test Pressure 1.5 x MAWP 3750 [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.3.10 Thrust Chamber Type SD TC , HDTC or XDTC THRUST CHAMBER: 2 BEARINGS [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
(SU PPLIER to speci fy)
3.3.11 Bearing max. allowable load (Radial / Thrust) (N) SUPPLIER to specify / SUPPLIER to specify 35600 N [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.3.12 Pump thrust load (Radial / Thrust) (N) SUPPLIER to specify / SUPPLIER to specify 21923.06 N (max) [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.3.13 Pump MFG and country of origin SUPPLIER to specify Schlumberger, Russia [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.4.1 Manufacturer/ Model SUPPLIER to advise (Complied as per PTTEP AML) John Crane / Single Cartriidge - FRSP [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.4.2 Code and standard design Complied as per API 682 latest edition complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.4.3 Seal Plan API plan 11/65A complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.4.4 Pressureized accessories Complied per ASME VIII Div.1. complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
Me chan ical se al sh all b e cartridg e typ e, a nd flu shin g conn ection s, a s i ndi cated on the d ata
3.4.5 sh eets. A sh aft sle eve must be pro vide d in thi s a rea Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
for pla n 11: 1/2 &1/4 con fi gura ti on is a stan dard d esig n
witho ut orifice - pro vide re qui red flow ra te fo r p rope r se al
3.4.6 Flush pipe size shall be ¾” to 1” Complied flu shin g an d cool ing [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
for pla n 65 : comp lie d
3.4.7 The isolation valve between seal and seal plan system shall be provided and normally opened. Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.4.8 Pressure Indicator shall be provided at pipe end (after orifice) Complied n o pre ssure in dica to r i n sta nda rd de sign . Co uld b e ad ded [20-Ap r-21] Note d. Pl ease a dd to foll ow COMPANY's Y (+) CLOSED
with ad ditio nal co st req uire me nt.
3.4.9 Material of mechanical seal including piping plan shall be made from SS316L as a minimum Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
The me chan ical se al co nstruction sh all b e th e sin gle re versal sp ring d esig n whi ch is no t exp osed
3.4.10 to Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
the flu id con ditio n.
The d ynami c se al ch ambe r p ressure for sin gle se al sh all e xceed the ma ximum li qui d vapo r
3.4.11 p ressure a t maxi mum sea l chamb er liq uid temp erature b y a t l east 3.5 bar or 10 % wh iche ver is Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
g reater
3.5.1 Casing Carbon Steel (SUPPLIER to confirm) confirmed [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.5.2 Diffuser NI-RESIST Type 1 (SUPPLIER to confirm) confirmed [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.5.3 Impeller NI-RESIST Type 1 (SUPPLIER to confirm) confirmed [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.5.5 Pump Head SS316L (SUPPLIER to confirm) confirmed [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.5.6 Baseplate Carbon Steel (SUPPLIER to confirm) confirmed [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.5.7 Pump Suction housing including inlet nozzle SS316L (SUPPLIER to confirm) confirmed [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.5.8 Pump Discharge nozzle SS316L (SUPPLIER to confirm) confirmed [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.6.1 Manufacturer SUPPLIER to advise (Complied as per PTTEP AML) John Crane [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.6.2 Code and standard design for Couplings and Guards API 671 confirmed [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.6.3 Service factor ≥ 1 .7 5 (SUPPL IER to con fi rm) confirmed [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.6.4 Coupling type Dry (non-lubricated), metallic, flexible type confirmed [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.6.5 Metal Coupling guard No n-spa rkin g materia l , Brass Preferre d (SUPPLIER confirmed [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
to co nfirm)
Sp acer-type co up lin g shal l be pro vide d. Addi ti ona lly, coup lin gs shal l compl y w ith foll owi ng.
3.6.6 •• Flexi ble e le ments shal l be of corrosi on-re sistan t materi al.
