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52nd CIRP
CIRP Conference
Conference on
on Manufacturing
Manufacturing Systems
Human centered
28th CIRP Lean
Lean automation
Design Conference, in
in assembly
May 2018, Nantes, France
Ali Ahmad Malik, Arne
Arne Bilberg*
A new methodology to analyze Ahmad the functional
Malik, and physical architecture of
existing products forUniversity
an assembly oriented product family identification
University of Southern Denmark, Alsion 2, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark
of Southern Denmark, Alsion 2, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +45-7158 2221. E-mail address: alimalik@mci.sdu.dk
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +45-7158 2221. E-mail address: alimalik@mci.sdu.dk
Paul Stief *, Jean-Yves Dantan, Alain Etienne, Ali Siadat
École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, LCFC EA 4495, 4 Rue Augustin Fresnel, Metz 57078, France
*Empirical studies
Corresponding haveTel.:
author. documented
+33 3 87 37skills
54 30;that makeaddress:
E-mail humans superior to machines in various contexts while keeping them inferior in some others,
Empirical studies have documented skills that make humans superior to machines in various contexts while keeping them inferior in some others,
nevertheless; humans are recognized as the most flexible element in a production system. This paper relates the theory of Lean automation with
nevertheless; humans are recognized as the most flexible element in a production system. This paper relates the theory of Lean automation with
human-machine interaction; thereby taking benefits from the bests of humans and machines in a combination. The result is biomechatronic
human-machine interaction; thereby taking benefits from the bests of humans and machines in a combination. The result is biomechatronic
production systems. We present a framework that discusses the physical, sensorial and cognitive capabilities of humans; and the technologies
production systems. We present a framework that discusses the physical, sensorial and cognitive capabilities of humans; and the technologies
that can enhance them. One technology for each capability enhancement has been selected and is evaluated for ease of use and industrial
that can enhance them. One technology for each capability enhancement has been selected and is evaluated for ease of use and industrial
applicability in assembly tasks.
2019 The
in assembly
tasks. the trend towards more product variety and customization is unbroken. Due to this development, the need of
Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
and The Authors.
reconfigurable Published
© 2019 The Authors. Published by by Elsevier Ltd.
systems Ltd.
Elsevier This is
emerged toan open
cope access
with article
various under the
products andCC BY-NC-ND
product license
families. To design and optimize production
This is as
an well
open as to
access choose
article the optimal
under the CCproduct
BY-NC-NDmatches, product
license analysis methods are needed. Indeed, most
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/) of the known methods aim to
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 52nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems.
analyze under
a product orresponsibility
responsibility of
of the
one product family scientific
the on
scientific committee
the physical of
level.of the 52nd
the 52ndproduct
Different CIRP Conference
CIRP Conference on Manufacturing
on Manufacturing
families, however, Systems.
may differ Systems.
largely in terms of the number and
nature of components.
Keywords: ThisSmart
Lean automation; fact manufacturing;
impedes an efficient comparison
Human-centered and choice
automation; of appropriate
Human-machine product family combinations for the production
system. Leanmethodology
A new automation; Smart manufacturing;
is proposed Human-centered
to analyze automation;
existing products Human-machine
in view collaboration
of their functional and physical architecture. The aim is to cluster
these products in new assembly oriented product families for the optimization of existing assembly lines and the creation of future reconfigurable
assembly systems. Based on Datum Flow Chain, the physical structure of the products is analyzed. Functional subassemblies are identified, and
a1.functional analysis is performed. Moreover, a hybrid functional and physical
Introduction architecture
Manual graph has
production (HyFPAG)
imposed is flexibility
the output which depicts
and cost the
1. Introduction
similarity between product families by providing design support to both,challenges Manual production
production system has imposed flexibility and cost related
in the planners
time ofand product designers.
globalization. The An illustrative
challenge of
example challenges in study
the time ofproduct
globalization. The challenge of
The of a nail-clipper
constant battleisfor
to explain the proposed
product lifemethodology.
cycles has Anincreasing
industrial case
automationon twowhile families ofcost
remaining steering columnsand
effective of
The constant
thyssenkrupp Presta battle
France for
is shortening
then carried product
out to give life
a cycles
first has evaluation
industrial increasing
of the automation
proposed while remaining cost effective and
been among the most impactful changes to the business world flexible is the goal for manufacturers in high wage economies.
