Wijatmoko 2020 CIT On Kumham Service
Wijatmoko 2020 CIT On Kumham Service
Wijatmoko 2020 CIT On Kumham Service
Article History
Received January 31st, 2020
Revised February 1st, 2020
Accepted February 25th, 2020
Abstract—Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights DIY organizes a variety of public services using
information technology, including correctional services, immigration services, general legal administration services,
intellectual property services, communication services, data and information services, and other administrative services.
None of these services can be separated from the role of information technology to provide services that are fast, cheap,
effective and reliable to the public. This study was conducted to assess the quality Ministry of Law and Human Rights DIY
e-Government service using e-GovQual dimensional framework as a best practice. This study includes quantitative research
involving a number of respondents for the survey. Research questions are based on the dimensions of e-Govqual and
represent the attributes of each dimension of e-GovQual to assess the quality of Ministry of Law and Human Rights DIY
e-Government service. The question must pass the validation test using Cronbach’s α. The processing of data using
confirmatory factor analysis to obtain the main factors that affect each of the dimensions of e-GovQual. The Importance
Performance Analysis (IPA) method helps e-GovQual to measure the level of importance and level of performance of each
e-GovQual attribute by classifying it in the Cartesian quadrants, which can help ensure the quality of e-Government
services according to the needs and expectations of citizens as service user. Values in IPA (concentrating here, keeping up
the good work, low priority, and possible overkill) will be the value of quality e-Government services. The results of this
study are expected to give priority as a recommendation for Information and Communication Technology to the
development of e-Government services in order to improve service quality.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
License. See for details: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
IJID International Journal on Informatics for Development, e-ISSN :2549-7448
Vol. 8, No. 2, 2019, Pp. 55-61
developed to measure the quality of services provided by the while on the other hand there are attributes that are only
government through websites from a public perspective. appropriate for some attributes suitable for e-Government.
II. METHODOLOGY B. Method of Collected Data
In this study, the data collection method was carried out by
A. Research methodology
conducting a survey in the form of a questionnaire using the
The methodology used in this study has several stages of attributes of the e-GovQual dimension as a research variable. E-
research that are in Figure 1. This research will first conduct a GovQual is a model developed to measure people's perception
literature study on matters related to this research such as, e- of service quality from e-Government websites or portals[3].
Government, Quality of e-Government, and Importance An e-Government website or portal is a place where people can
Performance Analysis. After that, the data collection process get information or services [1]. E-Government Quality (e-
will be carried out using the attributes of the e-GovQual method GovQual) which will be used in this study has 4 dimensional
as in Figure 1. scales that are used as factors for measuring the quality of e-
Government services. Figure 2 shows the 4 dimensions of the
e-GovQual model, namely:
1) Efficiency (EF): the value of the variable is seen from the
level of service convenience. In this dimension, there are
six attributes.
2) Trust (TR): the value of the variable is seen from the level
of consumer confidence in using services. In this
dimension, there are four attributes.
3) Reliability (RE): the value of a variable is seen in terms of
the usability or service capabilities (accessibility,
availability, and accuracy) provided. In this dimension
there are five attributes.
4) Citizen Support (CS): the value of the variable is seen from
how the ability of services can help consumers to solve
their problems. In this dimension there are five attributes.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
License. See for details: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
IJID International Journal on Informatics for Development, e-ISSN :2549-7448
Vol. 8, No. 2, 2019, Pp. 55-61
TABLE I. ATRIBUT IN THE E-GOVQUAL DIMENSION the priority scale to each quadrant according to the perspective
No Item of interest and performance produced[3]. After that, it can
1 e-Government site address is easy to remember (EF1)
determine recommendations for priority attributes. The results
of the IPA analysis by calculating the average value (mean) of
The information displayed is update (EF2)
each attribute in each dimension of e-GovQual. GAP analysis
3 This e-government site's sitemap is well organized (EF3)
between service performance and interests shows in general the
4 This e-Government site’s structure is easy to follow (EF4) actual service performance[3].
5 This e-government site's search engine is effective (EF5) The IPA approach is depicted in a Cartesian diagram consisting
