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Sustainable Innovation in Small Medium Enterprises:

The Impact of Knowledge Management on
Organizational Innovation through a Mediation
Analysis by Using SEM Approach
Jaffar Abbas 1 , Qingyu Zhang 2,*, Iftikhar Hussain 3, Sabahat Akram 4 , Aneeqa Afaq 5 and
Muhammad Afzal Shad 6
Antai College of Economics and Management (ACEM), School of Media and Communication (SMC) of
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), No. 800 Dongchuan Road Minhang District, Shanghai 200240, China;
Research Institute of Business Analytics & Supply Chain Management, College of Management,
Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
Dean Faculty of Computing & Engineering, University of Kotli Azad Jammu &
Kashmir, Azad Kashmir 11100, Pakistan;
Department of Economics, University of Kotli Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Azad Kashmir 11100,
Department of Public Administration, University of Kotli Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Azad Kashmir
11100, Pakistan;
Department of Commerce, University of Kotli Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Azad Kashmir 11100,
* Correspondence:
check ror
Received: 8 February 2020; Accepted: 2 March 2020; Published: 19 March 2020 updates

Abstract: This current study is among the very few investigations, which seeks the relationship
between knowledge management and sustainable organizational innovation in garment business
firms. This investigation focused on examining how organizational learning mediates the relationship
between knowledge management and sustainable organizational innovation. This research establishes
that knowledge management and organizational innovation procedures are integral parts of the
progress and survival of the organizations. The received data of this population reports on the
garment firms, operating their businesses in Lahore and Gujranwala. The study applied a
stratified random sampling method for data collection and employed structural equation
modeling (SEM) to examine the hypothesized relationships. The results specify that knowledge
management shows a significant positive association with organizational learning, which in turn
reveals a positive linkage to sustainable organizational innovation in SMEs of the garment
industry. The study results also specify that organizational learning mediates the relationship
between knowledge management and sustainable organizational innovation. This research survey
identifies the significance of knowledge management and organizational learning in executing the
process of organizational innovation, and it helps business managers to understand organizational
learning as a mediator, which in turn indicates the benefits of knowledge management in achieving
sustainable organizational innovation. This review provides an empirical indication of original data
to investigate the linkage between knowledge management, sustainable innovation process, and
organizational learning culture in the Pakistani garment sector. The generalizability of the study
fallouts is restricted to the garment industry, and it offers valuable insights for imminent

Keywords: innovation; SMEs; organizational learning; knowledge management; Pakistan

Sustainability 2020, 12, 2407; doi:10.3390/su12062407

Sustainability 2020, 12, 2407 2 of 19

1. Introduction
Since the intensification of knowledge management, the values in the process of organizational
innovation is taking place increasingly in the business industry [1]. Business firms intensely observe an
indispensable role of organizational innovation, feasibility endurance, and success by the capacity of
grasping the enshrouded value of critically attained, implicit, and explicit knowledge [2]. In recent years,
services or products of traditional labor and innovative organizations have progressively
substituted with unceasing revolution by customers’ needs, necessities, and demands through
knowledge-based businesses [3,4]. Knowledge management is categorically a dynamic factor for
business organizations, predominantly garments, and textile industry [5]. In today’s competitive and
turbulent market, knowledge management sharing plays an indispensable role in creating new
knowledge in the process of sustainable innovation in organizations. In an earlier study, Barachini (2009)
recognizes that business firms have to inspire their workforce to share critical information and
knowledge regularly to grasp and reuse in hand knowledge assets [6]. Typically, scholars focus on the
organization's idea of developing knowledge management and supportive culture for the
innovation process.
Business firms seek to build a knowledge-friendly strategy, which helps them in sharing,
transmitting, and reusing valuable insights. Instantaneously, business companies take measures
in introducing methods of useful knowledge sharing and procedures of innovation in daily business
operations to enhance creativity, innovation, and business performance worldwide s. In the present
unstable economic environment, globalization, innovation, rapid technological advancements have
become strategic and financial drivers. The process of innovation in a business organization heavily
relies on the availability of knowledge. Access to knowledge enhances innovation, which helps
business organizations to achieve valuable benefits, effectiveness, sustainability, growth, and economic
prosperity [7]. Sustainable organizational innovation (SOI) is a continuous process of perceiving,
exploring, and learning, which enables enterprises and business organizations to innovate new
procedures in business organizations, new markets, new and improved products, and services [8].
Presently, knowledge management (KM) is a well-established and recognized field of study. Lin [9]
defined KM as flow and sharing of knowledge inside an industry or a firm. The studies have
explored that KM empowers firms to create modern methods to realize viable benefits, effectively
attaining knowledge, and improve sustainable organizational innovation [10]. In views of Park,
Ribière [11], “Today’s world economy is recognized as enormous competitiveness in businesses,
establishing learning systems, creating products and services mergers and adopting and managing
rapidly changing technologies. Such kind of competitive and energetic business environment ask for
managing organizational knowledge even more competitively.”
Wiig [12] clarified knowledge management by defining it as a range of clearly described procedures,
methods, and techniques employed to find out valuable information in different administrative
procedures. He determined knowledge management's purpose was primarily to empower business
in alternative perspectives, first to secure its prospects and achievements, after that, concentrate on
building a firm or industry to sensibly, considering its knowledge assets. Though, the overall aim
of KM is to improve organizational competitiveness [13]. Knowledge management is the source of
organizational achievement and a significant source in empowering businesses to produce
innovative goods and services as well as grow new-markets and bringing sustainability in
companies. Moreover, Adams and Lamont [7] recorded in their research work that knowledge
management is a vital source for realizing continuous innovation resulting in competitive and
sustainable benefits. Effective knowledge management can bring immediate paybacks and
improvement in workforce productivity, increase services value, and competitive advantages
through creativity and consequently brings sustainability in firms [10].
According to Levinthal and March [14], organizational learning (OL) ensued as an added ability to
compete with the changes takes place due to the influential and unstable organizational
environment. Organizational learning leads to better output and acts as a tool to control and improve
the performance
Sustainability 2020, 12, 2407 3 of 19