2017among the most
The Authors. impactful
Published changes
by Elsevier to the business world
B.V. flexible is the goal for manufacturers in high wage economies.
in recent decades. This booming demand for new products Semi automation is ideal with human centricity [4]. This is in-
in recent decades.
Peer-review This booming
under responsibility demand committee
of the scientific for new of products
the 28th CIRP Semi automation
Design is ideal
Conference 2018.with human centricity [4]. This is in-
means that companies need to reduce time-to-market and line with the studies [5] investigating full automation and it was
means that companies need to reduce time-to-market and line with the studies [5] investigating full automation and it was
supply chains need
Assembly; to adjust to withstand this increasing pace. concluded that automation must be designed with humans as an
supply chains needDesign method;
to adjust to Family identification
withstand this increasing pace. concluded that automation must be designed with humans as an
This requires that companies constantly need to be aware of the integral part of it.
This requires that companies constantly need to be aware of the integral part of it.
new technologies and the opportunities these technologies can Several emerging smart technologies can complement the
new technologies and the opportunities these technologies can Several emerging smart technologies can complement the
create [1]. The groundbreaking transformation of economy is capabilities of human operators working in assembly cells to
create [1]. The groundbreaking transformation of economy is capabilities of human operators working in assembly cells to
to happen under emerging technological developments of the product
automate range and
a proportion of characteristics manufactured
their tasks thereby and/or
moving further
likely to happen under emerging technological developments automate a proportion of their tasks thereby moving further
for smart manufacturing [2]. assembled in this system.
towards automation In this context,
and productivity thebeing
while mainflexible.
challenge in
for smart manufacturing [2]. towards automation and productivity while being flexible. The
Assembly to the fast development
of fabricated parts accountsinforthe over domain
50% of total of modelling
objective ofand thisanalysis
study isistonow not the
discuss onlyvitality
to cope with single
of humans for
Assembly of fabricated parts accounts for over 50% of total objective of this study is to discuss the vitality of humans for
labor cost associated and withan ongoing
the product,trend of digitization
25-30% of the total andcost products, a limited in
Lean-automation product
assemblyrange or existing
cells. By product families,
considering an
labor cost associated with the product, 25-30% of the total cost Lean-automation in assembly cells. By considering an
digitalization, manufacturing
of any manufacturing companyenterprises are facing
and one-third important
of the people but also tocase
industrial be able
of atomanual
and to compare products
work station to define
the potential
of any manufacturing company and one-third of the people industrial case of a manual assembly work station the potential
employed in the today’s market environments:
manufacturing a continuing
sector [3]. Manufacturing new
effectsproduct families.
on future workersIt canin be observed
context that classical
of human existing
capabilities are
employed in the manufacturing sector [3]. Manufacturing effects on future workers in context of human capabilities are
excellence towards reduction
of assembly of product
work can serve development
as a strong timestooland
to product
discussed. families are regrouped in function of clients or features.
excellence of assembly work can serve as a strong tool to discussed.
achieve product lifecycles.
competitive In addition,
advantage throughthereautomation
is an increasing and However, We propose assembly oriented product
a framework families are
for designing hardlycentered
human to find.
achieve competitive advantage through automation and We propose a framework for designing human centered
demand of customization,
digitalization. But complexity beingand at the same time
dexterity in a global
requirements in LeanOnautomation
the productthat family
forms level, productsfoundation
a theoretical differ mainly in two
for having
digitalization. But complexity and dexterity requirements in Lean automation that forms a theoretical foundation for having
assembly still with
make competitors
humans a vitalall over
and world.
therefore This trend,
assembly main
humans characteristics:
integrated with (i) the number of complimenting
technologies components andan(ii)idealthe
assembly still make humans a vital asset and therefore assembly humans integrated with technologies complimenting an ideal
which is inducing
has traditionally been theresistant
development from macro
to mainstream to micro
automation. type of components
human-machine (e.g. mechanical, electrical, electronical).
has traditionally been resistant to mainstream automation. human-machine interaction.
markets, results in diminished lot sizes due to augmenting Classical methodologies considering mainly single products
product varieties (high-volume to low-volume production) [1]. or solitary, already existing product families analyze the
To cope with this augmenting variety as well as to be able to product structure on a physical level (components level) which
2212-8271 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
2212-8271 possible
© 2019 The optimization
Authors. Publishedpotentials in
by Elsevier Ltd.