6 The information displayed is appropriate detailed (EF6) of the X-axis representing the level of performance and the Y-
7 Data provided by users are archived securely (TR1) axis representing the level of importance.
8 Acquisition of username and password is secure (TR2) In Figure 3 there are four quadrants, namely:
9 Data provided are used only for the reason submitted(TR3) 1) Concentrate here (quadrant A): This quadrant shows
10 Maintain the confidentiality of the use of personal data (TR4) aspects or attributes that are considered to affect customer
11 This site is available and accessible whenever you need it (RE1) satisfaction including service elements that are considered
12 This e-Government site provides services in time (RE2) very important, but have not been implemented according
13 e-Government site’s pages are downloaded quickly enough (RE3)
to customer expectations. As a result the service is
disappointing or the customer is not satisfied. Services in
This site works properly with your default browser (RE4)
this quadrant are the organization's top priority for
15 The ability to perform promised services accurately (RE5)
16 Employees showed a sincere interest in solving problem (CS1)
2) Keep up the good work (quadrant B): This quadrant
17 Employees have the knowledge to answer users' questions (CS2) indicates that the service has been successfully provided by
18 Employees give prompt replies to users inquiries (CS3) the organization and is considered to have satisfied the
19 Employees can convey trust and confidence (CS4) customer or met customer expectations. Service in this
20 There is contact information (CS5) quadrant is considered important by the customer so that
quality must be maintained.
Based on Table 1 above, there are 20 variables or attributes of 3) Low priority (quadrant C): The government is considered
quality assessment of e-Government services that will be used low in providing services, but service users do not consider
in this study. The attributes are the key that will be used to the features of the service to be very important. So the
assess the extent to which users of public services feel e- expectation value is low and the performance value is also
Government service quality. In other words, this research will low. This means that there are attributes that are lacking but
find out how far the level of satisfaction of service users with e- do not need more attention,
Government services, and how is the compatibility between the 4) Possible overkill (quadrant D): This quadrant shows
performances of e-Government services with the level of aspects that affect customers are less important but in
interest of citizens in using e-Government services. excessive implementation. The resources used need to be
C. IPA Approach transferred to services that are considered more important
The Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) approach is used such as quadrant A and quadrant B[6].
during the data analysis process in this study. Importance
Performance Analysis (IPA) is an easy method applied to
identify which attributes should be improved to add the average
value of community satisfaction as expected[6]. The basis of
science is the level of performance and level of importance.
These two bases will show the level of community satisfaction
with public services carried out at the Ministry of Law and
Human Rights DIY.
To answer the problems in this study, an analysis process is
needed that can assess the level of conformity between the
expectations of service users and the performance of public
services, namely Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)[7].
Questionnaire data that has been collected using the e-GovQual Figure 3. Quadrant in Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)
approach will be analyzed by the IPA method to determine the
quality level of e-Government services based on the perspective III. RESULT
of service users.
The analysis carried out in the IPA is the suitability level Based on the survey conducted, the questionnaire was
analysis, gap level analysis and quadrant analysis by mapping distributed to 90 respondents who used the Ministry of Justice
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
License. See for details: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
IJID International Journal on Informatics for Development, e-ISSN :2549-7448
Vol. 8, No. 2, 2019, Pp. 55-61
and Human Rights DIY services. Selected respondents meet the TABLE II. VALIDITY TESTING
criteria of people who have used e-Government websites to Variable r
search for information or services. Data collection was carried
Efficiency Dimension
out in December 2019 and January 2020. The data that can be
processed are only 82 questionnaires where incomplete data e-Government site address is easy to remember (EF1)
will not be included in the analysis process. Figures 4-6 show 0.53
statistics about respondents based on gender, age and education The information displayed is update and fresh (EF2)
level. 0.68
This e-government site's sitemap is well organized (EF3)
Total; This site’s structure is clear and easy to follow (EF4)
Wo… 0.62
Total; This e-government site's search engine is effective (EF5)
M… The information displayed is appropriate detailed (EF6)
Trust Dimension
Data provided by users are archived securely (TR1)
Figure 4. Respondent statistics by gender 0.74
Acquisition of username and password is secure (TR2)
Data provided are used only for the reason submitted(TR3)
Total; Total; Total; 1
16 to 26 to 36 to Total; Maintain the confidentiality of the use of personal data (TR4)
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
License. See for details: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
IJID International Journal on Informatics for Development, e-ISSN :2549-7448
Vol. 8, No. 2, 2019, Pp. 55-61
TABLE III. RELIABILITY TESTING 1) Quadrant A (Concentrate here): Quadrant A are the main
Cronbach's Amount of priority factors for improving the quality of e-Government
Dimension services based on public perspectives because these factors
Alpha Variables
Efficiency 0.838 6 are considered important by the public but their
Trust 0.896 4 performance is still felt to be less or not meeting
Reliability 0.842 5
expectations. The attributes contained in quadrant A,