of a business as well as realize ongoing organizational accomplishments [15]. While the industry
will progress to organizational innovation and the culture of OL motivates workers for creativity.
The garments and textile industry contribute almost 50% of Pakistan’s exports and are the primary
principal constituent of trade. Garments sector, because of current promising changes for the businesses
in Pakistan and the probable future developments in the global world business edifice for the industry,
can perform a significant part in increasing Pakistani exports. Besides, garments-manufacturing echoes
with Pakistan’s policy to help in saving and generating resources for employment and economic growth
due to the sector’s capital intensive and energy saving nature [16,17]. Considering the economics as
well as the employment importance of this sector, the researchers selected this sector.
The primary concern of the current study was theory related, i.e., examining the relationships
between acknowledgment management, sustainable organizational innovation, and organizational
learning. Existing knowledge management literature designates that already employed methods were
uncertain, and the statistical link among knowledge management and organizational learning has
not been principally stated [18]. The current research concentrated on the new and original methods
of calculating the association between knowledge management, sustainable organizational
innovation, and organizational learning. Further, in what way the statistical connection can form
virtuous debate concerning innovation procedures. The current research focuses on addressing the
literature gaps highlighted above, and it attempted to examine the association between knowledge
management and sustainable organizational innovation. At the same time, organizational learning
was taken as a mediating variable by addressing the literature gap means the missing statistical link
between the studied variables and the literature gap in terms of the garments industry, SMEs, and
developing countries like Pakistan.

2. Critical Literature Analysis

2.1. The Linkage between Knowledge Management and Sustainable Organizational Innovation
Each type of knowledge that is attained, created and disseminated is required to be supported
by authorization and storing knowledge; otherwise, a business is perpetually in danger of
fortuitously disremembering to acquire knowledge [19]. Andreeva and Kianto [20] emphasized that
an enterprise puts a lot of effort into keeping it innovative, ensuring creativity and attaining
sustainable competitive benefits if it does not store its critical knowledge in a proper place. Such
kind of a system or site is also required to realize improved results of knowledge management for
various kinds of sustainable innovations. Literature related to knowledge mentions that knowledge
policies and strategies affect a business’s performance via their abilities to innovate and sustain [21].
Authors, in their analytical research of New Zealand companies, concluded that companies
employing knowledge management strategies were relatively innovative and had a better
sustainable financial performance. This study finds regarding attaining knowledge about the
market, for example, was essential for encouraging novelties that best suit customer needs. López-
Nicolás and Meroño-Cerdán [22] in their study conducted in Spanish firms, concluded that
knowledge management strategy impacts a sustainable firm performance by enhancing its
innovative abilities and skills.
Given the above literature on knowledge management and sustainable organizational innovation,
the following hypothesis was proposed to study and test the relationship between knowledge
management and sustainable organizational innovation (KM and SOI):

Hypothesis 1. A direct relationship exists between the effectiveness of knowledge management processes
used and the organization’s ability for sustainable innovation.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 2407 4 of 19