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/) the
This is existing
an open access causes difficulties
article under regarding
the CC BY-NC-ND license an efficient definition and
production system, it is important to have a precise knowledge comparison of different product families. Addressing this
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 52nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 52nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems.
2212-8271 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an©open
2212-8271 2017access article Published
The Authors. under theby CC BY-NC-ND
Elsevier B.V. license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/)
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of scientific
of the the scientific committee
committee of the of theCIRP
28th 52ndDesign
on Manufacturing Systems.
660 Ali Ahmad Malik et al. / Procedia CIRP 81 (2019) 659–664
2 Ali Ahmad Malik et al. / Procedia CIRP 00 (2019) 000–000
2. Relation to existing theories and work are sensomotoric tasks requiring coordination of brain-motor
skills and the human sensing/cognition system. An example of
2.1. From Lean production to Lean automation which is hand-eye coordination, or haptic perception. Mental
work of requiring information reception, processing and
The philosophy of Lean production finds its roots from decision making is an integral part of it. As humans grow older,
Toyota Motor Corporation in their manufacturing best- a progressive change in these capabilities has been reported
practices such as Just in Time (JIT) management, Quality through many studies elucidating the positive and negative
Management (QM), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) [6]. effects of aging on human capabilities. For example, the human
The primary characteristics of Lean production are elimination dexterity is reduced by 30% between age 20 and 60 [11].
of wastes, focus at value adding activities and strict integration A growing research base is getting available examining
of humans in the production process. Over the last decades human capabilities involved in manual work and the changes
Lean philosophy has been embedded in many manufacturing observed when interacting with automation [12].
industries. The advantages of productivity increase of up to Assembly automation has often been referred to as the
25% in addition to being simplistic are reasons that Lean has mechanization of physical tasks. However, assembly process is
been well-known and used in Western economies since the a complex process with both physical and cognitive tasks.
1990s. However, given the fact that the Lean production Physical tasks are the basic tasks such as handling, joining,
method originated in the 1950s, it can fail to consider the screwing etc. and cognitive tasks deal with control and support
potential of ICT (information and communication of physical tasks [13]. A compelling work in this regard is
technologies) developments that have taken place in recent presented by Romero [14] to identify the capabilities of humans
decades [7]. in production systems and to model a classification of human
Already in 1990s, first attempts were made to combine Lean capabilities as physical, sensing and cognitive.
production with automation technologies. Since then there was The capability classification [14] is further described as: (a)
little attention in research directed towards Lean automation, Physical capabilities, are the humans’ capacities to undertake
but with the emergence of the Industry 4.0 paradigm and physical work, characterized with multiple attributes of
advances in ICT and digitalization technologies, Lean physical functions (lift, walk, manipulate) and non-physical
automation has experienced a re-emergence in recent years [8]. functions (speed, strength, precision); (b) Sensorial capability,
While some first Lean automation solutions have been is the capacity of an operator to collect and use data from the
developed, they are proprietary solutions which must be environment to accomplish the daily tasks. Sensing has two
tailored to the individual needs [8]. components where the first component is to collect the data by
Jackson [9] documented a definition of Lean automation as: vision, smell, sound and then to perceive the data; (c) Cognitive
“Lean automation is a technique which applies the right capabilities, are defined as operator’s ability to perform mental
amount of automation to a given task. It stresses robust, tasks such as reasoning, decision, perception.
reliable components and minimizes overly complicated
solutions.” 2.3. Degree of automation and function allocation
The concept of Lean automation was an emergence of an
existing concept in Lean literature referred to as autonomation An increased level of automation is expansive and rigid, yet
or automation-with-human-touch. Using automation with a it requires human intervention in surprising situations.
human touch, Taiichi Ohno at Toyota, redefined the Japanese However, a higher level of automation [15] makes it harder for
term of Jidouka. The original meaning of Jidouka was the humans to intervene since the system was designed to keep
automation and later changed with the addition of two extra humans away from the automation [16]. Such problems of
lines referring to humans, thus adding the human element in the increasingly automated and authoritarian systems can be solved
automation system [9]. by taking humans as an integral and central element of the
Contrary to the idea of CIM (Computer Integrated automation and design a human-centered automation [17]. In
Manufacturing), which is a previously established concept for asserting the need of human-machine collaboration, Norman
manufacturing automation in which the fully automated factory [5] emphasized to start automating the systems from the
without light, heat or employees was a vision, Lean automation humans by considering their powers and abilities and then
is concerned with finding the right level of automation. Here, transfer the rest of the tasks to the machines.
