Company Law Presentation
Company Law Presentation
Company Law Presentation
Bhuvneshwari Rathore
SAP ID- 81012019491
BATCH- 2020=2025
Types of
SUBJECT-Company law
SUBMITTED TO - Prof. Manika Sharma
Companies on the Basis of Liabilities
a) Companies Limited by Shares
b) Companies Limited by Guarantee
c) Unlimited Companies.
Companies on the basis of members
a) Private Companies
Companies on the basis of Control or Holding
' a)Associate Companies
b)Holding and Subsidiary Companies
Classification on the basis of incorportion
a) Chartered Companies
b)Statutory Companies
c) Registered Companies
Other Types of Companies
a) Government companies
b)Foreign Companies
c) Charitable Companies
d) Dormant Companies
e)Nidhi Companies
f)Public finanicial institutions
Under the Companies Act 2013,
a "company" means a company
incorporated under this act or
any previous company law
Section 2 (20)
on the Basis
of Liabilities
a) Companies b) Companies
Limited by Limited by c) Unlimited
Shares Guarantee Companies
be prescribed, and which by its articles,—
(i) Restricts the right to transfer its shares;
(ii) Except in case of One Person Company, limits
the number of its members to two hundred:
(iii) Prohibits any invitation to the public to
subscribe for any securities of the company;
Holding company:
Associate Companies “ a company is known as the
A company is considered to be
holding company of another
company if it has control over
an associate company of the
that other company
other, if the other company has
Subsidiary company:
significant influence over such
company (not being a A company is deemed to be a
subsidiary) or is a joint venture subsidiary of another company
company. in the following 3 cases-(i)
Significant influence means company controlling the
control of at least 20 %of total composition of BoD
share capital of a company or of (ii) Holding of majority shares
business decisions under an (iii) subsidiary of another subsidiary
Classification Chartered Companies
on the basis of These Companies can also be called sovereign
companies, which were incorporated before the
incorportaion Independence.
Statutory Companies
Statutory companies are constituted by a special act
of the parliament or a state legislature. The
provisions mentioned in the Companies Act, 2013 do
not apply to them. For Eg- the RBI bank of India
Registered Companies
Companies registered and incorporated under the
Companies Act 2013 or any other previous
companies act are called registered companies..
Other Types of Back to Agenda Page
Companies (Section 8)
Domicile, etc.