IRJET Design and Analysis of A Monolithi

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 07 Issue: 09 | Sep 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Design and Analysis of a Monolithic Dome using Staadpro V8i - Review

Rashmi C Khanorkar1, Prathmesh S Narkar2, Ketan S Kumbhar3, Parth H Bodalia4,
Manoj U Deosarkar5
1,2,3,4UG Students, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dr. D. Y. Patil of Engineering and Technology, Lohegaon Dist. Pune,
Maharashtra, India.
5Assistant Professor at Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dr. D. Y. Patil of Engineering and Technology, Lohegaon Dist.

Pune, Maharashtra, India country

Abstract - Monolithic dome structures were built in the of internal surfaces should be applied to prevent the
1970s in Europe and America. These dome structures share occurrence of unusual phenomenon in the room and assess
common benefits of being cost efficient, earth-friendly, remedial strategies against such phenomenon through an
extremely durable, and easily maintained. Monolithic shells accurate acoustic assessment of space handling Monolithic
are easily constructed and are extremely cost-effective. dome structures are constructed for residential spaces. The
Monolithic domes respond efficiently to any climate, even to acoustic phenomena arising from concave shapes will
extremely cold or hot temperatures. In terms of utility savings, interfere with human activities because the focal points of
monolithic domes can cut electricity consumption by up to acoustic energy have the same levels of occupancy. This
one-third, thereby saving 60–70% of total energy costs. study examines the acoustic behaviour of residential
Moreover, monolithic structures provide the highest monolithic dome structures and aims to standardized
survivability rates from destructions. The interior of acoustic treatment strategies related to dome size. Acoustic
monolithic domes have perfect, concave shapes to ensure that examination is based on parametric analysis of the acoustic
sound travels through the dome and perfectly collected at and geometric factors related to subjective evaluation. This
different vocal points. These dome structures are utilized for study presents the results of acoustic evaluation to improve
domestic use because the scale allows the focal points to be sound fields through the use of certain parameters.
positioned across daily life activities, thereby affecting the
sonic comfort of the internal space. This study examines the 1.1What is a Monolithic Dome?
various acoustic treatments and parametric configurations of
monolithic dome sizes. A geometric relationship of acoustic Simply defined, the Monolithic Dome is a super-insulated,
treatment and dome radius is established to provide architects steel-reinforced concrete structure that can be designed for
guidelines on the correct selection of absorption needed to virtually any use: office or business complex, school, church,
maintain the acoustic comfort of these special spaces. synagogue or temple, gymnasium or sports arena, theatre or
am phi theatre airplane hangar, factory, bulk storage facility,
Key Words: Dome, Staad.Pro, Nodal Joint Load, Shear house or apartment complex, military installation, etc.
Force & Bending Moments
The main objective of this project is to study analysis and
Monolithic dome structures are enclosed by smooth concave design of Monolithic Concrete Dome using Staadpro V8i with
surfaces built in one block. These structures are unsuitable substructure of an auditorium. The main objective of the
for communication, presentation of speeches, and musical study is to design the structural elements of a dome
performances. Smooth concave surfaces purely reflect sound structure such as shell structure, ring beam, column and
energy and do not diffuse this energy properly in space. In footing.
most cases, these structures will create focal points and dead
spots with different geometrical configurations. Previous 1.3Research objectives
work outlined practical guidelines for the proper acoustic
design of circular rooms and domes but the general The objectives of this research can be summarized
application of common rules to different scales and uses briefly as follows:
cannot be easily achieved. A recent study outlined remedial
actions of sound by focusing on structural deflections of the 1. The main objective of this project is to study
original concave geometry of domes; however, this approach analysis and design of Monolithic Concrete Dome
has limitations because of the structural construction using STADD Pro v8i with substructure of an
process of monolithic domes. Acoustical behaviour cannot be auditorium
easily standardized because of variation in the size, shape, 2. To study the design of structural elements of a
and volume of concave domes. Therefore, correct treatments dome structure such as shell structure, ring beam,

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1516
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 09 | Sep 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

column and footing. 1.9 Expected outcome

3. To analyse the structure for carrying the various
load like dead load live load wind load and The dome should be safe against bending moment, axial
seismic load. force etc. The dome should be design in such a way that
4. To design the structure according to Indian there should not be any error in software for the
standards codal provisions. dimensions we have choose.