2.2. The Relationship of Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning

The link between knowledge management and organizational learning can be conceived through
several activities. The focus of knowledge management is the content of the knowledge which a
business creates, captures, and, finally, uses. Whereas the focus of organizational learning is the
practice and implantation of knowledge [23]. Knowledge management covers the creation, acquisition,
storing, and accumulating usage of knowledge. According to [24], a knowledge management
system suggests a corporate setting that encourages organizational learning.
Knowledge management, especially knowledge sharing in a firm, ensues once a worker is
ready to learn from and assist other workers in developing innovative abilities and skills [25]. In
views of [26], learn means to digest, to absorb, or to apply. In a study conducted in the hoteling
sector at Manhattan on sharing practices, the researchers found that the sharing of experience
within a hotel as well as between other hotels in the industry has substantial positive consequences
on day-to-day processes [27]. The same sort of findings was stated by Sveiby [28], he concluded that
the flow of knowledge among workers help them to improve their skills and abilities and to create
new and improved knowledge jointly.
The value of knowledge can be increased through sharing and transferring it to the rest of the
individual working in the same organization or other. The depreciation of knowledge was defined
by Argote [29] as the value lost by knowledge. The knowledge depreciation occurs in five different
ways, and it is as follows. When an employee leaves a job and organization is unable to retain
his knowledge. When current organizational knowledge becomes outdated, the firm momentarily
becomes incompetent. When due to outdated knowledge, the innovative and new goods and
services introduced by a firm becomes expensive or substandard products. Transfer knowledge is
incomplete or knowledge shared is selective, or the knowledge sharing practices are adopted for some
individuals only. When accessing organizational knowledge becomes hard. Argote [29] knowledge
depreciation has adverse effects on sustainable organizational performance as well as OL by decreasing
productivity level, declining customer satisfaction level, unable to meet delivery promises, incorrect
strategic behavior, and resulting unsuitable decisions made by managers. Consequently, firms will
become unsustainable, incompetent and ineffective.
The process of learning and sharing facilitates information interpretation or conversion to
knowledge through improving individual absorptive ability, beliefs, and values. The method of sharing
and learning regulates whether the information, as well as knowledge, is beneficial and useable
after the course of interpreting [30,31]. The newly created knowledge and the use of existing
knowledge will become different as a result of sharing and learning knowledge.
The business organizations need to employ the knowledge management process professionally to
improve their learning competencies Liao and Wu [18]. Because of [32], those organizations that is
not having a knowledge management system are unable to develop individual and organizational
learning skills and abilities. Knowledge management flow and assembling throughout the business
operations, specifically knowledge development, acts as a strategic source to learning [33]. The
above-mentioned studies concluded that knowledge management empowers businesses to acquire the
benefits of organizational efficiency and organizational learning. Therefore, we can draw a
hypothesis as under:

Hypothesis 2. A direct relationship exists between the effectiveness of knowledge management processes
used and the organization’s ability to learn.

2.3. The Linkage between Organizational Learning and Sustainable Organizational Innovation (OL & SOI)
Organizational learning is vital to the success of business firms [34]. Accordingly, in the current
rapidly changing and challenging environment for companies tackled with poor learning abilities
and producing on a large scale, it has become hard to take full advantage of their skills and abilities.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 2407 5 of 19

In an ever-changing environment like today, only those businesses will be able to survive and grow,
which will enable themselves to take full advantage of the abilities, skills, and learning capacities of
all employees working in different sections of a business [35]. Organizational learning supports in
attaining and submitting knowledge to improve creativity and ensure competitiveness through the
development and provision of new and advanced products and services for sustainable growth [36].
Another study specified that many studies conducted on organizational learning had advanced the
literature on sustainable organizational innovation [37]. A statistically significant and positive
impact of learning on sustainable innovation was reported in many studies [18,38–42].
The firms having an active learning process are successful in providing their customers with
innovative products and services as improved learning made them capable enough not to lose any
opportunity to introduce products and services to meet ever-changing market demands. Such firms
have appropriate knowledge and information to forecast and study customer requirements. These
firms were also competent in terms of new and innovative technologies to innovate better and
sustain. The organization having better learning processes are capable of judging its competitors’
weaknesses and strengths, this helps such firms become more efficient and change their failures into
success as well as introduce sustainable novel ideas and skills [43]. Another study reported a positive
association among technical innovation and organizational learning [44] reported a positive
association between technological innovation and organizational learning.
The organizational innovation capability is primarily influenced by three organizational elements,
i.e., cultural innovativeness, learning, and market orientation [45]. The above-cited literature
has investigated all directions of the relationship between organizational learning and sustainable
organizational innovation. However, a positive link was reported in the majority of these studies,
and these studies concluded that organizational learning enhances firms' ability to innovate [44,46].
Therefore, we can draw a hypothesis as follows.

Hypothesis 3. A direct relationship exists between the effectiveness of the organizational learning
mechanism used and the organization’s ability to innovate.