Co up lin gs shal l be de sign ed to retai n th e space r i f a fle xibl e ele ment rupture s. Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
• Co up lin gs hub sh all b e ste el
3.6.7 Coupling shall be balanced to ISO 21940-11 grade G6.3 Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.7.1 Manufacturer SUPPLIER to advise (Complied as per PTTEP AML) N/A - application with VSD [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.7.2 Service factor SUPPLIER to advise N/A - application with VSD [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.7.3 Gear type SUPPLIER to advise N/A - application with VSD [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.8.2 Motor specification 1 000 8-STD-6-EL E-020 -R0 0 and TH-GS1-PR O- a BB [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
19 030 -00-EOR0 3-MEC-D TS-1 001 M3 BP 3 15 ML A 2
3.8.3 Standard and Code IEC60034 and IEC60079 complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3.8.4 Manufacturer name and model As per AML (SUPPLIER to confirm) ABB [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
M3 BP 3 15 ML A 2
3.8.5 Direction of rotation (facing driven end) Bi-direction yes [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
[20 -Apr-21 ] Ple ase pro vide respo nse for th e fo llo win g
re uqe sts.
To b e in dica te d by Supp lie r, The mo to r p owe r ra ti ng Yes (2 ) Pl ease p rovid e th e con fi rma tion tha t the po wer o f motor is
incl udi ng se rvice factor shal l be a min imum of: See below See below
2 00kW/16 0kW - de -rating for op eratio n ab ove 60 H z su ffici ent fo r o pera te p ump w ith th e mini mum margi n 110 % to
3.8.6 Motor rating (kW) - 12 5% for Motor < 22 kW the e nd of curve.
- 11 5% for Motor 22 to 55 kW
- 11 0% for Motor > 55 kW (3 ) Pl ease p rovid e any con firmatio n/informa ti on from ABB
tha t the po wer is de crea sed to be 16 0 kW wh en ru nni ng
a bove 6 0 Hz
[20 -Apr-21 ] Ple ase pro vide respo nse for th e fo llo win g
re que sts;
0-3900 rpm Whe n ope rating a t maxi mum spe ed See below See below
3.8.7 Speed (Min - Max @motor) (rpm) SUPPLIER to advise (1 ) Wha t is the val ue of fre qu ency an d voltag e sup plyi ng to
mo to r ?
(2 ) Wha t is the val ue of motor po wer ?
(3 ) Wha t is the val ue of sha ft requ ired p owe r ?
3.8.8 Electrical power supply For drive r 4 00 V / 5 0 Hz / 3 ph ases complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
For he ating 2 30 V / 5 0 Hz / 1 ph ase
3.8.10 Overall Explosion proof protection Not required noted [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
3 -wire R TD (PT10 0) x 2 se ts p er pha se ( 1 u sed & 1 [20-Ap r-21] Plea se confirm that the tempe rature pro te cti on
complied re lay is pro vide d insi de VSD ca bin et to rece ive sig nal from a ll See below See below
3.8.12 Mo to r Win din g Te mpera ture de te cto r sp are)
R TD s.
Mo to r Be arin g Te mpe rature de te cti on (bo th DE & N DE) 3-wi re RTD (PT1 00) x 2 sets per po sition ( 1 use d &
1 spa re)
3.8.14 Motor explosion proof certification Not required noted [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
complied [20-Apr-21] Please submit motor datasheet S1 duty to review. See below See below
3.8.15 Motor Duty S9 (provided both name plate S1 & S9)
Mai n TB Po sition Top (a dju sta ble 4 d irectio ns) [20-Ap r-21 ] Ple ase con fi rm tha t termin al bo x fo r ma in po wer
Main TB Posi tio n Top (ad justab le 4 di rectio ns) or W/O Aux. TB Posi ti on Top / R igh t (vie w fro m D E)
Ri ght (view fro m DE ) su ppl y, spa ce hea te r and R TD (PT10 0) shal l be in sta lle d See below See below
