Chapter6 March2018
Chapter6 March2018
Chapter6 March2018
Leaves on the left indicate deficiencies in multiple nu- Blossom end rot is when the base of the fruit where
trients. The addition of PowerFeed, a seaweed extract the flower would have been, appears to rot. This indi-
with fish emulsion, results in healthy new growth. cates a lack of calcium. This occurs on tomatoes and
Initially PowerFeed added 120ml/4ozs per 2500litres capsicums. When adjusting pH, add calcium to the
(660gal) every 2 days for a period of 1 week will fix it. system. Calcium however is only available to plants if
Then a maintenance dose of 120ml every 2 weeks can there is sufficient potassium in the system. So an ad-
be added. PowerFeed doesn’t affect the fish, though dition of potassium may be necessary to allow for the
the water may colour. New growth will appear healthy uptake of the calcium. Another reason why calcium
and old deficient leaf growth will fall off the bush. may not be available in the system is because of cold
water temperatures.
A Brix test is is a measure of the percent of dissolved
How to use an optical refractometer:
solids (Total Soluble Solids ) in a given weight of
Squeeze sap out of a plant with a garlic crusher
plant juice. A Brix meter works through refraction.
Put 2 drops on the prisim
It is based on the principle that light passing through
Close the prisim cover
a liquid bends or refracts. The denser the liquid the
Point the refractometer to a light source
more it refracts.
Focus the eyepiece by turning the ring to the right or
The density of plant sap is mainly due to sugars which
Take a reading from where the light and dark fields
are created through photosynthesis. The higher the
simple sugars in the plant juice it is believed there is
also a higher mineral content in the plant. Crops with
a higher refractive index indicate a greater specific
gravity or density and thus more simple sugars..
There are a number of ways to manage pests in
Aquaponics systems. Synthetic poisons can never be
used. Pests can be eliminated from plants by creating
a physical barrier in an enclosed greenhouse. Keeping
control of what comes into the greenhouse will avoid
pests being introduced.
Botani Gard 22WP contains a fungus, beauveria Neem Oil is derived from the Neem Tree native to
bassiana. Many strains are found worldwide in the India. It will kill all bugs and the fish too if it gets
soil. They control insects by growing on them, secret- into the fish tank. Spray the neem solution on all the
ing enzymes that weaken the insect’s outer coat, and leaves, especially the undersides where insects like
then getting inside the insect and continuing to grow, to hide. Once mixed with water the neem oil starts
eventually killing the infected pest. It is added to breaking down, so it has to be used immediately. It
water and sprayed on the leaves. It only kills the adult works by suppression of the insect’s appetite (they
pests so has to be reapplied as more pests hatch. starve to death) and it restricts their growth.
Dipel contains Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). It is a bac- Garlic is boiled up and left overnight and then
terial stomach poison for all caterpillars. It is mixed strained and the liquid is diluted and sprayed onto the
with water and sprayed onto both sides of foliage. It plants. Garlic is good for killing soft bodied insects. It
must be ingested by the actively feeding caterpillar has to be used when it is made as it loses its effective-
which dies 3-4 days later. It is not a contact spray. It ness if kept. It is a contact spray.
is totally safe for beneficial insects and the fish. It is
broken down by sunlight within a few days, so repeat- 1 tablesooon of Back Strap Molasses diluted with 1
ed applications may be necessary. litre of water is a spray which deters caterpillars and
doesn’t harm the system. In fact it feeds the microbes
in the beds.