The document discusses public-private partnerships (PPPs). It defines PPPs as arrangements between government and private entities to provide public infrastructure and services through shared investment, risk, responsibility and reward. Common reasons for PPPs include leveraging private financing, expertise, and competition. The document outlines factors to consider when partnering with the private sector and lists common sectors for PPP projects worldwide. It also describes various types of PPP models and notes their applications and limitations.
The document discusses public-private partnerships (PPPs). It defines PPPs as arrangements between government and private entities to provide public infrastructure and services through shared investment, risk, responsibility and reward. Common reasons for PPPs include leveraging private financing, expertise, and competition. The document outlines factors to consider when partnering with the private sector and lists common sectors for PPP projects worldwide. It also describes various types of PPP models and notes their applications and limitations.
The document discusses public-private partnerships (PPPs). It defines PPPs as arrangements between government and private entities to provide public infrastructure and services through shared investment, risk, responsibility and reward. Common reasons for PPPs include leveraging private financing, expertise, and competition. The document outlines factors to consider when partnering with the private sector and lists common sectors for PPP projects worldwide. It also describes various types of PPP models and notes their applications and limitations.
The document discusses public-private partnerships (PPPs). It defines PPPs as arrangements between government and private entities to provide public infrastructure and services through shared investment, risk, responsibility and reward. Common reasons for PPPs include leveraging private financing, expertise, and competition. The document outlines factors to consider when partnering with the private sector and lists common sectors for PPP projects worldwide. It also describes various types of PPP models and notes their applications and limitations.
(PPP) Public Private Partnership • Public private partnerships (PPPs) are arrangements between government and private sector entities for the purpose of providing public infrastructure, community facilities and related services.
• Such partnerships are characterized by the
sharing of investment, risk, responsibility and reward between the partners.
• The reasons for establishing such partnerships
vary but generally involve the financing, design, construction, operation and maintenance of public infrastructure and services. When to partner with the private sector • the service or project cannot be provided with the financial resources or expertise of the local government alone • a private partner would increase the quality or level of service from that which the local government could provide on its own • a private partner would allow the service or project to be implemented sooner than if only the local government were involved • there is support from the users of the service for the involvement of a private partner When to partner with the private sector • there is an opportunity for competition among prospective private partners • there are no regulatory or legislative prohibitions to involving a private partner in the provision of services or a project • the output of the service can be measured and priced easily • the cost of the service or project can be recovered through the implementation of user fees When to partner with the private sector • the project or service provides an opportunity for innovation • there is a track record of partnerships between local government and the private sector • there are opportunities to foster economic development
If none of the above conditions exist, public
private partnerships should not be considered. Advantages of PPP
1. Potential long-term gains in terms of efficiency
-Right projects, right structure, right procurement process 2. Potential long-term gains in terms of effectiveness -Obtaining desired outcomes in a timely and cost effective manner 3. Ensure the necessary investments into public sector and more effective public resources management; Advantages of PPP 4. A private entity is granted the opportunity to obtain a long-term remuneration;
5. Private sector expertise and experience are utilized in
PPP projects implementation;
6. Appropriate PPP project risks allocation enables to
reduce the risk management expenditures;
7. Supplementing limited public sector capacities to
meet the growing demand for infrastructure development Sectors in which PPPs have been completed worldwide • power generation and distribution, • water and sanitation, • refuse disposal, • pipelines, • hospitals, • school buildings and teaching facilities, • stadiums, • air traffic control, • prisons, • railways, • roads, • billing and other information technology systems, and • housing. Types of Public Private Partnerships • Operations and Maintenance • Design-Build • Turnkey Operation • Wrap Around Addition • Lease-Purchase • Temporary Privatization • Lease-Develop-Operate or Buy-Develop-Operate • Build-Transfer-Operate (BTO) • Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) • Build-Own-Operate (BOO) Operations and Maintenance
• The local government contracts with a private
partner to operate and maintain a publicly owned facility. Local Government Applications • A broad range of municipal services including water and wastewater treatment plants, solid waste removal, road maintenance, parks maintenance/ landscape maintenance, arenas and other recreation facilities, parking facilities, sewer and storm sewer systems. Design-Build • The local government contracts with a private partner to design and build a facility that conforms to the standards and performance requirements of the local government.