Following IS code will be used for designing RCC 2. Literature Review

• IS 456-200 2.1 Numerical Study of Concrete Dome Structure using
ANSYS 17.0- Bincy Baby, Lakshmy G. Das
• IS 1893-2002/2005
Dome structures are space structures which cover large
• IS 875-1987
area with minimum surface. It is a doubly curved shell
1.4 Need of Study structure. Dome is stronger, stable and durable than
any other singly curved shell structures which can be
 It is essential to design urban life spaces in
applicable to many civil engineering structures like
accordance’s to the needs of modern time
auditorium, exhibition hall, industrial structures top
 This study will be useful where the need for low cost covering of circular water tank etc. This paper deals with
housing in India is large and huge percentage of numerical analysis of dome structure made of four
population is still lingering under poverty. different geometries where finite element analysis is
 The construction of a Monolithic Dome is not restricted carried out using ANSYS 17.0 software.
by either time or most weather conditions, since
majority of the work takes place inside the inflated
Airform. Generally, construction can continue around-
the snow, eliminating costly work stoppages.
 A Monolithic Dome provides fire protection as well.

1.5 Future Scope

This study is undertaken only for an auditorium in Pune.

Same study can be done on other type of structures in
different locations.
Fig.1 Dome shapes of Algeciras Market dome
1.6 Advantages of Monolithic Dome Structure
Structural analysis is probably the most common application
of the finite element method. We can perform different types
 Cost of a dome is less. of structural analysis. Such as Static Analysis, dynamic
 Require less maintenance. analysis etc. Here Static structural analysis and Topology
 Circulation of air and heat is very good, to climate Optimization were carried out. In this study the analysis
these structure are very cold. determines deflection, maximum principle stress and crack
 Protects from fire. pattern of the different models created.
 Survives from earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes.
Findings: Doubly- curved shell, Semi-spherical dome, Tori-
1.7 Disadvantages of Monolithic Dome Structure spherical dome, Elliptical dome, ANSYS.
 Wasted space in narrow corners. 2.2 An evaluation of the monolithic dome construction
 Lack of seams. method for biological containment structures Noel
 Building permits may be difficult to obtain if local Neighbor, David B. South
officials are not familiar with the monolithic dome.
A monolithic dome was built as a residential structure
1.8 Limitation of Study using a previously developed airform technique. The
building consisted of an outer airtight form, polyurethane
In this study we cannot take the particular research paper foam insulation, and reinforced concrete. Except for the
for comparison of results. The location of every structure is airform kit, locally available materials were used for
different so the wind speed varies according to locations construction using several alternatives and options
and this results in different value in load calculation. applicable to this kind of building. The process and options
were evaluated relative to their application for the

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1517
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 09 | Sep 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

production of biological containment facilities. It was optimized values of the parameters are suggested for
concluded that the monolithic dome building technique is an structural designing.
effective alternative to conventional methods.
Findings - Seismic response, Failure mechanism, Single-
The structure remained sound following completion. No layer latticed domes, and Low cycle fatigue IDA.
major cracks formed in the dome shell. More cracks occurred
in the slab than in the shell. The airform remained in about 2.5 Design and analysis of geodesic tunnel dome for an
the same condition as when new, not showing any noticeable auditorium - Arya Abhishek, PhadtareShubham, Patil
deterioration from the weather. Pratik, TipareHarshal, ReetikaSharan- International
Research Journal of Engineering and Technology
2.3 Acoustic of monolithic dome structures – (IRJET)
MostafaRefat Ismail, HazemEldalyn (2017), Frontiers of
Architectural Research (2018) The study shows the result of static analysis and design of
geodesic tunnel dome. The authors collected the dimension
The author researched on the Acoustic of monolithic dome
of an auditorium, the length is 40m & width of the inner side
structures. Which describes the Analyse monolithic
is 20m with the height of the crown is 10.63m. They built
structures including being cost-efficient, earth-friendly,
the model required for the project. They also calculated the
extremely durable, and easily maintained. Regarding climate,
forces acting (i.e. Wind load, Dead load, Live Load &, etc.) on
the monolithic domes are easily constructed and are cost
each panel of the structures for designing purpose, this load
effective on constructing. The main aim of the paper by the
is resisted by two hinged arches which are further
author is to examine the various acoustic treatment sand
transferred to the RCC column to soil strata through the
parametric configurations of monolithic dome sizes.
foundation. Wind intensity as per (IS 875-1987 part-3) is 44
Destructions of these structures provides the highest
survivability rates. These dome structures are utilized for
domestic use because the scale allows the focal points to be
Findings : Geodesic Tunnel Dome, Heavy Wind Load, Arch
positioned across daily life activities. Monolithic structures
Truss, Aesthetic View, Energy Efficient, Economical, Steel
cast from one piece to form a homogeneous structure.
Acoustical Analyse cannot be easily standardized because of
variation in the size, shape, and volume of concave domes.
3. Problem Statement
Author studied that Monolithic dome structures are
constructed for residential spaces. Further is the figure The demand of monolithic domes is increased in variety of
showing a typical residential unit constructed out of residential, commercial and industrial projects. The main
monolithic domes. need of this study is to improvise new dimensions of domes
to analyze the behavior of dome like strength variation and
durability. Monolithic domes will helps in studying load
analysis. All the study will implement on Staadpro v8i
software to calculate the load of structure and implementing
the correct sizes of columns, beams.