2.4. The Relationship among Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning, and

Sustainable Organizational Innovation
Knowledge management is defined as a process through which a business identify, choose,
produce, share and transmit valuable knowledge which is being implemented in organizational
methods of problem identification and solution, dynamic training, thought-out planning and decision
making [47–49]. Another study described that organizational learning encourages individuals to
support each other in initiating organizational knowledge processes Wijnhoven [50]. Effective
organizational learning processes offer better opportunities for people to collaborate, and such
collaborations help in accessing, sharing, and using knowledge through better KM abilities. The
implementation and success of organizational learning in a business organization ensures updating
existing knowledge and its availability as well as contributing through innovative knowledge in
achieving sustainability goals Gnyawali and Stewart [51,52]. Moreover, in a dynamic environment,
organizational learning can store and share knowledge to maximize value creation and addition
Drucker [53]. The ability to learn improves the firm’s ability to create and use knowledge, Cohen
and Levinthal [39].
The capable learning system provides updated information and well-organized advantages to
business organizations worldwide. The organizational learning involves different learning
processes and procedures where every organization and individual can progress. Such operations
include requirements of the customers as well as keeping the organization updated and capable of
meeting with the ever-changing market needs and wants to remain sustainable [43]. Innovation is
defined as the process of creating, evaluating, and executing novel procedures and ideas. It is a
Sustainability 2020, 12, 2407 6 of 19

component that organizational learning and sustainable organizational innovation are strongly
interlinked to each other. Further, the scholars recommend that organizations should enhance their
employees understanding of this correlation.
Organizations’ ability to learn is known to be a planned tool for ensuring the constant achievement
of a firm [18,54,55]. Some studies have reported organizational learning positively affects innovation
position and dispersal [56,57]. Additionally, a healthy organizational learning system encourages
creativity in business to remain sustainable [58,59]. Some studies reported that employees of an
organization through their learning abilities share knowledge across the organization, which helps
an organization in bringing sustainability through innovative as well as new products and services
[60,61]. The idea that innovation is essential to an organization to remain competitive, sustained,
and successful was widely recognized [62–65]. Organizational innovation involves the
formulation of innovative products and services, methods, and new ideas. It becomes evident that
organizations' ability to learn and their ability to innovate is connected [45]. If we see as a system or
process, knowledge management acts as an input. In contrast, organizational learning serves as a
critical procedure, and organizational innovation is recognized as the primary output Liao and Wu
[18]. We can conclude the above-cited literature to realize the benefits of innovation. Knowledge
management system containing the ability to learn is vital. Little research has been conducted in
Pakistan concerning studied variables. All these researchers studied one or two of these variables.
None of these studies have considered all these variables in a single model, and secondly, these
studies were conducted mostly in public sector organizations. Specifically, no investigation was
undertaken in garments sector firms [19,66–68]. The
relationship reported in the literature was checked through the following hypothesis:

Hypothesis 4. Organizational learning mediates the relationship between the effectiveness of knowledge
management processes used and the organization’s ability to innovate sustainably.

2.5. The Hypothesized Model

Keeping in view the literature cited and hypotheses developed in the light of current literature
analysis, a research framework was proposed shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The hypothesized model.

3. Materials and Methods

The materials and methods were designed to explain specific methodologies employed for testing
and describing the empirical relationship between the studied variables knowledge management,
organizational learning, and organizational innovation. This section includes study design, research
Sustainability 2020, 12, 2407 7 of 19

philosophy, target population, study sample, research instrument used for data gathering, data gathering
methods, study framework or model, techniques used for analyzing data, and research ethics.
The choice and implementation of a specific research-philosophy help the researchers to clarify
the overall research method to be used, evaluate available methods, and be innovative and progressive
in selecting and altering techniques that were implemented previously [69]. Moreover, the concept
of research philosophy is based on ideas, values, norms, organizational activities, and traditions.
Research philosophy facilitates researchers in obtaining information and knowledge related to their
area of study, and it is of three different forms, i.e., realism, positivism, and interpretivism McNabb
A positivist approach was used in this study, as suggested by Creswell and Creswell [ 71]. The
positivism approach is built on the judgments, scientific methods being followed, and causes, and their
possible effects are being fixed [71,72]. Additionally, Mertens positivist approach is appropriate for a
social or communal world with the prospect that the societal-world can be taken as the
commonplace, employing an unbiased process that results in ordinary findings. However,
according to Creswell, positivism philosophy concentrates on defining and describing the
relationships, their causes, and impacts; it also simplifies the links and details for forecasting such
Saunders [73], based on nature, has categorized research studies into three forms explanatory,
exploratory, and descriptive. Exploratory research tries to define a research problem initially and
collects basic information concerning to identify a problem and helps establish further research.
Explanatory research seeks to shape essential links among studied variables, while the descriptive
study is conducted to express a precise figure of situations, individuals, or events. As suggested
in Saunders [73], explanatory research, as well as cross-sectional examination, was employed in
this research. This study intends to find the impact of knowledge management on organizational
innovation and to check whether organizational learning can mediate the relationship between KM and
organizational innovation. A cross-sectional design was employed in this study. The cross-sectional
research tries to find the association among studied variables at a particular time. It describes the
rise of a phenomenon that examined how the studied-variables are connected. The benefit of
selecting a cross-sectional design is that it is comparatively economical and timesaving than a
longitudinal study. In this study researcher employed structural equation modeling (SEM). The
method of SEM is a set of statistical techniques that permits us to study relationships among
independent and dependent variables, either one or more, as well as discrete or continuous.
Variables or factors can measure the independent and dependent variables. SEM has alternative
names such as simultaneous equation modeling, path analysis, causal analysis, causal modeling,
confirmatory factor analysis, and analysis of covariance.