3.8.18 Motor Junction Box Au x. TB Po sition To p / Ri ght (view from DE) Co nne ction : Threa d metric sep aratel y.
Ca ble : Thre e core cab les (CU /XL PE/SWA/PVC)
C onn ection : Thre ad metric
Cab le : Three co re cabl es (CU/XLPE/SWA/P VC)
OPEN Electrical equipment shall be selected according PTTEP recommended manufacturer list Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED The electrical earthing system TN-S complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
OPEN Transformer's manufacturer SUPPLIER to advise (Complied as per PTTEP AML) NA [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED VSD scheme/configuration LV VSD to drive LV motor Noted [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED Voltage/frequency of input 4 00 V +/- 10% , 5 0 Hz +/- 5 % Noted [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
(3 p hase s, 3 w ires) Comply to earthing system of existing utility TN-S Noted [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
no extra sup ply, control vo ltag e is conn ected from Control voltage VSD inp ut vo ltag e itself Noted [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
OPEN Minimum efficiency at all operating points > 97% > 97% at nominal power [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
2 nd e nviro nmen t, C4, grou nd ed ne tw ork (TN ) a s
sta nda rd. Radio interference class (IEC 61800-3) Class A, design category C4 [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
Plea se speci fy wi th the l atest sta rdard a cc to EN6 180 0 if it
i s a noth er catego ry Mounting Floor Floor [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED Degree of Protection indoor enclosure IP41 and IP20 at door openning indoor enclosure IP42 and IP20 at door openning [20-Apr-21] Noted Y (+) CLOSED VSD pulse system 6 pul se or hig her to mee t ha rmoni c e missio n 6-pulse [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
requ ireme nt
[20-Ap r-21] Plea se spe cify the re qui red vol ta ge su ppl y a t the
fol low ing sp ee d of mo to r:
Direct torque control (DTC) / Torque control / Speed control - 25 Hz: See below See below
- 50 Hz: VSD mode of control speed / torque / power - 60 Hz:
- >6 0 Hz:
[20 -Apr-21 ] Ple ase pro vide respo nse for th e fo llo win g
re que sts;
Earth fau lt p rotection : Yes [20 -Apr-21 ] Ple ase pro vide more in fo rmation a s the fol low ing :
Therma l prote cti on: Yes (+)
Ea rth fau lt p rotection / Th erma l protectio n / Lo ss o f Lo ss o f p hase : Yes (1 ) Whi ch protectio n fu nction s are bu ilt-in fun cti on of VSD ? See below See below
ph ase / Over and und er voltag e protectio n: Yes Protection function Over and u nd er voltag e protectio n / Over curre nt Over curren t p rotection : Yes (2 ) Whi ch protectio n fu nction s are req uire d add ition al
pro te cti on / Motor wi din g pro te cti on: Yes (+) mo dul e ?
Motor wid ing p rotectio n (RTD)
Spe ed co ntrol swi tch (a dju sta ble ): Yes a t lo cal con tro l [20 -Apr-21 ] No te d
pa ne l (ke ypa d at fron t of cab ine t) Pl ease co nfirm to u se th e col or of the fol low ing si gna lin g la mp
Sp eed co ntrol sw itch (adj ustabl e) / Emerg ency p ush Emerg ency p ush bu tton : Yes a s fol low s:
See below See below
button / On/Off switch: Yes - Re ady (Stopp ed): Gre en Auxiliary switch at front panel
On/Off switch / In dica ti ng la mps/sign ali ng la mp (red , Indi catin g lamp s/si gna lin g lamp : Sta nd ard: Rea dy Pilo t - Ru nni ng: Red
gree n,amb er) li ght, w hite / Run Pi lot l igh t, gree n / Fau lt Pi lot lig ht, red - Faul t: Amber
3.9.3 Others
3 .9 .3 .1 P lea se submi t the cha racteristic of curre nt (Y-a xis) and sp eed (X-a xis) fo r a compa rison o f
VSD n omin al ou tput curren t an d th e req uire d curren t of motor to th e end o f curve . Complied OPEN
3 .9 .3 .2 P lea se provi de the con firmation to p rovid e inco ming MC CB or Fu se whi ch wil l be su itabl e
Complied OPEN
w ith brea king ca pa city 2 5 kA a s mi nimu m.