Bilberg and Hadar [10] presented Lean semi-automated cells, Norman further explained humans to be good at pattern
where the automation is focused around the manufacturing recognition, dealing with the unexpected and setting high level
process, while the planning, the material flow and part of the goals, while humans are found to be not good at performing
inspection is handled by the employees. This conception was repetitive operations, producing accurate and precise actions
later cited in Lean automation literature [7]. repeatedly and at vigilance for long periods of time with
nothing to do until an unexpected event occurs. A classical
2.2. Human capabilities in assembly theory of functional allocation between humans and machines
was presented by Fitts [18] and is often referred to as MABA-
Capability is defined as the objective-achieving property of MABA list (men are good at - machines are good at).
an entity that helps realizing the overall mission of it. For By reducing the human effort and increasing automation in
human beings, this describes having the resources and ability to assembly work, the question will arise of defining the right
accomplish the desired task. In manufacturing, manual works level of automation. Automation should be used for work that
Ali Ahmad Malik et al. / Procedia CIRP 81 (2019) 659–664 661
Ali Ahmad Malik et al. / Procedia CIRP 00 (2019) 000–000 3
is menial, repetitive and/or ergonomically challenging for humans and machines and forms an appropriate human-
humans to perform, while humans must perform more machine collaboration with human at the core of the system”.
specialized and complicated tasks that cannot easily be The framework shown in Fig.1. describes the steps for
automated. Automation of tasks must ideally be started from designing Lean automation in assembly cell with a human
the more value adding tasks and gradually moving towards centered design approach. The process starts with decomposing
tasks with lower value addition. Frohm [13] defined levels of the tasks in an assembly process
automation as: The next phase is a process of analyzing each manual task
“The allocation of physical and cognitive tasks between for the human skills needed and if the task can be complimented
humans and technology, described as a continuum ranging by a machine or an absolute need of the human is needed. An
from totally manual to totally automatic”. initial classification of tasks is achieved for humans and
machines which is refined by assigning the tasks to the right
While, fortunately, machines are good at all the tasks resource thus balancing the process. The next stage is the
humans are bad at and this actuality emphasizes the need of engineering phase of designating the technological resources in
devising collaboration whereby humans and automation are given workspace. This is then simulated for evaluation and
doing what they are best at. Although there are capabilities that refinement. Finally, a semi-automated assembly cell can be
are unique to machines and humans and can be used to achieved with human centricity.
strengthen the capabilities of each other, yet they both have However, measurement of the implemented solution and
overlapping capabilities offering the opportunity to assign tasks feedback of the users is continuously monitored for
in variability according to resource availability [19]. The optimization of the solution. The cyclic process is based on the
aligned argument is presented by [20] that achieving the work of [18] [21].
appropriate level of automation is a Lean automation.
3.1. Physical automation of assembly cell
3. Smart Technologies for assembly automation
Assembly work characterizes with a large variety of simple
Based on authors’ theorizing and literature exploration, the to complex physical tasks. Nevertheless, many of the tasks are
following definition is presented for Lean automation in repetitive. These repetitive tasks can be benefited by using
assembly cells: human-robot collaboration. The emerging trend in production
automation is towards collaborative robots or co-bots. In a
collaborative environment, the tasks can be distributed based
on strengths of robots and humans. The distinguishing features
of collaborative robots are their safe and effective interaction
with human workers and ease of deployment and operation.
Productivity, ergonomics, and safety conditions are potential
areas of getting benefit from collaborative robots [22][23].
(man and machines). Augmented reality (AR) is a digitized fully automated cells, the roles of humans are supervisor or
representation of digitally processed reality with digitally observer.
added virtual objects forming a real-virtual interaction. AR can
help to instruct an operator of assembly instructions, supervise
the assembly process or maintenance [25]. This can help to
ensure process stability and predictive maintenance [26].