3.1. Population and Sample

The population under consideration for the present study included firms working in the
garments industry of Gujranwala and Lahore divisions of Pakistan. Data were collected through a
self-administered survey. A sampling frame was devised to contain all the garments sector firms
situated in the targeted area and to support the selection of samples. A sample of 350 firms was selected
for this research. The data from selected firms were gathered through a stratified random sampling
technique, as stratified random sampling assists scientists to ensure that the chosen sample is a
good representative of the population [74].

3.2. Data Collection Instrument

The close-ended, well-structured items were used to collect responses, close-ended items are
an effective way of gathering adequate organized replies, which empower numerical analysis, examining
hypotheses, and illustrating conclusions. The reactions concerning all study variables were
measured through a Five-point Likert scale.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 2407 8 of 19

3.3. Data Collection Methods

Groves and Couper [75] specified that for the creation of valuable data or information, the data-
gathering is a significant component. For the present study, researchers initially contacted the
targeted firms on the phone as well as through e-mails to get proper consent from them to collect
data. Once the formal approval was received, the study survey was distributed to the respondent
firms. The participants were informed and briefed about the questionnaire contents to understand
it before fulfilling it ultimately. The survey participants were requested to respond to the survey in
two weeks. After two weeks, the researchers themselves collected all the distributed questionnaires
from participants. Similarly, follow-ups were completed by emails and telephones to improve
survey participation. Subsequently, on receiving the duly filled responses, the respondents were

3.4. Variables Measurement

The reliability and validity of the questionnaire employed in the current study were measured
and evaluated. This precise study evaluated knowledge management through five different constructs
adopted from the previous studies, as described in Table 1. The selected constructs of knowledge
management include expectations of associations with colleagues and peers, hopes of reward for
sharing relevant information and knowledge employees contain, knowledge management attitudes,
KM behavior, and expected contribution in the form of information and knowledge as indicated
in Table 1.

Table 1. Knowledge management (KM) constructs.

Constructs & Measures Reference

Expectations of Individuals, after taking part in KM processes, expect
Associations [76–81]
better ties and relations with their colleagues and peers.
Expectations of Individuals in return of efforts put by them for the success
Rewards [82–85]
of KM expects to be rewarded by the organization.
Expected Individuals believe that after their efforts for the success of
Contribution [86–89]
KM, the performance of the organization will improve.
The pleasing feelings and sentiments individuals’
show while managing knowledge in [90–93]
Attitude toward
KM Behavior Level of participation in KM by someone. [94–97]

The available literature categorized organizations as early adopters, late adopters, innovators,
and laggards in the literature that are cornering their level of innovation. The literature also
classified innovation based on productivity as process innovation and product innovation, and the
measures are taken considering inputs are resources spend on research and development, all these
different measures were used and explained in the literature. As suggested and employed by Manu
(1992), this study used three different types of innovation as measures for SOI, i.e., product
innovation, process innovation, and administrative innovation, as illustrated in Table 2.
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Table 2. Sustainable organizational innovation (SOI) constructs.

Constructs & Measures Reference

The efforts a firm put in the process of developing new
products or services in terms of persons, hours, teams,
Product Innovation training involved. [98–102]
Basic characteristics for introducing novel products or
Innovative products or services introduced by the firm.
Changes introduced in the processes being used by a firm.
Process Innovation Efforts put into developing or introducing novel processes. [98–100,102,
Smart reply to innovative processes employed by
competing firms
The changes and innovations in the system being adopted by
a firm.
Administrative [98,99,101,102]
Innovation Efforts firms put in exploring new administrative systems.
Organizational thrusts to bring an innovative administrative

Organizational learning in this study was measured by focusing on Huber’s model of OL. The
researchers studied and analyzed measures used in the literature for OL [104–109]. Organizational
variable learning was measured using four different dimensions of learning cited in the literature,
i.e., acquiring, distributing, and interpreting knowledge as well as organizational memory. The
study measured Organizational learning as a sole variable through a model having four
dimensions, as discussed in Table 3.