3 .9 .3 .3 If th e ele ctri c mo to r ra ti ng is 20 0 kW, comp any pl ans to lay 3C x24 0 cab le for
su ppl ying p ow er fro m tran sfo rmer to VSD a nd from VSD to motor. Pl ease p rovid e th e Complied OPEN
co nfirmatio n to p rovi de the sui ta ble ca ble 's te rmina l at VSD a nd su itabl e cabl e entry at mo tor.
3 .9 .3 .4 th e cabl e len gth fro m VSD to the mo to r i s l ess th an 1 00 M. Pl ease sp ecify th e sele cted
To be specified OPEN
a ddi ti ona l ou tp ut fil te r, if requ ired .
3 .9 .3 .5
(1 ) Ava ila ble a rea in compa ny cabi n is 100 0 mm x 2 200 mm x 120 0 mm (WxHxD ), pl ease p rovid e Complied OPEN
the co nfirmatio n to prop ose VSD cab ine t w hich ca n be in sta lle d at th is area .
(2 ) Pl ease i nform th e ove rall d imen sion o f pro pos ed VSD.
3 .9 .3 .6 P lea se inform the no mina l outp ut p owe r o f sel ected VSD a nd al so inform sel ected d rive Complied OPEN
type , ACS8 80 -07-0 XXXA-3.
3 .9 .3 .7 P lea se provi de the con firmation to a dd on e sign all ing lamp for VSD cab ine t' s a nti-
co nde nsati on he aters and thi s l amp sh all b e lumi nated w hen h ea te rs i s "ON" Complied OPEN
3 .9 .3 .8 P lea se provi de the con firmation to p rovid e In te rlocki ng to pre vent th e doo r o pe nin g whi le Complied OPEN
ci rcuits are li ve.
3 .9 .3 .9 P lea se provi de the con firmation th at the fol low ing i nterfaci ng con cepts can be provi ded a s
mi nimu m:
Interfaci ng wi th loca l control u nit:
- L ocal /R emote se lector
- Start/Sto p
- Fie ld Emerg ency Stop Sw itch
Fron t Pan el o f Ca bin et
- Eme rgen cy Sto p Butto n
- Stan da rd Keypa d of VSD
Interfaci ng wi th PLC
- N ormal stop co mmand fro m PL C
- N ormal start comman d fro m PLC Complied OPEN
- Sp eed control from PLC
- ESD Stop Comman d from PLC
- VSD R ead y to R UN Status to PL C
- R unn ing S ta tu s to PLC
- Fau lt Statu s to PLC
- C ommon Al arm to PL C
- Sp eed sta tu s to PLC
- L ocal /R emote Status to PLC
- C urren t Status to PLC
- Su cti on Pre ssure Status to PL C
- D ischa rge Pressu re Status to PL C
3 .9 .3 .1 1 Sche matic dia gram be tw een V SD & Fie ld sha ll be i n th e scop e of su ppi ler. Plea se
p rovid e th e con fi rmation to pro vide thi s d rawi ng a s a p art o f VSD sche matic di agra m. (See the Complied OPEN
e xampl e fro m a no th er proj ect i n an attach ed file "Attachme nt#2 ")
3 .9 .3 .1 2 Ple ase pro vide the co nfirmatio n to provi de bo th C AD fi le a nd PDF fi le for VSD schema ti c
d iag ram. Complied OPEN
The si gna l be tw een Va ries Spe ed Dri ve (VSD) an d Plan t DC S/ESD sh all b e prov ide d by fo llo win g
l ist.
