DLL Eng Q2 W9

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Grades 1 to 12 DAILY School Grade Level VI

LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area English

Teaching Dates and Time Week 9
Quarter Second


The learner…
A. Content Standards  demonstrates understanding of various verbal and non-verbal elements in orally communicating information
 demonstrates understanding of the oral standards of English in order to participate in various oral communication demands (situation, purpose and audience)
 demonstrates understanding that a change in stress-timed to support comprehension
 demonstrates understanding that a change in stress entails a change of meaning to evaluate the speaker’s/author’s purpose and meaning
 demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking
 demonstrates understanding of different formats to write for a variety of audience and purposes
 expresses ideas effectively in formal and informal compositions to fulfill their own purpose in writing
 demonstrates understanding of non-verbal communication to communicate with others
 demonstrates understanding of verbal and non-verbal elements of communication to respond back

The learner…
B. Performance Standards  orally communicates information, opinions, and ideas effectively to different audiences using a variety of literary activities
 reads with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
 uses correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in various discourse (oral or written)
 drafts texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
 edits texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
 rewrites/revises texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
 publishes texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
 applies knowledge of non-verbal skills to respectfully give the speaker undivided attention and acknowledge the message
 uses a variety of strategies to provide appropriate feedback
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Write the EN6OL-IIi-6 EN6OL-IIi-6 EN6G-IIi-8.3 EN6G-IIi-8.3 EN6WC-IIi-1.8.2
LC code for each React on the content of the React on the content of the EN6G-IIi-8.4 EN6G-IIi-8.4 EN6WC-IIi-1.8.1
material presented material presented Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent EN6WC-IIi-1.8.3
sentences using appropriate sentences using appropriate Revise writing for clarity: correct
grammatical structures: grammatical structures: spelling, appropriate punctuation
subordinate conjunctions and subordinate conjunctions and marks, and transition signal words
EN6F-IIi-1.6 EN6F-IIi- EN6F-IIi-1.6
coordinate conjunctions coordinate conjunctions
1.3 EN6F-IIi-1.7 EN6F-IIi-1.3
Read grade level text with accuracy, EN6F-IIi-1.7 EN6A-IIi-18
appropriate rate and proper Read grade level text with Show openness to criticism
expression accuracy, appropriate rate, EN6A-IIc-17 EN6A-IIc-17
and proper expression Show tactfulness when Show tactfulness when
communicating with others communicating with others
EN6A-IIi-16 EN6A-IIi-16
Observe politeness at all times Observe politeness at all times

Reacting on the content of the Reacting on the content of Subordinate and Coordinate Subordinate and Coordinate Revising writing for clarity, correct
II. CONTENT materials presented the materials presented Conjunctions Conjunctions spelling, appropriate punctuation
marks, and
transition signal words
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Activity Sheets in English 6 (Quarter 2:Week 9)
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the Ask: How are you going to react Read “Let’s Learn This” Ask: What are the different
new lesson on the content of materials conjunctions that you’ve learned?
presented? Activity Sheet in English 6
(Quarter 2: Week 9-Day 3&4,
p. 1)

In the previous lesson, you

learned how to react on the
content of the materials

Today, you will learn the different

subordinating conjunctions and
coordinating conjunctions as well
as their uses.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Do “Let’s Try This” Do “Let’s Try This” Task 1: A Story Do “Let’s Try This”
to Read
Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2:
Week 9-Day 1&2, p. 2) Activity Sheet in English 6 Week 9-Day 5, p. 2)
(Quarter 2: Week 9-Day 3&4, p. What should you do before you
A. Look at the picture and tell the 1-2) write?
class what you see.
Below is the cover photo of the
Task 1. A Story To Read free online story telling
Read the story “My First Train community called Wattpad. They
Ride “ then answer the questions say that it is the best place to
that follow. post and share your written
works like articles, stories,
Questions: poems, and more. Through
1. What did the speaker’s dad say sharing, others can give
to her? comments on what you posted.
2. What time will the surprise The comments can help you
happen? improve your writing.
3. What did the speaker see as
they pulled into a parking lot?i Have you tried using this app?

