Provisions of Crash - 0001
Provisions of Crash - 0001
Provisions of Crash - 0001
Government of India
Ministry of Road Transport a Highways
Zone-S&R (P&B)
Transport Bhawan, 1 Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 02.01.2023
As per typical cross sections of the bridges given in IRC SP 73, IRC SP 84 & IRC SP 87 (2/4/6
taning manual), crash barrier is to be provided on all new bridges
with /without footpath. As per 2
laning manual wherever the existing bridges are to be retained with/without widening, crash
barriefs in the inside and pedestrian railings on outer side of the footpath shall be provided unless
otherwise provided in Schedule D. It is specified in the 4/6 laning manual that the railings of
existing bridges shall be replaced by crash barriers where specified in Schedule B. It is also specified
in 2/4/6 laning manual that parapet/railings of the existing bridges to be repaired/replaced shall
be mentioned in Scheduled B.
2. seen that in case of existing bridges retained without widening, existing railing is usually
It 'is
not replaced by crash barrier. The provision of crash barrier is essentially required for safety
about structural suitability of replacing railing of
vehicular traffic but there are apprehension
existing bridges by crash barrier.
3. The matter has been carefully examined, and it may be mentioned that in case of existing
crash barriers, if the same
bridges retained without widening, existing railings may be replaced by
does not exist, as per details given below:
3.1 all existing bridges retained without widening and having no crash barrier, existing railing
shall be replaced by RCC crash barrier, except in situation where the deck slab is incapable
of RCC Crash barrier the impact load due to collision of vehicle,
taking the additional load including
in which case the metallic crash barrier with double W-Beam shall be provided. Before deciding
whether RCC Crash barrier can be provided on an existing bridge in replacement of railing,
done which should include history of the structure, its
detailed study shall be invariably
to take additional loads due to
performance in the past, its design and structural adequacy
proposed modification, availability of the space to
accommodate proposed changes and expected
improvement in performance in terms of safety. Quality of concrete in deck slab shall be
ascerta ned by non-destructive as part of the study.
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3.2 The type design for the crash barriers may be adopted as per IRC: 5. The design loads for the
crash barriers shall be as per IRC : 6.
3.3: Methodology for replacement of existing railing / kerb with crash barrier will vary on case to
case basis depending upon the available width of kerb, depth of deck slab, structural condition of
the supporting element. Methodology of rehabilitation for some typical cases are listed below.
However, decision has to be taken on case to case basis depending upon site conditions.
3.3.1 In case width existing kerb is 450 mm or more, depth of the deck slab is minimum 200 mm at
its tip and the reinforcement of the kerb projecting out of deck slab is of Fe 415 grade or
higher, the vertical reinforcement of crash barrier on its traffic face can be connected to
kerb reinforcement and other reinforcement of crash barrier laid in position before casting of
crash barrier. The exposed horizontal face of kerb and old reinforcement shall be thoroughly
cleaned and suitable bonding coat provided before connection of reinforcement and casting
of crash barrier.
3.3.2 Incase reinforcement of kerb is of Fe 250 grade, adequacy of same shall be checked with
respect to design loads.
3.3 If kerb reinforcement are in bad condition or missing and if depth of slab is 400mm or
more, crash barrier vertical reinforcement on traffic face shall be connected with deck slab
by rebaring (chemical connection) and all other reinforcement of crash barrier laid in
position before casting of crash barrier.
4, Feedback is solicited from the stakeholders as and when such replacement work is
undertaken on an existing bridge.
Yours faithfully,
(Jitendra Kumar)
SE, S&R (Bridge)
For Director General (Road Development) & SS
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