Table 3. Organizational Learning (OL) constructs.

Constructs & Measures Reference

Acquiring Firms’ workforce participation in different events and shows.
Knowledge The research and development policy implemented in a firm [106,108,110]
is unique and consolidated.
Firms consider and evaluate creative thoughts and tactics in
the workplace regularly.
A sound mechanism was adopted in a firm to confirm the
Distributing availability of the best practices across the organization.
Knowledge Few individuals act as a link in a business organization as they [105,106,108,110]
contribute in diverse teams and divisions.
Few individuals perform the job of collecting, storing, and
sharing ideas and suggestions created by organizational
The overall employees of the organization put their dedicated
Interpreting efforts to achieve commonly devised goals.
Employees share their expertise, knowledge, and experiences [104,108,110]
during meetings and conversions.
Generally, teamwork is being practiced and encourage in a
The business organization maintains a comprehensive record
of its employees and experts regarding their field of expertise.
Organizational Whenever someone requires such information, it would be
Memory accessible. [104,105,108–110]
A complete customer database was developed and maintained
by the business organization.
The records and databases maintained by the business
organization are always accessible for its employees.
The business organization frequently updates its databases.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 2407 10 of 19

Following Wang and Hou (2015), education and age were taken as control variables in this
study to examine the probable variations between studied SMEs and their possible effects on
Organizational innovation processes.

4. Results and Discussions

The study has reviewed the sample response rate, sample characteristics, and summarized the
results based on the mean and standard deviation of the sample studied.

4.1. Descriptive Analysis

In a sample of 350 firms from Lahore and Gujranwala divisions of Pakistan, the study survey was
distributed. As a result of individual efforts made by researchers in the first attempt and follow-ups,
232 responses were attained, and the study rate of response remained 66%. The response rate of 50%
was considered acceptable. A response rate of 60% was deemed to be good, while the response rate
of 70 was supposed to be outstanding for analysis and writing in a research Mugenda and Mugenda
[111]. Out of 232 reordered responses, 14 were dropped because of missing responses. The criteria
used to remove or discard a questionnaire was 25% of the total responses. Considering the age of
respondents, most of the study participants lie in the last group, i.e., 40.4%, the exact percentage of
each group is given in Table 4. In terms of education, respondents having secondary school
certificate (SSC) were 7.8%, higher secondary school certificate (HSSC) 11.1%, Bachelors 31.1%,
Masters 47.8%, and above
master’s 2.2%.

Table 4. Demographic characteristics of the sample.

Characteristic Frequency Percentage

26–30 year 16 7.4
31–35 28 12.8
36–40 35 16.1
41–45 51 23.3
46 and above 88 40.4
SSC 20 9.2
HSSC 29 13.3
Graduation 75 34.4
Masters 86 39.4
Above Masters 08 3.7
Total 218 100

4.2. Measurement Model

To examine the reliability of all the constructs and items used in the survey, the researchers
calculated the Cronbach’s alpha values, which were 0.91 to 0.77. Nunnally and Bernstein (1994)
illustrated that Cronbach’s alpha value of higher than 0.70 is good and considered as standard for
measuring reliability. Therefore, all of Cronbach’s alpha values of this study are deemed reliable.
The convergent validity and discriminant validity for the used research model was determined
through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The standard range for factor load values was
described as 0.60 at p-value of less than 0.001, all factor loading values in this study remained above
standard range, and the threshold level for the sum of composite reliability (CR) was described as
0.70, all sum of CR in this study remained well above the standard range. The cut-off point for the
sum of average variance extracted (AVE) values was described as 0.50, all the sum of AVE values
for this study remained well above the cut-off point [112]. The mean, standard deviation, items and
constructs, factor loadings, AVE, CR, and Cα for the survey instrument are given in Table 5.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 2407 11 of 19

Table 5. Reliability and validity.

Construct Mean SD Item Loading AVE CR Cα

3.58 0.52 KM1 0.88 *** 0.66 0.84 0.91
KM2 0.86 ***
KM KM3 0.77 ***
KM4 0.68 ***
KM5 0.82 ***
3.72 0.60 OI1 0.90 *** 0.74 0.88 0.86
OI OI2 0.76 ***
OI3 0.84 **
3.52 0.50 OL1 0.92 *** 0.58 0.92 0.77
OL2 0.84 ***
OL3 0.82 ***
OL4 0.78 ***
Note: *** p < 0.001.

Fornell and Larcker’s (2018) measures were adopted to measure AVE values and to assess
discriminant validity. The square root values of the AVE for each construct was calculated and
presented in italic in Table 6. These values demonstrate that a healthy relationship exists between
the studied variables and the proposed model as well as these values illustrates that discriminant
validity lies in an acceptable range.