3.10.1 • Shu tdow n sign al from ESD to VSD Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
• Start sign al from DCS or ESD or RC U to VSD
• Co ntrol sig na l fro m D CS to VSD
Start and s to p proce ss sh all b e recei ved co mma nd from remo te co ntrol un it (R CU) lo cated a t
3.10.2 fie ld. Spee d con tro l set p oin t sha ll be recei ved from DCS an d emerg enc y sh utdow n equ ipme nt o r Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
p ermissi ve sign al sha ll be recei ved from SIS system.
The co ntrol se que nce to ope rating accesso ry e qui pmen t such mo tor lub e oil sh all b e control led
3.10.3 Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
a nd op era te d fro m VSD system.
Si gna l fro m l evel tra nsmitter/switch (at seal d rain co lle cti on tan k), Vib ration tran smitte r (a t Thrust
ch ambe r), Tempe rature tran smitte r (for thrust chamb er b ea ring , motor be arin g and w ind in g) and
3.10.4 Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
o th er tra nsmitter(s)/switch(e s), if pro vide d, sh all b e dire cte d to VSD loca l pan el, and fu nction
a larm/trip to be p erformed b y VSD l ocal p ane l.
Si gna l fro m su cti on a nd di scharg e pressu re sha ll be d irected to VSD an d VSD sha ll sen d data to
3.10.5 Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
D CS or SIS system.
3.10.6 C ontractor sha ll in clud e pro te cti on of all owa nce min imu m a nd maxi mum fl ow in side VSD system Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
o r p rovid e equ atio n mini mum and ma ximum al low ance flo w to PTTEP.
The p rotective su nsha de sha ll be p rovid ed o f ea ch instrume nt to p rotect the m from the ad verse
3.10.7 Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
trop ical w eathe r co nd ition s
3.10.8 The cable gland at field instrument shall be Hawke 501/453 UNIV Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
3.10.9 C abl ing a nd w iring on the skid sh all b e insta lle d as per IEC sta nda rd criteria , mix-u p of NEC wi th Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
IEC no t al low
3.10.10 Connecting cables in each skid/cabin are require junction boxes Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
In the ev ent of a n orde r, SUPPL IER shal l incl ude the fol low ing d ocu ments/draw ing s i n th e
o pera ti ng a nd mai ntena nce in stru cti on ma nua l to b e submi tted to C ompa ny:
• In stru men t da ta sh eet
• In stru men t set poi nt l ist
• In stru men t la yout draw ing
3.10.11 • In stru men t termin ation d iag ram Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
• In stru men t sig nal l ine h ook up detai ls
• In stru men t catal ogu e and ma nu al
• Tro ub lesh ootin g Fl owch art
• In stru men t Ca lib ration / Te sti ng Re po rt
• Con tro l na rrative/ phi loso phy
• Cau se an d Effect dia gram
[20 -Apr-20 21 ] Ple ase pro vide re spon se for th e fo llo win g
re qu ests;
No re qu est to in ta ke or disch arg e pressu re (1 ) R equ ire suctio n pressu re an d disch arge for pro te ct pu mp
ga ug es/tra nsmitters were fou nd in REQUISITION FOR d ama ge du e to l oss suction and p reven t pi pe rup ture from
WATER INJEC TION PUMPS hig h pressu re disch arge See below See below
Pl ease cl arify if th ese transmi tters are n eed ed i n th e pump
3.10.12 All field instruments shall be provided with isolating, drain and vent valves for maintenance purpose Complied packa ge (2) Ple ase con fi rm co mpli ance to C OMPAN Y's re qui remen t
on i te m 3 .1 0.12 ab ou t fiel d instrume nt w ith isol ating , d rain
and v ent valve s for mai ntena nce p urpo se.