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new Read “Let’s Study This” Ask : What kind of materials Do “Let’s Try This” Task 2: Chop, Ask learners to recall the FANBOYS Read “Let’s Study This”
lesson presented to you do you often Chop and AAAWWUUBBIIS.
Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: give reactions to? Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2:
Week 9-Day 1&2, p. 3-4) Activity Sheet in English 6 Week 9-Day 5, p. 2)
(Quarter 2: Week 9-Day 3&4,
Let’s read the news “ Marawi p. 3) Before anyone can actually start
survivor’s tale: ‘Tasty water lilies’” By: writing you need to do the different
Allan Nawal, Jeoffrey Maitem. Pause Task 2. Chop, Chop pre-writing processes which were
at certain points and ask questions. already mentioned in the activity
How does it feel to be stuck in a war? Read the different chopped above.
sentences form the story “My
First Train Ride.” You must brainstorm for ideas,
1. Just as I woke up on Saturday research if necessary, and take notes
morning, my dad told me he has on information that you need or
a surprise! details that you want to include,
2. Though it wouldn’t be revealed make an outline, organize your notes
until 1 p.m.. into groups that would make sense
before you can create a rough draft.
3. As soon as I heard about the
surprise, I got out of the bed.
Revising is the process of reviewing
4. Once we were all packed in the your work and making changes to
car, we left to drive to the improve your writing. Once you’ve
surprise. finished the prewriting stage and
5. While on the train, we had a written a rough draft, you should:
wonderful time.
 Reread your work and look for
What is the highlighted word in problems.
the first sentence? In the second
sentence? In the third sentence?  Correct spelling and grammar
In the fourth sentence? In the errors.
fifth sentence?  Watch out for wordy phrases.

What do you call these  Get rid of text that does not
highlighted words? relate to your topic.
 Make sure your writing is clear
and interesting
 Ask someone else to read your
first draft.
 Write your final draft.
Writers put effort hoping that
what they have written will be

Revising for clarity

1. Remove “non-essential” words.

2. Use simple constructions to
explain ideas.
3. Avoid repeating the same idea in
similar wording from one
sentence to the next.
4. Use the best words, not the most
5. Sympathize with the reader.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Answer “Let’s Talk About It” Answer “Let’s Do More” Task 3: Read “Let’s Study This” Answer “Let’s Do This” Task 4: A Do “Let’s Do This” Task 1 Say
skills #1 News Report Recipe for A Sentence Something
Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Activity Sheet in English 6
Week 9-Day 1&2, p. 5) Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Week 9-Day 3&4, p. Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2:
(Quarter 2: Week 9-Day 1&2, p. 3-5) 2: Week 9-Day Week 9-Day 5, p. 5)
Discuss and analyze the news. 8) 3&4, p. 6)
A conjunction is a word that Task 1. Say Something
1. What happened in Marawi? Task 3. News Report connects or joins together words, Task 4. A Recipe for a Sentence
2. Who are the people who wanted to phrases, clauses, or sentences. Choose between the two
escape the war zone? Read the news “Marawi There are two kinds of Read the sentences in the first pictures below. What can you
3. What did they eat in order to Survivor’s Tale: Tasty water conjunctions. The coordinating column. Find related sentences in say about these shows? Write
survive? lilies” like news anchors. conjunctions and the the second column. Look in the your thoughts on a sheet of
Remember to read with subordinating or subordinate third column to find the best paper. Make sure to use some of
appropriate rate and proper conjunctions. conjunction to combine the the transitional devices you’ve
expressions. sentences. Write your combined learned earlier.
Subordinating or Subordinate sentences on the lines below.

Subordinate conjunctions 1. Stir Then, add or

connect or join a dependent together 1
two eggs.
clause to an independent clause cup butter
in a sentence. You can write most and 1 ½ cups
sentences with a subordinating brown sugar
conjunction in one of two in a bowl.
different ways. 2. Put 2 cups Stir. so
Example When my friends flour into
arrived, I was still doing my another bowl
homework. I was still doing my and add 1
homework when my friends teaspoon
arrived. If a sentence begins with baking soda.
a subordinating conjunction, use 3. Combine Also add 1 but
a comma to separate the two cup of nuts
wet with
Coordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions and dry the chips if
coordinate or join two or more ingredients. you like
sentences, main clauses, words, nuts.
or other parts of speech of equal Place the
4. Add and
rank. spoonfuls
Example: You can eat your cake cups
about 1 ½
with a spoon or fork. chocolate inches
My sister loves eating cake but chips to the apart.
she hates getting fat. mixture.
Anna refuses to eat the cake nor
5. Drop Take them and
wants to taste the ice cream. I
out of the
hate to waste food, for it is costly spoonfuls of
oven when
these days. the batter they turn
onto the golden
cookies for brown.
10 minutes.
6. Bake The cookies but
cookies will rise
for 10 when
minutes. they’re in
the oven.
E. Discussing new concepts and Answer “Let’s Do This” Task 1: Tell Me Answer “Let’s Do This” Task 3: Answer “Let’s Do More” Tsk 2:
practicing new skills #2 About It Stick with You Help!