Table 6. The average variance extracted (AVE) and correlation.

Construct KM OI OL RA RE
KM 0.82
OI 0.52 0.78
OL 0.66 0.46 0.76
Age 0.12 0.02 0.24 1
– − −
Education 0.12 0.14 0.19 0.01 1

The current study used tools like Root-mean-square error of approximation (RMSEA),
goodness-of-fit index (GFI), and Chi-square minimum/df (CMIN/df) to measure the fitness of the
model. The comparative fit index (CFI), the adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI), and the normed
fit index (NFI) were also employed as appropriate supplementary measures. Additionally, the study
used Parsimonious-fit measures like parsimony goodness of fit index (PGFI) and parsimony
normed fit index (PNFI). The values given in Table 7 for all the fitness indicators used to measure the
reliability and validity of the model used in the current study demonstrates that these values lie in
an acceptable range, and the fitness indicators meet the required standards.

Table 7. Fit index of the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) model.

Fit Index Score Recommended Threshold Value

Absolute fit measures
CMIN/df 1.676 ≤2 a; ≤5 b
GFI 0.842 ≥0.90 a; ≥0.80 b
RMSEA 0.052 ≤0.80 a; ≤0.10 b
Incremental fit measures
NFI 0.944 ≥0.90 a
AGFI 0.822 ≥0.90 a; ≥0.80 b
CFI 0.926 ≥0.90 a
Parsimonious fit measures
PGFI 0.766 Greater is good
PNFI 0.822 Greater is good
a b
Acceptability: yes, acceptable; Acceptability: marginal.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 2407 12 of 19

4.3. Structural Model

In this phase, we assessed the procedure by determining how to measure the results of an inner
structural model. The proposed hypotheses of the current study were tested through SEM
technique. The findings of the study were presented in Table 8 and Figure 2.

Table 8. Structural equation modeling (SEM) results.

Hypotheses Relationship Anticipated Impact Estimate p-Value Result

H-1 KM OI + 0.684 *** <0.001 Confirmed
H-2 KM OL + 0.593 *** <0.001 Confirmed
H-3 OL OI + 0.334 *** <0.001 Confirmed
H-4 KM OL OI + 0.174 *** <0.001 Confirmed
(C/V) Age OI + 0.046 0.234 Not-confirmed

(C/V) Education OI + 0.187 *** <0.001 Confirmed
Note: C/V = Control variables and *** p < 0.001.

Figure 2. Structural model path coefficients.

4.3.1. Analysis of Direct Effects

The direct effects between the dependent variable and the independent variable were described
in Figure 2 and Table 8. Hypothesis 1 claimed, “There is a significant positive relationship between
KM and OI for the sustainable performance of garments sector SMEs in Lahore and Gujranwala”.
According to the findings of the study, a statistically significant and positive relationship exists
among all the variables studied. Besides, a considerable impact of the proposed hypotheses was also
found, and the results of the study supported all proposed hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 demonstrated
a positive and significant correlation of knowledge management on organizational innovation, and
results (KM = 0.684, p = 0.000) confirmed H1. The study stated, “Knowledge management positively
influences organizational learning in the garments sector SMEs of Lahore and Gujranwala
Pakistan”. Thus, H2 claimed a positive relationship and impact knowledge management on OL.
Findings of Table 8 endorsed H2 of the study (KM = 0.593, p = 0.001). Then this model prosed, “OL
positively influences the organizational innovation in garments sector SMEs of Lahore and Gujranwala
Pakistan.” The study developed H3 and claimed that organizational learning and organizational
innovation are positively correlated, and organizational learning has a considerable positive impact on
OI. The results, as indicated in Table 8, endorsed H3, and findings have affirmed (OL = 0.334, p =
0.001) confirmed H3. This study explained, “Organizational learning mediates the relationship
between knowledge
Sustainability 2020, 12, 2407 13 of 19

management and organizational innovation in garments sector SMEs of Lahore and Gujranwala
Pakistan.” Thus, hypothesis H4 stated, “Organizational learning mediates the relationship between
knowledge management and organizational innovation in garments sector SMEs of Lahore and
Gujranwala Pakistan.” The results of Table 8 endorsed H4 and confirmed the proposed
relationships. The results are given in Table 8 also confirm that organizational learning acts as a
mediator between knowledge management and organizational innovation (OL = 0.174, p = 0.001).
The findings of the study also confirm that there is no significant relationship between age and
organizational innovation.

4.3.2. Analyzing Total and Indirect Effect

This precise study hypothesized the statements and proposed hypotheses for examining the
associations between the selected variables of the model. The present research performed a
focalized analysis to determine the direct effect of knowledge management on organizational
innovation practices. The researchers also investigated the indirect impact of knowledge
management on organizational learning.