3.10.13 All field instrument shall be 4-20 mA HART protocol and have IP 65 as minimum Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
The co nstruction work sha ll be u sed cab le g lan d and u se close co nd uit/cabl e tra y for typica l
3.10.14 i nstall ation Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
3.10.15 The i nstrumen t ca ble sh all b e SWA type wi th fire re tarda nt ca ble o uter she ath colo r b lack (N-IS) Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
a nd bl ue (IS), co ndu cto r si ze shal l be min imum 1 mm2, 30 0/500 V
3.10.16 All the SS316L tubing fittings shall be Swagelok Complied complied [20-Apr-2021] Noted N CLOSED
C onfirme d.Deta ile d eng ine erin g calcu latio n be sh ared [20-Ap r-21] SUPPL IER to con fi rm. See below See below
after ord er is confirme d Th e skid sh all b e desi gn to ta ke 20 0% of WL L.
SUPPLIER sh all p rovid e stru ctu ral skid ca lcul ation
n ote, l ifti ng ca lcul ation n ote and ce rtified l ifti ng
a rrang emen ts dra win g fo r packa ge skid .
3.11.2 Skid baseplate design
SU PPLIER sha ll be re spon sibl e fo r the i nteg rity o f
the skid structu res whi ch shal l be rig id to avoi d an y
de fl ection s o ccurren ce du ring l ifti ng.
3.11.5 Design of earthing and bounding systems Complied with TYP-4-57-0004 / TYP-4-59-0006 complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
SUPPLIER to sup ply li ftin g devi ces fo r i nstall atio n [20 -Apr-21 ] SUPPL IER to in clu de foll owi ng scop e with cost
and ma inte nan ce. L ifti ng de vices mea ns sli ngs, l ifti ng de vices cou ld be provi ded , certifica ti on as pe r
impa ct in p ropo sal. sched ul e impa ct is no t acce ptabl e. See below See below
sh ackle s, li nks, master lin k a nd spre ade r b ar. All PTTEP req uire ments with co st an d sched ule i mpact Ple ase con fi rm co mpli ance .
lifting d evice s sh al l be lo ad tested, withn ess an d
3.11.6 Lifting devices certifie d by PTTEP's ap prove d th ird p arty a s
in dica te d in C MS d ocume nt. ND E testin g sha ll be
p erformed i n acco rd an ce with PTTEP's sp ecifica ti on
b efore an d afte r fu nction al li ftin g.
SU PPLIER to co mply
After compl etion of p ump skid i nstall ation . Pu mp skid complied, witness schedule to be argeed in [20-Ap r-21 ] SUPPL IER sh all n otify C OMPAN Y a t l east 14
sh all p erform fu cti ona l lifting test an d witne ss a nd d ays fo r C OMPAN Y's prep aratio n. Pl ease co nfirm See below See below
certified b y PTTEP's Appro ved thi rd party. N DE advance to avoid delays in product delivery compl ian ce.
3.11.7 Functional lifting test testin g sha ll be p erformed i n accord anc e with
PTTEP's spe cificatio n befo re and a fter functio na l
li ftin g. OPEN
SU PPLIER to co mply
3.12.1 Process and mechanical performance guarantee of each equipment per datasheets. Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
Project No Project Material/Equipment Tag No. A
Technical Compliance/Clarification SUR FAC E PU MP) w
Sheet COMPANY Requisition No.: TH-GS1-PRO-19030-00-EOR03-MEC-RFQ-1002 o
SUPPLIER Name: Schlumberger SUPPLIER Proposal No.: m
Update Date : 20-Apr-2021 n
Note: Technical Compliance/Clarification Sheet filled in by SUPPLIER is considered as a part of SUPPLIER proposal. c
(Y/N ) e
v Equipment Weight [Ton] To b e in dica te d by SUPPLIER (pre limi nary), bu t it 5 ton [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED i
sh all n ot b e ove r the l imitatio n of tran spo rta ti on d
3.15.2 Max packaging dimension and weight limitation for transportation d
Ma ximum pa ckagi ng d imen sion , in clud ing cra ti ng sha ll n ot b e over than 1 2 m (L ) x 2.4 m (W) x 3.0 m (H ) Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
Pa ckagi ng in clu din g crating w eig ht for transp ortatio n shal l not be o ver th an Complied complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
2 4 To ns / p ackag ing
4.0 QA/QC
[20 -Apr-21 ] Ple ase pro vide respo nse for th e fo llo win g
re que sts;
(1 ) For pre ssure pa rts, ple ase fol low C OMPAN Y's
sp ecifica ti on and co nsid er for cost i mpact. If SU PPLIER
w oul d like to take de viatio n, ple ase spe cify i n deta il for
ND T: 1. Pressure p arts - on ly fo r i ntake /di scharg e d iscussi on.
