Integer:: Arithmetic and Logic Unit
Integer:: Arithmetic and Logic Unit
Integer:: Arithmetic and Logic Unit
Computer Arithmetic performed on two very different types of numbers: Integer and
Floating Point
An n-bit sequence of binary digits is interpreted as an unsigned integer A:
- Addition and Subtraction require consideration of both sig and magnitude of the number.
- Another problem is two representation for ‘0’
+ 0 = 0000 0000
- 0 = 1000 0000
Range Extension:
Rule is to move the sign bit to the new leftmost position and fill in with copies of the sign
For Positive: fill it with ‘0’
For Negative: fill it with ‘1’
Integer Arithmetic:
1) Take the complement of each bit of integer ( including the sign bit)
2) Treating the result an unsigned integer add 1.
2) If we take negation of bit pattern of 1 followed by all zeros, we get back the same
To subtract one number ( subtrahend ) from another ( minuend ) take the Twos
complement (negation) of the subtrahend and add it to the minuend.
Unsigned Integers:
i) Multiplication involves generation of partial products one for each bit / digit in the
Multiplier. These partial products are then summed to produce the final product.
iii) The total product is produced by summing the partial products. Each successive
partial product is shifted one position to the left relative to the preceding partial
vi) For each 1 on the Multiplier an Add & a Shift operation is required and for 0 a Shift
operation is required.
Twos Complement Multiplication:
Addition and Subtraction on Twos complement are performed by treating them unsigned
integer, but this cannot be done with multiplication.
For Multiplication of two numbers represented in Twos Complement notation Booth’s
Algorithm is used:
Arithmetic Shift Right preserves the sign bit by not only shifting An-1 to An-2 but also keeping
it there.
To do Twos Complement Division we need to convert the operands into unsigned values
and at the end to account for the signs do complementation where needed:
Sign of Remainder Sign ( R ) = Sign ( D )
Sign of Quotient Sign ( Q ) = Sign ( D ) x Sign ( V )
Floating Point Representation:
Floating point numbers can be represented in scientific notation
We dynamically slide the decimal (Radix) point to a convenient location and use the
exponent of 10 or 2 ( depending on base of number system) to keep track of decimal
This allows a range of very large and very small numbers to be represented with only
few digits.
We can represented a n umber in the form:
± S x B ±E
Sign: Plus or Minus
Significand S
Exponent E
Base B is implicit and need not to be stored as it is same for all numbers.
The exponent is stored in biased representation. ( A fixed value, called the bias, is
subtracted from the filled to get the true exponent value). Typically bias equals 2k-1 -1
where k is the number of bits in binary exponent. ( 8 bit exponent field yield the number
0 through 255 with bias 28-1 -1 = 127 true exponent value are in range - 127 to + 128 )
Advantage of bias representation is that non negative Floating Point Number can be
treated as integer for comparison purpose.
The leftmost bit store the sign of the number.
Floating point numbers are stored after Normalization.
A normal number is one in which the MSB of significand is 1. A Normal number is of
± 1 . b b b b b …. b x 2 ± E
where b is either binary digit ( 0 or 1)
Because the MSB is always 1, again it is unnecessary to store it.
Given a non-normalize number, the number is normalized by shifting the radix point to
the right of the left most 1 bit and adjusting the exponent accordingly.
The sign is stored in the first bit of the word.
The first bit of the true significand is always 1 and need not to be stored in the
significand field.
The value of bias ( 127 is case of 8 bit exponent ) is added to the true exponent to be
stored in exponent field.
The base is 2 need not to be stored.
- In a 32-bit word length of 23 bit significand , 8 bit for biased exponent and one bit for
sign, 232 different numbers can be represented in range:
Negative Numbers: - ( 2 – 2 -23 ) x 2 128 and - 2 – 127
Positive Numbers: + 2 – 127 and + ( 2 - 2 – 23 ) x 2 128
For Addition and Subtraction : Both Operands should have the same exponent value (
Process of making exponent same is called Alignment )
Multiplication and Division are straight forward.
Let X = XS x B Xe
Y = YS x B Ye
X + Y = ( XS x B Xe- Ye + YS ) x B Ye
X – Y = ( XS x B Xe- Ye - YS ) x B Ye
X x Y = ( XS x YS ) x B Xe+ Ye
X / Y = ( XS / YS ) x B Xe - Ye
1) Exponent Overflow: This may be designated as + ∞ or - ∞
2) Exponent Underflow: This may be represented as 0.
3) Significand Underflow: In the process of aligning significand digits may flow off the
right end of the significand.
4) Significand Overflow: Addition of 2 Significand of same sign may result in a carry out
of MSB. This can be fixed by realignment.
If either operand is 0, the other is reported as the result ( Sign of the Subtrahend is changed
if operation is Subtraction)
Precision Consideration
Guard Bits:
Registers in ALU contain contain additional bits for holding implied bit and used to pad out
the right end of the Significand with 0s.
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