• Once the facility has been built, the local
government takes ownership and is responsible for the operation of the facility. Design-Build
• Local Government Applications
Most public infrastructure and building projects, including roads, highways, water and wastewater treatment plants, sewer and water systems, arenas, swimming pools and other local government facilities Turnkey Operation • The local government provides the financing for the project but engages a private partner to design, construct and operate the facility for a specified period of time. • Performance objectives are established by the public sector and the public partner maintains ownership of the facility. • This form of public private partnership is applicable where the public sector maintains a strong interest in ownership but seeks to benefit from private construction and operation of a facility. Turnkey Operation
• Local Government Applications
This would include most infrastructure facilities, including water and wastewater treatment plants, arenas, swimming pools, golf courses and local government buildings. Wrap Around Addition • A private partner finances and constructs an addition to an existing public facility.
• The private partner may then operate the
addition to the facility for a specified period of time or until the partner recovers the investment plus a reasonable return on the investment. Wrap Around Addition • Local Government Applications Most infrastructure and other public facilities, including roads, water systems, sewer systems, water and wastewater treatment plants, and recreation facilities such as ice arenas and swimming pools. Lease-Purchase The local government contracts with the private partner to design, finance and build a facility to provide a public service.
The private partner then leases the facility to
the local government for a specified period after which ownership vests with the local government. Lease-Purchase • This approach can be taken where local government requires a new facility or service but may not be in a position to provide financing.
Local Government Applications
Can be used for capital assets such as buildings, vehicle fleets, water and wastewater treatment plants, solid waste facilities and computer equipment. Temporary Privatization • Ownership of an existing public facility is transferred to a private partner who improves and/or expands the facility.
• The facility is then owned and operated by the
private partner for a period specified in a contract or until the partner has recovered the investment plus a reasonable return Temporary Privatization • Local Government Applications This model can be used for most infrastructure and other public facilities, including roads, water systems, sewer systems, water and wastewater treatment plants, parking facilities, local government buildings, airports, and recreation facilities such as arenas and swimming pools. Lease-Develop-Operate or Buy-Develop-Operate
• The private partner leases or buys a facility
from the local government, expands or modernizes it, then operates the facility under a contract with the local government.
• The private partner is expected to invest in
facility expansion or improvement and is given a specified period of time in which to recover the investment and realize a return. Lease-Develop-Operate or Buy-Develop-Operate • Local Government Applications Most infrastructure and other public facilities, including roads, water systems, sewer systems, water and wastewater treatment plants, parking facilities, local government buildings, airports, and recreation facilities such as arenas and swimming pools. Build-Transfer-Operate • The local government contracts with a private partner to finance and build a facility. • Once completed, the private partner transfers ownership of the facility to the local government. • The local government then leases the facility back to the private partner under a long-term lease during which the private partner has an opportunity to recover its investment and a reasonable rate of return. Build-Transfer-Operate • Local Government Applications Most infrastructure and other public facilities, including roads, water systems, sewer systems, water and wastewater treatment plants, parking facilities, local government buildings, airports, and recreation facilities such as arenas and swimming pools Build-Own-Operate-Transfer
• The private developer obtains exclusive
franchise to finance, build, operate, maintain, manage and collect user fees for a fixed period to amortize investment.
• At the end of the franchise, title reverts to a
public authority. Build-Own-Operate-Transfer
• Local Government Applications
Most public infrastructure services and facilities, including water and Wastewater systems, recreation facilities, airports, local government administration and operations buildings, parking facilities and solid waste management facilities. Build-Own-Operate • The local government either transfers ownership and responsibility for an existing facility or contracts with a private partner to build, own and operate a new facility in perpetuity.
• The private partner generally provides the
financing. Build-Own-Operate
• Local Government Applications
Most public infrastructure and facilities, including water and wastewater systems, parking facilities, recreation facilities, airports, local government administration and operations buildings. Limitations of PPP The major limitations include: - Not all projects are possible (for various reasons: political, legal, commercial viability, etc.). - The private sector may not be interested in a project due to perceived high risks, or it may lack the capacity to implement the project. - A PPP project may be more costly unless additional costs (due to higher transaction and financing costs) are off-set by efficiency gains. - Change of ownership of an infrastructure to the private sector may not be sufficient to improve its economic performance unless other necessary conditions (appropriate sector and market reform, and change in operational and management practices of infrastructure operation) are met. - Often, the success of PPPs depends on regulatory efficiency. Thank You