(pro vide d by parts vend or) See below See below
2. Structura l parts – on ly lifting l ugs (ND T 10 0%) (2 ) For structural p arts, pl ease fo llo w C OMP ANY's
Co mpli ed as pe r se cti on 5 o f TH-GS1-PRO-19 030 - sp ecifica ti on as foll ows an d con side r for cost impa ct.
5.2 Non-destructive Testing 00 -EOR 03 -MEC -RFQ-1 00 2 - Weld o n prima ry structura l skid, Lifting l ug s / pad -eyes /
trun nio n wel ds : Full p ene tration w eld s - 10 0% Visu al
e xamin ation , 10 0% MT o r PT, and 1 00% U T
- Oth er wel ds on no n-critica l parts : 1 00% Vi sual e xamin ation ,
a nd 10 % MT or PT
Type 3.1 for pressu re pa rts (in ta ke, d ischa rge, pump
ho usin g materia l, p ump sha ft materi al) [20-Ap r-21] Plea se provi de Ma te rial ce rti fi cate Typ e 3 .1 fo r
See below See below
- Type 2 .2 for maj or Non -pressu re part an d non -critical frame ski d and b oltin g also .
3.1 fo r p ressu re part and p rimary structures, 2.2 for parts (wil l be li ste d sepa rately)
5.3 Material certificate no n-pre ssure p art
5.4 Material traceability Complied as per 10008-STD-6-GEN-007-R00 complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
Mini mum requ ired sp are p art l ist a s fol low ing s.
7.1 Start-up and Commissioning spare parts • Pu mp consu mabl e parts (e.g. gaske ts, o-rin gs, complied [20-Apr-21] Noted. Refer to discussion at 1.8 and 1.16. N CLOSED
• Pu mp lub rican t (sep arated fro m first fi ll)
• C ompl eted set of me chan ica l seal ca rtri dge
Th e SUPPL IER sh all i ndi cate in the o ffer, if a ny other
items are req ui red.
9.1 Mechanical guarantee including mechanical/ structural design, material and workmanship C ompl ied a s p er section 1 7 of TH -GS1 -PRO-190 30- complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
00 -EOR 03 -MEC -RFQ-1 00 2
At lea st 12 mo nths fro m the d ate of compl etion o f
commi ssion ing a nd start-up of the GOODS or 18
9.2 Warranty period months after th e GOODS are re ceive d by complied [20-Apr-21] Noted N CLOSED
COMPANY a t DEL IVER Y L OC ATION, w hich ever
first occurs
[20-Ap r-21] Plea se confrim tha t SUPPL IER co nsid ered a nd
sha ll sup pl y a ll do cumen ts spe difie d by COMPANY. No
complied See below See below
ad ditio nal sh all b e charg ed for sup plyi ng such d ocume nts if
Comp lie d as pe r Se cti on 18 a nd Ap pen dix III of SU PPLIER is aw arde d
10.1 Drawing and Documents submitted for review Docu ment No. TH -GS1 -PRO-190 30 -00-EOR0 3-
MEC-R FQ-10 02