Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement - Case Story
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement - Case Story
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement - Case Story
Hamburg-based shipping company Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement has a large number of vessels
in their fleet, and several of them are equipped with Hans Jensen Lubricators A/S’ HJ SIP cylinder
In September 2009 and April 2010, respectively, Bernhard Schulte had
their two vessels M/V “Elise Schulte” and M/V “Angelica Schulte” with
Sulzer 7RTA58T engines retrofitted with HJ Mechanical SIP, with a view
to reducing cylinder oil consumption and optimizing cylinder conditions.
Positive results materialized quickly, and in December 2009, three
months after installation, the Fleet Manager in charge of the upgrades
for Bernhard Schulte, informed us that:
“its a pleasure for me to tell you that the HJL equipment installed on board of our mt Elise Schulte is
performing well and for the 1st time in vessels history as far as we know, the condition of liners and
piston-rings look excellent with the lowest consumption of CO so far.”
The HJ SIP cylinder lubrication principle is based on fresh cylinder oil being supplied with every piston
stroke, where it is sprayed into the cylinder and by using the scavenge air swirl, the cylinder oil is
distributed in an even layer on the upper liner wall. This means that consumption has been reduced
and the need for regular replacements of liners has been eliminated, due to the installation of HJ SIP.
Positive Results
In January 2012 Hans Jensen Lubricators A/S were updated on the experiences onboard their two
vessels. It was stated about M/V “Elise Schulte”:
“Reduction in cyl. Oil consumption: excellent -Before installation 1.30 g/kWh - 350 ltrs/day -After
installation 0.65 g/kWh - 180 ltrs/day -Before installation vessels was famous for high liner wear.
Problems were that time expected in demister construction scav. air cooler. After installation this
‘disappeared’ -Cylinders/pistons/rings condition –good”
Calculation example: With 250 sailing days and a lube oil price of 2.10 USD/liter, this equals
savings of 89,250 USD/year (350*250*2.1 = 183,750 USD – 180*250*2.1 = 94,500 USD / 183,750 –
94,500 USD = 89,250 USD)
“ME running hrs since HJL installation 9594 hrs, 20 months Current Cyl. Oil consumption: 180 ltrs/day,
0.66 g/kWh”
Based on these positive results, Hans Jensen Lubricators A/S and Bernhard Schulte have continued
cooperation about upgrading cylinder lubrication onboard additional Bernhard Schulte vessels.