4. Methodology
The project study described two stages. The primary
data was taken from a Literature survey targeted by web
Fig.2A typical residential unit constructed out of searches and review of ebooks, manuals, codes and journal
monolithic domes papers. After review the problem statement is defined and
the selected dome model are taken up for detail study and
Findings: Behavior of monolithic structure, Configuration of analysis purposes. This project execution follows the flow
monolithic dome sizes, survivability rates. chart given below:

2.4 Analysis and design of spherical dome structure by

using STAAD.Pro - R.Madhukumar, U. Manivasan,
V.S.Satheesh And S. Suresh Babu - International Journal
of Modern trends in engineering and research ISSN:

Sections and column sections in substructures on the

ultimate PGA and yielding PGA are studied, and the

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1518
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 09 | Sep 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

staging concrete and steel are M25 and Fe415, respectively.

Density of concrete is 25 kN/m3.

Fig: Side view

4.1 Autocad 2018

This software was used for sketching the plan, section,

elevation and reinforcement details for the proposed project. Fig: Top view

4.2 STAAD PRO v8i

This software was used for analysing the structure and

calculating the moments and loads coming on the structure.
There by, designing the components of the structure for the
safe loads acting on them. The displacement at the nodes in
the structure is found using this software and it is checked
whether it is within the safe limits.

4.3 Planning

Planning of the monolithic concrete dome plays a very

important role in designing the structure. The plan of the
dome, elevation is drawn in Auto cad with the considerations Fig: Front view
for an auditorium. The architectural plan selected for this
analysis is shown as follows REFERENCES

4.4 Modeling Problem Statement [1] Bincy Baby, Lakshmy G.Das - Numerical Study of
Concrete Dome Structure using ANSYS 17.0 - Vol. 6,
A RC circular dome has internal diameter of 10m and height Issue 5, May 2017M. Young, The Technical Writer’s
Handbook. Mill Valley, CA: University Science, 1989.
of 7.25m (including slab of 0.25 m). It is supported on RC
staging consisting of columns at bottom levels. The lowest [2] Noel Neighbor, David B. SouthAn evaluation of the
level is at 3m above ground level. Staging conforms to ductile monolithic dome construction method for biological
detailing as per IS 13920. Staging columns have isolated containment structures –Journalofthe American
rectangular footings at a depth of 2m from ground level. Biological Safety Association.
Dome is located on soft soil in seismic zone III. Grade of [3] MostafaRefat Ismail, HazemEldalyn (2017) - Acoustic of
monolithic dome structures, Frontiers of Architectural

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1519
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 09 | Sep 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Research (2018) – 9 November 2017.

[4] R.Madhukumar, U. Manivasan, V.S.Satheesh and S.
Suresh Babu – Analysis and Design of Spherical Dome
Structure by Using Staad.Pro – Volume: 05 Issue: 03 |
March 2018.
[5] Arya Abhishek, PhadtareShubham, Patil Pratik,
TipareHarshal, ReetikaSharan – Design and Analysis of
Geodesic Tunnel dome for An Auditorioum – Volume: 06
Issue: 04 | apr 2019.

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1520

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