Activity Sheets in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter
(Quarter 2: Week 9-Day 1&2, p. 6) (Quarter 2: Week 9-Day 3&4, 2: Week 9-Day 5, p. 7)
p. 5)
Task 2. Help!
Task 3. Stick With You
Problems often come our way. It is
Read each group of something that needs fixing or
subordinating conjunctions and resolving. Try to give solutions to
the pair of sentences in each some of the problems below. Write
item. Choose the best down your answers on a sheet of
conjunction to combine the paper.
sentences. Then, write the
combined sentences on the 1. You have an exam but your
lines below. mother is sick. She needs you to
take care of your younger sister.
1. While, unless , because- She What will you do?
refuses to speak to me. I 2. You were so fond of playing
apologize to her. computer games that you did not
2. Since, when, until- You hear bother to study at all. You received
what I have to say. Don’t say a your first summative test result and
word. you failed. What will you do?
3. While, whether, where- I 3. You wanted to go out with your
make dinner. You can set the friends but your father asked you to
table. help him clean the garage. What
will you do?

F. Developing mastery (leads to Answer “Let’s Do More” Task 2: Let’s Answer “Let’s Test Ourselves” Answer “Let’s Enrich Ourselves” Answer “Let’s Test Ourselves” Answer “Let’s Test Ourselves”
Formative Assessment 3) Do It Together Task 4: Deal or No Deal Task 5: Scissors, Scissors Task 6: Picking Out Task 4: Revision

Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter
Week 9-Day (Quarter 2: Week 9-Day (Quarter 2: Week 9-Day 1&2, Week 9-Day 2: Week 9-Day 5, p. 7)
1&2, p. 7) 1&2, p.8 ) p.7 ) 1&2, p.7 )
Task 4. Revision
Task 4. Deal or No Deal Task 5. Scissors, Scissors Task 6. Picking Out Revise the story below. Do not
Write DEAL if you agree to the Cut out five pictures from Directions: Underline the appropriate forget to follow the steps in revising
ideas or insights presented below magazines or newpapers then subordinating or coordinating that you’ve learned.
and NO DEAL if you don’t. paste them on a one short bond conjunctions to complete the
paper. Use subordinating and following sentences. This year I had the best summer
1. People are never satisfied with coordinating conjunctions to vacation ever. My whole family
what they have. They always form sentences that describe 1. I want to go see a movie, (but, went to Aklan where my
want something more or the pictures. and) my sister has my car. grandparents live. They live near
something different. __ 2. Ayrton loves cats, (yet, nor) she the ocean. While we were there we
2. People should only read books does not want one living in his house. did a lot of fun stuff. My
to learn and not use the World 3. She likes apples (or, and) bananas. grandfather taught me how to play
Wide Web to get information. __ chess, and I found out that I am
3. Reading fiction is more good at it. My little sister had day
enjoyable than watching movies. camp so I didn’t have to watch her
__ all day like I usually do in the
summer. I took sailing lessons. My
boat tipped over so many times but
I learned how to take the water out
of the boat and get back on it. I
hope I can go back to Aklan next

G. Finding practical applications of Ask: Why is it important to give Ask learners to cite the Ask learners to cite the importance
concepts and skills in daily living reactions? importance of giving reactions. of using conjunctions.

H. Making generalizations and Read “Let’s Remember This” Ask: What do we need to Read “Remember This” Read “Remember This” Read “Let’s Remember This”
abstractions about the remember in reacting to the
lesson Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: content of materials being Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter 2: Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter
Week 9-Day 1&2, p.9) presented to us? (Quarter 2: Week 9-Day 3&4, Week 9-Day 3&4, p. 7) 2: Week 9-Day 5, p. 9)
p. 7)
Task 1. Tell Me About It Coordinating conjunctions are used In writing, it is important to make
Say something about the editorial Coordinating conjunctions are to join words, phrases, and sentences sure your composition is clear. Do
cartoon below. Give your reactions. used to join words, phrases, and together. Subordinating conjunctions not forget to check if you use
sentences together. join a dependent clause to an correct spelling, punctuation marks,
Subordinating conjunctions join independent clause in a sentence. and transitional devices to help
a dependent clause to an readers understand your ideas.
independent clause in a

I. Evaluating learning Answer Let’s Enrich Ourselves Ask learners to list down 5 sentences Answer “Let’s Enrich Ourselves”
Task 5: You’ve Got Mail! using coordinating and subordinating
conjunctions. Task 5: Watt?
Activity Sheet in English 6 Activity Sheet in English 6 (Quarter
(Quarter 2: Week 9-Day 1&2 p. 8) 2: Week 9-Day 5, p. 9)

Task 5: You’ve Got Mail! Task 5: Watt?

Write a letter addressed to the Imagine that you are entering a
victims of war in Marawi City. writing contest. You will be writing
What do you think can you tell about the Kids Using Fidget
them to make them feel better? Spinners

J. Additional activities for application

or remediation



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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