Horejsi [25] described the potential manufacturing related
benefits of AR in logistics, assembly planning, and training.
The full potential of AR can be realized through Internet of
Things phenomena. IoT is an internet connected network of
goods and objects that can exchange data [27].
Collaborative robot
Augmented reality glasses
Smart watches
Fig. 4. (a) Gesture control armband to teach robot (b) Wearable to receive For experimentation and validation, a manual assembly cell
process notifications. is selected from a local manufacturing company. The cell
produces an electronic linear actuator used in height-
4. Changing roles of humans in human centered adjustment desks. Fig. 6. shows the parts of the product and the
automated assembly cells experimental setup. In the actual industrial setup, the operator
receives sub-assembly #1 on a conveyer from the previous
Humans, when collaborating with technologies, might see a station, and mounts gear-wheel #2, bush #3, ball bearing #4,
shift in their roles in the assembly process. Experiences have back fixture #5, shall #6, gasket#7, lid #8 and mounts screws
shown that automation does simply not replace human activity and then moves the assembly to the next station by hand.
but rather modifies it, often in a way not intended by the An experimental setup was developed to test the technology
automation architects thereby posing new demands of enabled assembly automation scenario. The tasks identified
coordination from the human operators [12]. [28] has explained suitable for automation were performed using a collaborative
the roles of humans in a production system as bystander, robot. The robot used in the experiment was Universal Robot
operator, teammate, programmer or supervisor. In manual UR-10.
assembly cells, the operator is acting as an operator while in
Ali Ahmad Malik et al. / Procedia CIRP 81 (2019) 659–664 663
Ali Ahmad Malik et al. / Procedia CIRP 00 (2019) 000–000 5
The manual tasks can be described as physical and cognitive 2) depicted that the use of a robot for assembly collaboration of
tasks. Mounting of gear wheel, bush, ball bearing, shall, back physical tasks can increase productivity.
fixture and lid are physical tasks, while conformity to the
required placement orientation is a cognitive task. Further, Table 1. Simulation results for productivity analysis of HRC
there are two variants for back fixture and the decision to Cycle Human Human OEE Per day
choose the right variant is also a cognitive task. Besides, there time time efficiency % production
(s/p) %
are certain human activities where operator needs to take
information from the environment. These are sensing tasks e.g. Manual 78 78 80 90 1042
the robot, after completion of its tasks, signals the operator to HRC 78 62 80 90 1248
pick and move the product or the breakage of a machine would
signal the operator to take necessary action. Cognitive tasks are automated using augmented reality
glass. The operator visualizes the assembly instructions
avoiding any errors. Once the robot has completed its assigned
tasks (i.e. screwing) it generates a notification to the operator
and operator moves the assembly to the next station. Usefulness
of cognitive automation solutions is harder to quantify and
therefore qualitative user studies are considered.
Qualitative evaluations were made by the students to
perform the tasks with the human-centered automation system.
The students first made the tests by manual assembling where
parts were randomly placed in front of them. They were
instructed and were asked to perform the assembly by picking
the right part. In this case, they had to think and decide to which
component must be placed. During the experiment, the videos
were made and were evaluated for the time spent on identifying
the right parts during manual production and providing
Fig. 6. Product and experimental setup for the user-study.
instructions with holograms in the next test. Similarly, number
For automation of physical efforts, tasks 2 to 7 are assessed of times the participant picked wrong part and placed it back
to require human intelligence and dexterity while tasks 8 and 9 was counted as an error.
are assigned to the robot. The usefulness of having Participants used robot, augmented reality instructions, and
mechanization (HRC) can easily be evaluated in form of smart watch separately and then in a combination to evaluate
reduced operator’s involvement, increased productivity their experience (Table 2). With each experiment value adding
resulting in economic benefits. time (VAT – (time performing assembly)) and non-value
adding time (N-VAT (thinking or making errors)) was
recorded. Additionally, number of times wrong component was
picked (i.e. an error) was noted. Further, the students were
asked, in form of a questionnaire, for their use experience with
the devices. A similar questionnaire was asked at the
manufacturing company from the operators who were working
directly with the robot or coexisting in the robotic workspace.
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