5. Conclusions, Findings, and Implications

5.1. Findings and Contributions

Finding the statistical relationship between knowledge management and organizational innovation
in garments sector firms of Gujranwala and Lahore was the first objective of the current research
study. As indicated in the literature, knowledge management has significant importance for all
SMEs as well as for garments sector firms. However, knowledge management has not been given
that importance in the garments sector of Pakistan. The researchers, based on the understanding
developed through literature, anticipated that a statistical relationship exists between knowledge
management and organizational innovation. This proposition was tested and verified through the
empirical data and was found significant, as was supported in previous studied [113–115].
Measuring the relationship between knowledge management and organizational learning in
the garments sector of Pakistan was the second objective of this study. The practices which play a
primary role in sharing and managing knowledge, ideas, and information, as well as sharing of
employees’ experiences with each other, were the emphasis of this objective. The current research
identified that managing and sharing knowledge among employees ultimately supports the industry.
The findings of the study establish that a positive and significant relationship exists between knowledge
management and organizational learning. This relationship was also reported in previous studies
[18,116,117]. The next objective of the current research was anticipated for measuring the link
among organizational innovation and organizational learning (OI and OL) in garments firms of
Gujranwala and Lahore, Pakistan. The findings of the present study reflect that a learning
environment has considerable importance for innovation in the garments industry. These findings of a
significant and positive impact of organizational learning on organizational innovation are in line
with past literature [44,118,119].
The last objective of the present study anticipates measuring the effect of organizational
learning as the mediator between the relationship of knowledge management and organizational
innovation in garments sector firms of Gujranwala and Lahore, Pakistan. The results indicate that
organizational learning completely mediates the relationship between knowledge management and
organizational innovation. These findings are in line with the literature [18,113,119,120].

5.2. Implications and Novelty

The current study findings can help improve the innovative capability of the garments sector
firms of Pakistan if adequately addressed by the policymakers and practitioners. All knowledge
management related activities need special attention from managers and practitioners. The knowledge
management system adopted by a firm should integrate with its process of innovation. The firms
need to enhance their employees’ skills and abilities to be able to deal with the available knowledge
Sustainability 2020, 12, 2407 14 of 19

efficiently. The firms also need to increase their spending on strengthening and developing existing
knowledge management systems. Organizational learning is considered as an essential factor to
fully realize the benefits of knowledge management in terms of innovation.
The value of organizational learning in a firm can be realized through the improvement in abilities,
skills, knowledge, and aptitudes of employees while performing different organizational activities
and assignments. Therefore, firms in general and garments sector firms expressly are advised to
encourage organizational learning activities to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of organizational
operations as well as to enhance innovative abilities. The findings of the current study are limited to
a specific region as well as a particular sector. Future researchers are advised to focus on other areas and
sectors to draw comprehensive solutions [121,122].
The results and findings of the present research have some practical implications for business
organizations in general and garments sector firms specifically. The model studied in this research
suggests that creation, acquisition, transferring knowledge as well as creating organizational
memory for organizational knowledge helps firms in cultivating product, process, and administrative
innovation as well as promotes sustainable organizational innovation. Such findings recognize the
critical part of knowledge management and organizational learning in starting and managing
organizational innovation as well as sustaining it. To promote creation, acquisition, application, and
sharing of knowledge for developing competitive advantages, managers can use several learning
mechanisms. Moreover, concentrating more on activities related to knowledge management and
organizational learning in these firms can devise the root for new, innovative, and creative ideas as
well as thoughts, which will ultimately result in better and sustainable organizational innovation. Even
further, notably, the study findings recommend the mediating impact of organizational learning. The
study suggests that owners and managers in these SMEs are required to dedicate their fullest
potential to ensure organizational learning and motivate their employees for learning and
improving their abilities and skills for acquiring, generating, applying and sharing experiences and
knowledge to enhance the connection between knowledge management and sustainable
organizational innovation.

Author Contributions: J.A. and I.H. have completed introduction, literature, methodology, discussion, conclusion,
and edited the original manuscript. J.A. and I.H. conceptualized the idea, supervised this project, and designed
the method section. M.A.S. contributed to the methodology section, A.A. and S.A. worked on study validation.
I.H. and J.A. contributed to writing, review & editing, the original draft. Q.Z. and J.A. provided resources, funding
acquisition, writing, reviewing, and editing the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (# 71572115);
Major Program of Social Science Foundation of Guangdong (# 2016WZDXM005); Natural Science Foundation
of SZU (#836).
Acknowledgments: Special thanks to MDPI professional language editing services to ensure that English
grammar is free of mistakes for this manuscript. Ling Jinzhu supervised this project from the School of Media and
Communication of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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