Citizen Support 0.884 5
a) Employees give prompt replies to users inquiries
Seeing the results of the validity tests in Table 2 and the b) Maintain the confidentiality of the use of personal data
reliability tests in Table 3, the results of the questionnaire can c) The information displayed is appropriate detailed
be continued in the Importance Performance Analysis process. 2) Quadrant B (Keep up the good work): The attributes
As mentioned previously, the data from the questionnaire using contained in quadrant B, namely:
the e-GovQual approach will be analyzed with the help of IPA a) e-Government site address is easy to remember
(Importance-Performance Analysis) to determine the quality of b) The information displayed is update and fresh
e-Government services of the Ministry of Law and Human c) This site’s structure is clear and easy to follow
Rights DIY based on the perspective of the user or the public. d) This site is accessible whenever you need it
Furthermore, what is the level of conformity between perceived e) Pages are downloaded quickly enough
performance and actual public expectations of e-Government f) This site works properly with your default browser
services. The results of the IPA analysis are done by calculating g) Employees showed a interest in solving problem
the average value (mean) of each item measured related to h) There is contact information
service quality that can be presented in Figure 4. Based on 3) Quadrant C (Low priority): The attributes contained in
Figure 4 it can be seen that in general for each measurement quadrant C, namely:
item, the gap between performance and expectations has a a) Data provided by users are archived securely
negative value with a range between -0.049 to 0.000. This
means that the quality of e-Government services perceived b) Data provided are used only for the reason submitted
(perception) of respondents can be said to have not met what c) Employees have the knowledge to answer questions
was expected by the public. d) The ability to perform promised services accurately
After obtaining the value of performance and interests in each e) Employees can convey trust and confidence
attribute, it is necessary to do the process of mapping the results 4) Quadrant D (Possible overkill): Quadrant D are factors of
into the perspective of performance and interests according to public service that are considered less important by the
its quadrant with the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), public but are in fact given too much by the government.
so that the results obtained as in Figure 7. Thus, this causes services to be inefficient because the
available resources are focused on improving the
performance of public services. The attributes contained in
quadrant D, namely:
a) This e-government site's sitemap is well organized
b) This e-government site's search engine is effective
c) Acquisition of username and password is secure
d) This site provides services in time
Based on the mapping of the quality factors of e-Government
services above, it can help the government especially the
Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights DIY
to make improvements based on priority scale especially the
factors of service quality that are still weak but are considered
important by the public. Recommendations for improvement
will be given to the attributes that are in quadrant A, so the
attributes that need to be improved include:
1) Quadrant A Recommendation (Concentrate Here)
a) Employees give prompt replies to users inquiries
Figure 7. Calculation Results with IPA Method b) Maintain the confidentiality of the use of personal data
c) The information displayed in this e-Government site is
With the IPA analysis as shown in Figure 4, it can be explained appropriate detailed
which service factors need to be improved as follows:
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
License. See for details: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
IJID International Journal on Informatics for Development, e-ISSN :2549-7448
Vol. 8, No. 2, 2019, Pp. 55-61
Based on the results of this study, the Ministry of Law and priority for improvement. These factors are related to non-
Human Rights DIY generally meeting user expectations about technological factors, namely Employees give prompt replies to
the quality of e-Government services, there are only three users’ inquiries, Maintain the confidentiality of the use of
variables that need to be refined.. The obstacles include the personal data, and the information displayed in this e-
limited number of human resources with the ability of Government site is appropriately detailed. The recommendation
Information Technology both in Regional Offices and at UPT. on the Citizen Support dimension is to increase the knowledge
Information Technology training needs to be held for and skills needed through training and certification for
employees thoroughly so that all are able to support e- employees. The recommendation for the Trust dimension is to
Government programs. use LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) for
authentication and user security. While the recommendation for
Some recommendations are given to overcome the existing
the Efficiency dimension is to add the role of the UPT so that
obstacles from the results of research conducted. The
news will be more detailed for each work unit.
recommendation on the Citizen Support dimension is to
increase the knowledge and skills needed through training and Generally can be concluded that the quality e-Government
certification for employees. Some of the training that can be service based on user perspective was good enough and met the
taken are a web designer, web developer, webmaster and editor. citizen needs or expectation according to e-GovQual
The recommendation for the Trust dimension is to use LDAP framework. However, government institutions must continue to
(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) for authentication and improve the quality of services to the public in order to realize
user security. LDAP is able to secure information on the server good governance.
from illegal access. LDAP also provides data security services REFERENCES
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